Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, August 24, 1863, Image 2

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    Of all patriotic and virtuous men. lle may I
still maintain, if he chooses, that those mea
sures were necessary ; only let him acknowl
edge that the progress of the war has out
grown such necessities, and that they are no
longer to be persisted In, and a genuine and
generous love of country will cause the past
to-be condoned and forgot ten in approbation of
honest efforts to restore kindly relations be
tween our divided and beligeredt States. Let
him go back and plant himself on his inaugu
ral address, arid avow his intention to keep the
pledges made in that, and repeated in his two
firstmessages, and although there will continue
to be two parties in the - North, we run no haz
ard in assuring him of a generous, conside
rate, and chivalrous treatment from the Demo
cratic party.—World.
Communications will not be publishedin the 11
ND truant unless accompanied With the name of th
No. 37 Park Raw., N. Y., and 6 State Ss., Boston,
Are our Agents for the PATRIOT Az Union in th .
cities, sad are-authorised to take Advertisements en
übseriptions for us at our Lowest Rates.
Or MAMMY .06121NTY.
Democratic County Convention.
At a meeting of the County Committee; held
at the public house of _Jas. Raymond, in the
City of Harrisburg, on the 15th inet., it wae
Resolved, That the Democratic voters of the
several wards,.boroughs and townships in Dau
phin county, are requested to meet at their
usual ,pisees of holding delegate elections, in
the townships, between the hours of five and
seven o'clock, P. M , and in the wards and
boroughs,.between the hours of seven and a
half and nine o'clock, ki„ on Saturday the
Stli day of September next, for the purpose of
eluting two delegates from each ward, bor.
ough and township, to represent them in a
County Convention, which shall be held at the
Court House, in the City of Harrisburg, on
Tuesday, the Bth day of September next, at
two O'clock. P. M., for the purpose of forming
a county ticket, be.
The following changes in the places of hold
ing delegate elections were made, viz :
Susquehanna .Township,—From Miller's school
horse ; to Michael G. Shreiner'a hotel, COW
ifirklletown—Middle Word.—To the public
house of Raymond .& liendig.
A. W. WATSON, Chairman.
Frenjugt *with, Secretary.
Tire letter of our Paris correspondent will
be found specially interesting this week. The
complications the writer hints at ere by no
means impossible. The phase continued civil
war may.assume in the future under the policy
of the administration it is impossible to tell.
'lt is fair to suppose, however, that the South
can never be reclaimed by that policy, and
that rather than suffer subjugation and servi
tude under the role and curse of Abolitionism,
she would hand herself. over to a French pro
tectorate. The figures of the French navy
and land forces given by our correspondent
are difficult to find elsewhere; his eptettletiOUS
are pointedly and ingeniously conceived, his
facts drawn from histofy and actual experi
It is refreshing sometimes to refer to past
-events, if :for no otherpurpose than to contrast
them with the events of to-day. Standing in
juxtaposition, we are sometimes forced to ques
tion the evidence of our senses, and ask
whether everything around us is real—or
merely the baseless fabric of a vision."
Oa the Ist inst., one year ago, the negroes
hold a.stichittiell in Haohnleies woolb, near
this city, -ostensibly to celebrate the anni
versary of the emancipation of slavery in the
British West Indies. 'Some of the orators be
came enthusiastic, and dwelt glowingly upon the
powers of the black man. Tonissaint l'Onver
tare was held up as a model General. and the
stmen) of St. Domingo magnified into bril
liant and victorious warfare. They asserted
that all the negroes of Harrisburg wanted was
an opportunity, and they would make Southern
soil run red with rebel gore—they would make
the Usk-masters of the South bite the dust, and
restore their fellow men to freedom.
w vaunting—this terrible black buncombe,
served as a cue to a number of printer boys,
who, in order to test the courage of the "Ameri
-cancitizens of African.descent," issued a hand
bill-calling upon the descendants of Ham to
meet in the Market House at a specified hour.
Every person could see that it was a sell, so
transparent was the whole thing, 'yet some
minion of the administration it matters
little who—telegraphed to Washington, and
the " cream-faced loon," (}en. Wadsworth,
whom the people of New York decided to have
more money than brains, came to this city, and
at an early hour on Wednesday morning, the
6th of August, arrested the then publishers
and editors °Mho P
aid of a military force, and without warrant.
They were hurried off to Washington City
*without being guilty of any offence, and with
out any knowledge as to what the charge
against them really was. After spending six
teen days in the Old Bastile, at Washington,
it pleased his Highness of the War Department
to give them a hearing, and at this hearing
they learned to their surprise that they were
charged with endeavoring to discourage enlist
%gentle and the handbill in question was • pro
duced in evidence. Judge Advocate Turner
pronounced the charge frivolous, and even
Wadsworth refused to give an opinion upon the
merits of the question. Consequently this day
one year ago the parties were liberated from
their unjust confinement, and to-morrow even
ing will be the anniversary 'of their return.
The reception they received at the hands of
their fellow-citizens must still be fresh in the
memory of our peopler-in theirs it is not likely
to wither so long as they live.
Bo much for the past,;and now a few words
for the present. The meeting of the dailies
caned by the boys has been held within the
year. Negroes have been enlisted and taken
to Mastmehusette to save the precious carcas
ses of the 900,000 Abolitionists promised by
Horace Greeley, and the "swarms" of Governcr
Andrew. Armed negroes have marched through
the streets of Harrisburg, and they are even
included in the draft. The employment of
negro soldiers in every capacity has become
the settled policy of the government, and yet
only one year has elapsed since four citizens
of Harrisburg were dragged to Washington
and imprisoned on the mere suspicion of dis
couraging enlistments by calling-upon negroes
to shoulder the musket ! The organ of the
administratien here advocates the enlistment
of negroes, and so do leading Republiesnit on
the street corners. Yet no one telegraphs to
Washington to arrest them for discouraging
enlistments. It would then appear that what
was a crime in Democrats a year ago is a vir
tue in Republicans now, and that either the
sentiments of the people, including those who
caused the arrest of Messrs. Barrett, Mao Do-
ell, Forster and Jones in 1e62 have undergone
a wonderful change, or they must acknowledge
that it was one of the basest acts of villainy
ever perpetrated by any rascal unhung or out of
the Penitentiary.
The Administration and the War
While it is ofttimes profitable to pore over the
musty records of the past, and determine the
causes which have produced the state of things
which environ us, in order to guard against
the recurrence of such events as injuriously
aircut, our happiness and well-being; it is the
especial province of the practical statesmanto
grapple with things as they are, and with the
materials before him work out the best attaina
ble results.
Without going back to inquire when, where,
end how it originated, we find ourselves in the
midst of a gigantic civil war, unparalleled in
the history of the world, and the question
presses itself upon es, what is best to be done
under the circumstances ? We have won the
elephant at the raffie4 what Will We do With
him ? At the breaking out of the war, the
administration informed us, that it originated
with a few haughty slaveholders and ambitions
demagogues, who, having been beaten at the
last Presidential election, were determined net
to submit to the will of the majority, and
adopted this course in order to retain their su
premacy and maintain their power. Let us
marshal out Aimee, said they, and crush oat
this faction, and in' sixty or ninety days the
Union will be restored. Many earnest men
doubted their conclusions, and felt they mis
took the deep seated disaffection of the entire
Southern people, for the temporary pique of
a few disappointed politicians, yet with great
unanimity and enthusiasm the people of the
North rushed to same. Blinkers vied with each
other in furnishing means. State and National
Legislatures opened up the treasury vaults,
until more men and money were placed at the
disposal of this administration, and more en
larged powers given, than was ever before
wielded by any civilized government. Volun
teers flocked to the field with such rapidity
that upon two or three occasions recruiting
was suspended by the War Department, ell the
ground that they had more men than they
wanted. There was apparently a strong Union
feeling the South, which longed for an op
portunity to express itself again in cheers for
the old flag, and everything appeared favora
ble to the hope of a speedily restored Union.
Two years passeA hundreds of thousands of
human lives were sacrificed—more than a thou
sand of millions of dollars were squandered,
and yet through the weakness and imbecility
of the administration—the want of any well
defined policy—the incompetence of political
Generals—nothing had been accomplished, and
the rebellion was formidable and menacing as
Taking advantage of our want of success—
to which they had largely contributed by slis
keeling the councils of the nation—the radi
cals obtained control' of affairs and induced
Lincoln to issue his famous (or infamous)
emancipation proclamation. This accom
plished, Phillips, Greeley, Wade, Chandler,
and the rest of the fanatical cretrilent up
universal howl of gratification, and declared
that the war was essentially over—that no
more white men would be needed—that the
emancipated negro would himself rise and
strike a stalwart blow for freedom, and in their
fiendish glee chuckled over the anticipated re
enactment of the horrors of St. Domingo.
Seven or tight months more have passed and
what has been the result? The emancipation and
conscription proclamations crushed out every
vestige of Union sentiment in the South, and
,firmly united the entire people in a fixed de.
termination to defend to the last their prop
erty, their firesides and their homes. The negro
did not rise, and preferred to remain at home,
rather than risk the chance of a precarious ex
istence in the North. The white soldier, while
willing to fight for the maintenance of •the
Union and the Constitution, was very reluctant
to risk his life in a war avowedly for the abo
lition of slavery in the South, and the conse
quent destruction of our Constitution and re
publican form of government. The conse
quence has been division and dissatisfaction in
the North, our armies have been depleted by
desertion, volunteering has almost entirely
ceased, and the war has to be carried on by
reluctant levies dragged from their firesides
and their bevies by a remorseless conscription.
Can these things go on always ? Can we con
tinue to spend a thousand millions of dollars,
and sacrifice two hundred thousand lives per
annum for ever ? Have we not continued this
experiment of- a fratricidal war for negro free
dom -long enough ? Is it not time that we
should look about us, gravely consider the cir
cumstances with which we are surrounded, and
endeavor to find some way out of the labyrinth
of difficulties in which we are ;sow wandering ?
Has not unreasoning fanaticism proved a blind
guide which we ought to distrust in the future ?
What, then, can be done ? We say emphat
ically, go to the polls in October, and speak
in thunder tones your condemnation of the
ruinous policy of the present administration ;
tell Abraham Lincoln to withdraw his emanci
pation and confiscation proclamations; call for
an armistice, and treat with the people of the
South as rational human beings having equal
rights, and there can be no doubt that an
honorable pesos on the basis of the Union as
it. was can be obtained in ninety days.
Race our recent victories in the South-west
and elsewhere, the strongest eiridence conies
to us from every part of the South that they
are tired of this fratricidal war, and are anx
ious for peace on any fair and just ter:el. It
is said by Southern papers that Vice President
Stephens, whose overtures Lincoln rejected,
was clothed with full powers to settle the con
troversy on the basis of the old Union. The
committee of planters from Louisiana, who
came to Washington to inquire if that State
could be admitted into the Union, and who
were told in effect that they could not be ad
mitted now, thst an effort must first be made
to abolitioniiee the State, bear testimony to the
state of (Ming there. We hear also that a
strong Union sentiment exists in North Caro
lina and other states.
If this sentiment is nurtured and properly
responded to an early and honoruble peace
is within cur grasp. But will the adminis
tration at Washington so respond'? We End
our answer in the refusal to re-admit Louisi
ana into the Union, in the rejection of the
overtures of Vice President Stephens, in the
persistent attempts to carry out. the emanci
pation and confiscation proclamations, and
in the lives and characters of the Greeley's,
the Sumners and Phillipses, who now absolutely
control our national affairs.
Union on the basis of emancipation is en
tirely impossible; it cannot be dote short of
the extermination of the entire southern people.
The questions, then, fellow-citizens, to be
decided by you at the coming elections are nar
rowed down to this simple issue—will you
endorse the present Administration and ex
haust your blood and treasure in an intermina
ble war for the extermination of the southern
people and the liberation of the negroes ? Ur
will you restore to power the long-tried Demo
cratic party, and through their agency restore
peace to the country under the Union as it was,
and under which you have been blessed with
prosperity and happiness ? Will y.eu have an
arbitrary government, absorbing all your re
served rights, or will you, under Democratic
rule, restore the supremacy of the Constitution,
of liberty and law ?
PHILADDLPH/A, August 23 —James Peacock,
for many years postmaster at Harrisburg and
a prominent citizen, died to-day, aged 76
CINCINNATI, Aug. 22.—The Gazette has re
ceived advices, from Roseerans's army to the
18th, and from Burnside to the 19th. Both
armies had commenced a forward movement,
the former for Chattanooga, and the latter for
Knoxville. The troops were in good condition
and fine epirite.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21.—The money mar
ket is easy.
Considerable sums continue to arrive from
\the East for investment in mining stocks,
Atlantic Currency Exchange is quoted at
21®28 per cent. premium for gold in New
York. Greenbacks 80. Sterling Exchange
48 per cent.. premium. .
The leading mining stocks, excepting Ophir,
have declined. Ophir is worth $2,400 per
foot., and Gould & Curry $47.
A large amount of unemployed tonnage is
in port. Some favorable charters for grain to
Europe have been made.
The political contest is active, and the elec
tion takes place on the &rat Wednesday ili
September. Messrs. Weller, Tod and Robin
son are canvassing the State.
PHILADELPHIA; August 28.—The United
States steamer Arkansas arrived at the navy
yard this morning. The following dispatch is
him Mr. C. C. Fulton, the agent of the Asso
ciated Press:
"Ei,A4 Eurr DiNotoßE,
TUESDAY Itioama, August IS. )
•The attack on Fort Sumpter was commenced
at daybreak yesterday morning by the siege
guns of Gen., Gilmore and the naval battery on
shore. At 6 o'clock Admiral ahlgrea pro
ceeded on board the Weehawken and with the
Ironsides and entire monitor eet attacked
torts Wagner and Gregg with gr at fury, com
pletely silencing fort Wagner a d almost si
lencing fort Gregg.
The wooden gunboats, seven i 4 number, ale.,
joined in the assault, and enab ed all of the
shore batteries to pour their sho and shell into
At 10 o'clock the Admiral changed his flag
to the Pannier, and with the tiatapsco pro
seeded to within about 1,400 ards of Fort
Sumpter, and shelled the sea all with the
rifle guns of those vessels for out an hour
With marked effect.
Sumpter fired about fifty retur l n shots, doing
no damage to the vessel, whilst the wall of
Sumpter was badly scarred.
Fleet Captain George W. Rod ers took com
mand of his old vessel, the M nitor Catskill,
and went up into the fight, goins within a hun
dred and fifty yards of the he ich in front of
Fort Wagner. After firing a n tuber of shots,
a shot from Wagner broke loos a piece of the
interior lining of the pilot housti, which struck
on the head Commander Roters, instantly
killing him, as well as payma ter Woodbury,
who was standing at his side. I Both of their
heals were split open. They ;were the only
persons injured on land or water during the
six hours engagement. ,
The damage to Fort Sumpter by the siege
batteries of General Gilmore is !v isible without
the aid of a glass.
The rebels had erected a fal4 wall against
the wall exposed to the army batteries. It
extended to within ten feet of ;the top of the
wall, was over 40 feet high an 4 tea feet thick.
This wall is now a mass of ruin, while the old
wall is bored full of deep holes, the parapet
crushed and gagged, and the northwest corner
gashed and cracked down almost to the water's
The 'harbor and Steno rivet are filled with
torpedos, about a dozen of which have been
picked up in Stono, and one , was exploded
under the Patapsco, raising her a foot out of
Water, but doing /lei No harm.
None of the vessels were !injured in the
least, and the Admiral and officers are confi
dent in the ability of the monitors to batter
down Sumpter.
The Admiral is anxious, hOwever, to save
the vessels for the heavy wokk rtquired of
them after Sumpter ie taken, land to let the
Army reduce Fort Sumpter if ipossible.
The fleet, except the Weehawken and Na
hant, all retired before 2 o'clock, but they re
mained to keep Wagner silent, during the af
ternoon, and to prevent the remounting of the
The shore batteries continued firing all the
afternoon and night on the wall of Sumpter
with good effect.
This morning the weather is cool and clear,
and the batteries steadily at work. The Wee
hawken find Passaic are keeping forts Wagner
and Gregg silent, and up tonoon, when the
Arkansas sailed, the remainclOr of the fleet are
lying at their moorings.
The bodies of Captain Rodgers and Paymas.
ter Woodbury have been embalmed and will go
North on the Arkansas.
General Gilmore announces that the work
thus far has been entirely satisfactory, that
the Fort is badly damaged, aid the work pro
gressing finely.
Admiral Dablgren is much ;depressed by the
lose of Fleet, Captain ltodgers, but is highly
gratified with the operations of the fleet and
army, and very hopeful of ultimate success.
Up to the sailing of the Arkansas, at noon,
the siege guns have been hurling shell at Fort
Sumpter with marked effect.
Two of the monitors, the Ironside and some
of the gunboats are shelling forts Wagner and
LEAVRXWORTH, August 21.—About G o'clock
last evening the guerrilla chief Quantrell, with
a force about 800 strong, crossed from Mis-
Mei into Kansas, near the town of Gardner,
60 miles below here, and immediately started
for Lawrence. Arriving before that town at
four o'clock, this morning, he posted a guard
around the city, so that the people could not
escape, and, with the remainder of hie force,
commenced pillaging the stores, shooting citi
zens and firing houses.
A gentleman who managed to escape, and
secreted himself in a corn field near the town,
reports that be swam the river at 8 o'clock,
and, c.a reaching the bluff this side, had a
plain view of the town, which was then a sheet
of flames. From what he saw he thinks that
the loss would reach two millions, and by this
time much more, as the rebels seemed deter
mined to destroy - everything that would burn.
We cannot learn that any resistance was made,
the citizens being taken 000:ipletely by Sur
prise, the first alarm being the crackling of
the flames and the shouts of the rebels.
James H. Lane was in the city, and it is
feared that he has fallen into the hands of the
guerrillas, as it was almost impossible to es
cape through their lines.
A large number of Union troops have been
sent in pursuit of the rebels, but with what
swriess we have not yet learned.
Mayor Anthony, of this city, has issued a
proclamation stating that the people of Leaven
worth need not apprehend any trouble, but
requests every able-bodied citizen to provide
himself with the best arms he can, and hold
himself in readiness to aid his friend in any
of the Slate at a moment's nOliee. lle
censures the general commanding the district,
who, he says, with 5,000 troops under his
command, has allowed a few hundred guerril
las to get fifty miles into the interior, burn a
destroy two millions worth of property,
and intimates that the citizens must depend
upon themselves for the defence of the city and
JAcizsbx, Augueit 18.—The Federal cavalry
from Yazoo city have reached Duvout station,
on the Mississippi railroad, where they cap
tured a train and cut the telegraph wires. A
serious deatrustioi of the railroad southward
is apprehended.
The Yankees are carrying Iwo engines and
trains northward from Baden, and a heavy raid
is coming southward from the Charleston road.
CureAoo, August 21.—A special dispatch
from Memphis says the 17th army corps is now
stationed at Vicksburg. A species of intermit
tent fever is prevalent among the soldiers there,
and those taken sick are promptly removed to
hospitals here. Very foie troops Ore quartered
in Vicksburg—only enough to do police duty—
the rest are encamped on the heights back of
the city.
General Sherman's corps is still encamped
near the Big Black, on Bear and Clear creeks.
This corps has bad the hardest service of the
campaign, yet they enjoy better health than
any other.
The 13th army corps, under General. Ord, has
moved to Natchez, for sanitary reasons. They
will remain there for the present..
Admiral Porter's fleet is scattered along the
Mississippi river, from New Orleans to Cairo.
The intermediate distances between the points
where the gunboats are stationed are patroled
by light•draught boats. There is no special
news from below.
A4vioes from gteele's Arkansas expedition
are looked for soon from Helena.
11.IEMPHIS, August 21.—Advioes from Arkan
sas say that an the rebel forces in that State
are concentrated at Almeda, five miles below
Little Rock. Kirby Smith had arrived and
taken command. The troops were erecting
fortifications. •
The people in the White river country are
in a starving condition, and there is a strong
disposition throughout the State to accept
peace on any terms.
W. H. Lee, a friend and classmate of the edi
tor of the Bulletin, just from Georgia, says
nothin g mu cola the ebjeet starving people
of the Southern States, and the prevailing un
mitigated despotism. The people are ripe
for a movement to overthrow their rulers,
and such action cannot touch longer be be
NORFOLK, August 21.—The Richmond Whig
of to-day, received here, has the following:
Gila:lmmToN, August 20. The enemy's
operations, during the last twenty-four hours,
have been mostly confined to a steady and con
tinuous bombardment of Fort Sumpter, from
their Parrot guns on Morris Island. The fire
begins to tell on Fort Sumpter, which replies
only at long intervals. The defence of the
harbor does not depend mainly upon Sumpter,
even if that fortress should be battered down.
Governor Bonham has issued a proclamation
urging the removal of all non-combatants from
Charleston as soon as possible. The 200-pound
Parrott guns of the enemy are too much for
th e wails of Sumpter, and the fort only replies
at intervals. It has been determined to defend
the city, street by street, and house by house,
as long as a foot of earth is left.
BOSTON, August 21.—George W. Linn Pren
tiss C. Baird, and Wm. Brown, all residents of
Lee, Mass., were brought before United States
Commissioner Hallett today, on the charge of
giving aid and comfort to the rebels by manu
facturing bank note paper, having the mark
•' C. S. A." in the centre of the bills. A 'toile
prosequi was entered in the case of Baird that
he might appear as a witness. Linn was held
in $B,OOO to Appear at the September term of
the Court. Brown, who worked for Linn, was
held in $l,OOO.
CHICAGO, August 21.—The Republican State
O u nieotion of Minnesota met here yesterday,
and nominated Col. Stephen A. Miller for Gov
ernor, and C. D. Sherwood for Lieutenant-Gov
ernor. For the ether State officers the present
incumbents were nominated.
Governor Pierpont is in Washington making
arrangements for putting the government of
the State of Virginia into operation, the seat
of government to be at Alexandria. With this
view the first Legislature will be 479/3VeUed in
extra session probably in September, when
that body will elect a Treasurer and Auditor,
for without them no salaries can be paid nor
the taxes collected in the several counties de
posited. By the ervatiou of this 4tate of West
Virginia the snm of $lOO,OOO was left to the
credit of the remaining portions of the Old
Dominion. The new term of Governer Pier
pont will commence in January next, the elec
tion having taken place on the 28th of last
May in those parts of Eastern Virginia free
from Confederate coutrol. Thus, there are
three Governors in what we formerly known
as one State, including the rebel functionary
at Richmond.
Magnet 2.1, 1863.
I have information from three different
sources which leads me to believe that the
rebels have left our front- and gone south to
Deserters who came across the Rappahan
nock say that the movement of troops towards
Fredericksburg from Culpepper was only a
ruse to cover Lee's real object—i. e., to enable
him to move his troops southward by way of
Day before yesterday large bodies of rebel
cavalry dashed down towards the Rappahan
nock at the separate fords, driving in our pick
ets, They came boldly out in Fight of our
lines and deployed in fine line of battle order.
Immediately all the corps along the river were
put under arms, in which position' they re
mained until morning, when, behold the enemy
had withdrawn !
The following order has just been issued
from the headquarters of the army of the Potc
mac :
GENERAL ORDER, No. 80.—First. For the
purpose of giving full freedom of choice to this
army in the selection of newspapers, it is or
dered that any officer or enlisted man wishing
to purchase any daily journal not now fur
nished by the agent appointed under the pro
visions of the circular of June 2, may give no
tice thereof to the provost marshal of the com
mand to which he btlongP, who shall forward
the same through the provost marshal of his
corps to the Provost Marshal General, who
shall instruct said agents to furnish the same
without delay, and a neglect on his part to
comply with such instructions shall be held
sufficient cause for vacating the appointment.
or run Ananuisrassaox.—ln a recent speech
made by Gerrit smith in Oswego, that gentle
man cuts loose from the radicals of the Ad
ministration, the editor of the New York Tri
bune, and all the other Abolitionists who insist
upon putting down slavery before restoring the
Union. He asks :—" Are there Abolitionists
who any they cannot help to put down the re
bellion unless the government will pledge it
self to put down slavery ? Let me say that
with such one idea men I have no sympathy.
Like the sham Republicans and sham Demo
crats I have referred to, they are but workers for
the rebels." Again he says :—" Are there, I
repeat, Abolitionists who, in such a time as
this, stand back and refuse to join in putting
down the rebellion save on the condition that
slavery shall also be put down ? Then are
they also to be numbered with the enemies of
the country." Mr. Smith will therefore find
the greatest enemies. of the country in the
Cabinet of Mr. Lincoln and in the Tribune
After deelaring in favor of the Union as it
was and the Constitution "just as it is," he
refers to Mexico, upon which he remarks, with
justice and force, "If our rebellion should
succeed, her fate is sealed, If it should fail,
then it may even be that Napoleon's is sealed."
These extracts show that, after all, Gerrit
Smith is a practical statesman, while the vis
ionary radicals are ever mounting by'some
" higher law " to the clouds, in wandering
mazes lost. By the course the administration
is pursuing, if not arrested in its mad career,
not only will the fate of Mexico be sealed, but
the rebellion will be successful in the end, and
the whole country, North and South, be in
volved in irretrievable ruin. Already we are
menaced by the intervention of Napoleon, an
eventuality which is extremely probable from
the manner in which the war is carried on.
But let it be brought to a speedy close by fol
lowing out the programme laid down by the
President in his first proclamation, and in the
resolution or c0ng....0 r"''.‘l. in August, 1861,
and soon Mexico will be an independent nation
once again", and the French eagles will have to
wing their way from this continent, never to
By ordering Calomel and destructive minerals from CA
supply tables, has conferred a bleos:ng on our sick sol
diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dis
continuance of iglileedingi" and the use of BRAND
BETH'S PILLS in the place thereof. Then will
commence c, unew era 93 in the practice of Medicine.
which would then become emphatically
I have for thirty years taught that no diseased ac
Lion could be cured by mercury or tartar emetic. That
the human body could only be "made whole , ' by g4reg-
etable food"—Animal fool being, in fact,' condensed
vegetables. BRANDILETIVS PILLS should be in
every Military liospital. These Pills cure BILIOUS
DYSENTERY, and all fevers and Affections of the
Bowels sooner and more surely than any medicine la
the world. BRANDRETII'S PILLS in these eases
should be taken night and morning. Read directions
and get new style
Dr. B. Brandreth, New York:
SIR: I was a private in Co. P, 17th Regiment, New
York Vole. While at Rarrison's Landing and on the
Rappahannock near Falmouth, I and many of the Com
ray were sick with bilious diarrhoea, The Army Sur
geon did not mare us, and I was reduced to skin and
bone. Among the Company were quite a number of
members who had worked in year Laboratory at Sing
Sing. They were not sick, because they used Brand
reth's Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others
to use tile Pills, and we were ill fused is Croat two to
five days. After this our boys need Brandreth's Pills
for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and in no case
didathey fail to restore health•
Oat of gratitude to you for my good health, I send
you this letter, which, if necessary, the entire Com
pany would sign.
I am. respectfully, yours,
Principal office, 294 Canal street, New York.
For sale in Rarrisburg by (CEO. H. BELL
To Horse Owners.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horses
is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, ari
sing from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is
magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Halls, Scratch
es, Mange, &c., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and
Bingbona may be easily prevented and cured in their
incipient stages, but confirmed cases Are beyond the
possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, how
ever, is so. desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated
by this Liniment, and its faithful application wilt al
ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to
travel with comparative ease.
Every horse owner should have this remedy at hand,
for Us timely use at the fleet appearanee of Lameness
will effectually prevent those formidable diseases men
tioned, to which all horses are liable, and IPhich render
so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless.
See advertisement ap2o eow•d&w
Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTNINO
preparation is the prescription of oneof the beet female
physicians and nurses intim United States, and has been
used for thirty years with never failing ssfety and sus
ceas by millions of mothers and children, from the fee
ble intuit of see *reek .old to the whet.
It not only relieves the child from pain, tnt Meg°
rates the stomach and - bowels, corrects acidity, an
gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al
most instantly relieVe
We believe it the best and meat remedy 'in the world
CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from
ear Other cause.
. directions (or using will accompany each bottle.
None genuine unless Melee siinile of CURTIS te PER
KINS, New York, is on tke ontaide wrapper.
Bold by all Medicine Dealers.
Principal Office, 48 Dey street, New York.
Price only 2.6 twice per bottle.
Eamon or PATRIOT AND UNlezi;
Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the
readers of your paper that I will send by re'urn mail to
all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directiom
for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that wi:l
effeetruilly remove, in 10 days, Pimples, DlotCbeo, Tao,
Freckles, and ez Impurities of the Pkin, leaving the
same soft, clear, am loth and beautiful.
I will also n ail free to those haring Bald H ea d s 67
Bare Faces, Simple directions and info•tnation that will
enahle them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Heir,
Whiskers, or a MOubtacke, in less than 30 days. All
applications answered by return mail without charge.
Fespectfully yours,
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
No 831 Broadway, New York.
je23 Said
- A Friend. in Need. Try it.
psred from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connec
tient, the great bone setter, and has been need in his
practice for the last twenty years with the most aston
ishing success . As an sztelpal remedy it is Witirt a
rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily th any
other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous
Disorders it it truly infallible, and as a curative for
Sores,Woundo, Sprains, Bruises, &C., its soothing, heal
rhening properties, excite the
just awndonder powerfuland astonishment
strenof all who haveever
given it a trial. Over four hundred eertiGee.tee of re
markable cures, performed by it within the last tiro
years, attest this fact.
See advertisement.
New 2thuertionnento.
NARY.—The fall session of this Institution will
commence on We dnesday, September 2
Aug 18-iltd • S. N. DIXON, Principal.
Will gin information in All the &lobo Cf uro e.bses-.
friends, sickness and death, and in respect to all other
satrjects. She can be consulted at all hours of the day
and evening.
North Side, Second Door from River Alley.
Ain; 22] N 0 . 20. [1.9
WANTED—A substitute; 25 cents.
The Two Pickets. by Ogden N. Dodge; E 9 OWL
The Miseries of Sneezing by Dodge; 30 cents.
Hiss Me Once More, Mother, by Thompson ; 30 cents.
Whether I Love Tbee, ifranzabt ; 25 cents.
Within the Convent Garden, by Thalberg; 25 cents.
Shall Freedom Droop rnd Die, by Leland; '25 cents.
The above are a few songs ont of over 155 new pieces
of Music just received at WARD'S NIIIStO STORE.
Third street. aug 22-31
Will be sold at public rale, on wednesday, August
26th• 1863 at my stable in Vine street, 13arristurg,
Pa., one" ay trotting borse, who hes trotted in 2.52, sic
years old; several pairs of matche driving bones;
farm, draught and riding borne)). Tile sae embrace,
BOMB fine stock, and will belsoul without reserve to no
highest and bet bidders. The terms r f sale; will be a
deducti' n of five per cent, for cash or note, with ap
proved security, for ninety days. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock. W. DIETZGAII.
August 21-dtd.
TO BOOT MAKERS.—Wanted, at
IL PETER SANDERS', in Walnut street next to the
Dauphin County Prison, two good Boot Makers and one
Mender. None but the best workmen need apply. Wil!
pay higher wages than any other manufacturer in the
city, A ilt/8-/T*
Persons having legal claims to exemption from the
draft can have their cases prepared and presented to the
Board on application to R. E. FERGUSON, Attorney At.
Law, Second street, opposite Buehler Bouse. Orme
with Wm H. Miller, Big. Aug 12—fwd.
Messrs. BECKER & FALK, Proprietors, announce to
the citizens of Harrisburg that this cool and delightful
Bummer retreat is now open for visitors. Accommoda
tions will be furnished to parties and pic-nice at reason
able terms, a dancing platform having been erected f.
their special use. Season tickets for families, good for
one year, $l.OO
No improper "characters admitted, and no intoxicated
person will be permitted to visit the Island.
A Ferry Boat plies constantly between the Island and
the foot of Broad street, West Harrisburg. jel3-3m
A good Horse, Coal Cart and humans will be sold
at a bargain. Call on Judge Dock, opposite the Court
House, [Aug 15—dIn*J BILLIARD DOCR•
susarirms, AND
The undersigned, Military Claim Agents, tender their
services for the procuring of Substitutes for Drafted
men, as well as for the securing of the highest price
for those wishing to offer themselves as Substitutes.
They will register the names of each class referred to,
with the exhalants, in money, proposed to be given ty
the one and to be received by the other.
Drafted men who are legally exempt can have all the
papers prepared necessary to establish their claims to
exemption by calling upon the undersigned.
Those interested are invited to call at the office, in
the Exchange Buildings, opposite the 7 auphin County
Prison. kIecDOWELL mmivinE,
auls-lm Military Claim Agents.
Any drafted man from this district, desiring to
volunteer in the 47th Regiment P. V., stationed at Rey
West, Fla., will be accepted, by applying to the sub
scriber. The' , will receive $27 before leaving for the
Lient. W. W. GEETY,
Second et. 2 doors below Renter's Hardware store
RISBURG ACA DEMY will open on Monday,
the slat of August. for Teoenoiee evelf to
3.1. BEELER,
all-5t eod
Business in relation to the draft carefully and relia
bly attended to.
Exemption papers drawn up with care, and cases
argued before the Board of Enrollment at moderate
Any perfigng within to go as substitute for any
drafted man, will receive the highest cash price on ap
plication at the established Otaim Agency of
EUGENE SEYDEA, Attorney at Law,
ann-lird Third street near Market, Harrisburg, Pa.
laid out by direction of the ConliFiSeieners of
the City Surrey, and confirmed by act or Legislature.
containing numerous courses and distancea of the
streets, squares, Ice.. marked on it, and designating the
different wards, public baild lags, &c. It is, is tact,
the only correct map of the city. For sale by
H. HAGIi, Chief Regulator,
Cor. ad et. and Cranberry alley._
Proposals will be received at the City Coolie!
Chamber till 7 o'clock p. m., September 5. for erect
ing a atone bridge over Paxton creek, at Pexte a street.
in this city, according to plans ant specifications on
file in the Council Cliamber, Proposals Will state the
price with brick arches and also with hewn atone !tract::
also specify the time of commencement and completion
of the work.
Proposers will specify what they will allow for rile
materials on tee ground. They will also bs require"
10 fUrpish all the material necessary to do Ito work.
The Council will reserve the rieht to reject all Vi 4
that they believe will not be to the advantage or tL
city, or that they may believe are exorbitant
Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for b. idga, l3
directed to W 0, BICROK.
President Common Ctuncil
D. Docxgß,
1" Irma' I /31P$
Street Committee Ist district. Au ;12-3! wtd
A. R. SWISHER & CO , haring opened en ale , ' i.'
Carlisle,at the GovernmentAsseesor's office.in Sheer;
Ball, are now prepared to famish substitutes at fa::
Substitutes supplied from this office will be dbit
ied Aliens, not subject to draft. All drafted re oo '
served by us are guarantied a release (tom the draft..
Apply at once, in person or by letter, at the "ha-
Coma Substitute Agency, ,, ,Rbeem , s Hall, Carlisle.
Refereneest.—J. M. Weakley, Joseph Ritner. jr
Rheem. A. K. bwissEß & CO.
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Quarter Seseio se
of Dauphin county, notice is hereby given to the Coro•
missiooers of said county, and to the property holder'.
along the line of Cumberland street, from 7th Rita 4 '
Bth street and Yerbeke street, from Fulton street to
7th street, in the City of Harrisburg, that upon the Pe"
tition:of the Mayor of said ally, the Court has appot° -
ted six ldewers' to assess the damages caused by the
*fling 'of said streets, and that they will proceed to
adMilith Mid dainagell Fetchty, the 21st day of Awls'.
at 10 o'clock a, m., at which Urea sli psetice in
terested may appear upon the ground
W. Beyßothivir,pro•
anlo.lotd City dolici tor.
SMOKED SALMON.—A choice supply
for aide loy WM, DOCIEjr,, a co.