C Bank Noticto. NOTICE.—Notioe is hereby given Oil application will be - made et the next annul Cos vino of she Legislature of Pennsylvania for a renewal of the charter of the West Branch Bank, of Williams port, Pa., with its present name an style ; location; privileges and capital of $lOO,OOO. By order of the Board of Directors. S • JO/Mei Cashier. done My 194%-• 3,1-tral LEGISLATIVE BANK NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that Application will be made to the legislative authority of Pennsylvanie a at the next session of the General Assembly thereof, com htemclog the first Tuesday of January A. D, 1864, for the incorporation of a Bank hawing Venting and die. Counting prlyn•Sea. 4 rlth a capitol of Ono ffiilltod rot lanti by the nem , and style cf " The Oil City Bank," and to be located at Oil City, Venengo county, Penn sylvania. - C. V. CrLVER. June 29:11,1863-6,n IVOTIOS.—Notice is hereby given that "The Commercial Bans of Pennsylvania," intend to apply to the Legislatn-e of Pennsylvania at their nes. session. for tvrenewal of their charter. Said bank is lo cated in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capitsa of one million of dollars, a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges.— By order of the Board. S. Q. PALMER, Cashier. rBILEDKLYIIII, alms 29.1863-6 tn • OTICE.---4votiee is hereby given that h appli cation will be male to the Legislature of Penusylvaria at their next session, for a renewal of the .charter of The Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill County, located In Pottsville, in the county *f Sehuylkillr with the present capital of one hundred thousand dollars, au^ with the usual be. trine privileges, June 1481.-7 m T ANK NOTICE.—.Notioe is hereby giree that the undersigned have formed an aisocia lion SraG prepared a certificate for the purpose of esrat« habing a Bank of Issue. Discount and PopoSit, Ander Vac. previelerie et the ad entßiza 4 .A supplement to an act to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks,"npproved the drat day of Hay . , Anno Dor:alai eighteen hundred and sixtT-one.' The said Bank to be called THB FARMERS' BANK OF MOUNT JOY, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to cippdst 'Of -capital vioc,k of ban hundred. Thousand Dollars. in shares of Fifty-Dollars each, with the privilege of in ceasing :he same to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars in all. I. Ifoifinan Hershey, John M. Horahey, Martin Poiret, • Jacob M. Stauffer, Reuben Gerber, • • John M. Bear. „tari2S-d6mostrtt MOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given of an intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circulation. under the precisions of an act, entitled '-An Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn tylcazda," k c , and the supplement thereto ; said Bank to be called " TUB MANUFACTURERS' BANK," to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster cautilY, Pa., with a otpluilof 440 Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be atebbeLtuie two thousand dimes of Fifty Dollars each. dee4,l3md ALLENTOWN BANK. ALLENTOWN BAWL, rune 20,1863. biotite is hereby given i that appliestion wBI be mule to the Legislature of t euus3rivauia, at its next seasion, for an increase of the capital of said Bank tothe amount of $200,000 Inaddition to that authorised bythe present Charter' and also for an extension of the Charter of said Ba nk for twenty years from the expiration of the present Charter. By order of the Board of 'Directors. jalaNdtml CHABLiiii W. PIX)Palt, Valifor, RANK NOTWE !=—The Stockholders of the F ABISIERS? AND DROVERS , BANK OF WAYNESBORO, in Green county, Pa., will apply to the next Legislature of the State, for an extension of charter, for the term of fifteen years from the expire ton of Its present term- The location, corporate name AEA. privileges, and amount of capi tal etock, to wit; One hummed and fifty thatuand dollars, to be the wile as under its present charter. By order of the Board. Z. LIZEAR, Cashier. Waynesburg. Green co., Pa ;June 15, 11363—jeWStml VOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given, in conformity with the act of Assembly, that the stockholders of tlie Beak of moutramery Omit" will make an application to the next Legislature of Penn sylvania for a renewal of the Charter of said Bank, with the mine amount of capital (Pour Hundred Ttonsarid Dcinars) so under the present Charter, to continue its present name and location. By order of the Board of Directors. W. H. suNewzr, Cashier.. limnistoom. Pa _ J une 2.071/033.—ers IVOTICE.—The Miners' Bank of Potts:, ville, in the county of gchnyikill; hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their next session for a renewal of their eharter_ Said Bunk is lootted in the borough of Potte r-Mk in the county of lishnylkill, with an snthesized capita: of five Bemired Thousand Dollare....e renewal of WA:* will be asked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Board. ' OITA- LOESER, Cashier PeWyllie, :tine 20, 18133.--6md N cis heh i .ielltte t P t " -übee atenest ualsessiol he Legislators of Pennsylvania, fors renewal of the charter of the HARBISBUDOBANS. with its present name and style, loc .Don, privileges, and capital of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board of Directors. J. W. WEIR. °adder. kROEk-cltall. TRADESMEN'S BANK, PHILLDELPHIt, Juno 24,1863. Notice is hereby given. in conformity with the laws of the Ootiononweaith ofDenneylvania, that the Trades men's Bank, of Philadelphia, located 'in the of Philade/phis, created with banking and discounting prisilegee s erith depital of Oue.Hundred atal liTty Thousand Dollsra,:that application will be made by the said Bank to the mast Legislature for authority to in crease the. capital One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board of Directors. ' JOHN CAS MDR, ambler. ; 1 16-tnal MENDM}bTTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING--'CER TAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITU TION " Be it rsseisset by Ms Ratak aa Houic of Re presentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia in General Assembly met, That the following amendments be .proposed to the Constitution of the Cammonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the , tenth artleie thereof; There shall be an additional Section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designs tel as section four, as follows: SECTION 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any 'actual military service, under a requisition :row the President of the United "States, Or by its authority of this Commonwealth, such electors my exercise the right _of euffrage in art elections by the citizens, under such regu lations as are, pr ahall Joe, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were prese4 at _their usual pare of elebtion. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the.constitution, to be de signated as • sections eight" and, nine, as fol lows: Bannon 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature containing more than one subject, which uh. 411 _be clearly expressed in the tide, except appropriation bills. SZCTION 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any powers, or privile ges, in any case; where the authority to grant Poch powers, or -privileges, ham been, or may to. hereafter be. conferred upon the courts of this ;, C , mmonwealth. le JOHN CESSNA, 4 7 '41 , 4 Speaker of the House of Representestivee, >0 JOHN P. PENNEY, ePP Speaker of the Senate, * 6- 01 , 1/01 OF THE SSURStAky 01P . THS COMICONWIALTH, / Harnsburg, July 1,1863. 5 .9' PeI2.II7I4VANIA., SS : cr ft de:Hereby certify that the foregoing and . Ana d4lt a full, trqe end correct copy of the or - Altit Resolution of the General As se b 1.4, ' led siA Joint Resolution propo: sin amendments to the Constitution," ea e sins on Me in this office. • ti,whereof, I have hereunto set 4 , 444 ed the seal of the Secretary's ilit 4 p . '"to e affkied, the day and year above ler - ,•,..4.okit -- TFER, wealth. CAME, Citidakr. fiILAILTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR! ENEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE U. STATEE A-NO SIIMISORTO ANT • 7E‘ Ask. ItiT zza..491 6 331 OFFERED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! • IT IS MDR OP CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT.. I,ol Delivered any piece Ja the city frce of GMITSII. TAMS task on delivery_ .iyao WM. DOCIIC, Js., & CO. • II A bi . " S ! ! ! Newboldli celebrated, Michenees Excelsior, Evans & Switt's superior, .7014167 Plain Veit Sad. Also, Bided Beef, Tongues and Bologna Sausage. For sale by apt A WM. DOOK, jr. & Co. ted, Con- ihrea gallons minutes. No soap in one yarm. when I'MPTY BARRELS.— A large number of empty Wine, Brandy sad Whisky Barrels for sale by %% DOCK, fr 4 & 00. .40X11 WRIT' barrel of weft 'ant wash far sale by at 00. BOSTON CRACKERS . -A - LARGE SUPPLY of these delicious crackers just received and for sale by W3l. 10001 g, Ja g & 00. No. lar 62 'rod a go whisk ks /NM dti 6 Salt 41Sz ro itty!.. VCR SALE.—The BUILDING on the coiner of Walnut and Short 'tree* need as a u(soPlilt ESOP. This bantling wag originally built so chat it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It eon s. ate of three separate frames pl aced together, each frame being 26 by 20 feet, tasking e entire building,iisitnow stands, 76 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an HTHOR POWER EIf6INE AND BOILER, nearly ROW 3 and 0326 of Drawback 's 'Went Stove Nowa, and a Set of Saws for Jointing Sutras. The above property will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to clear the ground en which the building Mends. Enquire at the Brokers Once of 8. L. M'OULLOOR, feblikitf 128 Market Street - LOTS FOR SALE-ON NORTH ST. tJ and Pennsylvania .I.venne_ Apply to R. J. HALDEMAN, tnars , ltf . Cor. Front and Walnut eta. IOR SALE—A House and Lot on Sixth street, near State. inquire at the lachange Office of 20 Market street, Where the highest price is allays paid ter GOLD and SILVER. febl2-dtf inisallancous. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, War Claims and Claims for Indemnity, STEWART, STEVENS, CLARK & CO., atcormore and Counsollora-at-Law,,aad Sodicitora fer att kinds of Military Cana, 450 PENNbYLVANIA AVENUE, • .. IVASHIVOTON, D. C. • This firm, having a thorough knowledge of the Pen sion Business. and being Bundler with the practice in all the Departments of Government, believe that they can afford greater facilities to Pension, Bounty, and other Claimants, for the prompt and succeesful accom plishment of business entrusted to them, than any other firm in Washington. They desire to secure such an amount of this business as will enable them to execute the bunkum; for each cialuanst eery cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent upon their success es each cam For this purpose they will secure the services of Law Firms in each prominent l.nlity throughout the States where such Cullum may "le had, furnish such with ell the necessary blank forms of application and evidence, requisite printed pamphlet instructions, and circulars for distribution in their vicinity, with woo dated 'names inserted, and noon the due execution of the papers and tranentission of the same to them by their local associates, they will promptly perform the business here. _ . [1:7" Their charges will be ten dollars for officers a n d five dollars for riveter, for each Pension or Bond* an& Back Pay obtained, and ten per cent. on amount of Claims for Military Supplies or Claims for indemnity-- 117 Soldiers enlisted since the l'st of March, 1861,in any kind of service, Military or Naval, - Rho are disabled by disease or wounds, are entitled to Pensions. . All soldiers who serve for two years, or during the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to $lOO Bounty. Widows of soldiers who die or are killed, are entitled to Penikids, and theslooMounty. If there be novidowi then the minor_ebildren. And if no minor children, they the .father, mother sisters or brothers are *ea- ad as above to the $lOO Bounty and Back. Pay. . JOSEPH B. STEWART, RESTOS L. STEVENS, EDW ARD CLARK, • OSCAR A. STEVENS, WILLIS I. GAYLORD. . Wainintaroi, D G., 1862. DOW ARply at our office, onto our Assoffiato It Pe ...JOUR A. BIGLSII, Attorney Add -7.enneellor. Prrresuno, Pe..—ARTHURS ac BIDDELL, Atter aeye•st;-Law. Pervarriax, Pa.—WM. B. SNITII, Attorney as.: Deanne:km. . . - . . Pan.AbiLrirri, Ps . -J. G. MINNIOHILD, 46 Alwood street, WM. M. SMITH, Attorney and Citonneellor. Wasonwarrosr, PA.-BOYD ORtratitlNCS, Attornel sod Coomellor. 0151-dly WHITE . SULPHUR CHALYBE4TE SPRINGS! - At Doubling Gap, Penn. TAMESD. HENDLIkY w , _ll P OPRIBTOR, Late of Kirkwood Hause, ashington. SEASON .OPENS 15th JUNE, 1863. These Springs are in Cumberland county, Pottn , s,lo toiled vomt of lilarrialdirg. They arc socedeible from all the prioeipai cities by railroad to Harriaboig. thence by the Cumberland Valify railroad to Newvilie ; from Newville, El- miles good staging to the Springs. She stage is always in waiting upon the arrival of the care at Newrille. • - Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore or Wash ington in the morning can arrive at the Springs the dame aoaatq at 9 , 34 4 1 910 A, The Hotel is eumrn6dions - and comfortable, with Hot and Cold Baths attached, and extensive grounds for walks and amusement. The loeueeperience of tbe prevent Proprietor (for many years`past at the IVrkwool %muse in Washington, D. enables him to pay, that it will be conducted in a manner to pleaae all Vial* ore - • T CHM :—s2 per d ; :$l2 per week; 4 Neel 8 $4O Children and ger►ante half price. je9•d2m - . - JUST RECEIVED! TUE LA/4:QI T ANIiBEOT ASSORTAINS7 . OF FINE STEEL ENGRAVINGS] PRINTS, AND HEADS, AND SCENES, ADAPTED FOR GRECIAN' OIL PAINTING, 'AT Wih. tinoc,he's Music Nu, 91 Market- street, Harrisburg. MORTON'.I3 UNRIVALLED GOLD JAIL PEN.-SIRET QUALITY WARRANTED. NONE BETTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD. A GREAT LUXURY! PARIPM Imat 4f # iAjrorl@r tni rirel/y . 199 a SOLD lint will And with me a large assortment to select from, and have the privilege to exchange the Pens until their hand le perfectly milted. And if by fair means the Dia mond pointa 'break off during twelve months, the pur chaser shall have the privilege to select a new one, without any charge. I have very good Gold Pens, made by Hr. Morton, not _warric s ti %in strong stlver-plated eases, for 1,1, fo r ule at SCHEME'S BOONSTOItI, No. 18 Market Street, lierriaburg, ANURINGER'S PATENT BEEF TEA, Lit a maul, concentrated extract of BEBE' . AND VEGETABLES, Coovortible immediately into a nourialMog swap. Highly ontivood by 4 o number of eminent Phirsiciass. Tinsatindnable article condensed into a compact form, alPthe substantial and nutritive properties of a large .bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness withwhieh it dissolves into a rich and palatable Soup, which would require ,Ilmara of preparation , :coercing to the usual method, is an advan . tage in many situations of lifs, too obvioneto need urging. its highly nourishing quTalities eombined with its delicacy, renders it invaluable for the sick; while for those In health, it is a perfeetsubstitute for fresh meat and vegetables., It will keep good in any climate. It is peculiarly well adapted FOR TRAVELERS, by hood or 4 41 4.3 who eon thus *Told those accideatel deprive isms of a comfortable meal, to which they are So hable. SOB INTALIAO3, whose.cspriciottanppetite can thus he satisfied in a moment. DOB SPORTSMEN and EXCIIRSIONISTO. to whom, both its compactness and easy pfbparation will recom mend it. Nor sale by sep24-tf WM. DOCK. 7a., & Co. GOLD PENS T—The largest and Lei ,toot. heat 11_00 to s.l.oo—warzaated—at '5O/1:11MULIS BOOKOTORMI. 8: L. WOVLLOCII, F I NE.. .111 2E, 1 1°It 411. - C.3 9C 1, 151 1 Rosa, Daum - • ~ VANILLA, GINGNR, ALMOND, °NANDI, ... PRAOH J __ PINI APPL2 BITTAR, ALMOND, OBLZET, CINNAMONNuTxmo NIOTARINN, , P-MINTO, 000HINIAL, (for ooloring,) lessorted dozass, for foetal use. The above assortment just reeelveetrore one of the largest =astern Hones--eadi Bottle and Package war vented. (narlo) VIM. DOOR, Ja., & CO. rims of travel. SUMMER AKILANiIEMENIL NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. INIMNPISIIIII% RAM DULY--. 0. NEw- TOIL PHILADELPHIA' ON AND APT.= MONDAY, April 20, 1863, the Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Seadiair &inroad Depot, at Banishing, fee Nev. York and Phil adelphia, se follows, via : EASTWARD. RXPRIIBII LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.16 a. arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 0.16 a_ n., and at Philadelphiat at 9.20 a. in. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 1. in., ar riving in New York at 5.30 p. m., and at Philadelphia at 1.50 p. m. PAST LINE leaven Harrisburg at 2.99 p, so,, on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Put Mail, arriving in New York at 10.25 p. m. , and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WESTWARD. PAiiii r LlND leaves New York at 6.00 a. in., and Phila delphia at 8.15 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. to. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 8.80 p. arriving at Harrisburg st 890 EXPRESS LINE leaves NeW York at 7.00 p. In Bll. living at Harrisburg at 1.45 a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Mrprees Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ear is also attached to tki t COnnaotittgi are Made at tisrrizburgwith trains mete Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeabarre, Allentown, Easton, &a. • Baggage checked through. Pare between New York and Harrisburg, $0.18; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $B.BB in No. 1 cars, and 13.00 in No. 2. For tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, apnil _ Harrisburg. MORTEIERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. - - riEFFMMEE t - : TIME TABLE.- to and from Baltimore and Wasl, ington City. Connections madder, with _Wins on Penn. setranialthgrond to and.fren, Pittsburg and ,the West two trains daily to and from the Nprth and Well Brunk, Susquehanna,. Elmira and aft Northern New 'York. • ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1863, the Pageenger Train's of the Northern Central Railway will ,arrive and depart , from Harrisburg and Baltimore u 'lowa via : • 110IIZRWARD MAIL TRIM leaven Sunbury daily (except Sunday at 10.10 s. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 p. m. r and as rives at - Baltimore at 5.85 p. m. ZiPHEBS TRAIN leaves Banbury daily (except Fria day) at 11.07 p, m,; lame HarrisMuglereepb Monday; at ZS* a. m., Ind arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) at 6.15 a. m. NADDIRLIIIIG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave llamisbarg daily at 620 a. m. _ . NORTHWARD. . MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimorelially(exceptBmulay at 9.16 a. m. ) 'Hamlett!'" at 140 p, ga d pspl afflyll al Rtiatraxx at 4.05 P , 'IXPRIIB9. TRAIN leaven Baltimore daily at 9.16 p. m., airiveaat Randal:Mrs at 1.86 a in.; and leaves illbr riaburg dilly (except Moadv) at 8.014. in., and arrival at Sunbury at 6.88 a. m. ' ' MARRIBIIHRO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave Baltimore daily (except Bunday) at 2.55 p. In., and rim at Harrisburg at 7.80 p: m.' For farther information apply at the Office, in Pen sylvania-Ballroad Depot. • J . N. DuBARRY, Genera/ Nuperintendest. Harsiatin*Aptil 30,186&sdtf• , ENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD ! SUMMER TIME -r'ABLEi S - DIILY TO PROM PHILADELPHIA ' ON AND AFTER , MONDAY, APRIY. -. 20, 1863, Pllgietellier Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : • RAEIVIVARD - :1 THROUGH EXPRESEI_TRAIN le&yee Harrisburg daily at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at *est Philadelphia at o.loa. M. - • , . PAST LING leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) • at 6.45 a. m., and arrives at Wee, 'Philadelphia at 9.66 a t in. Piasengers take 'breakfast -ittaneaster. • WAY AOOOI6IO.DAT/ON, via ` -Mount Joy, leave& liarriabing at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West Philadal - phia at 12.95 p. m. • FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harri l aberg daily (ex • °apt Sunday) at 1.00 p. in., and emalres at West Phila delphia at 5.00 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION' TRAM, via Oa • • ..lample., leaves Harrisburg a t 4.00 - p. in.iand arrives at great PAiladelplila at 9.50 p. an; • ' _ • - F =WS6TWARD • BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaveN Harrisbur daily (except Monday) at 2110 i. Altoonadfla a.. ,, take breitiesit„ and arrives it Pittsburg at 12. ADDILPH7.4FAXPRISS'TR.A.IN leases Har 1im10.11408.00 a . in., Altaana at t 00 take brash faid -and arrivetat Dittsbarli at 12 32 pl• at. MAIZ TRAIN leaves 'Harrisburg at 1.16 p. • too= it 7.16 take supper, and &elves at Pittsburg at 12.30 a.m. PAST LINE leaves narrialrarg 3.60; p. in., Altoona 6.25 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at /.00 a. m. HARBIPBURG AOOOMMODATION TRAIN leaves pkuadelplda.st 2.30 p. an., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.09 p. m. 1 WAY AOOOMMODATION. TRAIN /eaves Philadel phia at 4.00 p. an., and arrives at Haittrisbnrg at 9.40 p. in. This train'runs via Mount boy. SAMUEL D. TOTING - , Superintendent Middle Div. poin , a R. R. Harrisburg, April 16, 1863.--dtr 1863. i • 1863. DHILADELPHIA & ER I E ROAD.—This great line traversed the Northern and Northwest. een.nties Nowntylvenl4. to 'he city of Erie ' on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and under their auspices 1u being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It Mugu in use for Passenger and Fright laisfrieni from Harrisburg to Driftwood, Vetoed Pork) (177 miles) on the Esstern Division, and fro Sheffield to . Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER. TRAINS 117 HA AIS' BURG. Lem Northward. Mail Train..... 1.15 a. m. I Parma Train.. 8.00 s. m Care run through uithout cheap both ways on the e trains between Philadelphia and Lock Raven, and tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. - .galegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains tie way between Williamsport and Baltlinore s and WiDiatom and Pkiladelphia. For information respecting Passenger business aPpl at the 8. X. cor. 11. th and Market streets. And for Freight business of the Comps:are Agents B. B. Kingston, Jr., cor. 13th and Market etre Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Brie. J. M. Drill, Agent M. C. R. R., 'Benito H. R. HOUSTON ``. • Geng Preiglit I gt., LEWIS L. TEMPT, OW/ Ticket Agt., PhWa. 705. D. POTTS, Oen'l Manager, Williamsport mars4l 1300KET KNIVES—A - veyy fine SI. IMornielea. . 001171/112R1 BooXOTOR AND Books, fftationtrp, LCHOOL BOOKS.—School Directors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars , std others, hi need of School Books, School Otstioneri, &c , will and a cons 'piste assortment, at S. M. POL OCH ¢ SON'S BOOK STORE, Aft.rket Squire, Harrisburg, oomprising in part the following; BEADBBB.—MoOnffers, Parkerl, - Oobb's BOMB.— eciinifey's, Cobb's l Webetcr's, Town's, Byerly's Combry's. GBAlkiMAltil.—Ballion'e, Smith's, Wood bridge's, Monteith's, Tuthill's, Hart's, Wells'. HISTORIES.--Grimsbawle, Davenport's, Frostis,Wil son's, Willards, Goodrich's, Pinnock's, Goldsmith's and 'lark* ißmili-ine'streenieparr i -etogdanra, 'amnion's Pike% ROM le, ftelluint's, Smith asid Bike's, Davie's. ALO/1111011.--ereenleare, Davie's, I are, Rafe, firidge's. DlCTlONARTS.—Woreester's - Quarto, Aeate' mic Com prehensive and Primary Dietkmarse Walker's ichoel. Cobb's, Walker, Webater's Pritmuw, Weboter's fiehool, Webeter's Quarto. Ileadenus. High NATURAL PUILOSOPFUNEL—Ocanstock's, Parker's, Swift's. The above with a great variety of others , can at shay time be Mind at my store. Also, a complete assort mmt of School Stationery, embracing in the while. a com plete outfit for school rimless. Any book not in the store. pr mitred st one days notiee. gr . Country Merohantssapplied at wholesale rates. ALMANAC/B.—John Baer and Bon's Almanac for pale at U. Si_ ROLM= & SON'S ROOS STORE - , Ilan - marg. 117" Wholesale and RetaiL • . . myl WALL: PAPER I WALL PAPER I ! Just reeeived our Spring Stook of WALL PAPIR BORDERS, TIRE SCREENS &e., &e. It's thelargest sod beet selected easortment in the city, raugingio price. frors.slx (8) eents.op to one dollar and &quarts* (T 1,21..) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to sell at se lo* rates, if sot lower, than can be had else where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel aenlident, that we can please them in respect to price and quality. • " I'OLLOOK & SON, mar S 6 Below Jones ' Rouse, Marken .ilturs. LAW BOOKS 1 LAW BOOKS ! !-A general ssisertment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old Rnglish Reports, scares and rats, together with a large assortment of second-haat Law Books, at TOIY lew prielas, at as mu poise V 6614.1i.ris of B. M. POLLOCK & sox, my! Market Square, Harrisburg. THE. subscribers propose to publish by subscription a ;FARM MAP" of the Township of , lIWATARA," Dauphin county Pa., if sufficient en eouragement isgiven. The Hap will embrace the Downer. iles of the townehip and 1, arms contained therein, num ber of Acres, Location of Residences and Names of Pro iiertyholders generally: There willailso be on the Map a Table.of Distances, showing the distance from each Cross Road in the Township to' Harrisburg, thus .ren dering it yabiable Nip to Farmers and Dealers in Real Rstate particularly. Those desiring VieWs of their Reaidencemput on the Map will ;be charged a moderate extra price. Tbe Nap will be neatly executed, colored and mounted , and delivered ist loit pride of Pica Dol lars, payable, on delivery of the same. • OLAB3f. AND 382 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Harrisburg; November 1, 1861 —tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO • DIOTIONAKY! TIM MIST DITINING AND MOINCIIIIIWINO DICTIONARY Olk THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, contains 1,864.80yal Quarto Pages and 20,000 words and windup not found in any other English Dictionary; more than 1,000 Illustrations inserted in their proper places; over 5,000 words Byttonyictised; together with aamerim teblea of Roomed troper name. Bold by E. ht. PObLOCE & BON. Also Worooster , o Band Dictionaries. mar2B ANOTHER MOR.TON'S UNRIVALLED 'GOLD PENS! NON' BITTIR IN THI WHOLI WORLD Por lb lents, $l, $1.25 $1.114, 12, Set $ 4 . Warranted to made of gold, at rehle 80 BOONSTORD. (INLY ONE DOLIJAR for st good Sub bound Familyible st Ocilelfers Bookstore. QOIIEFFER'S Bookstore is the oleos to 1. I bur Ctnld Puna—warnntnd WM. KNOCHEI 98 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA I:I3AL . ER IN PIANOS. NEW - ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drams, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mu g sisal merchandise • in general . SHEET MUSIC. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand Music sent by mail to any part of the country, OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOC ' FRAMES, Suitann for looking glasses and all kinds pictures always on hand. A Pie assortment of beet plated LOOKING GLASSES Mom smallest to largest sizes. 116 fr• Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, noel—dwars 93 Market M. HOWE'S 13eWing Machine, 437 B=ond way, New York-; branch office 90X, Market street, Harrisburg. The undersigned respectfully informs the manufacturers and citizens of Harris lßuw lhat:he ma opened a sewing machine office for tiff sale of The oelebrated Howeis sewing -machine, making the wall know lodk.ititah, and adapted for ill kinds of leather and cloth, and family use. G ZA.PGAEL, feb2s-dly Aiwa G UTTA PEROHA. WATER-PROOF T-• Albs. a 33. X Gl (Wrruoirr ERUSHiNG • ) FOR BOOTS, SHOES, HARNESS,. CARRIAGES, 4. -AND RULITARY LEATHER-WORK. . This new and excellent article erxeels everything ever before in use, for beautifying and softening the Leather. * lt makes a polish ilire patent leather ; will not rub eff with wateroor stain the finest white silk, and makes the leather perfectly water-proof. Twice' a month ap plied on boots and shoes; end ones a montl for harnerA le aultioient. If the leather becomes GM, wash it al/ with clean water and the polish wiU rlHtppear. War ranted as represented. =MOTIONS FOR WM.—Apply n few drops on a sponge, rub it slowly . over the leather, and the polish is Complete. Price 8f cents perbottle. JAO/0019 ie 00., Selo Agents, 90X Market street. Jan9-dtf JACKSON &.00.'S SHOD .STORE. NO: 90% MARKIT EITABITi HARRISBURG, PA., 15. Where they ntend to devote their entire time to the ninnufaisture of • BOOTS AN.D SHOES all Ends and varieties, in the neatest and most Lash. etyles, and at aatignotory pica". their stook will consist, in pert, or Oinsismat's Fist I(fated Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, latest styles; Ladles' and MIMS' Gaiters, and other ;Shoes in great misty; and In fact everything connected with the Shoe business. CUSTOMER WORK win be partianlarty attended to, and in all wee will satlifaction be warranted. Lash good up by one of the beet makers in the country. The long practise' experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the kudzu's,' will, they trust; be tufficient guarantee to the public that they Will do them justice, and furnish them an article that will recommend itself for ntility;oheapness and dun*. laity. • pang] .TAOSEION & 00. BOARDERS WANTED.—The under awais, having rented a fine large and commodious hones t in Mulberry West, two door. from the corner of Baeond street, in the (Sty of Harrisburg, she is prepared so accommodate single gentlemen, er gentleman sad their wires, with boarding on . reanonable terms. jylo-dBm • • B. A. JOHNSON. IILIII.D AND ALCOHOL, IN LARGE X quantities mad of pan quality, far sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO HAVANA. ORANGES.--;-Justreeei ve d 1.1. by WM. DOcK. Jt. , e 00. MAME, -DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA. -Li BATTRAWIS, 10E(1111111,&o., for sale low, by 1/1/IL DOM, Ja i & it ,~~QfljtttPX~. EA.GL-E WORK HARRISBURG, PIENNSYLVANIA, MAIMPAOTURER 0/ 11001-BINDERE nun MACHINES AND PM; STANDI - N_G PILESSES, SAWING MAGNUMS, PRESS BOALDS, AND DAMMAM NOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES, Portable Cider Mills and Fodder enders, 120400 L FURNITURE, General Nadine Work and Iron and Brass • CASTINGS, - WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLZ. SAWING, PLANING, .51C Err Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brae made to order. Gear end Screw Cutting, &0., &e. HICKO.VB PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. l a- Cash pad fur Old Copper, Brace, Spotter, &o. STEAM BOILERS. PRiVIVSYLT , ANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET - CELLAR WINDOW ORATES Of various patterns, both stationary and swingireg, SASH WRIGITS and various other Building Castings, for sae every oheap at the ' Ens3l.l-cily] NAOLR WORKS. y c. MOLTZ, _ I Aucativist ¢ s2'.EA3I No. 6, NORTH SHITH STREET, • Betireen Walnut and . Blarkst, Harrisburg, Pa. , Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brame Oocke of all Macs and2a large assortment °bean Pitting* constantly an }LIM_ All work done in tide eitahlishmentwili be under ble own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. • • STEAM BOILERS. Raring made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we ara now prepared to make 03 1 1‘..13ALDIE of every kind , promptly and at reasonable rate.. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Bro., the reputation of which isseoond to none in the market. 117"107 one but the best hands employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address MAGUS wonics, gUky2l-tily] Harrisburg, Pa: WM: A.P-ARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, THIRD STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE TELEGRAPH • • PRINTING OTPICE. Mores, dwellings!, churches., plane buildings, facto ries, Ac., filled up :with gee , lead and iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrant!, Wash Basins, Bath Tubs, Lift and Norge Pumps, Water Olosete, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gee and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work promptly attended to. Je2rdibn R E M .0. V A L._ The subscriber has removed his PLUMBING AND BRAN FOUNDRY from Marketstreet to loath street above Market, opposite the Bethel Munch Thankful for put patronage, he hopes, by strict attention to bald ness, to merit a continuance of it. mar2T-dtf • WM. PARICHILL., 3nouranc.:. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. . INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual In aurance principle combined wit/ a Joint Stork Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may Itite lain. Ana as la „GM/tie/tat security to the assured the act requires that the profits of tie business sha libe funded and remain with the corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the inistired against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directors to be redeemed accordance with a Novidon of the act of incorporation. This fund will be. represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. . No dividend of scrip ean be made when the losses and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums. - Insurances will be Made on Vessels, Freights and ear goes ; on Goods transported by railroads or canals, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes; also, against damage or loss by Fire, for a limited time, or permanently. The undersigned, as Agent for the shore well known company, will make Insurance against Lisa or damage by fire, either" perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to ROBERT L. 3117.ENCH, Ilarrisburg, Pa. Plates. UNITED STAT.EB HOTEL, OPPOO/TX THE PENNSYLVANIA AND LZPANON VALLEY RAILWAY:. =POTS, Ilutzreausa,P/. The undersigned having taken the above Hotel, which has been refitted and furnished throughout, begs leave to Worm the public that he is well prepared, to almond sw op those 'Who may favor him with their patronage, e that will give entire matisfaction. The 17NITKIiIITAT118 HOTEL is located in the !nuns diets vicinity of the depots of the Pennsylvamis end Lebanon Valley railroads, where the traveling public. ma be amlommodeted with ovary eninfort winos...the ineoe !entente or ekpiluse of going up-town Neither pain. nor enema shin be spared to render the 'guests of this establishment as comfortable as they can possibly be elsewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Gametal and competent perterittrill always be !eland at the depute on the arrival or the trades, to tap) aerie of the baggagefrsa of charge. /Lek for the lINITZD STATES HOTEL. roi7-dly L. W. TEN EYCK, Proprietor NATIONAL MOTET,, (LATZ WHIMS SWAN,) Race street, above Third, Philadelphia. This establishment offers at inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but from the den. tral location to the avenues of trade, as well as the con veniences afforded by several passenger railroads run. ning past and contittions to it, by which guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular omnibuses be longing to the house. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and endeaver.to give general satisfaction. Termsg•-41.25 Per Day. DAVID O. FIEGRIEIT, (Formerly of Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, Fs ) T. V. Ruooss, Clark. mrll-dtf grctnsportation. DANIEL A. MTYENOH, Agent of the Old Wallower Line, Respectfully informs the public that this Old Dail, Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existenee in this city,) is in successful operation s and prepared to carry Rreight, as low as any other individual line between Philadelphia Harrisburg, Sunbury, Leyte burg, Williamsport, Jersey Chore Look Haven, and all other points on the Northern Carina, Philadelphia and Iris and Williamsport am Elmil a Railroads. HANDS*. . MIIENCH, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs, Peacock Zeit* Hinchman, No. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock p. m., win arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery. next morning. nye 50 , 000 POUNDS!!! . Flay Thousand Pounds "'.EXCELSIOR” HAMS JUST RECEIVING, which we will sell at a very low figure by the Rogshead;Tieree; Barrel or Slagle Ham. my3o WM. DOCK, jr., & CO. SOLAR MATCHES! NO SULPHUR! NO SMELL! eMrairf2PLl: a b°l;i f s.uAr e iZ Taut FLUIDS.--BOSS? Amen- v can Writing Plaid, a splendid ink, at CO cents par gage, ; ARNOLD'S genuine: Writing Druid, WAR BISON'S Columbian Writing fluid, LIIIIGITLIN'A BUSRIIIRLD'S Ink, Copying Ink; Carmine and Red Inks of the best' quality',Bliie Ink. latedlage, ;to., at BORIOSBRII-8001/13TORD. CONDENSED NILE L -Just received ij and for Ws by , WM. DCH3X ir CO. ,filigallantous. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!! A NECESSITY IN EVERY ;101:HEROLD! ! _ a.OHNS & cßosLErs AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE STRONGEST GL UE IN THE WORLD: FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, fiC., et C. FEE ONLY ARTICLE OF THE KIND RYER PRO /MED WHICH WILL WITHSTAND WATER! EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns Crosiers American Cement Glne.”—Nets Fork 2'inses "It Is so convenient t have in the hosiscu—Ny w York Express. "It is alwaysready ; this commends It to everybody. —Neu York Independent. "We have tried it, and End it as useful In our Ines SS water."-Wilkes' Spirit of the Timis. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTIONS TO itRoLEAALA DEALERS. • TERMS CASH. IE7 /for sale by an Druggists and Storekeepers gee. rally throughout the country. JOHNS_ & 'CROSLEY, • (Sole kianufacturcrs,) • 78 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) ' Jyil NEW YORK. dly . LYON'S . PURE OHIO OATAwRA N44/CPT. WHIG OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY has,. for. several " H i . been Manufactured from tne pure Juice of the AMEkIOAN thITAWBA and /OABELLA GRAPE, and has attained a rare popularity throughout the West and South, where great qnantitiee of this inlet article 19 sold for MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It non only equals, but excel' the most choice IMPORTED BRANDIES in PURITY, QUALITY and RICHNESS OF FLAVOR, and wherever it has been introduced it had invariably met the moat tinqsalided favor and extended sale. The want of really pure Brandy has, long been felt in this country and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to sups - swede the sale and use of the many wife compounds so often sold ttnder tps tame of " Brandy,» can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY possesses all the choice qualities of the best imported liquor, and is posi tirely known to be of PBBFhCT PIJBITY and of 1317- PERIOR 'FLAVOR. In support of the above statement,' we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists : Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. Jamas B. Obilt , on & Co., Chemists, New York. Dr James B. Nichols, Analytical Chemist, Dodos, Maas. Dr. J. V. Y. Blaney & Dr. (L A. Marriner; Analytical and Consulting Chemists, Chicago Illinois. Dr. Cox, Chemist, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Charleston, B. C. Messrs. Gentry sad Blackwood, Chemists, Tean. Pr, - N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. Ali of whomliate analysed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as an Invaluable medi cinal agent( • • I have been appointed the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of Harrisburg and Dauphin co. nor&dy . Dr. LOUIS WYETH. JOHN TILL'S COAL YARD , BOOTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT., ROLLING MILL, Where he keeps constantly on hand LYEENS AND WILKEBBARNE COAL , such is STEAMBOAT, BROKEN,• EGO and NUT. which he will dispose of at the lowest market pries. Consniners will do well to call on him and, Lay in their supply, as the Coal will be delivored'clean, ant fall weight. jan264l6m QT. LOUIS • FLOUR. - THE BEST BRAND FOR FAMILY USN in the market. 100 barrels of the celebrated St. Louis Flour, universally pronounced the most superior article ever offered in the market, just received and for sale by WM. DOOK, In., & 00. URESH FISH every Tuesday and Fn day.': at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Third anil Walnut. mrB WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHISDNES, ' HENRY C. SHAFFER Hai I large steak of Widow ohadao and Wall Paper on hand which will be sold very low. Callead examine. Paper Hanging personally attessted to. No. 32, MANNKT. STREET, Near .the bridge. oct24-dtf CEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MBA. Li BURRS, 'together with a large assortment of BASS. KITS, BROOMS &a., just 'received, and for sale vet, ow. by WM. DOOR, da., /lc 00. IT P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S Li • 3EII 100" SS 4:2P IP 2 It is economical and highly detersiva. It contains. no Rosin mid will not waste. It le warranted not to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor ratable for every purpose. For sale - by WM. DOOR, Js., & 00. FOR SALE.--3,000 Btrawns PRIME YELLOW CORN. 600 bushels barley malt, lira quality. 600 bushels rye. 60 barrels whied , y ; first quality. Inquire of RICHARD HOGBLAND. sep29tf Washington Avenue, Harrisburg EMPTY HOGSHEADS.--A large 1.24 of Ihopty Ideal' ItOpheade, in good omulition and with heads in. These Hogsheado an desirable for Builders, Farmers " hn sold at a very low price. WM. DOCK,. Jr., & CO. AM 8 I ! —Just received, a large 11 supply of 00YER1101111011100IIKED HAMS, ey sae best brand is tar market: Every one mold to guar antral& june37) WM. DOOK, & 00. BOSTON GRACKERB.—A supply of these delicious crackers just received and few sale WK. DOOR; jr, k, 00. MINCE MEAT.-A SUPERIOR AR TIOLD just received and for eels by WM. DOCK, Ts., & CO. a Ann POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar thy t./ 9nred Ham for sale very low, whelevale or retail by • . Wld. DOOR JR. 0 'GREEN 00101.—WINSLONTS fresh Green Corn jnet received by THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS, PORT FOLIOS, DASD-OASES, POORBT-BOORS, for ed. t Schefferha Bookstore, BUCKWHEAT MEAL.-15,000 LBS. SUPER EXTRA, from Wyoming Valley, for Bale by WM. DOOR, JR.. & 00. WALL PAPER, BORDERS, &e., wt loot year pricee s for ego at Scheffer'e Bookstore. jel6 I, - OR LEITER, 11O1E and FOOLS OAP Paper, Envelopes and all kind of Stationery, eall at Scheffer% Bookstore. jen TITST RECRIVED—Anothor lot of sf Beautiful Albums, at Scheffer's Bookstore, 18 Mar krt street. jel6 Alarge variety of Notions just received at Scoeffees Bookstore. jel6 kjELF SEALING FRUIT JARS Peet and Cheapeet ia the - markets 1 Call ad examine them "PRENCH MUSTARD, ENGLISH and Domestic Pickles, (by the dozen or .hundred,) Su perior Salad Oil, Ketchup, Sauces and coudimeute e: every description, for sale by my 26 WM. DOC*, Is., & Co A New Assortment of MORTON'S tisrlvalled Gold Pens, in Gold Plated Desk Doi den, just received, at Scheffer's BookstOre, 18 Marke Wool. jelO ir nOW ARE YOU • GREEN- Jul BADII3."—DAN BRYANT'S caw comic Song. Price 30 cents, just received and for Bele by WARD, at hie Music More, Third. street. Cali and get a copy early. ' . , ap2B WALLPAPER, BORDERS, &c., &c., sold yet at hat year's prices, without any advance. At 110HEYEXEM BOOKSTORE. PREAKFAST BACON.—A small but LI very ehoiee lot of huger Cured "Breakfast' Bacon oval to the Imported Yetkahlte) put asaaivad. wm. Dom, Ja., & CO DRIED PEACHM-PABED AND lINPAMISD—just received by WM. DOCK. Is., & CO. HE NATIONAL ALMANAC AND T ANNUAL RECintD for MC for mile at 80113111111% BOMISTOWS. WM. DOCK, he" &DO WM. DOCK. Jaw&