Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, September 26, 1863, Image 3

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I nf. DAILY PATRIOT AND Mum may be had at
l oo k Star, corner of Third and Market
La.i. at to News Aneney of George L. Walter,
n Siarket street. near Fifth.
fog MAim---tinderr the change of schedule, en
I ha Jilf3rant railroads, the time of closing the eight
I A the Harrisburg Post Office, April 20. 1883, is
•a fuilows:
_ 111011111 MI RATIA",.
.... or ..
NOWriI.—WAV /amt.—F ail places between liar
,sburg, Lock Haven and 'Elmira, N. Y., at 12.00 m.
Fur Look Haven, Williamsport and Lewisburg at 9
p. 1131.
SOUTH...-WAY Ham.—For all places between Har
newurg saa Bsltimore, MeL, and Washington. D. 0., at
2.00 in,
for Washington, D. 0., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa.
at 9.00 p. M.
ILIBT.—Way MAIL.—For all abides between Harris
blot, Beaton and Philadelphia. nis Beading, et 7. 0 0 a. In.
For Beading and Pottsville, at 12 SO p. m.
rencericesik iscitaost ,
WAY MAIL.—Nor all plasm between Harrisburg and
Philadelphia, at 620 a. m.
Vet millikdelphia and Lancaster, at 12.00 In.
for New Tort, Philadelphia, Lancaster, colembia,
Marietta and Bainbridge, at. 2.45 p.
For New York, Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 9.00
WgP.,—WAY MAIL.--For all places between Hardo-
burg and Altoona, 1100 ut.
For Johnstown, Pittsburg and lirle. Pa., Cincinnati,
Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m.. -
For Pittsburg, Hollidaysburg, Altoona, Phillipsburg,
Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. m.
01111115SLAISI Tel,bCT iLLIAOAD.
. .
For Illechanieribilleg Oarlielejahippllneburg and Chant
beraburg, Pa., at 1.00 a. m.
War Hau..—For all plasm between Harrisburg and
Hagerstown, Md., at 12.30 p. m.
sorarauma. AND snaquintuora Riu.noari.
For llllendale Forge*, illwookrinegrine Dud Summit
13tation, at 12.30 p. in.
For Progress, Lingtestown, HamadaHill, 'West Hano
ver. Zest Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, at 7.00 a. an. -
For Lisburn and Leeriebettl, oa Haturday a at 12.20
TrOtdee Hours.—Fronit.39 a. in. to 8.00 - p. in. Sun
der froml.Bo to 8.30 a.m., and from 8.00 to 4.00 p. m.
Avrawrroff, Warm Med patriotia, law
loving and law-abiding men, all white m athall work
ing men, all men who have an idea of freedom, all
who are opposed to $24,000 blear-eyed adminis
tration blowers and thieves, shoald be at the Court
House to-night to bear that brilliant champion of
constitutianal liberty and law-abiding DeUtooracy,
Hon. Henry Clay Dean,-of lowa.
other prominent speakers, will address the Demo
cratic meeting at Dauphin this evening.
FIRST WARD .— The Democratie club of thii ward
will meet at the publie house of Mrs. Erb, corner
of Second street and Meadow lane, this evening
at T o'clock precisely.
Tow THUMB is about to retire to private life on a
fortune of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
He is going to build him a cage at Bridgeport,
Conn, and go in for the whine cum dignitate in so
ber earnest.
AN /TRY FOR THE LADIRS.-ThO latest style of
hoop skirts is the self-atijusting, double-back-ac
tion, bustle etrascan, face expansion, Piccolimin
attachment, gossimer-indestructible, polecticomo
mina_ It is a very sweet thing.
Five and, a half millions of dollars have already
been received by the Government, as commutation
under the: enrollment set. This sam, and all
moneys hereafter realized from this source, are to
be expended in bounties for enlistmonta.
TKO POSTAIM CURsuccr.—lt h dated, ou the
beet authority, that out of two millions of dollars
of postal currency that have been cancelled , and
burned, not two hundred. were counterfeit: The
imitations are bald te be poor and easily detected_
NEW Counrmararts.—A no* counterfeit on the
Bedford Commercial Bank, Massachusetts, of the
denomination of SO, has appeared_ It in an
Winn of the genuine plate, the vignette repre
senting a female, child, goods, ship in the distance
Ramovan.—The Commissary Department, for
merly in the old Wallower warehouse, has been re
moved to its new building back of the old Penn
°Avant* railroad round house. 411 requisitions to
be filled should be presented at Capt. B. C. Robin
son's office, in the fore part of the building.
CArr. EDWARD Da Ron, who so sueeessfully
teaehes the art of self-defence with all kinds of
arms, we see by the Pittsburg papers, is now in
that city. We hope he will let us bear from him
soon; if he does not, we will 'eve him 'a notice
without charge which may not be very agreeable
to him.
ARAFAT OF AN Amami Dsaairran.—SolotOn
Freed, charged with being a deseiter from the 4th
Maryland regiment, has been arrested in York
eaunty, Pa., and is to be sent to Carlisle for trial.
Ile applied for a writ of habeas corpus in York,
but Judge Fisher, in view of the President's recent
proclamation, refused to grant it.
Pt.ax.—Tbe flax erep . in Pennsylvania this year
will be larger than ever before raised in this State,
and inquiries are made as to the . beat means of
disposing of it: One of our exchanges advises the
farmers, after threshing out the Feed, to stack the
straw carefully, proteot the stack with boards, or
a good thatch, and await the coming of customers,
who will appear between this and- the elose of the
From all sections of the county we learn that
the Democracy are up and doing, well satisfied
with the county ticket, and diteritined to elect it,
from top to bottem, by such a majority as will
s h ow the hireling minions in power that the lion
of Democracy in aroused ) and will mead terror
in the Abolition camp and send them howling back
to their demi. The Democrats are determined that
no Abolitionist shall be put in power by their votes.
ACCIDENT.—:On Tuesday night last an accident
occurred at the Cameron I'urnaeo, MiddletbWr i by
which Thomas Carty and William Cox. were killed.
The ping in the mouth of the furnace, when it was
in full blast, accidentally blew out, by which the
two men were horribly burned:by the molten iron
which was discharged upon them. The former
was burned in such.* shocking manner that there
is little hope entertained of his recovery. The lat
ter was not so seriously injured and he is expected
to recovers
THE Telegraph last night announced that Thos.
C. itheDowell, late one of the editors of the PATRIOT
AND UNION, was to address a Union meeting tin .
Deaver that day in favor_of there-election of Gov.
Curtin. This we believe to be one of those con-
temptable falsehoods of which the muddy brain of
the T.:',grap/...ie so fruitful, and without any
foundation in feet. Mr. MiteDowell has not been'
in any way connected with this paper for over a
yeai, bat we feel warranted - is saying. Opt, his
Democracy is unque . shonable. - •
AN ECCENTRIC INDlvxDuaz.—The Troy -papers
record the death of Abel Dacia:Ma 6l4o frir l i.
etotkaiderable means. During -long tlita-he - had ,
never eaten an oyster and never toothed a elsta , !
Although he bad sold liquor holuid
anything stronger than sweet eider.. He * l .er_
visited a show. Ills travel', too, were Ver*liin 7
Red. Belied never bee ;with of • Isb Actr 1011111
°mane ix New Hoie.—ik's learn from un
doubted authority, the Doylestown (Bucks county)
Democrat, that two men, one of whom is named
Thompson, and said to be a deputy or hanger on
about a provost marshal% office, called at the black
smith shop of Mr. Ely, in New Hope, on Tuesday
last; where a journeyman, named James M. Smith,
was working alone. They inquired for "Smith
Kitchen," who' they said owed them some money.
On being informed that he did not kriew where he
was, they insisted that he did know, and then said
Kitchen was a deserter, and that he (Math) was
no better—that they had authority to take him
(Smith) to Trenton, and produced a set of hand
cute, and both laid hold of him to pet on the irons.
Smith proved to be a troublesome customer, when
0116 them presented a pistol as his authority, but
the resolute resistance of Smith, in defiance of even
this *a bloohloo, imloood them to abandon their
purpose and skedaddle over the bildge to New Jer
sey, before the citizens had heard of the out
rage, and thus escaped such summary punishment
as many of Mr. Lincoln's officers deserve. And
yet bad that man been carried off by these "bor
der ruffian" officers he could-have had no redress,
as the writ of Woo, torpor bee boos outroodod,
'and they could have sent him to - the army, or some
bastile, where his friends could not visit him or
ever hear from him.
Pomos Arrants.--Before 'Alderman Kline.—
The Alderman's office was made quite lively yes
terday morning,- by the unusual number of
"smokes" brought from the look-up. There were
no less than eleven, and they were all arrested for
very much the same offences—namely, drunken
ness, vagrancy and disorderly conduct. They
were captured in negro town.. In this place these
vagrants pay little attention tct the mandates of
the law, and only recognize its authority on the
appearance of a policeman's billy In the panda of
its owner. They were all discharged.
Augustus Kane, arrested by Kane; Jas. Green
ley, arrested by Costello; David Kane, arrested
by Kane; Peter Larkens, arrested by Costello;
Isabella Bonny, arrested by Cline; Ida Perry, ar
rested by Campbell; Rebecca Marshall, arrested
by Massey; Catharine Marshall, arrested by Camp
bell; Sarah Rees, arrested by Massey ; William
Lane, arrested by Campbell; Jackson Smith, ar
rested by Massey; August Root, whi:e, arrested
by oteer Kane. found in an intoxicated condition,
was also discharged.
GOOD Anvicc.—The Scientific American, in re
ferring to a sad accident caused by riding upon a
shaft, says: " Don't try to play with machinery,
either. in motion or when at rest. Forty hair
breadth escapes may result at the forty-first trial
in maiming, mutilation, or sudden death. Keep
the fingers, hands, arms, legs and hair away from
'rough shafting, and take care that clothing, does
not get down into rapidly-running bolts and pill
lays." The owners of mills or workshops where
machinery is in use, should carefully guard it so
that injury cannot happen. It does not do to rely
always upon the prudence 'of those who are not
liable to injury, and therefore the necessity of
making it impossible that they shill be injured.
A MAMMOTH DEPor.—The new depot of the
Pennsylvania railroad now in spume of erection
at Pittsburg, will have a front on Liberty street of
seven hundred feet, and on Elm street of one hun
dred and fifty-nine feet. Five hundred feet of the
Liberty street front will be of iron highly orna
mented, and the elevation of the roof In the cen
tre will be seventy-five feet. The plan
. of the
building comprehends a large hotel, dining room,
4tc., and when finished it will be one of the post
expensive and handsome structures of the charm.
ter in the 'United States..
The Democratic citizens of tho county of Dau
phin, and all others who are wolfed to Poston in
all its integrity the Constitution of the 'United
States, under whose protection every American
citizen enjoyed as a birthright, protection of life
and- property, civil liberty, free thought, free
speech and free action, who are opposed s to extra
vagance, waste add corruption in the administra
tion of the State rind General' Governments, and
who desire the speedy -fa-establishment of the
Union as it was, and the consequent return of our
national prosperity, are requested .to moot at the
following plane, to wit ;
Lykenatown—At the public home of David Bit-
Orman, on Monday evening, September 28, at pi
Berrisburg—At the public house of Tobias
Waist, on Tuesday afternoon, Septotaber 29, at 1
Filberville—At the public house of John Miller,
on Tuesday evening, September 29, at 61 o'clock.
Jefferson—At Hoffman's - Sohool House. on Wed
nesday evening, September 30th, at 61 o'clock.
Millersburg—Mass Meeting at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
on Saturday, the 3d of October.
Halifax—At Halifax on Thursday evening, Oc
tober Ist, at 8} o'clock,
Reed—At the public house of Wit. Warner, on
Friday evening, Oct. 2d, at 61 o'clock.
East Hanover—At Major Shell's, on Saturday
afternoon, Oot. 31, at 1 o'clock.
I s inglestown—At the public house of Benpmin
Geesy, Saturday evening, Oct. 56, at 6/ o'clock.
llutemelstown—At Bsum's tavern, on Mon4ay
evening, Oct. sth, at 6/ o'clock.
West Londonderry—At Buck tavern, on Tuesday
evening, Oct. 6th, at 6/ o'clock.
Londonderry—At Rohner's tavern, GAlosburg,
on Welneaday evening, Oct. 7th, at 6/ o'clock..
Union Deposit—At the public house of George
docker, on Thursday evening, Oct. Bth, at 8/-
Conewago—At Folts's store, on Friday evening,
Oct. 9th, at 6 o'clock.
Harrisburg—At the Court House, on Saturday
mains, Oat. 10th, lit 7 o'clock.
Middletown—At Centre Square, on Monday eve
ning. Oct. 12th, at 7 o'clock.
Meetings have been called on the 26th of Sep
tember at the Cross Roads. in Washington town
ship, and at Dauphin, at the public house of C. A.
Rhoads, by the citisens of those localities.
Distinguished speakers will be in attendance at
all of the above named meetings.
Ch h n County Committee.
NEW FALL 0001111.—We have now received and
are opening a beautiful assortment of new style
dress goods and other goods.
Splendid assortment of new delaines.
Aircelen of plain .44aeas•
New style of plaid dress goods.
Fine black bombazines.
Black and colored pa ramattas.
5 pieces of black
50 pipces of bleached and unbleached muslins.
10-4 heavy linen for sheeting.
5.4 Itenvt -linen for pidow oases.
I-4 wrerlinen damask for table covers.
White linen table covers and.naphins.
Black alpacas, all qualities. • _
White linen and hemstiched pocket handker.;
10 dos. Balmoral • Skirtis, from $2 50 up, _
Large assortusent.of hoop skirts.
Hopp skirts 11415 emits,. $1.00,.1.50, and all
White cambric touslins and jaconnatfa, aanoookih
l inert Sees marline, and treat•many:otter
a* gouda. • 8. LiVr.
Pulmonary Conomption a Curable Disease!:
The undersigned having been restored to health in a
few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having enf
fermi several years with a severe lung affection ' and
that dread disease, Consumption -12 anxious to make
known tO • kli !Olio* MOM,' the means of mire.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre
scription need, (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
swrs curs for CONSUMPTION. ANIMA, Bnonstos,
COUGEDL, COLDS, &C. The only object df the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted,
and spread information which he conceives to be inval
uable ; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy,
as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessieip
Parties wishing t:e prescription will please address
Ray. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh.
. Kings County,
New York.
sep 25-11ind&w
AND PERMANENT CURE of evutisal Wegil" 2 " 10 1
Urethral and Yaging Discharges, Glut, Bestial Die
ease; Emissions, Impotence, Genital Debility, and die
eases of the Bladder and Kidneys.
Bosom° Mu; are warionted in all cases
and can be relied on. No change of diet required. Tkey
do not nauseate, nor interfere with Nashua' 'pursuits.
pwards of 200 cues have been cured the past month.
More than one hundred phys'easts use them iS their
private prootioei and all speak wet of their Owen_
They are entirely harmless on the system, and can be
relied on in all cases arising from youthful indiscretion
or .self abuse, which often incapacitates the sufferer
from fulfilling the duties of inertial OA.
A TREATISE of 64 pages, containing UMW of cure,
sent free to all. Two stamps required for postage.
The Pills will be sent by mail, securely sealed, on
receipt of One Dollar. by I, BRYAN, M D.,
No. le Ceder street, New York .
Sold by all the principal druggists
up 26 Ildkar
HARTmos Finikum Pu.e.s have never yet failed in re
moving difficultiee arising, from obstruction, or stop
page of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect
health when einffering from Spinal Affections, Prolapinui
Uteri, the Whiten, or other woakness of the Uterine
Organs. The Pi Is are perfectly harmless on the con
imitation, and may be taken by the most delicate female
without causing distress—the same time they act like a
charm by strengthening, invigorating and restorinthe
system to a healthy condition, and by bringing on the
monthly period with regularity, no matter from what
causes the obstruction may arise. 'They should, how
ever, NOT be taken doting the first three or four
months of pregnancy, though safe at any other time, as
miscarriage would be the result.
Bach box contains 80 Pills. Price st.
Da. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Diseaeee of Females,
Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Sterility, Septa
daetion, and Abuse, of Nature, and emphatically the
Ladies' Private Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of 84 pa
ges, sent free to any address. Six cents. required to
pay postage,
The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de
sired, securely sealed, and prepared, by
BRYAN, M. D., General Agent.
No, TO Cedar street, New York,
sold by all the principal druggists..
sip 25-d&wly •
Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO
preparation is the presiription of oneof the beet female
physicians and nurses in the United States, and haabeen
need' or thirty jean with never failing safety and one
tees by millions olmothen and children, from the fee
Me infant of one week old to the adult. .
It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo
Wes the Gloms& and bowels, corrects acidity, an
gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al
moat instantly relieve
We believe it the beet wad wept remedy in the world
In all cases of DTBENTERN AND DlAliftWlli IN
CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from
any other ones.
Full directions for using will aeoompany each bottle.
None genuine unless ths fir simile of CURTIS &ADD
New York, is on the outside wrapper.
• Sold by all Medicine Dealers.
Principal Office..4B Dey street, New York
Piles only 26 rents per bottler . .
THE AGE. Farman, families and others can purchase
no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for
dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore
throats, toothache, sea sickness, onto, burns, swibliings
braises, old sores, headache, =mutt° bites, pains in
the UMW, OW, payer, &c. If it does not give relic
the money will be refunded. All that is asked ie atrial,
and use it according to the directions.
Da. Toinua—Dear Sir: I have need your Venetian
Liniment in my family for a number of years, and be.
Here It to the beet article for whet it is recommended
that I have ever used. POranddenattack of Croup it hi
invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it
for all the uses it prOfesses to cure. I haveuold it for
many years, anc it gives entire satisfrction.
QUALICZTOWN, N. S., May 8,1868.
Sold by all Druggists. Office, 66 Cortlandt street,
jyal dar.wlm New York.
A Friend in Need.' Try it.
pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Penne°
tient, the great bone Netter, and has been used in' his
practises for the least twenty years with the most Baton
ishing success. As an external remedy it is without a
rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than' any
other preparation. For all Rhotimatic and Nervous
Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for
Sores„lfonnds, Sprains, Emilia, &e., its seothinr; heal
by 'and powerful strengthening properties, netts the
just wonder and astonshment of all who have ever
given it a trial. Over four hundred certificates of re
markable cures, - performed by it within the last two
years, attest this fact.
See advertisement. aplleow-&&w
By ordering ealonrel and destructive minerals from the
supply tables, hes conferred *Mewling on our sick sol
diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the die
continuance of it Bleeding,” and the use of BRAND
BUMS PILLS in the place thereof. Then 'will
commence a anew era" in the practice of Medicine,
which would On become empbetloelly
I for thirty years taught that no diseaged se ,
ti on could be cured by mercury or tartar emetic. ',het
the human body_ could only be "Made whole” by giver,
stable food"—Animal food being, in fact,
vegetables. BRANDIIETH'S PILLS should be in
atary Military moupitaa. T}►eae ?In/ cure BiLlOl7B
DYSINTNILY, and all !even sad Affections Of the
Bowel; moaner and more surely than any medicine in
the world. BRANDRItTiVB PILLS In these, eases
should be token night azeil uterabg. Rand direatiens
•nd get new style
01.81 01 ItuNCON; H. WATSON.
Dr, V. Brandroth, Nov DM:
Bra ; I was a private In Co. 1, 17th Regiment, New
York Vole. While at lliarrison , s Landing and on the
Rappahannock near Talmouth, I and many of the Com
pany were Mak with billows diarrhoea. The Army Sur
geon did not core we, and I wee roamed to akin and
bone. Among the Company war, quite a number of
members who. had worked in your Lalboratovy * Bing
Ring. They were not sick, beinusi 'vier used . Brand -.
reties Tills. These men prevailed upon ma ArtioUtare
tow de the PiDs,und reamers all oared in4rom twoitu
tire 'dap. .After this our boys need .Ilriandreth's Ws .
for the typhus fever, colds, Thettiesthini,'
did Off fail to restore heolth•
Out of gratitude to you liir . my good hoittlr: kod
yo niis letter, witiolit, It neeersaiyythe *Mho Coin
Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly .of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled « An Act relating
to elections in thik commonwoaltb,” approved the 2d day
of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine,
I; JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff of the county of Dauphin.
Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the
electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be
held in the said county of Dauphin, ON THE SECOND
TUESDAY OP OOTORRR,I D. 1288, (being 'the 18th day
of October,) at , which ..thr!e State and Colsoty Officers, as
follows, are to be slectid, to wit :
One person for Governor of the State of Pennsylvania.
One person for Sup.eme Judge of the State of Penn
One person to represent the counties of bauphin and
Lebanon in the Senate' of the State of Pennsylvania.
Two persona to represent the county of Dauphin in the
Rouse of Representatives
One parson for Sheriff of Dauphin county.
One - person as Recorder of Deeds, &a., for 'the county
of Dauphin.
One person as Trea - urer for the county of Dauphin.
Two persons for County Oomminitoner.
One person for Director of the Poor and House of Em
One person for cfceltiity Auditor
that the places of holding the aforesaid*eneral election in
the several wards boroughs, districts and townships with
in the county of Dauphin,are as follows, to wit :
The election for the Fi rst ward in the city of Harris
burg shall he held at the Public &heal Hanes at the earner
of Mary's alley and Front street.
The election in the Second Ward shall be held at the
School House at the corner of Dinvlberry alley and Ches
nut street.
The election for the Third. Ward shall be held et the
School House in Walnut ateeet, between Second and Front
The election for the Fourth Ward shall be held at the
Public Seined House in State street, between Second and
Third streets.
the election of the fifth Ward `
shall be held at the house
belonging to 'General John Forster, on the ktate road lead
log from the reservoir grounds to the Pennsylvania State
Lunatic Hospital.
The election in the Sixth Ward shall be held at the Market
Lieges in West Harrisburg.
For the township of Busquehanna, at Miller's (now Nis.
ley's) school house
For the towuship of Lower §watara,,at the school house
No.l, in tlighspire: ' •
For the township of Swatara, at the - -Locust Grore.lno .
For the borough of Middletown ; at the. Brick iiollool
/loose in Pine street, in said borough.
for the township of Londonderry, at the Public - Donse
of Joeephlielperi in said-township.
For the township of West Londonderry, at the house of.
Christian Neff, ha said township,
For the township or Conewago, erected out of,parts
the townships of Londonderry and Derry, at the house of
Christian Foltz, (now Jima S. Foltz,) in said township.
For the township of Berry, at the public house of Daniel
Baum, in ilnmraelstown, in said township.
For the township of South Hanover, at the public house
of Otpwipi tiocker, in said township.
For the township of East Hanover ' at the public house
of Maj- Shell, (uois Boyer's,) in said township.
For the township of West Hanover at the public house
of Jacob Rudy, (now Buck's,) in sai d township.
For the township of Lower Paxton, at the public house
of Robert Gilchrist, (now Swelgart's,) in Said township.
For the township of Middle Paxton, at the public house
of Joseph Oockley, in said township.
For- the township of Rush, at the house belonging to
the estate of the late John McAllister, decd, now occu
pied by David ItiuraL in sate township. •
For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Christian
Hoffman, in said township
For the township of Jackson, at the house now occupied
by John Dialer at Dialer's mill, in said township.
For the township of Halifax, at the North Wain School
House, hi the town of Halifax.
For the township of Reed, at the new School House on
Duncan's Island, in said township.
For the borough of Millersbur g, at the window next
to the northeast corner on the east side of the new
school house, situate on. Middle street, in the borough
of Millersbutg, in the county of Dauphin.
For the township of Upper Paxton, at the hawse of J. (I.
Teaser, in the boroughof Millersburg.
For the township of Mifflin, at tho public house of Mi
chisel (now Benj. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, in
said township.
For the township of Witehington, at the public house
now occupied by Matilda Wingert, in said township.
For the township of Lykene, at the public house of Solo
mon Loudenelager, (now Hebser's,) in the borough of
For the borough of Grata, at the public b 034.9 o f goo
mon Londenslager, (now Heiserle,) in said borough.
For the township of Wiconisco, at the School House No.
5, in said township.
I also, for tli.e information of the electors of the county
of Dauphin, publish the following sections of acts of the
(gusts/ 4#141a2/7 1 exacted' diving , the session of 1853,
to wit
Also, sections 1 and 3, page 104, pamphlet lawa t ap
proved the 18th day of March, 1857, viz ;—“That the citi
zens of the township of .Londonderry„ in the county of Dan
phin, formerly embraced in the Portsmouth election die.
WM, together with such other citizens of said township
residing west of the public road leading from Port Royal to
Nisaley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter hold their
general and special elections at the house of Christian Neff,
in laid township." .
Sec. 3. That said district shall hereafter be AS
West Londonderry election district.
RUSH TOWNSHIP—PIace of Eliction.. " .
Whereas the place of holdtng the elections in the town
ship ofitrish, Dauphin county, was bylaw at School-1/012/M
nether three in mid townshipt And whereas, -there is no
such school hone, therefore—Section 1. be it enacted by .
the Senate and Roust of Representatives. of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and itis
hereby . enacted by The ; authority of the mama, That the
general and township elections of Ruh township, Dauphin
county, shall be held at the house belonging to the estate
of the late John McAllieter, deceased, now occupied by
David Rineal. Page 83 pamphlt . laws, 1858
I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th
section of the aforesaid act I am directed, '.that every per
son, excepting justices of the pewit, who shall hold any
office or apponitmentof profit or trust under the govern
ment of the United Mates, or of this State, or any city or
incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who is or Mall
be employed under the legislative, judiciary, or executive
department of this State oe the United States, or of any
city or incorporated district, and also, that every member
of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the select and
common council orany city, commissioners of any incorpo
rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the saint time the of orappointment ofjudge, inspec
tor or Melt of any election of this Commonwealth, and
that ao inspector or judge, or other officer of any such
election, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted
Also_that in thetharth section of the act of Assembly,
entitled t'An Act relating to execution, and for other
pep:me i n approved April 18, 1840, it is enacted that the
aforesaid 13th section "sha ll not be so construed as to
prevent any, militia officer or borough officer from serving
as jullge, inspector or clerk at any general or special elec
tion in this Oodationwealth."
Also, that in the 61st section of said act it Is enacted
that "every general and special election shall be opened
between the hours of elOit and ten in the Roman, and
Shall continue without interruption or adjournment until
seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be
The special election shall be held and 00114Ueted by the
inspectors andjuaker: elected as aforesaid, mail by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided.
No person shall be permitted to vote at the election, as
aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty-one
years or more, who shall have resided in this State at least
one year, and in the election district where he offers to
vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election,
and within two years paid a' State or county tax, which
shall have been :messed at least ten days before the elec
tion. But a citizen of the United States who has previ
ously been a qualified voter of this State and removed
therefrom end returned, and wbo shall hare resided in the
election district and paid taxesous aforesaid, shall be enti
tled to vote after residing in this State six months : Provi.
ded, That the white:freemen, citizens of the United States,
between the ages of 21 and 22 years, and have resided in
the election district ten days, as aforesaid, aball be entitled
to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes-
“No person shall be admitted to vote whose name is not
contained in the lilt of taxable inhabitant; fureisbei by
the commissioners, unless; kfirst, he produces a receipt - for
the payment wiqiin two years of a State or county tax, as.
sensed agreeably to the constitution, and give setiatactotj
evidence, either on his own oath.or affirmation, or the oath
or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or
on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath of the pay
ment thereof ; or, Second, if he claim a vote by being an
elector between the ages of 91 and 92 yearn, be shall depose
on.oath or affirmation that he has resided in the State at
'easternyear before his application, and make such proof
of hie residence in.the district as is required by this act,
and that he does verily believe from the accounts given
him that he is of the age aforesaid, and give such other ev
idence as is required by this act, Whereupon name of
the person so admitted to vote, shall be inserted in the al
phabetical list bythe inspectors, and a note made opposite
thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if he shall be admitted
to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word 'age,' if
he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age) and
Audi be called out to the clerks, who shall make the like
notes in the list of voters kept by them.
"sin all cane where the naive or the person claiming to
rote is not found on the list Sunisbed by the cOmmisaion
era and assessor,or his right to vote, whether found there
on or net, ii objeonsi to by any qualified citizen, it 4,01
be the duty of the inspectors to examine such p arson ox
oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to are resi
dedwithin the State for one year or more, his oath will be
sufficient proof thereottnit shall make proof by at least one
com p e t en t imam, aim dew be a qualified , elector, that
he has resided Withi&the district for more than ten days
next immediately preceding said election, and shall also
himself swear that his bona fide residence in pursuance
of his lawfal calling is within the district, and that he did
not remove into said district for the purpose of voting
cffivery person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make
due proof, if required, of his residence and payment of
taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in the town
ship, ward : or district in which he shall reside.
crlf any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent any
officer of any election under' this act from holding suet
election or noe or throotoo say violence to any such officer,
or shall interrupt or improirerly interfere with hini In the
execution of hie duty, or shall block up the window or ar
enue to any window where the same may be holding; ; Or.
shall riotously disturb the peace,st such election, or
use'enorteties intimidating threats. forge or
a design to 'anemia unduly. or , overawe any elector e ber -to
prevent him frorn voliiit,ovlo restrain the freedom of
choice, such Mpemon, on conviction, shall be fined in any
mini not OtheedinE hurartot Whoa, and imprisoned for
any time no t leis , iiroilueekotle nor more than twelve'
1110142, sigt tt: be eholtn.to the Court where the
• i t*oti 9#46#ellhall tiehad that themon so of
. .
"In case the person who shall have received the second
highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on
the day of election, then the person who shall have re
ceived the next highest number of votes for judge at the
spring election shall act as inspector in his place.
And in ease the pence who shall hat,, received the high
est number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the
person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place,
and in case the person elected shall not attend, then the
inspector who received the highest number of votes shall
appoint a judge,in hie piece, or If any vacancy shall con
tinue in the board for the epaite of one hour after the time
fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified
voters of the township, ward, or dietrict for which said of
ficer shall have been elected, present at the place of elec
tion, shall select one of their number to fill such vacancy.
lilt shall be the duty of the severatmeseasers, rave
tively, to attend at the place of holding every general,
special or township election, during the time said election
is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the
inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the
right of any person assessed by them to vote at such eke
tiona, or such other matters in relation to the assessment
of voters as the said inspectors, or either of them, shall
from time to time require."
Pursuant to the provisionis contained in the 76th section
of the act first aforesaid ; the judges of the aforesaid districts
shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return or
the election of their respective districts, and produce them
at a meeting of one judge from each district, at the city of
Harrisburg, on the third day after the day of election, being
FRIDAY, the 16th of OCTOBER, then and thereto do and
perform the dation-required by-law of the said judges.
Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable acci
dent is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the
certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by
one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, who shall do and perform the duties squired of said
judges unable to attend.
- • .
Given under my hand, in my office in Harrisburg, the
2d day of Sept mber, A. D. 1863.
JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff of Dauphin Co
SHERIFF'S °prime, Harrisburg, Sept. 10,1882.
eeptiO d&wte
0 -
Was the only 'Preparation for food from In
dian Corn"
That receivdd a mode/ and honorable mention from the
Koval Commissioners, the competition of alt prominent
manufacturers of "Corn Starch , ' and "Prepared Corn
Flour" of this and other countries notwithstanding.
The food and loamy of the age, without a single fault.
One trial will convince the most skeptical.' Makes
Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c., without
lei pelage, with few or no eggs. at a cost astonishing the
most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheit
Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It in alto ex
cellent for thickening sweet sauce& gravies for fish and
meat, soup,.&c. For Ice Cream nothing can compare
with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich
cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, &c.
Pot op in one pound pecaages, under the trade-mark
Ma'sena, with directions for use. -
A most delicious article of food for children and in
valids of all ages. For sale by•(}rocers and Druggists
• Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton street.
General Agent
dug 15-dBm
September 29th and 30th and October lot and
MI, 1863.
Norristown Is about 17 miles west of Philadelphia, on
the Schuylkill river, and it accessible by railway to
every portion of the State.
The Grounds are beautifully situated, containing 28
acres of ground with tine large buildings thereon erec
ted, together with , large amount of sbeddir g. The
track ia said to be. one of the beat half mile track] in
the State. The premiums aro the hew-kit ever offered
by . the society, amounting to about $7OOO. The pre
miums for all grades of cattle exceed $lOOO, dye of
whiih are $3O each, 19 from $25 to $l5, others running
down to lesser rates. Best herd notlesa than 15 head,
first posmium $4O i second premium, $26.
Horses for all grades the premiums exceed $1350.
The highest $100; 22 between $2O and $3O, and others
ranging from $l5. $lO and $5 For Sheep and Swine the
premiums range from $lO to $5 and $3.
For Poultry there is a long list of premiums from $2
to $1 each. In the following classes- meat liberal pre
miums are offered : Ploughs, Cultivators l Drills, Wa
gons, Reaping and Mowing Machines, Cotters. Corn
Shelters, Cider Mills, Pumps, Buckets, Tin Ware,
Leather and its Manufactures, Gas Flxturea, Marble
Mantles, Butter, Flour, grain and Seeds, Vegetables;
and also for Domestic and Household Matinfactrirett,
Cloths, Carpets, Satinet, Sbirting, nesting. Blankets,
Flannels, Shawls, Knit Goods, Needle Work, &c.
Bread, Cakes, P, Jellies, Me
Lunge premiums are offered for every variety of Fruit
and Flowers; The Floral Tent will be the largest ever
erected by the Society. and will form one of the moat
attractive features of the exhibition. Fruit, Grapes
and Wine will be exhibited in this departMent..
The Pennsylvania Railroad and Norristown Railroad
have arranged to carry articles for exhibition to and
from the Exhibition freight free, requiring the forward
ing freight to be paid, witleh Will be repaid dipper
when goads are returned to the station whence shipped.
It is hoped to effect the same with other important
Excursions at reduced rates will be run on all the
leading railroads.
Entries can be made at the office, in Norristown, after
the. 9th day , of September. All articles must be en
tered on the books on or before Tuesday evening, Sep
tember 29th Exhibitors must become matchers.
Membership $l.OO with four Coupon Tickets each, one
of which will admit one perms to the Fair once.
v.- A. List of Premiums and Regulations can be bad
by addressing the Secretary.
TRolliAS P. KNOX, President.
A. BROWER LoNalant. RseretarY,
Norristown, Pa.
.a Positive Cora!
Only ten Pills to be taken te , effect ■ cure.
They era entirely vegetable, having no amen nor any
unpleasant taste,-and will not, in any way, injure the
stomach or bowels of the most delicate.
Cures in from two to four days, and recent awes la
twenty-four hours. -
No SATOPlife, eta 06111114 7 as Amiga cskirever.
Prise male packages, 62 'female, ga. sold by
D. VV. GROSS & 00.
Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 161
Phila. P
which produces
Is offered to the public as a positive cure. Banishes all
impurities of the blood and brings the system to a
healthy action, cure those Spots, Tetteni, floalca and
Copper Colored Patches.
Thee filamaritan'e Root cud Kerb Juiced le the most
certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par.
tide of the poison.
In many affectiona with which numbers of Females
Buffett- the BOOT AND NENDITTLONB k most happily
adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing
down Palling of the Womb, Debility, sad for all com
plaints -incident to the sex.
Keep out of hoepitals. Here is a cure in any came rot
$5. Price fl per burial , op iii for $5 , with full direct
tione. Sold by . D. W. GROSS & 00.
Sent by Esprem °irefully packed by
" DESMOND dr 00,
jane-ly • &alai Phila."P. O.
NEWT onto, ifariet sqnare, next to Colder :a
Call and see.them in OPeragfAn-
iiireskfrad imorduient of disehineiv Ind died/1111 090
z *- •aisptdy .
N OT A RUM DRl f Nici
A highly.fineentrated Tellta t le. itrait:
ALL . D/e/GASES AlllSLNeriliok • -
A Disordered Liver, Stomach or
Kidneys. •
Thomism& of our citizens are /offering from DiSEEP
ISIA and LIVER DISEASES, and to whom the following
gueetione.apply—we guarantee)
Dyspepsia and Liver Disease.
Do you rise with a coated tongue Domingo, with bed
Mate in the month and poor appetite for breakfast? • Do'
you feet when you tint get up so weak and languid you can
scarcely get about?. Do you hare I disaiiiiititialibe bead at
times, and ottenis dullness, with headache ocessionailf,
Are yenr bowels costivb and inegultr, and appetite change
able ? DO you throw up wind from the stomach, and do
you swell up often ? Do You feel A farmed after eating,
and a sinking when the at, mach is empty ? Do Jl u have
heartburn occasionally ? Di you feet low spirited, and
look on the dark side of things ? Are you not unusually
nervous at times? Do you not become restless, and often
lay until midnight before you can go to'sleep ? &Milan at
timer', don't you feel dull and sleepy moat of the time!
Is your akin dry and scaly T also ail ow T lin abort, is not
your life a burthen, fall of foretti3dings f
Hootlamrs German. Bitters
Will cure - every canesof
Observe the following Symptoms resulting from
Disorders of Vie Digestive Organs:
Constipation, Inward Piles. Fulneser.Blood to the Mead,
Acidity of the Stomach, Natters, Hesattiurn, Asti - islet
for Food, Bulimia or Weight in the Stomach, Sour
Erneationa,ltioki!ig or Flat erintat the Vitof the
liteMaclij Bah/aim - lig of tun Heidi Harried and
Difficult Breathing, Flattering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in
a lying posture, Dimness of VielOp, Dote
or Webs before the Sight,Fever and
Dull Pain in the Head, Dficiency of
Perspiration, Yellowseas tho
Bain iuid Byes, Pain lit - the Side, • -
Back, Cheat, Limbs, leo., tee-
Sudden Flushes of deaf,
Burning in the Plash, _
Constant imaginiov oi
Evil, and great
pression of Spirits. •
There are many preparations sold under - the name of
Bitten, put up in quart bottle., .impounded of the oitoltpi
eat whisky or common rum, coding from ZI to 40 cents
ger gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused, and will continue to
cause, as long as they can be wild, hundreds to die the
death of the drunkard. By their use the itystem is kept
continually under the influence of. Inched^ Ittimulandi of
the worst kind, thedesire Tor Liquor Is created and kept
up, and the result is all, the horrors attendant upon a
drunkard's life and death.
Vor those who deeire and will have a Liquor Bitter., we
publish the following receipt: Get One Bottle Hpoilwpd's
Gerntan Balers and• mit with rhea Quaffs of good
Brandy or Micky, and, the result will be a preparation
that will far excel In medicinal virtues and true excelence
any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the merket, and
will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of
Hoofland's Bitters in connection with A good article of
Liquor, eta MUOit lingi prig; thin thew inferior prepara
tions will eon you.
Boo Hand's German Bitters
Brisk and Energetic Feelings,
El Arm iniaCkoSn't
&c. "
Thole Ingreripg -
From Broken down and Delieninfoimilkitions,
From whatever came, either in
That will restore them to their usual health. Fuels has
been the ease in thousand' of instances,-.and a lair trial is
but required to prove the assertion.
331" 4 17 333 ,LL TEI .
The Proprietors have thotummis of etters from the meld
Testifying of their oanpersonal knowledge, to the bene
ficial effects and medical virtues of them Bitters.
Prom Rev. I Newion Brown, D.. 8., Miter of Ineyelo-
Podia of Boligionanowiodgo.
Although not disposed to favor or reemoolood Pot.
ant Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre
dients and effects, I yet know of no sufilefent reasons
why a man may not testify to the benefits be botto m
himself to have received from any simple - preparation,
in the hope that lie may thus mintritnits ta.tha lomat
of others. . •
Ido this more readily in regard to "N i s Gem.
Bitters," prepared by Dr. 0. M. Jackson, of tids" city,
because I was prejufgped against them for years alder
the impression that they wore chiefly an alooho lLe mit -
fries. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker,
Esq., for the removal of this prejudice ,hy proper taste,
and for encouragement to try them when suderingfrom
great and long continued debility. The use of three
bottles of these Bitter., at the beginning of the primal
year, was followed by evident relief nod restoration to I
degree of bodily and mental vigor which I bad net felt
for six months before, andhad almost 'despot:scot nog
gaining. I therefore thank God and my Irked for dl
reefing me to the use of them.
Philadelphia, June 23, 1861.
In- Young or Aged, bialQ or Female,
Are speedily removed ) and the patient rano* to health.
Thome suffering from MABAB3II7B, wasting awe") with
maremly any flab en their bsuee, ere eared in a *my . mbiwt
time one bottle in Muth wee will have a most surprising
effect. •
1 2. .amiRAMILMWSSI , '"
Having angering oitildreo as iit•ovo, •Yd width* to robs
them will ;miff regret the day they ememaneed with
th e se Bit ters .
LITERARY MEN,' IsTairivrsi
AM those working hard with their brain; should • P
woo keep bottle of 11001LANDP8 BITTIBB neer
them, es they will End maeh benefit fromiti to both
mind end body, invigoMthrg and not depreadng, .
And lmores no prostration.
Attention, Soldiers!
We calltheattentien of all hawing relations or friends
in the artily to the fact that "MOO/LAND'S German Bit
ters" will care nine-tenths of the diseases bidnesd by ex
posnrei and privations incident to camp life. In the lists,
pubhsbed almost daily in the newspapers; on the arrival
of the siek, it will be notised thit a wiwy.large preportkui
are suffering from debility. Eery case of that kind can
be readtly cured by lloodandw (* lump: Bou m . y am
no hesitation in stating. Giet, if these mum were freely
Used among our soldiers. hinktredt 'of Ries might be saved
that otherwise would be r
The proprietors are &Hy repaving; thenkftil letters (nos
sufferers in the 'nor end holt who URT. beip rell
to health by the Wee of thee* ' re, ient to them Deis
See that the flignotoio of C. X. Jailloien
ie on the !TAPP= of each Bottle. -
0/11IALF.DOillff for 04 00.
lThollidigunnifto Ornelif DOM orgitholwiloicq ddtloi
be put `o 'brine of the intaideattog preparationthat
m a be Offered in itirplacw, bat send to ua, aid" we hill
forward. aecaTalx paolted,.. by, express. _ -
Principal/ 011ie and Illinifastarri
- No. 681 'ST
D113.11A888 ON