LOCAL NEWS. Tug Miats.—Under the change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at, the Harrisburg Post Mee, April 20, 1863, is as foam; NORTHERN OIiTRLL RAILICILY NORTH.—Wsv Man..—For all places between Har _flour& Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.00 m. For Lock Haven, Williamsport and Lewisburg at 0 P. m.. s „' geuH..--Wair MAfL.—Por all places between Har rmourg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 2.00 in. For Washington, D. 0., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa. at 9.00 D. in. LUSA.V4)II IPALLICT ILIILEOID. lkihn..—For all places between Harris uorg, Easton and Philadelphia. Via Reading, at 7.00 a. m. Fox Beading and Pottsville, at 12.80 PEWLITI.TANIA SAILILOAD. WAr XLll.—For all pluses between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at 6.80 a. In. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 12.00 m. gor New York, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Columbia, Marietta and Bainbridge, at 2.45 p. m. For New York, Pkiiad,elphia and Lancaster, at 0.60 P. in- WBEIT.—WAT Hail..—For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, 12.00 m. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie, Pa,, 4H ll4 l4Mati, Columba , and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. For Pittsburg, Hollidaysburg, Altoona, Phillipsburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. 311. 011MBIECILLAWD VALLZY ItAILZO.ILD For liteehanlosburg, Carliele,Shippeneburg and Chum bersburg_ Pa., at 7.00 m. WAY NAIL.-FOr all places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 1220 p. m. lidairrLdim, AMID SOBQIIIIIIARNA RAILROAD. Par ]Allendale Forges, Inwood, PMegrovo and Sammit Station, at 12.80 p. m. STAGS 20IITES tor Progress, Lingleetown, Masada MU, West Hano ver, East Hanover Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Priday, atl.oo a. m. For Lisburn and Lowlaberry, on Saturday, at 12.30 Er Mee Hours—From 5.30 si. m. to 8.00 p. m. Sun day from 7.80 to 8.30 am.. and from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. Military operations at this point were unusually active yesterday. The movement of troops, ar tillery and 'maidens of war was brisker than at any time since the June invasion. The names and destination of the companies and regiments now being concentrated bore and Gant forward, if not contraband, should probably be withheld for the present. It looks as if we are on the eve of important events. Passan Tnaouon.—Upwards of 100 paroled pris oners, who have been home on furlough from Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md., passed through this place yesterday on their return from Pittsburg. They had been home for the purpose of voting. The furloughs of most of the soldiers sent home for that purpose expired on the 15th, and the trains which pass southward through this place ardlonow filled with men returning to their hospitals and regimen is. Tna RICHIAGS Taorrea.—This splendid troupe will give one grand operatic concert at Brant's Hall on Monday night. The name and fame of Miss Caroline Richings is known so well to all,, that the simple announcement of her coming will be sufficient to give her an overflowing house. As an actress and singer she has no superior in the country. Those who have ever seen her once upon the stage will need no admonition to go and hear her. They will be in their seats early on Monday night. larannernso Quasnozr.—An interesting ques tion has arisen for the decision of the Provost Marshal General, under the following circumstan ces: A man was drafted and held to service in the Sixth district of New York, bat baying Ob tained a furlough for one week,he succeeded during that period in procuring a commission as lieute nant in a regular infantry regiment. The tines. tion came up whether the subsequent promotion released him from the service as a drafted private. The Provost Marshal did not take the responsibil ity of deciding the point, but has referred it to his superior officers at Washington. Ituncrater.—Sometime during Thursday night or yesterday morning the liquor store of Mr. Hal ler, corner of Mulberry and Second streets, was burglariously entered, by some person or parsons unknown. The entrance was effected by picking the lock of the door. The sum of eighty dollars wilsl in the money drawer during the evening, a fact which Mr. Haller thinks must have been known to the thieves. Fortunately, however, the owner removed the money from the drawer before retiring, and moved by some freak or caprice, which he himself cannot explain, he slid it under a small box on one of the shelves. A trifle over a dollar was left in the drawer, and this was all that fell into the hands of the the thief, as he wasn't posted about the deposit under the box. The bur glar must have left disgusted, as be disdained to fasten the door behind him. AOKNOWLZDOMENT OF A Cum.—We are under obligations to some sharp and thoughtful friend in the Quartermaster's office, Department of the Salt River, for a ticket of transportation to the clank bead-waters 0g that saline stream. It is flattering to think that, amid the unusual press of business which now prevails at the transportation desk of that department, our friend has so promptly remembered us. He has doubtless himself tested the efficaey of the classic waters time and again ; but it will be a "new sensation" to us, and we ac cept our passports thither with pleasure—particu larly as we've got to go anyhow. The mileage charged is $lO, and the frequency with which those suggestive figures—slo, $lO, &c.—are re peated in the transportation papers, serves to call vividly to remembrance the well executed litho graph of Old Abe that was upon a $lO greenback we used to own, but which now, alas! gladdens the eye of a dweller in the tents of King Shoddy. A. SRA e munLE Itremmoora—lifir_ Patterson, of Pittsburg, has invented an improvement in com mon coal burning gra* the advantages of whieh are so apparent that, in the present high price of coal it must commend itself to every housekeeper. It does not require more than one-half the coal to fill it that an ordinary grate with the tame direct radiating surface does. Nearly all the fuel is con sumed in the front part, and, the combustion being almost perfect, very little ashes is produced, and this, from the peculiar construction of the grate, does not accumulate, bat falls quietly away: By a simple arrangement, a current of hot air is min gled with the gases as they escape, by means of which a draft is kept up, and the finest slack easily consumed. This improvment can be applied to both stove andlarnate grates, at a cost of only a dollar or two. The invention is a seasonable one, and the public will doubtless gladly avail themselves of it as a relief front the expense which rotten& the liberal use of fuel under the present exorbitant prices. LUTHERAN INTELLIGENCE.—Besides the Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania, there are five other synods of the same denomination in Pennsylvania, viz : the Synod of East Pennsylvania, the Synod of West Pennsylvania, the Synod of Central Penn sylvania, the Synod of Allegheny and the Synod of Pittsburg, These Synods, according to statis tics of last year, have three hundred and twenty nine ministers, eight hundred and fourteen eon gregations, and ninety-eight thousand nine hun dred and thirty-one communicants. Besides these six synods, the Joint Synod of Ohio, or the East ern District of it, has a number of ministers and churches in the western part of our own State ; and the "Synod of Missouri and adjacent States" has also a few ministers and congregations in this State. This would make at least, in round num :Ars, three hundred and forty, or perhaps nearly three hundred and fifty, ministers ; of congrega tions about eight hundred and fifty, and of com municants considerably over one hundred thou sand. To BE REPgATED.—The Abolition party having succeeded at the polls, that " popular measure," the draft, is to be repeated on a larger scale than heretofore. A dispatch from Washington says : It is not true, as has been reported, that the Government has any intention of resorting to vol unteering instead of a draft. It is true that the conscription has not realized as many men as was expected and it has also proved, very costly, but now the machinery is in working order all over the North. The administration believes it to be an easy way to secure men. The military authorities, after all has been said, are still of opinion that the draft is the cheapest and most expeditious means of securing an army, and besides distributes more evenly the burden of war among the whole popu lation. It will therefore be persisted in. Drafting may be "an easy way to secure men," and it may be "the cheapest and moat expeditious means of securing an army," but we "can't see it," and we doubt if those who have watched the pro gress of the last conscription can see it in that light. To enforce the last draft required the ser vices of about seventy-five thousand men—pro vost marshals, provost guards, infantry, artillery, dm—while the number of men secured for the ser vice by this expensivo army of officers and soldiers does not reach over sixty thousand ! In the light of these facts, does it not sound like ajoke to hear that the draft is " the cheapest and most expedi tious means of securing an army ?" Every man secured will cost over $5,000, while the process itself is tedious, extending over months of time. Meantime, the army in the field is depleted to en. force the measure, and grows weaker day by day from fighting, disease, desertion, Le. Instead of being an expeditions and vigorous means of prose cuting the war, the draft is a drawback, an expen sive and cumbersome machine—in short, a failure, distasteful to all Owes ( even the most loud mouthed loyalists) except those officers who make a handsome thing in enforcing it. The system of volunteering, stimulated by liberal bounties, would secure a far better army in a shorter time. But the government prefers drafting to enlist ment, and "it will therefore be persisted in." If it is not impertinent, we would inquire in this connection, what has become of the promises made by the Abolitionjournals,before the election, that the people would avoid a draft by re-electing Gov. Curtin ? His own home organ held out this glow ing inducement, and, on the other hand, threat ened the people with another draft of 600,000 in case they should elect Judge Woodward; and now, before the returns are footed up, a draft is deter mined on. What has beconie of their promises ? They are ropes of sand, like Seward's promise of peace within ninety days. Let these jugglers and confidence men answer to the people whom they have knowingly deceived. . Tan PARTALOONED ' , Famrsi.x.”—The young maiden who has been sporting male attire in toes for a day or two, and whose arrest at Ryan's tav ern, in State street, we chronicled in our last issue, was brought before Alderman Kline for a further hearing yesterday. Her story was somewhat mixed and unsatisfactory, and seemed as if she desired to conceal rather than reveal the facts con cerning herself and her course. She gave her name as Mary McCormick, although the name she gave on the day before was Henrietta Pitzellen. She stated in general terms that she was from New York city; that at one time she had enlisted in the army at Newport, Ky., and had been in the service six months. After leaving the service, she adopted her proper costume, and traveled hither and thither, until at length she came to this city. Here she resolved again to don the masculine apparel, and obtained a suit of men's clothes from a man who was also stopping at Ryan's. After wearing these two days, she was apprehended. The Alderman, after reminding her of the im propriety of her style in the matter of getting np her toilet, and giving her a few words of whole some counsel, released her from custody—first or dering the offieer to see that she made the requisite change of apparel. The girl is of medium height, rather coarse features, and by the aid of a few disguises might be made ugly enough to pass a man. A Pun Cnsttan,—An article in Wednesday morning's "Telegraph" charges that "in one of the election districts in this county the copperhead leaders actually voted negroes," referring those who may doubt it to Dr. Heck. The district re ferred to must be Middle Paxton, as that is the one in which Dr. H. lives. We have inquired of sev eral persons concerning this matter, and of Dr. Heck among others, and can pronounce the "Tele graph's" statement a falsehood. The person said to be a negro was as white as any who voted there, as were his parents before him. He is, moreover, married to the daughter of one of the most respect able Republicans in the town of Dauphin, whose feelings must be outraged by this slander• The Inspector, a Republican, was fully satisfied that the person referred to was a white American citi zen, and the entire beard so decided. It was that board, and not the "copperhead leaders," who are responsible for the vote, and they received it for the simple reason that they had not the slightest right to reject it. A LAROfi L4VPIXOTtYa.—The largest locomotive in the United States, if not in the world, has just been built for the Philadelphia and Reading rail road company. It has twelve driving wheels 43 inches in diameter. The cylinder is 20 inches in diameter, and the stroke of piston 26 inches. The fire boxes 10 feet 8 inches inches long, and 41i inches wide. Inside diameter 48 inches. The weight of the locomotive when in running order is 100,820 pounds. This locomotive is in tended fer a pushing one, to force the heavy coal trains up the grades of the road. It was designed and constructed by Mr. James Mulholland, of Phil adelpnia. CGLLISION AT DUTICANNON.-011 Wednesday last a collision occurred between two freight trains near Duncannon, on the Pennsylvania railroad. A man, whose name we could not ascertain, leaped from one of the trains as they approached, striking upon a rook in such a manner as to break his neck and kill him. The shook was very severe, "destroy log a number of cars and heaping the trains np in one indiscriminate wreck as high as the telegraph wires. A large amount of goods and produce was destroyed or damaged by the accident, and the damage to the freight alone is estimated at $50,000, Gus PRACTICE.—A salute of one hundred guns was fired from "Fort Brant" at noon yesterday, in honor.of our brilliant Democratic "change of base" at the late election—which, it will be remembered, jit took-pl on Tuesday last. Tho,eompliment was all the er appreciated because unsolicited. One of the more tenacious and faithful, ("faithful he alone among the faithless,") who still clings to the good hope that our candidate is elected and that Jackson is running for President, thought it was a fee de joie over the victory "as it ought to have been." Vain hope ! illusive dream I Heigho ! "mother, is the battle over ?" JUST Itscarvan.--Calicos at 16, 16-and 20 cts.; ronslins, 13, 20 and 25 cents; a large lot of flan nels, at all prices; gloves and hose for ladies and children; large asssortment of hoop skirts and bal morals, shawls and cloaks, plain and plaid dress goods, cashmeres and cloth, to be sold very_ cheap. Call at Brownold's cheap corner, Second and Mar ket, opposite Jones House, Harrisburg. oat 15-1 w Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of pay and subsistence claims, Ac., Ac., Ac., made out and col lected by EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oct2B-I.y NEW FALL Goons.—We have now received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other goods. Splendid assortment of new delaines. All colors of plain alpacas. New style of plaid dreg' goods. Fine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached muslins. 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting. 5-4 heavy linen for pillow cases. 7-4 grey linen damask for table covers. White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen and hemstiched packet handker chiefs. 10 dos. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices. White eambrie angling andjaeonnetta, nansooke, Irish linen, Swiss mueline, and a great many other new goods. S. LEWY. SPECK NOTICES. THE GREAT SECRET.—It is ad mitted by all physicians that the grand secret of health and long life lies in keeping the blood and various fluids of the body in a high degree of fluidity. When you feel continued pain in the head or bowels, or any con tinned uneasiness in any organ or other parte of the body, you can prevent serious sickness by taking BRANDRETIPS PILLS. ingeditig may give momentary ease, because the blood left will have more room. Bnt as the body is nAde from the blood and sustained by the blood, to waste our blood is to waste our life and ruin our constitution. But Brandreth's Pills relieve the circulation as readily as bleeding by only taking away what it can well spare, and TEST NETER HURT. `Mrs. Hooper, of Barnstable, Mass., was cared of St. Titus Vance, General Debility, poorness of blood and costiveness of many years standing, by Brandreth , s Pills. The case at length is published in the Pam phlets. Nor sale in Harrisburg by (}EO. H. BELL. cotittwit NEW DISCOVERY for the SPEEDY AND PERMANENT CURE of Seminal Weakness, Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, Meet, Sexual Die , - eases, Emissions, Impotence, Genital Debility, and die eases of the Bladder and Kidneys. BaLL's SPECIFIC PILLS are warranted in all cases and can bh relied on. No change of diet required. T hey do not nauseate, nor interfere with business pursuits. t pwards of 200 cases have been cured the past month. More than one hundred physicians use them in their private practice, and alt speak well of their dleaey. They are entirely harmless on the system, and can be relied on in all cases arising from youthful indiscretion es self abase, Which often incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties elm:Erna life. A TREATISE of 64 pages, containing means of cure, sent free to all. Two stamps required for postage. The Pills will be sent by mail, securely sealed, on receipt Of One Dollar, by J. BRYAN, M. D., No. 76 Cedar street, New York. Bold by all the principal druggists . imp 25.44&w [Communicated.] Pulmonary Consumption a Curable Disease !! A CARD. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been metered to heulth in a few weeks, by a very Simple remedy, after having suf fered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, whieh they will fixed a sure eur for OotTaintsviois, Amia, linomonvrta, COUGHS, onus, &o. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be inval uable; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address BIM EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamabuegh, sap 2b4mdkw Rings county, New York. Dr. Brunon's Concentrated Remedies NO.l. TUB 4 51REer ltEvivim speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-ABIIBM, as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath,Gidifiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained Weil. genes of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. E. THE BALM will cure, in from two to eight days, any case of GONNORRHOIA, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 8. The MIND will cure in the shortest possible time any case of OLENT, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell. Price One Doliar. No, 4, THE PIINITER io tiro PulY Boma,' Rot will really cure Stricturee of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price one Dollar. No. 5. TM?. BOLUTOR will cure any cage of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all sifictions the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6. FOR PARTICULARS SEE OIRCULAR. No. 7. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, ie the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tate. Price One Dollar. No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILES are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correct ing any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR PARTICULARS KEN CIRCULAR Either remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a circu lar. General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and Callowhill street.. Private office, 401 Yort avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale in'Harrisburg by O. A. BANNVART and Louis WYETH, where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with fall descriptions of each case, will be deliv ered gratis on application. Address DE. FELIX BRUNON, July 98, 186.%-ly P.O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CIIEESEBIAIPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild ist their operation, and cortain in eorreeting all irregu larities, painful menstruation, removingall obstructions whether from cold or otherwsse, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and Mahe, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. DR. CHEESEMANIS PILLS rte the ceemeallegient of a ace - et halm treatment of those irregularities an eotostrae cr iirbic bar Soo. signed so many to & premature grey a . lae tem slim enjoy good health unless she's regular, sad wheneyeran obstruction takes place the general health begins rode. Caine. DR. CHEESEMAITS PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Feniciles. To all cluceee they are invaluable, inducing, with tertainty 2 periodical regular jig. They are known to thoasandoiwho have need them at different periods, throughout the country, havingthe sanction of come of the most smincat Phy.taiiiiid in America. Explicit directions, stating when they should not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to b 0 Pillo. Pile sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents., Sold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Sold it Harrisburg, by C. A. Bannvart. " Mechanicsburg, by J. S. Dellott. " Carlisle. by S. Elliott. " Shippenifpnrg, by D. W. Rankin. Chambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. Hummelstown, by George Wolf. , c Lebanon. by Gnome Ross. dec6-d&wl7 10HOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—A largo and beautiful assortment of Photograph Albums just received and for sale cheap, at HICOOLIWB, jy9 93 Market street• OTATORS !-A LARGE SUPPLY P just received. QUALITY VERY SUPERIOR. sept2o WM. DOO.ll, Jr., & 00, Intbirci. AIL DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREA'AL . EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS it WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, and ALL RHEU MATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, The great Natural Bone getter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Ie known all over the United Metes. Dr, Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Ie the eutto n er 46 Dr, Nereet's Infallible Liniment." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cares Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain cure for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Owes Headache immediately and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Pile; and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Uures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Outs and Wounds immediately and leaves ne BMW, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the beet remedy for Soree in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Hu been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a " friend in need," and every family should have it at hand. Dr. Swetes Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents. • RICHARDSON & Co., Sole Proprietors, Norwich ! Ct. For sale by all Dealers. 14)20 eow-d&W IDvting. ALL WORK PROMISED IN ONE WEIIKI 1 0 42 . PENNSYLVANIAt STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 MARBAT STBINT, BETWEEN FOU.R2H AND FIFTH, HARRISBURG PA., Where every description of Ladies' awl Gentlemen% Garments, Piero Goode, &a., are Dyed, Cleansed, and Mashed in the best manner and at the shortest notice. nos-d&wly 'SODOM & 00.. Proprietors. DURYEAS , MAIZENA. Received two "PRIZE MEDALS" • (Front lurks 3 and 4) at the International Exhibition, London 1862, P 4 0 0 Pei t:J BEING THE SOLE AWARDS Gained by Anything of ti►e Kind. it also received the Superlative Report of "EXCEEDING- EXCELLENT FOR FOOD." MA.IZENA. At the Great International Exhibition at HAMBURG, July, 1863, Received li hi 919eintot smiliazia sym A For its great delicacy as an articla of Food. Used for Puddings, Custards, Blanc Mange, Sas with out Isinglass, with few or no eggs. It is excellent for thickening Sweet Sauces, Gravies for Fish, Meat, Soups, &c. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, &c. A most delicious artiste of food for children and invalids. It is vastly superior to Ar row Root, and much more economical. Put up in one pound passages, with full direction for use ) and sold by all Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM DURVII A, Wholesale Agent. 166 Fulton Street, New York. Ang 15-d6m DRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE. 1 One small CARD PRESS. One SUPER-ROYAL SMITH'S RAND PRESS. One RUGGLES? QUARTER MEDIUM FAST PRESS, for cards, circulars, &c. One DAVIES' OSCILLATING, SUPER-ROYAL, MA CHINE PRESS, suitable for jobs and newspaper work. A. stunt boy run run off I,ooClop.opies per hour. All the Dresses are in good order, and will be sold low. Apply to T -TEO F. SONY:MR, out 1. No. 18, 11.1.rket. St., Harrisburg. HAMS!!! I. 20,000,1b5. Composed of the following Brands just received NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS & SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN HAMS—Strietly prime. ORDINARY lIAMS—Very good. 117" Every Ham sold will be gua r anteed as represen ted. War. & CO. QLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DICTION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET TEES, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC_ SAMARITAN'S R0907' AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public as a positive cure. Banishes all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy . action, cure those Spots, Petters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES! FEMALES! In many affections with which. !Lambent of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Rolling of the Womb, Debility, and for all nom• inoldeut to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep ont of hospitals. Here is a cure in any case Cm • Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with full direc tion r. Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Fart by Express carefully pact ed by DESMOND & 00„ lacflay Box 151 Phila. P.O. WAR 1 WAR! —BRADY, No. 62 Market street, below Third, ben received a large assortment of SWORDS, BASIIES and BMA'S, which he Will Pell very low. auo dtt public Sales. Ai - ALUABLE PRORERTY AT PUB LIC SALE. In pursuance of the last will and testament of John Sele, deceased, will he exposed to public eale, on Sat. urday, the 17th day of October, 1863, at the Court House in the city of Haarisburg, at 2 o'clock, p. m., a VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situate in the city of Harrisburg, on the Jonestown road. adjoinins property of John Shoop, William AUls"n and the 3:Minden es tate, it being the property of John Bele, deceased, con taining twenty-one acres more or less. Erected thereon is a g)od two-story frame house and barn, other out buildings, good water, and a thriving young apple or chard. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, as above stated, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN BRADY. oet6•dts Administrator de bolds non O. T. A. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned, Executors of Gen. JOHN FORSTER, late of the city . of Harrisburg, deceased, will offer at Public Bale, at the Court Rome, in said City, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1863, At 10 oclock, a, m., a portion of the real estate of said deceased, as follows : NO. 1. A Three story Brick House and lot of ground, situated on Front street in the city aforesaid, now under a lease to Mrs. S. B. Dull. Said property is 23 feet 4j¢ inches front, and extends back towards River alley VZ feet, with the privilege of using an alley between said house and the former residence of said deceased. The form and size of this property are fully exhibited by a sur vey and draft of the same in the possession of the Executors. NO. 2. A certain Island in the river Susquehanna, within the limits of the city of Harrisburg, with the improvements thereon erected, called Turkey Island, over which the Harrisburg bridge paws, eottaining tifty.five acres and one hundred and two perches, u per a survey and draft thereof, which is recorded among the records of Dau phin county, to which reference is made. NO. 8. A. certain Two Story Brick House and Lot of Ground, situated in the city of Harrisburg, fronting on Market street 25 feet, including a four foot alley, and extending back 85 feet 3 inches to another lot of ground belonging to the estate of the slid John Forster, deceased. This let is 37 feet wide in the rear. The whole size and form of the lot is fully exhibited by a surrey and draft in the possession of the Executors. NO. 4. A certain Hotel and Lot of Ground fronting on Canal atroet in said city, and now under a lease to William P. Hughes, being 71 feet 6 inches front, and extending back 210 feet to Poplar lane. NO. 5 A certain Lot or Piece of GroantL adjoining the afore. said hotel, fronting on Canal street 89 feet, and extend ing back 210 feet to Poplarlane byone line, and 215 feet 9 inches by the line next to Owen WCabe , s lot. Width of lot on Poplar lane 87 feet three inches. Naze.—The last two properties named will be sold together as one entire i,roperty, or separately, as may be deemed advisable by the Executors. NO. 6. A certain Tract or Piece of Land, containing one acre and one hundred and fifty-three perehee, with a very valuable two story Brick House thereon erected, Situ ated in Suequehanna townehip„Dauphin county, on the public road leading from. Harrisburg to the mountain, an bounded by lands of Thomas IlinCee, Isaac Risley, Herman Airfare, Eleg., and others. This property is considered a 'very desirable country residence, not only from its beautiful location, but also from the fact of its being so convenient to the city of Harrisburg. As k r person who may be desirous of purchasing either of um above-mentioned properties, can have an oppor tunity of examining them or any one of them by call ing upon either of the Executors before the day of sale, or upon the tenant, who resides on the property. A deed will be made and possession delivered to the purchaser on the let day of April next, The terms or "conditions of sale will be, 4 .one-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, when the deed is made to the purchaser, and possession of the property delivered. One third-part thereof payable at the ter mination of llve years, and the remaining third part at the end of ten years from the delivery of the deed and possession, with 1.-gal interest on the deferred payments, payable semi-annually. The payment of deterred in stalments and the interest thereon to be secured by the the bonds of purchasers and mortgages on the premises Sold t Provided, however, If purchasers ithonld desire to pay the whole, or any larger proportion than one third of the price In nand, the terms may be varied in that respect's by the undersigned, and as they may think proper. Any informatfon desired in relation to the above described properties, or either of them, can be had by applying to John H. Briggs. Harrisburg. DiARGARBV L. FORSTER, BENJAMIN L. FORSTIR, MLR R. BRIGGS. Exeeu'ors of Gen. John Forster, deceased. octei-Stowataw ts. TO ALL WHO VALUE THEIR SIGHT JULIUS ROSENDALE, OPTICIAN AND OCULIST Respectfully announces to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has opened an office at Market Square, next to Pelix , a confeotionety 7 where he will keep a large assortment of his PANTASCOPIC AND TINTED SPECTACLES, Set in Gold, Silver, and Magnetic Steel Primal_ Fully appreciating the confidence that bee been re posed in him on his former visits, he assures his patients that his aim will be. as heretofore, to merit their con fidence and good will. These glasses are now recommended by the first med ical men through the country, and all who purchased hem from use on farmer visits will testify to their great advantage over all other ones in use. They assist and strengthen the weak and impaired vision, and ena ble the wearer to do the most critical work without the feeling of weakness always caused by common glasses. The Lenses, which are ground from the finest crystal, will last from ten o to tweve years without change. These spectacles are manufactured at No. 221, New Street, Philadelphia, and may be exchanged any time if not suited to the eye. Er Consultation free. Office hours from 8 a. m. till 8 p. m. N. 8.--All kinds of spectacles and optical instruments neatly repaired. octe-d&wlm. SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT ! THE MOST CERTAIN RIMED? EIRE USED. Yes, a Positive Cure! BALSAM COPAYIA ¢ 211.67i0r/BY DISCARDED, Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not. in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from twO to four days, and recent eases is twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change whatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. W . GROSS it CO. 0 Sent by than by DESMOND Sc 00_, .Itot 151 Phila. P jan6-dly ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration have this day been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Dauphin county, upon the estate of Simon Swab, late of Washington township, in said county, de ceased. All persons having claims or demands against said estate are hereby requested, to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to DAN/EL SWAB Administrator, octl2-law6t* Washington township. Dauphin co. A PARTMENTS Furnished and Board -11 for Ladies and Gentlemen. Inquire of Mae. KERR, Shoemaker's Row, Second street, nearly opposite the Buehler House. sep 23-tr SELECT FAMILY GROCERY. CORNER OF FRONT .AND MARKET STREETS. The attention of the Citizens of Harrisburg, and th public generally. is respectfully invited to the new stock of choice Family liroceries just being received from the Eastern cities, at the old stand, corner of Font and Market streets. All articles kept in a first class grocery will be found on my shelves. Call and examine. ADLM RULER- JR., oct 8 Corner of Front and Market AC V‘ ,l 7 ORCE STE RS HI RE SAUCE—In large and small bottles, warranted genuine, for sale by ADAM BELLES, JS , oct 9 Corner of Front and Market sta. FRESH LEMONS, Raisins, Currants, CitrOno, and other foreign fruits, at ADAM KELLEIt, SR., oct 8 Corner of rot and Market ate. SARDINBS, Spiced Salmon and Mush rooms, just received and for sale, by ADAM KELLER, JR., oct 8 Corner of Front and Market eta. CHEESE—English Dairy, Pine Apple, Sap Sago. and New York Dairy, fine supply of all kinds of cheese, just received and for sale by ADAM %FIXER, JR., oct 9 Corner or Front and Market sta. WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless variety of designs and ornaments; also, CURTAIN 'FIXTURES and TABBBLI3 at very low prices. Call at Schelier's Bookstore. SEVILLE OL[VES—A very fine arti cle and waeranted good, for sale by ADAM KIALLEB. oct 8 Corner of Front and Market sta. BLACKING ! I—M&soit's "CRALLExcia BusoatNO."—/00 Gloss, assorted size just re °aired and for sale, wholesale and retail. deal WK. DOCK, is., & 00. 4jelmbolb's Itemcbits. THE GREAT 6 6 AMERICAN REMEDIES'', KNOWN AS "HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, viz HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BUCEIL"." RELAIBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WABII. HEEMBOLEI3 OENIIINE PREPARATION tiRIONLY CONCENTRATED " COMPOUND PLUM EXTRACT 8V0M75 A positive and specific Remedy for Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Thia medicine increases the pquer or digestion and ea cites the absorbents into healthy liAtiont which the water or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements, are reduced, as well as pain and inflamma tion, and Iv good for MEN, WOMEN mid 011/LDBEN I==l lIELMBOLD'S EXRBAOT BUORF, For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dime potion, Early Indiscretion or Abuse, attended with the FOLLOWING- SYMPTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Loss of Memory, Loss of Power. Weak Nerve! Difficulty in Breathing, Horror bf lidease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Wak-fulnedS, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Flashiog of the Body, Hot Hands, Bruptions on the Face, Pallid Illlonntenanee. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which Me medi cine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can sir they are not frequently followed by those "direful dis eases," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, butnoun will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the troth of the assertion. THE CONOTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED BY OR. GAM° WBAIEMS, Requires the aid of medicine to etrengthen and rate the eystem,which HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT moan invariably dem A trial Will COSWinne the lialaft akepticaL FEMALES ! FEMALES !! FEMALES !ft OLD OP. YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM- PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections peculiar to Females, the Eatrac Buchn is unequalled by any other remedy, as in ChWeal or Retention, Irregularities, Painfulness, cr Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhons state of the Uterus, Leueorrhes or Whites, Sterility, and for a complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from is discretion, Habits of Dissipation, °rill the RECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE ISM SYMPTOMS ABOVE. • NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITEIOUT n. =I Take no Balsam, Mercury or trupteasaut Mediciu Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRIT CURES SECRET DISEASES In art their stages, at little expense ; little or no clan in diet i no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE, It causes frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curia strictures of the urethra, allaying pain and inflammation so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-OUT NATTER, Thousands upon thousands who have been the VICTIMS OP QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY FEES to beamed in irehort time_ have found they were deeeived, and that the if Poi• eon has, by the use of a Powerful AstringenleM been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MAPAH.94,:i3 MLR BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII: For all Affections and Diseases of the URINARY OR GANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever canoe originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of -a DIURETIC. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT PISITCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And it is certain to have the desired effect in all Dieesaes for which it is reconamended. ' BLOOD! BLOOD !! BLOOD !!! HELXBOLDV Bunny CONCENTRATED IECOII POUND PLUM EX.TRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. This is an affection of the Blood, and sttaclrafthe mina organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Windpipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. RELMBOLD'S Extract Sarsaparilla purifies the Blood and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the complexion a clear and healthy color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, to Blood-purifying properties are preserved to a greater ex tent than any other preparation of S.arsaparitia. I=l HELNROLD'S ROSE W' SR, An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic nature, and as an injection in diseases ef the urinary. Organs aris ing from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Bustin and Sarsaparilla, in etch . diseases an recom mended Evidence of the most responaible, and reliable character will accompany the medicines.. CERTIFICATES OF C (FRES, From three to twent7 parse standing, with names known TO SCIENCE AND FAME! For medical properties of BUCRU : seepisprisato the 'United States. Sae Profaner DEWBEB' valuable werki(ou the Pr ties of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICS, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPRRAISf M'DOWELL celebrated Pbyaician and Member of the Royal College Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transactions 0 the King and Queen's Journal. See Mediee•Chirurgical Review, neblished by BERTA ATM TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See moat of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Raclin—. -.- 81 00 per bottle, o r nix for 85 00 Extract Sarsaparilla.-- 81 00 per bottle, or six for 85 08 Improved Rose Wash..- 60e. per bottle, or six for $2 50 Or half dozen of each for $l2, which will be enfficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if directions are adhered to., Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. irr Describe symptoms in all communicatious.Vure guaranteed. Advice gratis. —:o:----1 AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, who being duly sworn Both say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mer cury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. H. T. HEIABOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me. this 23d day of Novem ber, 1854. Whi. P. HISBEED, Alderman Ninth at., above Baca, Philadelphia. Address lettere for information in conadencol o H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Depot. No. 104 South Tenth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. I!=l3= BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED REALM, Who endeavor to dispose cc OF THEIR OWN" sus 64 other " articles on the reputation attained by MELMBOLD76 say,NonlE PREPARATIONS, gELMBOLDIS GENUINE EXTRACT SUCH) HELDISOLD'S GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA: ThEPIIiOLDM GENUINE IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Sold by all Druggists everywhere AM FOB B.BLMBOLDIB--TAICE NO OTHER, Cut out the advertisement and Rind for it, and enti4 /31POSITIONA2eD ZILECIVRE [jet-17