4r. . 4.. I ) •_ *\",_ • ftifre , •,1/4. • .. :•.i., . 4 .; • • % I r.. • . t , ,•t .14 4 .% , ... 4. vw•1 • FA'5; ..,•• iv- • -••••Ar •• ,•tt , • t , ••• • • • / • 't4 ; , •51 , . .• •c..* •-• • 't . • „ i ! 1111111*/ •___ - , 4xf. , • .?; A FAMILY NEWSPAPER, rii "Att ; • NEUTRA I. • , Illeuoteb to Nem, fiternture, poetru, Oriente, '2griculture, tl)e DiffuMon of ltsieful 3.nformation, General Intelligence, 7Antucicniciit, VOLUME IV. THE LEIIIGH REGISTER. is publishedin the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh ' County, Pa.,every Thrmday BY AUGUSTVS L. BUIE, At $l 50 per annum, payable in advance, and s2'oo If ticirpaiduntil — the erid — he year. No 'paper discontinued, until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the proprietor. ADVERTISI:NE ' NTS, making not more than one , square, will be inserted three times for one dollar and for every subsequent insertion I,venty-tive cents. Larger advertisements charged in_ the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, will be charged seventy.five cents, and thOse making six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. Or A liberal deduction will be made to (hose who advertise by the year. VP' Office in Hamilton St., one door East of the German Reformed Church, molly opposite the "Friedensbothe tree." C. .'i2: R UAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT WV. Has taken the Office of the hue Samuel Runk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining counties. Mr. RuNg may be consulted in the Ger man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. June 13. 1:—Iw aano.lißEElll2, v.z.t. t , In the Orphan's Court of Lt -x 4. high County. In ',ht. tnalt,r of . , trr . ow A.cemint of D.., A. smith ~..e ..., t4.,......-.4 i .5. and Sarah Mohr, Administrators st ' & c.. Of' John Mohr, Inte of I,mv, r Mactingy, Lehigh county, ileceasml. And now, February tix Court zippoint 11. C. Lonznet...kor. r„. glo and David Scholl, Auditors to audit and resettle said Account, and !flake ditrilaition ,and make report to the next stated Orphans 'Court. _From the Records, TEsTE—J. 0. LA WALL. Clrrk. The Auditors above named will meet the parties interrested, for the purpose of their appointment,