tfe.4 arid tto io THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. , 3, 1863 0. BABBITT & GO" PROPISINTORL Communication will not be publiched in the Pulite" , mu Ilium =leen accompanied with the name of th author. a_ in. porromoiLL se CO., As. IN tart Row, N. Y., and Mate St., Roston, La too Agents for the Possum ea tom in these titles, and are authorised to fate Rdtortbeemato and nlonentionoi form at ear Impost Rites. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. IVOR GOVERNOR. MOM GEO. W. WOODWARD, of lqimainex.raLt. FOR JUDGE• OF THE SUPREME COURT, WALTER R. LOWRIE, OP M.I.ROBENY COUNTY. : i 4 , aJ Orli "These States are glorious in their individuality, but their collective glories are in the Union. By all means, at all hazards, are they to be main tained in their integrity and the full mutant of their constitutional nghts—for only so is the Union to be preserve onlyso is it worth preserving. It is the perfection of the prismatic colors, which blended, prodnee the ray of light- It is the com pleteness of these assembled sovereignties, lacking nothing which they lave not lent for a great pur pose, that makes the Union precious. This word Union is a word of gracious omen. It implies confidence and affection—mutual support and pro tection against external dangers. It is the chosen expression of the strongest passion of young hearts. It is the charmed circle within which the family dwells. It is man helping his fellow-man in this rugged world. It is States, perfect in themselves, confederated for mutual advantage. It irthe peo ple of States, separated by lines, and interests, and institutions, and usages, and laws, all forming one glorious nation—all moving onward to the same sublime destiny, and all instinct with a common life. Our fathers pledged their lives, their for tunes, and their sacred honors, to form this Union —bet oars be pledged to maintain it."--Gro. W. WooDwanD, July 4, 18.51. THE SOLDIERS' RIGHT TO VOTE. When a soldier returns to his election district, ke renames all the civil rights of eitizenthip, and his residence being unimpaired by his temporary absence, he has a right to vote on election day, but under the Constitution, to which Ms fealty is due, he can acquire no right to vote elsewhere, except by a change of residence from one district to another. * * The learned judge deprecates a con struction that shall Disowkirciusz our volunteer soldiers. It strikes us that this is an inaccurate use of language. The Constitution would disfranchise no guahfied voter. But, to secure purity of elec tion, it would have its voters in the place where they are but known on election day. If a voter volun tarily stays at home, or goes on a journey, or joins the army of his country, can it be said the Consti tution has disfranchised him Four of the judges qua court ; living in other parts of this State, find themselves, on the day of every Presidential election, in the city of Pittsburg, where their official duties take them and where they are not permitted to vote. Hoyt they a right to charge the Consti tution with disfranchising them g Such is our case and such is the case of the volunteers in the army. The right of suffrage is carefully preserved for both then: and us, to be enjoyea when we return to the places which the Constitution has appointedfor its exercise.—Gro. W. WOODWARD. TROOPS AT ELECTIONS. By the 95th MIMS of the sot of Assembly of the State of Penneyheld:. of 2d July, 1889, it is enacted that "No body of troops in the army of the United States, or of this Commonwealth, shall be present, either armed or unarmed, at any place of election within thk Commonwealth, chafing the time of such election." Another Outrage by a Petty !Metal. John Albntui, of Georgetown, Northumber land county, was drawn in the late draft, and duly notified, but being unwell did lot present himself at the time appointed, but was ready to so as soon as his health. would permit. On the lst inst. a Mr. Fisher, of Sunbury, claim ing to belong to the prorcist guard, or at any rate to have authority in the premiges, catne to the house of hake Allman, the father of said oonstiript, and John, who was then on his way to report himself at Harrisburg, not being in, forcibly itiezed Joseph Allman, a younger brother of .Torat,' bat little over sixteen years of aye, swore hi would have one of them, and would keep Joseph as a hostage. for John, and, in pursuance of this threat, actually dragged this boy to Harrisburg, where he was of course re leased, but iiithotittranspertation, and left to And his way home as best he could. John duly reported himself and was sworn into the service, but the 'father and brother-in law of Joeepb, feeling a natural anxiety en hie ac count, were put to the trouble of coming all the way to this city to look after him. If this statement is true, as reported to us by the father—James Allman—it is a regular case of kidnapping, and should be severely pun ished. It is such petty tyranny and outrage ous violations of private rights, practiced by petty officials "dressed in a little brief author ity" that makes the conscription act onerous and unpopular in itself, perfectly adieus to the people. The provost marshal, is justice to himself and to the administration, should at once dismiss and punish this petty tyrant, or he and they will justly be charged with com plicity in this gross and glaring violation of private rights, and of law and justice. If the *fonder is not speedily puniolied and restitti lion made to these honest farmers, we would advise air. Allman to bring an action for kid napping against the offender in his own county, where, before a jury of his peers, we dot'-t not the law will be vindicated, and full justice done. Tai daily New York Time contains a letter from a correspondent, describing a visit to Fort Delaware, in which occurs the following In going through the barracks, iny eye was arrested by a remarkably' good looking young follow, Ma it marred to me to ittocire of him if it would not be wise on his' part to leave the rebel service and take the oath of allegiance to the United Suttee. .4 What would you think of a man." be replied, ,4 who would bike two Sethi I" This is a common ectitienSitt Stilling the prisoners. Their direct and *pie natures. capa bl e e appieciatin g an oath. and incitßable disirietivunkst between the obligatian'of drtirhteenta and voluntatifonth' and the fitter' of an unrighteous and forced oatisAlaiving onee consented to i nni e deiefei a fdt the most part continuo to do so, and like the naturit of *arrow minded oxen the world over, defy argument; and thus it is, that the myriad of captives at Fort Dela ware, haunted by vermin,and conftned to barren inolosures of trodden clay, regard the above question as the test of patriotic endurance, and declines to he free if they uarat fimt -Ipe forsworn, Since the days of the man who was surprised ' , to discover that he had all his life been talking prose we do not think there lose been anything written more naive than the above. The utter unconscionencee of his moral obliquity makes the writer's comments upon the simple every day honesty of the confederates eittemaly • piquant. Men have written themselves down asses time out of mind, but here is a man who actually pities men for keeping their solemn oaths. The Slick Man In the Field' Governor Curtin, whose health was very precarious immediately before the adjournment ,ef the Legislature—so far gone, indeed, that he felt himself obliged to decline being again a candidate, and to resort to the invigorating influence of sea breezes and foreign air, which a European mission, kindly tendered him by the National Executive, invited him to enjoy— has now so far recovered his strength and spirits as to travel night and day electioneer ing for reelection to the very office for which he positively declined a renomination. The foreign mission seems to be entirely forgotten in the new-born zeta for reelection. The bro ken constitution of his Excellency, which was rapidly falling to pieces under the pressure of Executive duties and the enervating atmos phere of his native State, seemed to recuperate rapidly after his official declination had quieted the suspicions of his adversaries and lulled them into inactivity. Soon after the adjettrn ment he found pretexts plenty for visiting the western counties of the State. He courted the lake breezes and pure mountain atmosphere, and, in company with Morrow B. Lowry and other high-toned, honorable gentlemen, whose principles are measured by their interests, he showed himself to admiring crowds in Erie and Crawford counties, in whose presence be still played the farce of it the sick man," confiding the enactment of the real play of which he was to be the hero, without appearing in that character, to Mr. Lowry and other prominent actors, who were in the secret. And they performed thole parts well. All the conside rable towns on the line of route were notified of the approach of the sick elephant, and little crowds collected together to bid him welcome and eympathice with him in his distress. He was too unwell to talk much. In fact, although improved in health by the mountain air, or "mountain dew," or some other healing talm to be always found in the western districts, he was yet too feeble to do more than whisper a sentence or two of thanks to his anxious Mends, and then, supported by stalwart arms, totter to hie room to enjoy an hour's repose and proper refreshments previous to pursuing his journey. At this interesting point of the proceedings, the sick Governor closeted and comforted, the other actors would step upon the stage and perform their parts. The game was to nominate him for reelection by the pop ular voice, to force him, as it were, to yield to the clamor of his friends, break the solemn promise he had given, and submit himself to the guidance of those who assumed to inow better what further strain his health would bear s - and what course he ought to pursue, than he did himself. In the presence of the slim assemblages called together for the pur pose, before the ink was scarce dry on the "Special Message" announcing to the Legis lature and the people hie declination, Morrow B. Lowry nominated him for Governor for a 'mooed term, with his full knowledge and as sent, and a few feeble huzzas from the crowd in response, in one or two places, wee claimed as an endorsement by the popular voice. Shrewd men saw at once the drift of the move ment, and many inquiries were made, through vedette ItePublican papers, as to his Excel lency's intentions; but these inquiries received no notice from Curtin, Lowry . Si Co., and no satisfactory, ingenuous reply from any quar ter. The Telegrptph was directly appealed to, and the Teicgreph answered falsely, as it knew at the time—that Gov. Curtin steed pledged not to be a oatididate, and, as an honorable man, he could not and would not be. This is the substance of the language need by the een. tral organ of Curtin, and this is the substance of every reply to the inquiries made that fel under our notice. Yet Curtin had never In reality, ceased be a candidate for one moment, and all his inti mate friends, the unscrupulous rascals whom he could trust with his infamous m cret, knew it, and aided him in the plot to deceive and throw off their guard the men of the Republi can party who had lost confidence in him, and wanted a new and more worthy candidate. Everybody now admits that Curtin played a dishonorable game—that he was guilty of de• liberate deception and falsehood—and yet the party press, and men who claim to be honora ble, have the audacity to represent him to the people of Pennsylvania, s eivilians and soldiers, as a candidate worthy of their support! We look upon him as the unprincipled can didate of an unprincipled party—as a man who, having ones been guilty of deliberate falsehood and deception, is no longer trust worthy—as a very low demagogue, surrounded and supported by those who are still lower and more infamous—and we appeal to the citizens of Pennsylvania, in and out of the army, to save the State from the ruin and disgrace which his reelection would bring upon us. R.eturnlng Reason_ The moderate Republicans are cutting loose from the radicals, who have overwhelmed their party and, as Wendell Phillips says, sunk it deeper than political plummet ever sounded, and we have no doubt will in the future act with the Democratic party. They see the hand writing on the wall which betokens the downfall of Abolitionism or the destruction of our republican form of government, and under the circumstances they cannot but choose the side of their country. Senator Sherman. of Ohio, in a speech et - Dayton recently, remarked: ' "A great deal is said about the President's emancipation proclamation. My idea of it is that this war would have been prosecuted more successfully if atoll President had not , said any thing about the negro." But the following from the Newburyport Herald, a Republican paper, is still more sig nificant: Is Seven-eighths of the ireople. An of them out of New England, except such as have freshly emigrated from here, and a few red Republican Germans, would be in favor of restoration of the Union upon the old basis, leaving all questions of local institutions aside, and letting the punishment of the rebel leaders take place under National or 'State laws, as they have always existed. If, there fore, the opposition should make this the grand issue, they *mid force the Republicans to say yes or no to it. if they assented, the North would be a unit with the exception of the Abo litionieta, who would not carry more than two States for their theory of subjugation, exter mination, ruination and damnation. If, on the ether hand; the radicals should get the as cendancy in the conventions, and say no to the proposition for restoring the Union as it was, then they would fall into a lesser minor ity than did the Whig party of 1852," The Abolitionists, who now rule the admin istration with absolute sway, have already de cided the question spoken of by the Herald, and against the restoration of the Union aa it was. Ne conservative, therefore, can act with them hereafter; and irrorder to -be consistent the Republicans can have no alternative in the coming contest but to join with the Democracy in totally destroying the political power of this race of madmen. A Monster National Bank. One of the most dangerous instruments of centralism for crushing oat the liberties of the people, was placed in the hands of the present administration by the 'met to provide a na tional currency," and Secretary Chase seems determined to avail himself to the fullest ex tent of its deadly influence and power_ All will remember the corrupting influence of the old United States Bank—in fact it in augurated in Pennsylvania an era of corrup tion, and did more to demoralize the Stgte than all other causes combined. All will re member also, how it stretched out its grasping hands in every direction in attempting to con trol the entire business of the patio's and the bankrupicy, ruin and dietreso it brought upon the country, when it finally fell to pieces in consequence of its innate rottenness. The monster scheme of Mr. Chase contem plates the crushing out all banks, and furnish. ing the entire currency of the country, which would make it a much more formidable 'engine of oppressien than was the old United States Bank. The onerous taxation imposed upon the State Banks by the last Congress, failing to destroy their vitality, the Secretary has commenced a deadly war upon them, and seems determined to destroy the little life left in them by the act of Congress. - Upon this subject the Journal of Commerce says: Hostilities have fairly commenced. When the "act to provide a national currency" , was under dissuasion in Congress, we warned, the people that its design was to crush 'the' State institutions, which had contributed so Jargely to the growth and prosperity of the country, and to . build on their ruins a gigantic political machine, controlled at Washington, to be used as the old United States Bank was in its last days, to corrupt the heart of the nation. Our first proposition is now fully admitted by the authorities, at Washington. Those editors, therefore, who took us to task for our predic tics, and who insisted that there could be no antagonism between sound, well managed State banks and the financial pets of the . Treasury, will please to review their logic, and recall their denunciations. We have the very highest authority for say ing that it is the design and intention of the government to shape its action so as to force all existing banks in the United States to wind up their affairs and withdraw from the bid, in favor of institutions to be established under Mr. Chase's system, and CONTROLLED at Wash ington. , • For this purpose the new "Comptroller of the Currency," under the direction of Mr. Sec retary Chase, has already set his machinery in motion to drive the State banks to the wall. In a circular he has sent to the faithful, he says that there will not be, for long, two systems of corporate honking in the United States: One or th e other, he 9, l 34ertil, will fully . occupy the field, "and it requires no spirit of prophecy to predict which of the two is destined to give way." "Banks whose issues are secured by the government, and which are to became the financial agents of the government, will ; in my 014 1 09N-Orei long be ::the only ones that VIII Ate tolerated.". With strange logic he declares this tantagonism between the two systems to be . unneceesary .but . inevitable. It is nd wonder that the assertion of this impending conflict called outgoing stirring questions from those in terested in the former system. We have copies of some .of , these qneries, with the Comptroller's answer. Perceiving the hostility of the an thorities toward the State banks, one of them isks if the Comptroller does not mean to fur nish them with the national circulation as re quired ,by the act ? He replies that this is in the law and must be obeyed, if insisted on ; but that .he shall execute that portion of the act with reluetanee, as he considers it a great mistake" to have permitted them this !MN-l iege. He hopes that the prohibitions in State laws will prevent the Stare banks from availing themselves of this provision; but if enabling acts are passed by the State , Legislatures, he shall only furnish the currency when "com pelled," and with great "regret." This is singular language for a sworn officer of the government, at the head of a greet de portment, to use in reference to an act of Con gress dlislikes that portion of the act which plaits say Prilikger3 to existing State institutions, deems it a mistake, and will only execute it when compelled, and then with re gret ! We wanted our readers of the despotism to be exercised by the national authorities over their financial emirs through the medium of this fer•reaching and most eppresAve enact ment; but we never once dreamed that the on slaught on the banks where moat of the na tion's moneyed capital is 'resew ed. would he commenced atter tnis reckless fashion. The head of this depart went, set apart for this very purpose, openly ennouncee that he will not even show these banks the little grace given them by the act itself, except upon compul• But why this hostility to sound, well-man aged State banks, if there is no necessary' an tagonism between the systems? Even this is no longer a State secret. They are ie institu tions,'exclaims the Comptroller, " ow which the government can exercise no snpervision or control." This, then, is the object of these schemers. They will have no banks nor bank ers, hut snob as the politicians at Washington c'.n cuperviec cod control. Thr old insiitudons were not facile enough for partisan uses. Cap italists were willing to lend their personal in fluence to carry an efer bon, hut they hesitated about placing their whole banking machinery at the disposal of the wire-pullers Henna th 6 "antngoniew." The intention of the new law, this officer elsewhere declares to be, to provide for " National Batiks, which should he subject to government supervision and control." Tu New Yet k Times melba to appreciate one important tact, whit h we wish st._a as well appreciated :by the radicals in general. It says • we'aiikat remember that not the States, but citizene,..ha r ve incurred the guilt of treason, and that upon individual citizens, and not Rpm S'atpi. annuid the penaltieta fall. Mrs Sir Jellaby Sumner and oulnPstny will not ogres to this We sh4ll Boon •expeet to pee the , arrest and imprisonment ot tho ,Iteretic Xtay mond announced in a future number of the Timm However, this• doctrine'is that which will be speared by oho country. and that upon which peace will come. The doctrine of State suicide will never be accepted and acted upon as a National policy. Mrs Sir Jellaby Sumner with her "Telescopic Philanthropy" intends to have the States—all South of Mason and Dix on's line—reduced back again to the original wilderness, whose only inhabitants shall be nymph and dryad of the Ethiopic skin. Then when they come into the Doren again, they shall come purged of all the dross and stain of white populations and institutions. He an nounces in Faueuil Hall that the only peace that is to come, must be on the basis of abso lute liberty to all. Mr. Phillips announces in the Cooper Institute that he hopes disaster will teach utile take the right stand, and that is on the basis of universal liberty and equality ; and Sir Oracle Whiting, catching the cue, di lates on the idea, and proclaims that whole States, and their institutions, must be swept by the board—that ten millions must be reduced back again to original chaos, by the omnipo tenets of the North, out of Which 'shall rise the Goddess of Liberty, clothed—irritable. What a pity that Dean Swift was born and died so soon; 'it is a lose to this age. that Cobbett is not a living man, for there is great need of the quips.and quirks and.anton wiles,iertheir wit and sarcasm to gibbet these gentlemen for their criminal follies. Tinkering at the nuiverie is their trade. . We hear it rumored that Solicitor Whiting • has given a decision against the spots on the sun, and that decision is "out damned spot," Of course, the stock of the gas tiompanies is up. Some say, however, that this is the verdict of posterity on the Solicitor. He warns the existing institutions not to break up this pleasant and profitable arrange ment, by attempting to thrust themselves into the circle, with a desire to , retnain partly under State, and partly under National oontrol. If they insist upon it, he admits that he must obey the not, but they will lind no favor at his hands. He *dares that he will fi rst supply his pets with currency, so that he cannot con sider their case at any rate until next year. Before this time he hints that "a judicial de °Mien, or en authoritative opinion," may cut them off altogether. He plainly tells them that " it would be better to wind up their present State institutions. and organize new associa dons, independent of the old ones." To show how completely these State banks— some of which have been landmarks amid the severest storms which have marked the century —are to be blotted out without even a token for memory, we will bring forward at present but one other leaf from this startling corres pondence. One questioner, who seems to have foreseen how }utile would be any opposition to this despotic crusade, asks, tremblingly, whether by surrendering himself to national control, he may not still be permitted to retain his old corporate name ? The answer crushes Out the last spark of hope. "The SeOrotary of the Treasury, after much consideration, has come to the conclusion that all such associa tions should have a COMMON NAME !" To use his own illustration, instead of the Chemical Bank of New York, we are to have the National Bank, of New York, No 501 Historic connec tions might have a restraining power, and make the bank more restive under the central control. A Dann of renown hall been known to keep even an unprincipled man from a base deed.— A Haticocx might remember his ancestors, and blush at infamy; but "White man, No. 347," would have no such historic associations to re strain him from bending the supple knee. "It is not the name of a bank," ands this Solon, "but the character of the men who conduct its affairs and the character of its securities, that give to it the confidence of the public." But how do the public know anything of this char acter except by associating its excellence with the name which has stood for more than a gen eration as a synonym for strength and integ rity ? We submit that, we have proved our case.— The governtnent intend 04 force all existing banks to wind up their affairs, and to merge their existence, even to the abnegation of their very names, in a grand cordon of associations, subject. to supervision and control at Washing ton, In our neat article on this theme, we shall show some of the methods and purposes of this control, and the corruption to which it will naturally lead. LETTER FROM COLUMBIA. Correspondence of the Patriot and Union BLOOMSBURG, August 31. EDITORS PATRIOT AND UNION.—GeNtIeMeN The annual Convention of the Democracy of celultitoith MOt to-(lay at Bloomsburg, and nom inated the following strong and excellent ticket by acclamation : Senator—Levi L. Tate, of Columbia. " I Representatives—John C. Ellis, of Montour, and. George D Jackson„of Treasurer--Doniel Military. ' • Prothonotary--Jesse Coleman. Register and Recorder—John G. Freeze. Commissioner—Thomas J. Vanderslice. Auditor—John R. Yohe. ' ' Col. Tate, the nominee for Senator, Van a member of the House of Representatives Auring the session of 1862;and is the veteran editer of the Columbia=Dernocrat. - His nomination is subject to the conferees of Montour, Northam, Nahum' and Soy der counties. The Thirteenth Senatorial District, ' lately misrepropentid :by Senator Bound, will be redeemed by at least 8,000 Democratic majority. Mr. Coleman was nominated over Jacob Eyerly„ Esq., who has been over thirty years the Prothonotary of Columbia, and this is the only question on which there was a contest,. The nnterrified Democracy of old Columbia will this fall give near two thousand majority for "Woodward, Lowrie and Constitutional Liberty." W. NEWS OF THE DAY. BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WAStIINGTON WAsnINGTON, Sept. 2.—The life interest of seventeen different owners of valuable real estate in Washington was to have been sold to day. A large number of persons were in at tendance ; but after the District Marshal had the decree of the Court Provost Marshal Todd procured from the military authorities, stating that they would give up no part of the property of which they now have possession, a poet ponement of the sale till Wednesday next was announced. The President has recognized • Paul Gine as Vice Consul of the Swiss C•mtederation at St. Lillis, for the States of Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and the Territory of Nebraska. Capt. Walker, of the U. S. steamer De Soto, advises the Navy D•'partment of the capture of the steamer Alice Vivito, for a violation of the blockade. She repret.eoted herself as fro& Mobile to Havana, laden with cotton, and ad mitted that she bad thrown her passes over board. Among the passengers transferred to the De Soto were several of the staff of Gen. Slaughter, of the rebel army. Slaughter himself had em barked on board the steamer with all his staff, but a few hours )rnvious to her leaving Mobile hay, he returned to the city with the inten tion of rejoining the vessel as soon as be could remove the bageage thither. Dm for this he would have been cartored. Hi s d est i nat i on was Texas, to raise a brigade. GEN PEBIBERToN NOT KILLED. Naw Vona, September 2—A letter from Memphis, d4ted the 25th ult., denies the death of Gen. Pemberton. but rays his men and offi cers have sworn to kill bim. He has been taken to Richmond under a strong guard. Pa►ly. two-thirds of hi s arm y are in the field under Gen. Hardee. Johnson is in command at Mobile. GENERAL DOUBLEDAY. 'NEW YORK, Sept. 2.—A speeiol to the Com .!raercial says that Gen. Deunleday has been ordered to report to Gen. Banks. BY, THE MAILS. THE WAR NEWS. None of the Departments in Washington have received any intelligence of recent pro ceedings at Charleston. General Gilmore and Admiral Dahlgren, however, report everything going on favorably. The requisitions for men and materials are promptly filled, and the conduot of the siege is lett entirely to their discretion, with every confidence that they will finally meet with com plete success. The Army of the Potomac presents no fea tures of change. Rebel deserters are coming into our lines in large numbers. Upwards of two thousand have come over since the army left Maryland. Sickness is said to be increas ing in the army, principally from want of crater. It itawpOrted from Metuphis that the rebels numborliity thousand . atj•ittle itook;:Arkan sas, undif Kirby Sinity and Price. They are poorly mined and only One half clothed. The rebels are throwing-upfosiftostioneon the op posite side 'of the thirteen miles below Little Rock. The people:4 .ftkanstie ;appear:; to be tired f the War, and,,iie anxious to re turn to their allegiance. Diepatches from Leavenworth to the lst inst., state that. Gen. Blunt had crossed the Arkansas iiier ori the 23d nit., but the rebels declined 'to meet him in battle. It was reported, however, at Fort Scott on the 28th ult.,' that Blunt. had. fought heavy loss, battle and woe defeated with a very. loss, it was said, amounting to three thousand men. The United States steamer De Soto captured the blockade runner Alice Vivian on the 16th tilt., She sight eta frots gobile, with a cargo of five hundred and seventy-five bales of cotton and a quantity of turpentine. She was bonito' for Havana. On the following day sbe captured the Nita, also carryings valuable cargo of military stores, bound from Havana to Mobile. Forty. five rebel prisoners were taken from these two vessels, and were brciught to. New York yesterday by the Hendrik. Hudson, and placed in the hand of the United States Marshal. Among them is a son of the late Senator Bor land, and a brother of Adelina and Carlotta Patti and Mine. Stakosch. RECONNOISSANCE BY BAKER'S RAN- GER'S WASHINGTON, Sept. 1.--Lieut. Butgesi, With thirty of Col. Baker's mounted rangers, went on a reconnoissance yesterday in search of the camp of White's • guerrillas, which they found just beyond Leesburg, and camped near it last night. This morning the party were ettaeked by about 200 rebel cavalry, and forced to re treat. During the skirmish Lieut. Burgess's horse was shot, but the Lieutenant succeeded in hiding in the bushes, and saw the rebels ride by in pursuit of his men. He theu, made his way to the Potomac, and erosas.d at Paint of Rocks. There he learned that a large num ber of Imbeden's cavalry had gone down the river. The whole force of Imboden and White &Mounted to about 1,000 men.- They were de terred from crossing at Edward's Ferry by the infantry stationed there. At Point of Rooks it was rumored that a force of 5,000 or 6,000 rebels were attempting to cross below, and several pieces of artillery were sent thorn to prevent such an attempt from being successful. To-night there are rumors that .a large force of rebel cavalry were at Great Falls, fifteen miles from Washington, probably the same body. Our cavalry have been sent in pursuit, and can hardly fail to meet the enemy. INAUGURATION OF GOV. BRAMLETTE, OF KENTTCKY. FRANKFORT, Ky., Sept. I.—Gov. Bramlette was inaugurated as Governor of this State to day. In his inaugural address he contends that the revolted States did not change their status by rebelling ; that all that is necessary for them to do is to return to their fealty and take their position as States; that the rebel lion did not remit them to a territorial state. He says we have now, and will have when the rebellion closes, the [identical Constitu tion which extremists seek to destroy, the one by innovation, the other by force. It is not a restored Union, not a reconstructed Union, that Kentucky desires ; but a preserved Union and a restored peace upon , a constitu tional basis. The Governor strongly objects to the arming of negro regiments, and asks what is to be done with such soldiers at the end of the war. He points to the result of the re cent election as a proof that Kentucky will not fraternize with rebellion, eithernpen or covert, and declares that Kentucky ever has been and now is, and always will be, loyal to 'the 'gov ernment of our fathera. FROM CALIFORNIA. 84i FRANcteeo., Sept '1:--,Arsiired ship Liz tie,. Oakforti, from New , l ork Butfiliessle;dnil.. Satin of-,1,000 firkins'of butter, ex . w -Connetitt;tiou r at,2%92Bo.. There as an immense Unidn , mase Meeting in the city.,last l -evening eß A vrakaddri_asmi-.4lky Collector Ltiiy,''Sfarlicipg,,and.4letniok can di4litell RM cdtqfelas; . - . . The,Democrats else held a large Meeting on the'outakittrof 'the eity; whToh it'fiie addressed by Messrs, virepr, Bigler, bowner and others. There is a prospect of a very full vote to- morrow, and an immense majority for ilia Union State 'ticket. Titre, are two Union tickets running in this county, against the united Democrats, but . the Unionists believe either of their tickets, will get more votes than the Democratic. The opposition generally concede that the Union State ticket will be elected by as much as twenty thousand ma jority. DISLOYALISTS TO BE REMOVED FROM KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY, Sept. I.—About sixty persons, chiefly heads of families and residents in this city and vicinity, who are believed to be eiders and kbettors of the rebellion or strong sympa thizers with it have been ordered to remove from the district by Gen Ewing. The list in cludes many of the most wealthy and influential families of this vicinity. Their houses will be taken for the families of Union refugees. Many orders for the removal of leading rebel sympathizers at Westport and Indepen dence are also being made out. THE VEMONT ELECTION. - - MONTPELIER, Sept. I.—Ao woe expected, Vermont has gone strongly Republican. We have the legislative votes of fifty towns. All send Republican representatives but two. Among the members elected are W. 0 Smith, of St, Albans; W. Gr. Shaw, of Burlington ; Charles Read of Montpelier; .J. S. Marcy, of Royalton; 0. P. Chandler, of Woodstock, and S. M Dorr% of Rutland. The Senate will be unanimously Republican, and the three Congressmen also Republican, by from sit thousand to eight thousaticl major ity for each. ITEMS OF WASHINGTON NEWS SENSATION REPORTS REGARDING LEE'S ARMY. WASHINGTON, Sept. l.—One of the evening papers of this city tried -to get up en excite ment this afternoon by giving prominence to a report that Lee bad crossed the Rappahannock at CoDWNY, with fifty thousand , troops, for the purpose of flanking Gen. Meade. Of course, there is no reason to believe such a re port, and it is not credited by anybody here. Parties who have arrived from the front to-day know nothing Of any such movement of the enemy baring taken place, and its improba bility is shown by the crossing having been lo cated at a point' of the river accessible to our gunboats, which would have seriously inter fered with any Finch Quixotic movement. THE CAPTURE Or nua STATELLITE AND RELIANCE. . . The capture of the gunboats Reliance and Btatellite by the rebels still continues to attract, attention. The eircum seances. of, the, capture . will no doubt be matin,tho oubjeo. a a search illg innnetittagen WhORMS the ahem of the boats are liberated and returned within our lines, and if it shall preve, as represented, that they were lost through carelessnes or the cow ardice of a portion of their officers, the parties in fault will be adequately punished. CONSCRIPTS FOR THE ARMY OP THE POTOMAC Yesterday six trains went out to the front heavily laden with conscripts. The army has no little difficulty with some of the substitutes, who require almost an equal number of men to guard them; but the stringent orders. together with the recent executions, seem to have had a beneficial effect, and came for complaint are tow lees frequent. TRIAL & OF CAPT. HARLAND At the general court martial, of which Gen. Stough is President, the case of Capt. joseph Harland, formerly quartermaster of a Massa chusetts-regiment, was on Ikea to-day, and a number of officers were examined as witnesses. The -charges were for desertion,: defalcation, &o. Their evidedce was strongly agaihet the prisoner, and showed that be was ordered to Washington on public duty, having, in his.-pos session at the time about sixteen thousand dollars of. -government funds. On his way to the city he became intoxicated, and, instead of reporting here, as, Ordered, he continued on to Baltimore, getting still more intoxicated on the way., At Baltimore he :drank largely of champagne, and freely exhibited the money in his possession, and continued his journey to his home in Masesebusette. He distributed the money'around -among his acquaintances, and paid up some old debts. He then fled to Montreal, where he was found by the detec tives, and brought. back to custody. ARREST OF. CAPTAIN LEVY Captain C. M. Levy, assistant quartermaster, was arrested yesterday and consigned to the Old Capitol prison, charged with being a de faulter. He has for some time been assigned to the defences north of the Potomac, and has always enjoyed the confidence of his brother officers. His case will be investigated ii s few days. PROMOTION OF CAPTAIN JOHNSCP: Captain Johnson, one of the personal aids of Major General Heintzleman, has been promoted to the rank of major. He will remoin noon the staff of General Heintzelman. APPOINTMENTS TO THE MILITARY ACADEMIC- Within the past two days Gen. Halted: has secured ; the appointment of twenty-four young soldiers, from our armies now in the field, to eadetships at West Point. The cadetships due to. the Virginia Congressional districts, are given to young lads who have distinguished themselves, and who are otherwise qualified in the Army .of the Potomac. The cadetships due to Western Tennessee, Arkansas and Mis sissippi. are,to be conferred on Gen. Grant's recommendation. So in the other departments. And Gen. Halleek farther takes the ground that next year all appointmen'e to West Point shall be made from young soldiers in the field, or the sons of officers who have rendered im portant services in this war ' • not that the ap pointments are to be taken from the varlets* Congressmen in the North and other States, but that the. Congressmen in their recommen dations are to be restricted to these clo.sees of nominees. GEN. M'CLELLAN'fiI REPORTS. Well informed parties allege that General M'Clellan's report was only received at the Adjutant General's Department three weeks ago, and that it will take one man many moults to read it and its accompanying documents with the attention it deserves. It will occupy when printed three large quarto volumes, with charts, diagrams, &c. For its publication a large congressional appropriation will be re quisite. The Secretary of War has net yet had time to read it, but is about instituting a committee of officers to be preqided over by Maj. Gen. David Hunter, who will be charged with the duty of reading it and reporting as to whether or not it shall be published as an offi* cial doeument. DIED. August Slit, 186 , Cawing W. BOYD, Sr., in the 67th year of his age. The friends of deceased at.d of the family are respect fully invite!) to attend the funeral from his late rel 4:!. deuce on Frenestreet, this (Thursday) afternoon at 4 iVelook. • SPECIAL NOTICES.. To Horse Owners. Dr. Sioreetfe Infallible Liniment los liavase is unrivaled by any, and in all muses of Lameness, ari sing from Sprains Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. ilarnefia'or Sadole Galls, Scratch es, Mange; Sic., it will also sure speedily Spavin and Bingbone may be easily prevented and eared in their incipient stages, b..t confirmed cases are beyond'the possibility of a macs/ rove., 110 cue of the tied, hoV ever, is so desperate or hopeless MLitt maybe Mievietai by this Liniment, and its faithful application will al ways remove the Lameness,- and enable the horse to travel with comparative rase. Every h. , rse owner should have this remedy at hand, -for its timely use at the first appoarance of Lameness will effectually proven; Mom formidable disesteem men •tioned, to which all horaixt aro liable..and which render so many otherivise valuable horsea nearly worthies's... Bee advertisement ap2o eow-dlhar A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debuity,/voompeteley,P mature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to be: etlt oththe, will be . happy to furnish to all who need it (free of chargei the reeled and directions for making:•the shield Remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by hiwespei rience—and possess . a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad dressing: JOHN B. OGDEN. ' Aug 14-3mdetw ' No. 60, NUMMI street, N. Y. CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. There is no Hair Dye in use so pure, sO free from objectionable properties, that produces such stlendinl and permanent tints, or that operates so quickly, uni formty, and certainly, as CRTSTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE. This matchless article is pronounced, by all whohave ever applied it, or seen it applied, the o. oet wonderful invention of. the age. Ten minutes suffices ter any shade of brown or the deepest black. It idoves the skin unstained. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor Roue., New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Pries $l, $l5O and $3 per box, according to size. Cristadoro's Hair Preservative Is inwsinable with his Dye, as it imparts the ntmes: softness, the most beautiful gloss and great vitality to the Hair. Price 60 cents, $1 and $2 per bottle, according to size iy3l.lfrwlin New 20 vertigo-tieing. p _ • OR S H ERIFF.—. F rank A. Murray will be a egadidate before the cowing Democratic . County irODV ntion, for in mina oe ref the late 0: glieelf of Davphio county, and %ill be obl.ged to the Delegates for their support. eektst* L OR SALE.-.—The house and lot; si-u- I ated nn the coiner of Broom and North streets, in the oty of yarrisbur . Title indisputable For far ther information app.y on the p moms, so Dim Joshua Fackler. eep2-Fwil. WANTED I.MMEDIATPLY.-At Httinger & 92 Market H reA, a aomoe tant lAD to early Ott the Aye busineee. tiood refer. races required. NOR SAGE.—One Hower Original Leather, and one fatally revel-g marine, together wit, Ws and other shoemaker's fixtures. sep2-Iwd. R. J. C. HOYER, D x)m..tvazaxiswr• OFFICE IN WYWYNIS BUILDING, In room formerly 'occupied by Dr. Carman. CORNS* OF mADicie STRZAT AND RAREST SQUARE. 11 - AMERICAN Virft FLUID, eq waif not superior to Arnold's Esiiiis 4 0 Plaid, and only 62 cents per gnarl bflitis , ut fiCaNYFER'S 80. INSTORZ. • HaItaRAPII LB tIMB.—A large . and beautiful assortment of Phot , •gr4ph anima Just reeeived and for sale ekesA, st MN° thill 7 B, i7O 93 Market street.