LOCAL NEWS. TRUPSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1863 k i sTtfalll AN$ samy utl Ltd.. .41. jrgeet, Book Store, corner of Third and Market ! t r a.t.g. amp_ at be News Agency of George L. Walter, n Market street. near Fifth. THR MlLS.—Under the chaogo of sche , n e on th diffet railroads, te time of closing the mails at e the er li n erriseurg Post h Office, April 20, 1883, is NO follows; soasswas osarsaaa BAUMAN. NORTEL—Wair NUL —Por All_places between Her. iaburg, Lock dames an wi ni u mport sad Lewisburg at 9 d WIXOM, N. T., at 12.00 m. For Lock flacon, p 80iiria. W&YMAtI..-/Or all plasm between Hes amour g and Baltimore' M 1., and Washington, D. at 2110 in. 101 , wash i ag yen, T>. Baltimore, bid,and 'York Pa . at 1. 1 00 p. m. tusasou usual' liarilioan. HAST. -- W' Man..—ltor all planes between Harris burg, Santee sad Pbiladelniria. via Beading , at 7.00 a. in. For Beading and Pottsville. at 12.31 p. Au. SATIACIA.u. WAYn..—Por all places between Harrisburg and Philadelpt at 6,80 a. sn. ladelphia For Phi and Lancaster, at 13.00 in. For New Tort, r m 1610114 bausantar, Columbia, Marietta and Bainbridge, at 2.45 p. For New torn, Philadelphia...and Lancaster, at 9.00 m P. WEST —WAY Iftn..--For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, moo in. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, Obio, at 2.45 p. m. For etstsburg-, ilonidaysbur:r, Altoona, Phillipsburg, Tyrone, Muntinsden and Lewistown, at 9_oo p. m. owassabano Tatum SAILKOALL For Mechanicsburg, Carlisle,Shippensburg and Chun bersburg, Pa., at 7.00 a. m. WAY INAIL.—For an places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 12.80 p. m. 801111YLEILI. AND SIONNIBRANSA RAILROAD. For Ella. dale Forges,BilWOod, PinfigrOV43 and Summit Station. A 12.30 p. m. Me di lOWPRB. For Progreso, Ungiestown, Stanada Hill, West Hano. var. Bart Hanover ono acid Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 00 a. m. For Lisburn land Le isberry, on Saturday, at 12.30 p.m. ErOlticellours.—From 5.30 a. In. to 8.00 p.m. Sun day from 707 to 8.00 a.m....sad from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. Twairasamen.—To-day will be generally ob served in accordance with the recommendations of the President. Divine services will be held in most of the churches, and business aril I be pretty much suspended. Excuitstes.—The Schuylkill and Susquehanna railroad company issue excursion tickets to Cold Springs to-day, where the farmers of that region are to hold a good old-fashioned "Harvest Home." Such an occasion will be delightful, and will no doubt attract large numbers of excursionists. The train will leave at 7a. m. Tickets for the round trip, $1 ed. Disonanoun.—At a meeting of the Prison In spectors, held on Tuesday night, John Oliver, who bad been committed to testa by Alderman Ptlfer for a term of thirty days for using language offen sive to that dignitary, was, on paying the costs, released from custody. Mr. 0 is now at liberty, doubtlere mach to the chagrin of the arbitrary and Choleric magisterial "Pasha of three tails." AROTHER Wm: Morriss' REsittaar.—Thel.sBth regiment Pennsylvania (drafted) militia, Colonel M'Kibben, arrived at this point yesterday morn ing, and left in the afternoon for Chambersburg, where they will be paid (ff and mustered out. They belong to Franklin, Westmoreland and Ful ton counties, and number about eight hundred men. MS Dna - pr.—This institution opens out in the Court House on Monday morning at 7 o'clock, at which time the drawing of the quota for the Fourteenth diArict will begin', and will continue until Wednesday evening. The drawing will be public. The townships of Conewago and Derry, end the First, ganand„ Third and Fourth wards of Harrisburg, are the order for Monday. The large quotas to be drawn from some of these wards mate the aspect; of drawing a prize quite lively for those living in them HAMMON FROM .1111111TINODON —A battalion of emergendy soak, ttietttuiptd for seine time past at Huntingdon, arrived at this place yesterday morn ing for the purpose of being mustered out of the service They are under the command of Major Robert litzinger, who appears to be an efficient officer. He has with him Capt. A. B. Snyder, of Bellefonte, who is an old soldier, having served in Mexico and throughout -the present rebellion.— We also notice among them the gallant looking Adjutant, Thomas A. Crawford, who is posses sed of many gentlemanly and soldierly qualities. Oa A 6ranpr.7•The night police of Pittsburg are on a 'tribe for higher wages, and have not been on duty for several days past. The conse quence of. this is an; alarmieg.inerease in all kinds of rowdyism, robbery and crime. On Monday night thirteen knock downs and highway robberies marred, besides a number of botele attacked with paving stones and many glass fronts smashed in. Tbo saturnalia of rowdyism continued throughout the night, but only one arrest was made. Quite a number of merchants and others have employed private watchmen to guard their property, paying them as high as four dollars a night. Enarrr's Hart..—Crowded and delighted stllen ses nightly witness the tin!, talented combination troupe of Mr. Hamblin, whose entertainment is received with marked favor by our °kilns The beautiful ballads of the - " Maid by the Hillside," and ' Mother, I've come Home to Die," are sung very beautifully by Miss Ada Tesman. Le Petite Ella is also highly successful with her charming singing. Harry Leslie is one of the best comic th 56.11 5 in As:Deride, and Dick Parker a famous bar j .ist and Ethiopian delineator Others of the company are all good. A splendid programme will be presented this evenidg. Tae Logsms AT Gerr3renuee.—Dr. Gordon 7,'Mblow, of New York, who has boon connosted With the Sanitary Commission sinca its organiza tion, is now at Gettysburg, and in a private letter, dated the 27c nit, gives some definite information in regard to the louse at the great bottle. He Says that in the hospitals exclusively devoted to the rebels he found some seven thousand, and in other portions of the field, mingled. with Union men, about the same number. In all, the wound ed on our aide amounts to fourteen thousand two huntired, and on the rebel side about sixteen to eighteen thousand. The doctor says the killed Were nearly equally divided, amon:.ting to about ten thousand, making the aggregate of kilted and wounded forty thousand two hundred. This num ber of itself constitutes a large army. Pons Arratas.—Before Aidermon Stine The following drunks and disorderlies were dis charged from the lock-up yesterday morning: William Window, arrested by officer Campbell; James Boundrich, arrested by officer Lloyd; James Oats, arrested by tdheer Pat. Campbell t And JagriO 4 It'Vey and . C. B Bilis, arrested by officer . Callen der. The last two paid a fine of one dollar each. Catharine Saline wan arrested by officer Pat. Campbell yesterday, charged with assault and bat tery en Mrs.-filargaese Bryant" Both part - los live , in Yerbehesown, and are sisters, the latter boarding trith her mother _and sister during her husband's absence in the army. Defendant entered bail. Henry Snyder was irrosted by officer Twig, f or committing assault !sad-battery Upon John Min 'deb. After (doring _hell to hest the peace to. Ward Minnieb, Snyder immediately returned -to the teens of disturbance:llnd' again assaulttltd. and ennek hint Whereupon Henry was rearrested by officer Pat* Campbell, and was committed for trial. THISRIKOMETRICAL.-.-Thgi memo? -yesterday at 2 o'clock p. w. stood at 899 in the shade, and main tained the same figure at 4 o'clock p. m. On Tees-, day' the highest temperature was 90°, on Monday 93°, and on Sunday 91°. These observations were taken by Dr. lieisely, corner of Second. and Chestnut streets, who has for years kept an accu rate record of attnospherio phenomena. Some thermometers in town have marked as high as 95 degrees in the shade, but were doubtless more or less affected by the warmth reflected from heated pavements and streets. The figures we present are perhaps the most correct of any. Observations taken at 2 and 4 o'clock each afternoon show an average temperature of 90.63 degrees during the first four days of the week. The total depth of rain which fell during the month of July was 13 7 inches. Twat:AGM= Snavicae.—Bishop Potter has ar ranged the following order of services to be ob served to-day in the Episcopal churches of the Diocese of Pennsylvania : Introductory Sentences.—"To the Lori our God belong mercies and fcrgiveness, though we have rebelled against him." Dan. ix 9. "It is because of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his companions fail not." Lam. iii. 22. "My song shall be always of the loving kindness of the Lent : with my mouth will I ever be show ing forth his truth from one generation to ano ther." Psalm immix 1. Proper Psalms.—The Psalter for the day; et Morning, Psalms 85, 90, 103. Evening, Ps;lms 111, 11; 110. Lessons.—Morning, Isaiah xii.; St. Mark iv., from 30th verse; or, Ants v. from 12th verse.— Evening, Isaiah ii. to 17th verse ; Acts xvii. from 10th verse ; or Romans xii_ Prayers.—After the prayer for all conditions of men, a special prayer, acknowledging our trans gressions, and invoking wisdom for our anthori. lies, and succor for the viouoded of our Army and Navy. PAID OFF AND STARTED i10M11.... , The Thirty. ninth regiment Pennsylvania militia, emergency, Col. Abel, received their pay on Monday, and left on Tuesday for their homes in &Whin county. The Forty-first, Col. Meyer, was also paid on Tuesday evening, and left for home yesterday— This was a militia regiment, enlisted and sworn in for the emergency. The claims of these regiments were all laid by Major David M'Cormick, State Paymaster. It is proper to state, in justice to a patriotic and whole- Routed man, that the Major not only receives nothing for his services, but that he raises money on his own responsibility whenever there happens to be an insufficiency of funds to meet the reqire manta of the "emergency." He was thus obliged to borrow $l7O O yesterday in order to tiaisb pay ing a regiment. Such a patriotic and generous spirit is commendable, and is just what we would expect from 21(0 , 1P M'Cormick, whose many kind and manly qualities have endeared him alike to soldier and citizen. IMMIGRATION FROM EITROPM —Neither the war nor the conscription can check the ride of immigra tion from Europe to this country. On the contrary it is steadily increasing. Daring one week of July the arrivals at New York amounted to 4,163 enough to make a population for a respectable town. Since the let of January there have arrived at the port of New York 86,509 emigrants, which is about double the number that arrived during the same period during last year. There is no precedent in 'Watery for the fact that we have here stated.— That a country distracted by a gigantic rebellion, with a great national debt ticcumulating, and with an apparent necessity for putting every able-bodied man into the military service, should still be the chosen refute for the people of the prosperous and peaceful countries of Europe, is something wholly anomalous. The westward trains which daily pass through here are often crowded with the emigrants, who are on their way to the great West, there to begin the world anew. The majority of them seem to be Germans. These torn their at tention principally to agriculture, and furnish more thrifty and substantial farmers to the country than the emigrants of all other nations. BRILLIANT ANOLITION FRAT.—We understand that Dr. Thomas Bethnk, of Bellefonte, one of the emergency men, was arrested by military an. thority at Huntingdon on the morning of the 24th of July, and was incarcerated in the Court House, and subsequently in the county jail. His offence is supposed to have been "disloyi.lty" to the doe trines of the negrophiliste and hatred of Abolition btiMbliggery- )lo tkrr&sgetaieettl were Made for his rations or subsistence, and he would have suf fered for the-common necessaries of life, had it not been for the kindness of Mrs. Col. Laurence, who supplied him with food until even this was for bidden by a Captain William &brook, of Somer set county, *tie was in command. This cruelty of the officer is probably more attributable to igno rance •of his duty than to a desire to oppress.— While in jail, these political Union prisoners were locked up and unlocked by a rebel prisoner; *Quelled and captaredi in Fayette county. He appears to have perfect liberty to go when and where he pleases. It looks as if things were coming to a pretty pass when Union Democrats who, like Dr. Roth rock, bare served faithfully in the armies of the republic, are guilt- oted to indignity, oblcquy and cruel abuse by Abolition stay-at-homes and cow ards, for no other reason under the wide heavens than that they are Democrats and will not swear by Abraham Lincoln or any of the Wendell Phil lips tribe_ Fealty to the Constitution and the Union is no longer the test of loyalty, neither will a long and faithful service in the army for their defence avail anything; a man must become a mut som courtier to Abolition charlatans and jackasses, or elee be is in hourly danger of being thrust into prison for disloyalty and trodden beneath their assinine hoofs. W/iNTED —Four Lieutenants, to join cavalry for three years. For particulars, inquire of G. F. Weens, Retell Hotel. Wz have taken over on the Ist of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to sell the balance loft at very low prim, until the who's, are sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaine and calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 °ants. 200 yards of bangs and lustre. 20 and 25 coots 1,000 yards of linen crash. 113, 18 and 20 cents 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for summer coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants stuff, cheep. goo demen ef the very beat spool estton, white and corded. LOOO papers of the very best of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerokiera, hoop skirts, of combs, patent Unload, tapes, aoska,s , ci.'r by the dozen or pine. We bey° also on band yet about 10 pieces of CARPET. CAA we will set at 75 casts per yard. 20 pilules of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured witidowoottains. S LSWir. Minn and Recruiting :Chime, ThA te d- st e t" tieneiont bounty, sward •pf 414 subsistence elidnub 41416, de., de., mad e at en ded. mooted by . . EUGENE, BNYDEI4I. Anwar/ at Lim Ow, Third street, Hariiebneir, Pa. oot2B-17 DAIICCRATIC CLUB MSETINCEL—The Democratic Clubs of the respccdoe wards in this city will meet weep iy es folloult . • First Ward—On Saturday evcnins of each week. Second Ward—On Monday evening of each week. Third Ward—Oa Malay evening of each week. Filurth Ward—On Wedneilly evening of each week. Fifth Ward—Oa Thursday evening of eaoh week. Sixth Ward—On Friday evening of each week. The hoar sod place is left discretionary ;with the Clubs or their officers. By order of the City Ex ecutive Committee. Geo. P. Waavan, Seel, SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Brillion's Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the eril effects of /SELF-ABUSE, as Loss of Memory, Rbortasse of Breath d +inane, 3' &pilot' on of the Heart, Dimness of . Vision, or any constitutional de, angentenis of the sys . em, brought on by the unrestrained indul gence o. the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price une Dollar. N 0.2 TUB BALM will cum In from two to eight days, any case of GONNORRHCIiA, is without taste or Pintail, and requires no rstrietion of action or diet. For either cox Yrfre One Dollar. No 8. The PERE° w:11 cure in the shortest poielble time anv case of GL HET, even after all other remedies have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell. trice One Dobar. No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really care Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. P; ice one Dollar No. 6 TIIESOLUTOR will cure any case of GRATED, partnanantly and apnea 7 remove 41 tastier/a of the Bladder and IKinneys. Price One Dollar. . . . . No. 6 FOR PARtICUL %AR SEE CIRCULAR Nir 7. THE AMARII7 will cure the Whi,tes radically and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any oilier treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tate. Price One Thaler No 8 TIM ORIENTLL PARTTLst are-certain, safe aM speeds in producing AlNNoTattAlioN. or correct ing any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either remedy sent tree by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage etamp and get a circu lar General Depot Nortb-Bast corner of York avenue and Callawhill fltreet. Private office, 491 Yora avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sole in Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNV4RT and Lours WY/ITH. w..cre circulars containing valuable informa tion, pith full descriptions of each case, will be deliv ered gratis on application. Address FigblX BRIJNON, July 28, 1863 ly P. 0 Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. A CARD TO THE- LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS I FOR FEMALES! Infallible is Correcting, .Begukoing and Removing all Obstructions, front whatever cause, and always successful as a Preseortve. Theca PILLS haus bes 4 Weed by the Doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public fcr the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health Will UOt pe rmit it. Females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are Witt/Avid against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility • - ..fter this admonition, &neon& their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany each box: Price £l.OO per box. Sold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN -PART, Druggist, Na. 2 Tom Row, and C. K. SELLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies, by sending them $l.OO to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of postage' , by mail. Sold also by .1. L. LZMOSBGEO, Lebanon; J. A. WOLF, Wrightsville; E. T. MILLZ.X. York; S. BLDIOTT, Car lisle; I. O. A LTlOff p ishippensburg; J. SPeNGLXR, MAIO- Utabittl) NClindik A. J. IikUML&N. Mee chaniesburg; BRowit & BROTHER, No. 4, South Liber ty street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist' , in very town and city throughout the United States. HALL & BrOKEL, 218 Greenwich Street. New York, General Wholesale Agents • N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind ttniem every boa is signed B. D. Howe All others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of B. D. Howe on every box. which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the ILINYM MS all Made known to every Agent. Theywill teal youths Pills are perfectly barmlem, yet will do all claimed for them. S. D. HOW% jyl7-dly Sole Proprietor, New York. IMPORTANT TO. FEMALES DR. C DRESEMA NIS PILES. The 66tribihatiom of 'parodic - sato in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice They are mild is their operation, and certain in correcting all linen- Le Mee, painful menstruation, removingall obstructions whether from cold or otherwsse, headache, pai in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all zervonsattec times, hysterics, fatigue, pain in th 'back as Qualm, &sly disturbed sleep, which win Dom Ininapli of nature. DR. CHRESEMAN 8 P.MLE We the COMMenOOIOIIII 0 MOT • shit& tiftstisas of then irregularities sad nbstraftli Cu. /Om son; signed so many to a ymismeli lip enjoy good health mama she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health bestha t 9 de an", DR. CHERSAMANIS PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all asses they are invaluable, inducing, wish cartainty,pariedical regniar ity. They are known to thotunuide,who have usedtkem at different periodo,throughout the country, haviugthe assetien of semb of the most eminent Physicians in Arnerrea. Expiicit directions, stating when they should not Lc used, with each Box—the Prim One Boiler per Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Sold by Druggists generally.. B. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, Few York. Sold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Bannvart. " Mechanicsburg, by J. 8. Denett. " Carlisle. by EL Elliott libippensbutg, by D. W. Rankin. " Cbamberaburg, by hillier lc Hershey. • George , Wolf. " Lebanon, by George Rom decd-d&wl) MOTHERS ! MOTHERS! Don't fail to procure Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This sal ble preparation is the preeeriPtlOD of one of the beet tamale physi elan§ and nurses in the United States. and has been used for thirty years with never failing ssfety and sus tees by millions of mothers and children, from the fee hle infant of ene week old to the adu t. It not only relieves the child from rain, tut icvigo rates the stomach and bowels, eorrecte avidity, an &I TO t , ne sad energy to the whole system. It will al• most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND WIND COLIC We believe it the beet and unrest remedy in the world in all wee of DYSENTERY AND DIARRIDEA IN Otitimm, whether it arises from teething or' from any other maw. • ; Frelairections for neing will accompany. each bottle None ge mine unless the fac simile of CURTIS & PER HIES, New York. le on the outside wrapper. Bold by all Medicine Deslong. Priself.nl 063. e, AI Vvy ntrent, Now York. Price only 26 vitae per bottle. my23-ddr,w6m CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE - There fa no Hair Dye in uee so pure, so free from alt objectionable properties, that produces such s lendid and permanent Date, or that operates so quickly, uni- t fornny, and certainly, as CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE. This matchless article is proncine.d, by all whohave ever applied it, or seen it applied, the west wonderful invention of the rge Tea minutes suffices ler any shade of brown or the deepest black. It ldoves the akin unstained. diannfactured by J. CRISTADORO, 8 Astor House, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Price 11, $1 60 and $ per box, according to size. Cristadorove Hair Preserystive Is Invaluable with hie Dye, ae it leilArte the ablest softness, the most beautiful gloms and great vitality to the flair. - Pries 69 seats, $1 and $2 per bottle, sew:ding to size THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OP THE AGE.. _Farmer', families and others eau purehme no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias ) Venetian Liniment, for dreptelly, vine, d onp chtonlo Shemin:6;m, sore throats, toothache, tea Melina* eisti,lkillni; aorolliege nims. old Pores, headacke, , murquito bite& pains in the limbs, cheat, back, &e. If it does not give relief the money will 13e refunded. All that is asked is a trial, and rise it according to the directions. Da. TOBIAS— Darr Fir: I have used your Venetian Liniment in n y family for a nunabPr of years, and be. neve it to the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever used. Forstiddenattack of Group it le invaluable. I have no hesitation in recommending it for all the uses it professes to cure. I have sold it for many years, anc it gives entire satisfretion. MIAS. H. TRIMNER QUAKERTOWN, N. 8., May 8, 1868. sold by all Druggists. Office, 66 Cortlandt street. jy3l ditwlm . New York To Horse Owners. Mr. Sweet's Infallible Linitnent for Horses unrivalediaicaland certain h any, art sing from Spr ains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is mm es. Mange, &c ,it will also cure speedily. Spavin and and in all cases or Lameness . Harness or flutole Nails, Scratch Biughone may be easily orevented and cured in their incipient stages, b.t confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical sure. No case of the kind, how ever, is so desperate or hopeless het it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful arplication wilt al ways remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to travel with comparative ease, Every h rse ownsr should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness wilt effectually prevert those formidable diseases men tioned, to which all horses are liable, and which reaper so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless _Bee advertisement ap2o evw-dlbvf EDITOR Or PATRIOT LCD UNION: Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will Bend by return mail to all who wish it, (free,) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that wilt effectually remove, in 10 days , Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the P t kin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also n ail free to those having Bald Heads or Bars Faces, simple directions and info•mation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a MouPtache, in less than 30 days. All appliCationa nnewered by return mail without charge, IteopPetfully yours, THOS. F. OR APMAN, Chemist, je2B 3md No 831 Broadway, New York. BRANT'S HALL! BRILLIANT SUCCESS O F S. 356 ME X 7 SS COMBINATION Monday Evdning, August 3d, AND EVERY EVENING DURING- THE WEEK THE ST AR ARTISTS Will appear in Ethiopian Minatrelay, New Ballets. Bongs, MUMPS. Extravaganzas, Pantomimes, Gems of the Opera, Burlesques, &c. AirOn Friday evenhor a grand complimentary Bero-fi will he Riven by,tbe citizens of Harrisburg o HARRY LESLIE, on which occasion he will epeat his perilous Rope Ascension across Market tree. pir Change of Programme each night! JAMES PILGRIM Business Manager. ug - Evening performance, doors open at 7,36' o'clock; to comm•mca at 8 o'clock , ADMISSION T HE PIC—NIC Ole THE SEASON. T H FRIENDSHIP FIRE COMPANY Will give their ANNUAL PIC—NIC Al' HOFFMAN'S, WOODS, - ON TUESDAY; AUGUST U, 1863 • TICKETS 25 CENTS. It is hoped that the citizens of Harrisburg will turn out en masse for a day's recrea•ion in the woods. The olect of the Pic-bic is to procure es ()ugh money to make a payment on their STEAM EA GINS. No improper characters will be admitted en the grounds. COMEITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: WILLIAM A. PARKHILL, ANDREW SGHLAYER,' SULLIVAN S. CHILD, GEORGIC EARNEST. J. W. Lasousa. .1930 W y ANTED.-4160 A MONTH ! We want Agents at $66 a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and thirteen other new, useful and curious articles. Fifteen circulars sent free. Adarvea, • .rus-d3m • SHAW & OLABK. Biddeford, Maine. IATANTED.—S7S A MONTH! I want to hire Agent!! in every County at In a month expensed paid, nu Sou in." now creme ramify SA w in g Machines. Address, . S. MADISON, m5-dBm Alfred, Maine WAN J D--Several Machinists, at the jy 31- Ca RAMS WORKS LEAF 7108 ACCO. One nundred. ontee Penn Seed Tobacco for pole by jy3l.-Jw* EBY & MINKEL. DLO.OD! BLOOD! SORES : THEIR CAUSE A DEPRAVED CON DITION OF THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET TERS, SCALES, BOILS. SYPHILIS OR ;rm. REAL DISEASES, ETC. SAMARITAN'S it 090 T AND HERB JUICES Is offered to the public ae a positive care. Banishes all Impurities of the bleed and brings the system to a healthy action, cure these eta, Totten, Beale. and Copper Colored 'b Patches. 'SYPHILIS OR rrivEitsaL DISEASES. The liantaritanla Rest and Herb Inkti m h i the Bl ood certain remedy.ever.preacribed. It removes emery par. tide of the poison. ' FICHALBS! PINALES! In many affections with which numbers of remales suffer, the SWOT AND 8188 JUICES is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Whites, in bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and fer aU com plain d iiniffeNt 10 the sex. DO NO DESPAIR. Seep oat of hospitals. Here is a sure in'any ease for $6. Prise $i per bottle, or ids for $6, with lull dim , tions. Sold by H. W. GROSS & 00. Sent by Express carefully paolreii by DSEMOND & 00„ jane.ly live lbl rbik. P. 0. SECRET DISEASES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! Tan MOST CIMAIN REMADY BYER USED. Yes, a Poettive Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA MERCURY DISCA4RED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a enre_ They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taata, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cuss O twenty-four hours. No elposure, no trouble, no change ?pant seer. Price male pookagos. $2; Female, $3 Sold by D. w. GRUBB & DO, bent by wall by DatYMOND & UO . Boa 161 Phila. P 0. INDEPEINDENVE ISLAND. Meilen.. BECKER & F SLR, Proprietors, announce to the citizens of Harrisburg that this cool and delightful Summsr retreat is now mom for visitors AeCommas tione will be farniahrd too parties and picnics at reason ante terms, a dancing pla.form having been erected r their special use, deaeon tickets for families, good for one year, Sim No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated person will ne permitted to visit the ielea4. - A Ferry Boat plies conet mtiy between the . lelend end the foot of Bread Street. West Harrisburg.., jel3-Am EXCELSIOR ! I !--tiUGAR -CURED HAMS t—A Delicious Ham, cured expressly for famiip use. They are superior to any now in .the mu tat. [my24l . WM. DOCK; Ja.,* - 90 DYOTTVILL.E GLASS WORKS, wAsurAorus• CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES OP 1111111 r DESORIPTION. • H. R. it EL W. EILNNERE, oME-4117 ET &lath Pura% stmet.. TlffilmielPhts. THE BEST F ILY SEWING . MACHINE 18 WHEELER & WILSON'S. KEW OFFICE, Markel Square, next to Cold'er'e Office. Csil and aee them in operation A general assortment of machinery and roadies CCM eteatly on heal „_ImmMAREARET nista . Will eilmoit a em, sold also do all MA AS t machine 1/"FingOP sheee ln4olvioes Lathe host meaner. The patronage of the pabliais respectfully solicited. • aolB-6to SMOKED SALMON.--A choice aupply , for sole by W. BOOS, jr i & Co. TROUPE! 25 and 35 Cents. 5525.-7 w N OT.A RUM DRINK! highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract 4 PURE TONIC THAT. WILL DELI V.ll CHB AF FLICTED AND NOT MAKE DKUNKARDS. DR. 1100PLAND,S GERMAN BITTERS, RERILRBD BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WILL IFFECIIIALLY .nd MO? , T ERTAINLY CURE AkIL DI-EASES ARIUNG FROM A Disordered Liver, Stomach or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizen , are stdreriur from DYSPEP SIA and LIVER DISEASES, and to 'whom tae fullowing questions apply—we gua , anteo HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURL TUENI Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coated tongue m ornings, with bad taste in the mou'h an I t oar apvetite for breakfus,9 Do you f-el when you firer get up so weak and languid iou can searcely get about? Po y u have a dizzine&sin the hewd at times, and often a dullness, .ith heads' he occasioned) , ? Are y nrbowelscoativean-ierreenlar,andaspetitechange abl ? Do you throw up wind from the stoimeb; and do you swell up Olte , ? DO you f , el a fulness after eating, and a sinking when the st m ch is empty ? Do vi u have heartburn occaEronalli D you fr•el low spirited, and look on the dark side of th Des? Are Sou not unusually nervous at Vines ? Do you not , •ecome restless. and often lay notil midnight before yin can go to ep ? and then at times, don' , you feel dull aid Weepy most of the time? Is your skin dry an rca y? also sat ow? Li short, isnot jour life a burtore, full of forth; dilly • Iloolland 7 s German Nutters Will cure ever, ease of • CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DES SASE OF THE KIDNEY+. NO DISEASE i ABISIEH FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation. Inward Piles. Fulnearr Blood to the He.d, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea. Hea•tburn, Diagust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. tour Erne'ations, Si oki ng or Pint 'erinz at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming 01 t e Head, Hurries and Difficult Breathing, Shattering at tjhe Heart y Choking or Suffocating Sensations . ; when in a lying posture, Dimness of Yawn, Dots or Webs before the bight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Persyerattsn, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyee, Pain in toe Side, Back, Chen, Limb', &o , &c. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con-taut Imaginisgs or Evil, and great pression of Spirits. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many prefer .tious sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheap est e Malty or common rum. coating from 20 to 40 cents ner gallon, the teete disguised by Anise or Ooriandar Seed. This shwa 4 , f Bitters bail ceased, and glifatioue to cause, as long as they cal be seed, hundreds to die the death m the drunkard. By th,ir u•e the system is kept sestuanally under the influence of &who stimulants of the worst kind, he desire for Liquor id created and kept up. and the 'MULL is all the horrors attendant upon a drtmßard'e /ifr and death. For those who desire and will hate a L'e4nor• Bltterd, We %publish the following re .eipt ett One Bottle Hoofland's Ge,man Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of good Branly or W.i-ky, and the remit wit , he a prepAreron that will far excel rti medicinal virtues and true este lance any of the numerous L quer Bitters in the marlo-t, and wid cost "meek less. Von will have all the virtues of ' Hoofiand's Batas in conn , ction pith a geed article or Liquor. at a mush idle price t h an these inferior prepare lions will cost you. Hooftand's - German Bitters WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, 'ILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU Brisk and Energetic Peelings, WILL FNA.BLE YOU TO Sil.OE-E2 AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, Tho• a eaffdring From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, Prom whatever cause, either in MALE OR, FEMALE, - • • WLLL MIND IN ROOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS A. xf-vnamacirlir That will restore ihem to their renal boom. Snob has been the eras in thousands of inatarcee, and a fair trial is but required to prove the assertion REMEMBER THAT THESE BITTERS ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTNNDED A 8 A M M Cfr M . The Proprietors have thoonande of letters from the most mamma OLEBOYM V N, LAWYERS, PAYSIOIANS. and OITI2 RNR, Testifying of their Own,personal knowledge, to the bene ficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. From Rev. J Newton Brown, D. D., Dditor of Basra°. • pedia of;ReliglobaKnowledge. • Although not Mapes , o sc favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, througkdistrust of their ingre dients and effecte, 1 yet know of no ennicient reasons why a man may net twit fy to the baseate he bellevse himself to have received Von any simple preparation, in the hops that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this more readily in regard tol4fooliandie Germs Bitters," prepared by Dr. O. IL Jackson, of this city because I was prejudioed against them for years; undo. the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mi.:- tun. /am indebted to say friend, Robert Shoemaker, Rag., for the removalof this prejudiee by proper teat, and for encouragement-to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning.of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restorsffOn to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I bad net fe't Tor six months before, and had almost despaired of re gaining_ I therefore thank GM and my Mend for t reating me to the nee of them. . J. NRWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1141. DISMASES 07 KIDNEYS and BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speediiy removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, Them suffering from dIABASAI7B, wasting away, with scarcely any 11 ah en their bones, are cared in a very short tim- i one bott.e in each omen wJi have a most surprising effect. Having satferiec children as above, and wish , ng to raise them, will never regret the day they commoner with these Bitters: VITEIiAR.I 7 MEN, -,STUDENT6Y And those working hard with their brain%a, should i sms keep A bottle of HOOBLANDti ITT dltB neap , them. Po they wilt find much b-nefit from itt ate, to both i'mind and bbdy, fueigoriting and not depr wing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, "suitleaves no prostration. Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS We call the atter.tion of an baying relations or friend' in the army to the fact that "HOOPL 4TTIVB German Bit-. to r e , 7 will care nine-tenths ,f the diseases induced by ex posur4s and prmationd incident In camp life. In this ib•ta, Published almost da , y in the newsnoirorsr on Ike arrival of the -kb, it tri I he votiord ritit 4 - very large proportion are suffer.ng from debt icy. Every masa of that kind can be read'i cared by noofland.re German Bitter B. We have nc heirtat on in atating that if toper, Bittetu we. e freaky used among our sot tiara. hundreds of liv a might be saved that other wise would be lost. The proprietors Are 141 roselvirs; thankful letters from auff pus in the army and hospitals, who hay !Pen restored to health by the nee of thew Dittkra, seat to - them by their fri4nda. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the Signature of C. M. Jackson is on the WRAPPICRof eaoh Bottle PUCE PER BOTTLE 7s 0E1414, OR HALF DOZEN for 84.00 Should your nearest drew.* not b eyeless article, do not be ,out off by any a the • Intoxicating preparations AMA may be offered ms its place, tot send to us, and we Will forward, securely metked,by forme • • ' Principal' Odic. and 'llannfactary 10. 631 ARCH ST. .TON 337 fig. eel -Zi ."„ OftwoesoOrs to 0. 140JACHIrN . & j , . -PRO PRI F. MRS. 117' /or sale by Druggists and Deaiere its every town in the United States nsay2ls4y tselmbolb'o tlemcbles. THE GREAT ii AMERICAS REMEDIES," KNOWN AS "HELMBOLD P S GENUINE' EII&FAHATIONS. v 2! HELMBOLD'S EXTRACr "BUCHU." HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH. ILEIMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED , 1 COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIT, A positive acd speo'fic Remedy for Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDE(EVS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL BWRI.LINGS This medicine increases the power of digesth n and ex cit• s the absorbents into healthy nc:nn, iry which the wore or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en. /arguments are recluad_ as well as pain std inflinitta tion, and is good for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN., RELMBOLD'S EXERACT EUCLID, For Weak eriamg from Face:. aao, "11Abito of DIES tation 7 14r-7 Aboto i salr - Lltra With FOLLOWING} SYMPTOMS Indisposition to Exertion, Dryners of the Skid-, Loss of Memory, loss of Poser, Weidt Nem e, DIM miry in Breathing Horror of Disease, Prerabl.rg. Dimetss of Vifion, IVak fnlp, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in 'Cho B. ez, Muscular By stem, Pin hii.g of the Body, Hot Hands, Einptions on the Face 1 P.illid Countenance. These symptoms, if al:owed to go on, which this medi cine invarial9 , removes, bUULI fol.ow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC 111/3, In one of which the patient may mire. Who can Pay they are not frequently fo.lowed by those t• direful dia. ea.t.11," INtiANITY AND CONSUMPTIOIi many are swore of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess The rrcores (4 the Deane Asylums, aed the melancholy cleatha by Consumption ) bear smile witness to the truth of the asserti..o, THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AMOTICD BY OR- G4NIC WEAKNESS, Regulus the aid of m.dieine to str..ngthen and invigo rate the vystem,which lliEL.llllot. k X ItACT BUOItU invariably does A trial Will eznvince .he moat akepticai FEMALES ! FEMALES !! FEMALES !!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED} OE CONTEM- PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections peculiar to lema . es., the Rani! Dueha is unequalled by any other r mtdy, as in Chloroal or Retention. Irwinla Aka, Psiufuln. RN • r liurpiesek4 of Customary Evacuations, Via. rated or Scirrbous stati the Uterus. Leucorrh. a or Whi is, Sterility. and for a' romplaints incident to the sex. ah.thar prising from o, discretion, habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR ORANGE OF LIFE SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FATLY SHOULD BE WITHOUT 17 TO*o 4v ILlaaaa, Heronry or UVlearnt Medicine, for Unple..sant and Dangerous Di. eases HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURE.I SECRET DISIASE3 In all their stages, at little expense ; little or no cbao in diet 1 no inconvenience, AND No PaPOSUBE. Main It eauxen fr. quentdtedre and gi -es strength to Thirsts, thereby reinov.ng ot - stuctions, preventing end curia strietwea of the urethra, allaying pain and inilaninsation so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORN-011T MATTER. Thousands upon tiao..sands aho libve been the 7/0T /MO OF QUAGM, And who have paid HFAVY BM to b.4cured in a abort time, have found they wrre deceived, and that the " Fai son" has. by the nse of a Powerful Attringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form. and,i PERHAPS 'AFTER MARRIAGE. Us BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIJCHIT: For all Affections' and Dieeseen of the lIRTNARY - ;01t- GANS_ wh. thew eisrting is NAGS Ok PIIIIfALN, from whatever mom at'ng, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of lbone mons require the aid, of a DIMUIT/0. IRELIEBOLDPS EXTRACT BIICRU Is ME GREAT DIIIRETTO, AM it in certain to have the desired effeet.in ellDisseate for whack it is recommended, BLOOD ! BLOOD !! BLOOD !1! HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONOENT II ATED 110011 POUND YLUID RXTRACT SAIWAPAJULLA This is an affection of the Blood, and attackt4the semaa organs, Linings of the Nnae, Bare, Throat, Windinre and other moons ourfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. HELMBirLDrd kxtraet harsaparilia purifies t , e Blood and r moves all Scaly krnetim s of the bk,n, giving to the compttaion a clear and healthy color. It being prepared exoroaly for this clam of complaints, to Blood-periling pr:•piuNcA are great rven to a greater ez tent than any 'Aber preparation of Sadaaparilla. I== HELPABOLD'S ROSE WASH, An eiell4nt letiml fee •diestArett of a Byphiwic nature, and as an injection in diaeaaea 4 the Erinery Omens aria. Mg from habits of dissipation, nsk d in come Minn with the Ea.racts Bocbn andBaceaparilla. in such diseases as recorn7 mended. Evidence of the most reammaiiiit, and Tellable character will accompany the meta dues. ONETI.PIOATES OP CURES, PPM %vv. to Prouty years' staadiwg, with name known TO SCIENCE AND FAME. For medical properties of BUCIII3, seepierneatonto the United St .tee. Bee Professor =WEBB' valuable weal= the Prac tice of Physic. Nee remarks made b, the late ce'ebrated Dr. PETRICK, ii3ro Tomerlke made by Dr. EPHRAIM M 9 DOWELL celebrated Pbysician and Member Gf the Royal College ears one, Ireland, and ontilihhed in the Traneactions the King and Queen's Journal. bee Medico Chireradeal anblialted by lIRNIA MIN TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal Col'ege of tturgeons. Bee moat of the 14 P4,ndaid Worto oo Mrdicam. Extr..dt Barba ---- 81 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00 Extract Earaapa 81 00 per bottle, or sot for 05 00 humor d.lioer Wash.... 6 lc. per WM., or six for $2 60 Iq• half dozen of each for $l2, wh'ch will be suffid nt to cure the moat obstinate 42018. e, ii directions are adhered Vv. Detivered to any address, sectuel) lacked from obser vation. Degeribe arnntamß in all celumunieatiune...,loarc guaranteed; Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, IL T. idelmabo 4, wbo bolus - du'y SW= Cloth say 4 his memmaiione &mein b 6 uorootici au ute6 cc*, or other injurious drugs. but ire pureb v-getable. pLidatiLD. Sworn and subscribed befo•e mom, this 23d dayof Novem ber, 1854. WM. P. HfMEND Aldermen . . Niutti et., above.. a.ace, I hiladelpiia. Address letters for information in confidence to T, LIELIABOLD, Chemiet, Depot, No. 101 South Tenth street ; below Chestnut, Philadelphia. BEWARE O emnornum73 AND 'UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose ,‘ OF THEIR OWN" sod other?!,iirticdee 91k the reputation attained b REII I ,IO3OI.D'S GENUINE'PREPARATIONS, • , lIIILBIROLD , I3 GENUINE EXTRACT BUM GELEIROLD'I3 ONNEiDIE EXTR&OT RANSAPARiLDAI fiELEBOLD , B GENUINE lEPEOINE WASH. Hold by all Drviits erorrrtme. ASK POE HELIEBOLD'S—TARE NO °TEM Out out the advertisement and good for Nam! avoid ilia ' 1" A Arfr:AU 46l3 i. 0%16f 73