LOCAL NEWS. . , ma DAILY FATIUUT site Jsiotf . may be bad at jack's Book Store, corner_ f 4 Third and Market streets, ALSO, at to News Agerit7 of George L. Waiter, n Market street, near Fifth. Trsan.—Angustus Rtber, a hackman, as yes terday fined DOC dollar by the Meyer for stopping his haat 05 the etreet Oressipg, contrary to EMI DZSIIRTERS.—Seventy-six deserters from . the United States eervice, who were gathered up in the western part of tLO State, arrived itt this OW from Pittsburg on Wednesday night. • Maas Futz.—The time for the draft in this district has not jet been offieielly inknounce d. Provost Mamba] Clement has everything In readi meig, and b w atir waiting for the authorities to any when." • Anormm ltrantnar.—TheiTwenty-ninth Penn sylvania Militia, Colonel Foley, arrived at Camp Curtin -yesterday. It is one of thp fittest militia regiments in the service. They will soon be mus tered CO nd tint home. Acirsowtmenvurr.—The Ladies of the Union Relief Association acknowledge the receipt of, and return thanki.to the Ladies of Ebensburg, Cambria county, for a box of hospital stores ; also, to Mrs. Ann S. Hummel, of Hummelstown, for drieoil Etna A. BISHOP : , Seo'y. Iforicm—A unqing Of the Democratic club of the Sixth ward, will be held at the public house of William Hartnett, (Duck tavern,) on this (Friday) evening at half past 'seven o'clock. The Demo crats of the ward are invited to attend. By order of the President. Commas A. Wmattrar, 841111. WarBIDED AT eIIITTABIIBG4 4 -01/if f,ur thousand wounded rebels stilt ream* in, the bospi. tale iwand around Gettysburg, who are all kindly cared for by our surgeons. Many of them, it is reported, have asked, not to be sent Soutb,where they will again be compelled to fight againet the Unioa. A Perfume PaeattAsume.—An old Yankee, when lately told by an English tourist in this country that the celebration of the Fourth of July would soon be extinct, Answered: "See here;stranger, don't talk that way; I teH you, when tie Resui reetion Day debiee mind, the fiat thing done in the morning will be to read the Declaration of Inds pendenoe." ORDaR Corraimesmanan.—Said a Pennsylvania militiaman „last fall, speaking of the Govan:toes first call for fifty thousand militia to repel Stu:tetra raid genglit On dilution of./loaxan, and beard a voice saying unto me, and I was just, on the point of going, when Geyer:tor Curtin coun termanded the orderl" That is what may be styled an "arbitrary assumption" of power. Osmaaaar ix Pairaargo.---Th4 PO/ tee that. the clerks in one of the dry_good stores in that city were yesterday thrown into a state of most intense excitement frcni the fact that a lady who had bought a small bill of goods, amounting to nearly a dollar, paid for'the same. in silVer. _Upon inquiry it was aseevtainsd That the lady ,did not reside In America, and consequently was ignorant of the feet that specie was not in circulation here. At last accounts the clerks were recovering. Nov LEASED.—The lessee of the dye house on Market street, which we mentioned yesterday as having been leased to =ereantile parties from abroad for a heavy bonus, informs us that he has not sold the lease of the premise i to any person, and does not intend to. He says that he has fre quently been beset for it, and that be was recently offered six hundred dollars for it, but declined to negotiate, as he has no intention of leaving-his present business stand. The offer of Mx hundred dollars. very naturally led us into the mistake which we now correct. Tam FRIENDSHIP Pic-nic.—The annual plc-nio of the Friendship fire company will come vff at Itoffman i s woods i on 'Tuesday, August 11th. The committee announce it "the picnic of the sea son." This is aiming high, but the committee know what they are about, and will doubtless prove themitelves "good for all they advertiser The object of the affair, which is to 'raise funds enough to make a payment on their Amon 'engine, will commend the enterprise to all, while the: grounds selected are delightful and convenient in all respects. The friends Tif the company and all lovers of recreation mist not•faii to go. We pre. dict for the Yriendithip a flattering success. • A Lasso's 2011 ativeransns. —Some peoplegrum ble eternally. Everything goes smog. The "times are out of - joint" the world irtnt got up right, and the "brave derhanging firenament*ltself is to them only a "foul and pestilent congregation of vapors." They are wretched - themselves, and make all. around them more or less nnoomfortable and Mis erable. The canoe of all this lies Weer mind of rho grumbler himself. Hieheart - is selfish and . unthankful, and be eees'with distorted vision. To all such we commend this beautiful and truthful little diseourse of Dr.. 4). W. Holmes : "If any one should give me a dish of sand, and tell me there were partialer of iron in it, I might look for them with my eyes, and search for them with my damn lingers, and be unable to detect item; but let me take a magnet and sweep through it, and how would it dam to itself the almost in visible particles by the mere power of attraction. The unthankful heart, like my finger in the sand, discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day, and as the magnet finds the heti, so it will find id every hour some boa. 'only blessings; only the iron in God's - sand is gold." Poucs Arrams.—Before Aldlrenota - A - thee:— William Mower, who has been in jail for more than a week past, awaitlog his trial for passing coun terfeit looney upon Charles Miller, proprietor of the Parke House, was yesterday farther charged by Mr. J. C. Schneider with passing upon him s counterfeit fore dollar note of the Chester Bank; Orange County, N. i. The accused "shored" tbia money about the same time as that on account of which he was first imprisoned. 31 - e will now go int o Ott *lth tare- very strong charges against 'William Wallace, living in Cumberland county, was accused by Joseph Rox, a merchant of this place, with passing on him a five dollar bill on the Clinton tank, of Westernport, ma, eald bank be ing broken and the bill worthless. Wallace said that be did not know the note was a fraud at the time he tendered it in payment, ind now effered to redrew it. /his offer put a stop to further pro reel:lingo, and the case was dismissed_ Joseph Murphy, who had been drunk : 4nd disor derly on Wednesday night, - and bad been lodged la the laek-upby offioer Campbell, - was brougl4Ont from his quarters and discharged fremrdrther cosi tody. William Ward, who was formerly attached to, ' a Molar phase of amusement on Walnut street, was f°4114 b y OtrUNT /deg i 0 a condition similar to that, Murphy,, and was placed just one story be low and almost under the scene of his former tri "Wig, 'there ha could conduct a "gaiety" of his " 111 . Released from-eustody yesterday morning. Margaret Kinney, was-arreited by officer Camp tell for druckeneese, and aftor,pMering the /hat In the ledt-up, was rent to tit P r ior 11486 7°' lifts tninEttaroop,-"-An istroi 4* our columns yesterday morninii writtek filefabioa to an at tempt at extortion ID a °Win; Alike fit - Maiket andee &leo te what seemed . to be & strt, combination of non-residents, being formed for the purpose of buying up leases 'in the business por tion of the to!u and thus controlling the mereati tile 'sad clothing trade at this point, has been very generally misunderstood and misapplied by a large °lass of our citizens. We allude to those of the Jewish faith. Many of them consider it to be a reflection upon their snot. We assure all such that they very widely misinterpret our moaning and intention in the premises. The strictures contained in the article were not meant to apply indiscriminately to all those of their faith ; they were meant to apply to all persons guilty of such conduct as that of the clothier referred to, without regard to what seat or party they be longed or what political or religious creed they professed. Our remarks may have been so loosely and hastily written as to admit of wrong inter pietation ; but we know that when we warned the public against "these sharks," we thought of no sect of men, but only of the aodless and greedy tradesmen and emulators, who benefit no comma- Airy and adorn no religions faith. These infest all communities and stand connected with all religions and political denominations. That the offender in this instance was a Jew, is no good reason why the censure upon his misconduct should be con strued into a refection upon all professing & simi lar faith, - We should be sorry to be judged guilty of such mean-spirited, narrow-contracted bigotry as to speak ill of any sect or nation, for no other reason than that they have an ancestry different from our own or profess a faith whist' shocks ocrte.of oar - prejudices. 11finy of our most upright, honest and respected eitizens are believers in the deettinell of the Jews. Barely, nothing was said against them: Every intelligent and: candid , man in that not knows what men were bit, and knows also how much they deserved it. Secretary_ Ar OuvRAM-000 week since John Oliver wag found in the streets SQlnowtse intoxicated, by INN- stable Fleck, and taken by him before Alderman P.ffsr. In the Alderinan's office the intoxicated man used some language wbieh offended the dig nity of the distinguished Alderman, who thereupon —allowing his personal "feelings to override his sense of justice—committed Oliver to the county' prison for thirty diays, on it 'utiarge'of drunkenness 'and disorderly conduce. This wan the extreme penalty permitted -by the laws for drunkenness, coupled with disorderly conduct. For being drunk alone, the penalty is a -fine of two do//ars and a night in the prison or lock-np, and this is all the punishment that would have been inflicted upon- Oliver by any ens when object to ...- play the tyrant—but merely to administer justice and preserve order: Mr: Our is known to most of °lir citizens. He has been a resident and pro perty holder Oflbis City fir seine thirty years, and in the main has been a quiet, and' 'orderly either!_ He drink's occasionally to excess, but even in hie caps is harmless and incffensive, as . all those who know him in the city will bear testimony. We wish in this connection to call the attention dale public to another fact in which all are inte rested. Alderman Peffer is not only Aid6trnan, but Prison . Inspector and Auditor, thus holding three offices at once, which are clearly incompati ble with each other. As Inspector, he- site. in judgment in his own commitments, and as Auditor he passes on his own accounts. We call upon Judge Pearson and others having Jurisdiction the matter t) rigbt Mir wrong. : MEETING Or CITY , COUNOIL.—There was a special meeting of the City Council on Wednesday evening. The President stated that he had called the meet ing at the request of the Mayor. The sewer run ning along Chestnut street, and emptying into the slip teat the ettnal, tee choked up with garbage, and the authorities were threatened with prosecu tion by Mr. Eby Byers in case the &Agana° was not removed. Mr. Verbeke moved that the street committee of the First District fidesera.-HeekorrHachnisn and Linn) be directed to repair the sewer in such manner as they might deem beet. Motion adopted. Mr. Wolfinger offered a resolution authorizing the purchase of one thousand perches of atone for the purpose of grading the lasts. Adopted. The street dommittee of the Third District handed in their report. relative to the grading of - Charles and Salgnehanna streets, and recom. mending that VerbOke street be also graded. - Mr:Verbeke urged , upon Council the necessity of abating the nuisances in the streets of the Sixth . ward, and recommended that Susquehanna street be graded, the .refuse dirt taken therefrom to be used in filling up such places the street' and alloys of that ward as most needed it. Mr. Prforrie, of the street opaugtted of the . Third District, oft red a tesolutiou, directing said com mittee to proceed as suggested by Mr. Verbeke Agreed to. After same upimportaut busiceee, the meeting. adjourned. Powzarar. Pdantetem.—Everybody has heard of Doestiek'd "Patent Baok-Action, Four-Horse Power Balsam," which was poesesied ,of midi powerful drawing propensities as to draw the stomps out of afield and draw all the prizes from a lottery. It taut, however, pale its ineffectual fires before the gieat Grant=lar Syrup, whose star is now shoot * : log above the horizon of the medical shy. The . following certificate of a " retired journeyman preacher, whose sands had nearly,* do., but who "was restored to health after many years of great," Az, is, to the pint. "Dear Doctor ; I will be one hundred and seventy-five years old next Ootober. For ninety-four years I have been an invalid, un able to merits except when stirred with a lever But a year ago I heard of the dranioular Syrup. I bought a bottle,Zmel‘the cork, and fonnifinyeelf a new man. I elan - now run twelve miles and a half in an hoar, and Throw nineteen somersaults without stopping." If this medicine gets widely circulated, it will become necessary for us to adopt the practice that prevails in Oregon,: where it is so healthy that they have to shoot somebody in order to start a bailing ground. WE have batten over on the let of April the balance of goods bought of Mr. Boger, to.our own store, where we will continue to sell the balance left at very low prices. until the whole are sad. Among those goals are 1,000 yards . remnanta delaine and calico, 16,18 and 20 cents. _ 509 yards remnants lawns and other dress goods, 18, 18 and 20 . oente. ' 20 0 yorsio of 'Aiello sod RIMS, 29 anti 25 cent& 1,000 yards of linen crash, Id, IS and 20 cents. 109 Tircla of brown and grey cloth for Ammer coats 7a.r3s of fines, ootton and wool pants stuff, cheap. 300 dozen tae very beet spool C.itteni'white and corded. 1,900 paPert of the very best of , gatith's needles, $ Debts a paper; also stockings, slope", pocket handkerchiefs, hoop Matte, all si tl. of combs, patent gonad; tapes, socks, eit4 tr by the *dozen or piece. We have also on hand yet , about 10 piece. of OARPET, which we will eel at 75 coati per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. ; • 20 pieces ortpleriditilignred window curtains. LEVY. Bas ins Hits Those ' , talented Old* tie Hamblin troupe, were greeted by a tall house again last night. -Ia fact, they have established them selves in the public favor, and they may reckon upon large audiences while they !Tinian, for their entertainment is first class, and pleases all wbo witness it. Indeed, so great a success has hardly been achieved fee' a long lime in our city. The banjo sotto, by W. S- Itudworth &id Dick. NFU! alone are worth the price of admission, and the comic burlesques are mirth provoking. The dances, songs and Ethiopian minstrbley are excel lent. The pantomime balled ib M ag ic Fl u t e scat the audience laughing to their homes. -We assure our readers that a most pleasant performance can be enjoyed at this popular temple of amusement. A most attractive programme is given this eve ning. Rusomerrost OP Teactra.—At R UtOetiog of the Hope Fire Company, held at their rooms on Thins day evening, July 30. b, 1863, it was unanimously .Resofred. That the thanks of the en tireaompany are due and are hereby tendered to his Honor Mayor Roumfort, Assistant Provost Marshal Op-• dyke, the members of the Provost Guard who wire present and preserved order en the grounds, Barney Campbell. Chief of Pollee, Mr_ Gesrgo Dress, Mr. Charles R umfort, and Mr Harry Hoffman, proprietor of the grounds, for the many acts of courtesy and kindness afforded by them to the Committee of Arrangements ori the occasion of the late 'Hope &stirs! at Hoffman's woods, and that their generous spirit toward us will •be gratefully remembered by. each and all of us. Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings; be ftirMIIIH4I to lb. mere of the city for publication. Extract from the minutes. • . . Taos. J. SAMPLE. -.Seo'y Hope Co. No. 2. CAPT. 'MURRAY'S TP.OOISP —Tb e caval ry•company of Captain Frank Murray, recruited in this.city for the "emergency," lc still a t obamberab arg , as we learn from Lieutenant Ed ,D. Sanyo, tow here on "leave. The health of the company is good, with the eAception of . Sergeant Fleming and.pri vatee Walker and Caresory, who are in the hospi tal' it Ilbambersburg. The company gin 04 dray at Gen. Couclei headquarters. • '" -Pennsylvania Militia, and Reeratting United States pension, bounty;arrears of pay and subsiStence_clairus,'Ac., Ac., ito.; Made out and col leeted by. EUGENE SNYDER,. Attorney at Isaw, office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. oct2B-49. SPEdIAL NOTICES.' Dr. Drunon'S Coimentratedßeziledies , No. 1. THE ISOICE&T REVIVER speedily eradicates all the.evil effects of SELT-ABUSR as toss of Menicny, Shortness of Breath,(}' diiness, kalpits.tion of the Itearr, Dimuess of Vision, or any constitutional jferangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained India genus of the r paisions. Acts alike on either sex... ..E.rice one No'.2 THE 311L11 will cart, 14 Gina' two to eight dart, any ewe of GONNORROCE AL. is without taste or and reg . /nixes no rvstriction °notion or diet. or either sex . Price One Dollar. No. 8. The TERNS wilt care in the aborted possible time any ease of GIALET, even after all other remedied Lave failed to *duce the desired effoct. No taste or amen. irloo Ono tool,er., No_ 4_ Willi Pi:INIT.6a Is the oar ROmody, that will realty cure Strict's:trip orAi.l:l - rehra. No matserof hOir longstandingm or negteed Lim case may be. Ole . No. 6 TIINSOLDTOIrwiII mire soyeaim of GRAVNL, permanently and animal y remove all elllctiont. alba Bladder and Nianeya. Price One. Dollar. No. 6 POR . PARTfOTTL &RS SEE CIii3OULAR No 7. Tall AMARfN will cure the Whites radically Mid a Ulna thottet time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In feet, ie the °6lp remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to.tale.- Pri co One Dollar. . . - No 8. TIIN onnovral. PASTILB are certain, ssfe and speedy in producing MENoT IigATION, or corr-it= lug any Irregularities of toe monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. • No. 9, FOR PARTI 313 LABS SRN CIRCULAR. Either remedy seat tree by mail on receipt of the price annexed_ Enclose poetise stomp and gis A circu lar; General DPW North-East corn.r of York avenue and Callowbili street. Private cift.te, 901 Yore ayenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale in Harrisburg by 0. A. BAIINVART and LOCUS WTZTH, where circulars containing valuable informa tion, with full descriptions of, each' case, will lie drily err.d gratis on application. Adiress • DE. F BMX BRITNON, July 2 8 , Ifi4o-3f P. 0. Box IV, Philadelphia, Pa A OMLD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS ! FOR FEMALES! InfoliOic in Cirrac‘ing, Reptkesing and tiamoving all Obannalian ; s,ffofin ichaftvvr MIN% and always sueeestfiti as a Preventive. Theis/IP - ILLS have, been used by the Doctors for many years, both in Frande and America, with Unparalleled success in every case ;_and he is urged by many thousand ladies who need them, to make the Pkilscpublio for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever; ow Well at Aro prevent an increase of fimily. Where health will not permit it.. Footsies particularly situated, or those stippOeingthemselves so, are cautioned against there Pills while in thatorcardition, es. they are sure to prothies atiieestilare; and the preprleter aesunkee no responsibility iftieritkra - admoritHon, anon& that mildnesiwould prevent any mischief to kealth—othar case the Pills are recommendwi. Full. and explicit sections accompany each:box. ' Pries 51.00 per box. Sold, wholesale- andrrithdi, by ,011ABLBS . BANN-: TART Dro_ggist, N 0.2 Jones Bow, andD:K. .1 Druggrat, Harrisburg, Pa. • . Ladies, by sending them 51.00 to. the Harrisburg Post Mee, can lath the Pills sent free 'of observation to any p art l of the country - (amedentially) and "free of poop by still. Sold also.by i. L. Linuisasa, LebsikOn ; J. L. Rota, Wriglitillio; B. T. Humes, York ; B. liliodWellar, Hale; Eibippensbrug; J:Braxag l ie, tikana.. bersbarg; IL G. WILD, Newvillei,A. J. Kainfalux, Mi. chinkesburg Bacon & BircrrnskiNo..4, South Liber ty street; Ba ltimore; and by Nine Diuggistn in very town and City throughout the United States. ..11 1 44 7117CXXL; 118 Greenwich Street, New York, Grarial Whotuais Agears. N. D —Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golders Pills of any kind unless every box is idgapd S.D. Howe All others ire abase imposition and unsafe ; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say clothing of being humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the aiggnnaattnnrr of S. D. Howe on every box, which has reeantly been added on secount of the Pills beta` -counterfeited. The ingredienti composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, They Will %axon** Ma are perfectly harmless, yetwill.do all elamedfor them. 8.1 BOWS, iy17.411. Hale Praerietne. New Peek. SECRET DISEASES! ''SECR'ET DISEASES! SAMARITAN'S . GIFT! sxmaßmAive GUT! TxsYdosr Cumin! RIKIDY XTIR pap: 'Yes, a Pontine Oars! BALSAM COPATIA 4 ILICROURT DISCARDED. Only,tsn Pills to be taken to effect a cure. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not, in any way, injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Oozes in from two to four days, and recent cases in twenty-four hour*. Ne expenses, Ks ermine, no change whatever: Price male packages, $2; Female, $3. Sold by D. W. GROW& 00. co. Sent by mail by DESMOND & CO., Box 161 Phila. P jaultdly _ WANTED.—S6O A MONTH ! We want Agents at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlastoig rincik) Oriental Burners . , and thirteen other new, inland and entiono ariklen. Moen circulars rent free. Address, mB-d3m ULM & °LULL Biddeford, Maine. WANTED.—S7S A MONTH I want to hire Agents in every comity St SU a month 'spumes paid. to sell my new cheap gamily Sewing Machines. Address, a , MAD/130N. m6-dBns Alfred. Maine. pi.OOD! BLOOD! Ly scam : THETE CAUSE A DEPRAVED (*E DITION OE THE VITAL FLUID, which produces SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TET TERS, SCALES, BOILS, SYPHILIS OR - rkinr. REAL DISEASES, JEW SAMARITAN'S . it WO 2' AND MB JUICES Is offered to the public see positive cure. Banishes all impurities of :the blood and brings the syitesn •to a healthy action, cure those Spots, Tatters, Realm and Copper Colored Patches'. SYPHILIS OR VENEREAL DISEASES. The Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices is - the not certain remedy ever prescribed. It removes every per facie of the poison. - PRIIALRS ! PRIM=! " In many affeetlons witte which _panthers of Repeal es infer, the ROOT AND KERB JUICES is most happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus,in Whites, in bearing dawn, Jailing of the Womb, ebility and for all cone plaints incident to‘the sex.! DO NOT DESPAIR. Keep out of tiOapitsle. here le • one In any awe foi Fria) $1 per reottle i .or nix for $5, with toll Ore& time.. -Bold by .• DI W. '6R0114 Pg. Bent bY Ragman! =irefully paiitial tri • DIMOND & 00, jou 6-1 .7 Mort 161Phile. P. O. intte# KT OTlCE.—Notice is hereby giyen that aißlicatirekirill be snide at the ' Mat annail'aes idol" 0 LIM Legislature of Penintylvanta, for s renewal of the charter of the , West Branch Bait [Of Wil 110001 " port,i Pm, preaant watts ape stile, lona' ile ) praviletal and capital-of $lOO,OOO. By order of the Boftedig Diractora., 8. JOKES, Cialikr_ Sono 800 4 /883-14.tml LEGISLATIVE •BANIC NOTICE.-• Notiee is hereby _given that applinatibn will be made to the legislative authority. of Pennsylvania, .at the next seeelotkof the ta,tieral easeembly thereof. Cont. MAW g the flint Timidity of January, A. D 7 18114. for the incorporation of. a Bank having banking counting privileges, with a. capital of One Million Pol lan, by the name and style of “. The Oil City !tank," and to be located at Oil City, Penang° county Penn sylvania.., IL V. CUL+ZR. June 29tb,1863-6n VOTlOE.—Notice ii hereby given that "Th. Commercial Bank of Penneylvania,nintend to apply to the inaislattre of Pennsylvania at theivner sention. fora renewal of their charter. Said bank is lo cated in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of one million of dollars, a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges.— By order of the Board. B. 0. PALMER, Cashier. PHILADELPHIA. June 29.1863-6 in MOTICE.—Notioe is hereby given that 1.1 apttlitation will be mule to the Legislature of Peliaairlvasia at their next session, fors renewal of the charter of The Pareaers 3 -Bank of Schuylkill County, boosted in Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, with the present capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and with the usual banking privileges. • Pine 16, 1863.-7 m J. W. CAKE, Cashier. RANK NOTICE. Notice is hereby LP given that the undersigned have formed an associso lion and prepared a est-BSc/Au for the purpose of estab• Hsiang a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposit, under the provisions of the 'act- entitled "A supplement IC an act to establish a system of Pree Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks," approved thotiret day of May Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The said Bank to be called THB PAKMBBS' BANK OP MOUNT JOY, to be located in the borough of Mount Joy, to consist of espital stook of One Untdred Thousand tollare, in shares of Bitty Dollars each, with the' ptiVilitge- of In creasing the same to' any amount not exceeding Than. Hundred Thousand Dollars in all. • J. Hoffman Hershey, John M. Hershey, Martin B. Potter, - Jacob hi. Stauffer, Reuben Gerber, John M. Bear. • jan:lB-dBmoaw* - M OTlOk—Notice hereby Given of an tSteutisn to estsl71 4 15 h S BSA st Discount, Deposit tad Dirac/man. under thAprosisiofie of on act, entitled "An sot to einOlieh,s system of free bsok4Alig In•Penn sylvacia," &a oiod Vie supplement thereto said. Raul to be called YTHE MANtiFiLOTUHREV BANK," . to be located in the borough of Oolombia,..Einealter county, Pa., with a capita[ of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be . divided into two, thimminksharea oflifty Dollars each deet-fUnd •.. • . ALLESNTOW-N 'BANK. Amotarrown Baits Inns 20 I=l. Notice is hereby gicon, that application Will Wand, to the Legislature of I".ennaylyana, at. its next ileifilop t for an increkse of the capital of said Bank to the &Mount, of $200,000 in addition to that antlforized by thii preilient - Charter;. cad, also for On. extenaiou of the Chaxterrof said Bank for tirentyjeara from the expiration 01 Alle preathit Charter. • • wz.• °wee of the• Board ef'Directore. • ja2o.dtml. CHARLES W. COOPZI, Canicisk. TIANIt NOTICE !--The Stoclilwiders j, f.f the F AND DROYIERB , BANK OF WAYNESBURG, in Green coa l :iv, Pa will apply to the nest Leg slatnre or the abste, for' an eitensiou of charter, for the term of Utak years from! the expire, hoo of its precnot term The location, corporate name , and priciletts, and aconaut of capital etock, to wit; one hundred andlifty thoh-and dMiars 7 'to be the same as Under its present charter. ' By order of the Board. J. LAZZAB, Cashier.' Wayneobarg, Green co., Pa., Jane 1.6, 1.863-44n,04.tri1l - - • TOTIag.L-NotiQ'S is Tier Ai.givst; in conforiatty .iri.s the act of Aorsemlay, ,taut ail s ekholders or the Ranh ofidentsomary . Ominly - wlll t v make eM application*** the next Legislature of Pews -o)Ylvanta. figs. seismal of the Charter, of saidßack; with the same aragullt of capital (Four Hundred Thousand *Dollai's) as under the present Charter, to continue its present name and location. . ' ' By order of the Board of Directors. _. W. HISLINGLIIFY, Cashier. Norristown. Ps . June 20, 1563..,-6m . MOTICE.—The Miners' Bank-of Pott:s- L villa, in - the county of Schuylkill ) hereby give notice titat they intend to apply to - th e Legislature of PennsylvanisZat their next session fora renewal oLthsir charter. Said Bank is located in the borough of Potts ville, in the county' of Elehuylklll, with an authorised capital of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars—e r e n e wa l of which will be aaked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Beard. : CHA. LOESBB, Gashier. Pottsville, June 20, 11189.___Bad XTOTICE is hereby given,that applies- L'l tion wilt be mada at the next annual ion of the Legislature o:Tenney vault+. for e - renewirdithe charter of the HAARISBUIie BLNIE, with its present name and style, 100 .tion, privileges, and capital of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. order of the Board of Dirswhm, a. jeSOoltml. TRADESMEN'S BANK' •,i Puliaostrnia,nno,24, 1863. . Notice is hereby given. in conformity With the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that the Tiadee manh , Bank, of Philadelphia, located in they any of Philadelphia, created with banking sod discounting . , idth` capital of One - Hmidred aid' Fi ty, Thmisand Dollars, that application will be nude by the said. Bank kr the neat Imislature sathoritY ereme the .eitpital Om*. Hundred sad.,Firty Thouaand Dollars. By order of the Board of Directors: - JOHN CAB fIoIR, j2134m1 Cashier. THE BEST m tVIIL ms I S EIVIL 4 G/ WEERLEI3-ic WIISOWS. YEW OFFICE, Market Square, next to Coltkr's Ogee. • Tr Call and see them in operation. IL general assortment of maehiserr 024 0004100 go* stantly 02 Wad. _ MISS MARGARET milEt Will exhibit sod soli tkom, sad also do all easehioe owing on these rocchines in the best Umatilla'. The Petrehede of the public is respectfully solicited. epl3-8m D ir . A -14 8 ! ! ! LI. Newbold's eelebratail, Miohener'7 Excelsior; •- * Evans & Swift's superior, Jersey, Plain very, &ie. Also, Dried Beef; Tongues and Bolagna illaipage: Tor sale by upl4 WM. DOCK. Jr. do Co. LLOOKING GL.ABSES—A Splendid Assortment of New Looking glasses, net resolved, et W. KNO4)111111 Mule Store, Idarketstreet, where "tor wilt be sold Cheap. gay., end examine. mrl3 fIROOMS, BRUSH - CS; TUBS- AND 1 . ) BASKETS of all descriptions, qualities and prices, for ga" by WM, poog, ls., CO. a AMS! f. : I 20,000, Ibs. Compoaad of `.ha following Braid. just received : NEWBOLD'S—Celebrated.. NEW JERSEY—SeIect. EVANS & SWIFT'S- r -Superior. MICRINER'S EXCELSlOR—Canvassed. MICIIINER'S EXCELSIOR—Not oar;viice4i IRON ClTY—Canvassed. IRON CITY—Not canvassed. PLAIN HAMS—Striotlys prime. • ORDINARY HAMS—Very good- • Every Ham sold will be guaranteed as minden tad. WM. DOCK. Ir., & CO- Ross' AMERICAN WRITING ' K ula if pot Superior to Atruold'i 41,glisA fluid, onion Ly GS coots per quart bottle, at 130azypEgts BOOICEITORS_ MUSIC STORIA!-•.'• yo. 98 MARJEET STRaiT, EARRIBB 1 119.0, Pe. SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, - • MELODEONS, GUITARS, • VIOLINS, BANJO STRINGS, Of every deeertoort. RU M% TIPBB, FIATT2B, 14300iDIONS, ete., at the lowest OITY PRIOIS, at IV. ENOORIPIPEUSIO Enron', • NO. Oa HAM? 511111111'. SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION.- L y verr convenient Writing Desk ; also . , P„?rFoli911 1 , Kashormadass Book', Porto &:. " 41013/111 , 11 8001687011 TiXTA a s WAR I _BRADY No. MOM etref)t ) below Third, has reeelwalleleql4lo wisortaent 9f Swetwif, Kenna sod Bstms, which fie will sell very low. wad dtf NO! Rtr 14T DR K • A highly foneentratid Yegetable'Extract A PURE TOIVIC THAT *fLL ,KELPIE ,THE AN DUCTED AND NOT m o kaKIMINKA4DS. DO. HOOFLANDW ' GERMAN BITTERS, PRERIRED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WILL IFFECIOALLY .nd &10‘ , T eRRTATNLY OURS ALL I!DRM3RB ARUM} FROM A Ploordered Liver, Stomaelk or • Kidneys. Thoneande of our citizen.. are waffcrina from DVAPEP ELI sod LIVER DISEASES. and to whom t'm following queationa apply—we goa-actee • HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS . WILL CURB TURK. Dyspepsia and Liver Disease. Do von rise with a coat d: tongue n-ornings, with bed taste in the month an t r oor appetite for breakfam? Do you F. el when you drat get up so weak andianguid 3 on can seemly get about?- Po y n have a dizzinhes in the head et times, and often a dullness, nPh heads. he occasionally ? Are y,,nr howelecastive Bpi triegular, and avpetite change able ? Do you throw np wind from the stomach, and do you swell up often Do you feel a (nines. after eating, and a sinking when the et mach is empty? Do yi n have heartburn wiltasionallv t Ti' you fast low spirited, and look on the dark ride of thvga ? Are you not unusually nervous at times ? -Do you not aecome restless, and often lay until midnight - before you can go to eleep ? andthen at timer, don't you feel dull and Weepy most of the time ? Is your skin - dry and mai ? also sal ow? In short, is not 3 our life a burthen, full of forebcdings ? Moofiamirs German Bitters Will, cure every cue of CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DgRLLITY, DRAPAgE pp THE KIDNEY. -ND DISHASRA ABISINO PROM A. DIEORDER.ED STOMACH. Observe the following Symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation ' Inward Pita rti!nes or Blood to the Ile d, Acidity of the. Stomach, Nausea. Hes. lbtirn, Dimwit `for.Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomaeh. boar eiv liing• or Plat erbag at the raortlie Stornabh, SWinalnirle Or t se Head,,Bureei and . D.Mcnit Breathing, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Seneatidne, when in a lying posture, DIONIOSO of V aeon; tots o Webs before the bight, Fever , and s Dull P.4in in the Head, Deficiency of PeOptratten, If.RoWneta of the , , , • Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Bach. Chew, Eitatta, &c., &a. . - Sadden IMMO or /teat, Burning is the Flesh, 0011.4 ant Inieginit.gs of Evil, and greet. ma- . preasion Writs. PARTICULAR NOTICE. 2 here are many prefer:diens iold :under the name of &Mire, put up in quart bottles, compornmed of the cheap. eteelasky - or common- 711 M ecu•tulg frOM 20 %AO Ceita paigallun, num dirspiisator An.as or Coriander ffeed. Thu clam it Bitters 'hair r.auced, and will continue to cense, as long as 'they 'Cadbe sold, htindrede to die the death or the drtmkerd. Ili their u e the system la.kept continually tt*terthe.itillbence of Accho.in Mitutibuits of the wonitl4oZ he deeire for Liquor to created and kept ire; rindand the result is ill the horrors , attiiirdent' upon a drunkard's lee and death. Ifor those who deuce refil hew a VipuirSitters, we publish thefollorrinere.zelpt : Oct Owe Beetle - Itooilatul , 4 cieentalre, Bittersmss with Thraf Quarto of goat Bralirly or and the result will be a prepsrat on that will far;ezret in zusdicinill virtue,, and true exce fence Any of ,ttie 7 n.tunerote Liquor; Bitters' in the market, and with cost Wreck /ass. You will have all the virtues of :Ritojiand's'ESitevs in connection isitla a vad article of Liquor. at amuck ltso,pc:co,tll.:ia these .inferior prepare time urill - cos't you. hind's Gerinan .Bitters WILL OWE YOU A GOOD - -APPETITE, WILL GM YOU STRONG REALTIES" NERVES, WILL WYE YOU Brisk and; Energetic 'Feeling* WILL ENABLE YOU-TO *Magner" b- a . 4R YrILL.ROS/TIY-ELY PIVOTENT. YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, lte. he. „Tho eimfforing Front Broken down and Delicate COnstitutions, Prpm whatever ranee, either in. MALE OR FEMALE, ' • WLLL FIND IN 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS A. rtzinamtapir That will restore them to their usual health.- Such his been the ceee In thousands of instances, and a fair trial ie but required to prove the assertion. ItEMEDII2IEft • THAT THINK BITTRAZ AHH NOT ALCOHOLIC AND .NOT INTENDED A$ A 33 NJ 17 la 11-11. 431- . The Pripprietore have thousandi of lette *item the twit enhaent CLERGYM F N, LAWYBRIS, aret OITIZBNII,. • . Testifying of Their own personal knowledge,lo the ben& ficirkeeffait' s led nrAlicil virtues of these Bittere. from Rev. J Newton Brown, D. D. Editor of „ podia of Rs3lgloua Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or , reeoznoreiii lat ent Medicines in general, thrower distrust of their ingre dients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient 'reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes bli nt oy to Iwo Mare fleet Mkr pimple SesilfMilietr in the hope that be timy thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this more omit* to roiluedtdi "nooduad's Gersaft Bitters,n prepared by. Dr. O. M. Jackson, of this eity .-because I was prejudiced against them for years, under theimpreasion tliat Moo' wale' &lien's; nleekadre mss.; tore.. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Nog, for the removal of this p_riijadivii„ by proper tests, and for encioutigerialint to :try them When suffering from gloat and long Continued debility. The nee of tluit,e battik of three Bitters, at theleginning of the presort year, was fo*wed by evident relief.and restoratiensho'o demo of bodily a n d mental vigor Which I had not felt for six months before, Ind had almost deepahod of re gaining. I therefore think God and my friend for W resting me to the use of them. - . - J. NIWTON supwel. PhVadelphis, June 211, 3861. • • DISEASIM of . KIDS Y - E S and BLADDER In Young or Aged, Nate or Penile, Are speedily removed, and the pitient restired.to health: DELICATE eiljlP)*Eilf, Thole titifferinglrein MARASIM, westing away, with searoely any &oh ou their bones; are.earea in a very short time; one bottle in such eases will have a moat surprising effect. Satiny anff 4 rime Oaken as above, and wishing to raise them, will never regret the day they coramaneed with thew Bitters. LITERARY MEN )STUDENTS', And those worktig hard with their brain., shoal. /- ways keep:a bottle of HOO/14AND , d liITT IRS neai them, es they will And mach benefit from its nee, to both mind and bedy, invigorating and not depr