Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 05, 1863, Image 3

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A meeting of the Young Men's Central Demo-
Ira:io Club will be held on Tues•lay evening, Oct.
at 7 o'eloolf, at the club room, KFIOX'S new
b:iilding, Locust street, between Second and Md.
Joas A. B/GLETtr SeC:y.
A Bic SNAPPER.-Mr. Frederick Lutz, of pe tt y"
township, Lancaster county, caught a snapping
turtle the other day which weighed 321 pounds !
It is likely that his snappers - Up is without a snap
ping equal in this part of the country, and he must
be the patriarch snapper of the whole snapper fra
ternity in the renaea valley.
RASHER 'Jaen Fnat.—Coal is now selling at
Cincinnati and Louisville at the enormous price of
fifty cents 6 bustiel. This is in some measure
owing to the tow stage of the water between these
places and Pittsburg, from which point they draw
their supply in barges. There are now loaded at
that port, and waiting a rise, five millions of bush
els of bituminous coal, and, in the event of a proper
stage of the water, it is feared that there will not
be an adequate supply of hands to manage the
of the Democracy will be he held in the Taw cif
Progress, Susquehanna township, at the public
house of J. W. Stober, on Friday evening, Oct. *th.
The hest of speakers will be in attendance. in
eitrtng fen. W. IL Miller, Herman and Hamilton
Alricks, Ems., and Capt. J. Wesley AwL Let the
loyal. and ever glorious Democracy turn est en
imam and once more, as of old, swear fidelity to
their country upon the sacred altar of the Gensti-
Millen and the Union, now trampled underfoot by
the herd of Abolition swine. Live the Republic !
Mascots!—The hearthstones of the widows, the
graves of those who have been slaughtered on the
altar of negro equality, tali loudly fora grand
rally of the Democratic freemen of the 'Fourth
Ward, to meet at the house of William Conners, in
North street, opposite the reservoir, on this even
ing at V o'clock. Those who are in favor of
white labor in opposition to black are particularly
invited to attend- Eminent speakers -from a dis
tance will address the doh.
H. F. Irlitornoims, Pres't.
Anasstien.—A few days sines lgrArehn Lynch ,
of this place, went to Round Tep Mills, a few miles
from Middletown, for the purpose of collecting
gem money doe him from parties Eving there.
These parties, named Isane Vance, 'Samuel Foltz
and Michael Gondley, threatened him with vio
lence in case be would not swear on the spot that
they owed him nothing, and bathed up their
threat by drawing knives and menacing him with
violence. Mr- Lynch made information of the
facts before Alderman Kline, and early on Satur
day morning -officers Campbell and - Massey pro
ceeded to Round Top Mills and arrested the parties
above named, en a charge of riot and assault.—
They were taken before Justin - Stehrs.anj of Mid
dletown, and entered bail in the sum of $5OO each
to appear and answer at the neat term of court.
rebels, in their haste to reinforce Bragg, have vio
lated the terms of the exchange cartel - in declaring
Petubetto l s 90,1108 men -exchanged, without gilt.
ing formal notice to obr government. In view of
this action of the rebel authorities,- our govern
ment has declared all paroied liJnion-soldiers cow
in our paroled camps to be -ecebangedotnd has or
dered them to their regiments for duty. The
number of Union soldiers thus returned to duty is
about twenty thousand, which -still leaves a bal
ance of ten thousand to our-credit -in 'future ex
changes, exclusive -of rebel prisoners now in our
hands.- All parceled Union prisoners e etracers and
men, absent from their vamps with or without
leave, are ordered to report immediately at the
various paroled camps.
REDuctiOtt oa Teu . PoLice Posen = We under.
stand that the Common Council, at their last meet
ing, cut down the city police force to one belt of
the number authorised by the resolution of the itb
of June last. If, in this most entraordinary pro
ceeding, the Council was influenced by considera
tions of economy, sH we have to say is, that they
but ill choose their time for this exhibition of new
born thrift. The unrepressed disorders conscapent
upon an eseiting approaehing election -may cost
the city one hundred fold the paltry sum required
to pay the faithful offeers who have heretofore pro.
tected our citizens throughout all the trying times
which threatened their property and personal
osfety. We would Mint the attention of OUT
economical Council to our police report this morn
ing. Throughout Saturday night the entire police
force was kept busy, some of tame being obliged
to stay up until daylight. No further comment
upon the ill judgedaction of the Council is neces
sary. And while the city police force is thus cut
down one half, but 1150 constaldta are on duty in
the six wards of the city !
quence of the early frost in Keuttielty and Ten.
!lessee, and the supposed irjury to the tobacco
crop, the price has risen in Louisville three and
four dollars per kindred weight. This will, SO
far, be very good news to numbers of farmers of
Pennsylvania who have planted larger quantities
of this article - the present season than ever before.
In many aeotiotis of the State, so great has been
the demand for lumber to form tobacco sheds, and
for men to construct them, that the supply has fallen
quite short, and every conceivable expedient has
bad to be adapted. Whether for better or for worse,
there is no question as to the fact that Pennsylva
nia is about to become a formidable rival to Vir
ginia in the cultivatiOit Of tobacco, and the chief
wonder seems to be why it has been neglected so
long. The high price to which it has now advanced
will, however, make it one of the most pro fi table
crops enitivated in the State, and no doubt large
tracts of it will be planted in all those districts
adapted to its cultivation.
General Fry recently directed a dispatch to Gov.
Curtin, as follows: "Notify your provost marshals
that any paroled soldiers absent from Camp Pa
role, who report to provost marshals for duty on
or before October 15th, will net be treated as de
serters." An order-from the same authority also
provides that all soldiers absent from duty, or
whose furloughs have expired, will not be re.
quired to report for duty until after the 15th inst.
This simply means that deserters from the army
who will first vote for Curtin, and afterwards re
port themselves for duty, will be received by the
War Department upon the same footing with the
faithful soldier, who basalt along stood to his post
performing bis duty. The punishment which is
proscribed, and which would otherwise be meted
out, is imprisonment or death. These penalties
are abrogated in respect to all deserters who are
"sound on the goose." The faithful soldier, who
=as stood by his colors through danger and trial,
is compelled to fellowship on equal terms with the
man guilty of the worst of military crimes. All
this is for shoddy_ To what baseness will this ad
ministration not descend in its desperate efforts to
retain its loosening bold on power,
PoLICS, AFFAIRS.—Before Alderman Kline.—
David Stevens, a mulatto boy employed at the
Buehler House, was arrested by officer Campbell
yesterday morning, on suspicion of having during
the night stolen two pocket books, containing one
$lO Treasury note and - three twenty-five cent post
age stamps, from a fellow employee named John
Clemens. As soon as the latter missed his money
he suspected Stevens, who roomed with htm, of
having taken it—the boy, who was always a heavy
sleeper, having risen that morning about three
o'clock. Defendant was committed fora further
John Stevenson, a bricklayer, was arrested by
officer Campbell, charged by Ellis R. Williams,
who boards at the Buehler House, with assault and
battery. Williams was walking along near the
corner of Fourth and State streets late on Satur
day night, when defendant met and attacked him
with a brick, giving him a stunning blow on . the
head, and afterwards making a grab at his pocket,
tearing it down the seam, but not securing the
pocket book., Stevenson had a few minuted pre.,
viensly bad a fracas at the Washington House,
where he made an assault with a plasterer's hatchet
on Toby Fatter, euttitig - though his hat and grazing
his head. Defendant was committed for trial.
William Weaver and James Foy, two soldiers,
assaulted and knocked down Dallas Unger on Sat
urday night, and were arrested by officers Costello
and Massey. Committed for trial.
George Roach, living in Filbert street, while
drunk and disorderly, drew a pistol on officer
Campbell, as the latter was returning to his resi
dence in Short street at a late hour on Saturday
• night. He was arrested and committed to prison
for three days. Reach's conduct was desperate in
the extreme. Mea first spoken to by *fleet
Campbell, be presented a loaded pistol to his head,
swearing that he would blow out his brains. By
a quick movement Campbell grasped his wrist
and averted his aim, and after a Remo straggle,
assisted by a neighbor, be finally succeeded in
wrenching the weapon from the strong grasp of
his Remnant.
John Molby and Patrick Murkley, who werecom
mitted to the lock-up for drunkenness on Saturday
afternoon, were discovered trying to break ens of
that blessed place the same evening- They bad
nearly dug a beta through the brick wall. Both
parties were 00/ emitted for three days longer.
Hugh IL Smih, a six menthe emergeney man,
was arrested -by officer Kane for brandieking a
knife and acting Prentankerously" on Saturday
night_ lie pair costs and was dismissed yesterday
Jacob Waller, living in that part of our garburbs
known as Moyerstown, was committed to the lock
up on the 'same night by officer Essig. Mr-.
bad been down to Lancaster attending the Shoddy
demonstration, where he "maderii day cif it," re
turning in the with a load of toysityok,
which meet here put some strain on doe locomo
tive, bad net the Abolition delegation from this
place fortanately been so small as to beirf no' eon
sequence to nu able bodied engine. be was dis
charged from sinewy yesterday morningdprobably
feeling some consolation in the great fact, as stated
by the Telosrovit, that "one day spent in attending
Union (I') meetings may give the country an eter
nity of peace:"
The following drunks were discharged from the
lock-up Henry Herr, (not the one who lives ad
joining the cemetery grounds,) arrested by officer
Essig; George. Gallagher, by officer Massey; jno.
Roney, by officer Lloyd ; Edward Stoner, by offiort
Costello. The lase two are ne— American citizens
of African descent.
merle Rawrl—Pursuant to call the Democrats
of Washington.township met in mass convention
at the Cross Roads, in said township, for the ,pur
pose of discustriag the questions of the day and
organizing permanently for the ensuing election.
On motion, Charles Stein was called to the chair,
and A. Q. Bender, George Gilbert, C. Keenerer, C.
B. Miller, 11.dir. U. Pressler, George Bowman, if.
Anchmuty, J. Earner, Capt. B. Brits, William
Richards, James Hoffman, Joseph Bowman, John
Hain, .1. Tallman, J, Buffington and M. Belton
were chosen Viso Presidents. IT. D. Ferree, Jr..,
Wm. Reed, G-eorge:Slate, Sol. Enterline and Daniel
Miller were chosen. Secretaries.
Capt.J. Wesley 4L.vel was called upon am i d ad
dressed the meeting is an eloquent and patrithie
manner. A; P. Auchmtity, Esq.,•next spoke in
an able and convincing MUM. Hon, w•,
Miller was neat called for, who made si.lengtby
and eloquent speech, eliciting frequent outbursts
of applause. It. A. Lumberton,. Esq., next took
the Mend, and argued the topics of the times in a
masterly style and to the satisfaction of the ma
titade, as evinced by their frequent cheers of ap
The meeting was a gum& success, upwards of a
thousand persons being present, all roused to a
'sense of their duty to their country in this trying
crisis. Washington township will speak in thun-
der tones for the Democracy sad the Union at the
approaching election.
EMOCRATIC MEETilie aT FeraVtit‘r.—A large
meeting of the Democrats of East Fennel:tore,
township, Cumberland county, was held at Fair
view on Thursday evening last. Though the notice
was short, upwarae of two hundred and fifiy people
were in attendance. This place is well known as
an Abolition and Shoddy strong-bold, and threats
had been made by the Shoddyitee to disturb and
break up any meeting of the' people that should be
held in the town. About twenty-five or thirty
banded together and came to the meeting in a body.
They kept within easy "supporting distance" of
each other. The people were addressed by Ham
ilton Airicks and R. E. Ferguson, of this city, who
Were both listened to throughout with marked
The meeting was a great success, and the De
mocracy of that district will give agood report on
the Uth inst. Curtin and corruption are at a dig_
countamong the honest people of Cumberland.
The report in the Tetegraph newspaper that the
speakers were interrupted, and their remarks
drowned by cheers for Lincoln and Curtin, is un
qualifiedly false—a lie cut from the whote cloth.—
Once during a pause between the speeches, cheers
were given by about a dozen rowdy champions of
Curtin and conscription. Further than this, there
was no attempt to disturb the meeting by the
friends of gag law. The "Telegraph's" reportorial
"friend in Fairview" is jest the man for ft—tee
right man in the right place. He will spare
no exertion to keep up its reputation for being a
little the-smallest and dirtiest liar on record.
joined letter from a friend, dated York, Oct. 2d,
shows that the cowardly Abolition traitors are still
busily engaged in tearing down "the flaunting
lie," the stars and stripes for which our fathers
bled and for which the Democracy are battlinv..—.
They may enjoy their brief hear and trail the
sacred emblem of liberty in the dust, but shame
and confusion of face await them in the future :
Pahlot and Union:—We ar4s again
compelled to chronicle another Abolition outrage
that took place on tho night b the Democratic
meeting in Lower Chime township, this
county, at the public holm of 000 Schaal, on the
30th ult. These friends of the Union, who profess
to show so much respect for the American flag,
did on the above evening, while honest people
were in bed, go to to the stand ereeteti and deco
rated by the patriotic ladies for the meeting, and
defiled the stars and stripes and their decorations
with filth. This, however, is only another .evi
dence of the meanness resorted to by those disci
ples of Horace Greeley, who, it will be recollected,
advised the people, (speaking of our flag,) to "tear
down the flaunting lie." Will the true friends of
the Union stand by and see these outrages and not
mike en effect to rebuke them? The whole pol.
icy of these incarnate devils seems to be nothing
more nor less than to break up Democratic meet
ings so as to prevent the people from bearing the
truth. A. L, 0.
olition meeting was announced to be held at Lan
caster on Saturday. The To/wrap/4 which hod
affected to sneer at the Demooratio delegation from
this city to that place on the 17th ult.; belittling
its proportions and pronouncing it a "fizzle," had
been drumming up the faithful and promising en
imposing delegation from Harrisburg. The whole
Abolition mountain has been in labor, and here is
what it brought forth ; A tame and nnspirited
squad of 114 persona, all told. It included nearly
all the hands at the arsenal, and the car shop had
been closed to swell the mighty throng. At the
depot they filled two cars rather sparsely, and
such was the desperation of the managers that
they offereetickets free to anybody that would go
down to the help of Shoddy. As they started off,
looking much like a squad of conscripts being sent
to the front, we could% help forgiving the Tele
graph. for its envious little lies about our delega
tion to the same place. We sent upwards of 494,
and made no blow about it.
Naw FALL Gooes.—We have new received and
are opening a beautiful assortment of new oty/43
dress goodo and other goods.
Splendid assortment of new delaines.
All colors of piano alpacas.
New style of Pleid dress goods.
Fine blank bainhasinee.
Black and colored personates.
5 pieces of black silks.
59 pieces of bleached and unbleached zonslins.
104 heavy linen for shooting.
54 heavy linen for pillow , cases.
74 grey linen damask for table covers.
White linen table covers and napkins.
Black alpacas, all qualities.
White linen and hemeticked pocket . Landker
10 don. illahnoral skirts, from $2 &O .op.
Large assortment of hoop skirts.
Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 S'o, and all
prices. •
Whits , embrie mingling andjaoonnetta i lAIIBOOIEB.
Leigh iinem, Swiss muslins,aod a great many other
sew LEWY.
rennsydvania Militia and Recruiting Claims,
United *totes pension, beauty, arrears of pay and
isubsistente claims, &e., Lc., Ise., made out and col-
tooted* BccCarg MCDLPH,
Attorney at Law, office, Third street, Harrisburg,
Pe. oct2S—ly
The seribination of ingredientwin - these Pills are the
result of a long and extensive practice. They are gild
iii choir4aperation, and certain -in correcting all irregu
iseltlecopaintal menatruatien, raix.nringallobetrtetiana
whether-from cold or othersesse, headache, pain in the
side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec
tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs,
dce., tlAatarbed sleep, which arise from interruption of
was the esmmeneementof a new ereqo the treatment of
thostrirvegulftrities and obstructions which have con-
Signed -so many to a preinatsme grave. Ito feavtiie can
enjoy goo& health unless shale regular, and whenever an
.obstraetion takes place the general - health begins to de
are the most effectual remedy ever mown for all com
plaints peculiar to Females. To all chutes they are
invaluable, inducing, with oertaimily,periadieca reosaccr
Thersv , kIKPOSI to thonsuude,whe hare asettlisam
at different periods, throughout the country, baring the
sanative of some of the most ettrinsat Physicians in
Explicit directions ? stating seisset they Nhould scot bit
:woe owith mach Box—tlie Price Villa Dell., par P. 6.5,
oontainittgleoni SO to b 0 Pills.
Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the
Agents. 84111 by Druggists gene:silly.
R. B. AIITCHINOS, Proprietor,
20 Cedar street, New York.
Sold in lifrerrisbure. by C. A. Basamext.
" Meeissaiesborg, by J. 8. Deriett.
Carlisle. by B. Elliott,
Shippoosborg, by D. W. Rankin.
" Obanreeraburg, by Miller & Mereboy.
Ruonnelotown, by George Wolf.
a Lebanon. by Georee Ross. dace-M*ly
Don't fail to-procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S BOOTHINCI
firitup for GEPELDREN TEETHING.. This Tai
preparation is the prescription of one Of the best female
physicians sad-al&NION in the United Stales, and 'has bens
used for thirty yews with never failing .r fete end•euo
00118 hy millions of Mothers and children, from the fee
, blelnfant of eneeetelt old to the admit.
It bet only relieves the ehild from patu. but mWis
rates the stomach sad bowels. corrects acidity, son
give. tone and energy to the whole system. It will al
most inetantly relieve
sumo IN ing litmus An WIND toffei47,
We believe it the beat and Rarest remedy in the world
CAULDRON, whether It arises from teething or from
any other +tense.
Full digestions for using will accompany each bottle.
Nose genuine unless the fits sitai:6 of CURTIS &PER
KINS, New York. is on the outside wrapper.
Enid by nil KtiiciPe Dealers.
Principal Office, 48 Rey street, New York.
Priem only 25 Geste per bottle.
AND PIRMANENT CURE of Seminal Weakness,
Urethral and Vaginal Discharges. Glees, Sexual Dis
eases, Emissions, Impotence, Genital Debility, and die
coats of the Madder and Kidneys.
Beserrza PILLS are warranted in all oases
and can be relied on. No change of diet required. They
do not nauseate, nor interfere with business pursuits.
pwards of ZCO cases here been cured the past month.
More then one hundred physicians use them ia their
priests practice,. and all speak well of their efficacy.
They are entirely harmless on the system, and can be
relied on in all cases arising from youthful indiscretion
or golf abuse, which often incapacitates the sufferer
from fulfilling the duties of married
A TREATISE of 64 pages, containing insane of cure,
sent free to all Two stamps required for postuge.
The NM will be sent by mail, securely scaled, on
receipt of One Dollar, by .7. BRYAN, M. E.,
No. 76 Cedar street, New York.
Sold by all the principal druggists.
Sep 25 •ljditw
HARVEY'S FERULE Plias have never yet failed in re
mov - ng difficulties arising from obstruction, or stop
page of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect
health when suffering from Spinal Affections, Prolapsus
Uteri. the 'Whites, or other wo.iknecs of the Uterine
Organs. The Pi Is are perfectly baro.lese on the cen-
KU - Li:diem, and may be Wren by the most delicate female
without causing distress—the acme time they act like a
charm by strengthening, int.:lgo:N:4in and restoring the
system to a healthy condition. and by bringing on the
monthly period with regularity, no matter from what
causes the obstruction may arise. They should, how
ever, NOT be taken during the first three or four
months of pregnancy, though safe at Any ether time, as
miscarriage Would be the result.
Each boa contained() Pills. Price SI.
DR. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Diseases of Females,
Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Eteiiiity, Repro
duction, and Abusee of Nature, and emphatically the
Ladies' Private MAical Adviser, a pamphlet of 64 pa
ges, sent free to any address. Six cents required to
pay postage.
The pills and bnok will be sent by mail when de
sired, securely sealed, and prepared, by
J. BRYAN, M. D., General Agent.
No. 76 Geclar street, New York
Bold by ail the principal druggists.
stip 25-d&wly
Dear Sir :—With your permission I wish to say to the
readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to
all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directions
for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will
effectually reniore, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan,
Preck?‘, And all ImpoOties of the Skin. icw4lo l4 -
same soft , elesr;fintboth and beautiful.
I will also a all free to those having Bald . Bemis or
Bare Faces, simple directions awl information that will
enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers, or .a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All
applications answered by return mail without charge.
Bespsotfully yours,
1 1 1 /109_ F. 011APhiLkN, Chemist.
je2B-3tud No 831 Broadway, New York..
To Horse Owners.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horse
le dor by any, and in all cases 61L841101:14611,
slug from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is
magical and certain. Harness or Seddle Galls, Scratch'
es, Mange. kc., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and
Biugbeue may he easily prevented and cured in their
incipient stages. bet oonfirmed earn are beyond the
possibility of a radical cure. No mama the kind, how
ever, is so desperate or hopeless hat it may be alleviated
by this Liniment, and its faithful !implication wi ll al
ways remove the Lameness. and enable the horse to
travel with sonsperstive ease.
Every horse owner should have this remedy at band,
for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness
will effectually. prevent those formidable diseases men
tioned, to which all horses are liable, and which render
89 many otberaiss 4ailiAblO hyri,eo nearly worthless.
Bee advertlsemnt. ap2o eovpdikir
Dr. Brunonls Concentrated Remedies.
No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates
%lithe evil effects of SELF-ABUSE. se toes of Memory,
Shortness of litreathAirldinssa, Palpitation of the Heart
Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements
of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indul•
gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price
one Dollar.
N 0.2. TM?. BALM will cure. In from two to eight
dayP. and caeeof GoNtionnturA.l6 wittiotit taste or
email, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For
either sex. Priee One Dollar.
-- • •
No. 8. The TIMER will cure in the shortest possible
time any ease of GLIIBT, even after all other remedies
have fano& to prodnee the desired effect. No taste et
smell. Price One Dollar.
No. 4. THE PUNITER ie the only Remedy that will
really tare Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how
long etwoding or neglected the ease may be. Price One
No. S. TIM SOLUTOR will enre any MIR Of GRAVEL,
permanently and speedi , y remove Ail attetione of Ole
BledSwr and Kidneys. Price One Dollar.
No 7. TIE AMARTN arils core the Whitea radieolly
Ana% a much shelter ltitre 114 1 11 they Coq be removed
Fry' ny other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy
that will really correct this disorder. Pleasautte tate.
Trice One Dollar.
'No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILR are certain, safe
sad speedy in producing MENSTRUATION. ornorrest
trer any Irregularities of the mon'ehly ptrioati. Pries
two Dollars.
Either remedy fient tree by nrsil ou receipt of the
-Fries annexed. Enclose Tentage stamp and get a 'siren
General Depot North-tart L eorner of York avenue and
Callnwhitl street - . Private dace, 401 Tent avenue,
Philadelphia, Pa.
For sale in 'Harrisburg bra. A. Rs.wavaur and LOUIS
WYSTH. where cirenlara containing - vaiv.able informa
tion, with full descriptions -Of each case, will be deliv
ered gratis on application. Addreas
July 23, 1663-11 r. O. Box 99, Yhfladelnhin, Pa.
WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt
berdered; and PA.PRR BLINDS of an endless
variety of designs and ornaments:; also, CURTAIN
I'II6TVI sand TASSELS at very low prices. Call at
just received.. IeUALITV TEILY stIJPICRIOR.
omptfla WM_ %COIL Jr.. & CO,
Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the Com
monwoulth of Pennevlvattia, entitled " An Act relating
to elections in this Commonwealth," approved the 2d day
of July. A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine,
I. JACOB It, IiOSS, Sheriff of the county of Dauphin.
Pennsylvania, do hereby maim known and give notice to the
electors of the county eforesaid;that en election - will be
Held in the geld county of Dauphin. ON Tillt SECOND
TUESDAY OF OOTOonOit. A 1) 1863, (being the nth day
of October,) at which time State and County Officers, as
follows. are to be alerted, To wit-:
One person for G ,, e *cool. of tbeState of Pennsylvania.
One person for up ea,eiindge of the I:tate of Peen
One person to represent the eatntlee of Dsurthiti and
Lebanon in the ge,ste of the Stete o Penuervania.
Two persons 7erirei.ent toe .eonntrof Dauphin in the
Rouse of Representatives
One person for e. - neriff of Dowdily county.
Oue person as Itece,rder of Deets, &c., for the county
of Dauphin.
One person as Tree, user ror the countyof Dauphin.
Two persons for County Gomnrissioner.
One person. for Di r,-etoe of the Poor and Route of Em.
ploy mem .
One person for Ce rmn is s n ait m ..
that the places of holding the eforesaid eeneral election in
the several ward, ....rive ells, istilacs and townships with
in the moiety of Deephin. ere es fellows, to wit - :
The election for the First wart in the city of Harris_
burgshell be held at ths Public School House at the corner
of Mary's ,Iley and Front street.
The election in "he S..cond Ltd shall be held at the
Scheel Muse itt the owner of beeiberry alley and Oriel
nut street
The election for the Third Ward shall be held et the
School Douse in Walnut steeet, between Second and Front
The election for the Fourth Ward shall he held at the
Public toil of House is Btete street, between Second and
Third streets.
The election of the Firth Ward obeli be held at the house
belonging to General Sohn Forster, on the State road !Red
ing from the reservoir grounds to the Pennsylvania State
Lunatic Hospital.
The election in the Sixth Wardelfall be held at the Market
House in West H.irrieburg.
For the township of Susuehasna, at Miller's (now Nis
layoff) school house
For the township of Lower Swetara, at the school house
No. 1, in Highspire.
For the township of Swatara, at the Loenst Grove Inn.
For the borough of Middletown. at the Brick School
House in Pine street, in said borough
For the township of Londonderry, at the Public House
of Joseph Helper. in said township.
For the township of West Londonderry, at the house of
Christian Neff, in said township.
For the township of Conewago, erected out of parts of
the townships of Londonderry and Derry, at the noose of
Ohrietitn Foltz, now Jon. B. Foltz,) in Raid township.
For the township of Derry, at the public house of Daniel
Baum, in Hummelatown, in said township.
For the township of South Hanover, at the public house
of George Honker, in said township.
For the township of East Hanover, at the public house
of Mel: hell, (now Boyern , ,) in said township.
For the township of Vilest Hanover. at the public house
of Jacob Rudy. (110 w Luck's,) in said tea nehip.
For the townsiii 5 of Lower Paxton. at the public beanie
of Robert Gilchrist. (now Sw.igart's.) in said township.
For the township of Middle loottun, at the public house
of Joseph Onekley, in said township.
For the township of Rush, at the house belonging to
the estate of the late John McAllister, deed, now omit
pied by David Eines!. in said township.
For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Christian
Hoffman, in Raid township
For the township of Jaekson, at the house now occupied
by John Skier at lii tler's mill, in said town-hip.
For the township of Halifax, at the North Ware School
Rouse, in the town of Halifax.
For the township of Reed, at the new P.ohool Settee en
Duncen's Island. in said township.
For the borough of Miliersierg, at the window next
to the northeast corner on the east side of 'he new
school hohee, situate on Middle street. in the borough
of Millershiug, in the county of Dauphin.
For the towtehip 01 Upper Paxton, at the Muse of J G.
Tester, in the borough of Milletsturg
For the township of Mifflin, at the public house of Mi
chest Enterline, (cow Benj. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, in
said township.
For the township of Wanhington, at the public hone
now occupied by Matilda Wingert. in said township.
For the township of Lykene, at the public house of Solo
mon Loudenslager, (now iu the borough of
For the borough of Gratz, at • the public house of Solo
mon Loudensieeer, (now Keiser's,) in said borough.
For the township of Wiconisco, at the School House No.
5, in said township.
I also, for lee information of the electors of the county
of Dauphin, publish the folio's - Eng sections of acts of the
General Assembly, enacted duriug the sessiott of 1853,
to wit:
WEST LONDONDERRY—Pier. of Election.
Also, sections 1 and 3, page 1114, pamphlet laws, ep
proved the 18th day of Mandl, 1851, viz :---"That the citi
sent of the township of lemtimolerry, in the county of Dau
phin, formerly embraced in the Portsmouth election dis
trict. together with such other -citize-ns of said towmhip
residing west of the public road leading from Port Royal to
Nissley's mill, in said township, shalt hereafter hold their
general and special elections at the house or Christian Neff,
In said township)?
Sec. 3. That laid district shell hereafter be known as
West Londonderry election district.
RUSH TOWIsMIIP—?Iace of Election.
Whereas the Ogee of 10:ding the elections in the town.
ship of Hush, Dauphin county, was by law at School House
number three in said township : And whereas. there is no
such school house, therefore--Section 1. Be it enacted by
the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common
wealth,of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. emit it it
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the
general and township elections of Rush township, Dauphin
county, shall be held at the house belonging to the estate
of the late John McAllister, deceased, now occupied by
David Rimed. Page SS pamphlet laws, 1858
I 4 8 9 make known and give notice. as in and by the 13th
section of the aforesaid act I am directed, "that everyper
son, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any
office or appointment of profit or 'Unfit under the govern
ment of the United States, or of this State, or any city or
incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer of
otherwise, a subordinate °Meer, or agent, who i r shall
be employed under the logislative,,judiciary, or executive
department of this State or the United States, or of any
city or ineorporetettdistri..t, and also, that every member
Of Congress and the Mate Legislature , and of the select and
oommon council many city, commissioners of any incorpo
rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the same time the offigeprappointnient of judge, inspec
tor or clerk of any electiOn of this Commonwealth, and
that no inspector or judge, or other officer of any such
election, shall be eligible to, any camp then to be voted
for.” •
Also, that in the fourth section of the act of Assembly,
entitled "An Act relating to executions, and for other
purposes," approved April 16,1840, it is enacted that the
aforesaid lath suction "shall not b as' eonstrued as tO
prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving
as judge, inspector or clerk at any general or special elec
tion in this Commonwealth."
. . .
Also, that in the fan section of Raid act it is enacted
that itevery gertessi and special election mhall be opened
between the hours of eight and ten. in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interrupt.nn or adjournment until
seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be
The special election shall be held and conducted by the
inspectors and jai, OR elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided,
No person shall be permitted to vote at the election, as
aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty-one
years or more,. who shall have resided in this State at least
one year, end in the election district where he offers to
vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election,
and within two years paid a State or county tax, which
shall have been assessed at least ten days before the elec
tion. But a citizen of the United States who has previ
ously been a qualified voter ig tie State and removed
therefrom and returned, and niro shall have resided in the
election district and paid taxes, as aforesaid, shall be enti
tled to vote after residing in this State six months : Front.
dad, That the white freemen, citizens of the United States,
between the ages of 21 and 22 years, and have resided in
the election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled
to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes.
"No person shall be admitted to vote whose name is not
contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by
the commissioners, Unless; First, be produces a receipt for
the payment within two years of a State or county tax, as
sessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satisfactory
evidence, either oh his own oath or affirmation, or the oath
or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or
on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath of the pay
ment thereof i or, Second, if he claim a vote by being an
elector between the ages of 21 awl 22 years, he aka' depose
on oath or affirmation that he has resided in the State at
leastone year before his application, and make such proof
of his residence in the district as is required by this act,
and that he does verily believe from the accounts given
him that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other ev
idence as is required by this act, whereupon the name of
the person eo admitted to vote, shall be inserted in the al
phabetical list by the inspectors, and a note made opposite
thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if he shall be admitted
to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the wont mge,' if
he shall be admitted to vote by reason of arch age, and
shall be called out to the clerks, who abet make the like
notes in the list of voters kept by them.
.ln all cases where the name of the person claiming to
vote is not found on the list furnished by the commission
ers and assessor, or hie right to vote, whether found there.
on or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall
be the duty of the inspectors to examine such person on
oath as to his qualificatimm, and if he claims to have resi
ded within the State for one year or more, his oath will be
sufficlerit proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least one
competent *Mesa, who shall be a qualified elector, that
he has resided within the district for more than ten days
next immediately preceding said election, and shall also
himself swear that his bona Me residence in pursuance
of his iawfwl calling is within the district, and that he did
not remove into said district for the purpose of voting
• 'Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make
due wad', if required, of his residence and payment Of
taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in the town
ship, ward, or district in which he shall reside,
"tf any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent any
officer of any election under this act from holding such
election or use or threaten any violence to any such officer,
or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the
execution of his duty, or shall block up the window or av
enue to any window where the same may be holding, or
shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall
use or practice intimidating threats. force or violence,with
a design to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to
prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of
choice, such a person, on conviction, shall be fined in any
BUM not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned for
any time not less than one month nor more than twelve
months, and if it shall be shown to the Court where the
trial of each offence shall be had, that the person so of.
fending was not a resident of the city, ward, or district, or
township where the said offence was committed, and not
entitled to vote therein, then, on conviction, he shall be
sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dol
lars or more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisons
not less than nix months nor more than two yearn.
"In case the person who shall have received the second
highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on
the day of election, then the person who shall have re
ceived the next highest number of votes for judge at the
spring election shall act as inspector in Lis place.
And in case the person who shall have received the high
est number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the
person elected judge Shan appoint an i nspector in his place,
and in case the person eleetea shall not attend, then the
inspector who received the highest lumber of votes shall
appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacancy shall con
tinue in the board for the space of one hour after the time
fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified
voters of the township, ward, or district Mr which said of
ficer shell have been elected, present at the place of elec
tion, shall select one of their number to fill such vacancy.
"It shall be the duty of the several assessors, rests - 0-
tively. to attend at the place of hording every g-meral,
special or township election, during the time said election
is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the
inspectors mid judges when called on, in relation to the
right of any person assessed by them to vote at such elec
tions, or such other matters in relation ro the assessment
of voters as the said inseeetors, or either of them, shall
from time to time reortirei ,
11P.PTINO OP RETURN 3001355.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section
of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts
shall respectively take charge or the certificate or return of
the election of their respective districts, and produce them
at a meeting of one judge from each district, at the city of
Harrisburg, on the WA. day nftertho day of election, belbq
FRIDAY. the 16th of 00 10 KER. then and there to do and
perform the duties required by law of the said judges.
Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable acci
dent is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the
eertifieate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by
one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, who shall do and perform the duties required of said
judges unable to attend.
Given under my hand, in my °Mee in Harrisburg, the
2d day or Onat-mber, A. D. 188%.
JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff of Dauphin Co.
BRICRIFF'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, Sept. 10, 1862.
sent I 0 d&wte
Raving Plat returned from the Eastern oitiee, we are
receiving all the F/XXSH and allows goods in our line in
the market.
We can confidently offer a complete stock of First
Class Groceries, which we guarantee cannot be sur
passed Dr any other eetabliehmeat in the state in se
lection. price or assortment.
sap 2t WM. DOOR, JR., & CO.
A PARTIVIENTS Furnished and Board
.ll img for Ladies and lientlemon. inquire of
lass. KERR,
Shoemaker's Row,
&coed street, nearly opposite the Buehler House.
sop 23.tf
3:0 3&" 1 4 4 T MI ISS wits.
In room formerly occupied by Dr. Carman,
Sep 26-d6m
• H. 33. ft G. W. BANNIIIIB,
oel9-dl7 27 South Front ateret. Philadelphia
TbTs old esbtbli.hed Romig too undergone extensive
improvements, and been thoroughly renovated and re
It is pleasantly located in the heart of the city, in
easy access to lie State Capitol and Public ',rounds.
}l7 - For the acummorlatiou , f our guests, we have
recently e.mmeoe.d zo run a Coach to rend from the Rail
rafid. Ia tnis manner napfra.aitt 444 w 1 7 4 (caving tale
Depot for the lintel will be avoided, and patch snore
time afforded gueers for meals when. leaving the House.
Intending that the SUBIILEItIIOI7SaI shall be really
a home-like resort for the stranger and traveler we re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the publi^ pet—onage.
SeptlB•dim Proprietor.
V PATE SALE.—.The subscriber wilt Sell OA private
sale that valuable Tavern Strnd, situate on Ridge Road,
in be S'xth Ward, liarrisbnrg. corner of Broad street,
being 26 feet in front and 72 feet deep. The improve
ments area two-story frame Tavern house, with three
story bask building. Hydrant water in the premises,
and other ell:mei:venal:4. The property is calculated
either for a store or a hotel, being eligibly situated.
For terms apply on the premisee ro
ll'ar.axsatrao, September 9, 7P63
P. B.__The anbacriber will aleo Nell a fine aim year old
horse and family carriage, having of use for the same.
sep 10-tf B.
J Ageortment of New Looking Glum, just reeeived,
at W. KNOWIE'S Music Store, 93 Market street, where
they will be gold cheap. Call and examine. mrl3
tern get fine Note Paper, Evvelopea, Viol+log And
A highly Coneentrated Vegthiblt Extract.
A Disordered Liver, Stomach or
Thousands of oar citizen- are suffering from DYSPEP
SIA and LIVER DISBASES. and to whom the following
questions apply.—we guarantee
Dyspepsia and Liver Disease.
bo you rise with a coated tongue mornings. with bad
hate in the month and roar appetite for breakfast? Do
you feel when you drat get up so weak and languid you can
searcely get about? Do you have a dizziness in the head at
times, and Often a dallana, 'Nig' headache occasionally ?
Are your bowels costive and irtegular, and appetite change.
able ? Do you throw op wind from the stomach, and do
you swell np often ? Do you feel a fulness after eating,
and a sinking when the strmach is empty ? Do you have
heartburn occasionally ? 7:04 you feel low spirited, and
leak on the dark aide of things ? Are you net ittivanally
nervous at times ? Do you not become restless, and often
lay until midnight before you can go to sleep ? and then it
times, don't you feel dull and sleepy moat of the time?
Is your akin dry ano scaly ? also BaLow ? In short, is not
your life a burthen, full of forebcdinga!
Hoollanfrs German Bitters
Will cure every came of
Observe the following Symptoms resulting from
Disorders of the Digestive Organs :
Constipation, Inward Pint. Fulnea or Blood to the
Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust
for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sous
Eruc'ations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of tr-e Head, Hurried and
Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Sufrocating Sensations, when in
a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dota
or Webs before the Sight, Fever and
Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of
. Perspiration. Yellowness of the
Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side,
hack. Chen, Limbs, dr.c., hcc. '
Sudden Flushes of Heat.
Burning in the Flesh.
Constant Imaginings or
Bail, and great Ow
preasionaf Spirit&
There are many preparations 'sold under the name at
Bitters, put up in quart betties, Idompontteled of the MiB l / 4 15 , -
est whisky or common rum, ketibg from 20 to 40 conks
tier gallon, the taste disguised by Ahise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has 'Caused, and will continue tb
cause, as long as they 06 be sold, hundreds to die the
death of the drunkard_ lie their nee the system is kept
continually under the influence of Acohode Stimulants of
the worst kind, The desire for Licmor is created and kept
up, and the result is all the horrors attendait upon a
drunkard's life and death.
For those who denim and will have a Liquor Bitters, We
publish tbe following receipt : Oct One Bottle Hooficout's
German Balers and mix with 77gres Quans of good
Brandy or Ws i , ky, and the result wilt he a preparation
that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true exceilenee
any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and
wail cost much teas. You will hare all the virtues of
Hoojland's Bitters in connection with a good article of
Liquor. at a much less price than these inferior prepara
tions will cost you.
RooHand's German Bitters
Brisk and Energetic Feelings,
Those suffering
From Broken down and Delicate Constitution,
From whatever mule, either in
Thet will restore them to Their usual hen Lth. Such has
been the ease in thousands el instances, and a fair Mills'
but required to prove the assertion
wricr 3Et. ct- me .
The Proprietors have thousands of letters from the most
Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the bene
ficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters.
Brom Boy. J Newton Brown, D. D., Nditor of Bogy°
podia of Religions Knowledge.
Although not disposro to favor or recommend Pat
ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre
dients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons
why a man may not testify to the barman, he believer
himself to hare received from any simple preparation,
in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit
of others.
I do this more readily in regard to "Rootiand's Genius
Bitters," prepared by Dr. O. M. Jackson, of this city,
because I wag Prejudiced against them for years. ander
the impremelon that they were chiefly an alcoholic mu.
tore. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker,
Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper testa,
and for encouragement to try them when aufferingfrom
great and long continued debility. The use of three
bottles of these Bitters, at the begimti es , of the present
year, was followed by evident relief azd restoration to a
degree of bed: ry and mental vigor which I had net felt
for six months before, and had almost despaired of re
gaining. I therefore thank God and mj friend for di
teeing me to the use of them.
3. RRNP I rat hILOWN.
Philadelphia, Jane 23, 1861.
In Young or Aged, Male or Female,
Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health.
Those suffering from IifAItASMUS, wasting away, lath
scarcely any flesh on their bones, are eared in a very short
time; one bottle in such oases will have a most surprising
Having suffering children u above, and wishing to value
them. will never regret the day they commenced with
these Bitters.
And those working hard with their brains, should ai
ways keep a bottle of HOOPLAND'S BITTERS near
them, as they will find mach benefit from its use, to both
mind and body, invigorating and not depressing.
And leaves no prostration.
Attention, Soldiers!
We call the attention of all having relations or friends
in the =my to the fact that g.SOOFL MO'S Germanßit
ters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by ex
posures and privations incident to camp life, I x , tbe
published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival
of the sick, it will be noticed that a very furze proportion
are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can
be readily cured by Hootland's German Bitters. We have
no hesitation in stating that if these Bitters were freely
used among oar Radian_ hundreds of Hess might be Raved
that otherwise would be lost.
The proprietors are daily receirine thankful letters from
ufF , rera in the army and hospitals, who hav been restored
to health by the use of these Biturs, sent to them by. their
See that the Signature of C. M. Jackson
is on the WRAPPER of each Bottle.
OR HALF DOZEN for s4el 00
any of the intoxicating po-parations that
Should your nearest drusg.st not b ave the article, do not
Itil niece, but
es send to 11g, and we will
be ma p y u b t e o . l ff T 4 b e y ed
forward, securely packed, by exprs.
Principal Office and lianufactory,
No. 631 ARCH ST.
MC ..SA COS "17 N . es
(Succeosoza to C. M. JACKSON & C 0.,)
117 0
For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every townju
the United States mays