LO e'A L IfFws. Tna DAILY rafklaUT £N VIM may be had at Joelea Book Store, earner of Third and Market tweets. Aram ta too News Away of George L. Waiter. i n Market sweet. ow Fifth. Tgs fitsara.— Under the change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at the lisssisearg Post Ogles, A p ril 20, 1863, as ihDeire: rassasa =MA& SAILWAT. NOl2ll.—Wav —For all places betlieen Dar is em, Gast tisien libnirs, 11. it, at 12.00 m. Pot Look Hansa, Williamsport old bewilibur9 at 9 p.n. 11An..—poi all_plaess imbreen issourn and Dsliiatere, MC, sad w 0021 14 1 1100, D. CI at 2.09 a. ter w as ai ng t on , D. O. Baltimara.llolLotal York, Pa. at 9.9 p. m. lummox wszasw asianasp. air Masa.—ree an "keen. Women Carrie burg, Ilistowash fir ais t ling sad Patinae. 111 14lt1 p. a. l orosseavoina aasaluan. w ar man.—For all gawp botwoan llarridaws and Pdelpida, at 6 - 30 Par pwassiphis awl Linage; at 12.00 m. par Now York, rwowdolpitia. Immastor, Osiumbia, Hseiatta and Satabdiai. it 2 . 46 Par Sew farts pbls and Leiwastse, at 9.60 p. m. Ciasi....—Por all plasm Wawa& Harris bug and Altoona, 14.00 m. Por Jokastown, Pittsburg and Isis. Pa., Cincinnati, polusdass and Olvrelsod, Ohio at 2.15 p. nu PmM 'aar& Rellidaritair;* slteoew, PhllliPatairgi Timms, Ilimtinglan sad Lewistown, 091.00 p. m. ipuzzasump vaa.urc siziaLoaa far Illetkaaisaburg,Osrlialkaiippaasbarg aolOkam aerabarg, Pa., at TAO a. tn. Wax Inan..—Par an plants Mtwara lianiabarg sad nildlilkinnm, DM, at /SA PAD zeIIiIITSAILI4 AMP 1101119$411Th 1414.0•1 1 . pdittigag-.41a1e Pargea,nniread,Piaammuldnummlt boa, at MU P. MAGI. 10171211 "Sr Prnp•ess, Irabiglestown," Monads Hill, West Wano. VW; Pert Hanover, ono and Jonestown, on Monday, 111 . xpekey andPrelay, MI 00 a. m. Mae Wm" sag Leolslorry, on Satwolar, at 12.30 3 4 116. lior- 6 • two m.t03.00 p m ne— Tin tO 16313.. wolfram 3.00 to 4.00 P an . m. DamonAr„ Cana Maariaes.—The Democratic; Mahe of the rerpretiva wards ba this city will meet 'weekly as follows, viz: Fifet — Ward—On gatarday evenings. *mond Ward—On Monday " - 1 1hird Ward—On Tuesday " Fmk* Ward—On Wednesday " INfth Ward—On Thursday " • lilatb Ward—On Friday sr order of the City Biondi*. Committee. esiN F.Wsaun, See'y. Fyn Dzken.—Aboat eight e'elook last even b& George W. Boyd, Bsg-,an old anfirespectable citizen of this place, fell deed near his residence in Front street. He was standing en the river banl4 engaged in conversation with Judge Ham mel, when be fell. His death was instantaneous, and probably resulted from disease of the heart. Mr. Boyd was about seventy years of age. 'MIAMI following is a list of the persons nominated at the odious ward mectimge on Saturday evening, to be voted for on Saturday next as delegates to the county conven tion, 'shish meets one week from today. We woad request our friends to supply any deficien cies in the list, as we may have failed to make it soniplets : Pint Wes—Joseph Hogentogler, John Hoop ley, Geo. P. Weaver, Daniel Hooker, Peter Sidle, Peter Stucker, J. B. Stewart, W. J. Bergstrasser, A. I: Wickert. Second Ward—Jobs W. Brown, C F. Coates, B. L. Foster, Daniel Wagner, J. H. Zeigler, James Raymond, Dr. Pantraon,Charles Roumfort. Third Ward—George Bailey. William R. Ver bake, William Boingardner, R. H. Adams. FOullb Ward—L. Barnbard, H. B. Wood, Geo. Erielibitum, William Umberger. Fifth Ward—William Maloney, Thomas J. Osier, Louis Taney, Hiram Neaffer. Joseph Bowman. Birth Ward—George Bee, Jacob Barnhart, (beige Diner, Patrick Wifetf. WARD Dammam Zutcrious.—The Democratic Ward meetings for the election of delegates to the - Cirauty Convention on the BTh blot., will be hsi is each ward of the city of lierrleburg, at 7.1 o'clock on Saturday evening next, September sth, at the following places, viz : First Ward—At the public' house of L. Koenig, Pintos street. _ Second Ward—At the public house of Daniel Wagner. Beeond street. Third Ward—At the Franklin Hones, Walnut serest.:: POrth Word—At the public house of P. 8. Ryas, State street. Fifth Ward—At the publie house of the Widow Jorobui;ll4iith street. Ruth Ward—At the publio house of John !Hom ier. Bldg, road. By imaer of the Ward Executive Committees. Geo. F. Weaver, Chairman First ward. C. Seller, Chairman Sawmd ward. teen. batioy. Chairmen Third ward. L. Bombard, Chairman Fourth ward. Joseph Bowman, Chairman Fifth ward. C. A. Wilhelm, Chairman Sixth ward. Harrisburg, lieptember let, 1a64, Feet ran Wonsan, a 9 Gernrsanats.—An appeal hem Mrs. A. M. Holstein, Matron-in-Chief of the Hospitals near Gettysburg, a few days since, was malts to e ti? , e. itiatme of HeretoSorg, through our miltuans, in behalf of the wounded soldiers in Choate hospitals. She says that there are now twenty-two hundred sufferers there, who would be glad to get aluseat anything that oonld be sent; that "while government eupplies the meal field and hospital netieisiries, all additional comforts and delicacies must come from friends." The articles most seeded are cotton and woolen shine, colored over ail, dried fruits, pickles, preserved or canned stimulante, white sugar, butter and eggs. Coidriberions will be received to-day, from 9 until 12 thine& a in., at the bo,pital storeroom on Wel. ant street. near Fourth, by the Ladies' Relief So *MY. lied forwarded Immediately.. It is hoped sad believed that this appeal will meet with a generous response at the hands of this enrotounity. Let every friend of his country give liberally of Ma substance to her wounded defenders, and eo ill elienieseore of patriotism. Of such bounty it is written, "There is that scattered', and yet in creased' " int j aT TIEET Mgatt. — ltany readmit of the Philo— !, legible Ledger have for months been puzzled to know the meaning of certain queer marks—orosses. tanionds, circles, books and eyes, &a —whir* appear - seeittered through the lambi and editorials of that paper. In behalf of a soffnleg and inquisi tive public. we have propounded the 'epistolen ae to the signlieation of these marks direct to the Ledger, but it answered never a word. The Len.. easter Brpreas, however, thinks it has mastered blero k lyphies, and deciphers their meaning i n Ibis way *These marks are for the Information elf thirproprieiore of the paint ie to Who Write the 'reagemive articles, and as a - safeguard against Nbtir 'Bob mark represents a partiMilar writer. . 80 when the pubtisbers reed the paper they without asking, whb 'wrote this or that article.:;Zr is an iheimistis "modification of the Tess c h -87aeam, which requites each writer to fur- . Mob his tail name to toob 'editorial be furnishes" The only thing which Operetta; agairei the Expreae tam& eolittima lithe LIM that two different marks sometimes wear in divisible paragraph. If ie not probable that any one - pabigrapli would be dirt- Aga between two writers. however, we mast SC the present a:pleat/thin in the absence of a better one. -- --- Games rests,Sosess Lox -Our eisders n are aware that io meting the We draft efty per coot. above the quota was drawn, to meet contingencies. In some districts a large portion of , this fifty per Cent. is not called for, and is therefore exempt. One of oar Pittsburg eseintogee says that three of the wards of-that City hese been gone over, and from the returns it appears that there are quite a num ber of those drafted exempt, because of the quota -having been filled before their names were reached. These exempt. iris) Paid $3OO will, it is said, have their money refunded on application ; but with those who furnished substitutes it is different, and quite an interesting process has to be gone through before the coneoript realises his-investment. The board ' , it appears, will not or cannot refund the money paid for substitutes, but it allows the exempt to sell his substitute to another, andagrees to receive him in _lieu of the party buying him. Theway the thing is done then is this: The ex inapt goes to a substitute broker, and finding a market for his min, sells him at the highest figure he can get. The broker disposes of him to the !lest otrueetipt *be offers, and upon the facts being made known to the boatd, the aforesaid substitute, who may be dead, among the missing, or in camp on the Rappabannook, is translated to the credit of the conscript, Who receives, a release from further liability fur the time for which he wse drafted. Two hundred and seventy-five dollars is the highest figure paid by any broker for substitutes of this Slams. Those who paid that mush for sub. statutes make nothing by the transfer; but there are some, however, who some ded. in getting sub otitutes at sin to $2011; and as they reeeive tnk they wake a handsome thing out of tho transac tion. The fairest way, says the ffdbroniolo," would bo to pay the conscript what he paid for the substi tute, provided the sum did not exceed MO. This would save the exempts from the shave they bare to stand under the present arrangement, whilst' looks as though it bad been made for the special benefit of the substitute brokers, and the govern ment would save money in the matter in the end. An order of this kind will donbtles be made, but, like all tifoneral Fres orders, too late to be of any good. IILECTION OF DELEGATES TO Tall DEMOCRATIC Ootret? Convitarpa.—The Democratic Totem in the several wards of the city of Harrisburg will meet at their respective ward houses, on Saturday evening next, Sept. Szt,for the purpose of electing from among the candidatee placed in nomination on Saturday last, two delegates for each ward, to represent them in the C.iunty Convention to be held at the Court House in this city, at 2 o'clock p. m. t on Tuesday next, the Bth lust,- ti By order of the City Eremitic° Committee. Gro F. WEAVER, Sec'y. Harrisburg, Sept. 1, 1863. N. B. Sea. 1 P. 2. of the "Rules and Revile done for the Government of the Demotratic Party of the City of Harrisburg," mAltes it tbe duty of the Ward Executive Committals "to appoint the Judges and Inspectors of all Democratic ward elections." • Par. 4 requires "ail elections for ward delegates to be made by ballot." • Par. 5 "All ward meetings shall be opened pre cisely at 74 o'otools p. m , and immediately after the organization and reading of the rules (as per Par. 3) to proosed to election. The polls in all oases shall be kept open two hours, unless after a /apse of fifteen minutes, wheleiu no vote has been out, when they may be closed by a vote of the meeting, and provided : that, at the expiration of the two hours aforesaid, the polls shall not be closed, if there are votes on the ground for accep tance." B_ 4 To citizen shall be permitted to vote at the Democratic ward meetings. unless such citizen shall satisfy the Judge and Inspectors that he is a Democrat and a resident of the ward in which he tenders his vote." Durraassisu Coss.—A young girl named Maria Ann Somers was found in a St on the steps of the State Capitol Bank last evening, and brought to Alderman• Kline's offute. where the was seized with over forty paroxysms in succession. The suffer ings of the poor creature, as she writhed in agony, were the most distressing of the kind we ever be held. We cannot say what disposition was made of her, as we came away while the fits wore still upon her. The parents of this 'girl, who is about. twenty two years of age, Rood looking and strongly built, are residents of Deovillo, bet father being a miner• She states that about six weeks ago she lived with Brume Jones, of thie city. After leaving there, she became acquainted with a soldier named Henry Davis, of Starke county, Ohio, and was married to bim by Alderman Kline on last Saturday evening. Officer Campbell thrums us that be found her on the Thursday evening previous at the corner of Fourth add Walnut sweats, and that upon being taken into a house near by, ebe underwent forty eight distinct epiliptio Paroxysms. She will pro bably be taken to the poor house. We learn that, after recovering from the attack, the girl was committed to prison as a vagrant, OD complaint of officer Campbell, but that Prison Keeper Simmons . arbitrarily refused to receive her. Hamsniry as well as lasi would have dictated a d.ff,rent oattrea of cation. Tae $3OO Common a —Opinions differ very widely twingeing the effect of the payment of the $3OO commutation by a drafted meth The follow ing letter from Hon. ThNd. Etevens, who bad a large share in framiog the bill, and who was Chair man of the Ways lad Means Committee at the time of its passage, sets forth the law of the ease in a light so clear that we cannot see why there should be MS/ diff.rones Of opinion upon the sub ject. The minclusion which be arrives at, says the Lneaster Express, is got only law, but common sense—and lame aught certainly to be construed in accordance with common sense. The letter ie addressed to Earned Reilly, Esq., and is as fol lows: LANcAsTes, August 27, 1863. Dear Sire fa answer to your inquiry, my own ion II that too payment of the $2OO commurati-n and the torment-a of a Malutitoie hive premerly the same &toot. Water of them frees the draf od man from further draft for three years. He is in effect in sonic-. either by himsolf or another. The payment of $3OO mattes the government his agent to Omura a substtinm,. The government has con sented to act as Stiob agent., The law sa ys no ma y "on or before the day flied for his appearance furotsh SO ti6oPp.oikle kebidoute, or pay such sum not eaneeding $3OO for the procuration of such substitute, and tnereupnn the p-tolion furnishing the Babbitt ote, or paying the stoney, shall be discharged from furiber-ii.olisty uuner that draft." No one do m i no d us t- larnishing a substitute excuses for three years, TID give a d &root awn, to the pay ment of the ooanunuaduo seams to me little WO than abeu,dit‘: I/ is a very mischievous miscon struction, which, if weed be, I have no doubt Con gress wilt emu° , PADDRUB STRVILNEI. A Iktisraxa.—Last areoing's Telegraph was in error in stating that Thomas Reality, a boy from Allegheny. was &maimed before the magistrate yooterday on a ati argo o f jotaltennesei We are intimated by office :Emig, who made the arrest, that be found young Ramsey sleeping on a benob in front of a groosry on Market street, but that be was not drubk. liesespesred to be exbiusted and fatigued, and was taken to the lock-lip to ensure bis gtestettafettelli eamfort, Ti. TIMMS?' PanNISTLYMIIa IDAINITATe-M • 20,h Pennsylvania cavalry, Cal. Wynkonn, le /iv toned Moog the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and at several points south ef it. It has bad several successful skirmishes with Moseby's cavalry, and hail taken numerous prisoners. ,Col. W3+olloool hoatiquerters are at St. John's Run,lllorgao county, West Virginia. where he bears from each detach ment daily. The 20th is a six-months' regiment, and was mustered into the Department ef the Sus quehanna, but hat since been transferred to south nt the Potomac. The City Troop, Cap!. Val. B. Hummel, recruited in this city and vicinity, forms part of this regiment. Pennsylvania Mitts and Reuniting Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of pay and sobsiatenee shims, AG., so., La, made out and col- leeted by 'WORM SNYDER, Attorney at Law, adios, Third meet, Harriebors, Ps. ' oet2B-1, Nair PALL Goons.—We have now received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other good.. Splendid assortment of new dahlias& All eoloneof plain alpacas. New style of plaid dress geode. Fine black bombazines. • Black and colored paramattas., 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleaebed and unbleached muslins. 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting. 5 4 heavy lino for pillow eases. 74 grey lion damask for, table over& White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities, White 'linen and hemstiohed polo' bandker chiefs. 10 dos. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up.. Lirge atwortment of hoop rkirtw. Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices .lArnire cambric maxillas and jactonnetto, nanbookr, Irish linen. Swiss muslinr, and a great many other new 'goods. s. Lull's% SPACIAL NOTICES. NTLEMAN, cured of Nervous bebility,Treompeteney,P emature Decay and Youthful Brier, actuated by a desire to bet: et( othe: e, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free of champ) the reoird and d'reetione for making the siorle Remedy used lc bin ease. Thom wishing to profit by his expo. Hence—and possess a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad- dressing: • JOHN B. OODBN. Aug 14-Bmd.kw No. 60. NEJelliII street, N. Y. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AG& Pszmers, families and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for dysentery, colic, map. chronic rheumatism, sore throats, toothaohe t sea nickname, outs, burins swellioo b niece. old sores, headache, munquito bitim pains in the limbs, cheat, back, &a. It it does not sive relic the money will be refunded. All that is linked is atrial, and use it according to the directions. TOBIAB Dear Mir; I have used your Liniment in rr y family for a number of yearn; and be lieve it to the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. Formudden attack of croup it is 'LITMUS ae. I have no Leeits-ion in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have mad It for many years, anc it gives entire sat aftetion. CHAS. H. THINNER. QUAKERTOWN, N. 8., MAy 8, 1888. Bold by 3/1 Druggists. Otfice,lsl3 Oortlandt street, jyst donrim Now York. 17M .' 71MMUM By ordering elslomel and destructive miners s front the supply tables, hoe conferred a bless rig on our sick sol diers. Let aim not step here. Let him order the die. continuance of - , Biceding, 3, and the Übe of bRAND- RliTli'B PiLLe in the place thereof. Then will commerce a ""new era" in the rewire of ifedicine. which would then bee le e emphatically THE lISA.LINo At.T I hems for thirty i VOA t .11(ght that 216 diRPI4IIB4 Uon could be cured by mercury or tartar emetic That the human body could only be "made whole" by "veg otalble food”—Animal fool being, to foot, I:widowed vegetables. BRABDIVETIIII PILUI should be In every Military Morphia. These Pille core BMOCS DTARRUCICk ORRONIU MURMUR ~ ORdONLO DYBOTTARY, and all fevers and iffeetions of tin Bowels, sooner and mite family than any medicine in the world. BSA•' /6ILTEI , B PILLS in these' eases ebould be taken n ii • and get nftw etyte CASE 01 ~CPCOII R. WATSON. Dr. B Flrandrosk, N..te York: Sic: I was a private in Co. ff,l7th Regiment, New York Vole. Whit, at nerrilieh 9 A Lenaleg and en the Rappahannock near Falmouth,/ and many of the Com.• pony were siek with bilious &Rama. The Army Sur geon did not mire us, and I was reduced to akin mid tag, &mpg the Company were q lite a number of members who had w mite& in year Laboratory et Ring Sing. They pero not nick, because they need Brand retbls Pill!. These men prevailed upon niv and others to use the Pills, and we were all eared in from two to Ave dnye After tide ear boys wed lirandretb4 Palls for the typhus fever, cold., rheumatism, sod An no ease did 'bee' fail to relator• health• . . Out of griiiitode y , u tor my geed bealtb, I rend you ilia r, which. If restessary, the skarn:, Com• party would sign. an 3, roorietrally, rump, 11081.041. W A TEIOOI. ping Ping, N. Y. Principal aloe, 294 Canal street, Now Yore. Per to tiarnsearg ey eito. 11. BELL. mit-d&wtf CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE There 4 no Flair D,se in use so pare, PO free from all objectionable properilea, that produces scab P lendid and pormanent tint% or that operates so quickly, uni formly, sad certainly, al CRNTADOROR EXCELSIOR IMIR DYE Tide matChless article is pr , noune. d, by all who hsve ever applied it, or seen it simile; the o opt wonderful Invention of ihe sips Teo minutes soilless , er an• shade of brown or the deepest black It Moves the skin undid oed , liauctfAcinred by 3. ORTBTADORO, 6 Astor HMO, New York. &)id everywhere, and applied by all nab Dressers. Price U. =1 50 and $8 per box, according to else. Cristadoro's Hair Preee . rvative IS to with him bye, se it tteparto the eteleet flottnees, the molt beautiful glove and greet vitality to the H air. Price 50 emits, $1 and s 2 per bottle, soeordiag to else 3,p431-ditwtos BMW. MP PA7IIIOI A4ll Ilium: Dem . :—With your pormiasion I wish to sty to the read re of your paper that i will send by return mail to all who with it, (free,) a Recipe, with fait directions for making and using &Minnie VegetwielFlaim,.that will effeetueny remote, iu 10 41,.ye, eicaples. Blotches, Tan, Freckle., and 4 1 Impurities of the Bloc, tearing the game soft, cle..r, cm oth and beantl'nl. • I will also r. all free to three baying Raid Heade or Bare !sees, atropin directorm end infoneatioe that will enable them to ..tart a full growth of Luxuriant Hair. Whiakete, or , a Moo- ta,ba, in lee- than So days All applicatiocut answered by return mail without, abante- Peeptettalla tante, THU& IP uHAPAIAN. Chmuiet . je2B Bmr: No 831 nroadway, blew Yotk. A Friend in Need Try it. Dit 8 weisT 9 S iNPa•LLIRLw bT I9 IIIIIt,RT I. gm!• pared from . the recipe of Dr . 8 epheu SWert, of C7onnee ticket. the. greet bone setter, and has ben new in hie preemie for the last twenty years with the mood metes ishinu success e ao rue , nal remedy It is 'without a riv-1, sari will alleviate pale are apeodilyi than airy other preparation For all Rheumatic sod ferricill Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a putative fel liores,tr amide. Amiss: Bruises, Re- its snot hi Inc end powerful strengthening PrePertivel 'lOl, the. inn . ' Wender and astonbihrnent of all who .ever given it a tr!el Oyer four huodnd eertifiratee of Inarboble .snres,, perrormed by it within the last two 'peter% iitten this tact Bee advertisement. isoorning. Read direetiona Dr. Branon e a-Coneentrtited" RFmtdtee No. 1. ?Mt (TREAT *WV Rh speedily eradicates all the evil elreee of fillidT 4 llll7 ll ll6lal t!IP , nf Meu"."7l Shunned; of treathlf ' pitstion fifths Hear!, " bintnessaf Vielon, - ,: se any crisetitotiotturde "nem of the sys•ent, bidden on by the unrestrained ivdal genes o the pas•ions. dote alike on either sex. Brice yne Dollev. No, THE SALM will Mira, in from two to elpht days. ant eaße or GON NOW NH Of h. is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or oast. !or either sex Pries One Dollar. No, $. The TIRES w.ll cure in the shortest possible time any ease of GL BIT, even after all other remedies have failed to Mine. the desired effort. No Wt. rrioe One Dollar. • No. 4. THS PIINITSR is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the tire bra. No waterer how long standing or neglected tne case may be. Price true Dollar. No 6 THIBOWTOR will cure any ewe of Gasvillis loormaa ew lY end IBPOOOII y remove oil agleam, or the Bladder mid Blazers. Pada. Oes Nu. i POR PaitTfOrL ARS 8S LIBOULAB ho T. THE AMARTN mid care the Whites 'radically and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by w► other treatment. In tact, is tbe only remedy that will really adtrest this disorder. Pleases' to tats. pries One now • • No ll_ TN' ORTINTAL PAPTTLW APO metals, safe and speedy loprodusiog SINNoTANA.TION, oreorr..et leg any Inregalaritios.of tue tnontldy period.. Prior Two Dollar.. No. 9, POR PARTIOIMAIIII BIN (Awns& Either remedy mot free by mail ou receipt of the Pric e ecce e e4 * 4 9 91)1004 pottage stamp and gas chat• Aar. Miami DPpot North-Nast cornov or Tort at sod Oallowbilt stra•et. Private atlas, 40L Toro . , Philadelphia. Ps For male in liarriaburg by Cl. A. Bannvaie and Loofa WTarß. where circulars eoutening valuable informa tion, with fail desosiptione of e.on ease, will be deli,- ey.d gratin oraapplleotien. Ad .resi bet. F gt.IX BRITNON, Jalr 1898.1 t P.' cr. Box 99, Philadelphia, IMPORTANT TO FEMALE!. DR. CHEESEISIAIIPS PILLS. pie combination of ingredients in theme Pills ars the result of a long and extensive practice Thee are mild lot =heir operation, and certain in correating all imam lAA /Um, painful menstruation, removingail obstructions whether from cold or other-mime, headache, led le the aide, pe4pitetiou of the heart, whites, all nesiteseaneo dons, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th bath amain* to., disturbed sleep, 7140 orb* frau interrupt! of nature. DR- Milo MAN IS PALE, was the sommeneemes a seer • nee teillEISI of those irregularities and ebstrourtt saw low am s i g ned se many to a grams= no A tEllielsean enjoy good health unless shale regular, sad whenever= obstruction takes place the general health begins to de aline, DR. CURBSEMANIS PILLS are the most effeebud remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Femaies. To all asses they are invaluable, *educing, "aria certainty, periodical regular ity. They are knows to thatimads,whe Uwe smiths= at different periods, throughout the country, havingthe sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America: Exp/itit directions, stating when they shotad net be steed, with mob Box—the Price One Daisy riff Box, containing from 00 to 00 rills, Pills sent by Mod, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, • 20 Cedar street, New York. Deli la Sarrbiblirg, by 0. A. Ilaziavart. • htethaniceburg, by J. 8. Dellett. " Carlisle bY 8. Anion " Shippensbarg, by D. W Raskin. " Ohambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. Hummehitown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by Hearne Hoes. dealkikatly MOTHERS! MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINSI.OW'S SOOTRINO SYRUP for CHILDIUMI TEE'rBING. This val ble preparation Is the presnciption of envoi' the beet fensalO physi clans and nurses in the United States. and has been used for thirty years with never failing saety and sus nese by millions of mothers and children, from the fee ble infant of one week old to the edu t. It not only relieves the ishild from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING 111 THS BOWELS AND WIND . COLIC. We believe it the beet and surest remedy in the world .Izi ail cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARIkIIGIA IN OffiLDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause.' airections for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless thpfac mantic ofOIIRTIS & PEE HMS, New York Mon the outside wrapper. sold by ail Medicine Dealers. Principal Moo, 4$ Day street, NenfYork. Prioe only 2b cents per bottle. ray234lkweas • . STATE FAI it THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL, EXHIBITION OF THR PENN'A STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE HE • LD AT NORRISTOWN, MODTGOMIERY CO., PA., September Mb and SOlb and October Ist and Id, 1863. Norristown Is about 1T miles west of Philadelphia, on the Seheylk. , ll river, and is aeeeesible by railway to every portion Or the State. • The Granata moo beantienliv situstell., containing 23 acres o• •groandwitk -flue 1 rge buildings thereon °rew ttd. together with leeie rmouut of ebeddi- The Dank in said to•lw; . rroo . -4 the hoot Milt mile trash, the State. '9l. 'piemitt•re are the heaviest, ever offered by the society. sweetens* to about s7ooo' The pre miums for all grajee or cattle ,eseeed $ 000, five of whi-h are SLO ,each. NI from $1 to $l5. others rnening down to leto,r4 room_ near he.d not lee , than 15 head, first poemium s4n ; nertond premium. $2&. Gorses for oil grades the otemittme exneed $lB5O. The highest $100; 1. beter-en $ 0 and $lO, and oth re ranting rrom $l6 $lO se" $5 For ...beep and Swine the premiums sage fro' $lO to $5 end $5 Fo r Poultry sto r e Is a lot g Wit of premiums from $2 -to $1 each. In the •ot lowing eissa.s moot liher.l pre ia nuts effete Ploughs, linitieatina, Drills , W. gone, Reaping a Mow mg M-,ch nem. Critters. !Urn Sh Mere, Cider: M He, Paints Buckets, Tin Ware, Lather and ite Mamsfacto es, Gas Fleur. Marble Mantle., Butter, Flo r, Grain and Reeds, Vegetables; and a1..0 for Dome tic a-di Ho arhold Mauntactores, 'netts, Garret., SAtin,+. R. trti Resenting • Marmots, 11 ennuis. l' nit Gmuls. Widlo Work, itc. Bread. °ekes. Prmeerves. c Large premiums ae • Bored tor every strietyor Fruit and Pi were Th F'oriti Tent ait be the large t ever 'erected by th..Poci• form one will for one of the mOtt sittraetiee testurret the Pahl.. tion Fruit, Grapes eari Wine witho • it tilted to nee depvrtnitnt The P4lihn , i V -i•bl Rail. cad al .d 11161.) ionwa Rsitiond base arranged 0 car • artie es .or exhiliPt..o to •.nd from the PX , ihi , rott frole IA ',rte. reqte , rng the forwtrd log freight to be paid. whin% wtl , be rip ,A .gstpp..g when goods are returned 0 the a "'Linn wh•nce shipped. It in hoped to effect the mune with other important rotes . • Beenvaisne et .es tstm.d. eats* will be win on el the leading r•liro'uts 'one, can ben ado at the, • to Worrititown, after the 4 th day 1 art cies must en es te ed on the 'oohs no ..r betore Tn. day evening-Sep tember 29•11 r=h P must b come members. Peul'ersb to 81 00, eft. , finur Coup.n T.•ke's e•ob, one of whi.h WI II od-ot.'ono surges teLth Fate once SINGuE ADMISSION 23 CENTS. cri— 4 144 r. 11" Pre lama and Brothtlooifiran be had by kOdresaing the filearettr - TB 51 AA P. 11rNOX, President• A Baowsa Losoeask See .tarry Morristown, Pa ) • au= 0 0 P FO 5 / GELAT E.--The besi ....I article in film nntrlrezt, 'neat rp , lßived slid for sate tr• - •• ne , Tr onoNB.--Quite a variety of useli3l k N. and entertaining artielos—oheap—at gterup,piokum nomrsfrovi: tiZOLDIEWF VAMP Of )MPANION.— ..3 A very convenient Writing Deng also, Portfolios deoiorandnin Reeks. Portraoolllll3oll, ROOESTORI. _ . EIABRIBBIIR4 FEMALE NARY —Tim fall seinen of tai Institution will corn-bones on - .. dived. ) , e. i , t ethlwr Aug 18 dtd a a DTX IN, Princip.l. rXEMPTIO 8 FROM - THE DRAFT. Persons has mg Ups.' claims toox rion from the draft oan Rat: tbrir roes p up ...d d p 4 , -ee.tAd tt• kb- Board or appl ,, &ton t. g g 'NI OUSON. Attorney-i+- Law, Second street. °ppm; tF Buebltr goose • gk. with Ww U Ntq. Aug 27-tr. BLA4;KINt.; "CEALLittitili Suaumnso."—LOO eilook. *mortal , Pun 7 ' , eived and for..ualit. iikati t gate /up/ retail. 4•A Pnea k no M AO It BEL! MACKNII.V_IL, NOB. I, 2 Imo Z. In riled peAlkitget— niw. aDd mak littickei g ipr Iperrujoid. Just re eeived, sun Cyr. Ixelv low by Ina. DOCK Jr. a & 00. DmTEAs , " IlittkENA. 1-3 A tc o 0 z 0 0 z. 1° Was Mr only "Preparation fOr food from b alm corn" That received a medal and honorable mentteq frosolhe korai t.ommissinmere, the eownetition of all pramin4nt manufacturers 4f !Horn Starch' and 4 -Prepared 'Cora Monet of ala . s and Other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA; The food and hrzery of the lee. without a phi& fault. One trial. will deavince. the; most—akeptieri. Melte, Pudd'alPli CakentlawitPrde , ihe.,.withput isleglasa .welch otaa aggi_ at a tied iistoolehinistlip most ucenomicsi. .A i light Witten to oriloilry wiled Flour greatly improves"lt is iilkier oelirnt for tbickeolbg sweet mum. gravies for Sub and meat snap, die. Feriae Orem nothing can compare with it A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chossilite; tee, ' Put up in one pound rammipss, tralifiliark Maisano, with direotiore for lump A most sulk:done article .of food for children sad in visible of all ages. For isle by Greeeis and Druggiete everywhere, Whelessle_nepot, 186 Fulton street. Aug 15 dem El A. M !I ! 20,000,1b5. Composed of the following Brands just reeeived : NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NSW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS A SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINERTI EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICRINEWS ESCSLBIOR—Not omayamod. • IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN HAMR—Striotly prime. ORDINARY HAMB—Very good. - 'Er Every Rasa sold will be ge ar iuiteed as represen ted. WM. DOCK, jr., & CO. S ECRET DLSEAFES SBORET DISBASSS! SAMARITAN'S GIFT SAMARITAN'S OFIPT Tie MOST 011kTAIN RINIDY Even Uun: Yes. a Panties Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA 4. MERCURY - DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to eirelit a owe, They &re entirely vegetable, having no 'doll nor any unpleasant taste, and will =et, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days. and recent eases is twenty-four hours. No exposure, no erosible, no change whatever., Price wile packages, $2; Female, U. Bold by ' D. W. GROOS & 00. Bent by mail by DESMOND & 00., Box 161 Phila. P 0 B""'L 0D 1 00H110ME THE VITAL FLO ID, TE O HAWN A DEPRAVED OON. DI which, produces • • SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES,, SPOTS, ?ET TER& SCALVS, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC SAMARITAN'S ROPOT AND SERB JUICE S Is offered to the public as a positive cure. Basishes all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action, cure those Spots, Totters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Boot and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of the poison. FEMALES! FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of fetuslss suffer, the nOOT &Nu HEAD alumni is most happily adopted; in trleersteil Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Palling of the Womb, Debility, and for all cow plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Seep out of hospitals. Here is • cure in any ease foi $ll. Price $1 per bottle, or mix for $6, with fall (Urea Lions. Sold by D. W. GROSS & 00. sent by hipreae carefullypae)ed br DBISMOND & 00, jan6-1y Box Phila. P.O THS BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NET OFFICE, Market•dquare. lota to Colder's Office. fa" Clan and see them in °potation. • ♦ genera. assortment .of .maehinery: and needles eon. 'tautly on Us& MISS MARGARET matt Will exhibit and sell them, and also •do an'ttiadsi maehlue sewing on theme reeebinee ie the beet manner. The patronage of the publio le resseotitily solicited, • I)ROPOSALB ]'OR S'i ON it BRIDGE. I Proposals will •ba , received at , the;.oity Council' Chamb.r till 7 o'clock p. in., September 6 for erect ing is atone bridge over Pa/0 4 M 'Resit; at Paxton ottreet, in this. city, according to • plum :ant spe,dfloationl ow: file in the Council .ehamber. , Proposals will statathe price with brick drohos and also with hewn ktonearobes; We', novelly the time of commencement aud completion of the mark. • • . . . . . Pricer win !Awn', what .ther will allow for the matelishi on tse ground. They will Woo he required to inradiah all the mate ial necessary to do the .sork.• The Council will reserv- the right to 'eject all bids that they believe wisi not 14 to the ner, e ta g e e r th e city, or that 'hey may believe we exorbitant Pr , uspealo tobo endorsee .-Preposala for. b. ~ and dir-eted to Hickok, J UA ICHLEN t P. "OMSK, P i Sweet Committee Ist diatdet. Astgli-Stawtd - -7 —• YOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILA.° EL PH/A. wAscreoruss CARBOYb, DEMIJOHNS, POETBEw MINNBAL Wtaßlt, PIOZIaI AND I . ll.ESEfi'vE sorri, Ha OF 111"111111/ DOSOAIPPIOIII. • B. B. & O. W. BENNBEiS oel9-dly 27 Borah Front genet. Philadelphia DIONIC.—The M chanits' Association of Ilarrieburg gm. it PICNIC AT COLD SPRINGS, ON SATURDAY NEX r, AUGUST 29rb. Care will leave the Perot of gip tebanc•si Valley rail-ord. fur be apriv ic e, t) -Polo* A die.dle levitation is eztooded to dl Mechanics sad OthPr'o;*izens. 8, sos Bard sterompiuy the - panere on. Pr- c - of ticket., for the round trip la cents, to be had at the Dooot. wITTS • :— Thos. Anderson, AVehael Runk, Rang fips)d, Abram Stows John rats, it.nhrattn Hershey align 4t )14- AD AKE HO IS I T .111 Wilt rive informetion in all the affairs rf life absent friends, eiokness ai.d teeth, one in reevieet to al other 1110'kt:to. Bhe yam by roaaalt. dat at. hwara of th. day and eve-&.g. OINTLEMEN 50 CENTS, ZANIES 215 exi TS. lIRSIDENrF: IN MIL REARV ST., North hide, second Door front River Alley. Aug 22] 111 0 . 2 tie • KA.LTII, MON NY t HAPPINIIIBB t &t, this season of year, when so mann sloWneen prevails, every ens should provide himself with Dit. RUM ?HUMS SOM4MOPATIIIe 111101[(1111118.,.and prevent Unease in its beginning. A fresh sunray siwaye on hand at • now wwwwitlit nougArross, merle Harrlibura. I) 13 T. BABBITT Coneentnitelb Con ' .danced. , •r Polweria.d Port BuSD. • • thens galena of handsome white .oft soap made in Ore minnteit. No gramme , reivired. DisveriONS!---Tisooloe one pound of the Amp in one gallon hold it wak , r, they o'4l vilona worm win,. owl you •will . three gallons BANDBOX'S ;MINT' Sore 1, 04 ,„ A Ten pounds will wake one nacre) of eof soap Tne soap thu 4 mad.. i an ezeell nt ws.h for trees, shrubs and plants of all kinds 10,, r gate by my2B- Wit Doilirjr., co. 1 "PANIC B choice lot of .; this celebrated ToajOal. reoeiesid Et leaf the first cargo et.el Imported, and is intuit superior to the Chi twee Teas in quality. strength mil litgrance. and bight() entirely free of adnite ethos. coloring or mixture of any kind. ft is the neural leaf of the Jeri:woe Tea Plant 'Fur solo by WM. DUCK, Jr., lc co. WILLIAM DURYEA, UOIMIraI Agent, Pref lidera 0011216.512 council 4thnbolb''s temcbti. THE GREET 44 IEERIC/11 BENEDIEW I=in "H ELM BOL D'S" EIENIIINE PRXPARATIONB. • i I HELMBOLD'S EXTRACr "BUCHIT." BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BARBAPARILLA: RELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE .WASH, I=l=l MNIMBOLD , I3 GEbUINE mpARATEN4 CONCENTRATED It COMPOUND PLUM NETEAOT BUOUO„ positive sod speedo Remedy for Dieeasee or it s BLADDRII, HXD11711415, eft Ipleppgicas a • - SWIM LING*: •• • • inedicinianCiehowithe too tier or digekteit eft: sit e the absorbance , tote , healthy &s :ea , which the seater or calcareous depoeithz.s..sod all twwweend as. laygonionta. son tedgeril al will be - Pia moo 616101114- Mtn, and ill good iorIISIO p 1.11101114 and Ull 4418, RELIGIOLIYB EXRRACT BITCHW A - , For Weakmiou 'Mang from Ilree•soA, Fisbits Igal potion, law . indmorstiou or oboes, attended with Up NOLLOWING . BYMIPTC118: Indisposition toßsarkken, Donee, alba ad% Lou 01 Memory, X mi. of Pouter. Week Nerve e, , A:m „ltd in urestYr~, Tlchibief Ti4kbl:vg, Dimness of Vision, Widt Ininess, tinivereol Laamtude of the Pain en t 6. B ek, Muscular 83114111, Pine tel el of thie Hot Rands, Betiptiens on tbe Petal Oonweaanee Therm symptoms, if anted to go on, whibtt . dt ■s& eine isysreibly removes, soon fol ow • , IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC PM . In one Of which die patient may ear Jr. who tan IV the, ere sot frequently foilowat -by those : 4 - Sternal dip INSANITY AND. QQNSIMUMIDNI, Many are aw.re of tbe mimeo their suffaringibef soap will confess. The recces of the loasa. Aupookaari melancholy deaths by Oormumphori, bear am*. .WItIMIIP to the truth of the ruieerti.m. • Till COXOTITUTION OMB A/rwBOTXD Blr ‘416. , Warta WILIKNIna, Requires the aid of mealtime to atr , nsben sod; Wag* rate the ayatem,which HELM MO 1011 kS RAO? SUOMI invariably does. A. trial will convince the naisetiskotioal, =l:2=l FEMALES 1 FEMALES !! FEMALES LI! OLD OE YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR COMTISM. YLATItie Ia Mao,' affections peculiar to lrf ee, the Ritmo - Ductal is unequalled by any other r znedy, as is Ohtoted or Retention, Irrequlaitlea, Palufuln. se, r ktypreadalp of Cuatomary React:unions': le- rated or Bertha's' State of the Moms, bettoorrh: or Wtil •e , sterility lot WS' romplaints Resident to Vie sex, is hstber arising troth. IS . discretion, Habits of DOsipstioo, or in the . , DROLINR OR CHADOR OP BEE-'SYMPTOMS ABOVE, NO FAMILY ammo BE WINKR' IT. I=l Take no Balsam, Mercury or Unpleamot Malaga Thipleseiat nag Doug roue. Di-emelk HELMBOLDI3 EXTRACT CERES SROIUDT DISEASES In all their stages, at little aspens.; little or no cluin in diet i no inconvenience, AND NI eanses fr. quest destte en. gi ea strannth to Urbealle, thereby removing o► pt. nevem,. trig 01 it g and curia. : strictures of the urethra. allayirg pain nit iollandratioiS so friquent in this class of die. es. a. and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASED AND VI Olilik-OtT Thousands upon thousands Rho h , ye been the VICTIM Or QU*CKa, And. who have paid TIFAVYEg b. b cased in a ehntt time, have found they w. rr a e;eived, and that the g , Poi eon" has. by the use of • Pow. ral Atdreniente ' , them dried up in the system, to break out hi an aggravatifforui t and PKREIAPEI AIM IlLifilitsGß. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT WORT For all affections and Diesels,- of the URINARY Olt: . GANS; whether existing in MAL OR FR MALE, from whatever cause origin sting,, and no wetter if how tang stonnling. Diseases of these °road II quire the ski of a • HELMBOLDI EXTRACT IIttIOAU 18 THE GREAT DIURETIC,. And it is certain tolsve the &Arai abet in ell Vissene for which it is recommended. . , BLOOD BLOOD!! nLnon t lIILMBOLD'S lIIGHLY- CONCKNTBATSD COI P0176D 'LAID EXTRACT BAlkAPAßiait. • stralLts. • ,_• This le an affection of the SI. od. end airaccia the soma organs, Linings' cf the Bete, Bars, I lime, Windikell Vag other Bodes SOMA ' (tee, mskiler ea ppe, nail" ati - the Baia of Wan. ,liiiii)/rik/Plit kuplo bersaiiir.qp 1014* tee Bleed and r moves all Beall. 1 rustles a of Uni. Akin," givineto the compl-xion' cle4r a,.d being prepared expresiy for We el.*. of compiaintioe Bbiod-porirying pruperties are pree rye t. * greater at tent than aoy utter prepaiatam of baraaparills, --:o:~ HISLMBOLO'S ROSH WASH, An excell. nt lotion for Ci /Mtn► of a tin honk na tu r e, and as au lujection d seas. a-f th. Viinary Origami &de in* from habits( of diminution, tin d in eonn, stun Witham Bs ,racts Rambo ai Sai saps, lila i diaeliesa mavens's meaded. Evidence of the mo-t reap-mibie_ and, reliable character will accorupady the wee ci ..a. OEET.T.PICIA FES OF CURES, F rom th ree to t.-esity prare Btranding, with mann lawful TO BOINNUN AND PAIIN. For medical properties oritti ree,Ditvoilato b' the United WWI. See Professor DICWEBV value' le eel ke on the Pr ties of Plooic. Pee remarks nu* lo) the 1614 ixt'ehretei Dr. PlllllOl, bee remarks made by Dr. EPHIrAlki Mg/DWELL • . Celebrated Pbysiciao eDd bl. mbrr t 'h e p 11 4,1 College earg-ons, Ireirond t ace i n li.hed in the Trsalactioas the Hoag and Queen's Journal • bee Medico Uhintrsi. al E vi••• nr ni shed ler BENJA MIN Bo an, FOlqw of ft 4.70 Vol tie of sorgeop,. bee most of the late Maria 0 Yorke nu VtliiColinf. , . Extract Boob's 81 00 per bottle. or sir for $6 00 Extract *maps ilia *1 00 per bottle, or a•x For 116 0 41 lmprov d Nose - '6 o per tatll., mixfor 12 4 9 rr half deaen of each for 612, eh wi Ihe kernel lit to csrethe moot obatinat. cs. • a i. d rtt tin. aa. a sithered to. Delivered to any addrrra s rerun /3 , Peek d fetus °beak. ration. ID- Describe symptoms in II common eAtiona....eare, i guaranteed. Advice g. atia. - • AFFIDAVIT Pomonally appeared boore me. an aid rmau of the ally of Philadelphia, 11 I'. He.ml.o d. -1 o bele: dit'y mons asth say, his preparalima e• An no earoWie, no mer cury, or other injurious dr:os hut p getable: H. r KLI4.IIOLD. sworn and intbseribed befo e m this 234 d a psf.ts sa esa.. her, 1864. W.N. P. leEk.li tt, A &man, Ni th at , hoe Address letters for informal°. ia coutideeee Ps • . HEL.. Nth, 0, obeinint. D^pot.. No. 104" south Tenth str.-at, lek'w Chestnut, Philadelphia. 'BEWARE OP 001INTvRt. • AN I) UNP of v• 'PLICO ORALEUa, Who eploavor to dlipi 13 • - o . ' PI R OWN" ipa ,4 other" articles on the riot Van ht. .end. LIELMBOLD'S °EDWIN!, PittO - A C :11.110; RELm6m ,2 l. 4 OENri N>3 EXT Apr mar 11:11LRBOLD111110 `R EX T " 41. fokAPABILLA fiELMBOL GENITI NH IN PROVICu sou musg . PAld by all Drsw ids orervwb-re AMC FUR BEIM ROL WS-- AK it Ni .l mum Ont out tha .. avertisen sin . nu .t. tad tor it, ted fink' ==9 3 178.11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers