RATES OF ADVERTISING. • four lines or less ponstitute h ti ognove. Ten lines 'sore than four, comititute s square. Eq, One .. $0 30 Our. sq., one dray.-- $0 00 one week.. 120 " one week.— 200 ' one month.. 300 " one mouth.. 000 " threemonths 600 4.44 three months 10 00 "• sitmmthe..Boo " six months.. 1500 ' *muter- —l2 00 " 0 110 / 016 r -.-- 20 00 tEr !holiness notices inserted in the toast. Gomm, de ietan marriages 5 end deaths, TIM OMITS NIA LIWIL for Usertion. To merchants and others adVertlaing J sue year, liberal terms will be offered. /1:7" The number of insertions motto designated on ke advertisement. Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at Wou nd , aseitaa regular advertisements. Business garbs. sil,A B WAY-cp. NO. 11, NORTH THIRD ST., HARRISBURG. STEINWAY. I S PIANOS-,, HELOT/BONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, iiccordeoss, 13781 M, win AND Boor. NOW, ite., /to., PHO TO GRAP H FRAMES* ALBUMIN - Large Pier sod Mantle Mirrors, Square and Ovid tomato of every descuiptionpnade to order..Regaildiug dons. .AgeScy ler Howe's Sewing Machines. ID- Sheet Mimic sent by Mail. ootl—/ JOH-N W. GLOVER, ll[L UCH INT TAILOR Has just received from New York, an assort. - meat of SEASONABLE GOODS, whist he offers to his customers and the public ci now 22) MODERATE PRICES. dtf W HARRY WILLIAM B, CIIMNALIM ALGl'MWirig 402 WALNUT STRUT, PHT.LADELPHIA. General Malan for Soldiers promptly collected, State Claims tekitletca inat20,4121 SMITH & EWING, ATTORNEYS-AT-1.4.W, THIRD WIRE RT, Harrlebtirg, Pr:Lena:in the several Marts of Dauphin county. 001- /actions made promptly. A. 0 . MTH, J. B. EWING-. 0031 C, Merchant Tailor, ff GaIIEiNUT ST., between Second and Front, UM just returned from the city with an amortment of CLOTHS, C&SSIMERRS AND TESTINOS, 'Which will be /fold at moderate prices and made up to order; and, also, as assortment of. BRADY MUDS Vlething and Gentlemen's Furnishing Geed.. BEN.TISTR Y. B. N., NMI, D. D. 8., N 0 . 119 MARKET STREET, - SHY f lEUVW&L'S BUILDING, 13P-BTAIBEI. janti4f RELIGIOUS BOGS STORE, rßicr AND SUNDAY- SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN, !T 11017TH 2100 ND STRUT, sBOYIi OICIONIIT, MAIAIIIDDAT, PA. Depot fortlieeolo of Storeoseopea,Storoossopiolriewa, *nide and Ilduoical Instruments. Also, subseriptlime -dolma for religious publialtieno. nollpdy • TORN G. W. MARTIN , d. FASHIONABLE CARD W . R.I.TER. HEWS HOTEL, TIABILIBBtrEfk, PA. Allmanner of VISITING', WBDDING AND BUSI NESS CARDS executed in the most artistla styles and most reasonable terms. deald-dtf U - NION HOT-EL, Ridge Avenue, corner of Broad street,. HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned informs the public that he has re cently renevat-d and refitted his well-known 4 . Union Semi on Ridge avenue, near the Round Rouse, and is prepared to accom•nodate citreous, at-angers and travel ere in the beat style„ at moderate rates. Ins table will be eupplico with the best the =whets afford, ant at Me har wl.l be found superior brands of liquors and nova beverages. The very beat accommo dations for railroaders employed at the shops in this fait au] HENRY BOSTGEN. FRANIELIN HOUSE / BALTIMORT, - liD. This pleasant , sad ocmunodions Rota had been tho soughiute-Aden end re-famished_ It is pialitastly situated on liortb-Weet corner of Howard and Prastlin litres* a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Bvery attention pakd !Ohs comfort of his ;Rests. LB G, Proprietor, .• 012-13 • (Late of Sans Grove. Pa.) THEO. F. SOHEFTIER,- BOOK, CARD AND JOR . PRINTER NO 111 DIARIRT WARM miutstBRIIRG. Partiodor Wardle* paid to printing, ruling and . Huang of Railroad Blank; Manifesto . , Inanranee Poll. vies, Obeeks, &e. Wedding, Visiting and Businesi ;lards printedUt very low purees and Islam beet idyls: jan2l ROBERT SNODGRASS, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Office North Third street, third door above Mar ket, Harrisburg, Pa. N. B.—Pe ;Lion, Bounty and-Military elalma of - all kind!lnn. - ..aCuttd and collected. Au t ur so aims. John C. Kaulkal, Baal& Mumma, 3r., and 8.1. Lemberton. suyn-dBoillon WM.: H. MILLER, AID R. E. FERGUSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE IN SHOEMAKER'S BUILDINGS SECOND STREET, BETWEEN WALNUT and MARKET SQUARE, ap49wiral 'Nearly opposite the Buehler House. T HOS. C. .IgeODOWELL, ATTORNEY AT L*W, MILITARY CLAIM AND PATENT AGENT. Office 62 the :Exchange, Walnut at., (Up Stairs.) Having formed a . oonneetion with parties in Wash ington City,_Wno are reliable loudness men, any busi ness connected with any of the Departneids Will meet with immediate and aatefal Mutt* IP C- WEICHEL, SVRGRON AND • OCULIST, ILIBIDENON THDLD MR NORM Sets now folly prepared to attend proMPAT 110 • age* of premien In all It, Inspathee; A Lode AID ealiT ISIMONSOPM, MEDIUM. NEMBIRIFOP puddles him in promising full and ample satisfaction tc all who may favor him with a eon, be tko disease arm& or any other nature. mlB-d&wly TAILORING. 3E Co. 8. 3HC. la la GI- H. The enbseri&V le reedy at AO. 94, MARKET ST, four doors below Fourth street, to make ME-r$ AND BOY'S CLOTHING In say desink atyle, and with skill and promptness. Persons wishing cutting done can bare it done at the shortest notice. - • - ep2l-ely CHARLES F. VOLLMER; UPHOLSTERER, Chestnut street. four doors above Second, (Ormuz WASHINGTON Rom Housn,) Is prepared to furnishto order, in the very best style 01 workmanship, gyring and Flair Mattresses, Window Oar tains; Lounges, and all other articles dfiNtrniture in bit ni r line, on short notice iond moderate terms. Sari ez parlance in the business, he feels warranted in as , a Alma of public patronage, donident of hisability to - T• satlafaMlon. jasslT,-atf MILITARY CLAIMS AND PEN SIGNS The undersigned have entered into an association for the collection of Military Olaims and the securing of Pr=one for irolwdest and disabled soldiers.. Mostar-in siut Maxtor-out lions, alma' Pay Bons, Ordnance aud Clothing ranso4 and all Palma pektm big to tip military service will be made out properly and rrpeditioody Office in the Sxchangeo Walnut between &cowl atka Third streets, near Oulithi Hotel- Harris % r, Pa. • PROS 0 MAODOWFI9I., Ja26 dtf 7110X441 11“.017111.11. . . .. . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . -...-• ~.. -,...-+ • . . . . • . . . . s ....,.... '1 ' . .. . , ' ‘ ' •• - . . . . . . . ~. -.a. % • , . . . ...'" . .. .. ;ilia ,. . . . . . _ . . , .. . . . -•,..,, 11 1 V • .. , ...... . ~ -, - .. _.- • t'ile. ~..•..., 1 • . • ". ... ' '-' -_-.- -i- ~.." . :Ma* 1.•,_, • .: t, . _. . .-. • , . - . ' . o_ , -.:•!.., ~.., , ~ 1 , • . .. 1.. - - ..• . • . . . r ~1 "11 - , .11 r I , ' Ilit ), ' I •II n - ... r 11, 1 1 , --. --..-...] k,. .4 f', • ? _ j illl , .d.y• • •,• , . . . . _. ..._ _ . . , . . . . . , .. . . VOL. b.—NO. 285. rebtrat. 41%-*Avf DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS; SPRAINS, BRUISES, curs A WOUNDS, PILES, BEADAOHE, , and ALL RHEU MATIC and NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a, speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the fa. mons bone setter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty years with the moat astonishing sac. ease_ . AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivaled by-any preparation before the public, of Irbil:Ai - the most skeptical may be convinced by a sinea trial. .-; . This Liniment will cure rapidlyand radically, 14,HEII MATIO bISORDIIIIB of every kind, and in .t housands of cues where it has been used it has never teen knoWn to fail. Fan ATEI7RALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every ems. however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Iirrs'ADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. •TOOTHACHE aleo will it cure instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY - AND GENERAL LASSITDDE, arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Act ing directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to'elasti.city and sive. FOR PILES.—Aa an external remedy, we claim that file the Use known, and we challenge the world to pro. duce an equal. Every victim ca this distressing com plaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford immediate *elle; and in a majority of cases will effect a radical cure. RVINSY aied SORE THROAT are sometimes ex tremely malignant and daeproas t but a timely aßpliea tion of this Liniment will never fail to cure. • SPRAINS are sometiame very obstinate, and enlarge inapt of the Joints la Dodge to occur if neglected. • The worst ease may be•compered by this Liniment in two or three days. - BRUISES. CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, ULCERS, BURNS and SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of DR. swzzvs INFAI A LIBLD LININUNT, when used according to directions. Also, CAMEL ATN.s. FRoSTED FEET, and INSECT BITES and STINGS. - EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually pre vent those formidable diseases to, which all' horses are liable and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. Over tour hundred voluntary 'testimonials to the won derful curative properties of this Linithent4Lave been received within the last two years. and many of them from persons in 'the highest ranks of life. CAUTION. To avoid imposiVon, observe the Signature and Like ness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also " Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment » blown' in the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. 41IDSON & ' CO., £ble Pioprietore, Noririeh,Ct. For sale by all dealers_ • JUnting. T. F. WAT . SON, MASTIC WORKV.II, AND PRACTICAL CEMENTER ' Is prepared to Cement the exterior of Buildings with he New York Improved Water-Proof_ Mastic Cement. This Material is different from all other„ cemenhi. It forms a solid, durable *thee:Diane:se 'Seedy mesa, Imperishable by' the actiosrof water or , frost. Every good building should be coated withthis.Oement ;it is & perfeet preserver to the walls, and makes a beautiful, fins finish, equal to Eastern brown sandstone, or may Color desired. Among others for. whom I have applied the Mastic Cement, I refer to the following gentlemen : J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg, finished five years. J. H. Shoenberger, residence, La4tencieville, finished five years. James DVOandissii, residence, Allegheny City,lir&hed live years. Calvin Adams, residence, Thiid at set, finished four years. A. Hoeveler, residence, Lawrenceville, finished - four years. J. D. M'Oord, Penn street, finished four years. Ron. Thomas Irwin, Diamond street, finished four . St Charles Rotel and Wised House, finished five. years. Itittanning leurt House and Bank, for Barr & Moser, Architects, Plttabarg,finished Ore years. Orders received at the. Mee of 11, Window:soy, Paint Shop, 20 Seventh street, or please address T. F. WATSON, mayl6-tf P. O. Box 13.4. Pittsburg, Pa. MESSRS. 0 HICKERING & 00. Jury Ap Apr. pl ump rm . GOLD MEDAL! AT THJ' MECHANICS' FAIL BOST,ON, 0 Villit Ag rE l7r7r m arirp7Pi rosiii Warortiom for tho OHIOHIRINT PIANO& at Harrhi bods-trMarket W. kNOctiLiTi =RIO BTORA. j AWES ! YOU KNOW - WERE YOU .1 can get floe Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting and Wedding Oarda t At SOH itINERIII BOOKSTORE KIIPERIOR STOCK OF LIQUORS.-- kJ WK. DOCK, Js., & 00.. are now able to offer to their customers and tee public at large, a stook •of the puree! liquors ever imported into thin Market, compri sing in part the following varieties : WHISK -IRISH, SCOTC H.. OLD BOURBON. WINE-PORT, SHERRY, OLD MADEIRA. OTAED, DUPEY & CO. PALE BRANDY. JAMICA SPIRITS. PRIME NEW ENO' LAND RUM. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. These liquors can all be warranted; and in addition to these, Dock & Co. have on hand a large variety of Wines, Whisky and Brandy, to which they invite the particular attention of the public. WEBSTER'S ARMY AND NAVY PfiCHET DICTIONARY. mot received end for sate at " 80HHIPPRWS `&3O MORN. feLACKING I I—bitsoWo "GUAM/Axes siitsilia.) , -100 aseartai arm , 'just r• °dyed lasa for as", Witmilaalf 1/1!"11 WI ' WM: DOON. hi.: 'a 4e; ' UTDINDOW SHADES of lines, gilt y. bordered; and PIPIR BLINDI ol an 400. n th,* of dilifigni and °nauseate ; water Iv illribllol sod TASSELS very low WOW. id ' - Schiller's Boolliaterit:',. MEI HA. it KIS tilt Pit... : SA.T.U . RDA Y. A.UGFiI!ST, I