._• . • • • • far -gilt: • • . 4 lgOTlOS.—Notiee is hereby given that appliestion will be made at the next annual pee idea eff the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for a renewal ler the Charter of the West Branch Bank, of Williams port, Po.. with ate pretest same and atyla, loaation, privileges and capital of $lOO,OOO. By ostler of the Board of Directors. S. TONBS, Cashier. dew Mb. 1863-jr4-tml 'LEGISLATIVE BANK NOTICE.— Jai Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislative authority of Pennsylvania. st the next session of the General nesembly thereof. com mencing the first Tuesday of January, A. D, 1864, for like incorporation of a Baok having banking snd Vannting privileges, with a capital of tone Million 1)01. Tara, by the name and style of a The Oil City Bank," sad to be located at. Oil City, Venango county, Penn sylvania. O. V. CULVER. Jane 24th. 1863-6 m NOTlCE_—Notiee is hereby given that "The Commercial Bank of Pennsy'mil a," intend lhe apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at theirne: wendon, for a renewal of their charter. Said bank is lo osed in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorised qapital of one million of dollars, a renewal of which mall bewared for, with the usual banking privileges.— By order of the Board. S. C. PALMER, Cashier. June 20:1.1863-61xt NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that application will be wade to the Legislature of *maylrani& at their next session, for a renewal of the deader of The Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill County, towed in Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, with the present capital of one hundred thousand dollars, aid with the venal banking privileges. - J. W_ OAHE, Cashier. June lft. 3.N K NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby Jur given :hat the undersigned have formed an associa. tics and prepared a certificate for therporpose of estab lishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the ant entitled "A supplement to an act so establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl- Tanis, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks 7 ,, approved the Ant day of May, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be elated TUB FARM:BBB' BANK OF MOUNT JOY, to located In the borough of Mount "Toy, to sox:alit of auldtal stook of One Hundred Thousand 4 Dollars, in Auras of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in aresalag the same to any amount not exceeding Three 'anntred Thousand Dollars in all. J.. Hoffman Hershey, - John M. Hershey, Martin B_ Puffer, Jacob M. Stauffer, Ream Gerber, john M. Bear. jaa.lB4.6nroaire, VOTlOE.—Notioe is hereby given of an 4 , 1 ( intention to establish a Ranh of Eiseottlit ) Deposit and Circulation. under the provisions of an act, entitled (cAn Act to establish a system-of free banking in Pena- Sylvania." &c., and the supplement thereto; said Bank la be celled a TILE MANUFACTURERS , BANK," to bs goosted in the borough of Oolumbia,Lancaster aceinty, Ps., with n capital of One Hundre. Thousand lioliare, to be divided Into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each. deal-13md ALLENTOWN BANK. Notice is hereby given, that application will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session, for an increase of the capital of said Bank to the =mint of 8280,800 in addition to that authorized by the present Chaster; " and also for an extension of the Charter of salt Bank for twenty years from the expiration of the present,Charter. By order of the Board of Directors. je2o-dtml CHARLES W. COOPER, Cashier. "RANK NOTICE I—The Stockholders AJI , of the FARMERS' AND DROVERS' BANE. OP WAYNESBURG, in -Green county, Pa., will apply to the next Legislature of the State, for an extension of zdearter, for the term of fifteen years from the expire. lien of its present term. The location, corporate name awi crivileg - es, and amount of capital etoot,to wit; axe thhered and fifty thourand dollars, to be the name 4111 cruder its present charter. By order of the Board. Waynesburg, Green col, Pa.. June 15,1863—J00-dim' VOTlCE.—Notite is hereby given, in zenformity with the act of Assembly, that the Ittodaholders of the Bank of Montgomery County will *snake ar. sgplication to the nest Legislature a Penn sylvania Tar a renewal of the Charter of said Bank, with klea mute Motnaut of capital (POUT /14n4red Thousand VISMILY`E) as under the present Charter, to continue its ant name and location. _Ey order of the Board of Directors. • . W. H. SLING-LIMP Cashier. - Horne - town. Pa., June 2001033.-6ln XOTIOE.—The Ilfinere Bank of Potts ville, in the county of 'Schuylkill, hereby give Utegtiote that they intend to apply to the Legislature of Iniackaylvania at their next session fora renewal of their ...tiourter. Paid Boat is located in the borough of Potts. Vete, in - tae county of Eishuyikill, with an authorized ,=hippold of river Hundred Thousand Dollearit—A.tenew r il of erhich will be asked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Board , Mk. LOESER, Cashier. Pottsville, Jane 2A. 1863..--fend 'MOT:WE is hereby given, that applies -111 tion will be made at the next annual session of the Xatris!stare of Pennsrvanis, fora renewal of the charter al the HARRISBURG BANK. with its present name and Arta, lon dion, privileges, and capital of Three Hundred m w ,„ l i iu d Dams, gy order of the Board of Directors. Cashier. *4119-iitixd. TRADESMEN'S BANK, PHILADELPHIA, JEEP 24,1363. likaUce is hereby given. in conformity with the laws lithe Commonwealth of - Pennsylvania, that the Trades amen Bank, of Philadelphia, located in the city of Nbitadelphia, created with banking and discounting "vilegee, with a capital of One Hundred and Fifty d Dollars, that application will be made by the mid Beak to the next Legislature for authority to im merses* the capital One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Hyositer of the Beard of Directors. JOHN OASTNIIII, .216.4ard Cashier. we IdENDAIENTE TO THE CONSTITUNON AL JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING CER TAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITU. TION . lie at resolved by the Senate and Home of Be freeentatives of the Commonwealth of Penneyloa m& is General Assembly met, That the following likandmouto be proposed to the Constitution Ist' tke Commonwealth, in accordance with.the *revisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the irrl article of the Constitution, to be designa tion:las 'section four, as follows : .Bsclicut 4. Whenever any of the qualified elnetors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military service, under a requisition arum aka - -President of the United States, or by lac eutkozity of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens, under such regu lations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual .lace of election. Where shall be two additional sections to the ottileveAth article of the Constitution, .o be le viigareted as sections eight and nine, as fol- &ems 8. No bill shall be vasseig by the a.egislatu.re containing more than one subject, mbicirshall be clearly expreesed in the title, 2Zeept appropriation bills. &mon 9. No bill shall be passed by the 'eagislature granting any powers, or privile ges, ia any case, where the authority to grant Week powers, or privileges, has been, or . may Sereafter be. conferred upon the courts of this Vanamonwealth. JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. vatir l ag op THE OZOILITARY OW YEW 0010(019WIALTE, Harrisburg, Tidy 1, 1863. PENNSYLVANIA, SS : ide hereby certify that the foregoing and =aimed is a full, true ani correct copy of the vow* Joint Resolution of the General As muddy, -entitled "A Joint Resolution propo -vaag certain amendments to the Constitution," the ems remains on file in this office. • fa testimony whereof, I have hereunto set aavkaed, and caused the seal of the Secretary's to be armed, the day and year above 'written. ELI SLIFER, 3y7-law6ta ffeffetaly of the Cosavannsr*olth -11t.T. BA.BBITT'S Concentrated, Con densed, or Pulverised Soft Soap. Three gallons handsome white soft soap made in Ave manatee. No use required. Diananoss :—Dissolve one pound of the soap in one gailoa boiling water, then ad two gallons warm, whe n nowt you will have three gallons HANDSOME WHITAI I.iert &tr. Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft ...upap. The soap thus made in an excellent wash for 74201=111 6. arabn end plants of all kinds. For sale by Wlif DOOM jr.. . 4 r INV • lIILOOMS, BRUSH ÜB.I mull %%mg= of elldnuriptions, qualities aid prides, %se Weir Wit. DOM, M I it CO. . diadurroira Bum, Iluxe . 2o, MB. J. LAZ - SAII, Cashier 'OR BALE.—The BUILDING cii the V. wan. of Walnut and Short streets, used Ss • UOOPIM ESOP. This building was originally built so ghat it Gould ke turned into Dwelling liollllBlll. It eon. IMMO? three aspirate fremeepladal together, gook froloo bell 26 by 20 feet, making the entire building es Itnow sten s 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an EIGHTHORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one of Drawback's Patimt Stave Cutters, and a Set cf Saws for Jointing Staves. The aboife property wil lbe sold at a bargain, uwe wish to clear the ground en which the building stands. Enquire at the Brokers Oldee of 8. L. M'CULLOOH, febit.dtf 126 Market Street. LOTS FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST: And Pennsylvania Avenue. Apply to R. J. HALDEMAN, Cor. Front and Walnut eta mart-dtf FOR SALE—A House and. Lot on Sixth street, near State. Enquire at the Exchange Mass of S. L. MiOtiLLOOR 7 26 Market street, Where the highest price is always paid for GOLD and SILVER. febl2-dtf FOR SALE.—A TWO-STORY Faiths noun in Short ortroot. Inquire of gopett W K. VERBEKR. 15ottba. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAN,) Race street, above Third, Philadelphia. This establiehment offers great indueements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but from the cen tral location to the avenues of trade, as well as the con veniences afforded by several passenger railroads run ning past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pass to And from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular omnibliacit be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. - Terns--$1.25 Per Day. DAVID C. BINGRI9T, (Pormorly of Nagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa.) T. V. BRODB3, Clerk. mrll-dtf _gumsportation. D ANIEL A. MUENCH, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informs the public that this OR Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) is in successful operation, and prepared to carry Freight as low as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore Loot Haven, and all other points on the Northern Cortrid, Philactolphia, &pa Erie and Williamsport ant' Floats Railroads. HARM. MISENOH, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Goode sent to the Warehouse of Memo, Peacock. Zell & Hinclunan, !so. 808 and 810 Market street, above Nightly If biludelphia, by 4 oleloek ra., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, next morning, - mya - Miscellaneous. JUST RECEIVED/ THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMED OF FIFA STEEL ENGRAVINGS ! PRINTS, AND HEADS, AN D SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAN OIL PAINTINGS, AT Wm. Knoche's Music Story. No. 93 Market street, Harrisburg. IfORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD JAL tilt-EMT QUALITY WAERANTET!. NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. A GREAT LUXURY! MESONS in want of a superior and really good GOLD raw will find with me a large assortment to select from, end home the privilege to eachange the RAM nritil their hand is perfectly suited. And if by fair means the Dia mond points break off during twelve mouths, the pur chaser shall have the privilege to select a new one, without any charge. I bare very good Gold Peas, wade by Mr. Morton, not warranted, in strong silver-plated eases, for 11, Sll6, $1.60, $2.00 /or sale at SOHETIBIVS BOOKSTORE, No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. liifURINGER'S PATENT BEEF TEA, in a nulid, GOilloratraitail vatract of BEEF AND VEGETABLES, Convertible immediately into a nourishing and deli dons soup. Highly approved by a number of eminent Physicians. Tins admirable article condensed into a compact form, all the substantial and nutritive properties of a large bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness with which It dissolves into a rich and palatable Soup, which would require hours of preparation according .to the usual method, is an advantage in many situations of life, too obvious to need urgang. Its highly nourishing qualities lambing& with its elisasy , mindere it invaluable for the sick while for those in health, it is a perfecteubatitnte for fresh meat and vegetables. It will keep good in any climate. It is peculiarly well adapted FOR TRAVNLNIIB, by Laud or sea, who moth= avoid those accidentoldepriva tiena *Pa eomfortablAmeal, to which they are sellable. POE INVALIDS, whose capricious appetite can tinia re satisfied in a moment. NOR SPORTSMEN and DXOI7RSIONISTS. to whom both its compactness and easy preparation will mem mend it. for vale by sead-tf WM. DOCK. Ja., & 00. CHARTER OAK .T 4 Y FLOUR! UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE U. STATES: AND SUPERIOR TO ANY WANG "Sr 33 - JEL AL N 13 eV OFFERED IN PENNSYLVANIA! IT IS MADE OP • CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. Er Delivered any place in the city free of charge. Terms cask on de/imcry. IY3O WM. DOCK, k HA M S Newbold's.celebrated, Michener's _Excelsior, - Evans & Swift's superior, Jersey Plain very nue. Also, Dried Beef, Tongues and Bologna Sausage. For sale by apl4 WM. 8008, jr. it 00. EMPTY BARRELS.— A large number of empty , Wino, Brandy and Whimity Barrels for sale by V. DOCK, jr.. & CO. BOSTON CRACKERS.-A LARGE SUPPLY of these delicious crackers just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, Ts., & CO, GOLD PENS 1--The largest and Lei stook. from $l.OO to s4.oo—warranted—at EICHBFTEIWEI BOOKSTOR.II EW MUSI C. Why I Loved Ner." " Treasures of the Heart," and "Childhood Days,wthree new and beautiful songs, by J. B. Cox. "Our Country and Tlag, ,, a new and beautiful song, with highly Colored title page, by Culver, are among the latest receipts of new music by W. KNOCHE, where can be found at all times a full assortment of Drums, Niles, and all kinds of musical instruments. Nemember the place, No. 93 Market street. y 9 TO TEOSE DBSIRINQ To . FRO- M:ME SUBS LID:FEES, AND TO THOSE WISHING TO BECOME SUBSTITUTES. The undersigned, Military Claim Agents, tender their services for the' procuring of Substitutes for Drafted men, as well as for the securing of the highest price for those wishing to offer themselves as Substitutes. They will register the names of each class referred to, with the amounts, in money, proposed to be given by the one and to be received by the other. Drafted men who are legally exempt can have all the Papers prepared necessary to establish their claims to exemption by calling upon the undersigned. Those interested are invited to call at the office, in the 'Exchange Buildings, opposite the Dauphin County Prison. hisoDOWELL &MA :TIRE, anls-Im Military Claim Agents. USIU STORNI NO. 93 NAIIIEST writENT, HABNIBBNINi, PA. SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, BANJO STRINGS, Of every deeeription. DRUMS, PIPES, PLUTIS, ACCORDIONS, it.., at the lowest OITIC PRICES, at W. 1 1310011WS mom STORE, No. 38 NAM. Oinurrif. SUMMER ARRMaI AND PITILA DEL PRIA ON AND ATTU MONDAY, April 20,1868, the Pas senger Trains will leave the ..Philadelphia and Reading Mailroad Depot, at Harrisburg. for New York and Phil sdelphia, u follows, viz : EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE /eaves Harrisburg at 215 a. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Expreea Train from the West, arriving in New York at 015 a. in., and ai Philadelphiat at 9.20 a. in. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in., ar. riving in New York at 5.30 p. in., and at Philadelphia at 1.50 p. rd. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. in., on sr rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 10.25 p. in., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WESTWARD. PAST LINE leaves New York at 8.00 a. m. , and Phila delphia at 8.15 a. m., arriving at Haridebarg at 1.20 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 8.80 p. m, arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 p. m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 7.00 p. m. , ar. dying at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing car is also attached to this train. . ConneeNone are made at Hetrieburg with. train. on the Pennaylviniai Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Bailroado, and at Beading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, Ac. Baggage checked through. Pare between New York said Harrisburg, $8.15; between Harrisburg and Maio delphia, $3.35 in No. 1 cars, and $3.00 in No. 2,, For tickets and other information apply to J.J. CLYDE, General Agent, spat Harrisburg. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SIMMER TIME TABLE. Three daily trains to anti from Baltimore and Wash ington City. Conneetione made with trains! on Penn- Sylvania. Railroad to and from Pittsburg and the West two trains daily to and from the North and Wee Brandi, Suarteheurta, Nimba and all Northern New York. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1888, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as Rowe, via: SOUTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday at 10.10 a. in.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 p. m. 2 and ar riyaa at Baltimore at CU p,lll. EXPRISS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun day) at 11.07 p. in.; leaves Harrisburg (except Monday; at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) at 6.15 a. in. HARRISBURG ACOOMMODATION TRAIN kayo Harrisburg daily at 6.30 a. in. NORTHWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily(exceptSunday at 915 a, m q Harrisburg at 1.15 p, m., and arrives a' Sunbury at 4.05 p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Bbitimore daily at 9.15 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.35 a m., and leaves Har riaburg daily (except Moaday) at 8.00 a. in., and arrival at Sunbury at 5,88 a. m. HARBTBDURCi• ACCOMMODATION TRAIN /earn Baltimore daily (except Sunday) at 2.85 p. m., and rives at llarriFiburg at 1.30 p.m. For further information apply at the Office, in Pea sylvania llailroad Depot. N. buDARRY, General Superintendent. Harrisburg, April 20, 1863-dtf PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ! SUMMER TIME TABLE: MI, 'l l ' 71k i 1:'Ilu'I ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, The passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart freed and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.00 a. ni., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 010 a. -Ja. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 5.45 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.55 a. in. Passenger' take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Monot Joy, loom Harrisburg at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West Philadel phia at /2.26 p. m. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Sunday) at 1.00 p. in., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 5.00 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via 00- lumbii, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 p. m. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harriebar daily (except Monday) at 2 00 a. m ;,Altoona,;I.lb"• take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12 PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves • Hai burg daily at 8.00 a. m., Alteenaat 8 00 a.m., take break fast and arrives at Pittsburg at 12 . 80 p. MAIL TRAIN leivee Harrisburg at 1.16 p. n 4, Al toona at 7.15 p. m., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 a. m. FART LANE leaves narriallarg 8.60 p. m., Altoona 8.35 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN buyer Philadelphia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.00 p. m. WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Philadel• phis at 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 0.40 p. m. This train runs via Mount Joy. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Ssperistsselest Middle Div. feint's Harrisburg, April 16, 1803.—dtf 1863. DIRLADELPHIA. & ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on'Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (Second Fork,) (171 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Eris ? (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSMNGER. TRAINS AT HA .R.T4 BURG. Leave Northward, Mail Train.-- 1.10 a. m. I Expreea Train.. 3.00 a. in. omo run through without change both wage on thO • trains between Philadelphia and Look Haven, and tween Baltimore and Lock haven Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains th way between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Wilitamspo t and Philadelphia. Tor information respecting Passenger business sppl at the 8. E. our. 11th and Market street'. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents S. B. Kingston, Jr., cor. 18th and Market atre Philadelphia. J. W. Beynolds, Brie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. B. 8., Bahian H. H. HOUSTON. - Gen'Llfreiett igt., LBWIS L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agt., 108. D. POTTS, mars.dy Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. FI N- NI . , XI MC Ti .IEI. A. CI no In 2 ROBE, LEMON, VANILLA GINGER, ALSIONB 0 GRAN E, PIIIACH,_ PINE APPLE, BITTER ALMOND, CHLIRY,_ CINNAMON, NUTMEG NECTARINE, pannirr o, • COCHINEAL, (for coloring,)' assorted dozens, fa /amity use. The above mortmeat jtuit rekeehred 60/111 066 Of GO Wire , Eastern Hones-.sack Bottle and Package tsar rested. [mam] WM. DOOR, Ja.. & 00 POCKET KNIVES.—A very fine a s . amaeast. 801II1PIRIX IMEOTOR : - ~Cxa~i~ 051 1863. Ali ilooki . tfiemteiti C. LCROOL BOOKS.—School Dirccrtors, 4 Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and others, in need of School Books, School Stationery, &c. , will find a com plete samortment at B. M. POLLOCK¢ sozrs B OOS STORM, Mi. rkst Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the following ; READERS .—Mciauffey's, Parker's, Cobb's Angell's. SPELLING BOOKS.— neGuffey's, Cobb%,Webster'e, Town's, Ilyerly Combry's. ZNGLICH GRAMMARS.—Bullion's, Smiting, Wood bridge's , Monteith's, Tuthill's, Hart's. Wells'. HISTORIES .—Grimshaw's, Davenport% Prost's,Wil son's, Willards, Goodrich's, Pinnock's, Goldsmith's and ()tart's. ARITHICIITIC'S.—OreenIeaf's, Stoddard's. Emerson's Rose's, Cortaro's, Smith and Dnke'ayDroile'e- A.LGESSAS.—GreenIaaPs, Davies, Dare, Bay 7 l* Bridge'''. DICTIONARY/S.—Worcester', Qusrto, Academic, Com prehensive and Primary Dictionares Walker's School ! ,Cobb's, Walker, Wetster's Primary, Webster's High gebnol.Webster'S Quarto, IliglideMig. MITI:MAL PIIILOSOPIII2B.—Conztock's, Parker's, Swift's. The above with a great variety of others can at sviy time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort wat of School Stationery, embracing in the wb( le a com plete outfit for school purr omes. Any book not itrthe store._ pr loured •it one der! notice. Oettntry Merchants sapplied at wholeatle rates, ALMANACS.—Jobn Baer and Son's Almanac for sale at ■. M. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK STORK, Harrisburg. fr3'" Wholesale and Retail. myl WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER I ! Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER BORDEAS, PIM SCREENS, &c., &c. Itis the largest sad beet selected assortmentinthecity, rangingin price from six (6) cents up to one dollar and aquarter ($1.25.) As we purchaSe YOry Wm' for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel sentldent that we can please them in respect to price and quality. E. M POLLOCK & SON, mar 23 Below Jones , Mouse, Market Square. LAW BOOKS I LAW BOORS ! !-A .1-11 general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at very paw grieeii, et rke oat price Bookirare of t. M. POLLOCK & SON, myg Market Square, Harrisburg. THE subscribers propose to publish by subscription s "FARM MAP" of the Township of iIiWATARA,!? Dauphin county, rat,' if sufficient en couragement as given . The Map will embrace the Bounda ries or the Township and Farms contained therein, nuirp• ber of Acres Location of Residences and Names of Pro pertyholdere, generally. There will also be on the Map a Table of Distances ? showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to Harrisburg, thus ren.. dering it a valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers in Real Rotate particularly. Those desiring Views of their Residences put on the Map will be charged a moderate extra price. The Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivered at the low price of Five Dol lars, payable on delivery of the sanallt. CLARK it AVM, 332 Walnut street, Philadelphia. tiarrieburg, November 1, 1861.—tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO • IhatIOLIABY .TAM BEST DBELTIING . AND PIONOVSOING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, dontains 1,854 Royal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and meaninge not found in any other English Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in thole nape! places; over 5,000 words synonymized; together with numerous tables of pronounced proper names. Sold by B. M. POLLOCK & SON. Also Worcester's School Dictionaries. mar 23 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF La. MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS! NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD For 1 . 6 lents, $l, 21.26, $1.50, $2, $3, $4. Warranted to made of good gold, at feblfi SOREFFER , B BOOKSTORE. (NLY ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub stantiel Mend Fami4 Ntible at Sehelser's Bookstore. QOREFFER'B Bookstore is the Glace to hair (+old Yang—warrioalt.4 wl,l. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA IStAtElt PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards, MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU: MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aooordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mn . sical merchandise in general, SHEE'T MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOC FRAMES, Suitatue for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES From smallest to largest sizes. per Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, noel—dwBce 93 Market' et. IJ OWE'S Sewing Machine, 437 Broad way, New Tort; branch office 90%, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the manufacturers and citizens of Harrisburg that he has opened a sewing manikins office for the eels of the celebrated Trowels sewing machine, making the well known lock-stitch, and adapted for all kinds of leather and cloth and family one. G. M. RAPHAEL, feb2b-dly Agent. • GIITTA PEROHA WATER-PROOF 33 3ra A. CD 331 C AT GiI (WITHOUT BBU8HIIW,) FOR ROOTS, S'IIOES L AARNESS . ,_ CARRIAGES, AND IitILITARY This new and excellent article excels evbrything ever before in use, for beautifying and softening the Leather. It makes a polish lie patent leather ; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white silk, and makes the leather perfectly water.proof.. Twice a monthosp plied on boots sad shoes, sad once a month far harness is sufficient. If the leather becomes dirty, wash it off with clean water and the polish will re-appear. War ranted as represented. DIRBOTIONS FOR USA.—Apply a few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish to complete. Price, SS g 60hte per bottle. , JAOKSON & 00., sole Agents, 1199 i Market street. jan9-dtf J ACKSON & CO.'s 5110 E STORE, NO. 90% MARKIT OTRINT, HARRISBURG, PA., where they .ntend to devote their entire time to the MUMMA - are of BOOTS AND SHOES all kinds and varieties, in the neatest and most fish onable styles, and at satisfactory prices. Their stook will omelet, in part, of Cisntlevnsitls Dine maimed Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, latest styles; Ladies , and Misses , Unitas, and otherAhoes in great variety;. sad in feet everything connected with the Shoe kindness. cusTOXER WORK wUI be part' eularly attended to i en d in all cause will satisfaction be warranted. Lasso pug up by one of the best makers in the country. The long practical experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the Moline's will, they Inuit, be enideient guarantee to the public that they will do them justice, and furnish them an article that will recommend itself for utility, cheapness and dura. bility. [jW] JACKSON & CO. BOARDERS WANTED.—The under signed, having rented a fine large and commodious house, in Mulberry street, two doors from the corner of ileoond street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared to accommodate single gentlemen, er gentlemen and their wives, with boarding on reasonable terms. jyle-dem H. A. JOHNSON. VLUID AND ALCOHOL, IN LARGE quantities sad of pure quality, for sale by WM. DOME. Ja.. & 00 TJAVANA ORANGES.—Just received by WM. DOCK. JR.. le CO HAMS, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA NAUSAIIMB, TONOUIIB,3co., for sale low, by 41c ~, T 1'..?';';i71:"":1 7 -'s, E ;; 27,,,,f-,------- -..- ----,.,,,.-,,,,,„; === ;~iachiner~. EAGLE IN7 0 --- R K-S1 HARRISBURG., PENNSYLVANIA. MANUFAOMIXII. ON BOOK-BINDERS' RULING WHINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AND *ACHIM rOlll GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC. ' Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Clear and Screw Cutting; ice., !to. ICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLE. 10- Oath paid for Old Copper, Brass, Spelter, STEAM BOILERS. PRIVNSYLPANIA RAILROAD, ABOTB STATE STABBT CELLAR WINDOW GRATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, BASS WEIGHS end verism other Building Cestinge, for sale every cheap at the [ifty24-dlyi EAGLE WORKS. J C . MOLTZ, ENGINEER, MACHINIST 41- STEAM FITTER, No. d, NOMIT MEET, Between Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Sittings constantly on hand. All work done in tide establishment will be under big own euperrigion, and warranted to give satisfaction. 046 STEAM BOILERS. Having made a& dint and ptricssanent arro.npratets for the purpose, we are now prepared to make esur3o.4thma 3EIC)XI/MISLB of every kind promptly and at reasonable rates. We libel nee iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which it second to north in the market, 1N one but the best hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address EAGLE WORKS, may23-dlyJ Harrisburg, Pa. AVM. A. PARKH-ILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, THIRD STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH ' PRINTING OPPICB. stores, dwellings, churches, public buildings, facts ries, ie., filled tap with gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrants, Wash Basins, Bath Tubs, Lift and Porce Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work promptly attended to. jet-dBm R-ENOVAL. The subscriber has removed his PLUMBING AND BRAM FOUNDRY from Marleotstreet to Fourth street stove Market, ekpeslte the Bethel Miura Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by strict attention to busi ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar27-dtt WM. PARKHILL. 3119uranc, INSURANCE AGENCY. TEE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual In. surance principle combined Wit/ a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may sus tain. Ana as an additional security to the assured, the act requires that the profits of the business shall be funded and remain with the corporation, as a guarantee oisd &Use/ion to tho insured spinst loss, until 'sedated by the Board of Directors to be redeemed in accordance with a provision of the act of incorporation. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest 'not exceeding six per cent. No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. Insurances will be suede on Vessels, Freights awl Car goes ; on Goode transported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes; . also, against damage or loss by Pire, for a limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, as Agent fer the above well known eowpony, will - woke Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to • ROBERT L. MtTENCH, jan2l3-tf Harrisburg, Pa_ INSURANCE. Marine, Fire,. and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of . THE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OE PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794-=Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1,200,000 DIRECTORS: Arthur IF. Comm, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith ; Cherie,' Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. heft, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Wain, John. Ma son, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ART= G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above named company, the undersigned is prepared to take Fire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania ' either %Dually or perpet nolly, on the most favorableterma. Om in Walnut street near Recond. WILLIAM BUEHLER, an :i-dly Harrisburg, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, 'OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 405 CUESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETULa CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - $1,543,336 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN P. JAMES, Actuary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfeed !temerity to the immured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. .The company add a BONUS periodicany to the insu rances for life. The /MST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844 the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS In December, 3854, end the 'MIRTH BONDS in 1859. These additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following are a few examples from the Register : Amount of Policy 110 Polley. I Pm I Banns or I bonne to ba Ineraaird Insured addition by future additions. No. 89 $2,600 887 60 $3,887 60 " 182 8,000 I 1,060 00 4,060 00 " 199 1,000 400 00 1.400 00 " 888 5,000 1,875 00 0,876 00 *pot s listrisburg and WI ty, ILLIAM BUEHLER. au2s-dly 60)000 POUNDS!!! Fifty Thousand Pounds "“EXCELSIOR“ HAMS JUST RECEIVING, which we will cell at a very low figure by the Hogshead, Tierce, Barrel or Slagle Ham. myBo WM. DOCK, jr., & 00. SOLAR MAT.ORESI NO SULPHUR! NO SMELL! PIPTY GROSS of the above Superior Matches jnat calved. and for +ale by WM. HOOK. a 6 00. WRITING FLUIDS. BOBS' Ameri can Writing Fluid, a splendid Ink, at 62 cents per quart i ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, HAR RISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BIDHIPIELD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and Red Inks of the beat quality, Blue Ink, Mucilage, &0., at soIiEFrEWB BOOKSTORE. 11UNDENSED MILK '—Just received for NOlo by Wild WOE Jr k CO. RAOKM) SALMON.--A choice supply N., for ni a try WM. DOCEO I' l & Co- iltb=itanetrits. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD!: JOHNS & OROSLEY' AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST CLUE IN THE WORLD! FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, AC., AC., AC. THE ONLY ARTICLE OP THE KIND EVER PRO DUCED WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a•enpply of Johns Crosiers American Cement Glue."—Near , Yak Timu. "It is so eostrenient to have in the house."—Now Yak Ezprzas "It is always ready; this commends it to everybody. —New York Independent. "We have tried it, and And it as useful in our hem as water . 22 —Wilkss , Spirit of ths rinitS PRICE 25 ONTO PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. TERMS CASH. Por sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers p a s rally thronghent the ennntry. JOHNS• & CROSLEY, (Soleldaunfacturers,) • 78 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Liberty Stxset,) .IYII NE W 'TORR. dip T. LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY. THE OHIO CA.TAWBA BRANDY has, for several yearn, been manufactured from the pure juice of the AMERICAN CATAWIIA•and ISABELLA GRAPE, and has attained a rare popularity throughout the West and South, where great guantitiea of this superb article is sold for MEDICINAL and. FAMILY purposes,. It not only equals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF FLAVOR, and wherever it has- been introlhieed it 104 invariably met the most unqualified favor and extended sale. The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt In this country and. the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to supercede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name or Brandy,” can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S OATAWBA‘ BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor, and is posi tively known to be of TBS.PSOT Pl3lt/TY and of SU PERIOR FfsAYOR. . . . In support of the above statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentionedisell-known chemists : Dr. A. A: Hayes , Assayer. Boston, Mass. Dr. James R. Chilton 4k Co., Chemists, New York. Dr. Jarries•R. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Boston, Mass, Dr. 1. V. P. Blaney Jk. Dr. G.A. Marriner, Analytical and Consulting Chemists, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Cox, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Dr. Charles -llphamBheppard, Charleston, 8. C. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood., Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, t 3 ay pan ab Cf ow, gi a . All of whom have analysed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfeetly.pnre article and as an invaluable medi- cinal agent! I have been appointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city ofliFairrieburg and Dauphin co. acoyB-dy Dr. LOUIS WYSTH. JOHN TILL'S COAL: lICA_I{I1 1 SOUTH SECOND STAB KT, BRUM PRAMS ROLL RIG MILL, Where he-keeps. constantly on hand LYKENS AND WEEKESBARRE COAL; Suck as STEAMBOAT, „BROKEN, .ELL and NUT : which he will disposoof at the lowest market price. Consumers will do well to call on him and, lay is their supply, as the Coal will be delivered clean, and full weight. ja:os-dem QT. LOUIS FLOUR. L- THE BEST BRAND FOR FAMILY USE in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St. Louie Flour, =drama, pronounced the mostouperior article ever offered in this market, justoreeeired and for sale by WK. DOOR, Js., It CO, FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Fri day at JOHN WISSIS Store, corner of Third and Walnut. myB \X 7 ALL PARER, AND WINDOW v SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Has a large stools of Widow Shades and Wall Paper 011 hand which will be sold very low. Oaltand examine . Paper Hanging personally 'ranted to. N 0.12, MARKET STREET, Near the bridge. oct244tt (lEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MEA- L/ SURES, together with a large assortment of BAS UTO, BOOM *4, l Na reoiTed f 4 l pale vary mw. by wm. Bowl, Jit., & 00. P. it W. C. TAYLOR'S . 3EI 651 . 4100 A P 2 It is eaonomioal and highly detersive_ It contalhas no Basin and will not waste. It is wenrented not to injure the hands. It will. impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suiteble.for every purpose. For sale by WM. DOME, ia., & CO- FOR SALE.-3,000 BUSHELS PRIME YELLOW CORN. 500 , bushals barley malt, first quality. 600 bushels rye. 50 'barrels whisky, first quality. Esavire et. BIONAED HOGELAND, sep2fitir Washington Avenue, Harrisbtuvt. GIPTY HOGSHEADS. —A large 1J of empty Meat Hogsheads, in goad condition and. with beads in. These Hogshead• sr- desirable for Handers, Marmots 1 Pia sold at a 'style's. Prim WIC HOCH, Jr., & CO. AMSII! —Justreceived, a large Li 'supply of COVER YD stresa-cuRED HAMS, of IN host brand is Mg market. fiery one s old ie guar arteed. jone27) WM. DOCK, JR., lc. CO. BOSTON ORACKERS.—A sup ply of these delicious crackers Just received for subs WM. DOCK, Jr., it 00. MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR 'AR TIOLM just received and for sale by WM. BOOK, Ju.,.dc CO. POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar -6.000 Pored HAM for male very low, whole's]. or retail by WM. DOCK - IR 0 G RIIEN CORN.—WINSLOW'S fresh are.a Cora just received by WM_ DOCK, /a., & CO. L MIE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS, PORT 10LI08, OARD-OASES, POOILAT-BOOKA, for sale at ScnefferPe Bookstore, BUCKWHEAT MEAL-15,000 LBS. &TRIM XXTRA, from Wyoudog Valloy, for We by Wfd. DOCK. 3a., & 00. WALL PAPER, BORDERS, &c., dm, at last year prices, for sale at Schaffer's Bookstore. jel6 ii OR LETTER, NOTE and FOOLS 1' CAP Paper, Enrelevee and al/ Mad Or gtationery, sail at Schaffer Bookstore. jelO JUST RECEIVED—Another lot of Beautiful Albums, at Beheffees Bookstore, 18 Mar; ket street. jel6 large variety of Notions just received I at Beneffer's Bookstore. SELF SEALING FRUIT JARS !-- ►J Best and Cheapest In the markets: Call ad examine them, Ira I'RENOH MUSTARD, ENGLISH and Domestic Pickles, (by the dozen or hundred,) Su perior Baba Oil, Ketchup, Sauces and condiments of every description, for mle by asy2s WK. DOCK, Is., & Co ANew Assortment of MORTON'S Unrivalled Gold Pens, in Gold Plated Desk Rol. dere, just received, at Scheffees Bookstore, 18 Marks street JelB "I_TONV ARE YOU GREEN BACKS.”—DAN BRYANT'S new comic Song. Price 80 cents, just received and for sale by WARD, at his Music store, Third street. Call and get a copy enmly. 14028 WALLPAPER, BOBDEES, &c., &e., sold yet at last year's prieen.withont any advance. At SCHEFFNIVE3 BOOKSTORA. 14.11EAKFAST BACON.—A small but U very choice lot of Sugar Oared "Breakfast Dues (equal to the imported Yorkshire Must received. fy29 wat. socx, as. & co DKI. 14,D PEACHES-PARED AND lIEPARMD—inst received Itir WM. DOCK. 71., & CO. IVATIONAL ALMANAC AND ANNUAL BACOND for 11365, for este sit 00HRITERI BOOKBTON.III. WM. 'DOCK, .TE.. &