RATES OF ADVERTISING. m: line: or less constitute lull A Aqua. light “I” r: flare than four, constitute a qua. : .;;' . one dun...” an Ono . on.“ .—-- ‘9“ d Pg ’ “sweet... 120 ‘5l ’onowo’okun 200 “ one month" 300 “ one month" 600 throemonthl 500 “ three month“ W six months“ 800 “ six month“ 15 00 l “Gym-#l2“ “ “hymn—looo gg Business mfiminum in thc mmonm, or _on marriage: ma (lath, u! all“. , 111 for .m lamina. ‘l'. mtchmty'md often Main; u. ’3“, suntan urn-mu DI OM. gr‘ ' u gn. mmue: o: muffin! Inn-tumult“ on a fllfilnwmin‘. qg‘ Marriages 3nd wtu‘iul-Wntho um. ate: a: regula- mverfisomenh. .«, y -. Busincsg flat) WM. H. MILLER, J A!!! .3.E.FEBGUSON,- ATTORNEYS AT LAW. omen m 2. 7’ ’ " BHO EMAKER’S BUILDINGS _ SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT and MARKET SQUARE, :p-mwdcd Nearly opposite tba moms: Henna ROBERT SNODGIsA‘SS, 7 ATTORNEY Al‘ LAW, Ojicc North I’lu‘rd street, tlm-d door above Mar ket, Harrisburg, Pa. ' N. B.—Penaiou, Bounty and Military shims of all kinds prosectmd and collected. . " _ , Referto Eons. John 0. Innis], Dlfld Mumm’adn, and B. A. Lamberton‘. myll-dchGm , BR. 0. WEIGHEL, SURGEON AND 000L151: 3.38393 ch THIRD NILE NORTH STMIT. H: in now mily prepared to attend promptly to tin Guns: 9! profession in all its Bra-aches. ~1- w ‘ A Loan no "I! suanssrm. "Dian. 11mm!!!) justifies him in promising full and ample eafiufsetion to all who mayfivor himwith I ml~bntho<fiqeuochronil or my aha: minus- ' mus-damn DB. J. C. HOYER, D E N 'l' I S T , oFFIcE IN WYETH’S BUILDING, In mom formerly occupied by Dr. Cal-man, CORNER or links! STREET AND lunxfl' SQUARE. f . , sepl C‘ 1). WALTEB’ s, I CLOCK MAKER, CLEANER AND “REPAIRER, NORTH STREET, EAST or THE CAPITAL. ALL won: GUARANTEED. 59;: 25461:: ’ ‘ THOS' c. MAODOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CZAIM AND PATENT AGENT. Ofiice in the Exchange. Walnut at, (Up Stain.) Having formed a connection with parties in Wash lngton City, wno are reliable business men, any busi ness connected with any oi the Deprtment: will meet with immediate and careful sttention. Inn—y M:ILITARY CLAIMS AND PEN ‘ SIGNS. The undersigned have entered into an association for the collection of Military Claims and the securing of Pensions for wounded and disabled soldiers. Muster—in and Muster-out Rolls, ofllcers’ Pay Rolh, Ordnance and Clothing returns. and all papers pertain ingto the military sex-vies will In made out properly and expeditiously. Ofiice in the Exchange Buildings, Walnut between Second and Third streets, neu- Omit’s Hotel. Harris burg, Pa. THUS 0 MACDOWELL, ieZfi-d’af THOMAS A. MAGUIBE- SILAS WARD . no. 11, noun Tm!) an, mmnsnna. STEINWAY’S PIANOS, m'mnnons, mounts, «ifiifua, . Banjos, Flutes, Fife», Drums, flccordeom, mamas, sum my 800! name, 9m, am, 1' no 1' o GRAPH FRAMES; ALBUMS, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Square and Oval Framm of every description made to ores-r. Bug-mi lding damn. Agency ic: Hofié’s Sewing Mnehinu. . 113’ Sheet Music sent by Mail. ootl—l JGEN W. GLOVE-B, .2 MERCHANT TAILOR! Has just received from New York, an ashore ment of SEASONABLE 'GOODS,’ which he mien to his customers and the public :- ucv‘ZZ) MODERATE PRICES. dtf f GDUK, Merchant Tailor, [ . 2'! CHESNUT ST., between Second and from, Has just returned from the city with an assortment of CLOTHS, CASSMERES AND VESTINGS, Which will be sold at moderate prices and made up to order; and, also, an assortment of READY MAD] Clothing and Gentleman’s Furnishing Goods. nova-lid DENTIS T B. Y . .' B. m. GILBEA’ DO BI 80, ‘fi’gfij No. 119 MARKET arm-:22, Positively extracts teeth without Imin, ‘by the use of Kittens Oxide. jam: RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, 1.1 F 3181" AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITOBY, _ E. S. GERMAN, 8'! SOUTH SIGOND STREET, L3O“ GBIBNUT, museum}, IL. Depot for the ale of Stereoscopea,staruulmpmflm, tunic and niacin! Infififlfiéfifl- Alan, Inhlurlptionl titan for religious publicatiann. noBO-dy EDEN G. W. MARTIN, FABHIO N A B L E OA R .1) WRIT E R , HERE’S HOTEE, KAR‘BISE‘BEG, PA. All manner of VISITING, IVEDDING AND B USI NESS CA RDS executed in the molt Artistic styles and most Runnable terms. declé—dtf UNION HOTEL, “Ridge Avenue, corner of Broad street, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned informs the public that he has re cently renovated and refitted his well-known “ Union Hot" ” on Ridge avenue, near the Emma Home, And in pmpnred to accommodate citizens, strangers and travel are in the bentjtyle, at moderate rates. in: male will be eupnlied, with the best the musket {3olll, and at. his bl? will be found superior hands of hqqors and malt beverages. The very best accentua dgtlolp for mammal-s employed at the shops in this «nanny. {an dtf] HENRY BOSTGEN. 1 FRANKLIN HOUSL, BAmeuonl, 1113. Th!- pluunt and commodiou Hotol kn bun tho roughly refitted md 10-filtninhed. It in lmmfly «mm: on north-West Wmer of 110qu “I trauma stream, a few doom want of the Northern Ovnh'd nan— “! 391’“- I'9l'! Ittention 1133‘! to the comfort of his guests. 6. LIIBII’GRING, Proprietor, sent! (Into of sun. Grove. 2..) 'THEO. F. SGHEFFEB, BOOK. OAOO AND JOB PRINTER, Na. 18 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. {3' Particular attending paid to printing, ruling and binding of Rnihoad Blanks, Manifentn, Immune: pan. ales, Cheeks, Bill—Heads, kc. Wedding, Visiting and Buainenn Cards printed at very law prices and in the heat “:19. jun?! “T AIL O B I LEG . : GEO- A. KLUGH. “The subscriber is ready at NO. 94, MARKET 31, four: doors below Fourth street; to make MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING In any desired style, and with skill and promptness. Persons wishing cutting done can have it done at the shortest :mice- . . aim—a GHARLES F. VOLLMEB, UPHOLSTE'RE R, Chestnut street, four floor: above. Second, (Orrosn'a WAsnmaros Hg.“ Room.) I! I’m-nod to might: order, in the very best style 0! vorkmnaship. Spring and Eli! Mattresses, Window 0ur ‘3533: Manges, and all other articles of hunting In hi. 11“; 0'- Ehurt notice incl moderate tom. Having ex pfiu-lenc: iabtlha business, he feels warranted 1i? asking: '3 are 0 P“- . W confidante hislubi to 'Yt «3%an - ‘ 11317—11?! " <9 3 ' ”‘ng m: f “at ’1 ‘ 'Y- ‘ *4 .\ ‘".1" :7 f" . n " ‘ » I . _ . VOL. 6.—-—NO. 52. gdets. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, Second Street. above Arch, . PHILADELPHIA. _ A. F. BLAIR-Inornmron, nepls] hoof “ Surf Honey”. figfiig 3111— [ti—3l3: B'UEHLER HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA. This old established Home has undergone extensivo ; gagglovemenm, and been thoroughly renovated and 111- ‘ It is fileuantly located in the heart of the city, in “ easy access to the State Cgpitol nnd Public Grounds. i ”For til: acanmmadafian rf our guns, we have ; recently commenced to ma a Coach to and from the Rail- ‘ read. In fl is manna uurl-‘a-an: tie’ay in leaning the ; Depot for the Hotel will be avoided, and much mare time afanled gucsmfar meals when leaving the Hausa. Intending that the BUEHLEB HOUSE shall be really ‘ a home-like resort for the stranger and traveler we‘ re spectfullyaolicit (continuance of the public patronage GEO. J. BOLTON, i 999919419311 A ' _ ' Proprietor. NATIONAL HOTEE, (LATE wmn swnm Race street, above Third,‘ Philadelphia This establishment ofl'ers great inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board; but from the can he.) loeatlon to the avenues of mule, uwell II the con veniencca efi‘otrled by several passenger railroads run ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pan to and from the Hotel to the difierent railroad depots, should they bo-preferred to the regular omnibneee be‘ longing to the house. I an determined to devote my whole attention'to the comfort and convenience of my guests, end endeavor to give general satisfaction.- Terms--$1.25 Per Day. DAVID 0. BIEGRIST, (lonnerly of Bugle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa.) 'l‘. V. Rnomzs. Clerk. mrlludtf for flat: 85 Gin 132 m. ("R SALE—Lots lon Pennsylvama Avenue, Seventh street. North street and the Pennsylvania. Railroad. Apply to out 9-d3m* WM. K. VERBEKI. PRIVATE SALE—The well known Stone Tavern and Grocery stand. now' doing an ex cellent business, situated batsmen the Canal and Front street, in the borough of Liverpool. Pen-y county, Pa.., in now offered at private sale on accommodating terms. Information regarding the property will be given by calling on the undors'gned, or by addressing Dr. ’l‘. G: Morris, Secretary, Perry Lodge, No. 259, I. 0. O. F. at Liverpool, Pa. ' ROBERT WALLIS, T; G. MORRIS. ‘J. A. BLATTENBEBGEB, Committee LIVERPGOL. Oct. 16th. 186-I—th N 7 AL UABL E PROPERTY AT PRI VATE fiALE.-—The subscriber will sell at private sale that valuable Tavern Stu-ml, situate 011 Ridge Road in the Sixth Ward, Harrisburg, comer of Broad street, being 26 feet in front and 72 feel; deep. The improve ments are a. two-story frame Tavern House, with three story back building. Hydrant water in the premises, and nth e: ééiwemeneun. The property is calculated either for a. store or a hotel, liming eligibly situated. .. For terms apply on the premise! to . * WEN [LY BOSTGEN. HAnmsnuna, September 9, 1863 . - P. S.—’l‘ha subscriber will 2150 3911 a fine six year old bursa and family carriage, having no use for the same. 32p lo—tf H. B; son SALE.—The BUILDING on the i ‘ corner of Walnut Ind Short injects, used In a. cCOPER SHOP. This building was originally built so what it could be turned into nwoning Nouns: If. cun— Slate oz‘ three sapuxte {lmam placed together, aaoh frame being '25 .by 20 feet, making the entire building, on 11611017 “undo, I's feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell 8180 an EIGHTHORSE P 0 IVER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one or mebach's Pam» Siam Cutters, and a Set of Saws for J (winning States. The abovs property will be sold at a bargain, an We Irish to clear the ground on ‘which the building Italian. Enquire It the Broker» ‘Oflloo of 8. L.M’OULLOOH - fon—dtf . 125 Make: imam. LOTS FOR S ALE—ON NORTH ST. Ind Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to 11. J. HALDEMAN, a” marb-dtf Cor. Front and Wainut $3.35. FOR SALE—A House and Lot on Sixth sheet, neaf sate. Enquire at tha Exchange Onico of S. 1.. M'OULLOOH, 26 Market street, Where the highest price in alwsys paid for GOLD and fiILYER fehlz-dtf Fun SALE—A TWO—STOY F 1; HOUSE in Short street. Inquire 0' ~, nep3otf W K. VERBERE. @rmwpurtatinn. DA'NIEL A. MUENCH, Agent of the 01d Wallower Lina, Respectfully informs the public that this Old Dnil, mrmportntion Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this aim) is in successful operation! and firepsred to carry Freight as low as any other indium“! 'na between Philadelphia, Harrisburg. Sunbury, Lewis bnrg,Williamsport, Jersey shore, Lock Haven. and all other points on the Northern Germ-v.l, Philadelphia nd Erie and Williunnporl. anr' Elmh a Railroads. DANE]. . MUENCH, Agent, Harrisburg. Pl. Gnods lßut to the Warehouse of Messrs, Peacock. Zen k, Einchmau. No. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, Il'himqelphitza by 4 o’clock p. 121., will arrive at' Harrisburg ready for delivery. nrxt max-plug. 15,8 T F. WATSON, I MASTIC WORKER PRACTICAL CEMENTER, Ia prepare‘d to Cement the eiterior of 'Buildingn with he New York Improved Water-Proof Mastic Cement. This Material is dilferant from all other Cements. It forms a solid, durable adhesiveneas to any surface, imperinhablé by the notion of water or trust. Every good building should be coated with this Cement; it is a perfect preserver to the walls, and makes a beautiful, fine finish, equal to Eastern brown luminous, or any color desired. - “Among other: for when: I have lpplied the Mastic Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen: n J . Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finished va years. ‘ n J‘ H . Shoenberger, residence, Lamncevlllé, finished five yearn. June: M’Cendlnss, residence, Allegheny Oityfinished five years. Gavin Adams, residence, Third attest, finished four years. A. Hoeveler, residence, Lenenceville, finished four years. - , - ._ < - , ‘ J. I). M’Oord, Penn meet, finished {our years. Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finiehod four 19311 . St elude: final and Girard House, finished five years. , Kittanning Court House and Bnnk, for Barr 6:. Monet, Architects, Pittaburg, finiehed five years. _ Orders received at the noise of n M’Eldowney, Punt Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address , 'r. 1?. wusox, male-tf P. 0. Box 13w. ginning, Pa. MURINGER’S PATENT BEEF TEA, I solid, concentrated extract of BEEF AN D VEGETABLES. Convertible immediately into a. nourishing and 1191i doua amp.- Highly appumm by a numb" of mimt Physicians. ;. ' This admirable article condensed mm a compact tom, I.}! the substantial and nutritive properties of a large ball: of melt and vegetables. The readiness withwhich It dissolve! into nick and. palatable Soup. whip!) would require hours of prepamfion ,accerdiug to the usual, method, is an advantage in many aituatxons of lifé‘ too obvious to used grging. Its highly nourishing qualities combined with It: delicacy, renders it indium.) for the nick; While for those in health, has a perfact substitute 2:;- 1:13-5:11 most “.1 Vegetables. It will keep good in any 1H: peculiarly will adapted FOR TEAVELEBI,.by land or sea, who can thus avoid those lccxdental deprms tion: a: a comfortabWEl-l, to ibiqhthay’ug so liable. NB. INYALlDS,‘irh6‘s’o apricioils app‘etits can thus nutinfladin amalgam: ‘ a ' ' ' FOR. SPORTSMN'afid EXOURSIONISTS. to whom, both its compactness and my preparation will recom mend it. For sale by aep24-tf WM. DOCK. 1n... a: co. HA MS.—Mlchenor’s ‘V‘Exeelsmr” and Gardner. Phippa in Co): prime cincipnnfi “81338.? euredi’flms: in large or small quhtitien. Just received by mm mm: a .13., “1:16 , ; Corner of Front and Market ans. ’; HARRISBURG, PA:, SATURDAY; OCTOBER 31, 1863. my: whim 1% 3311 mm SATURDAY MORNING, 001*. 31. 1863. sPEE c n . 0 F GOVERNOR HORATIO SEYMOUR, AT BU FFALO. Gorxospondenue of the N. Y. Wofld. Bun-no, Monday Evening, Oct. 26. The Democrats of Bufi‘dlo, to the number of over six thousand, assembled at and around St. James Hall this evening, filling She hall to the number of two thousand “(Hive hundred, and overflowing into two large meetings in the street. to the number of three or {our thou sand. The enthusiasm was immense, and the" meeting is numbered umong- the largest. ever held in the city. . . - - Hon. John Ganson presided; ‘ . ' Governor Seymour was introduced amidv continued = and tremendous cheering. - And when, aftér about five minutes, in finally sfilled. somebody was yet. unsatisfied. and called for “ Three cheers for Governor Seymcnr,” which were given, and more Loo. Governor-Seymour: spoke as-follévis: " ‘ ' ' «30v. szynro'un's ammo}: I sincerely regret that Governor Bramlette is not‘here to-night to speak to you. ‘ I wished you to learn from the lips of a patriot of Ken , tacky that the language of those who loveand mean to uphold the Constitution, and intend' to preserve the Union, is alike,_utteredbymen from the North or the South, from the East or the West. You would have found that that distinguished man, who lives in a community particularly afi‘cotecl by the war in which we are engaged, and who has stood up‘ with others abreast of the tide of secession, was in full accord and sympathy with us who meet here“ tel-night to utter words which we hope may be calculated to preserve that Union of our-land which 'we have so much, at heart. (Cheers) In hiiabsenoe I will address you breifiy in regard to the great questions of the day} Our land is aflicted with a civil war of proportions unexamplcd in the history of the world: The 'flame of a great conflagration is lapping up the blood of our citizens; is destroying the property of our people ; is carrying mourning and death to, our homes, and'thrsatens the very fabric of our Union. Under clrcumstam ces like these, my friends, when we assemble together, we ought to come up with an honest purpose to take that; course at the coming election which shall be calculated to advance our country’s good, to make our nation once again what it was a few year's sincefi-the envy and admiration of the whole world. (Ap plause) Unfortunately, at times like those, .When so much is at stake and when there is every reason why men should be calm, dispos sionate, thoughtful and patriotic, we are allot‘ us too prone to give way to passion and pre judice. You hearfrom some quarters only the language of denunciation, of chase; appeals to passion,_ where there should he, arguments addressed 130' Diff consciences and our convic: Lions of duty. . Lét us meet“ thé'tfues'tibns we? are to discuss to-night with an anxious pur pose to discover where the right is, and, hav ing succeeded in that, boldly, ‘manfully, patri oticall'y, to sustain and maintain it. (Cheer-s.) Now,'in the discussions which are going on in this country, there are certain points upon which all men are agreed. Let us at the outset ascertain what they are, so that we may more clearly understand the nature of the disagree ments which exist between us. All men agree in this—that if this war is prolonged for-“a ;oertain period of time. withpa continually in . creasing debt, that there must come a time 3 when it will reach an amount that will over } whelm us with national bankruptcy. Men 3 may not agree as to what that sum may be— one may say two thousand millions. another three thousand millions, and perchance a more sanguine man still, may fix the amount at four thousand millions, but there is no man who does not agree that there is an amount of pub lic indebtedness which, if fastened upon us, must bring upon us the calamity and disgrace of national bankruptcy. There is another ‘ point of agreement. There is no man who does not admit that if this war continues on for a certain period, it must overwhelm us with 1 national ruin. Then here are two points on which, although we may differ as to the amount 3 or time, we essentially agree—two events that iall admit must bring upon no individual and national ruin. All agree that we must bring this war to a successful issue before ~we have. been overwhelmed by these national evils.— We agree, too, that the exigency is so great and the peril so imminent fhat we are bound to put forth every exertion to save our country from these calamities which lie in our path way, as soon as may be. We say to our oppo~ nents, we are ready with you to put forth every efi‘ort of physical power—we consecrato ourselves and all that we have for for the sal~ ‘vatiou and perpetuation of our country. In 1 all solemnity I say it, with a heart full of love i for my country ; with a desire to sacrifice any thing and everything for its preservation and ; its happiness—with all solemnily I say it, that ‘ here again. as we have before done, do we dedi— cate ourselves to this most holy and, atriotic work of saving this fair land of ours lull-hm ruin and disintegration. Now in this we are agreed. Where, then, commences the point of (liver gence? Where do our foot-ways branch of -from each other? We’ go farther than they, and agree to add one further influence against rebellion—Anal: of conciliation. (Great cheers). We desire to put the North upon a platform upon which all can stand, so that we shall pre sent one undivided end unbroken front. We :will not only bring all the powers of force : against the rebellion but we will do more than ;tha’t—we will carry disunion into itsranks \ by extending to them in this hour when vic l tory has crowned us, and when it is great and ‘ magnanimous so to do, every inducement that honest and honorable men can ofl‘er to them to return to the Union. (Cheers) In this we differ Irom our political opno ‘nents; we do not refuse to exert one single energy loss than they; we propose to brui'g to hear these influences which the historyvoi’ the world, your own good judgment—everytbin g— teaches you is essential to bring to a success ful termination any contest, whether between individuals or of nations. (Cheers) We feel 't‘hatuhuponh this point, therefore. we hold ‘higher ground than is held by those who on g matize us as being untrue to our country._ W hy do they stigmatize us thus? .They would hardly make the imputation against #l]: hun dreds and thousands who have gone forth from the Democratic ranks; to battlefor the flag Of our Union. (Great cheering.) Why then ? .15 it because we are willing not only to sustain our soldiers in the field; to sacrifice Pr°PHP¥ 1 and life, but that we say that. more than tins, } we will sacrifice upon the altar of our country ‘ our pride and passions. when Pride and pa?- ‘ slon stand in the way of our success ?‘ (Cher-s.) ‘ But this is not the only point of dilforence. thwill not concede that unless there is more energy, more skill, more judgment exhibited, thanhes heretofore marked the progress Of this war, we are coming to certain. destrlction ? A man may float along the beautiful. nher that runs by your city, in safety, [or a time; but if he continues, day after day, to float idly along. and allows the time to pass by when he can reach the margin in safety. he will find himself at last in sight of that mighty cataract‘whose name is famous through Out the world, and will find himself within the swift vortex of its waters which will whelm him in utter destruc tion. 80 with our nation, unless we put forth every exertion not only of material power but of wise statesmanship, of Christian considera tion, of patriotic sacrifice of passion and pre judice, we too shall find, alas, too late. that the period is post when we can rescue our selves from the dangers that lie in our course. (Cheer-s.) That party is most true to the coun try which proposes to wage this war for pur poses wnich are attainable, which are within reach. 0n the other hand, that party does the most to endanger our future and bring us to destruction which opposes new and greater obstacles to the successful termination of the war. New I ask you to listen for a moment while Istate to you ‘ the altitude of the two great parties upon' this subject. We say on our part that we wage this war forfthe pur pose of restoring the Union, for the purpose of upholding our Constitution, and’ of main taining and defending those personal, home, hearth-stone rights of the citizen which. are guaranteed in that Constitution- These 76er tainly are objects worthy of the approval of all good men, ifl‘lhe] are more easily reached than the objects sought forby our opponents in this war. It is easier to bring back the Southern States when we say that if they come back to the performance of their duties. they shall also enjoy their rights aslStates, than it is, if we say ‘that they must,‘ when they return, bow abje‘otly to the dictation of passionate and in furiated men. (Cheer-s.) . - Let me call your attention to the history of this war. When it began, by the unanimous vote of Congress, representing all parties, it was solemnly declared that the object of this" contestwas to put down resistance to the laws, to maintain the dominion of the Constitution over ,the whole country, and to restore the Union of our fathers. At that time there was no division of sentiment in the Nor-tin, All were united in carrying on the contest. All gave their contributions of men andmoney, and for a time the voice of party seemed to be hushed. But a little-whilealter that we were told that the‘war was to he continued for ano ther purposeuthat there was a cause for this difiiculty—that slavery was the cause andvsla very was to be removed. We protested against this issue. .- Time has moved on and now- we» have another issue. Not content to have the war end with the restoration of the Union and MW supremacy of the Constitution, or even with the destruction of slavery, you have re cently heard the declaration from the Vice President of the United States and by Senators from Eastern States, who not only prognosti cate, but make the policy of this administra tion, thatfihis war is to go onuntil the general government has added, to it new power over and new relations to the vast regions of the South, which, they say. once were States. You have heard-the boasts-by one Senator that not a only should the war go on, but that it had gone onuntil the greatnnd imperial State of-Nerv York was dragged at the heels of a conqueror. (Laughter and applause.) Can we hope for a successful termination of this war within a period of time that will save us from national bankruptcy and national ruin, if we are to have. day after day, new and more diflioult issues presentedand if day after day in its progress we are to be told that its ends and objects are to be more and more revolutionary and subver sive of all we have been taught to honor or hold deer in our system of government? We pro~ pose to wage this War for a. purpose upon which the whole North is united—for a pur pose which will draw to our standard hundreds and thousands of hearts in the South, which yet beat with love for our old banner and our old Constitution. (Cheers) They propose that we shall carry on the war for purposes that we at the North cannot. unanimously consent to; they propose not to put down revolufion, but. to make revolution ; they propose to 05er no inducement for rebels to submit to the laws, but they say to us and to them that we shall no longer have guaranty of the Constitution for the preservation of our liberties hereafter as they have been preserved before. I appeal to you if this is not their attitude. Can the war he brought to a successful conclusion by a part”, that coolly proposes that when every in terest of the South shall vibrate toward the Union. we shall plunge into an abyss of con troversy and discussion, instead of saying that the Constitution shall then, as in times past, be our guide? ' - Consider, I pray you, seriously the proposi tions that have been laid before the community by our opponents, in reference to this Wan- See if it is not true that they make this war one for indefinite purposes, for objects that we cannot attain, and ought not to attain, if they do not go further than saying that it isa war for the purpose of restoring the Union and the Constitution. They declare boldly and openly that We are to abandon the traditions and laws of our fathers. To attain their ends it is necessary to trample upon the Constitu tion, so that the general goverfifint shall be vested with greater powers the. e have ever heretofore been willing to confer upon it.— They tell you that we want a strong govern ment at Washington. They say that firm take jurisdiction from localities, from towns and counties, and States, and centralize it at Wash— ington, we shall have a stronger government. I deny that proposition. (Applause) I in sist upon it‘that if they should succeed in that policy, so for from making the government stronger, they will make it weaker. Ido not charge that they do not honestly entertain the convictions that they express, but I charge, if carried out, they will involve the government in ruin. (Cheers.) The strength of the gen eral government lies not alone in the power which has been conferred upon it, but the re straint which the Constitution throws around it. his made strong not only hyrwhat the Constitution says it may do, but by what the Constitution says it may not do. The Consti~ tution forbids Congress from taking away the right to make laws interfering with religion, with the, rights of home. with the rights of free speech, becauseithe power of exercising those rights would shatter it to atoms. (Great applause.) If I might make a very palpable illustration I would say that the nation is like awell: bound Cask, Suppose a cask should take it into its head.—reaaoning perhaps as wisely as theyisometimes do at Washington—— that if it should burst its hoops it might be come a hogshead, it. might increase its strength and dimensions. Why, if it would burst its hoops it would not even remain a barrel, it would he a mere bundle of stoves.— (Laughter and cheers.) Now,)whe,n our gen eral government at Washington shall succeed in bursting these restraints upon its power which are placed there for the purpose of its preservation—for the purpose of binding the government together—so far will it be from true thatthey have strengthened the govern ment, that the fact, will be that they will have brought upon it weakness, diseumfiture, dis honor. and disgrace. - ‘ Let us see if these views are purely theoret ical. Last winter 1 was called upon by a friend PRIMJTWVM'S. of very difi'erent opinions from myself—fer I have friends on. the other side. notwithstand ing so much-is said about my “friends”—con cerning the draft, and he wanted to know if I feared for the rights and existence of the States from its operation. I toldhim I had no such fears. I told him I should not fear for the States. .bnt'that I should tremble for the gen eral government itself, and Ith.]: tried to make him see that the attempted exercise of such powerson the part of the general gov ernment, so far from arming it with greater strength, would prove perilous to it. I begged him to see, and to tell those who sent him to sesame that the strength of government should he basedupon the afi‘eetions of ' the people.— (Loud cheers.) I begged him to tell them that if they would make this government strong. and powerful, it was by addressing themselves to the {affection and regards of the whole American people. (Gheers.) Not many months have r‘ollod‘hway since, in response to a call fromthe government, the...people of this coun try sent six hundred thousand men to fight the battles 'of the country. Why did they go 2 Was it because they were called for by the voice of powor 1’ It was because they were sent; for, to volunteer for the ,defense of the nation, and they came from school'distr'iet, village; town; city and State,‘ until they .swelleddhtp the mightiest military array that the world has ever seen. Well. as a resultsflhis yoluntary action of, the public, the administration feund itself in the control of a mightyvarmy, and for getting from whence it derived its strength— that it was the power and strength of the peo ple alone. which: they held—they were bewil dere “ , the splendor of their position, and they , . fired that they would no longer live upofifi e charity of the community and send around a contribution box when they=wanted ineffici- money, hutwhenever men. were wan t‘e‘d- they would send-ofieers toforee the people into the ranks. I warned them of the result of that experiment. I implored them for their own sakes, for thesake of the cause in which theyhad engaged, not tomake the attempt,— If I had been influenced by personal or party considerations I should not have said one word when they‘persistedin the" way that was to lead them. to discomfiture and disgrace. But I told them that if they would pursue a policy; that would appeal to the hearts of the people there would he ndlimit to their strength, but if they should attempt to subvert the whole policy of our government, and should suppose that they were armed with power to compels free people in any-oourse. they would not only endanger themselves .hut endanger the gov ernment. (Cheer-s.) . ' I humiliatedmyself before these men rather than I would see them enter the homes of your citizens with forest Against'my most earnest prayer that this our glorious Suite should he saved from this ignominy and disgrace, and be allowed to send forth her son's cheerfully and freely ‘to the battle-field, the measure was adopted. I was told there was no timelto wait in New York-Ahough‘ there was time to wait for New Jersey and Ohio and other States. I told them of our services. ' I told them what was'true, that New York was the only‘Atlontio State that had given more‘thon its proportion of troops under the calls of the President. (Great cheering.) I implored in vein. The rash experiment. was made. What was the re sult? Why you'have seen that one year ago New York voluntarily gave one hundred and twenty thousand of her sons to *he service of her country, ”rind yet under the draft, with the whole energy of the government put forth, with armed men paraded through the State, with the threats of legal proceedings and mili 'tary force, you. have seen carried away less than ten thousand’ men, more than half of whom were in truth volunteers. because they were bought with a price Now that is the doctrine of consolidation carried into practical effect. Thus one method, by which our gov ernment was to be made strong, has been tried. Is this strength or weakness? Is this success or failure? I implore you look into these questions yourselves. I do not complain of what may be said of myself, that I have been misrepresented; that I am charged with tree.- son; with almost all the offences to be found in the catalogue of crime. I have not one word to say in my own defense, but I do com~ plain that citizens of this State who are our political opponents join in the calamities against theim own State, which has done so much to sustain the government. (Cheers.) Whenever I have asked for justice for the State—andl have only asked for justice—it has always led immediately to the charge that there was a. desire to embarrass the general government. As I have said, ours was the only Atlantic State which, on the first day of January last, had sent to the war such num bers that it was entitled to credit for surplus. That was conceded at Washington._ And it. was conceded, too, thstl’ennsylvanio. New Jersey, and every New England Stole, save the little State of Rhode Island, were behind. (Cheers) Since the first day of January last the State of New York hos sent. fifteen thousand men out of its limits to defend Pennsylvania. (Loud hpplause.) . [TheSenmh -Warcl Democratic Club here entered the hall with an American flag, and a banner inscribed “ Union, Liberty, and the Laws," amid greet cheering. Cheers were also given for Governor Seymour and General M’Clellan. When order was restored Governor Seymour continued :] When we were so agreeably interrupted by our friends from the Seventh ward, I was speak ing of the service of New York. New York is the only State in the Union that has given bounties to volunteers from its State treasury, without regard to the question whether there was or was not a draft to be made. Since the adjournment of the Legislature I have been laboriously employed with the whole of my staff in the work of filling up the ranks of volunteers. (Cheers) Suddenly there came up a. midnight cry from Washington for help. A proclamation was issued to Ohio, Pennsyl vania and Marylandrcalling for n hundred thousand men to rally immediately to save the nation’s capital. A friend of mine at Wash ington asked them why they did not call on New York. “Oh,” they said, “New York has got it Copperhead Governor. he will do noth ing,” '(Laughter.) But New York was called on, and the result; was that New York was about the only State that did anything in re inforcing the army already in the field.— (Laughter and cheers.) Ido not speak of this because I cl‘aim {my merit. I did but my duty. When the President of the United States, the constitutional head of this government, called upon me, as he had a right to call upon me under the Constitution. I responded as it became my duty to do. (Cheers) New I want. to state, in justice to New York and in justice to the ML, ministration. that while many Republican citi zens of New York were traducing our own great State, I received a dispatch from the Secretary of War thanking the for my prompt response and begging that 1 would send on our troops at once so as to stir up Pennsylvania and other States to come to the rescue; (Applause)— Reod the history of the bottle of Gettysburg ——the record of that four days’ fight, Where the battle each day surged from side to side. so that it was not known until the very last moment which army. were the victors—see how closely we battledthere undjt'aen. What ’ffifim‘s‘nfib ‘fififi?’ ‘fibfifiifio Imus Hymn? n ' z, . ‘1 BY o.' BARRETT a up Tu pun Pumps- an Ono: win he and fluid "11 be" ruldingin the Borough for us our: I'll) "In. plyabloto the curl-r; Inn numbers, rm alum rn Ann, . Tn: Wnnt Puma! All) UIIOI in ”bu-{u um nouns n: Ann, innrmuy in dance. Ton call. to “0 “are“,fgnea Julian ‘ O‘BBGOWG' w t thin onubnlhmom a 0mm!” :03 OFFlClieonhhaln'g I. variety of phil “I has, me. unoqull ed by In, maqbli-hmlnt in tho interior 0! thistlm' for what a. ”hang. of‘ the public-h h' lid 9 . man dare say that the contributions that New York sent at mainline did‘ not strengthen the hearts of our ”Infill“! did not turn the tide of battle in favoi'ibfthe old lag! Since the first day of January last we have raised more than sixteen thons‘a’ndyolunteers. If you will add the number that we sent in response to the call for thirty days—and there are times when thirty days are more than as many years -.-—there are times when men are sent into the battle-field» atvthe-rvery momentmhen-‘their . services could not be reylaoedii by a year’s l after work, It we add the n‘nn‘tber sent in. 1 response to that call, wevhave sent, _ since the i first of January, more than thirty-four thou.- l sand volunteers ,tothe service of hunnonntny, l —more than three times as manylas the coer ‘ cive action 'of thegovernment produced—more.. , than Has been sent by all the other Northern.- ‘ States of the Union put together. , . .- With these facts, with this generous support ‘ thus freely given to ~our‘govet-nment,-{mhesr charged day after day that the admin stration has‘béen hindered by the State df‘New Yin-kt , When it was shown how many men had gone. fromthe State, the Republican pipers of the State-seemed to take the greatest pleasure in declaring that this was not‘iib; and in ‘stating that‘we‘ had only senttWe-l'th'ousand voles; teers, because, by somiflt’iftirmality, théy 1362'? not mentioned in the bhoks before they were mustered in, but while they wwére'pre‘pa‘ring to 50. Does this not preve'thfitjlinldstioelis being“ done to this State in fthfi’lfihplarageme'nt in which it is spoken of ?. “tines it not, alsojprove the great lesson'or which‘l'have spaken’, that, the government, to be etron’g‘, must be founded in the affections of the people? They tell us that the Constitution may" be set aside. By what right do you ,w‘oieh'ip your' God? As yourconscience‘dictates?‘ By what right do you stand up here in the face of this commu ‘ nity and say, although I‘ stand alone, no man , shall stand between rue and my Maker as to . the mode in which I sliall'worship Him if , Why, it is written down in the great charter of your liberties. It is by that alone that you have all the evidence by which that right exists, and all the means. by whichthatright combo-en , forced. By what_right, whenyou go to your I homes, howewei‘ humble they maybe, do .you ? clos‘e‘the latch saying “this is iny castle ‘3”— ' It is only by’the guarantee of the'Consfitution. i What is itrthat makes sacred‘the relations be-- tween you and your wife, and sister,‘and aged father and mother, that sit by your fireside? , We are told that men who talk of Constitutions are traitors to their-country. Waste told that ,the Constitution is no writ of protection‘against 1 Abraham Lincoln as ’ a' general, although all powerful against Abraham Lincoln as a 'presi i dent. -I am not one of those who havea' particu lar admiration for Abraham Lincoln as presi dent. I have sustained him freely and fully, frankly and fairly. I did not want him there, but "I'ha‘e infinitely more respect for him as a. president than as a general. (Chest-s.) These“ doctrines are dangerous and revolu tionary ; they. strike at the existence of the government 5, they endanger your national liberties;‘they threaten to _' shatter the very bonds of society‘itSelf. The Vice President of the 'United States, in a speech within the limits of your own- State, said : “ There are some men who want the Union as it was, and the Constitution as it is. Well, they can‘t have them.” We can’t have the Constitution as it is 2 .This question is involved in the coming elections. I ask you when you have, by the edict of your votes. sustained a party that de l clares itself opposed to the Constitution, will i you have left one-third of that fundamental ‘» law to protect you? i defy any man to show whenever We have been untrue to the Consti tution or untrue to our post. 1 defy any man to show that it is not true that we on our part have been in favor of exerting every material and every'moral power and every exertion of statesmanship to bring this war to a successful conglusion, and, on the other hand that we have refrained from placing those obstacles in the way of that result which are placed there by the theorists who propose to make it no longer a war {or the Constitution, but a war for the extermination of slavery. and for the crushing out of the rights of the States, for the lessen ing of the jurisdiction of the Constitution and the widening of that of the administration. (Cheers) These things are involved in the election that is about to take place. ‘As I said in the outset, they concern the country and the community, they concern each man in his liberty, in his conduct, in his home. I have alluded to the wrongs done to our Stat-e. I have not alluded to the wrongs done to myself, nor shall I do so. For I tell you here, and in saying these things I know I speak for every true lover of the country, how ever unjust our political opponents may be to us, however much they may traduce our char— acter, however much they may threaten, we shall never be turned aside one hair’s breadth from the faithful and full performance of our duty. (Cheersj We shall not be prevented from doing our whole duty to this administra~ tion, in all respects, where they have a:right to call upon us; nor, on the other hand, will we be driven to do a wrong to our own rights by the full exercise of this power. We will do our duty, and we will demand our rights. We will battle on faithfully and hopefully for our country; for let me tell you this, and I say that. which I believe in my inmost heart, that'dark as the clouds are which hang over our coun try, mistaken as has been the policy of our ruler-S, unfortunate as has been their conduct, I tell you, notwithstanding that, I feel in my own heart assured that our Union shall live, that our Constitution shall be preserved, and that peace will again dawn upon our land.—’ (Land cheering.) I believe that the very. ex; periments our political opponents are making will be attended with good. Up to this time we only knew that we had prospered marvel ously under the system of government which. our fathers adopted. But there have been those who maintained that we should have been still' more successful under a more centralized gov ernment. By the experiments now making the question will be set at rest. and no man will again advocate centralization. .So I am. still full of confidence. I hope, in the lan guage of another, for the time when the war shall be passed by, and there will be upon the flag of our country. every star that glitters there, and in the bounds of our confederaoy a State for every star. (Cheers ) I hope before many months shall hare rolled away, that all will agree that. those men are traitors who would tear asunder the ring of our country or ‘ who would wipe out from the azure field a single star that glitters there. and that alimeu will unite in restoring the. States to all their original splendor, to all their glory, to all their greatngsg. and :0 all their united strength..— (Tremendgus and long continued cheering.) THE NeW York Eumz‘ug Post, one of Mr. Lin‘ coln’s organsrin—ehief, says : ' “If slavery is to he continue& in this much try, we Wunb the Irish and Catholics to take the place of the negmea, and let. the more intelligent an'd virtuousblacks be liber'atefl.” Why does ‘not Parke Godwin, the editor of the Past, black his face so as to play “‘6 full role of the negro? His hair is about! right already, and a little lampblack would make as good a nigger of him as can be found in a crowd of a thousand ‘conti'ab ands.~— Gutskill. Recorder. I