LO CAL HEWS THURSDAY MORNING, AUG UST 20, 1 [lll/C DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION MEly be bed at :aek's -Book Store, coma . of Third and Market a treats. A.r.so. at ba Vows Agency of George L. Walter, in Market street, near Fifth. TAN Mama.—Undor tire change of sehedule On the different railroads, the time of closing the mails st the Hsrriseurg Post Office, April 20, 1863, is Ns follows: WORTRZIN ORRISAL RAILWAY. NOBTIL—WAT mod.—Fos all Owes between Ear isbnrg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N.l* at 12.00 m. Mar Look Haan, W11141111p91% pad Lowillmrs at 9 F- ma- SOUTH—WAY MAC..—Tor all places between Ear. namirg and Baltimmos and Washington, D. C., at 2.00 m. For Wastdugton, DAP, Eltltimore, Md., and York, Pa. at 9.00 p.m. • LZDARON TALLIT aantatosp. AZT.-,WAY all plane between Harris. burg, Eastenand Philadelailia. via Reading, at 7.00 a. m. For lieung and.Pottssille, at 12.39 p. m. -rannenirmas. RAILROAD. • WA! MAIL..—For all places between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at GM a. m. For Phdiadelphia and Lancaster, at 12.03 m. Poi New York, Philidelplas, Lancaster, C41Gn15 19 ., Idetistie and Bainbridge, at 2,45 p. m. - For New Port, PhibidelPhia and Lancaster, at 9.00 p. m. WEIST.—WAT NATL.—For an places between 'Harris burg and Altoona, 22.00 m. For Johnstown, Pittebnrg and Erie' Pa„ Cincinnati, Columbna and Clesehind, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. For Pittebnrg, Hollidassint4, Altoona, Phillipsburg, Tpisse,MentingdoMand Lewistown, at 9.00 p. in. oiDarel4l34s 'WALLS, imumu_n_ For Meniumdesbnrg, Carlisle, Shippenabbrg and Oham bersbarg, Pa., at 1.00 a. m. Wir I/Am.—Tor ill places between llarrisburg and Hagerstown; Md. at 12.30 p. m. SORIITLIECLL 'AND SIDIOCREASNA RAILROAD. For • 1111eidale Forges, /Atwood, Pinegrove apt fluramit Sittibliox, 4412.30 • . DTAOR RODTSS. - For Progress, Linglestown, Magda 11111, Wesel:fano ver, Bast Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, =at 7.00 Pos Idempi and Leitalwiy,.on eaturdiy, at 12.30 10 — Oirtieliomi.—iromti. 40 *. tO LO9 f ,P I P" day from 7 - .80 - to 8.30 ant - and from 3.00 to 4.00 p. m. Conscarpr's-dhertaprr..—The resider is reminded that E. W. Shill taketa benefit• at the (pities to night. Theperfenwiree. will be the most varied and entertaining of ;the sdaion. The fact that Me, S. was drafted should stimulate bit friends to limn out in force. Thou=ram Dismes.—Drafting will begin to day in the 18th CongreeSional diStrietpeomposed of Clunkria, Huntingdsn, Blair and Mifflin noun-. ties: The (pots for the district is set down at 1.,985, which is to be drawn from a mile popula tion of 51,053. _ Uwe Nonce.—The following. _ is an important decision of the Provost Marshal General in refer ence to the enlistment of drafted men: "If a drafted man has pnlisted and been mustered into any regiment frenious to being drafted be ho is not to be prooeeded against—if itasequelit to his being drafted he enlists .and.ts musterecl a , intp any regi ment, he is a DESERTIIIO DRAFT m Cinazinnann Couiry.-:-Th r e draft for CursholapAlenary was eonelnded on Monday. The int man drafted. in-the East ward of Carlisle was a negrp, and the last the District. Attorney. In Mechanicsburg, three • preachers were invited. to lay r aside the clerical rohes and don "Trocul psalinian trappings, aad four brothers residing in the Baize plate Were also hit. • ME LATEST Anonr.—Linen, cotton, paper and steel collars are now made; and to these Irulc,an ized ladia rubber collars have been added. The patentee states that suitable patterns may be pain ted or printed on the collars, either before or after they are cut from the sheet. They tWay be made white. or colored, or emboseed.• Cuffs and wrist bands may also be made of the same material. PRIINSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL FAIL—Tbo State Agricultural Fair will take:place at - Norristown, Montgomery - county, Pennsylvania, on this 29rif and 30th d..ys of September and the let and 2d days of October, 1863. The most liberal arrangements are being made with railroad companies, and deso of the important roads have agreed to'tarry freight free. Excursion tickets will be issued at reduced rates. The premium lid is. very heavy, and the locality accenible by the Norristown and Phila delphia railroad, and also by the Beading rail;oad. For particulars, address to A. B. Tiongaiter, Secrei: tary, NorristowniPa. - ' F. THE Picric To-iLay.—The grand picnic of . the "knights of thalthip" comes off to-day . it Ifoff inan's Grove. It will be decidedly the largest party given this season, and Ihe managers are sparing no pains to make it the most pleasant. Idnsre, with danoing sod other innocent sports, will be the order of the day. A line "of and outnibtleep wean durizig the daylrinn the corner of Third and Market streets. This morning at eight o'clock is many ladies and children as can make it snit are requested to be in attendance at the above corner, where a.band of music will precede the lint line of carriage. to the Wok ramilieil will be called for in any part of the city by leaving word with any of the managers at the above corner. - ADTZKTISEXII I IIT Gans.—Setwe Ulll6 since the Johnston Deatocrizt recitived the following com munication from a 'Royal Leagner: who does "a mercantile business in Philadelphia : Bask. SIR have just read your paper, and I do not feet that, is e. for:fawn, I wish my adver tisement in put paper. You will plena 'take it out and land me'my bill for payment. ; - - A. IL Fneaencus. _ It will be seen from the above that Mr..E.raneis ens desires Democratic merchants to buy their goods at some Other establishment, Of COMO they will do so, ea.& man who is too "loyal' to ad vertise in a Democratic newspaper is far too loyal to sell goods to Veopperbeie -merchanteacePt at a shoddy percentage. We give him the benefit of a -gratnitona notice, and wish him joy of his "royalty" and dry goods. Hrsa-aaansn• Paocesninws.—Yesterday after noon three mounted guards, belonging to the Con tinental. Troop, now lying at Camp Conch, dis mounted in , front of John P Donor's saloon, corner of Foitrth and Walnut streets, and entered it. After drinking beer, they walked away, rola sing to pay for it. Mr. Deiker followed tbeni to the street, and took bold of the korse of Corporal White, who hed called for the bear_ White at tempted to draw bit sabre, but was prevented by Mr. D. He then reached to the other side of the horse_ on which he 'was mounted, took a pistol . from the holster, presented it= close to Mr. D's Aite, aka itic). The cep feltutiatol7 VA not IX ?lode, or the saloon keeper would have undonbt edly been killed. White immediately drew a sec ond time to Are, but by means of outside in terfer erase the pistol was averted from its aim and the balls sent whizzing up Fourth street.- A ward hid now stilted afaii attempted to-at rest the offender, but he - sat with pistol in hand' and della And intimidated them. At length 48 galloped cff - do7wn Fourth Street, and was pursued by John Veglesong, a Citizen; who happened to be riding by At the time. ,Whlto deliberately turned and Gred ilia :'skkte his pursuer, after Vaieh he kept on his way unmolested. The cor poral was finally arrested in the Capitol 'Grounds, Whore he was on duty for the day. Hs was taken by the guard to the look-up under the Court House. We learn that a warrant has been issued for his arrest and trial by the oivil authorities. [CommtupicAted I MESSRS. EDITORS :--The shoddy literature which calls you a "tory orris" mistakes's platitude for encesm, forgetting that the eeutimente of the Parana. AND UNION are those of a majority of the people of Pennsylvania, as they will demonstrate in October in a voice so triumphant that not even the obtuse intellect which prasides over your an tagonist can molvtake it. [From the Harrisburg Telegraph, August 18,1863 ] A communisation appeared in the Tory' Organ of Wednesday last. writtem - by our old friend A. Boyd Hamilton, Esq., in which he attempts to create a wrong impression in regard to the pay ment of damages incurred by certaig land owners whose real estate had been and still is occupied by the several camps located in the eutturbe of Harris burg. Mr. Hamilton aveges that the Park Asso ciation, whose ground is occupied by Camp Cur tin, never received any pay, while the actual truth is that there was an award of damages made by a jury, approved by the court, of $4,000, - To defray all damages of this charaater, an item - was inserts I in the general appropriation bill, providing the sum necessary, when the arrangement anditward should be approved by the court of claims and concurred is by the Auditor General of the State. Since Camp Curtin has been vacated by the State authorities, which is more than a year ago, the Park Association have been receiving a monthly rental of $75 from the United States. So far as Cameron,.Colder, Haldeman, Garverich and Oyster, whom - Mr: Hainiltan alleges "got paid by some process, " are. ooncerned,lhe real facts are, while each o item suffered more than Mr. Hamilton :now suffersomither cf them ever re ceived a mmt in remuneration. Our friend lianalton is usually correct in his statements, bat in this instance he could sot re strain his atrong partisan feeling, and hence be suffered himself to affrrd the truth a wide herth, in order that he might give credence to a fib, and thus pinch his political adversaries. The personality of the above extract is no ex cuse fur its mendacity. The assertion: that no stockholder In the Park Association' has ever re . - eeived a penny of interest ar dividend upon his investment , re#Fl-11 1 T411 proof tbe officers of it allege that they have not now, and never had, money to pay one. The pardon of the parties is requested whose names are ee unceremoniously dragged into a con troversy of which they are iaattoent—(origioally they were used to'ilinstrats a great putale griev ance and point out I-mode :in Which it might la avoided)—but the writer finds it impossible to via.: dicate the , truth without repeating at past, , of them. So far as Cameron, Colder, Itaidemati, Ckarberioh and . Oster are concerned, ample teithnory cattle had to' prove that Mr. Cameron "is satisfied"- - Mr. Colder "probably so"—itT the damage alluded to • that, preceding the occupation of the lands of Messrs Ilaldenatt; Garberieh and Oyster:, late in the fall of 1862, an arrangement entire friendly in its character was made with the owners or their representatives, by properly authorised agents of the government; that the first amned of these three gentlemen holds a paper signed ly ~tqdge -Misstep, Mr. loAilleisen- and Col. Worrall,-approved by a United - State d " . Quartermaster at Harrisburg, for a considerable MED of money, (the amount it 'is not necessary to specify,), now or lately ia.posses el4B of Ml, Willi= M. Sere, the Preeideat of the Harrisburg Bank , the prompter (no one could charge him with being the :toriter) of- the artiolh above ; that Mr. Oarberich isin,the same situation, and Mr.• Oyster makes .no mystery that such is the W I ea maple himself. This may, not he receiv ing payment in an-actual legalsignifieathin , yet it is a long step toward it; and "EL" is - authorised by the geotteeiell-te offensively brought: before the public' through the agency of Mr. Kerr, to say that he will take an acknowledgment of a like charac ter or form for damages .to land and crops, and consider that he has something to base.ant applica tion upon fur an unnecessary and wanton destruc tion of fences, timber, grass; grain and fruit, done to property entered upon without evelkask ing the owner's content, amd just at the , commencement of the harvest of 1803. This disposes of what concerns the personalities of this question—it was reefer meant to havo any political ignificarce—and "R" may here re nark, that if he had a newspaper at his command, he would ask the writer orthe elegant:extract quoted, and hie weak assistant, Mr. Kerr, to go ahead; bot, as he has not, declines pursuing the subject in its persoeral form further. Ks reiterates that the whole; system of ran& svons as at proses' wait tioed in the army, especiallyin this neighborhood, is wasteful and demoralizing to both omeers and • . men, and an outrage upon the private rights of individuals. - Nixotes CilisKORP; CiiictivrTlM p,opitr fir ms, returning to New York, Iran a iMticeieful in land tour, pitches its pavilion on : a, lot,. rmar the Cotton Factory to-morrow, sod will exhibit in the afternoon and evening. Since their last'lejourn hire, a new fettnie hai been added_ tirtbit eirous, the manigeralaying parted with theft old troupe' of performers and, engaged the original Arab troupe of contortionists .and acrobats, *ho. have just arrived in this country from Europe and will make their first 'appearance before ati American audience at Harrieburg. The troupe , ham attained great perfection in their line: Mr. Eaton :Stone and Madame Muerte, the famous equestrians, are still with Mr, Nixon, and need no commendation. Owing to pressing engagements sestward, this circus will exhibit here but, one 44, instead of two, as first announced. A Mosavoa, ON Tan "RAGING Casitwa'—.A canal. boat propelled by steam, hailing from Yankeeland, passed southward , through this oily yeiterday, laden with lumber. Had we been as green as the Indians, oho first saw C. Columbus sailing his great ship into port, we, might , have pro.: gated, trate& ourselves-before it, and heard in its terrible *biotic; the Yeilin of filo Gitit BAIL As it was, all beholders were taken by eurprise at its whistle, and locktenders flew to open the wickets with as much alacrity as the gatekeepers flung open the turnpike gates before John Clirpip on the occasion Of bid fa,moue rhle iftoui /iliuMou44 1 44 1 44 On% The craft mide about four miles an hour, moving lightly and "walking the *rater, like a thing, of life." When will wonders cease ? "Der more as a man lives der.longee be finds by Onder nn blitzen out." SWIM alai the rail are 'revolutionizing the world. An OPINION.—Tbe. state Con trail Co mmittes of the Republioan•party meets la this city this eve sing. -The noon! courier from Philad elphia must be Alex. Cummings,- of blessed red herring. and straw bat memory, as we have noticed him gliding about the botels like a shadow for the last two days: < Yesterday morning be. had an intervigw with his Excellency,• the tiovernor, in Third street. The nature of it did not transpire, but to "a man up a tree," or even one looking out of a third story window, it did not look like a very pleasant one His Excellency braced himself against a tree box, and looked calm as a summer's morn, while the hero ofthiSeoteh ale gesticulated Our oapPin7onchisc,o tobkatWhil:4et-eivrcterg;ul'llawtas4sP:f spo iled. Alsoussion may have been, biti.**Xca ll elicY hact ue - bost.of it. , CCOTRACTh AMMIDSD -:,Anionejbe *Wards OE 001410 111- for eaValrf iniets; Saadi; at tie army cloth. ins and mqttipsge ? s ee , pi ki n s4o lo : o o „ 013 •1 000 ,10, are two ta - Peter Meyer & 00, one of 1,000 pairs at . s3 20, and the other of 2,000 pairs at $3_35. WANTED. —An active boy, in a dry T goods store. enquire at Tele OFFICE. augll-tf CORRECTION--We• were might - ken in stating yes terday that Mr. E. Z C. Jodsort (Ned Buntliniej now at the lOvalid Camp, formerly conducted a 'paper called "The Scorploth" He inforins u that he has at no time conducted any junta' MVO , "Nad Buntline's 0 No," which was first - issud at Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Judson first enlisted as a private in the 'First New York Mounted R fl ss, Col. (now Gin.) Dag , : leaving tenantless his ••Eagle'd Nest" in the derness known as "J•Jhn Brown'd Tract." 0: that regiment, but 200 men are eft, out of 1,200. Mr. J. furnishes us the ifullowing, dedicated to Cul. Charles M. Prevost, Oommanding camp, In valid Corps : SONG•CIF THE CAMP. BY BED EtifiTLINE. With the helmet on bie brOw, And a sabre by his side, A soldier mounts Hi &Haut steed To cot quer or to die. • I -' Bright as Ms onng gosd swatd A soldier's -fame atiould lie— Pare o,,,the Plimo tbst efts abets Hiteheitset• bright aad fire. No Year .. in oar breast will dwell, Or dread that shame may throw spot onour blade so bright, 0 . : our plummy as whi a as snow. SPACIAL NOTICES. THE GREATEST DI€COVERY OF THE AGE. Fartnere, fanailiee and others can purchase no remedy equal' t 3 br. Tobiaa s .l7enetian Liniment, for 4yaintery, colic, c oup, • chronic rheumatiam; Core throats, toothache, sea , sickness, cuts, burns, swellingr, bruises, old - tom, headache, musquito bitee, , pains in the limbs, chest, bask, &G. If it does not give relic the money will 10,401t4ea; AU that is asked is atrial, And_use it according to the altestions. • - Nit. Testis—Dear . Ear Xhave used your Venetian Liniment in try'fisMily for $ LrWber gi : years, and be- Heti It itithilietiViirticle r . weishatlt is recommended .1 that, have tver Pcirehdde;rkettaek of croup it.is luvidaittle.. I bervorwo her4taticwin recouuxiewilug It for, all the uses it professeit to cur( I have sold it - . for many pars, anc it gives entiteutisfrctiop. , ieItALS. H. TRIUNES. QuatitintowN, N phy . 811858. 80d . hy toligniata. otti:cc, 54 cartlar-d t street, bat &amigo ' New Toth. • MOIVERS ' 1011IERS Don't fait • to procure hint. iVINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for CHILDREN TRETRINO. This eel he preparation ie the prescription of one of the beet female physicians and ntirses in the United States, and has been used for thirty year with never failing eefety and sm, eels by millionsik4 mothers and chflthen, from , the fee ble infentor one Itiek old to the ado t. Itnot only relibroa the chid fivnt Fain, tut mv i ge rates the stomack and boweln, .currents.. ic 4 dillrl an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relipire • 171 S. iiOST6I:B AND WIND COLIC : . We beNeye:# "the best Surest remedy in the world in all emirs of DySENTERY AND DIARRHOId IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from 'any other pause. Pull directions for using will accompany each bottle. None geouine unless. tbe fae simile of CURTIS & PER KINS, NeW York, is on the outride wrapper. . Bold by, all Medicine Dealers._ Principal Once, 48 Day street, New York. Price only 25 cents per bottle. my23.d&wiiin - CRISTADORQ'S HAIR DYE. There 11 rio Hair Hse is nee SO PUMP? free from Ali objectionable proPerties, that produces such s, Undid and4permanent tints, or that. Operates so quickly, uni - forialY;and certainly, AS • • •CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR. HAIR DYE.. This matchless article is pronounced, brall-who have ever applied it, or seen it applied, the n oat wonderful invention of the rglf. Ten minute's ruiScee ter any simile of brown or: the deepest black It ldtmes the skin unstained. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO,IS Astor House, New York::, Siold everywhere, and applied by all Hair. Timms_ Pries $l , *ISO and $3 per box, ; anearding to Cristadoroys Hair Preservative Is invaluable with his Dye; as it imparts the utmost softness; the moat beautiful gloss mid great vitality to the Hair. • . • prim' bp:oeets, and is per bottle sooordiog to glee j331-dicirine . . Dr. Bruuon's Concentrated Remedies. No. 1. THE! •GRNAT ENVIVaIt speedily eradicates all the evil effects of fiEDF-ADUSN.ar Loss of Memory, Shortness of Dritath,fild lin*, Palpitation of the'lleart, Dimmilsof Yislint, or any tonstitutional derangement', of - the :gate's'', brought-3m by the nareasalned gence.or. the paerions. ;date alike on either sex. Price tine Dollar. No. 2: TII BALM will cure, in from two to eight_ days, any case of GONNORRO OIL, is without taste or smell, and:requires no restriclien of action or diet. For either-BM Price, One Dollar. . - • No. & The TIMES will care In the shortest possible tinie,eity cue of OLNDT, even after all other rrinvdlcs have WWI, to proiltice.the desired efect,„, No taat,e or smell. Price One Dollar. __N 0 :4..T 11 7 1 PT.INITBIt is the only_ Remedy that will reallyeureStrictures of the Urethra. No matter. of how long standing or neglected the cue may be. Price One • , NO, I- tTlitiVUTQA.voni camanteaueof GRAVEL, permanently and epeenloy remove ell , efficacious of ilm Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No,,e FOR PAR,TIOUL&BOABLOtRCIILAR. No 7. THE AIdARTN will trite the Whites radically and in a much shorter timethart they can be temoved by any other treatment_ In fank is the. only remedy that will really' correct this diaorder. Pittealiat tQ Utile. Price One Dollar. No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILB are certain, safe and speedy In producing:M=la RUATION, or correct ing any , Irregularities of tae monthly periods . . Price Two Dollars; . • No. 9,-FOB PARTICULARS BNII CIROI7LA.S. zither remedy. sent_ Mee by mail on receipt , of the price annexed: _Enclose poetage stamp and get a car* en- General Depot Nortb-Eash oorn.r of York avenue and Callowhill street, Private dike, 401 :Fort serene . , Philadelphia, Pa. _ . For sole in Harrisburg by.O. A. llBBlNirswr. apd Louis WYeTH, where circulars containing valuable informs= tion, with full descriptions of• each case, will be deify ertd gratis on application, 4t4lree, DK.FELIX BRITNODT, July 28, 1868-4 P. Q. Bila. 99, Philadelphia, Ps. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CH RESEMAIIPS PILLS. The Ornhinatisu 4.1' Ingredients In theSe Mt are the result of 'a long and extensive practice. They are wild in their operation, and cartel's In correcting all irregu- Hies, painful menstrmition, rem:ulna obetructionis• whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pal in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervonsaltec tiskis, hysterias, fatigue, paps ig, 4444 sr Liimhs, dsc., dilliiirhed sleep, which, arise 4 - a - al latarrsatt 3 •of nature. DR. CHRESSILLD 1 3 PILLS was the eoinmenoemen o fuser e nibe VMS ms. of those irregularities and chargegt CU* non; Mimed JO many to a pragmatist. 1 iftrahean enjoy good health unless eh* is regular, and wheneyeran obstruction takes place the general health begins to de cline. DR. CILVESBMANIS •PILLS are. the most effectual remedy ever known for all emu plaints. peeuliem to Females. To all uses they are Unlikable, inducing, with certeisiyanciedissi ragiaor ity. They are ltrunnt tothonsanda,who knee usedtkem at fflihnint peril:ate, throughout the, eounlay, havingthe sanction of some of the most eminent Physicicess is America: _Exprivit directiosuotating when they mould mos Le weir, with each lrost.—the Prim Ono Delksr pie Dam; containing from SO toile Tills. ' Pills rent fry mail, yromptiy, by remitting to the Agents. Sold . by Druggists generally. R.. B. HIITCHING?, Proprietor, • • 20 Cedar street, New York. alga In usiTliburg, by 0. A. Bdairrert, meghgagghoig, by B.S. Detlett.. " Carlisle, SIB. f 4 fliklpponabsug, by D. W. Baskin. " Ohlanberebarg, by Miller A Hershey. "aommoistoaro, by George Wolf. " Lebanon. by George Bogs. deed-darld7 NOTIONS. ---Quite a varrety of useful IA and entertaininglistiales—chesp—at • BOHISYYBRII BOOKSTORB. :tinnorment.s. RETURN OF RETURN OF RETURN OF .RETURN OF NIXON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, NIXQX - S CREMORNE CIRCUS-, NIXON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, NIXON'S nCREMORNE CIRCUS, AT HARRISBURG AT HARRISRLTRO AT HARRISBURG AT HARRISBURG FOR ONE DAY ONLY, • FOR ONE DAY ONLY . , FOR, ONE DAY ONLY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2!, FRIDAY, AuGusr 21, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, ON-LOT IN SECOND STREET, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, . QI LOT IN SECOND STREET. ON LOT I:1 SECOND STREET, NEAR THE COT roN MILL NEAR THE COTTON MILL NEA.R MR COTTON :WILL NEAR THE COTTON MILL NZZON'S CREBIORNt 4e-141 I CIRCUS. = MUNE tICAOARTE'S - ..EUROPEAN CIRCUS.", if‘ First appearance is America. • --. 111 MAdolnega9arte bats ,greet yea faction in announcing to the people '741 , of this country, that after an,ab- T.. Bence of several years, she will r' i ngillego k ._., again have the honor of appearing - before them. . ' .. - Among the Royal Rritish Circus ' ___., _ , is the _ beautiful Stud. of English ' ; - thorough-breds, Inclu , ding the Mle s-1--, heated Mare, - • : - ' BLACK 'SWAN. r' , . 1 ~, ~ --- Being the smile Troupe with which -: . in England,' Ireland and„Amtland - ------ . .., _ elm bad the honor of performing ~.. ' before the molt refined millnumed r• ; .,- _,. sue audiences in every'"city lit ihty ; British Realm.' .' ' • -. - ,_T- , • 4. ;,.. • Madame lllacitrtoz's great Act, the `' )•.% el. ' VENETIAN-CARNIVAL t' -.--.- ..- .... ---- ..- .7.,,, i 4 - 447-,.. f , ... - Will be remembered by those who 1 1 v a i , ' ; ‘',-.-4' -_•-', • witnessed her former efforts in this IP r.:-.l%._' . .kit ' ''-' GetUntrY. - ' ' • .._ , ~..efet- . ... - da.. _ First appearance in America In • ..• -7Z Mr . JOHN COOK; • • . .:- - • ...' , 71.., . The Engffsh humorist, known - as the 1/ t., most brilliant Wit in England, and -,- it 4 familiarly styled the COMIC MUSK se t .. The _elegant follies of: this well. N ./ In'ed and gentlemanly clowii will be • . .. ~ !, occasionally diversified by the ex. 1 tfa At ; 4)eedingly comic grotesques Of the . FRENCH PIERROT. .4e. . --.: - - ,-. First appearance in America - at . ''' 4Fi '"'" . . SYRO-ARABIC .TROUPE.Gr 'jogric ' - .... Comprising Male and Female Jug. • glen, Acrobatics, ColltOrtiOllßM Prominent anteing the- features of ' 141 0 - " i tbiwt is thedistinguished . -,, , A --- ?.. reupe 1.k% I._ . - ---- • Arrxru CARROLL, .1..1,6 - - ---____;,-- ~European ~.., ........, .___-:. Of and Ainerican cele. . .nr I*. - brity. This young and. brilliant - 'artiste - is acknowledged by all, both 4 k in and out of the equestrian pro - c, ' • fesaion, to be the most perfect rider 'LI of ttiO,no. ..,' - . - _. r, . i p i ., ,dr—. - ' • ' *1 h i V, " • In addilion do the Star Company, J,1" . , -- -- _ ... the manager has secured- an en w' - -. , ' sagement with the . renowned Wild • " ri -- 7 ,--- . ---- Rider, . : . ~,,:-. - - szr EATON wirionia, . I- - . 'te- .. /tr. Stone's feats on .herneback ; 's , -- ---=-- are all 'perforated on his 'naked 4-'3:'' N.V..,, , ,,.. Steed without' saddle,-bridle, Or. - -M" --- "'' covering of any kind. His reckless - -- , and brilliant leaps over four-barred 'gates and other' derriere - , while ••••.- ' -- . . carrying Ittin'ekm lipaultio hetel,atal ,-.- in various other - attitudes, .are Coo _.',' ' '' ' : sidered - the per . fection of equestrian ~ - - • ~._ skill, and have justly entitled him ' to the distillation 'Of's , Champkillef ------ - - t r - the Arena. " • .1,.! ~ - . , liii -f•-• --- - - - . . • . . ~ ... .....'—. jOl ,4_ .. .IC.. LAT:H. RAPP+ . • . IN , ;: . , .The &pluck Ciciiii7i, _ ... _ . . ---- : - :- --- •::,. JIM .RE N'NOLDS, -----• "-T. ~..,... The grselt 1110e1 Clown. -'--• .- ' - Thegreat'remintie. spectacle V e..,,... .. , . - .. !.1; -,. DICK 'TURPIN'S ie, ',Msgr. to Toitli, AND DEATH OF SLACK NM -' *- ' Deiartettrue . 14'hiE -BLICARTE. - H ... A hi a• .! .f. t •• zo,000; lba. Conaponact Af the following Erando just received: • • • NEWBOLD'S---Oetehtated. • NEW .XERSEY- - -Seleet. EVANS it SWlEVS—Soperior. MIOHINER ; E . EXEL§TOR—douiressed. MICIIINER'S I.XCELSlOR—NotCtiniassed. • _ IRON OlTY—Canvitssed. IRON CITY—Net eenvapeed. • Pi.AIN HAMS,-Strictly priroo; ORDINARY RAMS—Very. good. 117 - Every Rom sold WIC be guaranteed is represen ted. DOCK - ji , & CO., SECRET DISEASES 1 ... SRCRET, DISEASFS • SAM..G IFT! • SAMARITAN'SGIFT! - Tae MOST thlitTAIN K,MeDY B.VER rI3ED , YeS, n POSE/TUC Cure !. BALSAM - rOP AVI A t MERCufi'Y DI SCARDED. Only tau pine to be taken to ..jfact a cure. They are entirely ePeetiSblp 7 hittrifig - .118 smell nor any unpleasant' taste, and will not,' (many. way, injure the stomach,or bowela of the moat delicate. Cures in, from two to four days, and recent oases is twenty-four hours. No exposure, no troubie, no change wholoroer. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. W. aztoss & oo . Itlab , mull by 'DreltiDl4l, &CO jed Plana. P 0 - • jan6-dly RRCOMS, BRUSH IR, TUBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions uslities sod prices, for Isle by WM: a Dilq l 3 ;II.: aF . 40. 1LoOD! , - BLOOD! BORES : TREY& CAUSE A DEPRAVED QO2l - -OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TNT TEES. SCALES, BOILS. SYPHILIS OR VENE REAL DISEASES, ETC SAMARITAN'S' R 090 T AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public ma positive enre. Benham all impurities of the blood and brings the system to a healthy Action, cnre—thoss Spots, Totters, Scale! and Copper Colored Patches. • SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The- RemeeitittOs Root and Herb Juices is 'the most certain remedy ever prescribed It, removes every - par. ticle of the.poition. , - • FEMALES! FEMALES! ,• • . ' In many affections. with which numbers of Females suffer, the /tOOT•AND HERB JUICES. ii moat happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus , in Whites, in bearing down,'Falling of "the' Womb; Debility,and for an cone" plaints incident to the ' - • • -DO NOT DEiVAIR• ' Keep out of haboltale. Mere is a cure with,ny case fin . Price Si per bottle; or six for IR, full eras ' Mona. Seidl)? . •`? D. W. GROSS 41. Bent by Express carefully pad ed by ' DRSMOND & CO, jinfl.ly Box 161 Phila. P.O. 00 0 P. 5 819 GELATINE.—The beat article in the market,jaet received and fOr sale by icarld-tf WM. DOOR Zs: FOE ONE DAY ONLY, N OT A RJ • 131 DRINK! A highly Concentrated Tegilable Extract. A runn TONIC THAT - WILL. .MIWIFYiI. TOM AP !MUDD ABM MOT MAME DlitNlAlipt. DR. liciorLAND-18 GERMAN BITTERS PBEIL&B.ED BY "`DR. C. M. JACKSON rHadvELPHIA, Pd., WILL I EFFECTUALLY and MOT CERTAINLY CUBE ALL DISEASES ARISING PROM A Disordered Liver" . Stomaeh tior - Kidneys. Thonzamie of ear citizen? are suffdrin; from DYSPEP SIA and LIVER DISEASES. and to Whom t e kflowini gavot-low eoppl,y--fta rla-ao - tegi HOWLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS • WILL CURE THEM. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease; Do you rise with a coated tongue mornings, with bed t-sto in the mouth aiii leer **Wit.) for breakfast? DO you f el when 3 on first get no so weak and languid 3 on can scarcely get about ? Po y n have a dizziness in the heal at noes, and often a dullness . , with headache ocemionatly ? Are y..n rbowels costive and irregular, and appetite change. able ? Do you throw rip wind from the stomach, and do yon swell up often ? Do von feel a fulness after eat;ng, end a sinking when the at inch is empty ? Do VI n have heartburn occas!enall, ? 1).1 you feel low spirited, and look on the dark side of th , logs ? Are you not unusually nervous at times? Do you not Become restless, obi often lay until midnight before you cm go to sleep? and then at times, don't you feel dull and weepy most of the timo ? Is 3onr skin dry awl seal ? also sallow? In short, is not Sour life a burtnen, full of forebodings? iffoolland's German Bitters • Will cure every case of 011110blI0 .OR ; NERVOUS DEBILITY, DESPASE OP THE KIDNEYS. ND DISEASR3 ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. (ibierte the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Conalipatiel2,-,Thward Piles. FOlnes er Blood to the He 1, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heal thorn, Disgust ,fef 'Food; Fulness or 'Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eincrations, Sinking orFlut ering at the Pit of the Stesnaeb, Ewimmine or t e Head, Burr:ei and Moult Breathing, I:uttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations . , when in a lying posture, DMtnese of mon, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull*P4ri in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellownese of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in - the Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, &e. fitelden Flushes of Heat, , Burning the Plash, Con -tart I Maginiogi of 'Reit, and great De preanion of Stirite. PARTICULAR 110TicE. • There are many pretar.tions sold under the name -of B ttera, pot tip in quart/tattles, compounded of the cheap est %Lasky or eemmon sum. emting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste slisguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This elan; of titters has caused, and will continue to cause. as long as they cal -be sold, hundreds: to die the, destlim the dilinkird. By th it u e the system itikept ti continually ndeetlai .iptlnenee of Acotio de fifimulaute of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept tip: 'and the result is all the horrors attendant Upon drunkard's life and death. For those who &she and will hare a liquor BAtere, we .publish the following rezeipt.: Ott One .b'ortie Hoofland's Ge,man Strike and mix with Three @Cris . - 0. good Brately or Was ky, and the result wilt be a pieparat7on that will far excel in medicinal Ihrtuee and trne exce fence any of the numercus liquor Bitters in - the merkr L s and will cast much less. You will have all the rhinos of fronfland's .Bitters in connection with a g•od ~arliele of Liquor. rt rs much lees price th.n these interior prepira,; Eons will cost you. . Bootimid% .Verman Bitters :WILL GIVE YOU A GO OD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU sTRox6- 1110ALICH-V WILL (lIVA yam , - - Brisk and energetic Feehngs, WILL FIqA.BLE YOU TO 1151-00M1:* NTeirMIJI.A7 AND WILL POSITINNLY PIINVENT YELLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, &a. &a ' &a. Tho'e Euffarinq From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, From whatever cause, sitter in MALE OR FEMALE, WLLL FIND IN 1100FLAND'S , GERMAN BITTERS pkt.E. - 4_41 D-ii ili ODI le]r. Al That wi'l restore them to their venal health. Such has liven the caso in thousands of instances, and a fair trial ie but required to prove the assertion REMEMBER, • . THAT THESE BITTERS ABE NOT 'ALCOHOLIC AND NOT. IN AD A X 3 M ID 3EL ar 311 The Proprietors have thousands of letters from the most (ailment . • CLEDGYMFN, LAWYDRIS, • ' 'PHYBICIAN9. and CITIZENS, Tentellyg of Alerir eon paropooll koo•oh•dge. 7 to 111,0 bene fit:l%l *Boobs rind medical virtue:of Wows B.tters. . Prom rev. J Newton Brown, D. D. Bator of Itnayolo- pedia of Religions Knowledge. Although mot. dimes, a sit. favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in mineral, throng' distrust of th eir ingre, (Hoots and 'effecta, .1 yet know of no sufficient :reasons why a maw may not testify-to the benolitebe beibries hiMself to hams reallited Woe any simple prepssation, in the bops that_ be may thus eentriinte to the benefit of others. Ido this more readily II regard to "Roollandlt Gamma Ritters, 7) prepared by Dr, (). Jackson, oftide city, becArise I was prejudiced, amdnet them for Years rimier the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mix ture. lam indebted to reY frienifißobort Shamokin, OK., for the removal CI this prejudice by proper teeD, fttla for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of thrf bottles of ,these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year was followed by evident relief and restoration to a deviet-of.bedily and mental vigor which I had , net feet &elmy months before, and had almost despaired of re. gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. J. NRWTON BROWN. Phi'adelphis, June 28, 1861, PISSARRO OP • KIDNEYS and BLADDER, - --in Young or Aged - - Nee or Female, Are speedily reznoved, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE: CHILDREN, Tbmie orrihrring from MARASOItrf4 witatiog away, with . Aitreal7 any ii.ali an their bones, are eared in a very short 'tim .; one bottte In such ewes will balre a AIM Surprising effect. • • P.IICEILMNWIES Elevirur waffaring children as "box., and Wish;ng to raise them, will sever regret the. day they comMeneed with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, RTUD4NTS, And these working hard with their brads, should I ways keep a bottle of HOOPLAND'S FITTERS near them. •e they wilt find much benefit froth ite nee,to both mind and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And lama no prostration. • Attention,Soldiers.! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We mill the attorlien of all hal 4 nst relati ooo or friends in the semi to Elm &et that a HOOlll6 IND'S German Bit. tem ,) will core nine-tenths of the diseases induced by ek pomarPs and privations incident to camp life. In the hate, published almost da.ly in the newspapers, on the arrival of the 4ck, it wi I be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debi ity. Every ease of that kind OW he read'iy cured by HooflaniPs German Bitter's. We have no Imitation in stating that if these Bitters we-e freely used among our solders. hussirodir of liVot might ho saved that otherwise would be Inst. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful litters from snif rers in the army and hospitals, who b a y, been restorett_. to healthily the use of these Bitters, sent tcrthent by their' , friends. BEWARE OF 10011714iTERFEurst the Qat the, Signature efm. aTeekeen eon . , . the WRAPPER "of each Baal& PRICE PER BOTTLE T 6 CENTS, • ZEN - Z .ll frl'4i ; 3 :: • ll ire t iilistl : "e)don bell7ayotheo44l , :i o i a th a may be offered sei its place, bet send tik As s and we - Will f orwar g.,sgeorely poked, by apnea, Principal 011ie liantfactery , IT4P. - 7431:AittClit ST. 41=II MT 33 OS oils 39 NT TO" MI 7 Mamma to C. M. JACK ON & C 0.,) MOPRLICTORS. Er for ale by Druggists and Dealers in every town In ke 'United Rates - ma 121311 Lieltitbol6's THE GREAT it AMERICAN REHEDIES,'" KNOWN AS " H EL IVI BOL D'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS. v z lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT ••BUCHU." HE4M . BOLTYS EXTRACT BARSAPARILLA_ IMLNIROIArS IMPROVED ROSE WASH. 1=63=1 ÜBLI4M-TrgOzNFINE PFEPATtAnni, " WOOLY CONCENTRA TED -, COMPOUND - FLUID EXTRACT BIICIIII, A pesitve - acd speele Remedy-for Dieemes of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, WiLtVEL AND DROPSICAL SWEL LINGS This medicine increases the rower of digesticn and ex cit s the absorbents into Lealtbyc - :oo, which the water or calcareous depositiond, and all unnatural en largemtnts, are reduced. as well ts pain and intlamma tie.n, and is rod lor MEN, and lIEL2,II3OLD'3 EXRRACT LUCHTT, For Weaknoss briotoefrom Excel. seR, Habits of Din pation, Ear.y IndigervtiOn or Abuse, atttrided nith the, FOLLOWINO- SVMPTOSIS, Indisposition to Ex, rtion, Dryness of the Skitr,, • Loss of Memory, - toss of Power. Weak Herr , s, Diffrmity in Breathing } Horror of Disease, ' Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Wak4ulness, Ifniveesal Lassitude of the Pain in iho $ .ek, binocular By stem, Flu , bi Lg of the Body, Hot Hands, - Eruptions on the Face, P. 111.1 Countenance. These symptoms, if snowed td gd on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon fol.ow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILIPTD3 In one .of which the patient may earire. Who can say they are not frequently foiowed by those t• direful dim- INEANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause of their mitering, but none will contest. The recores f-f the I wane Abyhtma i and the toelaseholy deatha by Conaumption, Mat aikk,jo *ape,* t 6 the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFIECTED BY GANIC WELIOTESS, liequirts the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigo rate the system,wbieh ISELMBOLD 2 a EXIRACTIeILt.7 invariably does A trial will ecnvinee the moat ekeptiesi 1:==I FEMALES ! FEMALES!! FEMALES !!P OLD OR YOUNG, RIMS, MARRIED, 01 CONTEMN PLATING MARRIAGE In many ffecticna ‘ peettl'ar ao Fenta - es, the Extras Buehu.is unequalled by any other n medy, as in Chlorad or Retention, Irregula , ities, Painfplin am, r kupprescion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhoua state c.,:.-the Uterus, Lettcorrh.a or Wbi - t-e 7 Bterility ; and for 111 , compLitilte incident to the sex, whether centric from in discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR ORANGE OF LIFE SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE NO FATLY SHOULD BE MITROLI Take no Balsam, Mercury or Ernpleaaa.nt ffiedicin UN)le giant and Dangerous DLeases. • HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIIC.RU CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, it little expense ; little o.r no than IS diet ; no inconvenience„AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes fagneat desire and' gires strength to Urinate, thereby removing aptinntions, preventing and curia strictures of .the urethra, allayibg pain and inflammation •so Invent in this class of diseases, and expelling POI. SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-MT ikiATTEX. Thousands 'upon thousands who have been the; :VICTIMS OP QUACKS, And who have paid HFAVar FEES to beleured in a short. time, have found they were deceived, and that the " Poi son " bag. by the use of a Power'nl Altringents, ,, , beets dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravataTform„ BilerS AMR. IddliklAGlL . • --.so:— 1188 HELMBOLDIS EXTRACT BUGHIT: For all Alfeetioce and Diseases of the. URINARY OW GANS. whether existing in MAL it OR FEMALE, from whatever muse migit siting, and no matter of how long deeding. Dilolllos of theme organs rtquiro the - aid of a DRIDNIIO.* HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SUOMI 18 THZ (MEAT DIURZTIO, And it is• certain' to have the desired effect in all Dilemma for which it is recommended. ' BLOOD I BLOOD BLOOD !! ! NELMBOLWS BIGALY CONCENTRATED WON POUtD FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. SYPHILIS. Tbti Is an affection of the Elbert, pid Piaci% the iietlie organs, Linings of the Nora, Mars, 'Throat, Windpite and other Mucus ni/rfaCell, coating its appearnt e in the form of Ulcers. HELMBOLD , S b.stract nanisparilli purifies t.'4! Blood and r move` all Sealy hruotiors of the giving to the complexion a clear and healthy color. It being prepared expneniy for this class of complaints, to Mloothpurifying propertits are pas rred to a greater . ea tent then 1034 rthes pr‘pstition of - I= HELMBOLIVS ROSE WASH, An excel!. nt leilen fer Mammas al a layrbilwie nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs aris ing from habits 9f dissipation, mad in conn. ction with the Extracts Bncltn sod Sarsaparilla, In such diseases as recom mended. Evidence of the moat respenaitne, and reliable character will accompany the mmUcices. CERTIFICATES OF . CURES, From three to twenty yeare etending, pith num known TO SCIENCE AND FAME tor medical properties of BUCBU, see,Disp recto • the United States. See Professor DEWEES' valuable walks - on the Pr tice of Physic. See remarks made by the late . celebrated Pr, Pi/n/m, Bee remarks made by Dr. EPHRATA& WDOWELts celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal College Burgeons, Ireland, and published in the Trantaietkons the King and Queen's Journal. bee Medico Chirurgieal lfikvielw ' onblished by DEMI& ' MIN TRAVERS;FeIIow of .RoyalCorege of Surgeonli, • Bee hunt of the late Standard Works on Medicine. - Extract Hoehn 01 00 per bottle, or Rix for $6 00 Extract sarasparilla..:... el 00 per bottle, or six for Ilfo 00 Improved Roan Wash.... file. per bottle, or six for $2 60 Or half dosen of each for $l2, which will be sufficient to Cure the most obstinate dame, if directions are adhered te. Delivered to any address, semuel) pecked from obser vation. Er -- Desaritma syinplome in all eammun!ettiong_ Vara] guarantee 4. AdYi4l4) gratis. ----:o:-1 AFFIDAVIT. - Personally appeared before me,.an alderman or the city or Plahrdelybia, H. T.lmbo d, wbo being duly sworn doth say, his preparations 'contain no narcotic, no mer— cury, or other injuzions drugs; but arc purely vegetable. • H. T. .ELALBOLD... Sworn end subscribed Ware mo, this 2311 day of Novenas ber, 1864. , .WK. P. BißriSfiv, Aldermant ift., . sag, shibulelphis. Address letters for information in contidenco to IL T. BELMBOLD, Chemist. .Depot, No. 104 •Eouth Tenth street, bekto Chestnut, ,Pspodplo4 t". • • • '. Y. , •.. .1 BZWARI OP COUNTIpIq/BITO AND IniPI9*TPI43I)I)RALERS-, Who endeavor to &pie. " OWN Pf an it other I , articles on the reputation attained by MadilLlK4 lo l. GENUPUI t ITEPARATIoNS, 10400;linitAmstxtml Etruter BUORIY 1131.11BOLVIIMINIMB - iXTELOT SARSAPARILLA,I kilL/P I MeWS 4NNUINN X PROTEI soon wesn. geld by all Drupes& everywhere. -.. MOE FOR HILKBOLDT—TAIEN NO OTNIER, Ont . out the advertisement and send. for it, - and mut . • /Airy 7) IDA' -