LOCAL NEWS• NOTICE.—In consequence of an exhibition for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers in the upper hall, the meeting of the Young Men's Dem ocratic Club will be held in the dining room at Brant's Hall, this evening. Damn. AT PILTLADELPHIA.--All the hospitals east of the Susquehanna river, including those in this city, now make their weekly reports at the of fice of the Medical Director in Philadelphia, and not to the Medical Director at Chambersburg, as heretofore. ____ ommos.--A dead borne lies unburied in a field adjoining the Lebanon Valley railroad, in a very decomposed condition, rendering it exceedingly offensive to passengers and persons traveling over the road, and detrimental to the health -of those living in that vicinity. The field was lately occu pied by army horses. Con. Gamairsarm......-Ve r e often see boys and girls standing about the tracks of the different rail roads watching for the coal which drops. We would suggest that by following up the tracks to a short distance out of town they might get as mush as desired. There is any quantity of it dragged out from the engines which is not more than one-third burnt. C.LarmasswEss.— While passing along Front street yesterday we noticed a gross instance .of carelessness. A man who was pushing a two wheeled cart along tho pavement heedlessly knocked and nearly run over a small child. If people cannot exereisa due care in the rise Of the sidewalks, they should be obliged to take to the roadway, which is, under all circumstances, the proper place for such vehicles. • NawsrAren Tinsvzs.—Complaints are fre quently made to us by subscribers that the carri ers have failed to leave the paper at their doors. In many cares we learn from eye witnesses that the papers are stolen before they are secured by the subscribers. The pilferers are generally boys, but older ones are often guilty of the misdemeanor. This offence is very annoying to us, as our Orders are often charged with a negligence of their duty. The carriers use every effort to please oar patrons, and from their well known familiarity with all parts of the eity, and strict attention to businem they have our entire confidence. Tag Nionv Am ma All rumN.—lt is a fallacy to suppose that it is advantageous to the health to sloop with the windows open diming the nights of September and October. The air, moist and damp as it always is in different periods of these months, enters the lungs and generates fevers of many kinds, thoroughly undermining the constitution. "Hall's Journal of Health" takes this view of the subject, and werecornmend it to the attention of all our readers. No doubt it is prejudicial to sleep in a close and confined room, and inhale for hours together the atmosphere, but there are means of ventilation which answer every reasonable purpose. Always be careful to have the room well aired during the day. Tan Wokrnan.—The variation in the weather during the last few days, has been decidedly more than is agreeable. Many persons that had.changed their wearing apparel, have in all probability ex changed again for eoolen Snail changes should always be carefully made, and in particular, by those delicately constituted. This is a season of the year more liable to sickness than any other. Persons from a want of proper care contract com plaints, which if they do not die of at time, linger on them for a great length of time, aid often even tually end in their death. The eating of immode rate quantities of fruit and at improper times, tend to bring on sickness. The great appetite for all kinds of fruit felt by children should be carefully guarded against by parents from being carried to excess. &luny Baseans.—These characters continue quite numerous, and as the season advances they continue to move rapidly, until the town shall be entirely subjugated. There are probably many of this Blass who are objects worthy of charity, but the majority are entirely undeserving of any at tention. Despising labor, they resort to begging as the easiest means of obtaining a livelihood, and when this fate them, they de nut Levitate to steel and practice all kinds of petty rascalities. At different times, a number of them have been ar rested and committed for pilfering, and charges of • like character, this doer): proves that there are many undeserving ones among them. We do not mean to say that charity should be withheld in all cases; but that persons should not give always, without first' being satisfied of the propriety of doing so. Humus.—For a week past the boxes and drawers in our post office have been afflicted with circulars from J. T. Lloyd, a New York map publisher, set ting Mb tho value of his railroad maps, post office directories, ete. We would simply say that J. T. Lloyd is an arrant humbug. We advertised for him some time since and he refused to pay for the seine, according to agreement. Look out for him.—daneent Reporter_ We cordially endorse every word of the above. If Lloyd's maps and directories are not more re liable than he is himself, they are not worth the paper they are printed upon. He is a great scoun drel, and those who send money to him will hardly be likely to hear from it again.—Erfe Observer. We also endorse every word of the above state ments. We presented oar bill for advertising to J. T. Lloyd in person, and he refused to pay on the ground that we bad attacked him. This was a falsehood, and he.knew it at the time; be only made use of it as an excuse to escape ,an honest debt. The above statements show that he has been carrying on this cheap way of advertising, as be thinks it, rather extensively. In regard to his maps, we are compelled to condemn theta' as most miserable failures. We had several of them, but were compelled to lay them aside as utterly EXAAIINATIOIeI OF DRAFTED MEN. THIRD WARD, HARRISBURG. 312 G u n t on Bollinger, furnished substitute. 313 David D Liddy, exempt; under age. 314 Jacob Greenawalt, sick ; failed to report. 315 T Rookbill Smith, exempt; non-residence. 316 William Hummer, exempt; disability. 317 Peter Altmyer, exempt; disability. 318 Besjamin S Runkle, furnished substitute_ 319 Bartholomew M'Que, exempt; 320 Joseph Frost, sick; failed lo report. 321 Charles Waltz, postponed. 322 John M Thome, exempt; under age. 323 Oliver Curtis, exempt; Nay son of a widow, 524 If A Van Trump. exempt; disability. 325 George Martin, failed to report. 326 henry Steese, postponed. 327 Samuel Hall, exempt ; disability. 328 Samuel Haffanger, failed to report. 329 Mosee NOW, exempt; nett-tesident. 330 Thomas B Nolan, exempt; only son of a widow. 331 W 0 Cook, failed to report. 332 Leopold Freedmen, exempt; alienage. 333 Jacob Spolfard, exempt; disability. • 334 Henry C Sheaffer, exempt; only son of a widow. 335 John M'Onrk, exempt; disability. 336 Benjamin F Bowman, postponed, 337 J P Norton, exempt; over age. 338 Samuel Wolfe, did not report. 339 L W Ten Eyck, did not report. 340 Q A M'lllwain, exempt; disability. 341 A B Miller, did not report. 342 G B Ayer?, did not report. 343 John A "I filer, exempt; disability. 344 W A Parkhill. postponed. 345 Joseph R Markley, failed to report. COUNTY CONVENTON. The Democratic County Convention met in the Court House, at 2 o'clock p. m., and organized by the election of Dr. A. Patterson, of Harrisburg, as President; George Bowman, of Millersburg, and George Bailey, of Harrisburg, as Vice President; and Dr. Jackson Sheaffer, H. B. Wood, George F. Weaver and John Westfall, as Secretaries. The following gentlemen answered to their names and took their seats as delegates of the Convention, Viz: Harrisburg—First Ward—George F Weaver, Daniel Hooker. Seeond Ward—Daniel Wagner, A Patterson, Third Ward—George Bally, Wm K Verbeke. Fourth Ward—L Barnhart, H B Wood. Fifth Ward—Thomas J. Osler, Joa H Bowman. Sixth Ward—A - gorge B. Bgle. C A Wilhelm. Middletown—North Ward—William Smith, D P Lescnre. South Ward—Guido Bumbaugh, J Schaeffer. Middle Ward—Solomon Landis, Benry Smith. Stisquehanna—J A M'Allizter, J LiTingaton. Swatara—W Treviok, D F Smith, Lower Swatara—W K Wilson, S L Swartz. West Londonderry—A J Laird, Wm V Beck. Bait Lendendorry—John Branhan, Qeo M'Can. Conewago—George Redsecker, Joseph Strite. Deny—John Wolhaven, Henry Myers. South Hanover—D Shaffner, Henry Crist• East Hanover—Thee Keen, Jno A. Poorman. West Hanover—G W Finney, S Glassbrenner. Lower Paxton—George Shoop, George Runyan. Middle Paxton—Capt Jno Kennedy, R Simmons. Millersburg Borough—G Bowman, Wm .7 Seal. Jackson—John Enders, Philip Witman. Jefferson—James Horning, John Hoffman. Halifax—Dr H R Casslow, H Bowman. Reed—John C Walden, William Warner. Upper Paxton, L Lebo, Emanuel Lenker. H Reed, Edward Koppenheffer. Washington—U D Fence, George Gilbert. Lykens—A Betz, John Mann. Gratz—J BatangtoU, M Belton. Wiconisco—J C M'Elarney, John J Wallace. Dauphin—J N Sponsler, J R Usaberger. Mr. M'Allieter, of Susquehanna, moved that the President of the Convention appoint three gentle men to act as conferees in conjunction with three similar conferees from Lebanon county in the se lection of a candidate for Senator, which was agreed to, and the President appoltited J. M. Kreiter, of Harrisburg; Geo. W. Bowman, of Mil lersburg, and Henry Smith, of Middletown, as said conferees. The convention then proceeded to the nomina tion of two candidates for the Legislature. When, on motion, Captain J. Wesley Awl, of Harrisburg, and Charles H. Zeigler, of Reed township, were nominated by acclamation. For Sheriff, John Raymond, of Middletown, re ceived 45 votes; Oliver Edward, of Harrisburg, 15 votes; John B. Crouse, of Dauphin, 4 votes, and F. A. Murray, of Harrisburg, 2 votes. Mr. Raymond having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly nominated, and on motion, the nomination was made unanimous. For County Commissioners, T. Allen Hamilton, of Harrisburg, Wlte nominated for three years, and Jacob Buck, of Upper Paxton, for 1 year, in place of Henry Moyer, deceased. For Recorder, James Horning, of Jefferson, re ceived 38 votes; Levi H. Blessing, of Harrisburg, 10 votes, and Mary Techtmoyer 7 votes. Mr. Horning having received a major ity.of all the votes east, was, on motion, declared the unani mous choice of the Convention for Recorder. John Back, of West Hanover, Woo nominated for Director of the Poor. James M'Cormiok, of Harrisburg, was nomina ted by acclamation as the candidate for Auditor. Mr. Bowman, of Millersburg, offered the follow ing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted ! _Bewailed, That we intend to regard and main tain and carry out, to the fullest extent, the Con stitution of the United States, in all its parts and provident!. Resolved, That "we hold that the government was made on the white basis, by white men, for the benefit of white men and their posteaity for ever." Resolved, That we re.efirm, re.adopt and ap prove the platform and resolutions of the Demo cratic State Convention, held at Harrisburg on the 17th day of Jane last. The following gentlemen were announced as the County Committee for the ensuing year; to wit: First Ward—A J Wickert. Second Ward—Benjamen L Forster. Third Ward—J Id Kreider. Fourth Ward — William M'Fadden, Fifth Ward—Win F Osier. Sixth Ward—Wm Morris. Middletown—North Ward—David P Leecure. South Ward—John H Snavely. Middle Ward—Henry Smith. Susquehanna—J A M'Allieter. Swatara—Richard T Leaman. Lower Swatara—W K Wilson: West Londonderry—Henry Gross: East Londonderry—Henry Teehtmoyer. Conewago—Joseph Kaylor. Derry—Jacob Booser. South Hanovor—Ds D 0 Keller. East Hanover—Daniel Urioh. West Hanover—David Glasebreuner. Lower Paxton—John J Crum. Middle Paxton—Dr Lewis Heck. - Millersburg Borough—B Witmer. Jackson—Aaron Shamo. Jefferson—W Richards. Halifax—Joseph Boyer. Reed—B S Duncan. Upper Paxton—Josiah B Weaver. J B Beater. Washington—George Gilbert. Lykens—A Betz. Gratz—Jacob Buffington. Wiconisco—J C M'Alarny. Dauphin Borough—Dr. J. R. Umberger. On motion it was Resolved, That the Committee have power to choose their own Chairman. When, on motion, the Convention adjourned eing3 die. A. PATTERSON. Preaident. GEO. W. BOWMAN, Vice Preste. Gao. BAILEY. JACKSON SHEAFFER, OEO. R WEAMEIL, H. B. WOOD, Secretaries. JOKE WESTFALL, POLICE AFFAIRS.—Before Alderman Several commitments for petty offences transpired yesterday. The following eases of drunkenness and disorderly conduct were before the magistrate: Mary Bailey, arrested by officer Fry. Dis charged. Catharine Little, arrested by WIMP Essig and Cline. Discharged. Catharine was picked up at Camp Curtin, where she was found in a very di lapidated condition. George Myers, arrested by caller Cline. Die. charged. John Booney, colored, arreated by officer Stools. This negro, who broke his promise on Monday, by not pin home. w as Yeeterdcy brought up for the same old offence—getting drunk. This time, for tunately, his employer secured him and compelled him to go borne. Tan Yortan Max's ORNTRAL Dam/Kovno CLUB will meet this evening, at I o'clock, in Brant's Dining Daily YOUNG ItIEN'S CENTRAL DEMOCRATIC CLUB. The uridersigne4, feeling the importance of a cordial and united effort to sustain and secure the election of State and County nominations of the National, Conservative Democratic party in Octo ber, in pursuance of a resolution heretofore adop ted,invite the eo-operation of all who are friendly to the cause of the Democracy, the Union and the maintenance of the Constitution, in organizing a a Young lifen's Central Democratic Club; and for this purpose, request their attendance at Brunt's Hotel on Wednesday evening, Sept. 9, at seven o'clock. The foes of Civil Liberty, breakers of the Con stitntion—enemies of the Union as it was, are moving every appliance of unrighteous power to seduce the virtue of the people, trample on their most sacred rights, and confirm the projected des potism of Force over the Freedem 411.1:1 Equality which has been bought for us by the precious blood of our Fathers as a heritage to their posterity for ever. Vigilance, energy, and a determination to stand by at all hazards, these, the birthrights of every American Citizen in this the hour of their peril, will insure their preservation; an indiffer ence to the unspeakable blessings they bestow, may end, too late to be regained, in their destruc tion. Their keeping has been sacredly entrusted to the People—unaided and unawed this duty de volves alone upon them. To the end that we may be ready to meet the great issues before ns, the undersigned earnestly invoke their fellow-citizens—and especially the young Democracy of this district—to assemble at the time and place above stated, and lend their aid and sanetion to the task of securing upon a general plan an effective local organization of the party for a free, full vote at the coming election and to carry out, so far as possible, the great purposes of Ne tional Conservatism and Constitutional Liberty and Law. George Prince, , George Bailey, James M Bay, Edgar E Ebert, John A Bigler, James Forster, M H Lee, D J Brougher, J Tansig. Samuel Billing, George J Shoemaker, H Zimmerman, J B Ewing, James O'Donnell, Thomas C. MacDowell, John Knepley, J C M'Alamey, G B Egle, W K Wilson, George Powell, William White, Jos S Royal, Allen Steel, Thos G Sample, H Stewart Wilson, John H Brant, Peter Kerr, James Dunlap, Eli Strickler, elms T Hippa, George Fleeter, Jacob D Epler, Daniel Erisman, Robt Toy, Jacob Yoke, J W Lescure, Levi Sullin, Geoge Ahrmfregel, 0 Edwards, W C M'Gann, Franklin Z Steelier, Levi H Blessing, Israel Hanlen, R H Hummel, E J Basher, John C Culp, G H J Beatty, J M Castle, William Mitohner, T F Maloney William H Egle,Henry H Boyle, William H Carerry, James U George F Carl, Henry Kepple, Frank A Murray, George H Neuer, James H M'Allister, C D Walter, F Asbury Awl. J P Crull, E Perkins, James A Gilmore, Joliet C Moyer,Thomas W Anderson, George Krichaum, Thomas P Wendell, George Orth, John Campbell, John H Leaman, F B Fehleison, George Robinson, BeNamin M'Namara, Joseph M'Clellan, Frank Johns, William It Redman, John Hindt, James M Shanklin, William H Hippie, Harry B Harris, George Myers, William D Carson, ' A Robinson, John Do Witt, - A Cooper, George Earnest,. R Gavin, William F M'Coy, William H Holmes, John Handiboe, Daniel M'Carty, Thomas Grier, Dennis Boyle, Samtiel Snyder, Henry Ward, Daniel Daugherty, H M Irwin, Jacob Reel, U J Jones, George L. Mytinger, Jona Barrett, Robert Gilmore, Harry Slep, Thomas N Brooke, R E Ferguson, J W Cooper, Charles P Fairlamb, John C. Barr, D M Castle, John Brady, George J Ginkinge, William H Morgan, J W Bush, W D Boas, William S Holman, H F hPßeynolds, William A Ball, Jamei W Morgan, Benjamin L Forster, Samuel Gible, George F Weaver, Jr, Samuel M Ebersol, John A Haller, J W Awl, George W Feist, James B Irvin, H Zimmerman, John MlDermot, William S Reichard, Jacob P Barringer, W J Bergstresser, Francis S Seiler, Louis Brininger, John W Brown John Kammerer, W J Maglanchlin, Harry Soock, S U Celeetoek, George Weidler, Wm P Coulter, William Wilt, W K Alricks, Luther Reese, G Edwards, William F Bay, Jacob Levi, Michael Hair, E P Lesoure, Peter Fitzpatrick, John Mytinger. William J Boyle, Louis Wyetb, George Rice, James Fitzgerald, Joseph H Barger, J S Vendling, Joseph Rhine, John Runk, Jr, Isaiah T Bowman, Ovid F Juhaeoe, Samuel Kunkle, William Weil, P H Ryan, W D Jack, Richard Updegrove, George W Cole, John B Tomlinson, G Critzman, William Umberger, W G Rees, V G Chandler, Henry Emanuel S S Davis, William 0 M'Faden, C Genibe,_ William F Osier, W H M'Mazins, Edmond Baiern, John Kehr, • James M'Gowan, Frank Rhine. S S Barrett, ' James Dougherty, ' B F Work, William Dougherty, • Samuel Haldeman, and others. Naw FALL Goons.—We have now received and are opening a beautiful assortment of WM style dress goods and other goods. Splendid assortment of new delaines. All colors of plain alpacas. New style of plaid dress Dodo. Fine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached muslin& 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting. 5-4 heavy linen for pillow cases. 7.4 grey linen damask for table covers. White linen table covers and napkins. Bleak alpacas, all qualities. White linen and hemstiohed pocket handker chiefs. 10 doz. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 75 center, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices. White cambric muslin s and jaeonnetts, nansooke, Irish linen, Swiss milling, and a great many other new goods. S. Laws. Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of pay and subsistence elttime, duo., Ac., /to., made out and col lected by EUEIRNB SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office. Third street, Harrisburg, Pa oct2B-1v UHQ re (MULL ALB UfrlB.—A large and hominid assortment of Photograph Albums jnat received and for sale cheap, at KNOOUWEI, il 9 . 93 Market street• SPE CUL NOTICES. To Horse Owners. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horses is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, ari sing from Sprains Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle (falls, Scratch es, Mang B 7 &L, it will also cure speedily. lipswin and gingbone may b e easily prevented and cured in their incipient stages, bat confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, how ever, is SO desperate or hopeless hut it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will al ways remove the Largeness, and enable the horse to travel with comparative ease. Every horse owner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases men tioned, to which all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. See advertisement, ap2o eow-dkw A GENTLED/I,llg, cured of Nervous Debility,ln competency , Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge) the revisit and direotientt fat making the simple Remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by hie expei rience—and 7 poesess a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad dressing ; ' JOHN B. OGDBN. Aug 14-firudttw No. 00, Nessen street, N. Y. CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. There is 'no Hair Dye in use so pure, so free from all objectionable properties, that produces such splendid od permanent tints, or that operates so quickly, uni. howdy, and certainly, as CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR liglß DYE. This matchless article is pronounced, by all who have ever applied it, or seen it applied, the most wonderful invention of the age. Ten minutes suffices for any shade of brown or the deepest black. It ]doves the skin unstained. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, Now Yetk, tiold everrvbere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, $l5O and $3 per box, according to size. Cristadoro 7 s Hair Preservative Is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness, the most beautiful gloss and great ♦itality to the Bair. price 60 cents, $1 and $2 per bottle, according to nice .il3l-d&wlm THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Farmers, tamilies and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore throats, toothache, sea sickness, cuts, burns, swellings bridges, old sores, headache, inusquit9 bites, pains in the limbs, chest, back, &e. If it does not give relic the money will be refunded. All that is asked le atrial, and use it according to the directions. Du. Tomas—Dear Sir I have used your Venetian Liniment in my family for a number of years, and be here it to the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. For sudden attack of croup it is invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold it for many years, anc it gives entire ratiafrotion. Orti.S. H. TRIMNER QUAKERTOWN, N. S., May 8, 1858. Sold by all Druggists. Office, 58 Cortlandt street, jy3l &tiara. New York A Friend in Need. Try it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Conner. ticat, the great bone setter, and has been used in his practice for the last twenty years with the most aston ishing success. As an external remedy it ie without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores,Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, ic., its soothing, heal ing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over four hundred certificates of re, markable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest this fact. See advertisement. aplleow-d&W EDITOR OF PATRIOT AND UNION Dear Sir :—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return manic/ all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the MUM soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also ir ail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Paces, simple directions and information that will enable china to start a full growth of Luxuriant fair, Whiskers z or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, Chemist, je2l3-11md No 831 Broadway, New York. SIIRGEON-GENERAL HAMMOND. By ordering Calomel and destructive minerals from the supply tables, has conferred a blessing on our sick sol diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dis continuance of "Bleeding,'" and the use of BRAND- I - Milli PILLS in the place thereof. Then will commence a sinew era" in the practice of Medicine, which would then become emphatically THE HEALING ART I have for thirty years taught that no amused an- Lion could be cured by mercury or tartar emetic. That the human body could only be ~m ade whole , ' by c'veg- etable food"—Animal food tieing, in fact, Condensed vegetables. BRANDILETHT PILLS amnia be in every Military Hospital. Theme Pile ewe BILIOUS DIARRHOEA, CHRONIC DIARRHOI a, CHRONIC DYSENTERY, and all fevers and Affections of the Bowels, moaner and mute surely than any medicine in the world. BRAN - /ETU'S PILLS in these eases should be taken nig- 1 d morning. Read direction/ and get new style CASE 01 "USCOE K. WATSON Dr. B. Brandrsth, Ncto York: 8116; I wat a priviktO in co. d , 17th Regiment, New York Vols. While at garrison's Landing and on the Rappahannoclenear Falmouth, I and many of the Com pany were sick with bilious diarrbcea. The Army Bur geon did not cure us, and I was reduced to skin and bone. Among tho Company were suite a number of members who had worked in your Laboratory at Sing Bing. They were not sick, because they need Brand reth* Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others to use the Pills, and we were all cured in &Om two to five days. After this our boys used Brandreth's Pills for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and in no case did they fail to restore health. Out of gratitude to you for my good health, I send you this letter, which, it necessary, the entire Com pany would sign. I am, respectfully, yours, ROSOON R. WATSON. Sing Sing, N. Y. Principal office, 294 Canal street, New York. Nor sale zu Harrisburg by GEO. H. BELL. ms.d&wtf IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHERSRMANPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregn- WI Ilse, painful menstruation, removingall obstructions. whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pal in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nerretialteo tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th aback easlimbi, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from intarrimpti of nature. OR. CHEESEILIN a ?laza was the commenomnen o smear e Sat Matson of those irregularities and obotritilli tars lkapt son: signed so many to a presucau rep b lididilaeas enjoy good health unless ehe is regular, and whenever an obstruation takes place the general heardi begin. todo aline. DR. CHEESEMAN , S PILLS are the moat effectual remedy ever knows for all com plaints peculiar to Amu/es. To all asses they are invaluable, 4arlital4g, lvith c otaiaty, periodical ragtag, ity. They are known to thousands,who have usedthem at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. Rzplictit directions, stating takes they Mould sot be used, with each Boz—tbe Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to 00 PiDe. Pins sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists general-Y. R. B. HIITCHINCIS, -ProViet"? 20 Cedar street, New York. Hold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. a" Mechanicsburg., by J. 8. Hallett. " Carlisle. by 8. anliott. " Ethippeusburg, by D. W. Rankin. Cbarobereburg, by Miller & Hershey_ " Hummeistown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Rose. dece-d&wly DIJRYEAS) MAIZENA. H A 1-1 o 0 04 z t 4 W Z It 0 C V 4 g E•I t, • Was the only "Preparation for food front In. dian Corn" • That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all prominent mannfacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn [lour" of the and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cast astonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It is also ex cellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meat, soup, &c. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, &c. Put up in one pound peerages, under the trademark Malmo, with direetioos for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton street. Aug 15•d6m STATE FAIR. THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF TIER PENN'A STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE HELD AT ORR ISTOWN, MONTGOMERY CO., PA., September 9th and 30111 and Oetober Ist and Id, 1863. Norristown is about 17 miles west of Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill river, and is accessible by,railway to every portion of the State, The Grounds are beautifully situated, containing 28 acres of ground with fine large buildings thereon erec ted, together with large amount of sheddir g. The track is said to be one of the beet half mile tracks in the State, Tha premiums are the heaviest ever offered by the society, amounting to about VON. The pre miums for all grades of cattle exceed $lOOO, five of which are $3O each, 19 from $25 to $l5, others running down to lesser rates. Best herd not leaf; than 15 head, first poeinium $4O; second premium, $25. Horses for all grades the premiums exceed $1350. The highest $lOO ; 22 between $2O and $3O, and others ranging from $l5. $lO and $5 For Sheep and Swine the premiums range from $lO to $5 and $3. For Poultry there is a long list of premiums from $2 to $1 eacb . In the following classes most liberal pre miums are offered : Ploughs, Cultivators, Drills, Wa gons, Reaping and Mowing Machines, Cutters. Corn Shellers, Cider Mills, Pumps, Buckets Tin Ware, Leather and its Manufactures , Gas Pictures, Marble Mantles, Butter, Flour, Grain and Seeds, Vegetables; and also for Domestic and Household Manufactures, Cloths,Carpets, Satinet, Shirting, Sheeting, Blankets, Flannls, Shawls, Knit Goods, Needle Work, &c. Bread, Cakes, Preserves, Jellies, dr o ',urge premiums are offered for every variety of Fruit and Flowers The Floral Tent will be the largert over erected by the Society, and will form one of the most attractive features of the exhibition. Fruit, Grapes and Wine will be exhibited in this department. The Pennsylvania Railroad and Norristown Railroad have arranged to carry articles for exhibition to and from the Exhibition freight free, requiring the forward ing freight to be paid, which will be repaid shipper when goads are returnedlo the elation whence shipped. It is hoped to effect the same with other important roads. Excursions at reduced rates will be run on all the leading railroads. Entries can be wade at the t.fhce, la Norristown, after the 4th day of September. all articles must be en tered on the books on or before Tue , day evening, Sep tember 29th Exh;bito , s must become members. Membership $l.OO, with four Coupon Tickets each, one of which will admit one person to the Pair once. SINGLE ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Ei7.. A List of Premiums and Regulations can be bad by addressing the Secretary . . THoMAS P. KNOX, President. A. Baowuri Louclayea, Secretary, "t No.riatoww, Pa. s an 23 SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES.' SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST OEATAIN 'REMEDY EVER TrEELD. Yes, a Panties Curt! BALSAM COPAVIA ¢ MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Ones in from two to four dam and recent Mei is twenty-four hours. No exposure, no trouble, no change whatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. W GROSS & 00. Bent by mail by DESMOND & 00., Box 161 Phila. P O jane-o/y DLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA ULCERS., SORES SPOTS, TET. REATEEL S, G A LE S, BO ILS, SYPHILIS OR VENE EAES, ETC_ SAMARITAN'S B 090 T AND HE RB JUICES Is offered to the public as a positive sure. Banishes all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action ' cure those Spots, Tatters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par tide cf the poison. FEMALES! , FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES Is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in White; in bearing down, Palling of the Womb, Debility, and for all cone plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals. Here is a cure in any case foil $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with full direc tions. Sold by D. W. GROSS & 00. Sent by Express carefully pad) ed by GESMOND & 00,, jp,n4-ly Box 151 Phila. P.O. THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Colder's Office. tEr Call and see them in operation. A general assortment of machinery and needles eon. etantly on hand. MISS MARGARET untr Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all Innaa f machine sewing on these machines in the best manner. The patronage of the publicis respectfully solicited. aplit4m DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, igAimpicrion OARB:jr, DEMIJOHNS, WINN, PORTS ' NERAL WATER, PIORL3 AND PEERVE BOTTLES OP OVUM DESCRIPTION. H. B. & O. W. BANNERS oele-dly 27 South /front eteret, Philadelphia. MADAME ROSITER Will give information in all the affairs of life, absent friends, sickness and death, and in respect to all other subjects. She can be consulted at all hours of the day end evening. GENTLEMEN 50 CENTS, LADIES 25 DENTS. RESIDENCE IN MULBERRY ST., North Side, Second Door from River Alley. Aug 22] N 0 . 20. By E pALTH O MONEY 1 HAPPINESS I At this season of year, when so mach sickness prevails, every one should provide himself with DR. HUM prawn!, HomowpATHIO MRDIOIN.IIB, and prevent disease in its beginning. A fresh supply always on hand at SOMINNEWiI BOOR-STORR, marl, Harrisburg', FOR SALE.—The house and lot, situ ated on the corner of aecood and North streets, in the o'ty of rlarrisbaro. Title indisputable. For fur ther information apply on the premises, to lift Joshua Fackler. sep2-3wd. L()FFEES AND 515VA.R8 OF ALL GRADES, and at reasonable prices. for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. WILLIAM MUMMA, General Agent NOT A RUM DRINK! A highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. A PURR TONIC THAT WILL RELIVVE THIS Mr- MIMED AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR. 111.00FLANDAS GPMAN BITTERS PRERARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON , pH/LADEzn ird , PA,, .WILL EFFECTUALLY and MOST CERTAINLY CURE ALL MEARES ARISING FROM A Disordered 'Liver, Stomach or Kidneys. Thoneavds o f our citizens are Reoffering from DYSPEP SIA and LIVER DISBAS les. and to whein the following questions apply—we guarantee HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CUBE THEM. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do yen rise with a coated tongue mornings, with bad taste in the month and poor appetite for breakfast? Do you feel when yon first get up so weak and languid you can scarcely get about? Do you have a dizziness in the head at times, and often a dullness, with headache occasionally? Are your bowels coeti es and irregular, and appetite change able I Do you throw up wind from the atomeoh, and de you swell up often ? Do you feel a fulness after eating, and a sinking when the sumach is empty ? Do von have heartburn occasionally ? DJ you feel low apiritsd, and look on the dark side of things? Are you not unusually nervous at times 1' Do you not become restless, and often lay until midnight before you can go to 'deep ? and then at times, don't you feel dull and sleepy most of the time't Is your skin dry and scaly ? also sal ow? In short, is not your life a burthen, full of forebodings? Hootlandls German Bitters Will ears over, me of CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DESSAU OP THE KIDNEYS, AND DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Filet).luea or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Erue.ations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of t e Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision., Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever anti Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c,, &c, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning is the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De pression of Spirits. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, pat up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheap. est whisky or common rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste diegniard by Anise or Coriander Seed_ This class of Bitters has caused, and will continue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life and death_ For those who desire and well have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt : Get One Bottle Hoofiaudis German Batters and mix with Three Quarts of good Brandy or Wailky, and the result wilt be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much, less. You will have all the virtues of Roofiand , s Bitters in connection with a good artlole of Liquor. at a much leas price than these inferior prepara tious will coat you, lloolland 9 s German Bitters WILL enric YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL WYE YOU Brisk and Energetic Feelings, WILL ENABLE YOU TO nsip DI runivh-knt dELI AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, Those buffering From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, Prom whatever came, either in MALE OR FEMALE, WLLL PIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS PP4IiNg ri II aii,79 la al 10_1. tfj That will restore them to their usual health. Such lam been the case in thousands of instances, and, a fair trial is bet required to prove the assertion REMEM HER THAT THESE BITTERS ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTENDED A A 3E3 "E "V" M riri. _EL ar 3EI . The Proprietors have thousands of letters from the most eniment CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS. and CITIZ BNB, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the bens tidal effects and medical virtues of these Bitt••rs. prom Itair. J Newton Dam, D. D. SMUT of Ineyelo pedis of Religious Ithowleoge. Although not diepoe• u kg. favo• or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre dients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes hinkeelf to have received fr.— any situp. preparatioa, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the boneAt of others. I do this morereadily in regard to "Rowland , . German Bitters, ,, prepared by Dr. C. Pd. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic MlT tura. lam indebted to my friend. Robert Shoemaker, But., for the removal of this prejudice by proper teete 4 and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had net felt for six months before, and bed iliPOst despdred of re gaining. I therefore thank Ood and my friend for di recting me to the nee of them J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1861. DISEASES OP KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CIIILDREN, Thom enfforing from MARMAIN, WaetiN away, with warmly any flush on their bones, are cared in a very Short time ; one bottle in ouch cases w . . 11 have a moot ottrprising effect. X"..9.3ELMN 1 T13 Ravine enfl,ring children as above, end wishing to raise them, will never regret the day they commeneed trittt these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working bard with their brain% should wale keep a bottle of HOOPLAND'd biTT 1118 near them, se they will And mneh benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not deprrasing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all haying relations or friends in the army to the fact that " HOOBL &ND'S German Bit ters " will core nine-tenthe thi- diseases indue.3 by .13X patur-ii and pr:vations incident to camp life. In the liste r published almost de , ly in the newspaper*, on the arrival of the -ick, it wi l be noticed th4t a very large proportion are suffering from debi.ity. livery case of that kind can be read'iy cured by ilootiand% German Bitters. We have no hesitat.on in stating that if these Bitters were freely need among our roloien, hundred. of listsmight be saved that &herniae would be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from Ruff- rare in the army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bith.rs, sent to them by their friends. BEWARE OF COVNTERFEITSt See that the Signature of C. ffi. lackson ID on the WRAPPER of each Bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS, OB BALE DOZEN for $4 09. Should your nearest drugglit not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered .a its place, but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express Principal Ogee and Manufactory, No. 631 ARCH ST. a- Gip I\7" 30 EA Oa 31111 1V" IS (Successore to C. M. JACKSON & C 0.,) PROPRIETORS. -137. Per sale by Draggles and Dealing in every town in the United Stens may2B4l,