LOCAL NEWS. SECOND CRON .... A gentleman in Belvidere, Mass., is likely to have a second crop of Bones strawberries— some the vines being filled with blossoms and berries. Strawberries in September and October are a rarity. SUBSTITUTES DESEETIB6.—A Washington nor respondent says that reports down the Potomac continue to report that deserting substitutes, are still making their way across the Potomac, and that at some points some of them are in the woods watching an opportunity to crow. . % Air e dit or d ra fted up in New York State breaks out in the following thIP Why should we mourn foriseusoript Mends, Or fear the draft's alarms— 'Tim but the word that Abram tends To make us 4 1 49410 r ,ttrins. Tins Dnerr in ranWssr.—The draft is prac tically abolished in Ohio, Indians and Illinois. Those States taw Ibsen aithorizett 'through' tlistr Governors, to raise volunteers for the war. In Indiana the work has already commenced. The bounties offered are large, and more troops will be obtained; it is believed, than if the State endeav ored to fill its qnota by eonseription. Lma.—lt is better to tread .the paths of life cbeerfally, skipping lightly over all obstacles in .the way, rather t thanotit down and 'lament your hard fate. The *Unfit' man's life will spin lon ger than that eta rasa who Is eteatinnallysiad sad despot - 41ns.: if diskeil comes-14On us, dejection and despair will not segford relief. The heat thing to do when lurit. conies upon us ,le not but to &email make a eigovou eget a remo . Di..A.; L. durmasts, of this eity,latekyltc*Cl4 imprisoned for causing the loath of; -ottlisi • r Bultsborger, by an attempt tojuousto ebortappi i was on Saturday diselongekee bilfAtt Aftrilot of $5,000. The;girl., ; whidied'itik Afritt4 . ,give Solent ovrdenie-hefore bad after` ne' 4 o l % 19 1111°. ton and•otbers alSondinwto_priwnilintji:to death was olionsdonld fiy inotholnint,lltll7,4lllloctilliroll orlyndmintaterei. The jokry onnintenint on SW nifty ittoniedViiiiidiat in - iii‘rinilee " wit the foots above mentioned: - . TB Sorghum, or Chines! 'Mir COTIIVIGTO! to be hardier thenlndian. Thlll.'ll44' Isiste in the Northwest, which - Cwt. or Imo aof , ?. titts corn crop, did mit.toueb the Siorgintut. :Two gal lons sane juice are equal to a bushel' of - ont foi fattening , . cattle, and from 800 to 1,000 gallons can be Ohtatimai prom a single acre. The Chicago `firs: bune says that hereafterit is probable the two crops will be produced in equal quantities in the West, the Sorghum4orangs, and syrugnmakintiand hog and cattle feeding, and the corn for man's Awn sumption. DIMOOBLT/C MEIT/E1 /X Wisasegroic TQWN. emr.—A letter from a valued friend and sound Democrat, tells us of a great and anthusiastic meeting held on Saturday last, in that sterling old township, Washington. - The names of the oMeers hive . not been furnished ; but the epee - ashes of Messrs. Miller, Lambmton, Auelinnity and Capt. Awl told with grout effect upon the audience.— We tte told to eltpmdt g t'tMiegt Now the Utilek end. They are wide - awake and working for vic tory. Cowman/mu UPON rpm Govimpumm BANK-- It is proper that the *public should be cautioned against bills purporting to. be upon the Govern- Milt Bank, which unprincipled people ari at. tempting to put into circulation. They are . dated at Washington, and purporting to payable on demand; and being of a greenish color, they are liable to be mistaken by the unwary for the old issue of United States.notes, most .of which have been redeemed and cancelled by the Treasury De partment. It is said that they hive beerrpassei quite extensively in New York. No sash beak exists. An elfin with the sign "Government Bank" over its door, was some time by the Provost Marshal of the War Department. F/011 Cassels* CoLea.—PPut a living black burn trout into a white basin of water, and it be comes in half an hour of a light color. Keep the fish living in a whits jar for some days, and it be comes absolutely white; but put it - into a dark eol ored or black vessel, and although on first being placed there, the white colored fish shows con spieuonaly 011 tho Mask ground, in a quarter of-an hour it becomes as dark-colored as the bottom of the jar, and consequently - difficult to be:seeiti. .1 4 To doubt this facility of adapting its. color to the bot tom of -water in which It lives is of the greatest service to the fish in protecting it from its numerous enemies. All anglers mast have observed that in every stream the trout are very mica of the same color as the gravel or Sind on which they live. A BriAlrz Farrow.-In one of our city hos4i tale is a young invalid, Chas. P. Weekley, a t resi dent of limmitabrirg,,Sid., who, during the :lite raid in Cumberland Valley, gave evidenee of his being RUINIOIIBO4 of iuidoubted bravery. dust be. fore the battle of Gettysburg, the 'l2th legitrient of Maesachasetts - vohtnteers passed his father's house. Being . previously informed in regard to the condition of airsirs, anii4 the conflict Willeh was likely to folio*, he "quietly resolved to join them. Taking time only for a hasty parting:fare well, which, umesults•sbow, ibeing hie last, he rushed into the rake. 464 there provided by his : aewly,made comrades with a eras ket and ammunition, and: by his fearlemmese skillful ise of tho former showed that iY not pirto. deafly drilled, he was as good a soldier as any:-of them.. • - • • ' - _ , Whilittli the midst of the battle he was woun ded in two places, and was taken from that eld in a helpless oondition. ' lie was removed from go tyslatirg to this city nen soon as • the , state of his wounds would permit. '''. 1 -• c ' Succors, on sun Fa sift ovVisturicr4o.-AP ter mourning cometh feasting." The :Taws having atonmed and made atonement fe,y4, lir z #1", *vs, now to rejoice for a bowlful- liirreat. 't if-nr! ths. benefit of our resdnrs belonging to the permission, we copy a few intraCts from the N. t. Aus,ludieng from which, some of the merlon.' meet - him been exthsedingl3r hiidsome. The feast of 'tater-. smelt emintritiseid on -Sunday evening i n m i4 e . synagogues in tbis !Jib% • The feast Is enjoi ne fi m Limit., xxiii, B§-44. At :'sir, Wale* an Elm er a s i evening the= -srynsiolnes were all filled, and the opening priryirs for the dot-worn chanted by the several readers, 'aft* lrhfli Oil. '4 9 Aill. 441 .'tu the tabernaele in thi Ctn. merit Of Ilia building. In the Green street synageguirthelitiv4 iii , . Mrainer . 011131 stod; and at the. siefle l 4 l );t l l.4 o oll;bigition Proceeded 49 the tabors's)* thiamin laic With break:hes, aedeteribed iwthatiortfoi - of i thelliibie above referred to, togethey with speChliediff:44ll4 fruits mid towers. Tilt - ewillnewai binirlYffa-• merowitotOrefluifterns,eaoltbearing an American emble m , such as the, owl!, the Sakilineall44i, 4c. Thit Rev, Mr. /impair, hiving bleeped sk go.- . let of wine, and :the 'broad/ aid peopte partedrief the repass tins prepared--for -t hem, the -women Partaking withA.tle-men. - litrimil theqnpiat hid concluded the ReV r . ',MOIR Mild grice; and the' evening's ceremonies saneindkod,he 1111rdOta I this morning will .... 1 S' b t o --il fatC; Xeillicirm will be preached in , Ailt, -I.l: loiner . • ' "- THE CLIMAX or hinenkneti,H.The Telegraph of Saturday declares, in milital filters, that "if the result of the election in Ohio, ant! Pennsylvania should be adverse to the Nattoital l AdlßilliftniOn t ANOTHER DRAFT mast immediately be reeortOrto," do., and H anbtaite this fact to thehonest consider ation of , the voters of PmensyjvanAnr ilr,e hpiti every voter who still claims to be 800, or who has , the heart and the brains Had the soul to be free,' will give thie Jut the "honest consideration" which is asked. , . Coming simply from.the _Tifegraph newspaper, on its own orazywnd irresponeible authority, this unmanly and insulting threat would be worthy of no serious attention; but coming fro'm the organ and mouthpiece 'of"' dor. Curtin, end doubtless stamped with the seal of his personal senotion, it challenges'the attention, the execration and defi ance of a great and deeply insulted people._ , ... One. year ago the . administration broke faith with the people who were sustaining it with blood and puree; it violated sworn pledges; it undertook to wage tholwar on a new bamia.-not for thereat.. ration of Union and Constitution, se it bad sworn to do, true : teethe inithifatien of every Southern State and system, and for the sick and pitiful hum beggary of negro equality and the triumph of nonsensical and impractical Abolition zehemes.- - in hie wild eagerness to apotheosise the everlasting Rambo, the-President trampled the Constitution and the laws under his feet, oast away every thought of the old Union and even of common justice to the enemy, and traneformed every isit reeks and fort into grand wegro -boarding houses, eenduited on the Fon/darko principle by whining philanthropists, who wore long beards, parted their sorrel hair in' the middle, and believed iti the mon-sombareant prineiple. . - . - Thu* the. 'President, by Waiting lib pledger, disgusted and alienated the friends ytho wereAlling his armies; more thin iwitlttirdstef' wfini Wiwi -4 0 .51R 4 letatd. /44044.tiiiityitttha mailoc k t, mult ' that the Ile wee - hentsfOrth to belnegrl for the wett s 4•4;eitel ittairhis anderlehtelidirbom imigAriiiiand ' 44 - Q*103044; The.:Bsane . orao, the grist pert* whiolc - liae fitruishaftthe figlitlei materielfei every war In widish:we - have been''engsged accepted the noticeand . in two months a draft had to be ordered I ifo r str onger . proof is needed that the C on s ervative Men I f the -counerp AU our aretiesrthen thosimple Ifeet that AO two months atter the appear:nee of_elto.Alteli kiwi proclamation the' ettlistoteati ceased, not half ' O, "...,ri regiment* of V diOrfrai# . :1 4 . 1 " 6 , 11 ,ki1int. could bePreetnited in the North, and' a draft, was `ordered by the addle-heeded ; *bailie 44. Wee ippon.'" Ethnic on-inch 'atatosminiebitt;lichlitild icyr It is enough to damn any party. . .... 'Yet the people, ever lotg-suiferini, he - pefui and loyal, patiently submitted to thatlinitlent . the leiond one. _ ilieY felt that It' was 'Oppesed. to the very genius of our inetitations; and that.it Wee cruel because unnecessary- " They feirthat,.,ad thelresteants itt pewer-regarde.ithem Oreitin lie toned to them, they ; have been spared the humiliation and the suffering entailed by an en -forced service is a ceases which was aimless -and forever hopeless. They shed some natural tears over the sundering of family ties, and the poor men kepiessed 0 hist hi 'eould theladigne tion which roseln his heart at eight of his weep ing wife, over Whom end her brood of *tie ones settled the cloud of grief and want. Yes, the peo ple bore all this—bore it patiently., despite the ilt oosesaled delight which it oteasieued to the Mer cenary Abolition crew► . who lick et the heel of -oppression add grow rick on the life blood of the COkillifY, nod Wife maw _in this conscription the premise of endless contracts and eternal war—war in ' which they have never yet drawn sword and never will. The People bore it all, for they felt that the time approached when they could right all these wrongs, and that a sure and peaceful remedy lay within their grasp. That remedy was the ballot. With this they would avenge their wrongs, ettlit4 their enemies hip and thigh, and give the reins of . power into the only hands that could wage a great war and work out the salvation of aged falling country, Dy the aid of the ballot, the people of the great States of Pennsylvania and New York rolled beck the tide of fanaticism last fall, and sounded forth a warning that might well have made the kited' of the revelling Belshazzar. and jesting Mates at Washington smite together. • But no; with a mind ,incapable of reading the hand-writing, the Pre sident and hie wassailers determined to subdue the-freemen under him, and compel them to sup port and minister to hie madness. .He ordered another draft,. That draft is a wretched failure. Brea those who advocated it most strongly have taken every occasion to evade it, and not teepee tare of them has shouldered his musket to make good his hollow pretence of "loyalty." All men of nil pubes paid the blood:money or slipped out in some way. Only tbewpoor _min, Who could not lay their band on the , wherewithal, gave the fare well kiss to their weeping :familial, and were driven to the field ; there to . follow the glorious phantiene of .Irobn Iliontee soil in its downward _march -to "Davy Jones' looker" and national dam nation. ''.. :, :: , ' And now, neither profiting by these, lemon's or humbled by fie defeats, the administration, through Gov- Curtin, threatens the lengcaffering and Sorely tried people of Paineilvania with teneitAer draft,"ifithey do•iiet foie 4 fOr itel/4fiverit4aintyier petuate its power. They give 'us the alternative of Ctirthe or conscription. • ' ' . Freauen of Petinlyirania! do yqu hear this? You, who bozo been humiliated and insulted to the extremest verge . of forbearance, who have been drigged from your. homes or made (instead and deliver to the collector oreoritmittatiacend the ttukatherer; are threatened with yet -sorer triale . ff yen dare to vote against Handy Shoddy; Andy ! ..Aloe, poorpeoplal Do not rehelio.not , complain.' We say`to you, as the ,Sootch woman said to her htuband.at,the gallowt.: "Go up, Don ' Sidi my man,-and he bangit-1140 /hike bide your Vote smiyokirelaidden. You .dure not risk ano ther , draft. Yon have "stood Wo, and you 'were shorn.to the inlet: Poor naked moodies t hew dare. you hide, the pelting' of ;:another lush a pitiless storm! - .1- _. _ . HoW 'Muth meaning Hoe Concealed in' this des perate andlbwardl,y thnnt., It is's oonfeseion of weakness. ~4.l.l , he,raving of a bully who begins to libineti . Withfeir, and '`groies deeper*e in his -aorta .to 'ootteeni - hie wept:Mem - If‘filhirciliftfax of intense eneasneeis—Ohei Mane of puililbu!iisity and eowardioa. It is like the, threat of the . liig.' headedotwe.l.l.l.4htt he would destroy our an cestorik 'ltfoidhanids; or of Nebuchadnezzar , 44 that he would spaetall. who' did not worship. nisi image lilf ifiWit.,; The king of Bibjlon was humbled to We ,Ouet, and George - the Third, as if blasted by the nothing of heaven', wilted ami,i and In his lastzegulellileitiotwas forged ti,t mins: free and reny e p e at en i, . ethe pimmistration re-f member these eirinirilei, f ,f4 : ,"tk line still liveth and e devil's a fogeliihOltilmor ir:Mir twine: Tr. hfreden their keinrylltgf4J"VillPe9Ploiand mill not leave them froa to ftifiio*,uwir. eons tutl Alicuall,l 4 lditßi they may hotbrolitnetieltile pursuing: 1, 1 0. ' ll '' k l 'e? t°4 "O f f! or hlO4 l , IV; Milk; I Piiii ikin ornr pOlorili(4 sounded. :' .f:.., , ~ , ~, - ~.. 14 - difiewe we would 'say, vote right. Do not i fear SO nottdoi. the only party eintleititriiige Wirdr subowiafsdVdftihVgivwnd of etnitnieulasitie and D0MM0) 1 %,4 1 .04 4 % A And AO.. all, ..ilO3 4911fe1l 90 threats, of itiveresked man or thing,lientlesda4 EMI when tbey come from lowish and imbegiliti who dal% not faee you in the digeharge of your duty any more than they dare meet the enemy in the field. Vive la Republic ! Stwertan Comoinstica.—Tha local , of yester day's Telegraph reports a conversation which he overheard between two " Copperheads " an Sun day, which concluded by No. 2 expressing the opinion that " if Roseorans whips Bragg, or Meade wins a victory, we will be defeated in Pennsylva nia." The same conversation appeared word for word in the Lawmaker " Express " of leek Friday We merely mention the fact as a endow coVici deuce. It is also a singular coincidence that the stories are both lies. No such talk was overheard by the Imaesster man, or by our evesdropplug neighbor who steals' it and locates it here. He knows he lies when he says he overheard such oontrersation, and he knows that we know that he know that he lies. We will pay him ten dollars to name the name of any person who used inch language, or even to swear that he knows such cionvoiaation 'occurred. talk! git sons ! Yon can't even lie without making a botch of it. PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S preference for the soillo 'tiny in Hamlet, eommeneint with, "0 my offense is rank," etc.' is said to be due to the state of mind he,passed through pending his saspension of , the writ of habeas corpus: His offense •was. indeed tank. Still, as a Ado" it is stated ,be prefers the play of Macbeth . to. that of Hamlet. This is thought to be owing in' part at least to the oppo eiteness of the following passage whieh occurs in Macbeth: . Alto !`poor rea*try ; Almost afraid to kitow Itself ! • It cannot Be called oar mothir,utiat our grave whore nothing, Bat who knows nothing, Is ono. seem to smile Where sight aid green& and shrieks that send 1114 air Are msdO, notimmek 2 di where violent sorrow seems A modern eoutecy the dead mans knell is there scarce asked, for who• and good. metes Inx4ke f°i° the h elFeF e r-hk t Leir OM theysishiti. L0ar...4. double nosed pointer months offlwhite spit On;liiif4rihiad:,:ith'Sv:fta(tor be rewardedb e y:losivioll him at *itch's (Drag Store.. IfiLor Lt. • . f SPECS AL .14T0,10;Eg' • • " 6 • ;,` • f itiodlintileati)ll.f Phlmaiitrrt ConNutiplitiltit Curable Disea!e!! f' A-1? D,. TO 4: 4 / 1 1013111PleivES. • , . . The andereigned hiving bees re stor e d d t o , health, in a few weenie by 'a garylliaPiis r r ned YW ah f r , fund linfeial Tears 'with a severivinne affeetlon, and that Aimed diseaseilknisumption—Wansioneta Make known tn.his felbm eiffeiers tlte.nlffeen!,o ogre' ToallarhO &Dello it, he 711:1,sendLi copy of the pre- Illeigptien need, (free of charge,) With the 411401404er preparing and using the came, rhio4 they ! rill find a Sure Uri' for CONSITHTTEN, ISTEC( ' BRONCHITIS, Covens, OoLne,..ko. ,The only,object of the edvettleer in gamin the Treeeriptipn to 3 4 9 0 0 Vitegidedi and'spread_ii formatib which uneeViel noble.; and be hoPee'ereft sufferer big' remedy, as it will cost them wothing,4nd inay,isrove . a blessing. Particle withine tie prescription will please 'giddiest Rev"..NDWAILp Willimebursh, Kings COunty, ' • ' New York. • A o •:•. NEW DISCOVERY' for the SPEEDY AND,,,PIRNANENT ,OURIC ,of gem nal WAkoess, Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, (fleet, Sexual, Dis tant+, Bagiiiiictiti; Impotence; Debility, and; is eases of the Bladder and Kidneys. BELL'S eVIWIFIO Pitts are• Warranted all cases and can be relied on. No change of diet required. They do not nauseate, nor interfere with business puraults_ prrarde,of 200"misee hive beast cure 4 the 4 pist month. More than 'one hundred physicians use Mein in their private practice, and all speak well of their efficacy. They are entirely harmless on the system, and can be relied on in all eases arising from youthful indiscretion or self abuse, which often incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties if married life. A TREATII32I of 64 pages, containinemeans of cure, sent free to all. Two stamps requited for postage. The Pills will be sent by mail, securely naiad, on receipt of One Dollar, by. J. BRYAN, M. D., No. 76 Cedar street, New York. Sold by all the principal druggists Rep 26 ljil&w IMPORTANT TO FEMALES.-=-Dit. , HAnvoils Pmekt.ie Pima have never yet failed in re moving dillienlttea arising from obstinetlem, or stop page of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect health when suffering from Spinal Affections, Pro'opus Uteri, the Whites, or other woalmess of the Uterine Organs. The.Pils are perfectly harmlepa on the con stitution, and may be taken by the moat delicate female without causing distress—the same time they sot like a charm by strengthening. invigorating and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and b 7 bringing on the monthly petioh withlregularity, no matter from what causes the obstruction may .arise. They. should, how ever, NOT be taken during the trot three or four months of pregneney,,theugh safe at any other time, as suieetirlege would be the result. Each box contains 80 Pills. Price st. DR. ;HARVEY'S TREATISE on Disease of Foulkes, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenneee, Sterility, Repro duction, ad Abuses of Nature, and emphatically the Ladies' Private Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of 6 pa ge., lent free to any addreee. Six ante required to PLY Wedge- The Tills and book will be sent by mail when de sired, securely sealed, and prepared, by J. BRYAN; M. D., General Agent. , . No. 760edar street,,New York. tiold"bralrths piinclpal droggisie. , sap 26-ditwly ' . SURGEON-GENERAL HAMMOND. ordering 9elornel.and,destmetive minerals frorathe imply tables, bee ;uniform& a to/41401/4..4 oar oitlic, sol diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dis continuance. of ".lileeding," and the use of BiLtIiD RITH.,3IS PLE•Lii in the place thereof. will •efitimeme a team osii 9, hi the peacticeof htedichie l which would tlien,becowe emphaticaliy THE HEALING. ART. I have for thitty yearn taught that no diseased co tiou could be mod by raor4ary or tartar emetic. That the human .body could-only be ccukade bi "Tv- otablo , fooort 7 .4bgandi food being, is fact, oondeneed vegetablv. /IBANDBATIPS PILLS rhonld be in - • every Military Hospital. These Pills enre BILIOUS DiA/WEBA,'outo tiro Dreinnio, . OHBOrIIO DPOISITIMIrouad all . fevera and Affections , et the .Tioirele, wirer and ma* surely than any medicine in the work'. , BBANDISTIPB PILLS An them canes ihosld lie 'takenilea and miming. 'Rad ass *mullet new •ale. • ; • r . OM OP iiiitiooll B. W4TITAir. Bedidierk, iffho'York: " - : I wile Orfrate in Co. P, 17th * Negimint, New York Tell. While at Ifarrison , s Lending' and 44 the Sapp` abannoch - ricer ifabionth, rand rainy of the Com- Piny *ire' with blhone diUrrliM. the'wzmy ifizr goon did not are aid and I wee re4knieil bine. 'Among 'the Company Teri:Otte a nuinber of Members whb had worked in your Ofirg fifng, r They weir not sick, because they need seth , s Pills. These men.prevage4vAleas4ppiers to netlike pin., and we were aill,. eur.ld.th from. Or_ L 3 to live days.. After this 'our boys immusElirsaultsth 2 s-Pills for thatypihrui feeenoi l eolds,:tliteraatiEM, &lath ti#`filiet 4 did they they till,to.rMto.te health- Out of gratitude to you for my good health, Leend you this letter, whch, if A,eceirmary,:tar Fah* C9l"- pally Would Sign: .4 -4c- • - ' ; I km, extralip, yeast, • ROMINtit WATSON, eleg_iling, N. Y. Principal ogee, 204 paid ErCet, New - Yjark. ' • Par rale ut listriebirg by 0110:-A. sob-dkartif , , P&P'. gutiots exADBK*4-,e,..wimpiiprioeii;ftiethie by WM. DOOK, Ja., 00. :mwmf. , .L , Vell4 UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA, Medical Department. , NINNTY-EIGHTH 6.119810 N (1863-64) Wiyhists GIBBON, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Bur . 0•40 B. Woon, - 1).; Znieriito Pic/folios of Pruitt& of Medicine. • &mum. Jatnisou, Emeritus Professor of Durti tntes of Medicine. Ryan L. HODGZ, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obste trics and the Diseases of Women and Children. JOSEPH Csaeox, Id. D., Professor of Materia Medics and Pharmacy. Rosana. E. Roosas, M. D , Professor of Cheadttry. JoSIPH Lamy, D , Professor of Anatomy. Hicialif R. SMITH, M. D., Professor of surgery. WILLIAM PEPPER, M. D., Professor of Theory and Prac tice of Ilidicine. P. GURNEY Emma, M. D Professor of Institutes of Medicine. R. A. R. Pininose, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. JOBIt H: PACKARD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. 77 "Lecgurfe of the Session will begin on she second /Venda, of October eyed close on the first of Mura ta, One Introductory will be delivered to the Course!". Clinical Instruction is given throughout the Session, in the Medical Hall, by the Professors, and at the Bee pitale At the Philadelphia Hospital, containing 571. We, instruction is free. Military Surgery and Hygiene will be fully taught by the appropriate chairs. The Dissecting Booms, under the superintendence of the Professor of Anatomy and the Demonstrator, are open film the middle of Se `ember. The Boom for Operative Surgery and the Application of Bandages, itc., is open early in September and throughout the Session, under the supervision of the Professor of Surgery. . - 81111i0a1 Demonstrators, 1 O S. BISHOP, M. D. LDNOIL HODGE, R. D. Pees for the Lectures, (each Professor $16,) $lO6 .Matrioulation Pee, (paid once only,) • • 5 Graduation Pee SO R. B. ROGERS, M. D., , Dealt 6f the Medical Faculty, University Building. &MUHL PALOS, Janitor, 'University Building. P. B.—Board may be had at from $2 60 to $6 per week. sepl7rdoaw4w PROPOSALS 'FOR HARRISBURG CITY LOAN.—Sealed proposals, endorsed "Propo sals fur Harriaburif City Loan:' will be received by the'Rinence-Committee of the Common-Counoil of theetty of Harrisburg, until Thursday the hut day of October next, at 12 o'clock tn., for a loan of elevett ; thousand' one lupdred dollars, on the faith, credit and responsiliiiity of the said city; to be seem*, pa coupon bonds, dated., the first day of OstOby, 18.63, and peptide in ten years after.date, with interest at the rate , of eix per cent., payable frOm that' date. PitiPcialle will be received in antis oronehtin dred, live bundled or one thounand Malmo, for the whoteleitit'or iny part thereof, at par or any'pre mium above that rate. The Committee will award the -lotui;:or cony part -thertiof;ito` the highest and best bidders on.that day. • =NI T. - ALLIPN /14014T04P JOim STAHL, ;!, I...SHOEMAKER. . , . Finaskoo Qoaimittee. ILuqpnuis Sep. 14, , 1803. oaw3k PUBLIC SALE.=will be sold at pub- We, on Siturdity, 'October 10 , 1883, at the late reisidkinbif 61 , Frederick Keener, deceased, in Lower Pit tow township. Dauphin county, en the roads leading from Lingelstowtt to Harthburg, on, the Jonestowl road, six miles eset of Harrisburg and on; two miles frtim Sisigelstow‘; the following real estate, : 85 acres of land, more or less, thereon erected a two-story Log House and Barn; an orchard , of choice fruit trees, and a good spring of never falling water, are on the property, and a running stream of water poises through the land.! 'Any person 'wishing to vieir,the above pro perty can do so by calling at t he late residence of Fred erick Keener, deceased. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. on said'day,' when attendanee be given and Onditilono made known by. . • Sept 15-lawaw "A'' SURE CHA E II9 , E TO MAKE MON "A Penny .Saved "is a Penny Earned." Kimball's Shoe Store, 38 1-2, Market St. YOU WILL SAYS MONBY.. The undersigned, thankful for the very liberal' pa trAiiage he Lai ooioyed, would rcrpemtfullY , annbance to the public that he bas now in store one of the largczt and beet selectiat stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiter% Trunks, &G.:40 be , found in the city, which will be sold at a very small advance. Remember the place : • KIMBALL'S /IRON STORNi NO. 381, MARKET St (Next door.to M 7 oallets Jewelry Store ) BARNISBURSI, PA. J. 0. KIMBALL. sep 17-13tw&i A IN. DM ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration have this day been granted to the undersigned by the Register 'of - Dauphin county, upon the estate of Daniel Bressler, late of Jeffeet•on township, in said oonnty, do wned. 4111 persons having claims or demands against said estate are hereby requested to make known the Same without delay, and those indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to JOBB 'HOPRIKAN, administrator, aug27-law6t* Jefferson township Dauphin co. A lIDITOR'S NOTICE,— The Court of /11,_ Common Pleas of Dauphin county has appointed the subscriber Auditor to distribute the money in the hands, of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real estate of Valentine Straw, of Jackson township, to and among the judWnent creditors of said defendant, and the Auditor has appointed Monday, the bth day of Cic lober, next, at his office in Harrisburg, atlo o'clock In the forenoon of said day, as the time and place for ma king sed distribution when and where all Persons in terested are notified to attends JNO. ROBERTS, Auditor Eeptember 12, 1863-14dlaw3w A SSESSMENT OF DAMAGES. v 'Pursuant to an order of the Court of Quarter See- Mons of Dauphin county, notice is hereby given to the Commissioners of said county, and to the property hol ders Wong the line of Cumberland street, from Seventh street t o Street and Verbeke street, from Ful ton street to Seventh street, in the city of Harrisburg, that hoon the petition of the Mayor of said city,- the Court has apuointed six viewers to assess the demaSes caused by the, opening of said streets, and that they will proceed `to assess said damages on THURSDAY, ea lath di, of fICTOBER next, atlo o'clock a. at , which time all parties interested may appear upon the ground,if they think proper. sept2B-10td WHOLESALE AND RETAIL gii3llllMarl" FAMILY GROCERY. Having hint returned from the Destern eities; we are receiving all the FRESH and (Mows geode in our line in the market. " • ' We can oonfidently offer it complete stock of First Clam Groceries, which we guarantee .cantet be sur passed by any , other establishment in,the Stets in is- Teetiors;'price or assortment. ,sep 25 • ' WM. DOCK, JR.,' & 00. APARTMSNTS Furnished and ing for Ladle! AM Gentlemen. Inquire of also. KERB,, • ' • Shoemakeen Row, Second street, nearly opposite the Buehler Bowe. R. 4" J.. 0. yE , `x)TpEk . N - az• x Es IT,, ofr.rex.th In room formerly occuided by Dr,. Carman, .ocorme MARKET STREIT AFD NARKIII7 MARL YOTTVILLE GI-LASS WORKS; ; P.M I L D•E•L P-11 I A • • • ; 11 •4$ 1 MOMII • ' 4 Z•B Y DAM.; Iktl 8 ' mirautez wATAR, 1 1 4TARWO AMD PRESERVE B_o-2" BAS ••.• DESommizoil. , • 'H. W .3 .1 0e10.411, .• •IT Month •Pront iteret. Philabd4Poia• OtiCE 14 ,EIVOBY GIVEN, that La all permiSicKlebted tithe estate of Adam Brew ler late of J efferson :township, Dauphin ailunty, de -01441d, ars requestedto .ol,l 4e . immediate payment; . and all having Obi= a;lairtat said ,astati_will pia tiiii-talfailibietailAr far lidliatili 6ll ,. • JOHN HuOVBE,'', Administrator of Adam Brainier, deal: Jefferson township, Sept. 2r,„ DidB.-04:41ed of POTATOES! -A , LARGE SIMPLY just received., ,4177►LITY VARY MIPARIOR. 'WM • WM. DOOR, Jr., & 00, pp T. BABBITT'S Omwentrate 2 on-!, VW doused, or Pulverised 84ift OW. Three gallons of handsome white soft soap nude in five shinnied:- grease required. Disicartoltstl—Disselve obki-pennd of the iosp in one gallon boiling then add vet warm i lifien gu'will hare three gallons flionions WRITE "Stitt Ir. Ten bounds Irlll mike one,boriel,of sof; *AN l'heysoop thus madN to exeellint weih4r treat ; ditulkinutplioite of all kinde. For sole bpi iny2B. WDi . pocit, jr ic CO. Da. D.C. KELLER, Executor By`buying your BOOTS. SHOES AND TRUNKS, JOHN W. BROWN, (Sty Solicitor =1 STATE FAIR. THE ELEVENTH . ANNUAL EXIT-I:BIT-ION OR THR l'ENN'i STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, BB .11111 D AT 11011RIST,OWN,,p1ONT9OME,Iyir CO., PA:, Reptember 19th and iodli aid eitiber lit and ' Id 1863' Norrintown le about 17 miles west of P.hiladelphikon the Schuylkill river and. Is accemible by railway tO every portion of the State. The Grounds are beautifully situated, im;Niiing.,2B acres of ground wittline billainp thisfflon "ree led; together with large amount of sh'eddirgi. The track is mid to ha one of the best half mile tracks in the State. Th• premiums are the heaviest ever offered by the society, amounting to about 87000. The pre. miume for all ,grades of cattle exceed $lOOO, five of whtehare; $BO each, 10 from $26 to $l6, °theta running down to lamer, rates!. Best herd got Ism than 15 head, tiretpoemitini* . ; - SeCond'pithilitim; $25: ' Homes for Ica gr.asioc.theltretninma exceed $1360. The highest $lOO ; 22 between $2O and, $2O, and citio-rs ranging from $l2. $lO and ss' For Sheep and Swine the premiums range from $lO to $6 and - • • Far. Poultry there is- a lone Bettor'preinittiris from $2 to $1 each.. In the following classinrmoetHbeial pre miums. are Wailed s PlAughe, Cieltlitiore; Drilla; Wa gone, Reaping and • Mowing" Machines; Cutters, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, Pumps, Buckets, Tin Ware, Leather and its Manufactures, Gas Fixtures, Marble Mantles, Butter,' Flour; Grain and geed. Vegetable.; and also for Domestic .and Household Mannfaettires, Clothe, Carpet., Satinet, 6birtiag, Sheeting. Blankets, Flannels, Shawle, .Knit Goods, Needle Work, &c. Bread, Cake,. Preserves, Jellies, &c Large premiums are offered for every variety of Bruit and Flowers The Floral Tent wilt be the largest ewer erected by the Society. and will form One of the moat attractive features of the exhibition. Bruit, Grapes and Wine will be exhibited in this department. The Pennsylvania Railroad arid Norristown Railroad have arranged to carry articles for exhibition' to and from the Exhibition freight free, requiring the forward ing freight to be paid. which will be reptid shipper when goods are returned to the station whence shipped. It is hoped to effect the. same with other important roads. Excursions at reduced rates will be run on all the leading railroad& Entries can be made at the office, in Norristown, after the 4th day, of September. Ali articles must be en tered on the books on or before Tne , day evening, Sep tember 29th Exhibit°. s must become members. Membership $l.OO, with four coupon Tickete each, One of which will admit one person to the Fair once. SINGLE ADMISSION 25 CENTS. 117- A List of Preteinme and Regulations can be had by addressing the Secretary. THOMAS P. KNOX, President . A. Banana Loma/Eno, Stoetetry. . Norristown, Pa. 5 SECRET DISEASES ! • SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! Tan MOST 011RTAIN BaltiDY BYER Donn. Yes, a Posttive Cure! BALSAM COPArm .1. MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect 'a age. • They are entirely vegetable, 'having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. • Cures in 'from two to four days, and recent cases in twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change tehateuee. Price male pabkages, $2; Female, $3. Bold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Bent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 131-Phila. P O jari‘dly BLOOD? BLOOD! SORES : THETR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, - • which produces • SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TETI. TARS, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S ROAOT AND HERB 'JUICES Is offered to the public as • piriitirt cum Diaidee all impurities of the blood and ,brings the system to • healthy action, mire those Spots, Totters, Seale. aid Copper. Colored Patches. • • . SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and 'Herb Tutees is the most certain remedy ever presetibed. It remoras army par. tide of the poison. FEMALES! FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES is moat happily adapted, in Uloaratad Uterus, in Whiten, in bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility. and for all com. plaints'ineident to the sex. " • 1)0 NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals. Here is a care in may Casa fel 55. Pries ill per bottle, or all for.SI, with full &na tions. Sold by D. W.. GROSS lc CO. Sent by Express carefully packed by DESMOND di 00, jane-ly Box ifolPinla. P.O. THE BEST FAMILY T SEWING- WHEELER. & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Colder's • • o . o' ce. . Call and see them in operation, A general assortment of maohlnes, and needle) eon. etantly on hand. 111188 .111ARGARET 11111. ft r Will exhibit; and , sell Rem . and Om*, all swig, machine sewing thrill:we mat:blies lie the beat manner. The patrOnege of the public is respectfully 'elicited. 5p13.41m BUEHLER HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA This old established House has undergone extensive improvements ; and been thoroughly. renovated and re fitted. It le pleasantly located' the heart of the city, in may access to the State Capitol and Public grounds. • gi:r Iler the accommodation et oar *nests, toe have recentip commenced to reen-a Coat 'to and feint the Raii reed. in Skis manner •nopisemost delay ttt gearoinir the Boot fess the Hotel WU -be avoided; dent . eneeek mews time afforded ranee for meals when leaving the House. Intondius Cot the hittliflX.lßlADWlSl,shall berea/ty a honie4ike resort for the-streeoger and traveler we re epeotfallyeolielt a continuance of the public patronage. - . Q-20. J. BOLTON,, Beptll.4lllm Proprietor. VALAMBLE rftOPURTY AT FRI— SATH tiALL—The subscriber will sell at private sale that valuable Tavern Strad, situate on Ridge Road, in the Sixth Ward, Harrisburg, earner of Broad street, being 26 feet in front'aud 'l2'fiet deep. The improve. ments are a two-story frame Tavern Rowse, with three , ;dory back building... Hydram , -wader in. the prempei, and other convents:Ml6?' The 'property I. ' ealCulited either for it More Or a hotel, being eligibly ;situated. Nor terms apply an the premiseslo • , • . , • • • t MINIM BOSTGIN. Hozusnuieg, September 9, . P. 13.-4Plis intliserlbeeiiill alio sell a nub etticii6 cdd: horse. .and faaidlp ear.riegfis hiving Wwieter7the same: sep 10-tr B. • MOUNT VERNON ROUSE, Second Street, Ity4me „fixib t PHIUDELPIILL., • J. F . 11.11 A. GPRita TAR , isepi6] 'Este Of "Burt Rouse," Atlantic City. -08 m N OT A RUM DR-INKI A highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. A PURE TONIC THAT WILL HELP. TE THE AII FLIOTED AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR. 00FLANDPS GERMAN BITTERS DR. C. M. JACKSON, WILL ALL P I:1: 4 A HEREOTOALLY and MOST CERTAINLY MIRA A Disordered Liver, Sionsaeh sr Minutia& of our citizen!. are !offering from DYBPEP 1141. prid‘, LIVER DISEASES, and to ibom l Um following gueations apply—we guarantee HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS / WILL CURE THEM. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a, coated tongue zrorniugs, with bad taste in the inbilliarldyobrallgetite for breakfast? Do you feel when you fret get up ordeak and languid you eas warcelr get about! Do fun have a dizziness in the head 4 timely and viten a dams" with-headache occasionally ? Are your bowels costiveend irtegalar, and appetite change able ? Do you throw vp wind from the stomach, and do you swell up often ? Do yot Nil a fulness after eating, cud a sinking when the stomach foorriptil Do you have heartburn occasionally / DJ you feel 19W apiriled, bad look on the dark side of things? Are you not aausaally nervous at times ? Do you not become restless, and often lay until midnight before you can go to aleep ? and them at times, don't you feel dull and aireepy most of the Vile f Ds your skin dry cue Healy ? also sal ow ? In short, ik not ioltr U. a burtkon, fall of forehdings HooHand's German Bittez% • • • Will cure every ogee of CHRONIC OR NERVOErB DEBILITY, DEISEASEP OE THE KIDNEYS, AND DISEASES ARISING PROM A' DISORDERED STOMACH. • Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of, the DigestiVe Organs Constipation ' Inward, Piles. Irina er Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dingiat ..for.Food, /ulna's or Weight. inAheNtonmehr Boer.- Bmciatioas, Sioking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach Strum Fl ming-of tne Head •urried and. Dieldnii Breathing, Fllitteding al the Marti meting or bilk:sting Bezwationk when in a king posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs berms the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head,\Deficiency of . ihmeptcrtiaM Telloweets of. the-- ; Pili.nlmE,Tee, POO in the Beet, Meet Lindoe' &e. ad. Bnthing the Xlesh, " "Con‘taiiA Inneenika • - . emit' De-. - _ PARTItVLUT't - There are many preparations sold under the wane he Bitters, pvit up quart bottles' compounded of the cheap est whin or Osomemir nuns. Coiling from 20 to 40 glib per Melons dislodged by Anise or Corhusder This class of 'Mari bpi aansed, and, will contimew to cause,as lOng as' they can be mold, hundreds to die tko death or the Ann* * * B tkeir use the system is kept continually tinder the filluance of -Ann . /Ante Stimulants of the wont hied, the desire for Liquor is erected -end kept up, and the result is , ail the horrors attendant epee a drunkard' life and death. - For those who desire and will have a L'quor Bittern; we publish the following receipt . : Out One Bolas HoojiamePs BMW and mix with .714,48. Q u.,esS of 'good Brandy or Wsi , ky, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor. Bitters in the market, and will eostitsiiwk,less, Yon *ill have all the virtues of Hooflasei'Dilters:.iirpoupktibn with S geed *Mole ef LiquerAitlk eluth i leetepiloo thou thews - inferior prepare. tons will coat you. libolland 7 s German Bitters WILL GIVE VOLT A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU Brisk and 'Energetic Feelings, WILL ENABLE YOU TO gar-JINIMr . Nntr-T-117-4, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &e. Bto &e, From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, prom whatever muse, either in MALE OR FEMALE, an 23 WILL FIND IN 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS g. .74_3i1VAL.M.1alar That will motors them totheir initial health. Ranh has been the case in thousands of inatancee, and a fair trial ill but required to.prove the, aisertion REMEmpER THAT THESE EITTERR ARE NOT ALColloue AND NOT INTENDED AS A 33 IEIII7 30 .IEIL 431- The Proprietors have thousamig of letters from the most eniment CLERGYMFN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS. and CITIZENS, Teafifying of their own personal knowledge, to the bene ficial effects and wading virtues of tue)ie Bittern. Tiom Dot. J Newton Brown, b. D., Editor of intiola. pedia of Religious Rnowle'lge Although not diepoleo t. favor or recommend Pot ent Medicines in irenerai, through distrust of their ingre dients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefit; be Uneven himself to haft rodared fron- any simple preparation, in the hope that be may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this morireadily in reward to ulFlootiandis German Bitters, , prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. of this city, becetiee.l was Ofoitidietd against thirn for years, under the impression that they were chiefly , ao alcoholto tire. lam indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tart*, and for encouragement to try the* when sufferingfrom sreat and long continued debility use of Dives tattles of' theile }litters, at the beginning of the preempt year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bedily and mental vigor which T had net felt for six months before, and had almoet 4espßired of re gaining. I therefore thank (tod and my friend for di renting me to the pie of them Philadelphia, June 24 1861 KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily removed; and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, Thome suffering from MARABmI7B, wasting away, with mareely any flesh on their bones, are eared in a Inky short time • one bottle in such cases will have a moat surprising NoALNlLmmTrzßisi Having suffering children se above, and wiething to raise them, will never regret the day they cornmeneed latsh then Bitters. LITERARY ..11E'N STUDEN Tsfi ~ And those working bud with their lwafirkahowlg ways keep a bottle of HOOFIAND ) B BIT in them, as they wiliflnd much benefit from its Ins, to both mind and bodT, ilirigekitilig and hot depiTkillig; • IT-IS NOT A LIGOOIL STIMULANT, Mid bawd no IDol4stion: . * . Attention •, Soillie* . es! AND THE FALEkDS (OE SOLDIERS. We call the attention arid hair` Math* or.Sessla lobe alloy tbalbet that fr ROM OthNta.. tars 71 will core ni4tenthe of the diMientineextere. pommel and prlAtittuiticidiintiO canspltto Baty published alnemti daily .the neteleepen4nAtniatelval of the: de*, notiosa:thst svery.leFige proportion are sulleelng hons dibidty 7 Every me of that kind can be teadpyeauW4 by goodisralW German Bitters. We have no hesitation in stating that if these Bitters were freely used ontOult our oddiers. hundreds of Una might be naval that otherwise would be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thanktkil letteriffrone sulfrieni in the army slid hospitals, whnhave been restored to health by the nee of these Battle, motto them by their friends, BEWARE OF 'COUNTERFEITS! Bee that the flijittatire of C. IL Jackson • to on the WR 4 APPER of mai Bottle. PRIOR PIM BOTTIAM 76 OUTS. - OB SAL/ DOZEN for $4 00. Should your, nNroot drum*, not b ovirtbuatklo, do not Abeiptitt off by 'any -irt the inttodootteg 'propaMitou that ,th ar b e e em er ea.in its place. but lieu& to ad, mad 'ye wilt tb&ard, onwely raked, by per. 0000 lanajaltory, ; - Na 631. ARCM ST. I%l' MI db .112 17 1W is m om,. 0.111. - JAIMON le C 0.,) 'PROPRIETORS. irr Per sale by Druggists awl Dealers In 'eery townln the United Ostia PO O* PRERARBD SY Kidneys. Tho.e Buttering J. NEWTON BROWN. DIBEASES OP