LOCAL NEWS. e - Tun DAILY PA4IIIO7 T AND Minos may be bad at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market s trwito. doso, at ha Nowt Aglow of George L. Waite; n farket street near Fifth. Tim Minn.—Under the change of schedule on the different nalroadh the time of closing the mails st the Harrisburg Post Office, April 20, 11163, is as followb: 11011111/411 CIIITTiIL SAILWAY. NORTH.—war Men..—For all_plaoes between Ear. isbnrg, Look Ham and Wears? al • T 2 at 12.00 in. for Leek Haven, Williamsport mad siewidnirg at 9 p. m. setrrn—wAT min..—ror miilunclietween Har man and Baltimore, Md, and Waallkirtala, D. 0., at 2.00 m. for wu bb stol , p, 0., Baltlinirs, Md., and York, Pa. at9.oop.m. =LOON TIMM RAILIOIii. NART.—WAT MAM.--ialt la places between Harris burg, linden and Philad IDkls.,niaßaidiag,atlBoa.m. Per Reading and Poldsvflle, at 12.30 p. nr. M=IMVI3III. 1111111041 D. Wu Kam.--Por Aces between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at 8.119 S. in. For PhiladaVisii saarlaneaster, at 12.00 at. For New York, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Columbia, ldarietta and Baintaidga, at 2..46 p. m_.. For New Usk, Phliadelpkia and Lancaster, at 9.00 112- 114r5.—For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, 12.00 in. For Joinastown, Pittsburg and Brie. Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus end Cleveland, Ohio at 2.45 p. m. Per Pißeburg, Hallidaesbame,_,Utoona, Philliptburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. in. 0131131111 LAND TALLNY RAILROAD. Tor Ileebanienburg,Oarliele,Sbippensbnrg and Ohara bonbon, Pa., at 1.00 a. in. War Man For an places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, MIL, at mao 801117TLILILL AND BIISQUOITAMILL ILLILICULD. Nor SUeedale Forges, Kayoed, Pinegrove and Summit Station, at 12.30 p. m. anew Earns. - For Hrogrent,Lbiglestown, Meads Hill, West Rano var. Kant Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Priday, at 7.00 a. 111. For Lisburn and •Lewieberry, on Saturday, at 12.30 p.m. 10Steliourn.—From 5.30 a. in. t 0,8.00 p. m. Sun day from TAO to 3.30 am.. and from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. Tan damage done by the storm of wind and rain on Friday, in-some places was considerable. Along the Northern Central railroad trees were blown on the track, and a- bridge over a stream near doldsbore, was swept away, detaining some or the trains - several hours. POLICE Armas.—Before Aiderman Jeanie Brooks and Jane Love, arrested by officer Essig; for•vagraney, being found around the mili tary tamps. Committed for twenty days. Catharine Little, another of the same stamp, arrested* GEM Costello. Discharged. TEE SsummarEss.—The . anniversary of the birthday of Baron Stenben was celebrated Yester day by the Lodge No. 8, of this place. The pro eession was headed by the Middletown brass band. After parading through the principal streets of the eity,tbey adjourned to Independence Island, where they spent the balance of the day in tine German style. Pass Era Asousn.—The Pottsville Miner's Journal cautions the public against a Rev. M. E. Cross, who represents himself as a Presbyterian minister, and collects money, as be says, for our poor soldiers, and at other times for the Tract Society. He is a tall, slim man, about fifty years of age, and of pleasing address. Look out forlitc, or you may be duped. FIRST NATIONAL Bear OR WAB.Raft.—The Pitts burg Chronicle says, an institution organized on the basis of the new National banking system commenced business in Warren, Ohio, on Monday last at the banking house of the Western Reserve bank, which the new company has purchased. Capital paid in is $125,000. H. B. Perkins is President, and George Taylor Cashier of the new institution. The bank will pay all deposits and outstanding notes of the Western Reserve bank. INSOLENT BEGGARS —There are numerous beg_ gars perambulating our streets, plying their avo cations, and stealing where they can. In the ab sence of the male portion of families, if the females refuse to cemply with their demands, they some times become abusive. A great many of these beggars are able-bodied men; who are able to work, but too lazy. Those giving in charity should always endeavor to make a distillation between those who require assistance and those who •do not. Tim Provost Marshal General issued on the 19th inst. his instructions to his subordinates, ordering them to Bee that the proclamation in relation• to the suspension of the Writ of habeas corpus is faith fully carried out. Now, with a provost marshal in every city, town, an district in the country, any man who may become offensive to the lowers that lbe, tally them, on account of his polities, termed "an "'sr and abettor of the enemy," can be arrested Lulu. _ - 4 .6 , -0, or exiled, and it mat ters not how unjust - the- clarge, none dare to in terfere in his behalf. EAD Cass or Dssrrrurrort.—On Monday of last week, complaint was made before Justine Laird and Steck, of Greensburg, tit the effect that a fam ily named Carpenter, residing on Jacob Smith's farm, two miles north-west of town, were in a sad State of destitution. The husband, Jacob Carpen ter, is a drunken, worthless wretch, and bad left home, leaving his - family eniferinle. On Sabbath the 'broken-hearted wife, who bad been sick, died. On Monday a sick daughter was discovered by the neighbors in bed with her mother's corpse, and three other children without- food. They - were properly. cared for by the proper authorities. A NIGGER. SELLING WHITE Psoms.—ln the early part of last week a negro from Dover.made his :appearanee in Portland, N. with four White MO% offering them for tale aCaulistitittel. He pot on iminense.airs, smoked his cigar, had on a white collar covering his ears nearly out of sight, and cut a madman ewe/1 about the 0W9% with his slaves tagging along behind. He was a genuine specimen of that happy Glass who derive exquisite enjoyment in this nigger Millenium. We - have not heard how be made it with his chattels, but suppose they met with a ready sale in the Lincoln market. Isn't this a great :country ? Tat Pesue Svuo s ma.—Owing to thirfact that all the school buildings of the city are now emu pied as military hospitals, and are likely to be so used during the winter, the various school direct ore, finding it impossible to obtain suitable build legs for the twit of the teachers and scholars during 1 1 the com i ng B eason, have about concluded to drop the usual winteischool -term. The teachers are' therefore notified that their services will not be required, and a very large army of children are to be turned loose to forage for themselves and ran sack the town at will. Meantime their young minds, now susceptible of most useful and durable impressions, are to remain inactive, or, what is worse, be active only for mischief; for the mind, like a dwelling, must be swept and garnished and inhabited in order to be durable and attractive, and "The soul neglected, like a pile Without inhabitant, to ruin runs." We would suggeit that, rather than such a ca lamity should befall the rising generation, it would be a public service and a work of Christian phi lanthropy for some of our churches to grant the directors the DEB of their lecture rsoms during the winter. It might cause the congregations fume inconvenience during such temporary occupation, but the eacriftee would be no greater than that which the directors Cave aireadi made in favor.of the geverne.int, while ibf reettlta in after 'years would be its own great reward. To Conazspoyezna.-611ta, Inonymous note, signed "Yours in Eternal Hatred," and inviting tis to the Round Honso on next Saturday evening, has been received. We fear, dear friend, if we were to go round there at the time designated, you would be as you doubtless wire during Lee's in vasion, nos eat fizoontuit. We cannot say that we have any particular wish to "find out who you are," but if you are not a miserable coward—such an one as writes anonymous letters,. sneaks up alleys and robs clothes lines on dark nights—we would be glad to see you, would pay you well for calling upon us, and assure you that no personal violence shall be done. Jt might change our pre conceived idea of you, , which is, that you are a sneaking, theiving dog, a coward, and a terror to all chickens . which are so unfortunate as to choose low roosting places. Query—are you one of the Abs. who applauded Bergner so 'loudly on Saturday night ? Else why do you threaten us with violence for making so faithful a report of your great Kinkyhead Butlero- Bergner tneetins? Come and see ul—do. Don't be backward, brave chicken-compelling Bombes tee! Air INVESTIGATION CALLED IFOR.III the Phila dolphia couneile, on the 19th, i . potitkohy aiaguAd by several tax-payers, was banded in, calling at tention to certain alleged discrepancies between the report of the company and that of 'the State ofßeere, is relation t 6 the payment of the tonnage tax, and asking an investigation. The petitioners say : "That the Pennsylvania railroad company, in which the said city holds stock to the amount of $3,000,000, in their Mitt,' etatomente submit ted to the stockholders, praVbss to have paid the State of Pennsylvania the cum of $1,702,888.39 Tonnage Tax, when it appears by the accoOnt of the Auditor General, that in point of fast the amount paid was brit $95,2,348.11, the difference being $749,540.28.. That this sum, which is not accounted for in any of the annual statements, the city, as its share, would be entitled to about $282,- 000, which is equal to $2.82 per share for every share of stock held in that company." The paper was referred to the Financial Committee. NovEL Gstowrn.—An exchange has seen, in the parlor of a friend, a very beautiful conceit. It is, of course, the fancy of a lady, and consists of the burr of a pine tree placed in a wine glass half:fall of water, and from between the different layers of the burr are shooting fbrth green blades-4right beautiful; refreshing. For a little thing we have seen nothing that so pleased us by its beauty and novelty, and the seeset is this : the burr was found dry and opal, the different circles were sprinkled with grass seed, and it was placed in a wine eats with water, as above. In a few days the moisture and nourishment gave the burr life and health ; the different circles closed and buried within them selves the grass seed, and a few days more gave to the seed also life, sprout and growth, and now a pyramid of living green, beautifully relieved by the sombre hue of the burr, is the result—as pretty and novel a parlor ornament as we have for a long while seen. DRAFT Nonca.--The drafted men of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth wards of the . city of Harrisbing, will report, on postponement, to the Board of Enrollment, on the mornings of ' the following days : Nos. 346 to 400 of the Fourth ward on Tuesday, 22d inst. Nos. 401 to 451; of the same ward, on Wednes day, 22d inst. Nos. 452 to 495, Fifth walti, on Thursday, 24th inst. Nee. 49C to 543, of the Sixth ward, on Friday, 25th inst. Noe. 544 to 589, of the same ward, on Saturday, 26th inst. THE OIL TRADE OF WESTERN PEANSYLVANIA.-.-. This valuable trade is increasing rapidly in the exportations. The following figures will exhibit some of the products and shipments of the oil wells of the West. In the twelve months of 1862 the exportation was 111,802 barrels of 40 gallons. In the six months of 1863 ending July Ist, the amount was 450,890 barrels, being an increase of 343,188 barrels in six months over the entire ex port of the previous year. The best estimates of the production of the Old Creek region give the round figures of 5,000 barrels per day as the net product of the Allegheny oil region, or about 1,300,000 barrels per annum, which will yield 1,150,000 bangle when reined. THE LABE . TUNNEL.—The contract for construct ing a tunnel under Lake Miphigan for the purpose of obtaining water from the lake fer the use of the city - of Chicago, was awarded to Nome. Dull & Gowan, of this city. The bid of this firm was $315,139. Of the six bids laid before the Board, three were above this amount .and two below it. is the specifications, however, do not make the lake cribs so high as it is supposed it will be neces sary to build them, say from three to five pounds, an additional price of $B5O per each foot of height that each crib is inereased, and twelve eents per pound for each additional pound of cast iron cylin der, le stipulated and agreed upon. DMICCRATIO CLUB Marrines.—The Democratfc Clubs of the respective wards in this city will meet weekly as follows, viz: First Watd—On Sitatday oteaidgo. Second Ward—On . Monday " ' Third Ward—On Tuesday • " Fourth Ward—On.Wednesddy " Fifth Ward—On Thursday " Sixth' Ward—On . Pridat " By order of the City Executive Committee. Ono. F. WEAVER, See'y. New FILL Goong,—We have Dim received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other goods. Splendid assertment of new All colon, of plain alpacas. New style of plaid dress goods. Fine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pines of black silk& 50 pieces of 101oaobod and unbleached =slim. 10.4 heavy linen forsheeting. • 5-4 heavy linen for pillow oases. • • 7-4 grey Hams damask for table covers. White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen and hemstiehed• pocket handker chiefs. 10 doe. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop skiits. Hoop ekirte at 75 cents, 11 00, $1 50, and all prices. White cambric lauding and janonnette, nansooks, Irish linen, Swiss ninelins, and a great many other new gooda. S. Ilrmy. Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of pay and subsistence claims, Le., &c., &c., made out and 00l- leotod by • 'EtitENS SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office, Third stree4 ,HtFriabFrg, Pa. oot2B—ly - - WHITE BRANDT !I—Fon PBESSILV INS Prizmues.—A. very superior Wide,. (striet4 slum) just remitted bbl for sale by fulyl WK. DOCK, Jr., & Co. ADIES 1 - WU KNOW WERE YOU R. 4 can get Ave . Note Paper Envelopes, Visiting and Wedding Cards? at WEEPIER'S BOOKSVQRE. SPECIAL NOTICES. MOTHERS S MOTHERS! Don't fall to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S 800TUINO SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This val ble preparation is the prescription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and sue cams by millions of mothers and children, from the fee ble infant of one week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS IND WIND COLIO. We believe it the beet and surest remedy in the world in all cues of DYSENTERY AND DIARRROIA IN OERLDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac simile of CURTIS & PER KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 45 Dey street, New York. Price only 25 cents per bottle. my23•d&w6m EDITOR OP PATRIOT WAD UNION Dear Sir :—With your permissir I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mailto all who wish it, (free ? ) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan; Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same Oat, Clefr, smooth and beautiful. I will also tt All free to these having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a fall growth of Lnkuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 80 days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, • THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, je2B-Bmd No 881 Broadway, New York. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility,D , competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge) the reeled and directions for making the simple Remedy use d in his osse, Whops within to profit by his expo _ rience—angpossess a , valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad. dressing: JOHN B. OGDEN. Aug 14-3red.tw No. CO, NEsSen street, N. Y To Horse Owners. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horse is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, ari sing from Sprains, Braises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Halle. Scratch es. Mange, c., it will•also cure speedily Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and curt.d in their incipient stages, bit confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, how ever, is so desperate or hopeless but It may be alleviated by this Liniment, and jte faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to . travel with comparative woe. Every horsCowner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases men tioned, to which all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable.horses nearly worthless. See advertisemnt. ap2o eow-d&w 1. - iii:TODDVdts333o:ll,;(iViE6(o4ll By ordering Calomel and destructive minerals from the supply tables, has conferred a blessing on our sick sol diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dig continuande of "Bleeding." and the use Of BRAND /OMIT PIMA in the place thereof. Then will commence a ""new era , ' in the practice of Medicine, which would, then been e•emphatically THE HEALING ART I hare for thirty ;rears taught that no diseased ac- tion could be cured by mercury or tartar emetic. That the human body could orly be "made vrtole ), by "veg- etable food”—Animal fow4 being, in fact, condensed vegetables. BRANDMETIEPS 'PILLS sbould be in every Military 'Hospital. These Pills cure BILIOUS DIARRHEA, CHRONIC DIARRIICE 4, CHRONIC DYSENTERY_ end all favors and Affections of the Bowels, sooner and mcre surely than any medicine In the world. BRANDRETH'S PILLS in these cases should be ,tek4m tight and morning. Reid diveettene and get new style CASE OF RusCOE K. WATSON Dr. B. Brandreth, New York! SIR : I was a private in Co. 1, 17th Regiment, New YOrk Vols. While at Harrison's Landing and on the Rappahannock near Falmouth, I and many of the Com pany were nick with bilious diarrlices. The Army Sur geon did not cure ad, and I was reduced to skin and bone, Among the Company were quite a number of members who had worked in your Laboratory at Sing Sing. They were not sick, because they used Brand. reth's Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others to use the Pills, and we were all cured in from two to five days. After this our boys used Brandreth's Pills for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and in no case did they fail, to restore health. Out of gratitude to you for my good health, I send you thin letter, ulgeb, if necessary, the entire Com pany would sign. I am. respectfully. yours, ROSCOE R. WATSON. Sing Sing, N. Y. Principal office, 294 Canal street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by HBO. H. BELL. toto-Oclrtf THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Farmers. families and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, lOr dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore throats, toothache, sea sickness, cuts, burns, swellings bruises, old sores, headache, musquito bites, pains in the limb's, chest, back, ,ke, If it does not give .relie the money will be refunded. All thatis asked is a trifl, and use it according to the directions. Dz. Tomas—Dear sir: I have used your Venetian Liniment in try family for a number of years, and be lieve it to the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. For auddenattack of croup it is invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold it for many years, mac it gives entire satisfrction. CHAS. H. TRIIENETh. QtrAIMRTOWN, Y. 8., May 8, 1858. Bold by all Druggists. Office, 56 Cortlandt street, jyBl dficwlm New York. Dr. Brithon's Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE' GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-ABUSE. as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath,Gid4iness. Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any amitititutlonal derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure, in from two to eight days, any cage of GONNORRHCEA. is without taste or smell, and requires no - restriction of action or diet. For either sex Price One Dollar. No. 3. The TEREB will cure in the shortest possible time any case of GLEET, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste er smell. Price One Dollar. No. 4. THR PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really mire Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the ease may be. price One Dollar. No. 6. THE SOLIITOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all &factions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. d PON PIEM I3I3I . ARS SEE DIROTILAR. No 7. THE AIfARTN will cure the Whites radically and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by an► other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tate. Price One Polier, No. IL THE ORIENTAL PASTILe are eertaln, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION. o:correct ing any Irregularities of the monthly periods.' Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Uttar remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get I circu lar. General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and Callowhill street. Private office, 401 Yora avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For oak in liorrieben by C. A. Betirnwr and LOUIS IVirwrir, where eirculars containing valuable luformie , tion, with full descriptions of each case, will be deliv ered gratis on application. Address DR. rEux musing, 'Tray 28. 1863-ly P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa; TAPANESE TEA.—A choice lot of this celebrated Teajust received. It is of the first cargo ever imported, and is much superior to the Chi nese Teas in quality, strength sndfragrance, and is also entirely free of adulteration s coloring or mixture of any kind. It is the natural leaf of the Japcoese Tea Plant Tor sale by Will. DUCK, jr., & Co TOSS' AMERICAN WRITING' equal if not wsperivr Arnold , a TnVish Fluid, and only 62 cents per qup_rt bath', at SCHREYER'S BOC•3iSTORE. DrRYEAS , MAIZENA. H II 0 0 tli 0 0 z Was the `only "Preparation for food from In• dian Corn" • That received a medal and honorable mention from the goyal Commissioners, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of this and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes puddings, Oakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &0., without iSiaglass, with few or no eggs, at a test astoniehing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat glour greatly Improves Bread and Cake. It is oleo ex cellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies far fish and meat, limp, &c. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, &c. Put Win one pound packages, under the trade-mark Maizena, with directions for use. A moat delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 106 Fulton street. • WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent Aug 15-d6ra sTATg FAIR. THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OP THE PENN'! STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE FIELD ►T NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY CO., PA., September 29th and 30th and October Ist and 2d, 1863. Norristown is about 17 miles west of Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill river, and is accessible by railway to every portion of the State. The Grounds are beautifully situated, containing 28 &croft of ground with fine large buildings thereon erec ted. together with large amount of ebeddirg. The track is said to be one of the best half mile tracks in the State. The premiums are the heaviest ever offered by . the society. amounting to abouts7ooo. The pre- MIUmS for all grades of cattle exceed $lOOO, five of which are $3O each. 19 from $25 to $l5, others running down to lesser rates. Best herd not less than 15 head, first poeminm $ 4O; second premium, $25. Horses for all grades the premiums exceed $lB5O. The highest $lOO : 22 between $2O and $3O, and others ranging from $l5. $lO and $5 For Sheep and Swine the premium. range from $lO to $3 and $3. For Poultry there is a long list of premiums from $2 to $1 each, In the following classes most liberal pre miums are offered : Ploughs, Cultivators, Drills, Wa gons. Reaping and Mowing Machines, Cutters. Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, Pumps, Buckets, Tin Ware, Leather and its Manufacturea, Gas Matinee. Marble Mantles, Butter, Flour, Grain and Seeds, Vegetables; and also for Dome.tic and Household Mannfactures, Cloths, Carpets, Satinet. Shirting, Sheeting. Blankets, Flannels. Shawls, Knit Goods, Needle Work, &c. Bread, Cakes, Preserves. Jelliea, is Large premiums are offered for every variety of Fruit and Flowers The Floral Tent will be the largest ever erected by the Society. and will form one of the most attractive features of the exhibition. Fruit, Grapes and Wine will be exhibited in this department. The Pennsylvania Railroad and Norristowußailroad have arranged to carry articies for exhibition to and from the Exhibition freight free, requiring theforward bag freight to be paid. which will be repaid shipper when goods are returned to the station whence shipped. It is luiped to effect the Fame with other important roads. Excursions at reduced rates will be run on all the leading railroads. • Entries can be trade at the PffiCO, in Norristown, after the 4th day of September All articles want be en. te*ed on the books on or before Tue•day evening, Sep tember 29th Exhltito s must become members. Membership $1 OQ, with four Coupon Ticke►s each, one of which will admit one person to the Fair once. SINGLE ADMISSION 2.5 CENTS. 1:17" A List of Premiums and Begulations can be had by addressing the Secretary. TIP WAS P. KNOX, President. A. BROOM]. LONELIVICHN. Secretary, Norristown, Pa. S . an 23 SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S 'GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY RYER USED. Yes, a Positive Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA 4- MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to bs taken to effect a sure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases in twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change 'whatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. W. GROSS & 00. O Sent by mail by DESMOND &. CO., Box 151 Phila. P jan6-dly LOOD! BLOOD! 1) SORES : THEIR; CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET TEES, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR VENE. REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S ROPOT AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public ass positive cure. Banishesall impurities of the blood and WIPP the eyetern to * healthy action, cure those Spots, Totters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribe4l. It remove* every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES! ' FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Falling of th e Womb, Debility, and for all cow plaint. incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Reap out of hospitals. Here is a cure in any ease fin $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for Sb, with fall direc tions. Sold by D.W. GROSS & CO. Bent by Express carefully packed by DESMOND & CO„ jen6-ly Box 151 Phila. P.O. THE BEST FAMILY SEWING NAMINE WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Colder's Offiee. Er Call and see them in operation. A general assortment of machinery and needles cm ottintly on hand MISS MARGARET HIRST Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all Irlhde machine sewing on these machines in the beat manner.. .The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. split-6m DYOTTYJILE (MASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, • XANCIPAOTOZII CARBOYS, DEMIJOILLYS, WIND, PORTER, MINIMAL WAVER, MIMI AND • PRESERVE BOTTLES aTitIY,DXSORIPTION. R. B. W. DENNIMP oel9-dly 2.; South Pront'ateret. Ph il adelphia. A. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LITHOGRAPHS. Formerly retailed at from $3 t o $B, are now offered at 60 and 76 cents, and id and $1 60—rublisked by the Ar Union, and formerly retailed by them. Splendid Phetorra Phic Album pictures of all distil• . guiehed men and Generals of the army, at only 10 eta. For nate at - soRBinfEWS Bookstore, 18 market street. Harrisburg. ITEALTH, MONEY 1 HAPPINESS 1 ! At this season of year, when so much sickness prevails, every ene ethonidprovide himself with DR. HUM PH/OTV 11014 42 CTATHIC DIND/ORIN, VA porta% disease in its beginning.. .- A fresh supply always on hand at 8011.11111.11W8 BOOK-STOBI, Harrisburr. LOOKING GLASSES.—A Splendid Assortment of New Looking OWNS, just received, at W. KNOCHE'S Mule Store, 93 market street, where they will be sold cheap. Call and examine. mrl3 (TOFFEES AND SUGARS OF ALL %.,t GRADES, and at reasonable prices. ltr sate by 'M. DOCK, JR., & 00. I)elmbolit's nentebies. THE GREAT i; AMERICAN REHEDIES,OI KNOWN AB "HELM BOL WS" GENUINE PREPARATI9IO, ; EELMBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHIL" RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELIGEOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATION, cc HIGHLY CONCENTRATED 32 COMPOUND . PLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A PollitiVe end illpecitla Remedy for Dieeasea of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the power of digestion and ex cites the absorbents into healthy action, by which the tooter or co/cordons depositions, and all unnatural en largements, are reduced, as well as pain and inflamma tion, and is good for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. RELMBOLD'S EXREACT, BITCIIIJ, For Weakness arising from Eaceeses, Habits of Dias potion, Ear►y Indiscretion or Abuse, attended with the FOLLOWING bYDITTOIdiI : Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Lou of Memory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty in Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimnoas of Vision, Wakkfuliejes, Universal Lassitude Of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Fltwhiag of the Body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the Face, ' Pallid Countenance. These symptOmS, if allowed to go on, which this medi Woe invariabiy removes, soon foliow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say they are not frequently followed by those direful die ewes," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION t Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness Ito the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE Amencp BY OR• - GANIO WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigo rate the system,which IiRLIK ROMPS EXTRACT HUOIIO invariably duce A trial will convince the most Skeptical MALES FEMALES!! FEMALES II OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections peculiar to Fesna'ess, the Extrec Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chloroel or Retention, Irrogniaeitiee, Painfulneno, es kuppreseion of Customary Evacuations, 'Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for a complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from in discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the PEOLIDTK OE ORANGE OF LIFE, SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT —:ot— Take no Balsam, Mercury or Unpleaaant Medicin Unpleasant and Dangeroue Diseasea. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE' CURIOS SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, at little expense; Nitre or no chan In diet; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURFI. It mules fr.-quest dePire and gives strength to Urinate ; thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curio strictures of the urethra, allaying pain and inflammation so frequent in this class of diseases. and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-OUT MATTER. Thousands upon thousands who have been the VICTIMS QF QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY FEES to bigeured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the " Poi son " has. by the use of a Powerful Astringents,”" been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravatarfono. and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIARB. i ÜBE HELNBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRIT For all Affections and Die Poses of the URINARY OR. CANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever MUM originating, and no matter of hoW long standing. Dimwit of these organs rtquire the aid of s DIURETIC. HELBIBOLD'S- EXTRACT :BUCIIU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And it in ceirtain to have the desired effect in all Disease. for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD !!! ITELMBOLDII HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COM POUND ELME EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. SYPHILIS.. This is an affection of the Blood, and 'Usenet the mama organs, Linings of the Nose, Bars, Throat, Madeira and other Mucea Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. HBLMBOLD'S extract Sarsaparilla purifies the Blood and removes all Sealy Fri:Wl/ma of the Skin. giving to the complexion a clear and healthy color. It being prepared expressly for this class of compirints, to Blood-purifying properties are pros-rued to a greater ex tent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. I=E=l HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent lotion for dieearee of a Syphilitic nature, an as an injection in diseases the 'Urinary Omens aris ing from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Bu elm and Sarsaparilla. in such diseases as recom mended . Evidence of the moat respensibie_ and reliabh character will accompany the med'cines. OPIRTIPIOATIB OP CURBS, From three to twenty yea& standing, with names known TO SCIENCE AND FAME For medical properties of EUCBV, seelpisp vsato the United Statue. Bee Professor DEWEES' valuable works on the Pr tice of Physic. Fee remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICK, Philadelphia. bee remarks wade by Pr. EPHRAIM M'DOWELL celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal College Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transactions o the King and Queen's 'Journal. • See Medico-Ohirurgiral Review, published by BIWA MIN MAVENS, Fellow of Royal College of Burgeons Sae moat of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Extract $lOO per bottle, or six for 85 OD Extract Sarsaparilla.— 5/ 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00 Improved Bose Wash.... 5013. per bottle, or six for 52 50 Or half dozen of each for $l2, which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if directions are adhered to. Delivered to ally address, securely packed from Wilier. vation. Mr Describe symptoms in ell communications. , Core guaranteed. Advice gratil. AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmhof", who being. dnly sworn doth Say, 'his preparation .contain no narcotic, no mar, cury, or other injurious drugs e but are purely veget able. H. T. alum OLD. Sworn and subscribed befire me, this 23d dayof Novem ber, 1854. WM. P. BIBBEED, Alderman, Ninth et., above Race; Philadelphia. Address letters for information in confidence to H. T. ItigalßOLD, Chemist. Depot, No. 104 South 'tenth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. BEWARE OP 001INTEMPEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to diaper, "OF THEIR OWN n. an gc other II articles on the reputation attained by ' HELMBOLDM GENFINE PREPARATIONS, . HELMBOLDM GENUINE EXTRACT BUCHti HELHBOLIPS GENUINE EXTRACT HABSAPARILL A HELMBOLDM GENUINE IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Bold by all Druggists everywhere ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S—TAKE NO OTHER Cut out Bie advertisement and send for it, find swell' IMP OEITIONAND EXPOSURE [SeZly NOT A RIIM DRINK! I highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. A PURE TONIC THAT WILL RELIEVE THF. Ai- FLIOTED AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR. 1100FLANWS GERMAN BITTER,SI PRERARED BY D:R. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WILL EFFECTUALLY and MOST CERTAINLY CURE ALL DINEABEE AMINO FROM A Disordered Liver, Stoisaaels or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizen• are suffering from DYSPEP aisd LIVER DISEASES. and t 9 whom the following questions apply—we guarantee • HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE THRBI. DysSepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coated tongue n•orninas. with Ind taste in the, mouth and poor appetite for breakfast? Do you feel when you first get up op weak and languid you can aearcely get about? Do ru have a dizzinees in the bead at times, and often a dullness, I. ith headache eceasionally ? .Are your bowels costive and inegnlar, and appetite thug.- able ? Do you throw op wind from the stomach, am& do you swell up often ? Do you feel a fulness after eating, end a sinking when the stomach is empty? Do yen hors heartburn occasionally ? DJ you feel low spirited,t and look on the dark side of things Are you not Umtata-ill nervous at times? Do you not become restiefilis Idat lay until midnight before you can go to sleep?• sadtlien at times, don't yen feel dull and sleepy moat of the time•! Is your skin dry and Sealy ?, also sal ow? In short, is not your life a burthen, full of forebodings ? Hootland 9 g German Bitters Will cure every ceee of CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DRUMM OW THE KIDNEYS, AND DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation. Inward Piles. Fittlnes or Blood to the Heel, Acidity of Constipation ; Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Bone Eruc'atione,Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of this Stomach, Swimming of tne Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before the bight, Fever and Dull Plitt in the Head, Deticiencv of Perspiration, Yellowness of. the. Skin and"Eyee, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, /te., te.c. Sudden Flushes of Heat,. Burning in the Flesh,. Congtentintagiaisge of Bvil, and great lle% pression of Spirits,- PARTICULAR NOTICE. Thera are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheap est whisky or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters baa caused, and will continue to came, as long tor they can be sold, huodrede to die the death or the drunkard. By their use the systeM is kept continually under the influence of Acolimic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the •result is all the horrors attendant upon drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and wt7l have a Liquor Bitter; we publish the following receipt r. Get One Beetle Iloojiand's German Batters ■nd mix with Three Quarts of good Brandy or Woi , ky, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal inrtues and true ezce"leace any of , the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have all the rirtues of Hoojtand 7 s Bitters in nonfiction with a pod astiolo of Liquor. at a much less price tit in these inferior 9repara tious will cost you. Moogland's German Bitters WILL GIVE YOT.7 A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU Brisk and Energetic Feelings, WILL ENABLE YOU TO 151.TAMM1=' AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, &c. &c &c. Those suffering From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, From whatever name, either in MALE OR FEMALE, WLLL FIND Dr 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS ..t!L IF:ILMIVIAO3OrIS' That will rewtore them to their usual health. Fa& hai been the case in thousands of instances, and a fair trial is but required to prove the aesertsp. REM IEIII RE 111 THAT THEBE BITTERS ARE NOT ALCM) :TOL-IC AND NOT INTENDED AS A M M 3FL dk, (a. MI The Proprietors have tlr.usand 4 of letters from the most eniment CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, • PIaYSICIANS. awl CITI2IENC, Testifying of their own nervous' knowie , Tse, to the bene ficial effects and medical virtned of these Bettors. Prom Nev. 7 • Newton Brown. D. D., Editor of Encyclo pedia of Religions linowle4ge Although not diaoope-o a. favo- or recommend Pat ent ModielnAg;n tret)eral, through di•trueit of their ingre dients and eivecteii yet know of no aufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received tror any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this morereedily in regard to iqlootiandlat-lorman Bittern? prepared by Dr. C. M. Ja..kson, of thin city, beenume I was prejudiced against them for years. under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mix ture. lam indebted to try - friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this pr , ,fed,c, by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them when sufferingfrom great and long continued debility The use of three bottles of these Bitters. at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief end restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor whir) I had net fel; for six month before, nod bad almo-t etemithdred of ne. gaining. I therefore thank and and my friend for di recting me to the use of them J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 28, 1861. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily : removed, and the patient reetored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARASb►IIS, wasting away, with scarcely any fl.sh on their bones, are cured in a very short time; 'one bott.e in such cases w,llhayv 4 most ourpripiu g effect. 4...-tva a-11. i+ Having sufferincr children as above, and wishing to raise them, will never regret the day they commenced nimbi these Bitters. • LITERARY NEW, )STUDENTS, And those working hard with their brains, should sl wart keep a bottle of HOORLAND 9 d }ITT 11R8 near them, as they will find much benefit from ita use, to both mind and-body, invigorating and not deprowin i g. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration. Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS, We call the attention of all !ravine relations or friends in the army to the fact that iiHOOELANDiS German Bit tera " will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by ex posures and privations incident to camp life. In the liste r published almost daily in the newepaper_ ,a on the arrival of the , i r k, it widl he noticed that a very large proportion are suffeeng from debility. Every ease of that kind can be readily cured by Hoodandet German Bitters. We have no hesitat.on in stating that if these Bitten] were freely used among our soldiers. hundredg of Ilytti might be saved that otherwise would behest. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. BEWARE OF COI7IIITERFEITS: See that the Signature of C. M. Jackson is on the WRAPPER or each Bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS, OR HAM? DOZIM for 114 00. Should your nearest druerst not h awe the article, do not be put off by any of the intotooling preparations that may be offered in its place, hot send to u, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal °dice and NIIIIIILICtern NO. 631 ARCH ST. .7 co .M ES 41:1,0 M "Cr A. 1•T 191 (Successois to C. M. JACKSON & C 0.,) PROPRIETORS. fl For sale by Draggiets an Dealers in every town in the United States theaally