LOCAL NELY- Tea DAUM PATRIOT ARB may be had at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market streets. Auto, at be News Agency of George L. Walter, tt llatket meet_ near Fifth. MN MULL—Under no change of oobedlitO on the different railroads, the time of closing the simile st the Harrisburg Post Office, April 20, 1863; is as follows: NORINSZII OZWISAL ILAILWAY. NOBTII.—Wer Man, —Nor all _places between Har- Mar& Lock amen $44 gireir 9 7 at 12,00 in. Nor Lock dorm, Williamsport nod Lewlabarg at 9 p. m. geupg.—War Min.—for all W ashingto n Har rmenrg and Baltimore, Md., and D ap., at 2.00 m. Nor Washington, D. 0., Baltimore, Md., and York, is. at 9.00 p. m. LintlON VALIUM RAILROAD NABT.—Wair kistb....Por all places between Harms. burg, Canton and Phi ladalnina. via Reading, at 7.00 a. in. For Reading and Pottsville, at 123) p. in. earspntivaina SAMILOAL. War 101an..--sol‘ all places between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, at, 6.80 a. m. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at 12.00 In. ror New York, Poondelphis. Lancaster, Columbia, Marietta aid Bainbridge, at 2.45 p. m. Jro Ntir Vora, Ph1U.4.411111 464 1.1115411 tee, at 0.00 m P . WHIST.—Way Ilsit..—Nor all places between Hurls burg and Altoona, 12.00 m. For Johnstown, Pittsburg and Erie Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at 2.45 p. m. ; For eittsburg, tlollidaystoun, Altoona, Phillipsburg, Trani; Huntingdon and Lewistown, at ILOO D. in. OUBINSILLAID rALLisr MlAllmatte.ii, For Mechanicsburg, Uarliale s Bbippenaburg and Oham beraoarg, Pa., at 7.00 a. In. War Mari..—For all places between Harrisburg and Hagerstown, Md., at 12.30 p. in. OCINDYLLTLI. AND SIDDRIBNANNA NAILNDAD. Nor .11110.411111 Arra, Zllwood, PIDOIgIOTO ADO Summit Station. as 13.50 p. m. STAGS ROUTES. Nor Pr^gress, Lingtestown, Monads Hill, West Hano ver. East Hanover, trim aud Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 00 a. m. For Lisburn and Lewiaberry, on Saturday, at 12.30 p. m. 117"Ance Sours --Prom 5.39 m. to 8.00 p_ tn. Sun - afir from 8.98 80 8..80 and from 3.00 to 4.00 rk.m._ A stated meeting of the Paxton fire company will be held at their hall on this (Tuesday) eve ning, August 4th, at S o'clock. Punctual atten dance is requested• EXAGGERATED GREENBACKS —Ten dollar United States Treasury notes, altered from ones, are now In circulation. If examined closely, they betray the daubing of green paint about the flgung work. Watch them closely. DEATH IN THE GUARD HOUSE.—Cbarles Hemp lop, Co. V, MN Y. Y., died in the guard house, under the Exchange building, Walnut street, at ODD o'clock yesterday morning. He had been confined there by the guard for disorderly conduct the evening before, and was apparently intoxi cated at the time of his arrest. His sudden death is supposed to have been caused by a, fit of mania a pole. WROUGHT Isoz4 CANZION.-A firm in Bridgewater, Mass., are making a gun from wrought iron, which will weigh, when completed, about seventeen tons. It is forged solid, in an octagonal form, with the cavity bored out thirteen inches in diameter, and will be hooped with strong bands of iron, put on by hydraulic pressure. The lathe on which the metal is being turned is one of the largest in the world. CASTOR OIL Aratuusvaavron.—The medical men of Paris recommend the following way of admin isteriug castor oil to children. Tho quantity' of oil prescribed is: poured into a small earthen pan, over a moderate fire, an egg broken into It, and stirred up so as to form what cooks call buttered eggs; when it is done, a little salt or sugar, Or a few drops of orange water, or some currant jelly should he added. The sick child will eat it eager ly, and never discover the fraud. A BLIPPZRY Cuarotran.—George W. Thompson, of the United States army, was arrested in• All egheny county, on Saturday, for desertion, and ar rived here that night, handcuffed and in charge of a guard. This makes the sixth time that be has deserted, the last time being from Camp Distribu tion, near Alexandria. He first enlisteci as a pri vate in the Fourth Pennsylvania cavalry. He has tact and enterprise enough to make a very sac. cessful substitute for conscripted men. Substitu tion is evidently his forte. TER New TILLEGRAPII LIRE.—The new telegraph line to Pittsburg, via Hanover Jolotion, °ham hamburg. Bedford and Fayette county, is being puahod forward se rapidly as poosible. When oonipleted from Hanover Junction to Pittsburg, it will be connected with the Independent telegraph line already constructed from Portland, Me., to Washington, D. C., and One, with the new line from Harrisburg to Baltimore, forming the 811a beird and a portion of ! the blood boob of a corn. plate system of wires t h roughout the cuintry. A Elenteer, RWIRVIE Comm.—The Surgeon Gen eral has written a letter to the Governors of the several States, advising the organisation by the Easeative of suet State of a taitdleal reserve corps. This corps is to be composed of thirty sur geon., elected by the Governor, who will hold themselves in readiness when a battle occurs to proceed at once to the held of action. Each Sur geon is , to be sworn in for a period of fifteen Opt and will receive $lOO per mouth and transporta tion. They will furnish their own subsistence. DEFEAT OF A New COMITY PROJECT.—Tbe prop osition to divide Lesotho county has been agitated by the people of that county for some time past, and was before the Legislature last winter, when a bill was passed which provided for the erection of the new county and referred the question to the voters of the districts affected by the division. This bill was defeated on the popular vote of the citi zens in question, at an election held on Tuesday, the 21s. ult., by a majority of 3,733, out of a vote of 10.937_ The tlfort to divide grew ont of the jealousy existing between the people of Scranton and Witkesbarre—the former desiring to constitute what the latter already constitutes, a county seat The new eounty was to have been christened "Lackawanna" It was to celebrite the panes° of the bill erecting it that the Legislature took a grand excursion up into the Lackawanna coal re gion last winter. CcITSCIL MESTISG—LoroRTANT ItEsOLliTiolf —A stated meeting of the City Council was held on Saturday nigbt, at which the following reeolatioa, which was offered by Mr. Shoemaker and seconded by Mr. V.-rbeke, was adopted : Besoked, That the Ordinance Committee are hereby instructed to report an ordlbance directing the issue of twenty-four bonds, of one thousand dollars sulk, and eppropriating the MP of twenty. four thousand dollars; the said bonds, when issued, in no ease to be negotiated for less than per value, and the proceeds thereof to be applied as tollows : In case of the legal enfircement of the Conscrip tion' etr, a committee of three members of the council shall be appointed by the President, who shall ir quire into the circumstances of each person drafted -in the city, and who shall not be ex9npt tinder any:of the provisions If said law, who shall be liable to respond to the draft in one of the three Ways provided by the law. The committee ,sball use of said Meaty the sum of three hundred dol lars for the relief of such person or his family •,in case ranch person shall sleet to enter, and sha ll into the service of the United State-, the sum shall be raid to suck.person or his family for their re lief. In ease the person shall not so elect, then the raid sum shall be need to proeuie a substitute, in all eases where a koluitiiinte can be procured thereby. In all cas e s where such persons do not go into tech service, or 'in whiob no substitute can be preeored, then raid stmr Shall. be paid to the proper ctrieer of the Vaned ,8111 1 04 in.Amou such service; it bring intended that the money shall be used, as far as practicable, to .preere. men for tbe aerates of the United! State; the same time, drafted men and their / families they 14 re: %ye& Tar DEATH Or Hamm Pentn.--:This estimable young man, a private in the Curtin Troop, Capt. Murray, wits killed by the accidedtil discharge of a pistol, last week, while in camp near Chambers burg. Ills body was forwarded to this place yes terday and was buried in the afternoon. The deceased 'was a young. man of good character and promise. The following resolutions, passed at a meeting held by his comrades, show fully how well be was loved and appreciated by them : HairQuAavaltS Crismno TRour, 22 CHANBEMEMEO, Anglia 2,1t1t8 S At a special meeting bald by this company to day, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Wenatess, It has pleased au all-wise Providence to remove from our midst by death, from an &Doi &Gobi discharge of a pistol, our late onmpanion in arms, Henry C. Pelee, who by his devotion and zeal in this company and by his manly and gener ous disposition, won the esteem and affection of all who kneW him, endearing himselt to them in all the relations cf li'e, it therefore beeecnes us, his brother members. to express our regret at his riacenee,as wall as one sympathy with Lin stiffening parents; therefore be it Resolved, That while we bow in humble submis sion to the will of Divine Providence in the remr vat of our late fellow-member, yet we most deeply lament his early demise, and mourn the loss of one of the most devoted members of our company. neselre() ) That we moat sincerely condole with his bereaved parents, and earnestly hope that they may in this hour of trouble find in that God in whom they have trusted that consolation which the world cannot give, and be resigned to this.most severe dispanaation. Rattylced, That a copy of the above preamble and resolutions be transmitted to the parents of the deceased, and a copy be furnished to the Har risburg papers for publication. 'grimmest - B..OHAMBERS. Orderly Sergeant. Conrittittec—J 4E. L. Shearer, Henry C. Thomp son, henry Eepple, Sergt, Thomas Ellison. OPINIONS IN REGARD TO EXEMPTIONS.—The fol lowing opinions in regard to exemptions were pro mulgated by Colonel Joseph Holt, Judge Advo cate.. General of the army, on Saturday, the let inst. : 1. The only son of aged or infirm parent or pa- rents is not exempt unless his parent or parents are dependent on his labor for their support. If he is in a condition to support, and does support them, without his personal labor for that purpose, be is subject to draft, because he is in condition to perform military service without depriving his pa rents of the support the law designs to secure them. The parents need not be wholly dependent on the tabor of their son fur strum. If they are so dependent for the principal Net of their support the right to exemption arises. 2. In the case •of a wido.r having four eons, three of whom are already in the slithery service, the fourth is exempt, provided his mother is de pendent on his labor for support. 3. In the case of a widow having two sons, one of whom is already in the military service, and the other has been drafted, the latter is exempt as the only son liable to military duty in the sense of the act. 4. In the case of aged or infirm parents having two or more sons subj-mt to military duty, election of the son to be exempted must be made before the draft, and his name shoeln not lime appear in the draft-box. If one of only two sons of such pe rmits is already in military service, the other is exempt; provided his parents aria dependent on his labor for their support. 5. P,rsons having conscientious scruples in re gard to bearing arms ate not on that account ex empt. They are not found in the list of exempted classes, and the act expressly declares that no per sons except those enumerated in that list shall be exemp-. The Society of Friends, and others en tertaining similar sentiments, if drafted, may fiod relief from their scruples in the employment of substitutes, or in the payment of the $3OO. ll_ Tee ehildren of an insane mother, who may, at any time, recover her reason, cannot io the sense of the law, or with any propriety of language, be termed motherless children. The father of such, though they lo dependent on hie labor for their support, cannot, therefore, claim exemption from the draft The case is a hard one, and would pro bably have been provided for, had it been !un seen. It is, however, the law as it is, and not as it may be supposed it ought to be, that is to be so enforced. Loaspro St - triton Srarsos.—There is ne more delightful summer resort, either in the seaboard or inland States, than ribbons' Loretto Springs. These springs are situated in the heart of the Al. legheny Mountains, one mile from the village of Loretto, and four miles from Cresson station, on the Pennsylvania railroad. They are nearly three thousand feet above tide water, and consequently the Jib is always bracing and invigorating, the average summer temperature seldom ranging above seventy degrees. The buildings are admirably constructed and ventilated, and the rooms supplied with running spring water and hot and cold baths. The table is always well supplied, and the bar stocked with pure liquors. The best of muaio will be tainished during. the season by Garret's Parisian band. Half price excursion tickets .to Cresson will be furnished to -visitors by- the- Pennsylvania railroad company; Col. George Prince, formerly proprietor of the State Capitol Hotel, and . a.prinoe of landlords, l soling as caterer, and dispenses the hospitalities of the retreat in his own masterly style. SALE OF REAL ESTATE.--Mr. Henry Omit, the well known proprietor of the State Capitol Hotel, corner of Third and Walnut streets, yesterday die posed of that property to Mr. William G. Thomp son for the sum of $4,000. Mr. Omit owned and occupied the hotel slime 1854, at which time he paid $20,000 for it. We understand it is his in tention to retire from that business. The best wishes of his many friends will go with him in his retirement from the old and. popular stand. The' purchaser, Mr. Thompson, is proprietor of the City Rotel, near the depot. maintain •ganows how to keep a hotel," and will fully maintain the excellent reputation of the house. It is his intention to take immediate possession, and to make extensive repairs and additions on' the premises. BRANT'S 11sLx..—Hamblin's combination troupe commences the second week of their highly sue "cessfal performance at this popular establishment this evening, presenting to the public a new and most attractive programme, comprising Ethiopian burlesques, songs, dances, pantomimes, &a. Mr. Hamblin spares neither trouble oraxpense to merit the patronage of cur eitizans, and he has been re warded with crowded houses the past week. We would advise those who wish to pass a pleasant overlies to ohlit Bract's Hall during the itl.urn of this talented troupe. STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION.—The Pennsyl vania State Teachers' Association meets at Read ing, Beets county, to-day. It is hoped that our own county will be well represented on the occa sion, as the meeting is to be the most interesting of any of the kind ever held in the State. The attendance bids fair to be large, and will include Some of the foremost teachers and best minds of the eoettry. Every teacher interested in the success of the educational system should make it his business to be present. A reduction of hotel rates and, we understand, of railooad fare, has been secured for all persona attending the convention. BEGMBVT ARRWED —Ttie 17/st Pennailvania (drafted) regiment, Colonel EverarA B ierer, arrived in this city last night, and is now at Camp Curtin, where they await mustering out. The regiment has been in eerviee in the Aimy of the Pytomae, and belenie 4 rsol l elP4 ll ,l to ties% Boasstsit- sad Fayette esmatita.- ' DEAD -Stiepbea AltexPYIU, the colored man who was crushed wkile pasepglsetween,tirp . iacji pear the depot ou Ratudthatorninc died •Ig tag ipjns, ries on the following day. Wm have taxon over on the Ist of April tte balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own store, where we will continue to eel the balance left at very low prides, until the whole are sold. Among these goods are 1,000 yell remnants delaioe and olio, 16. 18 sod 20 contr. 500 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 16, 18 and 20 emote. 200 yards of barega and lustre, 20 nne2s cents. 1,000 yards of linen crash, 18, 18 and 20 cents. 100 vat) of 'brown and grey cloth for memo. coats. 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pants stuff, cheep. 300 Amen of the very beet spool :..:,tton, white and corded. 1,000 papers of the very beat of Smith's needles, 5 cents a paper; also stockings, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, ail tt .3 of combs, patent tbsead, tapes, socks, sLti Jr by We dozen or piece. We bare also on hand yet about 10 pieces of QARPET., whisk we will eel at. 75 sects pas yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid figured window curtains. 3 ',EMI. Penneylvlota Militia and Room Wag Claims, United States pension, bounty, arrears of papand subsistence claling, dcc., dke:, se., made out and col lected by EL 7 GENE SNYDER, # Attorney at Law, office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oet2S-1y SPACIAL NOTICES. Dr. BrimonN Concentrated Remedies No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates all the evil effee.a of SELF-ABU:Mk as i oss of Memory, Shona. SP of Bresth,G d 4 intim. • a' pitstioa of the Fleur, Dicnneisol Vision, or any coestitution4 tie angemenTs of the system, brought on by the unrestrained Indul gence o the pisgions. Acts alike on either sex. Frice une Dollar. • • No. 2 Tag BALM will cure, iu from two to eight days. any awe or GONNOKRECEC ie without twat , or smell, and rtloires no r,•atriction or action or uiet. For either sex YrPe One Dollar. No a. The TEREB w Rove in the shortest possible time anv ease of GL sET, even altar all other remedies rave failed do produce the lionised tffsot. No taste or eraelL Moe One PO-lit, No 4. THS PUNTER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Ure bra No matter of bow long standing or neglected the case may be. Price tine Dollar No dr THE BOLUTOR will cure any ewe of GRAVEL, vretaren•ly and speed y remove .1l affletione of the 111.41der And Kinneyr. Pries One Dollar. No. 6 FOit rettatOrta ins glgli t bidttLAlL No 7. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically and in a much shorter time than they can be rewoved by any her treatment. In fact, is the only. remedy that w'll really correct this disorder. Pleasant to tale. Price One Miler No 8 Tait ORIENTAL PASTILC are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENuT ROATION. or correct ing any Irregularities of toe monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No. 9, FOR FARTI :MARS SElt, CIRCULAR. Eitber remedy sent tree by mail chi receipt of the price annexed. Enclose pottage stamp and get a circa= General Depot North-East ebrrr r York avenue and Callowbill street. Private Oh .e, 40l Yor& avenue, Philadelphia . Pa. Nor side in Idarriaburg by 0 A. B&NNV4RT and LOVI3 WYisTH. w.rre circulars containing valu.ble informa tion, with full dosoriptiohe of each case, will be deity'. ors-3 gratio on opplication. Ad Tess DK. FELIX BRUN og, July 28, 1863 ly P. 0 Box 99, Philadelphia ; Pa A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! FOR FER ALES: Infallible in Correcting, Regulating and Removing all Obstructions, from whatever causs, and always successful as a &vocative. ' These PILLS have been need by the Doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case; and he is urged by many thousand, ladies who used them, to make the Pills public fer the alleviation of those suffering fr..m any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of tamily where health will not permit it. Females particularly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in_that eenditiao, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility ...fter this admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health—other wise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit di rections accompany taCti. PAM: Price ‘Lud per boa. Bold, wholesale and retail, by CHARLES A. BANN- V ART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, and O. H. HILLER, Druggist, Harrisburg, pa. Ladies, by sending them 51.00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and ' , five of postage" by mail. Bold She by J. L. LEMIERGER, Lebanon' J. A. WOLI, Wrightsville; E. T. MILLER. York; S. ELLIOTT, Car. lisle; J. O. Az.rzoft, ehippensburg; J. SPANOLER , Bharat. bersburgi S. 9. WILD, Newville ; A. J. 'KAUFFMAN, He chardesburg ; BROWN & BROTHER, No. 4, Borah Liber. ty street, Baltimore; and by "one Druggist" in very town and city throughout the United States. HALL & BA:T01121., 218 Greenwich Street, New York. (itexarot Wholesale Aosta. N. B —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every boz is signed S.D. Howe All others area base imposition'and unsafe; therefore, as you value your. lives and health, to say nothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every boa. which has recently been added on acoonnt of the Pills being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made kncirrir to every Agent. They will tell you the Me ire perfectly hatmlebe, yet will do ill claimed for them. O. D. HOW", iyl7-div Sole Proprietor. New wort SECAET .I)LSEAES ! SECRET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S GIFT.' SAM SRITAIV S f#IFTI • TIM MOW/ eIhiTAIN QariaDT IVIR Yea. u Pontius °ewe BALSAM COPAYIA t IffEROVRT DISCARDED. Only ten Pile to be taken tiSitffeet a Mire They err entirely vegetable; having no smell *Wan, impleiwant time, and will not, in any inky, ininre the etomathoor bowele of the moat delieate. Owes in from two to four days. and recent eases it twenty-four hears. No exposure, no eroubi s2 , no change wdatever. Price male packages, $2; Female, $B. Bold b D. W. G 11.088& CO. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO , Box 161 Phila. P 0 lanitdly INDEPEI% DENCE ISLAND. Keen.. BECKER EC BALK, Proprietors, announce to the citironia of Harristurg thatihie 0001 and delightful Belete.r ret..at it now o• , en ferAsi - ors Accouirced.- tions will he farnislod to parties and pie-zi aft at reason able terms, 'dancing pla.form haring been erected f r their special use. Beason tickets for families, good for One year, st.oo No improper characters admitted, and no Intoxicated person will he perelitteu to visi , the Island A Ferry Rost plies const•ntiy between the Island and the foot of Broad street. West Harrisborß. fifi&Bm VXrELSIOR I !---zifiGAR CURND jr/ HAMS 1.-4 Delicious Ham, cured expressly fa family use. They are superior to any now in the mar ket. [n 1 7 24 1 WM. DOCK, Ja., 1 00 n/qii DR. CHF,ESEMIA IPS PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice They are mild i• their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu- Le Hies, painful menstruation, removingall obstractloas• whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pat is the side, palpitation of the heart, whiten, pageousanec hySteriCB, Wise, pais is lb dock IteUmbil) /cc-, disturbed sleep, which arise from istarsupti of nature. DR. CHESSEAL&N 3 FILLS was the conamencenten a UM' • a Mr& ttlatliow of those irregularities sad ulstrbsitti t d.s k een . 4 signed Bo many to a proooo+o 20Ip vial shell= enjoy good health unless she 15 regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins tode cline. DR. CHEESSMANIS PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever knows for all awn- Natoli peculiar to Females. To all tome they are invaluable, inducing, with cettaiuty,poiodical regular sty. They are known to thousande,who have usedthem at different iieriode, throughout the country, hsvingthe Reaction of some of the mart exwinsat Physicians l is America. • Explicit directions, stating Wiwi they ehouhi not be Wed with 4ach Box—the Pm* O. Dollar per Bat, eenteining from 60 to 60 Pills. -• • Pills sent by "nail. promptly, bi remitting to the Agents. Sold by 'Druggists generally. it. B. RuTcsiNgs,..Propristor, 20 Cedar street, New - york. bold la Itarrleftri, by 04A. Bannyart. " Meettanice%orgi . by g. 't Carlial9 y_TAy..o.llollDiett• • 1 . ShiPpensbw, 3 by.D. W. Baskin. •• Obambelebery., by Willer & Hershey. to Munineutiiinyhy George ;- gtaikanat nyveoren Eons:: dec !herb' ".• •. . 0 OP . S. jeB , 4ELA.TINE.—The boo v wow. in ibe morket b inot roootred and for solo by Mrl4-tr WX. DOME Is. Bank Notices. MOTICE.--NotiCe is.hereby given that II application Will be made at the next annual am. eiOn of tee Lersla-nre of Penneylvants. fora reliowal of the charter of the west Breech Bark, of Williams port. Pa with its present same and style, location, pr littera and capital of SIOOMO. By order of the Board.of Directors. 8. JONES, Cashier. June 33th, 1863-jv4-tml LEGISLA.T VE BANK NOTICE •Notiee is hereby given that aoplieation wit' be wide to the lrgialltive authority of Pennell's-Int - . it the neat megato n of the CI- -neral assembly thereor. , m ammy g the tint Tuesday of ,Taouary, A. D, 7884 for tie ioccuporation of * Bank having I:auxin* and dis maritime privileges, with a capital of nue Million Pol ite., by the name and stile f " The Oil City and to be located at Oil City, Venango county, Penn sibrani O. Y. CULVER. June 29 th, 188$-84 NNOTICE.-Notice is hereby that hereby' "The Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania," intend ti apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their nex Seldom for a renewal of their charter. Said bank is lo cated in the city of Ph'ladelphia, with an authorised avital of one million of dollars. a renewal of which will be *Abed for. with the usual basking prirllegee.— gr girder of the npV-4, 9 , O P.14,51811 i (leakier. PHIIADXLETIA, Julie 291863-6 m fOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of plinsylvania at their next session, for a renewal of the darter of The Farmers , Bank of Schdylkill County, lodated in Pottsville, in the county .f Schuylkill, with tie present capital of one hundred thousand dollars, ash with the usual banking privileges. J. W. CAKE, Cashier. Jane VI, 1.86a.-7m DANK NOTICE.—Notioe is hereby given that the undersigned have formed an 11111100illp tibia and lierepered a certideate for the purpose of eefeb tithing a Bank of Issue, Diecount and Deposit, under the provisions of the act entitled "A supplement to as art to establish a system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against lose from Insol vett Banks, ,, approved the Bret day of May, Ann° Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The maid Bank to be ( *fled THE FARMERS , BANE OP MOUNT JOY, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to eoneint of a tepitai stock of One Hundred Thousand 'Dollars ' in Blares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of in coming the same to any amount not exceeding Three aundred Thowilliollare in all. J. Hoffman H ey, John M. Hershey, Martin B. Pei r, Jacob M. Stauffer, Reuben Gerber, 'John N. Bear. jan2/I.demosw* NI OTIC N.—Notice is hereby given of an Li intention to establish a Bank of Discount, Deposit au Circulation . under th.. provisions of an act, entitled i 1, Act to establish a system of free banking in Penn ey ania," &c , and tneisnopirment thereto ; said Bank to+be caned •• 'MB MANUFACTURBIti , BANK," to be located in the borough of Colon:01a, Lancaster cpunty, Pa., with a capital of Ons Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Liollare each deed-dind ALLENTOWN BANK. ALLENTOWN BAWL Inns 20, 1868. Notice is hereby given, that application will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session, foi an increase or the capital of said Bank to the amount of $200,000 in addition to that authorized by the present Charter; and also for an extension of the Charter of said Bank for twenty years froin the expiration of the present Charter. • By order of the Board of Directors. je2o-dtrol CHARLES W. COOPER, Cashier. RANK NOTICE !—I - he Stockholders JJ f the FaitMERV AND DR MIMS , RANK OF 'WAY.NRSBURG, • n GrePn county, Pa , apply to the next Leg slatur • o' the nate, for en extension of charter, for the tens of aft,, , yearn from the expire tom of its prepoit term. file locatin , corporate name and privilege, and amount ,capital stock, to slit: one hundred and fifty thousand &liars, to be tee same as under its pre ent charter. By order if the Board J. LAZEAR. Cashier. Waynemburg, Green co., Pa. , Jun. 15, 1863—jele.dtml I\l VElC,l,—Naigs is hereby given, in lr centbrm!ty the act of Assembly, that the stockholders o the Bank of Montgomery County will make an . application to the next Legislature of Penn sylvania for a renewal of the ilharterof said Back, with the semi , amount of capital (Pour Hundred Thousand Dollars) as under the present Charter, to continue its present - name and location. By order of the Board of Direetine. W. li. eLINGLI7I7, Cashier. Norristown. Pa.. June 21). 1863.-6 m NOTICE —The Miners' Bank of Potts ville, in the county of Belm7lloll, kesobs• notice that they intend to aw L n, to the Legislature of Pennsylvania , at their next session for a renewal of their charter. maid. Bank is located in the borough of Potts ville, in the county of Behnylkill, with an authorised capita. of Five Hundred 'Thousand Dollars—a renewal of which will be asked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Board. CRA. LOESER, Cashier Pottsville, iWIS 20 1863.-6omi T OTICE is hereby given, that applioa tr Hon will be made at the neat annual mansion of the Legislature of Penney vanie.. fora renewal of the charter of the HARRIS dErtiG BANK. with its present name and style, 100 tion, privileges t and capital of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. By erder of the Board of Directors. jello4tml. TRADESMEN'S BANK, aaaaa ma, ho- 24,1883. Notice is hereby given in conformity with the laws of the Commonweal ib of Pennsylvania, that the Trades men's BMik of Philadelphia lowed in the city, of Philadelphia, created with banking aid discounting privileges, with si capital of One Hundred and Fi ty Fir usand Dollars, that application will,be made by the said Wink to the next Legislature for authority to in crease the capital One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. by order of the Beard of Dirsorkini. JOHN OA9rwsß, . 1,64 211 Cashier T HE 'BEST F A :l o lv r l t lL;i B ' SEWING *& WILSON'S. NEW OFFICE, Market dintare, next to . Colder's Office. ID" Call and see them in operation A general aroortment of praohluerT and needles emu stantly on Ilona. MISS MARGARET HINE! Will exhibit . end ,eel! them, and alai do all 111.411 machine Awning on theme m.obinee in the beet manner. The patronage of the pßblla is respectfully whetted. H'A M $I!! Newbold's celebrated, Micheuer's ateebdor t livens & Switt's superior, Jersey Flats. very fine. Also, Dried Beef, Tongues and Bologna Sausage. For sale by apl4 WM. DMA, jr. & Co. 1 . .0( 'KING GLASSES —A Splendid JJ Aeme , ment of New Looklnginasses, jest received. at W H I NIOJN NI Music ig) Market street, arhere 1h.7 aid be Nola cheap Call and examine. mrlB [BROOMS, BRUSEIRIA, TUBS AND BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices, for sale by WN. DOCK, J a , & 410. AMS!!1I _____ • 20,000,1b5. Composed of the fallowing Brands just received: NEWBOLD'S—Celebreted. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. • EVANS th SWlFT'S—Superior. MICHINER'S .EXCELSlOR—Caeveseed. MICHINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not canvassed. IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not oanvaeoed. PLAIN HAMS—Striotly prime. ORDINARY HAMS—Very good. 1.17' Every Ham sold will be guaranteed as represen ted. WM . DOCK. jr., & CO. 84588' A itERICAN WRITING FLUID, eilltal If not se pezior to Arnold's English Fluid, and only 02 cents per quart bolas, at BOOIIBTORPS. KU8.1.0 STORJS! NO. 98 MARHET STREW, NARN/SBUNG, PA. SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, BANJO STRINGS. Of eirory description. ' DRUMS, PLUTNB, .9000BDION0, ate., at the lowest CITE PRIOEN' at ' KNOOHI'B 91010 STORM, ' No. 98 Kamm , &ram. SULDIg KT CAMP . CUMPAIYIOAT . A very eoareaient Writing Desk rOttfq l Th. 15 eijorandure kooks. Portrionnales,, ke. at BOHDPIIII 3 II Bbiptimpi _ A kl A R I A , Of v v W t e ia liard, has reeelvot a lan* udiortinent of ildrodos, Using and Bum, whieh kw will doll vary low. WA dtt NOT A RUM DRINK! AMONM•m• highly foncentrated Notable Extract. • A PURE TONIC THAT WILL RNLI VII MB Alt- FLICTED AND NOT HAKE DtcHNHARD3. DR. HOOFLANDVI GERMAN BITTERS, • PREBARED BY • DR. C. M. JACKSON ) PHILADELPHIA, PA., WILL IFFEC I UALLY .nd MO-T • EnTAINLY CURE ALL III•EUElli AM IM WHOM A Disordered Liver, Stomach or Kidneys. Thousand , ' of our citizen- are suffariur from DY4PEP nA sod 'LIVER LISEABISS. and to whom t m following' questions apply—se gua. antes HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CIIIIE THEM. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do you rise with a coat, d tonsue norninge, with bad taste in the mon , han oor appetite for breakfss , ? Do you fel when i on are got up so weak and latioaid you can warcely get about ? ro y n hive a dizzioes4l in the heal et time., and often a dullness, , ith heads , he occasioned, 7 Are y nr bow els costive ant inegular, and al InstPr changr atd- ? • Do you tnrow op wind from the stomach, end do you.swell up oftet , ? Do von feel a fulness after eatmg, and a sinking when the at m•eli is empty ? Do ve u have heartburn occasional'. D yon feet low spirited, and look on the dark ride of th• nits 7 Are you not unoanally nervous at Vilma ? Do you not eecome restless. and often ley until midnight before yincan go to .l-rp? and then at times, dont!. you feel Milt and weepy mom of the time IS sour skin dry an. , sea y ? also eel ow? Ia short, is not Sour life a burtnen, full of forely dings ? Iloottand 9 s German Bitters Will cure every case of CHRONIC OR wRRYOUR DEBILITY, DES rAPE oY THE KIDNEY •. DIS aIA SE 3 anari% FROM A DIPORDERED STOMACH. Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation. Inward Piles. Fu'oes Pr Blond to the He d, .Aoidity of th-.. Ptomech. Manses. Ilea tburn, Dvgust . for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, sour Erne atone, Sioking or Elul Bring at he Tit of the Stomach, Swimming of t .e Head, Harr° I and D inatit Breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or buffecating Sensations, when in a lying posture, D-inners or V Lon, iota or Wens before the bight, Fever and Dull I' du in the Head, Deficiency of Persptratii n, Y -lhownete of the Bain and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest,_Limoe, &c c. bu4den Flush 49 9f I(913, Burning in the Flesh, Con-tautlmagini r.lO an zap, and greet ue preasion of Si hits. There are [Pony m e►ae.tions sold under the name of BAters, put up in quirt bottles, compounded or the iceman. est e bisky or common rum. cos-ting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the tests disguised lir An se or Coriander Seed. This elms f Bitters bas caused, and will continue to cause, as long as they cal be sold, hundreds to die the death o , the drunkard. By th- it u e the system is kept contmaaliy under the influewst of &cam ie stimulants of the worst kind, he der.ire for Lionor is created and kept on, and the Unlit is all the bottom atttseient upon a drunkard's l'tfc and neath. Vor those who dacha and will hare a L'oor Wtters, we publish thr following re eipt : (Jet One Bottle Hogiland's German Balers and mix with Three Quarts of good Brow , y or Wii.ky, and the reknit will be a pi ep*tat on that will far excel in meduinal virtues and true exrelouce any of the numerous L quor Bitters in the m+•rk. t. and wi I eostliwth less. Von will have all the virtues of Hoojland , s Bata's , n conn , ction .ith a g od article of Logour eta much lees price th n these inferior prepare. tioua wilt cost you. Hoottandls German Bitters WILL GIVE lOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG I.IIEAVICEM NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU Brisk and Energetic Peelings, ,WILL ENABLE TOO TO, . g€ll.6l=bMap YELLOW FMB, BILIOUS &C FEVER, acc. &0 . 4 From Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, From whatevar canoe, miller in MALE OR FEMALE, WLII, FIND IN . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS That wi'l Fettere them to their tonal health. Each has been the COO in thOlitnade of inrtances, and a fair trial is talt required to prove the assertion J. W. WEIS. Cashier NOT ALCOHOLIC AND NOT INTENDED A$A 33 Xi 'lir 3311 Vt. G- 333 . The Proprietors have thousands of letters front the moat eniment CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, PNYSICIANS.III4 crrizeNn, Testifying of •heir own personal knowledge; TO the bane. fiat offsets and mtdical TWAIN of WO Bann. Prom Rev: J Newton Brown, D. D., !After of Selo. pedia of Raglan Kni;wlidge. Although not dispos• a st. favor or re mmmend pat ent Mediednes in general, through distrust of their ingre dients and effects, l yes know of no sufficient reasons why a lain may not :_aaawfr the Peardits he believes himself to have received nir‘a any simple preparation, in the hope that he amp than Amatviiiate to,the basalt of others. ' • . . I do this more readily in regard to "HooSandhi 011Thlit Ditters,” prepared by. Dr. U. K. Jackson, of this eity because I was prejudiced agaisist.theili tor, years nude the impreseion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mis time. lam indebted to , say friend,' Robert Shoemaker, E for the removal: of. this **nee, , by prow tasty, sq., and for onconrageinent to try thrup when anffering from gteat mid• long continued debility. The • use of thy** bottles of these bitters, at the heglimingof the present year, was followed Lby evidentrellef and restoration to a degree of bodily and niental . vigor which I bad bet fe:t for sr: mentos before,•and had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. , J. lIIIWTON BROWN. Phradelplda, June 230861. KIDNEYS and .BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Are speedily removed, mid the patient restored to health. DELICATE C lIILDREE, Those antfCring from fdAltiOnllB, wasting away, with scarcely any ii.sh en their bones, are eared in a very short tim-; one botte in such Mel William. a moat surprising effect. 1='..421-XLMNITIS gasince shifiring children au above, and wish'ng to Mee them, will mover regret the day they sontinoseed with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, - STUDENTS, And thole, working hard with their brain*, should 1- ways keep a bottle of HOWLAND'S I ITT MIS near them. •s they wilt find much trinefit from itv use. to both mind and body, invigorating and nut depr. suing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, Attention, Soldiers! AND TILE FRIENDS-OF SOLDIERS. We call the atteotion of all /amine religions or friends in the army to the fact that HOOFLOID , B German Bit. tars " will cure nine-tenths f the ciseAsee induced by ea posur-s and pr.vations incident to vamp life. In the oats, pubLehee almost de ly in the newspapers, on the arrival of the ick, it wi Ihe uoticed h I very large propoi tion are sufferng horn dabi icy. Ev.ry cape of that kmd can be read'iy cured by IGoofland.. German Bitte,s. We have no hestst on in stating that if terse Bitters we e . freely used among our salters. hundreds of livemight be tamed that othe , wise welds be lost. The proprietors are daily rece'ving the nkfal lettere reem miff reed in the army and hospitals, who hav b.en restored to health by the use of these Bitttra, sent to.them by their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the Signature of C. X. Jackson PRICE PEE BOWL& 75 CENTS, • OR HALF DpASS for-$4 00. Should your nearest 4111140 not have the artlele, donut be out off by any (ff. the latex:eating proparnirous thit ma y b e offered in inligane. bat -send-taus, sod we will forwahlowcpyellirrlclij bYWN_Orylei _ trinelpat Oillee anti, Ilanufastery, No. 631 t ARCH ST. IT ci mi• 3,413 = 41' 4 211"• tr i%l* _ - ‘. 3. 9111450 . 1111119A8 I.O..K.lAcxsON & C 0.,) PROPRIETORS. if,' fop sale by Bruniets end Dealing In every town In the United States 11341264 y PARTICULAR NOTICE. AND-PILL POFITCVELY YILEVINT Tho e suffering IP.-ms. -1 4. ~ , , _vi 4. -•-. -4 REntanoutt THAT THESE BITTERS AIM DIBD4BBB OP And leaves no prostration is onibe WRAPPICR of each Bottle. 14elntboWe Uentebies. THE GREAT mmHg ninimcso) KNOWN AS • "HELMi3OL r ,D,'S" GIN-UTNE PitkPALRATIONB, yz.: 11ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT “BETCAII"." HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. gEmiQLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WA AL I=E=l RELMBOLDM GENUINE PREPARATION, "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, A positive acd spec` ic Remedy for Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPS/OAL SWE LINGS. This medicine increases the power of digestira arid em elt a the kbnorbenti into healthy bilon, e ; lthisb the Mato or ettleureoua dtpotiti.ne, end all unnatural en• nargerornts am rennerd. 48 well es peon snu inflamma tion, and is good for MEN, IS OMEN and CHILDREN.. lIELUBOLD'W. EXUR4OI' EVQWV; For Westin as Prising from Exeei.se., Thbits of Disa nation, har.y Indiscietion or Abuse, att.-nded with the Zit FOLLOWII% SYMPIVIts : Indisposition to Ea, ttiou, Drynees of the akin, Loss to Memory, J ..ae of Pk..er, ' Ww. , k Nem s, pith •.....Ity in itreathing, ParrOr of DiPease, Trembhvg. Dimness nt Vision, Wek !Illness, Univ• rat Lassitude/of the Pain m th•• B ek, Muscular e j stem, Flu hi g of the Body, Hot Hands, E. notions on the fate, Pallid Connt.nanoa. • These symptnms, if ate Wed to go on, whieb thi3 mECi cine invariabT reinotrts, soon fol ow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the pmbent may errire Who can eay they are not frrcinently fo-luwed by these "direful die ea, e,” INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION? many are aw.re of the cause o' their Suffering, but none will confess The mores uf the Insane Aes.ama, aid the me)auchely deaths by consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the asserti n. THE CONSTITITTIuN ONCE AFFECTED BY OW GANIC WEARNSBS, Eequirra the aid of mMielno to str-nalben and invigo rate the ayatem,whieh bELMak WS !IN RAM' BUCHU invariably dues A trial will Germane the most Flintiest I=El=l FEMALES ! FEMALES !! FEMALES !!! OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE, In many affections peculiar to iff nialee, the ratite Buchn is anequalled to 4 any other r medy, as in /Moroni or Retention, Irregnla ities, Paiofuln. se, • r tupplession of Customary EvarstaVons, hies rated or &minim state o' the Uterus. Leticorrh.S or Whi ta, titeriluty and for al complaints incident to the sex, • betbcr arising trom in discretion, Habits of DirsipatiOn, or In the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE SEE SYMPTOMS AP.0172 NO RAWLY MOULD BS wrrner,T 1T Take no Balsam, Mercury or Unpleasant Iliedicine Joe Unple Sant and Danprous Di eases HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHT; CI7REd SZCBET insvAns In all their, stages, at little eap.nee ; little or no than in diet; inoo , venience, AND No I.2EPoptigx,. Ic ratlitrill de.-ire nm gi es Attenoth to rrir ate, thereby removing ovettuotions, pn V. Luc end twin strictures of the urethra, allaying pain • nd inflammation ao frttpient in to;a elan of diatas-a. and expelling POI SONOUS, DISEASED AND MORN-0T T MAITAR. 4'housanda upon thovaands •ho h-ve been the VICTIMS OF QUACICS, • .And who have paid EIFAVY DUB t.' b `cured in a abort time, have Maud they w. re eta.eived, Cad that the 4 * Pot. tab IP 1.4 tits 6£ a Po.y.i , at A , teti e eata " been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and,, PARHAM :AFTER MARRIAGE USX HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICRU For all Affections and Diseases of the URTNARY:OIte. GANS. wit-thee existing io NAL, tt OR ingssArdb An whatever cause migit sting, sad no matter it hum keg staudisg. Diseases of thaw or, i ans ?squire the aid ad a DIUDDYIO. kIIBLIABOLDI3 SXTRACT BUONO . II TILII ORNAT DIURETIC, AM it is aortae is have the decirsdelfest in all.Dhiewes for which it Is reeeenuesded. -;:o:--- BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD t HILIIIIOIOII HIGHLY 00NORNTRAT111 0011 POUND Nunn' Ramer atrizAnitautA. 13YPHILIO. This is an affection of the Bloat, and attache the scam email, Linings bf the Note,. Ilan, Throat, Whtdpige and other mucus aorrsees, main its appiierszite in the train of own., lIELMBIADIS listrast Sarsaparilla purities t-.s Maid and ; , moves ail Scaly hrnotinus of the Sk.n, gieN to the oompldxion a clear S aud healthy color; : It beint prepared exprealy for this elms of oompLiols ' Blood• purifying pr.perties are pres. Ilred to a greater e" tent than any ..ther preparation of Sarsaparilla. • HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent lotion for disesteem of a Byphiliqc nature; and as an iujection in'dtteasea the Winery Online aris ing from habi , s of dimaipatiow, nerd in conzection With OA Ea. riots Bean and ail Napatiila. in such diseases as recom mended. Bvidence of the momt respensibte and reliable character will accompany the med•cioee. OPRTIPIOA.TES OP OOZES, From three to twenty years , standing, with names known TO BOINNOF AND YAM. For medical rowdies of BUCHU, ree,Diskraatouto the United Rt,tea. Bre Professor DEWIABB , valuable works on the Praia- Mae of Phyric. ' ego remarks made by the late ce'ebrated Dr. MYRICK, PhiladAnhia. bre remarks made by Dr. EPHPATM MIDOWELL celebrated Physician and 11E-mbar it the Royal College Surg .oca, Ireland , and to-dished in the Transac tion tha - Bmg arid Queen's Journal ree Medico Vhirarga al .14 view, oah/ishod by ININIA MI N TRAY 041 S, PeDow of Royal eediage of thirgoona Nee most of the late Inanda,d WorhB oil Vedic ne. . Extract N 2 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00 Extract Baraiipa ilia—. •IM 00 per bottle, ors x for 15 00 Imp or d Rose et. per luittle, or mix far $2 50 or half dosen of each for $l2„ whnh wid be stifled et to cure the most obstinate use. S. it d.rectiot.s are adhered te. De leered to any address, securely p: eked from obser vation. 1D Describe symptems in all comas:Westin= .Sure guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Heintbo d, who helm dn'y sworn cloth mar, his preparations contain' no narcotic, ms mer cury, or other injurious drags but pureay v getable. H. T. ..zbettrelLit. Sworn and subscribed before up., this 23d (Idiot Ere>rem. bar, 1854. WM. P. 8188 SRO, A &rman t Ninth at., ahoy- . ace, chiladelptua. Addreen /otters for information in confidence to H. T. unonoLD, 06. 6 ,4 4 . • Depot. No. .101 South Tenth street, below Chaim: l nt, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COtINTFRFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED /MALEBO, Who endeavor to Waive. "ON VERA - r and other" articles on the reputatinn:idpo ie d NELMBOLIPS OENIIINE PREPARATIONS, EBYKDOWE GENUINE. EXTRACT EIICar .. ImaIECLOVIIBMIUNR tETRACIT EIEEMBOL DM' GENUINE Fiktpßovido Sold btatiknigirts everywhere. f Atit T ret 111ELliliOtiie-iiSli NO MIME Cut out the advertisement and send for it, :and avoid ". ski. u 4 4 4 of