LOCAL NEWS. TVEDNEEWAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1863 &NA VAIL! P e ATRIOT AND UNION may be b Jack's Book. Btore,,corner of Third and Market streets. LL/10. at ha News Agency of George_ L. Walter, 12 Market street. near Fifth. Tux Man,s.-llnder the change of schedule on the different railroads, the time of blosing the mails at the Ittreseurg Post °ince, April 20,1864 is as followb: • . goniumr emus, Lorimar. • NORTH _War ltoia.--Por; all tinsel betWeie Hu labnrg, Lock Haven and 1111miray IL T., at 12.00 m. Nor Lock Simon, WiffinmePert,:and. Lewisburg at 9 p.m. • - - SOUTH.—WAY ail placed between Har noway and Baltimore, sad Washington, D. O. at 2.60 a_ Nor Washington, D. Q., Baltimore, tid., and York, PA. it 9.00 P. m. _ - latirOlt TAWIT samsoio. BAST.—Watr Man.—For all places betwben Hauls. burg, /Bantam/Ad Plilladelcbia. via Reading, at 7.00 a. in. For Reading and Pottssille, at 12.30 p. in. ' • PBSIBTLI.II7II.I IaiLMOAD. . WAY KaU.—For all please lbetween Harriaburg and gMatialribta, at &SO a. m. Nor Philadelphia and LalleaMer, at 12..00 m. Por ( New York,. Philadelphia, Lancaster, Columbia, Marietta and Baimbridgel at 2.45 p. m. . Nor. New York, Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 9.00 p WEST_Wax all places between Mares - bare and Altoona, 12.00 la. For JohnOtawn, Pittsburg and Nile Pay Ginoinnoti, Columbus and Cleveland,' Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. Nor PittsbuFg, Hollidayaburg, Altoona, Phillipsburg, T)rotte,Mentinglen and rewistown, at 9.00 p. m. 0111111.11ABLAXD VALIAT SAILROAD. Ifor ifeeluoadenbirg, Carlisle, Ehippenabarg and Chant borobarg Pa., at 7.00 a. m. WAY ]t in —Tor all plaeeM between RauMan and •nagesitown, ILL, at 12.50 p. m. aIiaI7YLICILL AIM OYEIQIIIIIRAYZA YAILIOAD. Por Elloads]. Forges, Zllabod,,Piaegrove amillammit 13tation, at 12.30 p. m. STAGY ZOOM: For Progress, Lingiestown, ManadsHill, West nano Ter, PAFt Hanover, tmo sod Jonestown, on Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday, at 7.00 a. m, For VsbitrA sad Lennaterry, on. Bstnrdsy, at 12,00 11. • ErOliteeltonm.—lrOM 6.30 a.m. to ilk, p. in. Sin - day from 710 to 840 CM- ind from 3.001!0 4.00 p.m. Tag Ladies' Relief B Gtligo, veturn - their thanks to Mr: Hargest for four - baskets of vegetables for the hospitals. ,POLICE Arratna.--Bni two or &roe unimportant arrests have been mode by the city police driring the lam three days. They ire. not worth report . ine Acimownanawrerr.---kita. Tol*ko wishes to acknowledge the receipt of a box Containing hos pital stores, from- Arletto .Verbeke, of Bradford county, Pa. Also a box from the ladies of Eldred, township,, M'Kean county, thrOugh Mrs. Moira Rice. . To Paasaava Andras.—The French, preserve grapes the year round by coating the clusters with ninth The bunches are picked- Jost before they are thoroughly ripe, and dipped io lime eater of the consistency, of cream. They are then hung up' o remain. The lime coating keeps oat air and checks any tendency to deeay. When wanted for the table, dip the. clusters into warm water to re- . move thelime. Yentas( Wann.u..The Doti/vasty Or the Fourth Ward are respectfully riquested to meet with all, who are in favor 'cof maintaining the Union and supporting the Constitution, and festering the Itamoaratio party to power; There will be a grand rally this (Wednesday) evening at ri ereloek, at the house of Lazarus Bernhard. ProMinent speakers will give some wholesome truths to the masses. -All 'persons are invited to attend. By, order o f the President DESERTER CarrunT.—Daniel Keller, a deserter from the Artily of the Potomac, was arrested, on Monday, at the entrance of the bridge on the Cumberland side of the river, byw sergoeht Sta tioned there for that purpose by Provost liforshal Opdyke. Keller had come up the valley on a stolen horse, which he offered to sell te the , eer gee.fit for $25, and also offered him $5 to allow him to pass. The game wouldn't win, however, and the entorprisiag skedaddles was brought - to town and placed in confinement STATE Coarrast. Commrrinx.—The State Central Committee of the "ITnion" party of Pennsylvania will moot it the Jones House, in gib city, at 8 o'elock tomorrow evening, pima:int:to the milt of Wayne hi'Verakh, Bag , dilemma. This committee is doing businees for the piesent, under the style and title of the• '•Union party.'! It most net be tOtifellUded wUlt that which supported Bell, and Everett three , years age, so it iris then known as "ketiableatr.* In respect to aliases, it is a marvel of political nomeneature. The object of the pie sent= Meeting is probably - to agree upon a new liOw would "Jacobin" dcl • TWO LAD/RS AHD A CHILD paowaan.-A pain. fall occurrence transpired at LimetoWn, near Pitts burg, on 'Friday last, by which two ladies and a child lost their lives; A Mies hiCiPheely end her eider, Mil. Qstander, with a child* of the latter, were gathering blackberries, and Whileibe atleor don of Mrs. 0: was called in anothei direction; the child got into the river and was soon beyond its depth; The mother rushed into the water to save her little one, but got into deep water just as she teitehed the child, and was carried some difiteaco from the shore by the,current. Miss . McPbeely, seeing - her sitter ready to sink, at 'once went to her rescue, but soon found herself beyond heir depth; struggling nobly, however, she succeeded in reaching the two, but was so exhausted as to render then* but little aseistanee. Carried ontstill further-by the current, and no one being at hand to aid theist', all three seen BMA beneath the wa ter. correspondent in „TarbUt Northumberland county, asks for information on a question of This kind : " Suppose a widow to have three eons, two of wham are in the army, is the remaining one exempt ?" We think he is, although such- a case itit.e-'bverlootted in framing the Conscription act, and we have seen no decisions from the Provost Marshal General in relation to a ease of the kind. A clause in the law itself reads : "Where there are a _father and sons in the same family 'End huttehold;anti two of Them are in: Me military service of the United States as non-com missioned tfficere, musiciaps,or privatee, the resi due of such family, not exceeding Iwo, shall be ex empt." This being the case it is not likely that a widow would be denied the benefit of the exceV. %ion "kith is allswsd to A, that. It would seem clear that the ion of a widow would, under similar tironmatancer, be exempt. -"Ran BILVTLINI" IX Tat RAIMS.—We were not swam wail yggtfsday that the well known Ned Buntline E. Z C. Judson) was a sergeant in the Invalid Corp, encamped near this city. Mr. Judson has fcr many years been a coutribatoi to the Frets. Ile first -became known as conductor of a spicy and calisittal journal known as "The Scor. pion," and afterwards published "Ned Buntline's Own." . The vaiitinge undei,hie favorite stoat de . pflfsse have made him famous with a certain class of-readers, being filled with "hair-loreadth 'stapes; and moving_ atolients," and Charitoteriasd- with dash and'romance, not . unmix4 with bitterness. This last element may be 4:118 to the-checkeled ca_ rest'-hbrbai fed, as well as to the unpleasant ism *tam/lipid domestic stairs. He bite been in. insturitttlel Pribt We l; in one of which lemait : woun d ienjO we find Undoing the ditty of a seltker.,* the I.2tr company of the yateralt, Invalid Corps. May hp live to reap the fruit of his labors in a permanent peace. Teta Fontordl.—A reTolution In the style of ladies' dresses and hair dressing has been inaugu rated. The comb Is ruled out by the artiatea of the beau monde, and le henceforth to be an obso. fete' article in 'superlatively fashionabli circles. 'The ladies are reverting to the Lady Giodive style of wearing the hair—that is, letting it flow down over the shoulders. Little girls now have their hair crimped and then ailowed to float loosely lawn their back. When the heir is Of s light au burn or golden hne, it has a pretty effect, remind ing one of the sunny maidens - who lived in the days of chivalry. Older misses, and young, and middle-aged ladles, have, however, made a compromise in the matter which is perfectly fright ful. •The hair is rumpled - up so as to stand out on the head as if it had not been combed for a week, and then the back hair, also carefully rumpled, is loosely fastened up by a comb. Some of our more servile followers after the fashion-gods of Europe, probably. snobby offshoots of ghoddy aristocracy, have ,arpeared in the draw ing rooms .sit Saratoga with their heads done up in tbi Cbtatliited and fricitsood sty/a, the whole thickly hepowdered with gold; but the beeux turned'a sold shoulder to the shock-headed inno vators, beholding in them a closer resemblance to Hecate than to Helen. ' In regard to drones, it le announced that "short dresses are coming into fashion, and ntzt winter nothing else will be seen in the grand salons of Palle." We would respectfully inquire of the Parisian oracle which end will be short ? and also, :what attraction there would be in a salon hill of short dragnet / if "nothing vise" itecvmpark led them? Meantime it is taken fer granted that it is the skirts which; are no longer to trail slung filthy side walks. Such a change is 'becoming, and must gratify every lover of tid:ness and cleanliness. TIM OIL TlL4llB.—This valuable trede•la increase ing rapidly.. The. following figures will show some of the produets and shipments of the Oil !el' ill of Western Pennsylvania, which are 'all comprised within the limits of Venting° wanly: Inthe twelve .a 94 th s o f 4E42 the exportation was 11t,84)2 btir role, of 40 gallons each. In "the six Months Of 1803,.ending July Ist, the 'amount was 454,990 barrels, being an incresee,of 343,188 in six months over 6/entire export of the previcus year. The Neat osetinsistns of the produetion of this Oil Creek region give the round figuree' of 5,000 betr44 pee day ai•the net product of the Allegheny oil region, or about 1;800,000 barrels per tannin ;which will yield 1,150,000 barrels of refined, - titicilng the ex: port of the six months tilals .lB63 , es the representation of that for the comieg Six months, and under no adverse circumstances are they likely to be much below the mark, we bays a total of 909,990 barrels as the probable exportation of 1863, and with 1,456,000 of refint.d as The predeo ticin, we have *only 540,020 barrels as the supply. Or 1863 for home consutoPtiOn". Or, in othir words, the product for the coming six months will be 900,000 barrels crude,-or 725.000 barrels of re fined, while the exportation will be the same sa bot eix months, 454,000. Barrels, leaving but 27t,- 900 >barrels for the supply. of the entire United States for the coming six months. PaiIIPETNIAL MOTIOL—A Vermont Yankee claims to have invested' serpropalling whsel, - or per petual =OlOl4 We cauPot believe i ti possible that this alhieveinent, which has been striven for with all thr tireless energy and intense 'devotion which inspired tbe alchemiats in their vain endeavors to transmute bass motels into gvld, . te 4t last attained_- Perpetual motion Deems . like a chimera, an imperl sibility.. It stands opposed to that well considered' dictum;of scientific men in &Wages, that "no m alaise events!, tome." Still, it is claimed to be a fact- . -The nearest approach we have yet seen. to it is the - provost marsbal's -wheel; but here is thei description of the Vermonter's wheel, which, if it isn't a humbisg, will create greater furore than any draft on-record: • It is a simple wheel, rune on gndgeone, and- is independent of any outside spring, weight ei power, as .a propellor. Go the mare u-xle OD 1811113 h the metal wheel is fixed Is a band wheel, onwhich a band rune over a small pulley that drives a small circular saw. Set it on a table and remove the - Wake, and it wilt start itself and run with great velocity, driving the raw. Its the amplest thing in the world,-but I cannot intelligibly describe it; but it is at once understood by the beholder. It will not; nay, cannot atop without a brake, as it is so fixed by means of balls and arms tha t ! the de scending side-of the wheel is perpetually further - foot the centre of motion than the ,opposite as cending. REBEL WOUNDND 4ND Pusonana.—On Monday; night twenty-ex wounded rebels,were brought here from Cbambrrsburg and were placid in the %mast street liespitiL hanging thom were two . eolonels, three captain& one' adjutant and three lieutenants. One of them, a Maiylander, was quite huffy bepause his butteruntAlp isoulAetride to the hospital from the depot in a carriage instead, et an ambulance, sad eoMe of the enbordinate Offeidie indulged in a untemptibly querulous and.'imim dent spirit, demanding to be taken to hotels and placed on a diet of spring chickens and width& Tbe ingrates ignored the fact that Union prisoners have died slow deaths upon a diet of measley pork in the fetid dens or the Libby prison. They Will be treated tha same _u other patienti at our hos pital& • , , • On the same night twenty-two rebel prisoners arrived here under guard•from Chambershurg, and were taken before Abe Provost Mamba!, who-sent .them to Cemp Curti% where thijr uotlf furnished with transportation:*eastward. , • Wn,have taken ever on the lab of ApriLthe balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own atom, where we will continue to sell the balance left at very low prices, until the Whole are gold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 16, 18 and. 20 cents. bOO yarda remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16,15 and 20 cents. 200 yards of barege and lustre, 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 yirde of linen crash, 18, 18 and 20 Slants. 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for - summer coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants stuff, obesp. , - 300 dozen of the vary beet spool ostton, white and corded. , , 1,000 papers of. the very best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocks handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, ail cit. 4 of combs, patent thseld, tapes, socks ' 3 , Ci st by the dosenor piece. , We. have also on hand yew about 10 pieces at CARPET, wbiell We will sal at 75 cents per yard. - 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. 20 piece's or'splendid figured window curtains. • S LEWY. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THN-MIN. Farmers, families and others can purchase no remedy tool t' 1)r. Tobias/ Venetian Liniment, for dysentery, colic, c:oup, chronic rheumatism, sore weans, toothache, sea sickness, cuts, burns, swellings, brable.,,old .stires, headache, mniquito bites, pain% in the limbs, chest; back, &o. If it does not give relle the money will. be vefa nded. All that is asked is atrial, and use ft actordlitg to the diriations. DE. TOBIAII:rIWini 645" A hILY-1- need your Tamil= Liniment in,l7 fandif for Wsinnab*v of years, and be lieve it to the best tticletAr utliat.it is recommended that I have ever need. Foietuidenaitsck of croup it is invaluable. I Iluive . i39 heeloApti_in recommending it (Or sit tholopiat, professes to cure.. I hate soil it for many years, mo it giveaflgir frintetfron.` "- CHAS. ; I TEIMNER: ttimitsarows, N.B.:Nay 8,"18t8. Gold itYall Druggists. alike, 65 Corrsat street, jy3l ddtwlza New York. . MOTHERS !IL MOTHERS! Don't fail to procire Mrs. WINSLOM43,SOOTHINO SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This val hie preparation is the prescription ofene Of the best female physicians and nurses In the United States, and has been Used for thirty years withstever ssfety and slis case by millions of mothers and childten,. from the Yee Lie infantof one week'old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rated the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve (TRUING IN TEN 80R1E1.6 AND WIND COLIC/. Te believe it the best and surest remedy in the world in ail cases of DYSENTERY AND DIAKEHOIA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Nell directions for using will accompany each 'bottle. None geaulue unless thefac simile of CURTIS & PER KING,. New York, is en the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 4$ Dey street, New York. Price only 25 once per but.le. nty2B.dikwaro CRISTADORO'S 'HAIR DYE. here is no flair Dye la nee eo wire, Co free froOt alt objectionable properties, that rkedisess snobs lendld and permanent tints, or that operates so qui ok'y, not formiy,,and ceitcftly, -as CRISTADORO'S E X CELSIOR HAIR DYE This matchless article is prc aouncEd, by all who hare titer applied it, or seen It applied, the neat wonderful invention of the 'age Ten minutes' anilines far any shade - of blown or the deepest black. .It Flores the skin unstained. 'plasinfaotured by T. CRISTADORO, a Astor House. New init.- raeld everywhere, and applied by all Hail' Dinner*: 4riee #l, la so erat . SB per box ; secording to aise. cristatloroPa flair v P reservative Is baraluable with hie Dye, uit imptyte the utmost uftnese, the most beautiful gloat and greet vitality to the - Safi. ' erto4t4 okkottl, 1 did tit per ixittto, tiocoidizig to Size ;13.131-ditrlolai Dr. Bretton's Concentrated Remedies . No.-1. THE GititAT RitYlVßit speedily eradicates all the it'll effecte of BELP4.IIO3.ICas Loss of Meoucy, iiikiirtnieis BreitthAlditinesii; Palpitation of thepeart, , .Itimnesn:ofr v ittei'on,or any Onstititttonal derangementS of ihe' fyitetai; „ ta parestrained` ind grace. qrthe panro4i. ' 'AK! Mike on either ism PAO . line Dollar. . , - --• . • • No. 2 ..THE mow,. in from two to eight days, any, case of OONNORRBGEA, is without taste or. and requires no restriction of action or'ciet For either sex - Price One Dollar. . No. Se The-TEREB cantle thezetiorteet,ppesible time any ease or 3 AMARIN will cure the Whites, radically and in a much elnuter time than they can be removed by ally nth'er itreatment. , In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Ileum - . to take. Price One Dollen • 40 8 ri.l4 ORIBNPAL PASTILV Are darter!, safe and eirieedy:ln priideibig MENSTRUATION, or corrct titrany' Irrigebiritiiff of '4ite &Outlay periods: , Price Two - Dellefs, " 6 No. 0, Pat PARTICULARS SEX CISCULAII. 'Either. 'remedy sent free by mail oa receipt or the f rieerannexed, Enclose postage stamp and get:a-Arca ft enerol,TbrpoligarthEmt corn r of Vork avenue and Cf k na r bill street_ I .priritte otri.:w, 401 Tort arentie, • Pbibodelphis, Pad For lisle in !El:MAI:mg by 0. A. BALSNNPLIIT and tOlllB WTETH. where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with fall descriptions. of each case, will be deliv ered gratis on application. address • DR.. FRLIX BRIIIKON, July , RS, 186 k iy P_ 0 Box 99,Shiltidelphis, IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CISIEESEMAWS PILLS. The combination of isigreCopty in these Pins are the *Wiwi of a long and iateneiite prieties They are mild in shear operation, and certain in correcting all irregu lar/ilea, painful menstruation, removing allobetractimus whether from Cold or otherwise, headache, pal in the side. PillipitlitiOt of the heart - , whites, all nerrau sestet. bons, hyeteriCe, fatigue, pain - Is th fleet az *limbo, km, disturbed sleep, Which arise ftom intstispti of native: 011. CHEZSEMAS is PIR,L waa the corarnencernea q anent • said trwst asa of then irregniaritiee and otrstrusts t R Illy con; signed eo many to a prentata rev 1r 5'41:21. can enjoy health.nalese she le regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health liegina to de cline. OR. CIIVES.kM4N'S PILLS are the moat effectual remedy ever know* for all corn •plaints peculiar to Panatis. To all eases they are Lan week rsfillas ity. They are known to thoueandsorke . bave usedtkem at different Delia", dtroughout the, country, havingthe unction of some Of the most mittens Physicians is AllteriCa. • Expticit d‘ecrione, arming ream they thrnsla oaf bit used, with _aash_ltoz—the Trim One Dant par °ordaining from 50 to 80 Pilie. Pills mat 1W Moil, promptly, by remitting to the #genta- *Ad b.) bruftilts ruefsAY. 1. B. HintHlNGS;Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Sold in ileiriebers, by 0. A. Dainevart. ~te Staehanireburg, by J. k: Dellett. Oarlisle. S. kiliott. “. - StilpSeinisborg, by D. W. Baskin; Obiebbeisberg, by Willer & Hershey, , gg•Hortimebitown, by fiFeorgi • Ilebenon,iy George Does. . - dee64l&wly A OARD TO THE LAD/ES. DR. DIjPONCO'S- GUI/EN PILLS t F-OR -V EM ALES! Isfaliple is catireatia gr, *plating and Removing all Obitnuctions, frosi ialurtever cause, and always • olfg;ws a Prettenttros. Theme PlLL Sve'been land Ville Devised AS , many years, both in Prance and Americs, with unpara ll eled Omens in every ease; and hale urged by many thousand ladisi who Weed them, to make the Pigs public for the alleviation of those suffering fr.im any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an , increase of family where health will not permit U. INDIDIDO particularly situated, m or those 'imposing theinselves so, are cautioned vans% Mie - Pills while to that condition, as they are sevOioprodetee asiseerriage, and the , proprietot mamma %) no respinisibiliry :Ater tills admonition, although their inildriees would prevantanyinischief to health—other: wise the Pills'are rebomMendiiii. Full and. explicit M. reetione accompway each boy. Pries $2.00 per box. Bold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN WAXY, Draggle; No. 2. Jones Dow, and Q.H. KELLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, ladies, by Minding them $l.OO to the Hanintnirg Post Office, can have the. Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) sod "free of postage" by mail. Bold oleo by J. L. LIDIDDRODR, Lebanon; J. A. Worm, Wrightsville; IL T. Iduama, York_; B. Exxiorr i J. O. ALTISIL, Bhippensbarg; ./.BrANOMM, Ghana bersburg ; B. H. WILD, WOWTInt9 A. J. KAtfinricur, Me chanicsburg ; Snows de Damian, No. 4, Booth Liber ty etreet, Baltimore; arid by "one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. • ' HALL do ILITOKBL, 218 Greenwich Street, New York, Genera/ Wholesale Agents. N. It —Look out for emantorfeits. Buy no Holden Pills of any kind unless every box Is signed D. D_ Howe Ail others are a base imposition and unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to `every Agent. The Y will tell yon the Pills are perfectly kortniess t yet will do all claimed for them. B. D. SOW'S, jyl7-417 • Bole Proprietor, New York MOTTVILL.E GLASS WORKS, .• P,IIIL4DEX;PRIA I MIIOP/8.171111 CARBOY.B, - DEMIJOHNS. =NB, PORTBB,ItI2PRBAL WATaB, PIOXLN AND PRESIVRVE BOTTLES • ' • ow ma: rossasumoi. . • H. B.* ( ,w. BARIUM, 0d.041,y . goath D*ont stsrek trE .BEST FAMILY MACfINES SEWING WHEELER & WILSON'S. NSW 49.67e,i',"Ararket tquatl, next to Coldtr's 0 4 6Vce. irrmi dse e th em in Operation. , . A gineial t aasortment of machinery and needles con. Openly on han,t. !__ * MI m IiIIABGA'RETJ KIS WilLeethibit and sell them, and also do all Made machine sewing on theee machines in the beat manner. The patronage of the public is respectfully eoliolted. splB-6m e amusemento. RETURN OF RETURN OF RETURN'OF RETURN OF NIXON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, NIXON'S CREMORNE mous e NIXON'S CREILIORNE CIRCUS, NIXON'S CRUMORNE CIRCUS, AT u‘varae,Buim AT HArtnrsurnG AT HARRISBURG AT HARRISBURG FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, FRIDAY; AUGUST 21, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, FRIDAY;AUGUST 21, ON LOT IN SECOND STIIEET, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, ON LOT IN SECOND STR-Egr, NEAR THE COTTON Mli.L. NEAP; T 1 .COTTON MILL. NEAR THE COTTONMILL NEAR THE COTTON MILL. snaro*l . CREMORNE eIFtOUS. M!ME ILACiaTETS -______ r.t. _ EUROPEAN CIRCUS . ?, i . _ Firpt, appearaiee in Aiwirica. t ' II f MadameMacarte halutreat sat's ,- faction in announcing to the People , 4 ~ of this eoestry, 7 that alter asatio " ft Bence of several years she Will galiks— ib-_ . 1 again have the honor of appearing ' - before them. ' . . - ---- • • Among the Royal Rritish Circus is tho lbeautilid Sttid of English tnorsughihiecti, Including the solo. brated blare, BLACK SWAN. .• , • • i ,_— Being the same Troupe with which i'--_ in England, Ireland and Scotland she had the honor of performing •-- • - • . • • 'before the most refined and *Rimer . suit tiudieten if. every city in the . ~., ~...?, .. , . British Realm. 7 - . '' - Madame Macarte's great Act , the . , ,-.• tfil . . ' VENETIAN CARNIVAL ---*„....,.7.1 W i ll - ,Oy N . , i'. . ~., - be remembered by those who l'bi• 5 . 4,\"•••.;,.i, F --- - witnessed' her former efforts in this te ../.,-..\ WS ? : ebuntry. —_—.. I ____•• , First appearance in America of k_______,___ ll l4 Xrr. JOHN COOK, " -..-1. -• The English humorist ' kn i own as the f„. most brilliant wit in England, and familiarly styled the COMIC MUSK . , V' , The elegant follies of this well. ' • bred and gentlemanly clown will be . , _, _ • # , oceastonsity dips - silted by the, e;•4- ) e -J,,, E . ,44 w •- ,t,„, • modingly - comiu srstesquee 'of tie famous FREN'CIi TIERROT. Aas, . -...: 7 - • - First appearance in America of the , prlC' • SYRO;ARABIC TROUPE. .. * i Comprs ing Male and Female .• t Jug . ;opi" filers, Aerobattc, Contortionists. ' lProminent, among the feabires or le _____ . this troupe is the distinguished 1 , ...% 1, . . . . , ....,_ ,401 European and American eel°. • -,., 4. ' brity. This young and briltiant • - ' .• artiste is acknowledged by all, beth - 4 x. in and out of the equestrian pro. • fession, to be the•most perfect rider s.,v. of the age. ••••%„...._ .0 ..---. . . . • * :/'& In addition to the Star Company, .. l tr.•• _., aw'', - - the manager has secured an en. !,- "•• ----_—: gagement with the renowned 'Wild • ' Sir. EATON STOMP,. -' i - Mr. Stone's feats on horseback _,_ r• AL. ~, are all "performed ' on his naked . _" . ."i . Steed, withoilt. saddle, bridle, or .I‘_,a' .• -.. "f and e brilli ing cl im f t a te4 k. nd. His 'liver four4l iess •. A. L. gates and other .•• barriers, while carrying his son upon hie bead, and in various other attitudes, are con- _ -.„. sidered the perfection of equettritua• '• ' skill, and have Justly entitled him l to the distinction of " Champion of ' .fo r ; ~--------- the Arena.”• . m iliiii - i . N. LAfru 'LOP., _ e•-The Kentuck Clown. JIM REYNOLDS, • ••,---- •' : - . = The Great Model Clown. • , ' -s • 'T The great romantic spectacle '_ , • '... is .. i Dick . TU PIN'S ---7--t- s ek.., , -,.... . ,_, _ 7 i /,- RIDE TO r ORE, r --..........._, ' - . ' • AND DEATH OF BLACK BR'S.) • • -•. '"Wgiiilia,.-- ••' pm Tuarri.....,lll , SE MACARTE. 11 A 141 S ! ! I 20,000,11 m. Composed ti p the following' Brands just received : NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. • • NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS .44 SWIF rs-8-Perfor. • MICE LN SR'S EXCELSlOR—Carwatieed. MICIIINE WS EXCELSIOR—Not canvaseed. IRON CITY-ox4vaPsed: • IRON OITY,--Nut can vaefted PLAIN HAMS—Strictly prime ORDINARY Ek:ll3---V9'.7 good &very Rani sold will be, guaranteed ss represen ted. . • . - vF M, DOCK , fr. CO. SECRET''IIiSEAES ! • • nen pa- ‘DIVRAS • .F.4.11141/TAIVS GIFT' !•• SAM 4/1 "/%4 AV'S ("FT! . Tar Mos.T.egere ' is Rt. • 6YZR3SRD. YeA, Cu,r ! BALSAM (TOPA VIA O. MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pili. ip be taken to effect a onre: They are entirely vegetable., tuivicg no man not day unpleasant taste, and will not. in any way, injure th< stomach or bowels of the moat delicate. Cures in from two to four ,days, and recent cased in twenty-Pour hours • ' No exposure, no trouble, no rhange whotevar. Prins male package'', 162 Female, $3. Sold by D. re. [ROSS & CO. Soot by mail by DESMOND & CO . Dew 152 Phila. P 0 . janfl-dly BROOMS, BRUSH Rs, - TUBS AND I BASKET:I of all dePorlptiona t qualities and pikes, - for,sale by WM. , DOCK, JR., & CO. ptl,44ll;Di BLOOD! Li BORN 111.12T1E sJAUSIO d . l PEAVDD 0014 i. • Drylnty of TIM VITAL FLUID,. , which' produces SCROFULA, tILVERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET •TRRS, SCAL S. BOILS, SYPHILIS ON VENE REAL' WWI , ASP F•qC • • 's_A Al A RITAN' - o.;ci 2 D ICIZOBS Is offered to Cho public as a positive enre. Banishes all impurities 11 he Mood . and brims the system to I healthy swim: cure tam , Spats. Tatters, Beale& and Copper Colorfid Putebel, SYPRI L I t ., 011 VENERKAL iIISEASES. The tamiarit , n'a hoot audliarb..tuicca is tat certain rein..t: .:.,r in•Pgeribed ft removes p Wee, the witista ' Ifitel - 2. I. v.v., VP)! ' . Irt many U. cti..um with' which nu- .. stiffer, the 4HOT kND HERD JIIIC ~.. adapted, ib • : at. 4 rterna _ in b. .- tiorr n , sain t , o ..ht. Womb.Ti.hility f philatoje-- 4 -- ',", rho 6.41 ' . _ • . ~- N OT Li RASP AIR. ! acespout .yi -pitalg _Here is .II; care In : . ..., i 6. Prier $1 pr hottle..t.l:,,Ox_ iOr ;4; with ._ y time. Bold -,ic 0.. W. GR08,..: . Pent hr. v. - - ...rctul ty peeked by • 1 7 .11,13)10ND & 00, 2 • , jut . l 3 , . .- . ' - BOXIIra MIA. P. / .1 0 0 '' . .• GA.TINV:—The be c./ artier. • uet received azid for eale b., inarl4-1 WM. DOOlf, Ja FOR ONE PAY ONLY, FOR ONE DAY ONLY, FOR ONE DA V ONLY, FOR ONE DAY om.i, : , • ' .i N OT A RUM DRINK! A highly Concentrated Tegclable Extract. PURE TONIO THAT WILL RNLI* TN THE AP - ....Tudor:)4ND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. 11100FLANWS GERMAN BITTERS PREBABED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHIPIDELPHIII I PA;, WILL I FirECI 'ALLY and MOI,"F CERTAINLY OURS ALL' DI•EiLBES AIMING PROM • A !Disordered Liver, StOniaels . or Kidneys. . • • Flamaaada of our , citizen. are aufferinr from DYSPEY sad LIVER VISRARES, and to . wheel ne fallowing .questiend apply—se guarantee HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CUE TILEIVI. Dyipepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coat. d tongue mornings, with bad taste ;n the month ant lour appetite for breakfast? Do you f, el when 3 on Bret got up so weak and Languid 3 on can oearcely got about? Do y n have a dizzinws in the head at times, and often a dullness, a rah head:u he occasionally ? Are y sit bowels costive and inegular, and appetisebbange. ahl ? Do you throw up wind from the stourtch, and do you swell np.often ? Do you feel a fulness after eating, god p sinking when the at unch is empty ? Do p n have beartbUlD occatdOnalti t you feel low spirited. and look'on the dark aide of Wogs ? Are you not unusually nervous at times ? Do you not recome restless, and often lay until midnight before you can go tooloep? smitten at limos, don't you feel dull and sleepy 'meat of the time? Is your skin dry ann ace y ? also gator ? In short, Is not our life a burthen, full of . - foreta dings t • Heetland 9 s . German Bitters Will cure evary case of • ORRONIO OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DESPASE OP TILE KIDNEY& AND DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMAOR, Observe thelollowmg Ssmjitoms reaultin r from ' ' —Disorders of the Bivalve Organs -Constipation. Inward Piled. Pu?nes Cr Blood to the lie d, Acidity of the Stomach, Houdin, Heattburn, D.ogust for Food, Fulnms or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Brno' atiomt,Si eking or Flat ering at the Pit of the Stomach, SwinHuldne , e Head Httrr;e3 and Breathing, Flattering ai the heart, Choking' or Suffocating Sensation, when in . a lying posture, Idmaise of V ;don, Dots or Webe . before the Sight, Fever and Dull PAM in the Head, Deliciencv of • PerFrritiin, Yollownete of the . Skin and" Byes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbo, &0., &o. .• Sudden Flushes of Heat, Batting , in the Flesh, • . , Ton tantimaginiLga et : 144 great- Ile s, „ preadon of Skirits, VAitiicuLAa There'are many prepar.tfoni !old' under the nine of tteot, put rip in %nut boTtlee, Compounded of the cheap'. eat a Mak,. or conimOu corlirg from go to 40 cents 011on,,the bate diegaited by An se or Coriander. red, Thia class. if Biitera has ranged, and will coutlnue to isause v iiii'long.its they cal be sold, hundreds to - die the death,. erne drunkard . By th-ir n e the gyetem'iti kept cohflnnally under the iptlneme is titinsulants of the :worst: k..:nd, ditaire for Liailur is created and kept ttp, wad the. result is ail the hovers attendant 141 , 011 driiiiliatei life and death. ' • . • • For th3se who desire and will havea L'Quor Bitters, we publish the folk/wing re :irrpt Doe Bottle Hoceflond's Gement' Bdters toi; with Three Quarts of good Brandy or Tr,f4Y, and the remit will be a peparaton that will far exeeAio mes:liFinal witting and true oxen leers any:orttue nninr, no 1 1,4110 r, -04,0 4 1 9 mariCkiN and wl.l cost musk foss. -Yon :will - hive, $11;;Ilio rlrtuco of Hoodiiiict's Bitters in cond.ction Midi aj. ,, od article of 1.-quor et a much lets price th.ok t h ese ' " erior prepara tions will cost you. HOotland 9 s 'German lEtitters •.: c. • -' WILL.GYVE Mr A 4,0 'di) A , _PP,ETITE. WILL GIVE YOU OrnifoxG. nE4ILTIRY NERVES, , wAL GIVE YOU Brisk and • 'Energitie Feelings, WILL I , IIIMIE YOU TO - EiZi,uliv:llE 3l 7 1 1017301.21-g, AND WILL POSITIVALY PR AVANT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS - FEVER, • &a 4k.„ Tho e buff:aing From Broken Man and' Delicate Constitutions; From whatever name, either in MALE OR . FEMALE, ,WELL I DIN *HOOFLAND'S GERNAN BITTERS .4. wt.= Aiim3=i-sr That-wig : ropier. them to their usual , health. Ettch has twen the ease in thousands of instances, and s fair trial is but required to prove the insertion REMEMBER THAT TIME BITTERS AIM NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTINDED Ail A M R AL. 4 la The Proprietors have thousands oflettere from the moot eniment CLERGYMEN; LAWYERS, • • PdYSICIANB. sad CITIZ Testifying of their own perional knowledge, to the bens. Bolsi effects and midisa virtues of Muse Rtters. from her. J Newton Brown, D. D., gditor of ineyele . gedia of Religions Hnthsledge. 'Although not diiipne.d st. favor or TOcOMICIOnd Pat ent Medicines in goneral, throng]) distrust of their.lngre- Ahnati And, yet. UMW of no soMolent reasons why a man may not tostify to die bingtfitip he believe. Admisslf requilve&freo any 84,2100 Preparation, In the`hOpit that;he. way thus eentriente to the benefit I do this 'Mare readily in regard to.ulloollandls Gerona prepared by Dr. O H. Jackson, of this city ; because I was prejudiced against them for years, ander the bapreesion that they were chiefly as alcoholic mix ture. - I amindebtaid to my trivia Robert Shoemaker, Datz., for the remoralof this prejudice. by proper teab; and for encouragement.to try them when malting from great and long. continued debility. The 'use of art . . .bottles of them Bitters at tke beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of :bodily and mental vigor which I bad net •Te3t for ell kaariths before, and had almobt despaired of r• gaining. I therefore tibia& 4 14.4 and.my friend far d;. reeling nid to the use of them. .- 1. NJOWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23,1561. . DISEASIIS OP KIDNEYS and - BLADDER, In Young or Aged, talc or Female, Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, 'UNAS suffering frem MARABStl3B,.wasting away, with leareely any fic sh en their bones, are cured in a very short ti nip .! ruts hottie such sage! walla:nit most surprising • , • 'effect. Ravine indfaring children an above, andwinhing to raise them, win . never regret the day they comminced with these Bitters. . LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And these workioutiard. with their brains should I ways keep a bottle or 11008LANDM FITT NES near them. as they wilt find poach benefit from its nee, to both mind and.hody, invigorating and not depv ming. • 7 Is NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, • And leaved no prcallation, Attention, Soldiers ! AND.TIIE FRIENDS OF SOLP We call the attention of all haricot reic' in the army, to the fact thatigHOOPL tort" cure nine•tentba or the e' IMMIS 4 II spa piiiationa incident I. pubbehed almost daOy in ths of the 'olds; it wi / be Doti , are =throw from debt , be readhy cured by 1, " no hea:tation ins' need among es that ahem Thep' gelinbolb's THE eREAT a PIERICAM , REMEDIES," "HELM BOLD'S" RELMBOLD'S EXTRAC P Buell u." BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT S..AE.?APARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. BELDIBOLDT GRINtiNz PFZPARA.TICIS:, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED 77 COMPOUND • • FLUID EXTRACT BUCUU, A pasit:ve and specilicitemedy for risewes of the BLADDER, JEIDNEYS, (TRAVEL AND DROPSICAL Bw4LLINGS. This medicine inereeres the power of digestion End ex alt- a the absorbents into healthy tc:mv, which the Water or calcareous depositions, stet all unnatural en largements, ere reduced. as well Es pain and indsmrca- Con, and is good for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. BELMBOLD'S EXII,IIACT BrClair, 'For' Weakn.rie Prising from Mamas.; Babits of DiRS pation, Ban)" Lad:ocretioo or lacee 3 attended with the Indisposition to rr dim, Dryness of the of Memory, Loss of Power. Weak Nerve e, Drlfitiolty in Breathing-, Horror of Disease, Trembling. Dimness of Vision, Waksfulness, Univorial Lassitude of the Pain in the Back. Muscular 8,) stew, - Plu Meg of the Body, Hot Hands, - Eruptions on the Face s Pellid Cotinteniiies. These symptoms, If allowed to go on, which ttCs medi cine invariab'y removes, soon fol.ow IMPOUNCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may moire. Who can may they are net frequently foiowed by three 1 -direful dia ea•ts,” Many are awnre of the cause of their Buffering, but none will confeen. ' The repords of the insane Asylums, sod the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear angle witness to the truth of the leaertubn. TELE CONSTITETION ONCE AV 11101%15 OR. EtASIC WEAKRBFKI, rtegnirrs the aid of triedelime to strengthen and Ineigu- rote the,eysteni 14 ELM BOLD'S HXIRACT BLICEIU invariably dces ' A trial will o_nrince the most skeptical FEMALES ! FEMALES !! 'FEMALES !!! OLD OR YOM*, SINGLE, MARRIED, 01 CONTEM- In many sifeeticns renter to _Tuners, the Eatrae Ductal iota/141611W byany other x reedy, as in Chlorosi Or Retietion, Zrregnla itiee , Palaftitnt se, r Eappieseion of Customary - Evacuations, Menrated or Scirrhoue state of the Uteras-Lettoorrhe a or Whi - us, Sterility, and for a 'complaints incident to tho sex, etethe,r arising trena in Bgibito' or In the NO 'PAWL? ItIiOCLD WITHOtT 1T Take no Bahian*, - Mercury or Unpleasant Modish! Duple .sant stud Dangerous Di - eases. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU In all their ahem at little eaprnee i little or 119 shim in diet; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSITED. It eansee frognent desire and gis es strength to Urinate, thereby . removing arbuction!, preventing and curb) strictures of the urethra, allaying pain and inflammation so fr,erent in this class Itif distance, and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEARAD AND A ODICOLT TTDII. Thousands upon thoLeande who have been - the VICTIMS OP QUACKS, And who hate paid ShAVY FIRS to blOtred in a short time, have lotted they were deceived, and that the Poi eon " has. by the um of a rowel - ix/ Aetringente, , i, been dried up in the orotexu, to break out in an asitavatedlorm, and BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT R 1301117: For all Attractions and DISP2IIBB of the lIRINARM OR ,GANB. whether existing in WALK OR FEMALE, from whatever cause oligit sting, sal no matter of how long standing. Disowns of these organs require the aid of a DRIERTIO. • , • =UNSOLD'S EXTRACT BUONO ffi THE GREAT DIURETRI, And it is certain to have the desired effect in all Diaeaseo for which it in recommended. BLOOD t 4 BLVD !! BLOOD !! ! REIGIBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED DOOM POUND FLUID EXTRACT EaRSAPABILLA This is an affection cr the Bloistr] andattsnt the, "111% or g ans, Linings of the time, Mare, Throat Windp ipe inupive other Mecca d arrears, making ita eppeersree in the form ortlioerc. HELMBOLDIS fixtriet riersaparilla purifies tho Blood an 4 r -moves all Sealy kraetioi a of the Bk.n, giving to the compl-zion a clear and Ledtby color. It being repaired exer‘renly for this chum of complaints, to Blood•purifying propertiee are prep• ryes to -a greater e: tent than any I *or prepalation•of Sarpiparilla. An excelitnit lotion for dixesooo of a syrtilige nature, bad sa as ittieetion in diseases pfitho grittury ORS ON elid ing from habits of diteipetion, tistd in sown dins with the Extracts Beebe and Sarsaparilla. in atich diseases as recom mended. Evidence of the moat reapanaibne., and reliable character will accompany the med clues. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, Pronethree to twenty years' standing, with names known for medical properttee of BUCRIT, eie..Dtep , rdhitO the United Stetre. Eke Praetor DEWN.IB , valuable works on the Pr bee of kbysio„ see remarks made by the late ce'ebrated Dr. PP' Philedalthia. See remarks made by Dr. EPEIPAIN 11 ' celebrated Physician and limber of thf Surgeous, Ireland, and• published in the Sing and Queen's Zonrnal. elm Medico• Ohirurgieet Earl , MIN TRAVICHM, Bellow of • EZ3I•I Bee moat of the late St. lartiact Extract &impair' Bose t'r halt' dose , . cure the r• Deng' ea* kNOW N AS GENUINE PE.2 . :FARATIONS v z:. ---:o:—. roLtowiNG 5Y3t1"1.01,03 INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION . ? --coca.. PLATING MARRIAGE, DECLINE OR ORANGE OD LIRE SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE I==l CURES SECRET DISEASES PXItRAPS ASTER MARRIAGE USE I=l SYPHILIS- =E3=l HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, TO FICIENON AND FAME.