DECLINATION OP HERMAN AMUCK& ESQ. The following letter, declining the nomina tion for Senator in this district, was addressed by Mr. Alricka to the Democratic Conferees. 'There ie much 'ehChews truth in it, and if carefully studied by modmate inen,whe have not yet decided how they'llikall trite at the voialeit gelation, it eatnot train ; to **dee a healthy influence To News . Rourifort, Smiler sad other.: I am informed theta have Wen tnianimeuely nominated by the DetnotiratieCenferees of this district as a candidate for State Senator. I regret to say that I am, forced to decline the nomination by 'rasa l'of an affection of my eyes, the pain of Whit& of late is greatly ag.. graveled by the atmosphere of a warm or oloati room,lend i; elected I could not attend to the penformenes of my duties.. But in declining the netnintition, I may be permitted to Bair that under other oirournattnees I would gladly have. noolliplad it, because I sin persuaded au sips. the success of the Democratic party lids fall is a great measure depends the inter* peace and prosperity of the intilittn. it 111, eillire7 necessary to inquiecwhe brought this war on the country. History will tell that. Every reasonable and candid man will admit that for the last fifteen yeasts great bitterness bee ea isted between the Alsolitiouiats of the; North and the slaveholders of .the Seuth; and every candid man will admit that this bitterness finally produced the rebellion; and every hon est man will admit that in this bittanessin: the North towards the South, the Democratic panty in the North' did not partioiplite, and if this is true, then it is as clear as light that the Democrats in the North hadatithing th dole bringing on this rebellion. If. history . will show one truth in regard to the rebellion, it eel show that the Union Malin the South Democrats in the North ire,.of all min, the most Amadeu in regard to this war. And this , history in written already; it is to be faded in the newspapers and pamphlets published with in the last ten years, between the Lake. and if • Rio Grande; in the speeches in Congress;. in the addressee of Southern &seaters andin the lectures and sermons of the • New England clergy. I say this hister7 la written already, aui there it stands and'oannet be tin-Written by any human hand. Aad that the Union men of the South and the Demearats in the North battled long and hard, but umMecessfully, to avert the war and for the innervation of the Union, is a fact that will stand out in future history bold, prominent and distinct. These came men are thatrais and I vonfidently believe that if the government shall ever be restored, it be* these same Union . men; for it is clear to my mind that the Gov-. aliment cannot be restored by putting down the Rebellion alone, nor even by iiatinguiehing very with it, because lifter it is put down we cannot compel the Southern people to hold cleetiona for members of Convex, and send their members on to We ekingice to participate in the government; not Whit the Union teen in the South plead with theirleaders for in end of the war so long u their leaders can, point , to the North and say; "There, with the eSeep don of New York aid Now Jersey, is a solid phalanx of Abolition States." But the Union men in the South must have encouragement to return to the Union. Let the Democratic party , this fall eneteed in thelexey Hi:Sahara Ikea& and then the Union men of the. South can rise against their present ruler@ ; can point - te the North as willing to 'do them jostle.; can lay down their arms and return to their alleshince. In this trey, io my judgment , we may not end the war, but restore - de otiernment in less than six months. • -Bea- ,if the Abolition -R publican party is to snooetina the Noith this tall, then the Unioe men opkillouth will hrie we encouragement:to come bask, and then - I agree with President Lincoln' that we need 'tint be over sanguine of n 'speedy -SW Ali' ernipb," but this awful war may go on for years to come. I regard the Union men of Kentucky as true Wean men, and they differ Of r,70 'with the President, in regard to the eoeduot of the war. 'They see that the course punted is not obly for the suppression of the rebellion, bit for the extinction of slavery, and that such a course is not likely to rater. the GOEGPMEERL f here the true Union men stand side by side with the Democratic party of Pennsylvania, and prove most clearly that we are right. Again, in regard to the Northern States, ar bitrary arrests have been - made in many in stances which, in my olden, are totally unjus tifiable. Of all Mime arrested by order of Government, few, if any,' hive been tried.— When the Constitution autherised the soepen •aloe of the writ of habeas edrpus in time of re bailie& it autb orized it binder that the pilsener might be held for trial; not that after a man alias been arrested and imprisoned he eau be refused a trial or hearing altogether, and dis charged without knowing tohy,.or for what cause he was arrested, and at whose instance; for this , there is no shadow of law, nor sanction in the *Constitution. In my judgment, emelt proceed ings see little better than the rebellion itself. It never entered the minds of those who framed the Constitution, that all the principles in re seed to personal security and personal liberty which tie at the foundation of our government *hoed be disregarded, and private citizens ar rested, imprisoned, and then discharged, never to /mow the cause of their arrest or the aOroe of the informer. A man may as well be gelled by -the rebels and dragged off to Richmond, to to be imprisoned there, as to be seised in his dwelling by a file of soldiers and dragged off to-Baltimore 42E Fort WATEIMI, to be imprisoned, and afterwards discharged without a hearing. 31,any freemen are to be found willing to sus tain ouch 411 administration, I am not one of the namber-4tut, on the other hand, I hope and trust that -every Democrat in this State, as he values his country and his liberty, will use his best efforts to secure the MGM of the Democratic party at the approaching ells:- HERMAN ALBUMS. Septegiber 18th, 1863. NE W M U C. " Why I Lovedllnr„" " Treasures ol the Heart," and 44 glaidbood Dora?' three new and beautiful songs, by J. B. Coz_ "Our Country and ?lag. , ' a new and beautiful song, with highly °sieved title puge, ty , Other, age among 'the latest receipts of new music by W. KNOCHE where -mut be fond at all th ous a fell assortment of Drams, Pl*, and all kinds of mulled insknoaloth Boom bar the plum, No. 93 Market street_ VIOSE DESIRING : TO PIO- A ouais SUBST/TUrik AND • 110 "MB* lirlionsto To 8111303111 The ondereigned, MI diary Claim Agents, tender their worries' for t proinutog of Subeitateefor; Dratted men, se well as for the seeming of the 'highest price _A ir twee wielders tooter thentselves as ilibetitote• They will register the names of tookshies reihriOd .isrth the asooento, proPotot to WistrOu by this one and to be rewired by the Other. =pink Who orobutolly.kknohkapt *mime sir*. r averil reniarid`neeetaarr to esrtillisli their elteiriiitt ex Ay soiling npontbainklitkurgnott. • litorolkAotortstod'ors mittetito loll t at ***Zoo, hk I,kwaisambogelliallitogs, Mount° the i nuolkin County Pawn. rot tifooIDOWNLI aali .. • - Ilidtary Claim Agents. Kri-81 013 T 0 BA 1 *As wsirsigr. iwualutuge SKEET Aumagterwegiftit4 ; 111012W1 0100 STUMM ast=inThigi r ab Agnatc " •'• _ nrum. MPTY BA RRelik-. 7 Maga Mizfiber ri Wiso;;Broadelproll Whisk: Barrels for solo - -.411 1 -410011L/rwit 110. I ORACKEREk'- - .11; 4 01 i0 4 SIMPLY of theft deliaisairiseselkierejust , WiLAIOCIE"A OP: ./SOLB' PENH Nrahe mid to Li- Awl ! . frepiLsa 4thttboltt's itemaits. Till GMAT gs iimuckg 1104130111141, 1:1301111 13 "HELM BOLD'S" 6dINUM.II PRZPAZAVIONO, RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 'or Buoircr." HELMBOLD'I3 EXTRACT RAREAPARILLO. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROBE WASH, =ECM= MBLIMMIOLD 9 II CASIMIR PRIPARATION, 44 WANLY CONCENTRATRD " • • • COMPOUND - /MUIR NITA/LOT BMW; A positive and specific Remedy for Means of the RLADDXII, -ILIDNNTS, GRATAL AND DROPSICAL SWILLIINAL This medicine increaseS the power of digestion and ex cites the absorbents into healthy aetion 1, which the testa or cakareous depositionis, and 41 unnatural en largemente, are reduced, as well, as pain and hammer lion s and ie good far MUM WOW, anol intUFNUTN. ami...0(M......N. RELMEOLD'S EXREACT BULL% Jar Weak Eta" arising fronfirranswww% Habits of Dias patios, Harty Indlactation or Abinik.attanded with the NOLLOWITIe SYMPTOMS: Inclispooltion to Dm-silo; Dryneu of the Skin , ' Lou of Memom ono tu tl o P u over, WRo%rDiatom, of Vision, wok.fulnoom, N o ll f "* Ditealie; IMM Trombliag. Universal Lassitude pf, elf o the Muscat Italy, = Ofntn))))." sptiosisam e Nice, notHends, iZIM Jes etC medl sinTbsoes4 **)#l ll n ed _ 4 _,. inh u r - ,. . ,M 'ew jui • . TO - canln sof one 114.1 . 1 kma r -- - 4( i litehtl Ms tho7.4" A • ; wit • " ; • ' 714Vir - ' g, bin ems maw area a 11 ."umlr • er . i 4 v um e aDdilbe ; , vffißonfees. • - , ample witono melancholy deaths, to the truth of the Miertiro , ; 7- ,- L MLR CONSTITUTION ON o a AIIIICTAD BY 0* I. , • I 44 r • • • ' 0 43 Bequiree the aid of meatil 'ONittrengthen aDd levigo ratethe RILTRACINVIXerk does buil will 000vinotthir law& PEMALMSI FEMALES ! . f itmAissm OLD OR YOUNO, EONOLIi MAIMED, OR , comma, Atr,smtha swo4p.. In Om efibeidenn peculiar AO , Perneen, the 'llxtrar, Baran in impueled by any' other •rrinidy,' .rte Clialbibdt or Illetestfoid , frreinlaritiee, rr Fitypiendot of Otstentary Ivecuatione; Illteretof or ihkrthoto idote' of the Uterus. Letkortio-st or WhitEe, ntbrility, =din* n complaints incident to the sex; ',bother iirleig" !rote in dineyelon, Rebate of Dirsipetion, or in the• 111101.1 NB OR OHANGI SEE SYMPTOMS MIMIC NO asomat- 1T Take no Bsloam, Mammy or Cinnkaaant Medici!' 'Oppleeward and DaziserunaDieiima. HELM#IO4O EXTRACT zeiseA 0171INO 13110101 lin "'• In all their !Assail, at little elpinuily; little or no Man Indietp no inconveniewoe 4 ANN NO NXPOIII3IIII. ; It mines frequent &km end eves itiehith to 13rinate, 1 thereby removing otatruotiona, .preventing and curia strictures of the meth**, JAW= so frequent hi Vila 'of 'di * 'arpelfibei BONOIIB,DISIARN.DAND n11,01111.011V Tlibeaanda upon thouninda who , have been the VICTIMS OV QUACKS, Awl who have paid lISAYY FM to tafttiract Ob time, hare found they were decaliter, and that the Poi• maw •+ bsa. by the nee at a PoWeriet Aetriirgente,"l been dried up in the system, to break entry an aggravatefform sad PARHAM ATTIIt MARMAG/L -tea— USE MILMBOLDWE , XTRACT;;VC4Ig Ner Allisetiooe and Diemen et the URINARY OR G.l M. whether elieUng in lIALC 88SISIALI, from whitnenr eriginahftand so Natter et.bow long Maud% Dimities et tbre; mum rtydre the aid at l e , MILMBOLD'S EXTRACT *lntl Is TEN GAUI►T Duo, And It to outdo to bon the dairetelfect la all Dioosor for which it fa reeottatooded. BLOOD! BLOOD!!. •BLOOD II! MILMOLI‘ I III, HIGHLY CONCHINTILAING .7 - CON POUND , ILI:RD NXTILkOT PARSAPMMLA sykntLre. Thin is saaffeetion orthe Biopic and attaeloilthe femur errata, Linings of the Noce, Bars, Throat, Windpipe and other Mneuslinrfams, making its appearance in tire form o r uk ma a. MILNBOLDIS raMest 'Sarsaparilla purifies the Bleed and remoras all Sealy Eruption. of the etas giving to the oomplerrien 'a clear and healthy mar. it being prepared exprefaly for this clam of eomplaints, is Blead-parifying properties are preserved to a greater ea , tent than any other preparation of -:0:- UELMBOLD'S. ROSE WARM An excellent lotitm for Mamma of a Byphilitie natio% and as an injection in diseases et the Brina.ry Orgensmis ing from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Bnebn and Barsaparilla, in anehdissasistas remit. mended. Beidence of the moat respensible.and reliable character will accompany the isedielnes. WERTITICATBS 4:11f.Ci711:BB, From:three to twenty yeses , standing, with names known TO OCIRNOB AND IFJUITI‘. Per median] properties of 21:701117, scalop,soblito the Vnited Ptak'. See Protestor DEWEFF valuable workOm the Pr Uoe of Pbyric. Ste remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. !MUCH 9 Pldladelphls. ' ' See remarks made by . Dr. DPHAATII t celebrated Physician and Member of thiltoyal College Surgeons, Ireland, and published in tbe Transietions o the Niue and Qnsonts Zemmol See Mediae Ohirundrai Berimr, pit4hotigt by BIiNJA KIN TRAVERS, !allow of Royal conga or surgeon. See most of the late atandard *mho on Medico*. Extract SIOD per bottle. or Bil for S 5 00 rateset sanuTarioa-- . $lOO per bottle, or lIIX for lb 0$ Iniproy-d Item Weak frne. per bottle, cords for $2 5(1 Or half dawn of snob for In, which will be asellaiftnt be mire the moat obstinate omen, If filmdom/WO Odherod to. Delivered to sny eddies's, securely packed from obese , cation. 117 - Deorribeilyudiemos In all covauspikettlios.; Owe g ueiagbood. Adobes gratin. , , , ~:«- .*HDATIL 1 . yea tio , pcp4 .. elae Porno aPPoo on, aP rmaa of W. city of Phila j dolphio,„ll Z. . Ilelipbeyl, who helot 4a l y swore 4•14 sor;, 1401 * lOl,lll 1 * K 44 tisl., o o OW carys;or other holorlooo.orfto, 104 gy•pp l _Trpf _tablik. • • ' 1% floors ssg oiklindbed befcre or. thin. lad ooyof Norma ter, . WK. P..RlBBlllll),Aildereum Moth at., shove ,logoe,lldbidilphia. • . • t Addren Utters fbr Ihfoimatioe fit. • ' Depot. No. 104 *Alb 700 . 11 !. aunt , below Chaim; Philadelphia. • - ' T " DWAIN 0.7 • cdurnann's AND UNDRINCIPLID DIALNES; Wh ,o tp, distopi 11 , 01P,Tr ou r i ' : OWN'? t " weer' , 'Mehl on tbs*.A . KOPT i mmitnows apansrs ItuffaMlCl EILYBOLD 2 B Mit= LITZACT BIN= , sinacimara Giumutitaxmaimgailitinikak =WOOL WS 0/11117111110ROVRD MO WARR. llokt by an Drovilito rietikitiire • 4° An, 'tog imiumAnts—iumlioAtioso Oat est the sherthemea onft nal for it, ood S?UIC lIIPOKTIONAMIDIrIMMI • Ele2-17 SMARR ABBANGEMENT, NOW 41R LINE Rom. - t 1 4 „;32miriorild to„nitrAtiu. ON AND APTIR MONDAY, April 20, MN, the Pair Banger Trains will leave the Philadelphia said Needing Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Phil adelphia,,ao fellows, Ws! NARTWAND. IMPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.111 a. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Rayne, Train from the West, wiring is New York at 9.16 a. m., mad at Philadelphist at 4.20 a. m. A ileeping ear is &flashed to the train through from Pittsburg without *haw. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. Wing ig Now, york at 6.30 p. in., and at Philadelphia at 1:60 p. RANT LINN leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Put Mail, arriving fp New York it 10.26 p. m., and Ptiiladelpl►ia at 7.00 p.m. WBSTWARD. rim LINE leave, New York at 6.00 s. m., and Phils ditildi at 11./5 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. HAIL. TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noes, and Plsiladelpkie et L6O p. m. , arri•Mg at Harrhiborg at 1110 p.m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 7.00 p. m. , ar riving at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. m., and connecting with ho r01i541161415 Express Train for piddling. • sleep ing car is also attached to this train. Connections are made at Hardsburgwith trains oaths pentusyluali, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Bingsgoig, and at Beading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkedarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. checked through. Pare between New York and. Harrisburg, $516; between Huddling and Phis delphis, 1111.65 In No, 3 ow, INA =s.Oo In No. 2. Fortickets and other, infuriation apply to J.J. Wind, Calera' Agent, . Harrisburg. NORTHERN OENTRAL RAILWAY. Tbr00,4 1 47 trains to and 'from Batieore and,Wooll ingtOS gity. Conatotioss made with toles vs Pow syliWeli Unread to and from Pittston' and the Peet tso tssiss deal to and from the for Said ins Branch, ittusisehease, Meths and ail Northern New Mir; QD 4.ND Alsl l llll IIIONDIT, AflU 21; 19s, Paisionpr Train of the Minion Outhalkalway will arthro and•depart from /Imbibing ant Mathison oo Wm; vis'i MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Iletaday 10.14111. m.; leaver Harrisburg at 111 p. m., Tfv, SAglizaore at 152 0 p.'. IXPRZIIII TRAIN Immo lisainizy dolly (tteeptlen• ergitli.OT i`m.; Immix liarspba7t; (world Itaaday; at, 2,00 a. 'a., .aad =Cm at It A.s (eigend May) at 14.16. a. ar `NAlUileinlll! AVOODDIOVATION :RAIN lows dairy 4,6,40 •. MAIL TRAM leaves Baltimore dailnezeeptikmdeq AV.!. a. 'di.; at 115 p. m., and arrives a 4 Banbury at 4.03 p . m. ZXPR.II3B TRAIN leaves Baltimore dilly at VII p. liirrisburg at 125 a m., and leaves Mu risbnrg Sally (eisept Monday) at 3.00 a. m., and mired itilinbary at EA a se. 11AR$TBBURQ• ACOOMBIODATION TRAIN leavo Blain:Sire datly (except Bunday) at 2.35 p. m., and rives as Mardeberit 7.10 p.m. hileher isfelmatien apply at the Mee, Pa Pea ItiMniad Depot. J. N. DuB&RRT, Harri!ipvies; April 2S 11103141tf lANNSYLVANTA. ahnnaun SiJMMER TIME TABLE: ME MI Mk Alit FIVE TRAINS DULY !P6 4 PENN PitIONSIPMA _ QN AND APTNR moiramair,Apritli, 20, .11M3, Ta•'Paiisenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Oomp gt wiihdepart from and arrive at Naniaberg and Philadelphia as follows WADI W TBBQI7OII, 111;PRIMR1 TRAIN UMW Ifarrimbera daily at 2.00.5. st., and emives at West Philadelphia at CIO a. m. NWT LISS tea cinattblbapi daily oz apt ionximP) ..$.2.44 a. au., and arrives at West Pkiladelpidd at 914 a. an. Passangsrertaks•ltresidest at Lanempter: WAY 0002111010.12110 N, via Monlat Jo*, loam Ihnighgeg at 7.0 a a. M., and amiss at West Philia l hal pidaatl4.4l7. m. PAST NAIL TRAIN leaves. Bartisharg drill *BPS Sunday) at 1.00 p. sad IMMO at West Ma dalpida at 8,00 , p. M. HARRIBRUIIa AOO9IIMODATION THIN, CD iambi*, leaves liarilebass at 440 p. aoi., and mina at West Philadelphia at 4tBo p. m. W3lB-19VAEB. BALTLIKONN *ZPRROS TRAIN leans Rarrisbar daily (amps litouday).at 240 a. a.;dnsana fi7 .16 a. take bewailed, and Arrives at Pittsburg , at 32. PIIILADIMPRIA REPRINT; TRAIN ISSN /far burg daily at 8.00 a.m., Altoona at 8 005. m., take break,' fiat, end arrive' at Pittenlrg at 1810 Kalb MAIN leavai llareiebug at 1.18 p:m., Al loons at ras p. in., take spoor, and arrives at Pittsburg at 14.80,a. ne. PARYLINII leaves , /iarrieburg $.50. p• Db. ? Altoona 8.86 p. m., aud suttee•at Pittsburg at kid a. in. 14.11,11121111110 ACCOMMODATMI9 . „paaN leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 - p. m., and arches; Harrisburg at B.oop. at. A00021.1420DAT1,D1 TRAIN leavea phis at 4.00 p: m., and arrive, at Hargiebarg at 9.40 p. is. This trait tuna via Mount Joy. ' SAMDMIL D. YOUNG Saperintandaet M4ddld Me. Passes IL ,R. Harrisburg April 16, 1888 —dtr • , • 18413. 1863. pHEADEL.rau & E,Rm /IDAD.-- , This post line traverses the Northern aad Northirest mantles of Pennsylvinie to the oity of Erie ' on Lake Brie. • It hem beim leased by the Pooesyleastict NOad Company; an& under their amigos, Ss *dim rapidly opened throughout Ito entire length: ' It is now in use for Passenger aiid , Weight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, pommel Porh,) ( 22 1 folios) on the Nesters Division, and from SW/14i ti - Erie, (7$ Tales) an SU 'Western DitiOon• TIM OF PASSZNaIik MA/24 AT Hi .?CIS BPRG. Lee.. Notthward. . Malt 1.13 a. aa. I Zxprees Trak.. 3.60 a. ra Cars ram Armagh without dosage both ways own* trim betwoo# /. 6 4 1 / 4 " 4 1 41 % 1414 Lock Ray", and oresin:Beitiiiiipe and Lock ilevia. Elegant Shaping Cars on Express Traini th way 'between Willianisport and Baltimore, and Wllliamspo t lad Pittedelpbis. ' . /Os takinaMtea reirietine %naval beldam ant at the 11.111. ere: llth and Market streets': Ili fge myrih, 1 4 1:sizipes of the Clocia*ri.hikenti 8. $1.. ) :)Ilogattoo, Jr., oar. lath and bleckot etre Ph 111011818,4 s.w linnii#l / Do a. lc 0. A. E., slobs R. H. HODISTIMIP • Genii Dreigitti gt., Mrs. awn L, wan,' Samil 'Mtn 4p.i*/.01. "‘• • • JOB. D 3 1 1 •4 5 74.7. , n A ...Deng 1414,0 0 A 1RUD•120041. • • 3E.T _. k , ONANOW - PRAM ,P/11PPlag.. lifflettimacoink. ff ..ffff: !it alailaink titi a ) lig Inlin Yj r " ^ lll , 041101 611 M 2 10 444 1 tAdVdolfirsi _maiwitapiikeammXpin.eassived teas .ose Uffe , ,611.041Ntiritlion0 5 6 -411614 , Bottis isisd , Pdelisqpi war • , rinaT l4l , WV. nowt.. x• owl MEM 11011130. IatIVMS.—A vox, fine NY imorikev ectudnuove swam Lbws of trautL 1 'I ' " t"t E L I A BUMMER TIME TABLE. *OUTHWAIID. N.DRTHWaiID. °wont Nupoiletaidase Books, etationery 8t I. LOHOOtTi ROOKS.--,Sebtsel iDirtotore, • II Teachers, Parade, Scholars, and others is nee* of 'School Hooka, School Btationei,_ &a l will find a el:ca plet* assoihrient it E. M. POL ear f SON'S 11001 Sroßll,lkrketliiere, Harrisburg, comprising in 'part the following . ; sADIAt-gtentises, Parker's, Cabb's /non itraNG 110018.— icGufey's, Cobb's,Webstsrle, Town* Byerly 2 s combry , s. 104114/0H QMAXMAHB.—BuiIIon% Smith's, Wood bridge's Monteith% Tuthill% Hart's, Wells'. _ MlBTOATl6l.—.othnslraw% Dayenport's, Trost%Wil sot% Wiiiirds; Ostidthihhi, Pinnock's, Goldrimithili Mid Mark l e. ' ARITRITIC I II.—OreenIeaPs, Btaddard's. Basersonla like's_ l ,s Colburn's, Smith and Duke ' s AMA. WISH AB.--lareedeaPs, Haile% Dari, May% 01441gaht. • vliCTlONAMTlL—Woroesteer quarto, Amslassie, Cern srehensiye and Primary bietionaree. Walkerii dolma, bobb , s, Walker, WitaterNi Primary, Wibster's High school. Webstpr's Quarto, keedenna. MATMAL , ,. 111411101101111.118. 7 -Clonstoehis, rarkars i , gwifils., The *bore with I great variety of others can at say time be fonts' at 'my store. Also, complete assort ment of School Stationery, emlbrioing in the whi is a com plete outfit for school papaw. Avg goo sot is the atm% procured at one days notice. as or Country Msrahants supplied at wholesale TOOL LNIANAOB.--John Baer aidi Bon's Almanac for pale at 11. M. POLLOCK di t 501111114 9 01. STORM; Ilarrilimiu. itr wholesale and Metall. myl WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER I ! • Just reoeived, oar.i3priag Stock of WALL PAPER BOROZILS, VIRE SCREENS, &e, &a. Itlithelaigest and beet 'selected assortment 'nibs city, rangingii frCh leix. end. up to one dollar and &quarter (31.26.) As we pnrebase very low for each, wt are prepared to sell st as low rates, if not lower, than can be INA else where: If purchaser. *lll Gall and examine, we feel einifident that we' den please them in respect to Irk* and quality. 311.111 POLLOCK & SON, RAM POW .Tones' Rouse, Market Square. . L aw BOOKS , LAW BOOKS 11-A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Roporti and etiaidard'llementary W071:111, with many of the old Rnellsh Remode l WPM sad raft, together with a large assortment of socond-liana Law Rook', ut very lIMPZIO.III, st L. ens pries Bookstore of Ir'IirPOLLOOE & toe • • • alarkeegquare, Harrisburg. THE riberO tO" Bo to publish by tian cad EP" of the Towte . hip of lIIWATAZA,w Dauphin county Pa., if sulliclent en eourapment is given. The Map will embrace the Bouncia ries of the Towaship 444 Warms, contained therein, ' bet of dorm, Loeution of Residences and Names of Pro- pertyhold ere geserialy.' tirtairirifiC Asobe on the Map a Table' Of -Ditdanseit, ehoWing Us, distance from each Cross Road in the . Tairashig to ,Rarrisburg, thus ren dering it a valuable Nap to Partners sod Dealers in Real Istate partial:lowly: Theta desiring , Timm of their Residences put on the Map_ will abarra a moderate extra price. The bir l i r rin lie neatly executed, colored and 1 1 9 4 11*nad de at thtklmaratte of Ave Dol lar.. o va& • f the i dftc. , i• ,;" • • • • • , 1 -01101.11 , & ALIA" . , lif i aiantetreet Narrlabweg, No:Taber 1. isot..--tr W ORC AI; QUARTO ESTER'S v DICTIONARY! • •t • . 'TAN 1/1111t DIUMMIC AID ramovioiX4l • - DICTIONARY OF TDB DrietslBll LANGUA.OI, , saataino 1,864 Royal Quarto Pages-sad 94,000 Fordo mid meaning not fouskin any ether English Dictionary! more Cum 000 Illustrations inserted in titbit prbiwit. pleopo 6,600 words synonymisedy topther with atimerons tables of proaosami e ewAwyg-- - • Bold bv R AE. POLLO it OR , r dice roreestar4 School tidtlensitide• 166211 ANOTHER , SUPPLY OY mouToiva . . UNRIVALLED ..GOLD 'PENS! NO2II /MTh IN MBA WHOLIII- WORLD ?or 'lb !oats, il, Oak SIANso; leo iss Warranted to 1a146 goiat gold; at 1' MI6 -11101111111/111WHOOKSTORII. ()NIX ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub , I Vlltittiol bound ramllllo at ectrefreeir Here. ; Q,CHEBIPER I B bookstore is the place to boy Aoki Pfwoo—intirwatme • • ' - w ng. witt OCHE , MARKS? sr., HARRISBURG, PA Tra PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the 'best makers,. from um upwards. MELODEONS. THS BEST, MANUFACTURED INSTBIL MENTS,. front $45 to $lOO. Suitors, Violins, Accoadeous, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, :Violin Ind Gvdtar itrfnipi and mu- , . 'Mug merohandise , gentle* SHE.V.T MUSIC). The LATEST PUBLICATIONS alwojc on kind Music seat by, mail to any 'part or the country. COAL, SQUARE, GILT ANA EOSEWOC FnAMES, !if salaam for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand: A fine assortment of best plated 0 O K. I MO d AS 5,,E3, F i rm smallest to largest sixes. War Any r efyle ortratee to .to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOGifig,. n'ovl-4lw&e '93 liiirltet et. Mowro Sewing Machine ) 437 Bread way, New York ; branch race OA, Market itiaitt, Ifarrlanns. The underarm& respectfully informs ; the manufacturers and citisens of. Harrisburg that:he Yes opened a sewing machine oSce fir the isle of the e d e b r m e g umocgiewino l machine, making the well known look-stitch, and adapted for all Weida of leather and cloth and family run. O. M. B.APHANL, feb2e-diy itetss f'4UTTA X ) .ERICHA WATER-PROOP str (WITHOUT BRUSIIIIKI,/ • FOR BOOTS, SIBMS,s_IEARIVESS, CARRIAGES, AND MILITARY LINATIIR.R-WORK. This new and excellent article (kW& everything weer before in use, for beautifying era softening the Leather. It man ,polish like patent leather; wli not rub off with Water, nor stain the finest white silk, sad =key eha . leather perfectly water-proof. Twice actlionth ap plied 'on boots and shoes, and once a month for latensia is stalleient. If the leather become dirty, wash it.eif with clean water and the polish will re-appear. War ranted as represented. - - DISNOTIONS FOR U91.--ApplY a - few drops an* wage, eubdt tht vaii the polish* complete: Price, ISTM cents per bottle. JACKSON * CO., Sole Agents, 90M Market street. CIE,BO N.& 00.'13 S ,S E • O F . gig st" ICK I T T 242 'EARBISZIVIG, Pd 1, Iniefio tag - Itend tcFdevote their wait; time , to tlis marificters of ' 'l3 , F r B AND,SHO,N,§I all lidada mad Tatietili, la US AVatsiti ;Maid dub. enable styles, and at satisfactory p r i sm, Tkeir stook will sotelst, in a50,,,0f Geitti t ystees You wand fiche's l•sfolier 130 ofs and S.k•ssi Abut st y les; Li l d i f il i ao o 4 45 ,W 1 q 0 04: 4 64 4 04 . 04 1811 04 1 1i1reaV misty; aad, is .fast; everything ealuisated with the Shoo Modem. • • . cu 4'O ES WORIE rill los acruciacriy att lo s e dr e • and in all oisiM*lll 0014040144 W Ours', Listti VW bsi ins er Us beet asWail in al goimarti l~aioai experliaoof the tiselM!dgiust, and tacera f044 (4 8 43 Ml;:tkei ; eat illgsg#4 l i.)?s, .to the tha t tam, will do them Asides bad Aresigh tam on eittole dint willA4 l 'ol2l'4l4 Healy for utility, elmerims and darn. bility. • , JACKSON.. (V:, i U. ovApTED.774:l,44ldttri. hotit i lhOs.___„4o . - ': f ir m gott, s a l o l lot r o ge fret tr bifrilsr o; inri p e t, 1 A eits , of Harrisburg L ohe is prepired .to sooOgiNtoloto obills, 00 1 fnsia i • °X r ttit Ifirclttl Roman ol rokzalMi. k. , , IMAM _ R. A, JOHNSON! , ; WlD:utriAll:ooHOlui ThRLARGE iKI iminutzei via liflllreValltPtir 'OAT do iP HAVJWA tOßlNGEiiikigiAiireas, 111,M8, '. . DROP 4.agt, sotiociNA Li latoll44a TelleVilelalat tbr oft krw, by.. WM. DOOR. Js.„ altithinerp. E A G L'E WORKS HIRAISRUIIII, ItSIIO:NSYLVANIA, 1 1 / 4 171PAOTIIIL11% OP 111101-1111 DIRE ULM& atm= IND PBM, STANDINei pRIBEPSIIIB, SAWING MACHINES, HUM SCALDS, AID 11 , 10111111111 101 GRINDING OUTTINGQIIACIRINB , KNIVNIL Portable Cider Hilly and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITtrit,E, Central Nadine Work tad Ii aat Brass CA S T :I'llll S . WOOD , TDSNINO IN . ALL ITS BRANUM% SCROLL SAWING, PL11V1.11 7 6 1 4 Ems IW. tErAny Knobilno of Wood, lion or BMW U. to aeatlad EcisivOlitting, k0.,,146; HICKOK'B PATENT WOODEN SCREW CIMINO 4 1 1 0014 IL7 Oash paid for Old copper, Eno, Spotter, &g.. STEA.III BOLLWRS. j o gN,Ar#TVPAN,IA RA.11 9 4941) 1 A 80931 EITATI CELLAR. WINDOW - GRATES Or vitrietto patteina, both inationaryandowiniiriii 868E WIIIGHS and nide= other Building ,Ceetilegoi t get ask every eheap at the Day 244.171 ,issqLikwgoup. O. MOLTZ, 110GINEER, aucHrivisr t STEAM FITTER No.. 6; NORTH BIRTH BTSEET , ' ` t BeWeen Wilted and Mutat, Ilsiriebtrg, Ps. MaeinnetrofwverydeseriPtian made and repaired. Drama Cooke Of. all eine, and allifP fien9r49.4t Gm rittingioonatinitif tin hand. All work . _done in Ulla essabliainnent ander Ilia own IlliparilI10!1, iiiikratilintid to sty, tatigoottoo.. oaB6 ' ST M B'o lI A E R 3 . t* midi Misled and • ' for tks IfrlionOtt 1 !.a1 , - wow PrepiAN l 4o. l lol -0ri . "4 1 4 62 ka , 44-CY.XWAPPNek of 6veyi' - kil4 . : prdiiiio, and. .setskoOtf taut „. Wit ; shall lin Won midi by Beibiy Biti4 nyititibikit Vtl 4l POnCrein Skitribrkit; ; - : 'bitt • *it beads ; ippOyed. )lleblmf pitiMAY MOM. kV " ' • ' •IA hc r. 7 iy.-.II4 4 IIIaaaWNIII4 !..! P-momr. _ . 14 ••• 144, ,AR Ka GAiltilikll" - - Tinarieno PRINTINGI Alfl1011.:1• • • , taelipos„chur ehespabliebulldia p g,lbote- . rle ram e *ithgas s lyeli a worimih4lke iDEMt. Noldß l 4 l4 lath Tubs, I.llteud Peres -Pampa, Wpm { 4.a4 Zion hips ' *Mel; this ilia Stem. of plate patron ve is respeetfully eollolted. eAltiserlepcsalyely attended to. Js Irjrl}2l:3l) 711‘7-1..:41. Th• masegiber kui removed Ali PLlnionte AND D_Wk/OIINDRY fromo t Market street te 'Nowa j akri ttw a lt Niteklit; Opix i site tas Okiliek - pUtfFtlNtibl Orlet sttaition MINI Will/lit ogatiumot 91, • irmr. uttinta;' 311•aanct. WWI IN atU 114 , . ac THE DELAWARE MUTUAL • SAFETY: INSURANCE. COMPANY . P.II.4ADELPHIA. „ • , INCO.REQ.,RAT.ED ;s IB3.S.. This Institntionledeing Minimise Odthe Madura Is surancs principle combined with a Jefkit Ow* Capital. By the astff incorporation Mire stock is pledged for the painient of any lasseir Which the ocrinpanymny sus tedn. Aid ssl aitiesiddititai-serwritp to the assuredi thi act requires that the pro fi ts of the business Awl be fareded and,radsho witty tore corporation, sea swavardas Mel pirates/Mr to the tamed against lose,Olderki by thrilled-dig ThErictorala be 'redeemedin accordance with ,ill provision, of the, act of Incorporation. This fund will le representedby seri, Mined by the ' company, bearing interest Mt osteseding sixmut. - No dividend of ;snipe= be muds w per hen the loads and expenses Mcleod the amount of Oriorotpradiums. luktranees will be made on Tesselailirreighte and Oar. Orel-on Goods transported bytalitoirda or canal.,-and by drumbeats on rivers and lakes T r -also,'agidentriatMil• or tom byairy, for a -lindted.tbenna or PlitinailleatlY.:. • The IFeheleitimi, &gent far the 001/9 irillititown company, will make toniiianee:,igaiiistiois or tillage by fire, either perpetually or saanslly on pilhoirriy in either todwor erranti*. - • "Marine and Inland Transportation disks alio taken. Apply pomenally of by, letter to , • • "110113111 NUIINOB, jantttt - • • laiwristirrg 'T'a. I kr B U R A: N . 1414ary - Firs Pi blind lllMPOrtatielts Central Agency ss-Horriaborg, 16, of THIS - DTBITHANOB ebmp "Arm vntm . AMERICA; , PEUMADIAPHIA. Incorporated 104—Charter Perpetual OASIETAL AND - .-Uo' l l' . - at,soe,ooo I - ,DUIECTOBES t Arthur Q. 0•111 n. , Samuel W. Jogai, John A.. !Brown, Saumei P. Smith, Oharlea.Taylor, Am ou Wino, John 8., s 3, Siohard D. Wood, William Wash, Wllli+gi H. Beifen i lames 41. Diekufm, S.' "Morris Wahl, John Ma- George b. Raritan, Pranili Z. Caps, Id7~ard H. Trotter, Ildwail S. Markt. • ARTHUR Cf. CO/MN, ?netting. CHARM PLATToSometary. - _ • AN central agent for the above named - ecuniany," the Ondertheill Ii pr o p otot to take Sire Blake in any part of the to of Perautylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the moot favorable terms. °Sloe iu Walnut atreet.near Second. WILLIAM BUEHLER, int 23-114 . _ • • Harriabirri ra. L THE GIRARD . LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, , OP PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 4O CIIESTIUT ST. [UHARTIMERSPXTVL] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - , $1,54388 THOMAS RI-DGWAY, President. JOHN P. ZAMSS, Actuaty. CONTINUE to mate 'INSURANCE ON LIVES on the meet remeactia44o Wine. They act es Ilierattors,,Traatees and Guardians under hat Willa, and as Receivers and Assignees. The cepa:6l'l,ol;g laid up and invested, together with a large and constantly Islamising reserved fund, offers a parfait security to the insolent_ The premiums -may may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodica'ly to the insu rances for life. The MOT BONUS Deaember,' 1844 the bECOND, BOUM . Deemabor, T 1849, the HIRD 01NU8 in . December, DIM, and the FOURTH BONDS in 1869, These additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be , paid to the company. 411819ij9offettrika fan examples from the Register Policy. I 1.• I Amount Of Polley and waal BM= or bonus to be increased Insured addition by future additi No. 89 gst,ficio 5 881'50 $8,387 50 0..182 8000 . 1,060 90 4,080 08 et 100 1,000 , 400 00 • 2,40 e 94 g‘ 833 5,000 1 : 878 4 00 - - 1 4 848 0 0 - Avid II tibtrria4llls W wad vjoinity. , I IL '' . f LlAlit BURBLER. . j au26-1.1.7 50 5 Itg I I -- PO - 11 .- N - D 1311 ! ~ Fifty imineand,Pounais - "EX , CIESeIiI 0 " -2 Eli 11 , 111$ Whieltwwwig sell st 'a very low 'fi gu t e b y th e Hogshead', Tl eeov. h u ed or Single Rem. mym M. 1)0C11., jr., & 00. 0 0 L kit H. E 0-8 ? i v E L.l-- 'lnv* okitlitd - titi'dx;l4:jiiiiiiigkliatglai jns Wved, and' foR .`• ' & en _ . vvitinag FLuxos,rrsivs,,,. . mei , i ti,fp we:ay.:pito, 4 , ~i i :ink t ti Al cents t r tt ext ;4. . ..dratitlent, , , ,og lug BAR troisi Winf ' OO / 11161 " 1 W l4 ' IA gift:lN 4 ausirmiaarrank, CO . , . toll u adi e .. sa w aid it,* oc t h e INllikillit i li US . . efilY4 Ai 4 rioNDENSED riffAiv 4 d interto lido 14. 4 6 - ' lOU NICE & 60. i gkolEDS 1J for sob by .-4,0 choice supply WK. DOC& Iri 041. £iiøullanto, SCUMc G FOR TIM A NICISEIrit ill MIRY HOUSEHOLV: JOHNS k CROSLEY AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE THE RTRONORDT GLIM IN THE WORLD! /OR OEMINYII/9- WOOD, MIAMI% GLASS, IVORY aunts, Bra PO2OIILAIII. ALABAffrit - s, on CORAL, Re., R9 v , 4C. ?N ONLY ARTIOLI ON Taraiarm, ma PRO DUO= VELA I Win WITRITAND WAT/R1 IXTBAOTB. gglihory keassteeper wawa hams wand, at Maw Otedeylo AIIIIIIIOIIII Clomoot. 41114). 11 —Ws* YOritiiiiitss. "It is so oonveniont to hors in tits kotOo."—Now York Expiress.o • "It is always rood,y • tbia eookokozois it to ovoortmly. —New 'York td t. "Wo lisoir it, sioLliatitas mem SWltitof the Tinos. PRICE 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. TWIT Lunn limit:rano* TO . ITROLM6I • DEALERS. TERMS CASH. Tor Die by all Druggist aod'Btorekospoorrese midi* tbraighont th• 'eoluittry. • ' JOHNS & CRO&LZY, (Sole Manufactoirooti) 7$ WILL'IAM BTKEIT, Moran of MINIM Stroiry !UAW. YOBS- 41. T Ea 4LYON'S PURE . OEIO . OATAW.BA. .1111 OHIO Oat i iiiir ßitAl liA lAA% ,DY he for leveret yZaset4l9l ,rmaattfultupeit from the pare Wee of the Alf 0/AAWBA lial3MLAAl44o",.ped has attained a rare popularity tyre, thelmt and South, where great quantities,ot s superb arthde is 00141 Pr fad PAUL. furless'. It not 9 9 1 1; WWI, tat:ow& filti",lktdoe NiIfP_ONTBD Dl= BRAN in PCRIPY,,QI7 Amt. NOI NIN VEI rhAVVOII, and wherever It, hai infrothaodltbad invariably met the most annialited !whir aid inteinled The Wool. roftl di)* • PVT , . lon 1 99 a Lelt is this country, and t he opportunity to process an arum, of such qualittas to awned* t he sale end use of the many nth' bompennele ad often seld'isnder tite'renifirof Brandy,” can be regarded onlyeku public pelt. L. LYON% OAT.LWRA -BRANDY poems,* all the oboloo quellnteuf i tild beetjutipctedlfiguor, end tieeTylmown tole, or -- r7IIIMT 'rl7llllF eterer PIIIKIMPLAVIM • ; ARapport of the above platnocetet,tfe to the lia/ of thnnithimi Boned Weltionewn ge alemfit~ ar Dr. A. A. Hayes, AtmeiAryßoetosi lass Dr. James B. Obiltion Op. Obemiete, New Yor k . 3 1 19 hQfi 41 1 14tipil Chemist, Beaton, Dr. I- T6P2 Bieneriecine. O. A..lllbeerteeri Amelotleal . Omeelting Ohemiats, Obleim Illinois. ChinliettOtheblinatr o. Bit Oharlas Upham - !onsanageoloi. cr. , stemr.. Gentry and ,Tion• Dr. N. A. Pratt, i s lavam a the ir % w elfebrifa t . All of whom have Brandy and moomment Mess* Pfrfediraurs: eau& at re lirtallOgge =ea cdnal aient.l • ifeyeintedVlVth mile et' tiltflZodyfor Able - eltytotHarrielormA4 tenlphin 00. Dr. LO IS WTITH. JOHN TILL'S COAL YARD, tidunellllol.o crsssr__BßLOW 111111141 apaz i , „ Iker• In Ow pogi,rl7 On bOnd• tYKINt, AND 1117wPA • A.RRE CPU" Book as STRAMBOAT I EGO sod Nat, w l aisk golsol Or at AkoJoinot 'market Pio*. &seaman vitt do ialf:to of on him is *7 Is noir supply, it thil lei delivered Idea, Ind full weight. jard4d!® was , t . BEST Blittiti) you ° tits market: 00 barrels of the celebrated St. Louie Meer, univerially pronounced the mod superior article ever offered in the market, Just reoeived and dor sail, by WK. DOCK Zs is 130. WESEL FISH =eyerr Tuesday and' 'Fn ."; 4•47 88 JONA .W 164118 Stara, coma of Third sad Walnat. myB - 117 ALT. PAPER. AND WINDOW anetUlS. HE NR Y Et 1 - 1 , 73 R Hasa large stook of Widow Shades and Wall Paper es hand mai* mill be sold very low. ChM atod examine "UPI? Hatithif Yermoally stunted tO. No.lll l , STURE, Near the bridge. cmMl4-dtt fIEDA.R TUBS, CHUAN 8 said MEA- L), ME 11 M rim lam Mootddit 91 BAB. 1100 ikei.,just rsosived and for Ms very MP; by WM. DoCIC, Is., 800 • tr &W. C. TAYLOR'S 'LW 233 w SS OALrr t It is eeonomieal and hi sta" detersive. It contains no Rosin and will not waste. It b warranted not to Ware - the hands. It will hnpArkas Agellimade 'oda, end is !Mentor suitable for mu , • • ; ' Dock, to., co. F 011. 13A)LE.-4,000. • DIE Blism 1 3 11; aus TIOLLOW CORN. Lady bud% bit MIRY, 400Ausbels rye. t • 60 barrels offlak/s.lxii,iirlabo tiointLiND. gbodie of ` • I sop2Otf Waahlagton Amon% liorsipborg. EMPTY HOGSHEADS.—A large liirritylifeikt Slogiihroads, griaroontilltion and wi*k10 • 1111114 " *Whet*" rirMdrable for Builders, amen " sold at a Tay km poke: •A' WM. DOM, Jr., & 00. . M 7,1 received, a large L.L. 'apply COVIRMD ambit-omm RAMS, of eh, but bread ialktwusdat. 'lvry MO • Old itpar june27] WM. toog,,nt., a V. ROSTON OBACKENB.-A supply of 4s , iltlicknif emits= rewired am for solo WM. DOOR, jr.,&00. INCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR AR IMlLXjaati raesivad and far aal.nby DOCK, Za., & 00. 6: 0 0 0 - POTNISA :74tra Prime Sugar.. • ( - 1 AroP rps, Sal" very wholesale et Teton by' " Wit: DOOR JR 0 . al MEN. -004N.—WINSLOW'S free& ‘,..A Green CFR just rfosived by DOCK, Zs., & CO. ,FINEST STOCKOF PHOTO GRAPII&TatfIiB;PORT.NOLIOS, CARD-OMltt, PCNMICT-800/18, id '• ' • -146ameirelrls , Boolistore, UCKWHEit MEAL.-15,000 Mg. - pt Enka Wyoming Valley, for tale by- • - ,• DOCK, ht., to 00. WALL PAPER , BORDERS,. ite•r Tv fr..., at last year prices, for eels at Bchefferl Beo.kaktere: . jel6 OR=LETTER, NOTE and FOOLS CAP Paper, ffnireloyeessad all kind of Stationery, eall at Schaffer's Bookstore- . - • Wit RECEIVED—Another lot of Boantiltl Albums, sitifialaiffees Barketom, 18 118 r: Yet joie Alarge variety of Notions just received at Bckteffer,lll4mbilatore, jel6 lELF .SEALING- FRUIT JABI3 Rot and wiNpeat is the markets 1 Cell es nimble 'Mem JO/ 9 PRENOR MUSTARD } ENCUSH and N6lBllllO -*Alegi (Lb tbi &Loa or hundesio s a lllll Oil, Ketch% ilamoNi oontlimento of .way ilosoription, for sale -T2l. - y WM. Barbs::., a co d'lLTew Ariasortment o MORTON'S IlrdilAratled gold Beds; in Gold Piaied Dot Itol• juskrege,iyed, i.kt debilities Idobikore,.l.B•ldarke stritet • •• - • ie/6 l' LI OW ARE 'YOU GREEN- Ti t t o uitPirtern—Parkirtus nip , moto Dog 4 3- aa cents, Jima 'r • and fg; sale bi WARD, la his Mud. store, Thirdilidrind. IDall`'`bet a CoPY r - r • of2B ALLPAPARtrBOI(DIMiIik odic,, IF • - 900 rit isillk t yjialtbirrfitas, witboat any advance. 4,- AX:XF FINS BOOVITOALE. itIiMAX44443T BACON-.—A smolt but Ithriv l o 04 bow Dania ,Apakfastia•con •2.1 ritoorted ToriaLir e lent received. POOL Ai:* 'CO PEACES-PARE D AND " iMPAIIBII-istet received by wm ROOS. Im,, , fe - 0 0 - _ rptll NATIONAL. ALINANAT)AND J. ANNUAL11114:1010 for 180 S. 'Wde et 1147/121/Pja t a BOOKWOIII. i" lirM.1)008, k