a errilinc i rini A wacrorriirtrid. justitet bat Ifsdionsi tido bier -thitt ttlby have evidently subordinated the war to the question of slavery, rather than the restoration of the -ITisfon,- - thereby dividing : the Northern ,;and uniting the Southern., people ; that they have broken down the safeguards of the Constltu goat, and thereby imperilled the liberties of the citizen. It is, therefore, a duty we owe to to the country—the whole country, do - cause of the Union, and to the cause of liberty —to dismiss them from the administration of the Government at the earliest day the Con- Stitntion Will permit. I shalt not defend the Democratic party against the assaults of its old or its new ene vewilineowlitrlias a history. 11419filmesedemeftself, and gives abundant assurance ,of the wisdom and patriotism which - will characterize its policyin the future. Ho one can foresee what action may be wise or necessary on the numer ous alternativesand exigencies which the times are so likely to Prmut. This much, however, may be safely said; that at all times and in every emergency, it will stand up for the greet principles of civil and religious liberty, as set forth IA ettr present form of goverement—for out reNeSentative and judicial systems ;, for the plan of self-governmet through the ballot; far free speech and free press ; for law and for order; for the just rights of the States, and move all and without faltering will it contend, with all the means it can command, for the Union of all the States as it was, and the Con stitution with only such modifications as may be neccessary to make that Union more perfect and permanent. As for myself, notwithstanding all that is past, my hope is still in the wisdom and sense of justice not yet extinguished in the popular heart. For rend I AVM new go where I sought to go before the bloody strife, began— to the hearts of the people. I would take their advice as to proper terms of settlement and peace, preparatory to the ratification of such terms under the forte's of the Constitution. I am, and ever have been, and shall be, for the Union, and shall never voluntarily yield it.— Gloomy as the future seems, I have still hope that, with wiser counsels, and thZ beheticent smiles of Him who directs the destiny of na tions, the government and the Union may be saved. Let us hope for this and pray for this. Possibly the ordeal through which our govern ment is now passing may fix its foundations still deeper and firmer, and leave its blessings to unborn generations. fib 011. A. ki-4114D1 -4.114:LN FIEKINAA k_Aq EM The several County Committees of Superintendence are requested to communicate the names mid post pace addend of their members to the Olutilmam of the Stets Central Committee. CHARLES I. BIDDLE, Chairman. 1171 .1 1'MIn n 7WIMMTM= . M1 EL2I Rooms 144 S. Sixth Street, Second Story Chairmass—Hon. CIUELZEI 7. BIDDLZ. Secretary--Jemis F. 811ZINIC, Mg. Treasurer--Col. Wrwassi H. Ksicirmas. The officers are In attendance daily at the Committee Rooms. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. Wednesday, September 30. Uniontown, Fayette county_ (To be addressed by Ira-' Gov. Bigler, lion: I S. Black. Hon. Hititter Cly mer, Hon. H. D. Forster, Hon. Wm: Montgomery and others. Bloody Bun, Bedford county. New Athens, Clarion county. Thursday, October 1. Coarse's Mills, Washington county. Union Grove, Washington county. Buena Vista. Bedford county. Lewisburg Union county. [To be addressed by Hon. Wm. H. Witte, Col. Kane and Hon. °bad. W. Car rigan.] Mistreat, Northampton county [To be addressed by Allen Craig, R.q , of Manch Chunk, O. H. Meye a. Bsq., of Easton, and Capt. Owen Rice, of Nazareth.] Bustieten. Philadelphia city. [To be addressed by Hon. Jae. W Wall, of Bei" Jersey, a-d others.] • qr.:a...Wm, Bucks minty. [To be addressed by Joel Cook and others Tylersburg, Clarion county. West Freedom, Clarion county. Conneautrille. Crawford county. [To be addressed by Non. G Church, Hon. Wm. A. Galbraith, Col. Jas. K. Kerr ] Chambersbuty, 'Franklin county. [To be addressed by Hon. Jeremiah S. Black. Hon. Relater Olymer,,Ron. Wm. H. Witte, Hon. Charles R. Backalew , Hon. Roussel Hepburn, and R. A. Lamberton, Req.] Friday, October 2. • Satin& township, Fayette county. Pleasantville. Bedford county. • ' Mt Pleasant, Westmoreland county. • Muntingdog, Huntington county. [To be addressed by Hon. Wm. Bigler and otters.] Jelereon, York County- Charchtown, Cumberland emmty. • • Saturday, October 3. Plough Tavern, Berke county. • • • Gent's School Reuse, Fayette. county_ . Proaperity, Washington county. Kimble - elite, Chester county. Bowman's, Lebanon county: . [To be addreseed by Hon. Wilt. H Newtown, Bucks county.. Woodbury, Bedford amity, Pats, York county. Bellefonte. Centre county. [To be aldiesied by Hon. Wm. H Witte, Col. R. P liana and H. Reynolds.] Hellertown. Northampton county. [To beandressed by W. Rosenthal, Esq., of Reading, Val Hilburn and Col. W. Es Hants=, in 1, i9X.,11141ia Allis and A. IL Knecht, in llnglish.] Oyster's. Point, Cumberland con ity. Schelleburg, Bedford county Marehaiten, Chester county. Hralltown, York county. Windeld, troteu county. [To be addressed by G. W. Ziegler, A_ H Dill and J. Randolph, SAL] Village Gram, Delaware county. (Rvenina ) [To be addressed by Obas. Backwater, Req., of Philadel phia; Charles D. Manly, lbsq , of Media, and B. B. Sioireghan, Esq., of Westchester Monday, October 3. Woodberry, Bedford county. :Tuesday, October 6. Indians. Indiana county. [To be addressed by Hon. W. H. Witte, Ex. Governor Bigler - , Hon. Hiester thy- MST Main. toini Y,. %anon, it. L. tohnoten, Hon: H. D Poster, and other eminent speakers.] Dry Run, Franklin county. Sunbury, Northumberland county .. [To be addressed by Hon. Richard Faux Ron. Amon V. Potions, Hott:47bUle4 Ingersoll of Pbflinf Franklineoweri, of , Fer tsvnle ; Hon. Wm. H. Hiller, .of Harrisburg, and,joe.-0. Dueler * of Lewisburg 'addressed by bounty. ' ITO be 'addressed by Mx-Gov; Bigler, Hon II D. Foster and others.] Basic% Olaxido county. - Tincrodarr. Octebiir Carlisle, Cumberland county.' IA grand rally. to be ad. dr. wed by Hi-governor Wall, Bi gler, Hon. Itni A. Porter, Hon. Chas. W. Carrigan, Hog. W. H . Witte, Hon. Jeremiah B. Black, Geo. orthrep;lN.,ll.sn. A. Y. Pummel. • . . • • . Downing, anny Oliester comity. [To be aorunifa Hon. john Dawson, Hon. heater Clymer, G. W. Biddle, HRq.. and O. K. Wharton,']ieq ] Doylestown'. Backe county. [To be addreiced by Hon. Chan W. Carrigan ], .4, Hittsiming, Armstrong county. [To be addressed by Th-Boy. Bigler, lion. ctiirleA Irigareoß and T. J. Miles ' • • . Powell's,. Bedford county. Roxbury, Franklin county. Morgart's Corner, Cheater county: Straitontille, Chaim county. • New Columbus, Inserno'immity. fro be aiXrused by Gen. Stank:rant Manly Wiroduagt and j: H•Vizal% Tux, radicals ixonsider it o' f .gOod jOlie 'that „ Siontou.osee the $BOO oonsonl, Wo4tei, Fgrute purobsse of '.lllaryiond atimze. Eight has he to dO it ? - • • la. it.ut - - Tws whole •wor ong, soon 'twin one general: setae. A= itty ebrill. thin prospect, .isa's it . • . A l counTry editor, praising annocessfal poll- tiOlilticalled him ..one of tie cleverest fellows !fit lifted a hat to a l a d y ; 0# 't boot to''a bleat kit" • - , 4 - ;g9 1 0, / "':to .: _"id, that in Ohio a large r ntenlier of office-sedum , Revitalises will Tote:tor. Mr. VigsAtAighapot witi the "hole. Demeoratio tick et. 1 1 0 *Win' Ph TlPFos two they ,cen rpia,;l9A. office.PllM- 4011x10101.0 0 P ticket as "life -I Png Demor_ ; f Aceennrsa to the Hartford Times, only four ont of-1127 dratted:-naela have•gone to the war from Hartford y-mict *Wo of these .lireee un bleached American% Cueljiasiox just now ii Hie is jOtkuir chicken thst z ikolild like to 'get - Otebtlise sky l l--of coYART, to escape the p l id e t i irj r 'l*, '.'"- i . ~ 1 , tSitsytt, to lose a , bathe lilli iiiilif than tike'elesaißt ; in Pennailtriotak,liii ,itilboli. tiooists: ' ' ' "' l ' - " 4 ' . " , - 1 ' '' . - ' - t:ii CIO ." * -t) BIL/OTLIM . YOKING ilia forty .e, 464 waste sere:- f , • • .-- 4. • - 1 ,-. - . - _ • •• ...1-....,... a. tr _—, Cpt atrizt thin. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 'ZVI 1863. 1 - . .. aliffimplmw S--- ri 0. 13.40* &• ^ ;; P PR L,..t. IRS 'v... ;:i 0 '''s - ' ' ' • ,-. v, Commiguoswo Cni os 11 no d iiie eh • tha Ileatut ~...; ll ND 1:7260N uniedikeompaii ' with .:.''' naniVof i . author. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. EON. GEO. W. WOODW ARD, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, WALTER H. LOWRIE, OP ALLEGHENY COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY NOMINATIONS. SENATOR" DANIEL D. BOAS, of Harrisburg. ASSEMBLY, J. WESLEY AWL, Harrisburg. CHAS. H. ZIEGLER, Reed township SHERIFF, JOHN RAYMOND, Middletown. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, T. A. HAMILTON, •(3 years.) Harrisburg, JACOB BUCK, (1 year,) Upper Paxton. I,lOOBDBn, JAMES AORNING, Jefferson TRIASIIPXR, Dr, DAVID UMBERGER, Lower Paxton. DIZZOTOR OF THE _POOR, JOHN BUCK, West Hanover. AUDITOR, JAMBS M'CORMICIK, Jr., #arritiburg. TO DEIHOCRATIO EDITORS AND PRINTERS! gar IMPORTANT Norptou.—Mani of the news papers in the interior of the State are printing the neale . Of our candidate for Supreme 'Judge, ci Walter B." instead of Walter H. Lowrie, which is the proper way. This mistake, espe cially if oarried On% in the printing of tinketß, may be the means of depriving us on the count of thousands of votes. Let editors and printers at once look to this, and print the name here after WALTER H. LOWRIE. The National Debt. The N.Y.Tribune admits that the War "has „ , saddled tpt with a . debt , that will take bread from the mouth of every laboring man's child for generations, and send taillione . hungry to bed.” But what of this ? What if the policy of this Abolition administration needlessly ex tends the duration of the War, and adds mil lions daily to this crushing debt t What if it does " take bread from the mouth of every laboring man's child, and sends millions hungry to bed That id a trifle to Greeley and those of his political school. It is an Abolition ad ministration, and to keep political power in its hands, though the country should be turned into a desert, and the poor starve, Greeley, and CURTIN, and every howling Abolitionist in the land would still support it. One of the most healthy signs of the times for the Democratic party that we have recently observed, is the gradiAl SlOUghing off from it of all its rotten particles. The men of whom we daily read in the Abolition papers as " life long Democrats," now engaged in stumping the State for Curtin, are only so much deoayed, gangrened matter slougbirig off—the best evil 'deuce we could possibly have of the tendency of the body tq healthy. action. Men of shaky prinoiples, moral and politics) profligates, have always had their price, and when the demand 'for the material is in excess of the supply, as at present, very poor articles have sometibies been purehased at exorbitant prices. Such men as. Tod, of Ohio, Dickinson, of New York, Beast Butler; of litatietrohneotte, Logan, of nobs, Forney, *,.nox; and men still meaner and more contemptible, if possible, are examples in point. The batch recently purchased and ad vertised in ihe Abolition papers for hard cam paign duty, are about ALS worthless as possible, and we should think very dear at any price. Apogitacy of - Col. T. C. MaeDimon. The recent proobedings bf the colonel fully confirm the rumor of his apostaoy from the Democratic ranks, which we felt indisposed to believe on Fridarnight. He has gone over, as at various times many other men of loom prin ciples have, to the enemy. Be has severed a connection which was more honorable to him than he wash -by it—and, in our opinion, the party loses far less than the renegade. Spine ask us what we, think oi him? W. think the .time is not very •remote when he will repent of the set he hat( committed, if-he have not al ready done . so. Others ingniro 'What reffsonp we suppose he had Tor. so suddenly throwing himself into the -arms -of the Abolitioniatel What we - ,may suppose can he of little tonee quanta. ~It, is said he Succeeded in having passed by the Military Board, and, cashed at the Treasury, claims - of his own and others to the amount of nearly $4,4:40, since the lst of September, while other ,elttally valid claims were'deferred. .Whetheri-this. fever :had any influence in obsoging his views vie-know not— some think it bpd, " ; Of this ire :feel satisfied— the realoPs for, his. twokkkez were not the reasons. thatoperated-upon hie.mind. They are the "stereotyped 'reasons assigned' by every renegade , and when ut t ered them knew. that ;none who knew him would believe him. -One more-word and all we have to say wilt have been OM li:or his own sake WO re- Vat tho, oo gr44 beiff taken , ---we have no, rea son to regret it for flrparty's sake. Political *Campo*" against the COUSU- •Whiteres:!may be fairly ierged In opposition tonontinn4gin:pcorer the Federal administft- Om, Mairvritls spat force he 'mild against the ft-election Sof NOnstin, who stands. 'pledged.,to support all the liff."l.3n l Corni i ind obey 16 ##,.*° 1 40' i ii:T h !‘ A l b afft 4rl9:i i i c i " A t the folkwin shcraptlpleK es:teals' clearly the motives and designs of the ylderaladmiCiatria tion, in all "of which . Midre w . puitin,lke Abolition eP/OcWetra ( gflYo . 74 l lltof thio eelik monwealth, is implicated an ..an Sider and.abet tor. -Can the peo'ple,•vinderthatilrodmitancek rote for him ? The /trgne,,, iye " • Every d ay the imiitbei the , Aeptadinen leaders to pervert the war ,into Lose of Apd to pro-- :r - MT= Sioughing Off. tiltlo*: more distinct. The pretences of ... , - 16 - _, . ~ . r. are thrown away_ The Abol . j .._ ~ !, trol the administration and' , its ,'' i w They have persuaded Mr. Lin n that it -, e war „should And. and the restoration of the Unioal'shouhrikillow peace, there would be no chati4 of hti te-election. It mast be the 'tsiditt,of an inaMnpleted war, and ist the oriels of 4,gonaCtroubles, that tire Amitnibistristion mulish fgetra-electionoitiOrditioinnitolitte theifork I !;I' . l-' , . - -,i:. . s•,:* 14 „,_Pr.t ,,, ,-_.,. '- ' - This idea governs all he ,teg 4 Ex ecutive and of his associates it 1 3n. It has dictated all his repressive measures. . It prompted the suspension of the habeas corpus, and the r.epresaive measures,to xeatr,a*. Rahn° discussion. It is this that induces him to repel the States of the South which propose to return to their allegiance, and to substitute a system of harsh dictation for a conciliatory policy that would soon drew to our side a majority of the seceded States. 'A protraction of the war, a postponement of Be ce, is as plainly proclaimed as the policy Orthe party, as if it were inscribed on their beaters. The Union,the Constitution, the cause of constitutional liberty here and throughout the world are to be sacrificed to the single idea of fanatic Abolitionism. Facts, fur the People to Ponder. We are indebted to the Pittsburg. Post for valuable facts in relation to the National debt, the proportion which will fall upon Penney'. vania, and the heavy taxation which her people will have to pay annually for an incalculable period. We take the facts as we find them set forth in that paper, elloopt in one or two in stances, in which we have taken the liberty to correct what we believe to have been slight triVt§, We assume that the National debt is now, or very soon will amount to the enormous sum Of THERM THOUSAND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS,' of which the proportion chargeable to Pennsyl vania will be one-eixth,_ or FM HUNDRED MIL LIONS or DOLLARS, the annual interest upon which will he THIRTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Itt addition to this, we have the fact that ,on the first day of September, according to the returns from the Surgeon General's depart- Meat, the list of eoldiers entitled to Penkorts amounted to one hundred and seventy thousand, (170,000.) To this:formidable list we - feel per fectly safe In adding eighty thoistand (80,009) more, Making the whole number of pensioners to be provided for two hundred and fifty thousand, (260,000;) and we assume eight dollars per month to each as a lon average. This would amount to , ninety six dollars per annum to each pensioner, making the aggregate TWENTY FOUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to be paid annually, of which Pennsylvania's share—one sixth—would be FOUR MILLIONS OF DOL . LARS, equal to a principal of $66,066,666 66. i, (sixty-six millions six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-siX dollars and sixty-eix and two-third cents) at six per cent. For the sake of even figures -we will call it SIXTY-SEVEN MILLIONS. This will make Pennsylvania's share of the National debt FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN MIL LIONS, the interest on which, at six per cent., say in round numbers THIRTY:FOUR MIL LIONS, she will have to pay annually in the ehape of taxes.- Of these taxes Dauphin coma• ty, containing one sixtieth of the whole popu lation of the State, will have to pay nearly riyE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN THOU SAND DOLLARS. For the sake of round numbers—as we did before—we will say five hundred and fifty thousand--which would be ekes?' dollars for every mail, *OMAR and Okild in the county ; or, computing the taxable i in habitant's at ten thousand, fifty-five dollars for each-one.to pay every year. Let us look at this calmly for a moment in the light of facts, and see what is the ability of 'the State to meet this demand of five hun dred 004*V-seven millions annually. The .Post, having examined the documents, finds that, the Revenue Board, in 1863, fixed The value.of all the property in the. State, real and personal, at FIVE HUNDRED AND NINE TY-SIX MILLIONS. Now inurderto bilance the books fairly'we must not forget the State debt, Which is, in round numbers, $39,000,000. Taking then into the calculation the whole debt, State and National, which we have to foot,_ and the valuation of all the property of the State, as computed by the Revenue Board, and the account will stand thus : PENNSYLVANIA, DR. To her share of the National debt.. 5500,000,000 To principal, at six per cent. of het shire of pension list... 67,000,000 To her own State debt 38 , 000 , 000 PENNSYLVANIA, Ca. By her own valuation of her own property $596,00000 Balaiee against the State $9,000,000 So that if Pennsylvania were put up at auc tion to-morrow and sold for the full sum at whirl her own Revenue Board has valued her, she could not meet her 'obligations by NINE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. That is, here debt is nine millions more than she' is worth. And this is ihe result of Abolition plunder and mid management ! Tax-payers of the State—tax payers of Dauphin -county, "how do you like the picture ?" ' ' Another Base Falsehooil Nailed to .the Cmnter. A few days sines we published a letter from .1 Judge Woodward to Rufus Shapley, Esq., of Carlisle, Chairman Of the Cumberland county Demodratic Committee, refuting's base cal umny purporgag here been Pet irt tie)/ by one Judge. Hall, whom nobody aflame to knotr; do* we have a letter from: Lieut. Cori Georgd ; A, Woodirard; late Cimmendbe Of the 2d,Pennsylvania &Aeries, aud.now Meer of the Invalid Corps, nailing to the •oouuter another still more Infamons slander which the , Abolition speakers and papers halie been cir culating with a view to, injure the standing of his flttheroludge Wbodward, with the people. T. J. Ilighard, a manlier of the wolsture two yeirs age„oo'repUted editor o ihe pitta- burg Daily Commercial (the new, Caiettn paper) is said to be the inventor of the fasehookhut we Presume-6st neither lie norany of his" Ab olition contempor i aring publish , , the ripiti kill:liar-to such a /.011r:00) halre the honor : and , honeety of thoi Abolition! leadermeitnk.. • But here Is the' whole Story told' by' Colentil ‘iii4 if 'there is any Bhsme , legaingog Allioge:iviko 4989 89 ixilortipulimEhy •caltimisitged Judge ilroidward; they oknnet eibid at the - ' ;, their, conduct 7 1 •11:. ' Eighz4vAniscs PPP %MP ItivA,lrt*Qo,oB, 1 Miasmal, Lt R. 11 .1 Sept. 23, MIL 5 Mr TJ. .13igbam. Pittsburg. Pa : • t.f a mass convention held at Pittsburg By T H E MAILS. i( instant, in which you ere repro- . , , 1 a, , ,1... A said, in response to an inquiry FROM BURNSIDE'S AND ROSECRANS' AR of on tbevrs, as to where Woodward (mean- MIES. ing JudgelifOodward,th Democratic nigilinee Th ashville Uni• tef • tiii;:26th states, on for 0 - 0 1 1CTUOT) *ea wh o urtin was BM - Ming to the solditi: want T,. , hen d , aril of . Co bi ' ildit t of Itoseerans '', Woodwirrairaut son m i't - i, ro e P 0 ve. NastiVille, that Long- , tyisburg,k• •, ed in bole , • th told s i t '. r set me r d . ea - from Virginia lOW be ,;; V. be than t• - so 11.— ile o e s • He estimates Nashville is that : ' . to hav en -' •.d the e l'e . • 4 . .'" ull o !Tie.' es o woun• ed iers . Passes h ' , , ng in such a cause." to Chattanooga are not so ea obtained. It .. •. y brother capable of bearing arms, ' w h o b ee mo d e two campa i gn , with the State _ 31r. Boomer, a bridge builder from Chicago, Militia; hae,:perer,k 4" i1 k 0,144444 4. Presume arrived there with slaty -zinen on Thursday limo j „ , - z , , , ~. , ~, ~.. , . , ni•ht, nd ill .i. aced td briA,o_,AlejenT4es to in the oregoing a atemeat—w .ic . eta e- '. ' . ' '; , ~ , _ lll — Copiiii rrsilirtiy meat I &tetre to brand, as of knew it l . tithe communication all the..waNto Chattanooga. _ .•• i s., ••. when 14timaciAit,1 ii Poligatittiiid iffinbeiiiite Gait" virrniternirr DELAY. falsehood: A Cause a° irtali a to nett skibh - Th e late battle of Chat anooga Would have assistance must be wtak indeed. 'A man so lost had a • nt resul orders Gov to honor and decency as to use such means for ernme , ; been unotu ed. partisan owls dbeervee to -14 druninied oat of The 1 i ~ nt w 0 oft of respeoteblesocietyr .--—— - • - --- - - - the reb - in reinfor g Bragg, n ely, to As the Lientenatit Colonel commanding the overwhelm our army by superior numbers, and 2d Pennsylvania Reserves, I participated in sent messegepsy4elAtosigpistoMigial Burnside the battle of . , Gettysburg , but was fortunate orderin him 'to reinforce Rosecrans with the enoug h 4 6 . enbap'e unhaintini: encepta Wight rdek4 dig i'.o6: ,cotinmant a]fufniPlier i eMid injury to my right foot, in which I had been t h i dt I L i m allr eway ajbasb‘riii‘gdnikbid wounded •during the Peninsular campaign. join Rosecrans as soon lts he had captured that Just after the fall r of Sumter, in the spring poem { 1 ,, :10 , E , r 4 , t , fi g 1 - g , -, 11. ,;, of 1861, finding that war between the two The Governmentthen-repeated the order in great sections of our common country was in- a peremptory, inantier r ordering him , i to 'rein evite.ble, under the call of the Presiaent for force Boaeorima • ediately. Two days after three years' volunteers I raised a ' OompanY,in '' ' ' - * ln ' , . ... wards a telegraphic message watt received here Philadelphia which a ft erwards became moor - from Reiritetdii to Ate e ffect that he bid taken porated , Viith the. 2clc i'egtMent reolieibrehle Joneeboiti, and Should !lei Owned. to the as- Reserves. ) , #ny„onetamikliar,with thfilouvkness Idetanets 'Of Resealing. AV the laaVadtherethe of raleing volunteer organ izations knoW it to .Main'bOdYollie tt . 'ooliii,tmder llniolide weie be an *apeuguv i e undertaking., p very, aei4 titat at Athens .:His advance.wait at Cleveland. . my company- cost, with the ollbeigOlk.iittao The• Government, is not satisfied with this small 0140 41 10 that my limited means enabled proceeding, of #?.aside, , and it is yet to,be seen me to de79,ie 14 . 1iile PurPolket CAMS .freit . 11 4 Y what , neces s ity 'there was for .. hii neglect to father, Judge oodward. - During all t e time ' v. ma: ... • . ' ' . • "' • ' o b ey , ! .„.....'vrder 'given in such express terms. that elapsed. liners my , companynininpinstered I ' .'` ' ' I. __ ' ...._.„...,.. ,.....' ' ... ) into, Betides+ , I lived in hia OUP% awl bad. .0 . ~. OJEN. , BUritILDE 'AT simaarmatm. 1; t s;, far as I seededdt, hie onaparation in m y ell _ ' troViavni.n;"Sept. 27.—General Barzud,de terprise- ..,i • , -, . i _ _ , i, ~i = ~, ' was .I lt , rat Q zvill e v 'yesterdiY•' T h ei al l it s l744- ,As Major of the , 24 Pennsylvania }Warne§ th ou, tww pqo say that' , -General , Burnside did - n &rend, el en, inlifeti*Olittle Akt,W,Olnitme. I participated in the ResinsuloPoimqtaipt k and was wpwidedstiCharlea City Cross B eads ,- in crane sa'S ' illg4, wad , colat na . hwieTili'lforood the right loot snd left,liet—,67.lohich mond. iltooolhinitelikhened. l ;. 'Talk ileattleiledfbtihn long am crippled Sas life...was taken ,paiegnag„con- sifen4l4lo4.):flpitichi:teiinAlindielf Ilstrnalde . fined. ihthee Iskait prisoir .in . itichmoss4 'end, t A; .iimieSsialais Fibmithasynkoiii after' being yaseledriwseisktal - to ant, Whee l !' Motairliight; slidttareni General Itairns4e Waq honks ilid Philistiela; )Whare s - :ibnlotir weary rSoFY - ,inkilikti44 l 44.49Xie —,,,-,..1 , • .. y• i moathe, 1- 1 .4 i/ °befitted to thy iienfering maim& stais st oXvuls-:- -`: ~ lit/near, Mitt' iritli'llistl eviifiriSig nilewiated '7,„iffte„ 110,,,,, t ub,„ Ali*. , bl, 111111, "AV Of ifte‘nosetio: and illitilly'relleifik by slot only Asbestine& , 1:V11411 1 11 k.fficomlLP 14 *g NY ilikre" MAW • Prfl-'• .... kid skill, butt by 'the loonstitisk k in d, .ingieu e i,_ __Sent position, and by concentratingst, Cumber ingittentiettraif Way fatter: , mother and sisters. lnpi Gapietr*itit any foied.'WOligiisere Daring ill that' " tulle , it llitfeeedttlifig'iny lbatlfarttZtolidll , 44ol o .to,bii.:Ont,'4 , , whole lifi,'no'fatheconindincire'kind; 'More ' `The_lretowt ° II4 P/eigraPk 4 line o-howl- the •G‘P to solicitons Ilea gait's' iiilfaire;' thattNise, Silts " licormr. c:virt.ik not in 1 Odei,' tint, thtdiiS lis tele-i Almost daily oauieltsUtioiti"nnelirred' lblitvitikiiin graph ic WOhintittliSlidoil between '''.1 6 441 4 1 1 ,e, nil, in ItkidAs..44o;' tbe'presant and tblifu- ,IdOniatenriai Oareemmetle . and -Atheis. The tura of 'aili itiOluttrie WlSiii'disouseettiAilditl- ~110tit',VIOitihPifil.trnl16 aid 3. tho ear 1114 0' 02 4 though II:660V orimiiiidomitii iota'. l oon- ' risit:aeta'Ae*olong..t: o- *arra_w., ..- d im „,eii . ; I, 4,ii t i ann ii: in which th e v ia, was . More is nO news fromrthe front its -day. , inauggvinly ties Odmintstration never di be ~ utter • _t Otitile,i , ,Qtv,i,intiattlii ' ei* the' IVA:- trine of, peceisipzi,nor itAy t ilable:' i llf 'rtiiiioal of the . c?iirse to e ' ,h 7 the ;peeple ,ot the aouts:i , ilia never, did' he iety: aught which was n ?k, 1431/ 4 41 ( 4d * iii001 P li g e rimii,aliza.i'l fornkeeae of midity ai, a tpldpr. , I have thAlf! PP, sir 34 akf'reititation of YO,VielfotOim 3, l ooe9Mille, Y°lol°°4l,6ride ootTO 0)4444 0014;414a, lilt my.,h,a*,yl ; but thfre refplitAion past, bq made . as ; public as wno,tbe Milumny,, end . I deair,et4e public to have the exact ] truth ; in. tumid. to this , matter. In oonelnalou, or, / W4 l . reel,rk that ,it is poor enoouragement to our aol i diersin the field to find that while they are toiling and fighting for their country, lying, politicians ,at home are using•4hem as the: instruments of their partisan malice and such an instance as this is a fair illustralion of the pretended love for soldiers which certain parties parade so con stantly. That love must be sincere indeed which, while it overlays the soldier with ful some adulation, stabs to the quick all that he holds near and dear. Geo. A. WOODWARD, Late Lieut. Col. comdg. 2d Penna. Reserves, Major InTail e d Corps. BLACKWOOD'I3 MAGAZINE again for October contains : Caxtonian, Part XIX, No. - XXIV, on some authors in whose writings knowledge of the world is eminently displayed. Spectre of Milaggio--Jettn Paul Richter. Chreaiales of Carlingford-.—The •kerpetuai ,Curate, Part• IV. Oa hearing week-day service at Westminster Abbey. The Pyramids ; who built them, and when ? The • battle of Gettysburg, and the campaign in Pennsylvania. COMERTATIVE ESSAYS, /MAI: AND POLITI CAL, by S. S. Nichols, of Louisville, Ky.—J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1863. , We shall notice appropriately this book when lei sure and space permit. NEWS OF THE DAY. BY. TELEGRAPH. FROM ENGLAND. Nzw Yortx 1 r Sept 28.—The steamer America from. Bremen, yia, Southampton on the 16th, arrived here to-day. The steamer Star Nailed from the Clyde to , run the blockade; and. two other steamers were ready to. follow. Eighty of the . Florida's crew had arrived at Card Off and proceeded to Liverpool. The Confederate loan is quoted at 25 per cent. disconnt kn the lower, money,market. $605,000,000 BALTIMORN, Sept. 28.—The steamer Spauld ing arrivedei Fortress Monroe yesterday, from Charleston bar, on Friday morning Her news is unimportant:` Gen. Gilmore 'was , actively ' engaged in placing siege guns. The boister ous weather bas interfered with active naval operation& The health of the army and navy is good. • GEN. HOOKER-POTOMAC FLOTILLA. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28:—Major General Hooker left WashingtOn to•day to enter . upon active aery,ice. it is as that General Buttaifteldcontinues hie chief-of -gaff. '•- . Several Vessels, of the Pot?than flotilla have been espetitiallyic(mnoltering in, the vicinity Of dtlting the:past week.' A de tailiminit!titioldleriliCooliptinifid them: The country thereabouts was scoured but no armed rebold,dlsoovired: BRITISH WAR VESSE43. New; Yost, Sept.; 28:—A large ?team frigate and British eloop-of-war are coming up. CAPTURE OF COL. THURSTON POLK. • ST. 'Locis, Sept: 28. -= A speeds' dispatch from cgiv'to the Pemoeraf; says Col. %Cro ton 'Polk, formerly U. 19 Senator from Ws genii,' his . Wife and tiro dmightere, were 14- tared 'at 'Matta liatidjiiit, 'Aegaimas;%OnAbe 11414 aiid'deli* . ergd to'Gen, I:iiiford;.Comutaidz• OngsClEifilejaa. Polk' tee gin": Advocate ditolt1 1 1414 t was rahilirat Now Madrid;Corlikticjikai dad' Cold tirlO*o. 'YR:4lif 11.6SECROtil' Cieuteemq• OW. 2 8 ;7—The.. (o mtseretata t vitattooongemoreeepoodenEsere • "Tu,e4PF.7 is not•whipped4 4148.44;20...Pu1Mte „lost,notigneosniong soffit beldnOtiatteaKellib ansl:aoth.ngtatal'tosAlok t 1 0 51314. If it did retire ,from•Chiekeinenge„ it be a ce s tili -plenty oticksr,and plenty of nnonnitt' 0..4% 0 trains, with trifling. exeiptione. Are •intask-o -utia•l de gone, ear . 2 6 gook btitZall •that, mull 'be served to advantage `_are /now pointed tbwaid the ) by do Illeenti, sorely, onsi.. ;or ork,ntr.- RECENT PUBLICATIONS. FROM CHARLESTON. FROWideditTAWSLlStlt'i r rie& GEN. ' ' IfEERONIT EXPEDITION. • Now Osmecue,, , §ept. ,, i6.l•yin-Ganto, Sept. 27.'l1eiferat Grant has' imoysired:,entaciently to, be able to leave for, Vlokabtirg, aid Clark{ to=day, =accompanied by Adjutaat :General 'Thomas. be soMe tide before he - min resume aotivti , Who expogtioti Of' ciceterai Herron has been heard, from He haR cleared the country be tween the Red river and Port Hndson from guerrilla, parties ' irhe, lave been 'firing - upon traniportsi find 4iivfm (fop. Green west of the Atchefabiya river, with considerable loss.— Among -the prisoners captured was the agent of the rebel government• with important pa pers. The officers of the eZommand state that Gen. Herron. was quitasiek, and he will .be brought to New prisms. , THE WAR IN ARKANSAS DEFEAT GE THE. BABEL GENESALI3 °ABELL AND rrEszatAlt, rbo. ST. Louis, Sept. 27.—A despatch from Little Rock, Ark., dated the 21st, to the Republican, says that Col. Cloud, with J,OOO of the 2d Kan_ sas cavalry, arrived at that place on the 19th. When between Perryville (where Gen. Blunt de feated the rebels under Steele and Cooper) and Fort Smith, Colonel Cloud, , with NO Kansas 2d cavalry and itobb's battery, attacked 2,000 rebels, uuder Gen. Cabal, in a strongly forti fied position, routluig,them with considerable loss. The rebels retreated towards Arkadel phia. • ' At Damonville; on the 9th, Col. Cloud at tacked 1,000 rebels, under Colonel 'Steerman, and defeated them, capturing their camp and a large amount of commissary stores, Over 2,000 mounted Unionists have joined Ledle. Mounted Unionists have also joined Cloud's command, anxious to serve in defence of their hoinee. The first train was started on the Memphis and Little Rock railroad on the 21st inst. From -.ten to fifty desertera reach Little Rook daily. They take the oath of allegiance and are released. • MEADE'S ARMY. 7li of il Aparsevon, Spt.-27.--I"kere is no Iros. pod' conflict"beSween General Meade and the leber'foroed, whieli accounts from' the Rapidan recently predicted as imminent. Lieut. H. Williams,Company D.,-14th Brook lyn Yolunteers,.while riding yesterday towards ltozbyvilie, was attacked by tiro guerrillas in citizens' dress and shot. so severely through the leg that it is feared tbat amputation will , be come necessary. The affair happened on the west side of dm Rapidan, eight mileilromTthe headquarters of the Army of the PotoMac. GLORIOUS NEWS" RUMOR CONTRA DICTED. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27.—A rumor was..put in circulation here yesterday,arid May props bly have been published' elsewhere ' , thikt: the government had received glorious turn from General Rosecrans, which ,could , not be Wade public. ISion diligent ittquiryie isAncertaitied that no news of importance has been received from Chuttanoota since that •pnigAthed in; Sat urday'llierAt. The. rumor is attributed en-, tirely to the sensation makers: From what can be ascertained, the hi t test despatches from General Rosecrans show , the condition - of -affairs to be more hopeful: A SEVERE RAILROAD.ACCIDENT CAUSED BY ROWDIES. - CHICAGO, , t3ept. 26.—Some dnpiken rowdies last night detached a portion of a train on the railroad between Kelemasob Iliwton, by pulling out• the connoting, pin. The, conse quence was that when the , front part of the train reached Lawton, - the detected Care came thundering down upon them on a &rent-grade. A frightful collision ensued. Five, persons were killed and twenty-two wounded. Many of the latter are so seriously injtired thetSlielymennot SEVERE EXPLOSION AT BITFALO—LOSS " • ' 1 010?1,1111.c' BiirilLo BOs tly ite'T ilea* • -31 3 .cMn, boiler exploded in = tank establishment toimerly knomn►.skeget-IEPPVI4ron W 01 1 0; on "Chkifilt), street: tidgdings•were not set, On • fire. Q/Si l its44re'Atthlttreiniieflo P o ,l.oo#3 , '; & 13. lioreses cooper 'ship, sndSy J. Roger & 06;• Thomas Sparks,Ana/Mists, = were, nevi): dest a ica4al.; . Thirty persons are: 414;10Am:13f buried _ '" in the rill's"' 'Two hive;. been OP*. br . = was rirkiilesilld the . othencierieuely injaredr , 14.4 F-1 1 -1 Seventeen WOrkmen 'have already If* taken oat or, the rplask most of nhoqk will , ip, It is ih9sight;Wit there are toaficoem PlefikperOoda tierieath the uses , of rubbiata4 • • •-•=. TAMING , AElLASSzri 4 4c , l4l6l2_,did .40 jahoybnest ogliew hoollthisalloPs, „iggikPteeblr) ' .4 W..Uoo4ll3ll4l l WnaAtingeAMPtilt dreetylitikON l et or 101114.9 mold AWN 01111 sum e, nun s , SPECIAL NOTICES'. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAIIPS PILLS. Tile Gonlbtuition of ingredients in those pills aro tlao remit o f A long and extensive practice. They are mild I. & h o l t operation, and certain 111 correcting all irreiru- Noun, i alnfnl ` Menstruation, removing all obstructions whether from calf dir_Othetwitle, headache. Pain In the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous affec tions, hysterias, fatigue, pail in the back and limbs, dte., disturbed *hick arise from interruption of aature. CRIMS,EICIIVS PILLS Nitarke 00 XleleetwelettAkNiPers. in the treatment of those irregularitiea and obstnictiona which hare con- Signed so malty to • premature grave. No female can enjoy good health unless she in IwlNtlers and w henever en obstruction takes place the general health begins tode t aline. DR. , CHEESEMANIS FILLS are the moat effectual remedy ever knows for all com- plaints peculiar to Females. To all ninnies they are invaluable, inducing, mule certainty, periodical regular ity. They are known to.thouteuvia,who have neetthem at different periods, throughont,the country, bath:lithe sanction of some of the molt eminent Physiciatis is America. Explicit directions, staling When they should not Ls used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, swntainist from 50 to 00 Pine. -; Pills sent by snail, promptly, by remitting to the Albitts, Poldl*Draggiate.generally, R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. liold'in Harristarg, WV, A, BannTart, fC Meshanie.ablim.by 1. , 8. Dellett. by S. 'Arnett. • " " , Shipponiberg, by., v. W. Rarakiii. " Oisimbersburg, by , Miller & Hershey. " H11211111411t41011; Vl:Geed* Wolf. " : Lebinpu. bielorgt 7A948. dee6-d&iil7 It. ? . yr.:Drumm s Concent ra ted Remedies. No. . ?RN GMAT 4.11 1 7.X311 .speedily erndkcates offeeis prfiljArAßVsii... Loess of IdentOry, Elhorlasuottlinsikhliddlisis, ralpititios stOsgsiact, Idokoosksi.:Visioo t or, siby.comtktsVelal deranruiehle,_ of thoteystem, brought on by the. , zumwstrabui.,4 4l 4 l - genes of the guidons. Acts alike on either sex. Frice Ono Deng :. • „ r, No; 2.1E11 BALM will etre,' in frozetw* to days, say eue of GONNORRWEA, is without tastwor smell, Mltiqiires - iioiisstritittioilVaitifieor'diet. Pot either sex—, Pries One Dollar. No. S. She TBBIB Will cure in the shortest posilble timesinWeass i otolllllT, even after all other remedies hug %yid to,dirair the,dwdzial 4 eifeet . No taste or .2511MVOno - 4. P !RS ii,the,OSixßeniedy X 47 care SW ctii*.of pie Urethra, No [otter or low /soling or neglected: the cue may be. Price One fp, till dOLIII I OII c v re sorsisfa of Oiliajilf, permanently and speedily: Mmove all Motions of the Pleader smdleidineys: 'Pries Ono:Dollar. .No; S. SieE OIROITLAIL. s , No 7. TUDIAMAZINAiIIIisake the Whites radieally end irvief ninth Shorter Mine thanahey can be removed kr any oast traihient Isclect,'ls the only remedy correctibledhierder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. No:IOVEIN' ORINNTAIL .PANTII.9I are certain, safe and imallYiir p e reihidincIINNSTRUATION, °rearrest (ltir" einhultida tit - the monthly period.. Price Twcifbilliiinii - • 4" No. 9, 71011. PARTICULARS UN 01-11.01Thilt. Either remedy sent tree j mail on receipt of the price -annexed. Encloie postage stamp and get a circa:- . • - Rehsrellispot NorthAaNt corm ohrork 31'01111e and Qal3gwb I! . eiireo4. Private office, 401 0 York avetce, For Wein:Harrisburg by 0. A.: BAssivisiv. and Louis wbere circulars containing, valuablei*Fma- Hon, withlhlltdeiscriptions of each cane, will be della - - era gnibla ofi Appliimtion; Address .„ DIL.FXLIX BE,I7NON, Ju'y 28, 463-ly P. 0. Bpi 99, Philadelphia, Pa • Mbning,QT. PATRIOT •ID ORION Dew Stir: With your permission I wish to say to. the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free,). a Recipe, with full 'directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will in 101aYs, PimPleS, Blotdlibe, ran i reokles,,and all Impurities of the Eirin, leaving the same soft, deer, smooth and beautiful. I will also wail free to those having Bald Heads or Bar* Nacesi simple directions and information that will enable them to start a faii growth of Lurntiant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 80 days. All applications anstrered by return mail without charge. 'Respectfully yours, THOO. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, No 831 Broadway, New York je2B-Snot MOTHERS ! MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHIMI SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This val bie preparation,s the prescription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for : thirty years with never failing stfety and sue case by millions of mOthere and children, from the fee Ale infant of (me week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but inrigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al moot iiratabtly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWiLB AND WIND COLD,. We believe 'it the beet and surest remedy in the world in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None goatqne unless the/no simile of CURTIS &PER RINO, )low York, is oa the outside wrapper. Bold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal °Bice. 48 Dey street, New York Price only 25 cents per bottle. m7234&weire DIED. On the 27th inst., Jecos 0. Moist, in the 35th year of Ms age. The relatives and friends of the MmHg are respe Cl fully invited to attend his funeral, on Wednesday after noon, at :8 o'clock, from his late resi4ence in girth street near` Weinut. On Monday morning, 28th MR. SAMUEL HOLMAN in the flit year of hie ege. 'Hislnneral will ,take place. from his late residence, No. 94 Market street, on Wednesday afternoon, at f.l rieloek. .The friendiof the family are respectfully iu 'sited to attend. . " 29-21*. ai ‘Wruertisemente. VOR RENT.—A brick house, contain -a; ingpeyen rooms, ejtnated neer the Round Rouse . SuW are ` of Taos. vrizsmixoNs, eep 29.3tfg ' - sixth Ward. WANTER.74T,...,ci 14:Wen:hang°, for a T mound- middle aged hor e , . one that is thoroughly broken. WHO' Iricoriaotiyi JOHN TONNE, pep 29-113tig 'Avery stable, back of Court House. A N N` N U A - L BALL I THE FIRST AilkitAL BALL 01 1111 AltkONY CLUB! OF ABRIgIBURG, WILL BE aleriDAT - - ~ 'Analendny Evening, Oct. 3. • Rvuine l ia •intude will' be' n `a t tendance, and every 0.7 901iiniitement secure ,the comfort and smeeCment taro attendance it lAA TIG6B~B $1 00 C -11" • , rT , • , CLOCIE4M4EEIi CLEANER AleD REPAIRER, NoRgLHAK4. I /Eri 4c4fTetTALF WiTAL• • ‘° ° AtIL-TWORIL,GUARAMITEED. Orrlon.Dzroethetestasaar, A , stinaissescalrBepe_ 28;1883: - . Wee fithtlitr - inatfini,:/ti the nlieldier's 1410 ) on Wednesday,. 80th lest.. a lot et Oondeinaed mTerms eash, In (internment funds. sae to omstota at 11 a! • .0111ILLER R. ROBINSON, Captain and Depot 0. O. Jan. Disenzspne, Ametioneer. A PANV_ 4 %,B. A choice 10t 0 tr tide ellankentedfeindaiet readved. It is of the Bret phigo eter_ k ligimeediti o is ranch enerior to the 0111- Sete VON fitite llty, :Oh andlfragyance,md la also entirely free ofidnitera n, coloring or mixture alit . kind. a r , It is Vhifinktdillnbef KAU Jaiiiiilee'es Plant °F;-.l* 'WKAIOOK, & Aws:i YO U. SN O W WEB YOU J can get tht•Noim.Y‘r, Avvelopee, viaLuoistid AtAnnemies vooESTaysi. sept2S-lw