LOCAL NEWS. Tim Worms Faint.i.--hir. Ellis Brown, of Wolf township, Lyeeming county, has bat two lOW in the present war, has three now in the service, and tie sistb one wee drafted a week ago last Satur day. This is making a pretty clean sweep CarBlllloV STEZET HOSPITAL. --The convalescent FOldiare at present in this hospital, desire to ex. prom their gratitude to Mien M• A. Fielding for having on several occasions lately invited them, free of charge, to witness the performance at San. ford's Hall. CONVALMICKET SOU:Melt% Rummy wen Baas.--Tho wbitb of in egg has proved of late the most efficacious remedy for bums. Seven or eight successive applications of this substance will soothe the pain and effectually exclude the burned parts from the air. This eim pie remedy seems far superior to colodion or even cotton. Tar regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Union Belief Association, will be hold on Saturday afternoon at 4 Gleba, in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church, Market square. The annual report will be presented by the president. It is particularly requested that each member be pres ent. Brass A . BISHOP, Secy. StZIiADDLE —This word, recently brought into general use, is said to be derived from the Greek, uni military sense is used to denote a sudden and unauthorized movement to the rear. Some of our soldiers performed this movement at the battle of Fredericksburg. For farther information apply to Lieut. Col. Henry Clay AMMO. INITBREb RIGYMIITIG Disetstou.—The 001111111111- slow,' of Internal Revenue has decided that in making payments to persons in the service of the United States, who are employed by the day, the three per cent. should be withheld on the amount in excess of $6OO per annum. Assuming that there are three hundred working days in the year, the amount of $2 per day is exempt from the tax,. Naw Cetursorsurr —Anew and dangerous coml. terfeit note on the Unandilla Bank, N. Y., is in circulation. It is described as follows: Vignette —Fire dollars in lathe work, two engineers at work on upper left corner, comptroller's die on lower right corner. It is a very close imitation of the genuine note. The paper is somewhat thinner and of lighter color than the genuine, but, on the whole, it is extremely well calculated to deceive. Business men should, therefore, be on their guard. EXPLANATORY.—III our notice of a suspicious character who had been prowling around the - vicinity of the Capitol grounds and South street, an Reactant of whose doings appeared in yesterday's paper, we mentioned the fact that be had stopped at "an obscure boarding house" in South street, from which be decamped with $4O of another =Ws money, So. In using the word "obscure," we meant no reSeotion upon the character of the house, but only desired to convey the idea that the sharper had chosen his headquarters at a place re mired beta Hui more active budgie= centres of the city, and therefore less liable to outside inspection. The house is kept by Mrs. Ellen ?Salley, and bears a good character in all respects. Irt Lnino.—Mr. Bob. Edwards, whilom proprie tor of the "Gaiety Music Nall," and who enjoys considerable local fame by reason of his connec tion with the cork opera, plead guilty at the late session of court to the charge of keeping a diner orderly house, and was sentenced by the Court to sixty days in the country prison and was fined $5O. He entered upon the discharge of the duty assigned him on the lot lust, which consists principally in "killing time" until the Ist of No vember. Although shut out in a manner from the gay circles in which he has been wont to move, there is little danger that the prisoner will be for gotten by them during the time he is restrained of his liberty. We regard Edwards' sentence as severe in the extreme. It has been APPiataied 14 /QM Tartu% and has been made the subject of wholesale attacks upon him. These may have been deserved; he may have sold liquor illegally; he may have kept edisordeelyaiad immoral Maim. We do not cham pion him at all. But, wben 4 we look over the long list of bills for like offenses, and even greater ones, which, were ignored—ignored by the most "ignorant" grand jury that we ever saw or beard of--we can see nothing but severity in deans weich dooms -him, and him alone, to punishment. It is not mmtomary now-a-daye to mdke scape goats out of MOD, else we might say say this of fender has been singled out to bear off the sins of many.. I Thesek who know the run of thee. Wogs may explain them sway; but it is certain that the action of the late grand jury was directly cal culated to discourage our policemen in their Ohl% (which have boon untiring during the past quarter,) and to defeat the ends of impartial jus tice. Sssrasca CWORT,—.A. session of court WAD hold yesterday morning, when the following sentences were passed : J. Greenough, who plead guilty to selling liquor without license, wareentenced to pay a fine of $lO Sod costs, Christian Floyd. Larceny. To pay a fine of $l, Geste of snit, and to be imprisoned in the East ern Penitentiary for eighteen months. Also, far assault and battery VI the Meer of the prison, three months at the same place. Also, for eon =piracy to break jail, another term of three :maths—making a total of two years imprison zeta in the Easters) Penitesseialy. John W. Brown, convicted of taking part with Spayd in the assault on the prison keeper, and also in the conspiracy to break jail, received four months for each offence, making eight months in the Penitentiary. Charles M'tionigaL Larceny, in company with Spey& Sent to Eastern Penitentiary for eighteen months. Broj Berl, onviata of divert eases of lateen' s wee sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary for three QM Jobs Lark. Laroesty. To be imprisoned for fl: months in the Dauphin county ,jl4, Dimas Davie. Assault and battery. Fined $lO and costs. F. Manse. Assault and battery. Pined $5 and eters. . 1 1tem L. White. Assault and battery with in tnn to kill. To pay costs and undergo five days, i 'llitrhonment. Defendant is a Nadler, and will De tent .to Ms regiment when his sentence has etvred. Michael Durkee. Keeping disorderly house. I S Tlree called, but not responding, recognisance forfeited. Label Moore. Larceny. Fined $1 and costs. 40 maimed Io prises for six months Richard Johnson. Larceny Sentenced same va above. George Carney. Assault and battery. To pay al and eases, sod be imprisoned in the county 14 for form mamba. Brant Williams and Elisabeth Willisteir. Lar ttnY• To pay SI and costs, and be imprisoned for gin months. The fgangrAtitiCe of Leonard. Kramer, On Wbtan the Grand dory pot the coats of Proseenting a ii 'iuor store, war f2rfeited. Tun Couscairr Rannazvons.—Altbough we have no official order on the subject, it seeMe al together probable that the rendezvous for drafted men in the central °empties of this State, which was originally designated to be at Carlisle, will soon be changed to Harrieburg. The iterior fa cilities afforded by this place for the mifptenance of a large camp are the probable causes of the con templated change. Carlisle is in a more isolated position, less accessible, and surrounded by a country whieh has suffered a great diminution of agricultural prodnct?throngh the late incursion of the rebels down the Cuinberland valley. Con aequently, all supplies for the camp there have to be carried thither by rail or wagons from this point, at a cost which, in the aggregate, mush be very great. In the matter of transportation alone, the government would gain by removing the ren dezvous to some point which possesses greater ad vantage; for *lie lecatlon of a large general ran- A glance at the map saggests several places, but none of them better fitted for the purpose than Harrisburg. Xojoyfug eommunication by nil and canal with all points of the compass, surrounded by a rich and weHoultivated country, and within short reach of the national seat of government, it presents every facility for massing and subsisting large bodkin of men, and despatching them to the points where they may be required. Being also the headquarters of important military officers of the State and general governments, it places the camp in immediate eonneetion with those depart ments. It is more than probable, therefore, that the conscript camp will be established here, and that a majority of the drafted men of the Common wealth will rendezvous at it. Camp Cartin is now being cleansed and refitted preparatory to their reception. It is likely that in a abort time its classic ground will resound with the "bum of many *voiced life," and be animated with the pomp and circumstance with which it has abounded in times past. GOVERNMENT HORSES AND WAGONS.—One of the liveliest spots about town is the camp for govern ment 1 4911e# augi wagons, on the fiats across the canal. As high.as a hundred covered wagons are to be seen there at time, with some hundreds of horses and mules picketed around—sdme eating, some rolling, and all flying their tails in an inces sant warfare with the insects that have Knelt per= sista= demands on their blood, of which, by the way, few of the creatures have much to spare. The drivers, both white and blank, are scattered here and there—some grooming their hones t some sleeping in the wagons, some boiling rations over a fire, and a great many of them singing "Dearest love, do you remember how proud you stood beside me ?" There are now upwards of two thousand horses in the government corrals here, about four hundred of which are in the hospital, a long building on the east side of the oamp. Here may be seen specimens of ail the ills which horse flesh is heir to—sick horses, convalescent horses, and many whose distempers are of such a nature as to exempt them from draught in all time to come. These will probably be formed into an invalid corps sad tamed out to grass, in which "horse heaven" they will rest from their worthy labors. All these horses and wagons pertaining to the goverment transportation business are under the charge of Captain De Mott, at this post. They are used to transport equipage, forage and stores to the various camps in the vicinity of this city and up the valley_ The amount of work performed by them during the past summer has been large, and will probably continue , to be brisk for some • time. 'TUB So CALLSO UVIOO NOW. nation for Sheriff —On the first ballot for Sheriff J. D. Hoffman received 34 votes as was announced by the Chairman, which was a clear majority of the Convention, but immediately after the vote there was a pow-wow among the Ssehome, beaded by the distinguished Hessian. Chambers Dubbe got np and said he protested against a candidate who secured his nomination by money and whisky. This created. quite a flatter amongst the shoddyites, and they finally ignored Mr. Hoffmen's nomination, and proceeded to further ballots, which resulted in the nomination of W. W. Jennings. Mr. Hoffman is fairly the candidate before the people according to party usages, and , we understand that he intends to insist upon his rights and run, whethet the spurious candidate is withdrawn or. not. We give this notioe in order that the truth stip. pressed by Curtin's organ may be known by the community. Had the Hession lied about a Demo cratic convention we should have taken it as a matter of eon:st r and passed it by without com ment, but when Is falsifies the proceedings of his own party convention, it -is eyident that he is playing a double game, and we are determined the facts shall be known. The LADIES or Tlle RELIEF Sowell , visiting • Camp Curtin hospital return thanks to the follow ing persons, who have contributed supplies for the sick soldiers of the hospital during the MoUtb of August. Mrs. Killough, flowers; Mrs. William P. Beaty, Mrs. William Dock, Mrs. Dr. Ortb, Mrs. J. Buehler, farina; Mrs. William J. Swee t Miss Bryan, Mrs. Chrituman, baked apples; Mrs. R. A. Lamberton, Miss Bryan, blaokberry preserves and jelly ; Mrs. R. H. Adams, Miss Bryan, corn starch ; Mrs. C. Carson, 0000 s ; Mrs. Grtffetb, domestic wine ; Mrs. R J. Fleming, Mrs. William J. Stees, Miss E. Brooks,bliteaberty Cordial; Mrs, Wm; Book, milk biscuit; Mrs. S. D Ingram, basket of apples and vegetables ; Mrs. William 8. Shaffer, Mrs. Wil liam •Colder, each one bushel of potatoes ; Mrs. William P. Beaty, Mrs. S. Barrett, Mice E. Brooke, Miss Bryan, home mado bread and butter; Mrs. Chales Bailey, Mrs. Shoemaker, soup; Mrs. R. A. Lamberton, Mrs. 0. Bellbow, Mrs. J. filmmaker, broiled beefsteak; Mr. A. Milliseo, buttermilk every Week ; Min Bryab, Mrr. W. Hammel, Mrs. William J. Stees, Mrs. It. J. Fleming, Mrs George Wenricb, Mrs. W. Barr, Mrs..) . H Briggs, Mrs. H. Felix, Mrs. E. Whitmsn, Mrs. A. Bombaugh, Mrs. William Q. Wallaee, Mrs. T. Buffington, Mrs. William Kline, totitatoes ; Mrs. R A. Lamberton, tomato catsup, peach marmalade ; Miss M. Foster, junket; Mrs. Killough, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. L. Metzger, bread pudding aid butter; Mrs. J. U. Briggs, beans, butter and jollies; Mrs. E. Jones, Mrs. E Ingram, stewed onions ; Mrs. H. Felix, stewed prunes and pickles ; Mrs. J. Mowry, or e angel; Mrs. William J. Sires, rusk; Miss J. A. hiller, Mrs. S. Barrett, arrow root jelly and pa nada ; Mr. B. Olewine, Mr. Cole, corn ; Mr. Mish, elm, peas, onmetimbers, oymlies; also, thanks to Mr. William S. Sheffer, for flags to decorate hos pital; to Mr. C. &nicely for oil cloth cover for table. During the early part of the month there were from thirty to forty patients; acme of them have been removed to the city, under orders from Wash ington, and the hoapital 444;agrag feast alatterel to a poet hospital. •Sinos then the &erode .. number of patients has been aboat eighteen, Who., are all deb, none wounded. The -hospital ban very good condition, and tender °bug t) of Dr. Matti% of this city. • Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting United States passion, bounty, arrears bf pay and subsistence claims, ham, kc., Aa , mad e ou t- a id col lected by EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office, Third strut, Harrisburg, Pa. ran2B—!y ELepuou . OF DELIGATEB TO TEE DSMOORATIC 0017 M Corivaanou.—Ttie Democrat° totore in the several wards of the city of, Harrisburg will meet at their , respective ward houses, on Saturday evening next, Sept. sth,for the purpose of electing from among the candidates placed in nomination on Saturday last, two delegates for each ward, to represent them in the County Convention to be held at the Court HMO In this city, at 2 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday next, the Sib inst. By order of the City Executive Committee. 6tito. F. Wmtvan, Esrey. 4 Harrisburg, Sept. 1, 1863. N. B. See. I Par. 2. of the "Rules and Regula tions for, the Government of the Democratic Party of the City of Harrisburg," makes it the duty , of the Ward Executive Committees "to appoint the Judges and Inspectors of all Democratic ward elections." Par. 4 requires "all elections for ward delegates to be made by ballot." Par. 5 "All ward meetings shall be opened pre cisely at l o'olock p. m., and immediately after the organization and reading of the rules (as per Par. 3) to proeeed to eleetion. The polls in all oases shall be kept open two bore, unless after a lapse of fifteen minutes, wherein no vote has been cast, when they may be closed by a vote of the meeting, and provided that, at the expiration of the two hours aforesaid, the polls shall not be olosed, if there are votes on the ground for acoep tanoe." Par. li. "No citizen shall be permitted to vote at the Democratic ward meetings. unless such citizen shall satisfy the Judge and Inspectors that he is a Democrat and a resident of the ward in which he tenders his vote." WARD DELEGATE ELECTIONL—The Democratic Ward meetings for the election of delegates to the County Convention on the Bth inst., will be held in each ward of the city of Harrisburg, at 7 o'olook on Saturday evening next, September .stb, at the following places, viz: First Ward—At the public house of L. Koenig, Paxton street. Second Ward—At the public house of Daniel Wagner, Second street. Third Ward—At the Franklin Rome, Walnut street, Fourth Ward—At the public house of P. 11. Ryan, State street. Fifth Ward—At the public house of the Widow Jordan, North street. Sixth Ward—At the public house of John Stem ler, Ridge road. By order of the Ward Executive Committees. Geo. F. Weaver, Chairman First ward. C. Seiler, Chairman Second ward. Geo. Bailey. Chairman Third ward. Ti Bernhard, Chairman Fourth ward. Joseph Bowman, Chairman Fifth ward. C. A. Wilhelm, Chairman Sixth ward. Harrisburg, September Ist, 1863. NEW FALL Aeons.—We have new received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other goods. Splendid assortment of new delaines. All colors of plain alpacas_ New style of plaid dress goods. Fine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached mualins. 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting. 5.4 heavy linen for pillow cases. 7-4 grey lion timed for table covert. White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen and hemstiched pocket handker chiefs. 10 doz. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices White cambric towline and jaeonnetts, nansooks, Irish linen, Swim timeline, and a great many other new goods_ B. Lamm SPECLIL NOTICES. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Farmers!, families and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian LiniMent, for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore throats, toothache, sea Maumee, cute, barns, swellings trabses, old rum), beadaelto, ;mosquito bites. palms in the limbs, chest, back, Etc. If it does not give relic the money will be refunded. All thails asked its atrial, and nee it according to the directions. DI. TOBIAS— DBiir Fir: I have 'used your Venetian Liniment in n y family for a number of years, and be lieve it to the best article for whop it is - recommended that I have ever used. tor suddenattack of creep it is invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold it for many years, sac it gives entire satistretion. li. imam. QIIAXIIRTOWN, N. S., May 8, 1868. • ' Sold by all Druggists. Moe, 60 Cortlandt street, 3yBl d&wlm New Emit: SURGEON-GENERAL HAMMOND. By ordering Calomel and destructive minerals from; the supply tables, has conferred a bless ng on our sick sol diers. Let aim not stop here. Let bum order the dis continuance of • 4 Bleedhng, l3 and the ulie of BRAND WITH'S PILLS in the place thereof. Then will commence a "new era" in the practice of Medicine, which would then beton e emphatically THE HEALINt* AhT I have for thirty 3 ears Wight that no diseased ac tion mad be =red by mercury or tartar emetic. That the human body could only be “made whole , ' by "veg nimble food”—Animal fowl being, in feet, condemned vegetables. BRANIALETIIPS PILLS ehenld be in. every Military Horpital DIA RREUE A, CHRONIC D [ARAN 412 a, CHRONIC DYBENT/a7, Ltd kll fetwi'a iwd Alrectione of iha Bowels, sooner and rat re sntely than any medicine in the world. BRA-I = VIM'S PILLS in these eases should be taken tuA Gmorning_ Read &beefless and get new :style CASE 01 ~uttIOE K. 'WATSON Dr. B Rrnedrigh, N.ll, York: SIR t I was a private in Co. P, 17th Reglueut, New York Vols. Wb'le at liarrison's Landing and on the Rappahannnck near Falmouth, I and many of the Com pany were sick with bilious diarrbins. The Army Sur geon did not care us., and I was reduced to skin and bone. among the Company ware tilts * number Of members who bad worked in your Laboratory st Sing Slog. They were not sick, because they used Brand reth'e Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others to use the Pills, and we were all cured in from two to five day.. After this ear boys used Racradristk 9 a Palls for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and in no cue did *hey fail to restore health• Out of graiitude to yin for my good health, I send you this lets r, which, if necessary, the entire Com pany would sign. I am. reepeotfolly, yours, BASCO.% E. Want*, ping Fug, N. T. Principal Ole% Sila Canal street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by 6EO. N. MILL m5-41kwtf EDITOR OP PATIMOT AND trainit Dear your permission I wish toss, la tiVe. read re of your paper that 1 win send by reborn mall to all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for notions end using a simple Vegetable Bann, that will effeetnaly remove, in 10 drys. Pimples, Blotches, Tao, YlNCklell% and a I Impurities of the Ekin. leaving the same soft, cle.r, bto-oth and beantlini. ' I will 4180 1 Oil free to those having Bald Heads or Barr noes, simple direct.ons and information th a t will enable them to tart a full growth of Luxuriant Nair Whiskers, Or a blurotasho, is lee• Shea 30 aim* Ai) applieetione answered by return roan witAient charge. Repiretthlly yours. THOS. P CHAPMAN. Chemist. je2B lama No 831 Broadway, New Toil, These Pi U s care BILIOUS Dr. Drunon's Concentrated Remedies No. all I.lugeliffee4atasiokffitßilLlFlVlVßirillatilliS.oisslYnef?Miliroryl, Shortness of Breath,fliddiness, Palpitation of thellessrt. %moonset Pillion, or any constitutional derangalthenta of the' system, brought on by the unrestrained indul gence or the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Friee . one Dollar. NO. 2 TER BALM will &Oro, la from two to eight days, any cue of GONNORREICEA, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex Prire One Dollar. No. t. The TRIMS will cure in the shortest possible time any case of ;MEET, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste er smell. Prim One Dollar. No. 4. Tilh PUNITRII Is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollar. No. 6 TEM i3OLUTOR will cure any easeof GFRATRt. prricatleetlY and speedily remove all IWO/lOn/ Of the Bladder and Rioneys. Price One Dollar. No. S NOR PARTTOMARS SSE CIRCITILAR. No 7. Tall AMARTN will cure the Whites radically and in a much shorter, time than they can be removed by any - other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really Price One Dollar. correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. • No 8. TITS ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and goody in prodneing MENSTRUATION, or correct ing any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, YOE PARTICI:MARIS SRI CIRCULAR. Either remedy sent free by mail oa receipt of the price amazed. 14901000 postage stamp and get a circu lar. General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and Clailowhill street. Private office, 401 York avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale in Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNYART and Louis WYNTB. where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with hill descriptions of each case, will be delir erwi gratis on application. Address DELPELIX BM:MON, July 28,1868.17 P.O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa IMPORTMiT TO FEXALEO. DR. CIIEESEMAN"S PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the molt of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operatic; and certain in 'arresting all irregu tho, painful menstruation, removingallolbstrnetions. whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pai in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervonealteo UAW, hysterics, fatigue, pain 'in th (back attitudes, &c, disturbed sleep, which arise frail intirtittpti of nature. DR. CHEISSIALAN PILLS was the comment:ernes o seer e Was Sitelloni of those irregularities sad olestroM teals kV% song signed so many to a petionsts mgr 1w tobsltean e n j o y good health =lam eke is regular, and whetter - sr an eintruggin token Am the panel %welsh begins lode. aline, DA. CHESSEMANSS PILLS are the most effectnal remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all asses they are invaluable, inducing, with certainly, periodical regular icy. They are known to thoucands,who have usedtkeen at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in Emma. Nzpiicit dirotion, stating when they should sot be used, with each BoX—the Prue One Dollar' per BO; containing from BO to 80 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New TorY. gold in Harrisburg, by C. A. Dannvart., 44 Mechanicsburg, by J. S. Hallett. 44 Carlisle, by S. Dillon. " Ohippensburg, by D. W. Rankin. Obambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. L 4 Mammas - town, by George Wolf. 44 Lebanon, by George Ross. decti-d&w/y MOTHERS MOTHERS ! poo IC to pronre birth W/NSLOW'S HOOTHINO SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This val ble preparation is the prescription of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States. andlms been need for thirty years with never failing atfety and sue cess by millions of mothers and children, from the fee We infant of one week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al nioat Isastantky relieve GRIPING IN eaa BOWELS AND WIND COLIC. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRIREA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other same. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the lac simile of CURTIS &PER KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal ON% VI Dey street, New York. ' Price only 25 cents per bottle. my23-d&wiim STATE FAIR. THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL. EXHIBITION OF PENNI STATE IiGRICVLITRAL: SOCIETI, WILL BE HELD AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY CO., PA., Arlltelßber 29th and 30th and October lat aid itd, 1863. Norristown Is about 17 nines west of Philadelphia, on She Schuylkill river, "u 4. is accessible .b 7 railway to every portion oinks state. The Groubdsttre beautifully situated, containing 98 acres o' grotind'eatil Rae . lar g e buildings tbereou erec ted, together with Urge amount of eheddi , g The track is said to be one of the beet half mile tracks in the State. The preminina arc the heaviest ever offeres by the eetiety - , *Mounting 'to about 91000. . The pre .miums for all grilles of cattle exceed s'ooo, five of which are $BO eteli,l9 from 995' to $l5. others running down to leaser rates. ..Best herd not less; than lb head; first poemium $4O ; second premium. $25. Horses for all gredea the premiums tweed CM. The highest $100; 22 between $2O and 'sBo, and oth 're muting from $lO. $lO and $5, Por eikeep and Swine the premiums "arige from $lO to $5 and $2 For Poultry there is a long list.Of premiums from $2 to $1 each. In the following classes most liberal pre miums are offered ; Ploughs, Cultivators. Drills, wa gons, Reaping and Mowing Machines, Cotters. Corn Sly-llere, Cider hi lie, Pumps. Buckets, Tin Ware, Leather and its Matinfactu. es, Gas Fixtures. Marble Mantlee, Butter, Flour, Grain and deeds, Vegetables;• and also for Dome-tic and Household Manufactures, Cloths Carpets, Satinet, Shirting, Sleeting. Blankets, .Flannels, Shawls, Rnit Goods, Needle Work, &-e. Bread. Cakes, Preserves. Jellies, &e Large premiums are rffered for every variefy of Fruit and Flowers . The Floral Tent 'Fib be the large t e"er erected by the Society and will form one of the most attractive teaturee of the exhib tion Fruit, Grapes and Wine will be exhibited in this department The Pentiariveoia Railroad and Norristown Railroad have arranged 'o ear'ry artic ea Mr exhibition -to ond from the Pxrdbilion freight free, requiring the forward ing freight to be paid, which will be rep id shipper when goads are returned .o the a Mime whence shipped. It is hoped to effect the same with other important roads. Excursions at reduced rates will be run on S l l the leading railroads. Entries can be rr ado at the teas, in Norristown, after the 4th day of Peptember articles must be en tired on the hooks on or before Tao day evening. Sep tember 29th gib-bite s must bi.come members. tvemiTrabio 00, with four Coupon Tirkore each, one of *Mak will admit one person to the Fair once. SING LE ADMISSION ' 25 CENTS. 137- A List of Pre-oitims and Semantic= can be had by addressing the Secretam TH. MAEI P. KNOX, President. A liaowza Lozeasirsa Semtary, Nerrietown, Pa, au= p 0 0 P R'S GELATINE.—The beet L article in the market, inet reeeived and for sale ty marl4-+I tom TEA Jw OTIONS.--Quito a variety of weal LI and entertaining articles—cheap—at BOOKBTOIIII. QOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION.— L o A very convenient Writing Desk; also, Portfolios, Sfemorandum Books , PortmonriateS, &O A I • fIefIEPPERYP BOONSTOBB. LTAERISBUFG FEMALE FEN''- '. I NARY.—The fait session of thi« Institution will commence on Widneeday t fiik• pt em her 2 Aug Mad S IC. DTXON, Principal. XEMPTIO S FROM THE DRAFT. Li Persons bay , ng lees] claims to9.l.Xlfr ption from the drift can bar- their cases p eti•ervd aid p, emitted to the Baird on application to It B YEFGUSON. Attorney-o- LaW, second street. oppos.te Buehler House I flee WLI H Miller Erg, Aux Iri-tf. -lILAUK/Nbl - f 1----MAtsos'B 46 URALIANG3 UU Bz.Aouya."-100 °Road ,wonted else , , fast Igoe& and for sale, arhalexale anti retail. 4ael a7M tirwlit'. it.. it A CA/ E it E L ! MACKEREL, Lgoe. 1, 2 and 3, in all wined package , — maw and each inciajv warranted. Jnet received, and for ;sla low by. WM. DOCK Jr., & CO. BURYEAS 9 , MAIZENA. H z '1 P 4 '•0 o 0 z E-1 Was the only "Preparation for food from In. than Corn" That received a medal and honorable mention from the /loyal Commbisioners, the oOmpetition of all prominent manufacturers of '!Corn Starch , : and '!Prepared Corn Flour" of tic a and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZEN - A, The food and luxurY of the me. without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. blakm Puddings, Oakes.-Oustarde, - Blanc - Mitnitictiti7idthiout isinglass, with few or no eggs, at, a ,Opit Oilt01111hilliiht" most economical. A slight adOltion to ordinsry Wheat Flour greatly imProves Bread and Oake. It is also ex cellent for thickeiithg . nweet Baum gravies far fish and meat, soup, &c. - For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little, boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, act. Put up in out pound peonage'', under the trade-mark Mahone, with directiors for use. A most drlicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton street. WILLIAM DURYBA, Aug 15-d6m General Agent. HAMS!!! I 20,000, lbs. Composed of the following Brands received; NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIoot. EVANS k SWlFT'S—Superior. MIOHINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICHINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN RAMS—Strictly prime. . ORDINARY HAMS—Very good. II:7 Every Ham sold will be guaranteed as represen ted. WM. DOCK. jr., do CO, SECRET D.LSEARES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! THE MOST CERTAIN BAKED! ZVI& 17BED. Yes, a Patsies Dupe! BALSAM COPAVIA f MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cues in twenty-tour hours. No exposure, so trouble, no change whatever. Price male packages, $2; Tamale, $3. Sold by D. W. GROSS k CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 151 Phila. P 0 Saar DLOOD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OP THE VITAL FLUID, which produces acimPnA, ULCERS, PORE.9_, I OPQrS, TET TA'RS. SCALES, BOILS. SYP HI LIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC SAMARITAN'S R 060 T AND HERB JUICES In offered to the public DS a positive CUM Banishes all impurities of the bleed and brings the system to e healthy action, care those Spots, Tenets, Scales sad Oopper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices le the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES: FEMALES In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the 11.00 T AND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all cony plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Heap out of hospitals. Here is a cure in any case foi $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $6, with full direo. tions. Sold by D. W. GROSS & 00. Sent by Express carefully paeN Et& by DESMOND & 00, 2 jenkly Box 1611". O. THE BEST FAMILY SEWING WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW . OFFICE, Market square, next to Colder's Office. 1D Call and see them in operation. A general ommortioont of oiaohinery and:noodloa eoa itantly oit MISS MARGARET UINTA Will 'exhibit and, sell them, and also do all.eileas. t machine sewing 'on these machines in the beet manner. The patronage of the public( is respectfully solicited: PROPOSALS IrOR STONE BRIDGE: . Proposals will be received at the Ofty Council Chamber' till 7 o'clock' p: m., sentetntair 5. for erect ing a stone bridge over Paxton Creek, at Pacten street, in this city, accordieg to ppm)" an i erftilleation:. on Si. in the Connell Chamber. Proposals will state the price with brick arches and also with hewn stone arebes; also specify the time olcommencement and completion of the work. 'Proposers will specify what they will allow for the materials on the ground They will lilac, be required to furnish all the mate' ial necessary to do the a ork The Connell will reserv- the richt to reject all bids that they believe will not be to the advantage of the city, or that they may believe ale exorbitant " Typeable to be endorsed "Proposals for b: idge " and directed to W 0. ITlCiiok. J. HAEHLEN, D. Poossa, P HILIP I INN, Street Committee let district. Augl24ltawtd DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, • PHIL . A.DELPHIA, MANDVALOTIIIIN CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND PRESERVE' BOTTLES OP 'VIM DOOORIFTIOR a. B. & G. W. BANN.II3B, oeladly 17 month Front dome. Philadelphia picmc.—The Mt Amiss' Association of Harrisburg give a PICNIC AT COLD SPRINGS , ON SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 291 h. Caro will leave the Depot of the Lebow.), Valley railroad, for 'he springs, at o'clock. 45. oordia. invitation is extended to all Mechanics and other citizens. A Biases Baud will arcompary the exeurs'on. Price of tickets for the round trip lb cents, to be had at the Depot, . oneirre- :—Thos. Anderson, liVebsel Runk, Dan'l /3paid, Abram Rena, John felts, Ephraim Hershey aug2s 4t NIADAME ROSITER Will give information in all the affairs rf alvent friends, glasses and south, and In cusupet to al other subjects. She can be tonsulttd at all hours of th. day and evening. 001fTLIMEN 50 CENTP; LADING 25 OEM. .RESIDENCE IN ifOLSERSY ST., North Sidt, becond Door from NITor. AMY, Aug 221 N 0 . 20. [ll H EALTH MON EY 1 HAPPINESS I At this season.of year, when so men Meknes! prevails, FURRYne should provide himself with DR. Rind- S 1/0314/10PATUTO iIUID/001/18, 04 prevent Theme in its beginning. • fresh :supply always on hand at • SOTX6II7/1184111001141T0R11, warn Rorrlidoirv. 1)11 T. BABBITT'S Concentrated, Con -11 s dimmed, nr Pulveriavd Soft Soap. Thrre gallons of handsome white soft soap made in Ave minutes, No grease required. Dravorimis :—Dissolve one potted of the soap In o ne gallon hoiiL R water, then sod twe Ohms warm; when cool you will issir • three gsPone tissosoirs 'WHITS florr Pose. Ten pounds will make one barrel of sof. snap Tee snap one map an exeell.nt ers.6l2 for trees, shrubs and plants of all kinds. .111.. r "ale by my2B- ' WM. DOCK, jr., 9s CO, I PANIC' E Choice lot of • this celebrated Tesjusc received rt in of the first cane ewer imparted, and its much suprrior to tha chi nes° Teats in quality, strength and Fragrance. and in also entirely free of adulte•ation, coloring or mixture of any tied. It is the natural leaf of the .lap nese Tea Plant %%yr sale by W3l. DOCK, jr., & o. Ptioldea Common Ceuneil ijelmbotb's 'Rarebits. THE GREAT 6 i iMERICkIi REMEDIESs" IC.NOWN es " HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PB.EPABATIONS, tiz HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SCUM". RELMBOLD , S EXTRACT SARSAPAILILIA&_ BELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WWI. RELMBOLD 9 R. GENUINE PREPARATION, 6 HIGHLY 00NORNTBATZD - ''CitititrND FLUID WETRAOT r2IICIIII, • A positive mid ipeaifia lieniaiiy tor Disesseiaof •the • BLADDER, , d 0 1 ikrELLOBSI-/,'' . " .- • ; I,‘ - This medicine inundate Uri power of asentlon sod a*. eitto the absorbents into healthy luau% e7llWhiCh ihs estate er ealearevaa depoeitiene, mad all urissatural ea - kripioreote, are reduced. u well as pain and inflammap Lion, and is seed for DEN, WOMEN sad Qi/z.LPanti-. BELMBOLD'S EXRRACT BUCHC • For Weaknkoa arising from Exec* sea, Habits ok patios, Baru. Indiscretion or Abuse, &Modell with tho 'POLLOW.I.NIa SYMPTOMS: Indispolition'to Exertion, Dryness sf Abe,Ekke. Loss of Memory, " er;' Weak Nerves, Diffigulty in Barlaßiisup Horror of Mileage, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Walt. Maass, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back. Muscular System, Fluthi.g of the Body, Rot Hands, Eruptions oti the Now Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this mesls - Invariably removes, Boon fol,ow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILMPTIC FITS, In one of which the patientwety mire. • Wk, they are not frequently foilowed by those 4. dizetrii -41e eamie,3) • . . INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are swore of the cause of their suffering, Winona. will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums,MM atm melancholy deaths by Oesswek4ti cw , b ear * F i e w ir i ng., to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE APTECTED OR:- GANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of mediehurte strengthen and i rate the eystem,which tIELBIUOL BXIRAOT BROWN invariably does. A trial will convince the most skelitieet. FEMALES ! FEMALES ! ! FEMALES r rg OLD OR YOUNG, RIEGLE, MARRIED, OR DONIX2- PLATING. MARRIAGE. In many affections peculiar to Fema'es, the lixtrus, Buchu is unequalled by aoy other r. medy, as in Chloroat Or Retention. Irregulalties, Painfolm an, r r immolate% of Customary Kvaenations, Ulcerated or Soirrhona stubs. of the Uterus, Lencorrh , a or Whi , ce, Merlin', and for • complaints incident to the sex, 'hotbox aristc4 irons discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE 011 OHANGEICOF LUZ SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE NO FANCILY SHOULD BZ WITHOUT 1T Take no Baleen, Mercury or 'Unpleasant Keige:a Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICIRC CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, at little expense; little or no rhea , in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO AXPOSUBB. It muses fry quest desire and giTes strength to Urinsts t „ thereby removing otitisteSoos, privet:ming and curia stria - hies of the urethra, ellyielp. pain CM 4a&-...nation so fti quent in this class of digitises, and expelling "POI. SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-010T MATTSIL Thousands upon thoneande who have beep the VICTIMS . OP QUACKS, And who hate paid UM FEES to bo'cuytki in 1 skeet time, have found they Were deceived, and that the " Poi son " haa. by the use of a Powf rui Artrin d ecte, ,, ,l bees dried up in the aystem, to break out in an aggrav,tertena,, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGR 17 E BFLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU: For Affections and Diaeatiea at the 'URINARY * Ob. GAN& win ther exoting in IIdALN .011 FEMALR, Rona whatever canoe migirating, and no matter rf bow 1011 g standing. , Diseases ottbrve organs riguire th : " aid of DIURETIC. RELMROLD'S EXTRACT :Mat . IS TEE GREAT DIURETIC, . 1 ; ' And it le eertaiu to have the deaired effect In sit Dio9lollll tbr which it ia recommended. 2EI BLOOD ! BLOOD!! BLOOD Li HELMBOLDVI • HIGHLY . CONCENTRATED COST POUND FLUID TXTRNOT SYPHILIS. Thin fe an affection of the Bkod, end effacing the sexual organs, Linings of thy N.re,•Eara, Throat, Windpice anti other Mucus 6urfaces o rushing its appeerance in the forma of Ulcers. lIELIiIBuLD I S k.xtraat harsaparitla purifies, tee Blood and ' , mores all Scilly Ernatious of the Sir.i.g a , giiirwtothe IR:41:16Iva a clear aced healthy color. IQ being prepared expressly for thin elan of etiollilainre, to Blood• purifying properties are preas rvea to a greater ex, tent tLan any . ther preputaton of Earealiaeiltra, -RIO lIELMBOLO'S., ROSE WASH'. An excellent lotion for efaeases of a Syrbificie neratit 6 and AS an iojectibn diseases fthe Urinary Oraancarfo.- lag. from habits of dieWpation, wird in cony ation with the DEtpuets Bo elm Abel tuch fli.leaSee as recom mended. Evidence of the mos reaprosibie and reliatde character will accompany the nietheicee. , • CERTIFICATES OP CURES, From three to twenty years ) standing, with names itaowas FO 131dIliNOB AND /ADM. For medical properties of BUCHU, eerlDisp vitiate. the United mtetes. Bee Professor DEWED'S' valuable works"oa the Pr tice of Phyrio. Pee remarks mule by the late celebrated Dr, PETEMZ,„ Phi iad - h ia. , fi-e remarks made by Dr. EPHBATM bPDOWELL celebrated Physician and Member r f the Boya/ College Sing oms, Ire.a ad, and I ablitted in the Transactions 'o the Kink and Queen's Journal • roe Medico Chirareit al Ho view, roblished by BIECJA MIN 0 0.A.V.P.19, FAieso Payitieape s e of 8a gac See most of the late otandivd Worba on Medio.loo. Extract Ruche S5l 00 per bottle, or elk for $l5 pp Extrart Barrios ffl 00 per bottle, or Aix for 95 Olk Ipipt ov ii Bose Wash.... dna. per bottle, or AI for $2 oe tfc balf dozen of each for pl 2, wh.ch will be aulilaNst to ewe the most obstinate mar a. ii tbreetha s are adhered to, D•iivered to any address, seentely tacked from obser vation , irr D e s c ribe symptoms In all commnnica „ unne. i tSumi gi.manteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally sppeared before me, an alderman et' the eitp of Philadelphia, H P. Flelmbo d, who being duly hirers dab gas, his t.teussminos et Man no nataMle, no mer cury, or Other injurious drug,' but art- pure) y v.getabie. H. I% MLIktBOLD. Sworn and subscribed befo - e zoo. this 2M depot' Norm bet, DNA. WDi. P. 11 IBBMBD Aidecnon, NiAii et., above me, Philadelphia. Address letters for information in confidence to II T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Depot. No. NM soath Tentb street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia.; BEWARE OR' COIINTFEREITS ' AND lINPRINVIPLED HEALEHEij . ' Who - endeavor to d,anoso OF THEIR OWN" . 4 other smelts on the reput.tion attained by , GENITINB PREPARATIONS,' ; HELMBOLIPS carirurNE EXTRACT Mlle HELMBOLIPS DENIM S .MTRACr SARSAPARILLA BE weig s maps GENUINE IMPROVIPJA ROSE W ASH. Bold by all Drug,itto tierywhere ASK FUR NNLNIBOLD'S.TANK NO 0111118 Cut ont the advertisement and send for it, acd %suits 1,31,