LOCAL NE W TDB MOLY PATRIOT 11.39 th l llol l llllly be had et Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market k treats. ti,so. et be News Agency of George L. Walter, n Market street, near Fifth. Too MAlLS.—Under the change of soliedu e on she different railroads, the time of closing the mails st the Harrisburg Poet O ffi ce, April 20,1863 2 is ail follows: 1101111BRIN 081 TIAL XAILWAT. NORTH.—Wav MAlL.—gor all places between, Raz , isburg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.00 m. For Lock Haven, Williamsport and Lewisburg at 9 P• In. BOUTM.—WAY diam.. For all places between Ear moan/ and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 0., at 2.00 in. Baltimore, York, Pa. For Washington, D. C » at 9.90 p. m. LIMNOS YALLST RAILROAD. EAST.—WAY MAIL. --for all places between Harris burg, Pastan and Philadelphia. eta Reading, at 7.00 a. m. for Beading and Pottsville, at 1221 p . m. YONSYYLYABLI. MAILILOA.O. WAY MAI.L.—P O2 all places between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at 8.30 a. in. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 12.00 in. gor New York, Philadelphia,Lancaster, Columbia, Marietta and Bainbridge, at 2.45 p. in. For New Port, Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 9.00 P•m WEST Way Man..—For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, 12.00 in. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie. Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio. at 2_46 p. m. For Pittsburg, Hollidaysburg, Altoona, Phillipsburg Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lewistown, at 9.00 p. ra. OUNBSSLARD ♦ALLST IIAILAOAD Tor MeehanicsburgUarlisle,3bippensbarg and °ham bersburg, Pa., at 1.00 a. m. • WAY MAn..—for all places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 12.30 p. m. SORIFYLKILL AND SIISQIIRRARDIA RAILROAD tor Bilood ale So gee, =wood, rinegroire MCI Summit Station, at 1220 p. In. I For Progress, Lingiestown, Hamada Hill, West Hano ver. Dot Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 700 a. in. For Lisburn and Le wisberry, on Saturday, at 12.33 P m. - o"llffice Hourc—From.s.3o a. in. to 8.00 p. m. Sun day from 7 .30 to 8.30 a_m_ and from 3.00 to 4.00 p. in. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1863 Wasrreu.—Four Lieutenants, to jain cavalry, for three years. For particulars, inquire of al4-31 -14- G. P. !Mass, Berrie tiottl. Tun. Daarr.—" That which was to have arroven have arriven-" Orders have been given by the Provost Marshal of this district to start the wheel as soon- as possible. That is the substance, though not the alma phraseology, of the order. We may look for the ball to open about next week. COMIIITATION.-Up to three o'clock yesterday the total amount of money received by thoslJ, S Collector at Lancaster, as commutations, was seventy-nine thousand fivehundied dollars, there being two hundred and sixty-five conscripts ex empted thereby. CHANGE OF PLACE OF VOTI3IO.—A petition was presented to Court on Monday last to remove the place of holding the several eleotiorie lo Lower Paxton township, front Lingelstown to what is known as ailehrist's tavern. A vote will be taken on the question. Nor Ausrvsn.—Our announcement in yester day's paper that the 171st Pennsylvania regiment, Col. Everard Bierer, had arrived at this place, was premature. The regiment was on the way at the time we wrote, bat for some reason had not reached Camp Curtin up to dark last evening. Lan. FOR Homs.—The 172 d Pennsylvania► regi ment, Col. Cleckner, composed of drafted militia, left for home yesterday afternoon, baying been mustered out of service. This regiment is princi pally from Northumberland and Snyder counties. They have been stationed during a greater pert of their nine months' service at Yorktown and other points in Eastern Virginia, and return home with about seven hundred men. Goon Anvres row $1 —One of the many draft dodges is thus practiced A sharper advertises in the papers, "Don't flee your country! Don't re sist the draft! Learn an honorable and certain way to avoid it! Inclose $1 to the address of —," &c. The dollar is sent, and the answer contains only one word for the advertiser, short and earnest "as if within it his whole soul he did putpwar," and tbot word is—"Ealiet." Penton EVERGRBETIB.-If geranium brancheF, taken from luxuriant and healthy plants, be cat as for slips, and immersed in soap water, they wir, after drooping for a few days, shed their leaves, put forth fresh ones, and continuo in the finest vigor for weeks. By placing a number of bottles thus filled in a flower basket, with moss to conceal the bottles from view, a show of ewergreeris is easily insured for the whole season. They require no freak water- BRADT% Combination troupe continue to draW immense andiences Their very clever performances are full of wit, fun and humor. The comic extravaganza called the kgtatas Loves" is a grand eneetm, in which Parker, Harry Leslie, Pilgrim and Miss Florence are seen to the best advantage, and keep the au dience in &continued roar of laughter. The same piece is performed this evening, with other attrac tive novelties. The lovers of mirth attonld be on nand to-night to see the Hamblin's. Ns CURTIN TROOP.—This company of indepen dent cavalry, under command of Captain Murray, left Chambersburg on Monday, and Was expected to reach this city last slight or to-day. This corn ?shy, which was reprolied in this place, was about the first cavalry company to enter the servico du ring the emergency. Their campaign has been short, but very stirring at►d productive of results. They have faittrfally performed the arduous du• :tea assigned them, and deserve a hearty welehme at the hands of their friends. BOUNTY Ditersiost.—Os an appeal of J. C. Wet more, agent of the State of Ohio, Secretary Stan ton has decided that in the calla of Sergeant Quin :on, of the Fifih Ohio, wbo bad served two years a the ranks, and was discharged for promotion, ae was entitled to his bounty of one hundred dol lars, the same as any non-commissioned officer or private who bad served two years and been bon :ire/0y discharged on account of disability. This leeisiow covers all similar eases, whether past or o the future. ilynnovnonza.—We notice that many of our exchanges are warning the public against letting dogs run unmuseed, "now that the fiery dog star ':eigne supreme, for no one ean tell bow soon th. ereti sun may breed hydrophobia" Thi s id ea 'hat the sun "breeds hydrophobia" in animals is a very popular delusion, and may be classed with Ellett other delusions as that the bear lives in win ter by sucking his paws, that the ehameleon lives 5t air, or that a. eat has nine lives. So ticepl3_ 'Jnted has the notion become in the popular mind, :bat the climax or hottest part of the summer eel• is called "dog days," because the wretched tines are supposed to be doubly liable to be aff:eted by "skyey Wl:lances" at that time, Vom :13 e moat careful researches made by scientific sea in this sentry and Europe, and from the ac tual statistics of hydrophobia which have of lett Yeats been compiled throughout France and Prue kias h appears that fewer animals become rabid in item than in cold weather, and that the very leme-t caeca emir during the "dog dem" HP lirephobia prevails to a greaier,extent in February han in all other month. Let our people muzzle and ease the dogs as much as they pleese,,but duet let it be done under the bogimiles that the, are in more than usual danger of,. gaits "9.4 the sempliger AcKNowctoosizsT.--The Ma or Relief Association acknowledge the receipt of, and return thanks for, $lO 70, oolleated from the citi zens of Ranch Gap by Miss Rowo and Miss Cath arine Fry. ELIZA A. Manor, Secy. POLICE AFFAIRS. —Before Alderman Kline The following drunks and disorderlies, who bad passed the previous night in the lock-up, were brought before Alderman Kline yesterday morn ing, paid their fines (with one exception) and were discharged from custody : John Lewellen and Lewis Bright, arrested by officer Pat. Campbell; Alfred Cantner and John Koons, arrested by Chief of Police Campbell. No other cases were before the Magistrate up to eight o'clock last night. The temperature of these days is evidently too high for rascals and rowdies to prosecute their business with much vigor. DEPARTURE OF EMERGENCY Mes.—The With regiment Pennsylvania militia, Colonel Trout, were mustered out yesterday and left for Lycom ing county, where the men chiefly belong, in the afternoon. The regiment numbers eight hundred officers sad privates. They have been on duty near Greeneastls during the last three weeks. . Transportation is furnished to all these return ing regiments in squads and companies. All those belonging to a particular locality are gathered into a squad and receive transportation to the railroad station nearest that locality, according to the requirements of the law. THE DHAFT.—The Pittsburg Chronicle says that it looks as if the drafr, so far as filling up the old regiments with conscripts goes, will turn out a failure. One half of that city has been gone over now, yet, exclusive of substitutes, less than fifty of those drafted have reported for duty. The bal. ance have either procured substitutes, paid $3OO, obtained exemption, or "skedaddled." In the First ward the "skedaddlers" number over fifty, in the Second over thirty, and so on. Of course a large number of these men will yet be Captured, but it will be a tedious job, and men who have to be forced into the ranks at the bayonet's point seldom make good soldiers. A Nent.e. Wontc.—The 11. S. Sanitary Commis mission has sent from Baltimore to Gettysburg over twenty thousand pounds of fresh bread, twenty thousand pounds of fresh mutton and poul try, ten thousand pounds of condensed beef soup, nine thousand pounds of condensed milk, five thou sand pounds of fresh butter, ten thousand dew of fresh eggs,Tive tons of fresh vegetibles, four thou sand pounds of sweet chocolate, four thousand pairs of shoes and slippers, one ton of tamarinds, three hundred boxes of lemons and oranges, and many car loads of jellies, farinaceous food, wines, spirits, cordials,. sponges, towels, lint, bandages, socks and hospital clothing. These articles bare been wholly supplied by voluntary contributions. Tea Kriz MONTHS? VoLUNTSERS.—SitiCO the late order issued by the government, authorizing recruiting tillers to enlist the nine months' men for three years or during the war, and offering them a bounty cf $402 as an inducement forre enlisting, the latter are rapidly attaching them selves to the old three years' regiments_ Accord ing to this order, as we understand it, if the war should end before three years, those entering the service ur.der it will receive the full bounty due them as soon as they are mustered out of service. Should the volunteer be killed in battle, or die in the service, his relatives will receive the full amount due him by the government, including the bounty. This is a rare inducement for nine months' men to re-enter the service, and many of them ere profiting by it. SKIRMISH AT BRANT'S flatn.--About ten o'cioak on Monday night a discharged soldier, named Martin Reilly, got into a dispute in the concert room of Brant'sll, when he proceeded to "dis cuss" the matter with his fists in real Irish style. Several of the audience interfered on both sides, and during the melee a certain lieutenant was re lieved of a pocket book which bad forty dollars inside of it. Officer Fry, in attempting to secure Reilly, was struok by him three or four times, and was compelled to resort to the " billy," which caused the blood to flow from his head quite pro fanely.. Reilly was taken up to Alderwom office, whence he was sent to a hospital in charge of the provost guard. Officer Fry says that when he met the guard at the foot of the stairs leading to the hall, they drove him up them with bayo nets. FRIGHTFUL STATISTICS —For the special infor mation and delectation of misogamists and miso gymists in general, and for the solace of our old, ugly, woman-hating bachelor readers in pardon lar, we publiah the following matrimonial atatia. ties. They throw a baleful light upon the connu bial arrangement. An Boglish paper, descanting relative to the various qualities of connubial bliss, states that in the city of London the official records for the last year stand thus : Runaway wives, 1,132; runaway Husbands, 2,343; married persons legally divorced, 4,175; living in open warfare, 1;.345; living in private misunderstanding, 13,- 340; mutually indifferent, 55,175; regarded as happy, 3.175; ntarly happy, 127; perfectly happy, 13. The wedied state is What poets ironically call en "atrium on earth." How are you "elysi um ?" D*MCCRAT!C CLUB MBETINWL—The Democratic Clubs of the respective wards in this city Will meet weekly as follows, vi 2 First Ward—On Saturday evening of each weak. Second Ward—On Monday evening of each week. Third Ward—Oa Tuesday evening of each week. Fourth Ward—On Wednesday evening of each week. Fifth Ward—Oa Tharsday evening of each week. Sixth P; and—Oa Friday evening of each week The hoer and place is left discretionary with the Clubs or their officers. By order of the City Ex ecutive Committee. Gan. F. WEAvErt, Sery, AVE have taken over on the let of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue ,to sell the balance left at very low prices, until the whole are sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yards remnants delaina ctad 9011,Q, 1$ ..nd 20 cents. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, IS and 20 cents. 200 yards of birege and lustre, 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 yards of linen crash, 16, 18 and 20 COWS. 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for lumtner coats. Lon yards of ilnon, cotton and wool pants staff, /beau. 300 =le.-a-a of the very best 'spool eAtori, white d corded. 1.000 papers of the very best of Smith's ueedlee, 5 cents a paper i - also stockings, glnvers, pocket handkerchief's, h oop skirts, sit u. 4 of combs, patent thsead, tapes, socks,e.r.l Ir by the dozen or piece. We have also on hand yet about 10 pieces of CARPET, which we will eel at 75 cents per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains. Pennsylvania Militia and Recruiting Claims, United States pension,. bounty, arrears of pay and subautenoectainas o itc., Ate.; &e., made out and col looted by JILTOENE SNYDER, Attorney at. Law, °dim Third Street, Harrisbnw PS. , ' 0ct213:43, ME SPEC TAL ArOrit'ES: Dr. Brunongs Concentrated Remedies. No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the evil effects of BBLF-ABMIL 56 Lass of Memo*, Shortness of Breath.G diineee, t a'pitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional de, angels:Mß of the syirem, brought on by the. unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Frio tine Dollar. . . , N 0.2 THE BALM will cure, in from, two to eiskt days, any case of GONIVORBBiEIk. is without taste Or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. Ffir either sex rrire One Dollar. . .. . I No 8. The TEREB will cure in the shortest possib e time any case of GLUT, even after all other remedi a have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste r smell. Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PIINITER is the only Remedy that will really care Strictures of the U c eihra. No matter of how long standing or negleeted the case may lir Price tine Dollar. No. 6 TRE SOLI/ TOR will cure any ca. eof alliVirs permanently and sneedi y remove all lam...one of lhe Elmider and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6 FOR PARTICUL &WORSE t; IKOULAR , No 7. THE ASIAATN will cure the Whitest radically and in a much shorter tithe than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only rem.* that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tape. Price One Dollar. No 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTTLit are certain, safe and speedy in producing Al ENzT RUATION, or corr.qt. ing any Irregularities of tee monthly periods, Prioe Two Dollars. - No. 9, FOR PART T. )ULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Zither remedy emit :rem by mail ou receipt or tie price annexed. Enclose pottage stamp and get a cirM lar General Depot North-East ecven-r of York avenue aid Callowhill street: Private office, 40L York avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. FOT 8818 in Harrisburg by C. A. B&NNV&RT and Louis WYeTH, wnere circulars conta•ning valuable informal. Um, with full descriptions of each tale, will be &div ert'' gratis on application. Ad iress Dtt. FELIX BRUNON, July 28, 388.3 ly P. 0 Sex 99, Philadelphia, fa. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS! FOR FEMALES! Infallible in Correcting, Regulating and Removing ail Obstructions, from whammy cause, and always viteees.sful as a Preventive. These PILLS have been used by the Doctors fdr many years; both in Prance and America, with unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who need them, to make the Pills public fcr the alleviation of those suffering frem any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are 'cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes 'no responsibility ;:fter this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to bealth—otber. wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany each bet, Price $l.OO per box, Sold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN VAB.T, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, and O.K. KELLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, Pa. Ladies, by sending them SLOO to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "fries of postage by mail. Sold also by "T. I. L ONAGER. Lebanon; J. A. WoLv, Wrightsville; E. T. Muzak, York; S. ELLIOTT, Car lisle; T. O. iarroa, ohippensburg; J. Ersissiman. Chem. berg:im ; S. Cr. WILD, Newville; A. .T. KAUPPIefiN i Me chanicsburg; BROWS & Bitoniza, No. 4, South Liber ty street, Baltimore ; and by "one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. HALL & RPC.S.EL, 218 Greenwich Street. New York, General Wholesale Agents. N.. 8 —Look out for counterfeit*. Buy uo Golden MR of any kind unless every box is signed b, nowo All others are a base imposition and unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing ot being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on every boa, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pala are made knnwn to every agent. They will tell yon-the Pills are polies - ay harmless, Tet will do all claimed for them. S. B. iLOWII, I v 17.41 v Sole Propriolor. Naar Tork SECRET Di EA-ES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAIII /Oil - TAWS GIFT! THE Slow eIiaTAIN REMEDY EVER eSED. - Yes, a Poetises Cure! BALSAM COPAVIA ¢ MERCURY DISCARDED. Only ten Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, basing no smell nor an, unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, Ware tit* stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to foul' days, and rent cases to twenty•four hours. No exposure. no trouble, no change whatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. . GROSS & CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND &CO Box 151 Phila. P 0 lane.dly fiNDEPES DE.N C,E ISLAND. lileesrr, BECKER & F ♦LK, Proprietors, announce to the citizens of Barristurg . that this cool and deigbtful Bummer retreat is now oven for visiiors Accommoda tions will be furbish.. dto parties and pie -n es at reason able terms, &dancing platform bodes beet er. eted f r their special use. season tickets for families, good for one year, $l.OO No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated person will Se pennitteO tv pipit the• Island A Ferry Boat plies coast-atly between the blond end the toot of Broad street, West Harrisbare. jel3-3in EXCELSIOR ! I !-Sr !GAR CURED HAMS !—A Delicious Ham, cured expressly for family use. They are superior to any new in the mar. ket. [mUM] WM. DOOR, Ja., & CO lIIIIIRTLNT TO FEMALES. DR. CUEESEMAIPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice They are mild in *heir operation, and certain in correcting painful monatrnation, roft.c.vipgail vivotractions whether from cold or' otberwsse, headache, psi in the side, palpitation of the.heait, whites, all nsrvensanec Lions, hysterics, fatigue, pain is th thank isclinibs, itc., disturbed sleep, which arise from intistapti of nature. DR. CHEISRMAN B PILL Was the eommenanned I elied. • dilnie Mite* df those irregularities andtibiellien Ladle mug signed so many to_ a premed Ivy fw tebalreas enjoy gad health unless she is rep:pat., and whet:lmmo °bat : traction takes place the general health begins Lode- cline. DR. CHSESEMAIIPS PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all tom plaints peculiar to Females. To all awes they are invaluable, inducing; with tertaintyr,yeriaiiesi regular ity. They are known to thousands, who have ueedthem at different periods, throughout the eountry, havingthe sanction of some of the most eminent .Pleisicions A 40104441. Englicit directions, stating when they should sot bt used, with each Box—the Price One Daus per Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by .mail, promptly, by remitting to the Agents. Bold by Druggists generally. R. B. RIITCHINCia, Proprietor, 20 Cedar street, New York. Bold in Harrisburg, by 0. A. Banuvart. Mesbardosburg, by J. 8. Dellett. " Carlisle. bp S. &Won Ski pOnebnrg, by D. W. Baskin. Chamberebuulr, by Miller le Hershey, nummeatown, by George Wolf. ir Lebanon. by George Rose. des B -ditylv DYOTTVILTA GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, NANOPAOTIIIM CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PIOSLI AND PRESERVE BOTTLES 43.111,1111, tolesairrion. H. B. & S. W. BANNERS oal9 d 27 27 South Front eteret , Philadelphia. AYER'S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSA attta.—No one remedy is more needed in this country than a rel ab'e Alterative, i nt the emit have been sir out rageously cheated by the worthless preparations of Sar saparilla abroad ?bat they are dissuited even with the name. Yet Ins d - rig cannot be blamed for the imposi tions from which they have suffered. Most of the oo called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else They are mere slope—inert and worthless, while a concentrated extract of the active variety of Sarsaparilla compounded with Dock, Stillingia, lodin-, etc.. is as it ever will be, a powerful alterative' and an eff-ctual remedy. SUCh id Ayer'e l'atract of Pampa-111m Ils Its truly wonderful cures of the great variety of complaints which require an alterative medicine have abundantly shown. De not, therefore, discard this invaluable medicine, because %la have been imposed upon by something preteadiug to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When you have used AYER'S—then and not till then, will yO4 know the vir tues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particula-a o' the diseases it cures, we refer you to ayer's American Alma /14C 4 which the agents below named will furnish gratis to all who deli fur it. ATEII'S CASHARTIO Putts—for the cure of rostiveuess, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, ladigestion, Dyeetstery, Foul Stomach, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Heartburn enema from d i •ordered stomach, pais. or Morbid hum :ion of the Bowes, Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, Lever Complaiwt, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuraiguc, audfor a Dinner Pill. Tbey are sugarcoated, no that the moat sensitive can tigta th e m Plehaautbr, and tiny are the best Aperient in the woad for all the purposesnf a family physic. Price 25 cents per box. rive. boxes for 11- DO not be put off by unprincipled &alarm with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand MIR'S. and take ni others. . The lick Want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Pre pared by Da. J. o. amBlf, 4 co-, bowell, Nue Sold Alf .0. A., Benerame, Gamma dr.00.,41. IL_ BoNalluMA, Die. Mita anti.... WYwea, zlsburgSid i dealenreverrighert . • je4-ditala MEIM B ants Notices. MOTICE.--Notice is hereby given that. pi application will be made at the next annual ses sion of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for a renewal of the Charter of the West Branch But t of Williams port! Ps., With its present name and style, location, pr.vileges and Capital of MOAN.. By order of the Board of Directors. Zone B. TONES, Otshier. nth . 1863-jv4-tml L EGISLATIVE BANK NOTICE.— Now* is hereby given that application will be made to the legislative authority of Pennsylvania. at the next session of the General assembly thereor.triffi inencirg the first Tuesday of January, A. D, 18M, for the incorporation of a Bauk having banking and Ms counting privileges, with a capital of tine Million Dole hiri, by trio name and style i f " The Oil City Bank," and to be located at Oil City, Ventogo county, Penn sylvania. C. V. CULVER.. Jane 29th, 1863-6 m VOT IC N.—Notice is hereby given that LI "The Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania," intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their nex session, for a renewal of their charter. Said hank is lo cated in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of one million of dollars, a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges.— By order of the Board. S. 0. PALMER, Cashier. PHILADELPHIA, June 29,1863-6 m MOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of reIIDOY/Mllll% at their next session, for a renewal of the charter of The Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill County, located in Pottsville, in the county zf Schuylkill, with the present capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and with the umial banking privileges. June IS. 18 6 3 .-7 in .1. W. CAKE, Cashier. fIANK NOTI E.—Notioe is hercby JJ given that the undersigned have formed an associa tion and prepared a certificate for the purpose of estab lishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled "A. supplement to an act to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks," approved the first day of May, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be called THE FARMERS , BANK. OF MOUNT JOY, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of a capital stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in creasing the same to any amount not exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dollars in all. J. Hoffman Hershey, John M. Hershey Martin B. Peifer, Jacob M. Btaagor, Reuben Gerber, John M. Bear. isn2B-dBraciaw* NOTIC EL—Notice is hereby given of an II intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circu!ation. under th. provisions of an/Ft, entitled "Az Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn sylvania), &e and the annalerneot thereto i said Dank to be called TIM al ANUFACTURIsIti , BANK," to be located in the borough of Columhia, Lancaster county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollars each dec4.6.nd ALLENTOWN BANK, ALLKNTOWN BANK June 20, 1863. Notice is hereby given, that applica tion will be made to the Legiaiature'of Pennsylvania, at its next session, for an increase or the capital of said Bank to the amount of $200,000 in addition to that authorized by the present Charter; and also for an extension of the Charter of said Bank for twenty years from the expiration of the present Charter. By order of the Board of Pirectors. j ad-titre! MUSLIM W. COOPER, Cashier. BANK NOT ICE !—The Stockholders . f the FARMERS' AND DROVERS' BANE OF WAYNE: 4 =EG, ,n Green county, Pa , will apply to the next Leg-slat= or the idate, for an extension of charter for the term of fifte.•l3 yeam from the ...zpira Lion ite present term The locatin n , corporate name and privileges, and satinet of eapital stuck, to pit: one hundred and fifty thou and dollars, to be tee same as under its pre sent charter. By order of the Board J. LAZEAR, Cashier. Waynesburg, Green co., Pa., June 15, 1553—je10.dtml MOTlCl4l—Notice in hereby given, in .01 eenformity with the act of Assembly, that the stockholders oe the Bank of Montgomery County will make an application to the neat Leg.slature of Penn Sylvania for a renewal of the Charter of said Back, with the same amount of capital (Four, Hundred Thousand Dollars) as under the present Charter, to continue its present name and location. ity order of the Board of Directors. :41.II. , TOLUFF, Cashier, Norristown, Pa.. June 29. 1863.-6 m NOTICE.—The Miners' Bank of Potts ville, in the county of Schuylkill, hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their next session for a renewal of their charter. Said Bank is located in the borough of Potts ville, in the county of Schuylkill, with an authorised eapitat of Five Hundred Thousand Dollarsa renewal of which will be asked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Board. CRA. LOESER, Cashier Pottsville, Juite 20. 18133.-6md MOTICE is hereby given, that applies ', 1r non will be made at the next annual session of the Legielature of Penney van's. for a renewal of the Charter of the naititlsoUt tBAHL with its present MIMS and style, ion Hon, privilegee, and capital of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board of Directors. je3o-dtml. TRADESMEN'S BANK, PHILADIMPHIL, Tuna 24,1563_ Notice is hereby given. ih conformity with the laws of the Oommonweaiih of Pennsylvania., that the Trades men's Bank, of Philadelphia. located in the city of . Philadelphia, created with banking and dilcounting privitsges:with a• capital of One Hundred and ty Th. nand Dollars, that application will-be made by the said fisnli to the next Legislature for authority to In crease the capital One Hundred and Fifty Thousand JDollare. f. By order of the Board of Dtreetora. JOHN cIALIPPIBR, Cashier THE BEST I kt aFi s, SEWING WHEELER, & WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market Spare, next to cokler's Office. fl7' Call and see them in operation A general assortment of =widow, and noodles oos. stonily on Lana. MISS MARGARET El E r Nlri 11 exhilo and sell them, ,and Also do all.caucta machine flawing on these machines in the beet manner. The patronage of the public is reepeotfully sedated. aplEt-Om HA M S!!! Newbold's celebrated, Michener's Excelsior, • Evans & Ewitt's superior, Jersey Plain very Eine. Also, Pried Roof, Tongues and Bologna Sausage. Bor eels bf nplJ WM, DOOM, jr. & Cu, LOOKING. GLASSES Splendid JJ Aaeortment of New Looking alasies, mint received, at W. KNOulill'S Music Store, 93 Market street, where they will be sold cheap. Call and examine. mrl3 BROOMS, BRUSEO4I;=, ÜBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices. for sale by W Daelf • Jit & FIAMS:I! I 20,000,1ba. Composed of the following Brands just received : . NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. BVANS & SWIF PS—Superior. MICHINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not Canvassed. IRON CITY—CooI-mud. lItON CITY—Not canvassed.. Pi.AIN HAMS—Strietliprime. ORDINARY HAMS—Very gond. iv- Every Ham 404 will be guaranteed as represen ted. wm. DOCK Ir & 10. 13 ° 8 ' AMERICAN WAITING FLUID, actual if not superior to Arnold's English Fluid, and only 62 cents per quart bn.tle. at BOREFFEB'S B0:111.8TORB. krUSJ.O STORE! 4 10. 98 MARKET lITREET, EARRIBBUBO, PA. SHEETMUSIC, PIANOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, BANJO STRINGS. • Of every deeeripticqs. MUMS, PLUTBB, ILOOORDrNII, ete., at the lowest CITY plum, at W. ZNOOZUPB MUSIC STORM, No. AS KAMM" 101ADIER'S CAMP OOMPANION.=- A very convenient Writing Desk; alto, Portition 2 Ilersorandwm Books. Portmongsie & at B CH.IIIPPUPPII BbOICB7OIIII k/ARI WAR , —BRADY; No. 62 v- market arse; balew. Tided, has simpleness , or Memos, Sasses in 'Dumas, wkieh will sell Tory low. .autO dtt . . . N OT A RUM DRINK! I highly Concentrated Vegetable. Extract. A PURE TONIC THAT WILL RELI , TB TEN AF FLICTED AND NOT MANN DRUNKARDS. . DR. BOOF.LAND9S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIAy PA., WILL 11FrEC IYALLY ond a10 ,, T CERTAINLY CURE ALL SPE MS AIMING- FROM A. Disordered Liver, Stomach or Kidneys. Thousand° of our cilium , are suffering frrun IMPEr- PIA and LIVER DISEASES. and to shorn tae falowing questions apply—us gua antes HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURB THEM. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coated tongue mornings, with Ind tiste in the mouth an 1.1 oor appetite for breakfato ? Do you f. el when ou first got no so weak awl languid you can scarcely get ahout ? Ito y u have a dizzioeis in the heal at times, and often a dullness, nit!) headache occasionally ? Are your bowels costive en i inegular, and appetite change ably? Do you toiew up wind. from Vie stomich, and do you swell up often ? DO you feel a fulness after eating, And a sinking when the st m.ch is empty? Do u have heartburn occasional: ? D yon feel low epirited, awl look on the dark pile of th‘ngs ? Are you not tinneually nervous at times ? Do you not hecome restless. end often lay mita midnight before you can go to sleep? and then at times, den' , you feel dull aid Weepy most of the time? Is your skin dry an. , seal , ? also sal oW? In short, is not your life a bortten, full of forebodings lloolland's German Bitters Will cure every ease of CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DES FAST. OF THE KIDNEY& NO DISEASEI ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digehtive Organs : Constipation. 'lnward Piles. Plaines or Blood to the He do, Acidity of thi ftomech, Nausea, Hes, tburn, Doguit for Food. ruiners or Weight in the Stomach. tour Brno aborts, Sinking or Flat ering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming oft a Head, Illtrrie i and Ddlicult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or k ntfocating Sensations, when in a lying posture, D'mnees of V , mon, Dots or Webs helm, the Fight, Fever ate! Dell P tin in the Head, Deficiency of Perspraticu, Yellowness of the Skin ant Byes, Pain in the Side. • Back. Oben, Limbs , &c., ate.' Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con-tent Imaginit,gs nr BA', and greet ne• preation of Spirits. There are many prerarations sold under the name of Biters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of the elm!). eat *lrisky or common rum, co:4mi; from :39 to 40 cents per gallon ? the taste diagnisr d by Awes or Coretnier Seed. This class 41 Bitters has caused, and will continue to cause, as long se they cal be sold, hundreds ro die the death or the drunkard. By th-ir u e the system is kept continually under the influenft of AsoLo.io imulaote of the worst It'ud, he de.ire for Liquor is created and kept UP. and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and will hare a L'anor Bitters, we publish the followiug re:eipt : lirt. tine Bottle Hot:An:Ws fieirnan Ettlere Phi adz With Three Quarto of good Branay or W.i.ky, and the rmult will be a reparat•on that will far excel in medicinal virtues aed true rice lence any of the nnmenus L'quor Biters in the mark , -t, ana itidi east much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoofiand's Bitters in coon-ellen .ith a g od article of at a much lektirpr:ce th n these Weller prepara tions will cost yon. Hoofland% German Bitters A GOOD APPETITE, • WILL GIVE- YOU • STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, Brisk and Energetic Feelings, WILL VIIABLV, YOU TQ 13.1G00M3P lATMI-NT-er POFITIYBLY PREVENT YELLOW. o. FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, & ite sr.c. From Broken down and Delicate. Constitutions, From whatever calm, either in MALE. OR FEMALE, WL1,14 FIND IN 11 . 00FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS That wi'l restore them to their venal health. Fitch has been the. raw, in thousands of instances, and a fair trial is Wit required to prove the aseerbon 3. W. WEIR. Cashier NOT ALCOHOLIC AVD NOT INTENDED As A 13 WE 1 0 " 3111 AL IQ. 3111 . The Proprietor. have thommuiv of letters from the =oft eniment CLERGYMEN, L SW YEAS, t EIIYSIOLtNIL and • CITIZIPSI. TWO:ring of +bele own personal knowledge, to the bene ficial effects and medical visual of these Billets. , , Prom Rev. J Newton Brolifn,',,D. D., Rditor otsneydlo. pedia of Religions Knowledge. Although not dispotwa titi favor or reoommend Pat ent Medicines In general,Vitehigh distrust of their. IngW diente and Wheats; i yet know of no atifilaient reasons why a man may not 'testify to the benefits he bellevee himself to have received ?tor any simple preparation, In the bops that be may thus oentritinte to the benefit of others., Tao this more readiiYlif regard to "RoodaniPs annum Bitters," prepared by. pr. p. M. JaCkson, of this city because I was preindicsed against them for years lands, the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mix ture. lam indebted to my friend,, Robert Shoielrer, Neq. for thiremoind.of tide pfidiadlito 'bi propertiste; and for encouragement to trythem when suffering from peat and long continued debility. The use of nu.* bottles of these Bitters, st thekegintling of the present year, was followed hy evident reliel int iustoration to a degree of bedily and mental rigor hick I • hid net 'fele for Km months before, and - had almaet .despoired, of . re' gaining. I therefore thank (hod and my friend for di recting me to the use of them: • J. NRWTON BROWN. Phi!adelphia, June 28, 1881. KiIEITIEYS and BLADDER, Are speedily removal, and the patient regtored to health. none suffering from MARAS %US, wasting away, with scarcely any 11-sh en their bones, are cared in a very short tiM-; one botte in such owe. w,ll have a must surprising effect. Marine saff , ringe children as above, and wishing to raise tbeny, will- never regret the day they communce4 *Rh these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, (STUDENTS, And thois9 working hard with their brains, should 1- ways keep a bottl. of HOOPLAND , 4 I ITT 111118 nese them. se they wili flu 4 tad bnuttit from its use, to both mind and.body, inyigortting and out depr Wag. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, Attention, Soldiers! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the atter-tion of all hay'rur relations or friends in the aimy to the feet that ‘.HOOFI,4ND'S tierman Bit ters 1, wilt care ning.-tantbs f the'ciseems indneed by ex pesnr-li and privations incident to camp life. In the mrs, publ.sheu almost da iy in the newspaper., on the arrival of the Irk, it wi 1 l 4) re6iced -h • t . very ltr.ro proportion are suffer ng from &hi ity. Every CAIN of that kind can be ready cared Dy Cierman hitters. We have no hes tat on in stating that if these Bitters we e freely used among our folairr4..hurulrede of liv. s might be bayed that otberwise.wuult lbo lost. The proprietors ire dal iy reee , siog thsnkful letters from cuff rers in the army *al hospital:, who hay b-en restored to health by the use of these Bitkrs, seta to them by their frisLds. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the Signature of O. M. Jackson is on the WRAPPER of each Bottle PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS• sh o uld" your nearest arnirg44 not bare the article, doinin be out off by any of the intoxicating ppliaratalua that mar be °gored ,u ita pbace. bet send to and 118 Ail{ aaogrelj yaarkail by 'arose - , PrinaipaP Odica and idanufastary, • - Noj 63r AutFvu it a - Ca NIMES . ' M AWN NB ; (snee.ms°=° to P - , M ?. 6 otooti V0M0 10 .44. , 1337 rfaraltaffkiiiiptAmOisalers is every teen in the thlitin States " may2edy P REBA RED BY PARTICULAR NOTICE. WILL GIVE 'YOU WILL GIVE YOU The elfr3t:Dg 3-TI .li.Al REMEMBER . THAT THEM BITTERS ARID DISZABIB 07 In Yak or Aged, Kale or Female, DELICATE CIJILDREN, Ni=l And leaves no prostration OR HALF DOZBN for-84'00 4elmboWs THE GREAT c! AREHI4CAN REMEDIES'', KNOWN AS " HELMBOLD'S" GEIMINE PREPARATIONS, v.z HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUGLED." RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. lIELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASIL =l4=l HELMBOLD I S GENUINE PREPAUTIoN, t 4 many CONCENTRAFF.D • COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCE A. posit:ye and specrfic Remedy for Diseatee of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLING-S. This medicine increases the power if digestion and ez cit the albeorbents into healthy at:uo, by which the water or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements are reduced. as well as pain and inflamma tion, and is good for MEN, WON EN and CHILDREN., 11ELMBOLD'3 EXRILICI - For Weallto-sa stimog from ExreFre , ., 14.,1nts of Dia.9 pation, Ear,y- Indiscretion or Abuse, attend2d ith the POLLOWLIG - SYMPTOMS Inoisposit;on to Ext tfion, Dryness of the Skirt, Loss of Memory, 4,..,..1.{..1 3 / 3 of Power.. Week Nerv. • *„.- Ditliaulty in Bieath:tir l Horror of Disease, „AB. Trembbrg, Dimness of Vision, Alig". Walt fulness, Uniwrzal Lassitude of the Pain in the B frlnseular Bj stem, Flu- hiug of the Body. Hot llanda , E: options on the rap , Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if snowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon fol ow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EFILF,PTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may (=Eire. Who can eat they are AO trelltiontly folowed by those i.direlul dit;- ea•te," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess The re cores of the Insane Aryhtme, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the asserttfm, TAE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFInECTEIT BY OR- GANIO WEAKNESS, Requirrs the aid of medicine to atrpngthen and invigo rate the eystein,which IiELMUOLD'S EX 1 RACT BUCRU invariably does A trial will ezwrinee the moat akeptieai FEMALES ! FEMALES !: FEMALES!!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTXBI PLATING MARRIAGE.. In many affections peculiar to Firca'es, the Extra° Emain ianncqualle4 by any other r Mcdy, as in Chkunst er Ratention, irresulaitiee, Pain:chum, r r ruppteatina of Customary Evacuations, lfflc..rated or Scirrhous state or the Uterus, Leneorrh.a or White, Sterility, and for al complaints incident to the sex, ehether arising from in discretion, Habits of Dhsipation, or in the DECLINE OR MANGE OF LIFE.. NEE SYMPTOMS ADOVB, No PAM LY snorLD BE WITHOUT 1T Take no Balsa - n, Mercury or Unp!awat medigint, rot lin.?le sant aid bang Di.easea. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHIT CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, at little expense ; little or no clan In diet i no inconvenience, AND NO It.XPOSUDR. It causes fr. qmrsit desire and gi es strength to Urinate, thereby removing oustenctioris ; pri-vtivivg and Cntin strietu , es of the urethra, allaying pain end inflammation so fri (pent in this class of diseases, and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASED .AND WORN-OUT Dia‘Tba. Thousands upon thobsands who have been the TICTIDIS OP QUACKS, And who have paid 11FAVY FEES to b..pcnred in ■ abort times have found they Ws re deceived, and that the "• Eon " haa. by the IMO of a Porrpr'ul Attrition - to," been dried up in the system • to break out in an aggravated form, and.., PERHAPS gARTEE MARRIAGE trLIB HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all Affections and Diseases of the URINARY'OR. GANS. whither existing in MAL. id OR FRMALR, from whatever muse origin ating, and no matter it how king standing. Diseases of them orons require the aid of a DiuisATlO. IHELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHTI 19 THE GREAT DIVRIATIO, And it is eertaie to the desired effect in allffileente for which it i• recommended. I==l BLOOD,! BLOOD !! BLOOD !! ! . HELIIIDOLD 9 B HIGHLY CONONNTRATSDNCOM POUND FLUID DITRAOT fIABAAPARILLA. 81rPHILIII. Tile is an affection of the Bleat, and attacks the semi. organs, Linings of the Nore, Windpipe and other Mucus dorfsers, tasking its sppeenaste in the fermi of Ulcers. HELMBoLD'S Extract nersaparille purifies t' , e'lliood and r -moves all Scatty Arnotioos of the Staa, giving to the °Wool-mins a clear and be.itLy color. It being repaired ezprr►My for this clam of complaints, is Bldhd•purifying pr parties are pre", rues toe greater we wat than any Sher preparation of Sarsaparilla. I=l HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent lotion for diamteea of a Syphill•ic nature, and tut an injectirn In lileliflett .Ithr Urinary ()roma aria. lug from babisa Of dissipation, Mira in connection with the Ex. nets Bnchn and Sa rsaparilla. in Filch diseases.as recom mended. Evidence of the most respensitee, and reliiidde character will accompany the flied-class., CERTIFICATES OF CURES, from thus to twenty pans Otabdiag, with names knows TO BOLENCE AND FAME. For medical properties of: Bl.Telltr, seeirisrosstorygo the United qt4tes. Bee Professor PEWEES' valuable worke . on the Prac tice of Pby.ie. • see remarks made by the late ofebrated Dr. PEYEIO.K, naiad-4 his. 8•e remarks made by Dr. EPHEATM M'DOWELL celebrated .Physician sod Member of the Royal College Slug mai, Ireland, and troliatied in the Transactions the King and Queen's Journal tee m e di co uhi ntrg kai - by BENJA MIN Ii'RAVEdS, Fellow - of Royal CoPege of dargeona See most of the late Standa.d Works on Medicine. Extract !Naha 81 00 per bottle, or Biz for 85 00 Extrert Sarsapa 00 per bottle, or six for its.oo IMprOV d Bose Wash.... 51C, per bottle, or six for 82 60 tie , half dozen of each for 812, which will be abilkd-nt to cure the most obstinate casts, it directions nreodhered te, De ivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. K 7 Describe symptoms In i Il common - cations• Ogre gi.aranteed. Advice gratis. =l3=l AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an s •aldermui of the city of Philadelphia, H. I'. Heimbo d, who being duly .sworn aoth say, his preparations ctanain no narcotic, no mer cury, or other injurious drags but Ir.. par, tv v ir tabie. H. 'P. IktkliOLD. Swore and subscribed befo-e this 23ditayot Novem• her, 1854. W3l. P. i 4 A:iittrquh, Ninth at., gtoi( I kuladelphis. Addreea letters for information in nontidrnce to • H T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. Depot, No. 101 Sou% Tenth st:est. be:ow Chestnut, Philadelphia. =MEI !BEWARE OF COUNT.P.RFRIT3 AND UNPRINCIPLED .D.P41,148g, j Who' endeavor to dispose "OF 'PERSIL. (AVEI.2, , asd , 4 other" articles on the reputation attained by lIELMEOLDIS GRNUINN PREPARATIONS, HELBiDOLDfS DENETINE EXTRACT ( Fp" anitzeurs alumna EXT.. *Ot t , 0041*.AELLi,i 4ttisttioifini itgriov o I Sold 10 41 Dr 441;,!., eYetr.dtrre., POE HE RIBO LDT,:fl:4ll.lf . 20 otrin oji . t, ' the ' 'ad eit!sinitil. 'Sena ‘fcr: .01 , 460 C, Lairly.) l li l l4.ll -