LOCAL NEWS. CON. ron Ilawsman BoasownEs.—Why is a L ewspaper HU a toothbrush? D'ye give it up? Because everybody should have one of his own, and not borrow his neighbor's. TRUE Bats.—The Grand Jury of the U. States Court, now in session at Pittsburg, have returned true bills against John R. Forrest and wife, post master at Perrine, Mercer e3unty, for embezzling and detaining letters passing through that office. PROPOSALS.-By reference to advertisment else where, it will be seen that the building committee of the Paxton hose and engine company will re receive proposals for the erection of a new house, for their use, until Nov. 3d, when they will be opened by the committee. WS&T Is ?—What is the "A; 0. of 431 . . F ?" Will some person who is in the ring enlighten ns ? Don't let a fellow "burst in ignorance," when he is a regular thirster after knowledge. For the edification of those who know what it means, we would inform them that the semi-annual session of the E.. H. G. Lodge, A. 0. of 0. F. of the State of Pennsylvania, for. the year 1863, convened at Easton, Pa., on Thursday evening last. We sap.. pose they are all good fellows, and had a good time. Tan Quo Ta.troz.—The exportation of petroleum for home and foreign consumption from the great oil regions of Pennsylvania steadily increases.— The receipts at Philadelphia last week were 3,340 barrels crude, and 3,620 barrels refined. The number of gallons exported from that place since January Ist is 4,609,683, against 1,937,336, show ing an increase for this year of 2,972,10 gallons. The export from the entire United States from the let of January is 22,123,116 gallons, against '7,203,282 for some time last year—an increase of 14,914.934 gallons for the present year. Fur Hut Our !—A confirmed bachelor says the reason women never stammer, is bemuse they talk so fast that a stammer has no chance to get in.— People stutter because they hesitate but who ever knew a woman to hesitate about anything P The same "ugly brute" also growls out other slanderous propositions—as, for instance, that W 6111611 first resorted to tight lacing to prove to . men bow well they could bear squeezing; that there are two classes of disappointed lovers namely, those who are disappointed before marriage, and the more numerous ones who are disappointed after it; and that the news of the weak, will always be hued under the marriage head. CHEROff Bum:D.—The Third Preebytcrian church, (0. S.), on Third street, Pittsburg, was entirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning, This church was one of the oldest ecclesiastical buildings in that city, and was erected in 1832, at a cost of $30,000, but has since purchased an organ and made repairs to the extent of $ll,OOO. The loss will therefore be about $41,000, which is partially covered by an insurance of $20,000 on the building and $1,200 on the organ. The fire was communicated from a burning building close at hand, formerly known as the "Journal Build ing." DEATH OF A "FAST FIIMALE."—We are pained -to learn that the famous trotting mare "Flora Tem ple," which has got over the gronud in better time than any other piece of horse flesh on record, died at Belfast, Maine, on the 19th instant. She had -trotted at Bangor a few days previously, and took a sudden cold, which brought on an attack of the 4:stemper, of which she died. No more shall the -dashing "Flora" outstrip her envious rivals on the course, cheered on by thousands, and making for tunes for her owners and fame for herself; no lon -ger shall we read of her "killing pace" past the quarter pole, er her "splendid brushes" and "mag nificent rallies" on the home stretch. Her aston ishing career is ended; she has tretted her last trot; she has returned to the dust, and can "git up and dust" no more. Sic transit gtoria Temple ! VETERAN Vor.tratenne.—n4 New Issy—Tho most liberal inducements are new offered for the re-enlistment of veteran soldiers. By a recent order from the War Department, all such persons enlisting will be credited to their respective States and districts en tbek quotas under the new call for troops. Under the terms NO this order all able-bodied men, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, who have served for not less than nine months, will upon re-enlisting receive one month's pay in advance, and a bounty and pre mium of $492, to be paid as follows; Upon being mustered in, $5O ; at the first regular pay day after being mastered in, $5O; at the next pay day after six months' service, $5O ; at the first pay day after a year's service, $5O ; at the first day day after two years' service, $5O; at the first pay day after two years and a half service, $5O; at the first pay day after three years' service, $75. The monthly compensation of soldiers recruited under this order will be as follows f. If continued in the service three years, $24; if discharged at the end of two years, $29.70. If the Government shall not require these troops for the full period of three years, and they shall be mustered honorably out of service before the expiration of their term of enlistment, they shall receive upon being mu bored out, the whole amount of bounty remaining unpaid, the same as if the whole term had been served. The legal heirs of volunteers who die in the service shall be entitled to MAT! the whole bounty remaining unpaid at the soldier's death: Tan Auzuna.—We are in the midst of the mat gorgeous season of the rolling year. A dazzling mantle of glory, variegated with hues of crimson and scarlet and purple and gold, is spread over the continent, bewildering the eye with hourly hailed eseopio changes from glory to glory, until we seem in a fairy world, surrounded by celestial armies waving "banners bright with every martial hue." But amidst all this vision of grandeur, the heart is touched by the visible symptoms of the decli ning year, which, with.suoh mournful beauty, ap peal to us from the forest, and in the sad cadence of the breeze. The beetle glow of death brightens the quivering leaf, and the pensive monotone of the wind sighs through wood paths or grieves about the roof tree the old story it has told for centuries agone. Both impress us with the grave moral that the external things which command so mush of our allegiance are as fleeting a t , the ten der breath of that autumnal air, and as short lived as those glowing hues which will in so small a time vanish into darkness. Year after year this wondrous metamorphose takes place. The seasons describe their cycle—the blithe spring, the fervid summer, the fruit-laden and grain-garnered autumn, and the white-bearded winter, with au tomaton• regularity succeed each other, singular types of the childhood, youth, ma,nhood and old age of man, and so year by year men play their little fevered parts on the stage of human action, and pass away, leaving scarce a trace behind them. All is vanity, from "The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself," to the men who are the actors, unless out of all this material beauty and deeay we glean lessons not purely material, and aspire to things not finite and perishable. There is a resurrection for the dead seasons, and there is a translation for the clay-encumbered AO lll of mac. LEAGUE PATEICITISE.—III ble letter be the Prince of Wales, Artemne Ward gives a good exposition of the style of patriotism that is fashionable now adays among the paragons of "loyalty." Ho must be an honorary member of the League, as be seems thoroughly to understand their views on the subject of duty and sacrifice. Hear the jester's thunder : "Yes, air, we've got a war, and the troo patriot has to make sacrifices, yon may bet. I have al ready given two cousins to the war, A I stand ready to sacrifice my wife's brother rather'n not see the rebelying kruseht. And if miss comes to wars, I'll shed every drop of bind my able-bodied relations has got to prosekoot the war. I think somebody oughter be presekooted, and it may as well be the war as anybody else." Parson Brownlow, the favorite of the Leaguers, declared that "loyalty leads to the field," and there can be no doubt that on the field can loyalty to the government best be attested. But how many Lea guers can you find in arms They have stead fastly remained at home, breathing oat blood, slaughter and "loyalty," but shunning the month ing of f ice almost unanimously. Their extreme modesty in regard to shouldering arms forcild the government, to which they were so devoted, to re , sort to drafting them_ This they hailed with de light, declaring it a "popolar measure," rightteous, equalizing the burden, Lc. Rare was an opportu nity for patriots; the government was in Bove need of men. Could the Leaguers fail to respon.i to its cry, coming through the just and equalisi , sg lot tery of the provost marshal's wheel? Alan ! not a man of them would go ; all of them evaded the act by paying their poll money or putting in. a plea of some kind. This would have been bad .enough for "disloyal copperheads," but for such "loyal" men to "go back" on their government and pro fessing 1 For shame ! Better give up running the "loyal" machine. Appropos of this subject, the following, from the Fawn "Argus," will answer. It appears to be the same every place : "We have been watching the progress of the draft in this district to see how many of the Re publican's that were drafted would go to the war. And how many do you think *have gone ? Nov one. They all try to get clear on the score of `disability,' and failing in this, they soak down the $3OO. Anything but fight. The drafted Republi cans hereabouts are the most afflicted set of men we ever heard of. They demand 'a vigorous prose cution of the war,' but when they happen to be drafted, they either have dyspepsia, 'rheumatics,' lumbago, defective eye-eight, or some entirely in curable disease that no physician ever heard of.— They are all too unhealthy to go—llet the d--4 copperheads go'—that's their doctrine." A Succage.—The opening performance of the Harrisburg Thespian Association, at Beant's Hall last night, was eminently successful. A large and appreciative audience were in attendance. We have not time to particularize at the late hour at which we write, but can only say that the acting wee good- , .--mneh better than could hare been et pected for an initial performance. Most of the characters were faithfully rendered, and elicited commendation from the spectator& Another per formance is announced for Saturday night, by which time the society will have time to remedy some defects which were unavoidable at the time of their first appearance. SWORD PRREIRITILTIORQUitO an animated scene transpired on Market street, in front of /leree Ho tel, yesterday afternoon, the occasion being the presentation of a handsome and valuable sword by the members of Captain MeleellOrlee company, 13th Pennsylvania cavalry, to First Lieutenant James Lece. Appropriate speeches were made en both sides, interspersed with hearty cheers. This company was originally recruited in this vicinity, and was yesterday, we understood, under march ing orders to the front. To Fanmens.—The Agricultural Bureau at Washington has recently imported for distribution a supply of choice Mediterranean wheat, which is well suited to the moil of this latitudes also, samples of superior wheat from Russia and othe r parts of Northern Europe. Samples can be ob taiaed by addressing Ron. Late Newton, Commis sioner of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Commurre 40011 DAINVAPPI — Abont two hun dred conscripts and substitutes, from the camp near Pittsburg, passed through this city on the Pennsylvania road, night before led, They are assigned to regiments in Gen. Gilmore's command, Department of South Carolina. They were a very fair looking body of me% and appeared to be in the best of spirits. Agrumerso Sonnums.—Ten oar Wade of sol. diers, who had been at home on furlough for the purpose of voting, passed through this city day before yesterday, on their return to their regi ments. They were from Pittsburg and other points in Western Pennsylvania. PREPARE PM NomAr POMBINTE,PortabIe double Telescopes, beautiful for the opera or tour ist's use, invaluable for army or navy officers ; will define an object distant at from 2to 6 miles. All kinds of microscopes, magnifying from 10,000 to 500,000 times; Brazilian pebble spectacles and eyeglasses of the highest refractive power, to strengthen and assist the impaired vision, at Ro sendale's Optical Institute, No. 8, Market Square, sign of the big speetaoles, P. B.—Mr. R. will stay in town only a short time longer. Mtn M. V. Wu.aon regnant§ the ladies of liar. sighing and strangers to call and see her fall stook of trimmings and fancy articles, at her old stand, corner of Second and Walnut. 902-1 w Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of pay and subsistence claims, &a., In., made out and 00l- looted by EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, °Hee, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. 00t213-17 Naw FALL Goons.—We have now received and ere opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other goods. Splendid assortment of new delaines. All eelem of plain alpacas. New style of plaid dress goods. Fine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattan 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleaohed muslin& 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting. 5-4 heavy linen for pillow cases. 7-4 grey linen damask for table covers. White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen and hemetiobed pocket bandker- chiefs. 10 doz. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 75 cants, $1 00, $1 50, and a prices. White cambric mnalins and jaconnetta, naneooke, Irish linen, Swim muffing, and a great many other new goods. S. Limy. SOAR—Tallow Soap, Babbit's New Tort Soap, allaying Soap, just received by _ ADAM KILLER, JX., Corner of Front and Market eta. octl6 BOND'S BOSTON BISCUIT, Bond's Milk Biscuit, Bond's Wine Biscuit, Bond's Butter Biscuit, for sate by ADAM BBILLBR, °aid Corner of Front and Market ste. CRANBERRIES. —A choice lot just V resolved and for ale b ADAM 1011.11 R. JR•P °ale Corner of /treat and Market eta. I=l SPECIAL NOTICES. THE GREAT SECRET.—It is ad mitted by all phiacians that the grand secret of health and long life lies in keeping the blood and various fluids of the body in a high degree of fluidity. When you feel continued pain in the head or bowels, or any con tinued uneasiness in any organ or other parts of the body, you can prevent serious sickness by taking BRANDRETIPS PILLS. Bleeding may give momentary ease, because the blood left will have more room. But as the body is made from the blood and sustained by the blood, to waste our blood is to waste our life and ruin our constitution. But Brandreth's Pills relieve the circulation as readily as bleeding by only taking away what it amt well spare, and WIT INTIM JOWL Mrs. Hooper, of Barnstable, Mane., was eared of lit. Vitus Dance, General Debility, poorness of blood and costiveness of many years standing, by Brandretb P s Pills. The ease at length is published in the Pam phlets. Nor sale in Harrisburg by 01-dinetf Dr. Brunon's Concentrated Remedies. No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the evil 'Pets of SELF-ABUSE, as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Broath,Giddinemh Palpitation of the Heart, Dimnessof Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Frice One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure, in from two to eight days, any cue of GONNORRECIA, ie without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. No. IL The TERRE will cure in the shortest possible time any ease of GLINT, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste er omen. Price One Dollar. No. 4. irflll FUN/TER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollar. No. b. TUB BOLUTOB will cure any case of GRAVED, permanently and speedily remove all &Malone of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. O. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically and in a mub *bolter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, le the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. No. B. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and speedy in producing liniNantlJATlON, or correct ing any Irregularities of the monthly period.. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either remedy sent tree by mail on receipt of the pride annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a circu lar. General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and Callowhill street. Private office, 401 York avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale in Harrisburg by In —. A. HAUT LIT and Louis Wyrrn, where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with full descriptions of each case, will b o deliv ered gratis on application, Address DR.TELIX BIWNON, July 28 , 1888 -1 y P.O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. A Friend in Need. Try it. DR. BWRItTIi INYdLY.IBLffi LINIMiiNT is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connec tient, the great bone setter, and has been used in his practice for the last twenty years with the moat aston ishing inieeelli. Al an e=ternal remedy it Is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more .speedily than any other preparation. Nor all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores,Worinds, Sprains, Bruises, 86c., its soothing, heal ing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over four hundred certificates of re markable MPhi l performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact. See advertisement. apileow-d&w IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESEMAAPS PILLS. The combination of bivalents in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in theft operation, and certain in correcting ivregu lac I Iles, painful menstruation, removiugall obstructions whether from cold or otherwese, headache, pain in the palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of mature. DR. CHRISSRMAIIIS PILLS was the couuneneementof a mew er Ohs treatment of theme irregularities an dobstrac C 3 !while bar tear signed so many to a poissaturs grow 134 aim mugs & asiel geed health unless shale regular, aid whearnras obstruction takes place the general health begins lode cline. DR. CHERSEMAPPS PILLS are the moat effectual remedy ever Mows for all 9018- plaints peculiar to Punales. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with eartainty,perisdiasi regular ity. They are known to tisousands,vrho have usedthem at different periodii, throughout the went'', haeingthe sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions, static whets they should sot be used, with each Box-.-the Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 00 to 00 Pills. P sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agibit ills U. Sold by Druggisto generally. B. 8. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. • gold In Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. Mechanicsburg, by J. 8. Dellett. U Carlisle. by 8. Elliott. " Bhippenbburg, by D. W. Rankin. Ohamberaburg, by Miller & Hershey. " gummeletown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by George tom deob-d&wly A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debilityjnoonipetcnoy) Fr Cmatve peaty and Youthful irror, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to !umiak to all who need it (free of charge) the reeled and directions for making the simple Remedy used in hie 01180. Those wishing to profit by We eipe- Hence—and - pos*3w a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mall, (carefully sealed) by ad- droning ; JOHN B. 04DBN. Aug 14-3md&w No. GO, Wyman street, N. T. NEW DISCOVERY for the SPEEDY AND PERMANENT CURE of Seminal Weakness, Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, Sexual Dis ease; Emissions, Impotence, Genital Debility, and die eases of the Bladder and Indium. Max's angina PILLS are warinnted in nil ones and can be relied on. No change of diet required. They do not nauseate, nor interfere with business pursuits. upwards of 200 sues have been cured the past month, More than one hundred physicians use them is their private practice, and all speak well of their efficacy. They are entirely harmless on the system, and can be salad on in all mules arising from yontiffnl indlieretion or self abase, which often incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married A TREATISE of 65 pages, containing Alms of cure, sent free to all. Two stamps required for postage. The Pills will be lent by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of One Dollar, by J. BRYAN, M. D., No. 76 Oedar street, New York. Bob! by all the principal druggists . Sep 25.1yditw [Communicated.] Pulmonary Consumption a Curable Disease! A CARD. TO COXSIIMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a Tory simple relliedY) after having Buf fered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—ir anxious to make known to his fellow aufferers the means of mire. To all who desire it, he will Bend a copy of the pre. scription used, (free of char.re,) with the directions for preparing and tieing the same, which they will find a SUN NM for 001fiffIfir7l0N, AST/M I 140aCarrfs, Omens, COLD; &o. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be inval uable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will colt them nothing, and may proie a blessing. Parties wishing the proscription will please address Raw. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, se 1111-4hadkw Kings county, New York. BOSTON CRACKERS.-.A. LARGE IMPLY of those dellelens maskers jut received and for isle by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LI all persona indebted to the estate of Adam Bress ler, late of Jefferson township, Dauphin doubly, de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and all persons having claims against said estate will pre sent them to the subscriber for adjustment. aouN soovma, Administra rof Adam Browder, deo , d Jefferson towntskip, Sept. 25, 1858.--828.6td osw* SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION.- A very oonveident Writing Desk; silo, Portfolio' ) 111morandum Books ) Portmonnsies, &AL, at SOHAPERWS BOOKSTORE. B OSS'R AMERICAN WRITING PLUID, eqwil It not saperlor to Azaold's Eng lisl6 plaid, and only 02 vents per inert bottle, at 101/UPBIII3 BOOMOBI. 444 NFALLIBLE LINIMENT GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS do WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, and ALL RHEU MATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, Rai never falls. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Cr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fa mous bone setter, and has been used in hie practice for mo rethan twenty years with the most astonishing sac- SUL GEO. H. BELL AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the moat skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidlyand radically, RHEU MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every caae, however distressing. It will relieve the worst eases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also will it cure instantly. PGA NEBYNIS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASSITUDE, arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Act ing directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to elasticity and Vier, FOR FILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that It is the best known, and we challenge the world to pro duce an equal. Every victim of this distressing com plaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford Immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will effect a radios/ cure. QUINSY and SORE THROAT are sometimes ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely applica tion of this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge , meat of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, B URNS and SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT when used according to directions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, and INSECT BITES and STINGS. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the tlrat appearance of Lameneaa will effectually pre vent those formidable diseases to which all horses are liable and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the won derful curative prepertiel el Miff L141'7;1910 have been received within the last two years, and many of them from persona in the highest ranks of life. CAUTION. e To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Like ness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also 6 6 Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment 'I blown in the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON & CO., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ot. !or sale by sll dealers. opiloow-d&w DIJRYEAS' MAIZENA. Received two "PRIZE MEDALS' , (Fiore Juries 3 and 4) at the International Exhibition, London 1862, 1-3 0 Q 0 0 SOLE AWARDS Gained by Anything of the Kind. It also received the Superlative Report of "EICEEDING EXCELLENT FOR FOOD." MAIZENA At the Great International Exhibition at HAMBURG-, July, 1863, Reeeived THE HIGHEST MEDAL For its great delicacy as an aril& of Food. Vied for Puddings, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c , with out Isinglass, with few or no eggs. It is excellent for thickenin Sweet Salton, Gravies for Irish , Meat, Soups, I ke, F I or ce Cream nottibit can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for cof f ee, chocolate, tea, &c. A most delicious article of food for children and invalids. It is vastly superior to Ar row Root, and much more economical. Put up in one pound pactagee, with full direction for use, and sold by all Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM DURYEA., Wholesale Agent. 166 Fulton Street, New York. Aug IA-dera PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE. One small CARD One SUPER-ROYAL SMITH'S HAND PBESS. One RUGGLES' QUARTER MEDIUM FAST PRESS, for cards, circulars, &c. One DAVIES' OSCILLATING, SUPER-ROYAL, MA CHINE PRESS, suitable for jobs and newspaper work. A stout boy can run off 1,000 copies per hour. All the Dresses are in good order, and will be soid low. Apply to T HEW P. SOHEFFER, oct 1. No. 18, Market St., Harrisburg. H . AMS!II I 20,000,1b5. Composed of the following:Brands just received,: NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS & SWlFT'S—Superior. 111ICHINER'S EXCELSIOR—Cant - 4,18bl MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN HAMS—Strictly prime. ORDINARY RAMS—Very g 994, lE aver] Ham Isola will be gua r anteed as represen ted. WM. DOCH, Jr., & 00. BLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, Which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES. SPOTS, TET. TER.% SCALES, ROILS, SYPHILIS OR VENA. REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S R 090 T AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public as a positive Care. Baaishes aU impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action, care Chose Spots, Tetters, Scales and 06pfiet. Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the pomp, FEMALES FEMALES In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES is moat happily adapted in Ulcerated Uterue, in Whites, in bearing down,Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. 1)0 NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals. Here is a cure in an case foi Price $1 per bottle, or Sit for IS, with fall are& SiDik t . Sold by D. W. GROSS & 00. Sent by Express carefully packed by DESMOND & 00, jail-ly Box 161 Phil& P.O. WAR I WAR! —BRADY, No. 62 Market street, below Third, has reeeived alarge onortment of BlireeDB, nun and BIM, whloh he will sell very low. an.2o dtt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MlElzancrii FAMILY GROCERY. Raving just returned from the Ifauitern cities , we are receiving all the VRICSU and thtololl pods in our linens the market. We can confidently offer a complete stock of First Oleos Groceries, which we guarantee cannot be sur passed by any ether establishment in the State in See intim. price or assortment. sep 2& WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. CHOICE TEAS—lmperial, Japanese, Colony, Cloupewder, and all the fine and eommon Teas In general nse, for sale at ADAM SELLER, .71L, sot 6 Corner of Front and Market ate, ,ffiebital. DR. SWEET'S TILE BEING THE Jllifictllancong. NEW MUSIC BOOK by MR. BRAD BURY, IN PRESS, And will be issued early in November, THE KEY-NOTE; A new collection of Sacred and Secular Music, for Singing schools, Choirs, Congregations, and social use, BY WILLIAM' B. BRADBURY, AIITSOR OF "TSg inlifiLlNl," AND FUN] OMIER MUSICAL =! ONE HUNDRED pages will be devoted to the Ele ments of Music, with a great amount of new Singing School Music. and nearly TRIMS traNDIUND pagesl6 Sacred Music ' as tunes of all metres, Anthems, Chants, and other Set Pieces, mostly new. The work is printed throughout from large plain type, one part on a staff. Price, $lO per dozen. A single copy will be sent post paid to any teacher of music or leader of a choir, for examination, on receipt of one dollar. The immense success of Mr. Bradbury's previous works, and their almost unexampled sale, (of his last work in this department, Tax JRBILICE, more than two hundred thousand copies have already been sold,) prove his knowledge of the wants of the public and his ability to supply them. The present work was designel for publication last year, but having been delayed because of the unfavor able times, the author has bad opportunity to perfect it in its various departments. As a SINGING SCHO OL BOOK the Half-Novn wll be still more comprehensive and complete than its predecessors. while to Choirs, Congregations, Societies, &c. it will present the re mits of Mr. Bradbury's late in composing and col lecting for 'several years. For sale by Maw & LIAM LIN, Boston. Published by MASON BROTHERS, ecCOdteed 6 & 7 Slercert St., N. Y. SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY AND OUR PEOPLE AT MORE Are now offered an opportunity by which they can ob tain a GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE, A T A VERY LOW FIGURE. OUR WATCHES ARE WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, AND THE DOTES IS ALLOWED THE PRIVILEGE OF EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTIONS. A first class Hunting Time-Piece of silver material, over which is electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, most dura bly wrought, making the Imitation so faultless that it cannot be detected from the solid material by the moat experienced judges; acids will not affect it. London made movement. Improved Duplex in full ruby action, has sweep seconds, and is not to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best articles ever offered for traders and specula tors. Engineers, emigrants, and persons travel ing, will find them superior to any other ; alteration of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, packed in good shape and good running order, only 135, or case of 6 for 1200. Walt DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS, BEST QUALITY SILVER CASES, over which eleetro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, and superior adjusted movements with " stop," to be need in timing horses, etc ; has Four Indexes for Washington and Greenwich time, sweep second, and all the improvements. And in all, taking its beautiful and faultless appearance and its su perior movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the mar ket. Price, in good running order, $35, or case of 6 for $2OO. Irr We ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible parties, to any part of the loyal Rates, with bill payable to expressman when the goods are delivered, giving the buyer the privilege of exami nation, at d, if not satisfactory, the watch can be re turned at our expense. The express companies refuse making collections on soldiers and other parties in the disloyal States, conse quently all such orders must be accompanied by the cash to insure attention. We wake a deduction Or two dollars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advance. Money may be sent by express at our expense. THOS. CATINERTY & CO., 93 and 96 Broad at., opposite City Bank, 6614-20 a Providence, IZ. I. TO ALL WHO VALUE THEIR SIGHT ! JULIUS ROSENDALE, OPTICIAN AND OCULIST, Respectfully announces to the citizens of Harrisburg and vloinity that he has opened an °Mae at Market Square, next to Felix's confeotionary, where he will keep a large assortment of hie PANT4ISCOPIC AND TINTED SPECTACLES, Bet in 13014. Silver, and Magnetic Steel Frames Fully appreciating the confidence that bae been re posed in him on his former visits, he assures his patients that hie aim will be, as heretofore to merit their con fidence and good will. These glasses are now recommended by the first med ical men through the country, and all who purchased hem from me on former visits will testify to their great advantage over all other ones in use. They assist and strengthen the weak and impaired vision, and ena ble the wearer to do the most critical work without the feeling of weakness always caused by common glasses. The Lenses, which are ground from the finest crystal, will last from ten to tweve years without change. These spectacles are manufactured at No. 221, New Street, Philadelphia, and may be exchanged any time if not suited to the eye. 'Consultation free. Office hours from 8 a. m. till 8 p. m. N.B.—All kinds of spectacles and optical instruments neatly repaired. octfi-ddcwlm. SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! TIM Moor CEILTAIN RSMnDY uTlia trBBD. Yes, 'a Positive Cure ! BALSAM COPArm 4- MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a onre. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowe ls of the most delicate. Qum in from two to four Awe, and recent oases in twenty-lour hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change whatever. Price male packages, 112; /male, $B. Bold by D. W. OROBB 00. 0 Bent by mail by DRBMOND & 00., Pew 161 Phili. P ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration have this day been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Dauphin county, upon the estate of Simon Swab, late of Washington township, in said county, de ceased. All persons having claims or demands against maid estate are hereby requested to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to DANIEL SWAB Administrator, octl2-lawet* Washington township, Dauphin co. APARTMENTS Furnished and Board big for Ladies and Gentlemen. Inquire of !duo. KERB, Shoemaker's Bow, Second street, nearly opposite the Buehler House. sep 23•tf SELECT FAMILY GROCERY. ORN ROF IRON •ND ,• Br T . The attentien of the Citizens of Harrisburg, and th public generally. le respectfully invited to the new stock of choice Family tirroceries just being received from the Eastern cities, at the old stand, corner of Front and Market streets. All articles kept in a first glppp 1:499917 will be found on my abellYee, gidl and ADAM KELL - lat. Corner of Brent and Market ato. examine Oct 8 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE—In large and email bottles, warranted genuine, for sale by ADAM KEGLER, .111 , oct 9 Corner of Front and Market ate. FRESH LEMONS, Raisins, Currants, Citrons, and other foreign fruits, at ADAM KELLER, JR., out 8 Corner of Front and Market eta. SARDINES, Spiced Salmon and Mush rooms, just received and for age, by ADAM KELVIN, JR., oat 8 Corner of Front and Market ate. CHEESE—English Dairy, Pine Apple, Sap Sago, and New York Dairy, fine supply of all kinds of cheese, just receired and for sale by ADAM HELIINE, SR., oet 9 Corner of Front and Market stn. NVINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless variety of designs and ornaments Mei!, OUSTAIN PISTIIBEB and TASSELS at very low prices. Call at Scheffees Bookstore. SEVILLE OLIVES —A very fine anti ale and warranted good, for ode by ADAM MILLAR. JR., oet 8 Corner of Front and Market ate. LAMES! yo - u KNOW WERE YOU LA can get line Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting and Wedding Cards ? At BOREPPEE'E BOOKSTORE. NOTIONE3.—Quite variety , useful sa d entertaugps sptieles—eheap—st , 1501110111811 BOWINTORI. Ijelmbolb's THE 41REAT - WCHERICAN REMEDIES'', KNOWN A "H EL M.BOLD'S" ORKUM PIMPABATIONA, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT - " BUCHII." RELMBOLD'S EXVRACT SARSAPARILLA. WAMBOLD'S iIiEPROTID ROSE 'WASH. =mai= ZUMIBOLDIS GEBI7/111 PBBPAitATWN, gs EURRLY CODKNINTRATID COMPOUND /ILIND /DETRACT BUCHU, r • A pindtire and specific Remedy for Disuses of the BLADDER, ICIDNRYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL This medieine increases the power of Media and ex cites the absorbents into.; healthy aetkm, which the water or eakareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements, ere redneed, as Well at pain and inflamma. tion, and is good for MEN, WOKEN and CHILDREN., --.o;— HELIKBOLD'S 112ERBACT BUCHtf, For Weakneee arising from 2110eMell i Habits of Din patios, har►y Indiscretion or Album, attended with the VOLLOWING SYMPTOMS: indiepadtion to Exertion, Dunes of the Bkl, Loge of Memory, Lose of Power. Weak Nemo, Difficulty in Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling. Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness, ' Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Blushing of the Body, Hot Hands, Bruptions on the lace, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowsd to go on, which this medi cine invariably removea, soon MIMI/ IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC VIM In one of which the patient may expire. Who eau may they are not frequently followed by thee° iL dimffil INSANITY AND CONSLIZIPTION Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample waning to the troth of the assertion. THE CONISTITIITION ONCE AFFECTED BY OR- (*AKIO WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to stren g then and invigo rate tke sYstenl l wklich,. ANN4BIAPT.P.B E49T BV9BV invariably doom A trial will convince the most ekepticel FEMALES I FEMALES ! ! FEMALES !!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE. In slimy affection! peculiar to Females, the Extras Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Ohlorrad or Retention, Irregularities, Painfulness, rr fluppressioi of Customary R►aetutions, Ulcerated or fleimheini Mat of the Uterus, Lencorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for a complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from in discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the MOLDER OR CRAMS OP LIPR. BNB SYMPTOMS ABM!. NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT —:o: Tido RO MOM ) Mgraitry Qr VPPleailar4 NOMA Unpleasant and Dangerous Disown. HELhiBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CIMEg SECRET MIMS- In all their stages, st little expense ; little or no chan in diet; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. 1 It causes frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventhkg and curia strictures of the urethra, allaying pain and inflammation so frequent in this clam of diseases, and expelling POI• SONOUS, DISEASED AND WOEN•ODT MATTER. Thousands upon thousands who have been the VICTIMS OP QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY IsiM to be in a abort time, have found they were deceived, and that the 41 Poi son " has, by the use of a Powerful Astringenti "l been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravitkibria, and PERRAPB ANTXR MARRIAGI. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHI7I: For all Affections and Diseases of the URINARY OR GANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from !hosteler nun cnigimetlingi 4 32 4 ao Matter 9$ kisnr standing. Diseases of those organs require the aid of a DIURETIC. RELMBOLDI EXTRACT IBUCHIF I 8 THE GREAT DTCRITIO, And it is certain to have the desired effect in ill limeerues for which it L recommended. BLOOD t BLOOD !! BLOOD !!! RELMBOLD'B EMILY CONCENTRATED CoM POUND YLUID EXTRACT RARSAPAIULLA. SYPHILIS. This is an affection of the Blood, and sthiclorithe Noma mane, Linings of the Nose, Ran, Throat, "Windpipe and other Mucus surfaces, maki=ppearanee in the form of Ulcers. MILABOLIPS t 13nramparilla purifies the Blood and removes all Bcaly Bruptions: of the Skin, giving to the complexion a clear and healthy oolor. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, to Stood-purifying properties are preserved to a greater la tent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. .-- c o:—. HELMBOLD'S ROSH WASH, An excellent lotion for disease' of a Syphilitic nature, and as an lidection in diseases of the 'Urinary Organs art.- lug from habits of 411141041415, WWI ift obidabec .- Opt' With the Extracts enehn and flareiparilla, in etch dilemma ea recom mended. evidence of the moat respenalble;and reliable character will accompany the medicines.. CEBTLFIOATES OF CUM Prom three to twenty years' ataading, with names known TO BOINNON AND FAME. For medical properties of BUCHU melDirrosato ► the United Mates. Bee Professor =WEBS' valuable Works the Pr tics of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICS, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. ZPRRADI M'DOWRLL celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal College Burris, Ireland, and published In the Transactions o the and Queen's Tournal. See edies-Chlrurgieal Review, published by RINJA MIN TRAVRRS, Yellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works on Medians. Extract Maalox- $lOO per bottle, or mix for 15 00 Datract dareapetille.",,-.11 90 per DO*, or sin for $0 00 Improved Rose Wash..., We. per bottle c or six for $2 PO Or half dosen of each- for 112, which wallet enMeient to cure the most obstinate cases, if directioniare adhered he. Delivered to any addrem, securely picked from oboe& ration. • 117" Describe symptoms in all oommunieatioNs./..iitira guaranteed. Advice gratis. —:o:—..i AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, Who bass daly worn doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mer anti, or other Witham drugs, but are purely yitlitable. 11. T. IIBLKBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 234 dayof Nonni bar, 1344. WM: P. lIIIMPAD, Alderman Ninth it., above Base, Philadelphia. Address letters for information in mundane* to H. T. HELNPOLD, Chemist. Depot, No. 104 *South Tenth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, 'REWARD OP COUNTERPE/TE AND lINPRINOLPLED: DBALEEE, Who - endeavor to dispose "OP THEIR OWN" ao " other" articles on the reputation attained by umaggurargi GENUINE PREPARATIONS, HBILNOLD , I3 GENUINE EXTRACT Mill HiciaßoLD l s GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA RELSIDOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED DIXIE WARM, Bold by all Druggists everywhere ASK SOH 11XLIN80LD , S--TAILI NO OTNS* Out out the advortimement and mead for It, sad Ave" IMPOSIT/ONAND MOAN= [344-13r m, = E1:129 UBll