Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, September 17, 1863, Image 2

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,!IWird * anion.
Communications will not be published in the PATRIOT
RD ritolll unless accompanied with the MEMO of th
J. WESLEY AWL, Harrisburg.
CHAS. R. ZIEGLER, Reed township.
JOHN RAYMOND, Middletown.
T. A. HAMILTON, (3 years.) Harrisburg,
JACOB BUCK, (1 year,) Upper Paxton.
DAVID lIMBERGER, Lower Paxton.
JOHN BUCK, West Hanover.
JAMES M'CORMICK, Jr., Harrisburg.
sio ctig:lFAl 063 3K44 34.3 ;Cl/IMO 740 40
The several County Committees of Superintendence
are requested to communicate the names and post office
address of their members to the Chairman of the State
Central Committee-
CHARLES J . _ BIDDLE, Chairman_
Rooms 144 S. Sixth. Street, Second Story.
Chairmax--Hon. CassLim J. BIDDLE.
Secretary—JrAMES F. Sutras, Esq.
The officers are in attendance daily at the Committee
Thursday, September 17
City of Uneasier. [To be addressedbylion...l. Glancy
Jones, lion. Henry Clay Dean, Hon. Wm. A. Porter,
B. I Monaghan, Esq., and others.]
Williamsport, Lysoming county. [To be addressed by
Hon A. V, Parsons, Hon. Wester Clymer, George
Northrop, _Esq-,Hon_ Wm. H_ Miller, and others ]
Meadville, Crawford county. fTO b 0 SAtiressed by Hon.
Win B. Reed and Hon. Chas. W. Carrigan.]
Scranton, Luzern county . [To be addressed by Hon.
Wm.n. Witte, RCM- P. W. Thighesdlobt. P. Bane,
and others ]
Murray a School House, Greene county
Aaron Hafnarhi, Frederick township, Montgomery co . .
Orangeville, Columbia county.
Berwick, Columbia county.
Friday, September 18.
Slabtown, Columbia county_
Catawius, Columbia county_
Onion Corner, Nortnumberlana county.
Saturday, September 19.
-Manderl3ach s e, Berks county.
Chester Springs. Chester county.
.[To be addressed by
Hon. Wm. Bigler and Hon. Richard van; John C.
Bnllitt, Seq., B. Markley Boyer, Esq., T. H. Celli
schlager, Seq.]
Dingman, Pike county. 'To be addressed by Dr. P. P.
Palmer, Thomas A. Heller, Esq., and Hon. G. H..
Clarkeeville, 6.4reene county.
Thursday, September 24.
Washington Square, Whitepain township, Montgomery
Benton, Columbia county.
Oxford, Chester county.
Clintonville, Yenango younty.
rriday, September 25.
Cookstown, Payette county. jThe several meetings in
Payette county to be addressed by eon. John L.
Dawson, Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, Basile! Keine,
ltsq.. Col.. T. B. Searight, John Puller, NM., C. E.
Boyle, Esq., Win. U. PlayfQrCisq., Itstd.others-J
Saturday, September 26.
Kutztown, Berks county.
Monongahela City, Washington county.
Perryopolis, Fayette county.
Pleasant Grove, Washington county.
Monday, September 2S.
Etrondsbarg, Monroe county. [To be addressed by Thos
T. Miles, Hon. W. A. Porter, and others]
Tuesday, September 29.
Middleburg, Snyder county. [To be addressed: y lion
Wni. K. Miller.)
Wednesday, September 20.
Uniontown, Fayette county.
Thursday, October 1,
Cochran's Mills, Washington county.
Friday, October 2-
Ealtlick township, Payette coauty,
Saturday, October 3.
Plough Tavern, Berke county.
haat% School house, Fayette county.
Prosperity, Washington county
iirnighlille, Chester county.
Thursday. October S.
Carlisle, Cumberland county. [A grand rally,to be ad
dr: owed by distinguished speakers.] -
Downingtown, Chester county.
- Friday, October 9.
Springfield, Fayette minty_
Saturday, October 10.
Yellow Tavern, Berks county.
Dawson's Station, Fayette county.
Hatboro', Montgomery county.
Monday. October 12.
Reading, Berks county.
Freystown, York county. (Evening.]
TICKETS for the Lancaster Masa Meeting will be
good for all accommodation trains until the 18th,
Curtin Trying to Use Meade.
It has already been authoritatively denied
that General Meade in his sword presentation
speech made any appeal to the soldiers to sup
port Curtin . for Governor—that part of the
speech was interpolated by somebody hired to
do it, or probably by Forney or Curtin
self, either of them little enough to be guilty
of such a fraud; New we have something more,
and quite as descreditable to the parties con
cerned. An exchange says
"The soldiers are mad as hornets at learn
ing that the presentation of the sword to Gen.
Meade was delayed from the early part of last
winter—when the sword was purchased—until
the present time, in order that political capital
might be made out of the occasion."
Bo it appears that the sword was ready for
presentation last winter, but the presentation
was delayed. The reason is plain enough.
Last winter Curtin was not re-nominated, but
being pretty certain that, by a resort to false
hood and political jugglery, with both of which
he and his friend M'Clure are familiar, he
could secure a renomination, means were used
to postpone the presentation until after the
happening of that event, in order that capital
could be made out of it. But soldiers are not
easily humbugged, and Curtin will find, after
the election, if 4/1 the poldlcre aro permitted to
vote, that his tricks are as well understood in
the army as they are out of it.
TILO Soldiers' Prized.
The Indiana Democrat says:
" The Abolition papers are in the habit of
speaking of And Curtin as the "soldier's
friend. E e sic hi s fr iendship by placing
half a million of do that was appropriated
to clothe the Pennsylvania Reserves in the
hands of his particular friends, who provided
the soldiers with blankets that they could see
through, shoddy coats and pants, and shoes
that had soles filled with shavings. In two
weeks the brave men were bare-footed and
Maly naked. A prety "soldier's friend," to
be sure. How much of the profits Curtin
pocketed the public never discovered."
The Washington (Pa.) Review hits this hard
" The only good word the Abolition friends
of Governor Curtin can say of him is "that he
is the soldier's friend." Who are the friends
of Governor Curtin ? The records of the Quar
ter Sessions of Allegheny show that three of
his personal friends were indicted in that court
for cheating the soldier, in his clothing, his
food, and his arms. "Love me, love my dog,"
says the proverb. You may know a man by
the company he keeps. Friend of the soldier,
explain how you acted in unison with the knaves
who struck at the TKOs of all military strength
—food—clothing—and arms.
National and state Banks.
The more the Pet-Bank system, lately in
augurated by the corrupt conspirators who now
control this country, is examined, the more ap
parent is the design, by menus Of it, to per
petuate the existing dynasty of public plun
derers. Necessity—ever the tyrant's plea—can
not be urged with even the shadow of justice
in its behalf; for, in addition to as large a
supply of coined metallic currency as the coun
try ever had, and at least the newt amount of
the issues of our State Banks, felfted and tried
in the era of 1857-80 there has entered 'into
our circulating medium, since the war com
menced, some four hundred millions of dollars
in paper
_promises to pay of the ileneral-*ov
ernment, in denominations ranging from five
cents upwards. The mines, so profusely scat
tered along our Pacific latitude, were and are
still pouring an unabated stream of gold and
silver into the channels of business. Prices of
everything have everywhere risen to heights
which betoken an inflated and plethoric circu
lation. If We really needed .a greater vol.
tune of currency to carry on 'the exchanges of
the -country, why not issue more of the Gov
ernment promises, or (which would be as well
perhaps) let the strong, well-tried State Banks
supply it ?
But no ; a grand political machine is wanted
y tfig•GoTernment to perpetuate its reign and
to control the business and business - men of the,
country; a contrivance by which a supreme ;
manager at Washington-city, through the pub.'
lia deposits, could wield at pleasure the forci
ble power of contraction and expansion of
the currency of the oountry, such as was as
cribed to the late Bank of the United States in
the acme of its power. This scheme of Secre
tary Chase has many 'features worse than any
possessed by that Bank, even according to the
indictment of its most implacable enemies.
The United States is one of those countries
in which, from the first, paper credits 'have
been extensively 'substituted for the pretious
metals - ; and there is no doubt but, owing to
this 'circumstance, the quantity of gold and
silver in the country has always been less than
it would have been but for the .public confi
dence in a system 'of credits and values in the
form of bank paper. 'We are far from assert
ing that this confidence has always been ju
diciously exercised. It 'is sufficient 'for any
present purpose to say that this belief in the
benefits resulting from the existence of State
Banks of issue has been so universal that no
sound statesman could wisely disregard it in
any general system of finance. The Supreme
Court has more than once decided in -favor of
the right of the several States to erect :State
Banks of issue. New York has gone -steadily
on with its legislation, seeking safety and se
curity from all -experience and in every form.
So has Pennsylvania and most of the larger
States. In authorising these State institutions
they have been taxed to the extremest point;
paid bonuses to the highest rate of exaction.
In this way they have come into possession of
helmet, sacred, vamp mines. The widow and
the orphan have been induced to confide their
means to institutions thus created and carefully
What now transpires 4 A. emend-rate Ohio
lawyer, very doubtingly made Secretary of the
Treasury, and whomever had financial reading
or experience enough to manage safely an in- •
Wrier country bank of issue, (we unow what we
write in this regard) takes to his counsels some
adroit speculators, who collate' and contrive
for him a scheme of political and financial
control, reckless of the existing system of
banking and of banks; regardless totally -of
what those banks owe to the country, or -the
country owes to them; ignoring all the com
mercial evils and distresses which must ensue
from any sudden and radicalchange,and from a
general reckoning of bank debts and debtors—
this Ohio fancy financier, we say, suddenly
springs such a scheme upon the country, and,
aided by the influence of the General Govern
ment, and more by the power of corruption
through contracts and other systems of public
plunder, rushes it through a pliant Congress
without adequate examination or reflection.
Recently—quite recently—but still in time,
we hope, to arouse our banks and business
men to act thoughtfully in the coming elec
tions—the controller, who is to put in opera
tion this grand scheme of financial and politi
cal tyranny, boldly tells the State banks they
are doomed ! Salmon P. Chase has his foot
upon their necks, through his pet system of
National banks. "The two systems," he mays,
"cannot exist together; the State institutions
must go to the wall!"
Well, "we shall see," (as said a doubting
Frenchman once,) "what we shall see." So far
as we have observed, the leading spirits now
engaged in getting up those new pet banks—
(putthtg their neeks into Secretary Chase's
noose)—are mere politicians, small speculators
—men inexperienced in the mazes of finance,
who think and tell their co-laborers, they are
"all right" because they hare just now the
entree into the sanctum of the Ohio Abolition
Secretary. Wait, is our advice, until the strug
gle which is becoming inevitable is fairly afield
before declaring the triumph. Who have now
the confidence of the real substantial business
men of the States ? Who have now the custo
dy and control of nearly all the specie in the
country ? Who have experience, system and
knowledge, which in banking, more perhaps
than In any other pursuit, is POWER ? Mani
festly and undoubtedly it is the class of clear
headed, sagacious men surrounding the exist
ing financial • organizations of the several
States. Secretary Chase's controller, who
speaks to confidently of triumph, is boasting
"before he is out of the woods."
If we had all the money stolen, squandered
and fooled away, from and by Lincoln's admin
istration, (and we couldn't well make a larger
proffer,) not one dollar would we invest in Sec
retary Ch»Re'y r
and Chase ones divided the mind of the august
"rail-splitter" in his choice of a Minister of
Finance. Gen. Cameron (to whom we have
been persistently opposed) :would, in our be
lief, have made a much better Secretary of
Finance than the shallow, self willed sololist
who now fills that place in the Lincoln Cabinet.
Cameron has strong, practical sense, and much
experience in money matters. Chase never
had either; and the placing of "the former in
the War Department instead of the Treasury,
(if he was to have either place,) is one of those
characteristic blunders of our weak President,
which is fast driving the country to ruin.
We have many practical objections to this
National issue of bank notes, which we may
urge hereafter. One fact, which went far to
reconcile many to the government issues of
debt, called "greenbacks,"• was that on this
form of debt we pay no interest. Every
thoughful citizen who looks upon one of theist
interesting pieces of paper, besides the (not
very handsome) faces of Chase and Lincoln
with Willa they are so vauntingly adorned,
sees his own obligation! That he It pay
ing no interest upon it, is his only con
solation. And if, in the numerous chan
ces of food, and field, and fire, any of
these Lincoln-Chase photographs are de
stroyed, so much is paid of the public debt,
and so much relief to a tax-ridden people.
Chase's Pet-Bank system,on the contrary, locks
safely up in guarded vaults the certificates of
public debt upon which the issue is based ;
and Ilot only is interest paid upon them, but
the Secretary of the Treasury condescendingly
engraves, (free of expense we believe,) ninety
per centum thereof in bank notes, and kindly
hands it over to his pets, to be loaned again
to the public in the form of bank discounts !
To what proper purpose, advantage, or end,
tell us, ye apologists of this proposed National
Vet-Bank oligarchy.
The other day, when intelligence came from
, the West that ilia steamboat on the Missis
sippi which was burnt, a million or two of
"greenbacks" perished in the flames, the
New York Tribune thoughtfully remarked—
"there is in this No Loss to the Government."
But displace the Government issues in this
occurrence, and substitute, as the Pet-Bank
scheme proposes in the fatizre, bank issues:
then the Bank stock-holders would have been
the only gainers—their certificates being safe
in the Treasury vaults, toezall, in due course,
for "their pound of flesh," while their bank
notes were in ashes.
We yield the pursuit of this subject at this
time, with a single additional reflection. The
lines are clearly drawn in the party movements
of the times. In the coming fall elections in
the saveral States, this scheme of National
Pet-Banks will be passed upon by the people;
it is, in fact, a leading measure of the Lincoln
dynasty. In this State it is identified with
the success of Gov. Curtin_: he will not—he
dare not disavow it. He must admit it now,
and sustain it in the future, if elected. On the
other hand, George W. Woodward has been,
through life, pledged to a jealous guardianship
of State rights and State interests. He is
equal to the requirements of the place he has
been called upon by the people to fill—has
ability, courage and integrity. And any voter
connected with our threatened State institu
tions who, in this crisis, would prefer the weak
Curtin to the strong and capable Woodward,
has more fanaticism than genuine faith—more
money than brains.
We respectfully tender the same opinion in
reference to the voters of other states similarly
involved, who will continue to support the
Lincoln administration and its candidates.
The Confederates and Prance, dtc
It is evident that there is some billing and
cooing going on just now between the Confede
rate administration and the. French Emperor.
Vice President Stephens has crossed the Atlan
tic, fully empowered, it is said, to negotiate
for recognition ' first, and, subsequently, for
an alliance offensive and defensive. This
shows not only a willingness, but an ardent
desire, on the Tart of the Confederates, to tic
.cept national independence even at the price of
national degradation, It is a stigma upon
them which they can .never erase. Posterity
will blush at the baseness of their progenitors
when they read the record of history that they
sacrificed freedom and free institutions for the
sake of. success. And the record will be still
more humiliating if they succeed in their pre
sent, and fail .(as we feel sure they will) in
their ultimate .obj cot.
Nor .do we lack men of the same stamp en
this side of the line—men as base and as reck
less, as bitter and as uncompromising as the
Confederate leaders. The effort made by Sen
ator Charles Sumner, chairman of the Senate
Committee on 'Foreign Relations, in his recent
speech at the Cooper Institute, to win the sym
pathy and aid of England, by highly colored
pictures of the horrors of slavery and venom
ous denunciations of the South, are quite as
diegnoma as the negotiations of Jeff, Davis
and his co-traitors with France.. The leading
men in power of both sections seem to be im
pressed with a firm conviction that free insti
tutions are ‘‘played out," and that consolidated,
centralised despotic power has become a neces
sity. The people North and South who are
true to liberty and the Union must crush these
conspirators against republican government,
or they will be crushed themselves.
The following extract from a Richmond let
ter of September 12, published in the New
York News, shows the drift of affairs in the
Confederacy—we have only to look at the news
of each eventful day to see the direction in
which the Abolition administration at Wash
ington are steering : The Richmond writer
says :
"Capitol Square presented a wild scene of
excitement yesterday, owing to the feet becom
ing known that a special meeting of the Cabi
net had been called by President Davis for a
very important purpose. Every possible and
impossible emergonC7 was canvassed as the
cause of the miisterial gathering. Yet with
all the shrewd guessing of the people, only a
few of the initiated know the real cause there
of. It appears that day before yesterday a
gentleman arrived in this city from the Smith.
and engaged rooms at the Spottswood. His air
and appearance at once denoted him as a for
eigner. About an hour
Mr. Sedde;
after . his arrival, the
stranger called upon Mr. Secretary
of War,
Mr. Benjamin, and several other dis
tinguished public officers. In the evening, the
stranger had a long interview with the Presi
dent, and afterwards. speedily followed the
Cabinet meeting.
"It is well known in certain circles, that for
-some time past, large numbers of troops have
could not even be imagined. The business be
fore the Cabinet meeting yesterday had con
siderable to do with it, however, and may be
productive of very great events.
The foreigner who was received with so
much eclat by the President and his Prime
Couneillore, proves to be a messenger from
General Forey, the French commander in Mex
ico, and I also understand, that whatever over
tures general Forey may make to this Govern
ment, he has not only the full instructions of
Louis Napoleon, but also his consent to make
an alliance, &c. This much has leaked out
from transactions of the Cabinet yesterday.
The further development of existing plane and
treaties for public knowledge must depend al
together upon the operations of the army in
Virginia and the Southwest."
Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
Occasionally, in the course of events, some
astounding deed is committed that confounds
the mind, and chains, as it were, the faculties
of thought and speech. Such an occurrence
is the issuing of the following proolhthation
by the President of the United States, suspen
ding the writ of habeas corpus in all cases of
offence against the military or naval service.
In the presence of this act of the President we
are dumb, and can at present do no more than
present to our readers the following proclama
WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United
States of America has ordained that the privi.
lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion
or' invasion the public safety may require it ;
and whereas, a rebellion was existing on the
third day of March, 1863, which rebellion instill
existing ; and whereas, by a statute which was
approved on that day, it was enacted by the
Senate and House of Representatives, in Con
gress assembled, that- during the present in
surrection the President of the United Slates,
whenever in his judgment the public safety
may require, is authorized to suspend the pri,
vilege of the writ of habeas corpus in any case
throughout the United States or any part
thereof ; and whereas, in the judgment of the
President of the -United States, the public
safety does require that the privilege of the
said writ shall now be suspended throughout
the United States, hi the Weft where, by the
authority of the President of the United States,
the military, naval and civil officers of the
United States, or any of them, hold persons
under their command., or in their custody,
either as prisoners of war, spies, eiders or
abettors of the enemy, or officers, soldiers or
seamen enrolled, drafted or mastered or enlis
ted in, or belonging to the land or naval forces
Of the United States, or as deserters therefrom,
or otherwise amenable to military law or the
rules and articles of war, or the rules or regu
lations prescribed for the military or naval
service by authority of the President of the
United Status, or for resisting a draft, or for
any other offence against the military or naval
service :
Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Presi
dent of the United States, do hereby proclaim
or• make known to all whom it may concern,
that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is
suspended throughout the United States, in
the several oases before mentioned, and that
this. suspension will continue throughout the
duration of the said rebellion, or until this
proclamation shall, by a subsequent one to be
issued by tie President Of the United States,
be modified or revoked. And Ino hereby re
quire all magistrates, attorneys and other civil
officers within the United States, and all offi
cers and others in the military and naval ser
vice of the. United States, to take distinct notice
of this suspension, and to give it full effect,
and all citizens of the United States to conduct
and govern themselves accordingly, and in
conformity with the Constitution of the United
States and the laws of Congress, in such cases
made and provided.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand
and cause the seal of the United States to
be affixed,,this fifteenth day of September,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-three, (1.862) and of the
independence of the United States of America
the eighty-eighth.
By the President,
WILLIAM H. Snwznp,
Secretary of State.
. "These States are glorious in their individUality,
but their collective glories are in the Union. By
all means, at all hazards, are they to be main
tained in their integrity and the full measure of
their constitutional rights—for only so is the . Union
to be preserved—only so is it worth preserving.
It is the perfection of the prismatic colors, which
blended, produce the ray •of light. It is the com
pleteness of these assembled sovereignties, lacking
nothing which they have not lent for a great pur
pose, that makes the Union precious. This word
Union is a word .of gracious omen. It implies
confidence and affection—mutual• support and pro
tection against external dangers. It is the chosen
expression of the strongest passion of young hearts.
It is the charmed circle within which the family
dwells. It is man helping his fellow-man in this
rugged world. It is States, perfect in themselves,
confederated for mutual advantage. It is the peo
ple of States, separated by lines, and interests, and
institutions, and usages, and laws, all forming one
glorious nation—all moving onward to the same
sublime destiny, and all instinct with a common
life. Our fathers pledged their lives, their for
tunes, and their sacred honors, to form, this Union
—let ours be pledged to maintain it."—GEo. W.
WOODWARD, July 4, 1851.
Extract from the decision of Judge 'Wool).-
WARD sustaining the stay law passed by our
Legislature in favor of the soldier
"Now, if a stay of execution for three years
would not be tolerated in ordinary times, did not
these direinnstances constitute an emergency that
justified the pushing of legislation to the extremest
limit of the Constitution .? No citizen could be
blamed for volunteering. He was invoked to do so
by appeals as strong as his love of country. In
the nature of things there is nothing unreasonable
in exempting a soldier's property from execution
whilst . he is absent from home battling for the
supremacy of the Constitution and the integrity of
the Union. And when he has not run before he
was s ent, but has yielded himself up to the call of
his country, his self-sacrificing patriotism pleads,
trumpet-tongued, for all the indulgence from his
creditors which the Legislature have power to grant.
If the term of indulgence seem long in this instance,
it was net longer than the time for which the Pre
sident and Congress demanded the soldier's ser
44 1 am not and never have been a 'Native Amer
ican':. in any political sense, any more than. I am or
have been a Whig, Antimason or an Abolitionist.
4 * The speech so often quoted against me,
I am not responsible for. It was introduced into
the debates by a Whig reporter, in violation of the
r ules of the body, which required him to submit for
revision before publication, and which he never did.
* * I promptly denounced it, in the face of
(TonuentiOn, as I have done many a time since,
as a gross misrepresentation. * * * The Na
tive American party itself is my witness. Seven
years ago I was the caucus nominee for TI. S.
Senator. The county of Philadelphia was repre
sented by Natives. They asked whether, if elected
by their votes, I would favor their measures for
changing the naturalization laws, I answered them
NO, and they threw every vote they could command
against me and raised a shout of triumph over
their victory."—Gro. W. WOODIVAUD, Pittsburg,
Sept. 14, 1852.
NEW Yens, Sept. 16.—The steamer Mary
Sanford has arrived from Charleston bar, with
advices up to Saturday night, the 12th inst.,
which show that the dispatch of yesterday,
from Fortress Monroe, was entirely unfounded.
The Sanford brings dispatches for the Gov
ernment, and a mail from the fleet.
General Gilmore was actively engaged in
erecting batteries on the upper end of Morris
Island,sustaining a heavy fire from Forts John
ston and Moultrie. The rebels have two 15-
inch guns in Moultrie. Sumpter is entirely
silenced, but a garrison is still there, and the
rebel flag is still flying, no attempt having
been made to capture it, since the defeat of the
boat expedition.
The health of the fleet is good.
The Monitor Patapsco has gone to Port
Royal to repair.
Commodore Ammen has been appointed
Chief of Admiral Dahlgren's staff.
[The Capt. Diggs' story of the "white flag"
on Fort Moultrie is reported by telegraph,with
fuller details ; but as the Mary Sanford,whioh
left Charleston bar on Saturday night—several
hours after the Nellie Pevintz passed—brings
no confirmation of the surrender, we reject it
as unfounded, and omit the dispatch.]
FORTESS MONROE, Sept. 15.—The flag of
truce steamer New York left here this morning
at 4 o'clock for City Point.
A negro arrived in Norfolk to•day from Rich.
mond, eni says that Genie. Lee and Longetreet
passed through that city last Friday with a
potion of their commands, and it was ru
mored they were going to Tennessee, though
many thought they were on their way to
PORTLAND, Sept. 15.—We have additional
returns from 36 towns, which give Cony 1,031
majority, against 461 last year.
So far 226 towns give Cony 48,934 ; Brad
bury, 33,877—being a majority of 15,057. The
towns to be heard from will considerably in
crease this Majority.
Full returns from York county give 300
Union majority.
Franklin county gives about 5,000 majority
for the Union ; Oxford about 1,200, and Ken
nebec, it is thought, 3,500.
The vote is very close in Lincoln county.
CAM., Sept. 15.—Admiral Porter has just'
arrived in the General Lyon from below.
On the 30th of August, the gunboat Cham
pion was attacked at Morganic, while convoy
ing the Julia, loaded with troops. Five hun
dred guerrillas opened fire on both boats from
behind the levee. The troops passed on, while
the Champion engaged the rebels and disper
sed them. Gen. Herron is after them with
some troops.
The General Lyon brings the news that the
Marine Brigade had captured at Bolivar three
rebel paymasters, in whose possession, was
found $2,000,000. This sum was to be used
,to pay the troops at Little Bock.
MEMPHIS, Sept. 13.—A cavalry and mounted
infantry of the 16th army corps, under the di
rection• of Gen. Carr, at- Corinth, have been
active during the past week, going as far south
as the Tallahatchie, and stampeding the rebel
cavalry into Grenada and Okolona.
Gen. Carr also scattered the rebel Rhoddy's
forces in the vicinity of Jacinto and Rienzi.
The rebels are reported to have ordered all
the cotton to be destroyed along the Tallahat
chie, which the planters are endeanoring to get
to the Memphis market.
Rebel mails have been captured, with cor
respondence which confirms the report that
Johnston is reinforcing Bragg.
A rgbel force with artillery is reported to be
moving in Upper Arkansas, to intercept the
navigation of the Mississippi. They will re
ceive attention.
LONDON, Sept. 3, 1863.--The London Times,
referring to Mr. Secretary Seward's Arcular—
which it publishes in full, says : 'fWe have
in the first place the same extraordinary mis
representation of recent events in the war.
The earliest events, we are glad to see, are at
length properly appreciated. This letter is, in
its main characteristics, a mere repetition of
former flourishes, and if it fails to relieve the
anxiety of Europe as to the probable conse
quences of this struggle it is entirely needless
in the main purpose. It might determine our
sympathy if Mr. Seward could show us that
there was any hope of the success of the Fede
ral army being followed by a renewal of peace,
prosperity and trade of the South ; but we are
unable to see any hope of this ; so it and Mr.
Seward's long epistle fails to throw one ray of
light on the dark prospect.
To the Associated'Press of New York
LONDON, Sept. 5, via HALIFAX, Sept. 15.
At a meeting of the Directors of the Atlantic
Telegraph Company, on the sth inst., the ten
der of Messrs. Glass, Elliott & Co., to manu
facture and lay down. in the summer of next
year, a good submarine telegraph cable between
Ireland and Newfoundland, was unanimously
accepted. CYRUS W. YIELD.
The Charleston news at band, with regard
to Fort Moultrie, is. considered unreliable, and
is discredited by the War and Navy Depart
ments. The new rebel flag is a white one,
and this doubtless led to the impression that it
was a flag of surrender.
Douhts having been expressed whether Gen.
Gilmore would renew the bombardment of
Charleston before reducing the fortifications
below the city, it may be well to state that he
sent a special message here requesting instruc
tions in regard to shelling the city. In reply
he was told that he was expected to shell the
city until it was surrendered.
Gen. Gilmore has been. appointed Major
General of volunteers, in consideration of his
services before Charleston.
Commodore Thomas Crabb is detached as
presiding officer of the Naval General Court
Martial at Philadelphia, and appointed prise
commissioner for the Eastern District of Penn
On Sunday morning a party of thirty fugi
tive slaves were making their way to Washing.
ton from their masters' homes in Ann Arundel
and Calvert counties, through Centreville,
Prince George county. The patrol, composed
of citizens of Prince George, attempted to sto p
them, when the slaves resisted. Some of them
being armed with old muskets, they attempted
to use them, but ineffectually, as the pieces
hung fire. The patrol fired in among the fu.
gitives, wounding five, two of them seriously.
Other parties coming up, arrested most of the
slaves, and they were taken in charge by their
owners, who were in pursuit, and overtook
them. Five of the slaves were placed in jail
at Marlboro. One of them received a load of
five shot in his face, totally destroying both of
his eyes.
The censorship of the press continues with
its accustomed peculiarity. Even matters in
no manner connected with military operations
have to undergo the perusal and receive the
egdorgement of the official supervisor, Delays
in telegraphing to the press are, therefore,
unavoidable by correspondents.
Certificates of disability for cue hundr4l/
and seventy thousand cases of wounded sol
diers have been sent from the Surgeon Gene
ral's office to that of Pensions. But thirty
thousand applications for pensions have yet
been received.
Eleven men are to be executed in the army
on Friday next for desertion. Strenuous effort
are being made to obtain a reprieve for some
of them, but the indications are that no such
request wilt be granted.
General King has arrested all the male se.
cessionists at Fairfax Court House and in tha:
vicinity and sent them to the Old Capitol prison.
Among them are several leading men who took
an active part in forcing the state into rebel
On Wednesday, the 10th instant, at 12 o'clock, THEO
The funeral will take place from the residence of
Charles Carson, No. 62 Second street, on Friday, 18th,
at two o'clock p in. The friends of the family are in
vited to attend the funeral.
New "Abiaertisemento.
"A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned."
By buying your
Kimball's - Shoe Store, 381-2, Market St.
The undersigned, thankful for the very liberal pa
tronage he has enjoyed, would rerpectfully announce to
the public that he has now in store one of the largest
and best selected stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Trucks,
Sr.c.. to be found in the city, which will be mold at a
very anal/ advance, Remember the place
(Next door to Wealla'a Sewelry Store.)
/3 ep 17-6tw&ig
WANTED, by the first of October, a
HOUSE, with six or eight rooms, within four
squares of the Poatoffice. Rent not to exceed lifo
Address BOX 67, P. 0. 5ep164.11,*
F •
OUND.—A Gold Watch and Chain, in
the cars of the Pennaylvania Railroad. at Harris
burg, en Monday morning, September 14, 1863, which
the owneeaan have by applying at the Superintendent s
office at Harrisburg, proving property and paying for
this advertisement. sep 16 3t
irr Philadelphia Ingui7or and Pittsburg Chronicll
please insert 3 times end send bill to this offiee.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Dauphin eounty, Pa., and to me di
rected, will be exposed to public sale cr oat•cry, at the
Court House, in the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin
county, on Saturday, the 3d day of October next, at one
o'clock p. m., the following valuable piece or tract of
land, situate in Susquehanna township, D napkin county,
about one and a half milts from the city of Harrisburg,
on the Jonestown road, containing twelve acres and
forty-five perches, more or less, adjoining lands of Gen.
John Forster, deceased, land of John Raysor, William
Haverstick, and others, held in common by Jacob Shell
and Frederick P. Haehnlen.
JACOB D, BOAS, Sheriff,
Harrisburg Sept. 15, 186&-ltd3tw .
Second Street, above Arcb,•
aepls] Late of 1, Surf House,'T Atlantic City. [C.c.
will be held at the office of 'the Inland Telegraph
Company on Third street. on the 6th of October, for the
purpose of electing President, Lirectors, Secretary and
Treasurer to serve the ensuing year.
11. J. f3TAHLE, Secretary,
Harrisburg, Sept. 14th-I.yrd.
rrIIIIOTHY SEED.—A . prime article
k can be had at the Agricultural Store of
110 Market street.
Rep 11-1 w
WANTED.—A situation by an active,
intelligent young man. in almost any general
business. Good relerencea given. Apply at this office.
Sept 5-3t*
Iy proposals, properly endorsed
and directed to the undersigned, will be received
at the City Clerk's office till 6 o'clock p. in., Sep
tember 24, for the erovion of a house for the
Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company, accord
ing to drawings now on file in the said office.. The
house to have pressed brick front, no cellar, and
brick pavement in the centre. Contractor to far•
tish all the material, and do all the work complete,
and to specify the time of completion of the work.
Council reserving the right to reject all bids they
may think not to the interest of the city.
seprl-sithwt24 President Common Council.
Steubenbund No. 8, V. O. V. 8.,
After a grand prOCOSSiOn through the city they will
proceed to the Island, where a SPLENDID BARD will
amuse the visitors during the day. Refreshments of
every description will be found on the Island
sepl2-d4t S W 8 M THE COMMITTEE
In room formerly occupied by Dr. Carnuiw r
FOR SALE.—The house and lot, shu
t' ated on the corner of Second and North atreetS, is
the ell of llarrisbure. Title indisputable. For fur
then information apply on the premises, to Mrs Joshua
Fackler. sep2-3wd.
Ten good men wanted to fill Captain Cafferty'a com
pany, now encamped at Camp Cimch, Harrisburg. Rer
uns, arms, and equipmente furnished se goon Re mos+
tered in. Apply at the Parke Rouse Market street,.
Harrisburg. Lieut. C. L. MERCEREAU.
aep Recruiting Officer.
PROPOSALS Proposals will be re
ceircd by the Board of Echool Directors of SugTle
halms school district for the erection of a SG flool,
HOUSE, on the Jonestown road, one mile east of Har
risburg. Plane and specification of the same can be
seen at the public house of Benjamin O. Peters, in
Harrisburg. Persona handing in proposals are reouP sted
to attend a meeting of the Board at Nistey'e School
Proposals can be handed to either of the Directors, or
dropped in the Harrisburg Postoilice•
sepls flit* HENRY SHRENK,