C A ItICULTURI T` D cumelp . As the attention trt_ eigatywa. ihe Went, is being - directed to this most-important and profitable branch of- husbandry, I thought I would "egged a few ideas on therenhject. The resent - piece Of wool,* - the future prospect, ate not the paramount olanteh of en campment for us to engage and peosecate thin delightful enterprise.' In whatever we infra money profit is our aim, icing _ I have yet Ulises that there is as profitable stock as abbe.. I byre bad twea4ftve iir•thirty years experience among sbeep-in Vermont, and can lety that Vermont owes her being to her sheep sad borsee, and mostly to the former. Xew if sheep are a eoutce of profit in Verm'ont, we in /dine* with our superior faoilitiee, can maho `. - rulitanTart" money with them_ 111 the culture of sheep, let us at the West practice the eiample of Vermonters, so far us their Tereettec is correct. Let us see by what aleseasre-stavere el Profit, of course, and bale abtained 2 This is the question whose range humus limits. In the first place, weight of Seem is the nio•t o, which is correct, told' steam be the govcrnirg criterion. Now, to accure Oho °Meet, it is a matter of vast importance to wool- r=wers, requiring their united and ruestproi - cund skill. Tsizeii.Z.:i,g.?, at least, sec indispensably I:teen s:Ley to this elid. Quality of sheep and ewe are the hinges neon which the Soak reel l and determines the destiny. Blood determines the Ore sheep : Blood will "stick on," Inv - swap as well as in horsrs. lam speaking ©f the Spanish -Merino, as my tatpelienee, is confined wholly to the French and Spanish Meath Steep, The best sheep for profit is the' avve :rightly proportioned, and yielding the greatest weigneof 'fleece to the given weight of carcass. I take the ground that weight , of elegise does govern the quality of wool. For inetance, wool may be: bred coarse or fine, so as is xiiminish the weight. It is a settled poi iheein Veimeut that wool that aorta ratheunue Vero is the staple for weight atid_peeet.-e .er the benefit of those who have had lees ea perknee is the culture of sheep than I have, - I would say that,_in selecting breeding sheep, entrezhanki be taken to select these- haying waits aff the following traits: Daik surface, tostarally so, indicate good blood and Weight of tecim, short legs, deep neck', no wetter how heiterlete -dewlaps, deep is thetient, broadin the thigh, thick set., or stocky; broad in the efaust and white in the face; so that the wool Ikeilds ate length, thickness and quality through - thelithele fleece, having good length of staple modal) pelt. This is a good season of the - 3tear to select or judge of sheep. Any time before washing and shearing. Beeping is duseurn to have much to do with the fleece, not shake in weight, but iteausdity of woul, quan- City of oil more than in quantity of wool.— however fine, isnot soft unless it is oily. anatuldinet recommend that we, breed tog menik - ailes our sheep. Lit us treed for Che Voided& amount of wool, and 1168 that we do matihiced off wool by breediug on oil, for it 18 itepoesible to breed on the greatest amount of :both wool and col on any one sheep. Amount f wool is preferable to Oil for reasons aside *um those of the manufacturer. Wool makes bit clothing than oil for sheep. Oil is of a sold nature, and very oily sheep will not win tour les well as the more free from it. Sheep alma tare worth the most money are the most pillerntable. Ram is a field upon whteh we may. speculate. Cast of, keeping , between good and pecretteep is in favor of the former. And why? ifleastuse ateheep-with a light fleece requires seam food to keep up animal heat. Sheep con- Maga sieve, fond in very, cold weather- .Profit heave pOiat to which the efforts of sheep men =merge. -What is 'he history of those having Secaltiese sheep? Do they buy any sheep but' vfilit:lbitttl Never. Breeding sheep for the weititie no cossideration with them ; it only wakes handy change, and. that is all you van make of it, when. Compared 3 withrthe end for de. they sire kept, which is forbreeding alone.---Prairie Fanner. 'V,INITILATIMjCUAY DIEMS Ventilating large boillis of hay is not often wed, and resulta in_ mow-heat hay, when Skis not - thoroaghly OW& In the glimmer Of I...fified a bay thirtp-fonr by twenty-two -Icel, and eighteen feet high; as I supposed, asset caret Soon aft - ark-was filled I had ocea nicl, assi -wink the mow, and found that a large ainimin't of steam or vapor was arising from the It I took a harknife- isnce- cut - two 0 4 ;4(j: mks 004. - in' &timelier azia Ive fikeVATeryi 711 ,men deae liad r thaappearatifie,Of an misa e ln-pipe front s team oiler:' The work of esittisig, was ' , lligheat sub s-444 Ain a, few days / the- ht.y. mule out Last - Lust year I constructed a ventilator in the Mom bay, of font sewntling; with rounds two via a half feet long and fifteen inches apart, surf doer it in. the center-if thicleili laver a OfttfieerLeouttectingmith the outi-1 €t, is,. in fact; se four-sidedt ladder. - I srawas sines of steam onittke.,rnow after it was Iliewt—turgna Walkir in Me Country gentle anew PORTABLE SRAM; RACK. sleep :farmer of Columbia county, Ohio, Vim .has tried several kinds of ritoks;tives-the Wiarigirtg vtescripiion of One Which prevents sminia ng , sB 1a 4very way artisfactory, andl GO sitapte that any farmer can..make one. It con- Witz wf four posts three feet long, and if made sir ahree , by three. scantling, will be heavy Two bottom boards one inch thick sesteen tweree wide, atdtwoler the top, ope 114:1*ick and . five or sizmide. These boards visaed Atorisentelly for the sides of the war, lanstettailaitioitrds to4feet long ;61 nailed, Iw2lre.vosts at the code. The reel; may be ablaut twelve feet long, mietivio' feet le a very menzatele width. 4.lpourthkee horizontal hoards Illebissfied uprights, Rix inebenvide; and placed ass inches apart. Thianrckes,a che a p , portable rook which we 'like in every reepect.—N. E. • Jrapoire. • - - if .w mII 8 1 millrhy 'I Loved Her," " l i tseuntrea of the Neatly" and 4- tnlleop4:Days," three new and beautiful wogs, by ItgluirCouptry and Flag," a new and beautiful song, swab 11190%, colored Vile page, by Culver, are ankung - 44.406. 6 roma* 9,440 Maxie bif lift. %NOMA, whits. •nantive fiend at all times full ,assort rat of DMUS, lilikevand all kinds of mushiel inettrialicita: llnnaniburtite"pbtee, No. 9F Natketitioat. jy9 740.1,101 - 11APPINNE38 I 1 iitisessaonofyear,wien so numb sickness prevail; mew one should proeide Mama - -with DR. -HUM' IRMBIKITATILLQ SUBBICKIfiIIo and , Prikreat ellooroe in ito 'beginning. Oath soppy always on hand at SOMISSIMS BOOK-STORE, Borriabare. "TAPANE''E TEA.—A choice lot of %rinds celebrated "Peahen, received. It Is of the drat imaigoiwertiarnerted, and in much superior to the Chi utereareso formality, strength and fragranft, and isjaw 41114111114, tree of adulteration, coloring or esixtitro of any woke soma leaf of the Japing's Pea Plant. iwle - by Wit. DOCK, jr &Co IPEIRND--On =last Thursday evenin, 1108111A/Blt WATCH.. The owner can have the ...melbriircinthkg property and paying expenses. LIMY hltit/LF, Second street, user 11CODTOGRA.PH ALBUMS.—A large beautiful assortment of Photograph Albums alliateeneised and for nide cheap, at KNOthia'S, afs .93 Market street. VA It, CAGEB, • - CiateDRAMB 5 CAILMAQIIB, Zooawned *tonic in the c/V, is found of - 110 Market meet. /tor sale by. O. IP. PAI/8"8* .jetti iwitoxico 8A1,1110.N.-41. choice supply 41' "MeloY 'WK- AWL Jr.+ e Co. • etatirßNS AND 811 G& OF ALL sjanums. and at ressonstipAd zi allr *Mr& wig . A, AT TOE ito Tient; rt BAIIII —The BUILDING ink... the . - oorm:: of Afabeht al* ONFA's trii i t tii mPN / li a a BM MO'. This banding was orn _ phoint i c , ebet it eorad be turned into 8,1 li ng Menem 'lt ' Oen . sigma three eeriratir ftemfoiradtOgethiMieaub. frame beir4.26 bywlituti a wai t ., e entire h . Moog, stands Is feet lope and 80 - . feet will*. ‘llPr z r • NI Rlelitili9 l SlekOWS l t SNGINIk . ~.._ K nearly new, sad one of Dreembeek , s Patent Stave totters , end a Se: of Saws for .fointiii Staves. The above property will be sold. at it. banal 'a b we. ideh t blur the ground en which the indMl d de. Mu ware at the Broken; Oda. of e. L . Md,Ocii. . 12 8 Market fitreet. vOTIPA TO StEauLATOltai TALVABL.II BUILDING 1.0111 VOA ?AM! A noniber of large size BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Round Reuse and Work Shoprof the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will be sold low and on reasonable kerma._ Apply-to anßtrily SOHN W. HALL, ON NORTH ST. LO an T r.;9 lls 7 R ly AZine_ Apply to. . - • J: HAGORMAK, mars4tf . ear. Front and Walnut ate.,, • FOR, SALE—A" House and Ltit on Sixth street,'near State. Enquire at the Exchange Office of • B. L. 51 , 0IILLOOH, . 26 Market street, Where The biga4 , 43 price is slave paid for eoLo and AILTEIL fabl2.dtf U tcUaricanm. , PENSION'S, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, War claima and Clakaa To; InAgiaitT. STEWART, STEVENS, CLARK tk . CO., Attorneys and Courisellomat-Lazo. mid Solicitors far all kinds . of Military Clanne;' .. PENNsMVANIA AVE*VE WASHINGTON, D. C. This firm, having a thorongh knowledge, of tlia Pen sion Business, and being familiar with the practic e in all the Departments of Government, believe that they can afford greater facilities to Pension, Botitity, 'and other Olaimants, for the protupt and 'successful &Deem pfigiunent of butiuese entreated to 'them, thanrany other n= in Witiabbagtqa, They desire to Seritire such an amount of this business as will enable. them to giants the business for each claiviarit very cheaply, and on the basis of their pay contingent upon their success in each case. For this purpose they will secure the services of Law Firms In each prominent le nlity throughout the States where such kindness may se had, fbrnish such with 911 the neensiary Slink forms of application and evidence requisite printed pamphlet instructions, and circulars' for distribetion in their Vicinity, with asso ektee names inserted . ; rid upoit the fine execution of the papers and unnamed** 'fif the canna to them by their local associates, they will promptly perform the business Agra. e n. Er Er Their charges will be ten. dollars for o f ficers and five tiellarifor privates, for each Pension or Bounty and Back tag obtained, and ten per cent. On amount of . Chaim fot Military Ss plies or Mama for indemnity'. ur Soldiers enlistaieletethe I ft 'of milich lBBl "in any mud levrirjov, BUJJ4r7 ceigneal, who are ' disauten by diteese or vroundil, are entitled to Penspittl: All soldiers who serve for two yenta, or during the war, should it sooner dose, will 'be entitled tasloo'.Bounty. Widoirs of soldiers *rho die-or are killed, are efititleitto Perudons, and the $lOO Bounty. If there be no witICM, then the minor children. And if no mina children, theit.thei Tether, mother; dater; or ' brothers are' *W ei d as 'above to the $lOO Bounty and Back Pay. JOBBPH B. STNWABT, alialTOF. L. BTBYBNIO, , lettireDit 080 AR A. STITNIIII WILLIS M. fths/tftitb. WAsErsomm, D. 0.,1883. ' • , r - '• Apply at our' office or to our - Asiltitiat* at mussono, PA.—JOHN A. BIGLER, Attorney and Gounsellor. Pureness, ,PA.—ARTIII7IIII, & RIDDELL; eippst-Law. • - Perrsirmis, PA.—WM. M. SMITH, Attorney an:: Denumellor._ Pwii•ApßiagriA, .IkA —J. G. InNNIONILD, 46 Atwood I 'doe% Wet. lc Attorney and Vonnmellor. INAsnupicus, PA.—BOYD •OZO,IIWNO.f 1 Attorney end Coinsellor. • - . jyM-dly W.,HI;TP SULPIEU R, AND . CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, At Doubling - Gap, - Penn. _ airbi...11.3 D.. HD N.D.L 16 Y , 'PROPitiITOZ, Late of-Kirkwood Howse, Washington. SEASON ,OPENS 15th RINE, 1863. Thesoliprings are in Curcieerland. ceuntori:Penn , s ,815 miler erect - ontarri Thy. . ere. ea eaesible froin aft the principal. cities . by railroad - to Barriistang, theca , by thrrOunrberlsod Valley railroad to Newville;• from Nevrviile;-&-znilis gibed atasing to" tl.e Springs. The stage is elwa;s in waiting upOn_the arrival of the cant AD terville. Bisspessers leaving Rlfitsclgipliia, Baltimore or: ash.. ington in the morning can arrive at the'SPrings the same evesineatitte.cealesk. %lie, Hotel is commedious and com'ortabte, with Hot. and 0 0 1 1 1 Luthrtitstebed, - and exteniihre qpictuidie for waikt and antneentent. - - The lo , tg experience of the 'prevent Proprietor (for many years past at the Rtthtreolt gene, in Washington, 0. 0 ,) enables hint to 'say, tbatlt will,be conducted in a manner to please - - a T,N11013:--42 .per fa, ; -3 2 per Treeli; 4 Felts S4Q.- 7 , OtilfrMn aid teryapta 1 rye. - '49-dlinty It ITIST REGEIVEDf THE LARGEST AND :at ST- ASSORTMEN r is STEW EtIOIIA I IINctSI PRINTS, AND HeliptiS A If D • •• BORNEO, ADA,PI'ED FOR GRROIA/S: OIL PAINTINGS- AT Win. Knoche's -Maisie Stem ito. n'llarket.itreet, TaiTkikerg- . OIiTON UNRIVALL 611 • GOLD JJII.I O 3N.—YVIST QUALITY WARRARI'RIA. NONE 13.E2TRILIN . TER TWOis.3fgaiip. A GARAY LUXURY!' PIRSONS In want of-AL =Odor and really good ammo mu will and with me a large mactiment toaetioni, and hay* The privue to --change the Pens until their Ithd Id paefeetiy enaet. Atha:lMM! MOM tIO-Dia aangl,4= th s dthigg tWelTt e nigniitusAiktpu *WU =nt stay shine. • I havergicritocatikobiAtilina,alidd.byXr. Morton, not warranted in strong 411 1ver:M&M *NON for-Alr PAO, SII4WOIIO- • ' For ma*, vieJll/711193 PoWERTM, - 18 motet fltieetfniniebtrigt•Pa. AVIELINGENIII. MT ENT .11.SE.F' TEA, n : a idyl; abneimitritted aatitat of ISEgf i . AND-VAGA.T-AWS.I3 ; - Conrertibletteltlitore - notrlihing 'and deli cious soup. Highly. approved by a atuniter of-erskeeett ycleiess. , - , This ediolrable article co ndensed into& oomptaafonn, all the anbetantial and nutritive propertiee of a large bulkof kmat add megetables. - The readiness with whiOb. KM 4( 060 21 W 1 / 9 1 WPCPWA&SK#1,40kwMU rekuike '.lvaum of preymmtkin saamdbig to the venal method, is an 14rantarkin vesaf situations of life, too obeione to rigid urging. itakighlyasitirishinggualitice eombined with' its deli tag, randers.it invaluable for the dekl'irbile for Wee inleallit,itle &perfect substitute foi fresh mgt andcepteblee. It will keep good in any climate. It in peculiarly All aiipted Volt. TRAVALM, by laud or atql, i7l}4,.mieig4e avehttbiMe adoldititibitSpriTa lions of a comfortable meal, to which they ar6 ep IWO. POO INVALIDB, whom; capricious appetite eam bum cireinatidled In a moment. FOR BPORTIBLEN and BILOVEMONIBTB. to whom, both its compactness and easy preparation will recom mend it. Nosily by . sep24.tt WK. DOOR, Js., & Co. C A.B TER •OAK. FAMILY FLOUR! 17NZICELLBD BY ANY IN THE V. STATNE ! AND 817PDRIOR TO ANY IP AL MIT CI "'Jr ;13 Pt AL V - JD mg OFFERED nY .PRNNSYLVANIA: IT IS MAWS OP - CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. ID' Delivered any Saes in the city free of charge, Tarim auk as delivery. jyBo DOOR, Zs., k 00. EMPTY BA, E4RMLB. A lair number of empty Wine, Brindy and Whisky 136ridti for aals by 10 " DOCK. tr. &AXE lotosTolt c}3.3.O,KSBELALI 4 &RGIC OIIPPLY - of tbles, 0111cletia 4,.erat just receivedto r 161 ., •bY WilLWat, lei& 00. GOLD PENS largest and to 4 sank, tram aLos Sl.SO— , waniiit4.3-0 11011301911W8 BOOESTORN time of Creel. ,S Mbigit -AIMANGEMENT v - NW A Llet.O•bti t i 111!1A fau ,Thip r iAlLT 'INW TOIL AND PHILAI).ELPHIA ON AND APTDR kiONDAY, Aprf l 2o,lSsB, the Poo imager Trains , will leave the Philadelphia. and Devlin ilalireedlNegot, at Harrisburg, for New York and. Phil .4 1 ,11A1A, An follows, 'is EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at alb a. m., on arrival, of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 9.16 a. in., and at Plailadelphist at 9.20 a. m. A sleeping oar le attached la the train tiarolllo from Pittsburg without change. MAU. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg all 41.00 a. u 3 .1 ar rivingiu New York at SAO p: m., said at Philadelphia at 1.60 p. in. • FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail , arriving in New York at 10.26 p. m., and Philadelphia at 7.00 p.m. WEBTAARD. PAST LINE Issues New York at 8.008. in., and dolphin at 816 s. m., arriringut Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New - York at 12.00 . noon, and Febiladelpliii it 3.80 p. m:, arriving it Iriwriiiburg at 8.20 p.m. XXPRBRAI LINT 'eaves New York At 7.00 p. m., a 1 Ming at Harrisburg at 1.4.5 a. m., and oen.nectlat with the Pennsylvania Rxpress Train for Pittsburg. A sleep ing oar is also attached to this train. Commotions are made at Ma'risburgwittt trains onthe Pennsyivania; Northern Contra' and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville ; Willqatharre, AH01114" Murton; Mi. Be.ggage.Ciiscked through. /are betwetn NOW York trod Harrisburg, 36.115; be t ween Harrisburg and Bids delphia, 63.35 0.147. 1 care, and *3.00 in.#43. 2. Bar tickets and other information apply to 'J. J. OLYIaI, General Agent, s e : g • Harrisburg. ORTHEAN CENTRAL RAILWAY. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Thrge trains to and from Baltimore and Wash ingtosiAiity. Commotions made with trains on Penn- Sylvania Railroad to and from Pittsbarg and the West two"trains, to and from the North and Wee' 844.lehazina, Minim and all Northern New ON AND APT= MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1888, the Paeeenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as Rowe. via : BOUT.UW.ARD. MAIL TRAIN Maven Sunbury WI (erupt Sunda, at 10.10 It,. leavea Harrisburg at 1.15 p. m., sad a: elves at Baltimore at 5.35 p. m. .11XP1iBB8 TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Bow dayiat 11.67 p. leavettUarrisbrog (except Monday: at 2.041 s. m., and arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) at 615 a. m. . IILURIBBUIte •000MMODAT,I,ON 'TRAIN leave ttarrlsinag dilly it 818 a. NOR? W-AR • MAIL: ILL* leaves Baltimore dally(eueept BlindAY it 9.15. a. m, Harrisburg •st 1.15 p. and arrives at Sunbury it 4.05 p. m. BJCPRIES TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at 9.16 p. arrives at Harrisburg at 1.36 a in., and leaves Her risbnig daily (exoept Monday) at 3.99 a. m.,and arrive. at Sinfieny at 6,38 a. m: NALARDIBMICE , ACCOMMODATION TB/LEN leave Baltimore daily (except PandaY) at 2.68 p. m., and Linea at Harrisburg at 7.80 p. m. lorlorther information apply at the 'Offlee, in Pen vivant& Railroad Depot. J.N. DUBARRY, General Superintendent." llarriabarg, April 20, liii33-dtf PENNSYLVANIA - RAILROAD ! S.UM,M.E•R TIME TABI-Et MUM rnititalint Tole VROLittmintliA • ••-`l---. ` ` ON AND AFTER • MOlntit AI iui 20, isaa, The.Paeireziker Trains of 'the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and strife at Harrisburg and Philadelphia, s follows.: 'R.A.STWARD: Tuummt wat•Rmas _MAIN 1044011 RinisburS daily at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at * ' ‘FART-1411116 leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at b:46 Cur., and arrives at West Philadelphia atil.fid a.m. Passengers take breakfast at Lanesoter„ WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, - leaves i.bpmid arrives at Waftkk!thalaV ;044044 D- la- " , • , INART , MAIL • TRAIN- laves Harrisburg 'daily:(ez 'etlit4iiday _) It m , arid arrives at Hest,'Plrila, 1 4 0 ,004 1 .1ap,. -ILUIRDMIUSH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ) are*. Iltnibiit'lelvbl' at 4100 and arrinis at !Welt Philadelphia at 9,90 p. m. WRIOITWARB. BALTIMORE REPRESS TRAIN_ leaves Llarrislar, 4sTfi(ezeept Monday) at 2 0(1 a. In • arrivin, at Pittsburg.at 12. PHILADELPHIA BENUMB TRAIN leaves Bar burg i#l,*(4l ) o_Fp.l.a Th Alteraim ata otp. irni:,l44 bifiak fast, and arrive. at ritid l / 2 21_11--12-g0 p- m_ MALL • TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at. 1.16 p. m., Al• 'room at 7.101. in., take supper. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.80 a. m. FAST LINE lear:es Harrisburg 3.00 p. m., Altoona 8.80 p. m., and arrives at Pitiaburg at 1.00 a. IL HABRIBDIJIM ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.114 i imi.iiirid - Anivea at Harrisburg at 8.00 p m. COMINHATION TRAIN leaves •Philsdel• phis lit 4.11 and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.40 p.zo. 'This train runs via Mount Joy. • 13AMIIRL D. YOUNG, Superintendent Middle pity. POWS R. R. Harrisburg, April 10) 11300,--dtr DatTADELPHIA & ERIE RAlL rilkart:—Thin4reet line --traverses the Northern fajokNorthyreatnonntiek - Penialitviinia to .tlis . i.ntijr r ()l el &to, on Lake Eris. ' • It has ben by the Pennsydranin Rail Road Company, and nailer "ttiiir 4 anspiCes la being rapidly opened ihroughott iti atitled It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Earriabarg to. Driftwood, (Second Fork,) (177 miles) on the eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Eris, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIME OF .PASSBNGES. MAINS AT HA 31.1 S BURG. La►rB MithirAS. Mail Train.-- 1.15 a. In. Express Train.. 3.00 a. m Can run through without change both ways on the • trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and tween Baltimore and Look Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars oa .Expreas Trains tk way betweea Wtillamaport and Baltimore, and.Wltaiamapo and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business appl at the B. R. ear. 11th and Market streets. And for Freight business of the•Oompany'a Agents S. B. Kingston. Jr., cor. 134 and Market etre Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Brie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. 0. R. IL, Baltim H. R. Eloligyole. • Gong Fraigkt Alt, Phil's. LEWIS L. Bowl, Eten'l Ticket Agt., Phil's. JOB. D. POTTS, marb.dy Deng Manager, Williamsport. F ...11C. "1" Xit. AL CI St DM, LIMON, VANILLA, COR ALMOND, ORANGI. PRAM, _ pm. Appia, LtrETER ALMOND. OLNEY, OINNAMoN, NUTMMO NEOTARDID, OOOMINNAL I 01 4 041 %) snored dozens, fe famegsr. TA* abovelumortment jut released from. one of the largist Nititrp iloam Bouts mad Padkage way ra fi t e 4_ . • ..Node] Wm. Doom, tn., k, co WICKET ItItTIVEB.—A very fi ne s e voramiatt, 501111711141soOlurrox 7 Boob, ,StationtrO, &E. 013.00 L BOOKS.--School Diteetbilt, Teachers,' Parents, itelliders, and other*, fainted of School Books, School Stationery, dco., will Sad a .com. abeortriient at Z.M. POLLOCH ¢ SON'S BOOS STOKE, Mt ?kin Square. Harrisburg; comprising In part the fOlto wing DEADENS --Msßutlesla, - PArkeel, Cobb's Angelll4' SPELLING BOOKS.—seGilffere, Cobb•s,Webstted, Town% Byerly's Combry's. ENGLIDN GRAMMARS —Bullion's, Smith's, Wood bridge% Moutidth's, Tuthill's, WOlllO . HIBTO ES.—Grimehmeg. Davenport's, P roat's,Wll- son's, Willard', Goodrich'', Pirinoek•s, Goldsmith's and iyara'a. - • ' aIUTHIMITXCI..—ErreenIeaVa, Btoddisd , o. Ihnerson , a 1510 2 1 1'a /I.oeVa, CoMarais, Sint% and Date's, DaviVa. lridge AL11 1 1141A13. 7 -43reenInaPo, Davia?s, Dare, Sneus DICTIONARYB.--Woressust7a Quarto s ittsalentie ) ~rehensive and Primary Dietionares. Walker's. School. tlebb'o, Wainer, Wetater's Primary, Webiter's Hisli shoot. Webster's Quarto, academia. - NATIISAL PHILOSQPHINS.--Oomstoek's, Parker'o: Swift's. The above with a great variety of others Can at aly time be found at my stare. Also, a complete ansor,t mnnt of fieboot Stationery, ettibrecing in the win to • eine piste outfit for ardivolymrreeei- AA, beak not In the; store. pr.enred et one days notes. - • - , irr Country Merchants supplied at wholeiale rates. . ibbiANACß.—Joim Baer and Son's /Unsnap for salent M. POLLOCK lc SON'S BOOS STORE, Harrisburg. It7' Wholesale and Retail. mil WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER I I Just received, our Spring. Stock of WALL BARRE, *ORDRES, rlliß SORRRNS; &c., &c. It is the largest end but selected assortment in the city, ranglngin price ?remain (6) cents up to one dollar and squatter ($1.25.) Mr we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to tell at as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. If purchapers will call and examine, we feel adent that we can please them in respect to j rice and quality, X. M POLLOOR & SON, mar 23 Below Jones) Nouse, Idarket Square. EAW BOOKS 1 LAW BOOKS I-A IJ general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports ant Standard Blementary Worhe, with many of the old lenglieb Reports, scares and rare, together with a large adorusest of second-hand Law Books, itwery low prlo4o, at a. omp price Boo Jolters of R. M. POLLOCK 2a SON, myS Market Square, Harrisburg. TRH subscribers pi•opose to publish by subscription a "FARM MAP" of the 'Townabip•of , SWALTARA," Dauphin county, Pa., if sufficient en. Lettnkaementla given . The Map win embrace the Bounds dc.a of the Township add F.aftam contained 'therein, mac bar of acres, Loofit. cis of Reaidenceo and NADIA, of Pro pertykoldera generally. There will also be on the MILO a Table of Distances, showing the distance frpm each Cross Road in the Township,to Harrisburg, thus ren dering it valuable Map to Farmers and Dealers i Rea Rotate particularly. Thoeb desiring Views of n their l Residence. put on the. Map will be charged a moderate extra price. Tie Map will be neatly executed, colored and mounted, and delivbred at the low price of Five Dol larat payable oak delivery of the same. CLARIE dr, ADD IN2 Walnut street, rtitAttelphia. Harrisburg, November 1, 11381.—tf WORCESTER'S ACIICAV, QUARTO DICTIONARY !* frit 1111111! DSPINUIC11.11)1 2110F10)111074111 NligaSilWairdierPe contains 1 ; d54 Boyal Quarto Pagel and 20 1 0001F,or s dpe44, meanings not 'bind in anj% other Bniliott `Dietionakm, more than I,ooolltaatrationtiiiiertid* in their proper prices ; over 1,000 !pita aynanyadandi together annufrona tables* pronounced proper names. M.'POLLOCK & SON: Alai) iFor=rs Sishool Diotionaries. • • .. , ANOT-HER SUPPLY 07 MORTON'II, UNRIVALLED GOLD, :FENS / NONE BETTER IN THE-WHOLE WORLD I for lb %Ws, $l, $126, $440, , :iiti48,114 1 • Warranted to made of good : gold, at febl6 solassimtqfpopKairopt. ()NIS ONE DOLLAR for a good Sub bound Family lible at 'Scliehir'e Bookstore. Q, .- CHEFFER'b Nwiatore is the thee to hnv Onld Pants—eirartantra WM. KNO ID E 98 MARKET sr, HARRISBURG, PA PIANOS. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the...bee makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEON'S. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, from $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aocordeons, - Flutes, Fifes; Brum, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and guitar strings and mu ' aioal 'merchandise in • general. SHEET MUSIC.. The LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on.hand • Music sent by mail to any part . of the country. OVAL, BQUAiE, -GILT AND '11,01A19 - 0C 1 . FIZA.MES, Suitatue for glasses - ; and all s , kinds . , Piot•Onn always.on 104- A Inv o l lgeortmen,t of beet platek LOOKING GLASSES , From einalleet to largest. sizes. Stir Any style of flume *tide to order at the shortest notice. WM. !WOMB; noel—dwhka 93 Market et. • HOWE'S ge - wing Machine, VT- wc.4td way,lfew York rbranah odic. opN, Market /treat, Harrisburg. The • undersigned 'respectfully infornis the manufacturers and batters, and other:Ahoes in greV variety; and in fent everything connected with 'the Shoe business. COSI'OMER WORK will be particularly sttradedte 2 . and in all cases will satisfaction be Warranted: Lasts Anal up by one of the but makers 'in the country. The long practical experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the this/nen will, Um trust, be sudicient .guarantee t* the public that they will do them justice, and Mandeb them' an article that win recommend itself for utility, cheapness and dun, Dalai ' .TACIO3OII & CO. BOARDERS WANTED.--Th' tutder. signed. haling rented Ai fins imp sal conmpinious home, in Mulberry street, twp doors froia - the eerier of Second.street, in the city of Harrisburg, she is prepared to accommodate single gentlemen, er gentlemen and their wires, with boarding on reasonable terms. jyl9-thim B. A. JOHNSON LIIID AND ALCOHEJI4 IN LiAltelft .L quantities and of plug Tidily ~f or *au by wm.DOCK, & 00_ UAVANA ORANGES.—Just received by • WM. DOCK. la., k.-00 UAW% DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA 8&IIIIMIS9 I TeNOVAS, Ste:, for solo low, by WIC DOOR, Ja m &ft • DEALER. IN Mailing% EAGLE WORKS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, MANDPACTURXR BOOK-MEW MENG MAMBA AND PEI% STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOALDS, AID Illielfllllll GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Kills and-Podder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Bachine Work and Iron and Braes C.ASTINGS, - - WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETC., ETC. fr 7" Any Machine of 'Wood, Iron or Brase matte to eider. Gear and Screw Cutting, &a., &a. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW NUTTING TO01.!31. 11:7* Cash paid for Old Copper, Brass, Bpeiter, &r. STEAM BOILERS. P.EIVIVS . YL y ANI4 RAILROAD, ABOV BrATE STBEST, • CELLAR WINDOW GRATES • Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging, SASE 'W.BIGIIB and various other Building Castings, for sale every cheap at the (my24-dlyi IaIAGLII WOBEB. I 00 MOLT - i • . ENGINEER,. MACHINIST t STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NOR SILITH STREET, Between Walont and Mark tt, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Sittings constantly on hand, All work lbw in this catatillatimsnt will be under MC own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. • 0c36 STEAM BOILERS. Having made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we ara now prepared to make /wpm...saw aiscrxraimajo of every kind promptly and•st reasonable rates. We obeli nee iron reside by Bailey & Bro, the reputation of which is eecond to cone in the market. •None but the beet heads employed. Repairing promptly attended to. Address • EAGLE WORKS, mar4B-47.y] Harrisburg, Ps. WM. Al PARKHITAL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, THIRD STREET NEXTIMORTO THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE. Stored', dwellings, churches, publili intildinge, facto ries, &c ., filled 'up with pia, testi...end iron pipe in a workman-like manner. Hydrants, Wash MIMI:04 Bath Tube, Litt and Force Pumps, Water Gimlets, Lead and Iran Pipe tor water, gas and steam. A 6bia1,41 of public pationage is respectfully solicited. AU work promptly attended' o. jet-118in R MOV A L 4 ,The subscriber has removed his, PLUMBING AND DRAW POUNDBY froM Market street to Fourth street abaie Marketoppoudte the Bethel Church Thankful for paftt patronage , he hopes, by strict attention to btusi- ASSN, tdmertt a contitlatitiO Of it- istio7-dtt :Wm. l'AttagnlLL, 3nourance. INSURANCS AGENCY. THE DELAWARE - MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, . OF PRTLADELPHIA, •INCORPORATED 1835. This Institution is doing business on the Mutual In surance principle combined with a Joint Stock Capital. By the act of incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of any losses which the company may sus tain. Ana as an additional security to the assured, the Nett requires that the pro fi ts of the business shall be funded and retrain with the eerperation, as &guarantee and protection to the insured against loss, until ordered by the Board of Directors to be rim:teemed in accordance with &provision of the actor incorporation. This fund will be represented by scrip issued by the company, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent. Bo dividend of scrip can be made when the loam and expanses exceed the amount of earned premiums. lomneancee will be Inglis on V elnielEi t Freights arta egg , g 668 an (ilium transported by nOirvii4e or ennuis, and by steamboats on rivers and lakes; also, against damage or lois by Rise, for a limited time, or peemanently. The undersigned, as agent for the above well knowp obn2pany, will make Insurance against loss or damage by dre,..either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to ROBERT L. MUENCII, jan26 tf Uncrielineg, §citels. FINITE') STATES HOTEL, moan% TUN PNiNNYLTANIA: AND JD/ ANON vALLNY RAILROAD MOTS, The undcreigned having taken the alums Hotel, which has been refitted end furnished throughout, begs leave to inform the public that he is well prepared to second Este thowi who my favor him With their patronage, e that will give entire'satiefaetion. The UNITED STATES HOTEL if located in the ism* dints vioinity of . the Aepote of the Pennsylvania lend Lebanon Talleyyailroadel,where the traveling public aim be seeonunodatof withevery comfort without the iIIOOI. venienew or exPeinie of going up-town Heitha plans nor impalas iDsil be spored to t , ender the gueite of this establishm e nt sa comfortable am they can possibly bo elsewhere in the city of Harrisburg. Careful and competent petters will always be found at the depots on the arrival of the tailing, to take charge of the baggage fres of charge. • Ask for the UNITED STATES HOTEL. Edrf,4l3: L . W. TAN AMOK* rItIPSIeVOr• NATIONAL TIOTEL, (LATE WHIT' SWAN,)' Race street, aboive Third, Philadelphia. This establishment offers great inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but from the can. trel location to the avenues, of trade, as well as the con. 1/01110DCON Offurded by several passenger railroads run ning pheS. apt Wontignotut to it, by which gnede thin pup to and from the Hotel to the different railroad depots, should they be preferred to the regular omuieuses be longing to theittodae. I am determined to devote my whole atten tion' to the comfort and convenience of my guests, and 'endeavor to give general satisfaction. - • Terms—sl.2s Per Day. DAVID 0. AIDGRIST, (Dormerly of bele Hotel, Let►non, Pa.) T_ V_ RHODBB, Clerk, paril-dtr • transportation. DANIEL A. M-IJENOH, Agent of the Old Wallower Line Respectfully informs the public that this Old Dail) Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now it existence in this city,) is in successful operation, and foreland to carry. Freight as low as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewis burg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Haven, and aL other points on the•Northcrn Cartes!, Philadelphia and Brio sad Williamsport ant Bluth a Railroads. RAWER,. . MIIIINCII, Agent - Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Menem, Peacock. Zell & Hinchman. No, 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock p. in., will arrive - tit Harrisburg ready for delivery, next morning. myB 50,000 POUNDS!!! • Fifty Thousand Pounds 41 1 EXCELSIOR" • HAMS. . MST RECEIVING, which we will sell at a very low figure by the Hogshead, Tierce, Barrel or Single Liam. my3o WM. DOM, jr., & W. OL AR MATOREBI NO SULPHUR! NO SMELL! PIETY GROSS of the above Superior Matches Nal aaj apd. and for solo by WM. DO M. JR feet WRIIING nuths.-1308:4' Aulari. can_Writin g liquid, a splendid ink, at 62 eenta gamine Writing Mid. HAR per glary; ARNOLD'S g am i nelO Columbian Writing !laid. LAUGHLIN & HUSEISIRLD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and R. Inas of the beet quality, Bine Ink, Mucilage. he., at SOIIIIPSIR'S BOOHBTORR. lONDENSED MAK ',Just received . sad far 111110 by WM. DOOM jr, k -iflistellatteetto. SOMETHING FOR THIS TIM S 3 II A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD!! JOHNS & CROSLEY'B AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE! THE NTRONOBST p LUZ rx THR woRLDI FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA,, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &0., &C., 4C. THE ONLY Amami OP TICK KIND EVER PRO DTIOND WHICH WILL WITHSTAND-WATER! sxTRACTS. " 1114 7 koosolgsspet Chasid have a imply Of sTONS & Oroslore American Cornea Yorig ../Ymes... so convenient to have in the house . "—nnit York Empress. "It is always r ea d y • this commends it to everybody. —New York indepeadeng. "We have tried it, and find it as useful in our hone as water."—Wilkes , Spirit of the Times. PRICK 25 CENTS PER BOTTLIL NIXTLY LIBZEAL It.RDUCTIONII TO WHOLIBALB DRALICILS. TRRMS cAsirr. Irr for sale by all Drizgglate and btoreieepere Sew rally throughout the country. JOHNS & CitiO_BLEY, (Sole Manufacturers ) ) 7 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of Marty Btreeto NRW YORK. CM T . LYON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRA NDT. THR .OTITO CATAWBA. MUNDY_ Ilse , for enema years, been manufactured from tne pure juice of the AMERICAN CATAWBA and ISABELLA GRAPH. and has attained a rare popularity throughout the West and South, wheie great of this superb article is sold for: MEDICINAL and FAMILY purposes. It not only equals, but excels the most choice IMPORTED DR,ANDLBS in PURITY, QUALITY and RIORNRSS OP FLAVOR, and wherever it hail Men introduced it had invariably met the moat unquiitted favor and extended sale. The want of really pure Brandy has long been felt in this country ; and the opportunity to procure an article of such quality as to snpercede the sale and use of the many vile compounds so often sold under the name of " Brandy," can be regarded only as a public good. L. LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY ow - messes ill the abates qualities of the best imported liquor, and tig posi tively known to be of 04.111 PACT, PURITY and of 1117- PRRIOIt VLA.VOR. In support' of the above statement, we refer to the certificate of the undermentioned well-known chemists: Dr. A. A. Hayes, Assayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. James R. Chilton &Coemista, New York. Dr James R. Nichols, Amilytical Chemist, Boston, Mass. and V. F. Blaney /k. Dr. G. A. Marriner, Analytical and Committing Chemists: Chicago, Illinois. Dr_ Cot, Chemist, Oincitiliati, Gbh, Dr. Charles Upham Sheppard, Chariestoni B. C. Messrs. Gentry and Blackwood, Chemists, Tenn. Dr. N. A. Pratt, Savannah, Georgia. All of whom haveanalysed the Brandy and recommend it as a perfectly pure article and as an 'available medi cinal agent! - I have been *repainted the sole agent for the sale of this Brandy for the city of iiarrisbarg and Dauphin co. novS-dy ' Dr. Loma *YETIL J.0.11.N TILL'S • COAL YARD SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW P.ILATTIt ROLLING MILL, • Where be keepi constantly - 9P Inaba LYKENS AND WIIKESBARILE_ COAL, Such as STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, EGO and NUT ; which he will dispose of at the lowest market price. Consumers will do well to call on biro and, - lay in their supply, as the Coal will be delivered - cloak and full weight. 3and66dfiss T. LOUIS FLOUR.- THE. BEST BRkND FOR FAMILY USK in the market. HO barrels 6f the celebrated St. LoiVe Flour, universsitly prononneed the moat superior article ever eabted In the market, just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, .7a., do OA. FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Fn day at JOHN WISES Store, corner of Third and Walnut. rayB vv7ALL - PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. HENRY C. SHAFFER Hasa large stock of Widow Shades and Wall Paper on band which will be sold very low. Call and examine Paper Hanging personally assented to. No. 12, MARKET STREET, Naar the bridge, oct24-dtt IIEDAR TUBS, CHURNS and MBA. SURES, together with a large assortment of BAR KITS, BROOMS &e., just. received, , arid for sale eery ow, by WIN: DOOM, 7a.. & CO. Tj * P. & W. 0. TAILOR'S /A 3711 NAV NZ C=o AL X* It is asonomloal and highly dbtFreiTO. Ifisintain . no Robin and will not waste. It is warranted not-to injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is therefor suitable for every purpose. For sale by WM. DOCK, Zs., & CO. FOR SALE.-3,000 BUSHELS PRIME YELLOW CORN. SOO beaboto barley maii, &it quail. SOO basheikrye. 60 barisls whisky, first viably. Inquire of RICHARD HOOBLAND. sep29tf . Washington Avanns, Harry burg TMPTY HOGSHEADS —A large of limply Neat Hogeheade,in goad condition and with heeds In. Theme itopbooe oPiirab-o for Builders, Finnan J. Rohl at a very low price. ‘WK. DOCK,Jr., & Co. 11' ANS!!! —Just received, a large Lj. supply of COI4II,RD SUGAIL-OURRD HAMS, of .4u-best bkamol ix. Ms market. Rrory ono d old is guar &Breed. - Juriegfi WM. DOOR, JR., & CO. receive ROST se d N ORARS,—A d aapply of the O elicious crackOlCE ers just and Ter aski WM. DOCK, jr., CO. & MINCE PIEAT.-A 'SUPERIOR AR LU. T/Olili just received and for Bale by WM. DOME, Jo., & CO. Ofin FOUNDS Faara Prime sugar y. Cured Mania for ado very 10w, wholesale ca retail b 7 WM. DOCK JR . 0 GREEN CORN .b—WINSLOW'S fresh Green Cora Act received by WM. DOCK, Js. , & CO. THE FINEST STOCK OF PHOTO ]. IaItAPH ALBUM PORT POLIOB, OARD-OASE& POOZAT-800/113, for este o* fichellier-Nt Bookstore, BIICKWHEALT MEAL. 15,000 LBS. SUPER EXTRA, from Wyomiog Valley, for sale by WM. DOOK, Ja., & 00. WALL PAPER, BORDERS, &0., & .3 at lag year prieee, for sale at achefiveo Bookstore. FOR LETTER . , .NOIE and FOOLS OAP Paper, Envelooea and all Mad of Stationery, salt at Schelfer'a Bookstore. . jel6 TUST RECEIVED—Another lot of iv Beautiful Albufis, at Schaffer's Bookstore, 18 Man t' tu street. jell 3 A large variety of Notions just received 1 st Sciseffees Bookstore jel6 kJELF SEALING FRUIT JARS I- Beet and Cheapest in the markets! Call Ed examine them, • 131 FRENCH MIISTARD, ENGLISH and Dot Pickles, (by the dosen or hundred ' ) Su perior doled Oil, Ketchup, Sauces end condiments of nay description, for ale by =YU WM. DOOK, Js., & Co ANew Assortment of MORTON'S Unrivalled Gold Pens, in Gold 'plated Desk 664. den, just received, at Deliefferle Booludore, Msr ke street jel6 cr ill[OW ARE YOU G REEN - Li BACKS "—.DAN BRUNT'S new comic Soil. Pries 30 ceats, just received sad for sale-by WARD' at hie Keefe store, Third street. Call and get a c^PY early.ap2B WALLPAPER, BOBDEBS, &a.f *4.7 V T sold yet at last year's pr.! oes.Witliont any Woe- At BORXIMSIOI Boolol'oo. BREAKFAST BACON.—A small but top= Choice lot of Sugar Oared. "Break f ast Eleol vs , inpintad Yorker: , Plit c riv ed i co DO Ai DRIFD PEACHES-PARED 1 tr/iPAßSD—just received by WM. DOM% Is., I TOE NATIONAL 'ALMANAC AND ANNUAL 11100011 D for 18811. for We at sousinew Boom" AM. DOOR, Js., dc