RATES Or ADVERTISING. rear lino or lessometitate half smears. light llnes aye more than four, sonatitats a mire. Sell ac, one $G $ll OW at., amellay..-- $' se one weak-- 190 " ass week.... 200 . 6, one month.. $OO gt one month. • 600 thr•enteatbs ii 00 gi three months 10 00 six spathe.. 600 gc OE mouths.. 15 00 g eawysar.....l2 00 cc gam year —9O 00 It? Oasis= mother hearted la the aokaz. MVO; OT before marriages sod deaths, ran osirra raa Lora far ash hieerzlea. TO seershmati wad etas= Ilienregag este year, /10•1111 serwairol be eared. sa mummer es totartura Band be &Wasted OS IIgintIIIMMORTI. Marriages wad Deaths will be fainted at theism totes as regular advertisetnents. ilinointoo tabs. ROBERT SNODGRASS, ATTORNEX Ar LAW, Office North Third greet, third door above Mar. het, Harrisburp, Pa. N. B.—Poosiovy *away and Military claims of all Linde promeanted said aollectal. Saar to Wow Mika O. Knakal, David Manna; 30. 7 and S. A. Lauthartna. styll-d&wilaa lir H. H. MILLER, R. E. FEEGUSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. omoil TN SHOEMAKER'S EITILDUGS SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT mid MARKET SQUARE, seavrad Nearly opposite the Bumbler House. ryl. O. BVEIUHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, THIRD 112.111,N0RM MUM Ha lb agar My wowed to attsni *an* the WINN& ilesfissitok lit all its WlPsisiNst seem sip mt lesxsoissi. zoom. asrssissea josekit bin in ineadat feu eseilasessesiertios se sugsssesysesse" Mamie • EMMA* UelibelliNallegi " iistriblisr =atom l a gas t aii f ' TH - 08. O. IdA.o D 0 Willik • • • • • • ATTORNEY; LAW, silwrAßY c L 4P ir 4 76 : 7 4: 17,1 f fr - 4, 4 11" *Os ths Eamive, Woking et., (6' *dein seesees 1101110011VANKWA114411 ta %Ora_ F•44 1 2 1 , - ; 1 4,2,0_V: bid- Ines ssy _..e am wen toot Igt!ilsoptsittst, sot mom toeT WILITARI AND PEN- The anderelgasil have unfired into an easordation for the rid:leaden of Military Vicuna' and the eeenuring of goatees for wounded sod disabled soldiers. Muter is and hheeter.ort itelle L olieersi Pay Zone, floinanee and Olethinp retinal, and an Mao Partaill ing to the nrilitariaervioe ndli be sonie,ont properly arid eipeditlourly. 011Ioe in the itreitsage ir t between Seem& and Third streets new Omit'. Hotel. lierrill• bare, Pa. • ; 'THOS. mAcuminaa,, itas-atr THOMAS A. NUMMI. S'ILAS WARD. act.l.l.,,fewra num sr., umustries. STEAL* AT'S PIANOS, . , RTLOMIONS,Inoxitss, :Au** nubs, Fifes, Drsnu, dicarvieron, 87111811, Was Ann MOCK NOM, &0., &0., PHOTOGRAPH` FRAMES, ALBUMS, angrier and Mantis idtrzers, Square and Ovid Ihiroa* ofeverydeseripliea niadtito order. Regaildingdose. Agency ler Howe's hugging Whiebines: 117" Sheet Music seat by Hail; oaU4 TO-lIN W. GLOVER, • . MERCHANT. TAILOR! Thioloot received' from New York, let snort. moat of SEASONABLE GOODS, end& be oleo to his milkmen aid the Weis at nab) MODERATE PRICES. ett OCOOK, Merchant Tailor, - • , S 7 CH.IIIINUT BT., between &mond and front, Has just returned from the city with an assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND TESTINGS, Which will be sold at moderate prises aid made np to order; and, aleo, an assortment of 11141)Y NADI Clothing and fientlemmes .Ifmruhliing_ Goods. 'DE NTISTRY. B. GEM, D. D. L, N 0 . 11 9 MARKET STREET, EBY k KUNKIIIIB BUILDING, UP STAIRS. jsnB-tf RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT AND SDNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. B. GERMAN, 27 11017111 OBOOND BTBUT, ABOVII 021:22D1FT, sizemonnio, VA. Depot for the ale of litereoeoopes,StereaseopleTlews, undo and landoal Inotranionta. Also, sabserl ptloas len fc religiONSPldleatthall. • JOHN Q. W. MARTIN, FASHIONABLE GARD WRITER, 11:6SIVS , HAItIIBBI7II6, PA. AUmanner of VISITING, WEDDING AND B USI NESS CARDS executed In the most artiale styles and most reasonable terra, decd44ll IJNION Edge hum, corner of Broad street, muuusistrati, PA. The undersigned informs the public that, he has re smithy renovated and refitted his well-known u Union Rotel" on Ridge avenue, near the Round House, and is prepared to aiscetaziodatil eitizens, strangers and t iavel ors in the beat stile, at moderate rata', His table-win be Supplied with the but the mukets afford, and at his bar will be found superior brands of liquors and malt beverages. The vary best accesuno dation* for railroaders employed ,at the shops in this teld dtfl MINIM .fieliTliaiN. FRANKLIN ROUBR I. BALTIIIIO2Ia, ND, _ tlifs pleasant in ad Isammodloits Hotel bm lbeen tbo Btliagbly se-iltted and re-feraialted_ It is plesaantly gloated on north-West corner of Soward And Natalia streets, a few doors west of tho Northing Onstnd Doisot. livery attention peld tolthe'inanlart of Ids guests. G.IIMMINIEF, Proprietor Jana (Leta of Selina Gram Pli.) THEO. 7.,I3CHEFIPER, , BOOK, CARD AND . JOB PRINTER, NO 18 If dIUDIT OTRRIT, RARRUBIIRO ID" Pa:denim attention paid to printing. sling and Mmin of Railroad BlafOsvfis 2 0,?•%" 1 , 1 1 1111 / 414 ales. Choke Bill-Heads.akes' r . • Wedding, ifigitigg as Badasss Oardspriatedat eery ifw Pleas end in Mit beftlidet t - _ 4lOl Tor gip. .zoorlor 151 : Time. debseriber is ready at N 9 .04/451/31LIT 1... 1 .5 bar deMs balmy Nur% street, to MEN' _S AN] ) BOY'S MAYPRING desired style; and with skin - aid irdialletaim Persons lashing Gutting done eon have it done it the cIEARLE,S If. VOLLMII,II, • - . UPHOLSTERER, MAW Wag Mgr doors above Betorwi; (Omura WASIMIFORM llosellowsra PloPerstte rarnishileWidler iiike.verybest style ol workmanship. Spring sad Hair ,widow Our. Amish temegoa l iked ail ether ortloi l'emittais le* ille, en short notice swinialetote terms. awls, en. telienes in the bushman, Whigs warranted i V n mains a ie Weasel% av~ 414 ‘ 14 - 1 17 VO OPS R'S GELATM.tho _ban AI mil" is 11116 msairMast , ramie* aiiit b 7 emigt.te int wait ar, • • - tiWitivmutis skomMlizo TER'S ARMY AND Nil VI Vif N ART : . s rmilkwr"x" • autrimir•aapi ~... • 84.1111111111 1 1P8 800 Kirrimik tgOttOtt'Alt ZN NEW OR , • I•Xus 1145401' DOOR Z a., k 00. __. ? -: ,_U• - , ' p ........._ R --- ' , I if..` . .. • . . • . ' --r- . --; - - 1p . . . , __.. , ._.._ VOL. 6.-NO. 24. intZttral. MIMI **lit SWEET'S II FA LINIMENT GREAT 'EXTERNAL REMEDX, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, tun A WOUNDS, PILES, licAbAolll, 111114 A*. RIMII MATIO sad NERVOUS insoRDEREL Tor all of which it is a goody and Certain rOntodY, Oa OMIT Nis. This. Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Di. Eitspiien 'twist.; of Coniiiistitat, the fa mous' bolo setter, and Us been used in , hispractios for More than twisty years with the moot astordshloir MO AB 4Z ALLEY/ATl:is OP PAIN. it ti nviiiisled by .aprftwatiok bolorttho itablid, Of 'Whisk the Most sko sed may be oonvinani by a single Mat i ) _.. T Liniment will aura rapidly and radically, I=lDf. MAara -01803D1818 of 4s*ry hind, And ii thontands of ases where it ha. been used it , has mom been blown - •Wilt 111111tAffrg, It Will Mid '3oBmiliale Wig I *TOM ease, *mow dlolpoOdni.. ._- , L .. ,.; -...,,,,,- .;• - ,' ! It -Nu relieve the wore*. 1m05t., 4 1fft0M61,44 1 12 ; three minutes and' istWmfflintod lir dolt: . - TOOT/11MM 'lda twilt it esmtinstliitic , .. 4 / 4 DA • aItPILIIIK 4144) , W*AL LAO DA . ii;imiigieB s? !TIM., this Linton, is tt" - hardftrakittlnin lion ' 'llnlalngitiMesecthana and worftialw; 11131006 , 00d/POSltlfm.ft, to.4llostidts ?!ad vizor. axtorsja , . .. . :ri-,n 6 - - ' Wit Vs/ it PLLSS —lts` ag tektft a t ta tti i 118 ft is the best USW and ein 11114 lepre. dew an equOl• -3 11,61 7 4-etim of, ;diginselLoSpom _plaint ohoaldniyo it atrial, for it ' sat WI to &Word , 81 , iota' relief, and in ininliniti is sines *ill 'West rQUINST wog SORE 21:004r,f 1 "..w8. libilBo.lllW tromely malignant end dianmoos;lmt a timaiyaprica. Won of thiolWment will INVei fail lo cum - -' • ' SPRAINS are Sennothaalsranywilitimanj antailirso. moat of the Joints is liabloAo °craw it.nooooto4., Aim worst 'wow Too: bo ocknoted by tfilolleitoont# two or BR 11S l iffI,CUTS. WOUNDS; SORBS, .NIABINS, Itraws inij 5a4408._/111a r a.m. rair ....! bawling proportim of DB. B w Ann ~ sen TANIUM when used &mitt" tediteetiool. ' Mak CHILBLAINS. FROSTSLI , In out DIRECT BITES and STINGS. EVERIr -HORSE OWNER . . • aheuld'hav,e tide remedy at twig, for ita timely um at the Ant appprines of ihianeness will 'effectually pre vent those .ft - inthistole dismount° home are lialde and, whiqh .render so aunty other/lee valuable hurtles nearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary teeilmodialelo the won ilartaL eurative properties of this Liniment have been miteived within the Jut two yeaniong maw ot, them `from poisons in the highest ranks or life. CAUTION. To avoid. imgtion, °teem the Signature and Like ned! of Dr. hen Sweet on every label, and also " Stephen Swint Infallible Linhugall " blown in .the glass of ea& bottle, without which none are genuine. `BICHARDSON & 00., Sole Proprietors, Iforwith, Ot. For sale by all dealers. aplleow-d&w liagetn. ALL WORK PROMISED IN 0 X 11 W X:X N. 1 104 PBNNSTLVANIAI STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 MAREBT STR.I.IIII, BETWEEN FOU&2H AND Firra, • HARRISBUR_ P A. Wkers every dtkoription of. WIN' Sod , Cilateleak akketeeate, Piece Goode; he., , ore Dyed, Olsanaid, and %diked to the bud moaner an d it the akorteat naiad. no&d&wly DODO! & CO.. Protristora. 11 F. WATSON, T MASTIC WORKER ♦an PRACTICAL CEMENTER, Is prepared to Comsat the exterior of Buildings with he New York Improved Water-Proof Mastic. Cement. This Material is different from all other Cements. It forms a solid, durable adhesiveness to any surface, imperishable by the action of water Or •frost. Every good building should-be coated with, this Clement,' it is pgrfect,prsgerver to the walls, and rakes a beset:lll; fins finish, equal to Esateen brown sandstone, 'er any color desired. Among others-for whom I have applied the Mastic Clement, I refer to the following gentlemen : J.: Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finished five Scare. ' •' J. H. Shoenberger, residence, Lawrenceville, neighed five years. James filVendlass, residence, Allegheny City,finished five years. Calvin Adams, residence, Third street, Stahel four H A. Homier, residence, Lawrenceville, finished four J. D. ld'Oord, Penn street, finished four years. Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finished four St Charles - Holed and Strand Home, gashed Aye Kittanning Court, Howie and Bank, for Barr & Moser, Architects, Pittsbug, finished lye years. Orders received at the utiles of it WEldowney, Paint fihop, 20 Boron& street, or please address . T.. 7. WA'l'lsok, • maylfr-tf P. 0. zox 113,16.2itttburg,-ra. H A M.S ! 1,1 1 '20,000,1b5. Corupoood of the following Naiads just received: • NEWBOLDll—Oolobrotod. • NEW JERSEY-4olOok ' EVANS t SWIFT'S-Superior. 1110BINBILI3 EXOBLSIOR-oonvimo4l. "tromNsitVEXCIILSIOR--Nk Gummed. iaqr ClTY 7 rpu!vassid., , • , !BON CITY — Not odnrsoodd. • Plight RA/ 13- 4 1 0 1 7 . P,r 1 Put.,., oaporAiir,Z/48- 7 iery good. ET Beery Ham /old will be guaranteed aa represen ted_ . _ _ WM. DOOM, & ,CO. MIIPBRIOR STOCK OF I.:lizoilitt4. WK. 11001 C, Js., & 00.. are now able tn ,olfiw to theiratouiets sod the public at laze, a stash of the isteentlinneattiver Imported Into this inirket, aonspri. ging moot b tistfolloWin& vedettes Walal sgoTologi,scivitixis. wnar.,Rum*Eirskir, QI.D stAmaß4., eTARD i Dogy co. BALE BRANDY. /4/41041, 6P/SITI3. PRIME NEW RiaLAttr , mower •?Lit . NTATION .BITTERB 'these %more e o , & 2 7 weiriudod;. and in addition to these, Doeh & c o f lii on bald a *Wet, of Wines, Whisky en d ;to 1011 the inalitoolin attention nt Witillies, • AR 1 W ' '=—BRADIE, No.- 62 fagot street, 'bib* indrd;baii iiesived Imo ins of Swamis, Omni me 9atsi, 4 40 44 / 10 VW maw lay ,juag di t-titeGAIC WM= rtgANKI-4 1M4401/8 Mimi; fart 'V a t:* midiVigaii.' illyettistlii. the lOW Wit n i = ran CIO HALLRJBavIA: £ tit 4 4 '.► TIIEBDar M9ll/411M, BEPT. 29 i 1888 • ii:10 11) 11 8 S RO - N. WILLIkAI BIGLER, • DELIVERED AT • New Hope, Bucks County, Sept:ll7, 1863 [Conclusion .1 I: should Hie to talk to you it tome length . " about, the efforts to compromise'; and settle in . the wiatei of 'lB6O--1; het r Must :iiiileasarily ba brief. Of the imitate PtiOPositirons brought before Congress to adjast Otir trot:ft:des, there Was none thatiaVe promise cirlefft4etlire and 'thiarsettletnent Bidet' that Oro Matt Mr• ' Crittenden: ' It was in : the tuitirte Of an equita ble•partitien of the territories'rather than quer ' rel lodger. It was believed that ' with this ba- Metall eligelliat was nebestsery:could be `attain 'lt ante Item thel36tith; inffitiagenerons • follia 'l 4 7iirith. , '' We, then ha libteutll4oo,ooo Kitt billed IA Ilonitten tertadoratid - it 'pro posed to give ill all north oflthitttjrAdi degrees thirty minutes north latitude, being abed three • Ibtitthii)? he it* els; bi'.9oojoo Betake - miles ,' - 'fiprittraitabatanyinspilithil itinpirevonld bai , e ' , awarded us.' "rhe :readons - fpreleed.t upon the ! dOnliiiselVpartriti-fesbrief .the andeptimee of this fropositioni so three itelatterketheterri ,totielp were these : lirskjfiitf, ted a) material in tereatubontswhiehave ern . eanstetntithegii here is ..7,aliiontherrerspropealliont tildiriatel thOriNorth ‘ , iiiirse4fontatus ell it.; Jleen ifo4lkbe the . appli cation' of evelithedt 4onimipile,_ , it applies: the -doetrinetkof the Gish: gO, alatfortni to ethree fOlaths,of-thil commenurrikory. , ;Thu ivere .44m reminded thaty 4 ,4 1 4 4 9 1 4114 . 10/4711e - legally f elected Mr. :Lincoln „Eresident,,, az ; were nearly a • million,in! themlpor!ty i at,thepolls ; . and being so 4.1107 14 the s 4, tulliciitn.lt, ,il 2 ,eY se murad.dhe-1111P4A9n 94 . :, till* vl: o o l4 4Pcts to three-fourths ofthecom&onm4ete t ,tpsyconld Jus4/boitiOC9t lgoatt liPts9l7ll l .1 211SarTAid , W and enjoy their 44/ebt i4 Y9# 2R I' B/ 4 , ' - Poe a time /tAllf,e Perlf Iftll n ßd t°4 l 4 o 4i i n' ,ftueneg.With, the 1114,4‘474 40 ~ i id t 10,Fiy.; but A° radicals, z evert vfi-,a/- 6wa yp imPraCtie.able, were soon Mit e i ot, de nt non4Cingthe proposition ; ' 0' tleittO4iv of the ritetubliesin party, and in'direc't qt6t, ention ,Of' That sacred instrument; . tlig, e1A644) plat form ( 'They held tinit the WoPleilatT e passed upon this question ' at'llteE'polla, ' a?idlifutt'sla ' very Wei forever interdieteffkrour all the terri tories: In vain WertifthesiAeon retfirifiled that a million more men hdd'VOted egtridetldr: Lin coin than for the, and that-die :Widen they claimed could by no possibility have been made. Equally vain was it'. ttocriint. to the imperilled attitude of 'the Union: They were joined to their idols, and determined to rule or ruin. To meet these objections, absurd as they were, the real friends of the , Union and peace deter mined, after consultation, to go• to the people for relief, especially as the impracticables base their action on the decision of' the people. It was to that end that I myself submitted for the consideration of' the Senate a bill, not as char ged, to amend the Constitution in an irregular way, but to give the people in the several States and Congressional districts the opportunity to decide whether the Crittenden proposition should be submitted for the ratification R . , the States, as - provided - by the Constitution, or not ; in other- words, to .instruct their repre sentatives to vote for.or against its submission. Nothing could be fairer or sac& ; it was simply going to„the fountain'of political authority for actilee in times of serious trouble justwhat our fathers did and doUbtleis intended we should do. Gen.• Cameron and.others at first declared their determination to support this proposition; but their could not stand out against the vehement denunciations of the redi ,cals. I verily - believe that, had this bill pre vailed, the Crittenden proposition would have been accepted by an overwhelming majority North and South ; but it fell, at the hands of the radicals, as did all other efficient means of settlement. I envy not , the position of 'men who not only persistently refused, as represen tatives, to, offer or accept any.effective means of averting our present calamities, bnt in addi' tion denied the people the opportunity of set tling the question for themselves ; and for this great wrong they must answer, to , their con stituents. . , . .... But ever since that time, wily politicians of the Republican . party, hoping to'mitigate these crimes against the country, have been alleging that time Republican members did vote for the Crittenden proposition,' and others against them. Not only this, but the Hon. John Brough, the Republican candidate fOr Governbr in Qbto, has recently asserted that the Crittenden proposition had been tendered to`the Southern by the Northern members of Congiess, and re jected. Why, gentlemen, Mr. Brough is ut terly' mistaken ; he must be the dupe of some lying newspaper. No statement could be `more destitute of truth than this ; it is "baseless as the'fabric of a vision." The reverse is much nearer the truth, and I intend to prove it. But I have reason to thank Mr. Brough for the state ment, for he thereby admits the admissibility of the proposition, and that it ought to have been accepted by the Republicans. The truth is, it was offered by the. Northern Democrats and Southern Senators to the Republicans, and by them rejected. I challenge Mr. Brough or any other man, to show where any Republi can member of Congress spoke for or voted for the Crittenden proposition. I aver that they invariably and unitedly opposed it. It never was A considered in the House of Representa tivell; and I am too familiar with.what occur red in the Senate to be mistaken on any usseit tial point. The Republicans of that body op pose& it without any exceptions. Their oppo sition took.the usual form of amendinents and PeaniOneilient. tin the 14th of January, 1861, they cast a united vote against its considera tion, and they did the same thing On the' 15th. On the 17th they voted for litr Clark's Motion , to strike out the Crittenden_ proposition and insert certain resolutions agreeable to them selves. On this vote the yeas were twenty five, and the nays twenty-three, so Mr. Clark's aMendthent pretailed, and the Crittenden pro positien Wall defeated. • Thip is' the vote on which the cotton State Senators withheld their votes, and of this which I shall have occasion to speak hereafter. Gen. Cameron,, as though alarmed at whet had WOW dune, iwmnediately moved a reconsideration of the vote. This mo tion came up for consideration the next day, being, t . be, 18t4; when Gen. Cameron (to, hip Aherne De it laid) voted against his, own ,motion, and. was gusteined by every mernber of the Re- Putdicall Pail. The final, 1,0 0 was not. taken until the 8d of March,, when every Northern Demobrat and every &ither° Senator than present Voted in-the affirinitt4e, and Re publican' in the negative. The truth is, the radicide of that body shoived no ificilhation to . settlel they: Sneered at the ` ' attitude of the South and arthe suggestiod of real danger.— It' is WVII known thatrvrben the Beimail; Coffer, cute Was in 'Religion Olds& men exerted , them selves So'haee it filled with inipracticable radi cals. Mr Chandler a ud Mr Harlin Inure de - - Meted in this unworthy . , OW* l ' J • But more' aud.worse. u'liftdr emu 'cable radicals had succeeded in so :d wing the proceedings of ti the ; gliefoosOunforeno" , as An destroy their influence oo the Southern mind, 'TUESDAY,. SEPTEMBER 29, 1868, and they were referred to a committee of the Senate, composed of Messrs. Critteeden, Seward, Thompson, Trumbull and myself— Mr. Seward, in that committee, in a spirit of sarcasm and ridicule, because even that much had been done toward settlement, moved to strike out those proceeding and insert certain futile words of his own. He afterwards did this in open Senate. When Mr. Critteitten remonstrated against his course, he replied with that profound complacency for which he is so remarkable : ceWhy, gentlemen, this ex citement is totally unnecessary; the troubles you are so alarmed about will not last ninety days.” Why, gentlemen, this class of men were as determined against any 'compromise as were Messrs. Wigfall and Iverson. Mr. Wade,with whom I served in the Committee of Thirteen, seemed to become distressed and indignant at the slightest indications of settlement. About .the same time it was that Mr. Greeley was. en couraging the "wayward sisters to depart in peace," for the sole purpose, as it now appears, of 'inaugurating a war of extermination against slavery, for I suppose no one will deny that the overthrow of , slavery and not the restoration of the Union is now the real object of, the Greeley school of fanatics. But it is now said thafthe Southern Members of. Congress could have adopted the •Critten d% Compromise , had they desired to dp N`o allegation could be more preiosterons. 'Wfiy, 'everYbody knows that the Southern members were largely in the minority in both branches of Congress; how, then could they adopt anything without Northern aid ?. But everybody knows, besides ' that the COnstitu tidn requires a ' vote of two-thirds 'in both branches, to submit 'amendments to. the Con stitution • not having a majority in either brawl, how could the Southern members cast a taro -third vete in &db . , — The truth' is, that with the vote of every Southern 'Senator and every Northern' Democrat, it Would attli have required some eight or nine Republican: votes to have Submitted the proposition as an amend ment' to the donstlintionAnd not one Was given on any occasion. lint,'suppose the allegatieu was true, what Gould it have availed to have adopted any measure by a mere party or sec tional vote ? Such action would have been about as' effectual as the "Pope's Bull against the comet," or Mr. Lincoln's • proclamation freeing the slaves in the heart of the , revol ted States. The Republican was the , dominant party in the North,. and no adjustment could . prevail in the States without their active sup port, and this was perfectly understood in the South. But I am aware that the circumstances of six or eight Senators from the cotton State with holding their votes on MrXlark's amendment has been made the basis for this latter allega tion. Now, gentlemen, see how ,plain a tale will put down this fabric, behind which these men seek to conceal their own deformities. It is true that these cotton State Senators did withhold their votes on the 17th, thereby al= . lowing Mr. Clark's amendment to, prevail over the Crittenden proposition; but lit is equally true that when Gen. Cameron's motion to re consider this vote came up the next day, those Senators, or as many of them as were present, repented their error of the day before; and cast their votes for the reconsideration, and it was carried by their votes; and thus, by their action, the compromise was placed in precisely the same position which it occupied the day before. But if it was a grave error in the cot lon States Senators to withhold their votes fiercethe -Compromise in , this '-singlei -instance, What can be said for the. Republicans who stood up against it on that and all other votes? It is also said that' the Sonthern Senators would not have accepted Mr. Crittenden's pro position had it been tendered them by the dominant party. never saw any sufficient reason for this allegation.. Tith few excep tions they were openly fin: it. Mr. Iverioe and Mr. Wigfall were against any settiernent; but their influence was quite limited. Mr. Slidell and Mr. Mason were in the habit of dismissing the subject by , saying the ot4er side intended to do nothing. Mr. Hunter "voted for it in the Committee of Thirteen.' Me. Brown, of Mis slash*, when the danger became, imminent, , frequently declared to ,me his vvillingness to accept it. Mr. Mallory was openly for it, and I read a letter from him, dated ahout ffie thee of the secession of Florida; addressed ,to Mr; Russell, his former Secretary, in which he said that Florida would come back into the Union on the basis of the Crittenden resolu tions. Mr. Davis and Mr. Toombs In 'the Commit tee of Thirteen, bpth declare d willingness to accept. and sustain it, if the Republican side would unite - , with them good Mr. Toombs said so in open Senate, as will appear Congressional on page 270, G10be, first part, Thirty-fifth *Congress. The following statements made by Mr. Doug las, in the course., of an elaborate speenh, on the 3d of January', 1861, is conclusive on this point : cc If you of the Republican side are not will ing to accept this nor the proposition of. the Senator froth' Kentucky, pray tell us what -you will no Y I address the inquiry to'the Re publicans alone, for the reason that in the Com mitten of Tbirteep,a few days ago, EVER 111[E*- iT ER Pirmit is SOVITI, including those froMthe Cotton States, (Messrs. Davis and Toombs) expressed their readiness to accept the proposi tion of my venerable friend from, Kentucky as a _final settlement of the controversy, if tendered and sustained by the Republican members. Hence the sole responsibility of our disagree ment, and the only difficulty in the way of an amicable adjustment, is With the Republican party." These,remarks were, made, as I well remem ber, before a very full Senate—in the presence of nearly, it not quite all, the Republicans, and Southern Senators, and no one dare to dispute the facts stated. ' Mr. Pugh, on the .2d day of March, in the course of a very able speech, remarked : , ‘. The Crittendeu proposition has been en dorsed by the almost unanimous vote of the Legislature of Kentucky. .It has , . been en dorsed by the Legislature of the noble, t old COMMOUWeaIth Of Virgiaia- ; It has been Peti tioned for by a larger number of electors of the United' States than any proposition that was ever before Congress. I believe in my heart, to,day, that it ,would carry an overwhelming majority of the,„,peeple of my State ; aye, sir, and of nearly eVery other State in the Union. 13efore the Senators from the State Of Missis sippi left thil chamber, I beard one ,of the*, who ossistaes,, at lerkikto be President el., the Scnithern Confederacy,.propose , to acyipt it, and to maintain the Chum if that propbsitiOis could receive the vote it ought to receive from the `other side.qf this .Charabsr. ' Mr. Douglas, at the same time, , said, iu re ply can confirm` the Senator's declaration that Senator Davis hiniseif, when on the 'Com mittee of Thirteen IP= IV* at alk times to csinprotntse,pit the .. .Crittenden proposition., I wilt go further,. and say that lir. ,Toonibs was also ready to do so."' Bat if"thit teitidfOliy were natio existence at.all, do we not . af know that tbs. genaystate -.of ykrginia endorsed. thlie propointiotp and sub mitted it to the other States' as a basil of a anal adjustment and permanent peace? " It was this Weis owl-which' thittStativettlied for the Peace'Confeigetine astithilbfelfebon there • after. It. was also endorsed by almost the unani- 'PRICE TWO OEM. mous vote of the Legislature .of . Kentucky, and subsequently by those of Tennessee and North Carolina. When the struggle was at its height in Geor gia, between Robert Toombs for secession and A. 11; Stephimstagainst it, had those men-in the Committee of Thirteen, who aro now so blameless in their own estimation, given us their votes, or even three of them,Stephens would have defeated Toombs, an secession would have been prostrated. I heard Mr. Toombs say to Mr. Douglas that the result in Georgia was staked on the action of the Com mittee of Thirteen. If it accepted the Critten den proposition; Stephens would defeat him ; if not,. he would carry the State ollt by 40,000 majority. The three votes from the Repub lican side would have, carried it at any time; but Union and Peace in the balance against the Chicago platford were sure to be found wanting. • . But all attempts settlement failed. ' Seces sion and war suddenly followed ; and upon Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward devolved the duty of directing ,a bloody strife, which they could much more 'readily have averted. I have never united in complaints against the admin istration fora wantof vigor in the prosecution of the war. . I think it has been,managed with decided vigor and some nbilitY;,'bqt the poli tical polity' necessarily connected with the war has been, in my judgment, the worst for the Usilorilbri&the,wit of man, cetild-devitte, tend ingdirgeft to snit., the Southern and divide the 'NortherripciiPle. This would: seem to be an itieferierible error; ler thedlifielon in Seuth ern sentiment 'Child ilcit!haVe been missunde stood by., the !administration.. It never. ; was more apparent than in the large vote against seceesioninAritgitila; Tenee'ssee; , North'Ciiro- Iltitt?, Geotilb ftIA. 4 40 1thliauff- , ,,1d0 ,3 4, Ad .0 4 beginning, the opponents of secession were in a decided.majbrity funkert Of these States, and gomm.anded a,. hypo majerity in all those now claiming to . be out of the Union. In these 'struggles thniUtiionists maintained that tee theti,,inceining administration contemplated no interference with' the loCal institutions of the :slaveholding States, and that it was the true policy of those ; States to remain in the Union and contend for theierights and equali ty under the Conatitiition. " The secessionists reasoned to.the .contrary; audit WAS for the administration,to sustain ; one side or the other. _For a time, we had reason to hope. that ; the Union Men vrould be sustained; that die war would be conducted on the principles of the reaolutions :hdopted by the Rouse of Repre sentatives, in July, 1861; and that in case of .a decided defeat of the rebel army in the field, (which originallY represented only the seces sionists and the de facto governnient,) . the - Unionists ‘ would rise up and overthrow Davis and his associates, and bring the revolted States back to their wonted allegiance. This was my hope, and almost my only hope for the Union, after war began; bnt this hope was bleated by the unwise measures of Mr. Lincoln and his cabinet. Their policy sustained the rebels and broke down the Unionists. One after another, in rapid succession, came the abolition of slavery in the. District of Columbia; the act. of confiscation, (harmful only in some of its parts ;) thermessage of the President for compensated emancipation, a measure totally unwarranted by the Constitution ; his procla mation freeing the'slaves in the revolted States, WHETHER BELIARANO TO LOYAL OR REBEL MAS TERS; and next the admission of West Vir ginia as a State 9f the Union, in utter violation i of the fundamental law of the land; inter ''spersed byiimpelitic ordera,)saYings and pro clamations of the generals in the field; and -Oils, step-by stop; the , men Pr the South who had defended i the. North, andenntended for the ; Union—chigrined, - disheartened and burnift •ated—were literally driven:into the ranks-of the secessionists:- But for these impolitic measures the war would probably have termiA ,nated ere this. ". . , • I never had much faith in warns - an'agency of Unibri. ,. It` looks to the very like e paradox. , 1. - thcolight it imihould - vhaverboon-avolded at any ,reascreehle mcrifice,,,,and I ,exerted myseif, to the utinost to , attain that:end. :I‘tevertheleas when war began as a'means to save the Union, I wished' it' Suecelis in that goodliVotit i and there were times in.2the course of its progress when I . t.heught that, with4he i properpoilticel policy' on the part of the admin t stration; the desired end might hive teen attained. But this always failed. That policy Would 'have conducted the mar as though slavery had net existed—have looked. steadily for help to the - enemies of Se - 948810n in tlieSontli,'"and riot to the neird . or the"cause Of the negro: , Suee policy wouldlonbtlesslyiedividedthe South -1 ern people, - -and- possiblyoverthrown the de facto , governtirent.? at Richnioncl.:. , -But, :even : with thiabad policy,. if, aLareeent.date,rnfter the fall, of Vicksburg and Pert Hudson, ind the defeat of Lee's army at Oettyshurg, t the Presi .dent had, - in the `attitudeof aiiicter;addretieed I himself to thecpeople of tho -Sontbern-Stiteo, 1 assuring tnern that thegaveiNcieet,at , Wash ington had no, pleasure in their misfortunes and siifferingsthat It did not seek 'their hu miliation or subjugation; hutnimplydesired to , maintain the Government-al ithail fleSecOsil from the fathers, and that ao ,soon as resistance ! tO the authority of the Gevernaient within any State' ceased, its' equal rigida end dignities with ` the , other State§ shoubitepromptlyriteognieed and abundantly gnaranteed,,yisiting,the Regal , ties for resistance, whatever they might be,' upon the leaders—it is quite piabable, indeed there 'fuel:many • thingh Willett Jttatifyltlie itti presaion, that we should, now Ititriess decided, if not , successful, movements ,i; the, South against the rebellion. But insten ,Of this, men from Loitisiaria, who Bought the countenance of -the Government' in' au ' effort to Ibring4het State back into the Union, were disinimed with an intimationthat elavery trutst.firat r .he l 091- ished. ., ' ' . " 'Not onlyttiii3,' hitt itideeinetiowlolfie al rave question at 'Washington wbltt kind of twee 4t , has been on the other.eidc- 7 -Fbether, tt, A wer, rib States, as alien enemies outside of the Minion, ' Or aivide-spreadlisitrrection Within 'the Bete rat Stittoth If the feriner,then,Vhelid'eTekted, the Jebel Stateitionhisnlymesunitatheit (Imo- • tions, in th,ct Union on „Buell „terms, fie ,tlie _con queror might grant;, if the' latter, - then, When resistance 'ceases withid a' attit6;l; Would 're aurae its . funetiona askirfretefbrev:l ;no nothr tend to discuss therinpoints,rfer Idonot con- 1 cur in either of, these positions ; knit it seem!' to me clear that those who have dioieethe right of 1' Stale to"go , out of thrfUnfOrrbY Rs own action,nannot now hold; that. the States are alien enemies; thoughthe secessionists may dole. l But of .thial amennyinertain';4lf it be announced, as signified by Mr. Whiting, an in timate friend of the Piesident„stbitt . the . /re volted Atqes qan (linty resume ' their , formaise inthe Unien oistick tdtma as the - Aditiihin- ' tration tuay presefide; it *Mild beibuitrit fresh anitaiowerful)incentive to rearmed efforts and continnedresitgance in Squtherp ; Stitt% leading them, probably to the adejigon 0 , 1 , guerrilla inede of warfare ,` bY'ilfhtoll . Mining the strife might . be prolonged V* eel; itideflitte Retied,l , - :,.,:1 / ), But what do all these 41401itifoOpa j mean T Are there to be no OgeTb4 F - for settlemeet sec' trident ' lifenbjilgatioti l eir ezteitiiiiiatten teak the word ? Why,ztlite. -Lintels( tolonie tilr fie itmigißrett: ,0 449Rdo.45 ) .WlierIndllia/Mket *Ott always ; and ' , Aim, after much lona on, both t aides and no gait On eitlier;ibu Minn tighthit, the identical queetninis,of interheirsel,will be upon' you." Mr: Lined*. iiefef tittered& triair sentiment. It shows that before the war be- PUBLIBEED EVERY MOSSINO SIIIDATII 14101111PTI!lo BY 0: BARRETT k 00 INN DAILY Palms AND UNION will be 1104111 1e MM. writers residing In tbe Borough tot.sor auk* *poi *AM payable to the Cantata'. Mall snburthers, pus "owns no Ammo. ins WZBILY PATIIIIN AID UNION is plitAiltAlld at ewe sPeLLina rig Kum, lamiatoly lb ackinnow. 'Nit opts to ens address, fifteen dollars %mammal with this eitabllsionen•, p astawelve JOB OPPIOM, containing azirsriety of plain mid homy b." unequalled by any establishment la the Weeks of the State, for whleh the patronise of the pablla is so wan, he anticipated the necessity - of stopping it to adjust its causes. He manifestly then con teMplated a wart for the Union only, not for Subjugation 'or extermination ; and 'thus ho could see thatthe Union could only be restored by negotiltibe and settletnent—that 'Subjuga tion or extermination would not give back the Unien. - Both are against the Union`; and there was great philosophy in his s th timent, and had he adhered to it, and adhere to the resolution of Mr. Ciittenden, adopted by Con gress in 1861, he would doubtless have done his country a vital service. But , the counsels of the radicals prevailed ; and, gentlemen, I fear they always will prevail: I do not care at this time to discuss terms of settlement ; but I am exceedingly anxious that Mr. Lincoln should recur to' that wise paragraph in his inaugural. God' knOWS; we have had " much loss on both sides and no gain on either " now we should-like ex ceedingly to havei cc the identical quetitiOns :of interemirse" and settlement. We hitiPei had losses ' enough, blood enough,' taXeS cough, drafts and conscriptions eneugh. ' We - new want peace—such peace as will save the cotin try-as will give us the Union as it was, of- a Union as similar as possible. Givens at' leatt peaceful agencies with the sword, if we have not fought enough to make it patriotieto at tenapt to cease. At least let the olive 'branch and the sword go into the South side hirable, aathey did in. Mexico, if the fratricidal strife cannot entirely terminate. - But, gentlemen, whilst shedding rivets of brood and 'spending countless treasure' to pet down rebellion in the South, let us not forget 'that liberty is - as dear to us as 'Unionthat Union without 'liberty would'' be- a barren achievement—cc a word of promise tolhe ear, to be broken- the -holm" . - Let us rather adopt the greatlientiment of Webateroff erty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever;" liberty and Unioroare 'now both imperiled. Thegreat principles of civil liberty, for which Hampden and Sydney suffered in England nearly two centuries ago, and the love of which brought- our ancestors to this country, are imperiled by the incidents of this cruel war. .-- Whilst repellingAbo.heresy of secession, let us beware lest we become the victims of others quite, as intolerable., the midst of a bleody struggle with"secession" another issue has sprung up quite as startling,-the issue of popu lar liberty on the one hand and Executive power on the other. From the beginning I have feared this tendency as an incident of war, even in prudent hands. Indeed, I shall never forget the remark of a sagacious citizen, at the beginning of the war, touching its' tendencies. He said it would give us dissolution or despot ism.; and unless the people were unusually vigilant in guarding their rights, it would give ns both. The States would be separated; and both sections become subject to despotic rule. The startling sentiment has lingered on my mind ever since, and the recollection of it has been often renewed by the encroachments laltron constitutional liberty by the Cabinet at Wash ington. Not only is an open, manly dissent from the policy of the administration held to be disloy. ally to the Government, but Mr. Lincoln, in his Albany letter; has enunciated the extraor .dinary doctrine that ""the man who stands by and says nothing, while the peril of his cowl. is discussed, is to be euspected—much more so he who speaks for his country with ifs , and buts." In the name of Heaven, has it come to this? Cannot a man speak or think his sentiments without being suspected of .disloy nifty to the . Government? cc Much more to, 1 he who speaks with buts and ifs !" I ;have thought and spoken much, as doubtless you all have ; 'and yet, at God is ms ,jedge, * .l have never had a thmighr in'favort 'of disunion; never uttered a sentiment in' favor ,of that wicked work; andyet / should despise myself, were - I capable of to far • sacrificing my own judgment as to agree With Mr, Lincoln in his policy. I have differed with him, not because I was less for the Union than he, but because my clear convictions were that the Union, never could be saved AM , his political. policy: So feeling I must so speak, come may But to _return. df any ,nfati, has , praetieed crime against the government, ietchim be ar rested, tried and convicted„andpunished ac cording to law, but not kidnapped and in4i cerated.,,arid.4nied the writ of. habeas corpus, to which wrivevewthe criminal is entitled; and to daily whi6ll tO place the liberties of every to the disposal of a single . man.en tlemen we ,shall not act our part as freemen if we fai l resist these aggressions by all the in fluence we can command. . , i th4,,CohBtitution expressly guarantees freedom of speech and of thecprest l / 4 yet everybody knows that private eitisens haire;heen arrested and iniprisoned in numerous instances in utter disregard of this anise. -The' freedom of the press has been abridged by a:sydtem of espofelge and'eabinet and military' ortieft.' ) The Constitution also provides -that in all cases' of criminal -Prosecu tion the acciseff'shiiii• enjoy the right to a ePeedk end This has been dhnled in.many Aset.' . l 'lndeed, the'whole of the Sixth the:Constitution has been treated as a dead letter. Stit,l4' most .. alitrining iheresy ortbe times ;is that whictenteasures authority by necessity; in..totheetiords, Which determines the author ,ity 9fthe,president by the ()phlloll.he M i ay .en tertan as to what Measures , will beet. cable him to suppress the rebellion. Wbateverin his opinion will:best enablehim to do this, the war power; it is contended,lauthorizes him• to adopt. Away Away go ' yOtir Conatitiitinn abd 'JAWS ccat one fell' swoop!", A meihber of Congress happens to differ with the Executive, and forthwith the President concludes that it, will best enable him, to stippress the rebellion to have,, the refractAry. fellow kidnapped for, a while, and so he is promptly called upon by e milltaty provotit. c i . As Many' members as oWi plain of Ilie"6t are' disposed of in tha. ;WAllie way, until Congress is compose& only. of ccloyal" friends of the President, and the'X,O= gislative department absorbed hy,:thCE - ieiL Ultra, 'An opinion.of &judge. il unestWiit o 4 .to- the President; and forthwith-Mr.` Seward rings that potential , belksow so familiar in for eign ceurts„and the jgdge is sent to prison on the niiinewerahli) plea"ttraCit will best enable the 'Frenidefit t r o t tnie'dinyttboebuilion ond soon tiff The stadicififf dWalitilient is merged:lft the Executive, and the President ClotbeVurtth ilietaterittl , ;powerth =rtdivllynot . oharge Yr.: Lin cnia MOT any such r•ptirposer I-bapierbetter things; some tear it; but surely ati*op, that BO supk t ilenign, has eveN eiAegutl,the brain of any oPe, ki)40,400Y ;_F14.4 Pn AO !we all agree that witospef i er tletykerifisslitAntertains the idea will merit all the chastiaetnent that wan gliiiiAsit ..1R912 man, 'pig all the punishment re affieeeltor tee dinitiddlinreiffer. Should we row acquieice in th`tieic tfille doctrinsiti'SOCe tit& hence,' Witilm"if worse' man that NEC . Lin- Coln becomes treaktent, 'he might-attempt; lite' the•' authority''of these precedelits;l9 usurp the Government and declare iiiMbalf a dtotatou '• ' i ' ' " NOW; peewee, I think I have 'llllolfll you that thalami now in authority shave Ailed to redeem their oft-vaunted promisea,ol:ll9nesty antj , ennnfeny in the manageimuk, I:,tbp Gov- P. -1 fiat they beik,an,itgpc (Ifni i 4 i n sowing the seeds of,dis9Glrd,betivee "the North r,4 South which cultnip ted:intiecetwien and rebellion; that their djie tiAa'aerved tto atimu -1 leak, and cherish jealous if and hostilities be tween the slaveholding and non-blavehelding State.; OW*Attiloit Of their fanatical feel ings against slavery, they are utterly incapable