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''-' , 7c.. t ;.p.',dll',".'-ifelq- • •-•. ~ r'%tiLl.rir:,,t, -.....-. . • -- .•-..1.4' 11 , ` ;.C.-, „.. 0 ,,,, „if .77 ,, / i 4 ,r..- - ,- . : . _.. . .._ __.______.__ __ . _.___ .... ...:-_ ~_:.....ir:v -,._. • ' k ~/... - ,-- ___ --- A- FAMILY - NEWSPAPER. .........,. ~.,..____, __.-- .a.......-- . NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. .. • • . . .. . ......_ ___-__- ---_ _..- cuotcb to VOLITIVIE 111. THE 'LEHIGH REGISTER, 18 published in t he Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, Pa.,every Tleaday BY A'UGIJSTIJS L. BOUBJE, . At $1 50 per annum, payable in advance, and $2 00 if not . paid until the end of the year. No paper discontinued, untikall arrearages are paid, except at the option of ;tr. prokrietor." AnvEturtsv.mmit, making not more than one square, will be insgted thiee times for one dollar and for every subseques insertion twenty-Gve •cents. Larger advertisements charged in The same proportion. Those not exceeding ten lilies, will be charged seveUty-five cents, and those mak- . ing six lines or less, three insertions for 50 cents. r_V''A liberal deduction will he made to those 'who advertise by the year. LI - r Office in Hamilton Street, next door to Stem's .dllentoym Hotel, (formerly fl eisB') opposite Schnurman's Store. . 11 1 'a itt ttAI:EILD The undersigned wishes to engage two or three young ladies of respectable character to learn the fancy Millinery business. Im mediate application should be made, at her Millinery store, one door east of Lewis Schmidt and Co's. Drug Store in Hamilton street Allentown. NIATILDA BROWN ¶-4w Feb. 8 Assignee Notice. Notice,js hereby given that, Mr. TV i Fulnter, of Upper Saucon township, Lehigh county, has on the 31st of day January last, madegoroluntary assignment, of all his prop erty, , Personal and mixed, to the undersign ed for the benefit of his creditors. Such, therefore, who are in anywise indebted to the said William Fulmer, are immediately called upon to maim settlement. And those who have claims, will present them well au thenticated to the undersigned. A. K. wyrmAN, .lesignee. Feb. S. J:lissolution of partnerst)ip. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship existing under the firm of Wu ner 4 Huber, will be dissolved by the first of April next, and that the business will go into oth er hands after that time. All persons in debted to the said firm will call and make • settlement, and such who have demands against the said firm, will please present the same for settlement. Such who hold Due- bills -fur country produce, are strongly ur,g et! to present them for payment before the Ist of April next. They further wish to inform their customers, that Tread; will not be taken in payment for book debts af ter the above date. WAGNER &. HUBER. 11-2 m Feb. 8 1.1021EC0M4 Notice is hereby given, that the" under signed have taken out letters of Administra tion of the estate of William Wagner; dec'd., late of the borough of Allentown, Le high county. Therefore all those who are in debted to said estate, will see the necessity of settling their accounts within 6 weeks, and such who have any demands • against the said estate, will present'their claims well au thenticated within the above specified time. JOHN WAGNER, .411ners. REBECCA WAGNER, February 8.. if-6w C. Ar. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Has taken the 011ice•of the late Samuel flunk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all ):iusiness entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining , counties. • Mr. Rum( kay be consulted in the Ger man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. Prof:. S. Greenleg Cambridge, Mass. Hon. W. Kent, New York City. June 13. —.lw IP PICK OFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office East of 'theCourt House and nearly "apposite, at the corner of Margaret and Hamilton streets May 25 .Henry C. Longnecker,____ Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Has resumed the practice of his profes idon in 'Llehigh and the adjoining counties. His office is in the. residence of the late Hon. Jon W. Hornbeck, in Hamilton street, Bor- Ough of Allentbwn Military 11 . _ Braiidreth and Wrights Pills, ,Pontry merchants and others, are here nOtitecl , that, the far famous Pills of . 1 . Ir cctors 'lVplivn Wrigh t , and BenjUmin 1 3:rahAiTqa, stlp congtarOy l ie forat& the office -of ,ttis,, , _ , M4lo.oe i gmtvi!' by. the Dozen boxes; at Wholesale prices.- • • April 17 ¶-4w nos, Literature, poctri), Science, Siccbanics, Agriculture, the Miffusion of Useful Information, /general 3nteilicience, amusement, „Markets, &c. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1631 CI - MSNerl' STREET, near Fifth street. Chailes N. Bancker, Geo. W. Richards, Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. CONTIMTE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consis tent with security. ' The Company have reserved a large Conlin. gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi. ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably .to an Act of As sembly, were as follows, viz:. Mortgages, $890,558 65 Real Estate; 108.258 90 Temporary Loans, 125,459 00 Stocks, 51,563 25 Cash, &c., 46,158 Si Since their incorporation, .a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million, Iwo hundred f hougand dollars, losses by fire; there by affording, evidence of the advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. CHARLES G. BANCKER, Svc'y. The Subscribers arc the appointed Agents'of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip tion of property, at the lowest rates. „ AUGUSTUS 1,. RUHE, Allentown C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, June 13, 1848. 1-1 y IVEW. a all Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed Executor, of the Estate of Grorpe Birk, dec'd.. late of Upper Milford township, Lehigh county. Therefore all persons Who are indebted to said estate, will : please to make settlement, between now and the first day of March next, and also all per sons having claims against said estate, will please to present them within said specified time. FREDERICK Sinmasn, Executor. .Residing at Sally Ann Furnace, Barks county Jan. IS ¶-6w Assignee Notice. Notice is hereby given, that John Romig, and his wife Maria, of Lower Macung,y township, Lehigh county. have on the 22d day of January 1849, made a voluntary as signment of all their property, real, person al and mixed. to the undersigned, for the benefit of their creditors. Such, therefore, who are indebted to the said John Romig. will see the necessity of making payment, between now and six weeks, and those who have any legal claims, will present them in the above specified time. DAVID 0. MOSER, Ssignee, Feb. 8. ¶-6w • A Frame House For Sale, A new and convenient one and a t'imirii) half story frame nee, Dwelling House, situated in a pleasant part of the Borough of Allentown. The House is 16 by 24, on a lot 20 feet front by 230 deep. The terms . can be made very accomodat ing, and the property will be sold very rea sonable. For particulars enquire at this Of fice. - Jan. 25. ¶-4w LEE & WALKER, SUCCESSORS TO Ca:O. WILLIS, HAVE removed their stock of Music and Musical Instruments, to the new and spa cious store in Swaim's Building, No. 162 Chestnut Street, below Seventh, PHILA DELPHIA, where they invite the attend ance and patronage of• the pn,l)lic. LEE & WALKER having purchased the entire stock of Geo. Willig, (who has de clined business,) are now prepared to exe cute all orders" in their line. Their assort ment of Music and Musical Instruments, is as extensive as that of any other establish ment in the country. - PIANO FORTES, :from various well known apd approved manufactories, now in store, and will be constantly offered for sale. ['Country dealers supplied on very rea sonable terms. Feb. 8. *-tim LANGENHEIM'S Daguerreotype Establishment, The Hon. HENRY CLAY visiting this Establishment for the purpose of having a Daguerreotype taken, expressed flattering .opinions on this favorite place of the !.beau ty and fashion" of Philadelphia, and vast numbers of strangers resort to it to procure a really good Daguerreotype. The Propri etors will make.every exertion to extend the long. established, fame of this well known Establishment,. . Family Groves, Groves Chi)dren,..find single, Portraits of all ages tire ex uted. , well: • P ladelphia A jril, Z. -• I- ISr 4 1-6 i n INDEMNITY Directors 51,220,097 67 Exchange, Third Story, Phil. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA., FEBRUARY 22, 1849. Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Statement of the Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1849, published in conforni ity, with the provisions of the sixth section of the. Act of Assembly of April sth, 1849. MORTGAGES. Being first Mortgages well secured on real. estate, free of ground rent, and are all in the city and county . of Philadelphia, except $40.450 in Bucks, Montgomery. Schuylkill & Alleg,hanycounties,Penw.ylvania, 'also $7,500 in Ohio, amply sucur ed by real estate in Phi adelphia, $1,047,438 41 REAL ESTATE. : Purchased at Sheriff's sales, unden mortgage claims, viz: Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 ft. On the south west contend chest nut & Schuylkill Sixth streets. 1 A house and lot, 33 3 by 100 feet, 1 No. 467 Chestnut Street, A house and lot, 27 by 81 feet, on the north side of Spruce street west of eleventh street, A house and lot. 21 7 by 100 feet. on west side of Penn square, south of High street, Two houses and lots, each 18 by 80 feet,tl south side of Spruce street near Schuylkill seventh street, Five houses and lots, each 170' by 90 feet, Nos. 131, 133, 135, 137, and 139, Dillwyn street, Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 ft. on east side of Schuylkill sixth street, south of Pine street. Four houses and lot. 46 11 by 80. feet, on east side of Thit d street, above Catharine street. A house and lot, 18 by 106 feet, on south side of Filbert street, west of .Schuylkill seventh street. A lot of ground 17 by 57 feet. on the north corner of Schuylkill Front and Spruce streets. Hotel and lot. 50 by 81 feet, on the south east corner of Chestnut and Beach streets. Five houses and lot, 4.2 by 86 feet, on the north side of George street, west of Ashton street. Seven houses and lots, 26 by 117 feet, on the east side of Reach st. south of Chestnut street. A honSe and lot, 18 by 80 feet, No. 96, Fitzwater Street, east of Ninth streets. LOANS. - Temporary Loans on collateral-sc curities, amply secured, STOCKS. $5,000 United States 5 per cent. - 1 (interest on) $lO.OOO Alms' House Loan, 5 per cent. (interest on) 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 do. North. Bank of Ken. 100 , do. Union ,Bk. of Term. 13 do. Insurance company of state of Penn. ct 200 • do. Southwark Railroad Company. 37 do• Commercial & Rail ga. Road Bk. of Vicks-T, burg. 91 do. Franklin Fire Insur-..`' ance Company. 6 do. Mercantile Libraty Company. 5 do. Union Canal Comp. 90 do. North Atneric. Coal Company. $5OO North American Coal loan•. Cash on hand, - $17,021 0: Clash in hands of Agents, 12,616 5 Notes and Bills receivable, Unsettled Policies, - Merchandise, - - Total. - - - - $1,32E092 71 By Order of the Board, cIIARLES N. BANCKER, President. • ATTEST, CHARLES G. BANCKER, Secretary. January 25. 1-14) VZ The Partnership of the late firm of SEL FRIDOE & WILSON, having been dissnlved, notice is hereby given to all persons indebt ed to said. firm, either by note, book account or otherwise, to make payment to the under signed, surviving partner of said firm, (who is the only person authorized to settle the ac counts) between now and the first of March next, as all notes, accounts, &c. remaining unpaid after that time, will be placed in the husk of a magistrate for collection. All pertons having claims against said firm will present them to the undersigned for settle ment, in the above specified time. The subscriber is always to be Idund at his residence a few doors below Stettler and George's Confectionary establishment January 11 Gum Shoes, Gum Shoes, Just received a very large assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen and Childrens' Gum Shoes, at prices from 50 cents to $1,37, for sale at the store of LOCHNIAN & BROTHER. ° January . ll Lamps, Lamps, Lamps, Just received a splendid lot of Catid'wbra, Lard, Camphine ,and Fluid Lamps, which will be sold clrap,by.. • 'LOCHIWAN & BROTHER. January 11. 1-4 w At Cost 94,724 83 96,001 65 At Cost 51,523 25 29,63 S 53 7,481 75 1,270 25 - 413 84 THOMAS B. WILSON. 11-6 w RE MO 'MIL. 3 0 Well WE NV ER. , Lumber Merchant in Allentown. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that lig has lately remov ed his Lumber-Yard t the south .side of Hamilton street, near Weaver's Hotel. He ha 7 s lately received a very large supply of all kinds of Boards and building timber, comprising over 600,000 Feet , Such as Yellow , and White. Pine, Floring boards, Poplar boards, Scantling, Joists and Planks, Mapel boards and Planks, Rafters, Ash Planks, Laths, Ladder trees, besides all kinds of other Boards, Scantling, Posts, Lath and Shindies, all of which he will sell at very reduced prices. • Farmers, Carpenters and Builders, who have occasion to use the different sorts of timber he has for sale, will do well to give him a call before they purchase elsewhere, as he is willing to have his stock examined without .charge. He returns his sincere thanks for the ninny favoiirs he has heretofore received, and feels confident that his extreme low prices wilt 'be 'file means of receiving many new customers. JOSEPH WEAVER. ¶-4en November 16 ME U. Boot, Shoe and Hat Store. The undersigned have just opened a New I3oot, Shoe, 1-lat and Variety Store, in the well known stand, formerly occupied by Ludwig Schmidt's Drug Store, Allentown. Tiwir stock comprises every variety of Boots and Shoes for the present and approaching season, viz : Men's awl Bogs' Thick, 'rip and Calf Boots, Boats and Shoes, Ladies' Mo. rocco, Kid and Leather hoots and shoes of every variety, superior Gaiter and half Gai ters. together with an extensive assortment of Gum shoes for men, women and children ; children's shoes and gaiters of every varie ty; Trunks, &c. Also a larger and more fashionable stock of Hats and Caps than was ever exhibited in Allentown. Extra Moleskin, Silk and Beaver hats of Fall and Winter style, got up in. the most exquisite manner ; also Fur, Brush and Wool hats of every description. A large and beautiful assortment of Cloth, Plush, Glazed and Vel vet Caps, Umbrellas, Camphine, Fluid and Lard Lamps. Stockings, Gloves, &c. &c., all of which will be sold at the very lowest prices, for cash. Conte, and See. LOCHMAN & BROTHER Et7'C. L. Lockman has removed his Da guerreotype Gallery to the same building, (second floor.) where he will continue to take likenesses in his well known beautiful style. November 9. Cheap Hat and Culp Store, Hamilton Street nearly opposite Weiss Hotel; dilleiitown. Jacob D. Boas, Takes this method to inform hi.: friends and customers, that he still continues the Hatmaking, and Cap business, and keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment of the most fashionable, ' Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Russia, Silk and Napped Hats, which he will sell at the lowest prices. .918 o—a large assortment of Mens, Boys and ChildrenB caps, at verAl reduced prices. He is likewi; e prepared to manufacture to order flats at the shortest possible notice. Thankful for past favors he hopes to en joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels confident that his Hats, fully recommend themselves. . . reSuch who aro indebted to him for some length of time, will please recollect, that their accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expected will not be neglected. Nov. 9. 411—ly • Hiram Brobst, Dentist in Allentown. Respectfully informs his friends Toil e '; and the public in general, that he still continues the practice'of his profession in all its, various branches, such as filing, cleaning, plugging and inserting from a'sin gle tooth.to a full set, on moderate terms. His office is in the second story, aboVe the Store of Grim & Reninger, on the North west corner of Market Square, entrance on Allen street. Recommendatien: , Mr. HIM BROBST has practiced as Den tist in this place for the•last three Months, and in consequence of his superior abilities in the profession. we recommend him to the public. CYRENIUS WILLIAMS, M. D. L. FLENTIE. P. N. C. fier.sEv. M. D. ' SAmuist. B. rerce..M. D. Nesqueboning;Ta., August gO, 1844; November 0. TAKE NOTICE. Dont let yourselves be deceived, bought. or caught by fictitious prices, that are pub lished in the papers. The undersigned sell as low as our next neighbors, and in fact as low as any commission house in Allentown. We do not deem it necessary to publish prices, in order to inform tlie public that we sell at lower rates. than others all we ask, is, that such who purchase Iron, Hardware, &c. should give us a call, and they will find that 66.S'aeger's Hardware Store" sells as low if not lower than any house in town. 0. & J. SAEGER, Iron 4• Hardware Store, .911entown. January 11. NEW ARRIVAL OF Rardware. The undersigned have just returned from te ti eeliOotta Philadelphia with a large as soriment of Hardware, Cut lery and Saddlery, with Coach-triming,s and Shot-findings, all of which will be sold at reduced prices at the Store of 0. & J. SAEGER. November IRON.—•A_ good lot of Hammered and Rolled. Iron, Sheet Iron, American and Eng lish Band Iron, Hoop Iron. Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat and round, just •received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the Store of 0. & J. SAEGER. GLASS:,-150 boxes Glass of all sizes, for sale by 0. &J. SAEGER. " WHITE LEAD.-1 ton of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by 0.& J. SAEGER. NAILS.-200 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received, and for sale by 0. & J: SAEGER. COAC H-T M INGS.—A good assort ment of Coach-Trimmings just received, and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. SHOE-FINDINGS.—A large assortment of Shoe-Findings, just received and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. TO 11 ILDERS.-,-.A large assortment of Hinge.;. S'crews, Nails, Bolts with Mine ral Knob Locks, German Locks and Latch es, &c., ptst received and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. LOOKING-GLASSES.—A splendid lot of Looking Glass Plates, and Frames of all sizes for sale by 0. S. J. SAEGER. OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var.' nish of all kinds, Glue, &c.,—will be sold cheap by 0. &. J. SAEGER. PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's .Tools, for sale cheap by 0. & J. SAEGER. HOUSE KEEPERS.—A good supply of articles for House keepers, such-as ena meled Boilers, oval and round, Plates, &c., for sale by . O. & J. SAEGER. Nov. 14. ¶-6w 1D131111.1121a Informs his old friends and the public in general, that he has moved into his new. building, at the "old stand," and that he is again ready at all times to attend to pro fessional duties. Nov. 16. ¶-4w DOCTOR YOURSELF! For Q Centi! BY MEANS OF THE POCKET ESCULAP IUS, or every one • his own physician! twenti eth edition, with upwards Ora hundred engravings, showing private diseases in every shape and form, and malformations of pie• generative system; By W. YOUNG,M. D. The time has now arrived, that persons suffering.from secret .disease, need nomore become the VICTIM OF dIJACKERY, ais .by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure,himpelf, tvithout hin - drance to bu siness, or the knowkdge of the most inti mate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. In additkin to the general routine of private d isease, it fully. exilains the cause of manhood's early .decline, with observa tions on marriage. --besides Many other de rangements which it wail(' not be proper to enernerate.in the public prints. - rir Any person sending TWEMTY-FIVE cENrs enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book,. by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar..A ddress..yDß.. W. YOUNG, No. 152 - SPRUCE Street, PoitqatEt.ektria" Post Paid- • . rirVANTED,Proprietors of Drug or Book. Stores, and Pedlers, in every town in lhe LThikeid,Stuten,,,tn act as ngente for the above work. ' Sept. 14. NUMBER 20. Now is Your Time to Buy Cheai Iron and Hardware. • Barber & Young; Respectfully.inferm their friends and the public in general, that they are determined to sell their large stock of Iron just received comprising among others 50 Tons English Iron, such as Square and Round. All sizes of Waggon-tire, which will be sold at 21- cents a pound, and for CASH at 21 cents. Ham mered at 4 cents, and all sizes American roll ed very cheap. 25 Blacksmith Anvils, of the best kind and warranted, at 113 cents a pound. A lot of Horse Nail Rods, the best in the United States, warranted. ALSO—Cast, Shear, Blister and Spring Steel, will be sold at extraordinary low pri ces, together with n very extensive assort •ment of - -.'ec! HARDWARE, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, &c. Mechanics Tools, such as Planes, Saws, and all other kinds of Tools, which will be sold nt lower rates, than any other house in the United States. Thankful for past favors they have re ceived from a generous public, they trust that through punctual attendance to busi ness and small profits, they will be able to gain a still more extensive pationage. January 4. . 111-41 v ROGER BROWN'S WINE & LIQUOR STORE; NO. 323 MARKET STREET, Bet‘ireen Eighth and Ninth Strs, North side. Philadelphia. All kinds of Foreign Wines and Liquors such as-- Old Cognac Brandies, Dark ~,..7,;.r,zr , •ii„60 and Pale, Holland Gin, Jao I.ll;4Pinry r maica Spirits, Irish and Scotch — 2 7:- 1 ••" = =l1alt' Whiskey, of the very finest quality. WIIIIES.—Such as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and Champagne, very choice and ohl. Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin, Pure Spirits, Deoderized Alchohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Bran dy, Wild Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordi r els, Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a large supply of fine Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ver ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern Keepers, will do well to give the mar de rs igned a call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will bear the closest scrutiny, recollect number 323 Market street. ROGER BROWN.. Philadelphia August 8. 11-1 y Frederick Bo!lieu, BELIAINGER, BRAND-CUTTER AND LOCH-BiliTll, In .Illentown. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues the above business in all its various branches, at his stand, one door smith of Dillinger & Craig's Dry Goode Store, in. Allen street it, the Botough of Allentown, where ho will also manufacture to order all kinds of SCALES for Druggists, Grocers, 7 A and other branches, war ranted to be strictly accu . te- . 'rate, finished in the most splendid niVicer. lle,also manufactures all kinds of Locks, Door-plates, Door-knock ers, and every othei article in his line. Repairing of Locks, Lamps, in short eve ry thing in Steel, Iron, Brass or Copper, can be repaired at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Mr. Bottum trusts through punctual at tendence to business and moderate charges, he will be able to gain a large share of pub lic, patronage, for which he will ever be thankful., • . • Allentown, December 2.1.. Cuie for the - Teititliache. —Persons who are troubled with this pain ful disease, can pro Cure a positive remedy from the , undersigned, at a very moderate price. It also possesses the quality of pre serving the teeth from.further decay. Such therefore who are muhled with the tooth ache, will know where to find a cure for it. DANIEL KEIPER. The undersigned citizens of Allentown. have used,the Tooth Ache Drops of Keiper, and can recotnmend them as an ef fectual remedy for the painful , disease. - J. W. Mickly, William Burger, " 'Geo. Kistler, Jeremiah Schnobel; Sarah Massey, • • Henry•Hardner, ' Dan. Zacharias, 'Hiram Beers, Robert Kramer,Peter Henry Bc6tartz. , Grarigtivero, W. T. Dar, ' • - G t ; A.'646werK November 9.- 1-2os 'll-1m