Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, August 31, 1863, Image 2

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Oonsmemesuona will not be published in the Pcsitios
da lissom unless accompanied with the name of th
no. 37 Pork Raw. 11. Y., and i State Ss., Boston,
An OUT firsts for the Parma, as Moon in thole
WM% mid ase msthosised to take Advertisements and
llimmilstioso for iss at our Leukus Rani
Ws publish on our -first page this morning
the letter of the Bon. Chas. 8. Bnchalew is
the Lycoming county meeting, to which we
call the attention of our readers. Its clear,
axiomatic, earnest utterances are the fruits of
that sound reflection and faithful conservatism
whisk so eminently characterize all produc
_of the author's pen. How admirably
wisdom and calmness and a deep devotion to
coneervative principles is blended in this brief
letter, with perfect sincerity of feeling, honest
and active sympathies with the cause of De
mocracy and the Union. let the reader judge.
Corporations and Coercion.
The following resolution, passed originally
by the Damao:may of Northampton county, was
fully endorsed and adopted by thereeent Demo
cratic County Convention in Philadelphia. It
is a movement in the right direction, and we
trust it will be made a question at every poll
is the Commonwealth, and men elected to the
Legislature who will inexorably carry out this
Inatome, so necessary, in these days of pro
scription and tyranny, to preserve the untram
meled right of oniftnge end thus secure our
liberties. In every election district these cor
porations should be carefully watched, and the
evidence oollected upon which to base the ac
tion of the next Democratic Legislature :
ResoFeed, That we re•isbo the sentiments
of the resolutions of the Democrats of old
Northampton, calling upon the Legislature to
repeal the charters of all corporations that
shall have been engaged in proscribing men
for the exercise of their political opinions, or
in excluding, from the institutions and public
conveyances under their control, the Demo
cratie prom of the country; and we request
the member. from this city to aid, by all the
means in their power, this laudable effort in
behalf of constitutional freedom."
A Gospel of Extermination I
The War Department has recently added to
Ma paraphernalia ) two DeW offteers—a Solicitor
and a Judge Advocate General. Stanton has
thus become a gg Bashaw of two tails," after
the manner of a kindred tyranny in Turkey.
HOLT, who sneered at Mr. Buchanan as incom
petent, and afterwards eagerly took office un
der him, is the Advocate ; and somebody named
Wnrrino, is the Solicitor. These places were
doubtless filled entirely to the liking of the
august Stanton. Whiting, we believe, Wes
picked up somewhere in Massachusetts, among
the Butlers, the Andrews, and other small
lawyers of that ilk, and from his reckless
sophiems and pliant subserviency, there is no
danger but he will duly illustrate both his
birthplace and his breeding.
A writer of legal opinions and political es
says, is Whiting, and in these especially his
training and origin are apparent. We do not
look upon him as a fanatic, like Phillips ; we
'odd rather suppose that he was the incarna
tion of a retail pettifogger suddenly grown
into a wholesale trader in the same line; and
from the utter unscruptdonaness of his asser
tions, deductions and teachings, we cannot
shake off the conviction, that he is as ther
m:oly a canting hypocrite, as he undoubtedly
ie a most pernioious demagogue..
A very able writer in the New York 'World,
entitling himself Waxes, has recently given
to Stanton's Solicitor, and over his back, the
whole adminis' trade* a most terrific excoria
tion, for the opinion published by Whiting, in
zeolite the rights of Union men and loyal
citizens, in those States included in the Presi
dent's proclamation of confiscation, The posi
tions assumed by the cringing apologist of the
proclamation, are in the words and to the
effect—" that nets reason, in those sections
of the country declared by the President to be
in a state of rebellion, has the rights that belong
to a PUBLIC SNOWY, and no mare." In a subse
quent portion of the paragraph, he adds—
after the inhabitants of a district have be
some PUBLIC wWIOIII6B I act have na rights, State
or personal, against the United States."
Mark the words—" each pet-son," (not each
rebel, nor each individual guilty of overt acts
of treason, but ' 1 each person,") inhabiting the
several States in rebellion against the Govern
ment at Washington, becomes, by that habita
tion, under the fiat of the President—not by
his own seta—n public enemy ; and 50 may tos
plundered, imprisoned, hung, or treated in any
manner the brutality of war may choose to
adopt I A Union man in Pennsylvania has
fights; but if he resides in Georgia. he has
none. The writer in the World may well
tharaoterize these doctrines as a gospel of ex
The same writer, with an ability and terse
ness that could spring only from a master
land, remarks, in reply, that the relations
of indiyiduals awl of the States to the United
ifkates are legal relations. They are always
the same. The state of war (Iles not change
them, for they t are institutions—emphatically
Matitutions--eatablished for a guide at all times
and under all circumstances. There is no pro
em by which they can be changed—save that
provided by themselves. Rebellion, instead
of overthrowing them, affords,. only an oppor
tunity to apply and enforce , them. Without
them there could be no rebellion, because they
arc the gouty a ut h or ity *Web men in this 13011 The
try are bound to obey. A State canei.t die
sohd them. Her place in the confederacy is
died. If she tries by force to get oat of that
pimps the government may coerce her back. If
an administration tries by force to assign her
a different place she may resist the administra
tion. Whatever the law demands of her or of
the Federal authorities must be performed.
Her weeittutional inadtutions are part of the
system of government which she may be com
pelled to obey and which she has a right to
demand that the general government shall re
spect. To assert that rebellion destroys the
i n stitutions of a State, is to admit either that
it is too strong for the Federal power, or that
our institutions are a failure. It is on the lat
ter ground, apparently, that Secretary Sian
ton's solicitor rests ; and his remedy is to blot
out the institutions Of bait the States of the
republic, and to make the general government
supreme and absolute in their limits. He as
sumes this ground upon the hypothesis that
"each pettlem"--egery inhabitant—of a district
declared by the President to be in rebellion is
a public enemy. If his hypothesis is correct, if
residence in Souti Carolina legally does make
a man a public enemy, then he must receive
the treatment of a public enemy—not after the
Abolition fashion, but according to the usages
by which civilization has endeavored to make
war Pee repugnant to Christianity ; but the
government cannot class its own citizens am
traitors because they reside in rebellious dis
tricts, any more than it can class all men as
thieves who live in a neighborhood of thieves.
Nor can a government apply the term "public
enemies" to its own citizens in the same sense
as to the citizens of a foreign hostile power. A
rebel is a traitor. An alien enemy is not. The
former can only fix his character by his own act.
The latter is bound by the acts of hie govern
ment. Each, according to all rules, military
as well as civil, is supposed to be loyal to his
own government, to aid and assist it to the ex
tent of his power, and especially to be subject
to it, so that he must absolutely follow its for
tunes. Indeed, so plain is the distinction be—
tween foreign enemies and rebels, that it has
been reserved for Mr. Stanton's solicitor to
confound it, and to apply the same rule to
citizens in a rebellious territory as would be
applied to alien enemies in their own home.
A district may be in a state of war by reason
Of the armed rebellion of the inhabitants.
That may subject loyal men to the inconveni
ences of a military occupation and to the rigors
of martial law. I admit that ; but the solicitor
of Secretary Stanton is not content with this,
which embraces the utmost concession that
any man earnest for the restoration of the
national authority can demand. He assumes
a position from which the power of the nation
may be directed to a different object—to the
overthrow of that authority as conittituted by
the people—a position which can only have
been assumed in the interests of a maturing
despotism. I have said that a rebel is a traitor.
Who does not understand that treason is a
crime, having a legal meaning ? Who does not
understand this, except Secretary Stanton's so
licitor ? It dove not coosist in residence, but in
acts. A Matt Oannot be a traitor without his
own consent. The place of his birth or the
home of his family cannot enter into the cata
logue of overt acts, deprive him of his pro
perty, and consign him to the brutality of mill
Lary power. A child scarce able to know the
name of the rebellious State in which he or
she was born, cannot by any law, human or
divine, be held tainted by corruption of blood,
and classed as a "public enemy." If fierce
vindictive passions, if the lust of power, if
unholy partisan ambition ripened into a design
to overthrow the liberties of the people, has
silenced the voice of human justice end defies
the eternal justice of God, that child may be
branded and oppressed by the savage rule an
nounced by Mr. Stanton's solicitor ; but under
the institutions which Americans enjoyed be
fore Mr. Lincoln entered the White House.
such an act would have been likened to the
atrocities of Bomba—to the woman-whipping
and boy-shooting of the Austrians in Italy ;
but here is the fact. The United States of
to-day are forced to listen to a proposition
from a high government officer which would
have consigned him to instant infamy two years
ago, He proposes to hotchpotch millions of citi
zens together, and to make the overt acts of part
evidence of the guilt of all of them. And this,
too, in the very face of an axiom of liberty as old
as the common law, and to which even a thief
is entitled—that innocence shall be presumed
until guilt is proven. In his anxiety to unfold
the "plan" of the administration, he does not
pause to consider principles of liberty which
have been the birthright of his race during
centuries, and without which he would proba
bly to-day be obscure, instead of occupying a
high place from which to aim his blows against
public liberty. He does not even allude to the
right of good citizens to protection from the
hands of their government. He wilfully re
frains from saying, what all the world knows,
that men in the South who have not taken
arms against the government, who have done
nothing save to stay in their homes, have an
absolute legal right, not to be classed as pub
lic enemies, but to be treated as loyal citizens.
Thu is only a proposition of law and justice,
and was therefore inconsistent with the design
to destroy law and to withhold justice. He
boldly abjures all the beneficent ends of gov
ernment—the protection of persons and pro
perty—but sternly outlaws all men resid,ing in
rebellious districts; makes them traitors, not
by their own act nor with their own consent,
but by the proclamation of a President whose
duty it is to protect them in their home and
liberty, instead of repulsing them as public
enemies. Ne doubt Mr. Solicitor Whiting
simplifies matters. So Went worth did with
his "Thorough"—Wentworth, the renegade to
freedom, the apostate to the noble teachings
of the same profession which Mr. Stanton's
solicitor dishonors by his advocacy of despot
ism. Strange similarity in profession and
baseness! But the student of history will re
m- mber that Wentworth's career ended on the
block. So Robespierre simplified—Robespierre
and his grim compatriots in the work of mur
der, and (like the modern Republicans) of lib
erty. How plan it is that it is easier to cut
every man's throat, confiecate every man's
property, and exterminate an entire people.
than to waste time in inquiry a 4 to guilt
or innocence! No shorter out can be taken to
absoluteism than to deny the duty of the
the government to its citizens. Besides, the
Old fashioned sans culottes habit of suspecting
MD, at least, before they were condemned,
is elow—not up to the spirit of the age. Surely
it is an improvemeut to measure treason by the
square wile, and to make degrees of latitude
and longitude the tests of the “eignts" ot God's
creatures. Why not brat up the loyal men, the
women and children and other non combatants
of the South. as bunters rurrottod and drive •
together the animals they design to destroy ?
Why not ? says Mr. Stanton's solicitor. It
may be that many of them are loyal. It cer
tainly is true that sex, age, and inclination has
prevented many more of them from participa
ting in the rebellion ; but what weight ought
such considerations to havegwith an ardent so
licitor doing the bidding of the Secretary of
War ? It is true that men have a right to live
quietly in their homes, that Southern Unionists
could not leave theirs without toss of property,
and perhaps loss of life. But of what impor
tance is this to the valorous horde who have
waxed fat by contracts, and chirruped them
selves into solicitorehips and other nice places ?
It is true there is no evidence that Mr. Stoll
ton's solicitor would have sacrificed a cent for
the sake of the Union, and that men of his
"thorough" tendencies do not lead the van in
battle, or take any more dangerous part in the
war than is involved in the infamy of safe at
tacks upon the rights of the people, or in aid
ing the heroic Stanton himself to take care of
"the sword of the Lord and of Gideon ;" but
the question will afise, how can the proclama
tion of President Lincoln convert a loyal man
into a traitor ?—how can he, by a flourish of his
pen, multiply "public enemies ?" . The seces
sion of a state cannot pro facto make all her
people secessionists. It cannot change all of
them to public enemies, nor strip them of the
right to enjoy the State Government under the
Constitution. If they take part in her seces
sion, if they (commit overt acts of treason, they
fix their own status and must abide the conse
quences ; but remaining in one's home when
rebellion rages around him does not make him
a rebel. Thousands and tens of thousands of
the Southern people, overawed by the military
power of the Southern Confederacy, have un
doubtedly done nothing, been able to do noth
ing, save to refrain from taking arms agains t
the government. So in the streets of New York
when riot ruled the city, many good men dared
not resist, but held their peace, waiting for the
restoration of the supremacy of the law. Ac
cording to Secretary Stanton's solicitor, those
men are only entitled to the rights of rioters,
because they lived in riotous districts.
A great deal has been demanded for the
is military power." " Military necessity" hite
been made the pretext for assaults upon free
speech and a free press. In some form or an
other every valuable right of the citizen has
been assailed. The magic properties of that
power have transmuted our freedom into the
base metal of despotism. We have a Conscrip
tion act, a President with a body-guard, and
cabinet officers veiling their august counte
nances behind a Bashing line of sentinel bayo
nets. Our principal towns and cities are garri
soned. &Olio meetings, opposed to the ad
ministration, are interrupted and dispersed by
military force. Peaceable siti24sAd are perse
cuted, imprisoned, and shot down because of
their political sentiments. Martial law stands
between the voter and the ballot box. The
official dependants of the ailmieletration con
stitute a host with which to coerce or to de
bauch the people. Spies and informers, the
vile brood who make thrift by the arts of eaves
dropping and perjury, repeat here the worst
feature of European espionage, and of. European
insecurity to individuals. For all this " mili
tary necessity" has been the excuse, but who,
even after this experience, is not startled by
this enunciation of a high and confidential
officer of the administration that a citizen can
not be loyal if the President proclaims the State
in which he lives disloyal—that without an act
upon his part he may be forced into the oats
gory of public enemies, and made the victim of
military power ?
Yet this is the doctrine of Secretary Stanton's
solicitor, and of Mr. Lincoln's confidential for
eign agent. The despots of Europe should open
their arms to receive a man who has had the
effrontery to announce a brutality which they
may have thought of, but have never dared to
FORTRESS MONROE, Aug. 28.—[Special to
the Herold.]—The gun boat Western World,
Captain Gregory, arrived this morning from
oil Wilmington, and reports the arrival tbrre
of the United States steamer Florida from
Charleston, with the intelligence that the Union
forces ocoupied Forts Sumpter and Wagner on
Monday last.
I learn by the steamer Western World, which
arrived from Wilmington at midnight, that.
Fort Sumpter has surrendered and Battery
Wagner been blown up and destroyed.
This report was brought to the flagship Min
nesota, off Wilmington, N. C., by the steamer
Florida, Captain Bankhead.
News all favorable.
13Avriumm, Aug. 28. —The following comes
opeoially by tologroli from Lilo highest and
moat reliable authority. I can vouch for im
truth :
FORTRESS MoNsoE, Aug. 28.—The United
States tag-boat Western World, just arrived at
Fortress Munroe to day from the fleet off Wil
mington, reports that on Tuesday, at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, one hour before She started,
the United States steamer Florida arrived from
the fleet off Charleston, with the positive news
that Fort Sumpter god Battery Wagner bad
fallen and Were occupied by the Union troops,
and that the Stars and Stripes were trium
phantly waving over both fortresses.
The Union troops were in the highest spirits,
and certain of possessing speedily all Morris
Island and reducing Fort Moultrie.
The capture and occupation of Charleston
in a few days by the Union troops was morally
WASHINGTON. August 29.. —The line of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is still infested
with guerillas. A large party yesterday cros
sed into Maryland, at White's Ford, and cap
tured a number of stock Canal teams,
Although there is no official confirmation of
the capture of the gunboat Satellite, and the
tugboat Reliance, by the rebels near the mouth
of the Rappahannock river, the naval authori
ties have no doubt of the fact.
In illustration of the appearanoe of Fort
Gen. Gilmore has sent to headquar
ters a drawing illustrative of that delapniated
TRaNTON, August 29 .—Volunteering in New
Jersey is proceeding very briskly About five
thousand men have been obtained binoe the
Governor's proclamation was issued. Three
new batteries are almost complete and one re
giment of cavalry and one regiment of infantry
will be completed during the coming week Al
most every township in the State is at work and
is expected that in a few days the quotawill
be furnished.
29.—The execution of the substitute desetters,
sentenced to the penalty of death in general
orders No. 84, took place to-day.
More than ordinary interest was exhibited
in this mention of the military law, and it is
estimated that. not less than twenty five thou
sand persons were present.
The ground was well selected, and every ar
rangement was so complete that no accident
occurred to mar the solemnity of the proceed
The position of the spectators was upon a
semi-circular elevation, partly surrounding
the place of execution. The scene presented
a remarkable view to the spectators.
Two of the sentenced men were Protestants,
two Catholics, and the other a Hebrew. The
spiritual advisers of each were present, admin
istering the last consolation of religion.
The criminals were sitting upon their re
spective coffins, with yawning graves in the
rear. The troops were drawn up in columns
by divisions.
The order for the immediate execution was
issued by Gen. Griffin at 3 o'clock, p. m.. and
the officer of the guard, Captain Croaker, 118th
Pennsylvania, then called the clergymen from
their spiritual duties.
The rest is briefly told. At the order to fire
thirty-six muskets were discharged, and instant
death, as announced by the surgeons in attend-
Mee, was the result. The bodies were then
placed in their respective graves, and the
clergymen then performed the relgious rites
over the deceased.
The spectacle was an unusual one. The
Catholic the Protestant end the Hebrew stood
side by side, each uttering prayers for the de
parted studs. The names of the deceased are
as follows : Genrge Kuhn, John Felane, Chas.
Walters, George Reinese, Eli Lai.
The clergymen who attended the unfortunate
men were the chaplain of the rlelb P
_ snsylva
nia, Rev C. L. Egan, of St. Dominio's church,
Washington, and Rabbi B. S. Scold, of Balti
Now Yost, August 29,The smack Pacific
has arrived from Bermuda with &drives to the
24th inst. The rebel steamer Gladiator, from
Wilmington, N. C., was going into Bermuda
on the 25th.
The rebel steamer Robert Lee arrived at
Bermuda, on the 231, reported being chased
nine hours by one of our cruisers, and threw
overboard three hundred bales of cotton to
On the 26th, in let! 85°, long 67°, the Pa
cific passed the pirate Florida with a ship in
Mr Bermuda Gazette gives an lacount of
proceedings in St. George's, showing that seri
ous troubles are occurring there relative to
negro laborers, who have demanded higher
wages on discharging rebel vessels. several
assassinations have occurred, and incendiaries
are frequent. A large quantity of co:ton has
been burned, and a quantity thrown into the
bay to extinguish it.
The rebel attunes Columbia and t agenia
were at the wharf where the fire occurred, and
sent their crews to extinguish the flames.
A meeting of citizens was held and a reward
of £2OO offered for the arrest of the incendiary.
The steamers Fanny and Jennie, from Halls
fax, and the Florida from Nassau, had arrived,
consigned to Bourne, the well knoWn rebel
The rebel steamer Phantom, from Wilming
ton, with cotton, arrived on the 10th.
FoRTRESS MoNROZ, August 29.—The steamer
C. W. Thomas arrived here to-day from New
bern, with Lieut. Sterling, of General Peck's
eteff, Who is a bearer of dispatehes. •
A dispatch from the blockading fleet says
that on the morning of the 17th a large sloop
nf-war of ten guns, with the British flag flying,
swept past the blockading steamer and imwe
diately hoisted the rebel Bag, and passed into
The port of Wilmington. This is the fourth
rebel war vessel that has run the blockade
within the past six weeks.
Southern papers received at Moorhead city,
C, say that Je.ff_ Davis has decide& after a
conference with the Governors of the Confed
erote States, to call out half a million of black
troops, who are to receive their freedom and
fifty acres of land at the end of the war.
CINCINNATI, August 29.—There were 600 Il
linois troops on the steamer Conner when she
collided with the Des Are, and 50,000 pounds
of ammunition ; all the knapsacks, guns and
baggage of the addicts was lost,
The 14th corps has been transferred by Gen.
Grant to the Army of the Gulf.
Preparations were being made at New Or
leans on the 29th for a movement in some di
CINCINNATI, August 29.—A numerously at
tended Onion meeting was recently held at Pel
ham, Greenbay county, Tenn , at Which resole
lions were passed expressive of the desire to
return to the Union, repudiating the act of se
cession passed in 1861, and recommending the
reorganization of the State.
Gen. Grant received the hospitalities of Mem
phis on Wednesday last.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 29.—1 t is announced this
morning that no draft, will be made in this
State. (Moors of the army who were sent
home to secure dratted men were instructed
to open recruiting stations for enlistments.
EALtrimouis, Aug. 29:—The steamer Reli
ance. captured by the rebels at the mouth of
the Rappahannock, was the gunboat belonging
to the Potomac flotilla, commanded by Acting
Master Dockray, and not the revenue steamer
of that name.
BEDFORD, PA., Aug. 29 —William J. Baer,
Etql , of Somerset, was• nominated as the Dem
ocratic cantlidate for State Senator, in the
Nineteenth Dictrict, composed of Bedford,
Huntingdon and Somerset.
CINCINNATI, Austuat 29_—Late information
from Vicksburg confirm 4 the report of the death
of Gen. Pemberton. He was shot by a Texan
soldier. No particulars of the affair are given.
Waal:11141210N, August 28 —Rear Admiral Por
ter forwards the report of Dentenant Bache
relative to the late river expedition. He first
stopped at Des Arc, on the White river, and
burnt rebel stores, destroyed the telegraph
wires, &e_, and then sent the Cricket after the
steamers Tom Gregg and Kaskaskia, which he
had reason to believe were hid up the river,
senile be and the Marmon proceeded to Au
guste, thirty milei t further There he obtained
valuable information of the enemy, which was
subsequently confirmed—namely, that the
grand Southern army was concentrating on the
Bayou Meto. General Price wns there and Gen.
Ruby Smith at Little Rock (1-n Marmaduke
had crossed the river a few days before, and
wee then orosaing ,bittle Red river,
Leaving the Mstrmora, off the mouth, Lieut.
Bache went up the Little Red.with the Lexing
ton. When about 25 miles distant he met tb•
Cricket with two prizes which she had captured
at Seuroy, 15 miles fortheren. She also de
stroyed illarmaduke's pontoon bridge, le .ving
a portion of the latter's brigade •he other
side of the river. The Crtcket was fired into
by Marmaduke's men, and had about twenty
soldiery wounded out of 150. Both vessels
were attacked coaling down the river. Some
cotton and a few prisoners were captured with
the prizes. The Tom Gregg is a fine side
wheel steamer, as is also the Kaskaskia, though
somewhat older. They are now officered and
manned, and are retained to co-operate with
the army. All along the river the farmers
were glad at our presence, and many Union
demonstrations were made. The captured
boats were the only means of transportation
the rebels had on the river, and therettore our
taking them is a heavy blow inflicted upon
them. Lieut.. Dunnington. who was formerly
captured while in command of Arkansas Post,
is now fitting out at Little Rock the Ponchar
train, the last ram the rebels have in these wa
ters. If she ventures outside the shoals Admi
ral Porter says she will be °sutured.
Admiral Porter, in communicating the re
sults of the last expedition up the Yazoo river
to recover the Baron De Kalb, the particulars
of which have already been published, says
that, the visit cost the rebels more than was at
first supposed
Captain Walkey has received information to
be relied on, that, besides the five steamers at
or near the city of Yazoo, Isaac Brown, late
lieutenant in the United States navy, in a
panic, and for fear they would fall into our
hands, set fire to and destroyed' fourteen oth
ers, among them nine large ones, the machi
nery of which was intended to be sent to Selma,
Alabatna, for the gunboats building there.—
There sire no more steamers on the Yazoo. All
the vessels which sought refuge there. as the
safest place in rebeldom, have been destroyed.
Luantoss, August 28.-:-.The gunboat Meige
arrived at Point Lookout at 11 o'clock on Wed
nesday night, and reports having met the gun
boat Currituck in the Chesapeake bay. Her
captain raported that the gunboat Satellite and
the tugboat Reliance, Capt. Dungan, with the
crown of both vessels, were captured on Tues
day by the rebels near the mouth of the Rap
pahannock river.
The captain of the Satellite was reported
killed and the captain of the Reliance woun
WASUINOTON, August 28 —A report has
been published that the gunboats Reliance and
Satelliteo of the Potomac flotilla, were captured
several days ago off the . mouth of the Rappa
hannock; but neither official nor ordinary
confirmation of the rumor bee been rook/cd
here to-day.
, August 28, 1864,
Lieutenant Colonel Lockwood, commanding
the Seventh Virginia Union regiment, reports
a series of robberies of the mails of the third
division, sePond army corps, running from the
Sib to the 25th of August.
Several thousands of dollars in government
and private drafts, checks and funds have been
purloined, and the letters covering them found
along the route
The mail carriers are under arrest.
The publio are cautioned against negotiating
checks or drafts from this division, unless com
ing through responsible channels.
WASHINGTON, August 28.—A letter from the
Army of the Potomac states that about two
hundred Germans of the Twentieth New York
Volunteers, who mutinied and were sentenced
to hard labor during the war. have received
doZOLOUHItiOII of their senten 35 through the ex.
ertions of Provost Marshal General Patrick.
Accounts from the country between the Po
tomac and Rappahannock show that the rebels
have a considerable infantry force at Port. Con
way and are pm:wooing tbtir consoription
vigorously. General Kilpatrick bad a skirmish
with them several days ago, and was compelled
to fall back from his reconnoissance.
August 28, 1863.
At noon to day a party of guerillas attacked
a party who were conveying the mail from the
cavalry division stationed at Harwood Church,
killing one man and capturing four others.
They toot he mail and made their escape.
Early this morning three rebel surgeons,
with their instruments, were captured on this
side of the Rappahannook by our troops. They
did not deny their connection with the rebel
army. They will be tried immediately as spies.
FORTRESS Mormon, August 27.—The steamer
Daniel Webster arrived last evening from New
York with , seven hundred rebel priminers, who
will leave tor City Point this afternoon to be
Ths Mobile Daily Tribune of August 18. says:
Thrre are' sixteen vessels in the harbor at
Pensacola, ten of which are vessels-of-war and
six transports. The Yankees are building two
immense hospitals at the Navy Yard, each
three.huinired feet long and three stories high.
All the negrore are being sent to New Orleans
to be placed in tho Yankee Minims there."
MemPuts. August 25.—New Orleans advices
up to the 20th received to-day contain but
'lab. news.
The ship C C. Duman, from Boston, with
75.000 bushels of oats, had arrived.
Eighty balsa of low miltdling cotton sold at
5613. There was very little cotton on sale.
The steamboat Courier, with the Forty-ninth
Illinois regiment on board, came into collision
with the steamboat Des Arc, thirty miles be
low Memphis The Courier sunk. Bozic lives
were lost; bow many is yet unknown.
STIIVENSON, Ala., August 23.—1 t is probable
that the reb-le are evaeuatieg Chattanooga
and all Es.t Tennessee.
Des.•rters who come within Gen. Reynolds'
lines report that they are moving guns and use
ful and important nitehinery from the foundries
at Chattanooga to Atlanta.
The rebel cavalry ie reported to be concen
trating at Rome, Ga.
- -
WAEITEINGToN, August 28.—1 n view of the
speedy capture of Charleston and occupation
or South Carolina by the Union forces, the in
tuition of the government has been indicated
to place Illaj Gen. Butler in command of that
department as soon as Gen. Gllone and Ad
miral Dahlgren have completed their work,
A government contractor named Pi' chi, from
Pittsburg, was committed to the Old Capitol
prison to-day, on the eharge of having sold in
Baltimore fraudulent quartermasters' certifi
cates of indebtedness to the amount or $40.000
The arrest was made in - Philadelphia, where
an other negotiation was about to be made.
The Navy Department has received a com
munication from Commander Trenchard, of the
steamer Rhode Island, reporting the capture of
the English screw staamer Cronstadt—for a
violation of the blockade off Wilmington, N.
C. her cargo consists of cotton, turpentine
and tobacco. She has been sent to Boston for
Some three hundred of White's rebel gueril•
las crossed the Potomac to-day and gobbled up
a party of "Scott's Niue rico . r..d," who wm
guarding the canal. Teo out of fifty escaped.
The President has pardoned William Duke,
charged wish divers offences against the Uni
ted States, arid with aiding tae rebels in Ken
Governor Pierpont, in an address to the peo
ple of Virginia, announces that he has estab
lished the seat of government at Alexandria.
He says if resistance to the civil - authority be
attempted and a posse comitatus prove insuf
ficient, the aid of the milirary as a last resource
will be invoked to enforce the lava. He is
happy to be able to Bay that the President
manifests the most lively desire for the rem.
ration of order in the State and a disposition to
assist by every means at his command to re
store the civil government and produce hat-
A Jewish rabbi from Baltimore and the wife
of one of the condemned and sever3l others
were here to-day to make an appeal to the
President for his clemency in behalf of tee five
privates of the One Hundred and Eighteenth
Pennsylvania regiment, who are to be shot to
morrow. Their mission does not appear to
have been successful.
A superb sword was presented to Gen. Mewls
this.afternoon by Brigadier General Crawford,
commanding the Pennsylvania Reserves, in the ,
name of the division.
The Mark Lane Express gives a table compri
sing the average yield per acre, of wheat, bar
ley, oats, beans and peas, for thirty-eight
counties in England. prepared trues returns re
ceived from e.orrespondents of that paper.—
The average for the cereal grains mentioned
is as follows Wheat 29 bushels ; Barley 37:i. ;
Oats 461.
The lowest average of wheat in any County
returned, is 22f bushels per acre, in Devon
shire, and the highest, 341 bushels, in Lanca
shire. The lowest average of barley is 29
bushels per acre, in Shropshire. and the highest
44 bushels in Northampton. The lowest ave
rage of oats is 324 bushels in Westmoreland,
and the highest 59f in Cam hridgesnire.
The beans mentioned are a kind not much
cultivated in this country. The average yield
is 324 bushels per acre. The average yield or
peas is 30 bushels per acre.
On Friday, August 24th, WILLMIr BILRITIELL, aged
63 years.
The funeral will take place from his residence on
Market Square, at 4 °taloa this afternoon,
August 30th, Ratite E. Infant daughter of William b.
and Mary It. Raiment, aged 1 year and b zartitha.
The funeral will take place from the reeloence of
Wm. G. Damara, Locust street. Monday afternoon at 3
O'oloek. Tba Itleada ltral relatives are respeetfa2l7 in
iiteo to attend.
On Saturday morning, of congestive fevor. Jeannine
R. Rumor's. Aged 13 year•, R month., and 1 days.
She was burn in Schuylkill county, and her remains
will be taken there for intermentby the 8 o'clock train
this morning
Nrm '3,6lterti clients.
riinivwx - sanza
In room formerly occupied by Dr. Carman,
WANTED.—A Woman with a fresh
breast or mirk wanted to nurse a young ebild et
No. 99, Market street. sag 314t*
F XEMPTIONS FROM THE DRAFT.u, Persona baying legal claims to «aa. ption from the
draft nun hay' du* cases preps T d sod yr emoted to the
Board on application to R 2 BEL GUSON. Attorney-st-
Law, Pecond street, opposite Buebler Bowe !,else
with Wm R. Miller. Fag. Aug 2T-tf.
September .19th and 10th and October lot aml
Id, 186$.
Norristown Is about 17 miles west of Phil.delphia, na
the Schuylkill river, and is accessible by railway to
every portion of the State.
The ground" are beautifully situated. enataiolog •:$
acres et ground with fine kegs buildings themes erec
ted. together with la-ge amount of sheddi• g, The
track is said to be one of the best half mile tracks is
the S tate. T h premiums are the beavhet ever offered
by the society. amounting to about $7OOO The pre•
miume for all areAter, of tattle eareed $ 000, Eire or
which are $5O each. 19 from 525 to sls_ others running
down to leaser rates. Best bard not les. than 16 hest
tint poeminm $4Ol second premlimm. $26.
Homes for ell grades the i reminms stetted $ 1 354•
The highest $100; 22 between $:0 and $3O. and other!;
retiring from $1.5 $lO and $5 For -heap and Swine the
premiums stage from $lO to $5 and $3
For Poultry there is a long het or °renewers from
to $1 each, to the trollowleg chime. mart Wirers! pre •
miums are offered : Ploughs, itultivetois. Drills, Ws
gone, Reaping and INnefng Welt nee Cutters. Core
Shelters, Cider M Us , Pumps Buckets, Tin Ware.
Leather and its Mannfectn es, Gee Pixtar is. Marble
Mantles, Butter,Pio Li., Grain and Paella. Vegetables;
and also for D ome tie and Ro-sehold IPanniseturer,
Cloths, Garrets. Satinet. Shirtisg, Meeting Pisolistri
PI tnnels. Shawls, le nit Goode. Needle Wort, Le-
Bread. Cakes. Preserves. J. Bien, & c
Large premiums are Cr-ffered for every v. , riety of Fruit
and Flneers The Floral Teut vil be the large t ever
erected by the Poolety and well fore. one of the meet
attrarti re teaturre at the cabin Lion Fruit, Grape 4
and Wise Tell he exhibited deparee.-nt
The Pennerlvenia Rail-ead evd Norri.rowoltaihroad
have arranged o ear , artio ea tor exh:biti.it to an?
from the I , anild -ion freight free. recto; ring theforwar&
lag freight to be paid. which will be rep .111 whippet
when geode ate returned o the s ation wh oar ettipped.
It is hoped to effect the same with other importer:,
!excursions at reined rates will be run On CI the
leading railrosdn.
Tentrfen can he r ado at thee filice.tp Norrißtima, ate!'
the 4th day of Reptember I' art, Glee must be ea
te-ed on tho ‘ooka on or before Toe dsv awning, Sep
tember 29th lib bito n must it come member ,
Meat emhip $I 00, altk fan* eatipwo T 4 -fib's unit, 0 50
of wnivb will admit one nevem to lb Fair once.
.10.• • List of Pre turns and Brolatconstim be bre.
by addremiag the Secretor.,
To bIA a P, 'KNOX ? Prepiine
A BROWZB Loma's!' Stextary
Norristown. Pa
Notice is hereby given that letters of ddminktratiori
have this day be o eyelet d to the enderoiened ny tom'
kegiater of I) upbiu county. upon the eetaie of plait , :
Bromley., late of Jolts •on , owo eh p, ii, said county, de
ceased Ail pera.ma beef , g mai •or mantle spine;
maid estate are Pereey Prq «poled to me g « k oos o the
same without delay and th-e indebte to raid estat-:
are notified to make itom di.te , s y m . o t to
JOIN HOFFMAti. 24i8t1140‘ . 1
ang27.lawor* . en 4,, w r . 4 „phi s en. ,
A. Why I Loved Her," "'P PILPDTPII o. tb 3 . 21 ‘
Childhood Days," three new and • e.uti.cd songs, it'
J. 8. cox.
a new aril brastee.l 02 4 4 -
wi;h il h u i r g e hl n y aTi on ti l. s ert iF fre ;age. Uul. rr are wooer
the latest. receipts of nrw music b. W glvrit HE, where
can be found at al. times a , nll rtffurnt of Drum.
Itifee, and all lards r 'net umente.
Remember the place, NO 93 Pia ket at rept. • yP
J BAPHETS of all descriptiong, t o. given mil price , —
for wile by wo. WOK, Ja.. & CO.
liLsosnsa.”-100 GRUBB 11111tiorted r.
mimed nd cor 40*, witatesale sad retail.
v\ 'um.l% &CIO,
FLUID. equal If net stationer to aruuld'it gs6 l *""
Fluid, and only 62 cents
BUpeßlr gear tin ,t