Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, August 22, 1863, Image 2

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    rti j e vairiet &fdniett,
O. BARI - TETT & CB., 1110PRIZTOra
Communications sill not be published in the PATRIOT
Na rs/os unless accompanied with the name of th
No. 37 Park Row. N.Y., and a State St., Boston.
Are oar Agents for the PATRIOT Ja UNION ID 'MOOD
'Mee, and are authorised to take Advertisements and
abarolptiona for as at oar Lowest Rates.
Democratic State Central Committee.
The following is the State Central Committee as ap
pointed by Hon. FINDLAY PATTERSON, of Washing
ton county, who, as 15 esident of the late Democratic
Cony elution, was authorized by a resolution of the body
to announce the Committee. It consists of a Chairman,
and Representatives of the several Senatorial Dia' riots
into which the state is divided ;
Hon. Cams J. BIDDLE, Chairman.
st Diatrict—Theodore Gluier ; Philadelphia.
Do Robert J. Hemphill.... do.
D0.....J0hn Fullerton, jr do.
Do. ...Tease Leech do.
2d.... d0.....J0hn D. Evans, Chester county.
8d... do Wm. H. Witte, Montgomery county.
ath...do Wzn. T. Rogers, Bucks county.
5th...d0..... Thomas Beckman. Northampton county.
Sth,..do Birder Clymer, Boas county.
7th...d0 William Randall Schuylkill county.
8th...d0... .. Asa Packer, Car bon county.
Mh...do.....hlichael Mylert, Sullivan county.
10th...d0 Stephen 8 Winchester, Lucerne county.
11th...d0 Mortimer E. Elliot, Ticga county:
12th...d0 John H. flumes, Lycoming county.
13th...d0 William hallo; Northumberland county.
14th...de.....E1eamel Hepburn, Cumberland county.
10th...d0 William M. Breslin, Lebanon county.
16th...d0..... George Sanderson, Lancaster county.
D 0..... James Patterson do.
17th...d0.....J0hn F Spangler, York county.
111th...d0..... Henry Smith, Fulton county.
29th...d0 J Simpson Africa, Huntingdon county.
2Dth...do_....Williant Clearfield county,
215t....d0..... Hugh Weir. Indiana county.
224.....d0.....Th0mas B. Searight, Fayette county.
T. 11.Paniey, Greene county.
24th...d0 tied. W Cass, Allegheny county.
D 0..... James P. parr .. . . . ....do.
25th._.de James G. Campbe ll, Butler county.
26th...d0.....DaYid S. Morrie, Lawrence eteatlty.
27th...d0 Thomas W. Graron, Crawford musty.
28th...d0 h ennedy L Blood, Jefferson county.
The several County Committees of Superintendence
are requeated to communicate the mammy and postoifice
Adams of their members to the Chairmen of the State
Central Committee: Editors of Democratic papers In
Pennsylvania are requested to forward copies to him.
CHARLES J. BIDDLE, Chairman. '
Demottatio Codikty vokivention.
At a meeting of the County Committee, held
at the public house of Jas. Raymond, in the
tity of Harrisburg, on the 15th inst., it Whß
Resolved, That the Democratic voters of the
several weds, boroughs and townships in Dau
phin county, are requested to meet at their
usual places of holding delegate elections, in
the townships, between the hours of five and
seven o'clock, P. M., and in the wards and
boroughs, between the hours of seven and a
half and nine o'clock, P. ht„ on Saturday the
sth day of September next, for she purpose of
electing two delegates from each ward, bor
ough and township, to represent them in a
County Convention...which shall be held at the
Court House, in the City of Harrisburg, on
Tuesday, the tk,h day of September next, at
two o'clock. P. M., for the purpose of forming
a county ticket, &c.
The following change in the places of hold
ing delegate elections were made, viz
Susquehanna Township.—From Miller's school
house, to Michael G. Shreiner's hotel, Coxes
Nidtligtown—ltiVie Ward..—To the public
house of Raymond & Kendig.
A. W. Wersos, Chairman.
Franklin Smith, Secretary.
Schuylkill County—lllegal Arrests.
We are sorry that the account of the illegal
arrest and imprisonment of seven citizens of
Schuylkill county reached us too late for this
morning's paper. It will be published on
Lincoln's Policy
" The Government has decided not to retain
any officer in the army whose views on the war
policy are not in with its own." So
says the New York Commercial Advertiser,
which, being a leading advocate of the Ad
ministration, may be taken as good authority.
This would exclude every Democratic officer
from command—and knowing the delicate po
sition in which they stand, many of them, who
do not desire to leave the army, have really be
come, or pretend to be, better Abolitionists
than the President_ If the same rule were to
be applied to the privates; we should soon have
a rampant Abolition army, or no army at ali—
as two-thirds of the rank and file are -Demo
Curtin no Politician.
The Philadelphia Dial, in the middle of an
article in favor of Curtin for Governor, inno
cently exclaims : " We don't want a politician !"
How Curtin will smile when he reads this.
Why, he has been, ever since the first dawn of
his maJhood, a mousing, scheming. intriguing
politician—a pot-house demagogue, and noth
ing more. He is that to-day—stumping the
State like a sturdy beggar, asking alms of every
one he meets—now addressing the dear peo
ple, and now carousing with his intima\s
friends and counsellors. The Dial knows thiN
—everybody who knows anything knows it
and we can only account for Curtin's friends
resorting to the miserable "no-party" "dodge
on the supposition that they believe the people
to be fools_ If this is their idea, they will
soon discover their mistake.
Malne—Canada—Spilt in tae Republican
An intelligent friend who has jastmeturned
from " a professional tour through the Eastern
Stites, thence , via Montreal, etc., hotat," com
municates the following interesting intern
" I have great hopes of the State of Maine,
as bit at out 6,000 majority have to bo sat deed
to redeem that State.
"Canada is full of runaway Abolition Yan
kees, eku'king the conscription of their own
fanatical party.
0 A great Republithin party split hal taken
place between the New gnglanders and the
party in the Northwestern States, based upon
this fact : that, whilst the former are making
l aud gains in Government contracts, and get
ting rich OR blood and plunder, the latter are
suffering from drought, stoppage of the Mis
sissippi trade, and drain of population , to carry
on a neguemancipation war inaugurated by
the former. •
This will be developed in the fall elections
-i n mi c higan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, &0., to the
-surprise of many--1111 70U WW Ioo."
The Treacnery of the Administration.
The political condition of the country,
moulted by the policy of the present National
Administration, has not been slow enough in
process, nafortunately, to be unfelt. The rapid,
heaclong strides of the party in power toward
the accomplishment of those deeigns,whieh, for
a time, since the beginning of the war, were
hidden in the fair promises made tote the peo
ple far purposes of conciliation and support,
have disclosed too anon the treachery of their
authors,to win the nation:to forgetfulness of the
past. Haste has been begotten Of failure and
despair. Recklessness has supplanted prudedoe
'with the sense of decaying power_ Two yeal
ago rancor and regret were reconciled to trust
the assurances of compromise and conserva
tism, made by the President in the dark mad
solemn hour of national atllictien.—T wo years
ago a single, earnest purpose animated, with an t
distinction of party, the people of the loyal
States.-9 great thought, common to all, filled
the mind and heart of the nation. The world
witnessed for the second time in our history,
the spectacle which has since gradually faded
out of view—of a united North bent upon the
accomplishment of our national salvation. We
trusted, believed, forgot the eivisions our en
emies prettilned upon as an element of their
own strength, put faith in the men who were
over us, and in the holiness and justice of our
cause. Two years has undeceived us; two
years has taught us the experienee of elisap.
pointment and chagrin, and filled with morti
fication and despair the hopes that were cher
ished in stern resolves and generous sacrifice.
The history of that period has developed the
Most stupendous duplicity over practiced upon
a civilized people, and in bringing new issues
to the war has brought fresh burdens on the
The treachery of the men in power insti
gated by a restless tendon in their midst,
is heart-sickening to the believer in the
true destiny of the nation ; it can no more be
rararded with success than can the maohins
lions of the Father of Lies. It has degraded
the national character and seduced the national
virtue, and lent a low tendency to the tone of
our national life. It has not only divided the
North, retarded theosperations of our arms, and
delayed success, but it has engendered a pol
icy of deception practically subversive of the
rights of our own people.—lt is the origin of
proscriptive leagues, oppressive but artfully
worded laws, secret designs upon the elective
franchise, false official intelligence, suppres
sion of facts and the .circulation of lies,
official intrigue, jealousy and debauchery
The President himself—God pity us, lis
people ! stands to-day before the world
convicted of the conspicuous crime of perjury
to his oath of office, and the deliberate avowal,s
of his inaugural address. In mockery of Di
line justice he calls upon his people at stated
times, to pray for the welfare of the Union—
but for sins so grave a deeper penance has
been required and is requited in the fast in
creasing evils and sorrows that have come upon
Andrew G. Curtin.
This gentleman, whose health was so feeble
a shdrt time since as to induce him to decline
a re-nomination, is now vigorously stumping
the State, begging those whom he has helped
to beggar to re-elect him. In order to help
him along in his canvass, we publish gratis a
compliment or two paid him by monitors of
his own party. The Governor is, proverbially,
a modest man, and will not blazon his vir
tues before the people, and most of his friends
partake too amok of the same amiable weak
ness to be of much service to him. But there
are exceptions—the Pittsburg Gazette and'
Dispatch seem disposed to do him justice, and
as we feel charitably disposed towards him,
we quote their eulogiuma with pleasure. They
are both Republican papers of the Abolition
dye, and neither the Governor nor his friends
can except to their testimony.
The &watch says;
"Mr. Curtin, so long ago as the 16th of
April, annnounced that he should 'retire from
the office' at the close of his term, assigning as
a reason therefor, that his constitution had
been so completely broken down by'the labo
rious duties of his office that a prolongation of
those duties might endanger hie life. For the
consolat on of the select circle of friends' who
might have grieved over his complete retire
ment to private life, his Excellency further
intimated that a mug diplomatic position,
which he should not feel at liberty to refuse,
had been tendered him. To say that this early
and official announcement of Governor Curtin's
intention to abandon any designs on the Guber
natorial chair was hailed with satisfaction by
the sincere advocates of Republican'principles
throughout the State, is to give but a taint idea
of the relief such a prospect afforded.
"It is idle to disguise the fact that the pre
vious course-of Gov. Curtin had not been Bette
factory to the masa or the Republican party.
Rightfully or wrongfully, he has been held
responsible by the voters of the party for the
shoddy swinoles which disgraced the State's
management of her quota of three mouths'
troops ; he is held responsible for the misman
agement of the reserve corps, and for the
shamefully bungling manner in which the draft
of 1862 was put into operation. Since his de
clination has been published, the course of
Gov. Curtin has even been more unsatisfactory
to men of his party, especially in the westein
portion of the State. During the last invasion of
the Monongahela valley by the rebels, all
efforts of the authorities here to secure even
the privilege of organizing troops for home
defence, failed; and during the later invasion
by Lee's army, instead of adopting a decisive
policy of enrollment, the State authorities
published frantic appeals to the people, and
made daily changes in the form of enlistments,
until military affairs in the State were thrown
into utter cenfaiion."
Tnis extract has the merit of being both
true and complimentary, and we have no doubt
will be appreciated by his Excellency.
The Gazette is by no means behind its con-
temporary in laboring to do justice to the Gov
ernor. It speaks plainly, but the people love
candor, and will pronounce fairly upon the
facts on the day of election. Addressing Abe
conVetiliOn that 10Mill,Ited Curtin, the Gazette
remarks : . •
4•We trust that nobody will allow himself to be
mi: Ltd by the idea that a man like Curtin, and
whits uch a record as we have shown of him,
can be forced upon the people er this country by
putting him in nomination against their will.
We know what we say, when we give notice to
those who may be tempted to this view, that
he is universally believed by the people here to be .
corrupt—to have sold the age and the party both
—and to be au3 thing but well affect ed to the na
tional administration or the truly loyal men at
home ; they know indeed so well the sort of
company he keeps, and the kind of influences
that have governed him, that we have ket
given shape and utterance to their invincible
repugnance to the man ; and done whet they
desired in •erides.voring to save! the party, by
warning the twanagers that itt4y,ratlot, eeither
touch, taste, or handle anytkingio unclean, if
they considered the vote or the strongest Re
publican county in the State dr the nation an
important one."
These papers have not yet r+tracted a word
they htiie pttblished, nor iati "any friend of
Curtin's or the Governor him elf undertaken
to refute the charges. The rejoord stands un
The Waibington Itepublic4n en jo i n w
Forney.--A Flare Up.
It is well known to the reading community
that there are two papers published in Wash
ington City devoted to the aniport of the Ad
ministration—the Chronicle, edited, (or sup
posed to be edited,) by John W. Forney, other
wise known as "The President's Dag," and the
Republican, edited we believe, lily Dr. Bailey—
both claiming to be, in some measure, official
organs. Between these two piesaes there has
recently sprung up a little breieze which, it is
said, has - so far disturbed the Iserenity, if not
the harmony of the party, as ito have required
a meeting of leading politicians at the Capital
to stifle, if possible, the controversy in its in
cipiely. The jealousy from Which the quarrel
sprung, no doubt existed long ago, but the
immediate cause of the eutbreak was this:—
The Republican published an editorial in which
war with England was predietdd, and the semi
official source of the prediction gave it * so much
weight and the paper so much credit for inti
mate association with the Pre4ident and Cabi
net, that Forney—the Dog—tdok fire; and, to
fix more firmly the belief in the public mind
that he was sole official editor, be treated the
article of the kpublican with ridicule, hooted
at the idea of a foreign war, denied that any
such notion was entertained by the Adminis
tration, and more than intimated that Dr. Bai
ley was assuming airs. This was too much
for the Doctor who, although he might bear
much, could not bear everything—and, accord
ingly he retorted as follows:
Ants.—A morning paper which ca e into ex
istence upon Government plundt , and has
never lived upon anything else si e, except
the ten cent pieces which it exacted from the
poor soldiers of the, Army of the Potomac for
so teeny of its coplee, senate 14 the tee:MO Of
the dear public against a news paragraph
which we published a few days since, and
which it did not dare to copy or steal, as it
usually does. The article is question is simply a
tissue of lilack,quardism and lies, and the writer
knew he lied when he wrote it. That is not all.
He knows that we know he lien, and that we know
that he knows that we knowhe lies. So far as our
official relations with the Government are con
cerned, it is a matter between the Government
end ourselves, and is not a subjest for public
discussion, notwithstanding the contractors'
organ sees fit to introduce the matter into the
article alluded to."
This shell took effect—it exploded near the
magazine and threw the whole party, Presi
dent, Cabinet, Senators, Contractors, politi
cians, plunderers and scullions into fits. For
fear the next shell might explode in the maga
zlne, and blow up the whole rotten concern, a
meeting of leading men was called, aud proba
bly the little diffitalty has been amicably and
satisfactorily arranged. But that shot hurt
Forney, and he has been more unassuming ever
NEGRO VALOR.—The N. IL World says :
Our readers will remember the extraordinary
stories which were scattered all over the coun
try totlChing the vtilor of the negro soldiers
who participated in the first assault upon Port
Hudson. It was claimed that six hundred cut
of one thousand men were killed, and the ter
rible blacks fought with their teeth when their
muskets and arms failed them. All the aboli
tion papers took part in the chorus of praise
for the negroes; the poet Baker celebrated
their deeds in verse : while General Banks
himself, in his dispatches, extolled the negro
troops and said not a word in favor of the
white. But the truth is out at last. The
whole atory was a falsehood from beginning to
end, and was prepared beforehand to reconcile
the North to the arming of the slaves. The
New Orleans Ema, General Bank's personal or
gan, gives an official return of the losses dur
ing the whole siege in .the negro regiments,
from which it appears that
There were engaied in the siege of Pore
Hudson two regiments of colored troops, the
First and the Third, both together numbering
1,246 men. Of these 28 were killed, 123
wounded by gunshots, and 46 by falling trees,
making the total casualties 197. Many of the
wounds were slight, from which the sufferers
Ave since recovered:
And so ends the romance of negro valor at
Port Hudson.
inst., Gen. Banks visited Fort Jackson and
Fort St. Phillip, below New Orleans, and libe
rated some of the State prisoners who had been
confined there by order of Gen. Butler. On the
prison record against their names was found
the entry, "cause unknown." General Banks
liberated twenty-one on this occasion—eight
teen at Fort Jackson, and three (the last re
m:Wolin ones) at Sr, Phillip.
[Thousands of others have been cruelly and
illegally seizedand imprisoned by this despotic
Abolition administration with the same entry,
"cause unknown" against their names ]
CINCINNATI, August 21.—The Gazette has
private information from the Army of the
Cumberland up to the 11th. There is a move
ment in progress. The public may soon , look
for important news from East Tennessee.
Returns from all but nine counties in Ken
tucky give Bramlitte over 50,000 majority.
PORTLAND, August 21.—The cutter J. C.
Dobbin arrived here this morning with the es
caped prisoners from Fort Warren, and the
yacht which they stole. They state that only
two of them escaped, and neither belonged to
the Tacony's crew ; one of them is Litutenant
Alexander, commander of the ram Fingal. The
other prisoner proves to be James Thurston,
Second Lieutenant of the Atlanta, alias the
Fingal, which was captured at Savannah. The
prisoners state that they escaped by crawling
over the ramparts of Fort Warren while the
sentries were on duty.
They swam, with the assistance of a target,
three-quarters Of a mile to the island opposite
Fort Warren, where they seized a little fishing
3aht. Lieut. Reed, of the pirate Tacony, at
tempted to escape, but was deterred by ayen
tinelstuMbling upon him while he was crawl:
ivg gown after the alarm had been given.
They landed only at Hampton beach, and were
captured at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, east
of Boone Island. They made no resistance.
They say they would have escaped by putting
out to sea if they had been supplied with food
and olothing. Captain Webster, of the cutter
Dobbin, baarded every vessel he met until he
captured the prisoners. They had some two
or three hundred dollars in Confederate money
with some greenbacks. They are now secure
la jail here. Their boat was a miserable one,
and totally unfit for the contemplated trip.
The yacht Sparkle, having aboard Deputy
Collector Bird and a volunteer crew, have not
yet returned. She is armed with a swivel gun
nunikotia taken from the pirate Taeony.
BOSTON, August 21.—Quite a severe hurri
eane, accompanied by hail, rain, thunder and
lightning, passed over this city about 6 o'clock
last evening, doing considerable damage in east
Ibsto.3. Ten large sheds in M'Katy'e ebip
yard, which had just' been completed ? were
blown down.
A keel had been hid and most of the iron
frames we^• up in out shed foi the iron clad
Monitor &pond; the latter were blown dowel,
and one fell on a new steam mill, crushing in
the root and destroying some fifty feet of the
buarling i another abed, belonging to the At
lantic iron works, was also crUitted by the force
•f the wi3d.l The tot)! loss of property will
probably reach $12,000.
The workmen in the above places had just
left when the hurricane came up.
The wind blew with such force as to tear up
large trees and knock down a number of chim
neys, etc.
Fouvuass Mostaos, Auz. 20.—Acting Brig.
Gen. R. F. Onderdonk, First N. Y. Mounted
Rifles, and' two companies of the Eleventh
Pennsylvania Cavalry, have just retarned to
Portsmouth, Va., from a long raid into North
Carolina. They passed through Edenton, N.
C., and opens 1 communication with Captain
Roberts, in command at South Mills. Thence
they proceeded to Pasquotank and gurtford,
and while about half way between the two
places were attacked by th• guerilla's, and in
a ekirinish lost two mounted rifleman. They►
killed thirty guerillas; and drove sever a l into
the Dismal Swamp, who were drowned; cap
tured ninety horses, thirty mules, some cattle,
&e. It was a very successful raid.
Two refogees arrived in Norfolk to-day from
Richmond, who were born in Canada. They
report that the Rebel government is terribly
frightened about Charleston, and say if it is
taken all is lost.
SAN FRAN C ISCO, August 10.—A telegram has
been received from Gen. lialleck, ordering a
suspension of the proposed harbor defences,
and directing the adoption of another plan.
.of erecting works on Gerber and
Buena Islands, and Rencon Point, two large
batteries, of ten guns each, are to be con
structed on Angel Island, and a heavy battery
on San Jose or Block Point. The works are to
be commenced as soon as the heavy limber re
qaired can bs obtained.
Bosrau, August 20 —The rebel prisoners
who escaped from Fort Warren landed at Rock
port, Cape Ann, yesterday afternoon, but be
fore any steps could be taken for their capture,
thoy put. off again in their bost,zeing towards
Portsmouth, N. H.
rORTLAND, August 20.—The rata Sparkle,
with an armed crew, sailed at noon to-day in
pursuit of the Tacony prisoners who escaped
from Fort Warren.
LATER.—The steamer New Brunswick, which
has just come in, spoke the revenue cutter J,
C. Dobbin, outside, having aboard the thrto
Tacony prisoners who escaped from Boston
yesterday. They were captured off the Isle
of Shoals by the critter.
Collector Jewell dispatched a cutter yester
day, and also two volunteer yachts, heavily
armed, iu pursuit.
liemAxeroits, August 20 —A very large and
enthusiastic meeting of War Democrats was
held here to-night. All parts of the &Ate were
fully represented. Gen. Nathan Kimball pre
sided, and Major General JIMA M'Clernand,
General Dumont, and Hon. Henry Seenat.were
among the speakers.
Letters were received from Hon. Lewis Cass.
Gen. Logan and Daniel S. Dickinson, all of
whom expressed their syspathy with the objects
of iho convontion.
Resolutions were adopted favoring a vigor
ous prosecution of the war, sustaining the ad
ministration in all its efforts to put down the
rebellion ; denouncing the State agent, Audi
tor, and Treasurer of the State, for their wil
lingness to repudiate the public debt, and sac
rifice the honor and credit of the State for parti
san purposes.
CINCINNATI, August 20.—The Southern Bank
of Kentucky, in Carrolton, Carrel county, was
robbed at half past one o'clotk this morning,
by about sixteen men in uniform, who repre
sented themselves as belonging to Scott's rebel
cavalry. They were first discovered by Mr:
Crawford, cashier, who lives in the rear of the
bank, on whom they fired, driving him back
into his house. After removing all the money
from the vault and burning the papers therein,
they mounted their horses anti started elf in the
direction of Owen county.
The amount of money stolen is $lOO,OOO in
gold and eilver, and $30,000 in paper money.
Every effort is being made to capture the rob
Alumnus, August 17.--The returns from
Alabama indicate the election of Wall over
Shorter fer Governor, and that Curry is beaten
by °mail:shank for Congress.
The Mobile Tribune says that large numbers
of Mississippi deserters are returning to their
General Carlton writes from Fort Union that
his troops will fight with new vigor till New
Mexico is restored to the Union and every
traitor is 41,iied. On receipt of the late news
General Carlton issued the following stirring
order from, the headquarters Department of
New Mexico :
FORT limit, N. M., July 23, 1E63.
onnnnaL ononno, no. 19.
In commemoration of the signal victories'
achieved by our arms at Rrettysturg and Vicks
burg, on the 2d and 4th instant, a national sa
lute will be fired at all forts furnished with ar
tillery within this department on the day of
receipt of this order, and all prisoners in arrest
for crimes not capital are hereby pardoned
their offences, and will he released, that they
may join with their comrades in the felicita
tions w hi c h spring spontaneously from the
heart of every true patriot at such glad tidings,
The dark clouds which hung over our be
loved country have been rent asunder, and
now the clear light of her magnificent uture
commences to beam over the length and breadth
of the land.
By order of Brig. Gen. CARLTON.
Tresnuo - rort, August 20.—Information from
the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac,
received here to night, says there is no change
or indications of a change of position. The
advices concur that the rebel forces around
Culpepper had ,been reduced to • A. P. Hill's
command, While Loagetreet awl Ewell have
moved southward, probab'y to Fredericks
burg. •
Prominent officers serving before Charles
ton express themselves in private letters which
were revolved here to-day, earnestly hopeful
of the success of the combinedmval anti mili
tary operations against that Petint • but they .
do not mention any time for the reduction of
Fort Sumpter, &c., as promised by enthusiastic
newspaper correspondents. The work being
heavy, and requiring the utmost skill and cau
tion, they, with s . full appreciation of all the
difficulties, purposely refrain from exciting ex
pectations of an immediate and complete vic
tory. Nor ate speedy results of such a char
acter anticipated by gentlemen in Washington
who are acquainted with the plans awl inten
tions of the commanding generals.
The Navy Department has been informed
that the United States bark Gem of the Sea,
captured, in July last, the schooner Georgia,
of Nassau, off the coae.t of Florida. Captain
Walker, of the steamship De Soto, reported
the seizure by him of the schroner Lady Ma
ria, for a violation of the blockade.
She was sailing under a provincial tertificate
of registry, dated Havana, May 11th, 1863,
and signed by N. J. Crawford, Acting Consul
General in Cuba. She was cleared from St.
Marks for Havana. Her cargo consisted of
one hundred and four bales of cotton.
Lieutenant Commanding M'Dougal, of the
steamer Hendrick Hudson, says that while
cruising ilk the vicinity of Cape San Bias, I
found on and in the vicinity of ,the beach, one
hundred and thirty-eight bales of cotton,
which had evidently been washed ashore only
a short time before. •
The steamer R. R. Cuyler chased a rebel
steamer some distance to the westward of Cape
San Blas, and the latter in her efforts to escape
threw a part of her cargo overboard. This is
81.1pMe4 to have been the cotton alluded to by
the commander of the Hendrick Hudson.
The De Soto chased a rebel steamer which
was obliged to throw off her cotton, consisting
of one hundred and seventeen bales, in order
to effect her escape. The cotton was picked
up by the De Soto.
The steamer Fort Henry captured off the
coast of Florida twenty-two bales of cotton
and eight contrabands.
The act to provide a national currency, etc.,
authorizes the employment of the National
Banking Associations credited under it as de
positories of the internal revenue. As such
employment involves the duty of requiring
adequate security for the amounts deposited,
the &oratory of the•Treattury has come to the
conclusion to ask from the national banks de
siring to receive such deposits, to place in the
Treasury of the United States six., per cent.
bonds to an amount equal to ten per cent. of
their capital ateek, and to give the pond of the
directors and others to an amount equal to
their capital stock, as a security for the punc
tual payment of all lawful checks for deposits.
Inasmuch, however, as a number of banks
have been organized, and as yet are withcut
circulation, Secretary Chase proposes to direct
deposits to be made with such, en receiving
from them the collagist of their respective
boards of directors that the bonds already de
posited as security for circulation may be held
as security for deposits. leaving the additional
bonds, as well as the bonds of the directors
and others, to be given afterwards at any time
before the furnishing of the circulation.—
Should associations prefer, instead of giving
a joint bond equal to the capital- stock, to
give the separate bond of directors and stock
holders, each for not less than one-tenth of the
capital stock, and equal to it in their aggregate
amouut, there can be no objection to such
separate bonds being accepted instead of a
joint bond. If
, good reasons shall appear.
these conclusions ; of the Secretary will be
Major Robert Morris, of the 6th Pennsylva
nia coralry,lied suddenly at the Libby Prison
on Thursday. Major Morris was a grandson
of Robert Morris, of Revolutionary memory,
and was twenty-six years of age. His re
mains were interred in Oakwood Cemetery,
and attended to the grave by the captive ofli
e.ere of his regiment.
The following official letter has just been
sent to us for publication:
To J. T. Ford, Esq., Notary Public, Phila.:
Sin: Your letter of the 13th instant is at
hand. In reply thereto, I have the honor to
state that the Jurat of an affidavit, taken be
fore a jietiee of the peace,
notary public or
other officer duly authorized to take affidavits,
is held to be a certificate, and as such is subject
to a stamp duty offiim cents.
Aeknovirledgmenta Of deeds, or other instru
ments, are exempt. Very respectfully,
Deputy Commissioner
By ordering Oslomel and destructive minerals from the
Supply tables, has conferred a bless:ng on our sick sol
diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dis
continuance of "Bleeding," and the use of BRAND
BETH'S PILLS in the place thereof. Then will
commence a "new era" in the practice of Medicine,
which would then bacons@ emphatically
I have for thirty years taught that no diseased ac-
tion could be cured by mercury or tartar emetic. That
the human body could only.be "made whole" by "veg-
stable food"—Animal fool being, in fact, condensed
vegetables. BRANDRZTLI'S PILLS should be in
every Military Hospital. These Pills cure BILIOUS
DYSENTERY, and all fevers and Affections of the
Bowels, sooner and more surely than any medicine in
the world. BRANpRETH'S PILLS in these cases
should be taken night and morning. Read directions
and get new style
Dr. B. Frlndreth, New York :
atit : I was a private In Co. 1, 17th Regiment, New
York Vole. While at Harrison's Landing and on the
Rappahannock near Falmouth, I and many of the Com
pany were sick with bilious diarrho3s. The Army Sur
geon did not cure no, and I was reduced to akin and
bone. Among the Company were quite a number of
members who had worked in your Laboratory at Bing
Sing. They were not sick, because they used Brand•
reth's Pills. These men prevailed upon me and others
to use the Pills, and we were all cured in from two to
five days. After this our boys used Brandreth's Pills
for the typhus fever, colds, rheumatism, and In no case
did they fail to restore health.
Out of gratitude to you for my good health, I Rend
you this-I star, which, if necessary, the entire Com
pany would sign.
I am, respectfully, yours,
ROSCOS Y. WATSON, Sing Slag, N. Y.
Principal office, 294 Canal street, New York.
Por sale in Harrisburg by. GEO. H. BELL.
To Horse Owners.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horses
is unrivaled by any, and in all cases oflsmeness, ari
sing freed sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is
magical and certain. Harness or saddle sells, Scratch
es, Mange, dcc., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and
tingbone may be easily prevented and cured in their
inlipient stages, bat confirmed cases are beyond the
po sdbility of a radical core. No case of the kind, how.
e r, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated
by this Liniment . , and its faithful application will
ways remove the Lamenein, and enable the horse to
travel with competitive ease.
Beery horse owner should have this remedy at hand,
for ita timely use at the first appearanee of Lameness
wilt effectually prevent those formidable diseshea Men
tioned, to which all homes are , liable,' and Which rermlep_
so many' otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless.
' Bee advertleemont • ' • sp2A eow-d&w
Dear Sir :—With your permission T. wish to !My to the
readers of your paper that I will scanty return mail to
all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions
for making and using a simply Vegetable Balm, that will
effectually remove, in 10 dim Pimples, Blotches, Tan,
Freckles, and a'l Impurities of the Ekin g leaving the
same soft, clear, em , oth and beautrul.
I will also a all free to those having Bald Heads or
Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will
enable them to start a fall growth of Luxuriant Hair,
Whiskers, or a MotiEtache, in less than 30 days. All
applications answered by return mail without charge.
PPrp'etfully yours.
TllOB. F. CUAPMAN, Chemist.
No 831 Broadway, New York.
je2B 3cad
A Friend in Need. Try it.
pared frets the recipe of _Dr_ arbpher, Rwet, Ceneee
tient, the great bone setter, and has been used in his
practice for the last twenty years with the most aston
ishing success. As an external remedy it is without a
rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any
other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous
Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for
Sores,'Wounds. Sprains, Bruises, &e., its soothing, heal
lug and powerful strengthening properties, @tette the
just wonder and astotristunent of all who have ever
given it a trial. Over four hundred certificittee of re
markable cures, performed by it within the last two
years, attest this fact.
See advertisement. aplleow-d&w
1 tg.2let, WiLLlem KERB, In'ant on d George anti'
Ncai 24Dertit3entento,
Will give information in all the affairs of life. abeent
frieudd, tielfilea and Oath, anti In respect to all other
subjects. She can be consultrd at all haute of the day
and evening.
North -Side, second Door from River Alley..
Aug 221
WANTED—A Substitute; 25 cents
The Two Pickets, by Ogden E. Dodge ; r 0 cents
The Miserieis of Sneezing by Dodge; 30 cents.
Kiss Me Once More, Mother, by 'Thompson ; 30 cents
Whether I Love Thee, Franzabt ; 25 cents.
Within the Convent Garden, by Thalberg ; 26 cents.
Shall Freedom Droop Ind Die, by Leland; 26 cents_
The above area few gongs out of over 153 new pieces
of Mllliie just received at WARD'S MUSW STORE.
Third street. aug 22-31
N 0 . so.
s Will be sold at public tale, on Wednesday, Augu
28th 18412 at ray atab'o is Viso street, ilarristurg,
Pa., one $ ay trotting _horse, who has trotted in 2.52, six
years o!ii ; several pairs of matche • driving horses;
farm, draught and riding horses. The Bale embraces
some fine stock, and will be soil without leserve to the
highest and be t bicders. The terms of sale will be
deducti , n of five per cent, for cash or notes with ap
proved security, for ninety days_ Sala to COMMMIC“ at
10 o'clock. W . biIiTZGAII.
August 21.dtd.
To BOOT MAKERS.—Wanted, at
u PETER SANDERS', in Walnut street nrat to the
Dauphin County Pri-on, two good Boot Makers and one
blender- None hut the best workmen need apply. Wilt
pay higher wages than any other manufacturer In the
city. AuelS•lw*
Persons having !tool claims to exemption from the
draft can have their canes prepared and presented to the
Board on application to R. E. FERGUSON, Attornep.at•
Law, Second street, opposite Buehler novae. l fr/Ce
with. Wm U. Miller, Eeq. A ug.l2-Iwd
Messrs. BECKER & F &LK, Proprietors, announce to
the citizens of Harrisburg that this cool and delightful
Bummer retreat is now (men for visitors. Accommoda
tions will be furnished to parties and pic-nics at reason
able terms, a dancing platform having been erected fir
their special use. Season tickets for families, good for
one year, $l.OO
No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated
person will be permitted to visit the Island.
A Ferry Boat plies constantly between the Island/Ltd
the foot of Broad street, West Harrisburg. jel3.Bm.
11 A good Horse, Coal Cart and harness will be sold
at a bargain. Call on Judge Dock, opposite the Court
House, [ &mg 15-310(1 OILLIARD DOCK-
The undersigned, Military Claim dents, tender their
services for the procuring of EubStituteS fir Prafteci
men, as well as for the securing or the highest price
for those wishing to offer themselves as Sub.titutes..
They will register the names of each class referred to,
with the amounts, in money, 'imposed to be given by
the one and to be received by the other.
Drafted men who are legally exempt can have all the
papers prepared necessary to establish their claims to
exemption by calling upon the undersigned.
Those interested are invited to call at the office, in
the Exchange Buildings, Opposite the I sunlit's' County
suls•lm Military Claim Agents.
Any drafted mart from this district, desiring to
volunteer in the 47th Regiment P. V.. stationed at Key
West, Fla., will be accepted, by applying to the sub
scriber They will receive $2.1 before leaving for the
Lieut. W. W. GEETY,
Second st. 2 doors below Kelkees Hardware store
L RISE URG ACADEMY will open on Monday,
the 81st of August. For vacancies apply to
J. P. mime,
all -at ood
Bwkiness in relation to the draft carefully and relia
bly attended to.
Exemption papers drawn up with care, and cases
Argua4 Paffira the Para of Enrollment at moderate
Any persons wishing to go as substitute for any
drafted man, will receive the highest cash price on ap
plication at the established Claim Agency of
EUGENE SEYDEA, Attorney at Law,
anl7-Iwd. Third street near Market, Harrisburg, Pa.
laid out by direction of the Commissioners of
the City survey, and confirmed by act of Legislature,
containing numerous courses and distances of the
streets, squares, &c., marked on it, and designating the
different wards, public buildings, &c. It is, in fact,
the only correct map of the city. For I;4e by
IL HAW Chief Regulator,
Cor. 34:1 et. and Cranberry alley.
anlo d2w
Proposals will be received at the City Council
Ch =her till 7 o'clock p. m., September 5. for erect
ing a stone bridge over Paxton creek, at Pastes street,
in this city. according to pliers an i spedlloatione on
me In the Connell Chamber_ Proposals will state the
price with brick arches and also with hewn atone arches;
also specify the time of commencement and completion
of the work.
Proposers will specify what they will allow- for the
• materials on toe ground. They will also be required
to furnish all the material necessary to do the pork.
The Council will reserve the right to reject all bide
that they believe will not be to the advantage of the
city, or that they may believe are exorbitant.
Proposals to be endorsed ‘.Proposals for In idgo. , : and
directed to W 0, I.llohOli t
President Common
D. Foonsc e
P nttiP
Street Committee lot district. Angl2-iltairt&
A. K. SWISFIER & CO., having opened en office in
Carlisle.at the Government A sseskor's osice.i n Rbeem's
Hall ; are now prepared to furnish substitutes at fair
Substitutes supplied from this vine° will be 44 boil'
ied Aliens, not subject to draft. All drafted Par6ooß
served by us are guarantied a release from the draft.
Apply at once, in person or by letter, at the "Na
tional Substitute Agency," Eheem'A Hall, Carlisle.
neferenees.—J. at. Weekleyi Joseph Ritoer, jr., S.
Rheem. A. K. SWISHER & CO.
August 4-dtf
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Quarter Sessions
of Dauphin county, notice is hereby given to the Cam
misainners of said &aunty, and to the property holden
along the line of Cumberland street, from 7th street to
Bth street and Verbeke street, from Fulton street to
7th street, in the Oity of Harrisburg, that upon the pe
tition of the Mayor of said city, the Court has appoin
ted six viewers to assess the damages caused by the
opening of said streets, and that they will proceed to
assess said damages on Friday, the 21st day of August,
fast., at 10 o'clock a, m, at which time all parties in
t:Med:may appear upon the , ground I ,w f t , l z ey ßo th iv ii4 ,
think pro-
City , Solicitor.
SMOKED SALMON.—A choice supply
. for Oa. WM. DOO.ll, jr., & Co.