LOCAL NEWS. xDTM!~—Bev. Mr. Fox, of the Gel-mun Be ;Mmed church, will punch in thnGetman kngnago in m Good Will engine house, Ridge rand, o- Sanday morning at 10} ochck. Ems or Luna—The medical journlll dud“ upon the evils of lying in bad. The hum of ”in; out of bed is a. greater evil. The worldfi we. to lying anyhow, and Whnrs the ‘l3. {IL ‘l‘tfl’eling with a necessary evil 2 _ :‘ . Sscnsv Lin-nun CHURCH-AT!“ Second Lu themn congregation vi“ 1101!! their "Irina- in the lecture room of gm- Baptist chunk, can" of Pine and Second sure“. to-mormw morning at lnlf gust ten o'claci- Punching by the picker, Rev. E. S. Johnni- Smefl-AK Amman—on Wednesday of last week, Ogden Weed, I. Inn of about 60 your: of 359, fell ever the bank of the Susquehanna river, near Smnahlnnfi Devonfm, and longed between the limbs of a. tree, and there was suspended by {:6 head until he expired. (harshest—m total amount of one and two «dang; notes issued ail national currency was 533,- 176,000. Of these there are now outstanding $33,716,607. The tot-l amount of five dolin- notes ism-ad ms 58!,65'5530. The {oml issue of ten dollar notes amounts to $93,960,000. WtA’r mlsmanA m him—GEM $1,273,; 1900 soldiers raised for the war since it was con mencad, 200,303 have been furnished by Pennsyl min. of this mhnber, 151.257 an three yen-s" vohmteen. The aixrlew England Sane: together ‘kavo raise! £98,642, or ever 12,0110 leis thin film, vylvania done. . SAL! or (Stun—Twenty tfimnnd ions 61’ coal 3f difi'etent quality and sites, was sold at nae ion in New Yak on Wednesday. The coal was sold in lots of team 100 tn 1,090 tons. ml Pfififinnngeqi from $7 to $lO. Including freight, $O., the nut. :39 cost to the New Yuck purchaser willie about $10.45 per ton for best fills-“W. A Smnmn —Tho public 'is cautioned against Walter 'l‘. Tinnley, who advertise! that 'he has an art which cost his: $l,OOO. which he wit commu idea“ for $l, and which wi'li tunable the operator to make a fibula” fortune in “less chm no timei” In would be safe to he: that Tiuslevy will secure Embeds of dollars by this swindle. More he {lll3‘ into the hands of the New York police. ALL Emma—Tho Allentown “Democrat” of last week hoists the name of Gen. Ono. E. M'ULELLAR for Preside-tin £864. The Stroudshurg-“Demo cut” and the Pkillipsbug“Btandord" do the some thing. All fight-Raul) it there?! Eben-o is no better name in tho-country- It is as good I! the gold, and in band to win at the ballot-box: as well as in the field. . Gunman-r Puma-me 'Orm€.—There are about five hundred names on the my roll of the Government prhfiug office at ‘Weshiugton, inclu ding men, women and chiloken. 'lu'the ‘hugna sionaldepuhenttheee are one hundred an twelve compomqm The fgga‘xdont visited the ems the other thy, and was boqnetted by the fair employ ees of the estafliahnent. Anna Exam Conn“ Roman—The build ing oocufiod by the Adam Express Company, at Uniontmm, was entered by burglars on Saturday night, and the safe, containing Albont $2,500 in money, can-Kodak: The authorities have been ao riva in main “demos-. 3 to -datmt‘tka than, but thus far have been unabla to discovelj the slightest trace of their Ihanabonta. Emmmc nu: Incom: Tun—Joseph Detweilor, of York equaty, r... was arrested -on Wednesday, by Depufjt United States Marshal Schuyler, on the charge of attempting to evade the income tax. It is alleged Hist he divided his property among his children, so that it should not come within the provisions of the law. The case liidl ‘fairto he in teresting, as it is the firm one of the hind brought to the notice of the United States authorities in Philadelyhfia. HORSES FOB was: Airman—Large numbers of horses, with the U. S. brand upon them, are pass ing through this city every few days, on their way to Washington. They are designed for the Army of the Potomac, in which horses are used up to nn‘enént almost incredible. Exposure to the weather, hand service, want of ease, food, 5512., song render the best horses useless for either cav alry or nrti‘dary- It is said the flange life of the cavalry horse is about six months. No GASr—On account of the coél amine, ocea sioned by the continued low stage of water in the Ohio river, the citizans of Luuisville, Ky., have been Without gas for the pass three weeks. As there is still no sign of a coal boa: rise, they will have to remain in darkness for some time longer. or else resort. to carbon oil. There are it least 5,000,000 bushels of coal afloat at Pittsburg, wait ing to stars on the first rise, which does not seem very close at. hand. Coal is now selling in Cin cinnati at 90 cents per bushel. TERRIBLE Amman—On Thursday night, Mrs. Ellen Maloney, a. ‘lady 60 years of age, was burned to death in Pittsburg, together with Mary Ann am! Emma Daily, twin sisters, aged about i years. Mrs. Maloney was in the s'ct of yutting the chil éren to bed. whee by aeei‘dentthe bed clothes took fire, anti before the flames could be extinguished the aid lady and the children, having first been ‘squcated by the smoke. were burned to death be fore they could be rescued. The fire companies were promptly on the spot, extinguished the flames, and saved the charred bodies from being entirely consumed. TEE entail-mi—h is important that a. correct record should he kept by the heard of trustees of a}! the interments made in an cemetery, in order that. these records may be referred to here-[tar by those in search of the time and cauSe of death and :be place of burial of some friend or mad“ I°os since deed. To this end, the Secretary of tho board has requested lot holders to furnish to the Treasurer the name. age, sex and cement death of persons to be buried. u the same time that appli. cation for a permit in made. Thin will insure a yerfech record, and will also furnish interesting date a satietieiau. V I=l ' HABusnuitc Taurus Sauna—Bunk Hall will he specinlly attractive to-night. On this oc cggion the Thesfiaut will produce two fine phi! and n amusing interlude, the various characters of whieh will ha unskilled by all the ability which has haretofon muked the performances of this as gughtion. By apecill request, the popular and laughnhlo drum of‘Tho Toodlos” will be repealed. With former cast of chi-newts throughout. Mr. Horton’s this and amusing rendixiofi of “Toadies" is alone want the price of admission. The par folnan°° \ill commence with a new farce, emi tled “The his}: lel',"' with Taylor as “Teddy O’Rourke," De HJ 15 “Dr. Phil,” Kemlxle as "Charles.” Jeltex as “11111911," Miss Llewellyn as :Rosa,” 3"" M'S- Hunt-i as "Mary.” Judging Arum the excellentmanner in which these amateurs .have hitherto sustain“ their parts, there can be no 40am shqut this play Proving a 50°; thing. §: As the object of this enterprise is of achuita .' Pie nay)", we hope that all um; citizens will lend #3:: :::¥::;“°° ”5 M- he: the amateurs POLICI AMtkSr—Before Alderman Klinc Our report begins with Thursday morning. The prenifing color of the squad of culprits tint eon ftontd tho Alderman on this morning was black, pa will more fully and :t Inge appear by refer men to what follows : . Dick M'Cnml, Don. Robinson and Alex. Wil lisnu, colored, ia'ero “routed by officer Qsmpbefl on Wodnos‘iny night, charged by George Harrison with having "olden from him a. pocket book con toining 810:7: They wen misused on Thurldhy morning. after plying com: and promising to to a tore the stolen money. Gun-go Harrison, colored, who figure: 8-8 “IO pfinéipnl union: in tha above one. was up for diliikenness, and was discharged after paying $1 Ind costs. Aneated by Massey. k; James Greenly, colored, drunk, arrested by Ca]- lender, paid $1 and costs, and was emancipated by the magistrate from further service. William 3. Randolph, a. Cucusian, arreéte'd by ‘ Massey for drunkenness, had a. hearing and 'was ‘set at liberty. ’ John Wise, white truh, was taken up for va gmmy by Ctllender. lodged in the lock-119 over fight, and set adrift again in the morning. I\tl‘ho foillowing is a list of the cases brought frqm the lock-up yesterdcy morning : quiz Holly, e vtgreut, arrested by ofioer Mee eeyLwill pane "Holman” in retirement, having been committed to prison for a term of ten days. John Wise, who had been up for vegebondizing end discbnrged the day before. we! re—erjreeted for vngrnucy by Calleuder, on Thursday night, and was again (“alleged in the morning. Joseph Wanner, who has been no police heed 'qllnrtere refiner frequently of lute, was yesterday arrested!!! I vagrant by ofi‘lcer Mloeey, and its committed for twenty deya. Hid head was bleed ing pr'ofnsely from a co: in the teaple,’ eeueed by an unlucky fill. Unfortunate Joe! .he has been traveling over a. down gnde utterly, and seems unable to 1m down the but“. Henry Ellingew'orth and Leonard Mon-tn, er reeted b‘iMusey for drunkenneu, each paid $1 and mu, end were discharged. HAwa—E’EN.—To-night is all-hellow-e’en, which in former times was celebrated by the mother church with mass and other apprOpriate religious ceremonies; The term before All-saints any (the [st of November) was known as Hallow mess; and the night before All-saints day, from its sole-n religious obeervaneesywu called "Holy eve," which has since been corrupted into, “Holly. en.” The present style of celebrating this occa lion was initiated, we believe, by the Scotch Pro tenants, whose stern puritanical prejudices noggin that method of bringing thenustoms of the mother church into ridicule and disrepute. By then it was made a grand gals night, in which "dent spirits and disembodied egirrits had things pretty much their own way; the "land ’0 cakes” was. peopled thickly with brownies, elfs, hugs, fairies , the, on that night, and the young folk consulted the fates through charms and incantation in numerable. Fortunes were 'told and future hus bands and wives revealed by the aid of these charms, to the younger emu-while those of riper years toid stories of their earlier days,and punished many a “pint steep" of foaming ale. But those good old days have passed; the. celebrfition of Hellovue'eu has sunk in degree lower nil sin these lstter times; and the occasion is new onl bserved by the degenerate young Americans = one of extra license, on which they are privli- 'd to pep' per windows with corn, batter doors ,1! cabbage hm. find—9lB7 (1.: infini'o Juvfl g~ In"). . Dasanrzx To an Siren—Brichard Brookville, J efferon county. has bee assertion by the court. martial new} Pittahnrg, over which 001. n. B.Md Eepy was a captain in the three mi and subsequently a lieutenant in thaj service During the recentdrafi: he? substitute, after which he desertem and impartial investigation, he wasi the crime charged. and was senteno d to The papers in the case have been rwa Washington {or approval, and, if pm execution will take place in Pittsbur . ' A B C FOR LADIE Attention, Ladies, you shall knowni Brownold sells goods astonishing low; Come one and all to prove it so, Depend on it, you will not say no: Embroidered Collars and plain ones'too, Flannels, yellow, red, white and blue, Ginghams, and Gloves, large and small Hoop Skirts and Handkerchiefs to suit Irish Linens and Infant’s Socks of we Jaconett, Swiss, Nainzook and Mull, Kid Gloves to which I especially invi ~ Linen for tables, brown and while, ‘ Merinos, Men’s Wear and Muslin 60' it, Napkins, Notions and Nets for the it, Open Flannel: and Opera Hoods, Plain, Plaid, and other Dress Goo Onillts, Blankets, and quite a lot; i V Ruliiings and Remnants of all sort 4 Shawls, Stockings, Sontags and S, ris, Table Covers, and Balmoral Skit , Under Garments for ladiesr and les, Velvet Ribbons and Tissue Veil Window Gui-tins and Woolen c ks, Yarn, and vex-y fine Ladléfi' Yo r, Zephyr Wool, and many other: ads at Brownold’s chomp corner. Sec dand Market, opposite the Jones-House, Hat-rigors, P 3,. 1' Sum your eyesight Ind. go Rosandale’s colon brated crystal spectacles, mgoscrpes, portable double telescopea, and all kin - of optical' instru. ments. Catalogues containing" prices sent by an closing stamp. See adverfisemm in another column. ' - J Oflice No. 8, Market square, sign of the big spectacles. .71 , (f Pgnnayivania Militia 39d Recruiting Claims, United States pensiqn, bounty, arrears of pay and subsistence claims, 450., an «ha, made out and col [acted by ‘ Emma SNYDER, “ Attorney at Law, ofliceh'fhird street. Harrisburg, Pa. «we—ly an FALL GoonL—We have now received and are opening a. bountif'iil assorunent of new “11° are" goods and other goods. Splemfid assortment of new deleines. All colors of plain alpaca. New style of plaid dresg goods. Fine black hombezinee a Black and colored Kparamattdms -5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleaehf'hd and unbleached muslin -104 heavy linen fer-sheeting. 5-4 hflflVy linen f 0! pillow cases. 7-4 8"! linen dams]: for teble covers. White linen table covers mid napkins. Black alplcfit': all qualities. White linen and hemeeiched pocket handker chiefs. 10 dozv Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 “P! : - Large nasortment'of hoop skirts. ' Hoog skirts a: 75 cents, $1 ad, $1 50. and all prices. , White onmbric muslina andjaoonnetts, nansooks, Irish linen. Swiss muslins, and a. great many other ne'w zoofli- - S. Lawn 00 PE R’S GELKtEiNE._The heat C mick in the autumn“ received uni for ma by nun-1i! A WM. 1200 K J). SPECIAL NOTICES. ' Dr. Bnnon's Concentrated Remedies No. 1. was GM! A'l' REVIVER Apeedily endiutel 111 the evil efl'ects of SELF—ABUSE. u Lou of Memory. Shortness of Brenthfiidiinen, Pnipitation ofthe Hen-I, Dimnm of Vision, or any constitution] dermgoments of the system, brought on by the unrestrained jndnlv gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Erleo one Dollar. N 0.2. THE BALM will cure. in from two to eight days, any can of GONNORREGA. is wlthout Elite 01' smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. , No. 8. The TEEEB will care In the shortest possible time my one of GLEET, even Ifter an other remedies have foiled to produce the desired effect. No team or smell. Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy thet will really cute Stficturen of the Urethra. No mlttorof bow’ 50:1? shading or neglected the cue miy be. Price Una er. ‘ No. 5. TH]! SOLUTOR will cure Luyenu ofGRAVETA, perminently and speedily remove 11l amcfiona of the Bladder am! Kidneys. Price One Dollar. ' ' No. 8 FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No 'l. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically and in a. much shorter time than they can be removed by any other trutmont. In fact. in the only remedy that will really correct this dllotder. lemto tale- Price One Dollar. - _ No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or oomph in; Buy Irregulnrities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. N 0.9, FOB hummus an CIRCULAR. Either remedy sent iron by mail on receipt of the {nice maxed. Enclose postage Ital-mp and get a. circu- If. General Depot North-Elm; cornu- of York avenue and Gallowmll street. Private omen, 401 York "anus, Philadelphit, Pu. For ale in Harrisburg by 0. A. Bmxv ART and Lotus Wnrx, where circulu-s containing ialusble inform.- tion, with fun descriptions of “eh use, will b e deliv— and static on Ippucafion. Address DE. FELIX BRUNON, In]: 28. 1803-1] I’. O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES—DR. Hennr’s Faun: Pans have never yet felled in re movlng diflienlties arising from obstruction, or stop page of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect health when gaming from Spinal Affection, Pmlepsus Uteri', the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Orpne. The Pi‘ls are perfectly harmless on the con stitution, and nay be then by the moot delicate femle without causing distress—the nine time they act like a elm-m by strengthening. invigorating and restoring the ”an“; to a healthy condition, md by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, no mutter from whet causes the obstruction nay arlee. They should, how ever, NOT be token during the first three or four months of pregulncy. though life at any other time, as miscarriage would he the result. Each box cont-ins 60 Pills. Price $l. 1);. HARVEY’S TREATISE on Disenees of Females, Pregnancy. Miscerrisge, Benenness, Sterility, Repro iuetlon, end Abuse of Return, Ind emphetioslly the Ledies’ Private Medical Adviser. e pamphlet of 64 pa. gen, sent an to my Address. Six cente required to [fly 13031339. - The run and book will be sent by mail when de sired, securely needed, and prepared, by J. BRYAN. 11. 1)., Geneul Agent. , No. Tecedu'nreet, New York. Sold by all the prln'uipul druggiats. sap 25-dmwly IMPORTANT T 0 FEMALES. E 3! The comblmtion of ingredienmin than Pills In the result of I long and extensive pracfioe. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting nll irregu hlllel. plinful menstruation, removingan obstructions whether iron cold or omen-u, hudulm, pin in the aide, palpitation of'the heart, ihites, nll nervous affec tions, hysteria, fatigue, pain in the hack Ind )imbl, ta, disturbed sleepfwhich urine from interruption of homo. ' DR. GHEB’SEMAN’S PILLS no the comméfiélfibhl on u. u m- mutant at those Know-rm“ ll chino n mm: b" coon ligncd In mm: to Apron-tun gut m (can than enjoy good health ulna aha is regain, And 'hOlllII!“ obstruction m.- plus the gaunt-1 honlth begun “do clinc. ' DR. GHEESEMAN’S PILLS no the moat on'eetuflrmady ever .known for 11l com mm P 9931“! to Funnies. To I.l] elm..- the! an invuusblo, WWS, with certaiatg,pzfiodicat rsgular 12y. They are known to thounulflho have usedthem It difi‘erent periods, throughout the country. huingthe auction of non! of thh most pertinent Physicians in America. ‘ .. Espy, of gonvicted of session at is presides. i Explicit dinctimx, stating when they shwld no: bu sued, with each Box—the Prion 0n- Dallar per Box, - containing from 50 to {lO Pills. ‘ Pills sun by mail, promptly, by remitting to the ‘ Agontl. Sold by Drugfiatagonemlly. 113’ service, ine manths“ nlisted as 3'! After a my onvicted ~ % pa sho '. ‘ rded ’ed} ' e R- B. HU’I‘CHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. gold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. 5‘ Mechanicsburg, by J. S. Dellatt. ‘ u cam-liale= by 9. Elliott. “ Shipponsburg, by D. W. Rankin. ~ “ _ Chambershurg, by Miller 5: Hershey. “ Hummolstmm, by George Wolf. " Lebanon. by George Rosa. decfivdmwu ‘- THE GREAT SECRET.—It. is ad mitted by all physicians that the grand secret of health and long life lies in keeping the blood and various fluids of the body in a high degree of fluidity. When you feel continued pain in the head or bowels, or any con tinued uneasiness in any organ or other parts of the body= you em prevent serious alchuesn by taking 'BRANDRETH’S PILLs. Bleeding may give momentary ease, because the blond left will have more room. But as the body is made from the blood and sustained by the blood, to waste our blood is to waste our life and ruin out con stitutiou. But Braudreth’s Pills relieve the circulation as readily as bleeding by only taking away what it can well spare, and THEY “$lB-$01“. EMI Mrs. Hooper, of Barnsmble. Mass., was cured of fit. Vitus Dance, General Debility, poorness of blood and continues: at many years standing, by Branaxethm Pills. llhe case at length is published in the Pam phlets. to: sale in Harrisburg by GEO. H. BELL. 0741.1:th NEW DISCOVERY for the SPEEDY AND PERMANENT CURE of Seminal Weakness, Urethral and Vaginal Discharges. Gleef, Sexual Dis eases, Emissions, Impotence, Geni’n‘; Debility, and dis cases of the Bladder and Kidneys. - Buns Suzanne PILL! are warranted in all mass: and can be relied on. No abuse of diet required. T hey do not nannente, nor interfere with business pursuits. prards of 200 causes have been cured the p 359. month. Mar; than on: hundred physicians me them in, their private practice, and all speak wail of their (flimsy. They are entirely harmless on the system, and can be relied on in all cases arising from yontnful indiscretion or self abuse, which often incumwitatea the aufi‘erer from fulfilling the duties efmarn'ed lifg. - A. TREATISE of 64 pangs, containing'means of cure, sent free to all. Twp stamps required for postage. The Pill: will be sent by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of One Dollar. by J. BRYAN, M. 1).. No. 76 Cedar streeg, New Yatk- Sold by LII the principal dragging . ; . nap 25-Iydkw ‘ [communigutedq Pnlmonarv Consumption a Ourable Disease” The undersigned having been restore-t; to health in a few weeks, by u very simple remedy, 3.23:9: having suf— fered several years with I. severe lung: efi'ection. and that dread disease, Oonsumptiom—le n’xlopg to make known to his fellow sufl‘erera the meenspf cure. To A who denim it, he will send a. cippy of the pre neription used, (free of clung-e 9 with the directions for preparing Ind using the same, vhich Shay will find a sun can for Coxsuxnlox. ASTHMA; Bnoxomus, Caucus, Gonna, &c.- The only object o’lthe advertise: in sending the Prescriptinn is to benefit the afl'licted, and spread inform-hon which he com-ewe- to be inval uable; and he hopes evnry aufi‘erer will try 11‘: ren’dy, as it will cost them nothing. and. mly prove a blessing. Parties wishing the préfief‘lPQKOh will Qléué Add to“ Riv. EDWARD A. "WILSON. Wimmsburgh, up 25-3lndkm Kings county, New York. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Dehilitancompetency, Premature Deciy and Youthful Error, mutilated by a. desire tobenefit othetamin be mppy to furnish to all who need it (free of chemo) the recied end directions for making the‘ simple Remedy used in his one. Those wishing to profit by his expo. fiance—and possess e valuable Remedy—Wm receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed) by ad. dressing : Aug l4—3fisdk" )RIED FRUITS, of‘ all kir'lds, just re ceived and for sale by ADAM KELLER, Jll, l 0127 Corner 9! Front and Market sis. fiflEESEMAN’S PILLS. A CARD 'l‘o comspnvmsi JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60. Human ltrnet. N. Y illthitaL 4 . 44 DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLELIN-IMENT, THE GEEK: EXTERNAL REMEDY, Eon RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO. STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS k. WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, and ALL RHEU _ mum and NERVOUS DISORDERS. Dr. Stg'phen Sweet, of Connectlcnt, The great Nfitunl BonP Setter. ' Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Gonnecticut, I: known all over the United states. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connectmut, In the author of “ Dr, Sweet’s Infalnhle Liniment.” Dr. SWeet’s Infalllble Llnlmen! Cures Rheumati-m and never fails. Br. sweet’l Infallible Llnlment In a 96th cure for Neunlgil. . Dr. §Weet’s Infanlble Liniment Gun-6531:!“ Ind Seams Immediately. Dr. weetfis Infalllble Linlmenl In th .beat known remedy for Sprain: and Bruises. Dr. weet’l Inihllible mnlment anew-amaze immediately and in: now- known to fail Dr. weet’s Infalllble Liniment immadjnta relief for Pilel. Ind seldom [lilo ARM to cue Dr. ‘ Weet’s Infalllble Llnlment Toothwhe In one minute. Olin >Dr. Weet’s lni'allible Liniment Gut- nnd Wounds immednltoly and lemon no Dr. Eweet’s Infallihle Llnlment Dr. fiweet’s Infalllble Llnlment H‘n am used by mor‘e thin I million 11901719, and ‘ll put so . Dr. Sweet’s Infalllble Llnlment In t?ly i “ {mud in head,” Ind every (until! should hue I At hand. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Llnlmenl In foi~ am by all Dmggints. Price 25 cents. E ‘ monmnson a: 00.. 3" I Sole Prom-iota", Norwich at. For file by 111 Dealers. IDZO eowva‘am PRINTING PRESSES FOR. SALE. One smal! CARD PRESS. 2 One SUPER-ROYAL SMITH’S HAND PRESS. 0m BUGG'LES’ QUARTER MEDIUM FAST PRESS, for cards, circulars. &c. ‘ One DAVIE‘R’ OSCILLATING, SUPER-ROYAL, MA CHINE PRESS, Suitable for jobs and newspaper work, A stout boy can run of 1,000 cnpiPS per hour. All the menses are 1n good ordur. and will be sold ldw‘ Apply to 'l‘ 3EO 1.". SOHEFFER, net 1. No. Is, Market Bb., Harrisburg TO ALL WHU‘ VALUE THEIR 7 sun: 7 * , JULIUS EOSBNDALE, OPTICIAN AND OCULIST, Reapectfully SDDOHDOI’R to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has opener! an oflice at Market Square, next to Felix’fl cont'dclionzn-y, Where he will keep a. llargrc assortment of his - PANTAcowc AND TIME!) smmc‘ws, Satin-Gold, Silver. and Magnetic steel Fumes- Fully'apprecinting the cnnfldcnce- t at has been re posed in him on his iormel‘ visits, he asEres his patients that his aim will be, m; hex-defers to erit their con fidence and good will. ' These glasaes arfi now recommended by the first med ical men through the country. and all who purchased hem from me on former msltg mll testify to their great advantage over all other ones in use. They assist and strengthen the weak and impaired Vision. and ena ble the wearer to do the most critical work without the {Peling of weakness always caused by common glasses. The Lenses, which are ground from 'he finest crystal, will lunpfrom ten to twuve yams w.thuut change. Tnese'spectacles aru manumctnred at Na. 22]., New Street, Philadelphia. and may be exchanged any final; if nut. suit-ad mm. rye. flj‘Connultation free, < am no hnurs frOm S a. m. tx¥s p. m. N. B.—All kinds of apecmc ‘ and Optical inutrnments neatly remind. uutLMLwhn. BLOOD! ' BLOOD! BORES: THETR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON . DLTION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCEfiS SORES, SPOTS, TET TERS‘ SCALES, 8011.5. SYPHILIS an VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC. , SAMARITAN’S ROQOT AND HERB JUICES In ofl'ered to the publicas a. positive cure. Banished all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action, cure those Spots, Toners, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES The Samaritan'a Boot and Herb Juicer: is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the poison. . ‘ FEMALES! FEKLLES! In many afl‘ectione with which numbers of Female aufi‘er, the 100’]! AND HERB J UICES is most happily adapted, in mounted Uterus, in Whites. In bearing dawn Falling of the Womb, Dehility, and for all now: minis incident to the sex. . DO NOT DESPAIR. loapout of hospitals. Here in a cure in my me f 0! : ~ Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with full direc flo: I . Sold by ' D. W. GROSS a; 00. but by Express carefully pack ed by DEBMOND a. co” Elm-1! Box 151 um. P. 0. WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt bordsrad; Ind PAPER BLINDB of In endless yum, of designs Ind ornaments; nlso, CURTAIN 'IX’I‘UBIS mi TASSELS At very low prides. 0-11 It Schefi'er’s Bunkstore. SEVILLE 0L [VES~—A very fine arti ale and warranted good, for sale In ADAM KELLER. 111., oat 8 Corner of Front and "what sta. T ADIES ! YOU KNOW WERE YOU J can get fine Note Pnppr Envelopes, Viafling Ind Wad-lint Cards 2 At acuity-Ems 300 mm“. APARTMENTS Furnished and Board ing for Ladies and Gentlemen. Inquire o A _ Shoemaker’a Bow, Second street, nearly opposite the Buehler Home. lep 234$ ‘ SOLDIERS CAMP cunmmom— A very convenient Writing Desk; Elan, Portfollol, Kemormdnm Bach, Portmannaies, £53., at SOHEFI'ER’B BOOKSTORI. BO 88’ A MERICAN WRITING FLUID, equal if uo‘. superior to Arnold’s English Fluid, and only 62 cents per quart. bottle. at SGHBFFER‘S BOOKSTORE. vaxvs YL VANIA, ss .- In the Name and the Authority OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION. Wnennss, The President of the United States, by Proclamation, bearing date on the Seventeenth day of October inst, has called for THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND VOLUN— TEERS, to recruit the regiments now in the field from the respective States: And whereas, By information received this day, the quota of the State of Pennsylvania under said call is declared to be THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT MEN, (38.268): And whereas, The President, in his said Proclamation, requests the Governors of the respective States to assist in raising the force thus required : Now, therefore, 1, Andrew G. Cur-tin, Govg ‘ ornor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, _do earnestly call on the good and loyal free- l men of this Commonwealth, to enlist in the } service of the United States. under the Procla- ‘ motion aforesaid, so that the required quota may be made up before the Fifth day of Jan- ‘ nary next, on which day the President an nounces that a draft will be commenced for any deficiency that may then exist in the some- ‘ The freemen of Pennsylvania enlisting under this call willl be attached to regiments from this State. All who are willing to enlist are requested to present themselves at once, for that purpose, to the United States Provost Marshals‘ recruiting and mustering oflices, in their respective cities, towns and counties. , They will receive the following sums as allow ance, pay, premium and bounty, viz: > g. - To every recruit who is a veteran volunteer, as defined in General Orders of the Wor Depart ment of June 25, 1863, No. 191, for recruiting veteran volunteers. one month’s pay in advance, and a. bounty and premium amounting to $402., To all other recrui, not veterans, accepted ‘ and enlisted as required in existing Orders, one month’s pay in advance, and in addition a : bounty and premium amounting 'to $302. 3 Any further information desired can be ob } tained from the Provost Marshals of the re spective districts. In making this appeal ‘to the good and loyal freemen of Pennsylvania,l feel entire confi ‘ dance that it will be effectually responded to. The approaching expiration of the term of en listment of the men now in the field renders it necessary to replenish our regiments. Let us maintain the glory which their valor and con duct have reflected on the Commonwealth, and let our people show, 'by their promptness and alacrity on this occasion, that they have not abated in courage or love of country, or in the determination that the unhol y rebellion, al ready stunned and staggering, shall belntterly crushed and extinguished. . Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State. at Harrisburg, this twenty-eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-eighth. ' ANDREW G. CUP-TIN. Br rm: Govnnxon. ' jel6.3t ALfiKNAG'STjl—jbiéfiiés T— '“ BAER’S LANCASTER A. In M A. N A C S 3 Just received Ind for sxie at SCHEFEEB’.‘ BOOKSTORE. ANOTHER S PLEN DID ASSORT MINT OF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUDIS‘, OF‘ ALL SIZES AND STYLES 0F BIA'DING ' Jan received at , SOHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE. JUS-‘T OPENED AN A! SDBTMENT 0F ~ ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY XVRITING-DESKS. 0f diflerent sizes, for sale at > SCHEFFER-‘S BOOKSTORE. INCE ME AT.—Atmure s celebrated ~ Mine-2 Meat, the (21:5: in the market, just re ceived and for saie by ADAM KELLER. JR , Comer of Front and Market sts. LISBON ALMOND), Prmce‘ss Al - English Walnuts. for sale by ADAM KELLER. JR“ Corner of Front and Markets sts. CH AMPAGNE C] DER—For table use, just received and for sale by .WM. DOCK. JR” .9. CO. AN ITEM FOR—THE LADIES. rm & m The undersigned, having a has; exper‘ence in the Boot and Shoe business, in now ureuawd tr.» sell the very best styles of Ladies’ s‘n-ms at :he :anést possible prices. He keeps every imaginable kind of Gaiters, Balmoral boots and Slippr-rs. Al5O. all. kin-is of Child ren’s show, from thz- nnest Ipt‘uz's shoe m :1 course human. A 150,“ mu asmrtment of Men’s Boot* and. Gaiters of every description, bcsi‘ias an vxceilcnt lot of ) outh’s shoes and boats. 0:111 and examine his Xarge stock before purchasing elsewhere. {fi-No. 12, Market square. n 0.2: dear to Felix’s con fectio ary. N. 8.- All orders promptly executcd‘ oct7-dly. 7 LIPPMANN HESS. HONEY.—New Winze Glover and led Honey renewed by ADAM KELLER. JR... Corner of Front and Market sts. GUX’S REF [NED AND SPARKLING GELATINE.—A lot of this:“umiva!led” Gelatine for sale by NOW’S THE TIME—T he subswbers have just received four thousand. busheis of "Peach Blow.“ "Princa Albert” and "Pink Eye” pntatoes. which they oxfer cheap. The? sue from the North. and will keep much better tbs: those z-ahéd in this local ity. Appiy to ‘ BB! 3: KUNKEL. eet26-1w . 00 KIT T 512 EXTRA NO. 1 MACKEREL, 511 st vac-I‘ve: by wu 1:005, .13.. k 00. SWEET CIDEI{.—-A superior article just received by ‘ 7 fl WM. 110 mg, 4: CL S WARD. No. 12, North Third street, a MUSIGSTORE, In sole agent for _ BRADBURY‘S. ' Superb New Scale Planos. (See advertisement in another place.) They are sweeping all before them ; 5:3: fine! pumium; in three unaks. Mr. Ward has them on hand and will sell below Bradbury himself. Call and examine. octzl-tf. SECRET DISEASES l SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN’S GIFT! fiALIARITAN-‘S GIFT! Tu Mos: Gnum REMEDY Ens Ualp. Yes. a Posuwa Cure .’ ' BALSAM COPAVIA 9‘- MERCUE. Y DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken 8"? ethic: a. cure‘.’ ' They are entirely vegetable. hsving‘ no smell nor an, unplessnnt taste, and will not. in any way, injure t 2“ Hannah 01' bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to fan: days. and. recent cases in twenty-four hours. ~ No ezposun, no mmble. 1w change wfiate'uer. Price male packages, $2; Female, 53. Sold by D. W. GROSS 6'. 00. Bent by mail by DESMOND 6c 00., Box 151 Halls. 1’ 0 . janfivdly Ml 3. Kym, MOTIONS.—-Quite a. vanety of usefixl L _ wd entertaining a:ticles——chea\p——a.t . BGHEFFER‘S BOOKSTORE halunteem. ELI SLIFER, Secretary qf Cmnnwnweallh ADAM KELLER. JR». Garner of. F run: and Market sts N 01‘ A RUM DRINK! A highly Concentrated Vegetabie Extrarf. A PURE TONIC THAT WILL RELIVVE THE Al rmc'mn AND N 0: MAKE nnumnms. v» DR. “MELAND’S ' GERMAN BITTERS yummy!) m“ DR. 0. M. JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA, PA., wnm “mummy ma nos'r omnmmm 0173: ALL DREASSS ARISING mom K Disordered Liver, Stomach or Kidneys. _ Thomas of our citizen: arfnfierinr from DYSPEP BlA'and LIVER DISEASES. and to whom the following questions apply—we gnnrantee ‘ a. noonmn’s GERMAN mums WILL om mm. » Dyspepsia and Liver Dlsease. no ion fise with a coat-d tonzne n-ornings, with bad taste in the mouth md 1001‘ npnetito for breakfast? Do you feel when you lint got up so weak and languid you on scarcely get about 2' Do you have a dizziness in the host] It times, and olten a dullness, with headache occasionally 1 Are your bowels costi yo and in enulur, and appetite chug!- able 2 no you throw up wind from the stomach, and do you swell up often ‘! Do you feel a. fulnese after eating, and I. sinking when the stun-«ch in rmpty I Do you ban heartburn occasionally? D r you feel low spirited, and look on the dark side of things? Are you not unusually nervous at times 2' Do you not become restless, and often lay until midnight before you can go to sleep '3 and than n times, don’t you feel dull md' slueny mom of the time? In your skin dry and acaly T nlso cal ow? In short, is not your life a hurthen, full of forebodings'! Hoofland’s German Enters Will cure every use of ‘ canoxlc on NERVOUS nnnlnn‘v, baseman 01‘ THE xnmnvs. AND DISEASES ARISING FROM A DIBOBDRRED STOMAGE. Obsm'e the lollowmg Symptoms resultmg from Blsordm of the Digestive Organs : Constipation. Inward Piles. Fulnes or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn, Diugust for Food, Fulaess or “'95 M: ill flue Stomach, Sour Erna ’ationu, 3i nking or film sting at the Pitof the Stomach, Shimminz of tno Bead, Hun-ion] and . Difiicult Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, Choking oi’Sufi'outing Sensations, when in a lying posture, Dunno" of Vision, Dots or Web: before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Defioionov oE rumination. Yellowneen of_ the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the am, Back Cheat, Limbi, loci, one. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flash; Constant Im loin-fin of Evil! Ind fin} . oi. . , bran-ion Smog; PARTICULAR Nb’l‘lcfi. ‘ There are many preparations sold under the name or Bimm, put up in quart boltlel, compounded of the cheep est whisky or common rum. costing from 20 to 404 mm: m - gsllon, the tests disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This class of Bikers has caused,and will continue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death or the druuhrd. By their-use the system is kept continually under the influence of Anabolic stimulsuts ol' the worst kind, lhs desire for Liquor is created and kept up. and the result is all the horrors attemhmt upon: drnukurd’s life and denth. For those Wbo desire and will have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt: Get One Bottle Hooflumi’: German Enters and mix will: 17mm Quart: qf good Brandy or "Mi-Icy, and the term“ will be a. preparation that will far excel in. medicinal virtues and true exee'lem any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will hue all the virtues of Haaflrmd’s Sinus in connection With» a. good article of Liquor. at a much less price then these inferior preps!!- tious will cost you. Hoofland’s German Bitters WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE. WILL GIVE YOU s'rnoxc. HEALTHY mnnvns, WILL GIVE YOU ' ‘ Brisk and Energetic Feelings, . WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLZEEEE’E WELL. AND W!“ POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW; FEVER; BILIOUbS EEVER, 'c. 'D WC. Those suffering From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, ' From whitever cause, either in MALE OR FEMALE. - WLLL FIND IN HOOFLAN D’S GERMAN BITTERS A. REMEDY Thai will tenfore them to than- usual health. Queh Lu been the case in thousand! of h-mhncma2 and a fair trial in but required to prove the assertion . REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS ABE NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTENISED AS A BEVERAGE. The Proprietors have thousands of 162295") from the moat euiment , CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANSx an! Ci'l' 13 WW. Testifying or their own person! kchlFflgH. to the bene ficial efi'ucts and medical virtues of muse Bum-rs. From Rev. J Newtqn_By9“jn. D_-._D.. Edftor of Encyclo- pedia of Religious Know-15:5? Althnugh not disposm to firm” or recommend Put ent Medicines in general, through distrunv‘. bf their ingre dients and efl‘eotu, 1 yet know m' ur: suflicieut reason: why it mm may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have raceived frrm auv "impifl preparation, in the hape that he may thus contribute to the benefit: of others. I do this more readily in regard m “Ha-Jinnah Germ“ Bitters.” prepared by Dr. G. M. Jackson. of this city, because I was prejudiced against them {or years. under the lmpreulon that they were elxieiy an anabolic ml:- ture. I an': indebted to my friend: Ra'bnrt Shoemaker, Esq.. for the removal of this préjudice by propar test, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued dehillty; Thn use of three bottles of thesn Bitters. at the beginning of the present year. was followed by evident raliei and rustontion to 1. degree of budily and mental vigor whim I had not felt for six month: before, and had almost deaf-fired of re galning. I therefore thank God so: mgr €rieqd for d 1 recting ms to the use of them _ Phifadelphia,lune 23, 1861 DISEASES 0F KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young 01' Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily removed, and the patient mentored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARASMUS, wastfing away, with scarcely any flesh on “3031' bones, are cared In a. very short time; one bottle in such cases ml! have a most surprising effect. PARENTS Having suffering children an above. and wislfng to ram them, will never regret the day they commmced with these Bitters. LITERAR Y MEAT, STUDENTS, And those working bud with thnir lamina, should a] ways keep a bottle of HOOFLAND’S BITTEIIS near them, as they will'flnd m_nch benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and, not depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT. And leaves no prostration Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We all the attention of I". having relation. or friend in the army to the fact thnt “HOOFLAND’S German Bit. tars N will cure nine-tenths of the dlnewee induced by ex. poem-es and printlone incident to camp lil‘e. In the moi;i pubhehed almogt daily in the newspapers, on the err-iv of the sick, it will be noticed tlnt a very lame proportion are sulfa-ins from debility. Every we of that kind can be readily cured by Hoofland‘n German Fitters. We have no hesitation in lusting that if thesn Bitter» weve freely used among our soldierq. hundreds of time might be and that otherwise would “last. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, Who haw. baen restored :0. health by the use of thee» Bimrs, sent to them by their man . . BEWARE OF COUNTER FEKTS 3 See that the Signature of C. M. Jackson is on the WRAPPER of each Butflo, PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS. on HALF nozsx for s 4 00 Should your nearest dmggiat not b ave the article, do not be put at: by any_ of the intoxicating prammtions thnl: may be otfered in its place, but send to us, and w. will forward. securely packed, by express. Prlnqlpal once and Manufacton, . No. 631 ABC]! ST. 3' ON E S d: EvA N B (Successoza m 0. M. JACKSON & C 0.,) PRO PRIETORS. 15.20; sale by Druggigts uni Dealers in every town in the United States 1113,2611, J. NEWTON BROWN.