for Oak & lu Stott VOR SALE.—Tiie.BUILDING on the IV earner of *slant find. /port streets, used es • 1/00PlUt SHOP. Vidal was minimal/ built to %but it mat "Limns , ' we:4MM% iltodilea. It con. sated` tia•ll_49lliim Wftanpoplionitoother,enek bone = 26 )/i/Iwtsul t Mai* theentirebeilding, as neon 6 12 .4.. 11 1 - 1,14 and 1101eet whin. Will sell alto an NIG 11 " 7 9#4N o.lritit IINOTIVE AND BOILER, mewls moose _ - 0 jonsowsePsParsitStarseutters. sod aKO njr s far Jeinliag Stews. Tks stove INIMM wnl be meld a . sis we wish to clear the monk on which et the building Amide. Ingalr• at the B ro kers OSee et IL 16.111 7 0171&0011, %Watt , tilt Ilhirket Street . LOTS FOR SALE -ON NORTH ST. and Pennsylvania Avenue. Appij to RALDINAN, Oor. Fond mid Walnut ate. eo►rbdtt FOR SALE—A Haase and Lot on Sixth street, near Mate. linquirest tie tzsigsage Once of I. L. 111,017LLOOR, 116 - 11arket street, the Wiest prim Is always pad for GOLD awl 111LVAIL febl2-dtf FOR SALE. -A TWO-STORY FBA= I. RODIN la Short street. Inquire of sepletf - W K. TERBEILS. NATIONAL NOTEIi, (LATZ WfIITJ 111103,) Rate street; above Third, Philadelphia. This establiidunent offers great inducements, mina: our segment of reduced rates of board, bit fronitho emb us' iumtiva•t4 the nvesuresof tradeosswoll as the eon ventimeas afforded hJ serensi polsengef asibralUla znies ring past sad eoutignous to it, by widchreesto con pass to aid from the Hotel , to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regldsr omnibuses be longing to the house. -I am determined -to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and mahmaner to giverialitil rolls lion_ Terms-41.25 Per Day. DAVID O. BIEGRIST, (Pernserly_ . of Aisle Hotel , Lebanon , Pa.) 9_ V. VllOll.llll, Clerk- mrU-dtf trcnteportdion. DANIEL. A. MUENOII, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, ilespectinlly informs the public that this Old Bally traneportatien Lille. Oh* only Wallower Line now existence in this rite) is In aneemasful opetation, and prepared to tarry height as low es =Tether individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamsport, Awes". Sheri, Leek Haven, and all other points on the Northern Oertral,Phlbehdpids and Pate sad intilamsportine s I, gent, .11IIHNCH, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Goals sent to the Warehouse of Masers, Peacock. Zell & Hinchman. No.lloB and 810 Market street, above Miglath, 7/Idledelphis, by 4 o'clock p. m., will arrive at Havrisborg. ready for deliTery. ant morning. Jilioceltantous. JUST RECEIVED/ THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEN OP PINS STEEL ENGRAVINGS I PRINTS, AND HEADS, ax D SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAN OIL PAINTINGS, AT iiiitothes Musk Store. No; 92 firket street Nuristan. MORTON'UNRIYA_LLED GOLD 411- PIN.-YIRST QUALITY WADRANTRD. MOHR DRIVER IN TR/4 WHOLE WORLD. A OBRA? LUXURY! !MOM is faster a wiener antstal/rWa., !MILD AM win and with raa a large anaortarent to seam neon, and have the privilege to exchange the Pena until their hand in perfectly anited. - AM If by fair means the Dis eased palate brash of ditriug 'ewe is lacunas, the pur chaser shalt Wert Mr! -priyiler mama a new *nes without any dune. I have very good Gold Pena, made by Yr. Morton, not warranted to streagAdlvenpleted emu, for 111, $1.26, 5/10, /or sale at 7.171:L77.71 MURINGEBT - PATENT BEEF TEA, 14• idiot eqs rleated extract of BEEVAIGI) VEGETABLES, dontertibla hesnottately into a noarithing eat 11911- doss soup. IfigAly spproval by a Icamber essisesta Pilpsii Jou . This admirable article eandensed into* compact form all the substantial and nutritive proportion of a largZ bulk of meat and vegetables. Tim rtwffnem with Which It diseolvee into a rich and palatable Soup, which would require hours of prepaea according to the usual methed, an advsatege in mini situations of life, too abalone to need urging: Its highly nondahing guaßties combined with lasciellescy„ readers it hualnalois for the deli; while for *Oise la 1041tb, Ilia a pufeet anbatitnta for fresh meat sailtagetableis. It will keep good homy' climate. " It is pecans* dell adapted NON TRAMILIRS, by leader ma, who Can — time avoid those aecidentaldepriya them of a eendorldde Willa, they are me liable son mum% lam eaprielo!le appends can tbae ne candled la a anoleent. • • VON SPOILINOLIMUand IXOTIRSIONISTIL to whom, both it. compactnem and may preparation will recom mend it. for oda by esman-tr CHARTER OAR FAMILY FLOUR! INEIOKLLKD BY ANY IN TUB U STATES! MID EMI= TO ART 311 1, 491 6 , MT CP "Ir 3ES 3EL Aft. 142j0r O's BD IN PaIIINSYLTANI4I IT VS MAIM 03 1 , CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. irr Delivered any plead in - the city free of sharge. Timms cash es delivery. hal iirm_ DOCK, Ja., k 00 HA M 8 !-! Newbold's celebrated, hrichenerhi liacelador, - ]hens & Swift's superior, Jersey Pla dee. Alio, Dried Beet, Tongues and Bologna Sam e . /or MU by - aide WM. DOCK. Jr. do Co. - pIitIPTY 8A5111042. A large number 1:1Og Amor *lee Brawl/ and Whisky Barrels for 1 , 36-11 1'. socz. & 00. BII7N CRACIKERS.A LARGE PLY of these de erialress just mewed , sad Walt ior Wm. DOOR, 7sy & CO. nab' thß,NBl—The largest and Lei stiodc. fros.KA.oo Sa.oo—waniated—at IMMIBIRRse BOOKWORM. N EW - X IT 'S I C. . 6 Why I Leval Xie ig Treasures of the Heart'," and 44 Ohndk or „da sysi po r a. fiemr,nial . beautiful eons, by J. B. Ooz.• g , Oar Country sad Pingstra new and beautiful long, with highly adored- AMU:MOW -thaw are anion no *Omit receipts of new sonde brW.KNOCIIII, where esa,bafental at all times a fall assortment of Brume, Ms% mai all kinds of musleatilnatramests. immambar the Omsk No_4o Matta Amt. 79 IifY , THOSE DESIRING. TO PRO ' - ' VOIR armarrr Milk AND. To THOIIiWIIIIMiro To Bitconn OVititTITIPAIN- Tisi itetheittdo Atilitsze oinba - ngenta Wier their isrrioal inse _ptomain of thilistitittss' fee prated smo; as fm ger - die semis' of the hfrbestprlee is for those to otter themselres as Onlastitutot. %MUM ,lim" of filet: l 4ex refolirt4 tIN with Imo . bk Mali PrePosed to be giro by tbeitivessa assitsa_l9/p , Um other. . . Drafted mom mkt aselspily exempt can hare all the papers prsMind neassmaita establish their claims to e:emby callinempon the undersigned. nem MINIM 11440 mated to eall at the office, In this illsoliMerkillialleimm, oppimito tho Dimapblit Cimety pa s *. - AIsODOWILL & MIA4/171811 writ.lig .", , , . , Military Claim Agents. . - • .. . • 1 / 4 AAP @ 2 Q .11 , 4 44 • lb US% - - 0 44) 15oteis. WM. DOOR. Js., fr- CO. '9l ll killiligNie. FA. *lmbolb's - Remaito. THE GREAT 66 AMERICAS SICHEDIES)IO KNOWN AS "HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, v:a HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT te }WORM" RELMEOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE NASD. BILMBOLD'S GRNIIINS PREPARATION, "HIGHLY GONCINTBATID NifidrOttNl) FLUID EXTRACT WORD, poeitite and specific Remedy for Diseases of the MARDI% KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWILLING& This medicine increases the power of digestion and ex cites the absorbents into healthy cation, lig which the water or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements, are reduced, SS Well as pain and intlamum' tion, and is good for MTh, WOMIN and CflitbßEN. I=ll=l RELMBOLDII EXRRACT BITCH% For Weakness arising from XICOFFION Habib of Disil pation, hany Indiscretion or Abuse, attended with the FOLLOWING. WI3IXTOMI3; Indisposition to Harrtion, Dryness of the Skin, Lon of Memory, Loss of Poorer, Weak Hems, Dahl:salty in Breathing, Horror of Blesses. Trembling. Dimness of Tision, WakeibineraTh," Unlearn' Lassitude Of the rein in the Back, Muscular System, Fluohleg of the Body, Hot Hands, Bruptions on this Sa ve , Pala Connteliance. Them symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this meth sine latatlably s apse, Men MM. IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may *moire. Who can say they are not frequently followed by those 'direful die- save 10 INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will centime. The records of the .10811/10 Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample With()OE 10 the truth of The assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE APIPSOTED 111 OE' ' OANIC WEAKNESS, Regnircs the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigo rate the system,which U ELMEOLDT EXTRACT ['irony inimitably acme A teiel wilt eaftvinee the most skeptiael FEMALES 1 FEMALES!! FEMALES!!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE. In limey affections peculiar to liemees, the Extras Suchn is unequalled by any oilier Mealy, as in Chromed or Retention, Irregularities, Painfulutse, rr Euppreestoo of Customary Evaenatione, Ulcerated or Seirrhous stele of the Uterus, leueorrhea or Whiles, Sterility, end for s complaints incident to the sex, whether arising Irma diaeration, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANOR OF LIFE BNB SYMPTOMS ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BD WITHOUT IT I=M=l Take no Balsam, Mercury or Unpleasant liteiliein Unpleasant and Dangerous Direness. RELMBOLDE EXTRACT BUCRU CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, at little expense ; little or no dun I s , diet i -selsersti*sitiones, IND NO FXPOSUIIII. It causes frequent, desire and glees strength to Urinate thereby removing eutructions, preventing and curio strictures of the urethra, allaying pain and inflammation ao frequent in this clams of diseases, and'expelling POI NONOUI, DIABABED AND WORN-417T MATTER. Thousands upon thousands who have been the VICTIMS OF QUACKS, And who bare paid BRAVY PEES to teemed in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the C' Poi son" had, by the nee of a Powerful Aelrialeufe "l beep dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravatildlorm and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGR. I=E=l NELMBOLD'S EXTRAQT PUellin For all Affections and Dieeasee of the URINARY OR , RANO. whether existing in MALE OR FRUALR, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing Dillartich Diseases of those organs require the aid of s BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT WC RU Is TILE GREAT DIURETIC, ' And it is attain to hare the dedred effect hi all Vine for vhieh it it recommended. BLOOD BLOOD !! BLOOD.! ! I lIRLMBOLDIS RICHLY CONCENTRATED ' CON POUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. fiIYPHZ/411. This is an affection of the Blood, and attaelndtbe semi organs, Lining's of the WOMB, Bare, Throat, Windpipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. HILMBOLD'S Xxtract Sarsaparilla purifies the Blood and 'lgnore. all Sealy _Eruptions of the Skin, glYing to the enmpirrion a clear and healthy color, It being prepared expressly for this class of tempi:debt, to BIOA-purifying properties are preserved to a greater ex tent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. ---;o:-- BELMBOLD'S BOSE WASH, An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic nature, and as an injection in (limner ea', 'Urinary Organs aria. ing from haldta of dimipation, used in connection with the Staracta Bucbu and Sarsaparilla, In Inch ammo= nieOnt• mended. /hideout of the moat reepeniable. and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Want/VAT= OF OURS% From three to twenty years' standing, with names known TO BOIENON AND DAMN: For medical properties of SIIIOHII seelDisp somto the United States. Bee Warmer REMISS? valuable workeen the Pr tics of Pbyzio. Pea remarks wide bj the late celebrated Dr. PIITSICH, Philadelphia. Bee remarks made by Dr. DPHBLISI MIDOWDLL celebrated Pbysielaa and limber of the Royal College the King Slafgosll, end laneen'a Jodrnal. Ireland, and pribliehed in the Tranasetiona o See Ifedieo-Ohintrgical Review published by DEN.TA MIN TRAVERS, Mellow of RoyefOollege of Surgeons See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. limbed oo per bell*, or ini for *6 OO Minna Sanaparille.....-.111 00 per bottle, or six for Ye 00 Improved Rose Womb—. 600. per bottle, or six for S 2 60 Or half dozen of each for $l2, which will be sallident to cure the met °Want* cases, if directions are adhered te. Dolieorod to may Odra% securely packed from obser vation. 117 - Describe symptoms in ell eommunications. Core guaranteed. Advice gratis. -~:0:~~ ANFIDAT/IT Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, U. T. Ilelmbold, who toeing duty morn deth why, We preparatioui alunotle, in MOP eury, or other injurious drags, but &rem* vegetable. H. E HMLMBOLD. Sworn and anbeeribed before me, tide 23d dey.of Novem ber, DM4. WM. P._ HIBBERD. Alderman, Ninth di n above Sao, ridlathaphis. Addrera letters for information in confident* to 11. T. MILMBOLII, Oberniet Repot. No. 104 South Tenth street, below Medan; Philadelphia. -- -:a--._ MIME OY 00 . 47/Trynyma AND 1714MINCIPL86 Who eeavor to dispose et OP TIME ourN . ” " other nd artielee on the reputation attained by • LIZLMBOLDW OWNIMIN PiLItPARAIt'IONS, 07118 4 01N3 22111401 1 nom ataarsouratilZllULJ macrader aa9esspA!azAi. , USN Lima of grout!. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEW AIILLINE-, BOUM'. ; 1' THUD TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YOU. PHILADELPHIA ON AND &MIN MONDAY, Aprll 40,1888, the Pas. eenpr Trains will leave the Philadelphia and lasdiol Railroad Depot; at Hanistrarg,for New York had Phil Adelphls, se follows, els: BLBTWARD BILPNI9B LINN leavei Harrisburg at 2.1$ a. m., oa mini of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Tads from the West, arriving in New York at 9.141 a. M., and-at Philadelpidat at 9.20 a. m. A sleeping ear is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. ea., ar riving to Now York at d,20 p, m, , and at Philadelphia at :110 p. m. PABT.LIN . III leaves Harrisburg at Sl.OO p. us., on ar rival of Pezoisylvania Railroad Rant Mail, arriving la Noir Turk ilt IL2 p. is,, and Pknadelphla at 7.00 WISTWARD. NAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00 a. m, Rod Pkila 6elpkia at 8.16 a. m„ arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. MAIL TRAIN loaves New York at 12110 woos, and niladelphie at 3.30 p. se 01.601111-11 narlebbultit it 8 30 P. 91. 2.71PR280 LYNN loam New York at 7.00 #. ar riving at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. ox., and esaneatiag with tam Yeasurylvaais Express 'frail ti Pittaho7o. L 0100 10 14 ear is also attaehed to this train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with_trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Ournberland Valley arl O Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Willmsbarre, Allentown, Hasten, Be. Baggage checked through. Fare between brew York and Harrisburg, $6.15; between Harrisburg and Pkia delphia, 53.35 in No. 1 oars, sad 13.00 is No. 3. Per tiekets and other Information apply to , 1.7. OLTDB, General Agant, -Harrisburg. sp'l9 N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER TIME TABLE. Three daily trains to and from Baltimore and Wash ington City. Connectiona made with trains on Penn. sylsania Railroad to and from Pittaintrg and the Weal two trains daily to and from the North and Wes Branch, linaquehanna, .If,lmira and all Northern New York. ON AHD APTIR MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863 3 the Passenger Trefoil of the Northern Central Hallway will arrive and depart from narrisburg and Baltimore as flown, via SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except 9dis.4l at 10.10 a. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 p. w. , and ar rives at Baltimore at 535 p. m. XXPREBB TRAIN ieeTec Bett?ery daily (except itee day) at 11.07 p. to.; leaves Harrisburg (except. Monday: at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at Baltimore daily (exespi Monday) at 6.16 a. in. ITARRIBBURIa ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leers Harrisburg daily at 6.30 a. m. NORTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore dally(ex.eept Sunday at 915 a. In., Harrisburg at 115 p. m. , and arrives Sunbury at 4.46 p, ta. RXPRISS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily al 9.1 i p in., naives at Harrisburg at 1.35 a in., and leaves Har rishurg daily (except Monday) at 3.00 a. ni. , and arrive., at Banbury at 5.38 a. in. HARRIORMIG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN 10979 Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 3.55 p. in., and rives at Harrisburg at 7.30 p.m. for farther information apply at the Wilco, in Pea eyhtala BPI* iad DePet• J.N. DuSARRY, General Supgrinisissione Harrißbarg, April 20, 1803-dtf pENNSYLVANIA B,ALLRO.A.D SUM.MEFt TIME TABLtu MIEVEM ._ iiat VIM ?LUIS DAILY TO .a PRONTELIDELPIII ON AND AFT= MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1963, tbe ribeiseagor Tian*/ of ilia Pennspleania Hanna Oonspany will depart from and strive at Harrisburg sad Philadelphia as follows : EASTWIRD. THROUGH RIPRI9B TRAIN WWII lisninwl daily at 2.00 a. in., and animal at West Philadelphia of a. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 5.45 a. m., and arrives at West P iladeipbJs at 9.611 a. in. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, ImWes Harrisburg at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West Philadel phis at 12.20 p. m. FAST MAIL TRAIN leave. Harrisburg flatly (ex cept Sunday) at 1.00 p. nt., s.nd arrives at West Phila delphia at 5.00 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Co. ittutbia, leives Harrisimrg at 4.00 p. aa., And !vl'll7ea it Wait Philadelphia it 9.20 p. m. WISTWARD. BALTIBIORN RXPRIIBB TRAIN laves Harriabar daily (except, Wader) at 2.00 a. m ; Altoonag./ 6 11- take breakfast, aad arrives at Pittsbarg at 12. PHILADELPHIA .11XPRX33 TRAIN leaves Bar burg daily at; 3.00 a. m., Anaemia 3.00 a.m., take break fast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves. Marrieberg Al toona at 7.16 p. m., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12 30 a. m. FAST LiNg leaves Harrisburg 3.50 p. in., Altoona 345 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 a. m. ' ILLREDIIIITRAI AGOOMMODATIONANAIN haves Philadelphia at 2.80 p. m. , and arrimmaliftarriednue at 8.00 p. m. WAY AOOOMMODATION TRAIN Mayes Philadel phia 111 4.00 p. 111., and Snlyea at liszriabarg at 8.0 p. m. This train rum via Mount Joy. • • BAMMIL D. TOON% Superintendent Middle Ni. Pesta'a I. R. Ustrishnr4r, April 111.113118,1t1 18 63 .1863. , , DHILADELPRIA & • ERIE RAIL -1 GOAD.—Thar great line traverses the Northern and Northwest countiviof P oooo fivooloto the °AT 434 Brie ' on Lake Brie, It has been leased by the Penury/rowan Rail Nord Company, and under their auspices i being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. ft Is Dow In use fer Pasisenpr and Prelght business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Setand•Pork,) (177 miles) on the Eastern Division, sad from filtejfisid to Erie, CM miles) on the Western Division. TIME OP PASSZNIZZE MAINS AT Hi RIR B tIIW. . Leave Northward. Nall Train.-- 1.15 a. 111. I Repress Train.. i.OO •. m Can ran through minima ehange both way* on the trains between Philadelphia. and Loeb Haven, and tween Baltimore and ' Elegant Slerefaiss, Cars On ll:press Mimes th way between WillianiepOrt end Baltimore- and Wao l linele-1 and hia P • For information roweling Passenger bestows appl at the B. B. ror. 11th and Harket streets: And for Freight business of the ooreiryss Agents B. D. Kingston, Jr., our. /Atli sad Market it,. Philadelphia. • ' - J. W. Reynolds, J. K. Drill, Agent 11. ' C. R. R., ' 11, IL u F 491187011 emreightigt..Pisilsaa. • • • LBWS L. HOUPT,- - Goan Tioket•Agt., JOB. D. POTTS, Kiiiage4l4lllllllollPaft. 11111-2 C 'Z'' 3Et. 411,C2 "X 411 I ROM, IMMON, 0..,, ( , VANILLA, MIDIONI, 1., -.1. . . ALMOND. . 0 QUM& _ __ piAon, l _ • PM APPLD , BlT,Tint ALMOND maw, ounhioN ND WO ' 1 "0 101 PA!* -144109' AND Books, Otationtrv, L CHOOL BOOKS.—:Sehool Directors, Teacher; Parente, Scholars, and others, in need of School Books, School Stationery, &a., will find a com 6.lete assortment at E. M. POLLOCK 11. SON'S BOOK 708-K, litsket. &plus Harrisburg, comprising in part the following RBADZBA.—MoGnifees, Parker's, Cobb'.' Angell's. SPILLING BOOKS.—sa Walters, Oobb's,W ebsti. Town's, Bysrly's Oombryon. ' lINGLISH GRAMMARS —Bullion's, lamina's. Wood briditelli Monteith% Tuthill's, Ilan', Wolfe'. HIBTORIEB.--.Orinichaw's. Davenport'sFrost'.',Wil son'e, Willeids, Goodrich's, Pinnock% Goldsmith's and Ware's. • ARITHILITHPL—GrebeIeaPs, NUIPI son's eine_ Rona__ OolbaraPs, Smith and Duke's, Davis'.'. ALEMBALL'•••ereauDavies,Ds, Davieay% Marli Bridge's. 1 1 /MONARTlL—Woreeeter's Quarto, Academic Coin prebends* said Primary. Bietionares. Walker's lichoel, 00bb41,. Walker, Nebeter's Primary, Webster's High School, W,theter'il .Qearto - 4 0 adonme• lILVITINAL PHIL - OHl)P >fg moomstonkts Parker's, OM's. - The above wilb - a great variety of °there can at say thee ,be found at.any store. Also, a complete assort ment of School Stationery, embracing in the while a com plete outfit fokeeboolpurpoiiii. Any book not in the dam pr mired 'tone dap notice, Oultntry Merchants supplied at wholesale raise.., AAMANA.OI3.—.7oka Baer and Son's Almanac for sale at t. hi.TPOiaLOOK & BON'S BOOK STORM, Harritharg. 11:P" Wholesale and BAWL inn WALL - PAPER! WALL pApEiti Just resolved, our .15pring Stook of WALL PAPIB BORDNEB i 7IIIN SCILBBNX &a., A. a. It is the largest and best esleated iseoftinent In the slq, rangin*laprlee frogift(6) milts up to one dollar and aqns.rter ($1.215.) Al W. parabolas Tory iew for 4.011, we ere prepared to sell at as low rates,. if not lower, than can be bed' else where.. If Purchasers will call and Situates, we feel senildent that we Gan please them in -respect to pries and quality. B. 31 POLLOCK & SON, Esseill Relay Jona? Houle, Market Sparc 'CAW BOOKS LAW BOOKS t t-A -JJ general aseortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Saporta and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old _Snail Beporti, foam era rairdiagether with a large assortment second-bang Law peeks, at vary tow prices, at she ear pries Rookstmv of M. POLLOCK /t. SON, mya Market Square, Harrisburg THY' eubikribers propoef to pit : 1)116h 43 subscription a “FARM MAP" of the Township of iIIWATARA," Dauphin coun t y, Pa., if eudicient en couragement is given. The Map will embrace the Bound& Flea of the Townshfp and Farms contained therein, num ber of Aare; Location of Residviecti and Names of Pro' pertyholders generally. There will also be on the Idalb a Table of Dia;ances, showing the diatoms) from each Crows Road in the Township to Ilarrieberg, thus ren dering it a valuable Mip to Farmers awl Dealers in Real ;state particularly. those - desiring Views of their Residences put on the. Map will be charged I moderate extra price. The Map wiU be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low - pripe of If Iva Dol lar; payable on delivery of the sane. CLARK & AIIB 552 Walnut street, Philadelph ia. liarrlsburg, Neeeinbar 1, 1561....1 WORCESTER'S , . ROYAL QUARTO MN UST DIVINING AID -PIONOUGOIII DICTIONARY OP PlitE ENGLISH LA DI VASE, contains 1,854 Royal quarto Pages and 20,000 words mud meanings not found in any ether English Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illnatratilins inserted in their proper places ; over 6,000 aortic sysioxiymised; together with numerous 5410145 o.pda/indeed proper Alkiatfi -Bold by IL POLLOCK dr, EION. Also Warranter's School Dictionaries. taar2B ANOTHER, SUPPLY OF • • MORTOWB • UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS NONE lOCTTER IN. THN WHOLE WORLD ! Ear 96 lients, $l, $145.41.100, $2, 94 ) Warr6u6l4 94 made of good gold, at OCHNITNEV BOOXgTORI. fNLY ONE DOLLAR for a _good Sub- Mantis' bound Fondly Viblo at Eicketter's Bookstore. QCREFFER'h Bookstore is the. oleos to 11 buy Gold . Pons—warnutal • , WRI. 4N . 0 C E 93 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA DIAILEA 131- PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best • maksrs, from $299 upwards. MELODEON - 8. THE REST 'MANUFACTURED INSTRU bIENTS, trim $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aceordeons, ' • Flutes, Fifes; Drums, Baojos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar atringti and, mu. . goal merchandise • • • iai koneral k - .IIEET The LATEST PUBLICATIONS allrUys on hand • Music Bent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, -SQUARIi, GILT AND ROSEWOC •• F R A MES, Suitame for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. , A fine aottorpnpnt of best plated LOOKING GLASSES - From smallest to largest sizes. • jar Any otylo of frame made to order at the shertist notice. - WM. KNOCHE, noel-debts . 93 Market st. Uowrs • Sewing Machine, 437 Broad my, New _York; break MO 90K, Market street, Harrfeburg. The undersigned; rapectfally inforrnd the mannfacturen and citizens Of Harrisburg that:he bee opened a Bening machine office for the sale of The celebrated Howe's sewing machine, making the well known lock-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather and eleth, and family use. O.H. HAPHAIL, feb,96,41,r Arne _ rtUTTA PERCHA WATER-PROOF 73.tiaLCIECIM'CZA (WITEOI7 BRIIIIHING,) FOR BOOTS,SHORS t .ITARNRES, CARRIAGRS, AND MILITARY LEATHER-WORK. new and Hoeßent article extols everything ever before i s l um h f or .b e s b utg l i ng lb w ~,,jusang the Leather. It 'Makes a polish -line patent leather t 'will not s t ub off Edith wider, nor Owl* U. emit white silk, and makes the ,lsather perfectly Water-proof. Twice amionth ap plied on boots and shoes, and once a month for harness is sailtdent.' the'leatlier beeomes dirty, wash it off with akin water • andlhe polish will rooppear. W4W ,ranted„ as represented. , DIANCTIONS . 7/011 se few drops on a 'pm**, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish is obmplete. Price, 8731 fonts per bottle. JAOSSO ti N & 00., Sole Agent., som market street. • .00 - a • AC,5,.8,.0N 8s 0 0 ' 8 SHOE STORE , 3[0 .-po ji SARI2T BTRJ2T, HA.iiilt/SRV./i6t, PA., mime they Annul to devote their entire time to tin weitUfeetitronf • all kW* and verietlell,l4-the neatest and most fash inuadeistyles, and at setiefectory Wens. I zmi r 'wok win 9901(4 in pert, of emulsions's afin. oaf and,.ratest Leather Boots awl Shoes, lateen styles; fold' issi Sind Misses , thaws, and etkeiphoes in great variety; , : end la fact iverything connected with the me business. CUSTOMER WOliEwill be part,l6llLarly attended to, end in all eases will satinfaition be warranted. Lao s dna up by one of the beet riikera in as sensory. She long Inentield osiColionee of the umiereigued, and their th4lßlyfittiklullrludit• of ty4..)likiptcs. um, `bop , eltalsdolit: PAPAL_ _ 4l , t4OL/0 410 400 they. .willAe them Jostles,. and nultlek .thentan article ,that arils mpoonuneavitsalf for atm% 0 4114Pt!likiptta Ars- Donn • .14040 N 110ARDERS WANTED.--The under- AL - j tisne4. having rented a fine large and eonnnodlons liossie - le.lloiliest" . street, two doore frowtheieointerot osem i strink ' a lbs dty of Rontinbam POPared to aogommodste, 1111 11W , Ilonzielneas etA 614012 401 taid their wives, Wit* boarding oikressontible - terine• • ' ' --' A: A. JOHNSON, WAND AND ALCOHOL, IN LARGE x eininlttLei and nt pare yr rat 9 - by skoo EAGLE WORKS) HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANUPAOTIIBIBIL ,OP KOK-BINDEItr ULM BIMMBEA AND NU STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AND 111.LCRINRIS 7o lIRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, (Oral Nadine Work and Iron and Nos CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING , ' ?LANZ" ETC., ETC Mr' Any Alsohim of Wood, Iron or Brun undo to (rider. Ooar and dorm Cutting, Ait, &o. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. 117 Cosh paid for Old Oopper, Brass, flpelter, ka. STEAM , 11OILERS. P,ENNSYLV ANIA RAILBOALIi CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, Wilt WEE Us sad various ether Building Oastlnge, On iala every obaap at the Dity2ll-dlyi SAWA WORKS. C. MOLTZ, T ENGINIEIt, MACIMMINT 4. STEAM FITTER ; No. 6, NORTH SIIITH STREET, Between Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Ps. Machinery of every deaeription made and repaired. prim Cocks of all sizea, and *large aasortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment will be ander bis own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. odd STEAM : BOILERS, , Haying made efileient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now prepared to make ' 1511MMAILM .112114003CTAIE3PIL8 or every 144 promptly and at reasonable rites. We shall nee iron made by Bailey & tiro., the reputation of which Is second to none In the market.. . . . Iti - None but the beet bands employe& Repairing promptly attended to. Addreme imay/a-tily] Wm PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. THIRD MEET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH Stores, dwellings, churches, public handbags, facto ries, &c., filled up with gem, lead and iron pipe in a workmen-like manner. Hydrants, Wesh.Basins, Beth Tubs Lift and Force rumps, Water Closets, Lead and frau Pipit for water, gam aad steam_ A mbar* of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work promptly attended to. 024803 REMOV AL. The subseriber bee removed Ms PLUMBING AND BRAM FOUNDRY from Marketstreet to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel Church Thankful for peat patronage, he hopes, by atriet attention to busi ness, to merit a continuos°, of It, marlf-Atf U. FARICUILL. -- - - - - INSUR NOE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, "OF OHILADELPHIA: • INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution is doing business on the :Mutual In surance principle combined with.° Joint Stock Capita/. the act of incorporation the dock . is pledged for the paymoot of soy-19000 Which the eompeny may 1511 21' tap. And as aB additional agoutis!M the amoral, the act requires 'that the' projit.i . of the bueiness Mill be heeded and remain with the corporittion, as a gmarantes and protection to thehasuredagainst loss, until ordinal by the Board of Directinale be redeemed in aceordanee with a prevision of the /Clef Ineorpotagion. Thiefund will be represented by scrip . leaned by the eorapsny, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the lessee and espeibex ekoieCthe aniettritasfi domed:premiums.' Insurances !rill by wide opfireipmhs t lreights and Car gone ; on Goode tiansioitea tiT MON - Auk er semis, and by steamboats on rivers andlakes silo, against damage or `loss by lire, for UM., or permannitly. The undersigned, On Agent for the above known cc' iiipacy, will mks lasnramin against' lon Or *Mier by are, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Tnuutportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to ROBXRT L. MI7RNOR, • illn 2B -tr Itartilobarg, Pa_ MEI I.NSURANO.E. Marino # Fite , and Inlimd Transportation Central Agency at Herrnburg, 'Pa., of "THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. 07 pertuumumii.A. • Incorporated 1794--Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND ASSETS "" Ili900;000 DIRECTORS . Arthur G. CeNn, Samuel .W. Jones, Johp A. Brown, Samuel P. Smith , Charles Taylor, AmbroseWfilte, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William R. Bowen, Tames N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain ' John Ms, pun, G 9940 I ‘ . Harrison, Prazeis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward O. Clarice. • " ARTHUR O. OOPPIN, Aresident. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above named comPany, the undersigned is prepared I. take lire Risks in any part of the Mate of fagnsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. °Moe in Walnut street near Second. • WILLIAM BUEHLER, au2l-dly Harrisburg, Ps. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD. LIFE INSURANCE , A.NNIIITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OP PHILARELPRTA. OFFICE No. 40S CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - $1,543,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. WORN F. JAMES, Actuary. - CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable ,terms. They act as Bxecutore p Trustees and Guardians under lest WIUa , and as Receivers and Assignees. • The capital being paid up and 'mooted, together with a large and constantly Increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to-the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS poriodlosly to the insu rances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844 the SZOOND BONUS in December, ]849, the THIRD BON - US in December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. These additions are made without Attiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. • The following are a few examples from the Register ; OEM No. 89 $2, #l 50 93;1W1•40 14 log I Q 9O 4,01110 00 " 149 1, , po 1,400 90 gc 883 B,poo 1,8 600 6,fir6 -00 Agent a Harriabarg aa4 vicinity., •asß-dIJ 503000 POUNDS!!! Fifty Thousand Pounds “EXCELSIOR," M A JUST e: which we sell at - La Tiff low hare tha Hogshead, Plena Bateel-or Sherlegalmo• dt7B o WW. DOGICI Jr.: ,C/43. .80 L A R 'MATOHRBI N 0 SU LP H U - R ! • NO'SELIAL „, Gll,OBB of the above. Inprlor Matekal.thal osived. sod for solo by WM. DOCK. 7a.. k au MMING ; ran writing pini4, ,aplendid kilr i L a ist tOS. mate per quart ARNOLD'S /mains ' g, IOA 4 MON'S Colambien Writing fluid. LAUGHLIN:A BUNHIII6LD'S Ii C 0103114 Ink, Carmine and Red ••*. At f tiwibest cm- — Any vollohlyA /nattinttit ABOVB BTATII STRAW BUILD nORKS, Ilarrimburg, Pa A. PARKHILL, PRINTINO 011XION neuranc. I Amount of-Policy and Bonus or bonne to be increased, addition by future additions:" LLIAX BIIMILFJL. ,~ti~iel~a~te~ SOMETHING FOR THE Th AL NECESSITY IN EVERY iousEmoLu. JOHNS & °ROBLEY AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GLEE IN THE woiti.,D! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, ti bASR, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BOND, CORAL, £C., LC., IC. INF ONLY ARTICLE OF TEN KIND EVER PRO DtIOND WHACIII WILL WITHSTAND WAYFF, 'giver,' housekeeper should hue a supply of Johns Orators American Clement 411E8.' 1 —New York nous "It is so convenient to hue in the honse."-2Y4w York Rzpress. "It is Qum" rosily ; this commends it to everybody. —Now York I ndspaidest. alire have tried it, and And it u tuella In our u3ss Si hater."—Wilkes' Spirit of she Thous. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE_ PORT LLBRRAL smotroTlONO TO WHOLSOALIt DBALIRB TERMS CASH. (ET For sale by all Braggtits and Storekeepers gene Tony threnghout the eoustry. JOHNS it - CROBLICY, (Sole Manufsetaren,) Ts WILLIAM STRICIIT, (Corner of Liberty ativot,) SSW TOSS. MI T . LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY. THE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY ban, for several years, beau usassidaetis - i4al from !ha pure juice of the AMBRICAN OATAWBA aad IBABNLLA OhAPIL and has attained a rare popularity tbreupont the West and Beath, where groat quantitim of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL lad FAMILY purpmes. It not only equals, bat excel. the ritost choice IittPORT.ND !MANDL= Is PURIFY, QUALITY and RICEINEBB O FLAVOR, and wherever it his been introduced it had invariably met the moat unqualified favor and extendtd sale. Tie want of really pure Brandy has Long been felt in tide country MA the 9pporluulty to procure an article of such qual ity as to supersede the sale mid use 9r the many wile compounds so often sold under the name of gc Brandy,” can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY pummels's all the choice qualities of the beet Imported liquor. end is poai tivelt known to be of PARTI.Cr PURITY gad of SD PNRIOIt L.AVOR. In support of the above statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists : Dr. A. A—Hayes, Assayer. Boston, Mass.- Dr. James R. Chilton OG Cu., Ottemiets, Nei York. Dr James D. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass. Dr. J. V.P. Blaney Dr. G.A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chemists, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Co:, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, S. 0. Messrs. Gentry end IllitekwOoii, Chemists, Tenn, Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. An of whom have analysed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as en invaluable wadi elnal agouti I have been appointed the sole agent for the sale of tlsla 'Wendy fee the city of Ilarrlaburg end .1)1111phlo ;Q. nova-dy Dr. LOUIS W Y NTH. OHN TILL'S COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'S ROLLING MILL, Where he keels 'constantly on hand •LYNENI3 AND WILKESBARRE COAL, Such y STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, RUG end NUT, which be will dispose of at the lowest market price. (lossner• wilt do well to call on him and, lay is their oupplr, Y the OW will be deliversd elan, and full weight. pm2b-dten QT. LOUIS FLOUR. THE BEST -- BRAND FOR FAMILY USX in the market. 100 barrels of theyeelabrated Bt. Louis Flour, unifetehl4 pronounced the most superior article ever offered in the market, Ault received and for sale by WM DOOR, is., & CO PRESH . FIkI every Tuesday and -Fn -1 day at JOHN nrisrsstore, orruoi of WM 154 Walnut. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW ];HADES. HENRY C. SH'AFFER Hu a haw stook of Widow Shades and Wall Paper oc hand which will be sold very low. Nall and examlae. Paper Hanging personally attested to. No. 12, MARKET STRUT, Near the bridge. 006;4t[ (lEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MICA. ll SURZS, together with kluge sumortment of BAB. EZTS, 1118.00311 &e.,,hist - reastved, and for imp - M. by 4 NM, BOOK, Js., & UO P. & W. 0. TAYLOR'S it L 311 -1 1 Mr (7) 1 131 1 @committal and Wilily dittoreiva. It contains ne Resin and will not waste. It is warranted not to Wane tbe hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is Vistula suitable for every purpose. yon sale by Wit DOCK, JR.. & CO. FOR ULT.-3,000 IhrsatLa PRIME YELLOW CORN. 500 bushels barley malt, first quality. 600 busbels rye. bark - Ma whhilly, deft quaßty_ Nnquire of RICHARD HOGRLAND. sep29tf Washington Avenue, Ilarrmburg. EMPTY HOGSHEADS.—A. large of Mnipty Meat Hogsheads, in goad mmilliles eod with heads in. These Ilegeheado Ilk* clearable tor Builders, Farmers 1 41* sold at a very Ise WM. DOCK, Jr., & 00. Pir ANSI!! —Jima received, a large U. supply of COVNIIND 6IIIDIX-0111130D HAM, of .As but braug is the market. livery one *old ie guar linseed. Julian WM. DOOK, eth BOSTON ORACKERS.—A supply of thus delicious criateri Jut maim, and f " " lu WM. DOOR, jr., k 00 MINCE MEAT.---A SUPERIOR AR TICLA just received and for sale by • WU. DOCK, Ja., do CC. POUNDS- Extra Prime Sugar. G+ 000 red Hams for We very low, wholesale or retail by WM. DOCK 311.. 0 aRREN CORN.—WINSLOW'S fresh la Orson Clamped received b WM. DOCK, IL, d CO. THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO GRAPH ALIII7IO, POUT POLIO, OARD-OAM POCILIAT-BOOKS, for We Si Seheffer's Bookstore, BUCKWHEAT MEAL.-15,000 LBS. SUPBX BMA from Wyoming Valley, for Dote b 7 WY. DOPE. j 111 64 te Co. WALL PAPER BORDERS, 5z0.1 &c. at last year ;rice; for sale at Schefier'd Bookstore: jel6 - 7 kOR LEITER, NOTE and 'FOOLS r CAP Paper, lenvelooes and all kind of Stationery sail at Schaffer's Bookstore. jells JUST RECEIVED—Another lot o Beautiful Albume,.at Ochigerie Bookstore, 18 Mad ket etteet. .018 Ae large variety of Notions just received . i• scoAroon Bookstore Q. ELF - SEAVN 0 , FRUIT JARS Best aad Cheapest In the machete Call ad examine them PRENCII MUBTAIID, FikraLlSH and Donseette Pickles, (111 Um dozen or hundred,) SU' P .rillr ,„ Bl / a l . 0 14 Ptii% Of.‘oo l etuOMPO' ° E every Or • y wit. POOL ,Ti., 4 OP - A . Neffi Assortment of MORTON'S • 11 Madvalledltold -Pens, In Gold Plated Deek 110 1 ' dere, just received, sit Bahl:Baer Bookstore, 18 Marks 111098 jell .4.RE YOU: GREEN. I.J BACKS ' I —DAN BRYANT'S new comic flock Pelee 30 seats, just received and for asle by WARD, at his Music sturf p Third street. Call and get s copy early.. - ap2t3 WALLPAPER, - BOR priceDERS, &e., zed• 3 :v v soldlat at last year% s, without anyadva At Spll.lo/PAR I B BOOKSTORS._ BRhIA"AST BACON. —A small but very ehoiee lot,of Briier Cared "Breakfast Dams (empml to the Imported Yorkehire Nast received. "29 - , WK. DOCK. de, &CO z PARED .AN "M. DOME,