- ' ' "14' ' CI -,, . all ~''' L -:. • t: 'g 'z'.i -'i•'7*, . '.4.1i1A !, 7 aff ~..- ,- -- '116,1. ~. ,„. , ~ -444' "i' :::: aßtfit4 4 : l s l it i ; '" Piii/gr ( tlT.qn . ”_ . tibii.ii,ferrii 'O45uXtP 'PI 9,4wm01l ilfhillt,Juiliol6l . l)!stricwo ‘ mm 'Unties of Northam - itonatid 4, , j -. 4 - ;.t.gii .. Asilli - rlififir . , - Llind,.,Jcistldf, ' '' tOdillts - v"f'Oyer antl-Teffi'finer. 3 '...1„.... , •-' .'••• dlile"fllithis i : z...t...,„ ii'vrerl_, e,-, :01 it li i i l ita•alio ' 4.. -"I- Jud g es : 9 . rt a u 44 ~...,,r,ti , 114 tg :/ '* ltl Y gP II9 ! 1 ., Cats" Iv — forAfiii:',firial of all eapnal of f+ Cad iv, 4 . 4 ' 44 T 'Et;u l, Bmintrof Lehiih:, 13i . 'it et '' . liiedirectea, have ordered 0. -7, ': g'' : ' yi -121 f 'r ' ' efand Gene': - Ourif:o ,ci r., n criPin ~,, . tl4 MVO+ '.' '' . -.". &len at A lleritown_,_ -- ---- - n 01 - --r - .'• 1 , ~ e , t h e „ ~ , ~.„.,, ~ ~ -,.-”, Or 4 .criuntir 4Locilf. , ;"-_ ~ , • ,_ „ 3 ,,,.,-,, '''...: 'r• ' ;I •liifiVittiOtty,jii Scpctifilieflsso, - 4r. :,,,, Inclile illiiMi4V ll o,cd.- ••.!u -. l `P.sTthrt . . ''' ct*lll:P2Plitt le r 4 9MW":'''tPf.”....-f.‘..'.•''' I '-_ -I _•.t i . ,;.1144'0"tit'S ialherefoir6'liereify.gi'yen••to - ..the :1 ~5:17,,,.51;4jfkit.ic6,i,f4h,i, pode - 0.41 - Ad , Ooristandfs of tire: T-1 41 j . A iiiity:;f1.41tikh, that'thek-are j ? si.tli s .,s a id, ~.?,,, ,1 , ,,i,.- - I cotAtnarided folio thereat 100cluch. .4.5 . " 1 11.1;'' C l' orenonzfoatsitil day,avithiheiLrolls., hl.„, '' '•• ii T Ili -examinatious, and all. ,J. ,-, -,,*„.. 1; -; ',, Itt " gra n e ci ni l l i a i n ° Ces ' ;'io ,do. ilies e .t.iiings , ‘.4, - .' 1. ..' ' "0, ' heir= oflidewappertain , to , bo Acme,' Pt "" ' ll o -111-those.whoare botnuldly:re ) c,earnzan . ` i ‘ P V '.'.. t 1. .. fis. f ir.PfoieVu,teS'gru - against the. prisoners d that, ' ''-'''''''' o r s t hen s hall' be>in the: jail of sai d coon z' 'l.4.j' ,A ?'' 'ir 1 a there to '' q , 1 61 7 /Singh - are to e t ten a n d 4 3 f ,, ttrosecute 'theta a's Shall bo just. , :' - I:Giyen, under my '.hand in Allentown, the' 7 4tliday(of July, in the year of our Lordons qlioul3 - tilid"eight hundred and fifty. L. - At . :'' • oo"irsizve the Commonwea . , . 4 ''. '''' ' . ctiArtutp iftßlE;.siterix' - ,-,,, -,,,. iK 't - • • is? .• " '' ‘tgliiriff7l, t ,O.ffiCe:Allentown ~ , , , c E r ...lc 1 t* 4 , 'Vary 44 11 ;'1850; '.' 3 -; : jsi 13 ivtagistratesfire desired to forward `:*ifieii returns' in cnininal Mises to the Deputy - ttorney General at once, and to request '.c.• 4 , iimecutors to eallat his office before, sour t, : . d thue afforasufficient time to prepare the . 41%)`A: iniliCtnenti, and ether matters neces sary _ for i -l '.f r irtil . ..*. 'The' amount .:. of . unsettled., business Piexiderethis at absolutely necessary : . , ',...,• ( 41„1,,,.- =54 :".- 1 Qat ) ..,...,, ,'c..'... , ... .... it , •111__A v , : -' ''',.*tr-' - .4' ' '"'.''. '-- t: - . , , 11- '....! ,1 1 .:,4, ....,,-.,,-. ~.,__.. ir Ir ..... a , • , ..,.. - ‘ t t z4 k 41 . ,,9 1 ,7 , 1 .-- A rial.- - .ffltae-- -%- .": k ... -- s .24oFt SEPTEMBER. TERM,.IBSO. - El irl . Hottenstine, surviving Executor of : 0 :*kfv:L:C . iliarine Deshler, deceased. - vs. David „l'.'4. ...17. I ftshler. • .., .".. :-..`:i '''e Weiss Ars. Godfrey Roth. . 1 ;till'.; ~..4 alitp . Ohm's use vs. Henry Sohncu er, ..“.',..-. ".` 1404. 41triaistrijOr of Jonathan Schneider; de. ,• _,, , A7ls. aged. `-.` . .:., • • ,•.'‘'.' f ..l..tlit White :Vs. Eli Stricel and Edward ;;-. ',..j i eekler ! - , ~---- •, ' . 44 1 ) iT t .„ Blum Fry vs. Athos Antr i m'. "?., jdige Wassum Vs: George Kern, senior ; et al. ViTviol Acutely vs. Same. . s ~..7, .i . ‘'-'';',...l7iseph'Untingst vs :Thomas; Wickert. -,',.. 9-. 7 ,,f. ohn Wagner's use - vs. Steni & Wenner. ~.. illiciteel D. Eberhard vs. \Vi nun Edlernam efiltr, Joha Wagner vs. Stem .& •Wenner.• • '-''.W . '' ;George Meitzler Vs. George Dieinig.• . - --74,.. ~, Meitzler . • *Erdman vs. George Brein lg. . •"'' The Administrators of Abraham Schmoyer, de - ' ceased, vs. Jacob Sohmoyer. t . •.• - ' .. V3iiiaiiia vs:'Abraltauf Schrrioyer. - ~ - ' "c., : '' ' 'George Kerntaerer vs. Charles and William •,. 4.u ` „~., - • :-' • . '•-., - _ •`‘'L:l .. . ..„;t , Mtithin Grimvs.Yneger &Weidner. ,Vhli 11 e s Mofer.7osl Elizabeth Hauser. , ..',/.., - lii - ' •is Levan-vs Christopher Henrime. ',....., ! ) J a q iin • ') - ( •._.-' .1.i. , .:- =deal _. -%,-- ..... „ . • . . 44;'1111Cotrino s awenith ofi'ennsylvania, ys.F . elix -•'-'-"'''': ,•"..ICtli. '-• ' •.`,4-._:.,:,,_ - . • . - i naiiel Bohr vs. Daniel Helfrich, jr. ~,,, , , Nathanat.t.vs. George Lauchner and C4.0r,. \c''-'''' f' - -.S. .flereef '.. - • ' ) l'.s e 1. ,, „ 0 7 1- ..s.- 4 . 1 ,' 1 1 1 4 1 1 .7 riyi r - vs, Paul Sterner. L • it , ... • 7 ......,. 1 ..,"1...'', .t.,.. 14 Drofiskst at, vs, Christian 95 flt, i tit 4' ' '' -r l ' I'll' c i.'. - : , ''' - ...',.' Wi- : , - • '- .1 1 ,...y0 . ;,,i e • )refuse;;Ass:igil ,Ac,, vs. •Wi!-. • 4F 44 ;'''''' ~t - '' , "P 4 'f ~ •P : • ",.. i'; '.;. • • - •,..T,1kti.. ,i i ,,tl J. It '''gip . **VQllVA-nilder• -; - $ 4. 4.'-'441:141, 4 , l l ?ivettßlckttpl;4:ihnll6l*,(lec:(l,ys. ' - ' 1 ;e 1 • 4 N.51, 1 110. 3 . 1 1 1 ,Kig•-' , ;,•• .? '. , • • d e . '''' .:47-kaept'A,ol:sthliPr-.9finAnrY.,4ang"er!' _. 0 4. eased? fat 61opb ! aagwere. ...,,,- - 4, • N'ATHAN4MlELElt , Prothoiotnrr. • ,r - tt-,i' , . ,';', talef ~ - -,-st., ~ 4. , ;.f ,.. f z, • :2- *lt ~ ..?, I—te •A P ., -; • ; 4 g; • ' : ; ;' ' x -~.. ;, . ~3 v hi rS• UFSCT - ti • .RS's DA:dIEII.O Boots -.Shoes & Ca p s: The nineteenth ceii u ,' his 1n ; the~agt. of Ro t Ft9c 9 , l l ) t vott,tiVid. M A ~. ~.1.,„. .. ....1., ..,• rjn ~ I,..o 4rtl it: i ~..,0..:,..:.. 4.P, •:' 0. 4 . 71 ... v.: -,..):: 4 , ~.., li. . i ~. g .• , . . 1. 1.1,Pn t nmo ß io ro l t gr, ..1 ‘,. ~- t•nr c , . ..l .*, V 2 1i. 4 1,1 h . " first:!* - ecirde.V . Oa a t tht -, .k r :.•* ) ,P, -'-, "na174°4t4i044 Oi ' '' ' Xddr '9.° A lll ' "). on ' We: Tost iiiiicl;Yt,,:ife.:_,.,.,,-AW,. c "--• L. R ini,. "V.. -. ... , V•'.. -' • ' t - t,17:0;;74f," e , . ' • -",•••• r04.1:44-11.,4n::40.1 r . ; • ;- MIME ES :.'; . :•i'^.. ,4 • 77 ' , o‘ . s'if''. .. MS I - C . ...* , ..I.M01.1)A1,-4. .244 " x„ , •%, ' - ;q: , • • ' . ''' Auu f ''' t --f ;Lte t o Iltrl i ~,,.:.....,....,e-4,;„:5;.....w.,- 2 , ~, , ,, ,, , . .-A w..., ~,,,, 1 e , r ~,,r,,i,-,v,4ei 41- 47`114 , 11, -twli. A m '-'.;ii - h'il ,4 4iitiO,i:4,4 - . )&iioexio,j,2'o4iik.ii4l itlbbo,ll*.liiii-icifiVeOniedfrCai Ph iliilltil"-', pliiii'dedt'DreArl66ikr)svi!ll - git , y,dry . , !utd -, .10t A FJLi rd 4 / 4 316, 'cori!aistiiiig"*:," ?„ ;• . .. • , :' . . t 4zi V „" r Hoirse : Wurh is le ir's,Orl ' ,- i . clel - , VlA4l. s Vutlerj • Cotick.,-Trininiin - o•s; S,aililltiy'aiirrSlibi , -tiirditrgeoall of which ` : kirlll , ll6qtiliriiii:ltrisitiO'i.ro‘VY•prices: - ..=:,`11e, ask the ritibllV'to'iiiit:SA idE it' s. 1-lAn *mutt; . !- Order la contiltitu - themselvestof . thtt 'taci t thh' a 'pinny saved is a penny rrinda: l ; :ffirettse..lieefiesl.;, , • "grant assortment flotise f'y rti is hitt g , f i• and -inside, cook Mo . - - tressols,,sau,Co.arl staui_pans,„Etresorvd-lcpt-, ties; fish and ham liittles, fry tng pans,irid irons, .yaftle irons, S c n •.;. 1 and Z'rgtters, from coal rtrionto. fine, in se,ts,"arid 'doiens,,,,Also,-,i,o(h ic form sets; and in' varteti, otsaitterns,., KNIY.ES.and ,FORK.S—in sets and doz ensisalso kniyes,onty , ;.carier,s, step's, cook and hatcher knives,Attly_dyariety of other, mantifactures, .• POCKET and,PEN K.'N . l, 7 E§—'-liaziars, scissors; shears, from .the,.best.nakers ;.one,; Auto,- three and 41- - Sl - 10VELS,"-spades,'-hpey,_citaMs, raked, piclr," axes, &c. ' •, " • SHOVELS atid.TON,C4,lron.ard brass • PoliShcd steel-fire sL;ts and :standards, Anal -hods, tuilms' irons smocithing,ironi&c.. and; Tor-stile".by;•'; - . 1 : 11.10NA-'lot•df liatninered and,Rolted -Iron',"•Shaeti : Iron, Ameridan' , .and r English Pak , •and .Shear pieil;;lirilihre,7-flat; arid 'round;-•just re.ceied :wfavAnvil tind•Tices,'Eid° for sale. cheap at Ilio store - of- - • ••, 0 &I:SAEGER,' --- f .grt,A - ss.-115013oke•Gliif, 8. by 10,-10•. 10 by 14; 10 by: 15,112:by 10; and various 'other seizes, for• sale by ' • • • ' SAEGER: mgCLIANICS:—TaoIi§f every do. scriptjan,!sych as Bench and : Moulding Planes, : Fland,.:Parinel,, and Back Saws, Bracp.Ana• and, Bqutae6, &c.; for'sale by TO StIOEMAKr.R.S..--ftis't received a . new. assortment of Morocco and Binding 'Leathers - Lasts,"'Shoethread, Wooden . Pigs P . rerich Bubers;*titid numerous other ante leslieloniiitni. to the shoemaking bu:siness ISAEGER. W EINE LEA tons of ..White Lead .just fecei red,. Pure and Extra, and for sale • 0 , 60 J - - TY" o a.N k pi t m d cl a sOrtilipti t. , ;"9(vg top I - anA Parlor Mitlescivittf: tn in c, rn i lt4okiiirixtirmoll . Locies,"! il(Glideooits, RingoOlgo'rews„E'qipt Bdish; 141419r4Aililito tktWitti4) . Oa I i ardr4 ti • Stin ism' • va.• -- i'l- 2 '" '' IN. . , crr 40 i •• itc.itil„p,. iftbApre, t ) :1 1 F 100 '1 04 / 4 7 * fttic,to,- . • •,avii . k . resgrsiliiii.' iti;coilliiiiiectitaliftPPOsitiy•one4 ikiiil.44 - liOnilf,:tclith - pkv4bitniliicO'fft? . Al Obierfittr74-"lgf#o•oo.l4RP • 151110?.. 4 ItIPAn9 en,d4 le -- - - ,pon:litkin4 0410w44! `lFl l 4 o 4l_ 6 lliB.4l;ea!tiuily. Kll'ailTVPMiyle.blivir airriavit i1 1 1144 3 / 4 4 119'... , . •431 UP-Plipl4/ . ! , t) , " rig@AYAP,"4 - - p! hy 11.0 t .0 v 'N% ~4,,opr lst ,*,_l l •l . ; .4...... ;11 , 4 „ i 141.1, , )., - 4 , ,„..., sr • 6 1. iu 1tiip).,........tey.!, , i - ii i oVii i l l g ttl b° , L ,..,.,'.! : Al.; d or s ' efoo p4eg;) ,,. .-0,4,f , 4 .1 ~:,.,):i,..-tr:-.*..\ .:-:;?..• • - :.•:: r4 . /. 4.014. . ''''e..`.5.;::..:!,...:11".',4A:i, ..IYlr.:- . 4 ... fV. 4 "r •'. 4 . • , ... ~ ~. .'";i', ,*.a.:l;.•••••,,i,i?flijillK ' . .':" ,f,' •- ' ' '.. td . r . '"' l 1 : C-7- e•t',''''' ,”:4• El Mei -y::9 1 '~ i Fy` . : I , 1, win O. c4D: J. SAEGER . , ' SENATECHAIIIIIE . F, ' ' .-i :..,,./ ; Vari s ilibiirkfini...*;oB6o.' '. 1 -.: :billitirei AV: . o;;; l 4, l iiii .. rillief"ClgiVa !he Si*lto :tif Pbmittivit . tifitj do hereby ,cer firy: it • dip' fcifekotn'g :Yettollition; (N 041 0 . fillg,ileeintil file :of A ":priii§nt aeision.), .IWithd:!illesioliittiCh; WO) ye' • tp an tiqieiul , , *thetir.iir he Cpn.stiiii.tipp;tt-,i4t Laing ;Alto. isimpo Itcirpti . ot , )*liicit ,airds ii - gri - eit . Kitty) .hteklitqr: pE itie.ll(dits tferii9PPt4 50:4 4 41i; .1.91344. th.ti'lelqiizialitufre—rnreirikod• bifixiirAltiV e 4iiinsiderodlittk:afecilieddrWle IliiVarifatitietliii bra it.fii,ijoiit'y Ortliiin""kii:•' WitrOcated : .eo and. abiiing , in - tbit Syntife4f' l i dnii4Nehiit; sit he iiietioliiisiiiiii, iki*i t 0 tilielingt;l ll 6.ienifeelifen‘oipt he'figiliPpet , 041 : # : 9fAho l' iis t 44 ! i6001 : 6' '[§ 11 4,0t!tilltlf,:. g s2v. ,ki . t . i2Allittin4 votin" i i i' fahe Etili . Vaililpialbli, I letiOliftiodur am, H: rßr lte , •PPrffrilliff W.illtatfitAi - Cralit.'lkukt gini'.) - . - ctigAii ,1 litoistopirtk*F4ipotr., trifointivit4r . !II th, iChtiOle rreiiey; '.l•tib:eil . .- V6=F4iO4- ' Iri e tirtrolbirt.T 4 . s r4hre'ryeetiMilli64. 4 1 ) : 11 04E;filueta 1 lilisiiiiPPOlA.Obn kileiltlejeatiiii= - 061 echeripc!?rger, •:tat ifrfkilittAlgt#oll s giainiot DO ill: Valobi, ••misrijamilr, Ma ttliblig'fifeiv, 7i: *iihre4jfeAVl tlitiVrart )l Nditii.*-111 jam 1 10131 414 1 4441ffiS'iili§leo c iptAitierx; CgitigiliEo latta: §attio4 - 9;40 lei ' •g - • 3LeAtriv- •-• naLGIV,a)4O • 17.4 - 4` ' = ~;- ~: . . .. - •- - ~....,-..-'r.- _- . -,•- ? :;‘, - -` .. • ~... ~ . ----.......- . 7 - ,: - 1,5.-1 . , I s '='' ';',,,c o - ' ' -7 ' . e*' 00 1 1, IS. z ., L i ,:.., . . tf. ' * : : •- • ,,,,, r 4 '' %. , Z 12 - , I ty i;gi'A V , .44',.; e- ~,..cF4t.i. ;,,:.?, ~_ .` ( V.i' - ,',.., ` ,, m-3-2 V - ,- .,- ' , 4 7 , 5• - .-4 ,- .-A5V41,.,' . -). o.i.'4**.k-,,,,M!;-geva. , -.14,..„?;.-•.,.,t1: . - 1 4 ,: : ,: - , • •••f ? „1" .saitititta,di.. -#1,.ay.P 4 - cz:.',-x:: ,r,..w 41..e4-.1:,§0,7:0ti,-xtt.tT.:4p7Fi.-1,5,, • . '4,,Y..',::4; ::•.111-"` '," ~: , , r,,,.. . . , Att 1 1, ,T , 411150bT5*, Re'sriihed: by) - Ihd 4% 1(11 1' 01 d iht lB6 "l qi - Refriseirtetlives the."Cenitzipritoetilfit,,qt, °PeuripJfailit<, to fientrql,Astin4ly : met, /Chat thtybortititutiotiof Oodirrthbwertith trer,itiViilled•.;i 6 ttkg second section of tire` fifth' oi:6oese:Mat tt shuji:read as 'font wi i - 1.116" Jultgst '1)0 h is' Sti pOril GAM . , of th6'''sei,4r: 431 Carts'brcsornmph Pleas, and. Of'sucli other Cfits 'of Record as 'are or shall-lbe estAili om slieTbY' law, •shall-beeletted qUell#ed e,lectdrs‘ of the 'CoriiinonWealth;cin the irranne , r' following/ to wit ; The Itid . gfis 113116 Pifprenie'Ceaft, by_ale..qhaltfieri- ewe.- tors of the Commonwealth at ; O ile p rel sident'ludges"iit the`•sevelat Coasts 6f*Cnni'-^ =in ?Yeas, fiticltf oft,er eori,ftsaie o'r stall be esteiblialled by law, and all oth e r judges required to bb - learned in the, lttw, by the qualified electors of the • respective districts over which they • are to preside or act"ndJudges ; and-the Associate Judges Courts of Common pleas electors the counties-respec tively. 'l'htf-Judffes tho-Supreme Court shall hold ".their Offices for the term of fifteen years, irthey shall so long behaVo them selves well. (subject to the allotment herein after provided 'for,' subsequent . to the first election ;) the President Judges of the seve ral Courts of•Cornmon Pleas and of such other Couits' of Record as • ate or shall be established by law, and all other Judgewe quired to be learned in'the law, shall hold their Offices for the term'of ten fears, if they shilll so long behave themselves well ; Associrite"Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold, their offices for the term of five year:s,ifthey - shall so long_behave them !selves ;- all of Whom •shall be commis sioned by the G overnor ,-but for nay teason ,ble ' rt cause which' shall not be sufficient gmunds of impeachment, the Governor shall remove any or them - Oh the address of two- Ilhirds "of 'each branch of the =Legislature. The first election shall' take.'place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adbption of this ainetalment, and the commissions of all the Judges who may be theft it oflice shall "fiXpire on the fir st Monday of December following, when the 'terms of the new Judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Jud (Yes, of the Supreme Court , shall hold their offices as follows : One of them for three years, one for six , years, one foi; nine years, one for twelve years, arerene for fifteen years, the term of each to be decided by lot by the said Judges, asssobn'after the' elec tion as convenient, and the'result certified by them to the Governor, that the commis sions may be issued in accordauce thereto. The Judge whose commission will rust ex pire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commis sions shall first expire, 1411 in tut n be the Chief Justice, and if' to or mbre w' .commis sions shall expire on the same slay, the`Jud ges holding them shall by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies, happening by death, resignation or other wise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, to contin. tie till the first Monday of Decembei suc ceeding the • next general election. The Judges of the Supreme Court and the Pre : sidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall,sit stated times, receive:for their services -tur,adequate compensatron,- to lie' fixed' by lad, whicleshall not be diminished during their continuance in'office; but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Conanionwealth,•or.4 under , the government of Lite United.Statesror any iither. State of this Alnicm. The Judges,•of the Supreme Court; daring their.continhance in office, slfall residkwithin this controOtypalth ; and the other Judgesi, dbring„ . their continuance in Office, shall reside within district or county for which they -we - re'xi•espectively elected, J. S.4I3CALMONT ' .Speaker of Ilie "louse of Repreeentaliiis: V. BB ST, S . /molter cf e MEM „.• - - 72.4...:t2'.7s 4 vf4 ' rAr.t ;.,9 1 ", .::};,A;?2,.? , ;:-.t . c:Wlii. :..4'..4..; 1 Z , -.:;;;:; , ;',';' , ,: l'.-'.'.'" , ';'-..f:!' 3 1.... 7 ?.;•5 ; ; , 7.:::'1'. - ' .. .;:? . :::.'' . .,':7:'! . .`:.-,:.:!'! , ::''''...:::;;:%. •:- ; :,:;fl . :T..ii': 7:4:':7*::-7‘.:'.::,-.'.'''''...•'..-1';':::.--,:,'..:'-.:1:"..-`...1.-.::.:.-7:%?;:i.::::;::....-;:-::-...' ME ortI MII I V TL VfTP-s ° P.‘ 9 9°Fißo9'3:t t P c ' ;lostA.;egliktln re :7 - 444'4i h riy i ttg,, , Lll4llr. AGA relit] sideifeci - : aid d~seu s sed, y~ ai r this day t o k ; :'.geei4tckikY7i•itTiniOtltk: cii;Oii i ;:fieP3ll:Frs.4lol. tedoto4l94l-44Pr.Mng ;tn. , t l ;eitil9SlstArCA9lPP7.• `Sentat Ve .I tnnsy IVnntn t pt (e, ere Setif" seteion, :appear,by thetr , votes, on the .fin,iti•-cpttsagtt , ,Of,Aliiresolption i :lts Those .yotlng, in tavorOr;theAnlesti,ge=`Of the resoftition were jiilcre,Acicer,':j . ohn eon Bal t -er,,.Robertßalbyjn,Drivitt, Bent 4 . (- -%rltig;Pia(ile;',F.r.el9t4'liPlaok , 4 o.ll ri S. I .3oWen .. William prtri U.B. rirower,:,..Jesse .R ..Bur veeter , Oridla - . Benjamin G,Dayid,:Wil z. .. !lain j....Dubbins, , ,Tilme§. inns Duncan; Wm. Dunn John C Evans W.llljtup;Eilini,a—Sccitt i lig;A lex. Feather,_JamesFlowers,B. ti, P. Fortner, Alexanr. dibtignpy, Thomas. E. Grier, - ':Josepti ' 'E'. `Griffin Joseph - GUT: fey, Jacob .§. Elaldernatr,:george.R., Hart, LeflimJohr'Flaitin,o 3 .-14'illirint J. fleinphill, John 1-loge,llenry: Hnidet; LAAvie 11erfer - d - , : Wiieliingtoti'jiJacksonia NiCholass Jones;Jelni W. Kilning', Clitirle'sE;Rin- - 1 Yea& Klofz; 'Hariison~'Pr 'L Bird, Nlorris Leah, Jonathan D. - Anion j Lcon'ard; james 'J.- Lewis, -- I-lenfy Little; Jonite R. - IVl'Clinioclr',''John F. M'CUllech, A lexander M'butily, John M'Lauchlin; Jelin M'Leati SainuelMarx John' B Meek, Michael • Meyers, John' Miller; Joi. C: !iv, John D. Morris William T. Morison, Ezekiel 'MoWry, Edward Nick leson, Jacob Charles O'Neill, John 8. - , Packer; Jolselik o.•Powel, .TarriCs.C. Reid; John' S. Mei; Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson,' John B. Rutherford, Gleniti W. Scofield', Thomas C. Sconller, %Mani' Sh'afider;- Riehard Siiri?son;EliSHler;lriniarn'Stiiith; Williath: A. Smith, bad iel°M. -- Sinyser; William Sontle'r, Thomas C. Steel, ba vid St'eivard, Charlei.Stiiekivell, Edwin C. Trnne; ptljew iVade, Vtiberf C. Walker, 'Chomps 'Watson, Sidney`B. Wells, flirciirt A: 4VeJhnms, llaniel Zerbe - y aria John S.' M'Caltim p t, S pcithei• Yeas ST.' Those Voting, against the p_aisage of the resolution ty!:re, Ati,gustus IK. Cornyn,,Da vidEvans and James M. Porter—Nayilf. Extract from the Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Ugric. SECRETARY'S Orrick:: Filed Mars.b. 15, 1850.. BENE,DICT, Dep.;,Sceretary qf the Commonwealth. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Pennsylvania . SS::` 1-d9 certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the otiginal're solution of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution relative to an aniendtnent of the Constitution," us the same remains on file in this office. . ' -In testimony whereof I have A l tx ti t fr i ft'.... hereunto set my hand, and caused 10 . '"+ tob , affixed the seal of the Seery .4 4Z "" . "..r - it... tary s Office, nt Harrisburg, this '..J. xtrl i 'fifteenth day of June,-Anno Do nisi one thousand eight hundred and fifty . .:, A. L.. R USSELL, '4,, • - , Secretary of the Cppimonzocalth... June 27. • " 11—.3a1 7 -1 11C1192:53 --f Tith fargesti'cllnapest, best'and most ale gout assortment'or" • 11 1. 'ioaso Fortes, . ...: in . the the United States, can always be found at tho warehouse of the subscriber, .171 Cheslnut street, above .111th, . At the Old Stand occupied more than n third of a century by Mr. GEORGE WILLIO, music publisher. • - PIANOS, HARPS, ORGANS. SERA. . PHINES, /EOLIANS, &c., &c, .- ...:,-.1..... ..ftesks-frotn•lbn . most celebrated Manufactu ' iies in Ney,tAlf.:orls. Boston, Balthnore, Phil viiti;qAhig•arrd:Asewhero. Sold, wholesale Agtls44 . l;;a(ithii'maker's cash prices. ....1:4? . , :i;.; . ` .., 04,4tR 9.43... CARTER, ';.:L...fr,r,i'- 1 ;i1."i.1101.•0:•- *!tiplif ItitadelPliia.. IbrkiiitiAl4-. ~::- ~ t.::,..:‘. ii, - *- - 7Xll—ly • • 4 ' o '.. - • • 4 '"• , *•• 'va.,............-..,•• :k; i . • ...' ' ‘. tr4',ell- .....'-i7F"*"..-7----- .1 rowiil !ISt -. t Z 0 to nt ,p4f*t, -0,.;.ky..ck0tik,.0044k4L,./witigo a= ' . s cfaii:iialtlaiii:clil4Mi, , ,liii'. , 0. ~ , 11:L OBItieViirierOcvkrIf1AC It' •I .' . I. :e . c c• 4 •Turni 1 44 111 0".• 1 1.V0 1 .49709n '3:.,,tz.:4 . - ~..-....ttoN4?..et!L';. =... ilchiiifjpirptlyrdOc.oo4:„; ';."". '.:.'..:.;` . ': -1 .ii.011; :- !-- : -.=?,;.T. . - • i: ,- : -. . 7 ' , i , W:1174-diti-0i.:•,71 sArnr eWSXI V X . /S.p • ': tTeai/E:PinELPP"; •, . . '';':' ? • v.Rion:Roilow-cfpas.l4-c., ffi.,Ts*.ievoitehf --. • 013**,,,,„ciiiiffeihi g iff6,4ern it. : Complainslibtaccr,f, , ldettrlittOtißili ! .ki ! s z , V 5 11 lir titialtalft ll l6lo4 l lol4*46l4lded . 1 i -*.z.V.VAIOPIIkk . f4. 4 !.!..',.. .. P • iiii'apP4ifi:#=?Piiirlih.itatecihittAinCits Dritteio6 . 6 - isineflild•drit!in • or'pirtliliFre it 1144400. thiPwriiil morbid' or ficriiktiiih 144,4ctitto ip id ri - etify ex ist;lo fptiAtpi• rli:jo -tert ~ r5 „....J.....,...... anti : 4(.4.'1..- 1,..:1„:... , :.„.4 • - ....liie 1 1r."4.P.A 2 -!•:! 4 •11, ' , . u. , :. i-;.kv •': ;*".,:,--- U.,e m 5. .--,,- _ ti_. ~, .. N.!. . • 511 ME 12'f , rr( - :"•,1 1.4 , • . + 1 az. ," ''• .•'....4;., •li e't :t 1:>/: ~ • ,.4.,p, ) • ,-40isett/8„.• '• w IT: - vi., - .lSre,ilpit • i t , t , ,,,•,.,, geOliam•r, l ol“;',..tlt '-• • ~,i , ,•• --, • :dr , . •• -: v i i - ,..:...•,- ft(68.•*1100P, : , -a+AriPtln A•• ' Ir.' ,fpro . • It'Ai, 1 ' itiAtt t; • ela 1 .4600 hiAltidery-Dr i gg if iler:LTlNfaiLifitkel iiti ' y'k.rinidA • itgQuil' ;; I, in 44110. 0. it*AgittliSire de eit44: lo , l4 ClPfigents• ' • fob lose. Lt19 1 1110itt: 1 , a ... 4;44:: 1f:•; -- , , c,i, • ••.- i.,---.il:-: -32X;ioitalEF:;0,..;::•::;1if,it,..47....,Velfriy, ~ , -', D eee tubdr. lui'7's:',:ge..:!:•V.,. *•••'••-te,';',;• •' ,1 •0 1 7 4 .tt i 0••• - If rtnFit••• .i , .."•r!l';‘-c. , , , ?-5•12r,., "pi:•••?•• , •Kti'„;, •:. Ax" \4:„..„;„&•;•01::, ,:,:•• 1 P3„l„,.",•;:iiV:iit.r,'7l,••'•'kfi;Fs4l/4‘stP4Pti;h‘,;.;:k. ..-fq•Al , Iy-,,,ti. 494-,,,,-.1n4,14„.,,0,-k.,,..p.r...,,, .4.14,;1„.6. ~, ut iow -,,,, ,, ,..„.-7 , f „ ,. 4 " 4PUS. 1?-7;.3 . = - -2114044;t4-4MY..tO"*JAtt.-:;"- .140-7 t. sAaK,l)4t: BEI litiK '44^ 2 4 0104 f, 1311 ,03' --;,i1.,..' , (7/1?: 41 , 4.?. „:•,:ziA '"?.' 9151.4,V,'",-7*, ...141, , 41: : n . jlifOr k , :Sift( I flPfiMititiVi 14 ..•`:-.:-, L,,, L , , , , e 7T ...1•14 ,31 16 ri . ./ : ::- ;;;.. - .. 0 -t i . :B4o .'t'-11114 R 7i firgtrirLtli4 • S ' ' i * C ; (''... W :.:" :" firial s l,o6.4 : tiii : Ukt... t ; c , . ~1 '4.• if,Jt4,,,1, -_,•-• ~ ! :J c. ' 2: - ~.- A - tdiltA l l l4 / 3 /$/ 1 Ar41:4; 6 04/0 . Plep:.4edrfrom! mat' ir Oa r &Pt . m_ ell' sof titV OxeaTtei•direetieriS:l)l:l/or'oi-We ' • 64, , 'the'!gfeiit Piiysiolegicril.Cheritist,,:by,, I.ls.'lloughton: M.D:, •No.e..l!,:North,i Biii.fit:ll-Street; Ph'ilatielph_in;-Pn.:.-- --ti-,:_. , ~ Thi4l i s•it truly • svOnileiful Frenfedy:for-•/01 '-. "Ili g fit iorz,, , Dyspi : pslit, 'ilitwzilio v ! , 'liiiyfr!. !Conplaiht,'; (imp! ipation;'opt6l.l',:l)cbility, ' aortne -- ingr.Aktu.r.waiown- latth6, by,;; dx- - ). • • qq att „, 13.614 agr 'int, the- GaStric -Jnice.... 1 - - -Zrl - lall a telfspootitt: 91 th i s f' l 'lldpi9fused ilinv;:dier; -Will digest Or ~ , dissplyer FIZZ.' L . • 'Th'ihiiii,st f RVas&B,e'ef. itt_gh.tniktnlYholl!c B !.. - iltof thbStOrrie;h:T. l-7 ..77 . ' . ....i6;4b2(1411:77- 15figli6C1 I:ellifyy •: 'sof forrTipd iriAbe stothaellbY thetiffil'Ofla*finid ilililiffreeljrekirdes 'frCm the inne r eclat 4 thtri:organ, tOen .. ..in. a. state..iif heal th, till. d; t he:Gasiric lu ic.e . . 'liiiiftTilitis the _Greg', : I , Soliqit'of, the, Fociq;thel.- ) itrifYitig;:Pres4it; hire and'ltStiinulatindAgit'of ike stoinach • and ii, s if tle g: . Wittiont i(theie' Wilt be no digestion --L., no.con7ersi6ri of 160(1 into blond,,` and.,ne - nigrition •01. tilt; l?edy.i . .,tlt . rtitherl,,ty, foal, torpid, painful, and destrucikre cd' .ion• of the: , . .whole digestive apparatus., _ A weal,- half dead,. or injared,stomach 'Produ ces. no good Gastric Juice; and, hence t h e . disease, distress atid debility which ensue. , - IVA iit tend Rennet.---Pepsin is the chief element, or •great digesting principle of the !Gastric -Juice. .It is found in , great ttimn dance inAlte solid parts of. the human -.sto mach after death and sometitra's caus.eS the stomach fo digest. itself, or eat-itself u13..-.11. 'is also found in the. stomach of animals. tu! 1 the ok,.calf, &c.-. It is the material used.by , limners in. - waking% cliecse, .called .Rennef, the . I P-ct f - .1 'l' hasl 'b . h- • , y....t. , ,u Is net ong E'en i ebpe, rcial =wonder of the dairy. The''curilling of Mil Ic-is• i hell rst - process of digestion.. Ren yiet.-:-Nssesses:astonishina powcr:-- ,- 'l'he ste rnal:li- of a calf - will curdle'rearly-bne.thou and tintes-its:-own'weizlit of milk. - Baron fitebig•-•states-.thatrr ,, One-pa r t ..of p e p s i n dissolved in--sixty thousand parts of water, will , digest rdeat and-other.-food:"-Diseased stomachs produce no good • Gastric Juice, Rennet or'Peps:in. To show.thitethis ,want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following • , ' . .-, Seien/ific Evideneei—Baron Lieb.ig,, •in itis celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says : "An Artificial Digestive Fluid_may he readily prepared , from the mucous mem brane of the stomach of the Unit, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed; and digested, Just in, the same manner as they would be in. the . [lnman stomach."- , • : - ' ... . Dr. .Pereira, In, his famous treatise . -on ' "Food and-Diet," published by -Wilson & Co., New York, page :35,1 states . the same fact, and describes thetnethod of pre , paration. • -:There, aro few higber authori ties than , Dr. Pereira , '., . - 1 = . ~ - - . Dr. John , Wittraper; Professor of Che mistry in:the - Medical•.College of the. Uni versity obgew.NOrk; in-flis,!..Text Book of Chemistry;": page.43Bo;-says,., , tfi,,hc t i,-bp en a 'qUeitiont:Ay 4qt liptuartifipiO4eation;pau Id. be pe rfor tried44)ei. it is,.otikup*riql . ly , ,;(l- initti4 Ohtlk may.1.m.,';. , ,, ; ;,; ; -f,i; r1 ::, , ,,'„-.. q ..;,:- '..-BrufeSser- I DI , 4 lett 1 3 -Itilatlelphiiik in: his great.work, -Bhisiology, ,de... votes more Alta .s i to,an ,c.xc, ll[Tk ina. tion of this silk txpe.rirneptalwitk- Dr.- Beaumont, lastric...Jitioe;..olir. tamed from tht, tin ; stomach•ancl from animals ru wn. • 4.1 n all ka ses," ..he says" ,occurred as per fectly in the ar ' the natural di gestions." .C 8 a Dyspek •Dr. Houghton's preparation of T produced the most marvellous ~. -,, :ing crises of De bility, Emaciation, Nervous Declint, and Dyspeptic Consumption, supjmsed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impossi ble to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than 200 Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures il were not only rapid and w o nderful, bat per ajtent. - ,'' . •. ' - 4yip 4great:Nethui A ntidote, . and from :thii •Ifiteniihinkliiiiiiilrq'tiltiliti!y necessary ..iteliidii 6 e : :heailktry'lliOttoliMe . Vriykd'io - iit'slitniril". , z ...4. : .. ' 'i'-; '... ' ', ' 4 lolc i V.01 , vv;•:: ~..Pectit a :Plifee'rilfil r ifii. e B7:7 4 ...o. i iii.l4o per.liitili•Y , Ofirk!bninipy'OarnWliiik..if itch niiiieti meteetiilcireaCh itrid i tihnOliiViiVOn'O'6.t WO Vittalioivqiii'd• Ai) it - Silia.iPliiir ie:kitrii; !Int, , tilnt Alihrl4irigle cioso•TieinoVellzllAliii. qi)AniiknOrAilitorna";7 fin d; i r Oli I i4tieidelii: : tiCre Oaf* Ofty!d• iiiiiill . nidnittfigkOlhei e * 4 # l:.e . ffi T l Cl Si gin nn Olt;criiri(t4fe#l4,,gi'liiidi .v Of ViCtiodyv follow iitliitePgljel*riiiiiP, larlk e§biltent-In!etiso:4tl4l.lo4o7l:ll4oiiiiii' ,10raphs,,,SiirengaiiOt digiblitir,ollibtatomirpl4! •diatr . 4o.4ft ey! e p!i n gr.*Wi - t;g0 1. 441 1 . , §17.4 ! IllOodt:.tletivihelbMcfriiisviifpfli* 004 1 , l"oiden4i f iZlPtW f i rPhAvtiEid tit POiidiik o k. Arihpi) ikiNAdeikga4;p,eti?;lmriceilinoilol/47Iers10.tijni.lit :viiii,;i.i.rce,n--.fiffyCt• iiklasotectiti4)llif;f4,6l ..tfiARP 0Y1i ' . 4 6 : 6 1f 4) 4 1. * 044 . 51 :1 iriiii4tyo9lt :titoKSektlvilti4iilliii t i f Vett Pi 9 OP :44 4 ti.. 1 `1, ailfttiF,bt rr, Lv,iXtki. s 11 4 1.. t A'..l .":1 'it. ilbt.4.o.t.rpg• l i thzly!t: dire; LYL,W; ) 11 14$07 t 5itiiihNik ~,,,aho ,iii,tycr . -! !..7.10Z11. 3 ;fp.a1).4 , 00.00:094 ‘::lll,o?:iPint ,, 110.t . )5', 1 1,4*44 1 8W., Itt-4;0 4 ,0.i I 1 ,14404!. 4Aittlicoho4l%ol3o,ll% V.; I. ‘ it' ''‘ .htllllloPkii..l.l; 13,, •'• -, , 0 ...1.-c; , . / 114T. : 44n11014.01.4 .1.: ~i 4, 4 ,:, %.11 ,13 ',, , 15ict.Z.1,1%., - .3,. 'iv*. 1 _ 4utp.,:.,.4.,tt --*Ar• 'ilkishlapo l g o t-fittli iitcpiilf.. v. 4ou0n4:11014 - rivotte-iii—a• -.acruicil ~ - 2'1+,7 44i:q; , -i.4,. A5 4;* - .::.; ~. ~r:. ". " • ,:...' , ,i' 2 4 , .,42,1114111',1 - .• it.. 4.1 1 VP1.,i' . .... 1 .:kt;::: , ; - -. 4. , ',1, 1v..1 ' l jiiitafinkalitilblrettf °;:l. ' - ' lls'- ' :; • ; . ..,..:.. 1 .:, ; :,--;‘i•,` '.. t cwilliifli'hd;qiiiiittYKatchiti . i(s , .. - :-. 3eilii4ij, 04 4'o" . f. iiifio , liok-,- ~ .y • - ' ) ...*l9,lsVitille.:,:: - L '' , f. 2* o n. .. ;1 11 3‘jdiitid , 6tffet'AI . U.V4,9„iiiiiI vit ` c, , il ) itu ... i3 , - .. ; TRiit 6 gyo, liti Pi will fi# P.'o., ' ' Gold : ILI i.i: -, Wit -:' tie i i1'Ui11iA411 4 ,448614V . 2..•". - -; .' . ~:e aA4;•': '..'; ''.---'.'"•-:•-•'-' "f. '•..'it.4inifitVqe.i . l?,..: I: .. siiiir. - Lei4..lif.i;iCWthit.cf.'t'? 4 f.'..' 4- 4 . i.'.', ; . l•-'''' ';.,ieP01 , , t,..: -. : - .... ,.. ,-. : - -::;, - ....'.rixtotiiiia..'646iji , ' • . silio:r4:p.inp.iiiii*fit2 ; .!: , ;...;="s!..'f:l- . . _ ...,., '' , '' .- 'Ol. - ,iii . .. .'::-, ' •-.--,- .:..•.' . ...';-.01t01:46ii:. , : ,..- .':..: ,. ... ,, §oe o i.giifiropr..'7,viittl4i . - -4 - ::,--- :.. 7 .---- . -.f.F..i:;w . G6fd:llihrigs. , ...': • .. - • ' . •: . ...‘;':fil teiP636o,!, - . -..... 1-: .• i O Opt ; otiples i in p.rilp.oftioA. , ,f, rupp,,a,-,, ..... % ,, a ranted-. to -1)O--iirliat.:they itres- - ts' o lt.ffOr''''•-:' '. .-. 42;- - --odificatitiyi'.onlian4i - ,n.foll:,iteiu)4glit. , ;of;... - 4 . :. - -. , _ , _ , finer vO OLD ...11E7,'ELII.X: : and,.:§11:4.4q,„ ; ` .VVklit::'::''Aido; - ,arvas'ortinent.oolVT, ): !rct•-•,..i . ; . >„ - : :. :'1)1 - 11'6 r& L 't::o "4:-M:•:S. ini Os an, 4Sit rn 4,e1..d0•;0r0t'114 . -;retA - ;•E'o . •:Vtit'et,..da4Bit.; Joho , ;ElOrrsop,'q.., ', , , si:lT=l3 , F€6l . 4l l ; -, ... 7 writl7.othpj.', , s; pc ror,7, 7 7eytei,/tc.----- ~ iy,i..ll7bijeriiltilliwl*,h, -!111,i ; bease4.4t: . : -. .66;k:iiV1;; - 'ileiiied - -.- -,---'-:: '''t''.'''''''''''"` . . ... A rr n i0 . , 7 ,.,.1...i i.e n ts? hn . 'y e 7 be e p • nia . ilq i -• , .'. -:ie.:aboye;cclebfa (I.ii4kers,;lhe,besVirrinn;i3Ot.eki!rr.;itrppole.:lc.,fLirnisi:df.short„. . notice any :required . !slyl6.4.of:W.a6li;; ; lcf..- : which 2orcl e re-111 Irbp -to It pit. and Itlve:.ngmti. and niz4dende:•of :the' peisoo. 9 rd!i,rriii.l3, ii t' , ,int” '. trreq itested..- i' ;4. - • I.:'. • :... ...'. , T . ';': ::: -;...; • ' .-- O. -• CON-12 'AD, No, - 0 . 6 No rt h .2nd ..' St. ',, ~. . , , . . • .--- -, • 111100.16'r . Of ' Watches :'; ::' Philadelfillia..:Nov. "29 --- .-' .' . - .:' .... 4 1f -- I," G. E El A N.V.'S r ! AS TILE MOST Ilentarkolde External Appllo4ll'w:o6. pliecerred .f . :•• ''' - Facts_ are Stubborn'Thinii!L'.;: -. .; iki WHAT TEAS BEEN DONE CAN 11E4DONE AGAIN. . 1 ~... • Inmorance of Mem abd philosophy, howeVer, . .. ;; , start at the assertion that:any 'one-remedy - 'can. '1.,4 possess within - itself the virtue of curing many . • . diseases. Experience of more than fourteen'years. has-nevertheless established the fact that . Mercli ant's celebrated Gurgling Oif,''or Universal Farm ily Embrocation; wlt.t. 'cans must;cases, antl re lieve all such as ' ' • • • Spablos,Sivein rj, Ithiglioni, Winelgalls,l'oll Evil; Callous, Cratkeel ileelli, Calls 'cif allkinds, Fresla• ' . 3Voulids;' , Sprain's;-.::Bruisei,. - 1 - eietuld,'.,,Silfi es t,, • Strains Lameness, - S'atior Cracks, ,Pdandered„ - Feel, Scratches or . .areeee,•_,Plonge, Rheuenu r kiBa, l •l3ltes of ~.elninutts. Externaluisoofs; • • Painful Nerrou.9 '4:firectikts,S Frost Ilites,%- Boit, Corns, IV/lititner;• Burns and Scalds, . I .. ; • - Clttlbtaini, Chapped Bands Cra,nips, . i .f-ile , Contraction eif the 11.1u.siles; Sthellinics, , ,yt ,„,.. ,'•••••• Weelazess of. tfie.7.lolnts;;;Callcel=,,. ,' -.;= _ , .4:i .. :,•• .:,.' kre..:...,:,,•..,4T..., 4 .t e. . 9 ' ' ...4#;‘•4 • fp *, ..;.: E. i s; i lAte:celebratedtont'Patitr - alsoterltes:: , r , ;& tops 44,r.gir litivelprecilbed.ycpt,Carg i ' §Pti to various cases, of k., ;:, - f; ,. s 1, 1 1r aciical Stirge7 ' , ;-,,'.,• tisiillilment,loin . markedf:9exe l sii`alcumld .00inncend'ii•tdPhysinin ns - gne'iiillY external.liiii use in ail tiiniorn';'sfiblinrwhife - 4,4e1t , • ings t and in'all:rlittniatihi•allenth4if*liertrek:ter• Mil .menns - nre.nnaskaryk4teit. Asahterqt:it-is, harmless tviere'lfie:l9t2sile.ssiligit9Tkh)oo,l reduCed;.by;generallihathfentOltstiah,l94,es l ll,: ~, • ••%, is 'the most eflioicift rinid,Y,:wltlmithf - tithlkbf • ;-'; means nokv feuSe.'l,-:.;,31•:,,..-•.''.="` ,''e r i' - j -- '''iL,'"'','''' ". , ','••,•-: I would also recomMend f kltlAtilcitiniihhity,' at • - •.‘,..',. "., Icirge as h .safd • and•-•„powerfilliaerriedivisthere there is no general feyer•Juill;tliitai nye;diiseh? , •'; 1 ,, 1 . ; es to be-used freely andrtc)cottuteNtat ilaittatiritv 1., .--! -..-,:-S. in a remarkable mantier;;; • •litlbrutAtit 3i'6,Anils i47:*l - 1 ,• ;; ' - qp...tAl t it.. prevents swelling anti 'coheiftitiiii•Aloo.t.lielni,...-,._._,,ic hot weather., .• ' '"'''''"••• , "vlV4 - ?• ,,, ,m-.1 :,:: 'l•'-'",' From the peculiar "nature of thiggpilclrrdlibet, ,• :: . unparalleled success it hils,thet.rithttl,,l44l4ls; .., •• ' • of the • ...' ' , ;-tv: , 4'..'t - ~,,,,(4=0..i. rarrier, Parmerand 51416 PfOpill,, ri f ' it is but justice to say, thal,,,tifthe_et4ttiitfinlier of medicines which hare beet) ,olTered; n'Ruehilve ~. been so well adapted to the. prhaipt•cure:of tlis -• • ' eases ; to which horses are liable ; ii has - been 'very justly called a complete PANACEA 'von 11114 :."Ifoaps. For insiance,read the following : , 1 " .":4. - $.'.., To:Owners-of Horses: •.- - ••• t * 'i'l partify that I have had - for matiyyenrs ; ,• , 4; , Alltpml , tonttri l 2oo-Ilorses and, having A - ' ::74if,,hts.soky 41 !..,,oae g th ig .Oil for 2 .0' i, , fit',hlit can'isifelyolik - Okat .fpk i n I) the dis /11 e'nfs'. ‘ t it Wimps are liable I:" iihter„sa w its eii t uil • ..' - rtifsii - •htiiitlOnn'tOlinill4pre 7 r.'mpfith; and, % re6inShin tti (lahliejp a 1;1 iC; - es' s the,beit_l hied ic lute '-, • ~rietitliqrscsitii;!;;Kit';,tl4eAc'2,- ~:t. ,i p,.1 % 1 111.. ..0 11 ,- ' , ~ t, g7: 4 4 ,f i os4 o ( tit!fi e fiVo'!;Pitreltbsters.,!g :„. 4 ire#l44;l4',43ll4TERP ari,:gs,in;iiiieiVrtik : titha t iarthlte - 40;Plipifetdr44E0. ivvita ktitjN i. . . . .A l4 ;''i'..,Lq4lipqre, .11 , , y.,i13 blown . ; In, ifikrt"' fithe bolpiopAlp,chi. tukt i o . iriitigglfivd) . 44,eforif.. , - : ...N.. _ . thitlk , 'PO:pmuid*ltt'siotpisp - anytkingilimich . „ •„ ; • - 'l',;', nyFom Ise tt 4 1 . 1 ';14st`nsgoisflftA.,2)##J40,‘„ , e ,_ . 4 '' ' - 4". , ‘iii 7 :6;;P:tititah'„UnplinefFlrd illgrEkt , .vi+ 011ia.- •' 3 : ! Y AM" ' t r s adigieeeitiji) ill re iCh jiWO 16 itikitl3ll4b . t. 7 411' :: -. .i:, 1 ,•'., ItteLtit 41.'fik it/ ifrell. '' s d ifit cY r ethifts iiio iif4e: ' :•,g,' = ' , ;0i, k 3 : 01 ;*4q 4-6 F ll iri, 9 PftrPctia#6'itil :f, ii,o4%e''''. ' sentl.rhiefri.:xrtiiSed ityths4ol94-41 OV. I ". • . • , , ; •i i :4X kl:nidei t sfattdreikeollb . th , .; r 1, be ,prismintfgeOPirdel'42W! ~,,,, sz ,t-0, k ;, ;rzge:l..gpeillyaiiii4.,,sif4 *?.,i4e(ilatt , retitit'r : '''',-,-. liollilol4oßt:4lootrifer . - oMiSktßfiqiA , riliis, --,,.'' , '-.:= ;ilik.4l 4l iejAl.keq. 4l .4, ' ,` !' , ' ;,..,,, , :s ~4,i1t.;,.,..,' ,'. ---: frimuifiltirms, # .i. Si •• , ~. gel ."' 4"=3.! c )4is ~ ' ;, - ".', " ';l - • :'. ,V.li"littAWgA (4 ,I , , K.)T, .T. ' /*ill 10,, ~ ' ,''' - ‘5 V.A.:a-..' ~f . stil . geh - str ..:-..x:r);:5,1L111.4-ti.' ; t.rt e "l tir4 4 ll m. U , 1.: l e .11:' '• II '' 4i4::444 1 ), ,., • - •,,,; : ;,1* ,e, ,- ,:i. , ....:, .. , 'yy(s.p. 1:-le, *, l , •Ibo ; ~ Airi. : ',. : 1 4 ' ' .A - 0, v r -,., i v ... ~., , i ,,, , Af-:,-,-..w,:i .e. J: f ; 1 "` ''-/I;, t :1 ri fr: W . .V ., N 1 C.., N'"0: ?.! ,"1, 41 6itt A' ' ' ii : ti fire ri I, i'irEp:f . •,.. ,k,r'' , 1„ - 4 .1 ..... . •,_ 7 7 ;..(4, 1. 11 1 1 1, , , ! . ( . I , J : -r. , " . ." , ;f4v. , 1.... ." ."4,41,41:04 "4 : J04.1 .I t Ti."%t •I r ,4, ` l Oivkii,:-„?, , ,kti,p,11 : 4 , „ ;/ 11 ~...; .1., , t, -, ..1 , 1, c ,,,,.: , ,1- ;4. , „0.,k , 4,1. , : , ...0,-.,;>1.: ' '', : fTir , „ ' ,l . os• , , 4 4 • • ~..,.- . •,,..,-;%4•,- .. ..!• - i:,...iP.. :, '4.4-;(i72'1.:'!! ,.,,, '-„A ~..., qi 4 . 7 , . 1 ., ..'''..0.,,,-r.i...-. - ::•. 4c . ~ rrl i ~~: t; ~i 7,ln. se , P4 , 4* `-; 44* g ut 1 4 4 040 ,07,1)14:-",*4ii _ . ~,.. El I MEM Ip. , ? 1. MO SI