The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, March 22, 1849, Image 1

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FAMILY NEWSPAPER. . a_L.,:O l:" . l'-." ..:• K• •'''•_-' - ..1.:_L .-- - . •
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Deuoteb to News, Literature, poettn, Science, agriculture, tip Diffusion of *Useful 3nforination, 'general Incitigence, 'Amusement, Slarketo, &c.
its published in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh
County, Pa.,erery Tuesday
At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and
'B2 00 if not paid until the end of the year. No
gaper aiseontinued, until all arrearages are paid,
Cxcept dt.the option of the proprietor.
•Atrvrwrisxxes-rx, making not more than one
lictiMare, will beinsertealliree times for one dollar
a. 711 for every subsequent twenty-five
_Larger advertisements %I:Thawed in the
Those not exceeding'ttmline::,
same proporti:. ^.
will be charged seven::-ftve cents, and those mak
ing six linesmr less, :lime infrtions for 50 cents.
vir A liberal deduction will be made lo those
'who advertise by the year.
t Office in Hamilton Street, neri door to
Stem's Allentown Hotel, (formerly Weiss')
opposite Schnurman's Store.
Five Dollars Reward,
The undersigned has lost on Friday last,
Twenty-Fire Dollars, in five dollar notes—
three of which are on 3 the Easton Bank, and
two on the Bank of Pennsylvania. The
above reward will be paid to the person who
returns the same to the owner.
March 8
ssigne e, 'N oti c.
Notice is hereby given, that Mr—?nu/rut ,
Klotz, and his: wife Mary, of the Ilarouah of
Allentown, Lehigh county, have on Saturday
last, the 3rd of March, made a voluntary as
sig,nment, of all their property, real, personal
and mixed, to the undersigned, for the ben
efit of their creditors. Such, therefore, who
arc in anywise indebted to the said Andrew
Klotz, are immediately called upon to make
settlement between now and the 1 Ith day.
of May next. And those, who have
any legal claims against the Assignor;will
present them well authenticated to the un
dersigned, within the above specified time.
GEORGE STINE, 33signee.'
March 8. —6w
Notice to Assessors.
The assessors of the Borough of A lien
lentown, and the several Townships, of the
County of Lehigh, are hereby requested to
meet in the Commissioners office, in Allen
town, on Monday the 2d day of April next,
to subscribe their oath of office, (which is to
be filed in said office) obtain the assessments,
the appeal notices, and receive such matters
and instructions as relates to the performan
ces of ,their respective duties.
• By order of (lie Commissioners,
J. M. LINE, Clerl
Commissioners Office, •
Allentovin, March 5,18-19. S
Assignee Notice.
Notice is hereby given that, Mr. William
Fulmer, of Upper Saucon township, Lehigh
county, has on the 31st of day January last,
made a voluntary assignment, of all his prop
and mixed, to the undersign
mnefit of his creditors. Such,
•ho are in anywise indebted to
Ili= Fulmer, are immediately
to make settlement. And those
laims, will present them well au
to the undersigned.
A. K. Al rum AN, Assignee.
11-6 w
Feb. 8
51D 1 11.14 0
ixx In the Orfihan's Court of Lc-
hin-h County.
In the matter of the account of
- A ) : • 114 ' . Andrew l
I . f. b Witman, ad ministra
tor, of Sarah Eckert, late of Up
per Saucon, deceased.
And tic w, Dedmnber 8, 1848, on motion
of Mr. Wyckoff`; the Court appoint Jesse
Gamuelsan auditor, to audit !he said account,
and to examine and report the evidence
upon all matters touching the adminiz!ration
of the estate of said deceased, and the com
plaint and cliarrre• alleged in tlte citatioi:
against the administrator above named.
Front the Records,
Tesle,—J. D. LAWALL, Clerk.
The undersigned will meet for the pur-.
poses of his appointinent, on Thursday the
sth day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
at.t4c House of George Hob - cracker, in the
Borough of Allentown.
March 15.
C. (d7l. 11 U.K,
Has taken 'the Office of the late Samuel
Bunk, En., and will promptly attend to all
business entuusted to his care in this and
the adjoining counties.
Mr. Reim may be consulted in the Ger
man, as well as'English.
Refer to Hon. J. 141. Porter, Easton, Pa.
Prof. S.. Greenleaf, Cambridge, Mass.
Hon. W. Kent,New York City.
June 13. ¶-4w
COMPANY of Philadelphia.
near Fifth street. •
Chat les N. Bancker, Geo. MT. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric,
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent
and limited, on every description of property, in
town and country, at rates as loiv as arc consis
writ with security.
n it : Company have reserved a large (Joann
gent Fund, whic!l with their Capital and Premi
ums,-safely inr csted, atiord.ample protection to
the assured.
The assets of the company, on January Ist,
INS, as published agreeabii• to an Act of As
semb:.7. were as follows, viz
Real Estate,
Temporary Loans,
Cash, tic.,
$4220,097 67
Since their incorporation, a period :If eighteen
years, they have paid upwards of one ?nil/ion . ,
two hundred lluinsand dollars, losses by tire, there
by affording evidence of the advantages of losu
ranee, as well as the ability and disposition to
meet with promptness, all liabilities.
The SubScribers are the appointed Agents of
the above mentioned Institution, and are now
prepared to make insurances on every descrip
tion of property, at the lowest rates.
AUGUSTUS L. RUHE, Allentown.
C. F. BLECIC, Bethlehem.
Allentown, June 13, 1818.
Sclnna•man's Rotunda Still Open!
Large Sales and' Small Profits
Notes your Time, as the Stock of Winter
It has been settled down to a plain matter
of fact case, that "Old Sehnurman" has sold
more goods in the past year than was ever
sold in any single establishment in ten coun
ties, and what has proved so beneficial to the
community generally, they had the advan
tage of buying goods at least 10 per cent
cheaper. Such then being, the case, he is
sues this as his last manifesto in the Winter
Campaign. Having just finished taking an
account of stock, and found that they have
yet on hand
$10 . ,000 Worth of Goods,
for which he wants buyers. So now is your
time—come far and near—distance is no ob
ject, as it will doubly repay your trouble.—
Recollect Schnurman's %Vholesale and Re
tail Emporium on the Market Square.
February 15. ¶-4W
bissolution of partncrOip.
1-4 w
• Notice is hereby given, that the Partner
ship existing under the firm Of Wagner ($•
Huber, will be dissolved by the first of April
next, and that the business will go into oth
er hands after that time. All persons in
debted to the said firm will call and make
Settlement, and such who have demands
against the said firm, will please present the
same for settlement. Such who hold Due
bills for country produce, are strongly urg
ed to prege'nt them for payment before the
Ist of April- next. They, further wish to
inform their customers, that Wood, will
not be taken in payment for book debts af
ter (he above date.
4 1.2 TIV al
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed have taken out letters of Administra
tion of the estate of William fragner,
dec'd., late of the borough of Allentown, Le
county. Therefore all those who are in
debted to said estate, will see the necessity
of settling their accounts within 6 weeks, and
such who have any demands against the
said estate, will present their claims well au
thenticated within the above specified time.
February 8. • . :
Assignee Notice.
Notice is hereby giVen, that John Romig,
and his wife Maria, of Lcwer Macungy
township, Lehigh county, have on the 22d
dny of January 1849, made a Voluntary as
signment of ral their property, real, person
al-and mixed, to the undersigned, for the
benefit of their creditors. Such, therefore,
who are 'indebted to the said' John Romig,
will see the necessity of making payment,
between now and six weeks, and those who
have any legal claims, will present them in
the' above specified time.
DAVID 0. MOSER, .'lsignee.
Feb. 8. • ¶•-•4h11
11-4 w
Gooch is to be elect, c 1 Out
Feb. 8
Of every description, neatly executed at the:
Office of the "Register."
JPlessrs. Jfiertz & Landis,
Respectfully inform their friends and the
public in general, that they have opened
their new establishment, in the new brick
building, one door next to Dr. Danowsky's
Apothecary and Drug Store, in Hamilton
street, in the Borough of Allentown, where
they are now unpacking a very large as
sortment of
Groceries ,;(gratr.
Queens, Glasss
and Earthenware, all of which they will dis
pose of at the•very lowest prices or exchange
them for country produce.
They will sell all kinds of woolen Clothes,
at least Si cheaper per yard, than before,
Satinetts, 25 cents, Calicoes 3 cents per
yard, white red and yellow Flannels, 121
cents per yard, handsome fine Ginghams
and Muslin de Laines at 121 cents per
yard, pther goods comparatively 'cheap.
Inl't V ,
;,. -Pin.. y
-:i-,.i cf:...i
$890,558 65
108,358 90
425,459 00
.51,563' 25
46,158 57
Nov. 16
Have just received and arc now unpack.:
ing a very large stock of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Glass and Queensware, suitable for
the Spring trade, whcih we have selected
with great care, and therefore feel confident
that we can sell the same as low, if not low
er than any other house is this place.
Thankful for past favors we solicit a con
tinuance thereof.
March l 5
All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for goods, such as Clover seed and
Grain, Butter, Eggs, Lard, 'Fallow, Wax,
Soap, Hams, dried Apples, Cherries, Flax,
rags, carpets, wood, yarn, potatoes, fowls,
corn, &c. &c., for which we will pay the
highest market prices.
November 16
Broom and Wooden Ware Store,
No. 63 North Third Sired,
One door above Arch,east side, Philadelphia.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Ce
dar \'are, Willow and French Baslcets,
Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters,
Mats, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden
ware of every description, &c. at the lowest
market priceS.
[a - CAI'S fl paid for Broom Corn.
March 15. ¶-3m
101 2.112111
Informs his old friends and the public in
general,. that he has moved into his new
building, at the "old stand," and that he
is again ready at all times to attend to pro
fessional duties.
Not•: 16. ' ¶-4w
Henry C. Longneekei•,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Has resumed the Practice of his profes
sion in Lehigh and the adjoining counties.
His office is in the, residence of the late Hon.
Jon W. Hornbeck, in Hamilton street, Bor
ough of Allentown.
January 11. ¶-6m
Office East of the Cku .. 1 1-louse and nearly
opposite, at the cornet f Margaret and
Hamilton streets.
Mar 25
May be .consulted during Court week,
and a few days before,at the house of David
Stem, Innkeeper, in Allentown. •
August 5.
Notice is hereby given that all claims due
the of the late Samuel Runk, dec'd.
not . satisfied on or before the first day of
April next, will be put in suit immediately
after that time. Circumstances imperative
upon the administrators render this course
• C. M. RUNK: S
Jan. 25. • ¶-4w
Brandreth and Wrights Pills.
Country merchants and others, are here
by notified, that the far famous Pills of
Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin
Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at
the office of the "Lehigh Register" by the
Dozen boxes; at Wholesale prices. •
April 17
New Mercantile Firm.
Large Spring Arrival.
Look Here:
113,1111128 MIL%
Dont let yourselves be deceived, bought
or caught by fictitious prices, that are pub
lished in the• papers. The undersigned sell
as low as our next neighbors, and in fact as
low as any commission house in Allentown.
We do not deem it necessary to publish
prices, in order to inform the public that we
sell at lower rates than others all we ask,
is, that such who purchase Iron, Hardware,
&c. should give us a call, and they will
find that "Saegcr's Hardware Store" sells
as low if not lower than any houSe in town.
0. & J. S_IEGER,
Iron 4. llardware Store, .dllentown.
January 11. ¶-5w
The undersigned have just maimed from
Philadelphia with a large as-,
sortment of Hardwahe, cut
lery and Saddlery, with Coach-trbnings
and Shoe-findings, all of which will be sold
at reduced prices at the Store of
' 0..0 J. SAEGER.
November 14.. ¶-6w
IRON.—A good lot of Hammered and
Rolled Iron, Sheet Irons American and Eng
lish Band Iron, Hoop Iron. Cast and Shear
Steel, square, flat and round, just received
with Anvils and Vices, and fur sale cheap
at the Store of 0. & J. SAEGER.
GLASS.-150 boxes Glass of all sizes,
for sale by 0. S. J. SAEGER.
WHITE LEAD.—I ton of White Lead
just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale.
by O.& J. SAEGER.
NAILS.-200 Kegs of the best Nails,
Bolds and ,Spikes, just received, and for
sale by 0. & J. SAEGER.
of Shoe-Findings, just received and for sale
by 0. & J. SAEGER.
TO BUILDERS.—A large assortment
of Fling's. Screwto, Nails, Bolts with Mine
ral Knob Locks, German Locks and Latch
es, &c., just receive4nd for sale by
LOOKING-GLASSES.—A splendid lot
of Looking Glass Plates, and Frames of all
sizes for sale by 0. S. J. SAEGER.
OILS & VARNISI-I.oils of all kinds,
boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var
nish of all kinds, Glue, &c.,—will be sold
cheap by ' 0. &. J. SAEGER.
PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes
of John Bell's best make, also a large assort
ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap
by & J. SAEGER.
HOUSE KEEPERS.—A good supply
of articles for House keepers, such as ena
meled Boilers, oval and round, Plates, &c.,
for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER.
Nov. ¶-6w
The Copartnership heretofore existing un
der the firm of Fret:, Kern Co., was dis
solved on the 2d inst., in consequence of the
death of Joseph Saeger, all persons therefore
indebted to the said firtn,will please call at the
Store of 'their successors Pretz, Guth & Co.,
between now and the first day of May next,
after which time the claims will be placed
in the hands of a magistrate for collection.
March 15.
to-partnerEil)ip Notice.
The subscribers having entered into Co
partnership under the firm of Pretz, Guth
&ro., and having purchased of Pretz, Kern
& Co. their stock of Store Goods, Coal, &c.
will conduct business at‘the same place as
their predecessors—and they hope by strict
attention and low prices they will continue
to receive the support so liberally bestowed
March 15.
11COVI - i1)120
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed have taken out letters of Adminis
tration of the estate of Joseph Clader, dec'd.,
late of Hannover township, Lehigh county.
Therefore all those who are indebted to said
estate, will see the necessity of settling their
accounts withiro6 4 weeks, and all such who
have any demands against the said estate,
will present their claims well authenticated
within the above Specified time.
40-6 w
March 8.
0. & J. SAEGER
poetical Dcpailatent.
For the Lehigh Register.
The Anatomy of a Lady's Heart.
A lady's heart! a lady's heart! you ask ' .
That its component parts I may rehearse ;
Indeed, my lady, very hard's the task
For my unyielding, lame and halting verse.
You mighras veld commandihe soul e unmask
Its subtle nature, or the Sun reverse
Its course, or Heaven's pure spirits bid to bask
In fiendish joys and Heaven to make subverse
Yet e'en as he of old the sacred fire
-From the celestial sphere did pluck, and made
The lifeless clay to think, to speak, respire,
Without the gods' empyreal aid,
So dares my hand, at your behest, my lyre
Awake with sounds that tremblingly invade
That sacred sanctuary where conspire
The powers of woman all the world t' pervade
A lady's heart! Oh muse, what shall I say
Of it and of its wondrous texture fair I
Methinks it is a honeycomb, full, yea,
As•full as full can be of honey rare ;
But every cell, (and many, lack-a•day,
She has, although she thinks not one to spare)
Is filled with kinds as differing as the ray
Of day which does with ray of night compares
This life-fraught honey, mortals' primest nectar,
Is love, but love with hues as varying
As flowers that Earth's extent begent and picture
First, love of admiration th' greedy thing,
Of man the ruler and determined Hector,
Which ever seems so saucily to sing,
. o Tis thou who art the spoil, and I the victor,"
In one compartment lies a slumbering.
Then there 's the love of goodness, purity,
Kindness, and all that bears the noble sheen
Of soft-eyed virtue, strictest verity,
Reposing with sedate and solemn mien. •
Then comesits closely allied quality;
That which adores whatever may have been
The storied object of antiquity
Or loves to roam o'er beauty's magic scene.
Then comes again that strange, mysterious
. Which links the woman's soul to that of man,
Which, born in Eden's still unsullied bower'
Yet reigns unscathed by Eden's ban,
Throughout the world's wide space up to this
• More than the rest, does its apartment span;
For as its empire over all does tower,
So should its palace be on equal plan.
But I must pause ; my naughty, stubborn muse—
Pegasus always kicks wheneer I ride—
Has in 't a screw so very, very loose,
That all my efforts naught do but deride.
But, lady, crc I close, perchance, the use
Made of this comb I ought to you confide
If my sad muse do not so play the deuce
That you cannot at all its steps abide.
Know then, that man's the bee, the drone, per-
haps, '
Who steals along with cautious, wary art
Toone of these well-stored retteats and taps,
And asks for something which will cute his
smart. '
"Ah ! lady,rve been sick, and a relapse
I fear, unless you give what . will impart
Relief," he says—and then again he raps
Until she opes, yes oyes, to. him her heart
„Miscellaneous Selections.
I Military Execution.
During the present war with Mexico, the
same guerrilla system which the Spaniards
(with the sanction of their British allies,)
kept up against the French invaders of
Spain, in the days of the grand Napoleon,
has been put into operation against the
Americans in Mexico. Numerous "um.-
de s rs," as ihey are called, have been com
mitted: and,-the gucrilleros being regarded
as banditti, instances of retaliation have not
been wanting. The following facts have
been narrated to us by a "volunteer."
When Col. Doniphan's command reach
ed Ceralvo,
,they found the place occupied
by some Texas troops, and learned that they
were to have a "spectacle,' in the execu
tion of a guerrilla.Capthiri, who had been ar
rested the night previous. It appeared that
this man was charged with having com
manded a party which had burneil a train
of ,American wagons, and murdered the
drivers, some fifteen in number. Informa
tion of his locality had been given by n
Mexican to the Texan troops, the informant
stating that the Captain would pass the night
at his house, at a small town some ten miles
south of Ceralvo. A party of Texans vol
unteered to capture him, and proceeding to
the house, they found him there, iaving re
tired to bed. He was told to get up, to
give his money and valuables, if any he had,
to his wife, and to take leave of his family;
as he would never see them more. The
soldiers, touched by a hudiane regard for the
woman's feelings, determined to take him
to Cemlvo for execution.
His wife was frantic with distress and
agitation, but the prisoner bid "adios" to her
with much' apparent composure, leaving
with her his purse, rings, &c., and taking
with him his silver tobacco box, and appar
atus for smoking--articles which a Mex
ican of any rank generally carries in his
pocket. ^
In the course of the night, the party ar
rived at Ceralvo, where the aged parents of
the prisoner were found. • A drumhead
court martial was held, and sentence of
death passed on him, the Texan Colonel re
fusing to send the proceedings to General .
Taylor, for fear the prey might escape. •
The prisoner confessed the charge. He
said he had been a Captain in the service of
his country; that in what he had done, he
had acted in obedience to the orders of his
superiors ; that he had done but his duty,
and would glory in doing the same again;
that if he had any regret at . all in suffering
death, beyond what a man must feel in be
ing taken from life and his family, it was al
leviated by these reflections ; and that he
could die with but one bitter thought, which
was, that ht would thereby be deprived of
all opportunity to kill more of his country's
invaders. This was the substance of his
statement, and it may be that, if we were
not parties to the war, we
.would consider
them as bordering on the truly heroic.
Lots were drawn among the Texans to
determine who shouldrshoot the prisoner,
and six men were thus designated. Imme
diately arose a contest for the privilege of
putting him to death. Some who had as
sisted in his capture, thought they had a
"vested right" to shoot him, and did not
wish, as they said, to be "cheated" out of it-
Others offered those already chosen rewards
to decline, in order that they might have "a
chance." But nobody would even take
five dollars—for that sum was offered—to
yield his place ; and there were some cla
mor among the aspirants, which was only
ended by the Texan Colonel declaring that
the six first selected should execute the
work allotted to them.
All the rifles of the six were to be loaded
with ball, as no one would agree that he
might by possibility have a blank cartridge
—the usual mode being, in such cases, to
have one gun without ball, so that none of
the executioners may know for certain whose
gun did not participate in the death of the
prisoner, and suppose the blank cartridge to
have been in his own. •
The guerilla Captain was brought into
the plaza for execution, and the six Texan
marksmen placed themselves not more than
fifteen or twenty feet from him. He declin
ed to have, his eyes bandaged, saying that
he looked on death often, and never feared
it. For the same reason, he refused to turn
his back to the executioners.
As the preparations went on, the hum of
conversation among the soldiers who were
spectators—there being no Mexicans pre
sent but the prisoner and the priest—gradu
ally grew fainter and fainter; for an execu
tion is a serious matter, even under such cir
The priest had not, it appeared, succeed
ed in giving a very deep cast of religous
coloring to the thoughts of his doomed coun
"You hare not long to live," said the
"Yuien sabc—es muy posible," replied
the prisonerthe phrase meaning, as he
used it, that for aught he knew to the con
trary, such a thing might-be possible.
"Do you not see," said the priest, "that
in a few minutes you will be dead 1"
"Things do wear that appearance," re- •
plied the Captain, casting his eyes, and
making a slight gesture towards the Tex
ans, who were carefully loading their dead
ly rifles.
He then took out his tobacco box and a
strip of corn husk—rolled up a cigarrito,
strucle fire with his flint and steel—lighted
the cig,arritto, and put it in his mouth to
smoke—apparently not paying much atten
tion to the prayers recommended by the
priest. Seeing that the guns were loaded,
he handed the tobacco box and smokingap
paratui to the priest, - remarking, that as he
should not probably need them again him
self,•it afforded him much pleasure to pre
sent iheta to "rni padre Santo."
Just as the priest had taken his kit gift,
the six rifles were leveled and discharged!
One ball entered his breast, and the oth
ers took oft the upper part of his head. He
fell dead ; and, stretched in his gore on the
ground the cigarrito which he had made and
lighted under such circumstances, .remain
ed between his teeth, and was still a smok
Looking at such events at this distance,
they seem horrible enough, but soldiers get
hardened to such things, and the men pre
sent, no doubt, looked on it all with a much
greater degree of curiosity to see how he
would meet his fate,.than of sympathy or
commiseration for him. -
Participation in active warfare, and the
exercise of human sympathies, are not al
ways very compatible with each'ether. -
• CrlDo not think thitt your-learning and
genius, your wit or ..tprightness, are wel
come everywhere. 1 was once told that my'
company was disagreeable bciritule I appear
ed so uncommonly happy; and'inany good
housewives declare they do run like .7 your
learned, bookish husbands.