Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 13, 1863, Image 1

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Half sq., one day-- $0 ao O n oday.— 13 im
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k ini 3irar, myna 4ernus vitt be offered.
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/Er marriages and Deaths willheinserted st the same
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Business Cutts'.
1)R. J. C. HOYER,
In room formerly occupied by Dr. Carman,
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Sep 213416 m
ap-2Pwird Nearly opposite the Buehler Noose•
office North, Third street, thrrct door above Mar.
icet, Harrisburg, Pa.
N. B.—Pension, Bounty ant Military claims of all
kinds prosecuted and collected.
Refer to noes. John C. Boatel, David liftmen, 3L,
and S. A. Lamberton. Inyll-d&wem
Ha is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the
dance of profession in all ite branches.
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all wb.o mayfavor Aim with a call, be the dhows Ohronis
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VlNse ins the Edge. Walnut at_ ; ( Up Stairs.)
Raving formed a connection with prtiee in Wash
ington City, wan are reliable business men,
any busi
ness connected with any of the Departments will meet
with immediate and careful attentioa. me-y
The undersigned have entered into an association for
the collection of Military Claims and the securing of
rerun - ons for - wounded and ambled eusldiers_
Muster-in and Mulder-out Rolls, officers , Pay Ras,
Ordnance and Clothing returns, and all papers pertain
ing to the military service will be made out properly
and expeditiouely.
Office in the Exchange Buildings, Walnut 'between
Second and Third atreeta, near Omits Hotel, Harris.
burg, Pa. - THOS. 0 MAODOW3LL,
je2s-d111" TH MA.S A. MAGUIRE.
Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, .dccordeons,
8 . 111=813, SHEET AND BOOR memo, &0., kc.,
p yitoT gat ALF II Fla Amm s. ALBums,
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, square and Oval Nome
of every doseriptioamads to order. Regaildindone
Agency for Meares Sewing Machines.
Tr Sheet Mamie sent by Mail, ootl-1
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COOK, Merchant Tailor,
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Has just returned from the city with an sesernnent of
Which will be sold at moderate prices and made up to
order; and, also, en assortment of BEADY MADE
Clothing and 6entimences Purnishbil COOdS.
L GSM, D. D. 8.,
Positively extracts teeth without pain, by the use of
Nitrous Oxide.
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VOL. 6.-NO. 36
tilt :1 tint it 14: ion.
TUESDAY Witsitie, OCT. 13, 1863.
From Chambers , Journal for September.
You wish to hear the old man's story, my
dear, and how your mother and I first made
acquaintance ? Well, if it will give you plea
sure, so be it. The circumstances are still
fresh in my memory ; but if I trip, there sits
the other partner in the Arm—God bless her
comely face !—ready to amend the record. ,
Just thirty years ago, last Hilary term, Col.
Tonish Stark, H.E.1.C.8., CB., en-commander
of that famous regiment the Bogglywollah
Fencibles, returned home from India. Age
seventeen, he sailed away, with a smiling,
ruddy countenance and a gleeful heart; age
sixty-seven, he came back with a sallow, war
worn visage and a diseased liver. Truth com
pels me to admit that the colonel was neither
preposessing in appearance nor amiable in ,
character. Tall, broad-shouldered, and grim,
with large irregular features, and iron-gray
hair kW/in like bayonets, he did not strike
you, even at first sigat, as a man likely to do
a kind action; you felt instinctively that he
would have looked upon it as weakness. Woe
betide the beggar who salad Qg him an alms
If a man, the colonel growled out a stern in
quiry why a sturdy fellow like the applicant
wasn't at work, or serving the king, and omi
nously twirled his cane ; if a woman prayed
assistance and bread for starving babes, he
held her in conversation until a policeman pas
sed, and then gave her in charge for vagranoy.
During his residence in India, Col_ Stark
bad shaken the pagoda-tree to some purpose.
Yellow sovereigns, bright and glittering with
the effigies of the first gentleman in Europe ;
or pleasant, crisp papyri, bearing the signa
ture of one Mr. Abraham Newland, were the
fruit he bad gathered. When the cold con
sidered be bad amassed not enough— ut
ble man ever does—but at any rate a dent
to live upon in comfort for the rest of his days,
he turned his thoughts towards home. One
crowning pleasure he reserved to be still en
joyed, and this consisted in setting up as the
great man of the neigborhood into which he
had been born.
So Col. Josiah Stark retired from the service,
and returned to England, bringing with him, as
appendages of his state—item; one shivering
Hindu servant called Johtee Lail, attired in
white garments, with the turban like unto the
hues of the rainbow ; item, one large and
heavy bamboo, brass-tipped, many-knotted,
with whose weight and calibre Johtee Lall was
painfully familiar ; an item, one red-eyed,
handsome white cockatoo; reported well versed
in oriental slang.
Finding, upon his return to Bayfield, a plea
mount country /eisiecnoo tAnta 61.‘c X . C.11/10, mbooi
two miles from the town, the colonel hired the
place, furnished it with the luxuries long rest
denim in the east had rendered neeeeseries,
and installed himself and his household in this
new. abode. Then came a difficulty.
The colonel, after realizing his property in
India, and laying out the plan of campaign for
his future life, had overlooked the fact, that
he must have somebody to superintend his
household. A week's residence at the Ferns
awakened him to the necessity. Why did he
not engage a housekeeper ? you will say. The
idea aid just flit across his mind, I admit, and
With a lordly air he looked down the columns
of the Timm for the article he required. As
he read, a vision uprose before him of an el
derly female in black, with a sharp nose and.
vinegar aspect, who cast in her employer's
teeth, when rebuked, the recollection of the
dear departed. •
-Never, no, never in all the years as we was
married,' the colonel seemed to hear his house
keeper wail, 'did my Mr. Kenspeckle find fault
with his victual& Never would he have al
lowed anybody to say an 'arsh word to his
Harebell& But alas ! the dear saint has long
been a hangel in 'seven, and his poor lone wid
der must suffer in peace.'
To which the cslunel caught hironelf reply
ing : 'D—n it, ma'am, and I wish you did.'
Or, yet worse, he might engage a house
keeper with matrimonial views ; and the colo
nel shuddered when he thought of what a ter
rible catastrophe this would be. He was rich,
single, and elderly—not old ; I should think
not, indeed. What if the limit of man's years
were placed at threescore and ten, and he only
wanted three years to complete that period ;
age, after all, is only comparative, and should
be reckoned by vigour and strength of consti
'There's many a youngster at five-and-twenty
not half what I am at sixty-seven,' quoth the
colonel grimly, as he tossed aloft his brawny
arms. .1 should be a devil of a catch for some
designing jade, I should. No; that would be
worst of all.'
In short, the chances of comfort in engaging
a housekeeper were terribly hazardous and
dead against the colonel Whether he was
wept at or married, the result would be equally
fatal to happiness.
'And what can I do with a woman that don't
suit me ?' pondered Col. Stark.,'Not what I
should if we were in India- here I should
have a khansamann to look after the house ;
and if he didit tdo his duty, he'd be triced up
at the halberds, and the drummer be laying on
fifty before the nigger could squeak Jack Rob
inson. But what are you to do with a wo
man ?'
And the colonel groaned again in utter per
plexity of spirit. suddenly, a bright idea
flashed across him—his daughter Lett) , I Why,
she was the very thing; open to none of the
objections that had troubled him, hie own child,
who would naturally look after her old fathet's
comfort—here the colonel grew pathetic—and
smooth the passage of the few remaining years
he yet might have to live. Besides, there was
economy in this arrangement. For eight or
tea years he had been investing capital in his
daughter's education ; she should now repay
the outlay with interest by her affection and
care. So Letty Stark, aged seventeen, was
brought home from school to superintend her
father's household.
There was one peculiar feature in Colonel
Stark's character which rendered him a very
difficult man to agree with—this was mistrust.
The author of his own fortunes, compelled
from early youth to keep a watchful eye upon
his interests and expenditure, the habit had
increased with age , to universal suspicion..—:
He may have had cause. A long experience
of men in an arduous profession has taught
me that the majority will swindle you if they
can. I don't mean to - say there are not ex
emption, but there being Bach only proves the
eorrentness of the rule. Never give any one
an opportunity to get the advantage of you,
and you will be spared many vexations and
mu& less. This is my candid opinion as a
professional man. I should 'charge a stranger
six- and-eightpence for the advice; but I give
it to yen, reader, for nothing.
Still, there are limits to all things. Colonel
Stark stepped over the limits, eat distrusted
everybody without distinction. His causeless
jealousy poisoned his wife's existence. Mean
ings and intentions of which the poor lady was
entirely innocent were attributed to all her
words and actions, until, she being of frail and
nervously susceptible organization, the colonel
positively worried and suspected her into the
grave. Nor did he entertain a more favorable
opinion of her daughter or of the sex in gene
Cats, sir,' he would designate those de
lightful creatures—' cats, nothing more. Al
ways trying to dip their whiskers in forbidden
cream, and purring meekly about you, to make
you believe 'em honest.'
Coupled with universal distrust, the colonel
entertained another unpleasant persuasion—
this was, that all the world had entered into a
conspiracy to hoodwink—or, as he expressed
it, to do'—him upon every possible occasion,
which naturally begat a strong determination
upon his part never to be done. Successful
evasion of various artful snares had produced
its necessary consequence, an overweening
trust in his °WU Sagacity and clearness of sight;
so that I verily believe there did not march up
and down upon the earth's surface a more self ,
confident and conceited individual than he.
Now, at the time Letty Stark came to live
at the Ferns, I, Caleb Stutely, was articled to
my uncle Ferri!, a solicitor in large practice
at Bayfield, and the professional adviser of
many of the County families round the, town.
He had acted as the colonel's agent for years.
To his care Letty had been consigned upon her
mother's death in India; by him she had been
placed at the same school with my sister @pee,
now in London, married ; in hiihouse the girls
had always spent their holidays; and the in
evitable consequence of all this was, that
though both of us were children in the eyes of
our sagacious elders, Letty Stark and 1 were
very old and intimate friends indeed.
At what precise period of my acquaintance
with Letty I first began to—to—well, ib feel a
tendre towards her, at this distance of time I
am quite unable to say ; I only know that,
when the sentiment did manifest itself, its
growth was marvellous. Like Jack's beanstalk,
it sprang up in a night. The first symptoms
were, an unusual diffidence, a strange embar
rassment in Letty's presence, exaggerated , by
a painful sense of personal deficiency. Up to
that hour, I had thought I was rather a good
looking fellow than otherwise; thenceforth, I
believed myself hideous ; I depreciated my
teeth, I abhorred my budding whiskers, I con
sidered my figure anything but fine. Of a night
I established myself before the looking-glass
in my bedroom,. with a candle on each side the
mirror, and fell to abusing my perfections se
Call this coarse, ropy fibre hair I' I would
exclaim, holding up my hyacinthine looks—
which, by the way, must be surely blue; Ah !
look at Letty's curling around her delicate
head like the tendrils about , a sweet young vine.
That a comelexion, that -'mottled, sunburnt
skin ! Not for a second to be likened to my
_lovely red and.white, blending so ex
quisitely thatyou - cannot note the line where
lily blushes into Yotre: - lentex
perfection ! Lwonder at, and hate myself for
the presumption.'
I made a great fool of myself, my dear, but
I had taken the fever badly, and went regularly
through all the stages of the disorder. How
ever, in spite of my conviction of Letty's in
finite superiority, I did somehow one day mus
ter courage to enter my suit. Perhaps my
pleadiog was too eloquent to be resisted; per
haps the judge was kindly disposed towards
me; anyhow, the summing-up was entirely in
my favor, and, to my extreme delight, the
verdict also. Therewith, one step in advance
was certainly made, yet not the most important
one. It was all very well, and gratifying
enough to the parties especially concerned, for
Caleb Stutety, bachelor, and Letitia Stark,
spinster, both of the parish of Bayfield, to ex
change vows of eternal constancy and plight
each other their troth, as these two rash young
perms did upon various notable occasions ;
but they were not, after all, the chief parties
to be consulted. What would the colonel say,
when he came to hear of the matter ? Ah !
what did he say? Even after the lapse of
thirty years, I still shudder at the remem
brance. The event happened at a party given
by my uncle Ferril at his house in Bayfield.—
Hunting about with his customary suspicion,
Colonel Stark obeerved that his daughter and
I were absent from the room ; he instantly pro
ceeded in search of us. As ill-luck would have
it, Laity and I, having just finished a quad
rille, were at that moment resting upon a seat
in the adjoining conservatory, my arm en
twined about my charmer's slender waist, my
lips in the act of imprinting a salute upon her
tender cheek. When I subsequently raised my
eyes, they encountered the wrathful orbs of
the colonel, glaring through the blossoms of a
passion-flower. Medusa's head could not have
turned Perseus, if he had only happened to
see it, into more sudden stone. Colonel Stark
burst in upon us like a tornado.
' Come along, come along, you—you jade I'
he shouted, hauling my poor girl by the wrist
into the midst of the astonished dancers. 4 I'll
put a stop to this. We'll have no more billing
and cooing behind the old man's bank, I pro
mise you. Be off this instant; toss on your
things, and order the carriage. And as for
you, young Parchment,' continued the colonel,
turning to me, and thrusting his bony fist like
a smelling-bottle close under my nose, demon_ ,
sir, I've a great mind to break every blank
bone in your blank, rascally, pettifogging car
The commotion occasioned by this proceed
ing may be easily imagined. Letty rnahed
with crimsoned countenance to the door, fol
lowed by many of the younger ladies, who were
indignant at the colonel's coarse violence, and
stood by their order. The more severely vir.
tuona and moral—wall-flowers these mostly,
by the way—drew themselves up with an air
of conscious rectitude, and frowned reproof
upon the culprits. For my part, I was furious.
I recollect making a rush at the colonel, with
some vague intention of choking him summa
rily upon the spot, but was promptly collared
and held off by my uncle Ferril. , Others threw
themselves between us, and edged me into a
corner, while the colonel was half persuaded,
half hustled from the room. In five minutes
more, I heard the carriage which contained
my Letty drive away.
This untoward accident broke up the party ;
gentility both dreads and loves nothing 80
much as a scene, and here had been a scene
with a vengeance. One by one our guests
pleaded fatigue,ed other pretexts for
what was in rea o l r 4 i d eg esire to get away and
talk over what had taken place; and in a shdrt
time my uncle Ferril and I were le ft
, alone.
4 Well, nephew Caleb ?' mid my uncle calmly,
raising his eyebrows into notes of interrogation,
when the last visitor had quitted the house,
This is a pretty businese, truly. Don't you
feel avhamed of yourself, sir V
Not a bit,' I"answered stoutly. ' There's
no shame in liking a.charming girl like Letty,
I should hope, uncle. The only shame in the
matter belongs to her brute of a father„who
called me a pettifogger too—confound Mai !
If you hadn't stopped me, uncle, I'd have bad
an apology out of the old tyrant., or I'd have
known the reason why."
' Pish !' replied uncle Ferril, leisurely taking
snuff. ' You speak like a very young man,
nephew. If you really felt offended at a hasty
expression, the law affords the remedy. Col.
Stark is a man of substance, and the epithet is
no doubt actionable. See Skinnum v. Jagg,
Q. B, Rep. 44, where defendant telling plains
tiff he was no gentleman, plaintiff obtained a
verdict upon the ground of being entitled by
act of parliament to write himself Esquire.
Again, Diachylon v. The O'Blatherum, M. P.,
C. Pl. xtrx. 96, is even more in point. In this
case, an Irish defendant refused to defray
plaintiff's charges for plastering a broken
head. Defendant, who had been bred to the
bar, conducted his defence in person, and be
coming excited, pleaded that plaintiff was only
" a low thief of an -apothecary," not a duly
qualified practitioner ; but muck, C. 8., quo
ted high authority to show that the objection
was shabby, and could not stand. Same plain
tiff then brought a second action, arising out
of the former, against same defendant, for the
libel uttered in open court. Defendant pleaded
license of counsel as a justification; but a ver
dict was recorded against him. He appealed,
and carried the case before all the tribunals,
until it reached the House of Lords, where
judgment was finally delivered in original
plaintiff's favor—Bruffnm '
at that time chan
cellor, opining defendant would have had a
better plea if he had alleged irresponsibility
from imperfect cure; as it was evident upon
the merits, that all (if any of) the brains ori
ginally knocked out could not have been re
placed. A full report of these interesting and
important proceedings will be found in Platter
and Clatter's Remarkable Cases, t. 87.—But
with respect to Colonel Stark; I leave you to
judge how far an action against the father
Would advance your suit With the daughter.'
should have brought a very different
kind of action to that you hint at, to bear upon
the colonel, uncle,' I retorted bitterly. '1
pass over the personal insult, however; I can
treat that with disdain; but the cruel annoy
ance to which he has subjected Letty is quite
another matter, and for that I shall certainly
call him to account.'
And I paced up and down the drawing-room
in great exasperation.
My uncle was a bit of a philosopher in hia
way. He leaned back in his chair, and
watched me for a minute or two with some
It's curious,' he said presently, to ob
serve how completely passion blinds even tole
rably sensible persons to positive fact. Here
have you,
by an ill-timed display of attach
ment to Lofty Stark, provoked her father to
exercise his legal authority as a parent over
that infant, and you now feel immensely
indignant at the consequences of your
own act.—Have the goodness to pick , up the
chair you have just kicked over, if you please.
The set is valuable. Thank you. You feel
indignant, I repeat, and threaten Colonel
Stark with personal violence—most reprehen
sible and unprofessional, I must say—because
he rightfully rebukes his daughter for impro
priety of conduct. Love, Caleb, appears
atx--I.lsoy ^ 4 — 4 " . in.sonr mind.
May 1 trouble you to replace the coaTicuT- -
fib ?
I Then you actually mean to defend the
man's brutality, uncle?' I demanded, in
greater anger than ever. My uncle had a
most annoying way of putting things, which
made him seem generally in the right.
'No Caleb ; there you mistake. Your usu
ally clear mind is not apparently at this mo
ment able to perceive the true gist of my ar
gument. Ido not excuse the manner in which
Colonel Stark thought proper to exert his au
thority ; I only assert his. undoubted right,
and your consequent unreasonableness; that
is all. And now we will proceed to discuss
what had better be done.'
So my uncle, having satisfied his forensic
mind by placing the question in its correct
legal bearing, yielded to his natural kindly
heart, and sympathized with my unfortunate
love-trouble as fully as an unprofessional un
cle might have done.
The position was certainly awkward. But
while it was simply unpleasant to me, for
Letty it was really serious. Te be the subject
of comment for the sneers and innendoes of
the malicious and the spiteful, is bad enough
ini an extensive sphere; in the little circle
that constituted the Bay field world, it was so.
041 death. Letty must be rescued from this
situation without delay. My uncle therefore
u4dertook to proceed next morning to the
Firns, and propose in due form for the lime
dhte recognition of our engagement.
This decided, I felt comparatively at ease.
Binguine and tolerably self-assurocl, I had
little fear that the colonel would not consider
114 a fit match for his daughter. My uncle
wig wealthy, and I was his heir ; I had
pir pro
tty of my own even then ; and when my sr
ti es expired I was to enter the firm. Some
t ing difficulty might perhaps be raised upon
t score of unequal rank, but the colonel had
ndaneestry whose names might be offended by
a i ptesalliance, while I was the descendant of an
aticient family. Even my uncle admitted that
is F .a.
h did not believe this obstacle world be hien
p ble.
las ! short-sighted lawyers that we were 1
ither of us conceived in what direction the
h drance would be found.
i .
Were I to live to the age of Methueelab,
*WI Heaven forbid, I should never forget
tle tremor of nervous anxiety in which I
pissed the time of my uncle's absench upon
to mission to the Ferns.
Very sagacious people aver that whenever
u have to wait for anything, time passes
Wiest in occupation. lam not prepared to
ny the fact, but I do maintain that in this
rticular men are at a disadvantage. Ladies
e more favorably placed. Many ways of
playing time are open to them which are
°Bed to the Sterner sex. The excitement of
covering a dropped stitch, the absorption of
ctifying a mistaken pattern, are exhaustless
urces of feminine delight•
It will not seem singular, then, that I con
dered the two hours and twenty-five minutes
Uncle Ferril's absence at least thrice that.
riod. When he finally returned, I sprang to
eet him.
Well, uncle,' I exclaimed, what news ?'
Now, my, uncle Ferril was a very methodical
ran. Nothing less than an earthquAe, I
ink, could have moved him to omit A habit ;
o I was not surprised to see him deposit his
sne in its accustomed corner, hang up his
at, on its usual peg, slowly draw off his
loves, and folding one within the other. place
em in his pocket, and sink into the convert
his /other-backed chair, before he pre-
. red to deliver his report. As for expecting
gain a clue to what bad passed from the ex
ression of his countenance, was he not a so
citor of many years' bonding? But I was
0 eager now to give these circumstances due
Well, uncle ?' I repeated hastily. What
id old Stark say ? What Will he do 1' When
an I see Letty ?' •
Unfavorable. Very little --nothing. Not
t returned lay uncle laconically, 11,118Wer
g my questions seriatim.
' Good heavens, uncle ! Why, what can you
mean ?'
'Just this—it is not Colonel Stark's inten
ion to permit Mies Letty to marry.'
Not at present, I suppose. Well, no mat
er. We are young, and we can wait. What
line did he fix for probation, uncle ?'
The colonel mentioned no particular period,
Caleb,' pursued Uncle Ferril. ' The impression
he conveyed to me. in fact, was that he did not
intend Miss Letty to marry at all.'
What!! never I roared. Why, the un
conscionable old barbarian! Does he expect
to keep the poor girl in single wretchedness all
her days ?'
' Such, I was given to understand from his
own lips, is his anticipation,' returned my
uncle gravely.
I Oh, preposterous, ridiculous, absurd !' I
The thing's impossible, upon the face of it.
Why, uncle, he can't, He surely never intends
to seclude her from society altogether, to make
her a female hermit, to shut her out from the
world in the bloom of youth ! He doesn't en
tertain such medieval notions of parental au
thority as that would argue, uncle ?'
'Something very nearly approaching thereto,
I am afraid, Caleb,' replied Uncle Ferril with
a sigh. The eolonel'a line of argument, eo far
as I was able to follow it, appeared to be this.
He has no especial objection to you personally,
further than that you desire to take sway his
child—to rob him of her, was his expression.
You seem a decent young fellow enough, he
obligingly observed, and would probably make
as good a husband as another. But he objects
to any husband. for his daughter, aa I gather,
at least, during , his lifetime. er first duty,
he remarked, is• to her father. He has had her
edacated and• brought up at considerable ex
pense ; he has never yet reaped any benefit
from the capital thus laid out, and he intouds,
again to use his own expression, to make his
money of her now. He has no notion, he says,
of some good-looking gawk—don't be angry—
stepping in and carrying off his child,. just
when she is beginning to afford some return for
what she has cost. Ii Shen, he considers that,
as her father, he has the best right to her ser
vices. And really, Caleb,' concluded Uncle
Arra, offering me his snuff-box, the colonel's
position is, legally, so entirely unassailable,
that Ido not Bee what can be done. Try the
mixture ; it's genuine blackguard, I assure
'Done, undo?' I repeated, aghast at this un
expected turn of affairs. tell you what's
to be done. If I can't get Letty with her
father's consent, I'll have her without it. I'll
carry her off to Scotland, and marry her at
Gretna. That's what's to be done, if we can't
- bring Colonel Stark to reason' •
'There's only one trifling obstacle to that
course, Caleb,' returned my uncle, 'and it hap
pens to be precisely the one the colonel expects
you will adopt. ilia, last words to me, in fact,
were: "Tell your youngster, Feral, I wouldn't
advise him to beat up my garrison in search of
the prize ; I'm too old a soldier to be taken
unawares. A lawyer's skin may be of parch
ment, but it won't keep out a brace of bullets." '
---- dirne - orute r --- r ejecta. a:" dismay.
uncle, what on earth is to be done ?'
Tin the present, I should recommend noth
ing. Perfect quiet and apparent resignation.
For a time,
of course, the colonel will be upon
his guard, but his vigilance will soon wear off.
Time and a little patience will solve the dirt ,
culty, I make no doubt. I'll trouble you for
Mr. Verney's deed-box, if you please.'
Therewith the subject dropped.
But it was impossible for me, however easy
to my uncle, to bury my sorrows in Mr. Ver
ney's deed-box ; and, catching up my hat, I
rushed away—out of the office, out of Bay field.
out of the world I half intended, in the mad
ness of my rage. What might have occurred,
I hardly know, if, turning a sharp angle of the
road, I had not encountered and almost trod
den under foot the colonel's Hindu servant,
Johtee Lall. Ordinarily, I shunned this man.
There was a writhing servility in his manner,
so different to anything I had heretofore en
countered in persons of a similar class in my
own country, that I could hardly bear to speak
to the fellow civilly. Even his color was a fault
in my prejudiced eyes. But there were other
circumstances which swelled the dislike I en
tertained. The Hindu was a coward and a
bully; I had seen him fright, children when
he thought himself unnoticed, with hideous
faces and uncouth gestures, until the little
things ran shrieking for refuge behindAheir
mothers' gowns. Let hut a sturdy laborer ap
proach, whose Saxon heart and strong right
arm were ready to protect the helpless, and
Johtee, fawning with obsequious grin, would
try to attract the tiny creatures he had just re
pelled. The spiteful mischief of the ape, the
sinuous, gliding motion of the snake , and the
ferocious appetites of the tiger, where their in
dulgence appeared secure, seemed mingled in
the fellow's nature. Thinking of Johtee, I have
wondered sometimes at the siege of Delhi, but
could thoroughly understand the horrors of the
Indian mutiny.
In my present frame of mind, however, the
sight of the Hindu was welcome. Two bribes
he found it impossible to resist—his fingers al
ways closed with an instinctive clutch on gold,
and he could never withstand the temptation of
a glass of brandy-pawnee or grog. From him,
therefore, 1 knew I could obtain valuable in
formation as to the colonel's proceedings at the
Ferns; perhaps I might even persuade him to
convey a note to Letty. Telling the Hindu to
follow, I went straight to the bar of a country
inn upon the Bayfield road, and administered
a strong dose of the liquid bribe. It proved
only too effectual. His weak head was unable
to bear the liquor ; and although I gained the
intelligence I desired, I saw it would be too
hazardous to intrust him with anything which,
in his intoxication, he might easily betray'.
That same evening, shortly after dusk, I set
out to reconnoitre the enemy's position, for you
may easily suppose I was not to be deterred by
Colonel Stark's threats from attempting to gain
an interview with Letty. I walked slowly'
down the road, and it was dark when I passed
the swing-gate on the path leading to the Ferns.
Treading very gingerly—partly from profes
sional caution, partly from dread of man-traps
—I approached the house. Lights shone from
the dinning-room windows, lights streamed
from the casements of the servants' offices.
Cautiously I stepped up t 6 the dinning-room,
and breathing upon the rime-clothed panes,
peeped in.
The enemy was seated at the table, alone,
over hie wine, big and burly. Behind his mas-.
ter's chair stood the Hindu with folded arms,
hie dark features glistening over his white
robes and beneath his gaudy turban, the light
falling nylon the yellows of his gleaming eyes.
Something had evidently put the colonel in
high, good hamar perhaps he felt pleasantly
reple'e with dinner; perhaps he was medita
ting upon the success with which he had that
morning repelled my uncle. Whatever the
o.,use, he laughed aloud, and called to Johtee
s o bring him the big bambop.
The Hindu glided to the - corner where this
inatruntent was usually kept, raised it reve
rentially between his palms, and laid it, with a
low 'lslam ' before his master. The colonel took
the bamb oo, poised it' like a sceptre in one
hand, and ordered his slave before him.
Tii DAILY PATRIOT aurn tritox will be semi to grab.
scribers resitting in the Borough for mg czars rim trim.
payable to the Carrier. Mail subscribers, ma , lor.r.asO
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TM WIRIM! Pwrinar AND l UNIONiII pubileked at Two
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to IMO address, Veen dollars
Connected wit this establishment n exterudve
JOB 011110; mintaining a,variety of plain and hem
type, unripened by any astahlithment in .the intetiat of
the litate, for which the patronage of the public is so
'Now, Jades, you see this 2' Sala the colonel.
'lse, Sahib.'
'You know what I keep it for, eh, boy ?'
les, Sahib.'
'Well, then, now listen to. me. If ever you
come home drunk again, Johtee, as yen did
this morning, or carry any messages, Johtee,
or letters, Johtee, except for me, or break any
of the rules and regulations of this garrison,
Johtee, do you know what'll happen to you,
you scoundrel, eh ?'
'N-n-n-no, Sahib,' stuttered the trembling
'Why, I'll flog you within half an. inch of
your life first, then clap you in jail for five
years, and have yon blown from a gun after
ward. D'ye hear, ye rascal 1. , roared the Col
onel, ai he brought down the big bamboo upon
the table with a rap that made the decanters
gas, Sahtb,' stammered affrighted Johtee,
with a lower salam than ever, as he received
back the instrument of torture, and reconveyed
it humbly to its appointed place.
Leaving the colonel to the magnanimous
amusement of practising upon this wretched
creature's fears, I slid on tiptoe around to the
servants' offices, and looked in at the kitchen
windows. The prospect here was not more
promising than in the dining-room. The eve
ning being cold, the servants were gathered
about the fire in a group. How was Ito gain
speech of one of them alone ? Fortune here
stood my friend. The man I desired to speak
with was the gardener. Letty was fond of
flowers ; she must be often in the greenhouses
an& garden ; this man would have frequent
opportunities of conveying a note. As I was
thinking how to get held of him, the man rose,
grumbling that he must go out in the cold to
look after his fires. lie lighted a lantern.
opened the door, and stepped into the garden—
I followed. When he was a little distance from
the house, I called him in a low voice. The
man turned, held up. his lantern, saw my figure
looming large through the darkness advancing
towards him, was seized with sudden panic,
and fled with a shout back to the house.
'Thieve—thieves murder ! robbery !' yelled
the gardener, as he burst into the kitchen,
arousing a chorus of shrill screams from the
terrified women. Anathematising his coward
iee, I !Mt fi hasty retreat, and retiring behind
the shelter of a friendly bush, awaited what
should follow. To the voices of the faightened
women were speedily added the gruff tones of
Colette/ Stark, calling to Johtee to bring his
pistols, and inquiring why they were making
all this hubbub. Gazing from my concealment
I saw the enemy's portly frame blocking up
the doorway, while the women peeped timidly
from under the shadow of his wing. Next
moment he rapidly fired a couple of barrels
right and left, one ball singing closely enough
over my head to enable me to realize being
under fire.
'What savages these old soldiers are!' was
my involuntary exclamation, as I crouched
closer than ever to the ground, and wished niy
protecting bush of twice its size. The house
was now thoroughly alarmed, and further at
tempts at exploration useless. As noiselessly
as possible, I regained the high road, and made
the best of my way baoh - to Bayfield.
Next morning I received the following char
acteristic note from Colonel Stark
. Then,
YOUNG PARCHMENT—My house was dis
turbed last night. The ass of a gardener,
whom I've just sent about hie business, says by
thieves ; but,it's my belief that you were the
culprit. Now, mark this ; I've just sent up to
town for a couple of the fiercest bull-dogs that
can be bought, for money. They will be here
to-morrow. Look out, therefore, for the safety
of the professional hide.
'Lacy knows I'm writing, and sends word
she has nothing to say to you. Truly yours,
Josian Szaitx.'
This was atrocious. I ground my teeth as
I banded The epistle to nay anolo, who mined
it with a smile.
(Upon the whole, Caleb, not unpromising, I
think,' he said, as he returned the billet.
is something to haTe made the enemy speak.
Now, keep quiet for a little, and let us watch
the effect.'
Well, I took my uncle's advice, and restrained
my ardour, though Heaven knows it was a
difficult task. I went about my ordinary
duties, made no attempt to communicate with
Letty, behaved as if there were no such tor
menting little person in the world, for falls a
month ; then also by my uncle's advice, I re
commenced hostilities—in a clumsy way, how
ever, and by channels sure to be detected, if
the colonel exercised ordinary sharpness. I
bribed the laundress to smuggle in a note with
the house-linen, taking care to be previously
seen talking to the woman by one of the ser
vants at the Ferns. Next day, the colonel
came down to the office in high glee, and with
quite a polite air banded me my note, remark
ing he should be sorry to detain any property
upon which I possibly set a value. Similar
measures were met in the like manner, until at
last sagacious Colonel Stark, convinced of the
utter futility of any efforts of mine to break
his blockade, and strong in the conviction of
his excessive cleverness, came forward with a
proposal which, at a given period, should ter
minate the strife.
'Uncle not in, young Pounce ?' said the col
onel, swinging one morning into our office with
an easy air. 'No matter. It's yon I want to
speak to principally. Now, just listen to me.
For the last six weeks you've been trying your
utmost, in one way or another, to communi
cate with my daughter Letty behind fay back.
Letty's a good girl, and I don't believe she
would have anything to say to you against my
wish. However, that's not the question. The
plain state of the case is this I you say you
love Letty, and want to get her. I say I've
got her, and I mean to keep her. Now, it's
quite evident we can't go on playing hide-end
seek like this forever; either you must give
in, yield all claim, and shake hands amicably.
or I must carry Letty away somewhere—to
town, or abroad, or even back to India—Where
you can't follow. Hey, what do you say to
that; youngster ?'
I could only reply that, much as I should
regret to be the cause of Colonel Stark and
his daughter, even temporarily, leaving the
Ferns, I could not oonsent, in fairness to the
lady, to give up the hold she had afore& me
I possessed upon her heart, save her own
'Very good. That's as much as to say you
won't give her up. Now, leak here. Lye
come to propose an arrangement. Yon him
plenty of assurance, I know, and no doubt
fancy you will ultimately win the day. I have
a fair share of experience in strategy, and I
don't think you can. Let us put the matter to
the test. Try you, for the space of six months,
to take me in, deceive me, clearly, plainly, in
my own house, under my 9WP Pose, if you like,
so palpably that there shall be no mistake
about the matter. If you succeed, I'll surren-'
render Lettyr If, pp the contrary, you fail to
litoodwizk me win those cis muf M., pm
shall give me you word and honor—even a
lawyer's got some, I suppose—to draw off
your forces and raise the siege. You shail re
linquish all right, claim, title, and all the test
of your jargon, to take advantage of any
promise my girl may have given you, and leave
her free and uum9lteted to marry or wet, to