LOCAL NEWS. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1863 IlAibT PATRIOT AND UNION may be bad Jades Book Store, corner of Third and Mark.! 3 treats. tufo. at be News Agency of George L. Waltirl is Market street. near Fifth. Tax MAILS.— tinder the change of schedule o the different railroads, tho time of closing the ma at the Harrisburg pest Orme, April 20,1963, it ad follois:a: 110211111113 asztraso .111AILWILT. NORTIL—WAY Man. —For all places between Hai isburg, Look flaxen and Elmira, I. Y., at 12.00 in. For Look Haven, Willisousgort sad,Lewisborg at P m. - lism.—Por all places between Hai avrwarg a _Baltimore, Mi n and Washington, D. C., a f 2.00 n 2. For Washington. ngton, D. 0, Balthnora, Md. York, Pa. at 9.00 p. ID lA:HANOI vaimar amipan. z A rr.—Wry Min.—For all places between Harriet le.gton and Phi ladelnkia. via Reading, at.V.OO a.m. For Beading and Pottsville, at 12 3 0 p, m, PIIIIIIBYLTA/1 1 / 1 .11AILROAb. Ws: Mmi..—Tor all places between Harrisburg awi Philadelphia, at 6.301. in. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 12.00 m. Nor New York, Ph il adelphia, Lancaster, ()nimble, Marietta-and Bainbridge, at 2.95 p. in_ Par Na. Fon, Phila delphia and lannsaater, at 9.0 Pm- WEST. WaY Hari..—Por an places between Harris burg and Altoona,l2.oo m. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie Pa., Cincinnati Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio,. at 2.45 p. in. For Pittsburg, Hollidarnbure, Altoona, Phillipsburgf Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. In. ocrissasussz, VALLBY san.sama.u. For iteekauloalourg,Ceeliele,Sbippenaborg and Okam bereburg, Pa., at 7.00 a. in. Was Man..—For all places between Harrisbing and Hagerstown, Md., at '12.30 p. m. serrortaim. AND BIISCIIIIHARRA RAILROAD. For Bllendale Borges, Inwood, Pinegrove and Summii! Station, at 12.30 p. m. GUNN ROOMS. For Program, L111g10111.01113, Masada Hill, West Hanel ver, Swot Hanover, ono and Jonestown, on' Monday i Wednesday and Friday, at 7 00 a. m. For Lisburn and Lewisberry, on Saturday, at 12.8 P- . 81 - 117. outs oat H.—Fr015.30 a. tn. to 8.00 . suni• day from 18 7.419 to 8,80 a.m.- m and from 3.00 t0.4. p 00 p.m. Tna Citizen Fire Company is old of service for a short time, as their engine is undergoing repairs. LOST,-OPO pair sleeve buttons. The folder will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at hiTalla's jewelry store. , TWENTIETH Dierator —The drafting in the 30th Congressional district, composed of the counties of Crawford, Venango and Clarion, began at Mead ville yesterday, under the ..litotition of Provost Marshal Derrickson. The quota for the distriot . is 2,600 men. Nan , Courrrwarsrr.—Couiterfeit $2 bills cn the Stroudsburg Bank, Peuneyliraleie,,are being circu lated. The vignette is the figure of a train of cars going to the right, and a figure 2 in each cor ner. The paper is light and flimsy, and the whole note badly executed. The counterfeiters' appear to wateh the issue of the printed eountorfeit do• Lectors, and flood the country immediately after the appearance of these preventivfie to fraud.. HSYP " as Is " BlZEP.—Judge Landis, residing at Halifax, informs us that there is now growing upon his grounds a stalk of hemp twelve feet five inches high, and which measures ten inches in circumference a short distance. above ground --- 831118 of its lateral branches are five feet long. Can *any hemp producer hereabouts or elsewhere "climb over" these figures? Such, a wonderful growth of hemp looks prophetic. It hints of "biz: By the time everybody's hung that deserves_hang ing, "hemp will be hemp." TIM LIVERY/Meg Prem.—The liverymen's pieta° will come off at Hoffman's Grove on Thurs day next; the 20th. This affair is to be conducted with the most liberal spirit, and we have no doubt it will be a pleasant affair. Ladies and children wilt be conveyed to the grove free of charge, and a line of carriages and omnibuses will start at 4 o"eloeir in the morning from the corner it Tbird and Market streets. Music, dancitig; and other innocent sports will be the order of the day, and every one of respectability is invited' to attend. lienticmeted tickets twenty-five cents. Hannissuna Fermat Ssumtax.—lt will be seen by advertisement elsewhere, that the fall term of this favorite institution begins on 'Wednesday, September 2d, under the direction of the wenn; principal, Mrs. 8 B Dixon. This seminary now affords every faCility for the culture of the mind, and its conduct, under the auspices of * its present accomplished and lady-like principal, elicits the highest praise from both patrons and visitor s. We commend the seminary to the favor of all parents who would entrust the education of their daugh: tart to worthy and efficient hands. To. KICEP OFF Fums.—The application of a mix ture of one-third petroleum or kerosine oil and two-thirds lard oil to thtbodies and legs of horses will be found effectual in keeping off the flies which annoy them so much during but weather. It may also be used with much advantage on cows. A horse uneasy, fretting and stamping, becomes, after the application, at once quiet. Those who sympathize with the noble animals in the constant teasing endured by them from these pests, will be glad-to use any harmless remedy whisk will spare incessant work, when not called to labor in har ness: Horses-will *keep better on a lees supply of fold, for the repose thus obtained. Cows will give better and more milk from.tbe rest they will get from thwuse of this mixture. Fnarrnirigirr Esuematiniv..--We are informed by gentlemen from Snyder county fully conversant with the facts, anti' gross-fraud has been perpe trated upon that people by the enrolling officer under the Conecription law. In one township some fo4y have not been enrolled, all of them sub knt to draft; another,. some .flfteen, (loyal men of course,) and it is even alleged that the officer did not enroll his own name,' but instead thereof in serted the name of his father, somefifty or sixty guars of age. The worst feature of the ease is that these facts have been laid.befora the Board of En rollment—some of them sustained by the affida vits of the most respectable men in Snyder county —and yet the draft goes on, 004 no eff,rt is made to 'correct this foul wrong. Yet "we must all ens. tain the government," and, no matter bow heavy the burden or how galling the joke, all must be patiently borne to prove our "loyalty." As some further action is Contemplated in•the premises, we may bare Occasion to refer to it hereafter. Isms:rear TO StIESTITTITs BROKSRS.—In armier to inquiries upon the select, the Provost Marshal General has inetracted : sotne of the boards of en rollment that "a substitute must he entirely tic. ceptatte to the board fa all other reaped', as well as in regard to his physical quabficatiens. The board must establish such rules as will insure ac ceptability." Does this mean that the board of enrollment are arbitrarily empowered to accept one substitute and reject another, the physical con dition of each being. equal and satisfactory ? It looks as if the board might refuse to receive non residents as substitutes, unless certifieates of good character accompany their offers of service. Such a decision, allowing the board snot diserietioating power, is contrary to the conscription law, and can and will be petverted to partisan uses. We hope that the decision will not stand, and that the more tolerable provisions of a law which is unacceptable at best may not tie 'defeated and nullified by such unFeasonable decrees as this. EEZ=9 Mosqurrozs.—There remordbless insects now begin to sing their sanguinary songs, and to lux uriate upon the rich blood of young maidens and half-developed infants. Angry looking blotches on the face, arms and hands of those living where the bloodthirsty "critters" abound, betoken sleep less nights, endless rolling ever in bad, and violent slapping with the hands to annihilate the airy tormentor. Let such keep their nails in good or der, for the Scratching era •is fairly begun. We would remind the sufferer of the fact that Goal oil is hi g hly spoken of as a defence against mosqui toes. It should be rubbed upon the taco and bands, and may be perfumed in order to make it more agreeable. Many persons find mosquito bites poi sonous, ending in painful sores. These should not mind the feeling - and smell of oil upon their skin, if by that means they might escape from the mos quito purgatory. We close this subject with the following magnifi cent "ode tu a muskeeter," written by one who had been bored into a poetic frenzy by the above -quasi:tits," and may ho truly said to hero "learned in snit:ring what he taught In song :" You wicked bind sucker, why doant You urn yore livin sum wa beside Litin down on peeple and insurten yore Long bill to , git blud—litin on Foakses forts, an when the git mad an- Begin to slap, leave? Rabat yu got no feelinka ? Grate seeser I bow yude git socked it yu was As large as sum tu legged blud suckers as is Bound here, wot mares klose. Whi doant yn Lite down all, as tba do, and blade em foar Thu no it, without hollerin all the wile ? • Yeas a kanabis yu du a big biznis on a &neat skail. yn suck more bind owt of a Feller than an elefant can, and yure smeller Mat Doff as long. Yu wait up footle When the ar sleepin, an tins swair Vengene. How du go work it to keep Yore WI IQ sharp without grindin ? Whi Doant yn pek warms out or trees, ds eta lases, yn long legged leech ? What town is it, yu sing so much, Going round with yure !ethers shot oph, Seeking whom yu wa devower Yu Beam to be a kontentid_ bnrd from yar Singin, an sing loudiat when yur ' Itungryist. I shad tbinck ynd want on Boots or panty letta to heap pure long Lege from bein koald this wetber. Inseck, nee useli?—yu kant (Maw, but Yure sum on snekin. kilns yu never Git weaned. Inseck, a dew. HARRISBURG CIGISTBRY.-At a recent metting of the Board of Managers of thi Harrisburg Ceme tery the following matters of interest to lot-hold ere and others were disposed of; A map of the cemetery grounds waif ordered to be made, containing the walks, lots and names of the lot-holders marked thereon ; which, when fin ished, will be open fur examination at all times at the keeper's house. A resolution was adopted requiring undertakers to furnish to the keeper the rough boxes twelve boors prior 'to the time. fixed for the funeral, ex cept in oases of contagions diseases and other ape ... dal catioll. Aleo,' one recommending to lot-holders not to appoint funerals to take place on the Sabbath be fore one o'clock in the afternoon, except in oases of. contagidas diseases. Tile object being Wallow the keeper opportunity to attend public worship once on Sunday. The following resolution was passed: Besotted, That, hereafter the .cemetery will be closed to all visitors on the Sabbath day until one o'clock in the afternoon, to afford the keeper the opportunity of attending public Worship in the mdrnh g. . Messrs. Colder, Kelker, Gross and Small voting for the resolution, and Mr. Cleaner and Mr. Al ricks, President, voting against it. Resolutions were also adopted providing for the erection of a number of began for the 600410010- dation of visitors, the opening of the old road, and the path along the stream, and the clearing away of the underbrush; also, to arrange a suitable place at which to fasten- horses which may be dri ven upon the grounds. Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting Claims, United States pension, bounty', arrears of pay and subsistence claims, &a, tie., rie., made out and col- lected by Attorney et Law, oilleoi2ltied Wee, linerishem 01 WE have taken over on the let of Bpril the balance of goods_bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where We,will *continue to sell the balance left &every IoW prices, until the whole are eold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and , caliao,lB, 18 and 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 18; 18 and 20 cents. 200 yards of barege and-lustre. 20 and 25 vents. 1,000 yards of linen crash. 10, 18 suyl 20 omits. 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for summer Coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pante stuff, cheap. 300 dozen of the very beat spool .oetton, white and carded. 1,000 papers of the very beet of Filth's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, all Lc I 4 of combs, patent thSead, tapes, socks,' Liu' by the dozen or piece.. We have also on hand yet about 10 pieces of CARPET, which, we will fel at 76 °ante per yard. 20 pisses of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured windoW curtains. S LEWY. SPECL9I, NOTICES. MOTHERS! MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINtIiONVIS 1300T111140 SYRUP for . OHILDBAIt TSZTHING. This cal ble preparation is the ptescription of oneof thebest female physicians and nurses in the United States. and has bees used for thirty years with never failing safety and sus Bess by millions of mothers and - children, from the fee ble infafttof one week old to the adtti.t. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Inv's° rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the wholurryetem. It will al most instantly relieve' GRIPING 2N TIIR BOWLS AND WIND °OLIO. We believe it the lmat and stireet remedy In the world in ail eases of DYSENT,DRY AND DIARREDZA IN OHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will. accompany each bottle: None ge...nine unless thefts simile of CURTIS & PER KINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Daiwa. Principal Office, 45 Dey street, New York. Price only; 96 cents per bottle. • my23-ditWOm CIIISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. There is no Hair Dye in use so pure, Co free from all objectionable properties, that produces such 's :Undid and permanent tints, or that operates no quickly, uni formly, and certainly; as CRISTADQRO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE This matchleisi article is pronounced, by all who have ever applied.ii, or seen it 'applied, the wont wonderful invention of the sge Ten minutes minces ter any shade of brown or the deepest black. It ldoves the skin unstarned. • • Sitanufoctured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor Haase, New York. Sold everywhere, And 'applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, 11. 50 sod $3 per box, according to size. CristadoroPs Hair. Prepervative le invaluable with hits Dye, se it imparts the utmost ooftneas the moot beautiful gloom OA Visa vitality tha Hair. PH " 6° Cents, V. and 52 per bottle, according to else 3381-d&whn THE. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. _Farmers, families and others can ntir chase no remedy egnai to Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for ayeenterr, collo, croup, chronic rheumatism, 'sore irtli 'UGENE SNYDER, oet2&-ly throats, toothache, sea sickness, cuts, burns, swellings, bruises, old scree, headache, zunsrittito bites. pains in the limbs, chest, back, Sec. If it does net give cello the money will be refunded. All that la &amain atrial, and use it according to the directions. Da. TOBIAS—Dear Air: I have used your Venetian Liniment in a y family for a number of years, and be line it to the best article for what it is recommended that T have ever used. For suddenattack of croup it le invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold it for many years, anc it gives entire satisfrction. CHAS. 11. TRIMMER. Qtrairwarows, N. 8., May 8,1858. solo by all Droggiate. Mee, 66 Cortlandt street, 1731 Orcwlm • New York Dr. Brunon 9 e Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the evil effects of BELF-ABUSE. as Lose of Memory, Shortnees of Breath,Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of tha eyetens, brought oil by the unrestrained Indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Tries One Dollar. N0..1 THU BALM will 'cure, in from two to eight days, any case of GONNORREICRA, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either Rea Prire One Dollar. • - - . . . No 8. The TERNS will sure in the shortest possible time any ease of GLUM, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste er smell. Price One Doliar. -.-- - - - No. 4. THE PUNITER Is the only Remedy that will really care Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of bow long standing or neglected the case may be. Price use No 6 THE SOLUTOR will cure any ease of ORATE% permanently and speedi y remove all affletions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. .No. 6 FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No T. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tate. Price One Dv/let No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTIL% are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or °onset lug any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR PARTICULAR'S SIR OIROULAR. Either remedy sent tree, by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose pobtage stamp and get a circa-. General Depot North-But corner of York avenue and Oallowhilt'street. Private. office, 401 York avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale inllarrisburg by O. A. BINNYLET anti Loma Wywrn, where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with fall deporiptions of each case, will be deliv ered gratis an application_ Address DR. FILLY DRIINON, • July 28, 1188-ly P. O. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEEsstriAmps The combination of ingredients in these Piths are the result of a long and extensive place. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correctint all &opt lollies, painful menstruation, removingallobstructions. whether from cold or othetwase, headache, psi in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, oil nerveasrareo time, hysteria!, fatigue, pain 'in th .itch impala* &e., disturbed sleep, which win from fotosiopti Of native. DR. C.IESSEM 115 JPILL X was' Use commences's= a =or stbs. Stvitimi of those irregularities, and lotruslit can, ikitirt coo/ signed es many to • peoanAO tegt • t► ststuislemm enjoy good health =less she is regular, and whenever en obstruction takes place the general health begins to de aline. DR. CHEER. MA PIZZA ' are the * moat e ff ectual re dy ever known for all coin plaints peculiar to Females. To all ammo they are invaluable, inducing, with ;certainty, periodical regular ity. They are knowato thbusandla, who have usedtkem at dikerent periods, throughout the gauntry, havingthe sanction of some of the moat eminent Physicians in America. Ezpiicit directions, stating when they Monld not be and, with each Boi—Ahe! Price One Dollar pet Box, containing from 60 t 0 .60 Pills. Pills slat by mail, pro aptly, by remitting to the Agenia. Sold by Druggiati generaßy. B. B. HUTCHlNGS,—Proprietor, 20 Cedar street; New York. Sold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. liannyart. ig Mechanicsburg, by J. S. Dellett. " Carlisle. by B. Elliott. Shippensburg, by! D. W. Rankin. . Ohambersburg, by Miller 4k. Hershey. Hummelstown, by George Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Rose. 4.08-41/owly A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS • FOR FEMALES! Infallible in Correcting, Rego/aging and Remoeing all Obstructions, from ielareceer cause, and always MOWN; ( 44 * Thine PILLS have been used by the Doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every Nee; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who need them, to make the Pills public far the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, is well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly nano . k4 , d, or *holm impposing themselves so, are cautioned against these Pins while in that condition, en they are sure to producie inisceurl age, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility citer thi admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Pull and explicit ai rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. Sold, wholesale and retail, by OHA.NLES A. BANN . 'PART, Druggist, N 0.2 Jones Bow, and, O. K. WILLEM, Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa.! Ladies, by sending theM sl.oo'. to the Harrisburg Poet OtHise, can have the Pills sent free of observation. to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of postage" by mail. Sold also by LanainoiniLebanon ; J. A. Woes, Wrightsville ; 11.* T. MIL .aa, Yor'k' S. Bbmorr i Car lisle; J.O. 4LLTIOI, Nhip nsburgi J. SPABOLSR, ChM. bersburg ; Er: 11. WILD, Neiviille; A. J. Haueriten, Me chanicsburg; Baows & itaccruza, No. 4, South Liber ty street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist', in very town and city throughout ; the United States.. HALL & SCIS Greenwich Street. New Yorke (Jotaral TAO/was Agent*. .N. B —Look out for cOunterfeits. Buy no Holden Pills hf any kind unless every box is signed S.D. Howe All others are a base impdpition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives - Mil health, (to say MAl:Wire being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. N. Howe on every box, which hen recently been 'shied on miscount of the Pills being counterfeited. Th 4 ingredients composing the above Pills are made Imo to every Agent. They will tell yon the Pills are perfectly harmless, yet will do all claimed for them. f S. D. HOWIE, jy.17.4i1y Sole Proprietor, New York. DYOTTVILLK GLASS WORM, PHILADRLI'HIA, • NISS6I.OIIIIII CARBOYS, 'DEPALTOHNO, WINS, POSTIS I MINSS4I. WATER, PIONIS AND !ABS/FRYE Do - Trzsa OF '''''' DESCRIPTION. B. 1c G. W. 82N1111112, 042241 y 27 South Front otoret.PhSadolplda. THE BEST 'FAMILY SEWING WHEELER & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Golder's Office: f& Call and see them in operation A general assortment of machinery sad needltgl aoh etantly on hand. MISS MARGARET ma.Er - - - Will' exhibit and sell them, and also do all Maio machine sewing on these machines in the best manner. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. tipll34tu . • E RUBIO STORI_ . NO. 98 MARKET BTIINNT, NANNIONTING, PA. • SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS, • • • VIOLINS,NANJO STRINGS, Of every description. DRUM, SIM, NIATTNB, 4\00011DZON8 ) !Mg alt the lowest CITY PRIORS, at W. KNOON7I , B MEMO STORE, No. 98 Mena, Stasit. JPANE - E TEA.—A: choice lot of tbie celobrettel Teajuni received. It le a tlePtiritt cargo ever imported, and is much superior to the UM nese Teas in quality, strength and fragranee and is also entirely free of adulteration, coloring or mature of any kind. It is the natural lee of the Japanese Tea Plant. Tor sale by WM. DO.OK, jr., & Co. f iNALTH, MONEY I HAPPINESS 1.1 OEMs mason of year, when so moan sickness prevails, every one should provide himself with DR. HUM PURDY'S HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINEE, and prevent disease-in its beginning. - - A., fresh supply /away!' on head at BOOK4TORI, marl!) Haritigibtinn WANTE D.= An active boy, in a dry T T (tunas score. Enquire at TLIS OFFICE. augil•if ' . oTioNs.—Quito a variety of utiefill LN and entertaining ICHIFFIIEtrtItOoKIOO3II. Amusements. RETURN OF RETURN OF RETURN OF RETURN OF NIXON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, NIX.ON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, NIXON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, NIXON'S CREMORNE CIRCUS, AT HARRISBURG AT HARRISBURG AT HARRISBURG AT HARRISBURG FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21,, FRIDAY, AUGU,ST 21, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, ON LOT IN SECOND STREET, NEAR - THE COT roN MILL. NEAR THE: COTTON MILL. NEAR THE COTTON MILL. NEAR THE COTTON MILL • ------"-- - It- ~....-: NTION'a ' ...-- r ,- ry- : CRENIORN - E •--.4-'--y' 1 r • ,1 CIRCLUS. " o' . -_-• ________-_ NNE 74ACARTE'S .-l•--- , ---- 1 • EUROPEAN CIRCUS. le — F rz-- First appearance in America. VI / , 4)? Madame Macarte bas great satie -, A rk faction in announcing to the people , , ""4 of this country , that after an ab -1,... Bence ofegveral years' she will . .i ,. .___ again have the liner c appauft before them. Among the Royal Rritish arms Is the beautiful Stud of English ' thorough-breds, including the cele brated Mare, BLACK SWAN. I , __,.. s ' :M i n , g t i s i a , nr ieu T u tT l u i pe azt u d ltt ise i rich C` _ she had the honor of . performing ...... . before the most refined and nmner- r sus audienctt in every city in the British Realm. Madame Macarties great Act, the 1; " VENETIAN CARNIVAL •. , :‘ , 4 l = 4 , Will,be remembered by those who witnessed her former ("Mote in this gauntry. --e• Firs' t appearance in America of • _ ),10 Mr. JOBS COOK, -- The English humorist, known as the most brilliant wit in England and ' {r familiarly styled the 0:1111C MUSK C The elegant follies of this well . bred and gentlemanly clown will be , occasionally diversified by the ism -2.401 ceedinglunic ligo i Mies of the fantods WMICH - . appearanCe In ABlerlen or the ' . lllll l t' SYRO - ARABIC TROUPE.i, • - Comprising Male and Female • Jug. glens, Acrobates, Contortioniqta. Prominent among the features of _._ • this troupe is the distinguished h. - CARROLL, of European and Arriericsai: 6116- r' • • • brlty. This young and brilliant artiste is acknowledged by all, both 41 in and out of the equestrian pro !melon, to be the most perfectridea f the age. • In addition to the Star Company, - the manager bas retired an en _Payment with the renowned Wild • --- Rider, Mr. EATON, STONE. - I t Mr. Stone's feats on horseback ,yam-^ are all performed on his naked k i gitP.,;' Steed, without saddle, !iris*, or covering of Any kind. Bis reckless . 41 % - and brilliant leaps over four-barred T- 4 ,!- gates and other barriers, while carrying his son upon his head, and in'various other attitudes, are con sidered the perfection of equestrian • skill, and have justly entitled him to the distinction of " Champion of ' the Arenfi.' , - _ S. LATHROP, ' The Heath& Clown. • r-- JIM RE TNOI.OII, The Great Model Clown. " • -s`.'✓ t The great romantic spectac le o DICK TURPIN'S. Jlt RIDE TO YORK; iCAND DEATH BF BLACK PaNi .. " 41- 11111111L: - rhos TearPs IVME MACARTIL . _ ITAMS!Ill 20,000,1b5. Composed of the following Brands just resolved ir NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY . —SeIeet. EVANS k SWlFT'S—Superior. ntacrumtws MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOX—Not atomised. IRON. CITY—.-Oanviseed. IRON CITY—Not osavassed. PLAIN HAMS—Striotly prime. • ' ORDINARY HAMS—Very good.. Er livery Ham sold will be giaranteed repreeen ted.: DOCK. jr., & CO. SECRET DISEASES 1 SEGRAT DISEASES SAMARITAN'S - GIFT I SAMARITAN'S GIFT! Tau 110stOsstatti lisitane Eva& MIND. Yes, a Pantie* Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA if MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken is effect a cure. They are entirelfeegstable, baying no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate, Cures in from two to four dap, and recent cases h twenty-four hours. - • Ne exposire, no trouble , I ne change whatever. Price male packages l s2 • Female, 88. Bold by • D. W GllOBB & CO. Bent by mail by DBBMOND & 00., Box 161•Phila. P 02 11444/7 BROOMS' BRUSHF,S, TUBS AND • 'BASKETS of all dssoriptfbns, qualities and 'prices, for sale by WM. DOCK, ia., & 00. BLOOD! . L •, BIA7IODI Li SOARS : TRRVI4 CAVSII A DEPRAVED CON. DITIONOP THE VITAL FLVID, , . which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET. :TEES, SCAL ES, BOILS. SYPHILIS OR YENS ' REAL DISEASES; ETC SAMARITAN ' S R(POT AND HERB JUICES Ti Offered to the public ass positive ears. Baulehes ail impurities , or' the blood mid brings the system to a healthy action, cure flaw Spots, Tatters, Scales and (Popper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR' VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par tide of the poison. FEMALES! BI7[AI118! In many affections 'with which numbers of Perna.. suffer, the BOOT tAND HERB JUICES is most happily adapted, in ulcerated Uterus, in IC bearing down, Palling of the Womb, Debility, and' for all coma plaints incident to the sex. DO 'NOT DESPAIR. llocopout of Impitais, .Here id S. 611 PIS in any ease fat $5. Price Ii per bottle, or six for $6, with faH din* tient'. Sold by D. W. GROSS & CO. Sent by Zxpress carefully pact , ed br DICSMOND ft. 00, janS-ly • • • Box Ibl Phila. P. O. VO P R'S GELATINE.—The bast ij sews hilts =rut, putt Modred and for sale b: SIMI" WM. Doag FOR ONE DAY ONLY, FOR ONE DAY ONLY, FOR ONE DAY ONLY, FOR, ONE DAY ONLY, NOT A BUM D.R.1.24.K1 A highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract. A PURE TONIC THAT WILL BELIEVE THE Al- PLICTED AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR. HOOF.LANWS GERMAN BITTERS I'ILICILARED' Bit DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA., • WILL EPPECIIIALLY and MOST CERTAINLY CNN* ALL DI EASES ARIUNG PROM A Disordered Liver. Stomach •r Kidneys. Thousands of our citizen.; are suffering from DYSPEP SIA and LIVER DISEASES, and to whom the following' queatione apply—we guarantee HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS • WILL CURE THEM. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coated tongue mornings, with bed taste In the Mouth anti yoor appetite for bnaakfliml Do you f.et when you drat get up so weak and languid you can scarcely get about? Do Tit have a diminessin the head at times, and often a dullness, pith headache ocessionsitly Are your bowels coati ve and tnegular, and appetite change. able ? Do_ Ott throw op wind from the stomach, and•do you swell up often Do you feel a [ulnas after eating, end a sinking when the it mach is empty ? Do r n have heartburn oocaitonallv ? D , you feel low spirited, and look on the dark aide of tivnirs r Are you not unusually nervous at times f Do yon not become restless. and often' lay until midnight before you can go to aro ? and then it time, don't lion feel dull and sleepy most of the time ? In your skin dry an" es:ivy ? ilso sea In abort, is not your life a burtnen, full of forebodings! • • Hoollandls German Bitters Will cure every awe of CHRONIC OR BERVOUB DOBILiTY, FOISFASB OP TUB KIDNY4 4 . NO DffiIFASHO Malan FROM A DIFOIIDBRBD STOMACH. Observe the following SyMploms resulting from Disorden .of the. Digestive Organs : Constipation. Inward Piles. linines er Blood to the Reid, Acidity of the Stomach. Humes. Hea• thorn, Disgust for Food; Fulfill or Weight in the Munich. tour Brae atoms, Sinking or Flutering at she Pit of the Stomach, Swimming or t s Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations, when in a lying posture, D•mnesa or V•sion, Dota or Wein; before the bight, Fever and. Dull 1' do in 1114 Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Y-llowitats of the Bain and Byes, Pain in. toe Side, • Book, Chest, Limb•, Ac , Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning i■ the Flesh, Con•tsnt Imaginiloge or Bill, end greet tie mission of Spirits. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preraretions sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart beetles, compounded of the cheap est a lanky or common rum. C43.411:1g. from 20 to 40 cents Per gallon, tbetapte diaguiard by A 11.11.3 or Coriander Seed. This ohm If Bittere has caused, and will continue to sane, as long es they cal he fluid, bunareds lo die lbe death of the drunkard. By th it n-e the system in kept continually under the influence of Acobo ie othoolooto or the worst kind, .he def.ire for Liquor is created and kept up. and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life. and death Nor those who desire and will hairs a Minor Bitters, wa publish the following re.uipt Bet floe Bottle Hog/hind's Getman Bitters and raiz with Three Quarts of good Brawls' or Ift.i.kg, and the result wil. be a preparaton that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true exce lenee any of the numerous L quor Bitters in the market, and will cost match less. Yon will have all the virtues of /toofiatidts Bitters in 1.1)011Pell0I1 with a g'od article of Liquor. - at a much lose price then then inferior prepare none will coition. iffootiand's German Bitters WILL GIVE V 011 A GOOD APPETITE, • WILL GIVE YOU _ STAMM HEALLTIIV NERVES, , WILL GIVE YOU Brisk and Energetic `Feelings, WILL VNABLII VOU TO 15.7-aMMX , AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, &c. 8,8 840. Tho'e suffering From Broken down and Delicate Conciliations, /mu whatarar cause, el,tier in MALE OR FEMALE, WLLL FIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS A. ItMD/LZIX;OIir That will restore them to their usual health. Such has been the ease in thousands or instances, and a fair trial ill but required to prove the assertion REM EMBE R THAT THESE BITTERS ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTENDED AB A B 3EI 17 3EI R.. 41. CA- . The t'roprietere have thoneande of lettere from the meet eniment CLERGYME LA N, W YETIS, • PtioYSIOTANS. and . CITIZICNE, Testifying of 'heir own Imrsonal knowledge, lo the bene ficial effeCta and medical virtues of these Ii Mere. Bruin Rey. J Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of Entire°. pedia of Religious linowle 4 ge. Although not dispels t‘ fay°r or room/mend Pat ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre dients and effects, 1 yet know of no sufficient reasons why *man may not testify to , the benefits he believes himself to have received fray any simpis preparation, in the hope that be may thull contribute. to the benefit of others_ • • I do this more readily in regard to "Hoo Eterzam Bitters,” prepared by Dr. 0. M4.Jackson, of this *city because I was preintiockapinst them for years nude , the impreebion that they 'were chiefly an alcoholic mir rors. 1 am indebted to my Mend, Robert -Shoemaken , for she removal of this prejudice by proper Mato, sno ' for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of twee bottles of these Bitters, at the.beginning of 'the present year was followed by wildent relief and restoration toe degree of bedity and mental vigor which I bad net fat for six months before, mad had almostdared of Ire giining_ , l therefore thrall (iod and to owl for W eeding me to the use of them • • 3. NNWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, lies. • • DISEASES ON KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. ' DELICATE CHILDREN, . Those tottering from MAPASAUS, wasting away, with namely tiny &eh. on (heir bones, are cured in a very short time; one bettor in. inch used wll have a MUIR parprosing - , • 71PALXL.10M-rZIII6I Helene abstain children as above, andlendfng to raise them, will Inver regret the day they commenced with, these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And &sat working hard with their brointi elionkl ways keep a bottls of /100111LANDI i ITT Mt MAT them. Ps Ihey will dud much b-onlit from it 4 axe. to both mind and body, invigorating and nut depr ming. IT IS NOT A 'LIQUOR STIMULANT, And loam no prostration Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS - OF SOLDIERS. We call the stte.tion of all baying relat,one or friends in the Rainy to the fact th.t.ig noon. iNfre G erman Bit ters " will care nine-teethe f the dim 4 SeP induced by ex piestmw amp pr•vetiorwitrident to camp life. In the plahl.ObOo almost da y le the 11k , witnuper., on the snivel of the ink, it wi Ibe noticed b t . very lae,e- p,..p0, Hen are suffer ell fiem dehi Icy Bv-ry ease ..f that k nil can be read' y cured - by Woodard'. German Ititte a. We have DO hell'hlt 00 La gating that if tie se. Bittrre we e freely Used among our Folder- hundreds of by s might he eared that calm wise w..ul 2 be 1-st. - The preprietors wee daily recreving thankful iettertl ROM Buff revs in the army ant hospiteln, whit hay b en vl storpt. to health by the nee of thee , BIM re, lent to them by thrii friends. • . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS: See that the Signature of C. 111.'heliena ie oe the WRAPPER of snob Bottle. MOE PER BOTTLE 76 OBNTA. Should mour nearest drUpg at not b eve toe artiotr, do not be out, off by any of the intoxlcsting girttpatutntut tbet miy be offerep in its place, but send to ws; and we Will forward, securely yanked by express . Prlntipal Mike and Illanufnetory, No. 631 ARCH ST; - •T o INT 'JO is c 1• , (Suocessols to C. M. zAcionN h co ,) PRO PRIEPORS. Er For saleby. Daisies sivi Pialigis in eyer7tawn in the tinned States. • e • malt OR HALF DORRIS for 64 00 4tlmbolb'o nentebies. 011EIT ii ifIERICAS SESEDIEStii IN** Ai "H ELM BOLD'S" GZVtNg PMAIUTIMA, TA; RELIIIBOLD'S EXTRACT ,4 BIICRU." HELMBOLD'S EXTRAdPitARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WAtili. lIIUMBOLIPB GENtruig PREPARATION, 4‘ll/01ILY CONORNTRATRD PP COMPOUND MUD =TRACT BITCH% . ' A positive sod specific Remedy for Diseases of the MADRID; KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPFICAL SWILLINOB. fhb medicine incomes the power of digestion end ea. the absorbents` into healthy ao:ion by - which *be water or ea/camas depoeitivoito OKI ♦ll panetasal en largements. are reduced. as well. as Pahl and Inihunma. lion, and is good Mr MEP; 'WOMEN and CRILDRIN.. • . HELEIBOLDII EXRRACT iitteFUP • Nor Wealtmse srinog from Szeenses, 1134eits of Ma potion, Zany IndMuslim' or Abuse, attended with the roLumnfe bYMPTOMB: Indisposition to Exertion, . Dryness of the Mi l ' Lome co , Memory, lose of Power, We .k. Nem s, . Difficulty in Breathing, Rorror of Diann, ' Trembiong. Dimness .II Vittion, Wak fulness, liniverml Lassitude of the Pain in the ILek, hisseniar By stem, Flu. hi, g of the Body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the lace, Pallid Countenance. _ - Thom symptom', if allowed to go mi, whisk this Medi. ohm bresnaloy removes, MOOD fokow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, IFILIPTIO Mg. In one of which the patient may moire: Who eon pay they are not frequently followed by those i• direful die- !t