Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 05, 1863, Image 2

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tilt 1 ,!: ax 7 tut u MBA.
o. iwuumr & Co., PROPREITOIUS.
Onnlinegesttone .111 not be publidtidlin the Pillllo,
LID till Alt „unless scoompinigid WitiAtitOne; of th
mdimere . ,. - - •
• XOR 4101W1MOR,
07 maxamear comnrr.
DANIEL D. BOAS, of Harrisburg
J. WESLEY AWIh attrrisburg.
CMS. H. ZIEGLER, Reed township.
811111.11 1 1,
JOHN RAYMOND, Middletown.
T. A. HAMILTON, (3 years.) Harrisburg,
JACOB BUCK, (1 year,) Upper Paxton.
JAMES af. , IISING, Jefferson.
in. fa - ill) lIMBERGER, Lower Paxton.
JOHN BUCK, West Hanover.
JAMES N'CORNICK, Jr., Harrisburg.
BarIXPORTANZ NOTICE.—Many of the news
papers in the interior of the State are printing
the name of our candidate for Supreme Judge,
"Walter B." instead of Walter: H. Lowrie,
which is the proper way. This mistake, espe
cially if "carried out in the printing of tickets,
may be the means of depriving ns on the count
of thousands of votes. Let editors and printers
at once look to this, and print the name here
The enema County Committees of Superintendence
are requested to manummicate the names and post office
address of their members to the Chairman of the State
Central Committee.
:40 ('l'd U;CO Mill 44
Rooms 144 S. Sixth Street, Stimuli Story.
C4airmax—Hon. CRADLES I. BIDDLE.
Secretary--JAMES F. BEENE, Esq.
The (ISMS "Mt iTt attemteuce daily at the Committee
Tuesday, October 6.
Indiana, Indiana county. [To be addressed by Hon. W.
H. Witte, Er-Governor Bigler, Hon. Hiester Cly
mer, Hon_ John L. Dawson, R. L. Johnston, Esq.,
Hon. H. B. Foster, and other Oinliient Speakers.]
Dry Rion, Franklin county.
Sunbury, Northumberland county . [To be addressed
by Hon. Richard Vaux, Hon. Anson V. Parsons,
Hon. Charles Ingersoll of Phil' i Franklin Cowen,
of Pottsville; Hon. Wm. H. Miller, of Harrisburg,
and Joe. 0. Bucher. of Lewisburg.]
Greensburg, Westmoreland county. ITo be addressed
by Ex-Goy. Bigler, Hon. H. D. Foster and others.]
Banton, Clarion county.
Thursday. October Ss
Carlisle, Cumberland county. IA grand rally, to be ad
dressed by Bx.-Governor Wm. Bigler, Hon. Wm. A.
Porter, Hon. Chas. W. Carrigan, Hon. W. H. Witte,
Hon. Jeremiah 8. Black, Gee. Northrop, lag., Han.
A. V. Parsons.
Downingtown, Cheater county. [To be addressed by
Hon. John L. Bowdon, Hon. Theater Clymer, (I. W.
Biddle, Bag., and 0. 111. Wharton, Esq.]
Doylestown, Basks county. [To be addressed by Hon.
Chas. W. Carrigan.]
Kittanning, Armstrong county. [To be addressed by
ix-Goy. Bigler, Hon. Charles Ingersoll and T. J.
Powell's, Bedford county.
Roxbury, Franklin county.
Morgan's Corner, Cheater county.
Stractonville, Clarion county.
New Columbus, Loserne county. [To be addressed by
Gen. Stnnievant Steady Woodward and R. B. Chase,
Letters from the Army.
We have OU fto tWO very interesting Utters
from the Army of the Potodac, which we will
publish to-morrow. Every soldier of that
army now at home on furlough should read
these letters from fellow soldiers. One is from
the Fifth Reserve, the other from the 140th—
Both are genuine and from tried soldiers.
BIGHAM, of the Pittsburg Commercial, the
Curtin organ, exclaims:
" for true education and enlightenment.
Freemen cannot be formed without."
Very true. It is for lack of that "true edu
cation and enlightenment" that Bight= him
self is a bigot and a Blare.
Another Draft
It seems to be conceded by the Abolition
press that another draft, for $600,000 men, is .
contemplated by the administration. The N.
Y. Tribune intimates that the rumor is "prema
ture," but does not deny that it is well found
ed. This contemplated draft, if enforced, and
the men actually taken, will exhaust the entire
North of fighting inenattch we mean as would
pass examination by a surgeon. It will pro
bably be attempted soon after the termination
of the fall elections--say the latter part of
November. The able-bodied men of the coun
try may as well prepare themselves to march.
Arrested for Disloyalty.
Five persons were arrested in Baltimore on
Friday last, charged with disloyalty to the
Government. The evidence proved that the
parties went into a public house, called for
liquor, and drank the following toast : " Damn
the goose that groomed the quill that made the
pen that - wrote the Proclamation of Emancipa
tion." The only thing objectionable in the toast
as we look at it, aside from its profanity and
bad gram i d a,r, is the abuse of the wrong goose.
If the party would curse, they should have
cursed the geese that handled instead of the
one that grew the quill.
.12king aside, is it not dhigracefnl that Fed
eral officers should arrest citizens on serious
eharges for causes so- trivel ? Every day w e
read of just such arrests as the above ; and yet,
in lilts proclamation, published to-day, the
President enumerates, among other things for
which we ought to be thankful, " a large in
creaie Of 11/3111D'OX !" An " increase," we un
dertake to says which none can see except the
privileged plunderers of the nation, who, we
confess, do enjoy a very enlarged "freedom"
in their line.
The Signs Propitious.
We were never better satisfied than we are
I)it this moment of the sound politicalandition
Of the State—never more confident oN Demo-
Oratic triumph ,at , .
_, , Tru e h
crash after cr : o bo :..: , un ,bu
is like theatr nd , ' ufa red
the occ es . , 4
, ' Sr X
more. The Democratic party, we know, is not
composed of material to be frightened by the
rattling of sheet-iron, and the bellowing of the
Aliolitioiiiitii is pea than that. Tlig
may calculate, as the Chinese liraves do, to win
the battle by noise, by the furious beating of
gongs, but like the . Chinese, they will find, in
the end, that something more than noise, more
than brag and bluster, is necessary to achieve
. .a victory over foes who are tie, cowards. In
the great cities—those duke of iniquity where
corruption, has full play andmoney is omnipo.
.tent—the "unquestioning" helots of Lincoln
and Curtin talk with great confidence, swag
ger and swear and bet their money on the
election, with all the recklessness of thieves
who know that there is more'where that came
from, and to be obtained as that was. There
—in such places—the great cities, where con
tractors, and jobbers, and money brokers, and
all kinds of Government spies, thieves and as
sassins "most do congregate"—these is where
the thunder is heard—there is where Aboli
tionism spreads itself, blows its trumpet, shouts
aloud its fended triumph—vociferates, howls
and storms.
But that is all—there, where the tempest is
raised and rages, there will it subside, without
uprooting a tree or quivering a single leaf or
blade of grass outside the brick and mortar
which mark its boundaries.
°aside the walls of these great hives of men
all is right and safe. The rural districts are
uncorrupted and incorruptible. There Democ
racy is strong, active, untiring and confident:
The voice that reaches us from the towns and
hamlets, from the hills and valleys, from the
abodes of innocence, of virtue and intelligence,
is a voice of encouragement—it comes from
the heart and it reaches the heart—it is a voice
of gladness and of cheer. Upon that we rely,
and feel that we shall not be disappoined.
The people of the country have scanned the
measures of Lincoln and Curtin, and they-con
demn them. They have suffered much already
—they know that, without a change, they will
suffer more. They feel that their liberties
have been greatly circumscribed, and are in
danger of being entirely subverted; they feel
the oppression of political peraecution and
taxation, and they are determined to throw it
off by defeating at the polls those who have
brought it upon them, and electing wise, expe
rienced, honest and safe men, who will, as
soon as possible, restore the old order of
Such is the popular feeling and the popular
determination throughout the State, and know
ing this, we feel that there is yet hope for the
country. Outside the cities and large towns
the strength of the Democratic party is in
creasing daily. Moderate, reflecting men of
the Republican party are leaving it by thou
sands and flocking to the flag of Demociraey
and Union. They see that there is no other
way of saving the nation from destruction, of
terminating this bloody war and its burdens—
no other way of preserving the Oonstitutiofl
ittid republican government—and they have
pat their shoulders to the wheel and will not
eaase until they have accomplished the object
they desire. The election will be carried by
votes, not noise. Our time to crow will be
when the result is announced—when it is ►ro
claimed that Woodward and Lowrie are elected.
That will be our day of rejoicing—and then
we will shout, not before.
A Base au4 Silly Charge.
"Judge Woodward, by assuming the rebel
debt, would more than double our present
Bo says the Pittsburg Commercial, Andrew
G. Ourtin's western organ ; so say all the Abo
lition papers in the State i taking their one
from the Commercial.
The sentence we have quoted is intended as
a direct oharge that Judge Woodward, if oleo ,
ted, will "assume the rebel debt."
A more silly charge could not be made. In
the fleet place, if we admit that Judge Woed=
ward could and would "assume the rebel debt,"
it is not true that it "would more than double
our present taxes," for, from all the official or
other information that the Commercial or we
have, the rebel debt is not by one thousand
millions as large as the Federal debt, and there
fore if it were assumed by Judge Woodward, or
by the Federal Government, or by the loyal
States, it would not "more than double" or
Oven double uour present taxes."
Giving them, then, the benefit of their charge
against Judge Woodward, and their conclusion
is false_
But the charge itself is false—and not only
false—it is silly. It shows plainly on their
part either a great lack of knowledge ? or a
recklessness of truth.
In the first place neither Judge Woodward
nor any of his friends have ever said a word
or written a line upon which took c el UV
Could for a moment be sustained.
In second place Judge Woodward could not
as Governor, even if he were inclined to do so,
"assume the rebel debt."
Neither the Constitution nor the laws of
Pennsylvania invest the Governor with such
authority. He cannot contract- or assume a
debt for the State—and certainly no one will
pretend to say that, under the Federal Consti
tution, he is clothed with power to assume a
debt for the nation.
The charge is, therefore, baseless—and if it
only reached intelligent men, might be passed
over as simply absurd. But it has Mai a
wide range ; it has circulated throughout the
State ; and as the intention of its originator
and propogators was, evidently, to deceive and
impose upon the comparatively ignorant, we
can Made it in no other light than as a base
and flagitious invention, such as honorable
men would scorn to use.
Neither Judge Woodward nor the party with
whom he is politically associated have any idea
of ever " assuming the rebel debt," nor have
they ever given the Abolition press or party
the slightest reason to charge them with such
a design.
'They could not do it if they would, nor
would they do it if they amid.
Thus we nail another Abolition calumny to
the counter.
• . •
B r„T
TTL • •
. CHI AIIGA-0 r °° VA , p
AT 1 • I ° MY'S LOSS #
„ FP rte= DIT ETC.
3.—The Voinfnlictful li
advices from Chattanooga WI; Is t sp,„.
The estimate at headquarters onfir Mite
battle of. Chickamauga creek is as follows :
Killed, 1,800; wounded, 9,600 ; taken prison
ierat,24o44,444 1 4 ..5,A4.0 2 9...it, W.4 B 4 4 I !APPV,
ion that if the right wing of our army naa held
its own, the; tesult:would have been deolded
Unionitietary.s, TM sheeess of Gen. Thomas,
oi the left was very mach &este*. thekihas
been represented in any published account of
the great battle.' General Thomas routed
Longstreet!s rebel corps, and was in a condi
tion to pursue the enemy, had "u'orbeen for
the disorganization of our right wing. No
surprise was felt by our army officers at the,
rebels not resuming, the
,sittack. The less of
the enemy is believed to be 20,000. Our army
is in superb fighting tr im .; compact in organ
ization; well supplied wits provisions; bas
plenty of ammunition, and is full of confi
SAN FRANCISCO, October 13.—Money is in
fair demand at easy rates. The receipts of
treasure, since the departure of the last steam
er for Panama, amount to two millions of dol
lars Atlantic, currency. Exchange is at. the
rate of 83®86 per cent. premium on gold, in
New York; legal tender notes sell at 724g73 ;
most of the leading mining stocks have de
clined during the hot ten days. The British
steamer Sutly, and the Spanish steamer Reso
lution, are in port. The balance of the Span
ish fleet and the entire Russian Pacific fleet
are expected to arrive here shortly. The tes
timony taken, thus far, in the case of the pri
vateers.captured with the schooner Chapman,
shows conclusively that they were provided
with letters of marque, signed by Jeff Davis.
NEW Yosx, October B.—The British steamer
William Penn, with a cargo of a thousand
bales of cotton, has arrived there as a prize,
and with New Orleans dates of the 25th ult.—
Several seizures of rebel property in New
Orleans have been made by the United States
marshal there.
E. H. Durell has been appointed as tempo
rary mayor for New Orleans.
Regular mail communication between New
Orleans and Baton Rouge will soon be re-es
The steamer George Washington, from New
Orleans on the 26th ult., arrived at this port
this afternoon. The newspapers received by
har contain nothing relative to the army move
The steam dig Leviathan was captured at
her wharf, at Southwest Pass, by a gang of
rebels. She was provided with_ a document
from Mr. Mallory, the rebel Secretary of the
Navy, by 'which her officers and crew were not
entitled to any, pay for their services, but were
to subsist themselves as beet they could, and
find their reward in plodder. Soon after the
Leviathen had started off with the gleeful
rebels, Lieut. Herrick, in the steamer Crescent,
started in pursuit of her, and being joined by
the gunboat De Soto, they succeeded in re
taking her, and capturing the pirates, after a
few hours chase.
The reported capture of the steamer Cal
houn, by the rebels, is untrue on the contra
ry, she had destroyed a rebel steamer near
Pascagoula, and captured another, besides
severely punishing the rebel battery at Grant's
The following Proclamation has just been
By the President of the United States of
America t—A Proclamation.
The year that is drawihg towards its close has
been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields
and healthful skies. To these bounties, which
are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to
forget the source from which they come, others
have been added, which are of such an extra
ordinary nature that they cannot fail to pene
trate and soften the heart which is habitually
insensible to the ever watchful providence of
Almighty God.
In the midst of a civil war of unequaled
magnitude and severity, which has sometimes
reamed to provoke the aggression of foreign
states, petiAllt Ilea been preserved with all na
tions—order. has been maintained—the laws
have been respected and obeyed, and harmony
has prevailed everywhere, except in the theatre
of our military conflict, while that theatre has
been greatly contracted by the advancing
armies and navies of the Union.
Needful diversions of wealth and of strength
from the fields of peaceful industry to the na
tional defence, have not arrested the plough,
the shuttle, or the ship. The as has enlarged
the borders of our settlements, and the mines
are full of iron and coal and of the precious
metals, and have yielded even more abundant
ly than t eretofore.
Population has steadily increased, notwith
standing tho waste that has been made in the
camp, the siege and the battle field, and the
country, rejoicing in the consciousness of aug
mented strength and Vigor, is permitted to ex
pect a continuance of years, with a large in
crease of freedom. •
No human council bath devised, nor hath
any mortal hand worked out gee4t. things.
They are the gracious gifts of the Most High
God, who, while dealing with ns in anger for
our sins, has nevertheless remembered ens• in
mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper
that they should be solemnly, reverently, and
gratefully acknowledged, by the whole Ameri
can people.
I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens in
every part of the United States, and also those
who are at sea, acid those who are sojouring in
foreign countries, to set apart and observe the
last Thursday of November next, as a day of
thanksgiving, and prayer and praise to out
beneficent Father, who dwelleth in the
Heavens- , —and I recommend that, while offer
ing up the ascriptions justly due to Him for
such singular deliverances and blessings, they
do also, with humble penitence for our per
verseness and disobedience, commend to His
tender care, all those who have become widows,
orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamenta
ble civil strife in which we are unavoidably en
gaged, end fervently implore the interposition
of the Almighty hand to heal the wound of the
nation, and to restore it, as soon as may be
consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full
enjoyment of peace and harmony, tranquility
and union.
la testimony whereof, I have hereunto get my
hand and caused the Seal of the United States
to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 3rd day
of October, ia the year of our Lord 1863, and
of the Independence of the United States the
eighty-eighth. ' .
By the President : Annan - Am LINCOLN.
'Win. 11. Seward, Secretary of State.
New YoRK, October S.—Mexican dates, of
the 12th ultimo, confirm the fact that Doblado
has been placed at the hea4 of the Juarez cab
inet. He proposes that the following plan be
adopted :, To confine the war to the mountains;
to gather the men of an parties together, and
form a national party; and to agree to such an
intervention in Mexican affairs as proposed in
the, of London, adding, also, the United
B tii i_ ~.clW, . ;!tt disavow all political acts now
done in ilyikieo.'4 Chiapes has given its adhe
=eft*. to thOreneh.
lifitatigoloid been attaelted by four hun aid
Mealean Intsiventionists, li c ho were , repulsed.
GA* Uraga'is Minister" '
pf Ws X ''N#es
l of theVesteltinex, -under Jug*. '':' l . 7 *.fl Ti...
Ingeolsahu.', ce of the Aeheri Nit
1 11 elicit ~ .. Aug acnerAtig an e Ilar
1 4 .0 - ',,-- ` ..penent of Yitarez, h it a s b%en
---- ' ''':t - '`'? he American Government, and
Minister Corwin is instructed to put another
person in hitplace.. , , .;
A rumor was ptewalent that Minfst‘r Cor-
WA SidWeitleirfersibiliiifeirt, tat' thilletio sit
papers do -310- make spy allusion to ren a
. • •
FORTRESS MONROE, Oct. 3.—The 'United
Stater' steamer Massachusetts arrived here to
day. She left Charleston bar on Wednesday
evening last, and makes the following report :
Our works 14srldOrrie Island are progressing
rapidly. TO rebel batteries keep constantly
shelling oui'workinen, brit as yet there are few
casualties. Gen. Gihriore occasionally shells
Forte Sumpter and Johnson. Oar Monitors
keep Fort Moultr*quiet. •
BOSTON, 00i. 8.--COUNtedelt, AM) on the
Pooosett bank of Pal River are:in- circulation
here—look out for therm
Major General Hartanff is in town on a btief
visit to his friends in this city.
Dr. J. BrOyu, of Liberty, Mies., has been
arrested on the charge of fraudulently aiding
conscript 3 to procure exemptions.
The Russian Admiral has accepted of, the
invitation tendered him to visit Boston.
CINCINNATI, Oot. 2.-Nothing further has
been yet received from 80/serene or Burnside.
The St. Louis Republican denies that either
Sherman's corps or Smith's division had gone
to Chattanooga.
The Department of Kansas will be command.
ed by General M'Neil. Gen. Curtis declined
the honor of succeeding Blunt, who, report
says, is under arrest.
Sterling Price hae been commissioned lieu
tenant general, and has supreme command in
the tram-Mississippi Department, in which the
rebels claim to have 50,000 troops.'
Gen. Grant issued orders, on the 22d ultimo,
regulating the cotton trade, the effect of which
will be to drive all speculators out of his de
partment south of. Helena.
Lotrisvms, By., Oct. 2.--A Chattanooga
dispatch, dated the 20th ult., delayed until
this afternoon, gives us the following intelli
gence :
General Whittaker received a severe flesh
wound in the engagement of the 20th ofBep
tamber, but is still able to command his bri
gade. His loss was heavy, being about ninety
five killed, wounded and missing. All Ais staff
officers, except one, were killed. or wounded.
Whilst the brigade consisted of the 96th and
115th Illinois regiments, the 2d Michigan and
the 88th Ohio were temporarily added, aggre
gating about two hundred and eighty men,
who fought with terrifio energy and effect,
and from one o'clock in the afternoon until
night, when, aided by a second brigade of Gen.
Sherman's division, Colonel Mitchell, com
manding, the rebels were driven back with
great slaughter. Lieut. Col. S. Clark, of the
96th Illinois, and Lieut. Col. Kinsman, of the
115th Illinois, were killed.
Colonel Lenore, of General Stedman's divi
sion, Granger's corps, who made the attack
on the enemy's right wing on the 20th is sup
posed to be killed. Colonel Cambern is woun
THE SiTllA.T.tati.
tinder this head New York Herald, of
Saturday, has the' folloWing
There is nothing new to report from the army
of General Rosecrans. Affairs in Gen. Meade's
region are perfectly quiescent. Frinn:Gharles
ton we have received later intelligence than
that already published. 'There, appears thus
to be a complete lUll in:the nevi ,from these
points for the past twed4-four hours.
The Union steam corvii* Keareage, sent in
search of the rebel priiikteer Florida, had ar
rived at Brest. She ormis'ed' from Maderia, in
company with another Union ; vessel, which re
mained at Lisbon. La Eranee states that the
Florida was do leave Brest eom , -
pletely„repairild,'And proceed immediately, to
pleet the second 'Union corvette at Lisbon, and
attack her before she can be jeined by the one
at Brest. -It further states that the, , Keareage
will be treated at Brest like the Florida, both
vends - enjoying the same rights.
We have advices from the West Indies, dated
at Nassau. N. P. on the 26th of September.—
The trade from the rebel ports was still very
brisk. Ten steamers arrived at Nalsdan with
cargoes since the date of our last report. It
is worthy of note that one of these vessels left
Charleston eleven days after the surrender , of
Forte Gregg and Wagner—results which it was
supposed had completely sealed the harbor of
the rebel city against any contraband egress.
We have information that many Anglo-rebel
steamers are in the port of Wilmington § N. C.,
awaiting an opportunity to run gut. Although
several have lately been captured, still there
is but little diminution in the contrablnd trade
to that port.
• El FLOODED AND N E , , •
BALTIMORE, Oct. has boon raining
very heavily here all the afternoon. The streets
are completely flooded, so much so in some
places as to wash the passenger oars off the
The bridge on the Washington railroad, at
Laurel and Hanover, is washed away, and the
trains are detained In consequence. The eve
ning train is not in yet.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2—The United ,States
District Court for Eastern. Virginia will open
at Alexandria, for the first time since the re
bellion commenced, on Monday next. Its
principal business will be the adjudication of
many eases under the confiscation net, as a
preliminary to the sale of rebel estates. The
published statement that such property is to be
sold4on the above=mentioned•day is, therefore,
CAPE RACE, Oct. 2 —The steamship Saxonia,
from Southampton at 8 p. m., on the 28d inst.,
arrived off this port at noon to day.
The LOWS by the Saxonia is highly interest
The steamships Jura and City of Baltimore,
from New York, had arrived out.
The London Times says that the fate of
Charleston is only a question of time ; that its
fate, is virtually decided.
The § l imea also says that Mr.,;Mason sent to
Earl Russell on Monday a Aotification that h e
(Mason) had been instructed to withdraw from
England. Mr. Mason proceeds to Paris.
On the Bth of October the Emperor Napoleon
will receive the Mee= deputation on its re
turn from Trieste.
The Memorial Diplomatique says that England
has entered into an engagement to acknow
ledge the preoent 141exioan Government, as
soon as the Archduke Maximilian announces
to the deputation his final acceptance of the
throne of Mexico_ England and Prance will
then immediately accredit official representa
tives. England has promised to favor every
means for the realization of the loan necessary
to place Mexico into a position to far her en
gagemepti abroad.
~- La Fiaii:te sat* that It the three Powers
mike a common cothmuifleation to Russia, it
wi:be itiha d , , nit character4o an '‘ordi
-0 nosW a ainAiplonistle liiinguage, "re-
''' k
C ive &wither name."
The Paris Journal considers the insertion in
the _Monitor of the "Polish Menforandum" as
tantamount to the moral recognition of Poland
as a belligerent.
'"Thlrittisidarr - Eibtiertir:' ift 4 a" - *Peach,' had
promised reforms, and 0/Aoudad privileges to
Eleven Russian iron-plated gunboats, with
the tur rets „ .will be completed by sprin&-
TheW‘alians weridifiated by tikrteles on
the 2.1 0 4 8eptengliir;t onti
L t '44 da t
Magorie;' .n the 12th.
The Rnssians had massacred a great many
of the inhabitants of Lutotnierz, orktk had plun
dered several Polish hoiries in Warsaw.
Nsw 'YORK, Oct. 2.—The steamship Corsica,
from Havana, via Nassau, has arrived here.
• From Havana we learn that the rebellion in
St. Domingo is not suppressed. Spanish troops
were marching on Le Vego, where the rebels
were strongly fortified. Additional soldiers
were also being sent from various pans of
Cuba to assist in quelling the rebellion. Vari
ous skirmishes had taken place, in which it
was reported the rebels had been defeated.
The English steamer Union, a suspicious
looking, craft, had arrived at Havana. It was
reported that she was from St. John, N. 8., via
Nothing had been heard of the missing
Spanish steamer. Mexico, but it was hoped, as
she had three boats, that her passengers had
been pioke(l up by some passing vessel.
The news from Nassau, by the Corsica, is
TZIN NTITATIO norm: 014TTAxooas.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.—The Republican of to
night says that official dispatches of the let
inst., received to-day, represent the military
situation before Chattanooga to be as satisfac
tory as the Most hopeful could wish. Bragg
makes no advance, and does not dare do it.—
The statement in rebel papers that Gen. Burn
slde 'has retreated from .onesboro, East Ten
nessee, to Knoxville is got true.,
The most violent rain storm of the season
came upon Washington this afternoon, and is
still prevailing. Laurel Bridge, on the Balti
more and . Ohio railroad, was, as usual, washed
awity, and we are without the New York mails
or newspapers to-night. This is thought by
naval officers to be the regular October hurri
cane at Charleston, which will subject our
iron•clade to the severest test of seaworthiness
yet applied to them.
The Secretary of the Treasury has just per
fected regulations making National Banks de
positories of public moneys and financial
agents of the Government, and circular in
structions will at once be issued to all National
Banks, of which exactly one hundred have al
ready deposited bonds.
Col. Baker and his mounted rangers have
been scouting the country after guerillas.—
They last night succeeded in capturing Lieut.
Augustine, of Mooeby's band, and about forty
citizens and guerrillas beyond Vienna, who
were sent in and lodged in the Old Capitol.
Yesterday • 140 horses were sent in under
guard from the front. At night, when
within three miles of Alexandria, they hal
ted, and a portion of the escort went into
town. The guerrillas, who bad evidently been
watching their movements, slipped in, took all
the horses, and made good their escape. A
force was gent after them, who have not yet
It is now hoped that the issue of fractional
currency to replace the postal currency will
commence in ten days or a fortnight. The ut
moatefforts are making to expedite matters,
the work of preparation proceeding night and
day. BetWeien 40 and 50 hydraulic presses are
put up,, butimly a few,are as yet in, use. It is
expecteittbat when he arrangements are per
fected the amount prodneed daily will not be
far froti $15,000. The vignette of the face of
the new currency is the same in design for all
denominations. it repeesents a medallion head
. of Weehingten in It faint Metall(' ring ; behind
it extends - a landscape in which the steamboat,
locomotive, &c., are introduced. Each denomi
nation is printed in a differenr oolor.
are wood color , tens green , twenty fives purple
and fifties bright carmine. In general appear
ance the new currency is edecided improve
ment on the old.
Here is a genuine soldier's letter, written to
tir. Henry Shaffer, of Sinnemahoning. It
bears the writer's signature, which shows that
he is not ashamed or afraid to speak the truth.
This. Radice went into the service at the begin.
ning of the war a zealous Republican. He has
seen enough to convince him that his political
sentimentsewere wrong, and he has the hon
esty and nerve to renpunce them. Ohe such
letter is worth whole wagon loads of the
"manufactured to order" trash published in
the Abolition papers. He writes :
"Brother Shaffer, exhort every Democrat to
go to the polls this fall and do his duty WITH
A WILL; for on the exertions of the Democracy
depends the fate of our government. Al though
we do nbt elect a President this fall, yet we
elect a Governor, who may hold old Ann and
his Cabinet in check until we can get a Demo
cratic President re-instated. Then we may
hope that the Government will be resuscitated;
and the old Constitution will again be the su
preme law of the land. May God bless the
Democrats, and give them good success, and
may, Ahey yet succeed, in saving the govern
ment, is a sincere prayer of a soldier.
"SMITH Bnzlie.”
Noble words fitly spoken !
LET it be retnembertd that after two years'
trial the great result attained by our Abolition
rulers is wltneseed in the fact that they offer
handcuffs to white men and .shouldier straps to
negroes. Let freemen remember this fact when
tNly , are permitted to vote.—Exchave.
THERE are a good many objections to be
made to the re-election of Andy Curtin, but
the people seem to have made up their minds
that the greatest of all objections to him is
this—he ain't honest.
THE tafest “Government in the world, says
an exchange, is the one that rides from the
White House to the Soldier's Home, under "a
military escort I"
"GIVE trs A CHANGE."—This is the cry of
the people. Yes, give us a change of rutsrs.
God knows things can't go any worse. Any
change must be far the better.
FATHER Asa Attars has made the • Chicago
platform his Bible and the nigger hie God. He
has violated every principle of the Constitu
THE fl loyal" men in the revolution were
toriee. Those who want to be so extremely
" loyal " now; ain't much btter.
Pulmonary Consumption a Curable DiSCHSC::
The undersigned having been restored to health in a.
few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered several years with P. severe lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the MONS Of cure,
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre
scription need, (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
ours cure for Cosaumveme, leeux.t, BuofienteLe,
COUGHS, COLDS, &o. The only object of the edvertbser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted,
and spread informitlon which he cow-elves to be inval
uable; and be hopes every suffaer will try his remedy,
as it will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing tre prescription will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsbnrgh
Kings county,
sep 25-3mdAw
By ordering Calomel and deetrnetive minerals from the
supply tables, has conferred a blessing on our sick sol
diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the die_
continuanceof "Bleeding," and the use of BRAND
MTH'S PILLS in the place thereof, Then will
commence a "new era" in the practice of Medicine,
whichorould then become emphatically
I have for thirty yeari taught that no diseaged ac-
tion cenld be cured by mercury or tartar emetic. That
the human body could only be 6 4 made whole , ' by "veg.
etable I'm:kV—Anhui food tieing, in fact, cadenced
vegetables. BEANDBETH'S PILLS should be iu
every Military Hospital. These Pills cure Bniors
DYSENTERY, and an fevers and Affections of the
Bowel; cooner and mire surely than any medicine in
the world. BRANDRETII'S PILLS in thee. melt
should be taken night and morning. Read directions
and get new etre,
Dr. B. Brandrtth, Neva York:
Brit : I was a private in Co. 7, 17th Regiment, New
York Vols. While at Harrison's Landing and on the
Rappahannock near Falmouth,' and many of the Com
pany were siek with bilious Matrixes. The Army Bur
geon did not cure us, and I was reduced to skin and
bone. Among the Company were quite a number of
members who had worked in your Laboratory at Sing
Sing. They were noesick, because they used Brand
reth's Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others
to use the Pills, and we were all cured in from two to
five days. After this our boys used Brandreth's Pills
for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and in no case
did they fall to restore health•
Out of gratitude to you for my good health, I send
you this letter, which, if necessary, the entire Com
pany would sign.
I am, respectfully, yours,
ROSCOS X_ WATSON. fling Sing, N. Y.
Principal office, 294 Canal street, New York.
For sale in Harrisburg by GEO. H. BELL.
Er Itor of the Patriot and Union
DEAR Sia:—With your permission I wish to say to.
the readers of your paper that I will send, by return
mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with full di
rections for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm,
that will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples,
Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the
Skin, leaving the same colt, clear, smooth and beauti
I will also mail free to those having. Bald Heads, or
Bare Faces, simple directions and information that wit
enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant hair,
Whiskers, or a Moustache, in lose than thirty days.
All applications answered by return mail and without
Respectfully yours,
k'. CILAPMAN, Chemist,
831 Brodway, New York
sep ;(1-wBm
A GENTLEMAN, tuna of Nervous
Debility,lr competency, Premature Decay and Youthful
Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be.
happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge) the
reale; and dliediens for making the simple Remedy
need in his case. Those wishing to profit by his expe2
rience—end possess a valuable Remedy—will receive
the same, by kaftan mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad
dressing: 30 1N D. OGDEN..
Aug 14-Bmd&w No. 60. NE138114 street. N. Y
A Friend in Need. Try it.
pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connec
ticat t the great bone setter, and has been need in his
practice for the butt twenty years with the moat aston
ishing success. As an extetni4 remedy it is without a
rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any
other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous
Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for
Sores,Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &a., its soothing, heal
ing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the
jest wonder sad astonishment of all who have ever
given it a trial. Over four hundred certificates of re
markable cures, performed by it within the last two
years, *Abaft this fact.
See advertisement. aplleow-d&w
New Muertisements.
LMlS:aa=LUA; i li=Mll==
This FAMILY RESORT will oven nightly for the
season, on Monday,. October 6th, 1863.
The world-renowned Ambidextrous Prestidigitator,
witi appear and perform his great Changes, T,ansfor
mationa, Secret Manipulations, Ocular Deceptions, /to.,
assisted by
The charming Actress and Dansues
The only Negro Deliniator west of New York City,
D. A. De SURD ELL 10,
The eelehrated Vocalist, Comedian and general per
former—assisted by many others unequalled in their
Good order will be enforced. No improper persons
almitted. No liquor sold about the place. Front
seats reserved especially for the ladies.
ADMISSION - - - - 15. !lb', &dl cts.
Sole Lessee and Proprietor.
18111P—The Pa tnership heretofore existing un
dor the name of Nichols do Bowman, was this day dis
solved by mntnal consent. All persons indebted to ther
late firm are'requested to call at our late place of busi
ness and settle their bills
Hetrisbuy& Sept_ QS, I£B2--eet
C A R D.
The undersigned respectfully announces to the citi
zens of Harrisburg end vicinity that he has this day
purchased the stock and fixtures of the late firm of
Nichols & B01 , 1118.1:1, and will continue the wholesale
ant retail Grocery Business at the old stand. corner of
Front and Market street. He wiil open next week a
new collation of choice Groceries, in addition TO his
present large and well asstsrted stook sell is re
spectfully elicited, ADAM KELLER, JR.
Harrisburg, Sept, 2t. 1563--oet 5-3 t,
aOR SALE.—A pair of splendid three
year old MULES, and a good iwc-horse carriage,
suitable for Livery or Family.
oct 5-d2, Fort Murder.
One small CARD PRESS.
for cards, circulars, &e.
CHINE PRESS, suitable for jobs and newspaper work.
A stout boy can run off 1,000 copies per hour,
All the Dresses are in good order, and will be sold
low. Apply to T TEO 80ILEFFER,
out 1
No. IS, Market St., Harrisburg.
• V ING I , IIB.POSES.—A very superior article, (strictly
pure . ,) just received and for sale by
sciyl WM_ DOOR. sr.. & co.
vv ORADES, and at reasonable prices, for sale by
WM. DOCK, Ja., tic CO.
New York
The Pretty Songstress