L 0 n'AL NgWS. RALLY DEMOCRATS f—The Democratic club of the Sixth ward will meet this (Friday) evening at the public house of John Stemler, at 7.4- o'clock. Speeches will be made and the Democracy is called u , on to rally. By Order of the Prelident. Toss FILLED Up.—lt is stated on good author ity that each Pennsylvania regiment in the field is to resolve two hundred and fifty drafted men from this State. This Will go for towards rejuvenating the old regiments and filling up their decimated ranks to their former /dander& PAgAr. RsuaaaD AOCIDENT--1 11111.11 named Rumbangh was struck by the express train on the Pennsylvania adiroad, coining east, on the even fling of the 21st, at Pennstadt, and instantly kil led. He was either standing or .walking on the crack when the accident occurred. He lived near Adman:mg, and at times was somewhat deranged. Bzwaan or Tam— Notes of various denomina tions, in imitation of the government greenbaeks, aro in circulation. They purport to be en the Government Bank, which does not exist, are dated Washington, District of Columbia. November 16th, 1862, and signed J. Winslow, Cashier, and Harvey Patton. President. They are supposed to emanate from New York. Pitzszwromms.—Te.day the Pennsylvania Re serves, under command of Brigadier General Crawford, are to present to Major General 'Meade one of the two swords some time since ordered by them for Gene. Meade and Reynolds—this being the Snit opportunity which bee offered for the pre sentation. Many distinguished gentlemen will be present, among whom is 04*. Caitlin, *hi is ex pected to make the presentation speech. Insonserr Dammam—lt has been decided by the Second Comptroller that when a pensioner re enlhts he forfeits pay in that rapacity, and cannot be again put upon the pension rolls except upon surgical re-examination and certificate of his dis ability. It has also been decided that a woman who abandoned bar husband previous to his enlist ment, and married another, is not entitled to the bounty belonging to the first husband, if he died in the service. Two RAILROAD Wan —The railroad war is rag ing fiercely in Chicago, to the benefit of the travel ing public. Prices are reduced to the following rates : From Chicago to Cleveland, $d ; to Buffalo, $11; to Philadelphia, $l6; to Baltimore, $l6; to Pittsburg, $lO 50; to New York, $18; to Boston, $2l. This fall in prises is owing to the breaking up of . the combination between the companies at their late convention at Niagara Falls, whereby the various rival roads• enter into vary lively com petition with each other. BiLLID.-g- , Obarles Ellis, a young mar of about seventeen years, son of C. B. Ellis, of Johnstown, and $ member of Capt. Byekman's mounted infan try, was killed at Chambersburg on Friday last by hie horse falling upon him. While the company were watering their horses, the one ridden by deceased became restive, and upon being pulled up suddenly by the bit, he reared, lost his balance and felt backward—the pommel of the saddle striking the boy upon the chest and killing him instantly. To DESTROY MoseOirozs,—A lady who has tested it says that the annoyance of mosquitoes may be effectually prevented by a very simple proems. Close the room and burn a teaspoonful of brown sugar on some live coals, or even shay lugs, and the insects become paralyzed at once. This is a less laborious but not more effectual way iltaa that of the old baehelor, who posed a /doere hour each day in tickling the insatiate insects with a feather untill they opened their months, when he immediately administered a quietus in the shape of ea overdose of coal oil. Arnsm..—An appeal from Mrs. A. M. Hol stein, "Matron in Chief" of the Hospitals near Gettysburg, is made to the citizens of Harrisburg. She writes, "We would be very glad to receive almost say and everything that could be sent, as there are now here twenty-two hundred wounded soldiers. Of course daily supplies must be im : mouse. Government does supply the anima field hospital "necessaries, but all additional delicacies and comforts we look to friends to fill" The arti. ales moat needed, are cotton and woolen shirts, soloed overalls, dried fruits of any kind, dried. rash, plates, preserved or canned fruit, stimulants, white sugar, butter and eggs. Contributions will be reached en Tuesday, September Ist, from It until 12 o'clock a. m., at the hospital store room, on Walnut street near Fourth, by the Ladies Re lief Society, and forwarded imtnediately. POI= Arran/A.—Before Alderman Kilns,— Robert. Parker and John Bonei, two drunks of Ethiopian features and antecedents, were arrested by Misers Callender sad Essig yesterday, and each committed to prisonsfor ten days. Messrs. Joel Griffith and lon. Weltmer, lodged by officer Cline in the . lock-up for drunkenness, were brought before the magistrate yesterday morning, and once more turned loose upon a world lying in gin and wiekednees. George Brown, arrested by officer Campbell, also went through the same figure. A B, emoire" named Richard Allen. accompanied by his dark-compleoted dulcinea, Margaret Mar shall, hired a horse on Wednesday evening and tools a drive up the canal. They returned about one o'clock, with a basketful! of cabbages. Officer Campbell. not knowing of any country estate be longing to said Richard, concluded that the vege tables "me from 40 , 149 other sean'e cabbage grounds, and, assisted by officer Lloyd, laid hold upon the excursionists at "Bull Run." Allen was committed for larceny, bat his companion was die charged from custody. GuD Says rss Quass 1 --Down toit7i Crinoline.— It becomes our pleasant duty to announce that on the ist 'inst. her Majesty, Queen Victoria, issued the following remonstrance, through the proper oMeer, to the ladies of 'England; **The Queen has commanded me to express the pain with which her Majesty reads the account of daily accidents arising from the wearing of the indelicate, expensive, dangerous and hideous article called Crinoline. Her Majesty cannot re. frain from making known to you bor extreme dig. pleasure that educated women ebould by example encourage the wearing of a dress which can be pleasing only to demoralized taste. For the mis erable idiots who abjectly copy the habits of those conventionally termed their betters, it is impossi ble to entertain anything but pity. But to the ladies of England this appeal to abandon the pre sent degrading, dangerous and disgusting fashion is made, in the belief that they will show them selves the rational and decorous persons whom they are eappoeod to be." Coming from such a source, this pronunciamento will crash through the steel bulwarks of the pre sent style of dress like a 200-pounder Parrot pro: jeetile. - We hope that other leaders of the haltl ton may co-operate with the Queen, and open fire along the arb a line, thus discouraging "the wear ing of a dreg which eau be pleasing only to de moralized test " If the sovereign of the United Kingdom shah ucceed in her attempt to put down the present de *ding, deogeroise and disgusting fashion," she e have earned the right to the name of Victoria victory !_and to a share in the triumphs of her bon, St. George. • The game is O P I Contract, • c ps. Expand, poor, pent-np lb " mortal! : ice la Vitlopio Orbiolinn de trade est. Que.nran SESSIONS —We give below the list of eases disposed of by the Grand Jury yesterday. It will be observed that many of the bills before them were for offences of a minor character, and that the number ignored is rather larger than usual; Com. vs Aaron Duber. Assault and battery' Bill ignored. Com. u Henry Harther. Selling liquor on Sunday. Ignored. Leonard Kramer, prosecutor, .to pay amts. Com. vt John Reed. Felonious assault and battery, on oath of Hannah Bollinger. Ignored. Corn. vs John Snyder. Palo:liens assault and hattory, Ott Oath of Elisabeth Hnnter. Ignored. Com. vs Charles Kaylor, Joseph Grose and Adam Kotler. Robbery, on oath of Elisabeth Hunter. Ignored. Qom. en Benjamin Boyd. Laioeny, on oath of Catharine A. Rands& True bill. Copt. vs Rachel Moore. Laroony,im oath of J. 3. Ree. True bill. Defendant being arraigned, plead guilty. Com- vs Richard Johnson, Larceny, on oath of Mary Hallman. Com. vs Charles N. Walker. Bigamy. Not guilty. County to pay coats. Com. vs Gee. Carney. Assault and battery, on oath of Ann Perry. True bill. Com. vs J. Greenough. Selling liquor without license. True bill. Com. vs Michael Burke. Nuisance—keeping feroeions dog_ Trne bilL Com. vs William Hopkins. Amain and battery. Ignored. County to pay costs. Com. va Clarence Updegraff. .Aseault and bat tery. Ignored. Mary Wetimer, proessentrix, to pay costs. Com. vs Christian Evy. Larceny. Ignored. Corn. vs Augustus Liebtrne. Selling liquor on Sunday. Ignored. Corn, ve Mary Hofertc. Amain and battery Ignored. Prosecutor to pay the costs. Com. vs Joseph Miller and Elizabeth Miller. Selling liquor on Sunday. Ignored. Com. vs eame. Selling liquor to minors. Ig nored. Patti,* MINH; prosecutor, to pay the costs, and remain in custody until they are paid. Com. vs same. Keeping disorderly hence. Ig nored. Coin. vs ,Miehael Burke. Nuisance. Ignored. Com. vs Theodore Dickman. Larceny. Not Com. vs G. B. Egle and Wilhem. Receiving illegal vote. True bill. Com. vs John Reilly. Assault and battery. Tn. bill. Com. vs George Falok. Keeping gambling room. Ignored. Com. vs Mollie Fielding. Keeping disorderly hone°. Ignored. Com. re loh - n Fackler. Fornication and bas tardy, on gi►th of Emma Gold. Ignored. Com. vs J. G. Trimbell. Assault and battery. Ignored. Coin. •s Margaret Wyaut. Keeping disorderl3 house. Ignored. Com. vs Jonathan Marts. Assault and battery. Ignored. Com. vs Win. Koeherman. Selling liquor on Sunday. Ignored. Com. ire Vineent Wager, Selling /4144), on Sunday. Ignored. Com. vs Samuel Tennis. Fornication and bas tardy, on oath of Sarah Swan. Ignored. Com. vs Ida Hart, Keeping disorderly house. Ignored. Coro. vs Susan Weiltmer. Keeping disorderly house. Ignored. Com. vs James iladkson. Assault and battery: Ignored. Coin. vs James Lewis. Assault and battery. Ignored. Tar. Lams ow THE RIELTICF Slocua:r attending the hospitals at Camp Cortis tottsawledge the re ceipt of contributions from the following persons, to procure transportation to and from hospital:— Cash, $1; Cash, 50 cents; J. A. Fisher, $1; Mr. W. Sturgeon, $1; Mr. 3, B. hterserson. ; Joseph Kahnweiler, 90 cents; Mr. L. Hess, 30 cents; Mr. S. Lewy, $2; D. W. Gross & Co., $1; Mr. James Espy, 50 cents; Mr. C. L. Bowman, 50 cents; Dr. W. Rutherford, $1; Nichols & Bow man, 50 costa; Mr. George C. Yager, $1; B, Frank 'Ailey, $1; Wiler & &0., $1; Dr. George W. 'Ailey, $1; Mr. J. H. Sweeny, .50 cents; Mr. D. Eppley, $1; Mr. W. A. Cathcart, $1; Mr. J. W. Weir, $2; Mr. J. A. Weir, $2; Mr. John Smith, 50 cents; D. Fleming. Esq., $1 ; Mr. 8. A. Raw kel, $1; Mr. A. Bombstigh, $1; Mr. J. R. Eby, $3; Mr. J. Killinger, $2; Dr. Seiler, 50 ciente; R. A. Lumberton, Esq., $1; Mr. R. J. Fleming, $1; Mr. William T. Hildrup, $l. Tea Pater. or Lzmons.—The demand for lem ons for hospital use is so great that they are now selling in Philadelphia at a dollar per dozen—a higher price than they have attained for a long period. hone have arrived of late, and the demand for the fruit for sanitary purposes still continues to be heavy. There are none in market except retail lots. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATMS FOR DMIJIMATMS TO DamOCRATIC Comm' CoNTENTIoN.—At a meet ing of the City Democratic Executive Committee, held on the 3d of June last, the following amend ment to the "Rules and regulations for the govern meet of the Doesootatie party of the eity of Harris burg" was unanimously adopted, viz : "All candidates for Ward Delegates to County Conventions shall hereafter be named and placed in nomination at a regularly called ward meeting in each ward of the city, to he held On the Satur day evening preceding their election, to be kept open one hour at least." The Democratic voters of the several wards in the city of Harrisburg are, in compliance with the foregoing amendment, requested to meet at their respective ward houses on Saturday evening next, ARgust 29th, for the purpose of uominating suita ble candidates for delegates to represent them in the County Couveution to be held at Harrisburg on the Bth of September next. By order of the City Executive Committee. Gao. F. WEAVER, Seey. Harrisburg, August 24,1863. ATTENTION, DENOCEATE of HARRIEBURC.—The Ward meetings for the nomination of candidates for delegates to the County Convention on the Bth of September next, will be held in each ward of thei August 23111 7 , 1 a ' t ;Pj t cl he " f il oll 4 o s wi B n a g itiPd places, liY6 v v a iz rki : " First Ward—At thsiniblio house of L. Koenig, Paxton Street. r second Ward—A4 tb o puUlo kettle of Daniel Wagner, Second street. Third Ward—At the Franklin House, Walnut street. Fourth Wird—At the pahlie house of P. H. Ryan, State street_ Fifth Ward—At the public house of the Widow Jordan, North stmt. - Sixth Ward—At the _public house of John Stem ler, Ridge road. By order of the Ward Baecedire Ceounittaes. Geo. F. Weaver, Chairman First ward. C. Seiler, Chairman Second ward. Gen. Chairmen Third ward. L. %milord, Chairman Fourth ward., jovepl; Bowman, Chairman Fifth ward. C. A. Wilhelm, Chairman Sixth ward.. Harrisburg, August 24,1863. A CARIL-A number of persons having charged the undersigned with being the proeechtor in the case of the Coen. vs. Vincent Orsinger and John Stemler, for selling liquor on Sunday, I publicly deny the charge and offer the following testimony to sustain my assertion•: am requested to state whether or not Mr. Sam uel R Sarch is the informer against Mr. Stemler? On examination of the record, Mr. Sarah's name does not appear in any other capacity than as a witness among many others. A. J. HERR, District Attorney. nut 20, 180, Samuel R. Sarah's name is not upon the indict ment as prosecutor, but as a witness, as above sta ted. It A LANBIRTON. Being milled upon by Mr. Samuel It. Saroh to know if he was prosecutor in the ease of Common wealth vs. Vinesat Orsinger and John Sweater, for nailing liquor on Sunday, upon examining my docker, Mr. Sareh's name does not appear at all, nor was he ever before in my °Mee. JOHN MAGLAUGHLIN, Alderman. Sexual. R. Sawn. Maw PeLL GOODS.—We have now received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dress goods and other geode. Splendid iesortment of new delaines. All Colon of plain alpaca°. New style of plaid dress goods. Pine black bombazines. Black and colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black Bilks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached muslin& 10-4 heavy linen for sheeting. 5.4 heavy linen for pillow oases. 7-4 grey linen damask for table covers. White linen table covers and napkins. Black alpacas, all qualities. White linen and homationad pocket handker chiefs. 10 dos. Balmoral skirts, from $2 50 up. Large assortment of hoop Aim:. Hoop skirts at 75 cents, $1 00, $1 50, and all prices. White cambric mono a an djaconnetta, pancake, Irish linen, Swiss antenna, and a great many mbar new goods. S. LIMY. Pennsylvania Militia and Reuniting Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of pay and subside - 1M olalms, Act., made out and eol looted by EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at Law, office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oot2B-ly SPECLIL NOTICES. A GFNTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility,ln competency emature Deoay and Youthful Brror, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge) the roofed and dkootiono for moiling the oflople Remedy used in his ease. Those wishing to profit by MS 'Mpg rience—and possess a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad dressing : JOHN B. OGDEN. Aug 14-3md&w No. 60, NM= street, N. Y. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF . THE AGE. Farmers, families and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for dysentery, colic, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore throat®, toothache, sea sickness, sate, borne, swellings bruises, old sores, headache, Mosquito bites, pains in "the limbs, chest, back, &a. If it does not give relic the money will be refunded. AU that is asked is atrial, and use it according to the direction.. DR. Tomas—Dear Sir I have used your Venetian Liniment In try family for a number of yearn, and be. sieve it to the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. For sudden attack of croup it is invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to core. I have sold it for many years, ADC it &ea entire eatisitction, CHAS. H. TRIMNER QtrIEZATOWN, N. S., May 6, 11368. Sold by all Druggists. Offme, 60 Dortlandt street, 3331 d&wlm New York SURGEON-GENERAL RAYMOND. By ordering Calomel and destruCtive minerals from the supply tables, has conferred a blessing on our sick sol diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dis continuance of •"Bleeding,%? and the use of BRAND SETH'S PILLS in the place thereof. Then will commence a sinew era" in the practice of Medicine, which would then becon e emphatically THE HEALING AItT I have for thirty years taught that no diseased ac- UV , to 4 V 1144 by 15141`4417 or UtiAt 044%3. That the human body could only be ' , made whole" by "veg- stable food"—Aniaisl foot being, in fact, condensed vegetables. BRANDRICTRII PILLS should be in every !glittery Hospital. These Pills care DILIOI7B DIARRHOEA, CHRONIC DIABAHER a, CHRONIC DYSENTERY, and all fevers and Affections of the Bowels, sooner And mme surely Then my medlelne in the world. lIRAA .hICTII'S PILLS in these eases should be taken nil i end get new style CLSE 0- 3 „uki.lo.ll K. WATSON Dr. D. Bramdretk, New York: : I was a private in Co.' I, 17th Regiment, New York Yols. While at Rarrisen's Landing and on the Weppaharmock near ralcaOtitti,l and many or the CaTa posy were sick with bilious diarrbsca. The Army Bur geon did not care us, and I was reduced to skin and bone. Among the Company were quite a number of members who had worked in your Laboratory at Sing Sing. They were not sick, because they used Brand• reth's Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others to use the Pills, and we were all eared in from two to five days. After this our boys used Brandreth's Pills for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and in no case did they fail to restore health• Out of gratitude to you for my good health, I send you this latt. r, which, if necessary, the entire Qom pany would sign. sm. respectfully, yours, BOBOOk K. WaTBON. Bing Bing, N. Y. Principal office, 294 Canal street, NOW York. !or Isaac in Harrliccurg by GEO. H. BELL. m&ilkirtf CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. There is no flair Dye in use so pare, so free from all objectionable properties, that produces such splendid and permanent tints, or that operates so quickly, uni formly, and certainly, ae ORIBTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE. This matchless article is pronounced, by all who have ever applied it, or seen it applied, the wont wonderful invention of the age. Ten minutes suffices ter any shade of brown or the deepest black. It Idoves the stun unstained. idanufactured by 3. CHISTADORO, 6 Astor Home, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, 60 and $3 per box, according to urination's Hair Preservative Ig invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost softness, the most beautiful glair; and great vitality to the Hair. Price 60 cents, $1 and $2 per bottle, according to size j731-d&wlm XT.V.1.2011. AP Pertstot AND Dltten Dear Sir :—With your permission I wish to say to the read.re of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a eimple Valletatda Balm, that will effectually remove, in 10 d.kye, Pimples, Mote/ken, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, civil., smooth and beautiful. I will also p all free to those having Bald Heade or Bare Palma, simple dilectAons acid information that will enable them to start a lull growth of 'Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in lees than 30 days. All applications answered by return' mail without charge. Respectfully yottre, THOS. T. CHAPMAN, Oliemist, No 831 ilroadway, New York 3e28 3m:. A Friend in Need. Try it. DR SWEET'S INTALLIELif LINIMENT, is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Comma tient, the great bone setter, and has been sawed in his practice for the last twenty years with-the most &Mom:- , iehine success As an esternal remedy it is without a • rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than aim raker preparation Tor all Rheumatic and Nervoill Dieol4o lll it is truly infallible, and as a curative for, Sorei,wonnds. Sprains, Brumes, &c., its soothing, heal .in; and powerful strenehenint properties, excite the just wonder and astonashment of all who have ever given it a trial Over four hundred certificates of re markable mires, performed by it within the lam two years attest this fact. See advertisement. aplleow-dkw damning. Read directions IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CUEESEMANIS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. Tkey use mild their operation, and certain in correcting all Wept lac I Me, painful menstruation, removing all obstructions whether from cold or otherwise, headache, psi In the Fide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all netwoneaftec tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th cheek aliellmbs, disturbed deep, which arise from istartapti of nature. DR. CREESIIMAN B PILLB wee the commencemos a oneW • rutty ligentgoa of thole iffoggbuitiol sad Oblitiglle (Mg Mari Ood: signed so many to a pements NV # casiewin enjoy good health unless she le regular, and whenever an obstruction tales place the general health begins to de• cline. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all eom piainta peculiar to Postales. To all asses they are invaluable, Mama % with emiatoity,yeriedleal reran, ity. They are blown to thonaande, who have umdthem at different periods, throughout the 'country, havingthe sanction of some of the molt eminent Physicians in America. 147140 directions, statist when tAsy should not bs sad, with Gook Boi—the Pries Ona Dollar per Bear,. containing from 50 to 00 Pills. Pills mitt by snail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Bold by Druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Bold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Banneart. " Mechanicsburg, by J. 8. Dellett. " Carlisle. by 8. &Rion. • " Bhippensburg, by D. W. Rankin. " Obsimbersbzirg, by Miller & Hershey. Ennuadstown, by George Wolf. 'I Lebanon, by George Rees. deegdakely MOTHERS MOTHERS ! Don't fail to procure Hrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING-. This cal Me reparation is thy prescription of 9140 of the best Tamale physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty year% with never failing safety and sna ems by millions of mother, and children, from the fee bie infantof one week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, bat invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al• most instantly relieve GNIPING IN SIC COWILB AND WIND COLIC. We believe it the beet and surest remedy in the world in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOIA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using , will accompany each bottle.. None genuine unless thefac simile of CURTIS is PER, inrs, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 4t Dey etrset, New'York. Price only 25 cents per bottle. m728-dharem Dr. Drunon's Concentrated Remedies. No.l, THE GREAT RETITSR speedily eradicates all the evil effects of RNLI-ABUSE. as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath,Gidlinees, Palpitation of the Rear; Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Ants alike on either sea. Price One Dollar, .TIIS BALM will Mirk in from two to eight days, any case of GONNOIUMCDA.. is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 8. The TERNS will cure in the shortest possible time any case of WANT, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste .r smell. Price One Dollar. No. 4. TUB PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how 'long standing or neglected the case may be. Price one No. 6 THE BOUTTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and apeedi.y remove all &factions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6 -POR DARTIOULA.R9 OEN QTRODL...N. No 7. THE AMARTN will cure the Whites radically and in a, muoh shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tate. Price One Dollar No% 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILii are certain, safe and speedy in producing AINNOTRUATION, or correct ing any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 8, FOR PARTICULARS BRE CIRCULAR. Either remedy sent tree by mail oil receipt of the price annexed. Ruttiest) postage stamp and get a circu lar General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and Oallowhill street. Private office, 401 Port avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. • fit Por sale in Harrisburg by 0. A. BLNNYART and Louis WYSTIL where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with full descriptions of each case, will be deliv ered gratis on application. Address MIX BILIMON, July 28, 1868-ly P.O Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. INSURANCE. Urine, Fire and Inland Trampertitian, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OP PHILADBLPHIA. Incorporated 1794--Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL AND AUNTS 11,200,000 DIRECTORS: Arthur 6. Codin, Samuel W. /ones, John A. Brown, Samuel P./31311th, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. NA Abgiviri D. Wood, William Welch, _ WWI= B. Bowen, Janies N. Dickson, 8. Morris Wain,John Ma son, George L. Harrison, Pamela B. Cope, Bilward H. Trotter, Alward 8. Clarke. ARTHUR G. OOPPIN, President. CHARLKS PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the alum named company, the undersigned is prepared to taint Fire Was in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet. sully, on the moat favorable terms. °Mee in Walnut street near Second. WILLIAM BUEHLER, auVidly Harrisburg, Pa. HARRISBURG FEMALE SE MI- NARY.—The fall session of this Institution will commence on Wednesday, September 2 Anglll.dtd B. E. DTRON, Principal. w ANTED—A Substitute ; 25 cents. The Tae Pieltets. by °ARLO' B. Dodge; 20 eents. The hliseries or Sneezing by DodgA ; 30 oents Hiss Me Once More, Mother, by 2 hompson ; 30 cents. Whether 1 Love Thee, Franzabt; 25 cents. Within the tion.ent I Arden, by rhalberg ; 25 cents. Shall 'Freedom Droop znd Die, by Leland ; 25 cents. The above are • few winos out of over 15) new pieces of Music just received at WARD'S MUSIC STORE, Third street, aug.22.3t PUBLIC SALT of FORTY HORSE?. Will be sold st public sale. on 'vednesday, August 26th 1863 at my statve le Vine street, Harrisburg, Pa., one ay trotting bores, who has trotted in 2.62, six years 041; several pairs of macho driving horses; farm, draught and riding horses. The sale embraces some fine stock, end will be sot.' without reserve to the highest sue oe t bi-ders The terms f sal. will be a deducti n of five per cent. for cash or notes with ap proved security, for ninety days. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock W. eablZfidb. August 21.dtd. TO BOOT MAKERS.—Wanted, at ? EVEN SANDERS', in Walnut street nest to the Dauphin County Pri on. two good Boot Makers and one Mender. None but the beet workmen needoapply. Wili pay /Ailiaez Waged than any other manufacturer in the city. Ausll3-114* 1 0 THOSE DESIRING TO PRO CURE SUBS rITUTES, AND TO THOSE WISHING TO BECOME SUBSTITUTES. The undersigned, Military Claim Ag'nts, tender their services for the proeurinn of Substitutes for Drafted men, as well as for the securing of the highest price far those wishing to offer themselves as Substitutes They will register thy- names of each class referred to, with the amounts, in monoy, proposed to be given by the one and to be received by the other. Drafted men who are legally exempt can have all the PlLP 4 PolfwePs.i , ad naeesisis, to establish their claim.. to exemption by calling upon the undereign.q. Those interested are .nvited to call at the office, in the Exchange Buildings, opposite the auphin Uounty Prison, MaoIDOWELL MAGUIRE, aul.s-1m Military Claim Agents. THE FALL SESSION OF THE HAR RIsBEI.E.G IW4 DEMY will open on Monday, the 31st of August. For vacancies amply to J. F. BEILEB., all-5t end. Principal. G 0 0F Tw R'S ONLATINFL—The bele article In the market, jut received and for male by marla-tf WK. DOOR Ji NOTIONS.—Quite a vanety of useful and entertaining articles—cheap—at SOHN/PAWS BOOKSTOPZ. cI i OIiDLVR'S CAMP COMPANION.— ia A my oonvanient Writing Desk; also, Portfolios. tionionimitun Books, PortinounaLits.,&o. at • SORIIPPIP.II 13001111PORS lIOTOGRAPH UIVIS.--A large and bssotiful assortment of Photograph Albums just received and for sale cheap, at KNOCuIt , S, 13 9 93 Market street. DURYEA S 9 MAIZENA. Z 0 A 4 A 0 •-4 Was the only "Preparation for food from In dian Corn" I That received s medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of tit s and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of th's age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &a., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a seat astonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It is also ex cellent for thickening aneet sauces. gravies for fish and meat. soup, &c. For Ice Cream nothfng can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, &c. Put np In one pound passages, under the trade-mark Mitizena i with direwilowt for nee. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. Pm sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton street. Aug 1.5-d6m. H AMS!Ill 20,000,1b5. Composed of the following Brands jnet reeeived NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS it SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINER'S EXCElXOR—Canvassed. • MICRINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN HAMS—Strictly prime. ORDINARY HAMS—Very good. 117 Erin Ham cold will be guaranteed am represen ted. WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT: SAMARITAN'S GIFT! Tim MOST OIRTAIIN lIIKIDT cyan 1:162D. Yes, a Positive Curs! BALSAM COPAVIA 4. MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a *um They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and-reeent eases in twenty-four hours. No exposure,no !rouble, no champ whatever. Pries was *ages, SZ; remale,lB. Bold by D. W. OROOO 400. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Boxl6l Nina. P 0 jan6-dly BLOOD! 'BLOOD! SORES: THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OP THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA. ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TER' TEES. SCALES, BOILS, A SYPHILIS Olt VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC SAMARITAN'S RO9OT AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public as a positive ears. Banishes all impurities of The blood and brings the system to a healthy action, cure those Spots, Tatters, Scales and Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Boot and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par tials of the poison. FEMALES! FEMALES • In many affections with which numbers of Jemmies puffer. the hOOT AND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down,Palling of the Womb, ebility, an d all cony plaints incident to the sex. DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of hospitals. Here is a cure in any cue fee $5. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with fall direct Lions. Sold by D. W. GROSS A 00. Sent by Express carefully peeled by DESMOND A CD„ Jane-1y Box 161 Phila. P.O. T HE BEST ZOVE Z B SEWING ' WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE. Market square, next to Colder's Office. Er Cell and me them in operation A gement assortment of mnehinerr and needles ems stently on hand. MISS MARGARET MAE r Will exhibit and sell them, and also do all a/aas I machine sewing on these machines in the beat manner. The patronage of the public is respestfally solicited. aplB-13m DROPOSALB I'OR SIONN BR EDGE. . Proposals will be received at the City Council Chamber till 7 o'clock p. m., September 5. for erect ing a stone bridge over Paxton await, at Paxton street, in this city, according to plans WI 1 specification. on file in the Council Chamber. Proposals will state the prior with brick erebeS ep4 ciao with hewn atone arches; also specify the time of commencement and completion of the work. Proposers will specify what they will allow for the materials on toe ground They will also be required to furnish all the material necessary to do the -work. The Council will reserve the rirrht to reject all bids that they believe will not be to the adv.ntage of the city, or that. they may believe are exorbitant Proposals to be endorsed •-kroposals for b. ide,.." end directed to W 0, Preadent Common Uouncil J. HAEHLBN, D. TiooKait, P HILIP LINN, street Committee Lt district. Augl2-3tawtd. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GIRARD _LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE No. 40S CHESTNUT ST. [CHARTER PERPETUL.] CAPITAL AND ASSETS, - - - $1,543,386 THOMAS BID4WAY, President. JOHN P. JAMP.6, Aetw►ry_ CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LITER on the most reasonable terms They act as Bzecutore, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills,. and ae Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and inve.lbed, together with ft large and constantly illeralLltille reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums. sway be paid yearly, half yearly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodica`ly to the insu rances for life. The 11118 T BONUS. appropriated in December, 1844 the CROOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONDS in Peoenther, tjie FOURTH BONUS in 1889. These additions are made witiout requiring any increaae in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following ere a few examples from the Register : Amount of Polley and Policy. Bum I Bonus or I bonne to be increased rfneured addition by future additions. No. 89 82,600 i 887 50 53,837 60 cc 132 8,000 1,060 001 4,050 00 cc 199 1,000 400 00 1,400 00 cc 333 5,000 1,876 00 6,876 00 Agent a Harrisburg and violll ty. LL/ AX BUEHLER. au2,5 -dly .—The Mechanics' Association of Harrisburg give a PICNIC AT COLD SPRINGS, ON SATURDAY NEXT, AUGUST 29th. Care will leave the Depot of the Lebanon Valley railroad, for +he springs, at 73 o'clock. A walla, invitation is extended to all Mechanics and other citizen/. A Blass Band will accompasy the emersion. Pei es of tickets for the round trip le mints, iv be had at the Depot. Cominsyss Anderson, Michael Runk; Dann Spayd, Abram Steep, John Feltz, Ephraim Hershey aug2s.4t MAD•AME ROSITER Will give information in all the affairs of life, absent friends, sickness and death; and in respect to al other subjects. She N ein be consulted at all hours of the day. and eveeiog t , GENTLEMEN 50 CREEP, LADIES 25 CIEDITS. RESIDENCE IN IffULEtERRY ST., North Side, econd Door from River Alley. Aug 22] M 0 . 20. © z o WILLIAM DURYEA, General Agent Achnbolb'B Iltemebies,. THE GREAT 6 i AMERICAN I.REEEINCESs" KNONVN AS "11ELMBOLD''S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, viz HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT " MICHEL" HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH, I=l MELMBOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATION. ' , HIGHLY CONOENEBATED It COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUOHIT, • A positive and aped& Remedy for Menem of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This medicine increases the power of digestion and et eitts the absorbents into healthy aetwo, ig which the water or calcareous depositions, and all annatmsl es- Itirgemeate, are reduced, as well as pain aoo inthumws tion, and is good for MEN, IMBIBE and CHILDREN., HEIMBOLD'S SX.RRACT RUCH IT, For Weakness arising from ExoeF ear, Habits of /Nor potion, Zany Indiscretion or Abuse, attended 'Mt the FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS: bitelPellitielt to Xxertion, Dryness of the Skin. Lose or Memory, LORI of Power. Weak Nem a, Difilmlty in Breathieg. Horror of Dineen, Trembling, Dimness of Thelon, Wakefulnees, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Flushiog of the Bel , Hot Hands, &option on tlio lane, Pallid Oonntenancs. Thew symptoms, if allowed to go on, which tat medi cine invariably removes, soon foLow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITE. In one of which the patient may expire. Who elm toe they are net frequently to/lowed by those fi dizeful din. °awry) INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION' Many we aware of the cause of their suffering, bet nada will confess. The records of the Imam Asylums, and Me 'melancholy deaths by Oonsumption, bear ample witneis to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE APPZCTID I3Y OE GANIC WEAKNICSS, Esquires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in rate the system,which BELMBOWS 7.1111A0T BUMS invariably does A trial will convince the naost skeptical. rmoiss:o;.6.—.k FEMALES ! FEMALES !! FEMALES !!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OIL CONTRM. PLATING ALLRELIIIII. In many affections peculiar to Perna's", the Extras Buchu in unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorael or Retention, Irregulaeities, Painfulmaa, r r fopperies of Customary Kraeuations, Ulcerated or licirrhons data or-the 'Uterus, Lenoorrh.a or Whims, dterility, sod fora, complaints incident to the sem, whether arising team -is discretion, Habits of .Ditelpation, or in the DECLINE OS CHANGE OP LUZ SIR SYMPTOMS ABOVM, NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOU -;Q;- Take no !Salaam, Mercury or Unpleasant kle.iints, Ernpleaant amt Dangercaut RELNIBOLD'S EXTRACT SMELL' CIIREB SECRiT DBIABBI3 In all their stages, at little expense • little or an awe In diet; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURY. 1 It causes fr. quest desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstinctions, prrveniing aid curio strietutes of the usethra, allaying pain sad intlansuation no frtquent in this class of diseases, and expelling PO/. DONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-OUT MATTA...IL Thousands upon thousands who have been the VICTIMS Or QIIASKS, AM whe hays paid TIFAVY PEES to bavca•e!! to a sbott time, have found they were deceived; and that the * 4 Poi eon ' , Jas. by the nee of a Powertnl Artringenta,"l l best" dried np in the system, to break ont in an aggravated:lmM, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE ITSZ EELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKC: For all Affeetione and Disesteem of the URINARY OK. GANS, whrther exuding in hiAb S OR FEDI LK, from whatever mom othritatmg, and no matter of now long standing . Diaeaaee of theme °viola tt.quire Vast AM of a DalltrflC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT iBUCHU Is THE &REAP DIURETIC, And it is ontain fo hove the debired effect itf -144 D - Jsesaa• for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD!!! KELMBOLDM HIGHLY CONCENTRATRa r COX POIJAD FLUID EXTRACT WUSAPIULU,iI SYPHILIS. This is an affection of the mood, and igttaelati tar masa organs, Linings of the Nome. Ears, Throat, Wlndpme and other memos surfaces, wishing its sppsurance in the form of Veers. HELMBoLD'S Extract narsaparilla purities the Blood and removes all ileaty Eruptions of the akar. giving to the wmplexion a clear and healthy co/or. It being p•epared expressly for this class of tat Bload•parifying properties are preserves to a givaterq; tent than any other preparabiun of harnaparna. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH.. An exeplitmt. lotion for diseases of a SyrkiilN* batuye, and am an injection to dateases • f the lifrinary Orvotbs aria. ins from habi ta of dissipation, used in contention with the Extracts Boni' aod Sams plunk. in such dinnses as recom mended. Evidence of the most respoistbas,an.d reliable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From throe to toooty years' standing, with. tut0...3 kwo9►o TO SCIENCE AND SAME For medical properties of BUCHU, seeptep 'neap • -the United FitateB Bee Yrofessor DMWEEP valuable works on the Pr tlea el' Phygie_ Nee remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICK, Philad-IF Bee remarks made by DP. EPHRAIM biIDOWELL celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal College Mug-one, Ireland, and Dualhhed in the traoaactiona o the King and Quern's Journal se e Mediu.lesetileid $ Sew , retillehed by Wine •MIN TRAVERS, Yellow of Royal Col'ege of Surgeons. See most of the late Standaid Works on Medicate. Extrict 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00 Extract S 1 00 per bottle, or six for SG 00 lmprovid Rose Wash.... 59c. per bottle, or six for $2 SO tir half dozen of each for Sl2, alrch will be sufficient to ewe the most ebettinate it directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address ' sectue/y packed from obser vation. • ID' Describe symptoms in ell comma:callow ....Cure, guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an alderman of tbe city of Philadelphia, H. T. 'lambs , who being &LIT sworn doth any, his preparaliona remain no narcotic, no =w omb Of Other Nilfl6lls dregs but Are pure OI ly v L egetable_ MEOLD. Sworn and subscribed before na., this 23d dayarNar c a a . ber, ]854. WM. P. rIBBSRD, Alderman, it, above ace, Philadelphia. Addrolo lottero for jnformatiou in confidence to T. NELMBOLD,Obecnist. Depot, No. Jai Seat Tenth street, below Otweinnt, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND 'UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dinporp OD THEIR OWN" an • ,s other" articles on the reputation audited by HELMBOLIDB GENUINE PRDPARATIMIS, • lIELIEBOLD'S WINITINS 11Xfilebr 'Warm' RELMBOLD'S GENUINE =THAD I' SARSAPARILLA KELMBOLIDS GENUINE IMPROVED DORE WA9JI . -• Bad by ta Dru g ui.ts everywhere ASK POE HELMEOLD'S—TAKE KO :OTHER Olt. OM the advertisement and lend tiM, it,,Aal graft, ••• a.ay ta