LO CAL NEWS. 11 meeting of the Young Men'e Central Demo cratic Club will be held at 'Moir ball, Suez's build ing, Locust street, on Saturday evening, October , ath, at 7 o'clock. J. A. Ihmarat, Sec'y. Crnr ExEcurrame CoaturrrrE.—A special meet ing of the Democratic City EaCeutire Committee will be held this (Saturday) evening, at no'elock, at Bernhard's hotel, Walnut street. Every mem ber of the eommittee is earnestly requested to at tend. By order of the President. On. F. WEAVER, Seo'y. Nones.—A special meeting of• the Paxton fire company will be held at their room this (Saturday) evening. Punctual attendance must be observed, as business concerning the erection of the new hose house will be considered. By order of the building committee. David Crawford, Alai. Xoler, Daniel FA, Wilt, John A. Nailer, Committie. DIIIKOCRATS vs. Anor-raosurs White Men vs. Niggers! One mote Rally and Mean Mauna is Dead !—The Demoeiacy of the Fourth Ward will meet this (Saturday) evening, at l o'clock, at the Morgan MOW, Omit of &mud and Pk*. Prominent Democrats from a distance will address all who are willing to hearken unto truths. H. F. M'llanroLDs. President DEMOCRATS OF THE FIRST WARD, Asousa ! There will be a grand rally of the Democracy of the First ward this (Saturday) evening, at the public house of Louis Koenig, in Paxton street, at 71 o'clock. The friends of McClellan, Woodwatd, Lowrie and the Constitution, and all who are op posed to negro equality and Bhoddy Curtin, are invited to attend. Able English and German speakers willaddress the meeting. Germans, turn VA and help as to defeat Andrew U. Curtin, who says, "A Dutchman has two skulls, and in order to get an idea into his head you must nook one of them.•, 011024111 P. Wass, JA, Soc'y. Fme-Twawrras.—The amount subscribed in Pennsylvania for the week ending October 3d, to the five-twenty loan, amounted to $8154850. OLD Pscasuosans.—Old pensioners have been notified by Drs. Roland and Charlton, examining surgeons, to appear before them for biennial ex amination at the Court House on Monday next. Narrow, OnnirranY.—The ceremony of dodi eating the Rational Cemetery at Gettysburg wil take place on the 30th of the present month The Hon. Edward Everett has been Invited to de liver the dedicatory address. CONITHENTAL Casmo.—Amusements are multi plying, and in order to keep pace with the attrac tions of other places, an unsurpassed bill is pre pared for the Continental Casino to-night, when several new performers, in addition to the eats bibbed favorites, will appear. So and be happy. A WAR Irsar.—Thirty-six hundred coffins were 014 at Fittelbld, Maga, during the past year.— "The country was never more prosperous."— Under the present war policy, the undertaker bids fair to be in future an important ally in the great work of ??ernabing out rebellion?' according to the Abolition programme. Oarm SoLnreus.—The Constitution of the State of Ohio providto that hat soldlots tatty vote in camp. Arrangements have consequently been made to open a place of voting on the 13th, at the Cotton Factory hoepital in this city, whore all sick and wounded Ohioans in our hospitals can vote . for their State and county officers. The polls will open at 10 a. m. and close at 5 p. m. Enaterom.—ln our notice in yesterday's paper of the Democratic mass meeting at Carlisle, we complimented the large delegation which came in from "Spring Hill" township. It should have read "Silver Spring." Onr imperfect acquaint ance with the geography of the country surround ing Caplisle led us into the error. We ask pardon of the- sterling Democracy of Silver Spring for having by the blunder cheated them of the credit for a demonstration of which any township might be proud. Old residents of the tofekShip declare that they will give over three hundred majority for the Democratic ticket. Shouldn't wonder a bit. Firs AT CHICKANAUGA:.-A letter received from Major Charles C. Davis, of this city, now in ser vice in the Army of the Cumberland, brings the intelligence that Capt. David May, of the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, Third battalion, under Glen. B,osserans, wan killed in the late battle Of Chloker mange. He was standing near Major Davis at the time he foil. Capt. May was a citizen of this place, and recruited his company from this and Cumberland counties. Ile bad many warm friends in this vicinity. As a soldier be was brave and efficient. That he stood at his post in the hour of danger is attested by the fact that he fell in the thickest of the fight. His name adds one more to the list of victims who hive fallen sacrifices in this wicked rebellion. May his death not be in vain. IMPORTANT INTERNAL REVENUE CASE.—The ease of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company against the Collector and Assessor of Internal Revenue, came up on Monday, in the United States eirenit court, at Philadelphia, before Judge Grier, for argument, on bill in equity and demurrer. The bill was filed to restrain the Collector and As sessor of the Fourth Collection District from as sessing and eolleedng it tax upon the manufactures of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The company make extensively new cars and Immo lives, and does a large amount of repairs in its own workshops. The Internal Revenue Department contend that they are liable to pay the three per cent. fixed by law upon these manufactures, as are all manufacturers. The company, on the other band, contend that as they do not make for sate, but for their own use, they are not manufacturers within the meaning of the law. An early debision may be looked for. MIMING OF TES U. S. SEAM LODGE or ODD Fxmows.—At the annual meeting _of the a tom ! Lodge of the United States of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held at Baltimore, Md., o n the 25th of September, the principal business was reports upon appeals from grand ledges, or from parties aggrieved. The committee on finance pre vented& report of the estimated receipts and ex penditures of the current year, se follows ; Re ceipts $9,000, of which $5,800 will be duo from grand,and subordinate lodges and encampments ; $2,106 from cards ; $9OO from the sale of books ; sloo . :from diplomas, and $lOO from odes. The estimated expenditures are $12,135, the principal items of which arc $1,200 for salary of the Grand treasurer, $7,b00 for mileage and per diem of re. preseetatives, MO for salary of messenger, $490 for postage, stationery, Lo g $1,050 for printing daily sad roriaad journal, $2OO for salary of grand treasurer, and $275 for rent of grand secretary's office. A resolution accompanied the report sp rinting $12,135 for the purpose above named, and authorizing the grand secretary to draw his warrant for the same. The matter was laid on the fade under the rule. The body then adjourned die. Gito. BALLzr, Presl. St How THEY LIE !—THAT MILLERSBURG MEETING. —An article appeared in the Telegraph of a recent date, giving an account of a meeting of Abolition. lets which was attempted at Millersburg last week, but which proved a disheartening failure. In their envy and desperation, they procure some bull headed scribbler for the Kinkyhead organ to re sort to the usual refuge of lien, and he endeavors by the most mendacious falsification to explain it away and conceal from the public the true cause of the wretched failure. This white-livered and black-hearted sneak charges, among other things, that the Democrats of that neighborhood, wits had held a meeting there a few • days previous, had caused spurious handbill' to be printed at "some copperhead office," stating that the Abolition meet ing had been postponed, and that these they had circulated throughout that section; also, that cer tain Democrats had telegraphed to the band at Newport, which had been engaged to play en the occasion, informing them that the time for the meeting had been changed. By these means, he lam the encases-of the mating was defeated.— These charges are simply lies, unsustained by a single fact; the creature who wrote them lied, and he knew he lied when he wrote them. We have a letter from a responsible man in Millersburg, dated Oct. 8, which pine the charges to the counter, and we ask the mangy hound who is rOsPoneible for them if he don't feel that he has done a dirty trick. Dare he come out of his kennel over the way and show himself, or will he skulk there among the other '-whelps and Mira of lot degree" that:snap and snarl from behind at every person and thing ? The letter says: "The whole article in the Telegraph Is one base, infamous and villainous falsehood, and none but a vile wretch would pen it. We have offered one, hundred dollars to any person who Would produce a ropy of the fraudulent handbill mentioned, and two hundred dollars to any person who eonld bring proof that any person had telegraphed or wrote to the Newport band that the time for the meeting had been extended. The truth of the matter is, the Abelitieniste knew their meeting wenlAbe a failure; and hence Ihey„eought to lay ,the blame upon the Democrats. The band which they .say they bad engaged—which assertion u also a lie— attended a Democratic meeting the same night, and could scarcely be engaged to play' for the Klnkyheads at any time." There het chance for greenback patriots to sat isfy their last for gain by making good the - therges. Step up and get your money. The whole story is of a piece 'With hundreds of other similar lies which appear in the "Tell-lie graph," and beyond a peradventure comes from some of the smut machines in that establishment. The truth. is, the sboddyites are getting desperate. It begins to look black ahead, and the prospects of the "Soldier's Friend" begin to fall in pieces— somewhat like a Pennsylvania soldier's shoddy blanket on a rainy day Their meetings in the Upper End have been sorry and ludicrous assem blies, scarcely mustering a corporal's guard. Their "eloquent and distinguished orators" have been such diminutive potatoes as Almond Cloves Smith, or such gaseous poll:deal Don Quixote. as Corne lius Mountebank Shell, or such brave, gentle, dis creet warriors as Hindmost Crawfish Alleman. What a glorious trio to instruct the honest yeo manry of the Upper End in matters of principle and loyalty ! Next weak they will restive a 'laid.- winder" at the polls from the people of that section that will make them see stars for "some consider able of a spell" in the future. A THIBUTE TO ENERGY.—The "Telegraph" makes frequent complimentary mention of Harry Thom as, Chairman of the "Union" County Committee, and omits no opportunity to eulogize his great energy and business tact. We are impelled, from pure admiration of these Wiring qiialities ae die played in Thomas, to add our humble tribute to that of the Hessian's smut machine. Mr. Thomas is perhaps the most "energetic" man in the coun try.. Re . came to this country some years sine* a poor Welebman, and in a short time we find him a leader in the ranks of a party which sought to pro scribe an foreigners. That's magnanimous. He came poor; and in a short time we And him a mil lionaire of the approved modern style, and by a happy chines controlling a greater part of the coal banks whence our city derives her supply of fuel . That's energy. But the crowning act of his ener getic life remains to be told. Being possessed of thatimmense interest in the Likens *ea! banks, he monopolizes' the trade, and in a single season put up the pries of coal $2 to $3 per ton higher than it was. That's energy for youl We see it, and every poor man and woman in the city feel, it. Thomas has taken their money, arid of course all such will vote for the ticket which he is engi neering. He is a man °Mangy," Mr. Thomas is also a patriotic man. Having acquired the means, he set out for New York be fore the rebel invasion, !saving the property which he had accumulated in our midst to be defended by hie coal pensioners and the "copperheads."— When the foe were ousted he returned, and now blown about "our bravo soldiers." nes patriotic, is Mr. Thomas. The last exploit of, this man of energy was to attempt, 'along with a set of readies, to break ap a Democratic meeting at Hamm. lstown. He only didn't' succeed because he wasn't able. There's 'f energy" for you ! So much for Mr. Thomas. We commend bim and his ticket to every poor man who likes to buy high coal, to all foreigners who dont want to vote for 21 years, and to the •admirers of skedaddlers and the lovers of energy generally. Thomas is the man for them. DISTRZSSING AFFAIR.—A distressing affair con curred at the Court House last evening. In itin erant flloyal Democrat" from New Jersey named Jay, who is traveling through this section blowing the Abolition horn, was announced to speak his piece at that plaoe, and great was the flourish of trumpets and the spread of handbill, beforehand. Alas ! the people didn't turn out ; they don't bite any longer at the "loyal" greenback "Democratic" bait. The poor lawman was compelled to harangue to empty seats. A dozen or two of the faithful attended the meeting and went through the form of listening; but it was a melancholy affair, reminding one of a ooroner's jury holding an inquest on "one more unfortunate." The con fidence and enthusiasm of the Abs. is:evidently oozing out of their finger ands and bops is oat. But better die easy and quit kicking. Let thetp_pag out gently, like the Republican party did, and then a happy public will pronounce over them the benediction, Requieseat in pace. Tam Voile or ran 84m—The "Telegraph" pro nominees our statement in regard to the vote of the 84th regiment P. V. to be a "wilful falsehood," upon the authority of a letter received in this city from Major Zinn, of that regiment. Our fame were derived from a letter from a member of the same regiment, (whose 'name, if we recollect aright, was Obsrly) add asa tO (lOW of hie friends in Lebanon. The letter can be found at the office of the Lebanon Advertiser, and the writer is said to be a youug men Qf mob, says that 249 out of 300 votes were oast for' Wood ward, while Major Zinn. says they were not. The public may choose between the two etatemente.-L- We made the statement upon the authority of Oberly's letter; and when the "Telegraph" man accuses ns on such grounds of "wilfut" fahliaoP ties, be simply don't know *hat he is talking about. COURT MARTIAL.—The court martial which was convened in this city some time ago is still In ses sion. Captain Brayton, of the 15th U. S. Infan. try, is Judge Advocate. The eases more recently before the court were those of Captain Lane, for merly commanding this post, and of Capt. Dodge, Bth U. S. Infantry. The accounts of the former' which are said to be irregular and not satisfacto rily adjusted, are probably the subject of investi lotion. Among the &asps against the latter, we are informed, is one that he treated a rebel officer in one of the hospitals of this city, a former friend and acquaintance, with undue friendship and kindness.. The court holds its sessions in a building in Strawberry alley, in the rear of the Buehler Howie. • Dalt Itios's Cincus.—Daniel has some. He took the city yesterday, with seemly any oppo. ninon. He met a reception worthy of a conqueror. His fame had gone before him and blown the trumpet, and his admirers flocked unto him at the sound thereof, filling all the seats in his spacious amphitheatre. Years have not told perceptibly upon Dan's ready wit and athletic attainments and those who see and hear him readily recognize the genial humorist and gentleman of years ago. His suooess during the remainder of his stay may be set down as a foregone conclusion. He has pitched his tent on the lot near the Cotton Factory—not opposite the depot, as first advertised. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS FOR. THE COUN TY Or DAUPHIN. The Democratic citizens of the county of Dau phin, and all others who are resolved to restore in all its integrity the . Constitution of the United States, udder whose protection every American citizen enjoyed as a birthright, protection of life and property, civil liberty, free thought, free speech and free action, who are appoaadja extra., vagsnce, waste and corruption in the administra tion of the State and General Goveriments, and who desire the +Teed, re-establishment of the Uniod as hires, and the consequent return of our national prosperity, are , requested to moat at the following places, to wit : Middletown—At Railroad Nouse, Saturday eve. fling. Oat. 10th, at 6- o'clock: Harrieburg—eit the ,Club Rooms, on Monday evening, Oct. 12th, at 7 o'clock. Dictingulebed speaker' will be In attendance at all of the above named meetings. J. MONROE KREITER, Ch'n County Committee. WM . . C. WPADDENt Seo'y. Nnw FALL Goon.—We have now received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other goods. Splendid assortment of new delaines. AU colors of plain alpacas. . , New style of plaid dress goods. Fine black bombazine.. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached muslins. 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting.' 5-4 heavy linen for pillow eases. 7.4 grey linen damask for table covers. White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen slid hemstitched pocket handker• chiefs. 10 dos. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices. White cambric ntueline and jaeonnetta, nanßooks, Irish linen, Swigs timeline, ands great many other new goods. S. LEIVY. SPECIAL NOTICES. MOTHERS! MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure hire. WINSLOW'S HOOTHINO STRUT for CHILDREN TEETHINO. This val ble preparation is the prescription of one of t h e beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been need for thirty year. with never fining safety and sue eau by million" of methars and ehildren, !Mai the fee ble infant of one week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al. most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND WIND Como. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world in all cases of bitattfrinir Afar "DIARRHaIe. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other Cause. Fall threctlone for vying will accompany eack bottle. None genuine unless the foe simik of CIIINT/kit PER BINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Deaden. Principal Office, 4$ Pay street, NOW 79111. Price only 26 cents per bottle. my2B.ll.twam IMPORTANT TO FEMALES.-DR. HARVEY'S PERALII PILLS have never yet failed in re moving difficulties arising from obstruction, or stop page of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect health when suffering from Spinal Affeetions, Prolamin( Uteri, the Whites, or other woakness of the Uterine Organs. The Pins are perfectly harmless on the con stitution; and may be taken' by the most delicate feinale without causing distress—the same timethey act like a charm by strengthening. invigorating and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, 1:19 matter &Ina what causes the obstruction may arise. They should, how ever, NOT be taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy, though safe at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. Each box contains 60,Pills. Price $l. DR. HARVEY'S TRBATIBB on DISMISS of Females, Pregnancy. Miscarriage. Barrenness, nullity, Bepro duction, and Abuses of Nature, and emphatically the Ladies , Private Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of. 64 pa ges, sent free to any address. Mx cents required to Pay Postage- The Pills and book will be cent by mail when de. aired, securely sealed v and prepared, b 7 T. BRYAN, M. D., General Agent. No. 76 Cedar utreet,New York. Bold by all the principal druggists. cep kb-dkArly IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CIIEESEMAAPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the malt of along and extensive practice. Ungar* mild ha their eperatiee, and Certain in correcting ill irrega. biltleal, painful menstruation, removing allobstmtions. whether from cold or otherwase, headache. pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, Whites, all u u rvous affec tions,b3Tterigo; /WIMP) Pain in the back and limbo, &e., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of suture. DR. 'VREZSEMAN'S 'PILLS was the eemtnetiaement of a new era'in the treatment of thole infirifiSitiON and antractione *kith bati , ton- Ilignett e 0 many to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good healthitzdtee she hi regidar,lind whenever an obetructlon takes plane the general health lbegitis to de cline. DR. CHRZSEMANPS SELLS are the most effeetual remedy ever known for all earn. plaints peculiar to linnales. To all classes they. are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical Ms* icy. They are known to thousand", who have aselthent at different periode, throughout the country, haying the unction of some of the most miaow Algiisfalts in America. Explicit directicout, stating* whim VW ebotail Set be used, with each Box—the Price Oae Dollar per Box, Containing from 50 to 0 0P111p, Pilie aunt by mat promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggist! generally. 8. B. HtITCM:dGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Bold In Harrisburg, by C. A. Rooftree,. • Meobaniesborg, by J. B.'Dollat. . 1 Carlisle. by B. Rlliott. • - • " Bbippenilang, by D. W. Santis. . 14 Chambenlburgi by Miller k Hershey, " Rommelitown,by George Wolf. . • 11, ledosion, by George Roes. desll4l&wly ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Pursuant to an act of the general Alp/ably of thO CM' m onwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act '-relating to elections in this Commonwealth," approved the 2d day of July, A. D. one thousami eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, JACOB D. BOAS, - Sheriff of the'county of Dauphin, Penney Wallis., do liereby make known and give notice to the electors of the pounty • aforesaid:, that ser:eisatrionlirill 'be held In. the salt imeote ar,Dasuiltiii;'ONMnlkSlCOMD TURSDAY OP OCT° RlOR,44ll.lB6B;lboidnir the 13th dej of October,) at which time State and County Officers, as follone, are to be elected, to wit One person for Governor of the State of Pennsylvania. One person for Supreme Judge of the State of Penn sylvania. • One person to represent the counties of Dauphin and Lebanon in the Senate of the State of Perineyitialia. Two parsons to represent the county of Dauphin in the House of Representatives One person for Sheriff. of Dauphin county. One person as Recorder of Deed*, Ito., for the county of Dauphin. One POMP. As Treeourer for the agent,- of Dauphin. Two persons for County Oominiirsioner. One Person for Director of the Poor awl Hons. of Em ployment. One person for Cconnty Auditor. I ALSO MEREST MAKE KNOWN AND GIVE NOTICE that the places of holding the aforesaid senerarelectionin the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships with in the county of Dauphin, are as follows, to wit The election for the First ward in the city of Harris. burg shall be held at the Public School House at the earner of Mary's alley and Front street. The election in tie Second ward shall be held at the School House at the corner of Dewberry alley and Clhes nut street. The election for the Third Ward shall be held at the School House in Walnut steeet, between Second and Front streets. The election for the Fourth Ward shall be held at the Public School House in State street between Second and Thi,), divots. • The election of the Fifth Ward shall be held at the Unite belonging to General John Forster, on the State road lead ing from the reservoir grounds to 'the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital. . The election in the Sixth Ward shall be held at the Market House in West Harrisburg. For the township of Susquehanna, at Miller's (now Nis ley's) school house. • For the township of Lower Swatara, at the school home, No. I, in Highapire. For the township of Syntax', at the Locust Grove Inn. For the borough of Middletown, at the Brick School House in Pine street, in said borough. For the township of Londonderry, at the Public House of Joseph Keiper in said township. - For the township of Weat Londonderry, It the hones of Christian Neff, in said township. Fer the township of Oonewago, erected out of parts of the townships of Londondeny and Derry, at the nouse of Christian Foltz, (now Jim. 8. Voltz,) in said township. For the tewitehlp of Deny, at the publlo lionlis of Dania Baum, in Hummeletown, in said township. For the'township Of South Hanover, at the public bowie of George Rocker, in said township. For the township of Bast Hanovery4t, house of Maj. Shell, (now Boyerii,) in said township. For the township of West Hanover, at the publieritonSe of Jacob Rudy, (now Buck'.,) in said township. For the township of Lower Paxton, at the public honest of Robert Gilchrist, (now Sweigartis,) in said township. For the township of Middle Paxto n, at the public house of Joseph Godfrey, in said, township. For the township of Rush, at the house belonging to the estate of the late John McAllister, deed, now °con pied by David Mines], in said township. For the township of Jefferson, at the holm of Christian Hoffman, in said township • ; For the township of Jackson, at the house now occupied John Shier at Bixler's mill; in Said township. For the township of Halifax, at the North Ward School House, in the town of Halifax. For the township of Reed, at the new School Howie on Duncan's Island, in said township. For the borough of Millersburg, at the window next to the northeast corner on the east side of the new school house, situate on Middle street, in the borough of Millersbur g, in the sounty of 'Dauphin. For the township of Upper Paxton, at the banes of Tosser, in the borough of Millersburg. For As township of Mitilin,-at the public house of Mi °heel Enterline, (now Benj. Bordner,) in Berryaborg in said township. For the township of Washington, at the public house now occupied by Matilda Wingert, in said township: For the township of Lykens,at the public house of Solo mon Londeuslager, ( now Heiser!s,) in the borough of Gratz. For the borough of grata, at the public. house of Solo mon Loudenelager, (now Keiser's,) in said borough. For thetownship of Wiconisco, at the School House No. 5, in said township. also. for the information of the electors of the county of Dauphin,publish the following sections Of acts of the general Asembly, enacted during the session of /853, to wit: WEST LONDONDERRY—PIace of Etectiox Also, sections 1 and 3. page 104, pamphlet laws, ap proved the 18th day of March, 1857, viz':—“That the citi zens of the township of Londonderry. in the county of Dau phin, formerly embraced in the Portsmouth election dis trict, together with such other citizens of said toirn hip residing west of the public road leading from Port Royal to Nissley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter hold their general and special elections at the house of Christian Neff, in said township. , Sec. 3. That said district shall hereafter be known as West Londonderry election district. RUM TOWNSHIP—PIace of Election. Whereas the place of holding the elections in the town ship of Rush, Dauphin county, was by law at School House number three in said township : And whereas, there is no such school bowie, therefore—Section 1. Be it enacted :by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the general and township elections of Rush township, Dauphin county, shall be held at the house belonging to the estate of the late John McAllister. deceased, now occupied by David Rineal. Page 83 pamphlet laws, 1858 - I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, “that every per son, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the govern ment of the United States, or of this State, or any eh, or incorporated district, whether a commissioned. officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who is or shall be employed under thwlegislative, judiciary, or executive department of chie State or r 149 VniUsliAstvb or 91 any city or incorporated - district, and also, that every member of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, commissioners of any incorpo rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the name time She office er appointment ofjedge, inapee • for or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other officer of any such election, shall Le eligible to any office then to be voted for." Also, that in the fourth section of the pet of Assembly, entitled 44 An Act relating to executions, and for other purposes,” approved April 16,1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section ' , shall not be 00 construed as to Prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving asjudgeOnspector or clerk at any general or special elec tion in thin Commonwealth." Abso, that in the'6lst section of said act it is enacted that •cevery general and special,election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjourninent until eeVen o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. 11 The special election shall be field and conducted by the inspectors and jrm., es elected as aforesaid, and by clerks appointed as hereinafter provided. No person aball t u permitted to vote at the election, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more l who shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to TOO itt inlet ten days inliziediateiy preceding such fled*, and within two years : paid a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the elec tion. But a citizen of the United States who has previ ously been a qualified voter of this State and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes, as aforesaid, shall be enti tled to vote after residing in this State six months: Provi ded, That the white freemen, citizens of the United Staten, between the ages of 21 and 22 years, and have resided in the election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. "No person shall be admitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners, unless: First, he produces a receipt for the payment within two years of a State or county tax, as sessed agreeably to the eonstitiltion, and give satiefectoey evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath of the pay ment thereof ; or, Second, if he claim a vote by being in elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years, he shall depose or" oath or affirmation that he has 'resided in the State at leastone year before his application, end make such proof. of his residence in the district as is required by this act, and that he does verily believe from the accounts given him that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other ev idence as is required by Chia act, whereupon the name of the persen so admitted to vote, shall be inserted in the al phabetical list by the inapectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if he shall be admitted to vote by reason of baying paid : tax, or the word mege, 7 if he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age, and shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them. (gin all wee where the name or the person claiming to vote is not found on the list furnished by the, commission ers and aseenor, or hie right to Cote, whether found there on or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it +ball be the duty of the inspectors to examine such person on oath as to his qualificatioas, and if he claims to.have resi ded within the State for one year or more, his oath will be Sufficient proof thereof, but shall make proof by it least one nnmPetent wittiest!, who shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided within the district for more. than ten days next immediately precedi ng gaid.election, ankshall also himself swear that, his bona fide residenke in pursuance of his lawful calling is within the district, and that he did not remove Bite '11414 district for the purpose of voting therein. “Everyperson qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, of his residence and payment Df tans u aforeuld, shall ba admitted to vote in the town_ . shio. ward. or district In which he shall reside. , rif any person. shall,pravent or attempt te_preveitteny officer of any election under this act from holding such election or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him la the execution of hie duty, or shall block up the window or av enue to any windowwhere 'the same may be ' holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or practice intimidating threats. forte or violence,with a design to influence unduly or Overawe any eleetor, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such a poison, on conviction, shall be-fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not less than one month nor more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the Court Where the trial of such offence shall be had, that the person so of fending was not a resident of the city, want, or district, or township where the said offence. was committed, - Ind not entitled to vote therein, then, on conviction, he Shall be mermaid to pay a fine of not leas than one hundred dol lars or more than one thousand dollars, and be .ireprisone not lees than six months nor more than two years, “In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for inspector ion not attend on the day of electiOn, then the person who shall hive re seised the next highest number , of Totes for judge at the spring.election , shall act u inspector:lt `bit; Placer and incase the person who shall have received the high. eat number of votes for Inspector 'ball not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, and in case the person elected than not attend, then the inspector who received the highest Masher': of Totes shall appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacancy shall con tinue in the board for the apace of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified rotors of the township, ward, or district for which mid of ficer shall have been elected, present at the place of elec tion shall select one of their Humberto fill such : Vacancy ”"it shall be the duty of the several assessors, respec tively, to attend at the place of holding every 'general, special or township election, daring the time said 0100119 A Is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at moll elect tons, or such other matters in relation to the assessment of voters as the said incipeeters, 91' either of them, shall from time to time require." MEETING GP NEWER JUDGES Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective district', and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each district, at the city of Harrisburg, on the third day after the day of election, being FRIDAY, the 16th of OCTOBER, then and thereto do and performthe liaise required by law of the said jlidgee. Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable mei dent is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge of •by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said. dis trict, who shall do and perform the duties required of said judges unable to attend. Given under my hand, in my office in Harrisburg, the 2d day of Sept-mbar, A. D. 1863. JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff of Dauphin Co. Ofirrittoes ()Prod, Ilarrishlavg, 2ept. 10,1882. septlo•d&wte VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT .PtIBLIO SALM The undersigned, lixeentors of Gen. JOHN POIII3TER, late of the city of Harrisburg, deceased, will ofer at Public Sale, at the. Court House, in said 'Myron SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1868 At 10 oclock, a. m.. a portion of the real estate of said deceased, as follows: • NO.I. A Three etery,Brinkjloneennd lot of ground, situated Olt Front otroot in to b ..city aforoolid i now under slew to Mrs. 8. N. Dull. Bald property is 23 feet 43i inches front, and extends back towards River alley, 123 feet, with the privilege of using an alley between said house and the farmer reeldenee of said deceased. The form and aim of Ole property are• fully enhildted by a Sim vey and draft of the same in the possession 'Of&the Executor. NO. 2. A certain Island in the river Susquehanna, witidn the limits et the eity of Harritamtg, with the IMpreiquiletlie thereon erected, called 'turkey Maud, over which' the Harrisburg bridge passes, containing liftptivn,liarail_ sum One hundred and two pere.hes, as per a survey and draft thereof, which is- reminded among the records of Dan pAin county to which reference is made, NO. 8 A certain Two Story Brisk -House and Lot .of Ground, situated in the city of Harrisburg, fronting on Market street 25 feet, Including a four foot alley, and extending back 55 feet 3 inches to &hither lot of ground belonging to the estate of the said John Forster, deCessed. This lot is 37 feet wide in the rear. The whole size and form. of the hit is' fully exhibited by a survey and 'draft in the possession of thb likeilatoro NO. 4. A certain Hotel and Lot of Ground fronting on Canal struet in said. city, and now under a lease to William P. Hughes, being '7l feet 6 inciter front, and. extending balk 210 feet to Poplar lane. . ; A certain Lot or Piece of Gronnd, , adjolaing the afore said •boteli fronting on Canal street 39 feet, and extend ing back 210 feet to Poplar , larie by one line, and 216 feet 9 inches by,the line next to Owen hiVabo's lot. Width of lot on Poplar lane 87 feat three Isaac Nara.—The last two properties named will be sold together as one entire nroperty, or separately, as may be deemed advisable by the Xtectitoil. NO, B. dertain Tract or Piece of Lull, containing one acre and one hundred sad fifty three perches, with a very valuable two story Brick House thereon erected, situ ated in Susquehanna township, DauphitPcounly, on the public road leading from Harrisburg to the mountain, and bonnd-d by lands of Thomas 11I'Nee; Isaac Maley, Herman Airicks, Beg., and others. This. property is considered a very desirable country residence, not only from its beautiful location, but-also - from the fact of its being so convenient to the city of Hari ishurg. Any pereon'who may be desirous of purchasing either of the ettove-nientioned properties, can have an oppor tunity of examining. them or any one of them by call ing upon either of the Executors before the day of sale, or upon the tenant, who resides on the property. A deed will be made and possession delivered to the purchaser on the let day of April next. The terms or conditions of sale will be, ""One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, ti ben the deed is made to the purchaser, and possession of the property , delivered. One third-part thereof payable at the ter mination of five years, and the remaining third part at the end of ten years from the delivery of the deed and possession, with legal interest on the deferred payments, payable semi-annually. The payment of deferred -in stalments and the interest thereon to be secured by the the bonds of purchasers and mortgages on the premises sold: Provided, however, If purchasers should desire to pay the whole, or any larger proportion than one third of the price in 1 and, t • e terms may be varied in that respect , ' by the undersigned, and as they may think proper. A.ny inforsnatfon desired in relation to the above described prepertiea, or either of them, can be had by applying to John H. Briggs, Havisbarg. MARGARET L. FORSTBR, BENJAMIN 1.. FORSTAR, 1011 N IL BRIGGS. Exenn+ora of Oen. John Forster, deceased. oet6-Btowatawts. T o ALL WHO VALUE THEIR „ . JUL . 'FOS ROSENDALE ; OPTICIAN AND OCULIST, Respectfully announces to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has. opened an office at Market fquare, next to Felix's confectionary, where he will hear& largo assortment of ills EINTISCOPIC AND TINTED SPECTACLES, Set in Gold, Silver, and Maiguetie Steel Frames Pally apPreolating the congdonce that ban been re: posed in him on his former visits, he assures his patients that his aim will be, as heretofore, to merit &eft con fidence and good will. These glasses are now recommended by the first med ical men through the country. end all who purchased hem from me on termer visits will testify to their great advantage over all other ones in use. They assist and strengthen the weak and impaired vision, and ena ble the wearer to do the most critical work without the feeling of weakness a/waye caused by common glasses. The Lenses, which are ground from the finest crystal, will last from ten to tweve years without change. Teem spectacles are manufactured at No. 221, New Street, Philadelphia, and may be exchanged any time if not suited to the eye. Ea - commltstion free. Office hours from 8 a. m. till 8 p. Di. N. B.—All kinds of spectacles and optical instruments neatly repaired. octe-deewl.m. MOUNT VERNON ROUSE, Second Street. above Arch, PHILADELPHIA.. A. F. BLAIR, PROPRIETOR, sepia) • Late of W Surf House,"' Atlantic Qity, ram PARTMENTS Furnished and Board -11 for Ladies and Gentlemen. Inquire of • ]tae. HERR, Shoemaker's R 9 w, Second street, nearly opposite the Buehler HOW*. sep 28 tf, SELECT FAMILY GROCERY. CORNER OF FRONT AND MARKET STREETS. The attention of the Citizens of Harrisburg, and th public generally. 'is reepectfully invited to the new stock of choice Family tiroceriee just being received from the lantern Chloe,' at the old stand, corner of F , out and Market streets. All articles kept in a drat class Grocery will be found on my shelves. Call and ADAM KELLER. M., Corner of Brent and Market et. examine oct 8 xx 7 ORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE—In VV Imo and mall bottlee,:warranted genuine, for sale by , . ADAM KELLMIL, $ll, , not 9 , . Corner of rent and Market ate. I FRESH LEMONS, 'Raisins, Currants, Citrons, and other foreign (mite, at , ADAM KELLER, JR., oat B . Corner of Brost and Market RARDINEB, Spiced Salmon and Mush -14.) rotima, put received and for sale, by .ADAM HBLLDS, JM., oet S Corner of Front and Market ati. • CHEESE—English Dairy, Pine Apple, Sap Sago, and New York Dairy, line supply of 111 kinds of cheese : just received and for sale by _ ADAM lOWAN, JR- , .oct 9 Oerner ; ot /front and Market etc SEVILLE OLIVES—A veo,..fine aiti ole and warranted good, (Or sale 'br " oot 8 Corner of Front And Market ate. . VOA REN't—A, bricic house, contain. - ing seven rooniS, situated glair thcn inig g g em , Xnquire of - Harrisburg, 0ct.,11-3i* • ROSSE & BLACKWELL'S CHOW e CROW, Pleatlint, atalillower, for, male, by ADAM KELLAR. Jlt., OCt 9 . Corner. of Scoot and Market ate. NO. 5 N OT A RUM DRINK! A highly Concentrated Vegetable Exit s& A PURE TONIC THAT WILL RELIEVE THN"I#- FLICTED.AND NOT INANE DRUNNARDS. DR. ROOFLANIPS GERMAN BITTERS PRERABXD BY PHIL ADELPHIA, PA. ) DR, C. M. JACKSON , WILL IFFECTITALLY end MOST CERTAMWIXMIt ALL Dfaltafats Agama. FEOM A Disordtrtd Liver, 81mm:wit:jar INLldneys. Thousand" of 'on" Mims are suffering from wane 81* and Llirßit „I:0V14A8A8. and to Whom the *Wynn questions apply—we inkiOttS , HOOPLALIFIN WARMAN BITTERS WILL cuss THEM. Dyspepsia . and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coated tongue mornings, with bet taste in the mouth and poor appetite for breakfast? do you feel when you first get up so weak and languid ;enema smear get shout? Do yotl l yes dittinefa IR tbe,bot and often a donne's'', with headache tioemhswellr: Are your bowels coati vs and inegular, and apgetftethange able ? Do you throw up wind from the stomaekundes you swell np often I Do yon feel a &Mega after agtylier„, end a sinking when the Armed; ip empty? I=lo9 heathen' °emotiona ll y I' Do you fen low sp 'ma look on the dark side of things ? Are you not unemiliMid nervous at times ? Do you not become restlesa, eixtgesm lay until midnight before yo, can go to Fleepl sad tbNicat, time., don't you feel dull and sleepy moat , orthe Matt Is your skin dry and scaly ? also allow ? Inehort, your life a burthen, full of forebodings? Itoolland 9 s German Ilitiera Will ewe every item of CHRONIC OR NERVOUS -DEBILITY, DEMI= 111 FHB KIDNEYB. AND DREAMS ARISINH FROM A DIBORDIRRH STOMACH. Observe the following Staptems resulting frus Disorders of the festive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles. Palms or Blood to the Meek Acidity of the Shimoda, Nausea, Heartburn, Diligent for Food. Mime or Weight in the Stomach, Snag Rraa+.atteselletlAg4tPlittiariiiget the Pito, the dtomach, Swiinniing• of tee Head, Hurried ant • Dillicult Briiiithim Flattering at the Hear'42 ' - Choking or Staffeestkettfonsatow, when in - a lying postaire, Dinicagaof Dots ; , or Webs. bothre the eight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency Of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin me "gee, Pain in the Bide, Beek, Chest,Limbr, .te., &c. sifted rtuitheit 'of Seat , Cl Naming the /le e ek - •• • oneteetim egingof . . • re% and greet me , preeeket of QpiOlte PARTICULAR zrancie. There are many preparations sold under the name .f Bitters, put up in quart bole ti s', eomponded of the cheap est wbielry or common rum, meting from, 20 to Maims per gallon, the teats disguised by Anise or Coriander/Seel- This clam of Bitters bas mused, and will owntlinse le muse, as .long as they can be sold, hundreds to tlii be death of the drunkard. By their use the system le lap 'continual. under the Pahiciee 9f 4009.119 the World kind, rho dairy 'for Liquor is created end *Pt up, and the result is all the horrors attendantairpMrs drunkard's life aid death. for those who desire and will haus a L'quorliteteekarm publish the fellowingMeelpt : Get Orif /390k 1 / 1 411moili Otiimara Isiiirs and mix with Three Quarts :grime Brandy or Mirky, and the reaultwilt be a feWpwraldas that will far excel in medicinal virtues and traermeallosew any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the marketomml will cost much less. XOlll will have all the virtu* a( ifeeflueuVe Diners Ire abuneetkna .Ith a good artiallseit Liquor. at a mush lees price than these inferior prepum tious will cost you. offi)fiand2, German Bitten WILL GIVE YOII A GOOD APPET/TE. WILL GIVE YQV STRONG HEALTHY NERMII, WILL GIVE, YOU Brisk and Energetic FeeThiga,, WILL iorABLN vou To l3r-a3M3P WM1,a1.0 5 AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEU& ace. Those suffering From Broken down and Delicate CottstibEsi% From whatever cause, either in MALE OR FEMALE, WLLL FIND IN HOOFLIND'S GERMAN BITTERS IP-, NE. -7 D - 0 •ILII That will restore them to their usual health. siessine been the case in thousands of instaneek and a fair Weft' a but required to prove the assertion. REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTENDED AS A II 3E117 W. NI. A. Cr MI. The Proprietors have theism& of letters from the win aliment CLICHOYMIN Liwysna, • PHYSICIANS. and CITIENNIL, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to thalosno- Adel effeete and medical shines of these Bitters. from Der. J Newton Drrp, D. D., 1 . 141b0r otawft. podia of Religions Knowledge. Although ' not disposed te favor or recommend ant Medicines in general, through distrust of theigimgea. Monts and ersatz, I yet ]mow of no sufficient, mama why a tams may 116 t tertifY to the benefits 'he Whom himself to have received from any simple pragmatism. in the hope that he may thus contribute to lhobsnegg of others. I do this more - readily in regard to "Rootisede Bitters," prepared by Dr. Q. M. Jackson, or this akin because I was prejudiced wind them for years, doe the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mix ture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoensesi, Bag, for the removal of this prejudice by proper burr. and far encouragement te try them when Oulieringkarm great and long continued debility. The use of then bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the preemie year, was followed by evident relief and restoration lea degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had net Mb for six months "before, and had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank God and my frieud'for dI rooting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON MOWS. Philadelphia June 25,1881. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily removed, mid the patient restored to irIM:81. DELICATE CHILDREN, Thane Paring freln NotiiMilltrSi !Mating away, sek scarcely any flesh:on their bones, are cared in a very cheat time; one bottle in such eases will have a most surosisieg effect. i=pAkxtmwszasi Boum again *Wren no Om, and wiehiartio miss them, will sever regret the day they mameaeed waft > these Bitten!. LITERARY MEN, -STUDENTS, And those working hard with *Air braino, oboaii.d ways keep a bottle of HOOPLAND'B Dimon _ nose them, as they will find much benefit from Its use, Go bilk mind and body, invigorating and depressing. IT IS NOT A L 141104 13T7BrUMI And bailed no prostration. Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS 'OF SOLDIERL We call the attention of all having relations or Messes in the aimy to the feet that ‘FROOJffedNIPII Germania tees " will Cure nine-tenths of the Abuses induced by en pongees and privation" incident to amp life. In the ik Dubliehed almost daily-in the newspapers, en the Mtge! of the sick, it willbe notieed Map a very large ProPortisse are Milberg from debility. *toy ease of that kind tin be readtly cured by lineflandis ammo Bitters. We haw no hesitation instating , that. if these Bitters were Med, need among oar 101diere,:hondreds of lives might be. that otherwise would he lost. The prOpilitois ire &dye/waiving thankfal lettere atitS.retti in the, army and hospitals. who have beeirrliolleowit to tiolatit,by.tho vie of thew Dittcro j oootto Thom' bye frierskl; BEWARE OF COIUMILFXOII2 . , See. that , the Signature of C. M. oTeekson is eu the WILAPPAR of each Y34:414. PNLOHREE BOTTLE 78:0ENT8. • • • OE HALE DOZEN, for $4 OA. Should your nearest denvist not have the article, do not be pot off by any of the intoxicating ,preparations Owl may be offered in its place, but aeraff4e b, and we waill forward, wearely p,*ed, by, imprimis. Principal Nike and Manufactory, No.. 621 .A.H . CII ST. ITONEtSi. t ., Ev aN ß (linansens te , C . JACKSON & a 0.,) PILOPRIEf9II.II. 117" Poe We by Druggists and Dealers in eeveztovin la the United States. MVO*