ItE•110P.IL. OSEPI-I. INVAVER ) Limber Merchant In Allentown. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he hai lately remov ed his Lumber-Yard to the south side of Hamilton street, near Weaver's Hotel. He has lately received a very large supply ,of all kinds of Boards and building timber, comprising• over 600,000 Peet, Such as Yellow and White Pine, Floring boards, Poplar boards, Scantling, Joists and Planks, Dispel boards and Planks, Rafteri, Ash Planks, Laths, Ladder trees, besides all kinds of other Boards, Scantling, Posts, Lath and Shindies, all of which he will sell •ai, very reduced prices. ----Farmers, Carpenters and Builders, who : •have occasion to use the different sorts of timber he has for sale, will do well to give him a call before they purchase elsewhere, as he is willing to have his stock examined without charge. He returns his sincere thanks .for the many favours . be has heretofore 'received, and feels confident that his extrem low prices will be the means of receiving m ny new customers. JOSEPH WEAV R; m November W. ,Tri'lal7' I'U.LB iii The undersigned give public notice, that they have entered into Partnership, in the Mercantile business on the Ist of October last, and are trading under the firm of Mertz 4. Landis. The establishment is opened in the old stand, which has been rebuilt. They have just received and are now opening a very heavy stock of Goods. . ELIAS MERTZ, BENJ. LANDIS, ¶-4w Nov. 8. New Mercantile, Firm, *incurs. Mertz &Landis, Respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have opened their new establishment, in the new brie • door next to Dr. Danowsk a and Drug Store, in Hami on Borough of . Allentown, w ere they are now unpacking a very larg as sortment of - '. - DRY GOODS -..!.:_ 0 Grocer ie f illOr li ' i '111 .1 11: 1„ „. • ;t i . - Queens, Glans r - .1•.-7L ' and . • thenware, all of which they will dis pose of at the very lowest prices or exchange them for country produce. ' They will sell all 1:;,, , t- - -___ at least $1 cheap' Sitinetts, -- "25----cek., yard, white red rfd - y‘... cents per yar, handsome Ili. find Muslin e Laines at 121 cents per „tr a yard, other goods comparatively cheap. The have both been in the mercantile bu siness for a number of years, and are fully satisfied that they have selected a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever be fore offered in Allentown, and are determin ed to sell them at a very small advance. They hope therefore that through strict at tention to their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public patronage . for which they will ever be thankful. MERTZ S. LANDES. 11-21 n Nov. 16. Look Here t All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange for goods, suck as Clover seed and Grain, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Wax, Soap, Hams, dried Apples, Cherries, Fla. , rags, carpets, wood, yarn, potatoes, fowls, cord; &c. &c., for which we will pay the highest market prices. MEATS & LANDS. November 16. Dissolution of Paytnership. The Partnership•heretofore existing un der the firm of Mertz (S• Weaver, ,An the mercantile business, in the Borough of Al lentown, was dissolved on the first , of Octo ber 1848, by mutual consent. All those who may yet hol ie bills r other claims against said firm, vil p ease present them for payment immediately. And all such whorare indebted in the books of the firm, are hereby notified, to call at the old stand where the books will remain for settlement, 'until the first of January. We return our sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to us, and hope it, may be extend ed to the new firm. November 0 Winter Clothing II ') T AT GEORGE CULIN'S, S utheast corner of Second and Market Strs. PIIILADELPIIIA. -Gentlemen visiting the city, and wishing to supply themselves with Cheap and Fash ionable Winter Clothing, will find a large, complete and choice assortment of Bangup Coats, Cloaks, Business Coats, Dress and Frock Coats, Boys Coats in great variety, made of .11meri. can English 4- French Cloths. ALSO--Pantaloons for men and Boys made of Cassimeres, Doe Skins. Satinetts, &c., &c.,—Vests for men and Boys of Silk, Satin, Velvet, Cloth and Cashmere. Also,, Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c., at the lowest possible priees for CASH. Remem-. ber, •we will sell as cheap as any Clothing Establishment in the United States. GEORGE CULIN Southeast Corner of Second and Market Streets Philadelphia. 1 ¶_lf. Sept. 21. .7013-.PHIMTIM • H tlyeiventol itt the Mkt sr e*P ELIAS MERTZ, W. W. WEAVER, 11-,lw ~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~D~~I~v Incoiporated 1814, R. C. CRANDLEILA. E. Principal. • Idr.E.Foote Associate, Male Dep. and Prof. of French. Mm. J. G. 11. Blydenburg, Female Dep.- , The nett term (of 11 weeks) of this in stitution commences on Monday November the 27th. STUDIES The branches taught include all those of a good English education together with the modern and ancient Languages, Vocal and Instrumental music, Surveying, Book-keep ing, &c. Patticular attention is paid to th - study of the English Language, as a Lan guage, as well as to Vocal music and Deck- I motion, branches, too often overlooked in most schools. .I oarding Scholars. The Principal would like to receive five pupils, into his family to whose comfort and improvement, his undivided attention will be directed. $36 per term will meet every necessary expense excepting Books and Tuition : The price of the latter in the English studies va ries from three to five dollars per session, with an extra charge of $1 when classical studies are added. REFERENCES; The most satisfactory references will be given upon application although the Princi pal relies rather upon that recomineudation which always attends capability and fideli ty, than upon .that of others. R. C. CHANDLER. Si-4w Nov. 16 ME 1M Boot, Shoe and Hat Store. The undersigned have just opened a New Boot, Shoe, Hat and Variety Store, in the well known stand, formerly occupied by Ludwig Schmidt's Drug Store, Allentown. Their stock comprises every variety of Boots and Shoes for the 'present and approaching season, viz : Men's and Boys' Thich, Kip and Calf Boots, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' MO, rocco, Kid and Leather boots and shoes of every variety, superior Gaiter and half Gai ters, together with an extensive assortment of Gum shoes for men, women and children ; children's shoes and gaiters of every varie ty; Trunks, &c. Also a larger and more fashionable stock of Hats and Caps than was ever exhibited in Allentown. Extra Moleskin Silk and Beaver hats of Fall and Winker st le, got up in the most exquisite manner; :Iso Fu Brush and Wool hats of every . • • non, A large and beatiTil9l assortment f Cloth, Pliish, Glazed and 'Vel vet Caps, mbrellas, Cam phine, Fluid and Lard La ps, Stockings, Gloves, &c. &c., all o vh' • I will be sold at the very lowest prices, for cash. Come and See. LOCIIMAN & BROTHER. rE®'C. L: Lachman has removed his Da guerreotype Gallery to the same building, (second floor,) where he will continue to take likenesses in his well known beautiful style. November 9. 111.4V1 - 11:1Bk Is hereby given, that the undersigned have ,been appointed Executors last Will and Testament of George Beek, dec'd. late of the township of Upper Milford, Le, high county. - Therefore all those persons who are indebted to said it in bonds, notes or otherwite, will see the necessity of Settling their accounts within two months Ind such, who have any demandS against ' aidASkate will present their claims well au thrimtici4d to of the undersigned with in the abeve-S - Pecifieflime. FRED. Siamese, Berk o. • Ex rs. ' Ciry. o. W. WEIKEL, U. Mil . November 30. Hiram Brobst, Ileutist in Allentown. RespeCifully informs his friends issa= and the public in general, that he still continues the practice of his profession in all its various. branches,•'such as filing, cleaning, pluggingand inserting from a sin gle tooth to a full set, on moderate terms. His office is in the second story, above the Store of Grim & Reninger, on the North west corner of Market Square, entrance on Allen street. Recrimmeradation r Mr. HIRAM Baotryints practiced as Den tist in this place(for last three months, and in consequenee of his superior abilities in the profession, we recommend hi to the public. CYRENIUS WILLIAMS(M. D. L. FLENTIE, M. D. N. C: HALscv, M. D. SAMUEL B. PRICE, M. D. Nesquehoning, Pa., August 30, 1818. November 9. 11-3rn TENNENTS' WASHINGTON GALERY OF DAGUERREOTYPES, No. 234 NORTII SECOND STREET, North West corner of Callowhill Street, PHILADELPHIA. The Likenesses taken and beautifully cell ored at this well known establishment, for One Dollar, are universally conceded to be equal in every respect to any in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A. large assortment of Me dallions and Lockets on hand, at from $2 to 5, including the picture. The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Lehigh county, to call and exam ine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibited cheerfully and without charge. T. &. J. C. TENNENT. July 4. ¶-6m. limPCKOFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office East of the Court House and nearly opposite, at the corner of Margaret and Hamilton streets. May 1g *LAIR . . New Apothecary Sto , e I IN ALLENTOWN. Dr, WHAM F. Di FOAMY, Takes this method' to inform his friends, and' the public in general, that he now oc •cupies his new building, a few doors eazi'of Hagenkuch's Hotel, and has again opened 1 a very large and splendid Apothecary and Drug Store. His building the public will remember is one door east of Mertz's Store, it Hamilton street in themßorough of Allentown. . • :. As the whole of his stock of Drugs, Medi cines and Fixtures, besides House and-Fur niture, have been destroyed by the devour ing elements on the Ist of June last—made it necessary for him to lay in an entirtl new stock of ~.2 DRUGS .AND MEDICINES, i --- 4 , 7 all of which he can warrant to be . i..*- pinuine, and of the best quality. • All kinds of Medicinal preparations such as Balsam de Malta, Gold Tincture, Pills, Horse-powders &c. &c.,. pat up in suitable forms for the contrenience.of his customers. He.also keeps an assortment of Surgical Instruments, - Trusses, Paint Oil, &c., all of which he will sell lower than ever before 'offered in this place. He also keeps an assortment bf hanging and counter Lamps, Lamp glasses, all kinds of fasihiorthle -- Pe i - neries, suck as Oil of ....a.h Rose. Millfleucr lurgatnot. &c.; Hair oils, of different kinds, _ cy and Shaving Soap ; Letter Soap ; Flair and. Tooth Brushes ; Tooth Powder, and a large assortment of Fancy Articles, al! of .frbich will be-sold at the very lowest cash prices. • Ile invites Physicias, • Country merch ants and others, to give r\ Wm a call at his new establishment, .and exat ine his stock of brags and Medicines, and he can assure them that they are not only all fresh and newly selected with the greatest care, but that he is also able to sell them at least 30 per cent cheaper than ever before offered in Al lentown.' Thankful for the many favors he has re ceived before the fire, he trysts that a gen erous public vv . nor forget to continue their patronage freely, 'a order that he may be able to make up the i eavy loss, that he has sustained by the fire the Ist of June. November 9. ¶-2w --- ---- _ _ - -- Dr, William F. Danowsky., „.„. Returns his - thanks to Lis friends for the confidence .reposed in him, and at the same , time offers his professional services by day 1 or night. In chronic diseases, he relies upon ; his fame. In midwifery he prides himself to say, that he never attended a case with fatal results. He treats without mercury, I and can say, the no case of alivation can be proven, in a p tice of twelve years in Lehigh county. 1 November 9. 11--6 w almanacs ! Almanacs 1 . DR.D 1 . JAYNE would respectfully n- form the publio that he publishes an , ally for gratuitous pistribution,.• by hit • elf and all his Agents. art Almanac, call :layne's Medical Almanac, AND °EIDE TO IIEATII. • The calcuiations for this Almanac are made with care anthaccuracy and for five differept Latitudes and Longitudes, so as to make them equally useful as a Calen dar in every part of the United States and British North America. They are printed on good paler, and with handsome new [ type, and aneatly,bound, and besides be ing% the neatest nd most accurate Calendar printed in a}e pited States, they contain a large"Of•valuable information, suit ed to the waintst all, and of that •nd too, which canndt b . fotind in - books. . HIS CATALOGUE OF DISEASES, ASES, % 'lt rerii i ty s.-i--'4'Nil and directions for their remov al i 3 invaluable, and make them wel come vislers in every house they enter. Every Ninny should possess at least one of these Antuals. His' Almanac for 1549 is now reap for distribution, of which he de signs to Publish at feast TWO MILLIONS, and ,in older that they every family in the United States and British America, may be l•furnished with a copy, he hereby invites I MERCHANTS AND S t TOREKEEPERS to forward their orders to him as early as possible, and they shallt.. uppplied GRA- D TUITOUSLY, with as ma copies as they may deem. necessary to su ply their vari ous customers. They area o invited at the same time, to send a copy 'cf their "BUST= NESS CARD," which will be printed and placed on the cover of the Almanacs sent them, also without Charge..... They are also requested to give all neces sary directions how the Almanacs should be forwarded to tbeni. By law they Can not be sent by mail _unless the postage is first paid on them here. • • Orders (post paid,) directed to Dr. D. JAYNE, Philadelphia, will meet with prompt attention. Lk' r ATIIIL lEcan obtain these Al manac Gratis of Lewis Schmidt &C I . agars for the sale of Dr. JAYNE'S CEL MATED FAMILYMEDICINES. No 30. • . ¶-4w. . 1 tilii s 01i k k I /II i - 5l is ice is aereby given, theft the Partner ieretobre existing under the firm of , nbac./1 Sellers; in the Coachrqaking at South Bethlehem, Northampton Fy; was by mutual consent dissolved on 61st. of October last. Such therefore ire indebted, or have any claims against firm, are earnestly requested to call up r. Lokhenbach, who has the books in ession, and settle their accounts. LticnENßAcn & SELLERS. ship 1 Lucy bush tour the who sai tri The business will be continued in all arious branches, at the ' , old stand." He ites hie friends and the public in general ve hirt a call, and he feels assured that can accommodate them inevery respect. THOMAS B. .LUCHENBACII. Slot ..Betbleheatiov. 20. Clocks. Violins and Bows, also, Violin Strings, &c. The aim aam iv new, and 7 lected with beg] and of the latest fashions am stl lie invitt , t t. give him a call, ptirtionlarly 110 I.a.dies, and toil x mine his beautiful slot; Of Jewelry ; and he feels con fident that he•k'n satisfy them that his goods inli not only Isl cheap as can be found in Town, but wi: tear the strictest examina tion for theirrittity. _ • He is thankat for past favors and trusts that his prices ,M 1 his beautiful assortment will bring him many new customers, to whom he will e er feel grateful. EV - Repairing:Of Clocks: Watches, Jew elry, &c. will be Tone at the shortest notice, all of which he warrants to be done well, at the usual prices JOSEPH WEISS. October 19 LOOK HERE !: ,emeinber tht well know n Wheel-Wright Establishment, Formerly carried on I,y Tobias Hoffert, de- i ceased, and latterly ty Ludwig Wolf, in -Williams street, Borouß of . Charlel - A Halbach, Embraces this opportunity to inform respect fully the public in (reneral, that he has taken in possession the above t named Wheelright Establishment, which will in future be car ried on by him on an extensive scale. - e is prepared to manufacture to order,and so keep on hand, heavy and light Wagons, "arts, Wheel-barrows, Ploughs, Harrows, Wago odies, Ladders, & & c. c. which for durabi iC (13 y and good workmanship cannot be surpa ed. His prices will be reasonable, and t re advantageous than in any other estabO, ment. He flatters himself that he has employed as good and skillful, if not the best hand, that can be found in this county. His materials are of the best quality, com pletely seasoned. He has an assortment of Wagon-bows always on hand. Being known as a good and experienced workman, in all the various branches of the baSiness, encourages him to solicit old and former customers, for their patronage. Be ing able to warrant his work for durability and neatness to the entire satisfaction of all his customers. Fe - Repairing of all kinds in his line of business will be attended x th fitf.s— ness, punctuality and de pate and on the most reasonable terms. . . Allentown Septembt4 21. ¶-3M acoultcom. Notice is hereby given, that an Applica tion will be made to the next Legislature for a Bank, to be located in the Borough of Al lentown, Lehigh county, to be, called the Allentown Bank of Lehigh county, with - a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with„liberty to commence banking opera tions when $50,000 are paid in. , GEORGE STEIN, HENRY WEINSIIEIMER, Wm. EDELMAN, OWEN SAEGER, J. Q.. COLE, A. G. RENINGER, AMOS ETTINGER, DANIEL FATZINOER, JONATHAN COOK, FIENRY SCHSURMAN, JOSHUA, HASSE, EPIIRAIM GRIM, Allentown, July 1,1848. 11-6 m: Cure for the TootliAcli9. Persons who are troubled with this pall lul disease, can procure a positive rempy. from the undersigned, at a very-modeyate" price. It also possesses the. quality ofkre serving the teeth from further decay. i Such therefore who are troubled with' thefooth ache, will know where to find a curfor? it. DANIEL KEIPER.. . , The undersigned citizens of A ..ntown, have used the Tooth Ache Drops f Daniel Keiper, and can recommend the as an ef fectual remedy for the painful ditease. 0 • J. W. Mickly, Willie Burger, Geo. Kezber, Jerern . hSchnobel, Sarah• Massey, Henr Hardner, Dan. Zacharias, Him Beers, Robert Kramer, Peter Diehl, * Henry Schivartz, E• clitngvvere, W. T. Derr, G. Gangwere, November 9. . f ¶-3m Mrs. Matilda ce,kman, Respectfully inforos tl town, that she has agai self opposite the Acrid - ern always keep on hand Fresh• Pound, iloudion 4. 41 She will also bake and Pies to order, an community will extol patrbnage. Allentown' June 1848. ¶.-8w New Goods!, New — Goods! • rretz, Kern Ar. Co, Have just returned from Philadelphia and New York with a large and splendid assort ment of Dry Goods, suitable for the season .'—consisting in part of Cloths, Cassinters, Sattincis, .Vestings, Velvets, Checks, Mous de Loins, I Bombazines, A Ipacas, phi ii and Satin striped 1 Cashmeres, Brochn, Terkire, Thibit Merino'l and other Shawls. I ALso—Lacks, Ribbons, Gloves, Carpets, I Hose, &c. &c. I - - Grocerici. i 1 4.;; ,,. A fresh supply ~.„,,„2 , .... 1 ~:Air.,-;/ nu! of Groceries, such ', 1 s' , 4, and I tom - _ty!..g it! k i li 1 , 1 ,, as litirtava, ant, 1 . cr i :'—' other frees u- -- '? 1 gars,Teas Chocolatit, Spi s, Molasses,.,, .m -' Mon and r il, Indigo, ',Wad er, I Alum, DI Wl's, &c.: all of which wi trol sold in large and small quantities to suit put , I chasers.' I 'As it is the intention to change the firm the coming sprlhgrthey. mean tq reduce,: , their stock, and in order to do so they will !Sell their goods at very reduced prices. PRETZ,ICERNAVCO. October 26. ,'-w eiss md Jeweler, Messrs. Yeager lion street, in Illentown. • IBLIC. tfully informs his is in geneial, that. ; new house, and 1w York, with a d stock of SILVER WATCHES. and 24 hour !LOCK, ill assortment _o_ . It comprises other the follow u. Levers ; Anker 'rench did Swiss Steel Spectacles, Gold Breast-pins, , Gold pens, Gold Tea' and Table of articles in his also on hand a Slime coal l Plaster and Salt. 1500 Tons-of 'Stone Coal of various-kinds. 50 Tons of Plaster. 1 ii gnshe Liverpool around Solt. 200 Sacks do. . do. do. 50 do. do, fine do. .. Just received and for sale by PRETZ, KERN S Co. 1-4 W October .26 Surveyors Compass. A perfectly new and complete six inch needle Compass and Chain made by h. Dra per in Philadelphia, will be sold clieni the undersigned. The compass is warran-- ted to be Terfect. Apply at •Lochman and Brothers' Cheap Variety Store. C. L. LOCHMAN. ¶-4w Dec. 7 THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of OFFICE, No. 163 CHESNUT STREET, near Vinh street. kn hatles N. Bancker, G N:o. W. Richards, I Fr tunas li-inn, - M D. Lewis, bias I , 'a,t,fiter, . o Boric, Samuel Grant, David . Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris 'atterson. ' CONTINUE to make Insure, permanent and limited, on every description of property, I n town and country, ai rates as low as are consis tent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi. ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist 1848, as pu eag eeably . to an Act of As semhly, eas follows, viz: Me tgages, $890,558 65 Since their incorpert. years, they have paid Imo hundred Mourn:ll d by Affording evidence ranee, as n u. as •he oty Meet with promptness, all liabilk CHARLES N. BANG! CHARLES.G. BANCKER, Sec's The Subscrilers are the appointed Agents of the above meitioned Institution, and are now prepared to mike insttrances . on every descrip tion of properly. at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS L: RUHE, Allentown. C. P. BLECK, Bethlehem; • Allentown,:une 13, 1848. JOHN T. MATC a - • f !Pallor in entown. and 'his' st/respectfu informs his friends and 'his ol i.N • ers in general, that he has e'S tablistd himself on the south side of Hamil ton s Feet, a few doors below Pretz, Kern & Co's lore, and will at all times be ready to Ina gentlemen's gannen after the latest Lo lon, Paris, N't , w York nd hiladelphia Il j s styles. ;He pledges himself to give entire satisfac tim to,those who may favor him with their patronage, and at the same time desires to )resent c. h is acknowledgments for past favels and solicits a contintAncNWlrsaine. November 2. l--6w . ------- wo c a. , l E , 1 41 Notice is hereby given, that the under signed have taken out, letters of Administra tion of the estate of Jolin Brong, dec'd, late ofSalsburg township; Lehigh county. •There fore all those who are indebted te — §aid es tate, will see the necessity of settling tNeir accounts within 6 weeks, and such who have dny demands against said estate, will present their claims well authenticated with in the above specified time. Daguerreotype Establishme Exchange, Third Story Phil, The Hon. HENRY CLAY visiting tit' • Establishment for the, purpose of having a Daguerreotype taken, expressed flattering opinions on this favorite place of the “beau ty and fashion" of Philadelphia, and Nast numbers of strangers resort to it to procure . a really good Daguerreotype. The Propri etors will make every exertion to extend the long established fame of this well known Establishment. Family Groupes, Groupes of Children, and single Portraits of all sizes ire executed equally well. Philadelphia April, 25. citizens of Allen . established her , where she will e a d her kind of Cakel. nd . make up Bread hopes that a feeling to her,their former ENGLISH & GERMAN JOB PRINTING , Of every description, neatly executed at the Office of the , "%later," INDEMNITY Directors: Real Estate, "" 108,358 90 Temporary Loans, 125,459 00 Stocks, 51,563 25 Cash, &c., 46,158 67 301-IN APPEL, Salsburg. GEORGE BRONG, Bucks Co. administrato rs de bonis non Nov. 30. CANGENHEIMIS Cheap Hat a.d Cap Store. Hamilton Street n. ,rly opposite Weiss * 4 Hotel, .4 intown. Jacob D. Boas, Takes this method to inform and customers, that he still contimties•itV':'* : Hatmaking and Cap" busineis, constantly on hand, a large assort4iitit..4l l / 4 . L the olbst fashionable, tt. • Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Russia,. ;.: Napped Hats, which he wil s ° e7'tlit .the lowest prices. .17 - lso—a large assertmrnt of' Me s, Boys • .. and Chihlrens Caps, at --- very reduced prices.' . He is likewise_prepared to,Ranulacture: • to order Hats at the shortest pciisible notice., Thankful for past favors he hopes to en, joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels; confident that his Hats, fully recommend themselves. tV'Sucli who are indebted to .him for some - length of time, will please recollect, that their accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expected. will not be tiegleCtOkt;i; Nov. 9. • • JO, • - ROG 13116 W ," WINE & LIQUOR SII*R NO. 323 MARKET ST .. 1 3% Between Eighth and. Ninth sid& Philadelphia. ` All kinds of Furi.•ign Wines and Liquor • anchors— • f 4 Ohl Cognac Brandies, Dark „ .ff` and Pali!', Holland Gin, Ja— . I , ' N ,_, :a l l ! maim Spirits,lrishandScoteht 1 4 • 4 '"" -- ' l Malt Whiskey, of the very , finest quality. l i viNES. 7 --Such as Madeira, Por , Sherri,' e c ifii.!, Sweet Malaga. Mu c , ! Chiret t' id C rnpagne, very choice . . iti:. Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distille Brandy and Gin, Pure Spirits, Deoderizedi A Ichohol, Peach Brandy, LavenderTran dy, Wild Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordi' als,RaFTberry Brandy, New Englaudlinm. &c.. &c., also a large supply of ;fine Old. Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the Ve— ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and. Tavern Keepers, will do well to give the un— dersigned a call before Purchasingelsewhere, and ,Isamine the Liquors, which he vouch es, Will bear the closest scrutiny; recollect. number 323 Market street. ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia-August,S. iiank.Note ( C orr e c t e d Wee.kly from - Bichnelex,ranCuurt's cottr 'Thompeon's Detector.) Bk of k Aracrica • par. Mechanics bank of Bk of nnsylv. par; Newark Dank o Commerce !Mechanics bank at late Mo meiming par! Burlington p 13k of N Liberties par! Mechanics & Man- Bk of Pe In 'rciwits. par ufacturers bank p Farmers •-*Mechan.par ! Newark banking & Kerisinclt par Ins. Company Manor. & lechan par !.New Hope & Dela- . I Mechanic Girard Ighteen , there f inqu tion to Philadclph Schuylkill Southwark tern the LI Com -1 of I, Bk A SEE OE COVNTRT Bk of Chamb , Bk of Gettysb , Bk of Pittsbur Bk of Susq. Ci Bk of Chester Bk of Germantt Bic of Lewiston Bk of Delaware Bk of Middletowi Bk of Mont;. Co Bk of Northumbl Columbia Bank Bridge Comp. I Carlisle Bank Daylestriwn.Bank Easton Bank Exchange Bank Erie Bank Farmers & Drove Bank , 1 Franklin Bank 1 Farmers Bank - of Bucks County I ar Farmers Bank'of Lancaster a Farmers Bank of, Reading par Parmers' Bank r Schuylkill co. par 1 Harrisburg Ban 1 Honesdale. Banl 1 Lancaster Bank , par Lancaster Co. kpa Lebanon Bank , _Lehigh Co. Bark .501 Lehigh Navigairm ;," Co, SCript. Miners Bank 0, Pottsville par.! Merchants & Rinaf. Bank, Pittsl t rg• Monongahela auk, Brownsvill Taylorstrilie Bridge Cool West Brand Wyomingall York Bank', NEW J Belvidere t Burlington Bank Commereii Cumberlar armers • rmers 'es Banl , ers4 ank, , Morris Cy 1 0"-Tht (-) Bram merchatits and 'others, are here d, that the far famous Pills of ' and Benjamin 1, are constantly kept for sale at. of the "Lehigh Register" by the xes, at Wholesale prieiff.'"• 7 • 1 -1-01 Cour. by nor' PoctOr: Brandr the offit poien April ware Br. Comp. fa Orange bank. Purples bank - • a. Plan. 50 Pr ik par C o. par 5i.11 . 1• za ew• rk, Br ins stqwn,par par par par par ,Bank aces 25 11133 EBB illy 5 LC, par nrri par ailed p. par 25. All E. The Banks of the state of Delaware are all at; par. NEW YORK. New York Cityks i Chelsea bank 80. Clinton bank - 50 . Commercial hank HI Lafayette bank 50' Washington bank 70. COUSTUT BANKS. Alleghany county hank 70 Bank of America 35. do of Commerce 40 do of 'Brockport ; 36 do of Lodi 26 .do of Olean 36 do of Tonawanda 50 do of Lyons 2i do of Western , New York • 30 llinghampton bank ' 40 Canal bank 2 Cattar gus ounty b 95 Erie on ty bank, 50 Farme Drovers bank 5 Farmers bank ofBe- ' neca- county 30 Hamilton bank, 30' Lewis county bank 80' Mechanics bank at 46 • Buffalo 45' Merchants bank at Mi l l 3 l u et ir s a b lo ank of Ne ' w 40 York 10 Oswego bank 20 Phenix bank 95 Staten Island bank 50 State bank ofN Y 80 St ; Trrence bank 75 U ' n bank ; SS ....United States bank 30 r N. York bank. Co. 70 , r Tenth Wark bank, 25 White Plains bank 5 i. Oj'All other banks not is mentioned in the above 6 .4 list are 'from 1 to llper ,c a i ' 1 'cent discount. on I Banks marked with ti dash . Irchaa d. by the brokers. par par a 35 !any, 50 ;ank, I It, 1 ,SEY. lk 1 innty . par Bank - Bank k lechanl Rahwa3 lerchar I. Point ity ote d Wrights Pills, eth a El KI Fl r. par ge
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers