The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, November 01, 1849, Image 4

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    The Largest, Most Fashionable And
• .Cheapest Stock - of. ~:. .
p .l a d Caps,
. • *lad Caps, •
The undersigned would respectfully call
the attention of the public, to their very ex
tensive and fashionable stock of
Mens and Boys,
Kip, Calf and Mo
gw eitte BOOTS AND
• ...;:‘,., .. .- Shoes, •
ALSO.—A gen
eral assortment of all kinds of
which they are determined to sell cheaper
than any Other establishment in Lehigh
Their stock consists of every variety of
Women's Kid, Morocco, and Calf Skin
Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Boys and
Men's fine and coart. Boots and
Shoes. Children shoes of every
description, Gum Boots and'
Shoes, &c.
Call and see at the old stand, one door
West of Saeger's hardware Store. • '
Oct. 25
Cal' 8 I C•11"8 !
Lochman & Bro. are manufacturing eve
ry style cloth and glazed Caps, which they
will sell extremely low, wholesale and re
Oct. •25.
Public Notice is hereby given Mall per
sons, who arc indebted to the estate of Jo
seph Klader, deceased, late of Hanover
township, Lehigh county, be it in Notes,
Bonds, Book-debts or Vendue-pupers, that
they shall call upon thl.r.^.4Andersigned one of
the administrators, of said deceased, between.
now and the Ist of December next, and
make settlement and such who have yet le
gal claims against the estate, will also pre
sent them well authenticated.
111-6 w
Oct. 25
ITC()) Gia1.11(012,4
To the Sssessors of the respective Town
ships in Lehigh county.
The Assessors of the Borough of Allen
town, and the townships of Northampton,
Hanover, Salisburg, Upper Saucon, Upper
Milford, and Lower Macimgy, are requested
to be present in Allentown, in the Commis
sioners Office, on Monday the sth of Novem
ber next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
The Assessors of the townships of Up
per Macungy, Lowhill, Weisenburg, Lynn,
Heidelburg, Washington, North Whitehall,
and South Whitehall, are requested to be
present, in the Commissioners office in Al
lentown, on Tuesday the 6th of November,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur
pose of receiving their Assessments, War
rants, Books, Papers, &c., for the new As
By Order of the Commissioners
Allentown, Oct. 25. 11-4 w
The Place to make Bargains !
The Frost has Set in!
Stoves of cyan Mescription.
The subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Allentown, and the public in gen
eral, that he continues the
Stove and Tin-smith Business,
in all its various branches, at the old stand
in Hatnilton street, directly opposite the
Odd Fellows' new Hall, where he will at
all times keep on hand, a very large and
well selected assortment of wood and coal
.o . Bice, Store and Parlor Slovee,
to which he invites the particular attention
of the public.
He has also just received the .dnzerican
dir Tight Stove, a new style, just invented
of superior pattern, in which the Oven is
at large as the whole Stove. Warranted
to give perfect satisfaction. All he wants
is a trial.
He is also prepared to do all kinds of
at the shortest notice and on the most rea
sonable terms. Roofing, Spouting, Fire-wal
ling and, every thing in that line will receive
his particular attention.
Stove pipe put up at all times. All oth
er business entrusted to his care, will be
punctually attended to.
The following are among_ the articles he
constantly keeps on hand and for sale :
Tin Plate, Russian, American and Eng
lish Iron, Block Tin, Speltre, Pig,
Bar and Sheet Lead, Wire,
Iron Rivets, Hollowware,
ALSO.--A general assortment of ready
made Tin-ware, which he is determined to
sell at the lowest prices.
Newly married folks just going to House
keeping, can be supplied with the necessa
ry articles of Tin Ware on liberal terms.
fle is determined to make his shop the Re
sort of the People, and therefore invites all
to call at his old stand.
Sept. 27.
Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been appointed Executor in the last will
and testruneht of Peter Steckel, deceased,
late of South Whitehall towr.ship, Lehigh
county. Therefore all persons who are in
debted to_said estate, will please make set
tlement between now and the 17th day of
Novembernext,.and also all persons having
claims against said estate, will please to
preient them within said specified time.
September 27, 1849. 1--6 w
. .
Halo 11 Where are you.houad to ?
1,3 1ke
Fancy Dry Goods' Store.
What's going. on there Bill? Why hay
'ent you heard, you are really behind the
times: I tell you, thatilere Billy Weil, is
the darnationest little fellow to sell cheap
goods I ever seed, he lives right between
that 'ere eaten house of Wint's and the New
.. York store. NOw, recollect ! Be sure you
are right, then go ahead. But, hold on . !
Hold on Bill, I tell you! I'll go ahead now, I
want to buy my weddin suit, and this I find
Bill, is just the place—so here goes it, and
oft' they went to 'Veil's Cheap Fancy Dry
Goods Store. •
Wit, S. WEIL, has just unpacked
the largest Fall and Winter Stock of goods
ever brought to Allentown among Which are
20 ps. superf. blue black French Cloths.
20 do. do. beaver Cloth's of all colors.
20 do. do. black and fancy Cassemeres
20 do. do. French Merinoes of all qual.
20 do. do. English do. do.
10 do. do. Coburg Cloths do.
25 do. do. Alpaccas of all prices.
30 do. do. Mouse de Laines do.
30 do. do. Flannels of all colors.
A large variety of fashionable shawls from
25 cts. to $5, but none as high as twenty.
All kinds of Bleached and Unbleached
Mouslins, Linens, &c.
The above articles will be sold wholesale
and retail at Philadelphia and New York
prices. Call and examine his stock, as it
will bear inspection with any in town
October 25. t-4w
Musical Instruments.
The undersigned has again laid in a very
large assortimut of Musical Instruments,
among which are comprised Violins, Flutes,
Accordians. &c. &c., in the Accordian line
he challenges any other establishment in
the country, to come up to him in beauty va
riety and prices. Ile keeps Sanderson's of
Paris, best make, Violin Strings, &c. &c. all
of which he will sell of the lowest cash pri
ces W. S. WEIL
Octobc r 25
~tecl Bead Bags.
A very elegant assortment of Steel Bead
Bags, Beads of the latest styles, for sale
cheap at the Store of
October 25
Ilousekeepers ! Look Here !
.1 Mew Cabinet
In Allentown.
The undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general, that he
has established himself on the south side of
Hamilton street opposite the "New York
Store," where he continues to Manufacture
all kinds of •
Sofas, Secretaries, Bureaus of all kinds,
Footstools, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Pi
ano stools, Sofa tables, Card, Pier,
Side, End, Centre, Dining,
• Work .and Breakfast ta
bles, French Rock
ing chairs, Por
table desks.
• Book Cases, &c., &c.
French Mahogany Bedsteads, High, Feal
and French post Bedsteads of d ifil•rent kinds,
Washstands of different kinds, Cupboards,
Sinks, &c., with a variety of other Furniture.
Every article kept in such establishments,
or that may be required by the community.
are kept or made to order, at. the shortest
notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had considerable experience in
the business, he trusts _that by assiduous at
tention and moderate prices, he Merits a lib
eral share of public patronage.
. House-keepers and others, in want of
any thing in his line, are respectfully invit
ed to give him a friendly call.
Oct. 4. ¶-3m
COMPANY of Philadelphia.
near Fifth street.
Charles N. Banclcer, Geo. W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis.
Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Bone, •
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent
and limited, on every description of property, in
town and country, at rates as low as are consis.
tent with security.
The Company have reserved a large Cowin.
gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi•
ants, safely invested, afford ample protection to
the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist,
1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As
setubly, were as follows, viz:
Mortgages, $890,558 61S
Real Estate, 728,358 90
Temporary Loans, 205,459 00
Stocks, 15,563 lb
Catch, dcc., 46,581 87
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen.
years, they have paid upwards of one milliopiA
two hundred thousand dollars, losses by fire,stheYe
by affording evidence - of the advantages sif insu•
ranee, as well as the ability and dispOillon to
meet with promptness, all liabilities. e ,
The SUbscribers are the appointed Agents of
the above mentioned Institution, and are now
prepared to make insurances on every descrip
tion of property, at the limiest rates.
• , AUGUSTUS L. RUBE, Allentown.
C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem.
Allentown, June 134348. 1-13,
JOB PRiorTlr•VG,
Neatly execute Vat the "Register' Office.
By virtue and in pursuance of an order
issued out of the Orphans Court of Lehmh
County, there will be exposed to public
sale on Saturday, the 3d of November next,
of ten o'clock in the forenoon, on the prem
A Certain tract of Land,
with the appurtenances , , situate in Norlhs
Whitehalhownship,Lehigh Comity, adjoin
ing lands of Juliana Saeger, and other lands
of the dec'd, containing 1271 perches, more
or less. The improvements thereon consists i
.„„i in a large and convenient
11112 Story Tavern House,
with a two story stone dwelling
house•attached to the above, also a shed and
other necessary outbuildings.
Also—A Certain Lot of Ground.-
situate in South Whitehall, adjoining lands
of Joseph ICern, John Hoffman and others,
containing 4 acres and 30 perches more or
less. On this tract is an Apple-Orchard,
with choice fruit:
This lot will be sold to the Tavern House,
if purchasers prefer it.
Also—Another Lot, •
situate in North Whitehall township, Le
high County, adjoining lands of Samuel
Sieger and others, containing 6/ acres. The
improvements thereon consist in a
msg. / . I Log Dwelling House,
. 1 log stable, a spring with good water
near the house. This lot has a proportion
ate share of wood, Meadow, and Farmland.
Also—Another Lot,
situate in North Whitehall township,adjoin
ing lands of Julian Sieger and others, con
taining 4 acres and 53 perches, good farm
Also—A Lot of Woodland,
situate in North Whitehall township, adjoin
ing lands* of Samuel Sieger and others, con
taining 4 acres and 2 perches, with first
rate building timber on it.
Also- 7 -A Lot of Ground,
situate in South Whitehall township, ad
joining lands of George Sieger and others,
antaining 208 perches, thereon is a valua
ble Lime stone quarry.
Lastly—An Undivided Half,
of a tract of meadow land, situate in Upper
Macungy township, Lehigh County, adjoin
ing lands of Abraham Haas, Amos Rabe
nold and others, containing .16 acres and 30
The whole is the Real Estate of Elias
Sieger, dec'd of North Whitehall.
6111)11VPB aal2c)
By virtue and in pursuance of an order,
issued out' of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh
county, there will be exposed to Public
Sale, on the 3d day of November next, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon, on the premises,
No. 1 A. Valuable Fulling Mill,
situate on the Little Lehigh Creek, in the
l3orough of Allentown. The build-
ing is two story, partly frame, and
' 6 in good repairs.
The Fulling business has been extensive
ly followed here. Thereto are belonging two
Dye-Kettles, Fulling-block, Press, Weav
ers-loom, Carding and Spinning machines,
and other Machinery belonging to the
ling business. 'Phis Mill has the advantage
of a good water power, and can work in the
dryest season of the ygar. In addition to
the above, there is also a corner lot, and an
excellent meadow, the whole about 3 acres,
more or less, under good fences. There is
also a small tract of meadow land on the
south side of the Little Lehigh, adjoining
lands of Charles G. Von Tagen, formerly
Eleimbach's, and others.
o ke No. 2, A double one story
' Mouse,
In "-with kitchen attached, a good frame
stable and lot of ground, situated in tho Bo
rough of Allentown, adjoining the Little
Lehigh Creek and lot of a D. Wagner,
near the Lehigh Bridge, containing in front
of Lehigh street 170 feet, and in depth 230
feet to a public alley. The lot is planted
with the best of
4 ,.
Fruit Trees;
and is in good fences.
. The whole is a valuable estate and pur-
chasers would do well to attend the sale.
It is the real estate of Jacob Fink, late of
the Borough of Allentown.
The conditions will be made known on
tho day of Sale and due attendance given by
By order of the Court.
J. D. LAWALic Clerk. 4dm'rrt.
October 18. 411--3 w
G MIS I l um s
The undersigned have just received 1000
pair of Men's Ladies' and Misses Gum
Shoes. A fine article of Ladies' Gum
Boots, which they will sell low.
Oct. 25. 4-4 w
$1,220,097 67
Turkies, Geese and Chickens
Turkies, Geese, ChickenS, Ducks, &C this
fall, for which he will pay the highest mar
ket price, in Cash or tin ware, at his store
in Allentown.
October 25th
(111)31BV 2111119
Of Valuable Real Estate
By Order of the Court,
J. D. LAWALL, Clerk,
¶ —4 w
October 11
Of Valuable Real Estate.
The undersigned Wishes to purchase
Five Thousand
New Goods ! New Goods !
The largest and, cheapest assortment of
Fall. and. Winter Millinery Goods, are now
unpacking at the above establishment,. one
door east of Lewis Schmidt & Co's. Drug
Store, that ever was exhibited in Allentown,
brought directly from Philadelphia. Her
stock consists among other things of all
• kinds of fashionable
, • Fattand Winter
y r -Bonnets,
• A. t ) ' :velvets, Satins, Silks and
W 'Plush, all kinds of Ribbons,
I French and Artificial Flow
ers and Feathers, which she is prepared to
make up in the latest Paris styles, and at
the lowest possible prices. She also calls
the attention of the public to her large as
sortment of Ribbons, and • numerous other
Millinery articles.
Old Bonnets altered to the latest fashion,
Braid and Straw. bonnets, shaped, bleached
or dyed, a black or a mouse color, at reason
able prices.
Country Milliners can be supplied with
fashionable Ribbons, Hats, &c., and the
latest fashion patterns on reasonable terms.
Persons visiting Allentown should not
neglect to give her a call, before purchas
ing elsewhere, as she goes upon the princi
ple of penny made is a penny saved,"
and punctually carries it 'out.
Thankful for past favors, she trusts that
her very low prices at which she disposes of
her goods, and her strict attention to busi
ness, will merit to her a continuance of a
liberal support.
October 11
Ncw tanblorbs !
Mauch Chunk Hotel.
F t, The subscribers take
-..;.7.-- :'-' ';\ . this method to inform
"....P','''' - -- 1 .:7. the citizens of Mauch
.::-...,_.',. 7.-.5 11: - ' Cal Chunk, and the public
:: - 7h , . IT r 'r- . . , in general, that they
11:10111(1111, -.--: IA)! , : have rented and now
• . --- ' 4 ' - ' l-2 •: ; r 1- ;" 1 *- - i*- - - occupy the well known
tavern•stand of Mr. Alexander Stedman, in
Mauch Chunk, so extensively known as the
Mauch Chunk
which has been reified in the most comfort
able and fashionable manner. They have
occupied the same from the first of Au
gust last, and they will makt it their busi
ness to add many other improvements, to the
convenience of those who may favor them
with their custom, and make ii equal if riot
superior to any public house in the place.
Theirßar will be supplied with the choic
est of liquors, there Table set with •all the
season adords, and their Beds• are all new
and clean ; in short. neither trouble or ex
pense will be saved, to accommodate their
customers in the very best manner.
Their stabling is large and convenient.
with the hydrant water in the yard. and'an
attentive ostler to attend to customers.
They trust their streneous exertions to ac
cornodate those who may favor them with
their calls, will be the means of bringing
them numerous new customers.
September 13,1849.
Cheap Hat and Cap Store,
Hamilton' Street nearly opposite Weiss
Hotel, .911e;ztown.
Jacob D. Boas,
Takes this method to inform hie friends
and customers, that he still continues the
Hatmaking and Cap business, and keeps
constantly on hand, a large assortment of
the most fashionable,
Beaver, Nutre, Brush, .Russia, Silk and
Napped Hats, which he will sell at
the lowest prices. large
assortment of Mens, Boys
and Childrens Caps, at •
very reduced prices.
He is likewise prepared to manufacture
to order Hats at the shortest possible notice.
Thankful for past favors he hopes to en
joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels
confident that his Hats, fully recommtend
10P'Such who are indebted to him for
some length of time, will please recollect,
that their accounts should be promptly sett
led, and it is expected will not be neglected.
Nov. 9. ,
To the president and directors of the Phil
adelphia & Wilkesbarre Telegraph Com
pang. W e the undersigned stockholders
of the Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Tele
graph Company, residing in the Borough of
Allentown, are 'determined not to pay any'
further Instalments on our shares subscribed
for, in said Company.
Epharim Grim, E. It. Newhard,
Yeager & Weidner, Thos. 0. Ginkinger,
J. F. Newhard, . Benj. J. Hagenbuch,.
A. G. Roninger, Samuel Lightcap,
J. F. Ruhe Esq. Israel Yingling,
Joseph Burk, John Wagner,
Guth Young & Trexler, Nathan Laudenaclager
C. W. Edleman, Kern & Samson,
J. Q. Cole, E. J. Ably
C: I. Depew,. ,
Wither P. Huber,
T. B. Wilson, David Schweiz,
James W. Meekly, Reuben Reiss,
Wm. F. Danowaky, Amos Ettinger,
Joseph Weiss, Eli Steckel.,
Allentown, 11, I-4w
Two Stray Sheep.
Two stray Sheep. have re-
Mained on the property of the
undersigned, fee some time,
, one of them has the letters Fl.
L. painted
. on its side. The rightful owner
by proving property, and paying expenses
can take charge of them.
Oct. 25. • .•_/,‘,
Clocks and Watches.
Charles S. Massey,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends
that he has recieved at his establishment,
nearly opposite the German It.fornieti
church in Allentown, a large assortment of
.roc \ 17 consisting of GOLD and
I m siLvFat Patent Levers,
Quartier and plain Eng.
lish and French. Watch
cs sold by him are warranted, and as low as
the same quality can be purchased at other
establishments in town or elsewhere. -
His assortment of Clocks consists of Brass
eight day, thirty hours, and alarm, from 3
to 12 doilari.
His selection of Jewelry consists in part
of Gold rings, Bracelets. Breastpins,'Broach
es, Gold and Silver Pencils, Watch-chains,
Keys, Gold Pens, of a superior quality, &c.
He has also on hand a variety of
Such as steel-beads for purses and work bags,
Silver tea and table spoons, Gold and Silver
Spectacles, to suit all ages, Spectacle glasses,
Silver thimbles.
Every, article sold by him, is warranted
to be such as represented; and should they
prove otherwise can be returned, and the
money will be refunded.
His stock has been purchased with a view
to supply the citizens of this county with
good and genuine articles in his branch, and
which have been selected from the best and
most extensive houses in New-York and
Philadelphia. He hopes by due attention to
his business, and liberal prices, to have a
share of patronage.
arClocks, Watches and Jewelry, repair
ed in the best manner and at the shortest no
tice. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex
change for Goods. Call and see, then judge
for yourselves.
August 2, 1949
Church Consecration.
Notice is hereby given, that the consecra
tion of the newly erected South Whitehall
Church, will take place, on Saturday and
Sunday, the 17th and 18th of November
next. A number of eminent divines will
be present and deliver sermons. .. The Al
lentown orchestra, will add much to the so
leinnity, on this occasion,
N. B. Hucksters, and retailers of ardent
spirits, will not be allowed on the ground.
incon'MicKLEY, •
October 25. *-9w
ECKERT ik Co's,
V~Tholesale &Retail .
Third door below the German Reformed
Church, south side of Hamilton street
In Allentown.
re' Storekeepers, Pedlars and others, are
hereby informed, that they keep constantly
on hand a large assortment of the above ar
ticles, and can be accommodated at the short
est notice, and upon the most. reasonable
terms, Wholesale or Retail.
Aug. 2. ¶--3m
Line Lexington
tgliont astittas
For young Men and Boys.
The winter session of this school will com
mence on Monday the 22d of October next,
and continue six months. At this school
are taught all the branches comprised in a
complete course of an English education ;
and also accurately to construe the French
and Spanish languages.
The price for Tuition, Bocading; Washing
and Fuel is $3O per 12 weeks, if not paid
in advance, or 930 for 13 weeks if paid in
JOHN PRICE, Principal.
September 27, • 11-2 m
Hart's Gold Paint,
An entire new article, used for the pur
pose of gilding Signs, reguilding Looking-
Glasses, writing visiting cards, &c., to be
used with a quill pen, for writing, or a pen
cil brush for gilding, to be burnished with a
piece of smooth ivory or agate. It will re
tain its color for years in being exposed to
weather, being already sized. It can be
done in
.a short time, and at a saving of more
than one half over, the gold leaf gilding.
The article can be had at J. B. Moser's
Apothacary Store, who is the sole Agent for
R. E. HAR P,
No. 75. John Street New York,
September 27. ¶-6m
The Great China Store
Thankful to the citizens of Allentown and
its vicinity for their increased custom, we
again request their company to view our
large and splendid assortment of
Dinner Sets, Tea Seta, Toilet Seta, and
single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone
Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers,
for less than they can be had elsewhere. In
fact at less than Wholesale Prices.
American and English Britannia Metal Goods,
In greater variety than ever before offered
in the city. FANCY CHINA in a great va•
riely very cheap.
rE"We would invite any person visiting
the city to call and ace us— they . will at least
be pleased to walk around our beautiful store
and to view the finest China and the cheap.
cat the world produces.
Very respeclfully,
No, SW Chesnut Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. 20,
A new Dueslnd-si new Landlordi
• . The subscriber re ,
. . .
spectfullyinforms his
-10 . ,. - \ \ friends and the
„generally, that he has
• -‘ taken "the newly °rec.
ted three story brick
- -iv - tavern of lease Grim,
at the northwest corner of Market Square,
in the borough of Allentown, called
The House is known as one of the most
spacious and convenient in the State—none
more so out of Philadelphid—and contains
44 rooms. He therefore feels assured that
he can accommodate satisfactorily all who
may favor him with a call.
Ills TABLE shall at all times be supplied
with the best the season and the markets
afford, and the BAR with the choicest Wines
and Liquors.
The Beds and Bedding, together with all
his furniture being entirely new, the pat
rons of this house may rely upon finding
those two great essentials—cleanliness and
The Stabling is large and commodious, and
us he will have none but kind and attentive
Ostlers, a due regard will be hod to the pro
per entertainment of the House as well as
his master.
In short, the subscriber intends to spare
neither pains nor expense to keep his house
in the best man ner, and he therefore re ,
spectfully invites the publicto give him a call:
reBOARDERS will be taken'on read
sonable terms, and as the rooms Ore spaci
ous and . well adapted to their Wants, they
can be accommodated in a satisfactory man
Families from town or country ac
commodated with Boarding. •
Allentown, May 3, 1899.
C. WM R U.i'K
Has taken the Office of the late - Samuel
Runic, Esq., and will promptly attend Co all
business entrusted to his care in this and
the adjoining counties.
Mr. Rohm may be consulted in the Gerd
man, as'well as English.
Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa.
June 13. If —4 w
11-3 m
Three icarne . ymen Tailors
The undersigned, residing in Catasauqua,
next door to Gross's store, wishes to employ
three sober and industrious journeymen tai
lors, to work on coats. Good hands can find
constant employment. if application be itn
inediately made to J. T. MATCHETT.
Catasuupua, October 25th. 1 11-4 w
10(10 Cords good Hickory and Oak Wood s
fur which the highest market price will be
adowed in trade by
Oink Note last.
(Corrected Weekly from Bichnells,VanCoures and
Thonspeoree Detector.)
Bk of N America par
Bk of Pennsylv. par
Bank of Commerce
late Moyainensing par
BIL of N Liberties par
13k of Penn Towns. par
Farmers & Mechan.par
Kensington par
Manuf. & Meehan par
Mechanics par
Girard par
Philadelphia par
Schuylkill par
Southwark par
Western par
Commercial Bank
of Pennsylv. par
Bk of the U States 25
Couxrny BANKS.
Bk of Chambersburg I
Bk of Gettysburg 1
Bk of Pittsburg
Bk of Susq. County 5
Ilk of Chester Co. par
Bk of Germantown par
Bk of Lewistown failed
Bk of Delaware Co. par
Bk of Middletown I
Bk of Montg. Co.' par
Bk of Northumberi .oar
Columbia Bank &
Bridge Comp. pa .
Carlisle Bank 1
Doylestown Bank par
Easton Bank • par
Exchange Bank
Erie Bank 2
Farmers & Drovers
Bank . I
Franklin Bank
Farmers Bank of
Bucks County par
Farmers Bank of
Lancaster 'par
Farmers Bank of
Reading_ par
Farmers' Bank of
Schuylkill co. par
Harrisburg Bank 1
Honesdale Bank 1
Lancaster Bank par
Lancaster Co. Bank par
Lebanon Bank
Lehigh Co. Bank 50
Lehigh Navigation
Co. Script. 10
Miners Bank of
Pottsville par
Merchants & Manaf.
Bank, Pittsburg. i
Monongahela Bank,
Brownsville, 1
Taylorsville Del.
Bridge Company, 1511
West Branch Bank, 1
Wyoming Bank, 1
York Bank, 1
Belvidere Bank R
Burlington County
Bank par
Commercial Bank 11
Cumberland Bank fiat
Farmers Bank par
Farmers .SE Meehan-
ics Bank.ltahway
Farmers do Merchants
Bank, Mid, Point,
Morels Connty bank I
03:"The notes on all B
(—) are not-purphased
Mechanics bank of
Newark 1
Mechanics bank at
Burlington par
Mechanics & Man
ufacturers bank par
Newark banking &
Ins. Company
New Hope & Dela
ware Br. Comp. failed
Orange bank
• Peoples bank
Plainfield bank 50
Princeton bank par
Salem banking Co. par
State bank at Eliza
bethlown, Newark,
Camden, N. Bruns
wick, Morristown,par
Sussex bank
Union bank -
Trenton bank. co. par
Yardleyville bridge
company 2ft
The Banks of the state'
of Delaware are all at
New York City bks 4
Chelsea bank 80
Clinton bank 50
Commercial bank 10
Lafayette bank 50
Washington bank 70
Alleghany county
bank 70
Bank of America 35
do of Commerce 40
do of Brockport 35
do of Lodi 28
, do of Olean 35
do of Tonawanda 50
do of Lyons 24
do of Western
New York 30
Binghampton bank 40
Canal bank 9
Cattaraugus county
bank ini
Erie county bank, ba
Farmers & Drtivers
bank .*. • , 5
Farmers bank of Se
neca county . 80
Hamilton bank, 30
Lewis county , bank 60
Mechanics bank at 48
Buffalo 4O
Merchants bank at '
Buffalo - 40
Millets bank of New
' York, 10
Oswego bank 20
Phenix bank 38
Staten Island bank 50
State bank ofN Y 80
St.Lawtence bank 75 ,
Union bank 25
United States bank SO
N. York bank. Co. 70
Tenth Wark bank, 28 , ,
White Plains bank 1§
0:1•All other bailts rte.
mentioned in the 4°,6
list are from I to a per
cent discount.
nks marked with a dash,
by the brokers. .