LOCAL NEWS. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1863 ri s DAILY PATRIOT AND e Vlor: way be 11:14 hi .s'ack's Book Store, cerner of Third and Market streets. luso. at he News Agency of George L. Walter, iZ ilarket stree!. near Fifth. Tits MAILS.— IJllder are change of schedule on the different railroads, tho time of closing the mails st the Harrisburg Post Office, April 20, 1863, is as follows,: NORTIDEPS =MILL LAILVAY. NORTH.—WAy Min. —For sllOwes between Bar ba:mg., Lock [levee end. Elmira, l2.oo in. for book fligm, William:mod awl Lewisburg at P lyip in trr . Itais.—Tor an pbtees between mg and Baltamore, hp., and Washington, D. J at 2.00 us. For Washington, D. C., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa. at 9.00 p. 131111111011 TILLEY setwion. lian..—Por all places between Hanle. burg, Elision and Philadelphia. rid Reading, at 7.00 a. in. For Beading and Pottsville, at 12.30 p. m. PRAISSYLYABIIA AAILAOAD. WAY WATL.—POr all places between Harrisburg and Fbiladelabin, at &30 a_ in. For Philadelphia and Laneallier, at 12.00 in. rtor New York, Philadelphia. Lancaster, Columbia, Marietta and Bainbridge, at 2.45 p. m. For New fora, Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 9.00 T • m- WEST.—Way Man..—Tor all places between Harris burg and Altoona, 12.00 m. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie. Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. . For Pittsburg, Hellidenburr, Altoona, Phillipsbn3 - , Tyrone, Huntingden and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. in. ODALRIDLLADD VALLEY RAILROAD. Nor Mechanicsburg, Oarlisle,Shipperiburg and Ohara bersburg, Pa., at 7.00 a. m. Wax Mku..—For all places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md, At 1.230 p. m. RIDIDRIXILL AND EIRSQUEUARIOA RAILROAD. Nor Ellendale Forges, Ellwood, PillegrOM and Summit Station, at 12.30 p. m. ISTAGR somas. For Progress, Lingiesterrn, Manada Hill, West Hano ver. Ewa Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday andsay, at 7.00 a. m. For Lisburn Leniaberry, on Saturday, at 12.30 113 - 010csifoure.—Prote SAO a. fa. ta 0.00 gm. day from 7.30 to 810 e_m_ and from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. A meeting of the Fifth Ward Democratic Chtb will be held at the Rising Sun tavern this (Thurs day) evening, August 13, for the transaction of important business. W. A. MALONEY, See'y. CONSCRIPTS.—It is stated that the number of conscripts now going forward to reinforce the Army of the 'Potomac is over one thousand a day- The number traveling in the opposite direction is not stated. DEAD —We learn that Mr. John Young, who was severely injured by the wheel of a loaded cart passing over his breast, and bead on Tuesday morning, in . North street died of his injuries on the same afternoon. $5 Rawann.—A plain gold ring was taken from the vest pocket of mad* the boarders at a board ing house on Second street, the Bret one east of Walnut. The person having the same will please return it to the owner, and no questions will be asked. Soar? or Itomr.—The great length of the list of drafted men takes up all our space and compels us to forego the wool variety of keg. matters. The listrhowever, will have sn absorbing interest to many of our readers, particularly those who have been "gazetted." 4Qoam..”—Onr loeal Mend across the way, in his police report, speaks of "the intoxicating draught." The draft did- seem to have that effect on a large percentage of those drawn. We cannot say that we experienced any disturbing effects from it, although we learn of some who became dizzy soon after their names were called. Wz call the attention of all those who are af flicted by having got into the draft and are there fore unable to follow "John Brown's soul" in its onward march, to the advertisement in another column cf Messrs. Wanly; and Mac Dower% who propose to furnish substitutes for those wishing them, and 'secure the highest price for those wishing to go as substitutes. EXEMPTIONS PROM THE PanT.—Those persons having legal claims to exemption from the draft can have their eases prepared and presented to the board on application to R. E Ferguson, attorney at-law, Second street, opposite the Buehler House. Mr. Fergueon is s puss mats of exeellent legal attainments, and those who hems:tit their interests into his hands will find him trustworthy and effi cient in all that he undertakes. Hamm or inn Hemniarrs.—Hamblin's Combi nation--Troupe, having fulfilled a successful en gagement at Lancaster, have returned to this city and will perform at Brant's Hall to-night and the two following nights. The reputation of this troupe is well established, and their perferiaanee needs no commendation at our hands. The boat of Min strels, comedians and ballet dancers are com prised in their artistic force. They may look for crowded houses during their stay in town. Awns° Immix.? TO .T.s.rurty.—The most striking exemplification of this on record is a recent de. ciaion of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in regard to those paying $3OO for the purpose of being exempted. ,It is that a receipt from the Internal Revenue Colleetor, showing that a drafted Alan has . paid $3OO commutation, requires a five cent revenue stamp to be affixed thereto. This is the same as taking up a tote against yourself and paying down an attorney's fee for collec tion. It is all done upon the good old rule, ",To him that bath stall be given, and from him that bath not ellen be taken away even that which he bath." Purace AryArns.—Tbe array of cases on the police docket is very meagre, and the justices are doing a dog-day business. Crime can't bear up under nth a powerful surt.—the weather is too many for it—and - Vice, like other serpents, becomes blind and stupid in the dog-days. We have but nine wilted specimens of petty culprits, all drunks and disorderlies, before Alderman Kline during the last forty-eight home, viz : Matilda O'Brian and Mary Ann Yellete, one drab and the other black, arrested by t facer Pat. Campbell; Christian Thomas std Ellen Henry, by officer Resigs and Lloyd; Samuel Reward, by officer Fry ;,William Etlenstine, by of Cline; G. W. Jew and Jacob Boone, by officers E4 6 ; li Lloyd. WE have taben over on the lst of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to sell the balance left at very how prices, until the whole aro sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards reconanta delaine and calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 500 par& remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 cents 209 y o rdo of barer and bistro, 29 on 3 26 tionl 1,000 yards of linen crash, 16, 18 and 20 cents 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for lumber coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants stuff, cheap. 300 dozen of 'the very best spool cotton, white and corded. 1,000 papers of the vety best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper- i also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop Vicirte t all ct cOmbs; patent Owed, tapes, socks,Otti3r by the dozen ar Piece. We Dave also on hand yet about 10. pieces of CARPET. which we will fel at 75 mom per yard_ 20 please of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured window miens COMPLETION OF THE DRAFT IA DAUPHIN CuUNTY. —The draft for this county was completed yester day. The quotas of fifteen sub-districts were drawn, the names of which, and also the names, ages and oecupations of the persons drafted will be found below. The long agony is over ; that is, it's over with some, and just beginning with others. Those whose names were not taken out may now breathe free and invest their money in five-twenties or whatsoever seemeth •best ; those whom the fates ordained for sacrifice may draw a long breath, and feel thankful that the suspense is over. The man of means will take it lightly, for he stands secure in the possession of $3OO ; the poor man will look upon it with a sadder eye, but he must "e'en sit down and make the moat of it." The drawing fur the balance of the 14th dis trict, consisting of the counties of Juniata, Nor thumberland, Snyder and Union, will be resumed at the Court House this morniag. MIDDLETOWN.— MIDDLE WARD. George Baker, age 35, boatbuilder. William S. Marshall, 26, book-keeper. George W Fencel, 23, boatbuilder. William 111. D4ugherty, 26, marblecutter. Barney 0. M'Neill, 30, laborer. John T. Ross, 30, teacher. John M'Creary, 34, boatbuilder. Benjamin S. Landis, 25, laborer. Leo Viwnis, 27, watchmaker. Seymour Raymond, 33, moulder_ Christian W. King. 37, teacher. Henry S. Miley, 26, clerk. Josiah White, 21, (colored ,) laborer. Christian Shoop, 33, mason. •• Augeattta Lynch. 25, farnaeemaa. William Shadt, 30, carpenter. Joseph K. Oren, 30, cabinet maker. Whole number enrolled in the Middle ward of Midd;etown, 53 ; number drawn, 17. 3DDDIETOWN—SOUTR WARD. satattel Hughes, age' 2, (colored,) laborer. William T. Harley, 25, (colored,) barber. Thomas Benny, 22, laborer. Abraham Hulsberger, 34, plasterer. William Pearson, 32, boatbnilder. John Jameson, 35, engineer. James Henry, 28, (eolored,) laborer. Charles Shad', 85, boatbnilder. William H. Eatbich, 20, tailor. John Briiteman, 85, laborer. George Scott, 34, (colored,) laborer. John Ackerson, 2i, machinist. John Boweer, 21, (colored,) laborer.. John Rudolph, 31. pedlar. William Filby, 30, miller. James P. Withrow, 31, Supt. of Furnace. Elias Bidleman, 32, laborer. Jeremiah Johnson, 25, (colored,) laborer. Joseph A. Fackler, 24, storekeeper. Charles Keim, 34, baker. Hamlet Murr, 27, boatbuilder. Frederick Miller, 44, laborer. Whole number enrolled in the •South ward of Middletown, 77 ; number drawn, 22. MIDDLETOWN—NORTH WARD. Solomon Seiders, age 26, teamster. George Rehrer, 22, boatman. John Shirker, 34, laborer. Joseph H. Nissly, 82, merchant. • William Troll, 32, cornier. J. S. Grove, 26, carpenter. Christian Bowers, 30, sawyer. Benj. Fiahburn, 21, farmer. Retry Fritz, 36, brewer. D.tvid Rupp, 23, tinsmith. Lemuel Tnepp, 30, carpenter. Henry Raymond, 22, moulder. • John Woolaver, 29, laborer. Jacob Brant, 28, boatmen. William Benner, 21, merchant. John Huffman, 34, miller. David Gilbert, 33, carpenter. henry Kiflinger, 23, plasterer. W o hele s number enrolled in the North ward of Middletown„.63; number drawn, 18. MIFFLIN TOWN SHIP -20TH SUB-DISTRICT. William Wilker, age 22, laborer. John W. Deibler, 29, hunter. George 11. Rumbarger, 24, farmer. Jeremiah Harman, 32, carriage trimmer. Daniel Bordner, 2T, tailor. Jere. H. Enterline, 21, gentleman. John B. Beshler, 23, physician. Martin Stroub, 29, laborer. John Iteadel,*2s, farmer. - John Fuller, 32, teacher. Josiah Shoffstall, 63, shoemaker. Jacob Moyer, 29, farmer. Bostian Bensinger, 23, farmer. Henry W. Bishoff, 25, clerk. George D. Moyer, 27,cabinet maker. t he v t. Ic.retaer, 23, baeltamith_ Jonathan Bonawitz, 29, farmer. Josiah Yeager, 32, saddler. Zacttariah Badman, 26, carpenter. Josiah A. Miller, 28, farmer. John W. Whitcomb, 30, teacher. Franklin Sar,ge, 29, tinner. Daniel Snyder, 23, blaeksniith. Isaiah Keel, 81, shoemaker. B. F. Swingle, 25, teacher. Henry Batman, 25, farmer. John Hoffman, 26, merchant. John - Mee, 34, farmer. Joseph &Osier, 83, preacher. John Koppenheffer, 26, farmer. Jeremiah Carl, 20, plasterer. Dresden Miller, 25, surveyor. John Andre, 26, shoemaker. • Hiram V. Oroff, 23, saddler. Isaac Weaver, 85, mason. Balser Rumbarger, 20, farmer. Frederick Harman, 23, blacksmith. Jacob Lenkart, 34, teamster. John Meta, 22, farmer. Daniel Wtist, 21, farmer. Emanuel Erdinan, 20, carpenter. John Klinger723, miller. Elias Byerly, 29, hunter. William S. Dellinger, 28, blacksmith. John D. Deibler, 23, farmer. Whole number enrolled in Mifflin township, 149 ; number drawn, 45. . Lon - nn PAXTON-21m' SIIII-TASTbler Thomas Reed, age 21, blacksmith. John WElhenny, 25, farmer. Hiram Reimert, 25, plasterer. Reuben Conrad, 30, farmer. Jacob Pctteiger, 30, farmer. David Crum, 03, farmer. - Daniel Reichard, 22, carpenter. Henry Leiden', 21, carpenter. Jacob liVNeal, 2G, laborer. John Good, 26, farmer. John Wallmer, 30, carpenter. • George A. Milleiaen, 27, farmer. Henry Keener, 21, laborer. Levi Reed, 31, farmer. Aaron Ludwig, 21, farmer. John Miller, 20, farmer. Wendell Fackler, 84, farmer. Adam pQwere. 43, laborer. Michael Meekley, 21, laborer. Philip Fatty 32, firmer. George W. Baker, 27, coachmaker. William H. Damy, 20, laborer. Samuel Miller, 20, farmer. Abraham Fackler, 20, farmer. John Light, 24, laborer. Simon Sailor, 24, farmer. Samuel Lonsnecker, 34, laborer. John Fox, 25, farmer. Jacob Kaufman. '2l, cabinetmaker, John Humor.-r, 24, laborer. Peter Aungest. 27, farmer. John Fackler , 23, carpente r . • Enoch Runkle, 20, laborer. George Shoop, 20, laborer. William James, 34. farmer. William Farling. '27, laborer. Henry Walliner, 26, farmer. John Zeiders, 30, farmer. Henry Smith, 21,1-irmer. Ph p 11PNeal, 82 carpenter. David 2 , out r, 20, tared , r_ Auto 1-1.,c44, 34. farmer_ B ujamen Umhergar, 20. laborer. Jahn Part. mon, 33, laborer. Peter Fox, 26. farmer 3 LIMY. Whole number enrolled in Lower Paxton, 163; number drawn, 45. MIDDLE PAXTON-22D SUB-DISTRICT. Thomas Yentrtz, age 34, laborer. George Hoover, 32, laborer. Henry Howard, 21, laborer. Jacob Teemer, 34, hoatbnilder. Benjamin Myers. 29, farmer. Lewis Bogner, 2G, farmer. Isaac Nace, 40, carpenter, Wesley Hummel. 26. laborer. Wiloon Talley, 90, shoemaker. John Fry, 26, laborer. William Behm, 21, laborer. • John W. M'Neely, 26, boatman. Jacob Straw, 22. farmer. Philip R chard, 26, laborer. Henry W. Doper, 25, conductor, Samuel T. Kemhle, 27, minister. John Griehee, 30. bowman. Samuel Sellers, 34, laborer. William Bowman, 27. painter. Jobn Foster, 31, sutler. John Minich, 33. boatman. John Carrard, 33, laborer. David Singer, 25, clerk. William Neigh, 26. laborer. George Mashan, 23. carpenter. George S. Ruler, 27, farmer. William Minsker, 25, farmer. Henry Strine, 22, laborer. John Hines, 33, ;eacher. Henry Winn, 32, laborer. James Snow, 20, hoatman Josiah Hooker, 33, farmer. George Night, 24, laborer. Alfred B. Climson, 36, farmer. Andrew Simmers, 30, laborer. Jeremiah Shatter, 30, laborer. William M'Carty, 28. boatbuilder. William File, 22. laborer. William Foard, 22. (colored) laborer. • George Muckier, 24, laborer. Whole number enrolled in Middle Paxton township, 125; number drawn, 40. UPPER PAXTON-23D sun-DIETRICT. Andrew Osman, ago 28, schoolmaster. Joseph Cramer, 34, ferryman. David Flickinger, 21, stonemason. George W. Freilick, 34, hunter. Uriah Martz, 30, laborer. Isaac .Negley, 28, farmer. Michael ile'lethal:l3, 82, blacksmith, Samuel Snyder, 27, blacksmith. John B. Radell, 28, laborer. Henry Potteiger. 21, farmer. Daniel Spotts, 27, farmer. A. H. Overholtzer, 20. laborer. James Richardson; 31, shipper. Andrew Keiffer, 34, farmer. Jacob Snyder, 21, farmer. Thomas Heit, 41, laborer. Samuel E Gilbert, 23, farmer. Emanuel Lenkard, 28, stonemason. John Fiekincer, 28, fuller. Levi Lebo, 25, merchant. John Martin, 24, farmer. Samuel Peters, 24, laborer. Solomon Hoover, 20, farmer. Nathaniel Feidt, 23, laborer. John P. Woland, 20, teacher. Whole number enrolled in Upper Paxton, 107; number drawn, 25. BOROUGH OF MILLERSBURG-24TH SUB-DISTRICT. John C. Beller, age 31, boatmen. Andrew J. Williams, 31, laborer. Jonas West, 30, laborer. William Snook Pr. 30, laborer. Joseph Snyder, 24. shoemaker. Benival Witmer, f 2, restaurant keeper. Joseph Kieffer, 21, carpenter. John D Ciemson, 24, saddler. Abram Ileock, 82, tailor_ Charles F. Muench, 23, painter. Alfred Dowden, 30, carpenter. Jacob D. Sultzbach, 21, laborer. William T. Jacoby, 22, telegrapher. William A. Smith, 26. boatman. Edwsrd Rath bon, 20, laborer. Henry Kulp, 26, sawyer. John C. Walter, 29, tailor. Isaac Smith, 22, laborer. Ellis Itathbon, 21, laborer. • Henry Beard, 33, cabinetmaker. M. B. Chrisman, 31. conductor. Henry IL Musser, 24. clerk. Whole number enrolled in the boro•agh of Millersburg, 76; number drawn, 22. SEED TOWNSHIP-25TH SUB-DISTRI 07. James F. Pearson, age 26, laborer. Henry Frank, 21, laborer. Jacob Chubb, 34, farmer. Richard Derr, 34, tailor. " Cyrus Glace, 27, carpenter. Robert Porter, 20, laborer. Asahel Luken, 30, laborer. Henry Hams, :34, laborer_ Jacquet Roach, 25, farmer. John R. Roach, 22, laborer. Melchoir Miller, 25, gentleman. William D. Miller, 32, farmer. Whole number enrolled in Reed township 37 ; number drawn, 12. atsie rowastiir-26r8 SUB DISTRICT. Randall M'Allister, 'age 25, farmer. Adam Karver, 83, farmer. Whole number enrolled in Rush township 0; number drawn, 2. SITATARA TOWNSHIP-27T8 etin-DZOTIICT. George T. Reicker, age 23, farmer. 'George B. Conrad, 27, laborer. John C. Books, 28, laborer. Philip Jackson, 34; (colored,) laborer. George Yeetere, 27, laborer. Frank Hall, 28, laborer. Reuben Bomgardner, 26, laborer. John Wright. 80, laborer. Christian Vance, 20, laborer. Reuben Taylor, 23, (colored,) laborer. Oliver Butler, 27, (colored,) laborer. Josiah Dunkle, 29, carpenter. Samuel P. Rutherford, 21, farmer. Henry Birnhari, 20 laborer. Teams Houck, 25, laborer. • Francis Peebles, 31, locktender. Martin J. Mumma, 23, teacher. John Elder, 1:0, farmer. John Piper, z 7, farmer. • Jacob Yeiter, 32, farmer. Michael Franz, 34, farmer. Charles Swartz, 23, laborer. Samuel Rutherford, 20, termer, Adam H. Hooker, 30, laborer. Henry Johnston, 30, (colored,) laborer. Jacob Bishop, 27, farmer. Isaac Light, 26, farmer. Daniel Gallagher, 34, blacksmith. , John Dimeler, 28, farmer. John Monaghan, 25, laborer. John A. Rutherford, 82, farmer. Conrad Wetzel. 82. laborer. Peter Reel, 26, farmer. Conrad Erhart, 27, laborer. Isaac Binehower, 34, carpenter. ' John Franz, 23, laborer. William Jackson, 32, (colored,) laborer. Martin Wetzel, 21, laborer. George Wa,lbert, 28, cooper. Whole number enrolled in Swatara town ship, 143; number drawn, 39. LOWER BWATARA-28TH SUB-DISTRICT. ' William Fisher, age 25, laborer. John Mat bias 28, laborer. Abraham E Wt•tzel, 21. clerk. - Fr deriok Parthewer, 34, laborer.' Samuel B wilier, 28, farmer. Mttrtiu 1.1 Nistey, 20, farmer. H Stu tit Wt 11011, 34, lumber merchant. Solomon Espenanaise, 29, laborer. Henry W Stoner, 21, laborer. Augustus S Caro, 20, laborer. , Martin Swartz, 34, farmer. Peter Kerr, 32, stioemaker. William It, Wilson. 82, lumber merchant, Samuel Croll, 34, boatman: Frederica M Hummel, 23, laborer. Samuel Neibling inn keeper. • John Boad'uer. '43 mason. Henry L Light.. 32. boatman. Henry Deal, 44 o twnier. • J a cob W. knnop 211 farmer. Christian N v, 3i aboror. Mien ail B.ut.er, 21, rainier. Benj. S. Coffman, 34, butcher. Valentine Zimmerman, 34, farmer. George W. Parthemer, 27, farmer. Michael M. Stoner, 25, laborer. Henry C. Allman, 23, carpenter. John Rife, 43,. farmer. Samuel Poorman, 34, shoemaker. Martin Edwards, 26, (colored,) laborer. Nicholas Beck, 42, laborer. John J. Bretz, 26, farmer. Whole number enrolled in Lower Swatara fownship, 122; number drawn, 32. sUsirEilaNNA TOWNSHIP-29TH sun DISTRICT. Wm. P. Craig, age 26, at Insane Asylum. Simon Isenhower, 35, laborer. Samuel Weaver, 35, carpenter. Edward Mills, 27, laborer. Micheal Fatty, 27, at Insane Asylum. Samuel Lewis, 24, (colored,) laborer. David Blosher. 24, laborer. Wm. Shoop, 23, butcher. Wm. Wetzler, 22. carpenter. Carson Sjanee, 33 carpenter. Joseph A. Miller, 27, physician. Joseph Vogle, 22, laborer. John Stover, 28, innkeeper. Franklin Mahan, 24, farmer. Samuel Wareham, 23, grocer, Henry Harrow, 25, laborer. George Olwine, 23, laborer. George Shelama, 27, chairmaker. Hiram Moreland, 30, clerk. George Livingston, 23, laborer. Beej 11. Early, 29, farmer. Thomas Unger. 20, laborer, Jacob Hummel, 20, laborer. Wm. Seipie, 23, at Insane Asylum. Geo. B. G.rman, 30, farmer. Chris!ian Ettenoyer, 23, laborer. Levi 131oecer, 3.5, laborer. t • John W. Shoop, 30, laborer. John Olwine, 28, laborer. Wm. Moore, 30, coachmaker. Jacob Mumma, 26, laborer. Augustus Reel, 31, farmer. Wm. Terns, 29, laborer. Peter Rygan, 21. butcher. Thomas R. Graybill, 23, laborer. John Herald, 27, laborer. Abraham J. Henry, 32, shoemaker. . John. 11. Walker. 22, carpenter. Benj. Hummer, 24, at Insane Asylum. John Weave; 33, carpenter, Geo. Coffman, 25, laborer. Reuben Clemens, 21, farmer. Jones Poteiger, 23, laborer. Abraham Sweigert, 20, blacksmith. Wm. Varner, 24, laborer. Wtn. Garberieh, 31, baker. Owen Yarns, 24, laborer. Whole number enrolled in Susquehanna township, 159 ; number drawn, 47. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP-30TH SUB•DISTAICT. Emanuel Wetzel, age 21, farmer. John Longaback, 25, farmer. John K. Harman, 22, laborer. Thomas Deener, 34, forgeman. Henry V. Miller, 23, teamster. Jacob Runk, 27, preacher. John Deitrich, 20, laborer. Washington Matter, 31, farmer. William Brittain, 20, forgeman. Joel Shoop, 29, carpenter. Daniel Messner, 28, carpenter. Henry Shoop, 22, farmer. Henry Kemmerer, 23, farmer. John Bretz, 27, laborer. Emanuel F. Metter, 23, teacher. Henry Shrefler, 20, carpenter. John Klinger, 22, farmer. • Henry Lenker, 30, farmer. William Strawhecker, 24, carpenter. Josiah Boyer, 29. farmer. D. K. Holtzman, 27, gentleman. George Carl, 26, plasterer. George Haak, 34, termer. Assane E. Polk, 34, gentleman. William Wingert, 22, laborer. Samuel Bechtel, 22, laborer. Silas Cooper, 27, laborer. Jonas Pottorf, 26, carpenter. John W. Messner, 24, farmer. George Lenker, 21, farmer. John P. Stroub, 33, doctor. Whole number enrolled in Washington town ship, 100 ; number drawn, 31. WICONISCO TOWNSHIP-318T SUB-DISTRICT. Samuel Vaughn, age 31, engineer. George Wall, 31, mason. Thomas Perkins, 85, miner. Joseph Durbin, 27. miner. TbOteee Bateman, 36, miner, Richard Knight, 32, miner. Isaac Burd, 30, miner. Emanuel Zerbe, 23, miner. Israel Liam 32, miner. Anthony Hawk s 30, miner. David &dist!, 35, laborer. • William Gilbert, 25, carpenter. William Trout, 35, miner. Barnhart Blatzer, 35, miner. Josiah Row, 33, laborer. John Shell, 30, miner. Bmjmnin Wattere, 27, miner. Jonathan Hoffman, 21, railroader. Samuel Matter, 26, laborer. John Row, 27, miner. Edward Matter, 27, carpenter. 1 Lewis Seoeuer, 30, clerk. Cornelia!: Row, 27, teamster. Samuel Durbin. 33, miner. Daniel Nailer, 31, blacksmith. Moses Btra, 27, laborer. James L. Groover, 28, merchant. William Zimmerman, 23, miner. David Splan, 85, miner. Enoch Stentzel, 31, miner. Michael Walchusky, 82, laborer. George W. Buffington, 29, railroader. John Shootatall, 33, laborer. Isaac Shomper, 35, teamster. Jacob Miller, 23, miner. William Harper, 24, clerk. Joseph Rumbarger. 34, landlord. Charles Walcott, 35, carpenter. William Row, 34, laborer. George Wagner, 26, miner. Thomas Malley, 31, miner. Joseph Shupp, 28, laborer. Alfred Foetrir, 26. machinist. John Duekley, 28, laborer. Thomas Fegley, 25, plasterer. Robert Peat el, 21, laborer. Augustus Walborn, 28, carpenter. William Price, 28, miner, ,Cyrus Marks, 26, clerk. James Fegley, 33, miner. William Rosener, 27, miner. Timothy Career, 28, laborer. Jacob Wagner, 35. carpenter. Lewis Smeltzer, 25, machinist. William lileiitoue, Matthias Tatman. 29. laborer. Patrick Career, 35, miner. Whole number enrolled in Wiconisco town ship, 194; number drawn, 57. SPECIAL NOTICES. MOTHERS MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure .Igre. WINSLOW'S SOOTGINO SYRUP for OHILDREN TEETHING. This Nal bin preparation is the prescription of one of the beet female physicians arid nurses in the United States. and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and sue teas by millinnsOf mothers and children, from the fee bin infant of one week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but 'Brig° rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND WIND COLIC. We believe it the beat and surest remedy in the world In all ellen or Dvenursay AND DIANSHOIS IN CIIILDRIN, whether it arises from teething or nom any other cause. Pull oireotiooo for using will secompllnY sack bottle None ge nine animal the fee si;nileof CURTIN &PRE,- Km% New York is oo the outside wrapper Bold by ell Malabo Dealer.. Prinolpa 4 ptie., 48 Bey street, New.lrork. Price only 25 Gents per bottle. my2B-dictu6in CRtSTADORO'S HAIR DYE. There ie no Hair Dye in use so pare, so free from all objectionable properties, that produces such s lendid and vermanent tints, or that operates so quickly, uni formly, and certainly, as CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOIL HAIR DYE.• This matchless article is pronounced, by all who have ever applied it, or seen it applied, the rp ost wonderful invention of the rge Ten minutes suffices ler an! shade of brown or the deepest black. It ldoves the skin unstained, Manufactured by J. CRISTADOI6.O, 6 Astor Rouse, New York. Bold everywhere, and Applied by all Hair Dressers. Price $l, $1 50 and $3 pei box, according to size. Cristadorovs flair Preservative Is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost dortnese, the moat beautiful gloss and great vitality to the Hair: Pries 50 cents, $1 and $2 per bottle, according to size iy3l-d&wiin THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Farmers, families and others can purchase no remedy equal t 3 Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for dysentery, colic, e.oup, chronic rheumatism, sore throats, toothache, sea sickness, cuts, burns, swellings, bruises, old sores, headache, muequito bites, pains in the limbs, chest, back, &a. If it does not give relie the money will be refunded. All that le asked is a trial, and use it according to the directions. DR. Tomas—Dear Fir: I have used your Venetian Liniment in rr y family for a number of years, and be lieve it to the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. For sudden attack of croup Ude invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold it foe many years, anc it gives entire satisfrction. CHAS. H. TRIHNER. QUAKERTOWN, N. S., May 8, 1888. Sold by all Druggists. ClliOe, 58 Cortlandt street, jyBl d&wlm New York. Dr. Brimonts Concentrated Remedies No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-ADUSE. as Lose of Memory, Shortness of Breath,Gi d Guess, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price line Dollar. No. 2 THE BALM will cure, in from two to eight days, any case of GONNORREICEA, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex Prire One Dollar. No. 8. The TDREB will curein the shortest possible time any case of GLUM even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or moil, Price Quo Dollar. No. 4. THE PUNITBit is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price tine Dollar. No. 6. THE BOLDTOR will cure anycaee of GRAVEL, permanently and apeedi'y remove all adietione of the Bladder and Kidnap'. Price One Dollar. No. 6 FOR PARTICULARS MR CIRCULAR No 7. THE ALIZARIN will cure the Whites radically and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tate. Price One Dollar. No. 8. MR ORIENTAL PASTIL4 are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correct ing any Irregnlarities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a circu lar. General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and Callowbill street. Private office, 401. Yora avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For Bale in Ile,rriaburg by C. A. BIN :MAT and Lovrs WYOTH, where eireniara containing valuable informa tion, with full descriptions of each case, will be deliv ered gratis on application. Address DR. FBLIX BRUT ON, July 28,1963-11 P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. CIIEESENIAN S S PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain In correcting all Irregu- Lultles, painful menstruation, removing allobstructions. whether from cold or otherwise, keedaoke, pal In the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervonsalirea 'lions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th iback sielimbe, Icc., disturbed sleep, which arise Tram intirenti of nature. DR. CHERSEMAN if PILL 6 was the commeneemen a sac( • stittbe instates of those irregnlaritiee surd obetrutti cam ritm. con signed so many to a penults leg, 36 , enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever • obstruction takes place the general health begins to de aline. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS lyre the um; effeetual remedy seer knOWn for all emu plaints peculiar to Females. To all wee they are invaluable, inducing, with sweaty, periodical reran, ity. They are known to thoussads,who have needthem at different periods, throughout the country, havingthe sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians is Amenza. Explieit direetions, stating when May slurald not be used, with each Box—the Pries Gas Dollar per Box, containing from 60 to 60 Pills. Pills mat by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Bold by Druggists generally. B. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, ' 20 Cedar street, New York, Bold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. Mechanicsburg, by J. 8. Dellett. Carlisle. by S. Blliott. Bhippeneburg, by D. W. Baskin. Obambersburg, by Miller .11, Hershey. Hummelstown, by George Wolf. a Lebanon, by illoorae Rosa. dee6-d&wly A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS I FOR. FEMALES! Infallible in parroting, Regulating and Remotiing all Obespuesisse, frori.urkaieuer calm, and &way/ successful as a Preventive. These PILLS have been need by the Doctors for many years, both in France and America with unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by inany.thoucand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or Those supposing themselves eo, aro cautioned againit these Pills while in that condition, as they are mire to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility cfter this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. Sold, wholesale and retail, by °HAULM A. BANN FAST) Druggist, No. 2 Jones Bow, and O. H. IiBLLBIi, Drugest, parrielnrg, Pa._ _ Ladies, by sending them 21.00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of postage" by mail: Sold also by J. L. LEYBERGIR, Lebanon; T. A. WOLF, Wrightsville; B. T. MILLER, YorkI 8. Bra.torr i Car lisle; J. D. ALTIOH, islaippecoourg; J. STAMMER, METE bODIbETS, ; S. G_ WILD ? Denville; A. J. HATIPIPHAN. OhEILIODIEDI ; BROWN AG BROTHER, No. 4, South Liber ty street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. HALL & RIIO.IIIIL, 218 Greenwich Street. New York, Grelferai Wholesale Agents. N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed B.D. Rowe An others are a baite imposition and unsafe ; therefere, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on. every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent. They^will tell yonthe Pills are perfectly harmless, yet will do all claimed for them_ S. D. HOWE, Role Proprietor. New York. BLOOD! BLOOD! SORES: THETR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OP THE VITAL FLUID, • which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES,_ SPOTS TET. TEES, SCALES, BOILS. SYPHILIS OterENS REAL DISEASES, E SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES IN offered to the public as s positive cure. Banishes al impurities of the blood and Mingo the oYetem to a healthy action, cure those Spots, Tatters, Beaks mac .Copper Colored Patches. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's 'Soot and Herb Juices is the most certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every par tide of the poison. FDIIIALSB! MULES In many affections with which pootbeac 4f Females stiffer, the KOUT AND HERB JUIODS is moat happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in. Whites, in bearing, down, Palling of the Womb, Debility, and for all coin. plaints incident to the sex. • DO NOT DESPAIR. loop out of hospital. Here ia a core lu any ease foi Se. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5, with f u ll db.& tioue. Sold by D. W. WOAD & CO. Sent by Repress carefully paolted by • • DESMOND & CO, • jarie‘ly Box 151 Phila. P.O. 1 1 0 0P k R'B GELATINE.—The bebi article la Om toorketJuot roosived and for We 11 wayl44/ - arm rseunw . ../. . ON B '.'Quite variety of and entertaining artieles—eheitp—at ):ii.. I, tlemebies. THE GREAT 46 AMERICAN REHEDIEO9 KNOWN AS HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, v a HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT ~ BUCHIL" lIELMBOLD i s EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLV'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. I=Ml=l RELSIBOLIPS GERVINE PREPARATION I 6 IMGHLY. CONONNTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT A positlve and speeds Remedy for Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, QEAVEL AND DROPSICAL DWE L LINO-3. This medicine increases the power of digestirn and ex cit the absorbenti into healthy tc::cn, k,y Which the water or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements, are reduced. as well ss pain and inEamma• tion, and is good for MEN, VI °MEN and CHILDREN. HELAIROLD'H EXIVRACT RITCHIE% For Weakn-sq origin from Excerses, Habits of ,Dise pation, Ear.y Indiscretion or Abuse r attended with the FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin ; Loss or Memory, Loss of Poser. Week Nervy s, DlU:city in Breathing Horror of Digesse, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, IValr,-fulness, lJniverzal Lassitude of the Pain in tne B ck, Muscular B.) stem, Flwhiug of the Body, Dot Hands, Eruptions on the lace P.Hid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, Mon fol.ow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC In one of whieh the patient may entire. Who can Fey they are not frequently followed by those direful dbl. ea.e.s,” • INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, tetra:sat will confess. The records cl the Insane Abylums, aid th 6 melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample Witned to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE' AFFECTED Ey OW GANIC WEAKNESS, liequirt s the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigo rate the eysiemochich ELMISOLIPB EXLBACT BUCLIT:7 invariably des A trial will c_wrinee the moat skalitieal FEMALES ! FEMALES !! FEMALES !!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLV, MARRIED, OS CONTRIU PLATING MARRIAGE. In many affections peculiar to Pcmees, Extrac Buchu is unequalled by any other r , medy, as in Chlorin' or Retention, Irregularities, Painfular 64, r kuppreesion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Soirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorrbr a or Wbi it a, Sterility, and for a complaints incident to the sex, abattoir arising Item in discretion, Habits of Ph aipation, or in the - DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE_ SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAM'LY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Tate no Italearn, Mercury or Cinplannant Modlent, for Unple sant and Dangerona Dit eases HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIJOU:Cr CIIEEd SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, at little expanse little or MS elan in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO I , XPORI7R.R. gum It causes fr. gntat desire ana gisea atiEngtli to Urirate, thereby removing elltuetions, preventing and curin strictures of the urethra, allaying pain snd inflammation so frequent in this class of distasser and expelling POI. SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-OUT MASTER. Thousands upon thousands who hove been the Y10T1316 OF QUACKS, And who have paid lIFAVY FEES h. beleured in a short time have found they wore deceived, and that the " Poi son has. by the use of a Powerful Aktrin g eote,” bees dried up in the system, to break oat in an aggravatedform, and! PERHAPS IMAM MARRIAGE. —to:— USE BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE: For all Affections and Diersaea of the lIR7ICaIII7OII. GANS. whether existing in MALE Oft FEMALE I hob* whatever cause origlLiiting, and no matter of how tong standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a DIURICTIO. IHELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII Is THE GREAT DIVRETIO, And it le certain to have the desired effect in all Dimming for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD!!! HELMBOLDII UWIILY CONWINTRATED nOODI POUND FLUID lIXTBACT OARBAPARILLA. SYPHILIS. This Is an affection of the Bluod, and stfaclugthe Nexus organ, Linings of the N'*e, Bara, throat, Windpile and other Winces eorfsees, making its appearance in *ie . form of Ulcers. IiBLMB9LIOB street Nratiparilla wines tie Blood and r nmesS all Sealy Intotiots of the giving to the complexion a clear and healthy color. It bring repined expressly for this class - of complaints, to Blood. purifying properties are pres , rved to a grealletel tent than any ..ther prep Cation 01 barsaparilla. ......;0;...... HELIHBOLD'H ROSE WASH. An excellent lotion for disease,. of a Byrbiliqc nature, and as au injection in diseases s f the Urinary Omens aria ing from habits of dissipation, used in conn.ction with the Extracts Bodin and Sal sa pan lla. in such diseases as recom mended. Evidence of the moat vespensitue, and reliable character will accompany the =McLane. CERTIFICATES OF (HIRES, From three to twenty years' standing, with names known TO 80IBNON AND TAME. For medical properties of BUCIII7, seepiepmaato the United Stites. Bee Professor PEWEES' valuable work Con the Pr tine or Physic. See remarks made by the late ceebrated Dr. Pill/PICK, Bee remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM DI , DO'WELI. celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal College Surg-ons, Ireland, and published in the Tmnsactiona the Bing and Queen's Journal. ee Medico Chirurgical It.-view ' published by MIMI& I MIN TRAVERS, Fellow of .RoyalOol'ege of Burgeons. See most of the late Btandscd Works on Medians. Extract Bcchn•—•—• $lOO per bottle, or six for $5 00 Extract Sarsaparilla..... $1 00 per bottle, or six for 106 00 lmprowd Bose Wash.... 5' ic. pef bottle, or six for $2 50 lir half dozen of 'each Mr $l2, which will be Ruffle' nt to cure the most obstinate oasis, it directions are adhered te. De'ivered to any address, secinely packed from obser vation. Er Describe symptoms In all eamesimicatlone.ACeea3 guaranteed. Advice gratis. —:o:—i AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the nit, of Philadelphia, H. T. Eleintbo d, who biting duly sworn doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mer cury, or other injurious drags but are purety st , getable. H. T. uEI.ItiIIOLD. Sworn and subecribed befo•e mP. this 284 day or Novem ber, 1854. Wal. P. DIBBERA, )011-rmen, Moth at., above nue, Address letters for informition in confidence to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Depot, No. 104 South Tenth street, be:ow Chestnut, Philadelphia. I=l • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED MONO, Who, endeavor to diepos. "OP ThEl It OWN" and akin) , artier. on the repitt.tiotratutiaed by HELMEOLIPB GENUINE P44P , fa c tilitittß. HELNEOLu IB GENUINE EXTRACT DlNgitr aELMBOLD'S G &NUL V E EXTIt AO T gAR 4 A PA Rif, A HELEBOLD9B, GENUINE [KIROV K Legg WASH. ld by all Drug icb everywhere. Agg YOB HELM IKOLD7E—TAILR Cat out the advertisement and send tor it, Had avoid v .I.lv+* Aws. .. 04qt.