Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, September 25, 1863, Image 1
SATES ON ADVERTLSINO. :Pour lines or less constitute half a spiare. Bight lines or more than four,'constitute s square. Half sq., one $0 30 Onn sq., one day. $O MD g eneweek• • 120 a one week— 200 61 one mouth.. 800 66 pee month.. 800 three months 600 66 three months 10 00 six months.. 800 " six mouths.. MOO one year. —l2 00 " one year 2000 tCr Business notices inserted in the tooat. !PLUM, or before - marriages and deaths, Tin coma Pea Lnel fee ach casertlea. To merchants and others advertishig .ye year, /I Dena terms wilt be offered. fl f Lna minuet 01 mperttens insist De designated on o atlinratmuent. ix Marriages and Beattie will be inserted atthit same ram as regular advertisements. Business Car . ROBERT SNODaItASS I ATTORNEY A.r TAANV Officr Iforei 274 rd feat, third door abovelhir ket, 'Harrisburg, Pa. N. o.—Pensioni Dinuty and Military claims of all kinds prosecuted and collected. • Refer to Hons. John 0. Kunkel, David kinmma, 3r., and B. A. Lambertan. taY/1414wedu H—MILLER,, AZD R. E. FERGUSON, ATTORNEYS;- AT LAW. _onus nv SELO EM - AKE,R i S BUILDINGS SECOND STREET, . BETWEEN WALNUT and MARKET SQUARE, ap-Zirith . Nearly opposite the Buehler Nome. W. C. WEICHEL S itfiEON AND l fr GUL 11.1181:DRNOR THIRD MUM NOT 81911.111'. He Is now fully prepared to attend promptly M lb. duties of profession in all its branches- . A Lora Amo -may suooseertm szreannros jantleeilim fu pilmileing fall &wimple satisfaction to 411 whomay favor him with a cal, be the disease Mum& or any ether nature. adildiawly THOS.. .0_ MAoDpW.FiLt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATENT AGENT. Office in the Exchange, Walnut at., (Up Biafra.) Saving formed a connection with portico in Wash ington City, wno are reliable battings; nip% ii2t buil. new connected with any of the Depaitinenie co meet' with immediate and careful attention. MIELITA.RY CLAIMS AND - PEN SIONS. The undersigned , have entered into an association for 'the collection of Military Claims and the securing of To:names for wounded and disabled soldiers. Muster-in and Muster-ant Rolls, officers , Pay Hole, Ordnance and Clothing returns. and all r e vere pertain ing to the military - service will be made ant ideporly load expeditiously. Mee in the Exchange. Bnildinge, Walnut between Second and Third atreete , near Ondt , e Hotel, Harris burg, Pa. THOS. O. ELLODOWILI4 le2l64dtf THOMAS A. mserruks. SILAS WARD. 80. 11, NORTH THIRD ST., HARRISBURG,. STEINWAY'S PIANOS., kIBLODBONB, VIOLINS, tfUITLES, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Accordant*, STRINGS, SHIM AND BOOK:ISTSIO, &S i PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. ALBUMS, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Squire and Oval Trainee of every descriptionmede toorder. Regnibiingdone. Agency for Hewes Sewing Machines. 117' nest Music sent by MaiL oetl-1. S OHN W. G-LOYER, MERCHANT TAILOR ! Has pat received from New York, an Wort. went of SEASONABLE GOODS, which he offers to Ids customer, and the addle at =Tall MODERATE mesa, 414 T COOK, Merchant Tailor, 0 27 CIISSNUT ST., between Second and /rent, Has Jost returned nom the city - with an assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMDASS AND r.RSI7NOS, Which will be mold at moderate prices and nude np to order; and, also, an anaranent of BEADY MUM Clothing and Gentlemen's Farimisithol Goads. - no9ll-17d nENTISTRY.. • • - AiWDEIi, D,KL, UAIKET siitKET, ZBY do rowan,' n 3 BUILDING, UP STAIRS. stab-ti RELIGIOUS BOOK 11TORE, itracr AND SUNDAY -SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. $. GERMAN. V 8017TH EINCOND BT/9111T, 4BOVI OZIMUMI I , . , flii z 2 =nfortkoooloofStorooooroistozoompopiol i fors; od Mani Toitnonento.. Alio; milisuijilons la= foi religions inallootions. , dT .1 - 0.11 - N - 0. W. MAR TI.N, FASHIONABLE • 0 A R .370, W_R"LT:.U. 11; • ' 112113:11 HA` PA. Allmszulor of VISITING - , ADDING AND BUSI NESS CARD.S.osoeatoitlii , koacolitilutiotio styles and most reasonable terms. r deol4.4pf a UNION Rage Avenue, toner of Broad. street, IMERIMIIIRG, PA_ The tmdemsigned informs the public that he has re cently renovated and refitted his well-known " Union Mote" on Ridge avenue, near the BoUnd Hou nd is prepared toaockommodate ettiros, strange= a nd avel _ ere in the lien Min at Modena@ rates His table will be supplied with the best the maitkets afford, and at his bar will be found superior brands of liquors and malt beTereges, Theworzr. bee aooommo dation* for railroaders employed WI the sliofw in this eimnity. laid dtfj , lERNRY BOSTGRN. F RANXLIAT, H. 0111311, DALTIMODN, MD. This pleasant and commodious Motel has been tko roughly re ratted and re-furnished.. It is pleasantly allaatid en liertkilrest saner of Rowan' sad Irsoklin attests, a few doors west of the -Northern Central Ban way Bop:4. Beery attention dto the sosafort of his guests. G, Proprietor, (Late of Hellas Grove. Pa.) THBO. F. 8-011EFIPER, BOOK, CARD AND MB PRINTER, 'o. is usluarr 8,11.112 1 2, HARRISBI7B9. 1112" rialistdar attention paid to Drbithel, binding or Railroad Bbuska, llanifeets, .Tn,suranee oli eleA Wrecks, Bill-Heads, ,Ige. Wedding, Visiting and Business essdAprintaf at very low psbne and in The beet Etyle. t Pan TAILORING. • 43r 111 CP. 33. La Cab• ME • Om subscriber is ready at NO. 94, 111ARKNT BT., four doors below fourth street, to make RUM AND BOY'S CLOTBING In any desired style, and with skill and promptness. Persons wishing oath* done can lame it done st the shortest netioe, . ap27-d CHARLES' F. VOLLMER, UPHOLSTERER, Mehra; etreet, four doors above Bsccmd t (orsosirs esmnumarcus Non Nous%) Is prepared to furnish to order, in the very best style or wortmanship.Bpring and Bair Mattresses, Window Cur tains, Lounges, and all other articles of Furniture in Ids line, on short notice and moderate terms. Flavin eir- PerYma• in the bulbul's, be feels wasrasiletta if4t s slime of public patronage, conlideot of las ability to give satisfaction. • janl7-dtf 110 OPE R'S GELATINE.—The bad art:ids In this nuke; put rAce ytil an d A n i gidtby mml44 WM_ DOCK 71 KTOTIONEL—Quite a variety of weal and ententatudng articles—cheap—at 8011:1117111W8 BOOKBTORI. W EBSTER'S ARMY AND NAVY POCKET DICTIONARY. Just - received and for sale at ficinannews BOORITORM. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR I—F/BST IN rya Kaman. !--ior /342 . DOOR Js., & 00. HOTEL, . . ~ .. . . . , , - ,- •••-• ::. . 4` I , :t. • -.- . , • . -, . . * s a••-.. 4,_ •, . . .. . . .. . . ...- nr.::: -.• •••., . ....... -;.; • I I ~..: r. •,, -.• . b. 4 1 • I 1 i •_,.. 4 -, .•. ~ i ~ • :, * , .' i • .---. '_,. 4. II iil - i --, " ) ' ~, -, ./ 1 . . .. -., ' '..S. ', .-: , •. '.: • • ..1 ~•,.; ;•,. .1 i .' ' ••' - • •••, )'i l'r: , 1 , , . -.3 .., t• . . . ' • -. , ••• .-..--............................... 1 _ VOL. 6.-NO. 21. ccL 1 Ih e . 101 .7': . • . DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT TILE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, VOA' GOUT, NEURALGIA, _ LUMBAGO, STIFF. NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, sßupps,,cuis do WOUNDS, PILES,'HEADAOHE, and•AX+L BMW , iIiATIO and NERVOUS DISORDERS. . Tor et which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This .Liniment is -prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, if Connecticut, the fa mous bone setter,, and hail beek need in his practice for more than twenty years with `the' Wet alitimeAlng Mac- AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it Ii unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of-willoh the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This-Liniment will care rapidly and radically, BMW MATTA) DISORDERS of Oferfltind, end - thowde of cases where it has been used it has never beenkriewn to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, It wig afford immediate.xiilief in every case, however distressing. __ It will relieve the worst eases of HEADACKS In three minutia and bilyarranted to dolt. , TOOTHACHE also will it cure inatantly. FOR, NERVOUS DEEILITY AND GENERAL" LASSITUDE itieing,from imprudence or idoesia this Liniment is a imiontlinppy and unfailing remedy. Act ing directlpon theaervene tissues, itrarengthens and revivifies t he system, and restored i to:Alastioity and FOR PILES As an external remedy, weidaim that it is the, best known. and-We cdiallonge-the world to pro duce cm equal. Avery victim of this diatressing com plaint should give it a trial, for It Will - nict fail to afford' hardadiate-rellef r and in a tenjosity of will , afoot. a radical cure. -„ . QUINSY cod BORE _THROAT, are so metimes -ex tremely malignant and dangeibus, but a timely applica tion of this Liniment -will never fail to earn. . SPRAINS are sometimes Tory obstinate, and enlarge, tiitnt of the joints is liable to wear if se/pate& The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. ' BRUISES, CUTS, WO tiND,S, soßss, - 711.0ERS, BURNS and SCALDS,. yield readily to the- wonderful healing properilee of DB. SWIZZ% INDALLIBLE LINIMENT' when need aceording.tO direct:lMM. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET,' and INSECT BITES and STINGS. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remitdy at hand s for its timely um at ;the tras apwesulbllCO, of tameneas will efectuaily„ pre vent those formidable diseases to' which all horses are Bible and which render so many otherwise Valuable 'horses nearly worthless. - • Over four hundred voluntary testimonials-to the won delful curative properties of this Liniment have been .reatlytxl within nib lAA two yeitri; tiAny Of O&M from persons in' the highiwS ranks of life. CAE/MOIL TO avoid•impositlon observe the Signature and Like.: seas of Dr. Stephen 'Sweet on, every label r and also" '•Stephen'Sweet's tuteliihle tinfine* " blown inihe glass of each bottle, without - whiCh none are genuine. AMUNDSON & 00., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. . For•sale by all dealers. aplleow-d&W - I . .11 1 9tA n gt .4; WORK aNrEr I LL STEAM DYEING" ESTABLISHMENT, 1U B ill II Ti '' sierwzEN 76 , 7/S2 YFI AND rzFrzz, 11-A11311143171,4, PA., Wiefie "My 011114140 n of UMW sod Omithumea tisratenti, Place era., to., IWO Brod, Obasuisd,- and saMedln:Ute bait ii . uiloner and lit tke shortalt wage. DODOW/0-041,.. rebtristook. F. WATSON, !.. MASTIC .WOMICE I "R A PRACTICAL CEMENTER, Is, :to Cement the exterior of Buildings with ew York Improved Water-Proof Mastic ement. Thts Material la - different from all other 06niesits. It forms a solid, durable idhesiieneecto say surforea, imperishable by tke action of water or frost. Every gOod•building should be Boated with this Cement ; it is perfeetpreserrerto the, wills, mud makes a beautiful, fine inneb, equaa . to . EaStern trown sandstone, or any Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Cement, rreferto the folleidng gentlemen': I. Diesel/ 1r re:ado:moo, Po= street, Pittsburg, ; finished five years. J. R. filioenberger, residence, Lawrenceville; Inhaled five yearn. James 11 , 0andlass, residence, AllegiieniCityouds . tie 4 five years. , Calvin Adams, restdince, Third spect, finished four A. Itoeveler, residence, Lawrenceville, finisbad four years. J. It, M'Oord, Penn. lareet, sn i at e d fourS. Hon. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finished four 4 4199190 Uotcl sis 4 Crud Wise, Mahal art ittanning Court House and Beak, for Bair & lifoser, Architects, Pittsburg, finished five years. Orders received at the office of R. APEldowney, Paint Shop, 20 Seventh' street, or please address - T. P. WATSON, tna3 , lo-tf. P. 9. Box 18x6. Pittsburg, Pa. if AM S' I .i, • I• . 20,000,1h0. Composted d the following Breads just received: ' ' NEWBOLDT--Colebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. • EVANS :&:SWITT'S--Superior. MlOEfilkiEß'S 4%CELSIOII,- 7 Caturaused. MIORINER'S EXCELSlOR—Notoanvaased. IRON CITY-Cailvassed. IRON CITY—Not. eanvaseed. PLAIN HAMS-Btriptly prime. ORDINARY HANS—Very i ' ood. ,Ervryllaza ao* wni,be gu ar anteed as reprteen- . tad_ WM. DOCK, jr_, & CO- SUPERIOR STOCK OR wx.DOCK, is : , & 00., are now able to offer to their customers anti the public at , large, a stock of the purest liquors Wier hiported into this market,' compri sing in part theffollowing varieties : WHISKY SCOTOR,OLD BOURBON. WINE--POET,'SHEREY, OLD MADEIRA. OTARD, DIIPEY4 CO. PALE •BRANDY. • JAMICA SPIRITS. PRIME NEW ENGLAND RUM. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. These liquors Gan all *I vomited ; and in addition to these, Dock & Co. have on "kept -.s large varie t y of Wines, Whisky - and Brandy, to which they invite the WWl's: ettelati9n of the public, AR 1 WAR! —BEA DY, No. 62 • WIMP. street, below Third, bed rod"ed al 511°.1!° assortment of SWOZDEI i BABIIIII and BUM, whiob.. l oe sofa! will Noll vary low. ExcEusioß 1 H-SUGAR CURED NAM !—A Delicious Ham ' erred arprinal f" Anna, we. They are.nperlor to s/1y nom in the mar ket. fm72411 WM. DOCK, la., & 00. HARRISBURG. PA:, FRID 1 - 1 Weekly qatrOt Union," THE CHEAPEST PAPER POLISHED IN PENNBYLVAN/A I AND . THE ONLT. BBAIOOBATfO ~PAPIR PUBLISHED AT THR, MILT OP. 110VAPI*ENT I FORTY-FOUR COLUMNS OF READING MAT- . TER EACR WEEK,: I , • AT THE LOW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS 1 . • SUBSCRIBED FOR IN CiDES OF NOT LESS THAN TEN COPIES TO ONE ADDRESS!' We have been compelled to raise the club subscription price to one dollar and fifty cents' 11 ardor to'fieve our selves; from *trial lees. Paper has risen,_ including taxes, about twenty-five per ofnt. r. and is OW rising;. and when we tell our pemporattc frlir°,4a, "DOPY: that we can no longer afford to self the Weekly PATRIOT AND UNION at one dollar a year, and mast add fifty cents or ,alpp.the.publicationi we trust they will appreciate our Patton, and, instead of ffißfiti4iig, their,f4lisprip tip*, go to, work with a will to Jai:weane our list iff every ooupty_in...thp Stater Wo have, endeavoied,. and shall continue our elute, to make, tilepaper ciefullie party urfil, l ol !! wtae.? jai. 147.. messe nger , . .frfar. .We Better mutely% that it b ids , not been without some influence in . precipping the glorious, revolution in the politice of the, State achieved at the *to" election; and if fearlessness in thief diiebarge of duty, fidelity to the principleso f thill4rtPiUl4 l sUkull:PUli4°lo"", pro mote ita 11ORTORIII,Ifith some experience and &moderate' degree of ability, can *int*. serviaimble ftei s eafter, the Weekly,PATELOr iND , Vat"! i wilt ,not be lea useful to . the party, or life welpiene44) eli c is il a gf ° - tura thin it has beenin the peat ? We fienfidently 'look for, l i nereaspi encepragement,lif *le great enterprise, and appeal to every inftumo4 democrat in thelitate to esid pit his aid in 9/44111 o a rsap ec r ipion up to twenty or thirty thousand.' The eipeple to each` indi vidual is trifling, the benefit to the m64'1114 be great. Believing that the Democracy of the, State feel the ne cessity of sustaining a Diaries' central organ, we . make this appeal to them for assistance with thet fulle st am& deice of encase.. ! . , • The isms reasons which Indus* us to raise the price of the IWeekiy, operate in regard - to the Dailfpapbr; the price Aso•inelleiused: The additional' isoik to each' sibecriberWill b but"teietsgt arid, While we MI-- not pOrduado otirseltes that the change neeeimillymede will resultil anitilminition of onr dialyoirculation, yet, were we certain that each would be the come queue!, we should still be compelled to make it, or suf fer a Moons losi. Under tkese eirCuMiteneei We• Must throw ourselves aiiron generosity, rather, the justioe of: UM public, kat abide their , meat, whatever „ The , period for which Jimmy cif lour subscribers have paid fof their 'paper being on the eve of expiring, we takothelibeity imuing.this • notice, reminding them Vl' the Mai; 01414r - thit X 97 tip , C - LUB We shell also take it en especial favOr if our prieent tie't an er rs nrge upo their ne g ra eae the ralliio . l4lllll7lp Q N 41k th9.9/14,,WifiRcatie pert printed in iiiarrialparg, opneldirlagth4llsice =Want of reading matter, ;labia:ming all the oniient news of the day, and frELEsvg:ARIK.,ib tqat..4.T.dit_ts - grain freerPwitere apt° the:Moment the , paper, goon to 'Prewilontleal, 011113enane0 1 / 11 , general-end local news market reports, is decidedly the , _ CHEAPEST . krwsimprri PUBLISHED , IN •• • TIM SWATX . : , Thereje amweelra village oe tqwn the State to whicha club cannot be raised If the proper, exertion be Made, and rarely there. are few plasm in which one or more enerzetlemen comet be follawho are in favor of the r dimeadnation of moan& Demooretio doetriaiw c whe iambi maluvtlicefort twralso a elab.. DEktoCBATEi . OF 'THE IN'TERI9R I Let as hear from yon. he existing nar, and tie ap. , proaehlii sessitiMi of Congreis and the ptat, Legiela• lure, are, inseisted i!e'rr man • , . r . • TzAmt. DAILY PATRIOT ANotriaog. Eagle eon- foripeteer, Is ftd-re4i4e 05 00 Illselikeeprdarling tk Ti o esiedoir ties liegielature.. 200 City, sabeoribenuten onto per week. 0 01 4 1 0 PuPPUS f9,afttf4" o tth ° 1140 of SI 50 Par hun dred. • WILY PATRIOT . AND TJNION, Putliehativery, bugle copy one_ realyin savant* OO Ten copies to one waitron ' ' "15 00 Subseilpiloneineyeondienedat any time. DAY . AL -1,41Ni IN ADVAhOII. ire,are obliged t' make this imperative. In"e4m!so in;sents ensit'innit areitenpinw, tubitiiirlort. Any porton sending it 1 club of twenty eizbeerlbeia to the WeeklY,'lrill be entitled ieePrfor his services. The Pries, e4en'at the '64iieneed rate le Ito that we cannot olrei:jmater Inducements than. Mt. Additions =yllo'lll'o4 Many time to a rani or eibeerlbere by remitting one dollar &nein,. cents Nor iiaeingitional name. " It is not'necessary:to send on tie narnee*thoeedenatitnting a club, as we cannot undertake to whitest each paper to' dab subscribers separately : klpeebnineePtee of tie Weekly grll/ be sent le all wito.desiti ' O. BARNETT & DO.,lll44labizT)ti• A. A.—Thi,followiNg low, woof by Congress in MO, teens, the duty of biatinastOrstn relation to the ne tiiery of newepooera to club anbieribfire : (SeeLitge, Brews Co.'s editioa of the Laws ((Hip, _Pace agt ekapter tiee / 3I; soc I-) .. "Ptevided, limreiNt*,llo4 *hate fliatAtem ar sew re paier eeridditale iiie tereived at say poet olive directed , to one siddreps, and the names of the e.lab Oubieribeni to which they belong, with the postage for a quarter ia M easles, shall be handed,. to the portmester he shell de liveethe Oasis their owners, rcepoitire owne, ••'Notable the PoetMacter to , comply with tide-resinia- Mon; it will beweceeMOY that bete tarnished with the DM of lames composing the club; ami paid i,narter's (or yeses) postai, in advance. The uniform courtesy of Postemetesp; Mimes the semsrenee that they will clieerfullimmommodaterelub subscriber; and the latter should take we 'that the postage, which is but $ trifle each ease; be peld is advance. Send on the dubs. INDEPENDENCE ISLAND - , ~ . . „ kissers. BBOKER 41 BALK , Proprietors - , annowihe to thia °Wiens of Harrickurg tlagt ai l gg li imil 4elishtful Bummer retreat is now open for visitors. 4.coommoda. tioniwill be'farnished to parties aid pic-nies a mason. sble'lerms, a dancingplatform having been erectM for their special nse.. Beason tickets for families, good for one year, OM:, . ~. No improper sharacterysAmitted, sod no intoxisuleo person will be permitted to visit the Island. A Ferry 'kat plies constantly between the bland stid the foot of Broad street, West Harrisburg. jel3-3n4 ItASKETSI .10 LAMBS _TRA.VSLING, MARK= BEROOL, PAPER, RN PA, . °Lou ROUN isa. D ' D. CHILDREN'S, • oe / trii, Poi sale low, by jola WM. Wig ) 0 0 - MESSRS. p":IICKERII 4 I .4 4 & • HATE AGAIN OBTAINER THE j AT THE . MECHANIC'S' i'AIR;4.OI3TO Rau; .rlrX remosoreW WlSE SII:ItY OOMPETITO El Wereroom for the ORIOREIRLEOPIAKeiI, Maoris' b rs ertip W Ma rhetietithe • . KNOO oHIPLI raufflo leTO7l. f:10,, Y, SPA Orttittilitin4 .11.1 DAT StoRNING, "SEPT-. K, 484181: , TR LAID IvIrOeLAMAIVO - IC A I • r‘ • ' • t , ;'t '1 • [From tb. , N atonal intethotaxecti. In ,publighlog op Wednesday,umprools m 1 , 10 of the President Of 'the United' States, ordeileg e‘tnispeltigion'of thb' Oritillege iirthe writ-,of habeas carper throughout.the wkoloishd in certain classes of cases, we accompanied : ,it with the wet*, iv _the statute . ; of, Creme in A pursuance of lai it'purpotto e issued. wedisl BO' thakcitii iehdeiir ibl&t . ha filtheOp portutOty of Colleting the twoinstintehtly and we P ll olool7,.taßekinSfir from anY niPte Or OW °Pl4lOl4lt fteim PosPaitt 04 0 1910 Aeml the the a tege forming their i)wit flint 1114.`detiiii 'thsCeligheAtkitereeittithWiferibol Lot 34 preels don apt !AV proabibott d -the *Mute is 4ttea- • ti'' r • ' tilt now that tile lavr of 'Confetti'. and 'the edidt of te ' ~r~sidentx iv hwriv %et diittiolVlNtintitte t thirjileg, meni -our frasiderviklbeermeia Ant II duly :to glee !rneSeto o o, , itit!s4lhictliAid WPM% 914cer didy,p,akeito j ipe,d Tith flgard r n,, tkeßpen,.of theltuittroMaifidi. - Weinfoposerf47'btent to ithlthWlPAttl Par i t itottuauthorliaNy Oh-term ,bl - 41004itittute - unster litep*atharilYnot MOWN the bpresifkok aBOll/. and 14.1 BPI.O I r4 O this (VA greet, retity.aud at the mama, time., with freat imobbfpleiitf frock he steol3o ItelHoPrtlio LOPTAKeR SudLifil net, hiadelkat the) )4 4tP, t',IPAN I 4Jit V . The Wires ot'the taw to w!nen the Pies' 'it: makes appeal in the preamble of hie edlahi a deli; a() "Bet it, enactedEbrithe 45esiats toad Houma, :Be rme-1,4941M Stfirthhf',litetsi4r* - Mrflat in CoagscfsassrnaElget. lyo ouroig thep , resent re ballet', the - 'ilreeident - Of the Unitea`l Silas, wheherrer,:in:hin jUdgnienti'eltailibblieicidety may rehnirerit,kis lattibariked: .to 'lmspend :the privilsge, of thew.tit 'ol4ii4 i f '4 ' . o /Pf4l AuveitPY case !.hrßughent the ,itto t tlit tetop,, orally part I 'thereof: 21:n04'611Si* ad Ittpireisit ihisilid privilege ShailLiAr sisepenlieirair efciiiitabt,lrho military Or 6thek i tiffittetnlitalt be COMPtilled; 'in anewerloany writ of habeas corpus„, to, return the body ott-surpersomor persons detained by him by satherityaif , theolPreiidentl; but upon the CertidOitte,:wtiPpareo" VA* itfrombring *Frd? 9 1 AnY , QPP , l?l*44il ied ., 44 ( it iPP 4l Nr 80 0 : xs detaujidAilzpa as a r priicimr 2pa . cleratitAnity ,of '• the• l 7,ffsgq ) 4t irlftke,fl PrOe,4l..V* 1 21 .4 4 1 1 . Abe writ of-Aabefg,( orPs‘VY.4III),BRIPez!IIe4 b e y the judge 0 cour t !tiav4,g4 B o9d:Pte. I St Yfritt)Bo' long !ta sitdinspensionpy , the, r . :,esi „eat hall remain in to,reelitii4AdrrigoOfin i9 ol oiniti;: 1 It ViII;PIIMA.P O Been Ask Ali 61 10 1 0 eziglim. 8 7 kY POhItiCOPWA tti.9ffiet 9P..4.9t tt#I.OBAIIR !UV. `filetiti4 l 4l.ltt Iriirftnet's , Wel' -thei 9.4h9rAYI or AP grimi.doS"ltAaPliAtti4 ,o 9l l4 4 ; Of i khe'l apt ; 4 1 4,0, 1 0 11 9 ( 19$!4 4991 1 94 Sles4'. l 7,4hlM'a °P I PerrefellFTerte4A4hieWon.clappt f!y twae! officeratAkgoviginuept.;phthilqocßiorfirlie gaiip o.l,igloyol asina;nr i practipee, „,pn' TeatiAlin Ilik.,llfk9lo statute it 41,4isefifiet'ed that :. thnuatlierizatip* to Autipshd the , privilege , 0 the Writ- of thOPII C9 l ls B lt`ilit stFPoirer' 2 4e -1 later to the : to:Puts of case! itzwitioh -"the offi cer haying 4tharii?,, 9f ,*1:1.7 one• se detained" is able to Mao. retttrn. in !the -. shttPt of a ,loorti floate under oath," that the person by himode • tained is "detained as a.prisoner under antho-t rity of the Prosident,!' - It is obvious that this, piovisists of the,UV , covers all ilia close, of persons who may, at , any time be arrested and held in custody' either as prisoners of war, spies,-or Riders or abettors of the 'enemy; and the President,; in extunleretieg.:this elan! -r of &tens; as beinglersons with• regard to whom the privilege of the writ of habeas carpus is , suspended,. may tandoubtedly claim to be with in theilimits presoribedbrths.law orCongrees. But he plainly "exceeds these limits • when, in addition .to this denomination of persons,- he proceeds in like manner to Aleolare- .4 , suspen sion of thrpriviterrof - the - writ as regards...- we qubie from his , procilamitioh•L“offiems, soldiers, or seamen enrolled or drafted oirmus tered or enlisted in or belonging to; the land or naval forcep 4:4 the United States, or as de serters therefrom, or otherwise 'amenable to military law or the rules and articles of war, or Cis riles or regulationet prescribed for the military or navaloervibes by authority of the Preeident of the. United States, or for resisting a drift, or for any other . offense against the military o r naval service." ' This sweeping declaration Bade' no basis on which to. rest in the law / of Congress, and, in some of its denominations, Involves, inadver tently we doubt not, an, express violation , of anothpr act of the last 'Congress. With what propriety can it be said that, “ officers, soldiers 'or seamen , enrolled; otedrafted, or inustetekor enlisted in the land or naval forces of the Uni ted States "are pr(soners,. detained under the eitherity of the President;" and yet it is,only as regards poi t eoes who, can be thus styled in a sworn certificate that ,te law of Congress of March 8d,.1.863, authorizes a suspension of the priiilege of the writ of habeas 'corpus. Suppose the ease of a youth, under the prescribed age, who has been improperly drafted or, enrolled in the army. May he not loyallyperfernz his duty at, a soldier while' making application to the courts of the country for redress ? And in What just sense could the offioer under Whom command ,he was plated make, return to the judge that such a person was held as " apriao ner under the authority of the Presidentp How the proolaniation wlifsperate in int:roes ing the hardships of the drift, as respects per sons who. are erroneously enrolled and drawn, and who have actually'entered the service, may be read in ouch - cases as the following. 9 ' - ' 'We copy from the Offieliniati Gamier of Monday last: , ' "Three boys named Isaac M. Owens, Isaac Traphagans,,and.M. B. Miller, who had enlisted in the Fourth Independent Battalion, 0. V, 0., Major Joe Wheeler commanding, were brought before Judge Leavitt, of the ITnited . States, Distriet Conti, on 4 *tit of ham corpus, on thturday wonting, and , discharged, it being shown that they were minors when they.were sworn in." All inch proceedings, even before a Judge as " loyal" as judge Leavitt proved himself to be in the 01189 of Mr. Vallandgham, will nob be stayed or dismissed, - It is plain that when the Congress author ized a suspension, of the privilege of the writ of /taboo emu.' with regard'to certain " priso ners," it - did not mean to place " officers, sol diers, or.seamou" in thatoategory, unless - they bad made, hemselves so by some positive act. Tice Prooident's olowifioation is pt. conro heneive. But we have said that the proclamation, so far as it order's a suspension of the privilege - of the writ of habeas .earpus with regard to a certain class of cases, is violative of an act of .the last ICongresa. • We allude to the act of March 3d, 1868, entitled an act for "enrolling and calling out the national forces." The twenty filth section of that act is in the follow ing -words: "And be it further enacted, That it any person ehall resist any draft of men enrolled under 1:25, 1868. Y 1 7. 1 i PRICE TWO,I3ENTB. this actlinte the service 6f , tht Baited •Statels, or shall- 'Mullett or 'aid 'any 'person to any ankh' drefeti 3 Or ;shill Assault or. obstruct any officer in maliagleichdraft, or in the per lorinakce of anystrtieela relation thereto; or ,phall. counsel any perecat to assault , or obstruct VNT,TIF# officer, or Shull _Counsel any drafted men not 14 appear at the place of rendeivons, ' or Wilfttlly distinidei them froth the perforniatine 'of militarpidaty.se . required; by law,. suehtptio. son ...hall, bersokieot lo summary arreg•bY the Pr°- volt ,mitalLal, avd,he ali be forthwith delivered to the civil . 'aulhdritl M ea ' and upon conviction thereof, be plinitffied- bra fine not exceeding five hundred dollays,or by impritoonnient not ei.- PeeflillgAw,OPfYgiPT by both of 9 144 P1A744 - mente." , , . , , Novi . ''' the "pfabletiiiiih "cif tie President sue penile the ptbilege dg the writ of 'Adbear co r pus ,with regar d to.persone arrested " for resisting a draft ? ' 1 then, • the babe, of, aperea,n arrested inNewTork e by i n` „provost marshal tor'letkistink tie drift"' the 'Stift,:' the flaii;haye thathe-utdiellAie forthwith` delifireci Ultimo. Atli Authorities!? d'otk , AAA :and' cott4ic- A 1 044 proved VA1LY:7... 1 01 , P041493frii04 says that the provoet, marshal,may detain all sash personsactartiiii'tO 'hie Will ,aiid vietienie.:— 'Chi Ifitliihisiliftlinifit tribleffictilearphi 11.11'4 snistsended Anita aneth ititsesi thercourts aro let loglrtrilasOsistWOrsitillOissSMl.Au*P4steC oll ti I #6 administer' the law of. the, land *O4 uuhttri 4: *Mali iihalri kind I' ' tiiii law of Cos i iOetislohathalilioolihnitiltfri etiiii t l t reila Ai i e 1 i:i itisidain than thellesident has acted - wick AuAtt 4lue Idetiberattitstkakiefillistit :this lost proi 1-PlifiNgifitalliigil tang •I lli Fk orT *a agents in ' acting 'un u nti e it in direct 'non let with the lip , 11 4. 1 0 6 - ftilnie iiiii - ell"ill hilt on'thiiiiitiniitair ititithlte liVilaihdat Itolvervet , gala - NO iiiiiiitts deissuad4torsii 1 , 1 , 1 it i , 0 , 1 .i, , j 1 , , ,, ~.) anL a r RiMillraast4 i .! , h,ftillASTe!%94 43 Vlo Irk l l.oo .. slytit,tit: tax JIM with having attempted an "toinifutifilie''lrViiiiriWe i tier: 'tiril - shall not deal- lei lit reit& itilehttiatbini; .or bring any Amok alert/one against the Chief Idnistrat4 .0140$ cluNifitAreigtOtsilo by AA% esastitation and thejstyp, 41,1lIfirri 0 iritich bets litilltill 'WI Aelirri,' 'peitiCit nif defend,' and to take oda iliarthiPlatieithalwfiiitlithlly' ease:de:Vl If - kJ talsrawersotolhwaseiems :trine in the Tar; 101?mtkitoen Of . titis:liiiiit..ivanti esPeoinlii An: a matterae Agen., to public obserention, es . that und4r ikinaiderition, it is 'inuoh easier tor ns to nosirufte; litlialpfshritleauotiii? ilai itirbil l 7 of briguatut iOr: . ehailapprehmiettni•tiftkairtsti a - *lOl4 , oktile .1 1 400tioN Ahats:a :deliberate: pur- Igoe op lki,e,part to,disregard -o hie gorukti,ttltiontd Obligations Cr to teem le n 'the chariaied rights or tha'Adierinia ophi, 2 frOCUtieenn-, t o . 4114 areesideratiqn•ntoth -President% Motives lits4-Plas*,l:s4,Atep*l3AtagiAat ~ Vashe, us :Tall' a 4:ifa, , ,hrtitam v pi stfi l tipg .. the :law, or, eve to a moment's panels in denlariding that its lanitiftioiset lie Ilibstered" equally 'l4 rulers and :rated, ;Wei •hotee-fnllleithl that{ the President will-seviaehhiemerlomationto ia AO aegard, 'so A i tgragli) ‘lO l,ll 0 0, 4 1 4 1116 1 sAiliqt Ol un - Zer r .t e abiesd. o dialaw. tlenannot. capert j i . ii''plit i -iileoli 7 to n lilf Itidioltillironeidings - in ifiattehillo Isiisflj , ffitireatingle the people.; , -- Waytt he hableuhrmlyesiglightli to Jabide by the :dec4o l ;kAtstAo OMr.OPRO 004 rt on AhaVsesgs4 -thatroleeu raised a L tp r t 9 the_constitutionality :of tit B ' ollinent la r ii. To this effect he wrote fo 'Ettrairribt- flthisour of Xecir Yorii, nadir &tag' Antstintilik; l as : follorran • i u- • ° I.:dot noCobject l to abide, side:felon at the United StateA§Oremos PoStrt,,or of the Judges thereof, on the e•mit:itntionality, of the driaft kW. ln fieti:l 'shall' be Willing its' facilitate the bbtaininkid it, bUt I- cantitifeOngients to lose the, time WhilbAil is being ebtainod..l l • „. , • - Dior', 4 0 1r' 'atilt. ,u/-1),u4, ,question o ,ever, lae brought heforeihe Su preme Witt if the writ of Ahbeal apipusle in j beittifiperided'iuthe case of all persona "enrolled, or drafted, .or thus leted,.?orentlited in or:belonging 'to tha s iand er , naval levees of., the 'United .:,states 1- 1 : I. a single test ca to be allowed. y way of grace for the purpc s e of tryingthe question? Then the - question ceises . to be 'one of mniimon right open to the enjoyment of all, and lapses iate .a matter of.pisilege; dependent for its origin and its *elution , on ; the will and pleasure, of the Executive. The American ,peoplehave not learned their on rigktg„,o, tbetß rulers' dude's: It gives Asjiß flefaure tog take : hese excepi tions.to any declaration of the president. But What else canNie 'dif " the'• law is so plain - that he may run who readethi end we are set for its etatement..asul-i its defence 'within the , humble spherefoCoUr r01Ati94...- WeAtortOt do otherwis e than speak in the words which Con greys 'has put httel'our'month, for the law' in fiiiiged ll.' the . Proirldinatkin . Will- stand to is serf - its just prerogatives,:whether men will hear. or whether, they, will refuse to hear. We sincerely believe that the cause of the Republic is to-day more damaged by dieregard of law on the gait of indielin'office; and eel:m(4111Y on the part of men insubordinate military command, than. by all other, causes, combined, scarcely excepting the enemy irk the field or the enemy sowing the seeds' of disbord in the loyal States. For - whatevorof alienafion there exists in the hearts of the people against the government takes its origin ; Slild, derives its nutriment in a large degree from the domineering . demeanor and exacting spirit of military efficers, in high grades and in low' gradee, conteinptuously overriding the , civil authotity in matters and within limits where there is neither necessity nor excuse for their ,intrusion. • And it is in this aspect_meriL thatt.Any_other that we de plore the practical results ; of the President's proclamation, which,.though _not so intended by its Author, Seem to promide immunity from judicial . scrutiny or legal control to every petty provost marshal or subaltern officer, whatever may be his invasions of private rights orhis Violations of municipal and national law. Hume, ON , PROCLAMATIONS.—The following extract from flume's history of the reign of Henry is wonderfully descriptive of 111kr Own times, and shOws us whit the future hiss torten mast say of certain liansaitions of the present administration. (Hattie, Vol, iii., chap. xxxii.) sof be ;Parliament having thus resigned all their religious lib'erties, proceeded to an entire surrender of their civil rights ; and, without scru ple or delibefiffin, Ailey Made by onAnct a total subversion of the:English Constitution. 'They gave -to the King's. proclamation the same force as to a statute enacted by. Parliament; and to render the matter worse, if possible, they framed this law as if it was only declaratory, and were in tended to explain the natufal extent of royal authority. "The preamble contains that the King had formerly set forth several proclamations, which froward' persons, had wilfully contemned, not coneidering what a King by his royal power may - do ; that this license might encourage offenders - not only to disobey the laws of Almighty God, .but also , to dishonor the King's meat royal Ma jesiy, who may full ill, bear it i,that sudden emergencies often; occur which require Speedy remedies, and cannot await the slow assembling and deliberations of Parlianieif: * * * Por - theee- reasons the Pariiiinent,, tiLst they might remove all occasion of doubt, atuOtaitied by a- statute this prerogative of the otewn, and enable hie Majesty, with the advice 4t:his coun cil, to set forth proclamations, enjoining obedi ence un d er whatever pains and pinaltleithe should think proper ; and these proclamations'were to have the force ofpapetual laws." ' m~E~ aT~L SIJL .. lIIMPACI74 . : =ORM* alt O. BABBEI CO !Ant b 1 tp'iO. Ti acriba li ti ll rest AlL di t the 4" Newaig thri k ° fo li r lrin r tllolßri. it, psjable to the 111411 Sithieritiors, 0 • nositias AR AAA. , • . Tan Walumg Pitatoollirrall 1 411 ,0 00i-Lins sus ammo iiTarl i47soso. ei - onple to one address; iftsee don • ' ' Cienaaatasi with this witabehilaiear I a extensive JOB MINIUM, containing soariety of plain agar hineY pe‘ unequalled by any attibliilitoicif ha the intsehitof Ss Mate, for which the patronsis of tlis Weis is so Wok: ' . F , • .! 1 'BLAIR COUNTY: • ; ! „,1 s. ' - Detioiride , County . conytitiiiill 0_ The' 'delegates 'to- • the' Denkocratie Colutty Cciitieiltion hiltititLiff 'net, purivant Pfll - k the-0- 01 0 ifikamel PiPtidivabing, on Tuesday, Sept. lbth, 1868, 4nd. organized by eleeting. Hon.. lames D..,ll,eisVi'vesident'; Wm. ATen:CaitiiiiiiS 71iniSi"4fe t tioy, .and .I.OIdRIA, Spaug, Vice, Pi444000;i Woodkok , and Dr. liowan , Rlark,Seeretaries..: [For *ant of space w e . omit the tnames of deleiateii in 'ettendende. 1 ' "' " 1 0n, motion it wae— ilatobedi That, we deem it inexpedient , at the Tresent. time to ; nominate candidates for the- iliffereut • county The following gentlemen were appointed' a cOnimittee'on'reeolutions Tiff d. Bolts, H. L. Patterson, S. F. M'Fad den,. Pastte'isOn, J. g Thompsoh, Jas. Lowther, Malone, Christ , Snider, John James St veils, Johti B. Hileman, jacohYtoyatidt, arni A. Galbraith.', ;,, The. committee, after a brief:oBo4es, repor ted,thei folloiring; which were readand , =Gni iitionerlSeiloPted : 11 • ' 'll t 690 V! r e 11,98 always regardedthe Constitution of the United States, formed is it vo lution, ate' sleet „ anchor of = our libertig ; !lift tbionifiaris7willilit '4,4 1 "..1f plower d iniTteirity' alroirtobitt'cllistititqd Illa'reeog nized by it te_diacharge the_duties imposed on them ;; by- its. previsions, -whether in war or pfitice. Ret - ToliieCTEll we denounce the - dOiiirme - Thf the right; of secession, 'by =3O State, is being as heretical and unconstitutional as the other iirfaniedd' doctrines,. 4aughtby the Abolition iete, tbst "nerStsteenney be - formed et Ofboil ted within the jurisdiction of any other State teneent-of-the-Itegielaturtrof-the 84)111 1 oolgp_peed,," and-Aft seeeded i State titttenifif q. 6 shall pe rmitted-permitted to resume its,placli . as tteynion until it hut oonforroed in' its 43011EItipi ion to the will of the Parilsitifa iiert! )- %''T • I • 1... - • Resolved, not ;we are I now, as we always have been ? , for the -prosecution of thevresent lAAir, and; it the language of Congresii, in netipsiit tkis paciou.Al aptergency,. Nut 'ishing all feelings of mere passion or resent - meat, we will recollect only our duty to the Vtols i „counVX; ,that this war Is not waged on seytepiii( ettibispieesioi; or roiliny purpose of conquest, or-for interfering with the rights or established institutions of these Otate!t, but te , Iderkend ,ausi maintain the su premacy of the Constitution and to preserve the Union, with all .he 'dignity, and rights of the severarStalis u n imp a ired, and that as soon as thestl i alittimitie `accomplished . the war ought to cease. Resvisted, = That we;denounce and condemn as hateful and , tyrannieal, h ut in perfect keeping with the doctrines and practices of the old Federal party, arbitrary military arrests and tht suppreision i of newspapers in States and communities where , the civil courts are open and tiorlawtptevaiL: Resolved, That to the, brave men who have followed Um old tag and carried it triumphant ' ly ninity - a . battle field, our heartiest thanks are'dner the living we will cheer and ensign, the funniest of ,the fallen cherish and protect, and the memories of the dead shall be. embalmed in our heart of, hearts. Resolved That We are for George W Wood ward because we know him We remember *RS - pridearid PliantA the years in which he presided in our courts iliSpensed justice , to our qmonle ,000/1 weryl eJ PAIOXIVAI the adm4ation etelett_ ftejeloo tat • the dayisilpiteM%iiilia*b can ' plane in 414 Aiimernorhiqokeinlot due noble old gonin,ion keAtkilikprreemsor of Chief Justice MMenn. • Rio - Weed, That in Chief Jnetice LoWeie we e an able, intelligent and learned Judge, who will, discharge his duties without fear, favor or' affection, and we'cannot spare him now, When the times are so out of joint. Resolved, That, the opposition have a fit ticket for their amalgamated party, Composed ask, is' of Andrew President of a Know Nothing Lodge, and Daniel Agnew, who, in the Constitutional Convention, voted - to make negro?! aquarakirhietrniehlifilloit ing thud to dte - ' Resolved,, That , it , is high time for the tax -layers. of Blair 'County to make` a change in the management of its finances. When one of the County-Commissitmere charges, and is al lowed by the others, five hundred dollars for • extra services, Ahem must be something wrong.. ' • • Resolved, That: .john Creswell, Jr., Esq., is hereby appointed Representative delegate to the next Dernooratic State Convention, and that he be instructed to vote for no man for delegate to the National Convention who will not use all honorable means to secure the nom ination of General George R. M'Clellan as the next, candidate for President ! • [Names of the County Committee omitted.] On motion,• Dr. Rowan Clark, of Antes, was appointed .Chairman of the . County Com mittee, and 8. S. Barr, of Hollidaysburg, Sec retary. - On motion, the Chairman of the County Com mittee was authorized and instructed to appoint committees of vigilance for each ward, borough, and township in the county, to' act in conjunc tion-'with the members of the County Commit tee. .• CIA motiop, James D. Rea, James Kearney, and Wm. WIiBOA Were appointed Senatorial conferees to select a Senatorial delegrate to represent the district in the next Democratic State Convention. . On motion, the proceedings of the Conven tion were directed to be tittblieherin the Hol lidaysburg Standarcf,'Philidelphia Age, and Harrisburg UNION. On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die. BLOODY DOINGS ON THE KANSAS . MISSOURI BORDER. Correspondence of the Bt. Louis'Republican LEXINGTON, Sept. 9.—" Blood, massacre, re- Irene," correctly represent the feelings, pur- Pete had acts of HOWE of the people of anses towards :the people of Msesouri, except the radical Isoobin - elementiof the latter State, *hid', I regreqo believe, is in cordial sympa- Thi , with this devilish spirit that pants for the blood of our people. On Su'3day last, this desire for blood mani fested itself in the southeastern part of Jack son county, not far from the village of Lone Jack. Although it was Sunday, the people ,of that region, alarmed and terror stricken by threats from Kansas, and:isruel edicts from tWe headquarters of the district, were hard'at . work . straining every nerve to. get' 'ready to leave their homes before the menierable 9th day of September, 1863. • One of these unfortunate victims of a cruel order haitalmost completed their preparations, and within half an hones time would have commended their :weary wanderings in search of ar home. anoneieted lit Benjamin Potter, Er MEE ERE