Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, August 19, 1863, Image 2

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    set at naught ;'a despoti , m established; with a
dreadful horizon opening upon the . pdeple of
crushing.debt, lanes, public aitdirivato spoil
iation, unbridled license and,.fiivotask,
Andlllereaß, Noriheitt ,Alitlition, after
years nf persistent effort, noti;_eits enthroned
Upon the high seat of power, , tent upon its
hideous porpoesto of negro t . K wif ftml i gam a_
H on , devastation and extermtuaion of the white
And Whereas, This demon bas evoked Son
them secession, and under their combined in
fluence our glorious Union of; _States, with its
manifold blessings. id wasting a way ;
And Whereas, The rule of Democracy in
Federal and State affairs has always been one
of veneration for Constitutions, the ' Union,
laws, rights of the Stated and opielene of • the
People; _building up by its long line of Admin
istrations a great American Empire, pre4mi
neat in strength, wealth, civilization, and hap-
Pinese, making its countless millions of white
freemen all brake= ;
Therefore, the Democracy of the county of
Chester, senteraltind in its MOW annual meet
ing, 4oresolve,
That the only surd way for the people to. rc
gain tiieirlOrmei . hikiy condition, is by a re
turn to tote good. old order of things—the Con
stitution and the Union as they were estab
lished .by - our Fathers—an administration of
the powers of the government in their spirit,
honest, economical, kind, tolerant, With an eye
to the general welfare; that the ^represents
-fives of such a platform are GEORGE W.
and we 48 . 11 upon all good aliens, With what
ever political organization hitherto acting, to
join together, -heart and soul, and them to
the offices for which they have been nominated ;
feeling assured that such en use of the ballot
box, neat Oeteher, wilt be the first step ot the
people in the grand work of regenerating and
saving their:political institutions.
That the committee of correspondence call a
county •convention of delegates to be held at
such p4ace and time as they deem proper, for
the porpoise - of forming a ticket.
That these proeeedinge be published in the
Veffersonian, the Ate, and the Patriot and
The preamble and' resolutions met a cordial
reception , and 'were adopted 'with' eithuaissm
Ind usanindty. Mr. Efinton,lbev, 0/the call
of the meeting, addressed the Movably for
nearly half an hour, in a speech of marked pi):
wer and ability, and was followed by
Welton, Esq., with some excellent remarks,
after which the meeting - adjourned. •
E. S. M'Csucner,
A. M. Ayers, Secretary.
Form or Burrits.,-- , Barah, dear,' said a wag
gish husband to his wife, if I were in your
place I wouldn't keep the bakt so full of,:trat
ter as you db.' •
'Butter, my dear, you mistake, I never, give
it any butter.
'Bo, but you poured about a quart of milk
down it this afternoon, sad. qten (rotted it on
your knees for nearly two bourn. If itdoesn't
contain a quantity, of butter by this - time it
isn't for want of churning.'
Tun _launch of the 11. S. steamer Waterree
completes the list of double 7 enders afloat. Of
the twenty-seven doubled-b.W.d steam ers son•
tracted for some time ago, all are now launched
and in a few weeks the navy will be augmented
by the addition of this' .formidable fleet to its
active list.
ttc V*.itit . ' fc c; b$
tlonumnioattens will not be publishedinthoPenune
Jain 11SLON unless accompanied with the mune of th
authot. •
str . ALLsamm - BT cogs Tr.
Ilemetratie Stale Canal CcimmHim
The: following is the Stets Central Committee es ap
pointed iten. FINDLAY, FATTIER/30N, of Wailing
ton eounty, who, as. Ps ceident of the late De mocratic
Ciajoiwgiow, was antluarised by a resolationof the body.
aunounes the CoMsdttee. It eismislip of a Gliairmay,
and Representatives of the several .09914011111 Districts
into which the State is divided :
How. Citants J. Mania, Chairman.
at District—Theodore Cnyler, Philadelphia_
. Bobort WelS l4ll --- 2110 -
Do John Fullirtoro, Jr' do.
Do. ...Isaac Leech do.
2d....d0..... John B. Evans, Cheater county.
d 0..... Wm. H. Witte, Montgomery county.
ith...do Wm. T. Rogers., Bucks county. •
60_0 Thomas Hackman, Northampton county.
fah...do.....Biester Clymer, Berks county.
91b,...410.....Wi11iana Sandell, Bobuy/kill county.
8th...d0..... Am Paviier n Carbon. county_
Michael Mylert, Sullivan county.
10th...d0 ' Stephen S Winchester, Luserne county.
lltb..irdo......Mortimer E. Elliot, Tiogs county.
$lll3lBB, Lycoming eounty.
13th...d0....."Fi11iam 11111ot, Northumberland county.
Hepburn, Cumberland' county.
M. Brinbin, Lebanon county.
16th...d0 -George Sanderson, Lancaster county..
Do..... James Patterson do.
17th...d0..... John Spangler, York county. '
18th...d0 Henry SmitbOtulton o ounty.
19th...d0 J Simpson Africa, Huntingdon county.
29th...d0.....Wi11iam Bigler, Clearfield county.
Hugh Weir, Indiana county .
Thome B. Samight, Mayotte county..
234,...d0.....W. 2Poway, Greene county.
24th...d0 Geo W. Cam, Allegheny county.
* Do lames P. Barr do.
26tig...d0.....James O. Campbell, Butler county.
26th...d0 David S. Morris, Lawrence county.
27th...d0 Theme W. Grayaol. Crawford county.
0th...d0 2 ennedy L— Blood, Jefferson county.
The several County Committees of Superintendence
are requested toammunicate the names and postaffree
address of their members to the Chili-Ain of the Sta.te
1346. "trot Coottoittoo. Editors of Democratic papers in
Pennsylvania are requested to forward copies to him.
Pariansinua, July EL, ISM.
Democratic County Convention.
At • meeting of the County Committee, held
at the public house of Jas. Raymond, in the
City of Harrisburg, on the 15th • insL, it wbs
Resolved, That the Democratic voters 'Of the "
several wards, boroughs and townships in Dau
phin county, are requested to meet at their
usual places of holding delegate elections, in
the townships, between the hours of five and
seven o'clock, P. M , and in the wards and,'
bort:Agin!, between the hours of seven and
jualt, apt; nine t0'40071, 11.„ on Saturday the
Sth 14,0 f September next, for the purpose of
doting two: deleptes from each ward, bor
ough,AS. tfiwniatip, to represent them in a
coliatj; c o ,y e ation,„ which'ithall be held at the
c our t the City of Harrisburg. on
Tuestlay,.llW Bth day of September next, at
two aNswoh,i'• lam, fpr pre: T uFpose of fermieg
a county ticket, 4. • L- _
The f o u in
o g r igi,ol44gcsthe.placee of hold
delegate eleetivai IrPre' made t
a usgme h anna 2b 2o ,o*—reetwt Miller's school
hen, to Michael(. Shreinisle 'hotel ,; Oozes
, .
Naladown--Middle Weg4. l —=To the public
house of Raymond & Kendig.
A. W. Wmaint, Chairman.
Franklin Smith, Secretary.
Governor Curtin.
_hien* do. • 43rtys - :gurtiik,
injus4,-tlnd . , Stare ill n eh- to re 1,41
sort,:ti sitit mjintekbrderlit pi . .iblielefc4
tile People in an °Hotta light. Tiiithland jag':
Lice are the two keenest, weapons that, can be
used . against_4im. In this respect the case be- .
Iliirli !jApiii .1!se l eldiard - leirlifely dif-- -
tfiro6,,Squi4444 - : e. *ter i° 4. 11 1 ), ,4 Mk- , I
don of the people; his, are obliged '
to resort to thavilest abUse and most detesta—
ble calumny, whilato defeat the •former it is
not necessary to resort to falsehood, r even to
tell half,thetrnth. Curtin baabelonged to all.
the factions .which, since he attained his ina.-
jority, have heen arrayed . ag a inst the Mimi,.
Grath) party. Re has been : Whig,.*new Noth
ing, Republican, Abolitionist, by turns, and
stands reedy, to- day, to throw himself inta the
arms of any other organization. that May arise,`
strong enough to elect him and gratify his am:
bitien. He is mentally weak ind *orally un
principled—the dupe of pgues, or himself dis
honest ; in either of which cases he is unfit to
govern this' great - Commonwealth. • .
These are fasts which need net he enlarged
upon--4hey are patent to the people—and all
the puerile attempts made by his supperters,
all the mendacity resorted to by them to white- ..
wash him, to set him spotless before the pub
lic, and blacken the fair fame of his opponent,
will signally fail. He will come nut of the con
-test edefeated and condemned man. The ac
cusations made against him by his own: party
friends of deception, Corruption, and ecanda
ions ecinduct in other respeets; vrill be sus
tained by the verdict of the people, on the 13th
of October;' and Judge Woodward, in spite of,
every dirty effort to - defeat him, in spite of
speechs,.tracte, eircultes,. - defamation ; ' and
hundreds of thousands - 'of dfillariCerili,ptly.
used, will be triumphantly- elected,-by a ma
jority which will astound the Union Leaguers
and appal therederal Administration..
Let the Abolition leaders, who 'have set
themselves _resoltttely...to WO*. to Awry the
erection " fraud and corruption,
bkr , this prophecy in mind, for it will assur
edly be fulfilled, and all their unscrupulous .
'efforts to prevent...it will prove impotet#. The
doom of Curtin and his party is sealed. -It .
has. been,deoreed, and there is no powers in
the National Administration or: the : Union .
Leaguers, in money, or fraud, or faliehOod• to
prevent •" ' ' a!' , '
The Draft--lExemptioes.
We take the following at random , concerning
the draft, from otir exchanges. It will be seen
that "down east," where AbOlitisnism dour•
lobes most abundantly, and shoddy contractors
most do congregate, and " peoplg abide
in great numbers, the draft turns out a prac
tical failure. Evidently there are several ways
of "supporting the Governineuti" bOtildsS SC
ing to war. Pennsylvania. has furnished .teris;
of. thousands of soldiers in excess of her pre,
Tious quotas.;; Massachnsetts,..at the last ac`
sonata, wag lameutably behind-hand. •
lathe Fourth district (Boston 116 conscripts.
were examined, ofwham
. 102... e gxemptedlor
cause, nine were:acCepted, three had paid the
commutation moneT,. and two substitutes Were
'moped- . , „ ,
Up to Saturday Morn/twinthe Second dis
trict of Masttachusetts;l,6so drafted men had
heen examined, of whom 1,170 were exempted
artil 479 nerepted.
At Portland; on PI Way last, eighty-three
,conscripts wore examined. Of these 'forty- -
seven were exempted :for.physical disability;
thirteett by forpishing substitutes;and twenty-,
three for other cause 7t will be seenthat of
the eighty-three drafted the government does
not get :a man.
-Of the whole number .of drafted :men in
Berkshire county, /,347; there have now:been
examined 1,160. The following are ,the totals ,
of exempts froui diterent . caties:' Physioal
disability, 489; alienagei 180; faihers of moth:
- erless children, 17, only sorts of aged and infirm
parents, 26 ; only sons - of widows, 30; ales
; two nrembp's familYin service, 15;
in service March 3d, 2 ; under tmenty,,ynars,
9 ; pver thiyty-five and manied; 126 ; s gver for-
ty-five years„ 6 ; non residence,.l4 ; paid com
mutation money, 207 ; total of eXempts,l : ;o22.
Noinier of accepted men, 183, of Whom 'lien
have ,furnished eubstitntee. ' '
Five teghnents of *the Ariny of Potomac,
• ,
with Artillery, - have been sent to Sohoylkill
oonniY, in this State, to enforce the draft;
several other's, Mee with Artillery, to Lozano;
Unless by these means . " Unole Abraham " can
succeed in nabbing Pennsylvania conscripts,
he is not ,likely, to gat many pt. Greeley's
900,000. • '
•Cnithrthe•Tisol; of Lincoln.
• - The • fact that Andrew G. Curtin stands
pledged to sustain the Federal Administration
tit 04 Ito measures, is one among' the many sins
with which he stands charged. Pennsylvania
will not hem a Governor who favors Aboli
tionism; Contlication, Conscription, the sus
pension of habeas eogest, the suppression of
freedom of zpeech ;and of the press, tht sei
zure, abduction and imprisonmeet of citizens
guilty of no:offence, the substitution of dr-um
heed °ducts martials for trials in ccurt, and
the thousand and one other crimcs against
arty and the Constitution-of which the; Federal
Administration has been guilty: Hist support
of President Lincoln in' all the nefarious meter
urea which hale deluged the, country. with
blood and brought it to the verge of ruin, -
which his supporters claim as a virtue, merit
ing sucoess, the people look trion as a crime
deserving not onlydereaf, but execration. ,
His Pr'orlised love for as soldier is the
utereEt clap-JraP . d'eroarguism, and none
but a lowdt.tuagogusl would resort to it as 'a
pleti4or suppor.t. Had he done ord.) , his duty
towards The Peonsylvania soldiers, they would
not have aufG-red half thephave done, and
thAyltnew it. This plea will DO 001 and
if none better founded can be urged in his be
half, he might as well withdraw from the con :
teat at once.
kith , 13 Trill)?
In one; pnrmy.raph.the , Telegraph' Worm!' tts
that. un b r 'Cnitia's administration, the tweet
!in-.," of
.the giatehOre been "abridged," and
. .
in anothr th.at ask Itaye bcca,"ii/orisi,e4 2 l
which et theite,asbertions Ara we t.. 0
The rtiegraph-ehetild ba - atemistent, or it will
soon los-. the - confidfmoe of the few who now
helieve in it.
iitiostitirtne.—Subetittites in Richmond
have touched ae high a figure as $5,000.
Tux neople of Pennsylvania are st logth
tolittcal contest is t
the sdemocratio Pkrtift faithful to ftsprat
'lige, has put in , ,.noTtiiiitetition;* . gik,higheitt
positions in the peiPot,gikks4WolieriVO!
men, of tried integrity and captteirizffit to
terpret and wisely administer the laws of the
Conunerwe.alth it will
. be their
,office to watch
over and - protect. It has' adopted - a platform
perfectly consistent with all its *past princi
ples and its unwavering devotion to the Union
and the Constiution.
'TWO Abolition party which met in conven-`
Pittabileg, - htts again put . forward for
- t he ertffrages,:Of the freemen of Pennsylvania,
a man who has been found wanting in all the'
qualities which constitute a wise and resolute
Executive. His weakness and vacillation, and
want of integrity have been made palpable by
the experience of the past two years during
which he has,failed to conduct our State affairs'
with becoming propriety, wisdom and firmness.
A man whose reputation depends, not Upon solid
virtues as a statesman, but buncombe speeches
and political clap trap—one who in the hour Of
our peril, when the invader was upon our bor
ders, sat craven and bewildered and suffered
himself to. be superseded by a military satrap
from New England, and the property of our
aflame to ho plundered, through. his misera•
ble imbecility and indecision. The party prin
ciples of,his supporters express no syllable of
devotion to the Constitution, they proscribe
with unmeasured terms, in the platform of
their adoption, all who may see fit to differ
with the, proeunoiamentos of a perjnred Presi-,
dent, and the higher law doctrines of New .
Englend fanaticism.
The Draft in Neer Wes*.
To-day the draft will be commenced in New
York. The President has determined to delay
no longer, and of .course it will proceed. He
has made_ some concerisions, however, in the
way of lessening the wumber of men to be
draw n' in certain 'Democratic districts whereat
was not only allegdd but proved by Gov. Bar
mour that it was excessive and disproportibned
to the numbeiln other districts of Republican
polities. - The lumber in . one or two districts
has been decreased "
about one-half—and this it
is _supposed ' Will satisfy, the Democrats and pre=
. •
Tent all disturbance during the proceeding, and ,
general submission after it. General Pixbss
bitted 'ait Mitten to the citizens explanatory
of the ti4er whicli the draft takes place,,
denying that it partakes of the nature• of. a
conscription measure, and adigsing
ehedienes ; and.Goir. SOymonr has prepared a
proclan'tatioW(indonbtedly issned before this,)
warningalloitizeus spinet any disorderly cos
duet when the draft is made. It wi l l, therefore,
go id tinietly; What:course the Governor will
ur.ne sheuld the Presi.dentundertake to send
off.' deitioripte to the army hefere the con
ratitutiointliti. of the act shall have, been decided
by thuffupreme Court, - remains to b e seen. In
our oriinion.he stiinds pledged to resist such a
course.' pball see.
Curtinln Economy.
" The economy of the State Administration"
is one of the themes harped on by Curtin's sup
yorters. With the samo'proprlety they might
urge' the economy _of the . National Administra
tion,. which everybody knows has been robbing
the people to squander money upon unworthy'
favorites, ever • line it Came into:power_ The
economy urged in fairer of the State A.dmioiti-•
tration is the, economy qprodigality, and some
Gov. Curtin's party friends lave gone so fez
s to allege that it has mit been without...GEM:lU
to himself. Any, Addinistratiiiitiluit accepts
Col..ll'Clure as conficleatial friend and adviser,
is not aboVe suspicion. , . • „
k. question
. Ans‘verett. •
Li reply to the 'questieri i put to us by a sub.
=scriber in Northumberland county, We answer :
Oar opinion , is that -the tionscript whoa pep
$BOO to the goverUmnnt officer appointed- to
receive it, is as'free'from any futuie draft t 4
;three peen se the tler9cri,Pi w,lLO'culTlo,o
subetitnte. - 1-he tilr itself makes;ito-:distints
'tion that'vre - can •perceive. Forney thiakepit
does, belielve the Proveek
Gentualat 'one tints decided eo-'-.beit W 4 flo:i4
think..the decision can stawl. answer . e.
this dame question more fully in oar paper a
:week 'etr ten days ago, in reply to a a similar
question from ShYder county. We refer our . .
- subscriber In that paper.•
EDINBURG ERV/R1 lon Jux.r.—We have re
ceived from Leonard Scott & Co., 38 Walker
street, this valuable periodical. Its tatf/e of
,contents is unusually interesting. L 4 g Na
pier's Memorials of Claonitouse." 11. "Druids
and Bards." 111. "Ferga ion's History of the
„hfoderit'Styles of Architecture." IV. "Louis
Blanc's Frenoh Revolution." .V. 'Sir Ge 61 14
Cornwall Lewis on Forms of *Government."
VI. "Xavier Raymond on the Navies of• France
and England." VII.. "The Source of the
Nile." VIII. "The Scots in France : The
French -in Scotland." IX. "Lisle on the
Antiquity of Man."
Charles A. Wickliffe has published the follow- .
ing card in Kentucky papers, probably•' as a
prelude to contesting the electicn of his oppo
nent, Bramlette:
gonie friend in each county will indose to
,mo,11: full statement of all the facts which oc
curred at the several places of voting at the
last.election, which prevented a•free and full
exercise of the elective franchise by citizens
who ,were ent,itled to vote. Address to my re
sidence, Bardstown, Ky. C. Ai WICILLIPPE
CoJonel Forney announced that himself
and pipet were pledged to thisupport of Gov
ernment end . the overthrow of slavery."—A
Y. Tribune.
This announoement was made at the memo.
• ,
rabic Re-union held the other day Washing
ton, whioh the Presideat'and Cabinet Attended.
This is the annOnneeMent of the Administra
lion organ: Now we ask, what le the war waged
for ? Is f te.overthroirVavery, er is it. .to
subdue an insurrection Against the Union and
the laws? Who will:give us an answer?
" Wetstlitn'ti Itstrotty—Alon. has
not cinlitrltt/hatatUid•hlit report to the War
bepartnientitat atpe neSonipanied it with an
urgent requett that; .if .the DepaltWWW4 )4".
slinssi the trouhliiind expense of its inabhost- ,
tion, he should he . all,owed to publish
self at his own coat. Whether the administra
'jog will grant 4im even this privilege is very
-13 Y TE-14.F.GR4P1-1.
• ,
! ji S
lasiiiiar, SUCCESSES —BRAOCI AT crtartAlroo9
CattimiXATA4uPst 1.5.;--A dispatch from .
Cairo to the Commercial, says Mai *est Ten
nessee is cleared of guerillas. Col. Rowitt,
commanding a brigade that went north, cap
tured Cot. Campbell, of the 22.1 Tennessee; tcti
gether with ten captains and thirty privates k
Col. Hatch, of the 2nd lowa, went to Paris an
drove out Richardson, Biffie's and Milson
guerillas. The let Alabama cavalry returned to
Wanlale with, ton prisoners. The 18th Mis
souri regiment captured a captain. and five pri
vates in the vicinity of Ripley:
Gen. Bragg
. is at Chattanooga with 25,000
men. He bag lost IQ,OOO by desertion.
Johnston's army, numbering 25,000, is at
Brandon and Enterprise. It his lost one-third--
by desertion..
The mountains of North Alabama are foll , of
des'erters from Johnston's and Bragg's armies.-
The gunboat; Cincinnati hah been raised, and
is now undergoing repairs at Vicksburg.
Gov. Shorter, of Alabama, has issued an ad
dress to the citizens , 4;:e. that State, urging Upon
them an impressment of . their slaves into the
Confederate servile.
.A stsastDE TRA CON4AVE'
ROCHESTER, Aug. number of luau,-
ential gentlemen from this and other Stab**,
are in this city, for the. purpose of. having a
consultation in . regsrd to: the next Presidential
=pip, They: have assembled in . accord
arida with a call signed by Its F. Stevens. . A
priiate caucus 18 .mm-being held, and the meet
ing will be convened:at noon. Among those
in - . attendance. are Hon.. Leslie Coombs and .
Ron; Garret Davis, of Kentucky ; other promi:-
tient an,d distinguihked men are expected to,
arrive during the morning, - •
Rocussrie Aug 18.—The Caucus to-day'
Wee attended bY about 30 represeatativeo,eitl
•Was somewhat prolonged ...At the close, the
formal meeting,wee postponed anti!. o'cirk.-
Ilepresentaires 'from er4cral Etatce Were pre-'
sent, including 4entocky; Aliscoiiri; Maryland
and Wisconsin. ,„ • . • I
. Letters_ were -.received- from_ Et Preeiderit
aid. other.distinguished men:. -T144:1
object of those present seem•to 'be not t 0.1304,
a Vonverition; but a , seriere private Colour-,
tstions in the different.Btatte whieh'the old
'Whig elements'still existi'and 'create a Na
tional' held -to act in -the inext fPresidentialk
campaign-, as a :balatAle of power party.'
It ielexPeored that a definite , oodine ettlooo,l3
Will be.dctertnined-on nig 'evenings- The
,ap r
`ptiftitthent of a , Natichial "Committee' and the
issuing of au-siddrese to the Imelda werereevieg
the thingOtontettplated.' Repreetntet!veseca- , ,
thine to arrire. - • - •
14Cit„ August 17. = The, 'steamship,
Asia, freva.Liierpool on the Bth, andQueens
town on ihe 9th; passed this point at 9 cegtook
On UMW morning.
The- London Globe 1111D0111108Ny apparently
upon authority, that no authentic intelligetce
had'hilen received giving any assurance to the
Statement that' the Amerioannonscription was
a menace to-England: It - saytt there is no in
terruption of the general amity between the
two Countries.
The rebel loan on the. 7th was quoted at 27
'025 - per omit. discount: ••,!:,
The three :powers enceteragreed to send a
common note to Russia. •
An iron min, which w building for Monis
in England, had been harried .off to Russia, al
though incomplete in its , nonstruotion.
.The Vienna' and Warsaw !railroad had been
seized far the•transportationtf troops tor one
week__ ' 14;‘c
The Paris- bourse wa* Again excited.
'• the London moner,market funds are
weaker.,... • , ,t
Specimenwo cotton grown.in Java had been
received in _Ragland, and they were pro
nounced to be coal to the fair middling goal:.
ity of American cotton.
• SeveraLteuclerethasilleen made to the Atlan
tic, Telegraph ; company, for laying a new cable.
• -WAsilminfox,•4o.gnstt 18:—A dispatch was
received 'this • morning by the Government , .
• dated the - ITtirinst., from a distinguished mili
tary officer.itt.Tennessee, stating that the %at:
tonbogetilebed of the 16th announced that the
bbmbirdment in Charleston harbor, On flatnr=
day, Was awful, , allti that ,the bring lion 'Gil
waore's ilia& batteries. on Mairis Island and
frond theMbnitors was.obiefly directed against
Sinriter.. The eornbincd.land andoutvallOrbe
of `the Federals seemed tube engaged. - •
The information:published in the Relic *as
' reedited at. Chattanooga from Oharleetqu ; l4,;
telegraph viand the fight was going On When.
• the paper went to press on Sunday. The : officer
who' Communicates the-contents of the_.gebs/ to
the `Government says the editor, instead or
making any boasts about 'the -result, orreinni;
Testing the least jtitiilant feeling over the API-.
atiori'of &Wrest Charleston, exhibits the most
positive - evidence - of gloom:: The Rebel' Stites
that the Irolisides and all-the Monitors were ::
not only 'irt the action Mit that the whole fleet
and a large ` number of transports were inside
the bar during the engagement.
8.*.:..:7 . 7.:..1-1.i..;
..M . AI 1 4 ~
Canto, August W.—A bearer of dispatches
from General Grant has passed through bee
on the way to Washington. It• is underettood
the dispatches have reference to the trade reg
ulations on the Mississippi river•; mid it is said
that General Grant 'favors the opening of the
cotton-trade-to all.loyal citizens, under proper
restrictions, and recommends to the authori
ties at - Washington 'the 'immediate adoption of
this policy. This will _bring out thousands of
'bales of cotton now hidden away in , the swamps,
and 4aite ct . beneficial effect on the`manufactur
in g interests. •
general liogan - made a.specolthere last night
to the largeit out-door audienite ever assembled
in Cairo.• ;
Rear Admiral 'Porter returned here fo-dey,
with the flag-ship Black Itiwk., A salute was
'fired frOm the gunboats off the levee. -
General Asboth, 'at Columbus, By., has been
removed by order of General Grant, General
A. J. Smith takes command there,
NASHVILLE, August 17.—Private Hiram
Reynolds, of the 82d Indiana, was hung for ,
the murder of Washington Moscar of the same
regiment. •
L. C. Hodges has - beeri assigned to
the Chief .Q . riartermaiterliiiip of the' Thpartri
meat of ,the CuMberland.
The river is falling, and there is oily thee '
feet of water on'the shortie'.
..blzstrami Angttat 16.---The resent pa7alry i
'pedition from Corinth release& 260 conslriptc..
who Werelaken by Forrest's company. Cele=
man's - men name into Corinth on Tuesday. from'
Waynesboro f . They were `oonsoripted; - ,lnd
had several fight; with Bililes:.__They reused
go,and'arused thetilol,*3 sad reported st.-
Corinth ;•do: ester , the United States-service.
Illeke is nothing Pe** 901 beleW
ALBANI4 August /7.—lnfOrinCion reached
here this afternoon of the destruction by, ire
of Hurst's Shoddy mill at Coboes, and the
burning to death of .filleen female operatives.
The flames •spi!eng wiido"earful rapidity, and
the only meartief edo , *0 lift to the girht were
the windows.rit ke so terror-stricken
that the y aband4l' • elves to their fate
and perished in the au , ug. Othbrs fell from
the windows into thi - ore below, and many
were badly injured by jumping to the ground.
TwentyliVe are , crafting and .fiftyten are repot
ted burned tit deeeh. .
Ammer/L.484 August 1,7.—Tw0 young men
ployed ilikthe Surgeon's tivartment - were
labeled onit4itlay tot tilineout certificates
int exemptioiitor a pecuniary conaderationt
Only five certificates were issued, and $250
realized - 170.e praud.
1;200 Dita g TEp MEN FOR THE . ARMY OF
Bosvox, Aug. 17.—Twelve hundred drafted
soldiers embarked 'from Long Island, Boston
ilarbor i today, on the steamer Forest City, to
join the Army of the Potomac. •
The 4th Maaaaahusetts arrived to-day from
:Port Hudson. :
Anssx ' August 17..—Ctorernor Ssymour
hag prepared a proclamation_ warning all citi
zens against any disorderly conduct when the
draft is made in New York and Brooklyn.
WAISHINOT6,I, , August 1.7.--- 7 FrOm the Army
of the Potomac 'ore haire the following, dated
~August 16 : • s • ".
Deserters report a movement 'of portions of
- Ide's army inthe iiieeotion: , aDfitntries, for the
Oyu - pose 1444014 g Gitieral en the left.
Scents , report, however, that , all is quiet as to
any morsfgent.
oYBE~e i • • •
,tha•rebeliainengaged in;thrnwing up earth
work& Part of, .Longstreeea -corps are at
Urilti3d StaietrFor4. piroPet dieposition of
forces haebeen mane to preven any advance
of the enemy. • - ' ' '
August' :17.,-iiierythitie continues quiet.
Thalrunier-that. Lee , had i ercissed it portion of
his force over the' Itappahannoek -has been
proved-untrue ; by . our., ocieary.' The army
inicadrineita move-at a- moment's
notise,- en that any 'attemgt 'On the
,part.of Lee
to advance be • preenoy *at.. •
-The T.; Herald of the 18th says :
There are - signs 'of motionin thearmy of the'
Ntokoso. • ' •
,A:idetnenstiation,wac made'iley e enemy
yesterday' , on thh•left' of -our armVand heavy
_cannonading, was,litard hie:a...long' time. The
iris that a battle
Wad going - on in - the direction' of the United,
'Etsplaikeil; •probabyitliviards Fredericks
"horgobut :no intelligence than kind having
reached 'Washington: •last night, it is most
'.,likely that it was merfilya,' reconnoissances
There is very little dOiibt thit:Gen. Lee's army
is metier in' at' sontheasterly direction from
ColpepptC end llordoneville. Deserters lad
rerngees Confirm this' facti , -and report that the"
demoralization in . Lee% army is correct, as be
fore stated.- •The Tennessee,.Georgia, Alabama
and Mississippi regiments are said to be in
•open revolt. . 1 •
Sax FRANCISCO, August 15.—Accounts come
via Los Angeles-of the discovery of a very rich
and extensive gold mine region in: the'San
Francisco mountains, lying east of the Colo
rado river. The La Pas and other recently
formed mining companies on the Colorado have
been deserted for new mines. The latter. are
described as a new California;
There is a general complaint among the
growers of vegetables and fruit, the supply be
ing greatly In excess of the : demand. Baskets
of plums and excellent' peaches ara sold at
about two Genie a pound, which will scarcely
pay the cost of gathering and sending to mar
ket. Every day large quantities of fruit . and
vegetables are thrown away for want of buyers.
WASEaNGTOS, August 17.—0 n Saturday
night Mosby's guerillas captured seventeen
sutlers, with their wagons, horses and guards;
near , Fairfax Court , Rouse. After stripping the
wagons 'of nuah articles as could be easily car
ried or, .and relieving
. the sutlers of - their
greenbacke," the gang departed, allowing
the disoonsolate-sutlers to return sadder if not
wiser men .„ µ , f
,last nig h t thogn.erillaelnade,an attack upon
one of the.: Government trains near Fall's
eituridijuy. a Tolley from ',the troops stationed
Akira bitteed Me - patty to liioat's - hasty l retr.eat,
ita`suiteils are chit i;oit witivout
I,..preper escort„
„Last Satur ay_tug B,ma party of rebel
.oavalumadaa raid ban Peolasvillo, Maryland,
ltptirtinethe'telegraph operator and carrying
o his fustriztuesit.. t The operator, however, es
,caged. After ranssoiCng the stores in the vi'.
Ingo the rebels ratirned to he Virginia
carrying - with ; the* hoines,gOods, &o. The
party is believed to have., bdbn composed of
nitisentiof London county, acting as guerillas
for ; the purpose of procuring gni:oldies for their ,
. The_ -court ;of inquiry: •to investiglte the
evacuation of Winchgeter end Martinsburg was
session inTday. hisj. (len t IL 11 Milroy
Was befere it for several hours.. He presented
as- evidence; his official -report and gave - sorn?
.vetbal evidence. in explanation thereof: He
testifies,. ihat at
.the nommenaement of the at
.tack' ;oh Winchester he bad'three full beitteries,
20 r POunder Parrotts, and tiro 24-pounder
Itnieitserekall of which were- abandoned after
being spiked; also 100 rounds of fixed.artil
lery ammunition for each • gun in battery.--
When he retreated on Sunday, the 14th of June,
he had left, according to his testimony an aye
' rage of 30 rounds of fixed ammunition for
each gun.- A reason alleged for his abandon
ment of the guns is, that the noise created by
their removal would reveal their position to
.Swell's corps and .Ickbodeate, Jenkins' and
Jones' divisions, then surrounding him. This
' court will Probably icintinue its daily sessions
for a month.; . .
It is Eittidibit Qtp. Eliteheock's reply to the
reflection of Secretary Stanton upon the mem
-hers of the _court martial in the Cashel case
:Will BOOS l . ioe prinked. In power and dignity it
is what:might be expected from so distinguish
ed and honored an officer as General Hifi:h
ooch. . • ' •- . •
Gen. Cutler arrived in town to=day ; ; and
leaves to-morrow from Fortress Monroe: It
iwas reported at one time that his resignplion
had been•socepted ; but Chet Secretary orWar
did- not feel•disposed to relinquish his services,
'and tat given him insteak thirty days' leave
ot•itisenoe. ,''• • •
MenemDECKS &1r ALE, Proprietors, antietinee
ttlie,ottlitirom of garrialitng &battik's cool and delightfak
Sommer retreat tq dois,cimni. for ilsitors. Ancommodo-
Wes kitilialied"to`pdriles and pic-nits at freiumni'
able tern i; admitting platform haying been erected
theirs pechor.
tickets for families , good for
one year, ST. • -
. . . .
pip pmproperloltsivitArie r adinitted, and 4 0 1n 1 4 1 ,
person wftt o Pgrinittoa to Tilsit the blood.
"iirizr./1 niateireoristant ly -be Swoon thi
t /0 4 . #Ol /r if.' ' l 44 "Slii :
" I:lrerAtit ' RIR
A good Horse, Coal Cart and harness will be sold.
at & bargain. Call on Judge Dock, opposite the Court
Bons; [Aug 16--dlwai GILLIXRD DoOS.•
: New Ithertistmeith3.
TO BOOT MAKE KS.—Wanted, at
psTBIEt SANDERS, in Walnut .treat next t.. 1 11;
Dauphin Comity Pri - mi. two good fl of Diatom( and of
' None but the beat workmen need apply. w,j,
parhibber wages than any other manufacin er in th,
RTAIEVKNT or the Accounts of ti:g
1 .-) Muth Ward Common School District of the CUT of
li4rristnirx, leterpta and Expenditures for sahovl
year ending Tune Ist, Md.
Tax rate 4% mills on the dollar of valeadln f or
echo .1 pariosee.
Vex rate t mill on the dollar of valuation f:•t•
log purposes.
aroma =runt of ta x d n ot c ,to $7 iT,35 1)
Deduct exoneration§ 3110 32
Deduct collectors' cominissiotie 310 00
Net amorist of tax rsseiv e g
Add Wits appropriation received_ _
" 'balance on hand frO'n last year
" cash received frem Lucas Koenig on ac
count of property.so'd him 300 05
" cash received from-A. Hummel 100 03
" cash received from John Spool, County
Treasurer 6 75
" cash from tax callector on former dupli.-
- case of 1861 6:1 2:1
E cash. far rant. of eolored School builoing.._ V) po
" eash loaned from Mrs. Philip Linn & sin. 2,000 00
Total efTecelt.tt • ,„...
Paid for-teachers' salaries ' t 3,920 Oa
" for' Are; jsuitorshi sery ces and
sentingenelee SOS rtf
"to. treasurer, per centage 95 64
'"to ecretary for services. • 25 00
4. far interest oa building debt, re
piirlng, &c
" for two lots purchased,
Total expooditom • # 7 , 0 89 34
Balance on hand 12 775 11
• JACOB ClOlidgß, President.
Attest :
,11. Sninaissnanosa,,Secrctary.
HARRISBURG, Aug. 17. 1863.
We,. the underitgnediAndit3re of thweity of d arts a.
burg 4 haie audited the nooounte of the Booth Ward
School Beeid for the year endinj June 11;1863, ant
find the same correct.
„ art a
, •
„ .
.E 1
Was the only "Preparation for food from la
dian Corn" •
That recited fittlial and honorable mention from tip
Roes] Commiaaioneris, the competition of alt prorahma,
mantifaeturitrs "Corn Starch" and "rrepared Corn
Flour” of tit a and:other vonntries notwithstanding.
M.A'.'t.7.: . .E N: A ,
Tho filed ead.inartry of the age, without a single fault.
One ,trial will convince _the moat Idieptloll.
handing!, Cskee, COstardri; Blanc Mange, Ac., without
isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a felt astonishing the
most economical. A slight addition to orainary Wheat
FlOargreatly improves Bread and Cake It is alto es•
cellent for thickening sweet sauces gravies for fish and
meat. soup, Svc. For Ice Cream 'nothing can. compare
With It. A little boiled milk will produce rich
ereanvfor coffee, OhOMIVte, tea, ace.
Putup in one Found pacaagee s under the It trie-riny's
Maisons, with directions for use. •
A most delicious article of food for children and ic
valids of all ages. For sale by (ince. s and Drugging
Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton street.
Gene. , ai Agent.
Aug 15 dOm
Proposals will be received at the City Council
Chamber till 7' o'clock p. m., September 5. for erect
ng a stone bridge over Petite]] creek, at Paxt:in street,
in this city. according to plate ant spe,:ifteation., on
is in the Mahal ohember_ Proposals' will state tht
rice with brick ..robes and also with hewn stone arches:
also . specify the time of commencement and completion
of the work.
Proposers will specify what they wilt allow for.tht
materials on.tee ground They will also be requirel
to furnish all the material necessary to do the 11011 i.
. The . Connell will reserve the right fp relect all bra
that they imitate' will not be to the stave n tege of the
city; or that *bey may believe are exorbitant.
Proposals 'lobe endorsed "Proposals for b,idgs." and
directed to W 0, BMWS,
President Common Council.
mita P Infs.
Street Committee lit dietriet kagl2-3tswti
A. IL SWISHER & CO , buying opened A n office b
'arliale,attheCovernnsentAsseeFor'soti Te in ribeeml
all, are now prepared to furnish substitutes at fair
filsbetitotro supplied from this office will be alebed•
Aliens, not subject to draft, All drafted rerfms
jived by no are guasantial a . release from the draft.
Apply at once, in peison or by letter, at the ups.
onal Substitute Agency,” Rheem'a Hall, Carlisle.
Iteferenees..7. Al.' Weatley, Iceeph Racer. jr ,
beam. A. H. SWISHER ,ac CO.
Au g ust 4-dtf
OTICE. Wherea4 1. etters Tcbta-
, .
tamentary to the estate of General Jobe For%
late of the city of Harrisburg, deceased, have ben
anted to the subscriber., all persons indebted to the
d estate are requested to make immediate miner;
d those hewing mem; or demands agathst the oat'
the geld deCedent, will make known the same, duly
theuticated, without delay, to
' • ' -• JNG.II BRIGGS,
• Zweer..t.ms, Se
Harrisburg, July 29th, 1863—j19141te6':,
The undersigned, Military Claim Arras, tender the.;
rvices for . the proaritur of Enbetitutes for ilratol
- eri. as well es for the securihg o the nighest tn l
r•theee Wishing to offer tbriti_si. IT.'s as liulst le , es
They will register thr navies of esie ales Fele tred
'th the amounts, in mon y, gg oposed to be gi% en I
e one and to be received by The other
Drafted men who are legally exempt can have !di II
pers prepared , necessar to establish th. it ej,.l ns t
emptiou by calling upon the nodPrsign , d
Those interested are .nested to tall at the Size.
lachange Isaldlog, apposite the I mai.' 00
macoovVieLL & reaGt.7l:; l- ;
aelo-le3 - Military Clam gea'
Tais 'EMERbiEN CY t..T
PLE -TY 13 , :ER!
Frieiade of au .16x6enelit. glaeo of beer, Itv I, ot
• shment in this hot weather, can g , t it al sea:
&loon, Walfintitreet. next to the Lan caste igv
onas, al I am supplied regularly from 1!
R'S Brewery, Lancaster Pa.
• •
I Any &saki man from this , tistact
Annteer in the 47th Regiment P V atati , t:r (IA
lest, Ina., will bee accepted, by applyit: g In
:Tiber • They wilt receive $27 Wore least:: for "
Lieut. W. E
liecend et. 2 aeon below Kelker , a Hard w r 0 ottite•
RISBILRG DEMY will 79) 0. )I'l3
31st of August For vsouricks a•TI..
3 F hit.
all-fit eod
, B,irliteini In relation to tne d aft ...rale. ,y : tidn q
ly attended to
Eseniptioripa,:ers drown up with care
e~ii, d 0
ed, before ` the hoard of Nnrol , tn. n' Ar ode.
. -
a** 1111.5aff .
ping to go as taulbo tutu for
irikfted'em,wid rem4v. t, e togta-t-T —• h race vo
litel6oll' at the eraltist.sd I' U , a. *., PlI of
IitIGEN b FEY") v 'O' A ,
z ttor yat LS%
¢IZ -lard Third street OP , . r blarkPi H arc foborgt '
''•'' " • - • . .. ..• ,
q.AP ' 'OF. ItAltßlBliU li G CI TY'
, Isad out by d P. , ervn o f ,' :A: ofi paiEojoil
imClity survey *Aid onnicmod„by . I A or vesul 1
ontsiolog ranmerous coori-d ; end disbutres 0 1
duets, squares, &c.. marke ,, op,ii,eud dealsa ti k
ifferent wards, public b .itrioutt. &o. it io, is '
to only correct map of •t• a city. For sale by
U. HAG RegulAtol) gel
,r , 3d a . and'Oranberry B
870 32
...... .$64r6
430 92
$0,856 03
333 9i
2,k00 00
ZAMes 111 BAY
. Auditors