Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 23, 1863, Image 2

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    Vairiot & : ion.
Omiumudestion frill not be published in the PaTmor
aro 17s opt stalest aemmeathed Intl the name of th
AIM mhos seeompestest with the nacre of the
3T Park Row, N.Y., as& State St., Boston,
Are 9w. Agents for the PATRIOT MI Ullo= in throe
*Wes, sail Si. authorized to lake Advertisements sae
isliseriptioas for as at oar Lowest Rates.
The Mole of eur Withal system is the right of the
people to make and alter 'their Constitutions, bat that
which at any time exists snail changed by as explicit
sad authastir art of the whole people, IS 8011111ALLT
OSLIOATOST TWOS ALL. * w * * * It tll indeed
littli elsetban a name when the Government is too fee
ble se withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine
each member of society within the HMOs prescribed by
the laws and to maintain ail is the SUM' and tranquil
enjoyment of the rights of person and property. * *
* Ti. emum Sr Plolol.oMtiOrr Or ONO DIVAILTs
A REAL DESPOTISM. If, In the opinion of tho
people, the disposition or modification of the conetitn-
Gond perm be in any particalar wrong, let it be cor
rected by an amendment is the way in which the Gm
stiention designates. BUT LET THERE BE IVO
CHANGE BY USURPATION; far though this, in
also Ustittseer, may be the instrument of goods IT IS
cedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent
Amy #artial or ifitalitlit benefit whisk the use tan
at any time Tilad:4l3lolOX WASNIIGTON. [Farewell
mate s.]
The Abolition Party.
Before the election many rampant supper
tan of Curtin—indeed the great bulk of the
party by whom he was supported—indig
nantly rdpndiated the epithet "Abolitionists"
applied to them. But now, singe three years
more of power has been given to them by a
majority of the people, they are beginning to
lift the meek wider which they obtained 'vic
tory and reveal their natural features. What
will the thousands of Republicans who, pro
fessing to abhor Abolitionism, yet voted for
Curtin, say to the following extract from the
leading editorial of the Philadelphia Bulletin,
October 21:
"While the Abolitionists in Pennsylvania
were a small, insignificant coterie, or while
they were only numerous enough to hold the
balance of power and be stigmatized by the
other parties as faction,' many men held
aloof from them. But ointtmetonces which
Pennsylvania politicians of the old school
could not control, have made the majority of
the people Abolitionists, and they have just
pronounced at the ballot-box their adhesion to
the whole olio of President Lincoln, incln.
enlistments and every other measure he has
adopted in reference to the colored race. Shwa
the proclamation was issued, elections have
been held in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Ver
mont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, lowa and
other. States, and each has shown a great
growth in the numbers of the President's sup
porters. One year ago, before the proclama
tion, Pennsylvania and Ohio voted against the
President's policy. Now thcise two great
States, Whig in the aggregate more than one
million of votes, have pronounced in favor of
the President's policy by a joint majority of
probably one hundred. and twenty thousand."
And it adds:
d The war is making all the northern people
Abolitionists, except a few desperate political
People have a right to act with the parties
they like beat and to choose the names by
which they prefer to be designated—but we
venture to predict that in less than three years
most of thesis who now seem to glory in the
name and principles of Abolitionism will seek
to escape from both. The extent of their
folly will only bosoms apparent after they
have caught the "elephant" they are after and
find him to be entirely unmanageable. We
bide our time. Three years hence negroes will
be plenty, but Abolitionists will be scarce.
The Latiiiit Psit66 Ptejett.
We can truly say of the editorials of the New
York Herald that they are humorous; if not
reliable. One of the most attractive That we
have recently read, relates to a peace move
meat, in which, with the concurrence of the
President,* certain Dr. Zacharie,* corn doctor,
plays a prominent part. This Dr. Zacharie,
as the Herald relates, first brought himself into
notice among the rulers of the nation at Wash
ington by cutting the germs of the President,
the Cabinet, General M'Clellan, and the whole
Army of the Potomac. So well satisfied were
Mole Abe and his constitutional advisers With
the manner in which the Doctor performed this
invaluable piece of service, that he was sent
to New Orleans to ent the corns of General
Hanks and the corps of suffering soldiers under
his command, immediately after which opera
tion Port Hudson was taken. While in that
region, tie Doctor conversed with many promi
nent Southern men of secession proclivities
who had grown tired of the war and earnestly
desired peace. His mission there ended, he
took passage in a vessel northward bound, and
after a time arrived at Washington, "that
goodly but ungodly city." The rest of the
story--what Zacharie did, what Stanton did,
sad what the President did, we quote from the
Herald as follows, leaving our readers to med
itate urns it and draw their own conclusions :
Again in Washington, (says the Herald,) Dr.
Zaoharie Galled upon his friend, Secretary
Stanton, who, mistaking him for some 'vision
ary fellow, like Greeley of Jewett, r e f use d t o
listen to his story. The Doctor then left
Stanton and went to the President. The mo _
meat Zacharie entered the President's private
reception room, the Chief Executive held out
his foot and complained of his arum Zanharie
removed the corns and told his tale at the
name time. Old Abe was greatly comforted
and interested, and gave Zeoharie a pass to go
to Richmond. Embeds took the pass, Went to
Fortress Monroe and embarked upon the flag
of truce boat. At some point near the rebel
capital he had interviews with Jeff. Davis,
Secretary Memminger, of the rebel Treasury,
and Secretary Benjamin, of the rebel State
Department. He agreed with these rebels
upon a plan of peace. It is this :—Davie t the
rebel cabinet and the rebel armies are to go to
Mexico. Oar government is to furnish them
with transportation to that favored land and
with rations on the way. Jeff. Davis calcu
lates to land in Mexico with one hundred and
fifty thousand veteran fire-eaters, each of whom
can devour a Frenchman at a meal, without
salt and without the slightest injury to his di
gestion. With this force he will drive away
Napoleon's hordes and proclaim himself Presi
dent of the new Mexican republic. Simulta
neously the seceded Southern States will re
turn to the Union with whatever negroes are
left in them. This will end the war satisfac
torily to all concerned. Such is the plan which
Dr. Zacharie has arranged with the Southern
leaders, and he is only waiting for the Presi
dent and the Cabinet to ratify it in order to
carry it into instant effect. If he succeeds he
will be the greatest man of the age, and nei
ther Talleyrand nor Metternich can be com
pared to him. Strange as this narrative may
appear, there is a great deal more in it than
most people think, and perhaps the skeptical
will soon have to acknowledge the corn and
the corn doctor.
What is Rosecrans Now?
A few days ago the whole Abolition was
sang paeans to Roseorane, the victor of a dozen
fields. Then he was a great General, a Hero,
a Patriot. How is . it nowt Stricken down
by the War Department, they howl around him
like a parcel of jackalls, seeking to gorge
their foul appetites on his dead body. How
shameful this is. The Hero of yesterday, pro
scribed by the adminiatration, is the Incompel
tent, the Lunatic, the Epileptic, the Sluggard—
nay, Mil the Cunard 9f to-day. Lingnage
has no force to brand this contemptible sub
serviency, this cold-blooded, merciless and
mercenary conduct as it deserves. Buell and
M'Clellan and Porter and Rosecrans—M'cook
and Crittenden and M'Clernand, all sacrificed!
The very Sower and pride of the army crushed!
This is the reward of merit and patriotism,
the price paid for eminent services by our
Li Honest" President and his execrable Secre
Paralyzing the Army.
Finding that he and Halleck could not suf
ficiently paralyze the armies of the Ohio and
the Cumberland by orders from Washington.
Stanton has gone all the way to Chattanooga
to accomplish it. Were the rebels to gobble
him up" on his way they would render a great
service to the country. There is no man near
the President—except perhaps Halleck—so
thoroughly detested by the people, and the
wonder grows why, in spite of this detestation,
he is still continued in office. Since the fact
is clearly ascertained that the Secretary of War
has gone to Chattanooga, we tremble for the
Army of the Cumberland, and are prepared to
hear at any time of the complete discomfiture
and the loss of every inch of territory we have
gained in Tennessee, Alabama, and even Mis
sissippi. Apart from connection with Stanton
we have full confidence in Gen. Grant—in con
nection with him, none whatever.
Tax cAvsz Ui ins nEmerrAt--citit. OftittENDlS
Wat3H/NOTQN, Out. 22,-Thu chronicle of this
morning makes the following statement rela-
tive to the removal of Gen. Roseerans:
We are in receipt of astounding intelligence
in regard to the removal of Gen. Roseerans.—
The whole country will be stirred at what we
shall chronicle.
It is rumored that three charged are ll►ade
against this late popular commander.
The first charge is preferred by Generals
Crittenden and McCook, to the effect that Rose
crane left the battle field during the crisis and fled
to Chattanooga, and reported to officers there that
the day was lost.
It is reported that subsequently, through opi
um, he became insensible.
The second charge, it is rumored, is made
by the Government, to the effect that his or
ders were to remain at Chattanooga until rein
forcements should arrive.
The third charge, as rumored, is to the effect
that he declined to move from Murfreesboro'
in June last, when ordered to do- so by the
Government, as an opportunity was offered to
crush Bragg, a large portion of his army hav
ing been withdrawn to succor Johnson,• who
was operating against Grant.
If these charges are true it is most unfortu
nate, as the name of Emmeraas was a talisman
of immense weight.
A New York paper makes the sweeping ac
cusation that,during the battle of Chickamauga,
Generals Roiseerane, Crittenden and M'Cook
were asleep at Chattanooga. We learn, semi
officially, that, in regard to General Crittenden,
this statement is false, and that nothing has
warranted the circulation of such a paragraph.
The blame, it is said, connected with the failure
of Chickamauga will fall wholly upon Rose.
CAnto, Oct. 21.—The Memphis Argus has
news from Little Rock up to the 11th. All
was quiet there.
On the 26th ult. Kirby Smith visited the
rebel army at Arkadelphia, and finding Gen.
Mali form demorolizecl, rclicTod him fr9m
the command and placed Gen. Holmes in his
stead. Both officers and men harbored feel
ings of hatred towards Holmes, ever since the
battle at Helena ; consequently the placing of
Holmes over Price produced a mutiny. The
officers and men swore they would not submit
to the change. The streets of Arkadelphia
and the roads leading to the camps were
crowded with soldiers and officers in the
greatest confusion. Between Sunday after
noon and Friday morning from 500 to 700
men deserted.
The whole comprised force of the rebel
trans-Missiesippi department is estimated at
less than 20,000 men, owing to their disaffec
tion and desertion, and to prevent further de
sertion the rebel army was moved further
South. The Commissary and Quartermaster's
stores were moved to Waco, on the Rio Bra
zos. Kirby smith's headquarters were at Mar
The rebel Perrin& Shelby had crossed the
Arkansas river, in the direction of Missouri,
to look after a number of Missourians. He
had 800 well mounted men. Col. Cloud had
gone in pursuit.
Since the defeat of the rebels at Helena, a
bitter feeling existed between Price and Holmes,
and on Holmes superoeding Price the animos
ity resulted in a challenge to fight a duel; the
difficulty has, however, been privately settled
by their friends, and they are now on the best
of terms. Reconciliation between the two
rebel generals bad a good effect on the rebel
A strong Union feeling, began to uushdfps
itself in Northern Texas about =the time saws
was received of the surrender of ViCksburg
and Port Hudson. Secret Union organisations
were formed and a number of men, holding
situations under the Confederate government,
became active members. As the result of this
movement, at the August election, Mr. Morgan,
a Union candidate for Congress in the brat con
gressional district, comprising the 19 northern
counties in the State, was elected.
FORTRESS MONROE, Oct. 22,—The Richmond
Enquirer, October 21st, says a dispatch from
Gen. Lee to Gen. Cooper, Oct. 20, says:
Gen. Stuart yesterday opposed at Buokland
the advance of General Kilpatrick's division of
cavalry, while Fits Lee attacked his flank and
rear. The enemy was pursued until he reached
his infantry supports at Haymarket and
Gainesville. Two hundred prisoners were
CHARLESTON, October 20.—The Yankees are
hard at work constructing another battery east
of Gregg, facing the sea. A large number of
tents disappeared from Morris Island. Our
batteries kept up a brisk fire upon the Yan
kees, who appeared in much larger force than
usual at Gregg and Wagner. •
Gen. D. H. Hill has been relievid of his com
mand_ Breckenridge takes command of Ida
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.—A special dispatch from
Cairo says a skirmish took place about the
15th, on the Big Black river, 18 miles below
Vicksburg, with the Adams cavalry, number
ing 200 ; our loss was 15 killed sad wounded.
The rebels were driven beyond Port Gibson.
A Vicksburg letter, dated the 13th, says we
shall, in all probability, have a provincial gov
ernment established in Mississippi. Colonel
Markland, of Xentuoky, is spoken of as most
likely to farthe Gubernatorial chair. The let
ter adds, important movements are on the tapis,
and in two weeks there will be no armed force
on the soil of Mississippi.
ST. Jouss, N. F., Oct. 20.—The Hibernia,
from Galway, with Liverpool dates to the lath
instant, has arrived.
The advieee by the Scotia of tho solzure of
the rebel rams is fully confirmed.
Lord Lyndhurst is dead.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.—The mystery of Lee's
movement last week is uncovered; a part of
his army was at Culpeper this morning, being
vigorously embarked on trains of oars for the
LATER.—An officer just in from the front
brings the intelligence that Lee's whole in
fantry force is across the Rappahannock. Some
of his cavalry are still on this side, and part
on the other side.
The rebels tore up and utterly destroyed the
railroad beeween Manassas and the Rappahan
nock. Every bridge and culvert was ruined,
and in some places the embanaments were
blown down.
Construction trains left Manassas this morn
ing to repair the damage. So thorough has
been the destruction, that with ail the force
our engineers can command, not more than one
mile a day can be repaired.
Rebel prisoners taken by our cavalry lay
that Lee's design was, by his attack last week,
to shove Meade back to the defences of Wash
ington ; then to turn and make the railroad
impassable toward Richmond for three or four
weeks, and to hurry with a superior foroe down
the Virginia and East Tennessee railroad,
smash Burnside, if he could, and then hurry
back to Meade's front.—Tintes.
..... yr - my - W. - .IC. a-Oft=
NI mop el
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.--Deserters from the
rebel line bring us Wet cheering news to-day,
which I understand to be confirmed by official
dispatches received by Gen. Meade from Wash
ington, and which fully accounts for the hasty
withdrawal of Lee from the front. It appears
that Burnside has forced his way through the
mountains of East Tennessee and Southwest
Virginia, and has actually got possession of
the main line of rebel intercommunication—
the Virginia and East Tennessee Railroad.—
The information, as I gather it, places Burn
side in the vicinity of Abington about 175
miles southwest of Lynchburg, the great rebel
base of supplies. He is said to be in posses
sion of the railroad for a distance of 40 or 50
miles, and has utterly destroyed it. He is
working along up the railroad towards Lynch
Lee, in his recent advance against Meade,
withdrew all the available men he could gather
from the line of this road, supposing it per
fectly secure so long as Meade was in his front.
It now appears plain—what was before incom
prehensible—why Meade was not allowed to
to fight the rebels on the Rappahannock, as he
desired to do, but was not permitted to do by
the authorities at Washington. By falling back
towards Washington, he drew the enemy at
least two days' march farther away from Burn
side's field of operations. Lee, utterly igno
rant of Burneide's movements or whereabouts,
followed him: The discovery of Burnside's
operations was made on the 15th, and was tele
graphed to Gordonsville, and thence despatched
by speel6l deurier to Lee, reaching hint 611 the
16th, coupled with imperative orders to fall
back immediately, and with all haste, to Gor
donsville, and reinforce the garrison at Igneh
burg. His retrograde movement was com
menced on Friday night, when the troops
intended for Lynchburg were first withdrawn.
These I understand to be the corps of D. H.
Hill, which was at that time operating on our
left, and was, therefore, nearest to Culpeper.
They arrived at Culpeper on Wednesday,
where immense trains of oars were waiting for
them, by which they were transported south
ward. The rest of the rebel army followed
more leisurely, though with all reasonable en
petition, taking the Warrenton turnpike and
the dirt road via Greenwich. Stuart's cavalry
retained their position in our front until Sun
day, when they fell back.
WASHIGINTON, Oct. 21.—Advioea from the
Army of the Potomac say that the right coi
n= advanced yesterday afternoon to within
three miles of Warrenton, and the left column
as far as Greenwich village.
Our advance entered Warrenton without
much opposition, contrary to the general ex
pectation. The contusion is that the rebels are
really retreating before out' advance.
The railroad is intact to Manasses Junction
and Gainesville, on the Manasses road, and
the telegraph connects with the latter road.
The New York Tribune assigns the following
reasons for the removol of General Rose
crane :
The removal of General Rosecrans from the
command of the Department of the Cumber
land has been fully determined upon. Gen.
Thomas will be his successor. The fact that
Gen. Rosecrans was, with Gene. McCook and
Crittenden, asleep in Chattanooga while Gen.
Thomas was fighting a brave and desperate
fight alone, has been known to the Government
for weeks. It is also understood that Gen.
Rosecrans has failed, ever since the battle of
Chickamauga, to exhibit in his dispatches a
spirit equal to the circumstances in which he
found himself. It is now ascertained that Gen.
Rosecrans came near losing his command
during the siege of Vicksburg, in consequence
of his refusal to assist Gen. Grant, after re
peated orders by the Government and requests
from Gen. Grant himself, by attacking Bragg,
so as to make a diversion in Grant's favor, and
vavent the reinfereement of Johnston. The
Government is satisfied that he was too
cautious before crossing the Tennessee, and
toe rash afterwards ; in the first case hesita
ting to obey orders to move, and in the second
disregarding orders not to move too rapidly ;
that, in a word, the Chattanooga campaign was
really a failure.
BALTIMORE, Oct. 21.—Information reached
here to-day of the murder, on Tuesday, e
Lieut. Eben White, of the Seventh U. S. col
ored regiment, now being organized by Colonel
Birney, near Benedict, St. Mary's county, by
Colonel John H. Sothoron, a prominent slave
owner of that county. The lieutenant, with a
squad of his company, was sent by Colonel
Birney to Benedict, on Monday, to obtain re
cruits. Hearing that Sothoron had two of his
slaves tied up to keep them from enlisting, the
lieutenant proceeded to Sothoron's house and
ordered th 6 men to be released. Sothoron and
his son refused, and abused the lieutenant, and
threatened to shoot him, both being heavily
armed. The lieutenant then left and pro
ceeded to a field, where a gang of Sothoron's
slaves were at work, followed by the two Soth
orons, who demanded his object. The lieute
nant replied that he was there to enlist all who
were so disposed. After some more abuse, the
Sothorons declared that they would kill the
lieutenant, and both fired their guns, the lieu
tenant falling mortally wounded. His body
was brought here this evening and forwarded
to his friends in Massachusetts. The Sotho
roue escaped.
[From the New South, Port Royal, Oct. 171
The United States steamer Bienville, Com
mander Mullaney, of the Western Gulf squad
ron, touched in this harbor, on her way to
Philadelphia for repairs. She brings the im.
portant intelligence, ,which had been received
at New Orleans just before her departure, that
the grand expedition under Major-General
,Banks, in person, had effected a landing at
Point Isabel, Texas, a small plaoe at the mouth
of the Rio Grande river; two corps, one un
der MAW-General Franklin, and the other in
command of a major-general whose name we
did not learn. The successful occupation of
Point Isabel will , give us in a short time pos
session of Brownsville, which is opposite
Matamoras, Mexico, a grand entrepot of the
rebels, from which the munitions of war and
needed supplies are transferred across the Rio
Grande to the former place by means of small
Major-General Banks, always active and
ever victorious, will soon be in possession of
all the important points in Texas, and practi
cally of the entire State. It is understood that
another corps of his army is co-operating with
him from the direction of Red River country.
CINCINNATI.—The superseding of General
Roseorans has caused much surprise. The
object is to place all the troops in the Western
military department under one military man,
and concentrate our armies. The appointment
of General Thomas to succeedßoseorans gives
eatisfaction, as he has won the hearts and
confidence of his soldiers, and has earned the
Gen. Rosecrans will arrive at Cincinnati to
The only news from below is that Joe John
son, with a large force, has gone to Shelby
ville, Tennessee, with a view to prevent Sher
man reaching the Army of the Cumberland.
CINOINNAVI, Oct. 21.—A special dispatch to
the &wrier - cid, from Cattlettsburg, Kentucky,
Gallup, consisting of detachments of the 14th
and Nth Kentucky, has returned, bringing in
fifty prisoners, sixty horses, and fifty stand of
arms, without the loss of a man. Eastern
Kentucky is now pretty well oleared of the
ili gD
CHICAGO, Oct. 21.—A Corinth dispatch of
the 17th inst., to the Times, says that the rebel
General Stephen D. Lee has crossed the Ten
nessee river at Taecumbia, probably for a
raid in the rear of the Army of the Cumber
ALBANY, Oct. 21.—John V. L. Pruyn has
been nominated for Congress by the Democrats
to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Erastus Corning.
The work of apportioning the number of
troops to be raised under the last call of the
President among the several States and the
District of Columbia hae been begun at the
Ate of the Provost Marshal General. The
States thus far apportioned, and the number
of men to be raised by each, is as follows:
Maine, 7,581; New Hampshire,
3,768 ; Ver
mont, 3,331; Massachusetts, 15,126 ; Con
neotiout, 6,482 ; New York, 38,268; Delaware,
1,156 ; Indiana, 18,997.
A second• deputation of slaveholders from
Maryland waited upon the President to-day,
for the purpose of urging him to put a stop to
the enlistment of colored men, bond and free,
into the United States service. They declared
that the colored companies engaged in recruit
ing disturbed the 'quiet of well- ordered planta
tions, and deprived them of laborers necessary
to the gathering in of the harvests. The Presi
dent is reported to have replied, in substance,
that if the recruiting squads did not conduct
themselves properly, their places should be
supplied by others, but that the orders under
which the enlistments were being made could
not be revoked, since the country needed able
bodied soldiers, and was not squeamish as to
their complexion.
The message which the President sent to
Gen. Meade last Saturday deserves to be re
corded as a part of the history of the campaign
now drawing to & close. Mr. Lincoln told
Gen. Meade that he must find and fight the
enemy at once; that if he won a victory, he
should have all the glory ; but if he were de
feated, he himself would, as Commander-in-
Chief, assume the responsibility.
SOUTHERN CoNnummov.—The following letter
was addressed by Mr. Benjamin to Mr. Slidell
in Paris, in pursuance of the recent determi
nation of the rebel government to dispense with
the service of British consular agents within
the Confederate jurisdiction:
But :—The conduct of the British consular
agents in the Confederacy has compelled the
President to take the decisive step of expelling
them from our country, and it is deemed proper
to put you in possession of the causes which
have produced this result, that you may have
it in your power to correct any misrepresenta
tions on the subject. To this end it is neces
sary to review the whole course of the British
Government and that of the Confederacy in re
lation to these officials.
Lest the Emperor of the French may mienn.
derstand this action, Mr. Benjamin concludes
his dispatch with the following paragraph :
The exercise of the Droit de renvoi is too
harsh, however, to be resorted to without jus
tifiable caUse, and it is proper that you should
have it in your power to explain the grounds
on which the President has been compelled to
enforce it. Lest also the Government of His
Imperial Majesty should be misled into the
error of supposing that the rights of French
citizens are in any manner involved in the ac
tion of the President, which has been rendered
necessary by the reprehensible Conduct of the
British Consular agents, you are requested to
take an early occasion for giving such expla
nation to M. Drouyn do Mays as will obviate
all risk of misapprehension.
I am, Sir, respectfully, your:obedient servant,
J. P. BENJAMIN, See'y of State.
lion. John Slidell, Commissioner, &c., &c ,
Paris, France.
"Mr, Funk arrived in Illinois and com
menced work in 1824. In 1826 he gathered up
110 head of cattle, and started with them to a
market in Ohio about 25Q miles distant, much
of the route through the woods of Indiana and
Western Ohio. They wore 31 to 32 days on
the road. The drivers rode on horseback,
carrying their provisions and camping out
with the drove. The first price realized for
the cattle was $7 25 per head, and afterward
it gradually rose to $l2 50, and then to $l5,
and droves Were increased from 200 to 250
head. To make up 'these droves several set
tlers turned in their cattle and received an
agreed price, or a proportion of the sales, on
the return of the drover.
“As fast as the results of these enterprises,
and of raising and feeding cattle, furnished
the means, Mr. Funk purchased land at the
Government price of $1 25 per acre, and about
one third of his present estate was secured on
theme terms. The other two•thirds have been I
purchased of others at prices ranging from
$2 60 up to $3O per acre. Mr. Funk had
paid the Illinois Central railroad company
alone, s $13,000 for portions of their land
lying adjacent to his original purchases. We
entered upon the main farm some six or seven
miles from Blomington. This consists of 20,-
600 acres in one tract, longest from east to
west, with farms owned by others jutting into
it at several points. (The balance, about
6000 acres, is located east and northwest of
Bloomington.) The general character of the
main farm is prairie, but there is abundant
timber along Sugar creek, which runs through
the estate in a southwest direction, and which,
with its branches, furnishes an abundant sup
plyof living water for the stock, throughout
the dryest seasons. The surface is rolling, and
the sloughs (pronounced sloos) are so located
that nearly the whole can be drained. This
feature, together with the woodland, the run
ning water, and the general fertility, render
the whale tract one of the best in the State.
if About three thousand acres are devoted to
corn and a small portion to other crops, in
cluding improved grass; the great bulk is nat
ural grass pasture. The corn land is mostly
let out on shares. The cultivators usually
return two fifths of their crop for the use of
the land, including certain other privileges, and
Mr. Funk then buys their three fifths.—
This is generally taken in the field unhusked.
A few average shocks are selected by the two
parties, and husked, and the whole number of
shooks are then counted and reckoned in bush
els by the product of the husked ones. The
price is fixed by the avcrage price of corn in
the country for eight or ten miles around, or
at two or three cents per bushel below -the
value of the shelled corn at the nearest market
The main business of the farm is the pas
turage and feeding of cattle for beef. These
are purchased from the surrounding country,
pastured for a season, fed with corn in the win
ter, and the next season sold to dealers to go to
distant markets—usually New York city. Mr.
Funk says he finds it most profitable to buy
only the best cattle. Generally, however, he
is obliged to take them in lots. In this
ease the best are fitted for themarket first, and
smaller and poorer animals are kept a, year
Wntrer A.fr s v ..atsecreurtne harm.
e named a 'little bunch' of 150 cows with
their calves. The calves run with their dams,
and have all the milk. Only good cows are
used for this purpose ; the sires used are 3 4
or 7-8 Durhams ( short horn.) Generally, Mr.
F. buys cattle to use up most of his pasturage,
but sometimes; when cattle are high, and the
future price of beef quite uncertain, he takes a
hundred or a thousand cattle to pasture, at 30
to 60 cents each per month. He keeps 400 or
500 hogs, or just enough to eat up the waste
corn left by the cattle, to which the corn ie fed
on the stalks. He has only 800 or 1,000 sheep
at present, and some 300 horses and mules.
About 60 mule colts are raised each years The
breeding mares are not put into the harness at
"The cattle are sorted into droves of similar
ages, about 200 in
,each drove. The pasture
fields are so arranged as to have running water
in each. The animals are salted twice a week ;
the salter taking two or three barrels upon a
wagon, drives out to the herds and scatters
the salt upon the ground, spreading it so much
that the weaker animals shall have access to
it. Though we are accustomed to see three or
four thousand head of cattle in the yards on
market days, we were much interested in ob
serving a herd of two 9r three hundred coming
scampering across the field at the familiar call
of 'poo-o-o, poo-o-o,' to receive their expected
salt rations. And such fields ! 500 acres in
one ; 1,000 in another; 1,500 in another, and
2,560 acres, (two miles square, er four square
miles,) in another single field ! This is cer
tainly farming on a large scale .
As a rule,
we believe in small farms-50 to 100 acres is
as much as most men will or can cultivate with
the highest profit :—but it is gratifying to once
in a man's life see a farm like Isaac Funk's.
If an agriculturist himself, one feels that they
belong to a class which numbers its princes
and magnates. Mr. Punk ear he has done
buying land—feels that he has enough ! He
has eight sons and one daughter, and will be
able tq give each one a 'right smart' farm.—
Two or three of these are erecting dwellings
on the estate. The father retains his simple
habits and dress, is social and familiar in con
versation, and still occupies the plain farm
dwelling which has been his homestead for
twenty-four years past."
Butter.—lncrease the quantity and quality
by feeding the cows with pumpkins, surplus
cabbage leaves. beet, carrot and turnip tops,
etc., as the pastures fail. Pack a fall supply
for winter use. If properly made, thoroughly
worked, and stored with care, butter made
now will command an extra price before
Cabbagee.—Secure the late or , op before In
jured by frost. Lay head downward in trench
es, with rails at.tile bottom to keep them from
the greund i cover with straw and then with
earth, laid up in a wedge shape and packed
smooth, to shed rain. Feed out the surplus
Cattle.—Commence to feed with stalks or
other fodder before the pastures are entirely
bare. Grass partially nipped by frost loses
much of its nutritive qualities, and will not
fully supply their wants. COWerteEttce stall
feeding darly. Provide shelter before the in
clement season commences.
Corn.—Cut up, bind, and stock for husking,
or husk at once in the field, if it be not an ob
"eat to save the fodder.
Grain.—Have all threshed and safely stored,
ready to take advantage of a favorable market.
Reduce all contracts for future delivery to wri
ting, and ascertain the responsibility of parties
before closing a bargain, Cob is the safest
paymaster, the world over.
Bogs.—Push on fattening rapidly, before
cold weather tithes the fat. Keep , pens well
supplied with pure Water, and with plenty of
leaves, weeds, strata, muck, etc., for making
lee Howes may be made cheaply - . 4id c.,..
will abundantly repay their co t, e . (1 7 .
de iry farms. A double -walled room v.llll I LI;
interstices filled with sawdust or 12pont t a „
bark, built in one corner of an out.-house, pro.
vided with drainage and ventilation, are all
the essentials.
Implements.—Have them ell in di(
under cover. Preserve iron and el
rusting by thinly coating them over with r,
cheap mixture of lard and min melted. t•—
!n-door Employments.—First seoute all ii
labor-saving items for the honsebula
partment, which may have long been waitit i
for a convenient time ; such as a few hook,.
pins or nails for hanging clothing, catche s for
loose doors, buttons or other fastenings for win.
down, convenient arrangement for water, scr.
pers for the doors, sharp knives and scissors,
and all the hundred and one little matter{
which the women folks will think of. and which
will contribute greatly to their good Irani e.
and thus to the comfort of the household.
friend at hand proposes to the ladies t 11, , .% ,
keep a slate or scrap of paper 1 - 1111;,11,, , in
sight, and on it write a list of ..,,et ; nee,l•
improveMents as they happen to rant frot,
Lime to time. It might be hca.%od
Buildings will soon be subject fo velveltin
winds and driving storms, which iv ;i1 find t . ;; .
trance through all neglected erevic( s ; one del.
Tar's worth of lumber used iu making
weather-proof will save many dollars in ii-i
and feed. See that eavestrougha and leaderQ
are free from leaves or other obstruct ic.ifs,
drains in order to carry off water. Apply paint
where needed. If manure is to be tdrovin
of stable windows, build a shield of boarls
keep it from contact with the sills and ;Ades
the building and thus prevent their deoiy.
On Theraday morning, the 22d hut., M,,s. SARAH
Her funeral will take place from her late residence.
No 94 Market exec., en Saturday a'terunan at tv...
o'clok. The friends of the family are regpeetfully lay:
ted to attend.
Ntl33 -21burrtiseinrDto,
"LOR SALE.—A two-story Bricli
jj en Pine street, at present :.ccupied by Jebn A
Sulull, Esq. For particulars inquire of
Corner of Second and Pine.
oct 23-2mil&W
subscriber, a light red Cow, white face awl
twelve or fourteen years old. On return of said C. 1.,
the finder will be satisfied by
Corner of Dewberry alley and Chestnut 31•,:zet
0c122 St
Pursuant to an order of the Court of crtnrtie
slow; of Dauphin conLtv, notice is hereby ?i , ,n t, r-%
Commissioners of said county, and to the pror.-rty
dent along the line of Cumberland street, 1111.121
street to Bighth street and Verbeke strdet, fef at 1
ton street to Seventh street, in the city of tf. ri tu :
that upon the petition of the Mayor of said t
Court has appointed six viewers to assets the dams •
caused by the opening of said streets, ;Ind that th
will proceed to assess said damages on S 3TUR1).1.:
the 31st day of OCTOBER. next, at 10 o'clock n. m .
which time all parties interested may appear upon tit
ground if they think proper.
pROCLAMATION.—Whereus. liln`
Honorable Joni J. PE ARSON. President of tbeC..e•!
of 1.....0nnn0n Pleas in the Twelfth - Judicial District, ~,,,.
sisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin. au‘l ti,i,
HOD. SAMUEL LANDIS and Hon. Moses R. Yomm. A,,
elate Judges in Dauphin county, having issurd I h-ir pre
unit, bearing date tbelStb clay of Suit., A. I> Mind. t" i,n ,
directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer ae.:
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of Cm, Pe.ny.
at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin. and is c,,.
Thence en the third Monday of IVO rem her at Kr t . 1,1 ii z ; 1.,
16th day of Norember. 1863, and to continue two -.... n-n-n• -
Notice is therefore hereby given to the 4:7 orelie:. i :7...
floes of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of II! ,in
county of Dauphin, that tbey be then and there in - .1, •' -
proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of se!! , :ey.
With their records, inquisitions, examination% :4 •
own remembrances, to do those things which to
once appertains to be done, and those who arc, houure ir.
recognizances to prosecute against the prisoner, th
shall be in the Jail et Dauphin county, 1 4, th , o
there to prosecute against then ae ohaltibe just.
iron -.Later my hand, at Harrisburg, the 19th day of
October, inthe year of our Lord 1863, and he the ei.4htv.
seventh year of the independence of the United St tttei.
J. D. BOAS, Sherie.
LI proposals will be received by the uudersimH.
Hailding Committee for the erection of a house fur the
Paxton Hose and Engine Company, on the lot he!.,n,;-
ing to said company, fronting on Second street acv
Vine, until ten o'clock of the 21 of Yorattiber, Nut.
Proposals to be opened at the room of the Natoli ilo
House on said day. Plans and specifications of the
building may be seen at the store of J. A. Haller, cor
ner of Second and Mulberry streets, until the day of
letting. DAVIb Olt o wP00.70,
J. A, lia/11:1 - ,,
Building 3 oranii ttee
Harrisburg, October 20, 1803-21-ws.tw.
ki froth !apply jatt received and warranted genatn...,
for sale only by ADAM IiELLER, JR ,
ootl6 Corner of Front and Market st,:.
Just received and for sale at
Harrisburg, Parma.
The undersigned respectfnily invites attention to hig
large and well selected stock of Choice Family Groce
ries, embracing all articles kept in the Eastern cities,
and which he offers for sale in large or small quanti
All of which are warranted fresh and genuine, inclu
ding all the celebrated
Among which may be found Chow Chow-, receslalii,
Gerkina, Mixed Pickles. Onions, Salad Sauce, and Cau
liflower also, Lee & Perrin , B Worcestershire I- Rue°,
Sardines, Dutch Anchovies, Mushrooms, Pepper Sauces,
Tomato and Mushroom Catsup.
Aleoi.-tivennine virgin
. 13:7 - All the above warranted fresh and genuine.
De has the largest and best selected assortment of
fresh ground and whole
A fine supply of
English Dairy, Pine Apple, a t tp Ow, New ypec, r
Of all grader, White and Brown
Including genuine Old Government Java, Mo. dark
and light, Lagnayra, and fresh roasted Coffee i together
with all kinds of Coffee Preparations, such as Dande
lion, Rio, Essence of Coffee, &c., c.,
Stewart's, Larering's, Larnont's and New York Syrups :
New Orleans and Porto Rico Baking Molasses.
Largest and finest assortment of
To be found in this city together with all the 'std
styles of
He has also all kinds of
Including Baskets, Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Brushes,
Mate, &c., &c. Also
- 11110 EYS t
A call is respectfully solicited at
Corner or Front and Market streets.
Sneecasor to Nichols & _Bowman.
The largest and best assortment in this city fur
sale by ADAM KELLER. JR.,
oetl6 Corner of Front and Market ets.
'HAMS !—A Delicious Ham, cured expressly for
family use. They are superior to any now in the mar
ket. (n 1 924 WM. DOCK. ' Tx., & 00
BLAormra."-100 Goon, assorted else , just z_
Delved lima for Rad, tok.o/434/4 and Mail _
del WM. DOCK. Ta • <t 00•
T_T AVANNA CIGARS.—A choice lot
II of warruntut genuine Ifavannt cigar,' just r ,
ceived by ADAM K.ELI , ER, JR.,
oct 16 Corner of Print and Market phi•
WANTED.—.A. boy that has had Some
v experience in the Dry Goods holiness. Enquire
of R. LEVENBTIND, Walnut street, betwess Fourts
and Fifth. octso•tr
''''.—. 4ffimc,
City F,olidtor