RATES OF ADVERTISING. Four lines or less eonstitate half a square. light lines .or more than four, constitute a square. sq., one day...—. $0 80 One sq.. one day..— 80 00 oneweek. 120 •• ogle week.... *OO one month.. 800 " ens month.. 800 threemontha 800 cc three menthe 10 00 six months.. 800 cc Mx months.. 15 00 c one year.—.l2 00 " one year 20 00 Mr Business notices inserted in the 140 AL COLUMN, nr before marriages and deaths, Ms eINTS mot man for men sesontion. ie merchants and otters olsirellsinig year, ADSIIII MOMS 'lna DO offered. J. n. ~..user of insertions most be designated on e astrevasowenc. 1.,?" Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at the same rates as regular adserthomenta. Vatrint & 141 in. FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 2, 1863. SUBSTANCE OE THE SPEECH DZLIVERED BY HON. 'HENRY CLAY DEAN, OF lOWA, IN THN COURT HOUSE, Ili HARRISBURG, September 26. 1863. Fatow Countrymen; I cannot conceal my gratitude or subdue the emotions of pride which mingle in my bosom, aroused by the presence of the plain honest people, who, in the midst of terror, dare vindicate their rights, their honor and their manhood in the ancient capital of this illustrious commonwealth. Pennsylvanians have a just right to maintain the very loftiest attitudes of self-respect. It is justified by your origin, history, resources, prosperity at home, and character abroad.— Among your records I observe two remarkable papers, archives of which Rome might have been proud in the days of her uneclipsed glory, and which the good people of this sovereign State must preserve imperishable from the ravages of flood or fire, of stealthy ineendia rim, or invading armies. The one was the original chart granted to William Penn under the sign mannel of Charles II which established the metes and boundaries of the colony of Pennsylvania...a title to sov ereignty which no revolution convention or earthly power has ever dared to mutilate, change or destroy. I beseech you, preserve the evidence of your colonial independence and integrity as a social and political power older than the Federal Government, older than any compact of States, and by virtue of which Pennsylvania voluntarily, 88 8 free State, eon= tributes to the strength, and gives permanent character to the American Union more than could ten thousand desolated, subjugated, dis affected colonies, provinces or States. The other was an address to Philip, the In dian chief-emperor of Canada,by William Penn, assuring him that his friendly people came to make war upon no one, and foxed war from no one, relying for peace upon the justice of their conduct and the integrity of their pur pose. So eminently did William Penn hold in veneration these principles that when he found the land granted to him in the charter pre-oc cupied by the aborigines, he paid them for their evanescent title that they might live to gether in peace. These were the enduring foundations of peace and justice established coeval with your history. which have marked your progress and assured your prosperity. Though never ambition!! 9f power, nor yet impatient of submission to law, Pennsylvania has contributed her fall share to the nations substantial history, , wealth. power and glory. And what she has hitherto been in premien. she is now in feet, the Keystone of the totter ing arch of the - Union. Such has been her po sition in the history of the Union when the Union was proud of her history and history was proud of the nation. , f ,,etionat MITAIEJ ful. Esehanceesaive period has been crowded with events which startled the public mind of of the world. Brilliant achievements in ,war were succeeded by new acquisitions in terri tory and improved by marvelous developments of woalth,and enriched by astonishing triumphs of science, until the vast wilderness embraced betweeri the two oceans of the globe, iiss One great garden adorned by the habitatioi Of civilized men. The history of our territorial acquisitions would fill the' pages of and carefully prepared volume of geography. The success of our arms and the glory of our battle-fields preserved in sculpture, history, painting and song, is a science of itself. Our discoveries in science andinaprovementein forms a distinct cabinet in the univenitynf knowledge. We gave to agricultuse ant ploughs to till the ground, and new Rya* 4o' reap the harvest. For marmite: Miners we -cons 'Amsted new forges and subdued thaelementa, and made them serve 11$148 beasts of burden.-- Our meant:lin took obsrne of the Woliteitopi Or Europe. Our inventors became the intdruidnge of the chambers of edam in She most re nowned universities of the old world. Our 8008 led armies in China,,enntrelled railroads in Russia, were teachers, n Fringe, platens and sculptors in Italy, ministers of religion in, Judea, and bankers in London, each in his . plies the leader, of .his ecienee,prigeletan, 1/4 - ahken or art. Thepontinent of.which shages but a single division, by moral, power% akin% our nation drove European domination without a battle—we -were victor on the sees -in et cosn lea With the mistress of the ocean. Espousing die nose of. justice ' our diplomacy. wag-the model of nations. No less distinguished in learning titan in power, we might die parent government more correctly to speak the mother tongue. It was honor rioleand full enough be a citizen in the country of Washington, the pa- triot, Webster, the ' linguist, the philosopher, Button and Morse, the Wester% Clay, Webster and Jefferetin,the stablemen, Patrick Henry, the orator, - of 'Vfolynel i Jib' skean ; and Scott, the chiefteiall of whom were only the eotemporaries of generations of den scarcely less distinguished than theingelvils. ' This %what We viers,-end We erne ie beditele the country was ruled by law. This was the secret of iter grandeur, its power, its succen . .‘ Oure was_ the first representative fentibliegitt government, duly restricted by constitutional law, ever established among men. 0111•Blitiek fathers bate their bilk of rights—their Magni' Chests, as amolidst beyond whisk Parliament or modentiVoo4oll, haPP to venture. Our forint inh.o ow"" ted.die British to an gager watchfulness Om *eh- liberties and so fixbd Asir. jelantia upon the least encroachmeit Of ffiedem, tbs 4, her great historian, Weindep. ya: at' Ratglish sovereign were now to mnra a sub ject, in defiance of the writ of habeas eOrPUI, °S in sl 4 "PP irat° . r to the 4ortgr,Nthe.s whole* nation *mid be ' electrillinrmbe,eth' news." ,* ), -I ;-- ' - , 4 :'e Repiated exaetione from each etioatmara =ma nia, under oath, has secured to that seal- PiptaielicAlkg*rtitihreVotilborty,?4M are o . verwellowith , , ,, s4rretigiotol retard which aeggpende Wolf to the ,Present condition of iblIX nation--so jeslossoftheir rights that no btffnetiOn i 'is 'perniitted ' Withoitt immediate alaTa„followed by its immediate arrest. The seiaaiiistioriatt adds e' "We have been taught by - long experience that we capnot without dilbgiOttfer any breach of`-chi OW Oanstlintion - V - e d- " .. ' , • ~, e l se maxim of Iraiglisk iSeehisseresse eigil4 to Biegtish liberty , so that went dare i t 4 ukog_ o , and he } Meg dare not %Tod', ' t h e will enfi ► ttl of the jpeepleor the won:44llod now! . 0-, . )ritradoot- __, e : .-- : q ,) tiAjoi l Deesountifkl, Ogreat French 'iiiiiiit, nelnon,..skraof the II Xcelittitetion : - .ieleis a just iii.L 4,4451 Y th in. 'ittititkluth "se tiiiiiii it prete - 04310:peoPleldon which it. glare to:thee rosily -gym *Greased. strength to the hands of tho - prinei, who respected it init.. was governed,b3rit, In to other country Were. manic effeetnagrteeeted MO MI6 Dininille in no other mild*: 1101 - the ram H:d1 11 0 . 1 1 4 , • . . . . . • I...: m _'4A-... .. .:.:,._,- ~ .. . , . ' - _--='''..; : ',......: : 1 •:,-,--------- ~ ,- - :-.7:arr. --.. .':' • • . . . . • .. • 4 4 . • . . . . I - •• il II I 1 L • l • ' -! ... W . l ~• : . . . .. " ' 1 1 4 . 1 . ! * C t. 1, 1 " -. 1 pkt.': __,',•• • . . 11 . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . • . . . . .. • VO.Li. 6.-NO. 27. interested.in preserving the rights of the peo ple, which preserved the Constitution, which gave him his throne. No other kingdom pre tends such responsibility of its rulers to con stitutional law as gives entire immunity from unjust encroachment upon rights or usurpation of power." Our fathers - made our Constitution as an amendment to the tenure by Wolf th9irpri r fish fathers held' their liberties. Its bill of rights was placed beyond the reach of Con gress or Preeitlents. ' IL- was made for the re straint of Congress and the impeachment of Presidents. This was the fond dream of our security against encroachments—that the Con stitution restrained' the military and tondo it subject to the olvil power, restrained Congress and prescribed limits to its legislation, beyond which its acts were of no binding force upon the people. The relation of eitizen and ruler, rights and power, were clearly defined and carefully secured by it. The citizen retained all rights which were not specifically surren dered. The officer had no powers which were not specifically delegated. The citizen was protected by the Constitution,• the officer was made subject, to it. There Was only one power above the Constitution, that power was the people who made it. . These are &vicna incorporated into •ourlan gnage, the basis of our legislation, deferred-to by courts. cherished by the people as the only security'of property. the defence of liberty, precious and sacred as life itself, never ques tioned in our history until now. . • By the Constitution we not only eleot Motto to govern the country, but also to secure ittgov ernmint by law. , A president sleeted by the peo ple yet responsible to no law is an elective des pot, no less dangerous to liberty because elected, as time has well proven. A President elected by the people who may suspend'the Constitution, may by a parity of reason suspend4electionsi for elections are the creatures of eonstitntionn and laws. A President who may suspend any one law in violation of the - Constitution by virtneuf; his office. may just ai properly :sus- Pend all laws. Why not ? But; having sus pended all laws which restrain his exercise of power, le can just as properly abrogate the laws which limit his term of service, and May do so if for no other.reason than to escape the ' ptinielanont which the lave' Of nay free country visits upon usurpers. . By the Comitittition the .powere: of the Gen eral Government were so limited that its officers could not invade either the rights of tub people or the States. The State had no such evanes cent or mutable existence as that of the coun ties whiCh constitute it, to be mutilated at the pleasure of the Getiend Goiernment. Each of the original colonies had olutrters under which they exercised all the powers peouliar to a sovereign though not a supreme govern ment. The revilutiolary liar WO a caatest for the sovereignty of the colonies, and deter mined in their favor. Coming out of that ter rible struggle crowned with victory, the States entered into articles of nonflideritton, Mid at: terwards adopted constitutions retaining 'all . the elements of governing power. The ;Gen eral Government owes its sucoess to the ropub- , principle which extended to the govern ments of all the States. The Constitution jurisdiction of the State and denerni GOvern meats. Without " the Constitution as it , is," there could have been no ".Union as it was." Destroy the Constitution aiihyoit can have no Union. With the destruction of consent goes the whole fabric of repnblican government, or any , other government thin Wit of brute Role. Thelver7 terms of the Constitlition .preeluded' 1 constructive power, the bane at lat'govern. meats, for "the entimeretiolilli thin ebnititn- Lida of detain rights shall not he °Aetna,' to dopy be - digits - rage others retained' by thepeo ple.' (Art. IX, amend. - constitution.) The purpose of the Constitution was to . Triserve thb cactelgi4 of the State government lathe intake integrity with •the govereignty..of the General Government, each bearing ty lawful interpretation their relative. position, but net.. therhaviest the pewee to Apatite,' Or 541Siete grate the other. ..The judicial , power of the 'United States shall not emeriti toosklimit in law or equity commenced orproseouted against one of the linked States by citizens of MUM' State, or by citizens or eubjects of any foreign Sbite." ' All these things were foreseenl all tin*, erintigvenienta were &Mihaly revietreid by enniatherSo.who madr.tha Codetlintin in fel4 view of them. The State governeteOketit fixed and , specified boundmielli.,nehltiliP. • ie without their consent. ' Ai "Ito iiir stete..ral be termed or erected within the jt , t e rbiditi4onnf laylet*er - .State; nor any R ate he fliftced 14 the jonctiOn of two, or r inve'Sbittn, or,pafte of States, Without the °unseat oftbe'l l egmlittiree of ,the Stapp 'concerned;:ai„ W ell , w as of 'don- greis:r"• (Art_ ilI, see. 8 i itlaume r.) 'Thl GOO of the courts and the igeortlis,nf tfeEkitte Were evidence everywhere Of ',al* own i lfilt.7l and were awarded a PesittOlefloVms nty. " Frill faith and credit Shell e given In each State to the public acts, rends, ,t td juiltMal proceedings of every other litiite.7 7, (Art.; rv . ,. em: I..):vhe State is 64'00* afOltlietiPz " TO, cats 'of each 'Sts ' r efitll, 'be, e ntit led to ill privileges , otkilto44o4l,flc4,4.,'Pleill of the several States." Laws of Extratution were based upon the sovereignty of the State ,goi- 1 Gradient. ' "A periling eltergel in , eily:,fltate w ith f ze ssoo, felony or oth.er crime,, wino sha d flee from jades aid be fouiziEt oitothetstat6,, shall, on demand g i teitleeetikhoriti , iit, l ing the Stasi tram viltiqF he • fled, e tli,verU. ig tin 14 **,4 to the States ha v ' ittriwileddi of ditret ti "". (Art:, ty; 'pee.*l) %it *SW tritiOnd'of the Statelier* leered: , Ori pilrecon: ) l held to gervien*lPAir' i . t piii . Mate„ incliirlife laws 404 4 ;4 1 4 1 m Pitii rgithiioibilli3 ll coneequence of tiny laws orregul4iisittlieretk, be dlicharged from suck gertifejiti Intrik, bite *hall be delke..ereA up in,olaim 9:Taf lu kt "?' whiStb each seriie c or „tatter too ile . ' it ' 6 (Are IV, see. 3.) The gre y t o ok niienWlili 'ti the Getlikaktfoierinient triOcitititigaiiii tar' eviii,,is Its r 4 Eia'ultlicatt charattornO 4 . k fiefee- - ,7' Thevery highest. 'oltobt , of _ lei biettpkir4 W. preserve the republican inetftatiliis 4 Irthif' Stele, and moor! its sovereigsty ? : tett Eitetiashillrgpiiiititiiiitt. Sfetvelt. Si t4o, Union li republiener 'f01111. • of govehtinelk lir shall protect each of thetiltroli IliVasliiitrinir on application of the Legislatnre, or of the Executive when the Legislature cannot be con 'vise& **net `doishistio viblentb' l " Tat: IV, ' sec 4 )The soverelgity of the State precludes 1 any;wahjeation to.thetlllneral GoveratGrat not expressitaetionlated. “She powersmee dais- ti gated to the thittell States by the Constitutionto nor prohibitor' by it to.theStaies, arereseresdl to the States respectivalyi and to Abe peoglant (Art. X, ispri. ;Coast) , - . -, ~ In the tissues AND President, Ate' aleotorial vote is cast by,,SlOlStailLi their own way, the, Electoral Collegrefeilingst ehe-Belea" ie sad a majority elect the president. " The electors. shall meet in their propeetientStates , And vetiO by ballot for Presidio& zea4,tfiee.Prosident , " . 84.; "and if no peremeiasoloanoirmajorityithen' fro. the persons hearing the Wear" anialoas not Amending three, media Iletor. plooemaed: for es Weeideet, the Senn of.Baliresecitneves shall by ballot elect ,tihe!,Przehigint, ,but in ohoesbritthe Preeident the votes ahall be taken by iihlilet the eereiqtaii9S Mel etch Mete ballot en* TetV • . -' : . t.-tt -If HA.BRISBUBG # pqr.gptil 2, 1803, The States retain the control, of, the malt* and the appointment of its officers. "Cpgralla shall have power to provide for organizing and disciplining the Militia, and for g64erning part of them as maybe employed• in the serw vice of the United, States, remrving Ito:the States respectively the appointment of the offi cers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Con gress." Thus were the States left in power by . the, Constitution. Those rights surrendered 'by' the States were specified—thOse retained were general: Those powers delegated to the Gene ral Government were for the purpose °teem ina the sovereignty, of the State against all possible interference from foreign powers. the rights retained were for the purpose of sover eignty and the More perfect security of- the rights Of the people, , The adoption of the ,Constitntion was con tingent upon the action of the States. The States which 'adopted it only 'were botind - by that adoption. "The ratification of nine Stats 4 shall be sufficient for thwestabliehment of this Constitution between Abe ~States . ratifying the same." Art. VII. 8066'86101' of tho'Btitteti ttot; provided , in the Conatitition: Itie not hi the' nittifetif governments to contemplate ,theirown.destrun--) tion p2ore-tha.n it is, itttha neture,ofyrnen to conniver at their oTrn, eiecution. - Among Kai of the ad ministration; :nothinit has been' nenitirrifist its the Wert. to absorb- the distinctivel and ,liberties.inf „the . , Wes : no - tbe g readiest means of eating the porsorita rights .of, the citizen. With that villainous comprehensive sagacity which ' ••'eihibil," Alta setting fire to cities, 4bat, in the- iihninidon they, may picador; property . Withent, otizplant, and earz7 it away ,witlintt auspicien. - This Work has been systematic Where every thing else'bi one sightless chirps. The of the States hail linen rsidnesd tiVnrsirsinifttiwi The attack upon personal liberty exhibit all the dotage ef well,plafFed,and naxstnlly4ll-. gested plan, carried out IrithrOmpyleee arid preoitdon 4 , every ' oth er - enterPrige marked' by signed, mort i fying failure: The administration had scaroelj 7 -ititeted Upon its erratic , career; nntil-its-Secretary of War—a political adventurer, took theAsad ; IS: the work of diainteiration of the States, to prepare the way for the gecretary of State to Complete the work of the destructibn , of Ter sonaniberty. The one must follow the other— they were cause and conseqaenca, , Fo,r -:this , the Secretary of War had eminent qualification. His habits of life`and culture of mind fiat pte paredhim for just stet' work. " Withotif the least knowledge of 'constitutional law, be en tered; up the partition of the Stateawith the, same views and schemes that , world have been ., employed in' the purolutee of proiierti: at S6et4fF's salt---the'ejeetomit' 'of Orphan dill; dren from an embarrassed estate—the ieutry of non-resident mountain , land in the absence of its owner, or the accumulation of a vea4.,,, fortunafrom the rolfs of PubliO highyrige and canals; duly setting their current expeasei the account of an accumnlathig public debt. He was lately accompanied, to, this hall of justice by a military hero—a Massachusetts tibleitttsti - hity`ti OitacleskettAoarenk President ofethe United States,' onpurpose to divide the Democratic party, and therebrdix vide the Union—whoce principalashiscement , was a hasty retreat from the well directed blow% of a venerable 16311'80i:fa maticiii: encrgi wen a chrietian , wher represented the , morale of Puritanism) *military proclama tion giving license:for tke ,violation of the per sons of ladies, IMO in dr:general confusion of War might not in loois, was or iota coriforai to'hin views of 4ove of , country and loyalty.' A New Egglewd adventurer, laden don with wealth .sutarply, accountmd for. in the,,report 4f Revery Johnson ; a Genera whose Military career has taught; lesson of CeSnotoy, which it in pay ing his salary to keep hies: out, f the:army.— The Very , prefMnPe_i.° two l*PktPW l Ike &hie Secretary and this penerat upon the rostrum, with WOW'S SO - sittitiletait'opin and ittianfons, linkre 'ilenrsitillierdefesetif. Or party employing their services in any •'period in our history. ; wpauk totmow tAttelimp#97eity: of tile Union, - at' any • , other time, wont have hien Patti ' '413 tileyOr tieseittre the agalitht'l Mee 4t the( fop% of the diteetisra pisliee,!ir But the Store. tary of. War is tic i/1.4 required l'hiWoP4 W fi1iM* 0 4,.111: 4 .74*3F 14/19 . 1 1 r dress soldiers who have been r obbed by Until heti(' fritifillibittlaffish , upon the initifortaftei sit& bibbd. yteaehlbmhe could nava breathe Can. itinospliertiPoiltotted by I ,4every PSlWigifep- - -t Well fitted foripe work, this 'Secretary coin „through rite President., al pitin for "the gener . till digoteniblermiat of. , the,States nhordering on,,the , Oheaspeabs'llay. Western. Virginia , was ibe ant viottm of this . System. Fetiss7lvania ) andlowithaye no,gunr anteiti ei6iit, WS botiitifoition).' Lase which May dunitinber any' bne:State May die-i member emery,ocher. Eb If preserve your _ srinolitut,yightc pf ~u ounuerf, old as t he colon . of Penn, if cu regaikloiii State anti peihnnial Beall ed lindeiel the Qb etitdtion, )4/1 initti -not that =very sawn pewee _whiphistiay, t, Virgle,telg rb territory.JOK,Pfolk Penner nis or her sovereignty or kler lorlpf her tinctiveramisterum as s is e. Tf icii' l fidr - pfisotil, ii*listW then serve the Iltininitiaticni i i ditn' tifeediiedt preeereed,.**.may preserve e Stitat,9 llllll o.4iiiet wilekg.korsAs.l o l 4l F chsoicter under the ConsaVOlL i ,1„f e no State!, we lave no. Union, mina a t o crippled °nth power will no 'let t 43 itd • o perfcesi4its titillatione under the Conatitbt a .the /Union, IMAM ,dim itlb ' the States,snd aliolisbeti n tim j ceoß*94”l- - repnblichn tam Otigovernineui . :lias cease Wo-fitik-olitrikii our eye m Whisk may 4tklat without/ arlitelift Ow” ' enwieeetPet tranailkowicvitia thcmt i n t k an d,FQls2 O z Le irrfß e 4 t t; , , eeit 'alreadi isone;,o.o r area for the-other ? t' . Thieesiteratntio' n hat/ andlorsilltel Ahem AU the, l'intienswiedby,O[ tried - their powers to, The` warsf ' 'UM ` - irasTo party against •Borgia* diem,. Qttr .succese, thi field.Age* tb ~agitinet the - Obristitilit iglOn dedikew relied] bound societies commi . 4 0~ 1 ? jag PASIVV arre gtiPS gat at 4 F l l l t Again..l4,npy e ned.too, c t , n0P9140801 trade Of. thwki 4 1 1 9 loved; weir eonntry t if ,proteotici UM* the and most,iiregtiree erties sika.432 tiou aßskst , our pease *tick '_ our hot formidahlteifort 1431 and 4u 11 . 1 .444,b4 4 , 'ln 'OM' EMI the country. Woke the 'present fearful struggle hopeless, it is now proposed to masa gurate a war of race against race, of barbarian against . men, of• Hiestlien 140,140 Chris n t s i t mt w 4, 4, it f e. , . slave •against master, of blaek against The Constitution of the United 'States . had, with great wisdom, provided against the legiti mate probability of these issues., To prevent ' the war of section against seotidn, each State bad.powers of self gotenintent and the, Sulireffii! control of the *044 relations. The wonder ful wisdom of this beantiful system was never BO , apparent-as now.-.. 50,. appily adjusted were the powers of the General and State Governl mente ' , that eteileepte were ruled not Onlywith: . .., out an: 4, irrepressible at : inflict?' out, without any conflict. To prevent a war of ecclesiastical powers, the Constitutiontecognized religion as the child Or God and the' hope of `man-;.far above - thareaoh-of •lanmait , .govesnmeate---the. right and • duty 0f• 44 , every man to,..werellip, God according to the dictates of his conscience." gilder ,such a Govern men t every A:lnsolence, was free and every,,enition . protebted::to prevent a war of races the Constitutienglietn, thnattaterand s!rvankrasee respectively their proffer, 'their legitimate, their imoestiary attain ia 8 14.444. * :NI C'il :.! TA. 1 . ?, `"li and i • With such" a Constitution f a ir ly • im partially administered out i Government would I/9 PPqViPlYilliVie°ll%ThaVVlO WStlat rebellion couldhave no pretext: eii out - - fortune that suchWiliiiiiiiatiatlMPof the Gov rnra, Plit 443°44, se nt kh°,1,430 is Aral nA . in, good lartieet ; 0?r...„.*.g: Govern: mentirtebevilettloyed: 4t lailbritUdolred; in the letter of 'the Solioitor, of the. Wet Depart ment, an office entirely unlmown to the laws of thaoriary. 2 yT,4144 d eas• (*rap pinnip,Ai rt At 4 is adtirlWhit 'Ails' P reibitliitqh l a 1 4 ,415 'Wen: - ' As clearly the effect of a sufficient oause—the violation of the Constitution 'gives us the pre sent coalition, of the country: ~! . , ..- - T The most powerful, canning, and ambitions monarch of Europe—proud ef his ancestry, vain ef hie prestige , e and, bw,ogen 'With' tlte lust of conqUest, 'his throire'thil angry feldi df the heartless anaconda of despotism around the fainting body df the .Mexioafl, , hiepttilic, and strangled it in the very premium! of the mother Of all it,opublies, who, tlongh:the sielteing imbeolliCylif her Prieto` minister;Wis p la y ing l the syrOphant and flatterer to the miirir and touching the bell on his right to secure arrests in Ohio, and the tell on ihis left to rob a eta• zen of Now York of leis,Altat,y.without process of big. . Emperor, . . .. The French m with apparent megnal nimity, in imitation of Charles the XII of Sweden, conquers a people for the benefit of a foe vanquished by his own armies, and calls an Austriari Prinoe -to accept the crownof Mexico. And by his maker stroke of wicked Policy, binding the honor of the French the hirer.' eet , and' family- asf Anatria' tit defend nionWrilly i against republican government on the continent of . America. Napoleon, who has, like," min t mug giant,gently separated the crowded masses thiLV stood between hinitielt arida-he throne of Franos,bse as ehreweillyomder ralSaace, of, a quarrel with Mexice.eecured a basis of military , action the United States`of AMeries." ,His,pur pose is Ao open a new theatre of anibi .,, u pride . and Mexican arms as bf'axioan mortisflea . . , .- ~ .. ..',, , .., . 2 . _ • end Austrian rule. Americans be not deceived. .titiliil'ciVlitarifeaaid , ilid dbleriabied fit his , plan : of operations.,,, Me:kola : was the theatre of his military entrap e ; North Amersca. The United States the contemplated victim of hisinertat:doertaiung..-ittequires . naprophetio ,, sagacity to discover, amino. Manley,. genius to picture what jai* store , for folly, blunder,. and - crime , of assailing the Constittition. Even' the 'heated, rhetoric end "%fitted illation 'Of Hot :Charles 'Sumner, lately wasted in. New =York} ;eity, 'war not neoessmy to give to; the Ameri- : , can people a ,elear,viirr of , the impending evils which will Seen be aunourieed by the ihtinder, of cannon incur mire and - the bustling=of for-• `eigniiialconets on our Oates.. Already-thwart. , nouneement is medeithat 4,ooolFrenelitroops (sleepy htetamoraii„ and the conflict, between French Men 7 pfirar i and *the Aineritian nary ia, imminent. Such le thelaithfuttlettire of Amiiii- I can affairs"-ore theAdifitheriginiediir; thernidosit of a .FrenehiAaetrinnlcatd , llbutioan. , annykonli ,the South invadOgl7m IS:kgrfulk deer, th waters, of the Gal t ii•' - , Oa' the Nora alifiii look - 04ti asp glemilf.' l'Engliiiiii'4olidildiligiltitt'' pribiteeri' 'for- the .Cenfideraternawirg Mid this she will , ... J o:lathing to do, under alier„oltylkew I gnjeaof filmidshiPSl go, doTticionsl licite 17,7# 4.4 ' 'Stifle. Esc Teadel . Gemini West*artr - mi l der. the BRUM). 'n4 ' Will` hothilftrolinti"and , nitinV Itionracif War:to Granada.. Adreadyittar, Whole torder, froA l Windsor,toNiagarsAfilledwitli :soldiers,, who me,y , b e . seen at every station ON the railreedk, every village in the country, and every - iiiiplrt or` tetra', on - theiliVere The militia of 'Oneida is daily preparing. Arf:a War ooting, all i tahe tdipriorteiti? ygreat,fieet4On, he lakes. .. . . ~ • • .4 ' -•'• , 1 there was in o u r iiiitiiiii t i me *heti these ' Warlike WiraYs • *duff hag& iieried' o n ly to lirouse the' proud spirit at American - warriors , to drive these.domo4 birdie 'rp 149,100.t00k ,blo,w ; their mercenary fleets out ; of the .waters or bu r y them in the ocean. , , ~ , TS : When the modest Mo nr o e served a no ti ce= tole Eur o pe to nenvii4Ow , an . 'dila /if 'difiiiiiiiiiit onutheriniericatteentraenta-.witen' Wm:otter and ...003i7itrirga is 'ireatnestv—Were'vialatt. 'each Nier in ..derotion to: kibttTfy —whelk • Grelieei "nor' - the . slumber of Seatunee, ilioreil 'signs' of . "returning iviiptiatrOii: - i6i•i''ffaiii) , America Striated to throw tiff vtlientbitrittf hgo wpm en ; of 'tyrant', America. the zprgud; . and, glorioul,Union, stood, god flbt/w. - 40,41te, baptismal (rout premier's to i rtcehi them itto,, tile aisle - thee/ ofreputlfaii. % Our ' unhappy ftireiNg`relittione INV* bit the lolfspring of wads inteynal :dissentions..g n -NOteri te 4 Tl.l,Fat iIIi.APIW Ask ,fitoklfiPits af. c oven breaking. Thiateeit.teemeamtopeth flagrant, ''outright rebellijg, WWI an4Yerlo4lllloPg army 44 4ti% kieromix ..tvisilliv , 4 - Intluitt 3 impure re for .4e victims ..of ;war, are the. IL L „mos s relt‘lhorlkileitf . olti.' Vault VAC i v ' ter..l 4 ' --Efellittaidibt ifif brevellidaniliVilibillahlitild* . ' of •oonmanuAtr.ssleet -.the minsibinlitioamdf 111- 0 _ t '" ° ',l444 , PAP ° V.E.f fR5 1 ,00 1 64.140#00:1 ,041,411 :other,-are - the zosst , psi ial r anee, ot.9lKita e .tion' fellea'''greatiiiiiii:' 'Rotilleiripod - digi t public triltisiary,'by *mil , sWein iettlitheriile' our. property,: Alloweeet eutc amebae ids-t :Prang AlAilmis el:Mere , SWilta.tio.P.rlMPA4l liberty, whb ire engaged in employm giv. powers of the Government for the cippiiiinion' -of the people are thif most shialdletie exhibi tiono to& the'dieceitfel tigooliery by Whishivi lareig9Telle4m 4'lleAsittelitt , lo o fit 4,i4tk,t , , fill putties)! in the Vdst oriarPHßl P I IIPPII. anil cleiotaddia 'aiiiiles die o4ely el the nunitinbe — inditilieweikiiiith . ''' The rihifitio i• , . g bittesinee millettifelittile• pdlpiaa-ileeulselttp - - AunmeaSlll4 :h7P9ltriey,met - Plo/bWMisOt l and , Praadari * ..t4e ) oltnrelmfit , 4 OS .iritereetot ,tytialkl#4iitrifesoiity, exemplify the shame Jest :itifflittefaiinil-iialitio -servenialr Their in the midst of danger—their reek- lialthillef,' 4 'Oa faea c ed dieastero only Amor" _eines tilltk, btialtes i rn ell, .lIMIMAtitt V' d .99% ,oetttaltili: forestKto•fq: or nun,najees Hiteven come" to air- sit and nitwit retitent t o. itiiii laadi .., Nike ilegoikeili ii=eatat4iiiit Qufatt, ernment,i,and'God)aloneven •the country through:reseou. , . e- • Even the Presi dent , of the United . States seem ins of the eenditien of the 000k try. The duplicity ofidiplomatiets,,demonstra ted by thereturn of .eiteli vessel from Europe 'bearing intelligence:of the building of Pries teem-,-the.reatertaitueente 1001 to the mania ler& ,of the Confederate. States—public. meet , illoheld in sympathy with their revolution— • thapraise awarded to , their, armies in the field —the eulogies pronututoedttud the monumenta • erected to the memory of-their departed gene, rats in Europe—the propositions sent .over by France, •and faintly rejected • by England—the runuipgrof.silup bloolrado,-419) maizurs9Kr9 9r 'iarme—everytiOugArbiali envy could suggest and naalioe execute naiad the ,Government the United 'States• , by 'foreign powers seem to havemade se impression upon his mind. The policxs.snawfty and, deceit of-, the , linitistry of Europsanikinge eeems , to have ,be.witche4 him. Concleesions,t apolOgies: and -explanations have followed each other-in ouch quick succession that the.ctoirnedlheads of .-Europehave been captivated; by, the courtier. lottery of our. re ' publican Primeldinister in , stiph strange and humiliating contract with the manly diplomacy and correspondence .of: iirebstec and HuleemaU. - , :The independantrbesrinvof our earlyMinisters.frein, Franklin; Adams, nudger-. "non downVar4ha4iuot,ProWedAho esets, m (umbrae fortitieh 6,Shange, of •lueb> andthlitga., The presence ofiSehtersd.Burlingame and Cant orow 4441405 d. ,our:eonditioniand-syggeaded the,*conspitaevol European: menorah'. to,dise • zwirtihdi the - At' _ '* h With isilr these iesstely AlPaiga—titith .the invasion 'of. Pennsylvania t‘t and. the escape of the.enemy nnonnishedt--the fate of Possecrans' t glorious Western army; Overwhelmed t in , the very ~ inonien!.. of expo:lMA, ' victory-yon hear men inthe Tag councils of the Ptesident de• cluing that politica viotoriecforthe perpetu atibn 'of porgy .powor ,arc to be prolerre4 to thy , success of aur•orms loathe - victory Of our sol diem in the field. Towles generals , of armies leaving' their commands atithe bidding the Preoidouti to , lolond n: patsy by speeches in. , steatortittologitimate‘ pusenitiof their vars. tionleading our • • armies linodefenee of the . conn ' tgy. e The .:Presidentihittuielf omega& in lettecwriting ,to zwi political party gathering, indulging in. all the , acrimony and oriteinality peculiar to. the lowest,party sewer.. ?Stu& is the condition of the internal affairs of a coon-. try who have eaeriticed their. Constitution and bade military -anarchy , nip in. its stead. This letter of the Chief Magistrate to the Springfield Convention; more than anything else, foreshadows our future in his keeping.— In that letter he very kindly informed the Convention that "it wouldbe very agreeable to meet his old . friends at his old home". He ought to have gone ; his visit - 'would have instructed him; he would bare seen tolling millions gathering thbir bread from the boun tiful earth; after paying the most . ekeessive totes'upon everything they sold, and the most extrortigaht tariff tipttn everything they bon ght. .11e*Would have seen the • tidier/11g multitudes despairing of liberty, turningin diegustaway fim - at imbecile adininititration, abandoning the hope of • the preservation of the vestiges of their liberty yet remaining. He would have a to a ss soldietw limping en the" founa changes7,—euelt as inspire sorrow--or has ten-despair, He would have found the proud bosom of , the Mississippi, which bore with ex ultation the vast commerce of her own great valley into all the seas'to feed the world, and still revelllne in plenty,' noardeserted by' her floating monitions, *bleb have sought places of safety •or been given by the flames to the winds,' and supplanted by tottering hulks,- WhiehliFend thwart And seasdaliss the waters. Arintifut Cities which adernek hertnalorhave ,beenabandoned to ire and stiord: _The inn* , cent ,people who occupied them Mk% been butehered in war or remain in desolation: the devouring tame have consumed thwthanaions of the rich, litiff-wiste the cottage, of thepoor, swept away thetensmetteof immater-annelave, and scattered parents ant ektierentOlkemlerA den of , the world. • In the reign et no 'cape- , ror in. the( administralientiof 'no pt'esident; dn. , the usurpation qr no tyrant, have such changes ' leennreughtlinkthe bessittiful, B o/0491404 of pay s. ishort • iimei • Human lan gna,seinpOlogliew &Mite poterty .the failure to picture 1 44 - desblitihriat the`= the Mississippi k Vaiey-bptietrichedillittsWf• the rebellion' 'mad the=plusithaiinitf theldeilitlistretion!' 'This tyisitnilgiff,vtttbilitriehhioitekvektbeennt Iwo eirtibtive biesniP- 11 11tel'estesleitrof naibizt ettirplabtr es , the , piople WeeddlhaveAteen- tit=•/ structed. if not captivated, by a night Of Ale ,1 • Ontqieatern People are plain 'and honest,. • yet most discerningin all thatpertaine to lib erty in their. .institiatiOni. Meat of them nye descended from the-brave, men who followed; Washington , througli4Jthe Revolutionary. war."-- hose who son him hand back hie sword( to , T Oof ratiti skid retire to this Aplaretnowintioen , - among the people: ' , Others iltanw;lischeon `lleieOrittiti, and sicwhim unattended 'le the' streets of Washington:TM people would lime „Peen convinced, instructed, aroused, alarmed; to hive seenplattekinahim ffibiettln.oharter- 5 big speoislitraitislor theAeoliceyancepfia regi-' Weldnotsto protwev illia`versou in, tq Mita 0?s petsple who , hod found himnaked and'elbfhed klin e ritongrynud fad - loin, tin pow rt* ssigilginte Iffm , wealthii it obseurityd and time him position. One stiolvieit Woulahniel 11 -;;;hale etatimilhero With their hisseel )e,i t atteataiti.bv tfA . .1;:t But the prinofrelliorPBselifileclitter-nin to lay down jestrphinfinnwootimPose new Whingittfereetitralcanighthe land. He demands "unallaitional devotion to ‘l4rlfrilifiltittlitittiriati -11 11111' thV Vein= pitTridi will accept Ipso in any sovernmeneniVetiltic' antienf Uteri . * the m ciakiititiiifm. . . A4lo,,p,,lTii . ttost f orviis4,2l,llo,trkt is, gp object of deene' tb Attlepe4o: • If b the Union made by the Constitution, then it is conditibbin, khd ice Iptorctithill it beillyvenal tted• he meilVos. VniliiiMAki944PS 9 k a t'i f c -t Lion , what he says nonsensp-7,„tnere is no, flOh thing. tPatAion, ..plitiocamotompremneimuhu MetWiFfirse, 'partisan malice or partisan hopes to the action of thois daring to -differ with him in opinion or 'policy_ Partisan fOll4lO kolf . 72rd of sig- Alamo:me max.- en by Ybionqk have never before beenenthainle(4ll4llll4ll civilized men. Partisan malice boo rorteacked-tatelp. offices, custom hounse,andremorypetity r g!ivree went position, and weOtkettplasndf . ArPkoile, system. qarmlecs, Ip4iismsiiii43,"l44 )tai set the hounds of fenatimont Ind' vengesate on the scent of every man, AGAIVEMO Mar in the land who dared differ in ogiithnik4aW glitontAir3itirpose with like poterimrsum4.,bas tekstAWltietilnWo**.fal# , 4 lisklith ,IkepArosse blasts of prir,o4l an gap top. reigln of temethr do every partmt the lassjimaltik thoit. sande in the loyil States whighke th hof no' it*- ..city with the rebellion, hnltli4o 'Map smArleit , around their dWeilisim, or 'keep in the weeds, through fear c4P, l 6l l oloo4sl . Cbtiptliatge r " Bet on by the minions - of theiPtetoittent, what mut' political malieessugetlecinessk,4o ertbreett ep WhTu): ll 4 l . 6l hatCupfne nod, Lis ituspi , BM TRIP! WO CPIT,S PUBIdaIIIED dirin;Ain•wwitinsi BY C. .113dkREWTT .01b1710 Vat Deft? Palitaiddia IWO& scribers reddinalatioileannaitter asifrassalussis, POYabll thee - airier,. leepabsselbes, inva .1011411/ PIS AMIN. • TiN WEBILT Pedlidelidl 'MOW le paldilledditawd Douai* rue einnne,inieriebl7 inadvenee. Tea airs to one siidetae,Aft," &Were Oissested with tit Sit a exteadve Jollll3'lrleli feteiniag *misty of 'Oda end IMO r elo k_._ua•Vauft l, / any establishnient in the testiest , Heit br . w 1 1 •11 th e . patfpaare tffisif pales is so . . cos , 4 1 0 , :by hie,patronage, who thus speaks of “ pu ti min , mAli.oe.",. After bribing sverpieean whom, cataft,,Srcentracts, or patronage "eight shiitie l or. Awe WM principle...after threat ening everpstau who dared refuse the escheat meats of, the trepan*" or the blandishments of -the., army m after„.,4rest.oning to exterzni‘to ,those who *and priiiiloymutd,iteld theirikpis_ ions in spite A kp ower: _ 4 4o, „President of, the United Stater returnr.thasks to, those who, withepaulettgs. and oestracts; kindly give in adhesion to *meek? elptiiNebdi,, without stint, the treasures of the, pe0p1e....( .:, i' , A.. 8, though it, became aseeysity te,fetlow a , falsehood, befianse he had assnmedis fielse .po sition, he- speaks of . ,these > paissitee r whok live on Pnicaja favor, as Arur te the./ "MitinAVONto and: all.. honestly differ ing , with thernifeleet- Militia " the life'of the nation," , other theiShe liberty, of the- people 9 And how , becoming it ,is ler,./tint,te speak ef q tholibertlearof *motor ple, or "the life, thonatiort,',"-,whp,has blotted - from the ConOtntionerepy gavantee. Ot hu man riaktopalif- 1 de4a7.,q-, nycrtiol.4aw over _a free and peaceable peoPlf ! • . He says the ehipiolte WronfMited, fin hob! tittusel4e. Giant, it. 'Th tit shoul d ; be . put"• down, II fosse Of, arms. Gran , i t,„ r ali at thlctia: 4 4 051 4, 10. , ..,_ ' ,ci Y abtltf7aftnttriiti; thinehe claims. , Stiu he as .committed such atroctitieeotheenSxarlitysporpt, katiol in any • taillike''' 49E47 After all this l . as,though he . were address 114 ilb4l#o4ll . IPS ile,,he Oda: 111 ireelyaeltnew,ledg, mYiteltto , r the servant . 1 1 of the polo* iitiardbg l pilti Alt , 0 4097 10 e, , the 'Un ' ited State! U ' A °IL,. and [bai, as, Nigh I $M iiiiiktirnilAlp* A 7 ,'o',tbrifro 7 7? , epd,4, l4 ,ilitsi:l4 4 hip: Am i l ier 4 ;; sued by it lit: him be fie has pr.oplabne4_his , Plni, Will aslaw above the getwtitntion of the r ectintry or the mists meats ,of Congress Itad-ILOgialataier The. Preehitmtisilte creative of law .the: law makes aSidifinea , bia ibittoo.- AP an z oaaantive offir •oei i A lofilo duty. to_see that' the .46WS, We ten' mita& I,,AatraMilitlil7, aloe!, 119 ill::subject to laws Jima" hY , ConSfaar.. Tho alibi , * Of , war, whioh Bova:l:P.n. - Ala* are Aimilr law, T Every ~ officer, appointed_ by, him,,le paid by law- l is powerlserwithout)aw„, Its term, of, othet t is the grint,,of ihe.poople, through the:ColitCtits- . Lion., He holds it just as long as ithe,oo/14.1" 414104 PMBIA.OI3. -111 tha-eXeroioo of bir-plEtlett •• he.ilxide,proiedenta , in Jae monstrous acts of . Kings who held , their power independent of 0 0 31 84 1 0 10 )W ~,. 3 1 , PFaqiO4.7 , the AIM* illialtner, and HMI 4 p sa me • itolTal4nd r4. l . 3 ofillrilTken he looks afters oettotruetion of the articles of war, he4ollikr; theopeeedents of Military Pie tators,• who had no articles of war but their own wilb and. ; no, prineipleut of{ justice but brute force. Thbl manner of goyerntnent and this rale of the application of precedents, resolves . the civil power into a despotism, and fastens the military power upon the necksof the people as a perpetual , yea,. ~ , . The Prelideo can have ito authoritywhioh he does not receive,directly from the Constitu tion, is ouch j4,144 - 16iguOge au , may admit of no legal doubt. No law which is in, oondict with the Constitution cangive him such power. As Commandei-iii-Chief, governed by the ar tides of war, he has no discretionary right to violate them ; and if Congress, in the articles auth . ority would be Ter ..... i and void. The 0917, 'ef''Qvr 4pagOmpltd r ia a itbkia ;and simple one,. Upon this principle rests overything—that all Oilier of, government AI derived from tie people The pools are above Coiletitatioaa k eoplaiiike them ; ; bat when , C°° s.fi s P l AlßS ~,,r . ..,,,,.... 1 1 .1 1 1 )= .1 14 ; a by OPP: b ollifPek.... , 1 1 P. ' f own, act- Tbk-419 4 littlyi oko : ik mole tlinn a rule adopted by the people or the regitletion*• their , own ooßdnot, snit the ,responsibility, of their town - Vik&P. The Mffitery power is none other t i4Fk 4_otorttr i 7.* 9 o,4ytkeeiv.: ll powef .0 envots.4 i e ' ~ee. Wheneyer. the imAtary Isep. mos superior. to the,-**MthiNgtYeAlendgo7sSnlaalli Sanwa preeisel . AheAkaraatier,arakemssamlesse.brit ial lore* 11,remr4 the elfght4oAsratifl AreaPPIF-, *Mk Aiblulte ai>w ummiaa to itket'ciiv4 , lkosWitobut ii6tlp adwarar-m GOverameat, where the military is superior yin& wage rimrestiv,e, Mike•• lof l the, lawtttiso.lo4llarillicolleaoiamfiattyAr zAktilkAlSOPlPbeiki, *PAW teepideat, 4 111#40 1 004.44415itmh the the,937-pff,llrOgillumlito * ri -' HAAR Plaftllnt 41 1 4• 1 747* -111 0 1 7Moniag owerof,.P.4 sry s ltrnte forea.,slameiCearttiPp7 41 °, 8 •04 0 ri r t ktmrabove.governmeatAbsseehre 4 40 P- AIWA thisAdat•peasiee. • Agalarbe , ealimsql,thiniethat•lhe gienititi= titpri.ievesta4areolsmarwhavlsoilitibr-witiCthe • law Owen ingtitie of .war:" • Oita 1t ~W hat • law of war ? The law of Inmate kladiin,c Inbleh . 4nttn litenttigldektiti hidlestindnetely, burturr-,houses,..laikm4tioe aehettp • defaces tomb-steneWodeidies churches;-revishes wOmenr 'tortured theliAtigeNtiawl'pathe deed? 40er-• ' tainly t iantt Ake 30blef Nafistrate or the 'United dtates.P tballew of-valto with which be ierAtinvested.? 1.'41. the lair 4 ef an • 'enteorat„J which 'nu" designate' itsivlotimeat whim, andr shoot • them • down at, pleasure.;- or is it,the: law of a mdlitar* -illistiikfr,!*koials 434mee, by usurpation, to do what Repels °Wen the right, to. dm,by seveltitiper - Here again, the Presidentlfsibeintathasamamistake as a billituredieftalartheadmvperelear is as the thieflfagiettese Obtitteettettly. ',Re observes no written- w.. < Be !Anhinklitand "ballet's," and iekipagattailed;"..sadwpla - ess hit' "belief,” 'his Athenian! and - ffpeesnagione" abasel the eoieietgi efitheeoints, and the settled inazints of the law at ?the' cenntryP' The military law 1 1:1 Unitea States is a written law, mselear, fullaild , sulkoritstivs AS 11011r14)011111161ths . 00llemiew of taxes, bskpoete4Jezeiriee endmintins. 4 1 1 1kiermiliterp lawAs mideobilhafgrimaiwipur futanoe !of, theConstitutibtr;adtbb with* upon every; olfuter , tits StrayAlisiddisg Abe COM.' manderfibehledimbesevivey esilitiesident wag to demtbethmse fdltbffilll)* apeuted: 'This Mir lalways been - the . due-WAm mf"Aenerioak theAtelsionitaittaneilean •othirts—the settler piinciples of American government. I cite bat 9110411R/14 4111140116 i 4110' whieh* einbesees the leadiagAsted% libearbing pointmof contly7fillf Wolin' to .41exlententiiof ' , the milWielkitedgerrie the , edrlttagAbolts , of the Sahlttrprific • htlibietelate of:the deelinitien of martial • law at New Orleans, GenzJegtion was the attellastater aft abommey,:lit smcdsted TM elfsiNeteleetedAdve olidgervif .tiarOourt, and4e., melered marthet d ela. hst thrti, , he was'rrested iby Assess% tat mod, end paid ids Ancir—,' hejudgnitelitftlisteonet weenever rimmed, I its legalooraecttabas, was never; nasetioned:=44- The decision was fina,co,nahlSiTiyinti itip.day jhkietliket AhddhimirisPon thal Slibilekinld de emeee4iriorrebere. Bat deveCtblia , Aggenot iblind timmcwito were et , the Conelushiant,the Aetattelmatatfoi. liberty,' more than ever *lona Of theirAight& aidderkdintirfAide,greet and; . .dietter,ateindrlieteitotiam, the br ona, fault of %Ws loilliclaboW was over looked,- pardoned, • and, by the generosity‘of his yestiatcpsen.the anew Esfuesicifk , But .the law - 54 441 pprepealed, „and they Opinion otltheeourt crpaised, Iwltioh: diktat& iliac eisethil law could ,not eased* neeeniony whose verylomndik, tione-Neresisidloalechble , fkiitem - L ir „ . =I =IN