LOCAL NEWS. Tim Deux PATRIOT ARP USION may be had at Jack's Book Stoye, corner of Third and Market II treats. Ai" g at - be Newt Agency of George ,14,,Wilter,. a Mark street. near Fifth. Tu Mena—Under the (mange of 110111111100.032 the different railroads, the time of dazing:Ole mails at the Itoristatit rut 020 1 ),3S1 21 1863 it • se foliose:`` 110iTHMERN ONSTILLL.S.IIILWAY, alp between Har -sbmw; Lock Hausa and Nimirei,;* - . 1E,4 MOO m. For Look Haven , Willimuiport and Lewisburg at 8 p. m• ar• x. 8011211.—War Nam.—NdroU pilaw between. Ear pismarg ang Waibington, D. 0., at • IMO m Li - ,er -,.! Nor Washington t D. 0., Bigtlmore / 114., and York, Fo. at9AYp•so. MIAMI TALLEY 1111i01IL BABr.—was Ifiliterartir all places between Hants burg, Boston aidtitklikobdalda. e" 4 11 54 41 31 80 4 T" Nor Reading aad Pottuillo r at 12.80 p. m. pifillnui.wurra sursaumn. PldlediWar e lllusmo it rioi_all piaeii betitun Hasrloburg end plaig GAO a. m. • Per Yidladelplaia and Lancaster, at 12.00 m. Nor New York, • Pbiladelplaia,'Lanosatstr, Columbia, MarkolPssena Bainbridge, at 2.4 b p. m. Nor NOW To*, Pidladelphiu ; and Mamagto l at Lao. . p.m.- WIST.-1/4? For Min. all plateau between Harris burg and Altoona, . For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie. Ye., °Umlaut', Columbus and CRevelatil, abia, at-2.46 p. m. For Pittsburg, iiellidaysinag, Aitsosiw, ridUilmburgs Tyroms, Huntingdon 101‘40tewo, at o_oo p. 20. , otrusemmilli vssamr satutosn. • nor lloolMalonfmkoPtl/1510WMAIIIIIFF and !Um: borobeig_ ,"Pa., at 7. a.m. WAY MAlL.—lfor, all placed between litt:r i a ; l , m7 r ead irsgeittoini, srai, saigidnis LID 505.88113MX 'WWI*. , letallfsdai PaVi,XllireatilTm fEit Mama: Malan / itlll.Bo' p. m. iror trogioNs, ungion= luoad*Wol. 4 l;7, v*K-, wfauclr it o ne Aro L•, Wades' and 31 1 attillya.!m_ • , Per Illemi/1 and 1 . 71 rly -t c! i ta:l "G' KrOllce Roam—Prom 5.80 a. in. to 8.001. M. 1:441 4 dilly from TM to B.3o,aoa.:maillkonil.ool#4llsli.m.. Owura La a.p.rgaaa +- • - V l 7/ 11 ' 2 94 ' 1? -iiii!lets' 1 0• 11 041 k 0)9.40:i f6r01, pnlyariaail, used daily, as tooth pandas, nagaiaipa and in** "Pail which are oftee4'oroisdAnktiteigasn; L e n iqojilio arlishhig vat": Co Juin,. air eikolittliviie avers the "eyee** l tiiiiii:ornp4 lAa . ike,f4e bait, the bier thelitsigeam, ttadinattler the told ter is *Met ho ,hlOlO •ro i A . e des ihranr.. , --Tho-Washingtorrntyrreepon dent 0.f.FP10 7 4.4 1 -eV44 Wr44 11 91 , 914,:ait *it thepoifillfi - anceiher:drafv , inelistabroutd*t Searetitiy:Stanuni will recommend to Congreini dLa abrogation of tine $3OO onanipfron Oa giiiirdriff, 4 vilhable dkaiiihilkotiie, the ProPatirtawSVlnt* PunliwriraOcilkids b7 .61 a1l down the tank of theiiiet-iii:finnt of Pine street, by t e tOliefußlßlN:4:44iiiiPkabit - NMPtlig the &title WeliniiiiiiisUtiihrad.- Ti:tieboilli*Alnearni at rel at ion In r .;try rr tiet ~IX ntl / D. Bongo, the nominee of tbe, Demo iffateiparty for Senator in thit drstriet,and General dr4*-ati s tairtulica .itie meet. {.t• frrt.Mr, vy. evi Trlyriv; 17 , -.04,1 ewers zA Wsenteinietwowsll4itreeasburg paper &aka: h %/Alia eiLitd vlabilty .az it 4 t t Lag in - high *WNW tkiiiiNvitel *al 4heiVendttlte froWL ifieTi s ~dreea ' ~hiro in- tatidedjlt-faider . ., Maay ; feTwerw . will he -fereed 4 leihititlieir htofik Tiie"'fio fiess iejwirld the tobneso cropof the county. : "ST O P disehient 'oillqw ll6 .7 in . VI 4iagibi.die • was" - -:any the Abolitierdetir to Democrats, "and telt* free all the thuthors flogroes." thonlY Wby.they ttriaten that :they'll brine - nob. Mess tome to shoot= down Denrersta- wt , c7dorii Conehiritfon4vgit: ABMs. We don't ?tint , snet Irate w r mike many converts to DieyolibY of the 'new Wig" drivPra Airt„. 41.7:4 -44, 1 7 krar r. 4 1N4.1.. To CLEAN Chifi9t))ll44.—TikoMentifid,Aem views. giveslim.foliowhigo. Thesoqpretty things arOike meaner, :40M, web covered wi ii ' 3ibe and may be effeetaall7 relieved - of thens by placing oload-iihite'iiiiiih-Or' °VIM& - cage' ragiii.d In the morning it,s be likiersd. smelle,red spots, seaman as hardly to be seen; mmpt by aid 9 b g kA s e.airi*effie'll t iCa f of grestistraoputee to Ilisitar - .7r -,s, - ;r sra. . ". • ihdon‘44o,nio will be bold by Ole Aitsilor-Kranken-UntenstaisneWitaishi.viditife gtabon:Yorein,inilwhalen's woods, to-41iy. Thoes fond of good solid plesuntre eau . bavowny antolitt; of it by 'attending this plea* The; 'name. is BO eient to goo ono a , attire to go. Tiekste twont7- , five eats.'" Oninibwotea will run.every hour froin Wagner's Hotel, coinsi; of mid and CheatoOt and front. the Washingtowlionss, eorner ofliirth and Walint *tote. • POLIO" iltFAlßll..7Ylefore Aldernai The different - vietimi out of the leek-up yesterday were all arreited foir diiinkentess and disorderly eondinit;Of Which. the:three trait are white William Evans, arrested by Costello; Joseph Welttner, nereated ltj Pry; JOSnilkimay *meted by Massey; ,john tEihnits, arrested by Costello; John Marts, arrested by _Massey ; Base Hurt, ar rested-by Ma s sey; Heriwiriested by think*. bin i EVA Manta kiiitid)64. 4l .lo,9 ll i'Xi* , betlkytireene, muted Ow Idotek.Hancy Greene, liruthael French, arreste4 by lipid, , The Joiik-up list night wpa wlaient a single ett, savant, This it s blessing of very rare 00CUPAt reuse, and is iltAtielf a gond penotaf effudenay on the part of Our. Rola& The determined energy they display in putting &inn all tumulteettir up risings and mobs minuet/19i ttfil blghly praleed/ 'A TERRIBLE TnAnarrir.—On qiibitiaday night jgr. William Bachman and ntha Bye ydils sindw quarter north of Badsbuiirincil34lll4l. amity, wore found murdered, the former in the i ar dit- a b a ut i tup • yards from the bout* and thW lattee on herbed-room floor. The & at, frit / aq u i wanwi-OorktrisAiditiry that the jury empaitielled was 111101111110 *agile 111410111 a verdict. Who th ere is, we siva as lallowst A eon sleeping in a t am abose theme mosTiod. ?' his mother, gam awakeneeby #l4llB. /lo* rkftlentoath. went dswnlo shekthaeissiso(or on going into hie mother's room fonndAterlyilitg on the dime in a ibint apaditioni with lOW #hloaent-, Besides this;four btrgo wonndt•wmi ***ow her head, apporantly inflicted with •blasts dienta - slitb ; her' left shoulder was badly injara r d) : , and- both-hands midi %dist ll_ VI (.1 Thlbody of ' wa g . #4* - - t l o llt- . ease eitAgni B iNiiithoisr after omiiiiriii.b4abs: Re was in a kneeling Pelture near a_ fonsa.-mlik thpqt 94 - 14 1 4 11 4107 Bak itindiktoW wrapped jtikst_arolumfltatd-tissi Ur the hlieeg- His pookhirionle wee nii-near the- kitehen dosr, whom 1110stletie bail-anis* quaatitles, This set briny...lto' Mr B. is repretude l hits , Aaviog been a very quick tent : pared andlukaty fir• - Rome suppose 1 **04. 0 0 1 1 . 1 , 1P Lai W tr i E of ' r • 8., but it would asedifilhngsi hnpossiblejor Mtn._ after bleeding so freediomAtiojtotpl6 to stillirrt rain strength enga6htieftw iitl Mot' self - to` the fence, mu g a knot so tight as to require the handkerchief to be cut to release him. DEYOC eAr.rc regsn i sto,,, GSM or •• the Young men a u slemooratio Club of Harrisburg,- the Demderaoy selembled at tbe Ottit *Ouse on Saturday eventni,"tbe 26th inet...tiiiae announced tiat: the Mi. Ale*: 4fee address ,therlnetttlitg, and thi 7 COutt *room was densely Foetid within erithastastio andienoeit an early hour. . The.;Mittiog_wli 'tolled to order by John A. Biß 4101. c oryl, organize.* by the election at ;the . following Opens: • ;; • PToaido, C. 6sum46 • , ' `Vico Preatlents—Biniel D Bons. Gyros J. Reese, E. M. Tollock, 4l Findlay Oster, George Printig•Weidtiatt Poster, Charles Ronmfort, Dan ;lel *Aker, Mlishisel Hill s Monroe Kreiter, Beo,js =hi Penner, John Haldeman, yineent Grainger, pi. Petterson, Richard Hogan,, Henry Web, John Brady. Aeoretarisemq. W. Hsas, Gime Bolster, Jo seph Bowman, John, A. jitaller‘ On motion, a committee -of three, consisting of T. G. Penieiny;rGieriellialley and Piiiiip Dough 'arty, "Eitri *as appointed to wait' on the Hen. !Henry Clay Dean and 'escort him to the Court , House.,, ,On: the return of tkaoommiti.ei the ora tor of ihe , evening was greeted.: with the . most raptprotuummlanse. •i-• ' • - '''.' . ` ' ! 1 1%816'6 - kir. Dean was listened to by the large ;audience present with'the most iriaPt attention for .more than tyro hours, and although he espeoially , `thiPreeitsikit, iiintaneetp4 ;ghouls, of aßplause fre quently broke,forth.at lipino.h,ppy•ltite made at the party .in power„ and their. shoddy ; candidate for Governor in thit State, • Mr.Deatk Ailkiesie.4, dal attention: to the obeastqlititier, wharafter2on ling itithikeltebbitsiddlitts thrttigliont'it Clittl4: ton, and advising the Southern. Stntes, to ; secede, with the promliti - Of hie aid, Vas lirithid - bt kite, AkagAtiO . lllAtslitliePPertilnitlee for patine plunder, and now vittokingrovrith apiiiis,Airat pill & OVith his ele f p iA10 441 44 in ll , l ' to affigi'Oe.iiiiol4oar iitt*ifoolifiiiiil ilPiiVie,vJFE.Re; toYakY: and. patriotis m , 'Willic•pil galkinliebidicir himi s trtie iiiiiiiii,teoii ii:littellan, baited, all: kla . stalif: taken lkiiiilliKiiid-b ay R een retired on h „ ay,, itrtiiiirnowever t attempt to give cvil* a alteleitiefiliiii Attie dissli•rly aidress, Litt 44 irk• r r i 6. 7 4: - • 1 ), ?4,48e.i 1, 0 4 4r 14 ,. ...1 1 01ff.k illustrative aneodutaiiiwklukT most emphatically abibliglitilisliiiikli llOwiti '.- ii:fikiiilit*Ali eliitoill iereheersewete4ivmrtferWoodward asidLosirw . 0 1 4 Jf=4.Ai#altkio:l:sF the 4 ,-kr, i#Oi iii :ii Ir, ou Oliiir. dukCiastkattiontar'itier , , v'... ;,y• .rate: -,.1 .• .0 _.2 '..1 , AL.4 - e , 1 -•• DEMOCRATIC L IVIEVIACIS VOR XIIE:COUttIr Tit OF DAIIPHIN. ,I.L li. r-1 - ..t. liK it•. -07:11 'z • iAlta ? Deinoeratio oitiapaif Of the initiritY;;of , Paw, p6iti; and MotifWV6 ire iesittdii all Itir~ty. she' * ot the Qaitee~ Eitowsrandep-whosirproteetiew-wvery — inenrienst citizen enjoyed as j imbirktiglii,rioteetion of life fall) spetieb.4nt vaganee, waste and fOrittli" in, the administri tionpf the 'kat& and' gener a l Gsv , tittnente, and whe de t sitti- 'diet speedy iiii4einbliiihmoint of the Union as it watt,and a tonseinniti return of our national proSisTi.iy; - ats,,eoesiii.4 ,tb pest, at the followiag /daces, to. wit : MEE I.4haiikkii,i, Atm., oiao ofavid Bit torioin,:oniday ;ivening,.itsflinibar•2B, it 6 o'clock. N, . ./i- BorryshurgAt - tbo - puhlbi -house) , ' of Tobias Weiss, on Tridaday,:wfteihOon, 4t,tgolifie pia't 1 o',‘ l 4 l t. • of John on Tuesday - eveningoflossimbor29,:at - .6i o'slook y . Jefferson—At ROfftnates Sahliol 21 1 .W.ir11V 1 P8 = v ,..M*14, 3 0 4 4 84i0n. eIIIRCACN.n:4 I 4yr okßatnedey e kiellBaottOstobso.-4. o = F HaßtarpwAndleltfok, in -IT tuiraday• +marlin g;• 0 ea tober lit, at 81.,o'olock• - • och". Haut `ffanevoi—At Major ephsire,, imaSativiay a ltifftfoon, OiStil3d; A6l hbleelif 'BOojaniin Gepay;Aitirday eaening, Oct. 3d, at °Weak. - Rummelstown—At Banaa's -tavern, on. Monday evening, Oct. 81h, it,T , Bl-Voloosit4 :1 West Londonderry—At Ruck tavern, on Tuesday evening, Oct. Bt#, at 01- x . .'lltindolidlisli"P-Ae'taltner'h•Wvern. Gunshot& on Weaudiday, inosoing;llsie nib at.6k Union Depoilit=4A Vililichoune of George }biker, ,pn Thursday. ,evenbag,, Oot Bth,- at, o%balr: - - Oonewago---At FolfzYs stOreon'Ynday evening, OlnAlikats 8i D eloek-- • 4- it 00„ janil-1,, THE 'BM WICIEWEILA - Tn, I. l l7lWORTlOX,ArarketStoseararetkilAtikes ...igifiCORTJIIIO jp; 1 Clan and ise thI PARIPT , VA L DVI :`i 'IA- Para - 104, 1 4 1 7. 1-ri , v / 47 Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all Arieds machine sewing on these machines in the best manner. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. aplB-dm N OT,A,LKM DRINK! • A highly VitillijOraledl i tgetable Extract: A PURE TONIC . Th.A.eiht,L TiELI;VE THE FLICITin AND 4111111 . 41111101 grOOF.LANDMas GERMAN BITTERS PRERIeBED Da M.. JACKSON, .P.IIILADELPHIA, PA., WlL~it oi nniU D A rs L .E L A Y sz and e, A y t O u S &C a l. F R II T O A 3 7 I NLY . CM'S A litAleirilleired Liver, Stoniaeli, or • • Kidneys. ihottelaiiide ogr okiolgriaFe 'offering from DYBPRP BIA gad DDSZASETS:atr i to whom the fifewaile MAIM giukithboo HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS wiz 017 BX 'I I IIBM. myropapPas Disease, .„„ , .J . o .1:40 YOU the with a Obetta• tollolen , Orltibigil, frith - bed testa. in the month axe Foos .appptitt het betal;fast? Do yon feel when jou first grtso we i - alc and langnM yoweao seareelj get about-? lfo ?inlaid 4 dissineM In the heed et timeeTand otten.a'dalinesa, - wiSh headache oocaleonally Ara i year bow,eiseestive and irtepularisitd appetite &mar - able ? Do y6l3'olll* lip Wind from the stomach , and do yon swell up often ? Do you feel . 'fulness afte r' eating, and a sinking when the strmach is empty? Do you hire heartburn, tammionally ? DJ you feel , low spirited, an look on the dark aide of firings ? Are you not naturomile nerstras at times? you not become restless, and ones lay until midnight before you min go to sleep ? and then it timas„den , t you feel and sleepy moat of the tints Is Your akin dry saw scaly ? also sal ow? In shott,is not, your life a inirthen,luil of forelkdings ? Hoosa.ul i Gernian Bitters, CHRONIC OR RERVAIIS DEBILITY, MESABI OP -TILE KIDNEY& AND DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. nurse. the following-Symptoms resulting from .Disorders of , the Digestive Organs': • Cosietitistion, Inward Piles: Paine, t 0 4111601 to the Heed, ,Aaidity,ef the SteilesPh, Henna, iteertburn niggled for Food, /nines§ or, Weight in the Stomsa. lour 21kialitiose, Pitittiiiiiiatth,Mitlif tiie ' • guinuier);lhrimilizer of U.& Heigh EWHerFinct • papal' Breethbego Fluttering lit,the Heart, ' „choking or Suffocating ffeniations when ie., 'a lying gootaire, Dimmitimi' of 'noon; Dote •, . 1 Or Webs before the hightiffeeer end •Doll Patirin.the Ifeed s iDellaienev of • 'Perspiration. Yellowness ~.ef ,the Skiderid "yes. Pain in tilde • Seek, OfibistiLhubic are. • . Suilderrr: chukkas- of • Vig 4in Hie Wish. ' i i i i rterittriolgiaiige or ^ hie% lad taiit na , „ _i•:..a ,) . peculiar) at liptrita,. =I. tertAßTiaridAlll NOTICE.. BE M s„ plar,f ; ql.any: preparations sold 'Miller the name a I put up tikuurt boltidd, Rinpolinded of Matthew eiit'iihtsky d ercommon moting . tient 20 to 40 ismatik peeve-Mee, /ha birds diiiedied by Aim or Coriander ~ slam not 'Bittern betketuat, lad 1011 lie I. tufibsit 1 94 as that aka t r my aidt:lmndredi to dates death Of the drunkard . dr use the ste,m )5 bqh. oestinmally Uttar the infra of itifitiolie Stimulant! a the orprettkiml,,•thorlesirefenidanor la erected 'and lititit 11 R , End t he WO ~ id 111FilmIterme atteridmet spoil w erunaareitiire and death. • ler thitireleho'dielriiitiol Wel Agree Limior Bittiorip; wi pub** the„followiuganaeitkt. Oct Oviellottre Ifiejtandoi get,Mdtt Buters.mc ,1 0 with. Three ilikisgrts ' of - good Biandpini `tfraVkli, and the,resnit ,will be.a,preparation that wills far &earls ides and true exeilleneo anj of,the,niamerinra .iiiquor Bitters in'tbe mntket; and eost,muek. ,Tfo. _hove all the virtues. of Moiland ) l Dikter.; i'n,eonneettou ,with a good article of Minor:at d intieli-lese Mktg riin - these itifesior yrepara. nous will wet you. -i 4 5 11oirtiamd , s v.Geirman ' Bitters. •- IffisGiNvf YOU " ( 0,0 cti),,.,AP PE, rr E, owls arkni_ - .4lo4ojiroit, ,INEAJLAMT: , WEAVES, , SIVA' YOU Briiik and ''Energ etic Feeling's,. A TO • 151.8E A W1 , NATMT- sr- -a, .• AND WILL.POSITIVELT PREVENT YELLOW FEVER: BILIOUS pIvER, d' .P9'o .49.._.&C. Epnr AroliOn s gosirri,iukD i eficate Constitutions, , eilyiterer pane% !Mum '.MALE 'OR 'FEMALE, ' • d- , •• • iteLLl2l4l.Dirx HOOFLANDI ~-4, E RNAN BITTERS That will AL . i tiratioolot . sr . ree:tore iiettai health., Such ' hen ' been the ease Tin thonnindo Af indtancee , and a fair trial is bat required to rove the asetirtiOn = - r •4. _ . R - FMED1(111OR . . , TEIAT Tg.1434 BITITRS ARE NOT:ALCOHOLIC- ANA NOT, INTEND= as A M 'lir 30 aFt. sGr• 3EI . The Preprieteee have th 4 emmeut " 1 - 14 u /otvlii from the mon • ' , CLERGYMEN, • '" • ' . • .LAWYERS, . ' • . PHYSICIANS: and Testifying of their own' personal •knowbode; to the bane flcielnifects and inadioalgiettitiof these R ttere. Iron Rev. J Newurnffirowit.:D. Nditeriof Buoyed°- . podia of. Religloun KnowleAge Although not diar.O.4:n t.' farimr recommend ontmedionea ID general, tbrOughilatnint of their 'num. dients and elfents..l ystt Snow , of no sufleient radkeme why a man may pot teet;fy, to the benefits : he believes himself 14i have received feet. ally aimpla preparation, In the hope that be 'weir thns•contribute tolhebenelit of others. •.. , . • - Dittbis prier) nimbly is regard to "Bootlandli (Jimmie Eitters,77 prepared by 'Dr: C. Jackson. of thIP city, beemuse I wait preindieed egaituit them for years. under the impression that-they were, chiefly an - alcoholic mfr.. tore. em ilidebted to my friend. Robert Shoemaker B, ag, t for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests. end ' for encouragement to try them when enflaming , from great and long continued debility The nee of three bottlem of these Bittere. at the beginning of the present year' was followed by eilderitrfilief and restoration tea degree of bodily-and mental vigor which bed net felt for six months before, and lied .alronst &seabed of re gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di rooting me to the use of them. • an 23 •3.. NEWTON BROWN, Philadelphia Tune 2; 1861. KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, [ale or Female, Are speedily tenteVeA7Marttia' pot eat e etored to health: DELICATE CHILDREN,• Those /milking from NARASSIUS, wasting away, with Scarcely any &Milan their bones, are cured in a veryillicirt time; one bottle in such cases will have a most !nuptial* effect. • ' • .IPSL_TLIIIINTiSe Ha 'inn suffering children ea above, and wishing to rase them, will never regret the day they Comm. with theeellitters. , • , LITERARY ,afzuy;.,ISTUDENTS And those wocitioir hard •Rith-thelc ellould al ways keep a bottlir 1100FLAND'S BITT NILS near them es they wllltad maclklieneliffrinn its me, to botb mind bc 4 Yl, l nYilictTa#4B sat/ *it 4 0 Pktdablite ! - IT IS NOT 4' LI41101 1 •STIII4 - 01,431T • •;1 .4.1 . 40 1 4:1010IRS AO PrOoloo4. • • Attention, S'),I4fISF, AbmpwrßPlivq. cot ifippEaus- We call the atiwationwfadifhanbarr relations or friends. in .thivatiny the feet that IigIifiORLADID , B German/EU tern 3. 1 will intrenine-tenthitel4o abrimagoaDebtosti bras-. posers' and gentians folded Intorno lite. In the lit pnbbehed-aketiat' daily lik: th e newspapers, on the soli of.the nick, it will he notioed-thatss very large Proportion are 'offering from deiglitl % Il'irorrease of that kind arab be readfly cured by Molland , s Germaa Bitters. We hays no hesitation in statinit that - ifjhese Bitters were freely. Used BROWSE' 011rlitabBiAnidredu Uri. NiStbi bo that otherwise would be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thaidend Mimi front offerer!! in tbe sow, and hospitals, who luive been restored to health by the use of tire Bitter% iseat!to them by their friends. , Btattstia OF VOVIITTS1411: ! • See tkitthe. 'Siteatinteof C. I. Jackson . . , is on the WBAPPXR of each Babas_ JIIB4B MAR BOTTLE Li OM& y „ • • AELEALLEOSIBIor ILI 00. E m ig yew imireit druggist not bays the arthdo, do not Iheyat off -by si!rlifilie proginißous that ' odiarod itaphialiAst Mid* osiiiirseisEl forward. secure/Y10044/ MEW • Principal 0111teganil lasofilistery, lye. eal ST.i a" go M1,15700,'*37 ies (Summon to O. M.i&CIEESON & C 0.,) PROPRIETORS. Eg-Tor sale by Druggists mad Dealers in every town is the United States mays Will cure every diee,Of Tho.e suffering DIBICASEB 'OF