Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, August 31, 1863, Image 3
LOCAL NEWS. Taa DAILY YATolui Arm Union way be bad at .isers Book Store, corner of Third and Market .treAte. Also. at he Wows Agency of George L. Walter, in Market street, near Fifth. 1 atubs.— Under the change of schedule on she different railroads, tha time of closing the malls st the Harrisburg Poet Office, April. 20, 1803, is ail follows: woarsumwUMW. ZAILMAY. 1101ITH.—Wes all_plasos between Her b , Wavelet and 11. it , 0. 12.00 m. Tor . mown, Williamsport andl Lewisburg at 9 9. 131 . gegrgu....,Wer all places between maim Baltimore, an d Baltimore, Md., and Wasbington, D. oat LCD in. war mestington, D. 0., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa. at 9.99 g°- lalaillX911111.111•111 ZAMSOAD. BAVE — WAT MAIL.—Jor all places between Harris inni, Baste° sod Pbiladelvida. via Readizsg, atil.olla. m. Per Beeding and Pottsville, at 12.38 p. m. PiIIIMMTANIA. /RAILROAD. Wes Mara..—Por all plows between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at 5.89 a. m. Per Philadelphia and lemeaster, at 12.00 m. Per Haw York, Pintladelphis. Laneleter, Columbia, Marietta and Bainbridge, at 245,p. in. Nor New York, Ph il adelphia and Lancaster, at 9.00 p. m. WHIIT.—WA: MAIL --for all Plates between Harris burg and Altoons,l2.oo m. Nag Johnitown, Pittsburg and Bile. Pa., Oinuinuali, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. in. For Pittsburg, Hollidaysburg., Altoona, Phillipsburg, Ilyrons,Huntbagden and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. M. IMMIMALATAD AMMILOaD. Mar Itaalianiaabarg.Oarliale,Shippenabutg and Okam. baiting, Pl., st 7.00 a. m. WAY ltatL.—Yor all playas botweint BwssiiBiilg !ad Hagerstown, ma., at 12.110 p. m. ROROYLICILL AID BIISQUKILLIISA RAILROAD. Ifte 'Wendt& Parrs, Bilwood, Pinegrove mad atuninit 00 1 4 11 4 it / 2 • 80 P. 12 . STARR RODYIII. rpg pleipapa p Woman, Kauai* NW, Wart Hano- VIM MPSlimirreir. Qo m imad Jarmatawn, Mead", lirothooday lad 'May, at 7.00 a. m. Per Wbura and 4 4 twi81 1 171T; PP Oaturday, at 12.80 p.m. 4:70M0 Honza.--Prom LAO a, m. to 8.00 p. m. !An ds) tiOna taito 8.110 a.m.. and from 8.00 to 4.00 p. Dsmccartmc CLUB Masnsas.—The Democratic Clubs of the respective wards in this city will meet weekly as follows, viz First Ward—On Saturday evenings. Second Ward—On Monday 211 Third Ward—On Tuesday " Fourth Ward—On Wednesday " Fifth Ward—On Thursday " Sixth Ward—On Friday By order of the City Rceentive Committee. Quo. F. Was.van, S ee'y. Maaomic.—The members of Perseverance Lodge No: 21, A. Y. M., are requested to meet at their Ball this (Monday) afternoon at 3 o'clock, to at tend the funeralof our late brother, Wm. Berrybill• Dress, full suit of black. By order of the W. M. IgroulAuT.—When s stamp has been attached to &certificate of marriage, the minister is required to write his initials and the date of the marriage on the stamp to cancel it. Clergymen will please take notice of this important requirement, as par ties would doubtless be slightly astonished to find, after having lived together for several years, that migiset el this fore lity their mar riage was an Illusion instead of a "dead Bare thing." Aim - serum APHAlR.—"Phaireet of the pbair," Mid a. Wet, uphansy my phselinge when I phones the fearful consequences of phleeing phrom your phather's phamily ! Phew phellows could have phased the music with as winch phortitade as I bare p and as phioblo Aortal* pbeilo to Stolle upon our roves, I phind I must phorego the plea sure of becoming your husband. Phairest Phran ees, pharewel/ phorever." "Hold, Phranklin, hold !" screamed Phrases.; "I will yhonow you phorever Bat Phranklin bad pbled, and Phras e*, phainted. The pen pbalters and rephuses phurther to picture the nephably ephecting phren ay of the aphiaueed pair. libruszarmsa Curramarg.—The eeeond section of the enrollment law exempts from the operation of the draft "the father of motherless children under twilit , e years of age, dependent upon his labor for impporm' Doubt was felt whether one such child was sufficient to meet the requirements of the law; but the Provost Marshal General instructs the beards that one is sufficient. Another question was whether in the event of the father marrying agate, the ebildren of the fait wife are to be oorr , Adored "motherless." It has been deeided by the proper authority that they are. Mr. Holt says : "A stepmother is not believed to be a mother in the sense of this mt." Casz.rantaz Accarrim.—Mr. James Hammil, of Pittsburg, having expressed dissatisfaction as the remit of his late rowing match with Ward, the champion oarsman. and failing to bathos, him to tr 7 concludede upon neutral waters, has accepted Ward's proposition to row on the Hudson. It will be a See mile rave for $l,OOO a aide, and will come of about the tenth of October, Le Bittumill has Swim beaten Ward en the Schuylkill, and was only defeated in the last race by two or three boat lengths, it is probable that the interest filt in the contest will bring together the largest crowd ever assembled on.an occasion of the kind. Posrrousn 17urzr. To-Nozaow.--The picnic for the benefit of a oonseript, which was to have been given on Saturday, was, on account of the unprom btu' g appaavanes of the weather on the morning of twat day, postponed until to-morrow. It will positively take plate at Hoffman's woods according to present announcement. The enterprising young oonsorips has taken measures to Load of di* ooltyoy inguences" and protect his friends from the danger of getting water-soaked on the grounds, having secured a supply of tents, which will be pitched upoa the grounds that day as a prticautionary measure. A good time is anticipated. The Wash ington Hotel, corner of Walnut and Sixth Streets, will be the point from which the party will start. Bois eon Dastocaam Beni We fled the following Bong in an exchange, bat leave it to those more gifted musically to discover the air to vie it can be adapted: Double la, double 11, double 0 D J Double U, single A. single R D, All put in right trim, With a before all, Will be to name him We'll vote for neat fail. Then at the P 0 double Let us there R 0 flexible L, R o g, Snob a vote for him As to make Leaguers start, To bear our loud hymn— "ao, greenbacks, departi° PIXASI7RE PAiTY PROM GXEMAlNY.—lnformation bas been received that a number of wealthy Ger mane have agreed to undertake a grand pleasure exoursion aoroas the Atiantio to the r nited States They wore to leave Vienna in the present month. The party would atop at Southampton for thirty hears U. visit the soenery and the Isle of Wight Ilene§ they will cross the oesan to New York, where excursions to Brooklyn, Hoboken, sever ner's Island, Staten Island, &c., will be the order of the day. A special steamer will take the ex itarsionists up the Hudson, where they will visit BUIE Sing. West Point and Albany ; they will also asp at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. From B u ff a l o a lake steamer is to take the parry to Cleveland, liege 'hey will take the oars for Pittsburg, Narrisborg and Philadelphia. Next, the party .11111. ttart for Baltimore and Washington, pay their addresses to President Lincoln, visit the Capitol. Mount Vernon, and, if possible, the Army of the lPotoutae, thence to Penrose Monroe, and finally kook to "Paderland." Boman Arrozna.—For a Aidcrman Mice James Vaughn, arrested by officer Cline, and Cor poral Batterbaugb, Charles Brown and Daniel Remer, arrested . by officer Campbell, were before the alderman on Smiley, ohariod with Mpg the parties who broke into the grocery of Evan Bohm, on the Ridge Road, on the night of the 27th, an account of which has already appeared in our columns. After a hearing, all four wore commit ted for trial. Philip M'Donald and George Etter, arrested on Saturday by officer Cline, were ebarged with a conspiracy to rob Wagner's cigar store, corner of Market and Fourth. It appears they were over. heard making inquiry of a female waiter at the restaurant under the Burke Bowe if she could conceal a lot of cigars for them, and this led to observations which resulted in the arrest of the parties, one of whom is a cigar maker by trade. They were to have a hearing at six o'clock last evening, but it bad not taken place up to eight o'clock. For drunks and digerderlier, yesterday stands pre-eminent in the calendar. The look-up was overflowing with them, and as they stood mustered in their cells, representing all shades, sizes and sexes, it seemed as if Falstaff's ragged recruits bad broken forth into life and otrevieited the pal* glimpses of the moon." Here begixneth their muster roll : Jerry Delay, El.zaketb Delay and Michael Buggies. arrested by eatoer Snobs Joe. Whiten, by officer Reels; John cook, by Allen Cline; Evan Jones, by officer Campbell. The following were more or lees colored ; William Collins (paid $1), Jesse Veney, Mary Jaokaen and William Streets, arrested by aglow Wine; Charles Gamer (paid $1), by officer Cos tello ; Lusty Galloway, by officer Kane ; Ned Rainer, by officer Lloyd; Virginia Smith, Biarga rei MaTakoll awl &rah Veney, by officer Camp bell (iambßug Ned and Henry Hall, two dark.com pleated sports, were each fined $3 for gambling and quarreling at Bull Run on Saturday night. Corwin B. Franklin, who has charge of the guard rooms in the Est:ham building s was charged by Francis Sones with firing four pistol shots on Walnut street, contrary to law. Mr. Franklin was in charge of a substitute on Sent day, and while going along Walnut street the man broke away and ran. In order to atop him, Frank lin fired four times into the air. A defect in the pistol barrel caused the balls to whistle as if very near. He caught the would-be deserter, but was arrested as above stated. He entered bail for his More appearance. EMIT WALNUT STBEZT llosprram.—We enjoyed the privilege of a stroll through this hospital on Saturday evening, and passed an hour or two of pleasant intercourse with the Burgeon and some of the patients under his charge. From the for mer we learn that be now prescribes for 95 pa tients, of whom 54 are Unionists and 41 rebels. Of these latter, 3 are captains. 2 first lieutenants, 4 second lieutenants and 2 sergeants, representing all the Southern States except Texas and South Carolina. They fell into our bends at Gettysburg Nse officers with whom we conversed were man of scholastio attainment, and affable and gentle manly manners. There is perhaps no building in this vicinity, not built expressly for a hospital, whieh answers that purpose so well as the East Walnut institu tion. Being armed for a high school, it is large and commodious, and is divided into wards of the pram else on both livirs. It new sontaixa 146 beds, of which 20 are in tents outside of the main building. The whole is in charge of Surgeon It H. Seiler and 2 assistants, with an auxihiary force of 12 nurses and 19 guards. Under the skiifui supervision of Dr. S., the institution appears to look nothing, while his cordial and' considerate manner wins the esteem of those whose welfare is temporarily in his keeping. GOING BAGS TO Woon --The price of coal has gone up so high that the New York and other rail roads, which have been using coal alusost exclu sively, have commenoed running their locomotives with wand, as a matter of ecenomy. Of course ; this is only a temporary return to this kind of fuel; coal must, from the nature of things, be perma nently cheaper than wood. When locomotives Am isogon to rim wood was the only fuel need upon them, but the enormous consumption by the engines soon relieved the face of the country of its forests, and every year wood grew dearer, till it became a question of economy to use coal. Coal has boon so long stood that the fotosie of Now RA gland and others of the older settled States, which were being rapidly denuded, having had a few years of comparative rest, are now becoming wooded again, Rd tewpmery causes have raised the price of coal, it may be cheaper in the States distant from coal beds to use wood. The New York Central is running its heavy freight trains with wood, at the cost of twelve cents per mile. By experiment on the DeltiMore and Ohio railroad, it was found that a pound of Cumberland cosi was equal to 2.25 pounds of pine wood. Oa the Read ing railroad it was shown that one pound of an. thraeita was equal to three pounds of pine wood. With this adeasteite, *eel eta be cOnsiderably higher than wood and yet be the cheapest feel Ditsuarzu Anuesven —A deserter named John S_ Shireman, belonging to Marietta,was brought to this city by Provost Marshal Bolen ins,of Lancaster, on Friday last. He was accepted as a substitute for a drafted man, and while walking around the city to make some purchases, be gave the guard the slip. He was soon after captured and sent to the county prison for safe. keeping. While there be wrote a letter to his wife, telling her that she need not fret, as he was only playing sharp, and would leave and comic twine as *eon tit ho bad received all the bounty, Jo. A copy of this letter was handed to Captain Selenium, who soon after de livered the substitute over to the officer command ing the general rendeavene In Philadelphia No being so closely watched there, he managed to make his escape and return to Marietta, where he 'was arrested and brought to this place. The fact Of the primer having written ouch a letter as that mentioned above will bear bard against him when brought before a entail-martial. EXAMTNATIONS.—AII the drafted men Of the goond ward sampt the first thirty-fear, ant the first seventy from the Third ward, are notified to appear before the Board of Enrollment for exami nation to-day. The time seems too short for the number of men apportioned to each day, ae tbo board are sorely premed to dispose of the cases before them. They will either be obliged to out down the bomber of daily examinations or organ_ ion a reserve force of eximinevs. ItalL1104.1) AcornAirr.—On Saturday the Meant Joy accommodation train, due here at 9.40 p. m., ran into acme cattle which were standieg on the track about a mile beit;er Mount Joy, killing nine of them. All the care were thrown off, bat the engine kept its plate 6p t h e trial. No Perim" were serious', Injared. The train was delayed about three hours. Pennsylvania Militia and Rearming Claims. united st, A ma pension, leatakv, arrears of pay and subsistence claims, Lo., Le., &e., made out and col lected by RUCIDNIC SNYDER, • Attorney at Law, offer., 'Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. 0et286.13r Naw.PAL.r. Goona.,Wa have now resolved and are opening a beautiful assortment of now style Areas goods and other goods. Splendid assortment of new delalnee. Ali colon. of plain alpacas. VAIN eight of plaid dress goods. Fine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached muslin& 104 beavy linen for sheeting. 5 4 heavy linen for pillow eases. 7-4 grey linen damask for table covers. Wnite linen table coirers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen and hemstiched pocket handker chiefs. 10 doz. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Lirge assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices Wbite eambrie myelin; and jaem nansooks, DM linen, Swim muelino, and a great many other new goods. S. Lawr. SPb.CIAL NOTICES. A GITNTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility,lt , competency , P emature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to bereflt *the's, will be happy to furciah to all who need it (free of charge) the reeled and directions for making the simple Remedy wed is bb WC Theta wiehieg to profit by his impsl! rience—and possess a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad. dreissing : JOHN B. OGDEN. Ang 14-3md,cw No. 60, Nassau street, N. Y. THE GREATEST DI -COVERY OF TUB AGE. Farmers, families and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias , Venetian Liniment, for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic) rheumatism, sore throats, teethiebe, ass Maness, ants, barns, swellings b•uisee, old sores, headache, mosquito bites, plum in the limbo, chest, back, Is. If it does not glee retie the money will be refunded. All thatilaskedieatrial, and use it according to the directions. DL, Tagus— Dear Pitt I hato4 Used yent. Venetian Liniment in my family for a nonabar of years, and be. lieve it to the beat article for what it is recommended that I have ever need.. For sudden attack of croup it is invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the saes it professes to core. I have sold it for 44any years, awe it gives entire asalsfratien. CHAS. H. THINNER. QIIAMTOIIN, N. 8., May 8, 1868. Sold by ell Druggists. 0110 e, 68 Cortlandt street, • jyal New York. I~; C 1~ C ~ 1~ 1 By ordering Calomel and destructive minerals from the supply tables, has conferred a blesiong on oar slat sol diers_ Let aim not stop bare. Let him order the die continuance of "Bleeding," and the use of MUNI,- BATH'S PILLS in the place thereof. Then will commence a 'snow era" in the practice of Medicine, which would then berm* e emphatically. THE HEALINt* A.b.T I have flfo thirty i ear taught that no dimmed ae. tion could be eared by mercury or tartar emetic. That the human body could only be "made whole" by "yeg- stable food 77 —Animal fool being, in fact, condensed vegetables. BRANDRETIII PILLS should be in every Military Hospital. These Pile ere BILIOUS DIABRELM&, CHRONIC DIARREUE a, OHRONI.O DYSIGNMHX, and ail foyers and Affections of %a Bowels, sooner and mere surely than any medicine in the world. BBL-+ i•ETH'S PILLS in these cues should be taken nl4. emorning. Read dtreetioas and get new style CASE 0! ..usCOE K. WATSON Dr. B Flr mdrosh, tGlo York Pia wee a private in Co. t, 17th Regiment, NW York Vole. While at Harrison% Landing and on the Rappahannock near Falmouth, I and many of the Com pany were rick with bilious diarrhce4. The Army Sur geon did not rape us, and I was reduced to skin and bone. Among the Company were quite a number of members who bad worked in your Loborstory at Bing Biog. They were not sick, because they used Brand retti,a Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others to nee the Pills, and we were all cured in from two to flea dart After this our boys med firandrethle Pills for the typhus fever, cold., rheumatism, and in no mod did they fail to restore health- Out of grailtude to you for my good health, I send you this lett r, which. if necessary, the entire Com pany would sign. I em, rsayeetfolly, yours, ROgOOL IL WATSON. Meg Ring N. Y. Principal aloe, 2k Canal street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by GIO. H. BNLII. m6-ddcwtf VRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE There is no Hair Dye in use so pare, so free from all objectionable properiies, that pioduces such s.lendid and permanent tints, or that operates so quickly, uni formly, and certainly, as CRIBTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE- This matchless article is pronounced, by all whohave ever applied it, or seen it applied, the n ost wonderful invention of the age Ten minutes ruMees ler any shade of brown or the deepest black It ldoves the skin unstained. Manufaetured by J. CRIATADORO, 8 Astor House, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, 81 60 and 83 per box, aceording to else. Cristadoro's Hair Preservative le invaluable With him Dye, aa it impart' The utmost softttees, the Meet beautiful glees and great vitality to the Italy. Price 50 cent; ii and TS per bottle, according to eke jyai.-d&wlso ADITOS OY PATRIOT AND 'UNION; Dear Sir :—With your permission I wish to say to the read-rs of your paper that 1 will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Yegetanle Balm, that will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and besintitul • I will also n ail free to those having Bald needs or Bare nem simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxurigut Bair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in leer than 00 days All applications answered by return mail without charge. jenpectfulli yours, THCIii. F. OBAFMAN, Chemist. jegi.dunG No 651 firoairay, New York. A Friend in Need. Try it. DR SWEET'S INF ALLIRLe LTIeIMeNT in pre pared from the recipe of Dr. B•ephen Sweet, of Comte* bleat, the treat hone eetfer, and has biwa in his practice for the last twenty yearn with the most aeon ishinv success. Ss an external remedy it is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation For all Rheumatic mid Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for tioree t Wound a, fipnine, Brume, ito,, its soot him?, bur and powerfttl strengthening properties, smolt@ the just wonder and astonishment of all who base ever given it a trial Over four hundrtd certificates of re markable cures, performed by it within the last two year., attest this fact, temadverticemeat. aplleow-dlow Dr. Brawn's Concentrated Remedies. No. 1. THE GENAT REVIVER epeedi'y eradiestes all the evil effeets of SELF-ABUSE. as i ass of rdem"rYt Elbortarss of Breath,Gid4inees. va'pitation of the Hear', Dimness of Vision , or any cosstitutionsi awangements of the 'system ; brought on by the anreetraioed irtillt gence oi the pasuiono. Acts alike au either me:. price une - - . No. 2 TON BALM will ewe, in from two to eight days, any came of GONNORRMILt. is without tats or and requires no restriction of action or aiet. For eithe r 0-m Prire One 'Dollar. Ple a. The TBRBB will ears in the aborteit noselble time any ease of GLIM?, even after all other remwdiee t.ase failed to prodnee the desired afoot. No taste or smell. Price One Dollar. . . . No. 4. TBU PIINITER is the only Remedy that wilt really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of Miw longter standing or neglected the case nay be. Pride one !ha 316 6 TUE OOL'UTOR*III aims &gyms srOßAllitiy M 4 rmesently aad epeedi•y remove .11 afiletloos of the Bladder And Moneys. Pries One Dollar. No. 6 POR PAILTTOUL "MB 888 CIiaIT►LAR No 7. THE AMARTN mid ewe the Widtes mid in i nisch shorter time than they can he moored by any oilier treatment. In fact, is the wily remelt. this will really eorrest this disorder. Plenum intake. Price One boAD,r No 8. THU ORINNTAL I'AEITTL'i are certain, eve and owed"' in producing of ENoTNITATioN oreorr et ing any Irregularities of toe monthly pPriode. Price Two Doltare. No. 2, PON PARTI 'IMAM eiNN 018/►OLSR Dither remedy seat kit by mil or re OS et lb& - price annexed. Enclose postage damp and gat a circa far. General Depot North-East corner of York and Oallowbill street. Private office, 401 Yore avenue, Philadelphi a Pa. For nee in Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNTAAT Wilma. where circulars eoutaining valuable infornia tic% With fail descriptions of sash ease, will be &kr. ered gratis on application. ad ,reas D K. F OLIX BRUNON, July 23, 186347 P. O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa -,- INP ORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESEDIAWS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice They are mind in their operation, and certain in correcting all I:rega lia nil% Painful menstruation, removbrallobstrastions , whether from cold or otherwsee, headache, pai is the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervonsairec Lions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th 'beck Bagatelle, &c., disturbed sleep, whisk arise teem iistertssl et SWIM DR. CHEESINAN $ nux wee the conuneneenrea e anew • Mir inientioen of those irregularities and abebasti ales binK 40a: signed so many to a manta top Do s•Dileen enjoy goad health liaises she in regular, sad whenever an obstruction takes plate the general health begins Ma cabre. DR. CHESSEMAN'S PILLS are the most effeatual remedy ever knows for all com plaints peculiar to amtdes. To all asses they are Invaluable, iourtwctiggi with , corticiafg, periodical regular lip. They are known to thoueands,who have needtkere af different per/ode, throughout the eonntry, having the motion of some of the moat eminent Physicians is America. Soid! &Mime, /toting when they gawk: sot be used, with eseb Dox—the Prate Ons Dollar per Box, oontaining from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Bold by Druggists generally. B. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, ' 20 Cedar street, Now York. Bela in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Banneart. " Mechanicsburg, by J. 8. Dellett. " Carlisle. by 8. Elliott. " Bkippensburg, by D. W. Rankin. " Ohambersburg, by Miller & Hershey. " Hummslistown, by Deere Welt of Lebanon, by Rearm Bens_ doeitAltirly MOTHERS ! MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This val ble preparation le the prescription of one of the best female Ord elms and nurses inthe United Staten_ and hellbent used for thirty years with never failing safety and ads ads by millions of mothers and children, from the fee ble infant of ens week old to the adult. It not only relieves the ohild from pain, but twig* rates the stomach and bowels, correct* acidity, en gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al moat instantly relieve Gamin IN ran Dowaaa AND WIND Cost. We believe it the best endeared remedy in the world in all cues of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany sack bottle. None genuine unless thefts* simile of CURTIS & PER KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Prindpal Omoe, 43 Day street, New York. Price only 25 cents per bottle. my23-dkwsm - INBIIR.ANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of TEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AIM ASSETS AMP° DIRECTORS : Arthur 0. Coffin, Samuel W. /ones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John B. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, B. Morrie Wain, John 11111, nota, 121.4aege L. Harrison, Innate R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter. Edward B. Clarke. ANTRIM G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. de central agent for the above named company, the undereigned ispr i epared to take lire Risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpot airily, on the moat favorable terns. Oflice in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BITEHLEB., an2s.dly Harrisburg, Pa. LTARRLSBULIG FEMALE t-EIII IA HART —The fall session of thin Institution will commence on Nednesday, September 2 Aug 18•dtd 8 X DTXON, Principal. TO THOSE DESIRING TO PRO CURB SUBS .ITUTES, AND TO THOSE WISHING TO DECOKE fiViISTITVTNiis The undersigned, hil.itary Olaim Agents, tender their cervices for the procuring of Substitutes for Drafted men, as well as for the securing of the highest price for those wishing to offer themselves u Substitutes They will register the names of each class referred to, With t b 6111194114., in money, p-ureed to be given by the one and to be received by the other. Drafted men who are legally exempt can have all the papers prepared necessar to establish their claims to exemption by calling upon the undersigned. Those interested ere .nvited to call at the office in the Exchange Buildings. opposite the auohin County Prison. MAOLDWRoh k ii4.O I ; 7I RE, Sulb-1111 Military Ciam Agents. _INCOME TAX, &C.. APSESSOR 8 NOTICE Notice is herob7 giv n to 8.4 persona resident within the bowed W. 4111011. Fourteenth Instriot of Penney!• vania. with wham blanks have been left for Income Tax, Tax on earrive and pi licitions for license, that the said blanks most be wade out and ri-tarned to this office on b.-4re the Mb day of oeptember next, other wi e the seareausent will be made an directed by the 11th section of titr act of. July let, 1862. Said section provides that where persons neglect or refuse to make return, the wessreer must make such list or retorunpon she hest iniormet on he can obtain, and add 51.1 per Cent. to the amount thereof, and a-so an additional penalty of ;100, from whi -h 4m...element there is .0 appeal. WM II CARLOW, Assistant Assessor, 2d vie' • 14th Diet. Office west corner Market &luxe. aug 27-531 D YOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, • PHILADELPHIA, auxus,Aosvits OARBOYii, DEM/JOHNS, WINN, PORTAL, MINERAL WATER, PIOILLN AND PRESHRVE BOTTLES MMMMM DESCRIPTION. H. B.& G. W. BIENNIUM 27 Booth Fronteteret , eteret, Philadelphi a. MUSIC STORE! NO. P$ MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS. ISANJO MUNOZ Of emery description DRUMS, PIPES, "'LUTES, ACOOBEIO9O3, eta., at the loweskOlTT PRICES, at W KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, No 91 M STMT. &AJAR, RiONtialf i ri A.PPINJOIS I I at thin season or year, when so men sickness prevails, evert ens ebotild provide himself with DR. MM. PHRDIPIS HOWDOPATDIO MDDICINDig. and prevent disease in its beginning. A fresh stipple always on Mad at anvemolltßsB 11001C-STORII, exarle • Ilarrimbery. R T: BiIIBBITT'S Concentrated, CM -0 donpe4, ,, r eutvoriand eoul Pap. Throe Wiens of handsome white 'oft soap matte in nye minutes. fie grease rrqui rod DiarOTlOMS:—Tiaaolre one pound of the eosp in one gallon bold g wnter, then aad two gallons warm, when goal you will hair three gallons H ANDIESOUB MatTS Bore Boar. Ten pouts& will make ooe narrel of soft fooltP Toe wrap they made t. an ozooll- at wash for trete, Andre wed Amato of alkyle. P..e , aw l § by 04211- WM DMA, jr., a. 00. K" 4. ti.NILATLN &.—The been XI article is the market, ,net reeeived and for sale ey Maa , l4-$ 4 1717 M hnalt OTIONS.--Quite a variety of useful 11i and entertaining *alleles—cheap—et eougge gR 3 I 4 800K8701t2. ZOLDIE WS I 'Amp coIVIPANION. very convenient Writing Desk also, Portfolios. Viellorantani Recta, Portmonuater, £0 at 801111PPUNI TAPANI4 Fl 714:A.—A choice lot of ,this celebrated Teajus., received It le of the Best serge ever imported, and it malls Barrier to the Chi nese Tear in gnsiity, strength st.d regrstier. and le also entirely Free of ativiiie atinn, coloring , ibr mixture of say kind. It is the nsteral leaf of the -Wonsan Tel Plant For etl. be . WM ofiefi . & fi'Ott SA 1 Wu KW 'IY FRAM2 HoUBB la Short street. Inquire of Sef3of W H. VERBEILII. DURYEAS 9 MAIZENA. Wu the only "Preparation for food from In- dian Corn" That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal commissioners, the competition of all premlnsnt manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of tb a and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the ,lost skeptical. Makes Puddings, Oakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, A.., without isinglaas, wish few orno eggs., at a cost astonishing the most economical. A plight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It is sin, ex eellent for thickening sweet sauces. gravies for Ash and meat. soup, .kc. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, An. Put up in one pound pacisagoe i under the trade-mark Minna, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by aroma and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton street. WILLIAM D1711411A, (tenant Agent, Aug 15.d6m H A MS!!!! 40,000, lbs. Composed of the following Brandy just received: NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. . NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS & SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICHINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not eanvassed. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN NAllifi—Strietly prime. ORDINARY RAMS—Vary good. Tr Every Ram sold will be gu ar anteed u mum tad. WM. DOCK, & Co. SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S env! SAMARITAN'S GIlT! Tim Moor OBITAIN Bum KV= VAIL * Yes. a Posittias Curer BALSAM COPAYIA it MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure, They are entirely vegetable, having no linen nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach. or bowels of the most delicate. Ours' in from two to four days, and remelt owe In twenty-four how*. No exposure, ILO freebie, no change Waterer. Price male packages, *Si Female, $3. gold by D. W. GROSS & 00. O Bent by mail by DREIMOND & 00., Boz la Phila. P jan&dly BLOOD'. BLOOD! BORBA TRZIR 0/1113R A DRPRAVED CON DITION OW THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, Ml= TEES, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR mita.- ittAL DISEASES, Era SAMARITAN'S Bogor AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public as a positive care. Banishes all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy action, cure 4119110 Opote, Totters, illiteles and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par ticle of thepoison. FEMALES ! FINALSII In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT AND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted, In Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all cora. plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Beep out of hospitals. Rare is a ears in any ease fat $5. Price 11 per bottle, or six for $5, with full dire.. Conk Sold by D. W. ORM A 00. Bent by Expreai carefully pact ed by DIMOND & 00, 2 isne-ly Box 151 ?has. P.O. T HE BEST FAMILY SEWING KAOBINX IS WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Colder's Opp_ irr Call and Nee them in operation ► general assortment of machinery and needles cos saintly on hand. MISS MARGARET HIRET Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all clads t .machine towing on these machines in the best manner. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. spl3An L)ROPOSALB FOR STONE BRIDGE. Proposals will be received at the Olt, Connell Chamber till '7 o'clock p. in., September S. for erect ing a stone bridge over Paxton Greek, at Paxton street, in this city, according to plane ant specification- on file in the Council Chamber. Proposals will state the prigs with brick arches and also with hewn atone arcbesi also opeoity the time of voinnieneerniNatand earepletion of the work. Proposers will specify what they will allow for the materials on tne ground. They will also be required to furnish all the nuits!lal necessary to do the work. The Council will reserve the right to reject all bids that they believe will not be to the advantage of the City, or that, they may believe are exorbitant Prepocele to bb eidalled "proposals far bridge," and directed to W 0, HICKOK. President Common Connell. J, HAMMEN, D. Rocasa, P BILIP LIEN. Street Ovemittee lat astriet, Azir2-stewtd. LIFE INSURANCE. - THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 40S CHESTNUT ST. " [CHARTER PERPETUL] ciprrAL AND ASSETS, $1,543,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY ; President. JOHN P. JAMES, Actuary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LITEs on the moat reasonable terms They act ae Executor*, Trnateea and Guardians under last Wiles, and as Repairers and Aseigneee. The capital being paid up and inverted, together with a large and oonetaatly increasing reserved fund, offers perfect security to the insured. - The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or linarterly, The oompany add a BONUS periodicaly to the Inca maces for life. The etas, BONUS appropriated In December, 1844 the PBOOND BONUS in December, lap, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1864, and the liOCRTiI BONUS in 1859. These additions are made with. at requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. Tie following are a few examples from the Register ; Amount of Policy and Police. lOnto I Bonus or I bonus to be increased 'lnsured addition by future additions. No. 80 $2,500 5 887 50 1 $3,387 50 " UM 8.000 1,050 00 1 4,050 0o " 100 1,000 4190 00 i 100 00 C '333 5,000 1,876 00 1 6 ,87 8 00 Sent a Harriabarg and vioinity. ILLIAM itIFEHIAR. sat2s-41y Mechanics' &Ewe' awn of Harrisburg give a PICNIC AT COLD SPRINGS, ON SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 29th. Cara will leave tbe Depot of the Lelawbn ypiloy rail rand. fur 'b, spriugs, at &clock. A cotdiai invitation is extended to all hfachinica and other citizens. BMill Bard will accompany the exeors'on. Pre , of tickets for the round trip 76 omits, to be had at tbe Depot. on mg :—Thos. Anderson, Michael Runk, Dan'l Bpayd, Abram litues, John Feltz, Bphraim Hershey . aug76 XirADSME ROSITER LT Will rive information in all the affairs of life, absent friends, eiekneaa and death, and in respect to al other selects.. She can be committed at all hours of the day and creuir.g. GINTLEMEN 50 CENTS, LADIES 25 OESITO. RESTDENvE IN MULBERRY ST., North We t Second Door from River Alley. hag 22] NO. 20. [l7 i4elmboltes nemebies. P Ii01;1:=111112: " HELMBOLD'S" 0 t 4 GENUINE PREPARATIONS. ►+t: RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT “131:101111." HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA., HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. RELMBOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATIOS, "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" 00111POIIND PLAID =TRACT DUCHII, A positive and specific Remedy for Diseased dif the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLING . This medicine immix the pope, of digestion sad ar• citts the absorbents into healthy se:mo, "MA the water or mammas depositions. end all 111111011.A1 Oa largements, are reduced. as well es pia end hellsouna tion, and is good for MEN, RUMEN and ORILDING., lIELMBOLD'S EMIR/LOT BUCUU, For Weakness arising from Excepsor, Habits of DIN lotion, /fatty indiscretion or Abase, attended with tin NOLLOW/NO SYMPTOMS! Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the likhe, Loss of Memory, Loss of .Power. Weak Hems, Dflitulty in Diamtbiss, Horror of Disease, Trembhvg, Dimness of Vision, Walt fulness, Universal Leaded. of the Pain in th. B-dc, Unionist . Biafora, rib hi g of the Esti, Hot Hands, Et nptiona on the 'sae, Pallid Connitaminos Theme symptoms, if allowed to go on, wbkis fiw asedi. eine invariably removes, soon fol. ow IMPOTBNOIN PATII/Tr, BPILITTIO imes. In one of widish the patent nay mfrs. Who . ess-sr, they are not frequently followed by those d.diretal die• oases," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION! Many are aware of the Name of their sulferiar, bet awe will confess . The record' of the lessee Abitufne, east the melancholy deaths by Coneunotion i bear ample "item to the truth of the sesertion. THZ CONSTITUTION ONO APOZOTHD DT Olt. GANIO MUMMA .110111117 PX the aid of medicine to cteo eedlavigo— . Leto thoeyetsin,whicli UZLldigh 100 hi 'JUG? MUGU invariably does. A trial will convince the meet *optimal. PEMALES I FEMALES ! /IMAMS t OLD 02 YOUNG, snow", MA2RIND, 02 012111211• PLATING MARRIAG4 In ninny affections peculiar to Ilema'es, the Istria }huhu is numnatled b) any other r. wed', as is Cb►seoa( or Retention, irregularities, Painfuln, an, r r irUMrNein of Customary !emanations, Vie-rated or &dram etas of the Uterns;Lanoorrh a or Whi ea, Sterility, and tilt complaints incident to the sex, whether aching faun is discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OE CHANGE or LIES DNS tillirtOMß ABOtt NO GAMILY SHOULD BE WITROI7I 11E Tao no ReLana i Morairy 44 al*Waal Ilitiktia Unpleasant and Dangerous HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITORC. CURES EI&CRET DISIMIEfiI In all their stages, at little expense ; little or cie chap in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOPURN. It causes fry quest desire and gives strength Is thistle, thereby removing &retractions, preventing and curia rtrictures of the urethra. allaying pain end ingallnteldiol2 no frteint is this sisal of diPtgare, god expelligt. ISONOua, DINBASPD AM/ WORN-OUT MATT . Thousands upon thousands who hey. been the 910T1111.8 OP QUACKS, • And who have paid HFAYY PEER to ha'eured is s short time, have found they wtre devolved, sod that the" Pel- eon» bee. by the nee of a Post.ruil Attrmiteata,ol bees dried up in the system, to break out in an mignivsterntirm, and PERHAPS AFTER MAIHILMIZ, REL*BOLDS EXTRACT BUCKET: For sII Affections and Diseases of the 1711E1141M Or BANS. whither emoting io NAL e CPR FaidALN, from alsaWver setae etigitatins, it.' ea mattes id 461, standing. Diseases of th ese or g ans impaleMe g the 'aid et a DIVItETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT IBITCHEr IS TUN GREAT MIMIC, And it is certain to hays the derired effect in aft Mimi for which it is recommended. BLOOD 1 BLOOD IF BLOOD ; HILLMBOLD I B HIGHLY 00NOENTRILTED r CQH potrAD SLUM EXTRACT SARkAPAIIILL.i. Thug Is an affeetion.of•the Blood, and ettirekill the /etga organs, Linings of the 8e..0 ]cara t Throsta Windpipe and o th er m o an s•daces, melting its appearsme.is the form of Ulcers. • HELMSILI:I I B kxtract 'sarsaparilla purifies the Blood and r<rooyea all Scaly kruStioLs of the am, giving to the complexion a clear Cud health; color. DX being prepared expressly for this class of ocleaplaints, is Blood•pnrifyiag properties are prem. ryes to a greater ex tent than any other preparation or tiarseparitia. HELMBOLD'S ROSH WASH, AS et Intl*); for diseases of a habillNC Elittifts, and ag an injection in diseases • f the hiring .y Weems &M -ine from habits of dissipation, tund in conmetlon with th e Extracts Rocha and Sarsaparilla. in such diaeresis as recom mended. Evidence of the most resp.nsibre., and' reliable character will accompany the medecinea. OBstinderiis OF OURS% From three to twenty years' etanding, with names known TO SCIENCE AND TAME. For medical properties of HIICHII , meeiniap.msalo the United Metes_ flee Profeeeor DBWERS 9 valuable worlaaa the Pr Vice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PETRICK , PhiladPiphia. See remarks made by De. EPHRAIM MILDOWELL' celebrated Physician and hirmber cf the Royal College llartnea, Ireland, and huhliohed in the Transactions a - the Meg and Queen's Journal See Medico Ohirargiral B view, onbliehM lby BEN/A ; MiN TRAVELS, Fellow of Royal CoVece of sa rgeous.. See most of the late fitanda.d Works on Mediates. Extract Bechn--..... In 00 per bottle, ornix for $5 00 Extract Elareope'llit,-- -El 09 oar bottle, or six for lb 011 d Bose wan.— &lc. per bottle, we sir for $2 60 (Jr half doses of each for $l2, wh eh will be walicient to cure the moat obstinate cane a, it directions are adhered ta. Delivered to any oddzera, comely peaked from obser vation. ID— Describe aymplrens in all C , OmMilEliGaiiona.ACurn gaurantued. idelee slutbs. Personally appeared before me, an ald.rmaa of the etty Of Philadelphia, H T. fleimbo d, who being duly sworn doth say, his prepare' ions ccmain no aarostic, no row curb, or other Injurious drugs but tn• purely vegetable. H. T. ,111LIKBOLD. 13wom and gadocribed ben> e to- thi. nd dare: W"eal - be., 1954. WM. P.. MIRKA, kidermaxi, Niath et., a bov • ace, Addrem lettera for ioformatioa to madams to g T. HELMBOLD, gkeidat. Depot, No. 104 South Tenth street, below Obsetuot, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF 00IINTPRPEXTE AND lINPEINUIPLEDIIILink Who etidetvor to dooms- • Or TtIEIR OWN" Ito " other " article') ea the septa-Moo attained f RELAIDO.D I 0211131N2 PR I CPARATIONR, • • HRLIIROLuT GENUINE EXTRACT 8170att HELIKBOLDM GENQIv It 28TR ACT BAESAFARILLA lalmßoLo , B I#IINIIINE IMPBOT2te SHIRT WARM Auld by all Dr gcleQd er.ryw , hen, ASK YOU NUM WADI—TAKE NO OVUM Out out the . advertioonont and mid for itood avoid ••• s• 46.1.4 KNOWN AS I= ; Usll SYPHILIS- --so:— - ;04 -....1 AFFIDAVIT.