Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, August 20, 1863, Image 2

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    g4t afriAllAnion.
Commun.: caverns will not be pnbliehegi in the P_ memos
Alto :11n,Lear !micas accompanied with the name of th
meths) r.
Of Aweaussr COUNTY.
Democratic gttc Cimtral Committee.
- The following is the state Psalm' Committee as ap
pointed by Hon. FINDLAY PATTNRSON, of Washing
ton county, who, as P.ecident Via late "Demeeralle
Cony cation, was authorized by a resolution of the body
to announce the Committee. It Ceosists of a Chairman,
and Represontatiies of the avers& ffinmtotisil riete
into which the State. is divided ;
at District—Theodore Coyle; Philadelphia.
D0......110bert J. Hemphill.... do.
Do • 'John Fullerton, jr do.
...Isaac Leech do.
2d.. . D. Evans, Chester county. .
ad- Wm. Mont emery county. -
4th„..16 . Wm, Rogers, Banks e nmi ty_'
5th...40.....1h0mas Heckman, Norllnunnton county.
6th . ...d0......111e5ter Clymer , Beaks county; .
7th . ...d0 William Randall, Schuylkill county.
" Asa Parke; Carbon county.
9th...d0 idichael itylert, Sullivan county.
101h....d0.....*.8tephen S Winchester, Lpserne county.
11th. • .40 Mortimer M. Tina °panty.
12th....d0.....10hn Rums'. Lyeamths county,
18th, .. do - William Snot, Northumberland oonnty.
14th...d0 Samuel Hepburn, Cumberland county.
15th—do William M. Brisbin, Lebanon county.. •
George Sanderson, Lancister cogoty.
D 0..... James Patterson do.
17th. „do , .john F Flimsier, York county.
18111...d0 Henry Smithy - Filtrouronnty.
19th...d0....7. Shown Africa, Huntingdon county
28th...d0 William Bigler:, Clearfield county.
215t....d0..... Hugh Weir, Indians county. •
d 0..... Thomas B. &aright, - Fayette county.
23d. ..d0.....W_ T. R_Paicey, Greene Apowity_
Nail _do Geo W Cass_ Allegheny county.
n 0..... lames P. Bari , "do.
214k...d0.....James O. Campbell, Butler county.
26th....d0..... David S. Morris, Lawrence county.
27th...d0 • Thomas W. Orayton; Crawford county.
2fith..,do Kennedy L Woad, Jefferson county.
• The several County Committees of Superintendence
ore requested to eommunicate the names and postalee
address of their members to the Chairmen of the State
Central Committee. Editors of Democratic _pipers in
Pennsylvania are requested to forward copies himi
CHARLES 7. DIDDLE, Chairman:
FKIL/DELPHIA, 1n1y21,111615.
Democratic County Convention.
At a meeting of the County Committee,iteld
at the public house of Jas. Raymond, in the
City of Harrisburg, on the 15th inst., it was
RI - Tao:wed, That the Democratic voters of the
teiteial wards, boroughs and townships:in Dau
phin county, are requested to meet at their
usual places of holding delegate electiotke, in
the townships, between the hours of five sad
seven o'clock, P. M , and in the wards and
boroughs, between the hours of seven and a;
half and nine e'clock, P. M,, on Saturday the
6th day of September next, for the purpose of
electing two delegates from each ward, bor
ough and township, to represent them in a
County Convention, which shall be held at the
Court the 'City of Harrisburg, on
Tuesday, the Bth- day of September next, at
two o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of forming
a county ticket, &c.
The following changes in the places of hold
ing delegate elections were made, viz :
Susquehanna Tawnship.—From Miller's school
house, to - Michael G. Shreiner's hotel, Coxes
Trard.—To the public
house of Re i ymond Sr. Kendig.
Warana; Chairman.
Pranklin Smith, Secretary.
A Pertinent Qlention:
On the 'morning of the day -on which the .
Abolition State Cotitention met at Pittsburg,.
the Dispatch, a rampant A,bolition paper, put
the following pertinent question: ..
If A: G. Ciirtin consents to the use of hie
name before the Convention, in what light can
he be regarded by truthful men? Hie official
declination of the honor has never been rep
called ; is hie pledge of no binding force;
. Well, be did , consent, and was noMinated.
How con "truthful men" supper' him, proved
by hisowa word to be a violator of his pledge ?
Ix ahhoaL every Abolition paper we open,
We see something like the following, in staring
capitals, or bold face: te Hew our nominations
are vieund is other States." In our judgment
-it 'got of AO' mach consequence how the nom
ations of Curtin and Agnew cg are viewed in
other States," us bow they are a'e T lowed" in
Ihia, State, w,here they are cand.dates, where
they are known, and where their merits will be
passed upon at the polls. Ifow do they stand
pee 4 That's the important question, which
we can answer in few words. They stand just
well enough to tumble at the first push—which
they will get on the day of election; when they
SC Fall as the leaves do,
Fall as the leaves do,
And die in October PA
Tuts friends-of Garda—his Harrisburg or-
gan included-41see him decidedly upon the
Abolition platform. They support him mainly
fi upon the -ground of hin -advocacy of negro
emancipation, equality and fraternity. We
have no objection to meet:the issue squarely—
to fight the battle upon that single question, if
they desire it. The contest is then narrowed
to this: Shall the negroes of the Sonth-4,-
000,000 of them, and not half oivilized—l
set free and made the equals and companions,
the eolopetitere in toter of the white mon 'tf
the North ? Shall we be overrun by this horde
of semi-barbarians of . a different race and
color, and wages brought down by competi-'
tion ? Gut4in is for this—WCiodward against
la the White on of Penneylvanift d et w o
which of the two they wilt choose. We are
content to abide the Abolition issue.
Loose. Words;
The,Siltulelphis Pia& since it. fell into th
bends, or at leapt undor,the influence, of Jay
Cook & Co., has blooms violent in ita opposith
to everything Demobratio, and very loose in it
expreasi ge. Spealring`•°of the effect of tie
election of Judge Woodward; the editor eo3
it "would weaken, injure, and, make defence
the • government." :1044 tkieL coterie of
Balls-in whose interest-ihe ..p#4, seems -to
law eslll the goverment, ip simpiOdr: Lin
eats and hie associates in the administratior,
ismse of whose measures; wild, visionary, im
practicable and unconstitutional, Judge Woods:
ward would undoubtedly oppose. This is pro
cisely what the people meet of him, and for
which purpose they will elect hi m . "We
know," says the Dial, "that he has decided
that soldiers have no right to note." The uoe
stitntion and, not-fudge yaotiwark'deci4d,
not tbaL soldiers' had "go" right to vote "4,lmt
that no pereon, citizen or soldier, had a right to
vote, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsyl
vaniai when out of ;his proper election district.
Viet_ was the dceision;.and to' say otherwise is
deliberately to assert a falsehood. "We
know," continues the same paper, "that he
has publicly justified the rebellion, and that he
is opposed to the war `forits . subjugation."
The Deal "knows" too mush—it knows more
. can be known. Judge Wood ward has
never "publicly" or privately, by word or lies,
` . justified the rebellion," nor is he opposed to
a "war for its subjugation," as in this wise
"subjugation" can mean nothing more than
suppression. lie has now two sons in the slaty,
-who have been in since the commencement,
fighting for the suppression of the rebellion,
risking their lives, and one of 'Chem at least
having shed his blood, for thatpurpcise. That
he is apposed to the pace/ sear policy, which
is not fora restoration , of the Union, or to
"defend and maintain the supremacy of the
Constitution," but for the destruction of both,
and for the utteenetittitiOnal emancipation of
millions of slaves, we do not in the least ques
tion—and in this opposition two-thirds of the
people of the United States and a large portion
•of the army concur with him. But the Dial
"knows" 0(111 more—we quote again
"We know that Jefferson Davis could ask
nothing better from Pennsylvania thin his
election, and that the continuance of Governor
Curtin in the high office he so nobly fills, wot;ld
be fatal to retrelhopea."
This language is shameful as it is false. The
Dial "knows" no suelt things.. .13, is the mere
effervescence of political ti elloM, or the palic7 l
of eelf-latereet, which gets' truth• at defiance
and vents itself without regard to decency; or
moral reeponsibility. It is se.andalous to im
peach the' loyalty 'and patriotism of a : citizen
so eminent as Judge Woodward—no one bt4 a
fool or a fanatic (Perhape the terms Rile BY,-
noyinous) will believe the assegion ; and as to
Curtin'ti election being "fatal to rebel hopes;"
why he , has been in office evtr since the rebel
loin broke out, and their "hopes" do not peen'
to have died out yet.
Lt The . Presi4iitli, Dog."
The President's Dog, like other cure of high
and low degree, is tinfavorably affected by •the .
Sirian star—the heat:raffles his ;temper a in
flames his blood, increases his natural , vicious.;
ness, addi a sharper note to his yeli, and in
tensifies that hatred to water as a. beverage
WWI taunts him even in the winter months,
and which may safely be 'pronounced chronic
hydrophobia. The. black bottle,- which is the
fountain of 'big inspiration, his companion in
the closet, the soother of his evening' hours,
and the " eye-opener" which ,unfilms him for
the labors of the day; and steadies his legs for
those loyal gambollings in which his master's
soul dilightiLthia trusty reservoir of nerve,
courage, patriotism and hope, sinks fast these
summer days, and is sent to the nearest grocery
to be replenished with a frequency which in
dicates that the coppers of the "Dog" are rag
ing het—as torrid, infect, as the weather. In
a word, Forney is Malignant and vicious of
late,'beyond his Wont—raised by heat and
dent spirits far above even.his usual. aximum
of devilishness. But although his temper suf
fers, his mendacity seems to thrive under a
a Bengal sun—he breaks forth into -a:tropical
luxuriance of lies. And such lies !—there is
something absolutely impressive in :the bold
ness of theta. He hag cultivated the vice with
infinite assiduity—with 'no inattentive.eye has
he read the_ history oistlillPrit liarS frqm
Ananias and wife down to Haileck,..Pope,and
Stanton, but with electric sagacity has mastered
what is admirable in these models, and shunned
their weak points.' ' •
We have no leisure, and if we had the leisure
could not And the space to notice even the
ventions of a single week which-come to us in
the Press and Chronicti—thOse twin lighti of
loyalty—those sacred tvessels from which in
cense rises with the morning sun to soothe the
rOyal nostrils of the ce Second Washingtan."
There is one particular lie, however, which
seems to be such a pet with the ci Dog," which
he has given in so many shapes, repeated with
such pertenacitY, and' detorated with such .a
vast amount of florid rhetoric, . that it claitns j . a
word ornotice.
There was a town meeting held in Philadel_
phis on the lath of Deceinber r 18GOicalled by
the Mayor and Councils; and, presided over by
Mayor Henry. This ineetiog comprehended
people of all parties--its object was to con
-Bider the state of the country, and to i take
some actedh towards the pteservation of the
Union—prominent itepublicans Were, - among
the speakers, as well as prominent Democrats.
On - this occasion Judge Woodward speke—
made an appeal for the Union and the Consti-
tution—set ferth the inestimable blessings
whiel we had enjoyed under them—and ex
horted his fellow-citizens to rise and make an
effort to preserve the hontli of peace and
brotherly affection,which still - linked Pennsyl
vania to the South. This - speech, which has
appeared in our columns, was precisely in
keeping with the object of the meeting and the
'spirit in which it was, called. It was received
with universal satisfaction by all conservative*
and Union-loving people_ Eve]; _Forney pro
fessed himself pleased with it and was guilty
Of printing it on his types. Now mark the
vagabond—the poor perjured slave of power—
in obedience,to the behests of those who own
him, he now asserts roundly that the meeting
referred to was an excited political gathering—
a sort of secession mop—and that Judge Wood
ward descended from the bench to inflame the
passions of the multitude, and- carry Pennsyl
vania out of the Union on. their shoulders.
This lie le repeats about tri-weekly. He picks
pirts of sentences out of the printed speech,
garbles and perverts them, and- then points to
them in triumph' s proof s that liidge Wood
ward is disloyal: Why not publish the whole
speech T If little inconsiderable morsels of it
afford such damning proof of treasoni , think of
the effect of the connected and'entireiipeeeh.
We dare him to publitili,ifj fiti-knoWo better
than to do so. He knoweas well staweAo that
it was a sincere and noble appeatfor the Union
of our fathers--he knows it, PO - Iml will loot
ray it, for the truth is pOt ii ll w , f At is morn .
congenial to his nature—more acceptable to
his master, that he should lie - than tell the.
thing that is. Day by day the poor devil sinks
lower in the scale of infamy—when he wrote
the Forrest letter he was base enough--but he
wallows now in deeper deeps of servility and
shame. The pimp of a play-actor has become
• ,
"the dog a despot. Why call nn hair& the
truth 1 Why,look for grapes from thorns, for
. 111 gs from thistles—or seek the well .o 4 truth
Anywhere in the hot neighborhoOd of ileitikack
bottle. 4,
‘ ApuissiOtt,—Otir es:Amite will attest that when
the Postmaster General issued his letter lost
year on the negro question, we characterized
it as the most important letter from any lie
publican source on this question. His late
speech at Concord is but a reiteration of former
views. ,To his rescue, recently, has come the
Baltimore American (Republioan) which con
tends that the constitution guarantees to - the
white race political supremacy. Lot the folloti
ing admission from an editorial in the New
York Times of August 11, attest the vital im
portance of this guaranty :
4, The objection to the bestowal of any such
dignity upon the Southern blacks we see as
clearly and feel as strongly as anybody. We
believe firmly that in the present condition of
society, and of human nature, or any condition
which they are either of them likely to attain
for many generations to come—we will not
say low Many lest we be set down as pessi
mists—the adthission of such a body of men
as those no* or lately living in slavery to the
possession of the suffrage would inevitably
bring about, and in a very short space of time,
the destruction of popular inetittatious of this
g , We are running enough risk already
amongst ourselves from the ignorance and
corruption of white voters, for us' to have a
particle, of doubt as t 3 tht ffect upon them of
the addition of nfeer millions of black litters,
who, far from having' any knowledge of the
science of government, have a vast majority of
them still to leafn the art of supplying their
own daily wants. Inasmuch'as we consider the
notion that the -franchise_ is 'anything but a
privilege to be be stowed, to be dangerous
falacious, we shoUld coneider any prepOsal to
confer,' t on men..whoie history, antecedents
and- character Afford the fullest ground for
believing theM ineepable of ezercising it with
(mit donger to thmoolmee and iheir
to be little short of insane. 04 this point we
and the stupidest, or most knavish Copperhead
of all the crowd are perfectly agreed.",
Here we have it that. the proposition, to give
the negro political power wesici olodm popu4r
institutions on, this--:continent I This is an. He
publican admission, of what • the, doctrines of
Sumner, Whiting,, Butler, Phillips, and the set,
would result in!. Greater condemnation could
not be uttered?
But the New York Times does not go to the
root of the •matter. Who Are to be the law
givers in the great territory, in which eight mil
lions of whitei and four millions blacks now
live aide ^ by sidel Is it Congress ? . Is!ite the
President ?:> Must fit not be the white ; race as
they &fele distinct vommunittee k juettie they
ever have been frote their origin:? The peo
ple of :Nord] ' Carolina would no more allow
South Carolina to sake their leers, then they
would allow the people of 'Massachusetts to do
it: The idea of homogeniety•;is the dream of
Mite book men, who know nothing of the world,
and it must be abindoned. •The only solution
possible is to leave this vast problem .In-the
bends of the people of the-States;--Boston .
Post. .
NEW YoRK, August 16.—The steamer Ful
ton has arrived'from Port Royal, with dates to
Sunday, the 16th inst. The following is re
ceived from our correspondent !
Flag Ship Dinsinore, off Charleston, August
16.—Since Monday last the events here have
beenrather- monotonous. We have been ex
changing shell and shot with • the rebels night ,
and day, with probably little damage to either
side. 'The-object of the enemy was to retard
Glhnore's siege works on the'shore ; but
all haie been - perfected for some days.
The intention tto open on the 13th was aban
doned, on account of some difficulty as ,to the
quality' of the army ammunitien,,nnd owing to
the serious, indisposition of G. sp. grihnere.
however„is much better, and the opening of.
the heavy.siege;. wprk •nrill-,COmmence at, nay
light to-morrow. . • , •
The shore batteries in the range of their guns
yesterday and the day betbre knoCked three
holes in, the., walls of Sumpter.
The general impression, prevails that the,
rebehi have evacuated _Sumpter, and will blow
it up as soon as the assault commences. One
of nearly thirty guns . *tithe parapets; tentlays
Ingo, but,six now remain, and Most of tho'se in
the giaenients'ind previousfy disappeated.
The rebels have erected aline of earthworks
a'mile king on James
,Island, from Fort John
son to Secessionville, althOugh - they have but
few guns mounted yet;, This !is' Suppoted to
bn the destination of the . glow taken from
! Sumpter.. .• •
Our, pitkett . srouhd Sumpter rePort great
activity among the• rebels every 'night, with
schooners' steamers, &c.
The Weather continues fine, with a very calm
sea; which'isinost favorable or our operations.
The air is hot, but ttigood • sea breeze, and oc•
casional thunder showers, cool the air.
Everything is now in readiness on sea and
shore, andiill arelooking forward to the„work
to=morrow &Ira complete success. Reinforce
ments continue to arrive daily.. Quite a large
army is now ou the
On Wedneaday night the Rebels opened on
our works with grape and canister, on informa
tion received from two sutlers who deserted to
the- enemy.- •We lost two killed and two
wounded—the inottitora, 110WeTOrs soon si
lenced the rebel guns. , Admiral Dahlgren
went on board ,the Fatapeco, joining her Under
the gu ns of Wagner,:and came.near being taken
off by a ten inch, shot from the fort.
The indications are, that the rebels will de
peed. principally upon the obstrpctions and the
interior line of def‘tiOcti. In the attack to
come off to-morroW, the Ironsides will engage
Fort 'Wagner, and keep her silent, while the
shore batteries and monitors engage Sumter.
At the same time the wooden fleet and mortar
.;Ileet will engage Moultrie. 'lt will be a grand
affair. -
The rebel Works on James Island indicate
that an attempt will be made on the part of the
rebels to drive teneral qiimore off •Morris
Island, or to annoy him so as to interfere with
the oleo of-Sqmpter.
Angust - 16, 5.r. N.—l learn from the shore
that the rebels have Toiled sand bags on the
wharf; in the rear of Sumpter, against the rear
wall, 40 feet high, comptetely protecting the
magazine from the shore barteries of General
Gilmore. The removal of the guns from the
parapets of Sumter is probably from perceiving
that our batteries will silsnoe them. .
There litre been but two or three shots fired
to=day, both parties observing thv sob u th.
It is generally understood that the assault
will be made and the , weather prom
ises to bermost favorable. The ocean is calm
as a mill pond, the weather clear and light.
General Galmart's health is much bttter this
e I
The above dispatch is. from .C. C. Fulton,
Esq., of the Baltimore-Ainerican.
'.[The telegraph brings us what purports to
1)3 a goVerument dispatch flora Charleston via,
Fortress Monroe, which, like most other goy
ernment dispatches—espeeially those from the
War Office—is so obviously false, that we will
not publish it.]
WASHINGTON, August 19.—The fidlowing is
the language of Major General Halle* to the
afoot for the exchange of prisoners,:
Oft% directed that immediately on receiv
ing ofiloiaVor other authentic infortostion, of
thelsieetistiOn of Captain Sawyer analUalitain
Flin,,yoOrill proceed to'hang W. E. Lee and
thifotherftbel officers designated, as herein
above directed, and that you notify Robert
Ould,,Esq. of the said proceedings, and as
sure him that the government of the United
Stasi will'proceed to retaliate•forerveryliitni—
lar violation of the laws of civilized war."
NEW Yoax, Aug. 19.—.• The steamer Empire
City haw arrived from Charleston. Her dates
arc to the evening of the 15th. -
She reports that on the 17th, when off Cape
Lookout, saw the gunboat Connecticut in chase
of a blockade runner. - The Empire City joined
in the chase, but after twelve hours chase she
escaped. .
The Port Royal New South has the following
The rebel steamer Robert Habersham, which
had been watching our advance movements off
the Savannah river, exploded her boiler, kill
ing all, the crew,
The ram Savannah came down the river on
the 10th, intending to run out to sea, but broke
-one of her engines and had to put back. She
is the mate of the Atlanta, already captured.
Anew Rebel ram is building at Savannah.
Several heavy gtuis.linve been .sent from Sa
vannah to Charleston.
Gen. Mereer, commanding at Savannah, is
impressing one-fifth of the able bodied slaves
Georgia, for vork on the fortifications. All
the Regrow; in Saiannah have- been seized and
PIA to work On the fortifientions. Several c On
trabands had reached Fort- Pulaski, having
escaped from Savannah. ' - • •
DR2,i7 IN NEVir
Nsw roux, August . 19.—Tbe draft in the
/girth congressional. distrjet pro'grossing
quietly'; there 111) no trouble is any parka. the
city, nor is any apprehended. Bustnesu m
going cares usual. ands general feeling.of spook
City and' safety pervades the whole COMmunity.
The•militsry arrangements are most perfect.
. _
'esc6ipn' psr~~cs
NEW. YORK) Aug. evening The &aft
to-daydias pro4eedod without othec demon
stration than jolly mamas ,rolatlye i 9 thine
elected.- The: military arrangements, - howeyer,
will continuo of the. most pm:fect ~ohtT4qter,
and Gen. Canby, who commands ..11e., kYOO
- here, is unceasingln his ligtlince,
remitinibeWith his staff at headquarters,day;
and'aigbt. • -
It la proper le' eta hat through the melte
, •
urea taken by th i s ' d Meer a mob could not exist
one hour either in New York city or Brooklyn.
About one thousand names were drawn to•
The nanitia are all at theli annorim-but will
not be called upon unless pilvate property can
not be Protected' 63,
The. Provost Marshal, and other Government
officials, arc ran* peotected- by , detachments of
the 37th MasSachasetts, and other regibienta.
Wasnraores, AuguatlB..—Benj F. Hall, late
Chief Juettce •of Colambia, Territory, has tto
cepted the•-appointment of Consul at Valpa
raiso. This was some time ago conferred upon
ex-Governor Harding § ,of Utak, who now tikes
the plane vacated by_Jodge T i z i t other
words, they have exchanged 4;0.
NEW YORIE; . August' 17.—The British gov
ernment has appealed tt the Supreme-Court of
the Vnited Stites in the case •of --the steamer
Peterhoff and lief" crew-and:43a - rge, _ -
NEW Max, August.'lB.-=--The establishment
known. as the New toil( Tattersills, located at
No 660, 662; and" 664' Sixth , av'enue, was en
tinily destroyed by firtithin afternoon. Several
firemen were injured brthe falling - of the
walls, and twenty-five horses werelurned to
death. The loss, which.amouated to $40,000,
is mostly insured, The fire - ja sfipposed to
have been the work df an incendiary, and.part
of a 001400ted 401w:de en FAOP4ra of the Ap
proadhing draft.
• ..
4.ourro3i. 0r;:gx . .8,7,0,14„cx,8 7 -.p.rop.ABLE RESUMP
TION OF orri4rorts orituAtiono leT
WASIIiNGTON August 18. , --The. febeb.h",vekt
extended their line of pickets, to. the- Rapptid
hannock, the _ • army stretching from Madieon
Court House ttrFrederiekshorg. Lonptreet's
obipe hie the tight of the line, Hill's is along_
the •Rapidan from Madison- Court House to
Fly's Ford,. and Rwelrs corps .111. encampe d,
around •Gordonsiille, within supporting, die.
tance of •HilL Stuart's. cavalry at:Cul;
pepper and is doing nothing: - .
Die evident• that - lee vontemplates Offensive
operations:: His army: has been •cautiously
moving in the direction of the lower fords - of
the Rappahannock for ;some time, and our
commanding generals havelooked from. day to
day for demonstration& against our left.. -
Last Week °nevi our scouts crossed the river
at United States Ford and took , dinner, with
some of the . rebels upon the- Chantellorsville
battle grotind. A large &lig of negroes were
employed in getting out dottier . fez. ; ,tbe!cen
Stritction . of bridges. The - reports in circitla
tion among the rebels were to the effect that
United States anCßtnks's Fords 'were to be.
bricigeti. so as to,enable Lee to make a rapid
advance upon Drimfriee and Fairfai, thereby
cottipg of our communication With *silting - -
ton, and forcing nit to attack him. Whether
such a movement is still contemplated by the
enemy or not remains to be , determined, but it
is generally believed in military circles that
Lee will avail himnelf
_of the opportunity now
afforded by the decimated condition of our
army to make One desperate effortfor the de
struction,of the' Army of 'the PotOmac.
It is not , at: ally iinprohible 'that the rebels
will attack ns,'and we, may yet have the an.
nual struggle 'upon the plains of Manassas
and Ball Run. - • , •
ROCHESTER, August 18.—The secret:confer
ence this afternoon lasted three'or fotir 'hours,
during which Garret Davis, N. H. Wood and
Others participated in a comparison of views
with regard to , sustaining political organiza
tions and their respective strength and aims ;
the reported conclusion arrived at beina• a that
the restoration of peace and the re-establish
went of the Cuion can only be brought about
by the ol•gamization of the conservative element
in the North Upon a platform similar to that of
the Union Democracy of Kentucky.
A committee , consisting of Messrs. Davis, of
Kentucky, N. H. Woods, of Wisconsin, R. F.
Stevens, ,of New Xerk, S. W. Dailey, of White
hall, and J. P. Faurat, of Canandaigua was ap
pointed-to prepare business for to-morrow apd
submit an address. • -
vu triso4PPOp O T
18T1414 PALIANY, VIRAOLif &U . .
The San Rranahaqa letin publishes' news,
by the,ConaOtutiop, to July let, frOth the city. „
10.1[100. Alr. Dolton,
..,pastleoget, stgea
that oa the cntrarice °tile Eispeh tAnislnhate
WAS' Were compelled lb receive thew with'eiviet.
By decree of the French all the property of
the Liberals had been confiscated
Saliguy, the Freaci► Minister, was virtually
The Mexican army was hovering around ;
and no courier from Vera Cruz had arrived for
thirty days—they were supposed ' treyed by
tie Mexicans. Ortego common the Meal
coil forces between San Luis P si and the
catty of Mexico. -
' The French--aemy of deenpatron is about
15,00(1—the rest were at diffeient places.
The people in the pity of Mexico did not as
-sedate with the French as a general rule. It
seemed to be the common impression that. the
Freneh,intended to establish, a....latglarellial
form of government.
General Almonte, who is one of the leaders
of the Mexican "traitors' " party, in a speech,
stated . that they had no spa:Tank - *ill "ate
United Stales, and &at the time would soon
arrivOthln they wsktild'again be iwposseasion
of the foil which 'Was so haself 'taken 'from
theni by the United Staten .
The French Minister, Saligny, had addressed
a letter to Gen. Ferey, requesting him to ap
point a Councilto govern Mexico and the lat
ter had issued &Ascii() aprimeting thirty-five
Mexicans as such CottudiVor - Junta Superior.
This Council were to, have power to choose
three men; a Triumvirate, who should be the
chief executive officers of Mexico. The Junta
was to elect 215. Mexicans, and with them to
form the Assembly of Notables, which Assem
bly was to determine the form of government.
If, however, three ballots are taken without ob
taining a vote of two-thirds for any form, then
the Triumvirate should dissolve the Assembly,
and the Junta should choose 215 others to
form a new Assembly, and - so on. The sessions
of the' Junta Superior and of the Assembly of
Notables were to be held with closed doors.
The Junta Superior had elected Almonte,
the Archbishop of Mexico,. Labastida, and
Oen., Seise, ak . the Triumvirate. Labaatida,
who left the country while Jdarez was in power;
is now on his way from Spain, and during . 'his
absence A.rchbishop Orpageilea would occupy
13y the. steamer Bt. Louis, arrived at. ban
Fraticieco, we haVe ibe following froio
tolviezioo t0..T017. 2,2
Gen. Porey was lssuing,decrees daily.
The Frencti-Ileatgan neirBPflPets urge the
recognition of., the. Southern Confederaci-
They state that France i will recognise it.
Mexican jealousy and prejudice ie •being
provoked against the United Statii.. •The Pv
errime.nt'papo says the Nortliern , WAttfare in
favor of Suarez, while the Confederates are'for
a Mexican , monarchy, and everything looks to
the inimcdiate'reeiignitiOn of..thia Cliinfleracy
by -lifex sco ; "..•.' ,
The . guerillas were fighting on the realead
ing to the city of 'Mexico_ The' Mexicans
reake.,no . rieenera l
,but_ slay all y they_ implore.
They wage a war, of 4terihiriation. -
Nunierolus , assasslnatiens have'tiikeii place
at the' eapital • off peraonsiympithizieg • with
the Prenbli. ' -
Tho Triumvirato•gomernment irsa dail7
inhuming and 'sheeting pereene who refused to
take tha oath.,' of.. allegiance to the empire.
Mexicans litive.l4len ~ptiblicly flogged for re
fusing to .supplyinnitera to French officers.
One Mexican,lady, named ItaNti, had received
two hundred laehmr for refneing to • receive
French officers into. her house. for husband
offered to pay a fine:equal to her weight in sil
ver rattier than submit to this. indignity; but
Gen.'FOrey insisted - in making an et'ample of
The foreign ministers had declined to remote
to San Louis on the offer of Juarez to protect
their transit.
In addition to the news by the steamship
Asia published yeeterday, we have the folio' -
ing iteme :
0112 AT .SEII'4II4.
The London Globe says : "Although perhaps
the American government expects from our
own section interference with the fitting out .
war vessels, which the law of England does
not appear to sanction, yet there is no inter
ruption of the general amity between the two,
and in the face of the lan goage held towartins in
the name of the authorities at Washington, it
is, we may say, iwpoesible they could have
made any each declaration menacing us as that
set forth." , _
The London . Times says: "It is said that
the three powers have agreed to send a com
missiorrto Russia-, to.be - accompanied by sepa
rate disp?tehea - from eatth:of their respective
repiesentativei, and nnless Russia makes t ome
sign-of-yielding, .....diplomatic.yugure,iiill be
announced as- .impending.. In the common
note, whateveri - conrse the mere lining of nego : -
dation may take,, the reality consists in a
growitig hut , 'lot , very ithriaie rang intigtonism
between France sad - . Russia, which will leave
Englatid.it:ltititt*l, MOO "litt unsYmPa
thiaing spectator.", , •
An • iron- clad for Ruses, bulldlig . in. Erie
htd,badbee e triturried offtei , Russia itpomplete,•
in - View of evenirkargilea.:
:4 1 TritIA. ,
ALA cabinet conned in Vienna , the re plyto
be cent to tospitt - Itaa taken into -canaidera
tione . , '
. .
The contents of the Austrian and Freneh
notes ae`e„no% knPill. It is believed, however.
that they Rio kr no means itteritical, although
six ere maintained in both.
'Late advices asserted that the Emioetior was
about to review the army..of Paria.anct the Na
tional Gnarda_ •
The invitation of the - Emperor of Austria . to
the German sovereigns to , meeein conference (
German °affairs # at Frankfort, had been- camp.
ted. by the lings of Saxony and Wurtemburg;
but there is a report. that the Kink of.:Prussia
had declined the invitation. me Etiperor
had resolved to admit newspaper reporters to
the conferenCe. • ' .
A GFNTLEMAN, cured of Nervous
Debility,lveonipeteney;Y:emature Decay and Youthful
Error, actuated by a desire to benefit Ohm sovill be
happy . to furnish to all who need it (free of chaige) the
reefed And directions for making the simple Remedy
need in hie case. Thosawisliing to profit by his expo;
rience—and lessees a valuable Remedy will reseals,
the same., by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by ad-
dressing,: ' • JOHN B. OGDEN.
Aug 24-B.naJoir No, GO, Ntessu: street, N.
By ordering . Calomel and : destinctiire minerals from the
supply tables, has conferred a idess.ng on our eick sol
diers. Let him not stop here. Let him order the dir
ecatiCiance "Bleadimi," and the neat of BRAND.
RETH?B PILLS in the , place thereof. Then will
commence‘ , ll "new era" in the praetice . of: edicitte,
which would then becuca emphatically .
I have for thirty years Wight that no diseasedao-
Una could be cured by - mercury or tsrbar eiocUe, Thid
the human body could only.be “made.whole" by "►eg-
°table foodlt—Animal foot being, iri fact, condensed
vegetables. : BRANDRIDTII , II PILLS should' be in
every Military Thiapital. Theme Tills Cure BILIOI7B
ravutacq QRRONLO
fever/ fg.td ; Affections of the
&wain, sooner sm4 Divvy IntrelY thsxi any awddlolne In
_ .
_ . .
the, world. BRAND/LET/VA AIVLS. ; in 'them canes
. •
should be taken night $ nwrabAg .1, Read 'ilirections
OAS OF 110,90;01r X. ira,TIMN.
14%0. Brsisdreth, New " •
Bin : I was a private in Co. 1, 17th Regiment, Niiw
York Vols. While at Marrloon 7 o Landing and on the
Rappahannock near Falmouth, I and many of the Com
pany were sick with bilious &arrives: The Army gm.-
goon 414 not cure lie, anti Y was reduced to skin and
bone. Among the Company were quite a number of
members who had worked in your Laboratory at Sing
Bing: ~They mere not sick, because they used Brand
reth'p 'Piller: These men prevailed upon me and others
tojusil the we , were eli cared in from two to
filefinr43. go!t our boys tired Brandretb. , B Pills
for the typhus,fe: 'spold4, theamktism, and in no care
au they riot . health'
Out of gratitrid - you for my good health, I Beni
you this letter, which, if iecessary, the entire Com.
Patty would sign. •
IStm, reepeatfully, yo tare,
R08C0 7 9 .ICIWAT,SON. sing sing, N. Y
Prineipal office, 294 Cambigtreet,,New York.
"or Bile in 'Harrisburg by' GNO. it BELL
m6-ddcwtf -
OA Wednesday. thA /813 loft., by the Bev I', 11, BOb
lawn, at We rerieenee or thl bride,'Lleutewint H. H.
Omura of philoilel i .hrs, to Mi 8 BALM& J. OW/MS, of
Harrisburg, Pa. -
Philadelphia and Baltimore papers please copy.
New Wngritscruento,
- - -
To BOOT MAKE RS.—Wanted, at
pErza BANDENV;in Walnut Street nixt to the
Dauphin County Prl'on. two 'good Boot Makers ankone
Mender. None bat the be4t workmen need apply. Win
pay higher wages than any other manafaetn-er in the
city. . AaalB.lwit
Persons h'avillg legal elalms to exemption from the
draft can have their cases premixed and presented to the
Board on application to B. E. FERGUSON, Attorney-+t-
SeLaw ' mond street, opposite Buehler nOURe. Office
with Wm IL Milks, Et4_ Ang 12--lwd_
Proposals will ba received .at the City Council
Chamber till 7 o'clock p. an., September 5 : for erect
ing a stone bridge over Paxton creek, at Paxton street,
in this city, according to plane ant specification, on
file in the Council Chamber. Proposals will state the
price with brick arches and also with hewn Atone arches;
also specify the time . of - commencement and completion
of the work.
Proposers will. specify what they will allow for the
materials on tae ground. 'They will also be required
to furnish all the material necessary to do the work.
The Council will reserve the risht to reject all Ws
that they believe will not be to the advantage of the
city, or that they may believe are. exorbitant.
Proposal® tube eudortied "A"roposalo for la, Wry , and
ditected ' W 0, HICKOK.
President Common Council.
D. 110011111 t,
Street Comititttee Sat dietrict. Attgl2-3tawid
A. H. SWISHER*. CO , having opened an office itt
Carlisle,at the Government A ssest•or's office.in Rbeem's
Hallow - a now prepared to furnish substitutes at fair
prices: - •
Aubetitutes supplied from this Mike wilt.be obis bod
ied Aliens: not subject AO draft All drafted , aersons
served by u are guarantied ft release from IVO draft,
Apply, at - cmei, - in:mime ,ror bJ letter, at the "rig.
timid Substitute Agency,” Itheem , e Hall, Carlisle.
References.—J. hi. Weakley, Joseph Ritner, jr., 3.
Rbeem: • •A. K. SWISHER E. CO.
Ant et 4-dtf •
OTICE. Whereas L etters Testa
__ _
1.11 tamentsry .to the estate of General John Fors
ter, late of the city of Itarrisbarg, deceased, have been
granted to the subscribers, all persons indebted to the
said estate are requested to-make immediate payment,
and those having Maims or demands against the estate
of the said -decedent, will make known the same, duly
authenticated, :without delay, in- -
BENJAMIN L. tOßkTitit,
• ' 'MAMAS - 7011STER,
- • Executors, &c.
:Thinisbnrg, 29th,:1863—jy111.-dltwitt
.21141011111.. BBOKHI lf &LH, Propyletors, announce to
the citizens of Harrisburg that this cool and delightful
Bummer retreat is now , open for vialtore Accommoda
tions will be farniihed to psit4eli and ptc-nice at reason
able terms, adancing platform having been erected ft r
their special use. Beason tickets for families, good for
bits year, $l.OO
Ito improper cheractere §4044.1, 4414 tlit. 10We-idea
personwill be perndtted to Visit'the
A ietiy Boat plies- constantly between the Island and
the foat•of Brawl . street; Welt Harrisbuxg. jel33m
11.. good Horso,.Cos,l t
Carand harness will be mold
ats bug**. 'Coal on .IW.dge b e ck, opposite the Court
House. [Aug 15mdlweil , DOCK.
The undersigned, Military Claim Agents, tender their
services for the procuring of Substitutes for Drafted
men, as well as for the securing or the highest price
'for those wishing to offerthemselves as Substitutes.
'They will register the names or each class referred to,
With: the amounts, in mon.y. proposed to be given by
the one and to be received by the other. ' :
Drafted men who are legally exempt can have all the
Open prepared necessary to establish their claims to
exemption by calling upon the underrign-d.
Those interested are .nvifed to call at the office, in
the hxchaoge Buildings, opposite the lartobin County
Paton. hiaoDOWEI4A & IttAGUIRB,
atilbylm • Military Claim Agents.
Friends of an excellent -glum; of beer, the best re
freshment in this hot Weather, can get it always at my
Saloon, Walnut street - next-to the Landasterian school
house, as I am supplied regmiarly from T. SPRING-
EfVB Brewery, Lancastm; Pa
.Any drafted man from this district. desiring to
-voluhteer in the 47th Regiment Y. V . stationed at Rey
West, Fla., will be accepted, by applying to the sub
scriber' They_will receive $27 bOuret,leaving for th
Lieut. W. W e r nEl
•tieeond et. 2 doors below Kelker's Hardware store,
'iuglbdli* • • •
RISE URG ACADEMY will open on Monday,
the 31st of August. For waft:noise anply to
. ":Ef a. 0. &EMU,
41-5 t cod
_ - -
Eroteene•in. relation to thiadraft Carefully and relia*
b/y%eat 4 krled-t9. c ,
Exemption pipori drawn o with cam u
and caste
argued before the hoard of E nrollment
rollment at mbderate
.Atop persona •Xrlihisi .tic ae eabetitnte ,for any
drafted Mani will receive tee. highest cash price on ap
plication itt the eatabliehed C.Laim agency,of
%, •• • • EUGENE BEYDRE, Attomey.at Law,
sunwi itfeet pear Narks.% Harri s burg, );a.
1.11 laid out by direction of the Commissioners of
the City Survey, and confirmed by act of Legislature,
containing numerous courses and dietaneee of the
streets, equarea, the.„ marked on it, and designating - the
different wards, public buildings, ikit. It is, in fact,
the only correct map of the city. For sale by
H. HARD, Chief Regulator,
Cor. 3d at. and.Crauberry