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VOLUME 111. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, Yr Published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, I'a., ever// Monday R 1 AUGUSTUS L. RUNE, .At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and *2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued,until all arrearages are paid; except at the option of the proprietor. AnvenrtsemEsrs, making, not more than one square, will be inserted three times fur one dollar and for every subsequent insertion twenty-five cents. Larger advertisements charged in the same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lines, will be charged seventy-five cents, and those mak ing six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents• LV"A liberal deductiUn will he made to those who advertise by the year. W' Office in Hamilton Street, one door of German Reformed Church, and nearly opposite the"Priedensbothe Office." NII2III,EYSI A 11.A'ffltA:10 FALL TERM 1849, Commences Monday Sept. 3d, .17. M The runctual attendance of all who pro pose entering cannot be too strongly recom mended. The principles upon which the.atliiirs of the Institution are conductefi, are too well known to need extended remark. The pri ces of tuition in view of the advantarres af forded, it is thought are extremely moderate, and it will always be the primary object to afford the best facilities for what is common ly termed a good Education, and in order to do this, on the part of the pupil, punctual and unbroken atteneance is highly import ant. One years continuous tuition is worth 3 times the amount in detached portions. Further particulars as to Terms, Studies, Text-hooks &c. can be obtained upon refer ence to the annual Catalogue of the Institu tion, copies of which will be cheerfully fur nished upon application either by mail or otherwise. It; C. CHANDLEII, al. Aug. 80, Cvainty. CASIVY •0:11te Free and Independent Electors of' • - Lehigh County. FELLOW CITIZENS :—E - Inving been advis rA by many of my old friends and fel!ow citizens from different parts of the county, am induced to offer myFelf as a volunteer candidate for the office of COUNTY TfiE A SCR Ell, nt the ensuing general election. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity and. to the best of my abilities. AARON TROXELL. September 13, 1849. ig—te .!touutij &ensurer. To the tigers of Lehigh County! FELLOW CITIzEss! At the solicitation of nu merous friends, I have been induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office of County T yeas - v.l.ex and if nominated by the Democratic County Convention, would respectfully request your suffrages at the coming election. Should you by your decision promote me to the of fice, I pledge myself to discharge its duties to your entire satisfaction. Respectfully your fellow citizen, CHARLES H. MARTIN ¶—te Aug. 30 County easuv . To the Free awl Independent Electors' of Lehigh County. FELLOW CITIZENS :—Having been advi sed by mnny of my old friends and fellow citizens from different parts of the county. I am indtked In offer myself as a volunteer candidate fur the office of COUNTY TREASURE R, at the ensuing general election. Should I be so fortunate as to receive n'tnajority of your votes, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity and to the best of my abilities. SOLOMON G A NGWERE September 13 Daguerreotype Likenesses. C. L. LOCHMAN, returns his sincere Thanks for the very liberal patronage he re ceived in this beautiful art, and would .an nounce to his numerous friends and public generally. that he ha;"tately received a new Apparatus and is now enabled to take larg er pictures than heretofere, and in the most ele.ant manner. He will assure the .114.41.D1 . . Ladies should wear black or darlc figured; and avoid pink or light blue dresses. For children, figured or plaid dresses. OetAttenien: Dirk vests and coat His rooms:‘Yill.be found in the bons,: fur, merly occupied ,by 11r..Lewis Schmidt as Drug July .12, ECKERT & Co's, - Wholesale St Retail TOBACCO, SNUFF & SEGAR Manufactory, Third door below the German Reformed Church, south side of Hamilton street In Allentown. CV Storekeepers, Pedlars and others, are hereby informed, that they keep constantly on hand a large assortment of the above ar ticles, and can be accommodated at the short est notice, and upon the most reasonable terms, Wholesale or Retail Aug. 2